Marcus Class Struggle
Marcus Class Struggle
Marcus Class Struggle
or Marx social class is at the centre of understanding and organizing social change. As interpreted by Lenin the working class, organized by
its politically advanced vanguard, constituted the
Originally published in Anthropologica Vol 47, No 1, 2005:13-34. Published with the permission of
Anthropologica (
Roseberry 1988, 1997. One may also wish to consult Wessmans Anthropology and Marxism (1981) or
Blochs more European focussed Marxism and Anthropology (1983). All of these reviews outline aspects of the
relationship between Marxism and anthropology and,
with the possible exception of OLaughlin, tend to focus
on the intellectual as opposed to the activist elements of
the relationship.
In 1995, Eric Hobsbawm coined the now wellworn phrase the short twentieth century to describe the period from 1914 to 1989, which, he argued, marks the boundaries of the major challenges,
conflicts and ideological themes of 20th-century
history. While we share Canadian writer Ellen
Meiksins Woods (1998) concern with the excessive
periodizing of contemporary social theory and the
connected problem of multiple generations of new
pessimists declaring an end to history and a crisis
of modernity every couple of decades (Wood and
Foster 1997), we also recognize the scholarly wisdom of Hobsbawms connection between a 75-year
global class war4 that was the end result of the first
inter-imperialist world war and the political, social,
and intellectual alignments that emerged from the
October Revolution.
It is, of course, easy to find harbingers of the
October Revolution in the pre-World War I period
and continuities between the challenges of the Cold
War and the contemporary period (Wood 1998).
it in the first place), that oppression and exploitation by sex, race, and class are fundamental in the
contemporary world, and that theories which ignore this reality are meaningless if not downright
destructive (Leacock 1981:5).
Her groundbreaking work in the late 1940s and
early 1950s on the ability of humans to exist in cooperative economic arrangements directly confronted the McCarthyite academy (Leacock 1954) at
great personal expense to her career (Button 1993).
In the 1960s Leacock contributed to the debate over
poverty in the United States, taking up questions of
education, training a generation of radical teachers
in anthropology (Leacock 1969), and confronting
what she believed was an attack on the black section
of the American working class (Leacock 1971; also
see Marcus 2005). Finally, in the 1970s and 1980s
Leacock published extensively on the relationship
between imperialism and gender inequality (Etienne
and Leacock 1980; Leacock 1986) and ultimately
raised questions that remain fundamental starting
points for contemporary discussions of the relationship between capitalism, patriarchy, gender inequality and womens liberation (Leacock 1963, 1972).
There have, no doubt, been many North
American anthropologists who have been members of Marxist political parties, most prominently
Oscar Lewis, who is reputed to have been a member
of the Communist Party USA (see Marcus 2005)
and there were several important founding figures
of North American Marxist anthropology from
the generation that came of age during World War
II, in particular, Sidney Mintz, Stanley Diamond,
Elman Service, Paul Kircho, as well as Leslie
White and Alexander Lesser (who were somewhat
maverick figures from the first decades of the short
20th century). However, it is our belief that to a certain degree virtually all the Marxist anthropologists
of the generation of 1968, upon whose shoulders
our eorts stand, are somewhere between Wolf the
theoretician, fighting for Marxist methodologies in
uncovering the strengths, weakness, and rhythms
of the capitalist mode of production, and Leacock
the activist, fighting for an explicitly proletarian political project that took up powerful counter-hegemonic names and strategies outside the academy.
has also made a contribution to a Marxist anthropology with her insightful study of impediments to
class consciousness in the United States (1989).
Mexicans like Roger Bartra (1973, 1978, 1979,
1982), Luisa Par (1977), Angel Palerm (1980),
Hector Diaz Polanco (1977) and the Marxist preHispanic archaeological school (Olivera 1978,
Carrasco 1978; Nash 1980) contributed empirically
and theoretically to our understanding of the rise
of capitalism and the attendant problems of building nation states and working classes in the Third
World, both through their scholarly work that has
been translated into English and through their
influence on Canadian and U.S. Marxists such as
Wolf, Roseberry and Nash. However, this important influence is too often missed due to the lack
of bilingualism among many North American academics. We still await an English translation of
Arturo Warman and his colleagues 1970 classic De
Eso Que Llaman Antropologia Mexicana (On What
They Call Mexican Anthropologyour translation), which helped start the critical anthropology
Richard Lee, Joseph Jorgensen and James
A. McDonald, the first working with indigenous
peoples in Africa, the latter two with indigenous
peoples in North America, have each contributed
to a Marxist anthropology that is relevant for indigenous struggles of national liberation. Lee, most
noted for his work in the Kalahari with the Dobe
Ju/hoansi (Leacock and Lee 1982) has played a
critical role in advancing a Marxist anthropology
of and for indigenous peoples. Jorgensens pioneering work linking dependency theory to Native
American Studies, challenged conservative conceptualizations of indigenous peoples as existing outside of history ( Jorgensen 1972; Jorgensen and Lee,
1974). McDonald, working with members of the
Kitsumkalum First Nation (a northern BC Tsimshian
community), has demonstrated through nearly three
decades of collaboration that a Marxist influenced
anthropology has clear relevance for todays First
Nations struggles (McDonald 1994, 2004).
