Catalogue Portescap
Catalogue Portescap
Catalogue Portescap
A Danaher Motion company
Putting your ideas into motion
Movement symbolises life.
Mastering motion generated by small elec-
tric actuators is our vocation, our job.
You are the specialist in your own domain
and, naturally, you want the best possible
solutions for your specific needs.
We are here to help you turn your ideas
into reality, by actively listening to what you
have to say and offering you years of expe-
rience acquired in the field of motorization.
Like you, we place value on innovation,
technical excellence and providing quality
Our objective is not only to satisfy your pre-
sent needs, but to help you prepare for the
future by orienting ourselves to your long-
term needs, and finding tailored solutions
in terms of performance and cost. We are
here, when you need a partner you can
count on.
Tuning into your needs - around the world, Portescap,
yet close to home - the Portescap team Partenaire de vos idées
thanks you for your confidence.
Le mouvement symbolise la vie.
Maîtriser le mouvement généré par les
actuateurs électriques de dimensions
réduites est notre vocation et notre métier.
Vous êtes les spécialistes dans vos do-
maines d’activité et, de toute évidence, à
la recherche de solutions les mieux adap-
Notre vocation est de vous aider à concré-
tiser vos idées en vous écoutant et en met-
tant à votre service notre expérience
acquise depuis de nombreuses années
dans les domaines de la motorisation.
Comme vous, nous misons sur l’innova-
tion, les compétences, le service.
Notre objectif n’est pas seulement de
satisfaire vos besoins présents, mais de
préparer ensemble l’avenir, en nous orien-
tant vers vos besoins futurs, et en trouvant
conjointement des solutions optimales en
terme de performances et de coûts
pour devenir plus qu’un fournisseur, un
partenaire. Portescap,
A votre écoute, partout dans le monde et
près de chez vous, toute l’équipe Portescap Partner für Ihre Ideen
vous remercie de votre confiance.
Bewegung ist Leben.
Diese von Ihnen benötigte Bewegung
durch kleinformatige elektrische Antriebe
umzusetzen, ist unser Beruf, ja unsere
Als Fachmann auf Ihrem Tätigkeitsgebiet
sind Sie auf der Suche nach den besten
Unsere Fachkompetenz auf dem Gebiet
der Motorisierung stellen wir Ihnen bei der
Verwirklichung Ihrer Wünsche stets gerne
zur Verfügung.
Wie Sie, setzen auch wir auf Innovation,
Fachkenntnis und Dienstleistung. Unser
Ziel ist, die Zukunft mit Ihnen zusammen
vorzubereiten und gemeinsam für Ihre
Bedürfnisse die besten Lösungen zu fin-
den. Vom Lieferanten werden wir für Sie
zum reellen Partner.
Dies überall auf der Welt und auch in Ihrer
nächsten Nähe. Ein auf Ihre Wünsche ein-
gestelltes Team Portescap dankt Ihnen für
Ihr Vertrauen.
© Portescap 2
Table of contents Page
Table des matières Seite
Company presentation 4
Présentation de l’entreprise
Das Unternehmen
A World of Applications 5
Un monde d’applications
Die Welt der Anwendungen
Technologies overview 6
Vue d’ensemble des technologies
Technologien Übersicht
Main characteristics and possible combinations 8
Caractéristiques déterminantes et combinaisons possibles
Wichtigste Daten und Kombinationsmöglichkeiten
escap® DC Motor data sheet section 9
Section fiches techniques Moteurs C.C. escap®
Abschnitt escap® DC Motordaten
Turbo DiscTM Stepper Motor data sheet section 24
Section fiches techniques Moteurs pas à pas Turbo DiscTM
Abschnitt Turbo DiscTM Schrittmotordaten
Small brushless DC Motor data sheet section 34
Section fiches techniques petits Moteurs C.C. sans balai
Abschnitt kleine bürstenlose DC Motordaten
Spur & Planetary Gearbox, Electronic Drives, 42
Compact Optical Encoder data sheet section
Section fiches techniques Réducteurs à denture droite et planétaires,
Circuits de commande, Codeur optique compact
Abschnitt Stirnrad- und Planetengetriebedaten,
Motorsteuerungen, Kompakte Optischer Encoder
The Portescap offer / Portescap, a complete service 62
L’offre Portescap / Portescap, un service complet
Das Portescap Produktangebot / Portescap, der komplette Service
Portescap Worldwide 63
Portescap, une présence internationale
Portescap Weltweit
© Portescap 3
Portescap provides the micromotor technology and know-how
to meet your application requirements
The company was founded in 1931 in Today, the Portescap team employs 600 peo-
La Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland. Over the ple around the world. Extensive training and
decades it has been recognised worldwide as personal involvement along with a genuine
a specialist in the field of high performance team spirit guarantee the customer the opti-
electromechanical drive systems. With 7 sub- mum motion solution.
sidiaries and 15 agencies in the major industri- The majority of the escap®products are
alised countries, Portescap offers an extended designed, engineered and manufactured at the
sales and service network. parent company in La Chaux-de-Fonds, in the
The personal contact and the technical com- canton of Neuchâtel. The Marly/ Fribourg pro-
petence of the employees ensure that cus- duction centre is mainly devoted to manufac-
tomer service remains today, as in the future, turing motors derived from the disc magnet
of prime importance. technology and brushless motor.
Mechatronic specialist in the Research, The Portescap company is approved to ISO
Development and Engineering departments, 9001.
combined with the traditional «Swiss made»
quality standard, ensure satisfaction of the
most demanding requirements.
Une société de Danaher Motion Portescap verfügt über die Technologien und das Know-how der
Dans les applications haut de gamme pour le Kleinstmotoren zur Erfüllung aller Ansprüche Ihrer Anwendung
contrôle de mouvement, Danaher Motion dispose
d’une grande expérience et de produits novateurs Das Unternehmen wurde 1931 in La Chaux- Weltweit hat das Unternehmen heute etwa
pour satisfaire vos besoins les plus exigeants. de-Fonds in der Schweiz gegründet. Über die 600 Mitarbeiter. Teamgeist, persönlicher
Nous offrons des moyens étendus de fabrication letzten Jahrzehnte wurde es zu einem weltweit Einsatz und qualifizierte Ausbildung garantie-
de prototypes et des ingénieurs qualifiés, pour vous führenden Hersteller im Bereich der elektrome- ren dem Kunden eine optimale Lösung seines
assister dans les problèmes particuliers de vos chanischen Antriebstechnik. Mit 7 Filialen und Problems.
applications. 15 Vertretungen in den wichtigsten Industrie- Der überwiegende Teil der escap® Produkte
L’ensemble des sociétés du groupe Danaher Motion ländern verfügt Portescap über ein weitge- wird im Stammhaus in La Chaux-de-Fonds im
assure la solution la meilleure pour votre application. spanntes Verkaufs- und Servicenetz. Kanton Neuchâtel entwickelt und gefertigt.
Die Nähe zum Kunden und die technische Das Fertigungszentrum in Marly/ Freiburg ist
Kompetenz der Mitarbeiter sind Basis und überwiegend auf Motoren in Scheibenmagnet-
Portescap Garantie für die optimale Kundenbetreuung Technologie und bürstenlose Motoren spezia-
Ein Mitglied der Firmengruppe - jetzt und für Zukunft. lisiert.
Danaher Motion Mechatronik Spezialisten in Entwicklung und Das Unternehmen Portescap is ISO 9001 zer-
Für Spitzenanwendungen in kontrollierter Bewegung Engineering, zusammen mit dem durch «Swiss tifiziert.
verfügt Danaher Motion über reichhaltige Erfahrung made» verkörperten traditionellen Qualitäts-
und innovative Produkte für die Erfüllung Ihrer höch- standard, garantieren die Erfüllung höchster
sten Anforderungen. Ansprüche.
