Québec Orphelins de Dieu - Expériences Médicales
Québec Orphelins de Dieu - Expériences Médicales
Québec Orphelins de Dieu - Expériences Médicales
A cette époque, le Québec était une vaste sacristie. On disait qu'il était
impossible de jeter une pierre dans cette province sans y casser un
vitrail. L'Eglise était en tout et partout, dirigeant science, consciences,
gérant les écoles aussi bien que les hôpitaux, imposant sa loi tout
autant que sa foi. Elle administrait notamment les innombrables
orphelinats de la région de Montréal. Dans ces établissements on
trouvait des enfants abandonnés, quelques autres placés là par leurs
propres parents n'ayant pas les moyens de les élever, et surtout
l'immense cohorte des «illégitimes», ces bébés nés hors des liens du
Dans les années 50, il était hors de question qu'une mère célibataire
élevât seule son enfant. L'Eglise, par le canal de ses confréries
religieuses, se chargeait de la besogne, mais excluait quand même ces
«fils du péché» de la filière éducative classique. Elle les plaçait dans
des instituts médico-pédagogiques, où un enseignement leur était
cependant dispensé. Mais ces établissements, déficitaires de façon
chronique, grevaient le budget des communautés, qui bien sûr se
tournaient vers l'Etat pour apurer les comptes.
Depuis bien des années, dans des séries d'articles d'une belle
humanité, le très sérieux journal «le Devoir» rend compte de ces
calvaires individuels, de ce drame collectif que le docteur Lazure,
psychiatre et ancien ministre, qualifie de «désastre psychosocial». Les
faits ne sont pas contestés - sauf par l'Eglise, et l'on verra pourquoi -,
pourtant à ce jour aucun des «orphelins de Duplessis» n'a obtenu
condamnation de l'Eglise ou de l'Etat, même si la commission du
Droit du Canada a clairementdemandé au gouvernement et aux
institutions responsables d'offrirréparation.
Jusque-là, l'Eglise campait sur une position encore plus dure. Niant la
plupart des faits depuis cinquante ans, ignorant les orphelins, refusant
l'accès à ses archives, elle se contentait de publier des communiqués
glaciaires: «L'Eglise n'entend pas présenter d'excuses à ceux et celles
qui s'identifient comme les "orphelins de Duplessis" [...] ni verser
aucune contribution financière à des individus ou à un fonds destiné à
leur venir en aide.»
Jean-Paul Dubois
“Mind Control”:
No doubt, Ewen Cameron was a monster, but a useful one for psychiatry, which still
exploits him for damage control.
Duplessis Orphans: Naming themselves after former Quebec Premier Maurice
Duplessis, many of these individuals were not orphans at all, but had been born to poor
families which had difficulty caring for them, or to unwed mothers. Although no official
tallies were kept, over a span of several decades, it has been estimated they numbered in
the tens of thousands and perhaps as many as 100,000. Duplessis was Quebec’s premier
from 1936 to 1939 and from 1944 to 1959. Due to human rights violations, electoral
fraud, use of state powers against critics and other abuses, Duplessis’ tenure has been
called “the Great Darkness.”
Clarina Duguay remembers what life was like before her mother, Clara, moved away.
The eldest daughter among five children, she recalls the happy life of a family, cash-
poor but rich in love, in Cap d’Espoir, a fishing village on Canada’s Gaspe peninsula.
Every morning, with her dog, Coffee, she helped her mother gather up the eight or nine
cows the family owned so they could be milked. From her mother, she learned many
things, including how to bake delicious bread — a skill that today, more than 60 years
later, she still enjoys.
In a rural community where horses were the primary means of transportation, Clara
encouraged Clarina’s dream of one day becoming an airline stewardess. It was a close-
knit family, one where each member supported the others.
The idyllic life ended in 1945, when Clara, stricken by tuberculosis, moved to a
Clarina’s father, Joseph Duguay, a lumberjack frequently away from home, was
persuaded by the family doctor and the parish priest to send Clarina and her younger
sister, Simonne, to an orphanage in Rimouski, on the St. Lawrence River. He was told
they would be well educated.
But in 1946, shortly after Clarina turned 11, she and perhaps 10 other children from the
facility were loaded onto a bus. Told they were being taken on a tour of Rimouski, they
were instead driven to the town of St. Ferdinand, hundreds of miles away, and through
the gates of the St. Julien psychiatric institution. There, Clarina’s horror story began.
Many years later, Clarina would learn of the false psychiatric label — “mentally
retarded” — that condemned her to St. Julien.
