Safariland Holsters Fit Chart
Safariland Holsters Fit Chart
Safariland Holsters Fit Chart
Mag Holders
GunManufacturer/GunModel 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
AMT 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
Backup 89
Hardballer 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Beretta 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
92D,92DS,92F 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
90 Two 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 83 83
92FCM,92FM,92DM 53 53 53 53 39 18 18 118 53 53 53 118
92FS,92FSCenturion,92G, 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
9FSVertec,92GBrigadier 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76
76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
96Brig.D,G, 96G SD
96Centurion,8000,8040 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
Cougar8045F 83 83 83 83 83 850 83 83 83 83
PX4 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
92 Brigadier 76 76
92FC, 92FCDA 76 76
Browning 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
HighPower9mm 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
BDM9mm 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
Caspian 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
9mmHighCapacity 83 950 950
Colt 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
AR15 215 215 215
CombatElite 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Commander 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
DeltaElite 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
DeltaGoldCup 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
GoldCupNt'lMatch 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Government.380 84
Government1911 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Mustang 84
Officer's.45ACP 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
EAA 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
Witness 9mm 10 Rds. 83 76 18 76 76
Witness 9mm 10 Rds. Compact 76 18 76 76
Witness 45 ACP 10 Rds. 83 83
Witness 40 SW Compact 83
38Super 950 950
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Safariland PT 9 Magazine Holders Revised: 11/10/08
GunManufacturer/GunModel 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
FNP (Fabrique Nationale Pistols) 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
FNP-9/Browning PRO-9 76 76 76 83 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76
Glock 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
17,22,31 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
17 & 22 with +2 Base Pad 083 083
19,23,25,32 83 83 83 283 83 83 83 83 83 283 283 83 83 83 83 83
20,21 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383
26,27,28,33 83 83 83 83 83 83
29,30 383 383 383 383 383 383
34,35 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
36 83 83 83
37 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
17, 19, 22, 23 83 83
Glock 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
39 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
Heckler&Koch 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
G36 212
P2000 (mag round 12) 76 76 83 83 76 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
P2000 (mag round 16) 76 76 97 97
P7 118 118 118 53 39 18 18 118
P7M8 118 118 118 53 39 18 18 118 118
P7M13 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76
USP40,USP9 83 83 91 383 383 383 850 383 83 83 383 383 83 850
USP9C,40C Compact 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 383 383 83 83 83
USP45 383 383 383 94 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383
MP59MM 216 216 216
USP45Compact.45ACP 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383
416 Magazine 215
HK .45 383 383 383 383 950 850
HSAmerica 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
HS2000;9MM 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
KAHR 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
E9,K9,K40 39 18 118 53 53 53 118
Kimber 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
KIP45CUS 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Gold Combat RL II w/light rail 53 53 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
ParaOrdance 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
P-14,9mm&.45 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 83 83 383 383 850 850
P-16LDA 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 83 83 383 383 850 850
Ruger 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
P345 53 53 23 18 18 23 18 53 53 53 53
KP89,KP89W,P89,P89W 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
KP89DAOW,P89DC 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
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Safariland PT 9 Magazine Holders Revised: 11/10/08
GunManufacturer/GunModel 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
KP89DW,KP89DAO 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
KP89DC,P89W, KP89DW 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
KP90,KP90W,P90DC,P90.45CAL. 210 210 18 23 53 53 23
KP90DC,KP90DW 210 210 18 23 53 53 23
KP91DC,KP91DAO 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
P91DC,P91DAO 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
P85 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
P93,P94,KP944 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 18 76 76 76 76 76 76
P95D,KP95DDecock 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76
P95DAO,KP95DAODoubleAction 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76
KP-95DAO, P-89, P-94 76 76
SR9 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
McCormick*Tripp*Volgt 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
9mm 850 383 850 850
SigSauer 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
P220/P220ST/P220R 53 53 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P220R Compact 53 53 53 53 23 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P225 118 118 39 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
P226/P226ST/P226R 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 83 76 76 76 76 76
SigSauer 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
P228, P226 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 83 76 76 76 76 76
P229,P229R DASA (SH), P229R DAKA (BH) 76 83 83 83 83 76 83 18 83 18 83 83 83 83 83
P239 118 118 118 118 18 18 118 53 53 53 118
P245 53 53 18 18 53 53
P250DC 76 283 83 83
Sig P2022 83 83 76 83 18 83 18 83 83 83 83 83 83
SIGProSP2340 83 83 83 83 83 76 83 18 83 18 83 83 83 83 83 83
Smith&Wesson 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
39 118 118 118 53 39 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
59 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
411 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76
439 118 118 118 53 39 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
459 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
469 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 20 20 76 76 76 76 76
639 118 118 118 53 39 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
645 210 210 23 18 18 23 53 53 53 53 23
Page 3
Safariland PT 9 Magazine Holders Revised: 11/10/08
GunManufacturer/GunModel 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
659 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
669 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 20 20 76 76 76 76 76
410,910,915 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
1006,1026,1046,1066,1076 53 53 210 210 23 18 18 23 18 53 53 53 23
908,909,3904,3906,3913,3913LS 118 118 118 118 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
3913NL,3914,3914LS,3953,3954 118 118 118 118 39 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
3913TSW7RoundMag 118 118 39 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
3913TSW,3953TSW 118 118 118 118 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
3953TSW7RoundMag 118 53 39 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
4006 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76
4013,4014 53 53 18 18 23 53 53 53 53 23
4013TSW, 4053TSW, 4026 76 76
4026,4046 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
4053 53 53 18 18 23 53 53 53 53 23
4506,4506-1VersionII,4516-1,4516-2,4526 53 53 210 210 18 18 23 53 53 53 53 23
4513TSW,4553TSW 53 53 210 210 18 18 23 53 53 53 53 23
53 53 210 210 23 18 18 23 53 53 53 53 23
5924, 5926, 5946 76 76
910,5903,5904,5906,5923, 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
6926,4692,6694,469,40 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 20 20 76 76 76 76 76
6904, 6906, 6924, 6926, 6946 76 76
Sigma9,40 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
Sigma9C,40C,9E 83 83 83 83 83 40 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
Sigma 40F, SW9V, SW40V, SW99 83 83 83
Smith&Wesson 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 377 376 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
Sigma380 89 89 89
ChiefsSpecialCS9 53 53 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
ChiefsSpecialCS40 53 53 118 53 53 53 53
ChiefsSpecialCS45 53 53 118 53 53 53 53
SW99 - 9/40 cal. 83 83 76 83 83 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 83
SW99 -45 cal. 83 83 383 383 950 83 83 83 950
S&W MP 9mm & .40 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
S&W MPC 9mm & .40 83 83 83 83 83 83
S&W M&P 9C 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
S&W M&P45 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383
SpringfieldArmory 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 377 376 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
1911-A1 53 53 45 18 18 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
XD-40 & XD-9 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
XD-45 383 383 94 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383
XDM 9mm & .40 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
M1A 308
P-9 76 76 76 18 18 76 18 76 76 76 76 76
Page 4
Safariland PT 9 Magazine Holders Revised: 11/10/08
GunManufacturer/GunModel 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 376 377 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
Steyr 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 377 376 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
M40 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
STI/ SVI 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 377 376 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
STI Tactical 383 383 83 850 383 383 383 850 850 850
Taurus 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 377 376 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
24/7 83 83 83 83 83 18 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
PT92,PT99,PT99C,PT92C 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
PT-101 76 76
PT-100,PT-101 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
Walther 72 73 75 76 77 CD 81 123 074 079 377 376 572 573 177 771 772 773 774
PP 84 89 89 89
PPK 84 89 89 89
PPKS 84 89 89 89
P5,P7,P38 118 118 118 118 39 18 18 118 118 53 53 118
P99C QA 76 76 76 83 76 18 76 76 76 76 76
Page 5
Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
AMT BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
Hardballer 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Beretta BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
92/96Vertec M9A1 4.70" 73 73 73 73 73
92/96 Vertec w/Light Rail N/A for Double Action Bobbed Hamer 4.70" 49 49
90 Two Note: Weapon will not fit in Holster with the accessory rail
4.78" 49 49 73 73
cover attached.
92BrigadierD 4.90" 53 53 173 173 140
92BrigadierFS 4.90" 53 53 73 73 73 140
92 Brigadier 4.90" 49 49 73 73
92D 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 173 173 73 140 73 73 73 73
92DM 4.30" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 173 173 73 140
92DS 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 173 173 73 140
92F 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140 73 73 73 73
92FC 4.30" 73 273 51 51 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
92FCDA 4.30" 73 73 51 51 73 73 73 173 173 473 73 140
92FCM 4.30" 73 273 51 51 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
92FS 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140 73 73 73 73
92FSCenturion 4.30" 73 273 51 51 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
92G 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140 73 73
92GELITE 4.90"
96 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
96BrigadierD 4.90" 53 53 173 173
96BrigadierG 4.90" 53 53 73 73 73
96 Brigadier 4.90" 73 73
96Centurion 4.30" 73 273 51 51 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
96D 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 173 173 73 140 73 73
96DC 4.30" 73 273 51 51 73 73 73 173 173 73 140
96DS 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 173 173 73 140
96DSBrigadierD 4.90" 53 53 173 173 140
96F 96FS 4.90" 73 73
96G 4.90" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 140 73 73
96G SD, 92G SD 4.90" 73 73
Cougar8000, 8040 Cougar D DAO 3.60" 71 54 54 171 171 71 140
Cougar8000,8040 Cougar G, F, D 3.60" 71 54 54 71 71 71 71 71 140
Cougar8045F 3.60" 71 71
Cougar8357 3.60" 71
PX4 Storm 9mm & .40 DASA Only 4.00" 180 180
PX4 Storm 9mm & .40 4.00" 77 278 744 744 180 180 180 180 283 140 180 180 180 180
PX4 Storm .45ACP 4.10" 185 185
With Lights
92 F w/ITI mount Streamlight M3/M6, TLR-1,TLR-2, or Insight XTI
Procyon light NOTE: Holster will not retain weapon without light 4.90" 7321 7321
92F, 92FS, 92B 92 Brigader w/Surefire P116 4.90" 736 736
92F w/Surefire MR-11 adapter & Surefire X200 or X300 4.90" 73421 73421
92,Sure-Fire Nitrolon Light P116C,P116D, P116 NOTE: Holster will
4.90" 736 736
retain weapon without light attached
92/96 Vertec w/ Surefire Nitorlon P001 light 4.70" 7346 7346
Vertec 92F, 96 w/ M3, M6 or M3 LED IT Tactical Illuminator Light,
4.70" 73421 73421 73421 73421
Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon
PX4 Storm with ITI M3, M6, Insight XTI Procyon, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire
4.00" 18021 18021
X200 or X300 lights
Browning 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
BDM9mm 4.73" 18 53 53 176 140
HighPower9mm 4.66" 53 53 76 76
Caspian with Lights 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
1911 w/Military Mount with Beamshot Model 8800 5.00" 5322 5322
Colt 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
CombatElite 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
CombatTarget 5.00" 53 53
Commander 4.25" 53 53 51 51 51 51 53
DeltaElite 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
DeltaGoldCup 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
GoldCupNt'lMatch 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Government.380 3.25" 53 89 53
Government1911 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Mustang 2.75" 89
Officer's.45ACP 3.50" 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 53
With Lights
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Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
1911-A1 Non Rail, w/Surefire mount MR07, w/Surefire X200 or X300
5.00" 530 530
CZ 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
75,85 4.50" 51 51 99 99 99 90 90 99 140
75 P-01 3.8" 290 290
EAA 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
Witness 9mm, 40SW, Sport 9mm, Sport 40SW 4.50" 51 51 99 99 99 90 90 99 140
FN 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
Five-Seven 4.80" 61 61
FNP-9/Browning PRO-9 4.00" 77 383 74 744 744 260 260
FNP-45 4.50" 744 744 261 261
With Lights
Glock 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
17,17C,22,22C,31 (.357) 4.50" 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 140 83 83 83 83 283
17 & 22, Dual Mag release 4.50" 983 983 983 983
19,19C,23,23C,25,32 4.00" 83 83 283 283 54 54 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 83 140 283 283 283 283 283
19 & 23, Dual Mag release 4.00" 9283 9283
20,20C,21,21C, 4.60" 383 383 83 83 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 140 383 383 383 383 383
21SF w/STD Glock Rails 4.60" 83 83 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 140 383 383 383 383
21SF w/Picatinny Rails 4.60" 49 49 383 383
33,28 3.50" 83 83 183 183 54 54 183 183 183 183 283 283 183 183 283 183 83 140 183 183 283
26, 27 3.50" 83 83 183 183 54 54 183 183 183 183 283 283 283 183 183 83 140 183 183
29,30 3.78" 383 83 83 483 483 483 483 483 483 383 140 483 483 483
34,35 5.32" 83 49 49 683 683 83 140 683 683 283
36 3.75" 83 54 54 283 283 483 283 283
37 4.50" 383 49 49 383 783 783 140 783 783 783 783
38 4.0" 83 83 383 383
39 3.375 383 744 744 383 383 140
With Lights
17,22, 19, 23 w/ITI Streamlight M3, TLR-1, Surefire X200, X300, LAS-
4.50" 832 832 832 832 832 832
TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon
17, 22 w/ITI Streamlight M3/M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200, X300, LAS
4.50" 8321 8321
TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon
17, 22, 31w/Glock Tactical Light Systems: GTL 10 (light only),
GTL21,GTL22 (light laser combo), GTL51 (light/laser combination),
4.50" 8310 8310
GTL52(light/laser with dim-switch) Note:holster will not retain weapon
without light attached
17, 22 w/ Surefire X200 or X300 4.50" 836 836
17, 22, 31w/Glock Tactical Light Systems: GTL 10 (light only),
GTL21,GTL22 (light laser combo), GTL51 (light/laser combination),
4.50" 8310 8310
GTL52(light/laser with dim-switch) Note:holster will not retain weapon
without light attached
17, 22, 31 with Beamshot Model 8000 or Model 8100 4.50" 8312 8312
17, 22, 31 with ITI M3X or M6X 4.50" 8312 8312
17, 22 with TLR-1, TLR-2, ITI M3, M6, M3X, M6X, or Insight XTI Procyon 4.50" 8312 8312
17, 22, 31,23 M3, M6, M3 LED IT Tactical Light, Streamlight TLR-1,
4.50" 8321 8321
TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon
Glock 17/22 4.50" BBL with the Oerlikon Contraves LLM-01 Module with
4.50" 8341 8341
19,19C,23,23C w/ Surefire X200 or X300 4.00" 2830 2830
19, 23 with ITI M3, TLR-1, Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2 , SSL-1, or
4.00" 2832 2832
Insight XTI Procyon
19, 23 w/Glock Tactical Light Systems: GTL 10 (light only) Note: N/A: for
Glock light system GTL21,GTL22 (light laser combo) Note: holster 4.00" 2837 2837
will not retain weapon without light attached
20, 21 w/STD Glock Rails, 37 W/ ITI Streamlight M3, TLR-1, Surefire
4.60" 3832 3832
X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon
20, 21 w/STD Glock Rails w/ ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200,
38321 38321
X300 or Insight XTI Procyon
20, 21 w/STD Glock Rails w/ ITI M3, M3X, TLR-1, SSL-1, Surefire X200,
4.60" 3832 3832
X300, or LAS-TAC 2 light
20, 21, w/STD Glock Rails with Surefire X200 light or X300 Note:
4.60" 3830 3830
holster will not retain weapon without light attached
20,21 w/STD Glock Rails w/Laser/Tac 2 (6v) from Laser Device Inc.Or
4.50" 38321 38321
Streamlight TLR-1 and TLR-2
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Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
20, 20C, 21, 21C w/Streamlight M3, M6, M3 LED or Insight XTI Procyon;
Note: holsters listed will not retain the handgun without the light 38321 38321
20 & 21SF with Dual Magazine Release with ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2,
4.50" 938321 938321
Insight XTI Procyon, Surefire X200 or X300 lights
34, 35 w/ITI Streamlight M3 or Insight XTI ProcyonNOTE: Holster will
5.32" 6832 6832
retain weapon without light attached
34, 35 w/IT Tactical Illuminator Light M3, M6 or M3 LED, TLR-1, TLR-2,
or Insight XTI Procyon Note: N/A for M3X/M6X. Note: holster will not 5.30" 68321 68321
retain weapon without light attached.