Wir bieten umfangreiche Möglichkeiten für die
Fertigung von Prototypen mit erfahrenen Ingenieuren
als Hilfe für Ihre speziellen Anwendungsprobleme.
Zusammen stellen die zu Danaher Motion gehören-
den Firmen die bestmögliche Lösung für Ihre
Anwendung sicher.
© Portescap 4
A World of Applications…
Un monde d’applications…
Die Welt der Anwendungen…
© Portescap 5
Technologies overview…
Vue d’ensemble des technologies…
Technologien Übersicht…
escap® D.C. Servomotors
The ironless rotor motor technology
Servomoteurs à courant continu escap®
La technologie des moteurs à rotor sans fer
escap® DC Servomotoren
Die Technologie der Motoren mit eisenlosem Rotor
escap® D.C. motors are based on a particu- Les moteurs C.C. escap® sont le résultat Escap® DC Motoren beruhen auf einem
lar concept using a rotor with no iron core. d’un concept original comportant notam- besonderen Konzept mit einem Rotor ohne
The active part of the rotor simply consists of a ment un rotor sans fer. Eisenanker.
self-supporting cylindrical copper winding La partie active du rotor, constituée unique- Der aktive Teil des Rotors besteht lediglich aus
without an iron core. This results in character- ment d’une bobine de cuivre autoporteuse de einer selbsttragenden zylindrischen Kupfer-
istics such as a low rotor inertia, low friction, forme cylindrique alloue à ces moteurs c.c. wicklung ohne Eisenkern. Daraus ergeben sich
low starting voltage, absence of iron losses, des caractéristiques exceptionnelles. En effet, Eigenschaften wie niedriges Trägheitsmoment,
very high efficiency, good heat dissipation, a le faible moment d’inertie, les frottements niedriges Reibmoment, kleine Anlaufspannung,
linear speed-torque curve. These are substan- minimes, la faible tension de démarrage, l’ab- Abwesenheit von Eisenverlusten, sehr hoher
tial advantages in drive and servo systems. sence de pertes fer, le rendement élevé, la Wirkungsgrad, gute Wärmeabführung, lineare
bonne dissipation thermique et la fonction Drehzahl-Drehmoment Kennlinie; all das sind
couple-vitesse linéaire de cette technologie wesentliche Vorteile in Antriebs- und Servo-
présentent des avantages déterminants pour systemen.
tous les systèmes d’entraînement et d’asser-
escap® D.C. motors with electronic commu- Moteurs C.C. escap® à commutation élec- escap® DC Motoren mit elektronischer
tation: an innovative motor concept. tronique, un concept innovateur. Kommutierung: Ein innovatives Motorkonzept.
The rotor is a cylindrical permanent magnet, Contrairement aux moteurs C.C. convention- Hier besteht der Rotor aus einem zylindrischen
whereas the windings are part of the stator. nels, ici c’est l’aimant qui tourne alors que la Dauermagnet, während die Wicklungen Teil
Portescap ingenuity and experience with the bobine est fixe. Le savoir-faire et l’expérience des Stators sind. Portescap Know-how und
ironless windings has led to the development de Portescap dans la technologie du bobinage Erfahrung mit eisenlosen Wicklungen führten
of electronically commutated motors having sans fer ont permis la conception des moteurs zur Entwicklung bürstenloser, elektronisch
very low detent torque and negligible iron losses. à commutation électronique présentant d’une kommutierter Motoren mit sehr niedrigen
Therefore, they are capable of very smooth part, un couple résiduel très faible et d’autre Rastmoment und vernachlässigbaren Eisen-
rotation and of high speed operation. part, des pertes fer négligeables. Ces moteurs verlusten. Solche Motoren ergeben eine gleich-
permettent une rotation très régulière et des mässige Bewegung sowie sehr hohe Dreh-
vitesses très élevées. zahlen.
© Portescap 6
Reduction gearboxes escap® using spur and planetary gears
Construction & Advantages
Réducteurs à dentures droites et planétaires escap®
Construction & Avantages
Stirnrad- und Planetengetriebe escap®
Konstruktion & Vorteile
The Spur gearbox technology La technologie des réducteurs à denture Die Technologie der Stirnradgetriebe
This gear technology offers advantages in cur- droite Bestens geeignet für Anwendungen mit
rent-limited applications where lowest input Cette technologie de réducteur apporte un begrenzter Stromversorgung, wo ein niedriges
friction and high efficiency are essential. avantage certain à toute application requérant Reibmoment und ein hoher Wirkungsgrad ver-
The broad range of escap® spur gearboxes is un couple de frottement réduit et un rende- langt werden. Das breite Angebot an escap®
well adapted to our motor lines, and includes ment élevé. Une large gamme de réducteurs Getrieben ist den Motorbaureihen nahtlos
integrated gearmotors. escap® est proposée en combinaison avec les angepasst und teilweise integriert.
moteurs. Plusieurs unités motoréducteurs
intégrées sont aussi disponibles.
The Planetary gearbox technology La technologie des réducteurs planétaires Die Technologie der Planetengetriebe
The main advantages of escap® planetary Le mérite de ce genre de réducteurs est d’of- Der Vorteil der escap® Planetengetriebe liegt in
gearboxes are their high rated torque and a frir une capacité de couple très importante et ihrem hohen Drehmoment und ihrem grossen
high reduction ratio per gear train. Both types un grand rapport de réduction par train d’en- Übersetzungsverhältnis pro Getriebestufe.
use high quality composite materials. The all- grenage. En plastique de haute qualité ou Die Modelle aus hochwertigen Kunststoffen
metal have a very compact design with excel- entièrement métalliques, les réducteurs plané- ebenso wie die Ganzmetall-Getriebe vereini-
lent performance and lifetime. taires escap® sont très compacts pour une gen kompakte Bauweise mit hoher Leistung
performance et une durée de vie excellentes. und Lebensdauer.
Konstruktion & Vorteile
Construction & Avantages
Construction & Advantages
The escap® Encoder technologies Les technologies des Codeurs escap® Die Technologien der escap® Encoder
Controlled movement, high performance drive Le contrôle du mouvement, les systèmes d’en- Kontrollierte Bewegung Antriebs- und Positionier-
and servo systems should not be limited by the traînement et d’asservissement dans les systeme der Spitzenklasse benötigen für die
precision and reliability of their sensors. domaines de pointe ont besoin de dispositifs Bewegungsüberwachung zuverlässige und
Whether exact speed control or precise posi- fiables pour contrôler le mouvement. genaue Sensoren.
tioning is required, the escap® product line pro- Que ce soit pour la régulation de vitesse ou le Für exakte Drehzahlregelung sowie für präzi-
vides the right solution to the particular chal- positionnement de précision, la gamme des ses Positionieren bietet das escap® Programm
lenges of your application. It offers precision produits escap® offre de multiples combinai- die richtige Lösung für die speziellen Probleme
tachogenerators as well as optimal combina- sons répondant aux besoins spécifiques d’ap- Ihrer Anwendung. Präzisionstachos, Motor-
tion of motor-tacho units, optical and magnet- plications particulières, en associant de façon Tacho-Einheiten, integrierte oder angeflanschte
ic encoders integrated into or adapted onto optimale les différentes unités proposées, Winkelschrittgeber sowie komplette Bau-
the motor, and complete motor-tacho-encoder telles que génératrices tachymétriques, unités gruppen mit Motor, Tacho und Winkelschritt-
units. moteurs-tacho, codeurs optiques et magné- geber werden angeboten.
tiques intégrés ou adaptables aux moteurs et
unités moteur-tacho-codeur.