But at the time, she inexplicably entered a hell where she scrubbed floors endlessly on
orders from the institution’s staff.
“They would plunge our heads into ice-cold water if we did something wrong,” Clarina
said, adding that they would be kept immersed almost to the point of drowning. To this
day, she dreads water and fears she will drown.
For the tiniest infraction, she could be forced to kneel in an excruciating position for
hours, or put in a straitjacket, or locked to a bed with no mattress — her feet tied to the
cold steel frame and her head pinned down by a dog collar around her neck. She
reported being sexually assaulted.
Simonne later joined her at St. Julien, also unknowingly labeled retarded. With both
girls, their father was not informed of their fate. Letter writing was forbidden at
Rimouski and St. Julien; compounding that barrier, the girls’ father could neither read
nor write. Presuming no news was good news, he trusted his daughters were being
properly cared for.
And when Clarina cried for her mother, a staff member told her that Clara had died of
syphilis in another psychiatric institution. In truth, she succumbed to tuberculosis at the
sanitarium, unaware of her daughters’ plight.
But then it got worse. Clarina remembers the chlorpromazine she and others at St.
Julien were forced to take, an experimental drug at the time*, but one so powerful its
principal pioneer and promoter, German-born psychiatrist Heinz Lehmann, would later
dub it a “pharmacological substitute for lobotomy.”1
“It made me into a zombie,” Clarina said. The drug, known as Largactil in Canada and
Thorazine in the United States, was administered by injection and by pills, virtually
every day. She was told it was “cold medicine.”
Chlorpromazine was not approved for use in the United States by the Food and Drug
Administration until 1954.
Hidden Terrors
Robbed of their childhoods and their educations, Clarina and Simonne are two among
perhaps 3,000 surviving “Duplessis Orphans.”
Naming themselves after former Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis*, many of these
individuals, like Clarina and Simonne, were in fact not orphans at all, but had been born
to poor families that had difficulty caring for them, or to unwed mothers. Although no
official tallies were kept, over a span of several decades, it has been estimated they
numbered in the tens of thousands and perhaps as many as 100,000.
As bad as things were, Clarina and Simonne consider themselves luckier than most of
the Orphans — Simonne managed to escape after several years and, when her family
learned of the sisters’ ordeal, they freed Clarina on May 8, 1953.
Like many of those who suffered, Clarina chose not to talk about her experiences,
preferring to put the past behind her. She went to work as a seamstress in Montreal,
abandoning her plans of working for an airline and seeing the world, but grateful to
once again enjoy freedom.
In 1965, she met Rod Vienneau, a singer and songwriter who also worked as a
construction worker and miner. They married in May the next year. For decades, she
kept her terrors at St. Julien a secret from her children and her husband.
Only after the truth about the Duplessis Orphans began to emerge in the 1990s did
Clarina share her story with her husband and, ultimately, with Freedom.
Child Victims:
Their World Turned Upside Down
Today, Rod Vienneau, as founder of the Commission for Victims of Crimes Against
Humanity, represents survivors who seek to expose and bring to account the
psychiatrists and government officials responsible for alleged crimes and abuses against
the Orphans.
Since 1992, when he obtained Clarina’s medical files under Canada’s Access to
Information Act, he has investigated abuses against the Orphans, also leading protest
marches, letter-writing campaigns and other activities to draw attention to injustices at
many similar facilities — such as Mont Providence in Montreal, converted from an
orphanage and school to a psychiatric hospital in one day.
At that institution, since renamed Riviere des Prairies Psychiatric Hospital, Vienneau
said, “Overnight, they emptied the classrooms, got rid of the books, and put bars on the
windows. They turned the rooms into cells.”
The morning the children’s nightmare began at Mont Providence, the nuns, instead of
wearing their familiar black-and-white habits, dressed in white — a stark sign of
conversion to a psychiatric hospital.
“The children had a life before,” said Vienneau. “There was schooling. They could play.
All of that changed. It was hard labor. No more learning.”
At psychiatric facilities throughout Quebec, he said, “They used the Orphans for the
dirty work.”
Normal boys and girls in the child welfare system were degraded and dehumanized, he
said, coerced via pain and punishment into becoming a slave-labor force in the
province’s mental institutions. Instead of learning to read and write, they swabbed
floors and hallways, cleaned the clothes of adult inmates, washed adults incapacitated
by drugs, shocks and lobotomies, and served in other menial, often backbreaking
capacities — all for the profit of their psychiatric overlords.
As with Clarina and Simonne, relatives who placed children in Quebec orphanages
customarily had been promised they would receive a "good education” if turned over to
the institutions.