34, 35 with ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200, X300 or Insight XTI
5.30" 68321 68321
37 with ITI M3, TLR-1, SSL-1, Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2, or
4.50" 7832 7832
Insight XTI Procyon
37 with ITI M3, TLR-1, Surefire X200, X300 or Insight XTI Procyon 4.50" 7832 7832
37 with Glock Tactical Light, GTL 10 (light only) 4.50" 7837 7837
Heckler&Koch 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
P7M8 4.10" 82 82 82
P7M13 4.10" 82 82 82
P30 DAO 3.78" 295 295 295 295 295 295
P2000 3.5" 744 744 97 97 97 97 97 97 97
P2000, P2000SC 3.25" 744 744 297 297
P2000 European Version w/light mount frame 3.62" 97 744 744 97 97 97 97
P2000 European Version and US Version w/light mount frame 3.50" 97 744 744 97 97 97 97
US Version P2000 DAO (bobbed hammer) 3.50" 744 744 297 297 297 97 97
US Version P2000 SC DAO (bobbed hammer) 3.25" 744 744 297 297 297
USP 9, 40 4.25" 91 83 83 91 91 91 93 93 91 140 91 91 91 91
USP 9, 40 with Rubber Spurred Hammer (holsters with a manufacture
4.25" 91 91
date of 2308 and after)
USP9C,40C 3.58" 291 54 54 291 291 291 291 291 291 291 291 140 291 291
USP45 4.53" 83 83 91 393 393 93 93 93 140
USP45Compact.45ACP 3.8" 293 293 293 140
USP40 Expert 5.20" 96 96 96 96
USP45 Expert 5.20" 49 49 96 96 96 96
HK .45 4.25" 83 83 74 393 393
With Lights
USP 9, 40, 45 W/ HK USP Light Hammer Down N/A for DA only 4.25" 932 932
USP 45 LEM (D.A.O. (Bobbed Hammer)) w/Surefire X200 light adapter
with Surefire X200 light or X300 NOTE: Holsters will not retain 4.41" 1930 1930 1930 1930
weapon without the light attached
USP 9, 40 w/ Surefire Mount and Surefire P105 / P115 Light 4.25" 1936 1936
USP 9, 40 "Hammer down or Cocked and locked" w/B &T Adapter and IT
Tactical light M3, M6, M3 LED, or Insight XTI Procyon Note: The Holster 4.25" 9221 9221
will not retain weapon without light attached.
USP 9, 40 D.A.O. w/Surefire mount w/ Insight Technology M3X or M6X
light or ITI SSL-1. Note: Holster will not retain weapon without light 4.25" 19312 19312
USP 9, USP .40 with Surefire Mount and ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2,
4.13" 9321 9321
Surefire X200, X300, or Insight XTI Procyon
USP 9C, USP .40C Cocked & Locked with Surefire Mount with Surefire
3.58" 2910 2910
X200 or X300 lights
HK USP 40C Insight Technology M3, M6, M3X LED Tactical Illuminator
Light, ITI SSL-1, or Insight XTI Procyon Bobbed Hammer Only Note:
3.58" 29111 29111
N/A for M6X Note: The holsters will not retain weapon without the
light attached
USP .45 with Surefire Mount and ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire
4.41" 9321 9321
X200, X300, or Insight XTI Procyon
P2000 (U.S. Version) w/ ITI M3/M6 or Insight XTI Procyon 3.5" 9711 9711
P2000 (US Version) DAO, Bobbed Hammer, w/Insight Technology M3X
Light Only
P2000 DAO (bobbed Hammer) with B&T adaptor and a Glock Light
System: Models: GTL 10 (light only), GTL21 (light/laser
3.50" 9710 9710
combination),GTL22 (light/laser combination),GTL51(light/laser
combination), GTL52(light /laser with dim-switch)
P2000 Europea Version with B & T adapter (TL P2000) with M3/M6 IT
tactical illuminator light, ITI SSL-1, or Insight XTI ProcyonNOTE: Holster 3.50" 9721 9721
will not retain weapon without light attached .
HSAmerica 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
HS2000 9MM, 40, 357 4.00" 148 148 140
KAHR 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
E9,K9,K40 3.50" 53 54 54 54
Page 3
Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
Kimber 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
KIP45CUS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
1911 5.00" 56 56 53 53 53 53
Pro Carry 1911 4.00" 52 52
Gold Combat RL II, Warrior ( w/light rail) 5.00" 53 53 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56
With Lights
ParaOrdance 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
12.45LDA 3.50" 53 54 54 54 54
12.45LDASS 3.50" 53 54 54 54 54
14.40LDASS 3.50" 53 54 54 54 54
14.45LDA 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
14.45LDALTD 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
14.45LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
14.45LDASS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
16.40LDALTD 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
16.40LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
18.9LDA 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
18.9LDASS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
7.45LDA 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
7.45LDALTD 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
7.45LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
7.45LDASS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Carry.45ACP 3.00" 53 54 54 54 54
Companion.45ACP 3.50" 53 54 54 54 54
P12-45LTDSS 3.50" 53 54 54 54 54
P12-45SS 3.50" 53 54 54 54 54
P13-45 4.25" 53 53 51 51 51 51
P13-45LTD 4.25" 53 53 51 51 51 51
P13-45LTDSS 4.25" 53 53 51 51 51 51
P13-45SS 4.25" 53 53 51 51 51 51
P-14 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53
P14-45 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P14-45LTD 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P14-45LTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P14-45SS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P16-40 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P16-40LTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P16-40SS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P18-9 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Ruger 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
KP89 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
KP89DAO 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
KP89DAOW 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
KP89DC 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
KP89DW 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
KP89W 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
KP90 4.50" 65 49 49 140
KP90DC 4.50" 67 140
KP90DW 4.50" 67 140
KP90W 4.50" 67 140
KP91DAO 4.50" 67 49 49 140
Ruger 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
KP91DC 4.50" 67 49 49 140
KP93 744 744 140
KP94,KP944W,KP944DW 4.25" 744 744 140
KP944DAOW,KP944 4.25" 140
KP944DC,KP944DAO 4.25" 140
P345 4.00" 383 83 83 77
P85 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
P89 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
P89DC 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
P89W,P89DW 4.50" 65 83 83 65 140
P90.45CAL. 4.50" 67 49 49 140
P90DC 4.50" 67 140
P91DAO 4.50" 67 140
P91DC 4.50" 67 49 49 140
P95D,KP95D 4.25" 744 744 140
Page 4
Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
P95DAO,KP95DAO 4.25" 744 744 140
SR9 4.00" 77 54 54 84 140
SigSauer 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
P220 before gun serial number (G158180),P226 before serial gun
4.41" 77 77 77 744 744 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 140 77 77 77 77 77
number (365426)
P220STStainlessSteel P220R,P220S,P226R ,P226S,P226SO
4.41" 77 77 777 774 774 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
P220afterS/NG158180(widetriggerguard) 4.41"
P220R DAK P220R DASA Bobbed or Spurred Hammer 4.41" 744 744
P226R DAK P226R DASA Bobbed or Spurred Hammer 4.41" 49 49
P220R DAK, P226R DAK bobbed hammer w/light rails 4.41" 777 277 277 774 774 774 774 774
P220R DASA, P226R DASA Spurred hammer w/light rails 4.41" 774 774 774 774 774
P226DAO,P220DAO 4.41" 77 77 77 83 83 77 777 77 77 77 77 77 77 140
P226afterS/N365426(widetriggerguard) 4.41"
P220R Compact 3.75 77 744 744 744 74 74 291 140
P225 3.90" 77 77 79 54 54 79 74 74 74 74 77 140 79 79 79 79 79
P228 3.90" 77 77 74 79 54 54 79 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 77 140 74 74 74 74 74
P229 3.90" 77 77 74 74 54 54 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 140 74 74 74 74 74
P229R DASA spurred hammer w/light rails 3.90" 74 744 744 744 744 744 744 74 74 74 74 744 744 744 744 744
P229R DAK bobbed hammer w/light rails 3.90" 744 744 744 744 744 744 174 174 744 744 744 744 744
P230 3.62" 85 85
P239 (will only fit 9mm as of manufactured date 4603) 77 75 54 54 75 75 75 140
P239 caliber 40 & 357 77 75 75 54 54 75 75 75 75 140
P245 3.90" 77 83 83 74 140
P250 3 7/8" 750 750
SIGProSP2340,2009 77 74 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 74 78 74
SIGPro SPC2009-wlightmountrails 3.50" 744 744 278 278
P2022spurred hammer 3.50" 78 78 278 278 278 278 278 278
Sig Arms GSR Revolution 1911 5.00" 53 53 256 256
With Lights
Sig Pro P2022 with Insight Technology M3, M6 or M3 LED Tactical
Illuminator light, ITI SSL-1, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI
3.50" 27821 27821
Procyon. Note: The holster will not retain weapon without light
P220R, P226R DASA/ DAK W/ Accessory Rails W/ M3, M6 ITI Tactical
Iluminator Light, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2, or 4.41" 77421 77421
Insight XTI Procyon
P226 (full size hammer) with Insight Technology Mount (ITI), Streamlight
Tactical Illuminator Light Model M3, M6, M3 LED, Streamlight TLR-1,
4.41" 7721 7721
TLR-2 or Insight XTI Procyon. NOTE: Holsters will not retain weapon
without the light attached.
Sig P220R DAK, P226R DAK (with bobbed hammer) with ITI M3, M6, ITI
SSL-1, Insight XTI Procyon, or Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2. Note: holster 4.41" 27721 27721
will not retain gun without light attached.
Sig P220R DAK, P226R DAK (with bobbed hammer) with Sure-Fire X200
or X300 Light. Note: Holster will not retain weapon without light 4.41" 2770 2770
P220, P226 w/Sure-Fire Military Series Light W113,W113C,W113D &
W114,W114C,W114D NOTE: Holster will retain weapon without 4.41" 778 778
light attached
P220R,P220S P226S,P226SO,P226R w/Accy Rails (DASA Spurred
Hammer) w/M3, M6 IT Tac Illuminator Light, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2 or 4.41" 77421 77421
Insight XTI Procyon.
P220R,P226R (DASA Spurred Hammer) w/Insight Technology
Streamlight M3X or M6X Tac Illuminator Light or Surefire X400 light 4.41" 77412 77412
NOTE: Holster will not retain weapon without light attached
P220SO,P220ST,P220R,P226R (DASA Spurred Hammer) w/Sure Fire
X200 or X300 light NOTE: Holster will not retain weapon without 4.41" 7740 7740
light attached
P220, P226 with Beamshot Model 8000 or Model 8100 4.41" 7712 7712
P220, P226 with IT Mount and Insight Technology M3X, M6X. NOTE:
4.41" 7712 7712
The Holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
Page 5
Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
P226 with Surefire MR14 Rail & Surefire X200 or X300 light Note: Right
4.41" 7700 7700
Handed Holsters will accomadate LASER GRIPS
P220R & P226R with ITI M3, TLR-1, Surefire X200, X300, or SSL-1 lights 4.41" 7742 7742
P228,P229 with M3, M6, M3 LED light or Insight XTI Procyon with ITI
3.90" 7421 7421
mount. Or Streamlight TLR-1 and TLR-2.
P229R DASA (Spurred Hammer) with accy rails with M3, M6, M3 LED
light, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon. NOTE: Holster 3.90" 74421 74421
will not retain weapon without light attached. N/A M3X, M6X.