© Portescap 7
Motor Type 08GS 08G 16C 16N 17N 22N28 22V28 22V48 23LT 23DT 26N 28L 28DT 35NT2R P010 P110 P310 P430 P520 PP520 P530/2 P632 P850/2 18BT 22BT 13BC 22BM 22BL 26BC 26BC
[mNm] 0.64 0.7 1.1 2.9 5.7 8.4 8.5 8.5 10.3 19.5 20 21 41 115 1.9 7 14 60 120 120 205 320 1060 1.2 3.0 1.9 13.5 22.8 7 4.4
© Portescap
Max. continuous torque
(oz-in) 0.09 0.09 0.16 0.4 0.81 1.19 1.2 1.2 1.46 2.8 2.8 2.97 5.8 16.3 0.26 1.0 2.0 8.5 17 17 29 45.3 150 0.17 0.43 0.3 1.91 3.22 0.99 0.62
Page 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Gearboxes @20rpm
Type [Nm] (oz-in) page
K38 1 (142) 52
RG1/9 1.2 (170) 53
R40 10 (1416) 55
L10 – – 56
type Technology Current page
EBS-484 SI BLDC 5A 57
Wichtigste Daten und Kombinationsmöglichkeiten
ELD-3503 V4 DC 2.5A 57
ESD-1200/1300 Stepper 3A 58
EDB-909 Stepper 9A 58
EDM-453 Stepper 3A 59
Caractéristiques déterminantes et combinaisons possibles
EDM-907 Stepper 9A 59
Type Technology Nr.line page
F encoder Magnetic 16 60
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 3.8 g 08GS61 •••• •1
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 20°C/W
body-ambient: 100°C/W
• Thermal time constant rotor/stator: 5 s/100s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F)
• Max. axial static force: 30 N Max. recommended speed
• End play: ≤ 100 µm
n (rpm) Max. continuous
Radial play: ≤ 15 µm output power
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 2 mm from mounting face:
- sleeve bearings: 0.5 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 4.5 g 08G61 •••• •1
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 18°C/W
body-ambient: 85°C/W
• Thermal time constant rotor/stator: 5 s/100s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F)
• Max. axial static force: 30 N Max. recommended speed
• End play: ≤ 100 µm
n (rpm) Max. continuous
Radial play: ≤ 15 µm output power
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 2 mm from mounting face:
- sleeve bearings: 0.5 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 13 g 16C18 •••• • 30 16C18 •••• • 67
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 15°C/W
body-ambient: 40°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
4 s / 230 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C (210°F)
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F) Max. recommended speed
• Viscous damping constant: 0.04 x 10-6 Nms
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 150 N n (rpm) Max. continuous
output power
• End play: ≤ 150 µm
Radial play: ≤ 30 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- sleeve bearings: 0.5 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings M(mNm)
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 24 g 16N28 •••• • 201
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 7°C/W
body-ambient: 28°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
7 s / 390 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C (210°F)
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F) Max. recommended speed
• Viscous damping constant:
0.04 x 10-6 Nms n (rpm) Max. continuous
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 100 N output power
• End play: ≤ 150 µm
Radial play: ≤ 30 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- sleeve bearings: 1.5 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
• With rear output shaft, the no-load current
is 50% higher M(mNm)
• M1.6: screw fixing torque max. 40 mNm Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 27 g 17N78 •••• •1
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 10°C/W
body-ambient: 30°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
7 s / 400 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C (210°F)
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F) Max. recommended speed
• Viscous damping constant:
0.04 x 10-6 Nms n (rpm) Max. continuous
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 100 N output power
• End play: ≤ 150 µm
Radial play: ≤ 30 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- sleeve bearings: 1.5 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 64 g 22N28 •••• • 201 22N28 •••• • 286
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 6°C/W
body-ambient: 22°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
9 s / 550 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C (210°F)
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F) Max. recommended speed
• Viscous damping constant:
0.1 x 10-6 Nms n (rpm) Max. continuous
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 150 N output power
• End play: ≤ 150 µm
Radial play: ≤ 30 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 2 mm from mounting
- sleeve bearings: 1.5 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
• M2: screw fixing torque max.130 mNm
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 68 g 22V28 •••• • 201 22V28 •••• • 202
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 6°C/W
body-ambient: 20°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
10 s / 460 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C (210°F)
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F) Max. recommended speed
• Viscous damping constant:
0.05 x 10-6 Nms n (rpm) Max. continuous
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 150 N output power
• End play: ≤ 150 µm
Radial play: ≤ 30 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- sleeve bearings: 3 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
• M2: screw fixing torque max.130 mNm
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 68 g 22V48 •••• • 204
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 6°C/W
body-ambient: 20°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
10 s / 460 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C (210°F)
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F) Max. recommended speed
• Viscous damping constant:
0.05 x 10-6 Nms n (rpm) Max. continuous
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 150 N output power
• End play: ≤ 150 mm
Radial play: ≤ 30 mm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 mm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- sleeve bearings: 3 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
• M2: screw fixing torque max.130 mNm
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 3:4
dimensions in mm
mass: 80 g 23LT2R12 •••• • 120
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 7°C/W
body-ambient: 16°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
12 s / 460 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 155°C
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +125°C (-22°F to 257°F) Max. recommended speed
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 250 N
Max. continuous
• End play: ≤ 150 µm n (rpm)
output power
Radial play: ≤ 30 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- ball bearings: 8 N
• Motor fitted with ball bearings
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 3:4
dimensions in mm
mass: 110 g 23DT2R12 •••• • 93
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 5°C/W
body-ambient: 12°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
13 s / 580 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 155°C
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +125°C (-22°F to 257°F) Max. recommended speed
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 250 N
Max. continuous
• End play: ≤ 150 µm n (rpm)
output power
Radial play: ≤ 30 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- ball bearings 8N
• Motor fitted with two preloaded ball bearings
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 2:3
dimensions in mm
mass: 114 g 26N58 •••• •1 26N48 •••• •9
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 5°C/W
body-ambient: 12°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
10 s / 640 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C (210°F)
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F) Max. recommended speed
• Viscous damping constant:
0.45 x 10-6 Nms n (rpm) Max. continuous
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 250 N output power
• End play: ≤ 150 µm
Radial play: ≤ 30 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- sleeve bearings: 6 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
scale: 3:4
dimensions in mm
mass: 125 g 28L28 •••• • 49 28L28 •••• • 164
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 5 °C/W
body-ambient: 12 °C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
20 s / 760 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 100°C (210°F)
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F) Max. recommended speed
• Viscous damping constant: 0.5 x 10-6 Nms
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 150 N n (rpm) Max. continuous
output power
• End play: ≤ 150 µma
Radial play: ≤ 18 µm
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- sleeve bearings: 6 N
• Motor fitted with sleeve bearings
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 3:4
dimensions in mm
mass: 200 g 28DT2R12 •••• • 98
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 4°C/W
body-ambient: 8°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
18 s / 630 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 155°C
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-30°C to +125°C (-22°F to 176°F) Max. recommended speed
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 500 N
• End play: ≤ 150 µm n (rpm) Max. continuous
Radial play: ≤ 25 µm output power
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 5 mm from mounting
- ball bearings: 10 N
• Motor fitted with ball bearings
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 3:4
dimensions in mm
mass: 310 g 35NT2R82 •••• • 50
• Thermal resistance:
rotor-body: 4°C/W
body-ambient: 8°C/W
• Thermal time constant - rotor / stator:
40 s / 920 s
• Max. rated coil temperature: 155°C
• Recom. ambient temperature range:
-55°C to +125°C (-131°F to +257°F) Max. recommended speed
• Max. axial static force for press-fit: 100 N n (rpm) Max. continuous
- shaft supported: 1000 N output power
• End play: negligible
Radial play: negligible
Shaft runout: ≤ 10 µm
• Max. side load at 10 mm from mounting
- ball bearings: 35 N
• Motor fitted with ball bearings
Continuous working range
Temporary working range
Stepper motors
Glossaire Moteurs pas à pas
Glossar Schrittmotoren
Windings available Types de bobines Wicklungstypen
Coil dependent parameters Paramètres dépendants des bobines Wicklungsabhängige Parameter
1 Phase resistance ohm 1 Résistance de phase ohm 1 Phasenwiderstand Ohm
2 Phase inductance (1 kHz) mH 2 Inductance de phase à 1 kHz mH 2 Phaseninduktivität (1 kHz) mH
3 Nominal phase current (2 ph. on) A 3 Courant nom. de phase (2 ph. alim.) A 3 Phasen-Nennstrom (2 Ph. bestr.) A
4 Nominal phase current (1 ph. on) A 4 Courant nom. de phase (1 ph. alim.) A 4 Phasen-Nennstrom (1 Ph. bestr.) A
5 Back-EMF amplitude V/kst/s 5 Amplitude de f.e.m. V/kpas/s 5 Amplitude der Gegen-EMK V/kSchr./s
Coil independent parameters Paramètres indépendants des bobines Wicklungsunabhängige Parameter
Torque parameters Paramètres de couple Drehmomente
6 Holding torque (nominal current) mNm (oz-in) 6 Couple de maintien (courant nominal) mNm (oz-in) 6 Haltemoment (Nennstrom) mNm (oz-in)
7 Holding torque (1.5 x nominal current) mNm (oz-in) 7 Couple de maintien (1.5 x courant nom.) mNm (oz-in) 7 Haltemoment (1.5 x Nennstrom) mNm (oz-in)
8 Detent torque amplitude and friction mNm (oz-in) 8 Couple sans courant mNm (oz-in) 8 Stromloses Haltemoment mNm (oz-in)