Instead, for decades, psychiatrists falsely declared thousands of them to be mentally ill
or retarded. The children were moved to psychiatric asylums or, as at Mont Providence,
facilities were converted to mental institutions. The psychiatric labels enabled
institutions to obtain “nearly twice the amount per child, and sometimes more,
depending on how children were classified and where they were placed.”2
Although their poor performance on I.Q. tests stemmed from a lack of schooling,
normal children were stigmatized with such psychiatric tags as “idiot” and “imbecile”
— false labels that destroyed their lives and haunt survivors to this day.
The death or disappearance of many children and young adults — Vienneau charged
that 50,000 innocents were thus victimized — drives human rights advocates to demand
a thorough investigation, particularly of psychiatrists and others who benefited from the
mass tragedy.
To date, no criminal court or human rights body has examined the alleged atrocities.
Because of the lack of a probe, no psychiatrist engaged in or connected to alleged
crimes against the Orphans — including experiments with brain-damaging drugs,
electric shocks and lobotomies — has been charged, despite evidence of duplicity,
misconduct and harm.
On June 22, 1967, for example, psychiatrist Louis Roy examined Duplessis Orphan
Joseph Sylvestre as an outpatient at St. Michel Archange, a psychiatric institution in
Quebec City since renamed Robert Giffard Hospital. After the examination, Roy failed
to change Sylvestre’s earlier, false childhood diagnosis.
Years later, in 1991, Sylvestre approached Roy for assistance in finding a job and
subsequently received a letter from Roy in which the psychiatrist admitted that
Sylvestre had never been mentally ill.
“You were never mentally ill and you are fit,” Roy reportedly said.
The scandal was reported by the Journal de Montreal in 1992. When contacted at his
office by the Journal, Roy confirmed the facts concerning Sylvestre — “my good friend
JS,” as Roy called him.3
As early as 1962, a Quebec government body known as the Bedard Commission
acknowledged that the Orphans had never been mentally ill or retarded and that they
had been fraudulently labeled.
Despite this, Roy was never charged with wrongful diagnosis or any other crime, even
after admitting in writing that Sylvestre had wrongfully spent 25 years confined to the
psychiatric institution where Roy was the director.
Roy, now 75 and retired, admitted to Freedom that he had misdiagnosed Sylvestre,
offering as excuses that Sylvestre had already been a patient when he took over his case
and that things were “different” back then.
Roy said that no disciplinary action had been taken against him because Sylvestre had
“only” received psychiatric drugs, not a lobotomy or electroshock. He refused to
comment on whether there should be a public inquiry into the case of the Duplessis
Orphans, but admitted he saw many abuses when working at St. Michel Archange. Due
to his advanced years, he said, he wants to forget the past.
“He may want to forget it, but Roy and other psychiatrists created evil and destruction,
and victims live the nightmare to this day,” said Denis Coté, a spokesperson for the
Citizens Commission on Human Rights** in Quebec. “Psychiatry sentenced these
Orphans to degradation, misery and, in many cases, death. After the lid started to come
off, psychiatrists engaged in damage control to protect their own incomes and
reputations. They played no part in helping the survivors.”
Duplessis was Quebec’s premier from 1936 to 1939 and from 1944 to 1959. Due to
human rights violations, electoral fraud, use of state powers against critics and other
abuses, Duplessis’ tenure has been called “the Great Darkness.”
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established by the Church of
Scientology in 1969 as an independent organization to investigate and expose
psychiatric violations of human rights.
Another psychiatrist in the saga is Denis Lazure, president of the Canadian Psychiatric
Association in 1966.
From 1999 to 2001, Lazure headed the “Support Committee for Justice for the
Duplessis Orphans” — an effort that, according to Rod Vienneau, betrayed those it
pretended to help. Vienneau compared Lazure’s position on the committee to “a fox in
the chicken coop.”