P229 R DAK with Light Rails; Bobbed Hammer with IT Tactical Illuminator
Light M3, M6, M3 LED, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2 or Insight XTI Procyon. 3.90" 17421 17421
NOTE: The Holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
P229 R DAK w/bobbed hammer with Surefire X200 or X300 light NOTE:
3.9" 1740 1740
The Holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
Page 6
Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
4566 4.25" 410 83 83 320 140
4576 4.25" 310 83 83 320 140
4586 4.25" 410 83 83 210 210 140
5903 4.00" 83 18 140 18 83 83 18 18 140 140 140 140 118 140
5904 4.00" 83 18 140 18 83 83 18 18 140 140 140 140 118 140
5923 4.00" 83 18 18 83 83 18 18 118 140
5924 4.00" 83 18 18 83 83 18 18 118 140
5926 4.00" 83 18 18 83 83 18 18 118 140
6904 3.50" 83 18 20 54 54 20 20 20 118 140
6924 3.50" 83 18 20 54 54 20 20 20 118 140
6926 3.50" 83 18 20 54 54 20 20 20 118 140
3953 3954 3.50" 18 54 54 20 20 321 321 320 140
3913LS 3.50" 83 18 20 20 20 140
3913NL 3.50" 83 18 20 20 20 140
3913TSW,3953TSW(with rails) 3.50" 140
3913TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 18 20 54 54 20 20 118 140
3914LS 3.50" 83 18 20 20 20 140
3953TSW 3.50" 18 20 320 140
3953TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 18 20 320 140
4006TSW w/Picatinny Rails, 4006TSW W/STD Rails BOBBED
4.00" 141 141
4003TSW,4006TSW (manufacturing date of
4.00" 744 744 140
4603),4043TSW,4046TSW(with rails)
4013TSW,4053TSW(with rails) 3.50" 140
4013TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 18 20 54 54 20 20 118 140
4053TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 18 54 54 20 320 140
4056TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 18 54 54 20 320 140
4506-1 5.00" 23 53 53 210 210 210 320 140
Smith&Wesson 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
4513TSW,4553TSW(with rails) 3.50" 140
4513TSW w/ lightmnt 3.50" 423 744 744 320 140
4516-1Ver.II.4516-2 3.75" 83 423 54 54 320 140
4553TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 410 54 54
4563TSW,4566TSW(with rails) 430
4563TSW,4566TSW,4583TSW,4586TSW(with rails) 4.25" 210 210 140
5903TSW,5906TSW (manufacturing date of 4603)
4.00" 83 83 83 140 140 140
,5943TSW,5946TSW(with rails)
5906lgtriggrd 4.00" 18 18 83 83 18 18 140
5906shrttriggrd 4.00" 83 18 140 18 83 83 18 18 140 140 140 140 118 140
5943shrttriggrd 4.00" 18 140 83 83 18 18 140 140 140 140 320 140
5944shrttriggrd 4.00" 18 140 83 83 18 18 140 140 140 140 320 140
5946lgtriggrd 4.00" 83 18 83 83 18 18 140
5946shrttriggrd 4.00" 83 18 140 83 83 18 18 140 140 140 140 320 140
5946 & 5943 DAO without Rails 4.00" 320 320
6906lgtriggrd 3.50" 18 20 54 54 20 140
6906shrttriggrd 3.50" 18 20 54 54 20 20 20 118 140
6944shrttriggrd 3.50" 83 18 54 54 20 320 140
6946lgtriggrd 3.50" 83 18 54 54 20 140
6946shrttriggrd 3.50" 83 18 54 54 20 320 140
ChiefsSpecialCS40 3.25" 54 54
ChiefsSpecialCS45 3.25" 54 54
ChiefsSpecialCS9 3.00" 83 54 54 140
Sigma380 3.00" 38 40
Sigma40,9mm 4.50" 40 40 83 83 40 40 40 40
Smith&Wesson 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
Sigma9C,40C,40V,9V,9E 4.00" 40 39 83 83 40 40 40 40 140
Sigma9F,40F 4.50" 40 40 83 83 40 40 40 40
Smith&Wesson 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
SW99 9mm & .40 4.00" 84 744 744 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84
SW99 45ACP 4.25" 86 86
S&W M&P 9mm & .40 4.50" 83 383 74 39 83 83 40 219 219 74 74 74 140 319 319 219 219 219
S&W M&P 9 & .40 with thumb safety 4.50" 619 619
S&W M&P 9C & .40C 3.375" 83 83 48 291 83 83 291 97 97 719 719 291 48 83 319 319 219 219
S&W M&P45 without thumb safety 4.50" 83 383 83 83 519 519 419 419 419 419
S&W M&P .45 with or without thumb safety 4.50" 83 83 519 519 519 519 519 519
1911 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
1911 w/Tactical Rails 5.00" 53 53 56 56 56 56 56 56
With Lights
4566 TSW w/light rails and ITI Streamlight M5 4.125" 4302 4302
4566TSW w/Picatinny Rails and ITI M3, TLR-1, Surefire X200, X300,
4.25" 4302 4302
LAS-TAC 2, ITI SSL-1 or Insight XTI Procyon light
Page 7
Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
SW M&P 9 & .40 W/ M3 or M6 IT Tactical Illuminator, Streamlight TRL-1
4.50" 21921 21921
or TRL-2
SW M&P 9mm & .40 w/ITI Streamlight M3, TLR-1, SSl-1, Surefire X200,
4.50" 2192 2192 2192 2192
X300, LAS-TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon Light
S&W M&P .45 without thumb safety with ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2,
4.50" 4192 4192
Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2 or Insight XTI Procyon lights
S&W M&P .45 with or without thumb safety with ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-
4.50" 51921 51921 5192 5192
2, Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2 or Insight XTI Procyon lights
Sphinx 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
3000 cocked and locked or with hammer down 3.75" 182 182
3000 cocked and locked or with hammer down 4.50" 49 49 182 182
With Lights
3000 cocked and locked w/ITI LAM light 3.75" 1825 1825
3000 cocked and locked w/ITI LAM light 4.50" 1825 1825
SpringfieldArmory 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
Model1911-A1 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Operator1911-A1 5.00" 53 53 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56
XD-45, XD-9, XD-40, XD-357 4.00" 48 744 744 48 48 148 148 48 148 148
XD 9, 40, 45 and .357 5.00" 49 49 49 49 49 149 149 49 149 149 149 149
XD 9mm & .40 Subcompact 3.00" 47 47
XDM 9mm & .40 4.50" 49 49 49 49 149 149 49 140 149 149 149 149
With Lights
1911 Operator w/Laser/Tac 2 (6v) from Laser Device Inc. Or Streamlight
5.00" 5621 5621
TLR-1 and TLR-2.
1911-A1 Non Rail, w/Surefire mount MR07, w/Surefire x200 Light or
5.00" 530 530
Operator 1911-A1 w/ M3, M6, M3 LED StreamLight or Insight XTO
5.00" 5621 5621
Procyon Light.
Operator 1911-A1 w/ M6X or M3X StreamLight or ITI SSL-1 5.00" 5612 5612
Operator with Surefire X200 or X300 light 5.00" 5340 5340
XD 9mm, .40, .45 w/ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200, X300, LAS
TAC 2 or Insight XTI Procyon light Note: Holster will NOT retain 4.00" 14821 14821 14821 14821
weapon without light attached
XD 9mm, .40, .45 w/ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200, X300, LAS
TAC 2 or Insight XTI Procyon Note: Holster will NOT retain weapon 5.00" 14921 14921 14921 14921
without light attached
XDM 9mm & .40 with ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200, X300,
4.50" 14921 14921 14921 14921
LAS-TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon lights
STI/SVI 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
1911 with rails 5.00" 53 53 56 56 56 56 56 56
1911 without rails 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
STI Tactical 5.00" 53 53 56 56
With Lights
1911 w/rails: Infinity Lighted Gun, STI 2011 Tactical,Tactical Lite,Duty
One w/Surefire X200 light or X300 NOTE: Holster will not retain 5.00" 5340 5340
weapon without light attached
STI Tactical w/ M3, M6, M3 LED StreamLight, TLR-1, TLR-2 or Insight
5.00" 5621 5621
XTI Procyon
Stinger 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
S-200 164 164
Taser International 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
Advanced Taser M26 63 63
X26 64 64
Taurus 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
24/7 w/accy rails 4.00" 77 39 83 83 40 74 74 40 40 83 78
PT92, PT99C 5.00" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
PT99 5.00" 73 73 53 53 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
PT99C 4.00" 73 273 51 51 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
PT92C 4.00" 73 273 51 51 73 73 73 73 73 73 140
PP 3.86" 89 89 89
Walther 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
PPK 3.27" 89 89 89 89 89
PPKS 3.27" 89 89 89 89 89
P5 3.50" 53 53 87 87
P99 4.00" 84 54 54 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84
P99QA 4.00" 84 84 84 84
P99C QA 3 3/8" 84 84 84 84 140 84 84 84
Wilson 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
1911 CQB w/light rail 5.00" 744 744
1911 4 7/8" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
With Lights
Page 8
Safariland Part 4 Concealement Holsters with and without lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 27 527 528 518 567 568 5181 5187 5188 0701 0707 0708 6287 6288 328 329 747 1060 1090 6377 6378 6367 6388 1051
1911 w/rails: CQB w/Surefire X200 light or X300 NOTE: Holster will not
5.00" 5340 5340 5340 5340
retain weapon without light attached
Although Safariland has attempted to provide accurate information regarding which specific holster models were designed to accommodate specifically identified handguns, human error such as typographical mistakes can and do occur.
Therefore, Safariland disclaims any responsibility or liability for, or the consequences resulting from, such errors and urges any user of this information to personally check for holster/handgun compatibility using the actual product.
Page 9
Safariland Part 1 Duty Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Holsters for Pistols Brief Description-SeeCode Chart and Customer Service for complete list of willfits.
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
AMT BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
Hardballer 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Beretta BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
84FS 3.80" 62 62
92/96Vertec M9A1 4.70" 73 73 73 73 73 73 734 734 X
90 Two Note: Weapon will not fit in Holster with
the accessory rail cover attached.
4.78" 73 73 X
Page 1
Safariland Part 1 Duty Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
FNP-9 4.00" 260 260 X
FNP-45 4.50" 261 261 X
Glock 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
17,17C,22,22C,31 4.50" 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 X
17 & 22, Dual Mag release 4.50" 983 983 983 983 983 983 X
19,19C,23,23C,25,32 4.00" 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 283 283 283 283 283 283 83 83 83 83 X
19 & 23 Dual Mag release 4.00" 9283 9283
20,20C,21,21C 4.60" 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 X
21SF w/STD Glock Rails 4.60" 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 X
21SF w/Picatinny Rails 4.60" 383 383 383 383 383 X
26,27,33,28 3.50" 283 283
26, 27, 33 3.50" X
29,30 3.78" 383 383 483 483 483 483 X
34,35 5.32" 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 X
36 3.75" 283 283
37 4.50" 383 383 783 783 783 783 783 783 783 783 383 383 X
38 4.0" 383 383 X
Heckler&Koch 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
P7 4.10" 82 82
P7M8 4.10" 82 82 82 82
P7M13 4.10" 82 82 82 82
P30 DAO 3.78" 295 295 295 295 295 295 X
P2000 3.5" 97 97 97 X
P2000 European Version w/light mount frame 3.62" 97 97 97 97 X
P2000 European Version and US Version w/light
mount frame
3.50" 97 97 97 97 97 97 X
US Version P2000 DAO (bobbed hammer) 3.50" 297 297 X
US Version P2000 SC DAO (bobbed hammer) 3.25" 297 297 X
P3000 X
USP 9,40 4.25" 91 91 91 91 93 93 91 91 91 91
USP 9, 40 with Rubber Spurred Hammer (holster
manufacture date of 2308 and after)
4.25" 91 91
USP 9C,40C 3.58 291 291 291 291 291 291 291 291
USP45 4.41" 93 93 93 93 93 93 93
USP45 Compact .45ACP 3.80" 293 293 293
USP40 Expert, USP45 Expert 5.20" 96 96
HK .45 4.25" 91 91 91 91 393 393
HSAmerica 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
HS2000 9MM, 40, 357 4.00" 148 148
Kimber 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
KIP45CUS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
PROCarry1911 5.00" 52
1911 with Tactical Rails 5.00" X
Gold Combat RL II, Warrior ( w/light rail) 5.00" 56 56 56 56 56 56 X
ParaOrdance 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
14.45LDA 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
14.45LDALTD 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
14.45LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
14.45LDASS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
16.40LDALTD 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
16.40LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
18.9LDA 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
18.9LDASS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
7.45LDA 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
7.45LDALTD 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
7.45LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
7.45LDASS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P13-45 4.25" 51 51
Page 2
Safariland Part 1 Duty Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
P13-45LTD 4.25" 51 51
P13-45LTDSS 4.25" 51 51
P13-45SS 4.25" 51 51
P14-45 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P14-45LTD 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P14-45LTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P14-45SS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P16-40 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P16-40LTDSS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P16-40SS 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
P18-9 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
PXT 1911 with Light Rails X
Ruger 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
KP89 4.50" 67 67 67 65
KP89DAO 4.50" 67 67 67 65 65
KP89DAOW 4.50" 67 67 67 65 65
KP89DC 4.50" 67 67 67 65
KP89DW 4.50" 67 67 67 65
KP89W 4.50" 67 67 67 65
KP90 4.50" 67 67 67 67
KP90DC 4.50" 67 67 67 67
KP90DW 4.50" 67 67 67 67
KP90W 4.50" 67 67 67 67
KP91DAO 4.50" 67 67 67 67
Ruger 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
KP91DC 4.50" 67 67 67 67
KP93 3.875" 69 68 68
KP94,KP944W,KP944DW 4.25" 69 69
KP944DAOW,KP944 4.25" 69 69
KP944DC,KP944DAO 4.25" 69 69
KP94DAO 4.25" 69
KP94DC 4.25" 69 69
P345 4.00" 69 69 69 69
P85 4.50" 67 67 67 65
P89 4.50" 67 67 67 65
P89DC 4.50" 67 67 67 65
P89W,P89DW 4.50" 67 67 67 65
P90.45CAL. 4.50" 67 67 67 67
P90DC 4.50" 67 67 67 67
P91DAO 4.50" 67 67 67 67
P91DC 4.50" 67 67 67 67
P95D,KP95D 4.25" 69
P95DAO,KP95DAO 4.25" 69 68 68
SR9 4.00" 84 84
SigSauer 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
P220 before gun serial number (G158180),P226
before serial gun number (365426)
4.41" 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 777 777 77 77
P220ST StainlessSteel P220R, P220S, P226R
P226S, P226SO with Accessory Rails DASA
4.41" 77 77 77 777 777 77 77 77 77 774 774 774 774 77 77 X
P220afterS/NG158180(widetriggerguard) 4.41" 777 777
P225 3.90" 74 74 74 79 79 74 74 74 79 79 79
P220R DAK, P226R DAK bobbed hammer w/light
4.41" 277 277 1774 1774 277 277 774 774 774 774 774
P226DAO,P220DAO 4.41" 77 77 77 177 777 777 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
P226afterS/N365426(widetriggerguard) 4.41" 777 777
P220R Compact 3.75" 74 74 774 774
P228 3.90" 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74
P228R 3.90" X
P229 3.90" 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74
Page 3
Safariland Part 1 Duty Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
P229R DASA spurred hammer w/light rails 3.90" 744 744 744 744 74 74 74 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 X
P229R DAK bobbed hammer w/light rails 3.90" 1744 1744 174 174 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 X
P239 (will only fit 9mm as of manufactured date
3.625" 75 75 75 75 75
P239 caliber 40 & 357 3.625" 75 754 754 75 75
P239 DAK 3.625" 75 75
P250 DC 3 7/8" 750 750 X
SIGProSP2340,2009 3.875" 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78
SIGPro SPC2009-wlightmountrails 3.50" 278 278 X
P2022spurred hammer 3.87" 278 278 278 278 278 278 X
Sig Arms GSR Revolution 1911 5.00" 256 256
Smith&Wesson 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
39 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
59 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
410 4.00" 19 19
411 4.00" 140 140 140 140 140
439 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
459 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
469 3.50" 20 20 20
639 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
645 5.00" 23 23 23 210 210
659 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
669 3.50" 20 20 20
909 4.00" 19
910 4.00" 19
915 4.00" 140 140 140 18
1006 5.00" 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
1026 5.00" 210 210 210 210 210
1066 4.25" 410 315 315
1076 4.25" 310 310 310
1086 4.25" 410 410 410
3904 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
3906 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
3913 3.50" 20 20 20
Smith&Wesson 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
3953 3.50" 240 240 240 420 218 218
4006 4.00" 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140
4006 Bobbed Hammer without Light Rails 4.00" 200CHP-140 2005CHP-140 6280CHP-140 6285CHP-140
4013 3.50" 423 540
4026 4.00" 140 140 140 140 140
4043 4.00" 140 140
4046 4.00" 240 240 240 440 240 240 140 140 140 140 140 140
4053 3.50" 410 340 340
4506 5.00" 23 23 23 23 210 210
4526 5.00" 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
4536 3.75" 423
4556 3.75" 410
4566 4.25" 410 315 315 210 210
4576 4.25" 310 310 310
4586 4.25" 410 410 410 210
5903 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18 140 140 140 18 18
5904 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18 140 140 140 18 18
5923 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
5924 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
5926 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
6904 3.50" 20 20 20 20
6924 3.50" 20 20 20 20
Page 4
Safariland Part 1 Duty Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
6926 3.50" 20 20 20 20
39533954 3.50" 240 240 240 420 420 218 218 321
3913LS 3.50" 20 20 20
3913NL 3.50" 20 20 20
3913TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 20 20
3914LS 3.50" 20 20 20
3953TSW 3.50" 240 240 240 420
3953TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 240 240 240 420 420
4006TSW w/PICATINNY Rails, 4006TSW w/STD.
