Discours Indirect
Discours Indirect
Discours Indirect
Passer du discours direct au discours indirect signifie rapporter des paroles et modifier ainsi, à des
degrés divers, le contexte d'énonciation initial. On entend par contexte l'ensemble des situations
dans lesquelles l'énoncé initial a été produit. Le contexte est donc tout à la fois spatial, temporel
et "nominal" (personne/chose sujet ou complément dans l'énoncé).
- He said : "I will be here tomorrow." (discours direct)
- He said that he would be there the following day. (discours indirect)
Le passage du discours direct au discours indirect implique que l'on adapte les pronoms au
nouveau contexte. Il s'agit purement de logique.
He said : "I want to speak to you" devient He said he wanted to speak to me.
Même principe de distance ou de décalage par rapport au discours initial et à son contexte.
HERE devient THERE.
NOW devient THEN.
De même :
- two days ago devient two days before
- next month devient the following month/the month after
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- yesterday devient the day before/the previous day
- the day before yesterday devient the previous day but one
- tomorrow devient the day after/the following day
- tomorrow morning devient the following/next morning
- the day after tomorrow devient the next day but one
IV.1.b. Le verbe de la principale est au prétérit : le verbe de la complétive doit porter une marque
de passé.
On note dans ce dernier exemple que next year ne changera pas si la phrase au discours direct et
la phrase au discours indirect sont produites la même année ; si he said, par exemple, fait
référence à hier, il va de soi que next year a exactement le même sens au passé qu'au présent.
Comme pour le complément de lieu, le changement du complément de temps n'est pas
systématique: il dépend du contexte.
"I would go to new York if I had enough money", he said.
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Remarque : pour le modal must et le quasi-modal need, il n'y a pas de changement.
He said that I must keep on working and that I needn't worry.
Ici, le changement de come en go désigne une différence de perspective chez les deux personnes.
Cette position peut toutefois varier, surtout en anglais américain, pour insister sur la négation.
She told me to not think about it.
Avec les verbes suggest, demand, et insist on aura recours au subjonctif, étudié au chapitre
"Don't disturb me", she demanded. / She demanded that I (should) not disturb her.
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Compléter le tableau ci-dessous. La personne qui parle est désignée par she.
Mettre les phrases suivantes au discours indirect.
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16. "I wish grammar weren't such a tricky subject", he said.
17. "It's the first time I've seen a real bear", he admitted.
18. "I must admit I made a terrible mistake, but don't put the blame on me", he said to her.
19. "If you go on like this, I'm definitely going to get mad", he told me.
20. "The food was finger-licking good but the service was really bad", he complained.
Mettre les phrases suivantes au style indirect en utilisant l'amorce He said that / He asked .../
He demanded et He told me selon le cas.
Mettre le paragraphe suivant sous forme de dialogue.
Peter told me not to worry, that I had plenty of time and that the train would not leave without
me. I answered that it was an hour's drive to the station and that, consequently, we'd better hurry.
Peter said he understood why I was so nervous and that he would start the car while I was closing
my suitcase and that he would be waiting for me outside.
We said good bye on the platform. I promised I would give him a call as soon as I arrived, on the
following day. He said he probably wouldn't be home until after midnight because he was
thinking of dining out with a friend of his.
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Mettre le dialogue suivant au discours indirect.
1. Transposer les formes suivantes au discours indirect (passé). La personne qui rapporte le
discours est désignée par He.
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- She said : "I and my husband must go back home before it's dark".
- "What time is it?", he asked.
- He asked : "At what time did she leave the school?"
This student asked me if I had already graded the papers. I replied that of course I hadn't since I'd
been sick all week and that he and his friends should wait a little longer. I said the results would
be posted the day after. He thanked me and took leave of me.
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