In his memoirs, Medecin et Citoyen, published in 2002, Lazure wrote that in 1952,
while interning at Hospice St. Jean de Dieu, a massive psychiatric facility in Montreal
since renamed Louis-Hyppolite Lafontaine Hospital, he and five other interns regularly
administered electroshock and routinely put patients into insulin comas.4
Lazure breezily described how he would “start the day pushing the button on the
electrical box that sends a current to provoke an epileptic-type convulsion in tens of
patients who hadn’t received any preparatory medication.”5
Then he was off to the insulin coma rooms, “half-lit, vile-smelling, with two dozen
patients that we’d inject with doses of insulin strong enough to induce a coma. After
several hours of excessive sedation, they’d receive a glucose injection, which usually
brought them back to consciousness. It sometimes happened that we got the shock of a
patient that failed to reawaken.”6
Lazure painted a disturbing picture of St. Jean de Dieu, one in which psychiatrists
played with and destroyed human life. Later in 1952, Lazure left the institution for
Verdun Protestant (now Douglas) Hospital, where he assisted chemical lobotomy
pioneer Lehmann in tests of chlorpromazine.7
Montreal journalist Kristian Gravenor quipped, “Lazure went on to head hospitals and
run the provincial health ministry, fried brains and accidental overdoses not slowing
him down one bit.”8
Lazure’s statement that he and Lehmann tested chlorpromazine in 1952 lends credence
to claims by Clarina Duguay and others of being forced to take the drug prior to 1953
— the year Lehmann supposedly “discovered” how to use it to straitjacket patients —
and raises questions regarding how many Orphans may have been exploited as human
guinea pigs.
One St. Jean de Dieu doctor who asked not to be identified estimated that
chlorpromazine was being administered to 500 people at St. Jean de Dieu in 1952 —
even though the drug received its first approval for human use in Canada in 1957,
according to Health Canada, the government agency over such matters.9
Children’s advocate Carol Rutz, author of A Nation Betrayed, told Freedom that based
on her research, the Duplessis Orphans became prime subjects for psychiatric testing
and abuse.
These children, she said, were defenseless — easy prey for ruthless doctors who
inflicted pain and death under the guise of science.
Many boys and girls, she said, “had no parents to return home to, hence the extent of
their abuse needed no cover-up. Who would tell? They could be beaten or drugged into
Orphans at St. Jean de Dieu were selected to receive electroshock, drugs and other
“treatments” primarily based on whether or not they had immediate family members
who might come to their defense or protection, said one source who worked at the
Rod Vienneau said Quebec psychiatrists viewed these children, who most often came
from the province’s poorest families, as “unwanted.” They emptied Quebec’s
orphanages, he said, “sending the ‘unwanted’ children to the psychiatric hospitals where
psychiatrists could do any experiment that they wanted to do on 100,000 children —
and no one would know.” (See “He Had No Brain!”.)
Evidence suggests that many boys and girls became victims of a psychiatric eugenics*
program with connections to prominent members of the U.S. and Canadian psychiatric
“Defectives” was the sweeping label that Canadian psychiatrist Charles Kirk Clarke, a
founder of the Canadian Mental Health Association, applied to immigrants from eastern
and central Europe.10 Another Canadian eugenicist, Helen MacMurchy, a provincial
“inspector of the feeble-minded,” campaigned for sterilization to prevent certain
mothers from “filling the cradle with degenerate babies.”11
Freedom addressed this subject in a 1996 cover report in its Canadian edition entitled
“The Ethnic Cleansing of the ‘Mentally Unfit’ — Sterilization in Canada.” The authors
wrote, “The tools of the eugenicists thus became immigration controls, birth control,
sterilization and finally euthanasia as carried out by the Nazis,” noting that the first
three methods had been employed in Canada — resulting in, among other things, the
involuntary sterilization of thousands of women, many of them Canadian Indian or
other minorities.12
With fresh allegations now surfacing that many Duplessis Orphans died or disappeared,
the fourth item on the eugenicists’ agenda, euthanasia, certainly warrants official
Indeed, the bodies of hundreds or even thousands of Duplessis Orphans, buried near
Quebec psychiatric hospitals, may today hold the key to documenting what survivors
have called "organized psychiatric genocide."
Montreal attorney Daniel Lighter suggested that Quebec officials permit exhumation of
bodies buried on hospital grounds to determine to what extent Orphans may have been
used for psychiatric experimentation, including lobotomies, electroshock and mass
"One can certainly argue that a free society has a responsibility to unearth the good, the
bad and the indifferent of its past,” Lighter told Freedom. “There is certainly a
compelling amount of evidence, even outside of a courtroom, to justify looking again at
this case.”
At every step of the way, the Orphans’ treatment was guided by the hand of psychiatry.
Documents obtained by Freedom reveal connections between the American Psychiatric
Association (APA) and Quebec psychiatric facilities where Orphans were incarcerated.
As far back as 1922, photographs and other evidence show a relationship between these
facilities and the APA.
In 1954, for example, the APA recognized Montreal’s Verdun Protestant (now Douglas)
Hospital for “notable achievements” in research. Freedom asked APA spokesperson
Jason Young what this research entailed, but as of press time, had not received an
The APA imprimatur raises questions as to who benefited from the Orphans’ false
internment and why, said Lighter.