4.00" 141 141 141 141 X
4003TSW,4006TSW (manufacturing date of
4603),4043TSW,4046TSW(with rails)
4.00" 140 520 520 140 140
4013TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 20 20 20
4053TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 240 240 240 420
4056TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 240 240 240 420
4506-1 5.00" 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
Smith&Wesson 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
4513TSW w/ light rails 3.50" 423
4513TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 423 423
4516-1Ver.II.4516-2 3.75" 423 423
4553TSW ( 6-1/2" Over All Slide Length) N/A for
size 6-3/4" Over All Slide Length
3.75" 610 610
4553TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 410 410 410
4563TSW,4566TSW,4583TSW,4586TSW(with rails) 4.25" 430 210 210
5903TSW,5906TSW (manufacturing date of 4603)
,5943TSW,5946TSW(with rails)
4.00" 140 520 520 140 140
5946 & 5943 DAO Without Rails 4.00" 320 320 320 320
5906lgtriggrd 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18
5906shrttriggrd 4.00" 140 140 140 18 18 140 140 140 18 18
5943shrttriggrd 4.00" 240 240 240 420 420 218 218 140 140
5944shrttriggrd 4.00" 240 240 240 420 420 218 218 140 140
5946lgtriggrd 4.00" 240 240 240 218 218
5946shrttriggrd 4.00" 240 240 240 420 420 218 218 140 140 18 18
6906lgtriggrd 3.50" 20 20
6906shrttriggrd 3.50" 20 20 20 20
6944shrttriggrd 3.50" 240 240 240 420 420 218 218
6946lgtriggrd 3.50" 240 240 240 218 218
6946shrttriggrd 3.50" 240 240 240 420 420 218 218
Sigma40,9mm 4.50" 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Smith&Wesson 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
Sigma9C,40C,40V,9V,9E 4.00" 39 40 40 40 40 40
Sigma9F,40F 4.50" 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Smith&Wesson 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
SW99 9mm & .40 4.00" 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84
SW99 45ACP 4.25" 86 86
SW M&P 9mm & .40 with & without thumb safety 4.50" 619 619 219 219 219 219 219 219 X
SW M&P 9mm & .40 with thumb safety 4.50" 619 619 619 619 619 619
SW M&P 9C & 40C with thumb safety 3.375" 719 719
S&W M&P .45 without thumb safety 4.50" 519 519 419 419 419 419 X
S&W M&P .45 with or without thumb safety 4.50" 519 519 519 519 519 519 X
1911 5.00" 53 53 53 53
1911 w/ Tactical Rails 5.00" 56 56 56 56 X
Sphinx 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
3000 cocked and locked or with hammer down 3.75" 182 182
3000 cocked and locked or with hammer down 4.50" 182 182
SpringfieldArmory 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
Page 5
Safariland Part 1 Duty Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
Model1911-A1 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Operator1911-A1 5.00" 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 X
XD 9mm, .40, .45, & .357 4.00" 148 148 148 148 148 148 X
XD 9, 40, 45 and .357 5.00" 149 149 149 149 149 149 X
XDM 9mm & .40 4.50" 149 149 149 149 149 149
Stinger 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
S-200 164 164 164 164
STI/SVI 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
1911 with rails 5.00" 56 56 56 56 X
1911 without rails 5.00" 53 53
STI Tactical 5.00" 56 56 56 56
Steyr 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
M40 4.00" 98 98
Taser International 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
Advanced Taser M26 63 63 63 63 63
X26 64 64 64 64 64
Taurus 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
24/7 w/accy rails 4.00" 40 40 40 X
PT92, PT99C 5.00" 73 73 73 73 73
PT99 5.00" 73 73 73 73 73
PT99C 4.00" 73 73 73 73 73
PT92C 4.00" 73 73 73 73 73
Walther 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
P5 3.50" 87 87 87
P99 4.00" 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84
P99QA 4.00" 84 84 84 84
P99C QA 3 3/8" 84 84 84 84
Wilson 2 200 2005 295 2955 519 520 070 0705 284 6280 6285 6320 6325 6351 6360 6365 6520 6070 6075 6270 6275 6295 62955 RLS
1911 CQB w/light rail 5.00" 56 56 56 56 X
1911 4 7/8" 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Although Safariland has attempted to provide accurate information regarding which specific holster models were designed to accommodate specifically identified handguns, human error such as typographical mistakes can and do occur.
Therefore, Safariland disclaims any responsibility or liability for, or the consequences resulting from, such errors and urges any user of this information to personally check for holster/handgun compatibility using the actual product.
The RLS will also fit Shotguns & Long Guns with Picatinny Light Rails
Most Handguns with Standard Light Rails
N/A for Handguns without Light Rails
Page 6
Safariland PT 3 DG Duty and Tactical Holsters with Lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Pistols w/light
Note: Items with an X by the gun description fit with or with out a light X
Gun Mnfg. / Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
Hardballer w/Sure-Fire 6V #610R 5.00" 536 536
Hardballer w/Sure-Fire 3V #310 5.00" 533 533
Beretta 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
92 F w/ITI mount Streamlight M3/M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon 4.90" 7321 7321 7321 7321
NOTE: Holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
92 Brigadier FS w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.90" 733 733
92 Brigadier FS w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 731 731
92 F w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.90" 733 733
92 F w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 731 731
92 FS w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.90" 733 733
92 FS w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 731 731
92 FC w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.90" 733 733
92 FC w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.30" 731 731
92 G w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.30" 733 733
92 G w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 731 731
92 FCM w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.30" 733 733
92 FCM w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.30" 731 731
92 FS Centurion w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.30" 733 733
92 FS Centurion w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.30" 731 731
92F, 92FS, 92B 92 Brigader w/Surefire P116 4.90" 736 736 736 736
92F w/Surefire MR-11 adapter & Surefire X200 or X300 4.90" 73421 73421 73421 73421
92D w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 1731 1731
92 DS w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 1731 1731
92DM w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 1731 1731
96 Centurion w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.30" 733 733
96 Centurion w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.30" 731 731
96D w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 1731 1731
96DS w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 1731 1731
96 Brigadier w/Sure-Fire 6V #633R 4.90" 731 731
96 Brigadier w/Sure-Fire 3V CLASSIC #333R 4.90" 733 733
96 Brigadier G w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.90" 733 733
96 Brigadier G w/Sure-Fire 6V #633R 4.90" 731 731
Beretta 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
96D w/Sure-Fire 6V #633R 4.90" 1731 1731
96 Brigadier D w/Sure-Fire 6V #633R 4.90" 1731 1731
96 w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 731 731
96 G w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 731 731
96 w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.90" 733 733
96G w/Sure-Fire 3v CLASSIC #333 4.90" 733 733
96 DC w/Sure-Fire 6v #633R 4.90" 1731 1731
92FS, 92G,96 w/option OC Delivery System 4.90" 732
92F w/ ITI M3X Light or ITI SSL-1 4.90" 7311 7311
92,Sure-Fire Nitrolon Light P116C,P116D, P116 NOTE: Holster will retain
X 4.90" 736 736 736 736
weapon without light attached
92/96 Vertec w/ Surefire Nitorlon P001 light 4.70" 7346 7346 7346 7346
Vertec 92F, 96 w/ M3, M6, M3 LED IT Tactical Illuminator Light, Streamlight
4.70" 73421 73421 73421 73421
TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon
PX4 Storm 9mm & .40 with ITI M3, M6, Insight XTI Procyon, TLR-1, TLR-2,
4.00" 18021 18021 18021 18021
Surefire X200 or X300 lights
Caspian 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
1911 w/Military mount M3X/M6X light 5.00" 5322 5322
1911 w/Dawson light adaptor w/Surefire Military 6V light system (Model
5.00" 538 538
1911 w/ Military Mount w/ Beamshot Light Model 8800 5.00" 5322 5322 5322 5322
Colt 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
Combat Elite w/Sure Fire 3V #310 5.00" 533 533
Combat Elite w/Sure Fire 6V #610R 5.00" 536 536
Combat Target w/Sure Fire 3V #310 5.00" 533 533
Delta Elite w/Sure Fire 3V #310 5.00" 533 533
Delta Elite w/Sure Fire 6V Light #610R 5.00" 536 536
Delta Gold Cup w/Sure Fire 3V Light #310 5.00" 533 533
Delta Gold Cup w/Sure Fire 6V Light#610R 5.00" 536 536
Gld Cup Nt'l Match w/Sure Fire3V Light#310 5.00" 533 533
Gld Cup Nt'l Match w/Sure Fire 6V Light#610R 5.00" 536 536
1911-A1 Non Rail, w/Surefire mount MR07, w/Surefire X200 Light or X300 5.00" 530 530 530 530
Gov't. 1911 w/Sure-Fire 3v #310 5.00" 533 533
Gov't. 1911 w/Sure-Fire 6v #610R 5.00" 536 536
FN 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
Page 1
Safariland PT 3 DG Duty and Tactical Holsters with Lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Mnfg. / Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
Five-Seven w/ Tactical Illuminator light refire M3, M6, M3 LED or Insight XTI
4.80" 6121 6121 6121 6121
Procyon N/A for M3X/M6X. Or Streamlight TLR-1 and TLR-2. Note:
holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
Glock 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
17, 22 w/ Surefire X200 or X300 4.50" 836 836 836 836
17, 22 W/ITI Streamlight M3, M3X, TLR-1, Surefire X200, X300, SSL-1, LAS
X 4.50" 832 832 832 832 832 832
TAC 2, or Insight XTI ProcyonNOTE: Holster will retain weapon without
37 with Glock Tactical Light, GTL 10 (light only) 4.50" 7837 7837 7837 7837
17, 22, 31w/Glock Tactical Light Systems: GTL 10 (light only), GTL21,GTL22
4.50" 8310 8310 8310 8310
(light laser combo), GTL51 (light/laser combination), GTL52(light/laser with
dim-switch) Note:holster will not retain weapon without light attached
17, 22, 31 w/ITI Streamlight M3 or Insight XTI ProcyonNOTE: Holster will
X 4.50" 832 832 832 832 832 832 832 832 832
retain weapon without light attached
17, 22, 31 with Beamshot Model 8000 or Model 8100 4.50 8312 8312 8312 8312
17, 22, 31 w/Insight Technology Streamlight M3X/M6X 4.50" 8312 8312 8312 8312
17, 22, 31 w/Sure Fire P111, P111C or P111D with trigger guard rail mount
X 4.50" 830 830 830 830
NOTE: Holster will retain weapon without light attached
17, 22, 31 w/ITI LAM UNIT 4.50" 835 835 835 835
17, 22, 31 w/Glock Tactical Light 4.50" 837 837 837 837
17, 22, 31,23 M3, M6, M3 LED IT Tactical Light, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2,
4.50" 8321 8321 8321 8321
or Insight XTI Procyon
Glock 17/22 4.50" BBL with the Oerlikon Contraves LLM-01 Module with
4.50" 8341 8341 8341 8341
17, 22, 31 w/ Oerlikon LAM Module (#LLMO1) 4.50" 834 834
17, 19, 22, 23 w/Sure-Fire 6v #644R 4.00" 831 831
19,19C,23,23C w/ Surefire X200 or X300 4.00" 2830 2830 2830 2830
19,19C,23,23C,25,32, 32C with ITI Streamlight M3, TLR-1 or Insight XTI X 4.00" 2832 2832 2832 2832
Procyon NOTE: Holster will reatin weapon without light attached
19, 23 with ITI M3, M3X, TLR-1, Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2, SSL-1,
4.00" 2832 2832 2832 2832 2832 2832 2832 2832
or XTI Procyon Light
19, 23 w/Glock Tactical Light Systems: GTL 10 (light onlyNote: N/A: for
Glock light system GTL21,GTL22 (light laser combo) Note: holster will 4.00" 2837 2837 2837 2837
not retain weapon without light attached
20, 21 w/STD Glock Rails with ITI M3, M3X, TLR-1, SSL-1, Surefire X200,
4.60" 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832
X300, LAS-TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon
20, 21 with ITI Streamlight M3 light or Insight XTI Procyon
NOTE: Holster
X 4.50" 3832 3832 3832 3832
will retain weapon without light attached
20,21, w/STD Glock Rails w/Glock Tactical light, GTL 10 (light only) 4.60" 3837 3837 3837 3837
21SF w/STD Glock Rails w/Glock Tactical light, GTL 10 (light only) 4.60" 3837 3837 3837 3837
20, 21 w/STD Glock Rails w/Sure-Fire Millennium 9V, #
4.60" 3839 3839 3839 3839
M111,M111C,M111D w/trigger guard light rail mount
20, 21, w/STD Glock Rails with Surefire X200 light or X300Note: holster
4.60" 3830 3830 3830 3830
will not retain weapon without light attached
21SF w/STD Glock Rails with Surefire X200 light or X300Note: holster will
4.60" 3830 3830 3830 3830
not retain weapon without light attached
20, 20C, 21, 21C w/Streamlight M3, M6, M3 LED, or Insight XTI Procyon
Note: holsters listed will not retain the handgun without the light 38321 38321 38321 38321
20,21 w/STD Glock Rails w/Laser/Tac 2 (6v) from Laser Device Inc.Or
4.50" 38321 38321 38321 38321
Streamlight TLR-1 and TLR-2
21SF w/STD Glock Rails w/Laser Device Inc, Laser-Tac 2 (6V) Or
4.60" 38321 38321 38321 38321
Streamlight TLR-1
20, 21 w/Standard Glock Rails w/Sure-Fire 6V Light #645AR 4.60" 3831 3831
21SF w/STD Glock Rails with Surefire 6V light #645AR 4.60" 3831 3831
21SF w/STD Glock Rails with Streamlight M3, M6, M3 LED, or Insight XT
Procyon. Note: holsters will not retain weapon without the light 38321 38321 38321 38321
Glock 20 & 21SF with Dual Magazine Release with ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-
4.50" 938321 938321 938321 938321
2, Insight XTI Procyon, Surefire X200 or X300 lights
34, 35 w/ITI Streamlight M3 or Insight XTI ProcyonNOTE: Holster will
X 5.32" 6832 6832 6832 6832
retain weapon without light attached
34, 35 w/IT Tactical Illuminator Light M3, M6, M3 LED, TLR-1, TLR-2, o
Insight XTI Procyon Note: N/A for M3X/M6X. Note: holster will not 5.30" 68321 68321 68321 68321
retain weapon without light attached.