Kathleen Gough, Gavin Smith, and Gerald
Sider have made significant contributions to our
understanding of class struggle and the ways in
As students of Gerald Sider, we have been influenced not only by him, but also by many of his other
students. In particular Dombrowski (2001), Bornstein
(2002), Carbonella (1996), and Strier (2002) are all
pieces which have helped us to define our own writing and
political vision. Sharryn Kasmir and Kathryn McCarey,
though not students of Sider, have produced works on
nationalism, co-operative production and working-class
consciousness (Kasmir 1996) and anti-militaristic social
movements (McCarey 2002) that have been at least as
important to our discussions as has been the coterie of
students who completed their PhDs with Sider.
Some may well question our groupings, in particular that of Negri with Lyotard and other post-modernists. While we respect the progressivist intentions
of Negri, neither of us see anything Marxist in Hardt
and Negris attempt to rewrite capital through the lens
of Foucauldian relocations. From our reading Hardt and
Negri have explicitly rejected social class as the central
dynamic of analyzing capitalism and as the motor force
of progressive change.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, a series of co-ordinated suicide attacks by 19 fundamentalist Muslims in hijacked jetliners killed almost three thousand people and destroyed one of
the great symbols of universalist modernity and the
future, the twin towers of the World Trade Center
in New York City. Suddenly Fukuyamas (1989)
centuries of boredom at the end of history were
being replaced by Samuel Huntingtons clash of
civilizations (Huntington 1993). Though the people who had destroyed the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon emerged from movements previously supported by the United States government
that had fought the Soviets in Afghanistan,15 such
terrifying symmetries were no longer important.
Throughout the world Left and Right cast o much
of the remaining language of Marxist internationalism, enlightenment humanism, and the rhetoric of
compassion that often surrounded the welfare state
and terms like the West and Islamic civilization
became hegemonic in the absence of a broader belief that there might be a unification of humanity
around failed meta-narratives. Instead of endless centuries of boredom, dystopian predictions
emerged for war without end.
never been more clearly manifest or more internationally ubiquitous. If there is any validity to the
Kautskyian idea of globalization that has become
popular with contemporary leftists, it is its recognition of the internationalization of the world working class and the greater penetration of capital and
direct market relations to the most distant capillaries of the world system, some of which are experiencing such phenomena for the first time, but many
of which are ending long hiatuses from the market.
Along with the late 20th-century expansion of
marketisation, there has been a concurrent increase in
interdependence for the world working class. With
the threat of communism removed, and in the presence of the most massive devalorization of capital
since World War II, the technological downsizing
of key industries and commercial concerns throughout the world, has come the impoverishment of the
most educated and skilled working classes in the
world (particularly those of the former communist
camp). With each year the fears and weaknesses of
one national working class directly brings down the
wages of another. Whether the method of reducing
the social wage as a percentage of the social product
is accomplished through national currency devaluations, wage reductions, decapitalization of infrastructure in the form of factory closings or NATO
bombing sorties, job sharing, starving of poor or
ethnically defined populations, lengthening of the
work day/week, reduction in funding for education healthcare and other collective use values, or
other economic shell games, there seem to be few
of the mid-20th-century complexities that previously bedevilled our analysis of the capitalist mode
of production. In the new world order, the uneasy
stalemate between capital and labour that was so
often mediated by strong welfare or security states
and the threat of communism is gone and everywhere there is directional, class-based action from
the capitalists, where an injury to one is an injury to
all, everyday and on a global scale.
But it is not just immiseration and vulnerability
that makes the world working class look so much
like an objectively definable social class. Despite the
orgy of bourgeois pundits crowing about Marxism
proven false and ex-Marxists declaring that strikes
As the world working class continues its uneven but inexorable growth, even such states as
Israel and Pakistan, so deeply infused as they are
with religious ideology and fratricidal nationalism,
oer some cause for hope. They both have large and
highly dissatisfied working classes with what we
believe are objective material interests in turning
on their leaders and recognizing commonality with
their Palestinian and Indian class brothers and sisters. It certainly will not happen next Tuesday, but it
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