"It’s a very strange link to have the APA accrediting hospitals in Quebec. Why would
that be?” he asked. “It suggests that the APA was not only intimately involved but that
they were coordinating the experiments. It certainly begs questions and those questions
deserve answers."
A documentary that aired in September 2004 on Quebec television station TQS reported
there had been roughly 300,000 children in total; 200,000 of those were adopted, while
100,000 were held in orphanages, ready for adoption but never taken. These, reporter
Gary Arpin implied, were the Duplessis Orphans.
One Orphan, Jean-Guy Labrosse, 66, today a retired construction worker, authored a
1964 book about his years in Quebec institutions, My Dog’s Life, which helped to bring
abuses to light. "How many of my fellow [Orphans] have died, and have gone
missing?” he asked in an interview with Freedom. “And when I say missing, I mean
missing without a trace. In Quebec, they were allowed to kill defenseless children.”
Rod Vienneau estimates that at least half of the Orphans incarcerated in psychiatric
hospitals died or disappeared in those institutions. “If somebody disappeared, it’s
because somebody got rid of the person,” he said. “They were killed or murdered.”
British psychologist Francis Galton coined “eugenics” from the Greek eugenes,
meaning “good in stock” or “well-born.” Galton’s theories on eugenics were, in turn,
forwarded by psychologists and psychiatrists. In Germany, for example, Galton’s work
was used by psychiatrist Ernst Rudin and others to provide the impetus for racial
hygiene and genocide programs.
Joseph Martin was 5 1/2 years old in 1938 when his parents, promised he would receive
a good education, placed him in Montreal’s Buisonnet Institute. Shortly thereafter, he
was transferred to St. Jean de Dieu, where he remained until 1956.
Upon his arrival at St. Jean de Dieu, Martin said, he and other young people were
stripped of personal belongings, including jewelry, clothing, pictures of cherished
relatives, money and identification.
Martin, today a Montreal cabinetmaker, readily recounts stories of abuse. He said that in
1941, he witnessed a 10-year-old boy beaten to death by two guards. Incredibly, said
Martin, many of the guards hired to watch over the children were young criminals who
had been in reform schools. And many guards — some of whom he named — allegedly
sodomized the youths.
For years, according to Martin, three children each week were victims of operations
during which vital organs such as hearts, lungs, kidneys and livers were cut out and sold
in the U.S. A gray-and-black refrigerated vehicle transported the organs, he said.
Carol Rutz noted, “Their organs could be harvested and sold and no one would be the
wiser. They were the expendables simply because they were available."
What remained of the bodies, said Martin, would be buried in cardboard boxes, three
children per box, in what was known as the “pigsty” cemetery — so named because it
was where pigs were kept, and where the remains of dead swine and other animals were
also disposed of.
But not all children were buried. In the early 1950s at St. Jean de Dieu, Martin said, he
saw hospital staff carrying the dead bodies of children as young as 5 to a large
incinerator, where they were thrown in with the hospital’s garbage.
The youngest children, Martin charged, were kept out of sight in cells and cages at the
back of St. Jean de Dieu under barbaric conditions — in straitjackets, heavily drugged
and befouled by their own waste.
Like other Orphans interviewed, Jean-Guy Labrosse has painful memories. One
includes the feeling of utter powerlessness. While incarcerated at St. Michel Archange,
for example, Labrosse said he was told by psychiatrist Jean-Yves Gosselin that he held
all the cards to the fate of the children.
"Once you come in here, we are the ones who decide when you may be liberated,"
Gosselin allegedly told Labrosse.
But he admitted that during his tenure as staff psychiatrist at St. Michel Archange from
1959 to 1963, he had placed a number of patients on farms. Of note, according to
former Quebec Ombudsman Daniel Jacoby and reports received by Freedom, Orphans
placed on farms were also victimized.
Beatings, Torture, Sodomy
Lepage referred to a 1997 report by the then Quebec ombudsman, Daniel Jacoby, in
which the Orphans’ complaints were documented.
Jacoby’s report, however, does not state that the Orphans’ statements of abuse were
unfounded. He did indeed find evidence of such abuses as psychosurgery, electroshock,
ice baths, beatings, straitjacketing, torture, sodomy and “unjustified confinement to a
cell — sometimes for months or even years.”13
In fact, after the Quebec attorney general announced in February 1995 that no charges
would be brought, Jacoby stated, “in almost all cases, the reasons invoked by the
attorney general did nothing to deny the existence of the facts. Neither the statute of
limitations nor the death of a suspect or complainant throw the alleged acts into
Specific allegations by Vienneau and others, most importantly, have never been
investigated by authorities empowered to bring perpetrators to justice. With no proper
investigation, Vienneau said, one cannot say claims are “unfounded,” particularly in the
presence of eyewitnesses and other evidence.