37 with ITI M3, M3X, TLR-1, SSL-1, Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2, or
4.50" 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832
Insight XTI Procyon
37 with ITI M3, TLR-1, Surefire X200 or X300 4.50" 7832 7832 7832 7832
Heckler & Koch 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
USP 9, 40 w/H&K Light(UTL) 4.25" 932 932 932
USP 9, 40 w/ Surefire Mount and Surefire P105 / P115 Light 4.25" 1936 1936 1936 1936
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Safariland PT 3 DG Duty and Tactical Holsters with Lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Mnfg. / Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
USP 9, 40 w/Sure Fire 6V Light Classic #609R 4.25" 931 931
USP 9, 40 w/H&K USP Light Cocked & Locked Only 4.25" 922 922
USP 9, 40 w/LAS/TAC 6V Light by Laser 4.25" 917 917 917 917
USP 9, 40 w/BA-5 Laser by Laser devices 4.25" 918 918 918 918
USP 9, 40 w/ OERILIKON LIGHT (LLM-R) 4.25" 914
USP 9, 40 "Hammer down or Cocked and locked" w/B &T Adapter and IT
Tactical light M3, M6, M3 LED, or Insight XTI Procyon.Note: The Holster 4.25" 9221 9221 9221 9221
will not retain weapon without light attached.
USP 9, 40 D.A.O. w/Surefire mount w/ Insight Technology M3X or M6X ligh
or ITI SSL-1. Note: Holster will not retain weapon without light 4.25" 19312 19312 19312 19312
USP 9, 40, 45 W/ HK USP Light Hammer Down N/A for DA only 4.25"
HK USP 40C with G&G Slime Rail Adapter and Insight Technology M3, M6,
M3X LED Tactical Illuminator Light, ITI SSL-1, or Insight XTI Procyon.
3.58" 29111 29111 29111 29111
Bobbed Hammer Only Note: N/A for M6X Note: The holsters will not
retain weapon without the light attached
USP 9, USP .40 with Surefire Mount and ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire 4.13" 9321 9321 9321 9321
X200, X300, or Insight XTI Procyon lights
USP 9C, USP .40C Cocked & Locked with Surefire Mount and Surefire 3.58" 2910 2910 2910 2910
X200 or X300 lights
USP 45 LEM (D.A.O. (Bobbed Hammer )) w/Surefire X200 light adapter with
Surefire X200 or X300 light NOTE: Holsters will not retain weapon 4.41" 1930 1930 1930 1930
without the light attached
USP 45 LEM (D.A.O. (Bobbed Hammer)), USP 45 Spurred Hammer
w/Surefire X200 light adapter with Surefire X200 or X300 lightNote: 4.41" 930 930 930 930
Holsters will not retain weapon without the light attached
USP 45 w/H&K Light (UTL) 4.41" 932 932 932
USP 45 w/H&K USP Light Cocked & Locked Only 4.41" 922 922
USP 45 w/Sure Fire 6V Light #CLASSIC 609R 4.41" 931 931
USP .45 with Surefire Mount ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200,
4.41" 9321 9321 9321 9321
X300, or Insight XTI Procyon light
P2000 (U.S. Version) w/ ITI M3/M6 or Insight XTI Procyon Light 3.5" 19721 19721 19721 19721
P2000 (US Version) DAO, Bobbed Hammer, w/Insight Technology M3X 3.66" 9711 9711 9711 9711
P2000 DAO (bobbed Hammer) with B&T adaptor and a Glock Light System:
Models: GTL 10 (light only), GTL21 (light/laser combination),GTL22
3.50" 9710 9710 9710 9710
(light/laser combination),GTL51(light/laser combination), GTL52(light /laser
with dim-switch)
P2000 Europea Version with B & T adapter (TL P2000) with M3/M6 IT
tactical illuminator light, ITI SSL-1, or Insight XTI ProcyonNOTE: Holster 3.50" 9721 9721 9721 9721
will not retain weapon without light attached .
2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
1911 w/rails: Gold Combat RL;Custom TLE/RL w/Surefire X200 or X300 ligh 5.00" 5340 5340 5340 5340
NOTE: Holster will not retain weapon without light attached
CLASSIC CUSTOM w/Sure Fire 3V #310 4.60" 533 533
CUSTOM Royale w/Sure Fire 3V #310 4.60" 533 533
Gold Match w/Sure Fire 3V #310 4.60" 533 533
Gold Combat RL II Warrior w/light rail w/Streamligth M3, M6, M3 LED, or 5.00" 5621 5621 5621 5621
Insight XTI Procyon
Para Ordance 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
P-14 w/Sure Fire 6V Light #310 5.00" 533 533
P-14 w/Sure Fire 6V Light #610R 5.00" 536 536
Sphinx 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
3000 cocked and locked w/ITI LAM light 3.75" 1825 1825 1825 1825
3000 cocked and locked w/ITI LAM light 4.50" 1825 1825 1825 1825
3000 Hammer down or cocked & locked with IT M3X or M6X light NOTE:
3.75" 18212 18212
Holster will not retain weapon without light attached
3000 Hammer down or cocked & locked with IT M3X or M6X light NOTE:
4.50" 18212 18212
Holster will not retain weapon without light attached
Sig Sauer 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6325 6320
Sig Pro P2022 with Insight TechnologyM3, M6, M3 LED Tactical Illuminator
3.50" 27821 27821 27821 27821
light, ITI SSL-1, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon.Note:
The holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
Sig P220R DAK, P226R DAK (with bobbed hammer) with ITI M3, M6 light, IT
SSL-1, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon. Note: holster will 4.41" 27721 27721 27721 27721
not retain gun without light attached.
Sig P220R DAK, P226R DAK (with bobbed hammer) with Sure-Fire X200 or
X300 Light. Note: Holster will not retain weapon without light 4.41" 2770 2770 2770 2770
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Safariland PT 3 DG Duty and Tactical Holsters with Lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Mnfg. / Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
P229 w/ ITI mount and ITI M3X light 3.86" 7411 7411
P229R DASA (Spurred Hammer) with accy rails with M3, M6 or M3 LED
3.90" 74421 74421 74421 74421
light, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon.NOTE: Holster will
not retain weapon without light attached. N/A M3X, M6X.
P229 R DAK with Light Rails; Bobbed Hammer with IT Tactical Illuminato
Light M3, M6, M3 LED, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, or Insight XTI Procyon. 17421 17421 17421 17421
NOTE: The Holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
P229R DAK Bobbed Hammer w/ Insight Technology M3X or M6X light.
3.9" 17412 17412 17412 17412
NOTE: Holster will not retain pistol without light attached.
P229 R DAK w/bobbed hammer with Surefire X200 or X300 lightNOTE: The
3.9" 1740 1740 1740 1740
Holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
P229R DASA w/Spurred Hammer w/Surefire X200 or X300 LightNOTE:
3.9" 7440 7440 7440 7440
Holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
P226 (full size hammer) with Insight Technology Mount (ITI), Streamligh
Tactical Illuminator Light ModelM3, M6, M3 LED, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2
4.41" 7721 7721 7721 7721
or Insight XTI Procyon. NOTE: Holsters will not retain weapon without
the light attached.
P220, P226 w/Sure-Fire 3v #314, #332 4.41" 773 773
P220, P226 w/Sure-Fire 6v #614R,# 632R 4.41" 771 771
P220, P226 w/Sure-Fire 6v & 3V w/LAS TACT LIGHT LASER HOUSING
4.41" 772 772
P220, P226 w/Sure-Fire Military Series Light W113,W113C,W113D &
W114,W114C,W114D NOTE: Holster will retain weapon without light X 4.41" 778 778 778 778
P220R,P220S P226S,P226SO,P226R w/Accy Rails (DASA Spurred
4.41" 7746 7746 7746 7746
Hammer) w/#P004 Light
P220R,P220S P226S,P226SO,P226R w/Accy Rails (DASA Spurred
Hammer) w/M3, M6 IT Tac Illuminator Light, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, or 4.41" 77421 77421 77421 77421
Insight XTI Procyon.
P220R,P226R (DASA Spurred Hammer) w/Insight Technology Streamligh
M3X or M6X Tac Illuminator Light or Surefire X400 lightNOTE: Holster will 4.41" 77412 77412 77412 77412
not retain weapon without light attached
P220SO,P220ST,P220R,P226R (DASA Spurred Hammer) w/Sure Fire
X200 or X300 Light NOTE: Holster will not retain weapon without light 4.41" 7740 7740 7740 7740
P220, P226 with Beamshot Model 8000 or Model 8100 4.41" 7712 7712 7712 7712
P220, P226 with IT Mount and Insight Technology M3X, M6X.NOTE: The
4.41" 7712 7712 7712 7712
Holster will not retain weapon without light attached.
P225, P228, 229 w/Sure-Fire 6v #640R 3.9" 741 741
P226 w/ITI LAM UNIT NOTE: Holster will retain weapon without light
X 4.41" 775 775
P226 w/Sure-Fire Millennium Light , M114C, M114D, M114NOTE: Holster
X 4.41" 779 779
will retain weapon without light attached
P226 w/Sure-Fire NITROLON P113,P113C,P113D& P114,P114C,P114D X 4.41" 776 776 778 778
NOTE: Holster will retain weapon without light attached
P220R P226R (DASA Spurred Hammer) w/Accy Rails w/Laser/Tatical 2 (6v)
from Laser Device Inc. Insight Technology Mount (ITI), Streamlight Tactical 77421 77421 77421 77421
Illuminator Litght Model M3, M6, M3 LED, or Insight XTI Procyon
Sig Pro SP 2340 LDI Laser #20872 or LDI LASER #20871 3.9" 782 782
Sig Pro SPC 2009 w/Sig metal rail adaptor and IT streamilight M3 tactica
illuminator light or Insight XTI ProcyonNOTE: The holster will not retain 3.5" 2782 2782 2782 2782
weapon without light attached.