Thermal parameters Paramètres thermiques Thermische Parameter
9 Thermal resistance coil-ambient °C/W 9 Résistance thermique bobine-air °C/W 9 Wärmewiderstand Wicklung-Luft °C/W
Angular accuracy Précision angulaire Winkelgenauigkeit
10 Absolute accuracy 10 Absolue 10 Absolute Genauig.
% ful-step % pas entier % Vollschritt
(2 ph. on full-step mode) (2 ph. alim., mode pas entier) (2 Ph. Vollschr.-Position)
Mechanical parameters Paramètres mécaniques Mechanische Parameter
11 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 11 Inertie du rotor kgm2·10-7 11 Rotorträgheitsmoment kgm2·10-7
Other parameters Paramètres divers Andere Merkmale
12 Natural resonance frequency (nom. current) Hz 12 Fréquence propre (courant nominal) Hz 12 Prüfspannung (1 Min.) VRMS
13 Electrical time constant ms 13 Constante de temps électrique ms 13 Resonanzfrequenz (Nennstrom) Hz
14 Angular acceleration (nominal current) rad/s2 14 Accélération (courant nominal) rad/s2 14 Beschleunigung (Nennstrom) rad/s2
24 steps/revolution
15° step angle
Kapton Circuit
scale: 1:1 Reinforcement for connector
ZIF ZMP step 1 mm
dimensions in mm
mass: 9 g P010-064 •••• • 02 Motor connections
Angular accuracy
12 Absolute accuracy (2 ph. on full-step mode) % full-step ±10
Mechanical parameters
13 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 0.07
14 Radial load N 2.5
15 Axial load 3) N 2.5
16 Radial shaft play (2N) µm 30
17 Axial shaft play (2N) µm 40
Measurement with 1 phase on. The max. coil temperature With ball bearing Speed
must be respected
Motor unmounted
Shaft must be supported when press-fitting a pulley or a P010-064-003, U = 6V, Rs = 2.5 ohm
pinion Voltage drive type L/Rr
Torque Power
(mNm) (W)
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
24 steps/revolution
15° step angle
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 23 g
lead wires: 100 0/-10 mm P110-064 •••• • 08 P110-064 •••• • 12
Measurement with 1 phase on. The max. coil temperature (steps/s)
must be respected (rpm)
Motor unmounted
Shaft must be supported when press-fitting a pulley or a
pinion P110-064-2.5
Current chopper driver I = 0.9A, U = 24V
Torque Power
(mNm) (W)
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
60 steps/revolution
6° step angle
scale: 2:3
dimensions in mm
mass: 40 g P310-158 •••• • 09 P310-158 •••• • 10
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
100 steps/revolution
3.6° step angle
scale: 2:3
dimensions in mm
mass: 100 g P430-258 •••• • 01
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
100 steps/revolution
3.6° step angle
scale: 2:3
dimensions in mm
mass: 180 g
lead wires: 195 ±10 mm
0.25 mm2 (AWG 24) P520-254 •••• • 60
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
100 steps/revolution
3.6° step angle
scale: 2:3
dimensions in mm
mass: 170 g PP520-258 •••• • 01
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
100 steps/revolution
3.6° step angle
scale: 2:3
dimensions in mm
mass: 250 g
lead wires: 195 ± 10 mm
0.25 mm2 (AWG 24) P530/532-258 •••• • 10 P530/532-258 •••• • 84
Windings available •••• 012 004 004 0.7 P530-258-004
Coils in parallel
coils in coils in coils in coils in escap® EDM-453 or DM224-i, I = 2A
series series parallel parallel Torque Power
(mNm) (W)
Coil dependent parameters typ typ typ typ
1 Phase resistance ohm 27 8.8 2.2 0.35
2 Phase inductance (1 kHz) mH 64 20 5 0.7
3 Nominal phase current (2 ph. on) A 0.4 0.7 1.4 3.7
4 Nominal phase current (1 ph. on) A 0.56 1 2 5.2
5 Back-EMF amplitude V/kst/s 20 11 5.5 2.1
Coil independent parameters
Torque parameters typ
6 Holding torque (nominal current) mNm (oz-in) 1175 (25)/205 (29)
7 Holding torque (2 x nominal current) 1) mNm (oz-in) 300 (42.5)/360 (51) (rpm)
8 Detent torque amplitude and friction mNm (oz-in) 10 (1.4)/28 (4)
Thermal parameters min typ max P530-258-004
Coils in parallel
9 Thermal resistance coil-ambient 2) °C/W 7.3 escap EDM-1200 or DM224-i, I = 2A
Torque Power
(mNm) (W)
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
100 steps/revolution
3.6° step angle
scale: 2:3
dimensions in mm
mass: 430 g P632-258 •••• • 04
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
200 steps/revolution
1.8° step angle
scale: 1:2
dimensions in mm
mass: 1 kg
lead wires: 380 ± 15 mm
0.35 mm2 (AWG 22)
protection class IP 54 P850/852- • • • • • 11
P850 P852
Windings available •••• C C B B P850/P852-508-C
coils in coils in coils in coils in Coils in parallel
escap® EDM-907, I = 5A, U = 50V
series parallel series paralle Torque Power
(mNm) (W)
Coil dependent parameters typ typ typ typ
1 Phase resistance ohm 2.6 0.65 0.97 0.24
2 Phase inductance (1 kHz) mH 6.4 1.6 3.2 0.8
3 Nominal phase current (2 ph. on) A 1.8 3.6 2.3 4.6
4 Nominal phase current (1 ph. on) A 2.5 5 3.2 6.4
5 Back-EMF amplitude V/kst/s 9.6 4.8 10.4 5.1
Coil independent parameters
Torque parameters typ
6 Holding torque (nominal current) mNm (oz-in) 780 (1110)/1060 (150)
7 Holding torque (2 x nominal current) 1) mNm (oz-in) 1340 (190)/1880 (266) (steps/s)
8 Detent torque amplitude and friction mNm (oz-in) 28(3.9)/110 (15.6) (rpm)
Thermal parameters min typ max
9 Thermal resistance coil-ambient 2) °C/W 2.6 P850/P852-508-C
Coils in parallel
10 Coil temperature °C 155 escap EDM-907, I = 5A, U = 50V
Torque Power
(mNm) (W)
Pull-in range
Pull-out range
Power output
Pull-in is measured with a load inertia equal to the rotor
Pin Designation
scale: 1:1 1 phase 1
dimensions in mm 2 phase 2
mass: 16 g 18BT-3C •• • 02 3 phase 3
Winding type •• -L
Coil dependent parameters
1 Phase / phase resistance ohm 58.0
2 Phase / phase inductance mH 2.3
3 Back-EMF constant V/1000 rpm 0.70
4 Torque constant mNm/A (oz-in/A) 6.68 (0.95)
Dynamic parameters
5 Rated voltage V 15.0
6 No-load current A 0.015
7 No-load speed rpm 5900
8 Max. continuous stall torque mNm (oz-in) 1.2 (0.17)
9 Max. continuous stall current A 0.20
10 Max. continuous torque at 10 krpm mNm (oz-in) 1.2 (0.17)
11 Max. continuous current at 10 krpm A 0.20
12 Max. continuous power at 10 krpm W 4.6
Intrinsic parameters
13 Motor constant mNm/W1/2 (oz-in/W1/2) 0.9 (0.12)
14 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 5.3
15 Mechanical time constant ms 688
16 Electrical time constant ms 0.04
17 Thermal resistance °C/W 30
• Motor with preloaded ball bearings The 18BT-3C is a sensorless motor with a
• Typical preload = 3.0 N delta-connected winding. It is intended to use
with a sensorless driver such as the EBS 485 SI
• Maximum external load: or a driver using, for instance, a chip of the
- axial static: 40 N Philips TDA family. If the winding center-point
- axial dynamic: 3 N is needed, it can be generated by using three
- radial dynamic: 7 N external resistors attached to the motor
• Operating temperature range: -40°C to phases and Y-connected together.