Experiments were not limited to any one institution such as St. Jean de Dieu.
Neurosurgeon Guy LaMarche, for example, admitted that in the 1950s, each
Wednesday, two or three lobotomies were performed on patients at St. Michel
Archange, as prescribed by the institution’s head psychiatrist, even though “we had no
idea” how the operations would affect the institution’s patients. “More often than not,
they became vegetables,” LaMarche said.15
An official probe can determine how many of the victims may have been Orphans, said
CCHR’s Denis Coté. “This dark chapter in Canada’s history needs to be aired for all to
see in a series of hearings,” he said. “I believe it would be best for an independent
public inquiry to examine this.”
In its own investigation, Freedom found what appears to be an ongoing campaign of
deception and disinformation designed to derail any examination of criminal acts or
other misconduct against the Orphans by psychiatrists and others, and to keep those
crimes covered up.
Orphans seeking justice, for example, have reported threats and assaults. Joseph Martin
said he was visited at his home by four men who refused to identify themselves but
warned him to “shut up.” This occurred a few days after Freedom had contacted Louis-
Hyppolite Lafontaine Hospital for comment regarding allegations by Martin and others.
As part of any official investigation, witnesses and their families must be safeguarded.
Vienneau suspects that the Roman Catholic Church, vilified as being responsible
because it owned St. Jean de Dieu and certain other facilities, was itself exploited by
psychiatrists who fattened off money from pharmaceutical companies, intelligence
agencies and the Canadian national government. (See “The ‘Chemical Lobotomy.’”)
In the early 1950s, Canada’s national government withdrew funding from the education
field while remaining active in health matters. It considered Mont Providence, for
example, run by the Sisters of Charity of Providence, to be an educational facility and
therefore ineligible for funding.
The Quebec government under Duplessis, however, felt that as a re-education and
rehabilitation center, Mont Providence should be considered a health care facility.
Although Mont Providence was affiliated with St. Jean de Dieu, Ottawa held its ground.
The Quebec government subsequently advised the Sisters of Charity to change the
facility’s vocation to benefit from federal funding.
A $3 million agreement was signed in 1954 that converted the school to a psychiatric
hospital, jettisoning its main purpose of educating and helping children.16
Vienneau believes many innocent boys and girls came to be used as human guinea pigs
after government officials in Canada and the U.S. were co-opted by psychiatric
As one index of the dominant psychiatric influence, more than $50 million was spent
constructing new psychiatric hospitals in Quebec between 1952 and 1962. “None of
these building investments went toward enhancing the quality of service and care,”
Quebec Ombudsman Jacoby noted.17 Meanwhile, the children they housed suffered
under barbaric conditions.
Vienneau is not alone in drawing parallels between the Quebec institutions and those in
Nazi Germany. Concurrent with the abuses against the Orphans in the 1950s and 1960s,
Montreal’s McGill University was the site of Ewen Cameron’s ghastly work. (See
“‘Mind Control’ Experimentation Exposed.”)
Cameron, infamous for barbarity and a penchant for operating without patient consent,
maimed men and women with electroshock, lobotomies and drugs that included
chlorpromazine and LSD. An international leading light of psychiatry, Cameron served
as president of the Quebec Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, the American Psychiatric Association and the World Psychiatric
“We talk about concentration camps. I don’t want to make this comparison, but God,
you know, talk about ’we didn’t know it was happening,’ and it was — right in our back
yard," wrote Cooper.18
Some of Cameron’s victims were compensated by the U.S. Justice Department in 1988
with an out-of-court settlement totaling $750,000; in November 1992, the Canadian
government announced it would give $100,000 apiece to victims of his experiments.
According to one source, some Duplessis Orphans may have been “treated” at
Cameron’s Allan Memorial Institute, a possibility Freedom is investigating.
Dreading a Doctor Visit
“While many would prefer not to believe stories of horrific abuse, if they are not
believed, then injustice continues and similar abuses will be repeated,” said author
Carol Rutz.
Today, surviving Orphans carry false labels of mental illness in their medical records
despite decades of attempts to have them removed — a stigma that continues to haunt
them. Clarina Duguay and others, for example, dread a simple trip to the doctor for any
health problem. The threat of being locked up again looms over their lives — a living
nightmare as long as the labels exist.