1911 GSR w/ ITI M3, M6, Streamlight TLR-1, TLR-2, Surefire X200, X300,
SSL-1, or Insight XTI Procyon NOTE: Holster will NOT retain weapon 5.00" 25621 25621 25621 25621
without light attached
P226 with Surefire MR14 Rail & Surefire X200 or X300 light. Note: Right 4.41" 7700 7700 7700 7700
Handed Holsters will accomadate LASER GRIPS
Smith & Wesson 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
4006TSW, 4046TSW w/ITI M5 Streamlight Light 4.00" 1402 1402 1402 1402
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Safariland PT 3 DG Duty and Tactical Holsters with Lights-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Mnfg. / Model BBL. 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
4006TSW Bobbed Hammer w/STD S&W Rails & Streamlight M5 or TLR-1
OR 4006TSW Bobbed Hammer w/Picatinny Rails & Streamlight M5 or TLR- 4.00" 6004CHP-1402 6280CHP-1402
4506-1 w/Sure Fire 6V Light 5.00" 2101 2101
5906TSW, 5946 w/M5 ITI Streamlight Light 4.00" 1402 1402 1402 1402
4566 TSW w/light rails and ITI Streamlight M5 4.125" 4302 4302 4302 4302
4566TSW w/Picatinny Rails & ITI M3, TLR-1, Surefire X200, X300, or LAS-
4.25" 4302 4302 4302 4302 4302 4302 4302 4302
TAC 2, or ITI SSL-1 lights
99 W/ITI Steamlight M5 4.00" 842 842 842
SW M&P 9mm & .40 W/ M3, M6 IT Tactical Illuminator, Streamlight TRL-1,
4.50" 21921 21921 21921 21921
TRL-2, or Insight XTI Procyon
Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm & 40mm with ITI M3, M3X, SSL-1, TLR-1,
4.50" 2192 2912 2192 2192 2192 2192 2192 2192
Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon
S&W M&P .45 without manual safeties with ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR-2,
4.50" 4192 4192 4192 4192 4192 4192 4192 4192
Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon lights
S&W M&P .45 with or without manual safeties with ITI M3, M6, TLR-1, TLR- 4.50" 51921 51921 51921 51921 5192 5192 5192 5192 5192 5192 5192 5192
2, Surefire X200, X300, LAS-TAC 2, or Insight XTI Procyon lights
Springfield Armory 2 200 2005 295 2955 070 0705 6004 6005 284 6280 6285 6360 6365 6304 6305 6354 6355 6320 6325
1911 Operator w/Laser/Tac 2 (6v) from Laser Device Inc. Or
5.00" 5621 5621 5621 5621
Streamlight TLR-1 and TLR-2.
1911 w/rails: Operator w/Surefire X200 or X300 light NOTE: Holster will
5.00" 5340 5340 5340 5340
not retain weapon without light attached
1911-A1 w/Sure Fire 3V Light#310 5.00" 533 533
1911-A1 w/Sure Fire 6V Light#610R 5.00" 536 536
1911-A1 Non Rail, w/Surefire mount MR07, w/Surefire X200 or X300 Light 5.00" 530 530 530 530
Page 5
Safariland Part 2 Tactical Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
AMT BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
Hardballer 5.00" 53 53
Beretta BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
84FS 3.80" 62 62
92/96Vertec M9A1 4.70" 73 73 73 73
92/96 Vertec w/light rail
N/A for Double Action 4.70" 734 734
Bobbed Hammer
90 Two Note: Weapon
will not fit in Holster
4.78" 73 73
with the accessory rail
cover attached.
92BrigadierD 4.90" 173 173 373 373
92BrigadierFS 4.90" 73 73 373 373
92D 4.90" 173 173 73 73 73 73 73 73
92DM 4.30" 173 173
92DS 4.90" 173 173 73 73 73 73 73 73
92F 4.90" 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
92FC 4.30" 73 73
92FCDA 4.30" 173 173
92FCM 4.30" 73 73
92FS 4.90" 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
92FSCenturion 4.30" 73 73
92G 4.90" 73 73 73 73 73 73
92G Elite 4.90" 373 373
96 4.90" 73 73 73 73 73 73
96BrigadierD 4.90" 173 173 373 373
96BrigadierG 4.90" 73 73 73 73
96Centurion 4.30" 73 73
96D 4.90" 173 173 73 73 73 73 73 73
96DC 4.30" 173 173
96DS 4.90" 173 173 73 73 73 73 73 73
96DSBrigadierD 4.90" 173 173
96F, 96FS 4.90" 73 73 73 73
96G 4.90" 73 73 73 73 73 73
Page 1
Safariland Part 2 Tactical Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
96G SD, 92G SD 4.90" 73 73 73 73 73 73
Cougar 8000,8040
Cougar D DAO
3.60" 71 71
Cougar 8000,8040
Cougar G, F, D
Cougar8045F 3.60" 71 71
Cougar8357 3.60" 71 71
M9 4.90" 73 73 73 73
PX4 Storm DASA or DAO
N/A for .45
4.00" 180 180 180 180
PX4 Storm .45ACP 4.10" 185 185 185 185
Browning 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
HighPower9mm 4.66" 76 76
HighPower9mm-to be
carried with hammer 4.75 1376 1376
Colt 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
CombatElite 5.00" 53 53
DeltaElite 5.00" 53 53
DeltaGoldCup 5.00" 53 53
GoldCupNt'lMatch 5.00" 53 53
Government1911 5.00" 53 53 53 53 53 53
CZ 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
75,85 4.50" 90 90
75 P-01 3.80" 290 290
EAA 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
Witness 9mm, 40SW,
Sport 9mm, Sport 40SW
4.50" 90 90
Page 2
Safariland Part 2 Tactical Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
17 & 22, Dual Mag
4.50" 983 983 983 983 983 983
19,19C,23,23C,25,32 4.00" 283 283 283 283 283 283 83 83
19 & 23, Dual Mag
4.00" 9283 9283
20,20C,21,21C 4.60" 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383
21SF w/STD Glock Rails 4.60" 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383
21SF w/Picatinny Rails 4.60" 383 383
26,27,33,28 3.50" 283 283
29,30 3.78" 483 483 483 483
34,35 5.32" 683 683 683 683 683 683 683 683
36 3.75" 283 283
37 4.50" 783 783 783 783 783 783 383 383
P7 4.10" 82 82
Heckler&Koch 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
P7M8 4.10" 82 82
P7M13 4.10" 82 82
P30 DAO 3.78" 295 295 295 295 295 295
P2000 3.50" 97 97 97 97
P2000 European Version
w/light mount frame
3.62" 97 97 97 97
Page 3
Safariland Part 2 Tactical Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
USP45 4.41" 93 93 93 93
USP45 Compact .45ACP 3.8" 293 293
USP45 Cocked & Locked
4.41" 92 92
USP45 Tactical 5.08"
USP40 Expert, USP45
5.20" 96 96
MK23 5.87" 94 94
HK 45 4.60" 393 393
HSAmerica 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
HS2000 9MM, 40, 357 4.00" 148 148
Kimber 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
KIP45CUS 5.00" 53 53
Gold Combat RL II,
Warrior ( w/light rail)
5.00" 56 56 56 56 56 56
ParaOrdance 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
14.45LDA 5.00" 53 53
14.45LDALTD 5.00" 53 53
14.45LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53
14.45LDASS 5.00" 53 53
16.40LDALTD 5.00" 53 53
16.40LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53
18.9LDA 5.00" 53 53
18.9LDASS 5.00" 53 53
7.45LDA 5.00" 53 53
7.45LDALTD 5.00" 53 53
7.45LDALTDSS 5.00" 53 53
7.45LDASS 5.00" 53 53
P14-45 5.00" 53 53
P14-45LTD 5.00" 53 53
P14-45LTDSS 5.00" 53 53
P14-45SS 5.00" 53 53
P16-40 5.00" 53 53
P16-40LTDSS 5.00" 53 53
P16-40SS 5.00" 53 53
Page 4
Safariland Part 2 Tactical Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
P18-9 5.00" 53 53
SigSauer 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
P220 before gun serial
number (G158180),P226
before serial gun number
4.41" 77 77 77 77 77 77
4.41" 77 77 774 77
4.41" 777 77
P225 3.90" 74 74 79 79 79 79
P220R DAK, P226R DAK
bobbed hammer w/light 4.41" 277 277 774 774 774 774
P226DAO,P220DAO 4.41" 77 77 77 77 77 77
P220R Compact 3.75" 74 74 774 774
P228 3.90" 74 74 74 74 74 74 74
P229 3.90" 74 74 74 74 74 74 744 744
P229R DASA spurred
hammer w/light rails
3.90" 74 74 744 744 744 744 744 744
P229R DAK bobbed
hammer w/light rails
3.90" 174 174 744 744 744 744
P239 (will only fit 9mm
as of manufactured 3.625" 75 75
date 4603)
Page 5
Safariland Part 2 Tactical Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
Smith&Wesson 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
645 5.00" 210 210
1006 5.00" 210 210
4006 4.00" 140 140 140 140
4043 4.00" 140 140
4046 4.00" 140 140 140 140
4506 5.00" 210 210
4526 5.00" 210 210
4566 4.25" 210 210
4586 4.25" 210 210
5903 4.00" 140 140 18 18
5904 4.00" 140 140 18 18
6904 3.50" 20 20
6924 3.50" 20 20
6926 3.50" 20 20
Rails, 4006TSW w/STD.
4.00" 141 141
4013TSW w/o lightmnt 3.50" 20 20
4506-1 5.00" 210 210
Smith&Wesson 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
3TSW,4586TSW(with 4.25" 210 210
5906shrttriggrd 4.00" 140 140 18 18
5943shrttriggrd 4.00" 140 140
5944shrttriggrd 4.00" 140 140
5946shrttriggrd 4.00" 140 140 18 18
5946 & 5493 DAO
without Rails
4.00" 320 320 320 320
6906lgtriggrd 3.50" 20 20
6906shrttriggrd 3.50" 20 20
Sigma40,9mm 4.50" 40 40
Smith&Wesson 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
Page 6
Safariland Part 2 Tactical Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
Sigma9C,40C,40V,9V,9E 4.00" 40 40
Sigma9F,40F 4.50" 40 40
Smith&Wesson 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
SW99 9mm & .40 4.00" 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84
SW99 45ACP 4.25" 86 86
S&W M&P 9mm &.40 4.50" 219 219 219 219 219 219
S&W M&P 9 & .40 with
thumb safety
4.50" 619 619 619 619 619 619
S&W M&P 9C & .40C
without thumb safety
3.375" 219 219 219 219
S&W M&P 9C & .40C
with thumb safety
3.375" 719 719
S&W M&P .45 without
thumb safety
4.50" 519 519 419 419 419 419
S&W M&P .45 with or
without thumb safety
4.50" 519 519 519 519 519 519
1911 5.00" 53 53 53 53
1911 w/ Tactical Rails 5.00" 56 56 56 56
Sphinx 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
Page 7
Safariland Part 2 Tactical Holsters-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6004 6005 6304 6305 6354 6355 6074 6274
3000 cocked and locked
or with hammer down
3.75" 182 182
Therefore, Safariland disclaims any responsibility or liability for, or the consequences resulting from, such errors and urges any user of this information to personally check for holster/handgun compatibility using the actual product.