• Max. rated coil temperature: 125°C
• The rotor is not balanced
Pin Color Designation
1 brown GND
2 red power supply voltage 1)
3 orange direction CCW/CW 4)
scale: 1:1 4 yellow enable start/stop 4)
dimensions in mm 5 green logic supply voltage 2)
mass: 32 g 22BT-6A •• • 05 6 blue speed signal 3)
Winding type •• -P
Coil dependent parameters
1 Phase / phase resistance ohm 8.2
2 Phase / phase inductance mH 0.33
3 Back-EMF constant V/1000 rpm 0.59
4 Torque constant mNm/A (oz-in/A) 5.63 (0.80)
Dynamic parameters
5 Rated voltage V 5.0
6 No-load current A 0.071
7 No-load speed rpm 7500
8 Max. continuous stall torque mNm (oz-in) 3.0 (0.43)
9 Max. continuous stall current A 0.60
10 Max. continuous torque at 10 krpm mNm (oz-in) 2.8 (0.40)
11 Max. continuous current at 10 krpm A 0.57
12 Max. continuous power at 10 krpm W 7.2
Intrinsic parameters
13 Motor constant mNm/W1/2 (oz-in/W1/2) 2.0 (0.28)
14 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 17.7
15 Mechanical time constant ms 457
16 Electrical time constant ms 0.04
17 Thermal resistance °C/W 24
Color Designation
scale: 1:1 white phase 1
dimensions in mm grey phase 2
mass: 19 g 13BC-3C •• • 05 violet phase 3
Winding type •• -H -P
Coil dependent parameters
1 Phase / phase resistance ohm 14.8 5.6
2 Phase / phase inductance mH 0.44 0.17
3 Back-EMF constant V/1000 rpm 0.69 0.46
4 Torque constant mNm/A (oz-in/A) 6.59 (0.93) 4.39 (0.62)
Dynamic parameters
5 Rated voltage V 10 10
6 No-load current A 0.068 0.114
7 No-load speed rpm 11600 18200
8 Max. continuous stall torque mNm (oz-in) 1.8 (0.3) 1.9 (0.3)
9 Max. continuous stall current A 0.34 0.55
10 Max. continuous torque at 10 krpm mNm (oz-in) 1.6 (0.2) 1.7 (0.2)
11 Max. continuous current at 10 krpm A 0.31 0.49
12 Max. continuous power at 10 krpm W 4.1 4.1
Intrinsic parameters
13 Motor constant mNm/W1/2 (oz-in/W1/2) 1.7 (0.2) 1.9 (0.3)
14 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 0.22 0.22
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7 6
16 Electrical time constant ms 0.03 0.03
17 Thermal resistance °C/W 42 42
22BM-8B •• • 01
With Hall effect sensors
Color Designation
grey phase 1
violet phase 2
blue phase 3
green 4.5 to 24 VDC
yellow GND
scale: 1:1 orange sensor 1
dimensions in mm red sensor 2
mass: 100 g brown sensor 3
Winding type •• -C -K -P
Coil dependent parameters
1 Phase / phase resistance ohm 14.36 0.63 0.34
2 Phase / phase inductance mH 0.57 0.03 0.01
3 Back-EMF constant V/1000 rpm 2.68 0.65 0.45
4 Torque constant mNm/A (oz-in/A) 25.59 (3.62) 6.21 (0.87) 4.30 (0.60)
Dynamic parameters
5 Rated voltage V 30 24 24
6 No-load current A 0.03 0.16 0.30
7 No-load speed rpm 11000 36800 53100
8 Max. continuous stall torque mNm (oz-in) 13.5 (1.91) 15.6 (2.20) 14.3 (2.02)
9 Max. continuous stall current A 0.6 2.7 3.6
10 Max. continuous torque at 10 krpm mNm (oz-in) 12.5 (1.77) 14.1 (1.99) 12.5 (1.77)
11 Max. continuous current at 10 krpm A 0.5 2.4 3.2
12 Max. continuous power at 10 krpm W 19.4 21.0 19.4
Intrinsic parameters
13 Motor constant mNm/W1/2 (oz-in/W1/2) 6.8 (0.96) 7.8 (1.10) 7.4 (1.04)
14 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 3.0 3.0 3.0
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.6 4.9 5.5
16 Electrical time constant ms 0.04 0.04 0.04
17 Thermal resistance °C/W 16 16 16
22BL-8B •• • 01
With Hall effect sensors
Color Designation
grey phase 1
violet phase 2
blue phase 3
green 4.5 to 24 VDC
yellow GND
scale: 1:1 orange sensor 1
dimensions in mm red sensor 2
mass: 125 g brown sensor 3
Winding type -K -P
Coil dependent parameters
1 Phase / phase resistance ohm 0.77 0.41
2 Phase / phase inductance mH 0.03 0.02
3 Back-EMF constant V/1000 rpm 0.94 0.65
4 Torque constant mNm/A (oz-in/A) 8.98 (1.27) 6.21 (0.88)
Dynamic parameters
5 Rated voltage V 24 24
6 No-load current A 0.13 0.19
7 No-load speed rpm 25400 36800
8 Max. continuous stall torque mNm (oz-in) 22.8 (3.22) 21.6 (3.06)
9 Max. continuous stall current A 2.7 3.7
10 Max. continuous torque at 10 krpm mNm (oz-in) 20.8 (2.94) 19.6 (2.77)
11 Max. continuous current at 10 krpm A 2.5 3.4
12 Max. continuous power at 10 krpm W 29.5 28.2
Intrinsic parameters
13 Motor constant mNm/W1/2 (oz-in/W1/2) 10.2 (1.45) 9.7 (1.37)
14 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 3.9 3.9
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.7 4.2
16 Electrical time constant ms 0.04 0.04
17 Thermal resistance °C/W 13 13
Color Designation
scale: 1:1 white phase 1
dimensions in mm grey phase 2
mass: 72 g 26BC-3C •• • 101 violet phase 3
Pin Color Designation
1 brown GND
2 red power supply voltage 1)
3 orange direction CCW/CW 5)
scale: 1:1 4 yellow enable start/stop 3) 5)
dimensions in mm 5 green logic supply voltage 2)
mass: 72 g 26BC-6A •• • 101 6 blue speed signal 4)
*L2 = length (motor + gearbox) *L2 = longueur (moteur + réducteur) *L2 = länge (Motor + Getriebe)
• Gearbox with sleeve bearings • Réducteur monté avec paliers lisses • Getriebe mit Gleitlager
• Average backlash 2° at no-load • Jeu angulaire moyen à vide 2° • Mittl. Getriebespiel unbelastet 2°
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm M707 L61 - •••• - •••• •0
Gearbox specifications
Ratio •••• 10.7 82.7 230
No. of gear stages 2 4 5
Direction of rotation = = ≠
1 Efficiency 0.8 0.65 0.6
2 Length = L (mm) 23.8 27.8 29.8
3 Mass (g) 4.3 4.6 4.7
4 Max. recom. dynamic output torque mNm (oz-in) 12 (1.7) at 20 rpm
mNm (oz-in) 8 (1.1) at 150 rpm
5 Bearing type sleeve bearings
6 Max. static torque mNm (oz-in) 50 (7.08)
7 Max. side load at 3 mm from mount. face N (lb) 1 (0.225)
8 Max. axial load N (lb) 1 (0.225)
9 Max. force for press-fit N (lb) 5 (1.12)
10 Average backlash at no-load 2°
11 Average backlash at 12 mNm 3°
12 Radial play µm ≤ 30
13 Axial play µm ≤ 100
14 Max. recom. input speed. rpm 7500
15 Temperature range °C (°F) 30...+65 (-22...+150)
Motor specifications
Winding types •••• -205
Measured values
1 Measuring voltage V 3.5
2 No-load speed rpm 11400
3 Stall torque mNm (oz-in) 0.37 (0.05)
4 Average no-load current mA 8
5 Typical starting voltage V 0.3
Max. recommended values
6 Max. continuous current A 0.18
7 Max. continuous torque mNm (oz-in) 0.48 (0.07)
Intrinsic parameters
8 Torque constant mNm/A (oz-in/A) 2.8 (0.39)
9 Terminal resistance ohm 26
10 Motor regulation R/k2 103/Nms 3400
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.10
12 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 0.030
Thermal parameters
13 Mechanical time constant ms 10
14 Thermal time constant rotor s 3
15 Thermal resistance body-ambient °C/W 70
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm M915 L61 - •••• - •••• •40 MU915 L61 - •••• - •••• •40
Gearbox specifications
Ratio •••• 49.3 181 663
No. of gear stages 3 4 5
Direction of rotation ≠ = ≠
1 Efficiency 0.7 0.65 0.6
2 Length = L (mm) 26 28.7 31.4
3 Mass (g) view 11/B 12/A 13/B
4 Max. recom. dynamic output torque mNm (oz-in) 30 (4.25) at 20 rpm
mNm (oz-in) 20 (2.83) at 150 rpm
5 Bearing type sleeve bearings
6 Max. static torque mNm (oz-in) 70 (9.87)
7 Max. side load at 3 mm from mount. face N (lb) 1.5 (0.34)
8 Max. axial load N (lb) 1 (0.225)
9 Max. force for press-fit N (lb) 5 (1.12)
10 Average backlash at no-load 2°
11 Average backlash at 12 mNm 3°
12 Radial play µm ≤ 30
13 Axial play µm ≤ 150
14 Max. recom. input speed rpm 7500
15 Temperature range °C (°F) -20...+65 (-4...+150)
Motor specifications
Winding types •••• -205
Measured values
1 Measuring voltage V 3
2 No-load speed rpm 8000
3 Stall torque mNm (oz-in) 0.35 (0.05)
4 Average no-load current mA 6
Max. recommended values
6 Max. continuous current A 0.16
7 Max. continuous torque mNm (oz-in) 0.50 (0.07)
Intrinsic parameters
8 Torque constant mNm/A (oz-in/A) 3.2 (0.46)
9 Terminal resistance ohm 26
10 Motor regulation R/k2 103/Nms 2540
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.10
12 Rotor inertia kgm2·10-7 0.03
Thermal parameters
13 Mechanical time constant ms 7
14 Thermal time constant rotor s 3
15 Thermal resistance body-ambient °C/W 60
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm R10 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics R10 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 0.15 (21.4)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 2 (0.45)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 5 (1.125)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 10 (2.25)