“All of the Orphans who can no longer speak for themselves, who died a tragic death or
were lobotomized deserve to have the truth told,” said Rutz. “It takes a lot of courage to
look at the truth and not turn your head away because it is too painful.”
Lawyer Lighter echoed Rutz by calling for justice. "There needs to be a public inquiry
once and for all,” he said. “That is the only way there is to unearth the history of what
happened and the role everyone played."
A longtime member of the Quebec Parliament, Louise Harel, is among those who have
sought justice for the Orphans. On June 6, 2005, she became leader of the official
opposition in Quebec’s National Assembly.
Harel told Freedom that the false labels should be removed and also expressed concern
regarding the large number of lobotomies that had been performed in Quebec.
After the interview with Freedom, and following her receipt of detailed information
from Rod Vienneau, Harel wrote on the Orphans’ behalf to Michelle Courschesne,
Quebec’s minister of Employment and Social Programs. In her letter, she mentioned the
hardship endured by the Orphans and encouraged Courschesne to contact Vienneau.
For Vienneau and others, the injustices suffered by innocent children stand as a
powerful reminder and a mandate to keep fighting for those who perished and those
who can no longer fight for themselves.
"When will the Orphans truly be free?” Vienneau asked. “Hopefully, before they all die.
But as long as they carry this psychiatric label of mental illness on their shoulders, they
will never be free. Even today, the Orphans live in the era of Great Darkness. We want
justice and we want the truth, finally, to be told.”
Freedom also obtained declassified intelligence agency documents that reveal the drug
Lehmann championed, chlorpromazine, was one of the substances tested under a top
secret project in 1954.
A Site of Experiments?
Freedom discovered that the name of Lehmann’s close friend and colleague, Cameron,
appeared in the medical files of some Orphans, implying involvement in their
“treatment.” A medical doctor who worked at Hospice St. Jean de Dieu (now Louis-
Hyppolite Lafontaine Hospital) confirmed he had seen Cameron and Lehmann at that
institution on various occasions, buttressing the possibility that some of their
experimental work may have occurred there.
Professor Frederic Grunberg of the University of Montreal said that Cameron was
funded by Canada’s equivalent of what would be combined federal and state grants in
the United States, called Dominion-Provincial Mental Health grants, administered by
the Mental Health Division of the Department of National Health and Welfare.
Cameron also received money from Sidney Gottlieb of U.S. intelligence, architect of the
various “mind control” programs that utilized coercive psychiatric methods in efforts to
control human behavior. A dominant figure in the psychiatric world, Cameron,
following his 1952 American Psychiatric Association presidency, became a prime
beneficiary of Gottlieb’s covert funding.
In its investigation, however, Freedom learned that Duplessis Orphans were given
chlorpromazine, with horrible effects, as early as 1947, six years prior to Lehmann’s
“official” discovery. One doctor who worked at St. Jean de Dieu in 1952 estimated that
10 percent of its inmates — or 500 out of 5,000 — were on chlorpromazine at that time,
long before the drug’s 1957 approval by the Canadian government.
This doctor told Freedom that he was provided with samples of the drug, and started
taking them to see what the effects might be. He stopped after just a few days due to
adverse effects that included tremors and akinesia — a loss or reduction of normal
abilities to move the body.
“The social context of the time cannot justify their internment in asylums for reasons
more financial than medical, just as it cannot justify physical and sexual abuse,” wrote
Jacoby. “Today’s society has a duty to officially recognize the harm done. Official
apologies on the part of the government [and] the medical establishment...would
undoubtedly be a good place to start.”23
Many Orphans were arbitrarily considered ineligible and hence received nothing. In an
interview with Freedom, Rod Vienneau pointed to Paul St. Aubin as an example of
those unjustly barred from the settlement.
Deprived of an education, St. Aubin, now 53, worked between the ages of 11 and 17 as
a virtual slave on a Quebec farm. He then spent 18 years in the province’s mental
institutions, where he received chlorpromazine, electric shock and at least two
Vienneau and others consider the 2001 settlement as nothing more than a means to
block any genuine probe into crimes and misconduct. The settlement itself remains a
subject of Freedom’s investigation.
That figure is supported by a letter from Maurice Duplessis himself, dated April 12,
1954, in which the Quebec premier agreed to pay one psychiatric facility alone, Mont
Providence, $6 million over a three-year period. At least 13 institutions housed the
Duplessis Orphans for several decades.
$100 million, of course, would be worth far more in today’s currency values.