Page 8
Safariland Part 7 Nylok Holsters, Nylok Mags and Raptor Mags-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Page 1
Safariland Part 7 Nylok Holsters, Nylok Mags and Raptor Mags-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4052 4062 4078
4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
BERSA (Argentina) 4052 4062 4078
4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
95, Thunder .380 7-shot 3.50" 72 72 72 72 1 89
Thunder .22 LR 10 shot 3.50" 72 72 72 72 1 89
Thunder .380 Plus 10 shot 3.50" 72 72 72 72 20 383 20 383 83 83
Thunder 9 4.00" 18 18 18
18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
BROLIN 4052 4062 4078
4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Legend L45 Standard 5.00" 53 23 53
53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Legend L45C Compact 4.00" 53 18 51
51 18 2 53 383 53 383 83 83
BROWNING 4052 4062 4078
4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Baby Browning .25 2.13" 55 55
BDA .380 3.80" 72 7272 72 1 20 383 20 383 83 83
BDA .45 4.41" 18 1818 77 18 220 383 220 383 83 83
BDM 9mm 4.73" 53 1851 51 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
Buckmark .22 5.50" 58 383 383 83 83
High Power 9mm, .40 4.75" 53 23 53 53 23 76 383 76 383 83 83
COLT 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Commander, Cmbt. Comm. 4.25" 51 18 51 51 18 2 53 383 53 383 83 83
Officer's ACP, 1991 Officer's 3.50" 72 72 72 51 72 1 220 383 220 383 83 83
.25 Auto 2.13" 55 55
1991 Commander 4.25" 51 18 51 51 18 2 53 383 53 383 83 83
2000 9mm 5.00" 23 23 23 23 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
Combat Elite, Delta Elite 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Delta Gold Cup 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Double Eagle 5.00" 23 23 23 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Gold Cup National Match 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Government .380 3.25" 72 72 72 72 1 89
Government 1911, 1911A1 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Government 1991A1 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Mustang, Pocket-Lite, Plus II 2.75" 72 72 72 72 1 89
Woodsman, Huntsman 4.50" 59 383 383 83 83
Woodsman, Huntsman 6.00" 58 383 383 83 83
CZ (Czech Republic) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
70 .32 3.13" 72 72 72 72 1 20 383 20 383 83 83
83 .380 3.80" 72 72 72 72 1 20 383 20 383 83 83
75 Compact 3.94" 18 18 18 18 18 3 20 383 20 383 83 83
75, 75B, 75BD, 85 4.72" 23 23 23 23 23 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
DAEWOO (Korea) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
DP52, DH380 3.80" 72 72 72 72 2 89
DP51C 3.60" 20 20 20 20 18 3 20 383 20 383 83 83
DP51, DH40 4.10" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
DH40 MKII 4.20" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
Page 2
Safariland Part 7 Nylok Holsters, Nylok Mags and Raptor Mags-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4052 4062 4078
4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
EAA (Italy) 4052 4062 4078
4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Witness 4.50" 23 23 23
23 23 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
FEG (Hungary) 4052 4062 4078
4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
MarkIIAPK.380,AP22 3.40" 72 72 72 72 1 89
MarkIIAP.380 3.90" 72 72 72 72 1 89
P9RK 4.00" 18 18 18
18 18 2 76 383 76 383 83 83
P9R 4.75" 23 23 23
23 23 76 383 76 383 83 83
4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Baby Browning .25 2.13" 55 55 2
FNP-9/BROWNING PRO-9 3.875" 20 20 383 18 2 76 383 83
High Power 9mm, .40 4.75" 53 23 53 53 23 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
GLOCK (Austria) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
17,22,31 4.49" 18 18 18 77 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
19,23 4.02" 20 20 20 74 18 3 20 383 20 383 83 83
20,21 4.60" 18 18 18 383 18 3 383 383 383 383 383 383
26,27 3.46" 20 20 20 74 18 183 2 383
29,30 3.78" 20 20 20 383 18 2 383 383 383 383
34,35 5.32" 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
36 3.75" 20 20 20 2
37 4.50" 18 18 18 383 18 2 76 383 76 76 83 83
39 3.375" 72 20 20 183 01
HECKLER & KOCH (Germany) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
P7,P7M8 4.13" 20 20 20 74 18 3 220 383 220 383 83 83
P7M10,P7M13 4.13" 20 20 20 74 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
P2000 (12 Round Magazine) 76 383 76 83 83 83
P30 20 20 20 20
USP45 4.41" 18 18 18 91 18 3 383 383 383 383 383 383
USP45Compact.45ACP 3.8" 20 20 20 18 3 383 383 383 383 383 383
USP9,40 4.25" 18 18 18 91 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
USP9C,40C 3.58" 20 20 20 18 3 383 76 383 83 83
HERITAGE 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Stealth 9mm, .40 cal. 4.13" 20 20 20 18 20 383 20 383 83 83
HIGH STANDARD 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
SportKing 4.50" 59 383 383 83 83
SharpShooter,Citation 5.50" 58 383 383 83 83
SportKing 6.75" 57 383 383 83 83
Citation,Trophy 7.25" 57 383 383 83 83
HS America 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
HS 2000 9MM 4.00" 383 20 20 76 383 76 383 83 83
Page 3
Safariland Part 7 Nylok Holsters, Nylok Mags and Raptor Mags-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
BallesterMolina 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 53 383 53 383 83 83
FMHi-Power9mm 4.75" 53 23 53 53 23 76 383 76 383 83 83
FM Hi-Power Detective Model 3.80" 53 20 51 51 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
INTRATEC 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
CAT 9, .40. 45 3.25" 20 20 183 18 383 383 83 83
KAHR ARMS 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
MK9 3.00" 72 72 72 72 1 89 83 83
E9, K9, K40, Lady Kahr 3.50" 72 72 72 72 1 89 83 83
KAREEN (Israel)+A151 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
MK II 9mm 4.75" 53 23 53 53 23 76 383 76 383 83 83
KBI INC 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Baikal Russian Makarov IJ-70 3.58" 72 72 72 72 89
PMK/S.380 3.40" 72 72 72 72 89
PMK.380 3.90" 72 72 72 72 89
FEGGKK-45 4.67" 23 23 23 23 23 53 383 53 383 83 83
FEGPJK-9HP9mm 4.75" 53 23 53 53 23 76 383 76 383 83 83
FEGSMC-380,SMC-22 3.50" 72 72 72 72 89
PSP-25(FNBabyBrowning) 2.13" 55 55
KEL-TEC 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
P-11 9mm 3.10" 20 72 72 72 2 383
KIMBER 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Classic Custom .45 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Custom Royal, Gold Match .45 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 53 383 53 383 83 83
Gold Combat RL II w/light rail 5.00" 23 53 53 23 53 53 53 83 83
LLAMA (Spain) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Compact .45 SA autos 4.25" 53 18 51 51 18 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
MAX-1 Classic, .45 SA autos 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
LORCIN 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
L-25, LT-25 2.40" 55 55
L-32, L-380 3.50" 72 72 72 72 89
L9MM 4.50" 20 20 20 20 18 383 383 83 83
MAADI (Egypt) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
920 9mm 4.90" 23 23 23 23 76 383 76 383 83 83
Helwan Brigadier, Cadet 4.53" 23 23 23 23 53 383 53 383 83 83
MAGNUM RESEARCH (Israel) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Baby Eagle 4.37" 23 23 23 23 23
MAKAROV 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Baikal Russian .380, 9x18mm 3.58" 72 72 72 72 1 89
Bulgarian 9x18mm 3.58" 72 72 72 72 1 89
East German 9x18mm 3.58" 72 72 72 72 1 89
Norinco Chinese 59 .380, 9x18 3.58" 72 72 72 72 1 89
Page 4
Safariland Part 7 Nylok Holsters, Nylok Mags and Raptor Mags-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
MITCHELL ARMS 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Sport King 4.50" 59 383 383 83 83
Sharp Shooter, Citation 5.50" 58 383 383 83 83
Sport King 6.75" 57 383 383 83 83
Monarch 7.25" 57 383 383 83 83
NORINCO (China) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
54-1 Tokarev 4.50" 23 23 23 23 53 383 53 383 83 83
59 Makarov .380, 9x18 3.58" 72 72 72 72 89
1911A1 .45 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 53 383 53 383 83 83
PARA ORDNANCE (Canada) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
P10 .45 3.00" 72 72 72 51 72 1 383 383 383 383
P12 .45, P14 .40 3.50" 72 72 72 51 72 1 383 383 383 383 383 383
P13 .45, P15 .40 4.25" 53 18 51 51 18 2 383 383 383 383 383 383
P14 .45, P16 .40 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 383 383 383 383 383 383
PHOENIX ARMS 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Raven 2.43" 55 55
HP22, HP25 3.00" 55 55
RUGER 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
22/45, Standard, MKI, MKII 4.75" 59 383 383 83 83
22/45, Standard, MKI, MKII 5.50" 58 383 383 83 83
22/45, Standard, MKI, MKII 6.00" 58 383 383 83 83
22/45, Standard, MKI, MKII 6.88" 57 383 383 83 83
KP89, KP89D, KP89DAO 4.50" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
KP91D, KP91DAO 4.50" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
KP93D, KP93DAO 3.90" 20 20 20 20 18 2 76 383 76 383 83 83
KP94, KP94D, KP94DAO 4.25" 18 18 18 18 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
KP944, KP944D, KP944DAO 4.25" 18 18 18 18 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
KP95D, KP95DAO 4.25" 18 18 18 18 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
MK4B, P4 22/45 .22 4.00" 59 383 383 83 83
P345 4.00" 20 20 20 20 18 3 53 220
P85, P89, P89D 4.50" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
P90, P90D, KP90, KP90D 4.50" 18 18 18 18 18 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
P91D, P91DAO 4.50" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
P95D, P95DAO 4.25" 18 18 18 18 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
SR9 4.00" 20 20 20 20 18
RUSSIA 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Baikal Makarov IJ-70 4.00" 72 72 72 72 89
Page 5
Safariland Part 7 Nylok Holsters, Nylok Mags and Raptor Mags-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
SIG SAUER (Germany) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
P220 4.41" 18 18 18 77 18 3 220 383 220 383 83 83
P220R Compact 3.75" 18 20 18 77 18 53 53
P226, P226DAO 4.41" 18 18 18 77 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
P225 3.90" 20 20 20 74 18 3 220 383 220 383 83 83
P228, P229 3.90" 20 20 20 74 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
P230 3.60" 72 72 72 72 1 89 83 83
P239 3.60" 20 20 20 20 18 3 220 383 220 383 83 83
P245 3.90" 18 18 74 383 220 383 83 83
P250 DC 3.875" 18 20 74 20 383 20 383
SIG Pro SP 2340 3.875" 18 20 74 20 383 76 383 83 83
SMITH & WESSON 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
41 5.50" 58 89 383 83 83
1006, 1026, 1046 5.00" 23 23 23 23 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
1066, 1076, 1086 4.25" 18 18 18 18 18 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
2213, 2214 3.00" 72 72 72 72 1
39, 439, 639, 909, 3904, 3906 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 53 383 53 383 83 83
3913, 3913LS, 3913NL, 3914 3.50" 20 20 20 20 18 3 220 383 220 383 83 83
3913TSW w/light mount 3.50" 20 20 20 20 18 220 383 220 383 83 83
3914LS, 3953, 3954, 908 3.50" 20 20 20 20 18 220 383 220 383 83 83
4003TSW , 4006TSW. 4043TSW,4046TSW (all w/light mnt) 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
4006, 4026, 4046 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
4013, 4013TSW 3.50" 20 20 20 20 18 53 383 53 383 83 83
4013TSW, 4053TSW (all w/light mount) 3.50" 20 20 20 20 18 53 383 53 383 83 83
4053, 4056TSW 3.50" 20 20 20 20 18 3 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
41, 46 5.00" 59 89 383 83 83
41, 46 7.00" 57 89 383 83 83
410, 411 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 3 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
422, 622 4.50" 72 59 89 383 83 83
422, 622, 2206 6.00" 58 89 383 83 83
4506, 4506-1, 4526, 4546 5.00" 23 23 23 23 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
4513TSW, 4516TSW, (all w/light mount) 3.75" 20 20 20 20 18 53 383 53 383 83 83
4536, 4556 3.75" 20 20 20 20 18 53 383 53 383 83 83
4566, 4576, 4586 4.25" 18 18 18 18 18 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
4566TSW, 4563TSW (all w/light mount) 4.25" 18 18 18 18 18 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
457, 4516, 4516-1, 4516-2 3.75" 20 20 20 20 18 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
469, 669, 6904, 6906 3.50" 20 20 20 20 18 3 20 383 20 383 83 83
59, 459, 659, 910, 915 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
5903, 5904, 5906, 5923 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
5903TSW, 5906TSW, 5943TSW, 5946TSW (all w/light mount) 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
5924, 5926, 5943, 5944, 5946 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 76 383 76 383 83 83
Page 6
Safariland Part 7 Nylok Holsters, Nylok Mags and Raptor Mags-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
SMITH & WESSON 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
645, 745 5.00" 23 23 23 23 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
6924, 6926, 6944, 6946 3.50" 20 20 20 20 18 20 383 20 383 83 83
Chiefs Special CS9 3.00" 20 20 20 20 220 383 220 383 83 83
CS40 3.25" 20 20 20 20 220 383 383 83 83
CS45 3.25" 20 20 20 20 220 383 383 83 83
Sigma .380 3.00" 72 72 72 72 1 89 383 83 83
Sigma 9C, 9V 4.00" 20 20 20 74 18 2 76 383 76 383 83 83
Sigma 9F, 40F 4.50" 18 18 18 77 18 2 76 383 76 383 83 83
Sigma 9M 3.25" 20 20 72 72 1 383 383 83 83
SW99 - 45 cal. 4.00" 383 383 383
SW99 - 9/40 cal. 4.00" 76 76 83 83 83
S&W M&P 9mm & .40 4.25" 18 18 20 18 18 3 76 383 76 83
S&W M&PC 9mm & .40 3.50" 20 20 20 383
S&W M&P 9C 3.375" 20 20 20 20
S&W M&P45 4.50" 18 20 383 383
SPRINGFIELD A44 (Brazil) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
Ultra Compact 1911A1 3.50" 72 72 72 51 72 1 220 383 220 383 83 83
Champion, Compact 1911A1 4.00" 53 18 51 51 18 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
Standard, LW, 1911A1 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 53 383 53 383 83 83
XD 45 4" 4.00" 18 383 18
XD 45 5" 5.00" 23 23 23 23 23
XD-9,XD-40 Service Model and Proted V-10 Model ,XD-357 4.00" 20 20 18 2 76 383 76 83 83 83
XDM 9mm & .40 4.50" 18 18 23
STAR (Spain) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
FireStar M40, M43, Plus 3.40" 72 72 72 72 1 220 383 220 383 83 83
FireStar M45 3.63" 72 72 72 72 1 220 383 220 383 83 83
UltraStar 9mm, .40 3.50" 20 20 20 18 3 20 383 20 383 83 83
Model B 9mm 5.00" 53 23 53 53 23 3 53 383 53 383 83 83
STEYR 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
M 40 4.00" 20 20 74 76 383 76 383 83 83
STI/ SVI 5.00" 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
STI Tactical 23 53 53 383 383
SUNDANCE 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
A-25, BOA .25 2.50" 55 55
TAURUS (Brazil) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
24/7 4.00" 20 20 20 20 18 3 76 383 20 83 83 83
PT22,PT25 2.75" 55 55
PT938.380 3.00" 72 72 72 72 1 20 383 20 383 83 83
PT58.380 4.00" 18 18 18 18 3 20 383 20 383 83 83
PT908 3.85" 20 20 20 20 18 3 220 383 220 383 83 83
PT910,PT911,PT941 3.85" 20 20 20 20 18 20 383 20 383 83 83
PT945,PT945Cported 4.25" 18 18 18 18 18 3 383 383 83 83
Page 7
Safariland Part 7 Nylok Holsters, Nylok Mags and Raptor Mags-Pistols Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
PT92,99,100,101 5.00" 23 23 23 23 23 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
PT92C 4.00" 18 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
WALTHER(Germany) 4052 4062 4078 4077 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
PP 3.85" 72 72 72 72 1 89
PPK,PPK/S 3.35" 72 72 72 72 1 89
P5,P38K 3.62" 20 20 20 18 3 220 383 220 383 83 83
P5C 3.20" 20 20 20 18 3 220 383 220 383 83 83
P38,P4,P38IV 4.95" 23 23 23 23 220 383 220 383 83 83
P88C 3.93" 18 18 18 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
P99 4.00" 20 20 20 74 18 3 76 383 76 383 83 83
P99C QA 3 3/8" 20 20 20 74
TPH 2.85" 55 55
WILSON 4052 4062 4078 4072 4073 4092 4580 4100 4102 4110 4116 54116 54118
1911CQBw/lightrails 5.00" 23 53 53 23 53 53 53
1911 4 7/8" 53 23 23
Although Safariland has attempted to provide accurate information regarding which specific holster models were designed to accommodate specifically identified handguns, human error
such as typographical mistakes can and do occur.Therefore, Safariland disclaims any responsibility or liability for, or the consequences resulting from, such errors and urges any user of thi
information to personally check for holster/handgun compatibility using the actual product.