12 Average backlash at no-load 1°
13 Average backlash at 0.1 Nm 3° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 50
15 Axial play µm 50 -150
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 10000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+65 (-22...+150) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm B16 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics B16 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 0.4 (56)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 5 (1.1)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 5 (1.1)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 100 (23)
12 Average backlash at no-load 1.5°
13 Average backlash at 0.1 Nm 3° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 20
15 Axial play µm 50 ... 150
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 8000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+65 (-22...+150) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm R16 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics R16 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 1 (141)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 5 (1.12)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 8 (1.8)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 100 (23)
12 Average backlash at no-load 1.25°
13 Average backlash at 0.3 Nm 2° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 20
15 Axial play µm 50 -150
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 7500 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+85 (-22...+185) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm R22 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics R22 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 2 (283)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 10 (2.2)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 10 (2.2)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 300 (67.4)
12 Average backlash at no-load 1.5°
13 Average backlash at 0.1 Nm 3° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 25
15 Axial play µm 50 -150
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 5000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+65 (-22...+150) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm M22 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics M22 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 4 (556)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 50 (11)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 70 (16 )
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 100 (22)
12 Average backlash at no-load 2°
13 Average backlash at 1 Nm 3° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm < 200
15 Axial play µm 50 -150
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 7500 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+65 (-22...+150) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm K24 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics K24 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 0.7 (100)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 5 (1.1)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 8 (1.8)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 30 (6.7)
12 Average backlash at no-load 1.5°
13 Average backlash at 0.12 Nm 2.5° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 40
15 Axial play µm 50 -150
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 5000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+65 (-22...+150) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm K27 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics K27 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 0.7 (100)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 20 (4.5)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 8 (1.8)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 300 (67.5)
12 Average backlash at no-load 2°
13 Average backlash at 0.2 Nm 3° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 60
15 Axial play µm 50 -150
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 4000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+65 (-22...+150) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm K38 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics K38 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 2 (282)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 50 (11.25)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 30 (6.75)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 500 (112.5)
12 Average backlash at no-load 1.7°
13 Average backlash at 1 Nm 2.7° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 100
15 Axial play µm 50 -250
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 5000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+65 (-22...+150) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm RG1/9 • 1 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics RG1/9 • 1
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type sleeve bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 2 (280)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 60 (13.5)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 50 (11.25)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 250 (56.25)
12 Average backlash at no-load 2.5°
M (Nm)
13 Average backlash at 1 Nm 3°
14 Radial play µm ≤ 60
15 Axial play µm 50 -300
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 5000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+65 (-22...+150) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm R32 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics R32 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type ball bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 20 (2832)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 180 (40.5)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 150 (33.75)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 500 (112.5)
12 Average backlash at no-load 1°
13 Average backlash at 3 Nm 2° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 10
15 Axial play µm ≤ 10
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 6000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+85 (-22...+185) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm R40 • 0 ••••
Motor + gearbox = L2
Characteristics R40 • 0
n (rpm) Dynamic torque
7 Bearing type ball bearings
8 Max. static torque Nm (oz-in) 40 (5700)
9 Max. radial force
at 8 mm from mounting face N (lb) 600 (135)
10 Max. axial force N (lb) 400 (90)
11 Force for press-fit N (lb) 600 (135)
12 Average backlash at no-load 1°
13 Average backlash at 0.3 Nm 1.3° M (Nm)
14 Radial play µm ≤ 10
15 Axial play µm ≤ 10
16 Max. recom. input speed rpm 6000 Values at the output shaft
17 Operating temperature range °C (°F) -30...+85 (-22...+185) Continuous working range
Temporary working range
1 mm /rev
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm L10 •••• • 01
1 Power supply voltage 12 V to 50 VDC
2 Continuous current 10 A max. with heatsink
3 Auxiliary output voltage 6.25 V-30 mA / 15 V-50 mA
4 Chopper frequency 15 kHz
5 Inputs (pull-up +6.25 V) Stop, Enable, Direction
6 Speed reference 0 V to 6.25 V
Connector Motor lead PIN Name
7 Selection mode open loop or velocity loop by jumper J1 Red 1 Hall S. PWR lead
Black 2 Hall S. GND lead
8 Protection overcurrent / -temperature Yellow 3 Hall S1
Orange 4 Hall S2
9 Max. heatsink temperature 80°C White 5 Hall S3
J2 Red 1 Power +
Black 2 Ground -
Blue 3 Phase A
Brown 4 Phase B
Violet 5 Phase C
J3 POT-GND 1 Signal GND
Stop=low 2 Enable
CW=Low 3 Direction
POT wiper 4 Analog IN
P OT +6 V 5 +6.25 V
No connect. 6 + 15 V
60°/120° - Open
Default - Closed
CV Default - Open
- Closed
1 Power supply voltage Vcc 24...48V DC
2 Max. continuous current 5A adjustable by resistor R4
3 Control inputs: pull-up to 5V on board
Enable to supply the motor
Direction direction selection
Brake fast motor brake
4 Analogue input:
Speed reference range 0.5V...10V*
5 Digital output: 0...5V with internal pull-up
Tacho digital speed information
6 pulses per turn nrpm = 10 x fTacho(Hz)