Orphaned at birth, Day worked at hard labor outdoors as a teen, often under brutally
cold conditions, and then toiled for years inside psychiatric institutions — a normal
young man compelled to work in a savage world where, every day, the threat of
straitjackets, injections with brain-damaging drugs, and even lobotomies loomed.
Day described one three-month period when he transported the bodies of 67 dead
Orphans — boys and girls, young men and women — from operating and electric shock
rooms at a Montreal institution to the basement. There, he washed the bodies — some
as young as 5 — in preparation for sale to local universities.
St. Jean de Dieu was the site, but it could have been any of two dozen or more Quebec
institutions where such abuses are reported to have occurred.
Day told Freedom he witnessed the deadly effects of restraints, beatings, electroshock
and lobotomies. He observed children and youths exploited as slave labor, the routine,
massive use of mind-ravaging drugs and, quite possibly, the aftermath of experimental
brain operations.
One day, for example, he was asked to remove a dead youth from an operating room.
He transported the body to the morgue and took off the hospital robe, socks and cap.
"That’s when I jumped!” he said. “He was lying there on the sink and when I took off
his cap, he had no brain! I could see the hole.”
Day washed the body as instructed and, a short while later, was summoned again to the
operating room. Another Orphan lay dead.
Shaken, he was summoned yet again — this time to a cell where an Orphan had hung
Day said that cadavers were sent from St. Jean de Dieu to the University of Montreal
and McGill University, where body parts were removed. He was informed about the
disposition of the bodies by a local embalmer, who warned him not to speak about their
horrible condition.
The man made it clear, Day said, that “if I talked, I would have serious problems. And
that’s why I stayed quiet.”
No ceremonies marked the deaths, with many children reportedly interred on the St.
Jean de Dieu grounds in the pigsty cemetery described by Joseph Martin.
Day confirmed that the Orphans were placed in cardboard boxes and, in his words,
"buried like dogs” in unmarked graves, one atop another.
Day recalled complaining to a St. Jean de Dieu psychiatrist about working in the
morgue, known among Orphans as "Dead People’s Hall." The psychiatrist threatened
Day with serious repercussions if he did not return to his grisly assignment.
Threatened with “pills strong enough to put down a horse” and confinement “in a secret
operating cell” where he would be subjected to “one week of treatments,” Day
All told, Day said, he saw eight Orphans “with their heads cut wide open.” Troubled
about what he perceived as experimental brain operations, Day approached St. Jean de
Dieu’s Camille Laurin, an influential psychiatrist who later became a Quebec cabinet
When Day complained to Laurin about the brain operations, the psychiatrist allegedly
punished him by administering a powerful drug that rendered him senseless. Day said
that he “fell unconscious and slept like a vegetable."
Colin Ross, M.D., an authority on mind control experiments and author of such books
as Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality Disorder by Psychiatrists,
pointed out that Cameron and Sargant were two of the four founders of the World
Psychiatric Association.
Ross told Freedom that psychiatrists carried out a deliberate campaign of deception in
Cameron’s wake to limit the damage to psychiatry’s reputation. The disinformation, he
said, conveyed that Ewen Cameron and his brutal work had been “just an isolated
incident, that it happened a long time ago back in the ’50s, and that there were different
ethical standards back then.”
But Ross noted that while Cameron’s research “completely violated the ethical
standards of the time,” his experiments were far from isolated from his fellow
And although books, documentaries and films such as “The Manchurian Candidate”
have exposed the exploitation of adults in mind control, and the victims of his well-
publicized intelligence agency-funded experimentation were compensated by the
Canadian federal government, little has been communicated about the use of such
coercive methods on children, as with the Duplessis Orphans.
1. Christine Hahn, “A Legacy of Shattered Lives,” Freedom, Volume 34, Issue 1, pages
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid., page 81.
7. Kristian Gravenor, “New Golden Era,” Montreal Mirror, January 13-19, 2005.
11. Ibid.
19. Yanick Villedieu, “55 Ans de Revolution Psychiatrique” (“55 Years of Psychiatric
Revolution”), L’Actualité, May 15, 1993, page 13.
20. Decree 1153-2001, September 26, 2001, published in Gazette Officielle du Quebec,
October 24, 2001, pages 7,359-7,361.
21. “A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Drug for Treating Schizophrenia
Identified,” PBS, 1998.
22. Associated Press, “Ombudsman Spurns Offer to Abused Orphans,” March 8, 1999.
23. Daniel Jacoby, The “Children of Duplessis”: A Time for Solidarity, January 22,
24. Gordon Thomas, “Inside the Sleep Room,” Freedom, Volume 36, Issue 2, pages 18-