Page 8
Safariland Part 6 Concealment Holsters-Revolvers Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6287 6288 527 567 568 518 5181 25 27 328
Colt 6287 6288 527 567 568 518 5181 25 27 328
Agent 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01
DetectiveSpecial 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01
DS-II,SF-VI 2.00" 01 01 01 01
Python 2.50' 09 08
Python 4.00" 09 09 09 21
Python 6.00" 09 9 9
KingCobra 2.50" 09 08
KingCobra 4.00" 09 09 09 21
KingCobra 6.00" 09
Trooper 4.00" 09 09 09 21
Ruger 6287 6288 527 567 568 518 5181 25 27 328
GP100 3.00" 09 09 09 08
GP100 4.00" 21 21 09 21
GP100 4.50" 09 09
GP100 6.00" 09
SP101 2.25" 01 01 01 01
SecuritySix 2.75" 09 08 08
SecuritySix 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
SecuritySix 4.50" 09 09
SecuritySix 6.00" 09
ServiceSix 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
SpeedSix 4.00" 09 09 09
SpeedSix 4.50" 09 09
Smith&Wesson 6287 6288 527 567 568 518 5181 25 27 328
60.357 2.125" 01
66 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
669 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
689 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
10KMediumFrame 2.00" 09 08 08
10KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
12KMediumFrame 2.00" 09 08 08
12KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
13KMediumFrame 3.00" 09
13KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
15KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
15KMediumFrame 6.00" 09
Page 1
Safariland Part 6 Concealment Holsters-Revolvers Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6287 6288 527 567 568 518 5181 25 27 328
16KMediumFrame 8.375" 09
17KMediumFrame 8.375" 09
19KMediumFrame 2.50" 09 08 08 08
19KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
19KMediumFrame 6.00" 09
25NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
25NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
27NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
27NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
28NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
28NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
29NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
29NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
317Airlite.22Cal. 2.00" 01 01 01
31JSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
34JSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
36JSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
36LSJSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
37JSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
38HLJSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01
49HLJSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01
57NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
57NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
325NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
325NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
327NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
327NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
329NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
329NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
357NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
357NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
581LMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09
586LMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09
586LMediumFrame 6.00" 09
586LMediumFrame 8.375" 09
60JSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
60LSJSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
617KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
617KMediumFrame 6.00" 09
Page 2
Safariland Part 6 Concealment Holsters-Revolvers Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 6287 6288 527 567 568 518 5181 25 27 328
617KMediumFrame 8.375" 09
625-2NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
625-2NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
627NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
627NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
629NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
629NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
640HLJSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01
648KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
648KMediumFrame 6.00" 09
649HLJSmallFrame 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01
64KMediumFrame 2.00" 09 08 08
64KMediumFrame 3.00" 09
64KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
657NLargeFrame 4.00" 12 12
657NLargeFrame 5.00" 13 13
65KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
66KMediumFrame 2.50" 09 08 08 08
66KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
66KMediumFrame 6.00" 09
67KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
681LMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09
686LMediumFrame 2.50" 09 08
686LMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09
686LMediumFrame 6.00" 09
686LMediumFrame 8.375" 09
Taurus 6287 6288 527 567 568 518 5181 25 27 328
M-85 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
M-80 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
M-82 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09
Although Safariland has attempted to provide accurate information regarding which specific holster models were designed to accommodate specific handguns, human error such as typographical mistakes can and do occur.
Therefore, Safariland disclaims any responsibility or liability for or the consequences resulting from such errors and urges any user of this information to personally check for holster/handgun compatibility using actual products
Page 3
Safariland Part 5 Duty Holsters-Revolvers Revised: 11/10/08
GunMnfg./Model BBL. 200 2005 070 0705 6004 6005 6280 6285 5200 52005 56280 56285
Colt 200 2005 070 0705 6004 6005 6280 6285 5200 52005 56280 56285
Python 4.00" 21 21 105
Python 6.00" 621
KingCobra 4.00" 21 21 105
KingCobra 6.00" 621
Trooper 4.00" 21 21
Ruger 200 2005 070 0705 6004 6005 6280 6285 5200 52005 56280 56285
GP100 4.00" 21 21 105 21 21 21 21 21 21
GP100 6.00" 621
SecuritySix 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09
ServiceSix 4.00" 09 09 09 09
SpeedSix 4.00" 09 09 09 09
Smith&Wesson 200 2005 070 0705 6004 6005 6280 6285 5200 52005 56280 56285
66 4.00" 21 21
66 6.00" 621
669 4.00" 21 21
669 6.00" 621
689 4.00" 21 21
689 6.00" 621
10KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
12KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
13KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
15KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
19KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
581LMediumFrame 4.00" 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
586LMediumFrame 4.00" 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
586LMediumFrame 6.00" 621
617KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09
648KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09
64KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
65KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
66KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
67KMediumFrame 4.00" 09 09 24 24 09 09 09 09 09 09
681LMediumFrame 4.00" 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
686LMediumFrame 4.00" 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
686LMediumFrame 6.00" 621
Taurus 200 2005 070 0705 6004 6005 6280 6285 5200 52005 56280 56285
M-80 4.00" 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
M-82 4.00" 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
Although Safariland has attempted to provide accurate information regarding which specific holster models were designed to accommodate specifically identified handguns, human error such as typographical mistakes can and do occur.
Therefore, Safariland disclaims any responsibility or liability for or the consequences resulting from such errors and urges any user of this information to personally check for holster/handgun compatibility using actual products
Page 1
Safariland Part 8 Nylok Holsters for Revolvers Revised: 11/10/08
Nylok Holsters for Revolvers
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
COLT 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
Agent,Cobra,Det.Sp'l,SFVI 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
SFIVLadySpecial 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
DSII 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
Agent,Cobra,Det.Sp'l,SFVI 3.00" 01 09 08 09 02 3 2
Cobra,PolicePositive,SFVI 4.00" 01 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
Diamondback 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
Diamondback 6.00" 10 10 14 14 3
Lawman 2.00" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 1
Python,KingCobra 2.50" 10 08 90 08 08 09 12 08 3 1
Python,KingCobra 3.00" 10 08 90 08 08 90 12 08 3 2
Python,Trooper,KingCobra 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
OfficialPolice,Metropolitan 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
Python,Trooper,KingCobra 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
Official Police,Officer'sMatch 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
Three-Fifty-Seven 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
Python,Trooper,KingCobra 8.00" 10 15 3
Large Frame
Anaconda,NewService 4.00" 12 12 3
Anaconda 5.00" 14 14
New Service,1917 5.50" 14 14
Anaconda 6.00" 14 14
Anaconda 8.00" 15
H&R/NEWENGLAND 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
Standard 2.50" 08 12 08 1
Lady Ultra; Mag.32 3.00" 08 12 08 2
Standard,Sportsman 999 4.00" 09 12 12 3
949;Western 5.50" 14 14
Ultra,UltraMag 6.00" 14 14
Sportsman999 6.00" 14 14
949Western 7.50" 15
ENFIELD 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
No.2MK1.38S&W 5.00" 10 10 14 14
ROSSI 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
66,88,Lady Rossi,677,877 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
66,88 3.00" 01 09 08 09 02 3 2
515,518 ;.22mag 4.00" 01 09 09 09 12 12 3
Page 1
Safariland Part 8 Nylok Holsters for Revolvers Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
971,971VRC 2.50" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 1
720 3.00" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 2
851,971,971VRC 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
971,971VRC 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
RUGER 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
SP101 2.25" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
SP101 3.13" 01 08 09 08 09 02 3 2
SecuritySix,Speed-Six 2.75" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 2
GP100,Speed-Six 3.00" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 2
GP100,SecuritySix 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
Service-Six,Speed-Six 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
GP100,SecuritySix 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
Redhawk 5.50" 14 14
Redhawk,SuperRedhawk 7.50" 15
RUSSIAN 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
Nagant 18957 .62mm 4.29" 10 10 14 14
SMITH&WESSON 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
31, 34, 36, 36LS, 37, 38, 40 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 3 1
42, 49, 60, 60LS, 63 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 3 1
317, 317LS, 331, 332, 342, 342B, 342PD, 337, 337PD, 44 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 3 1
642, 642LS, 940 (.38 Special) 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 3 1
60, 60LS, 640, 649 (.357 Mag) 2.125" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
36, 36LS 3.00" 01 08 09 08 09 02 3 2
31, 36, 60, 60LS 3.00" 01 08 09 08 09 02 3 2
31,26,37,60,317 3.00" 02 02
34, 63, 651 4.00" 01 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
10,12,15,64,67, 2.00" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 1
19,66 2.50" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 2
10,13,64,65,65LS,547 3.00" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 2
10,12,13,14,15,18,19,48 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
SMITH&WESSON 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
64,65,65LS,66,67,547 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
617,648 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
10,12,15 5.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
10,14,16,17,19,48,53,66 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
617,648 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
14,16,17,19,48,53,66 8.375" 10 15 3
Page 2
Safariland Part 8 Nylok Holsters for Revolvers Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
617,648 8.375" 10 15 3
586,686 2.50" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 2
686,696 3.00" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 2
581,586,681,686 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
586,686 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
586,686 8.375" 10 15 3
27 3.50" 12 12 3
20,24,25,28,29,57,58 4.00" 12 12 3
625,627,629,657 4.00" 12 12 3
625 5.00" 14 14
25,27,28,29,57 6.00" 14 14
625,627,629,657 6.00" 14 14
27,29,57,625,627,629,657 8.375" 15
STEYR 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
M40 4.00" 23 18 20 20 74 20 3
TAURUS 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
85,85CH,85UL 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
605,606 2.25" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
85,94,941 3.00" 01 08 09 08 09 02 3 2
85,94,941 4.00" 01 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
80,82,83,65,66 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
431,441,669,689 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
66,86,96,441,669,689 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
44 3.00" 12 12 2
44 4.00" 14 14 3
44,454 6.50" 14 14
44,454 8.375" 15
WESSONARMS 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
738P 2.00" 01 01 01 01 01 02 3 1
Medium Frame
8,9,14,15,22,22M,32 2.50" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 1
708,709,714,715,722,000 2.50" 10 08 09 08 08 09 12 08 3 1
8,9,14,15,22,22M,32 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
708,709,714,715,722,000 4.00" 10 09 09 09 09 09 12 12 3 3
8,9,14,15,22,22M,32 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
Page 3
Safariland Part 8 Nylok Holsters for Revolvers Revised: 11/10/08
Gun Manufacturer / Model BBL 4050 4052 4060 4062 4077 4078 4073 4083 4090 4092 4135 4580
708,709,714,715,722,000 6.00" 10 10 10 14 14 3
9,15,22,22M,32 8.00" 10 15 3
709,715,722,732 8.00" 10 15 3
Large Frame
40,41,44,45, 4.00" 12 12 3
740,741,744,745 4.00" 12 12 3
40,41,44,445,45, 6.00" 14 14
7,407,417,447,445,740 6.00" 14 14
40,41,44,445,45, 8.00" 15
7,407,417,447,445,740 8.00" 15
Although Safariland has attempted to provide accurate information regarding which specific holster models were designed to accommodate specifically identified handgun
human error such as typographical mistakes can and do occur.Therefore, Safariland disclaims any responsibility or liability for, or the consequences resulting from, such erro
and urges any user of this information to personally check for holster/handgun compatibility using the actual produc
Page 4
Safariland Part 10 SpeedLoaders Revised: 11/10/08
Speedloaders & Holders Speedloaders Holders COMP I COMP II
GunManufacturer/GunModel I II III CD-2 CD-6 333 340 370 371 370 371
CharterArms I II III CD-2 CD-6 333 340 370 371 370 371
5-Shot.38Special J-C7 CD-2 CD-6 1 1
Colt I II III CD-2 CD-6 333 340 370 371 370 371
.38Special CD-2 CD-6 1 1
Agent CD-2 CD-6 1 1
Anaconda44 J-S5 CD-2 CD-6 1 1
Cobra CD-2 CD-6 1 1
Commando CD-2 CD-6 1 1
DetectiveSpecial CD-2 CD-6 1 1
KingCobra CD-2 CD-6 2 2
Lawman CD-2 CD-6 2 2
Match J-P3C CD-2 CD-6 3 3 2 2
Metro CD-2 CD-6 2 2
MKIII CD-2 CD-6 2 2
MKVTrooper CD-2 CD-6 2 2
OfficialPolice J-P3C CD-2 CD-6 3 3 2 2
Officer's J-P3C CD-2 CD-6 3 3 2 2
OldModelTrooper J-P3C CD-2 CD-6 3 3 2 2
Peacekeeper CD-2 CD-6 2 2
Python J-P3C CD-2 CD-6 3 3 2 2
DanWesson I II III CD-2 CD-6 333 340 370 371 370 371
.38/.357 J-K2C J-K2C J-K2S CD-2 CD-6 2 2 1 1 2 2
Ruger I II III CD-2 CD-6 333 340 370 371 370 371
GP100 J-GL8C J-GL8S CD-2 CD-6 3 3 1 1 2 2
Redhawk.41Magnum CD-2 CD-6 1 1
Redhawk.44Magnum J-S5 CD-2 CD-6 1 1
SecuritySix,ServiceSix,SpeedSix J-R4C CD-2 CD-6 2 2 2 2
Smith&Wesson I II III CD-2 CD-6 333 340 370 371 370 371
5-Shoot.38Special J-C7 CD-2 CD-6 1 1
Model25-5 CD-2 CD-6 1 1
57.41Magnum,58.41Magnum CD-2 CD-6 1 1
10K,12K,13K,14K,15K,19K J-K2C J-K2C J-K2S CD-2 CD-6 2 2 1 1 2 2
64K,65K,66K,67K,68KFrame J-K2C J-K2C J-K2S CD-2 CD-6 2 2 1 1 2 2
581L,586L,681L,686LFrame J-GL8C J-GL8S CD-2 CD-6 3 3 1 1 2 2
27N,28NFrame,.357 CD-2 CD-6 1 1
29,624,629,N.44 J-S5 CD-2 CD-6
Page 1
Safariland Part 10 SpeedLoaders Revised: 11/10/08
GunManufacturer/GunModel I II III CD-2 CD-6 333 340 370 371 370 371
Taurus I II III CD-2 CD-6 333 340 370 371 370 371
66 J-K2C J-K2C CD-2 CD-6 2 2 1 1 2 2
669 J-K2C J-K2C CD-2 CD-6 2 2 1 1 2 2
689 J-K2C J-K2C CD-2 CD-6 2 2 1 1 2 2
Although Safariland has attempted to provide accurate information regarding which specific holster models were designed to accommodate specifically identified handguns, human error
such as typographical mistakes can and do occur.Therefore, Safariland disclaims any responsibility or liability for, or the consequences resulting from, such errors and urges any user of thi
information to personally check for holster/handgun compatibility using the actual product.
Page 2