6 Analogue output:
Imot indication of motor phase current, transconductance gain 1V/A
Current limitation by inserting a resistor R4**
7 Speed loop:
Range 2,000...40,000 rpm, 0.5V<speed ref.<10V
Speed loop optimisation load inertia, Jmot < Jload < 5 x Jmot
Ramping time 1s full scale 0...10V with no load
Speed accuracy ≤ 5%
8 Connector colour-coded cage clamp (clamping tool is supplied)
1 Single DC supply 12 to 35 V
2 Maximum permanent output current 2.5 A
3 Maximum peak current 3.5 A (factory set) 7 A max.
4 Differential input ± 10 V (± 5 V also possible)
5 Transconductance amplifier 0.5 A/V1)
6 Precision of the current regulation ± 5%
7 Linearity of the output ± 2% from 0 to 2 A
8 Cut-off frequency 2 kHz
9 Speed regulation using a tacho 1000 rpm/V1)
10 Variation due to the load in tacho mode ± 0.5%
11 Speed regulation using RxI compensation 1000 rpm/V1) The card is delivered with an application soft-
12 Variation due to the load in RxI mode ± 5% for n > 500 rpm ware on a floppy disk. After entering speed,
torque, power supply voltage and thermal
13 Precision of the speed regulation ± 5%
conditions, this convenient tool calculates the
14 Cut-off frequency 20 Hz minimum voltage needed for the specified
15 Adjustable permanent current limitation 0 to 3.5 A motor and indicates all limitations imposed by
16 Slow fuse 2A the motor, the card or the power supply.
17 Thermal circuit breaker 80°C Changes resulting from a different motor
winding are displayed immediatley.
18 Overcurrent indication LED IRMS The application requires Windows 3.1 or higher.
19 Overtemperature indication LED Tmax
20 Operating temperature range 0 to 65°C
21 Dimensions 100 x 80 x 30 mm (˚ Europe), 250 g
22 Connections Screw terminals
These factors should be multiplied by 2 when the input voltage of the card is changed to ± 5 V
© Portescap 57 Specifications subject to change without prior notice
ESD-1200/1300 Stepper motor drive circuit
Bipolar chopper driver 2 A or 3 A, 60 V
• 8 operating current levels adjustable using • Automatic stand by current mode when
links or external resistor motor is stationary if required
• Built-in clock oscillator with ramp • Protected against overload & short-circuit
• 30 kHz chopping frequency suitable for (phase to phase and across phase)
TurboDisc motors with short electrical time • Recommended for the following TurboDisc
constant motors: P310, P430, P520, PP520, P532,
• AC or DC power supply PH632, P632, P852
1 Power motor supply volt.
AC 18 to 44 V - DC 22 to 60 V
2 Power logic supply volt.
AC 18 V - DC 24 V
3 Auxiliary DC output volt.
U = 24 V, I = 300 mA
4 Max phase current ESD1200: 2 A · ESD1300: 3 A
5 Logic input low level: 0...2 V or short circuit · high level: 10...12 V or open circuit
6 Logic output (Fault, Zero)
open collector NPN, 30 Vmax, Imax = 15 mA Connector:
7 Max. clock frequency 40 kHz in half-step mode, minimum pulse width 10 ms Pin Row a Row c
8 Int. oscillator - slow range: 100 Hz to 4 kHz not ramped 2 Motor Phase B- Motor Phase B-
4 Motor Phase B+ Motor Phase B+
- fast range: 2 kHz to 40 kHz ramped (ramp accel. 60 ms - decel. 30 ms) 6 Motor Phase A- Motor Phase A-
9 Current level adjustment with jumper, 8 current levels or with external resist. (pin 32a) 8 Motor Phase A+ Motor Phase A+
10 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc
10 Current reduction stand by function 50% reduction by jumper 12 Logic Supply 1 Motor Supply 1
11 Temperature operating 0°C to 50°C · storage -40°C to 85°C 14 Logic Supply 2 Motor Supply 2
16 0V 0V
12 Protection overload · short circuit phase to phase and across phase 18 0V 0V
20 Fast Fault
13 Fuses FS1 logic supply 1 A 22 Slow Zero Phase
FS2 motor supply 3.15 A (ESD1200), 4 A (ESD1300) 24 Rate Adjust Com. Slow Rate Adjust
26 Fast Rate Adj. Direction
14 Size / Connector 160 x 100 x 35 mm / DIN 41612 D32 28 Internal Clock Out Clock In
30 Not Connected Energize
32 External Ref. Signal 0 V
1 Power motor supply voltage 22 V to 70 VDC
2 Supply voltage output 5 V / 20 mA
3 Max phase current 2 A to 9 A
4 Optocoupler inputs: Clock. Direction. Enable. Stand-by.
Input current 4 mA to 10 mA
Input voltage (with no series resistor) 5 V to 8 V Logic connector: Power connector:
Input voltage (with series resistor of 1 KΩ) 8 V to 15 V Pin Pin
Input voltage (with series resistor of 2.2 KΩ) 15 V to 24 V 1 +5 V out 1 Phase A-
2 + Stand by 2 Phase A+
5 Open drain output: Fault, Vmax = 35 V, Imax = 25 mA 3 + Enable 3 Phase B-
6 LED indicator Green LED (power) - Red LED (fault) 4 + Clock 4 Phase B+
7 Max. clock frequency 20 kHz 6 Fault 6 VMot
7 H/F
8 Protection Short-circuit between phases, Overvoltage, 8 GND log
Thermal 9 - Stand by
10 - Enable
9 Operating temperature 0 to 40°C 11 - Clock
10 Connector SUB-D15 for logic inputs 12 - CW/CCW
13 RS
(delivered with the driver) 6 poles plug for motor and power supply 14 RI
11 Size Module 128 x 70 x 36 mm 15 RI' RS'
1 Power supply voltage DC 12 V to 45 V
2 Max phase current 1,5 A / 3 A, fuse max 2 A slow blow
3 Optocoupler inputs:
input 0 0 V or GND
input 1 (int. series resistor 470 Ω) +3,5 V...+6 V Connector:
input 2 (int. series resistor 2200 Ω) +10 V...+30 V Pin Row A Row C
current 15 mA typ, 20 mA max 1 NC Home H
2 NC Home L
4 Boost/stand by current values nominal ± 33 % (3 A max) 3 NC Enable 0
4 Enable 1 Enable 2
5 Chopper frequency 40 kHz 5 Dir. 1 Dir. 2
6 Max. clock frequency 150 kHz 6 Dir. 0 Clock 0
7 Clock 1 Clock 2
7 LED indicator Power (green) - Fault (red) 8 St-by 1 St-By
9 St-By 0 Boost 0
8 Protection short-circuit between phases, phase and +VDC 10 Boost 1 Boost 2
9 Temperature 0°C to 50°C 11 D2 1 D2 2
12 D2 0 D1 0
10 Size / Connector 160 x 100 x 26 mm / DIN 41612 D64 13 D1 1 D1 2
14 D0 1 D0 2
15 D0 0 Mode 0
16 Mode 1 Mode 2
18 Phase A+ Phase A+
22 Phase A- Phase A-
24 Phase B+ Phase B+
28 Phase B- Phase B-
30 0 VDC 0 VDC
32 + VDC + VDC
1 Power supply voltage DC 22 V to 70 V (protected with fuse 4 A)
2 Supply voltage output 5 V / 20 mA
3 Phase current (peak value) 1.3 A to 9.9 A
4 Optocoupler inputs: Clock. Direction. Enable. Stand by.
input voltage (without series resistor) 5 V to 7 V Connector:
input current 4 mA to 10 mA
Pin Row A Row C
5 Logic inputs I0, I1, I2 (current selection) 2 Phase B+ Phase B+
4 Phase B- Phase B-
input voltage 5 V to 24 V (TTL compatible) 6 Phase A+ Phase A+
6 TTL inputs Energise, Damp 8 Phase A- Phase A-
10 Vmot Vmot
input voltage 5V 12 GND GND
7 Open drain output Home, Fault, (Vmax = 50 V, Imax = 25 mA) 14 Output +5 V/25 mA Fault
8 Max. clock frequency 500 kHz 18 +CLK -CLK
9 Speed sensor input signal: 20 +Stand by -Stand by
22 +Boost -Boost
voltage range -200 V to + 200 V 24 Energize NC
26 Home Damp
damping gain (factory set) 1.25 A/V 28 I2 a+ velocity sensor a
10 LED indicator Power Home (green), Fault (red), Torque loss 30 I1 a-b- velocity sensor a/b
32 I0 b+ velocity sensor b
11 Protection Short-circuit, Overvoltage, Thermal
12 Operating temperature 0 to 40°C
13 Size/Connector 160 x 100 x 54 mm/DIN 41612D32
Characteristics at 22°C F
1 Number of pulses per rev. 16
2 Supply voltage Vcc V 3.5…15
3 Supply current typical at 5 V mA 6
4 Rise time t4 µs 5
5 Fall time t5 µs 0.2
6 Output signal2) - Two channels / square wave in quadrature
7 Electrical phase shift between U1 and U2 t3/t1 x 360 degree 90 ± 40
8 Signal ratio3) t2/t1 % 50 ± 25
9 Max. count frequency kHz 15
10 Operating temperature range °C -20…+85
11 Inertia 10-7 x kgm2 0.1
12 Measuring conditions Temperature °C 22
Supply voltage V 5
Load resistance MΩ 1
Load capacitance pF 25
Connector Dupont type Quikie II or equivalent
Internal pull-up resistor: 10 kΩ
Over the entire frequency and temperature
t1: Period
t2/t1: Signal ratio
t3: Phase shift
t4: Rise time
t5: Fall time
scale: 1:1
dimensions in mm
mass: 6.2 g
Characteristics at 22°C
1 Number of lines available 100, 144, 200, 256, 3601), 5001)
2 Supply current typical mA 10
max. mA 20
stand-by µA 50
3 Output signal CMOS compatible
4 Electrical phase shift between A and B degree 90 ± 20
5 Duty cycle % 50 ± 10
6 Max. count frequency kHz 200
7 Operating temperature range at 90% humidity °C -40 to + 85
8 Code wheel moment of inertia 10-7 x kgm2 0.12
9 Supply voltage Vcc V 5 ± 10%
Pin out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 Version 1 GND Vcc dir. stand-by A A B B Z Z
Available on motor types 22V48 23LT12 23DT12 26N48 28DT12 35NT P530/2.84 P632.04 P850/2.11
11 L = length (mm) 56.2 57.6 71 62.1 85.1 84 57.6 62.3 75.7
12 see page 17 18 19 20 22 23 31 32 33
ask for a 2R motor type for use with the E9 in 360 and 500 line versions.
© Portescap 61
The Portescap offer
L'offre Portescap
Das Portescap
To satisfy the variety of changing requirements Pour satisfaire aux nombreuses et diverses Zur Erfüllung der vielen sich ständig än-
of today’s industries, Portescap offers a broad exigences d’un monde industriel moderne en dernden Wünsche der modernen Industrie
range of standard, non-standard and custom constante évolution, Portescap offre à sa bietet API Portescap seinen Kunden eine brei-
made solution. clientèle une large gamme de produits stan- te Palette von Standard-, nicht-Standard- und
The characteristics and standard tests of our dard, non standard ou spécifiques. speziell gefertigten Produkten.
products are outlined in the pages describing Les caractéristiques et contrôles standard de Die technische Beschreibung der verschiede-
the technologies. nos produits sont décrits dans les chapitres nen Technologien sowie die Liste der vorge-
To satisfy particular requirements Portescap is des technologies concernées. nommenen Qualitätskontrollen sind am Anfang
prepared to offer solutions tailored to various Pour répondre à des besoins différents, der Kapitelseiten der jeweiligen Technologien zu
fields of applications. Portescap est à même de proposer des solu- finden.
tions adaptées aux divers domaines d’applica- Für spezielle Wünsche bietet Portescap
CE Regulations tion de ses produits. Lösungen, die den verschiedenen Anwen-
According to the electromagnetic Compa- dungen dieser Produkte angepaßt sind.
tibility directives in force today, the CE marking Marquage CE
is obligatory for apparatus containing electric Les moteurs fabriqués par Portescap ne sont CE Vorschriften
components intended to final user. The motors pas soumis aux directives de compatibilité Die von Portescap gefertigten Motoren unter-
manufactured by Portescap are not subjected électromagnétique car ils sont considérés liegen nicht den Vorschriften der EU für elek-
to the electromagnetic compatibility directives comme étant des composants. Seul le produit tromagnetische Verträglichkeit, da sie nur als
since they are considered as components. The final dans lequel entre ce composant devra Bauteile betrachtet werden. Nur das solche
final product only in which this component is être testé et être conforme aux normes en Bauteile enthaltende Endprodukt muß ent-
mounted is subject to the applicable norms. vigueur. Le marquage CE n’est donc pas obli- sprechend diesen Vorschriften geprüft wer-
The CE marking is therefore not mandatory. gatoire. den. Daher tragen die Motoren kein CE-Etikett.
Concerned about giving some guarantees to Soucieux de pouvoir donner certaines garan- Im Interesse unserer Kunden werden aber
our customers, our motors have still been ties à notre clientèle, nous faisons tout de unsere Motoren von einem unabhängigen
through an EMC conformity test (made by an même tester nos moteurs par un laboratoire Labor entsprechend der Norm 89/336CEE
official laboratory) in order to define their elec- agréé afin de définir leur niveau de perturba- geprüft. Bei Bedarf ist ein Konformitäts-
tromagnetic disturbances level. All tested tions électromagnétiques. Tous les moteurs zertifikat erhältlich.
motors have been declared as conform to the ont été déclarés conformes à la norme
standard 89/336/CEE in force. A certificate of 89/336/CEE en vigueur. Un certificat de
conformity can be delivered upon request. conformité électromagnétique peut être fourni
sur demande.
the complete service
un service complet
der komplette Service
Do you want further information about
technologies and products of Portescap
Company? Please contact the address
closest to you (see next) and ask for the
information you need.
63 © Portescap