Corporate Decision-Making For The Adoption of Cloud Computing: Economic and Organizational Factors
Corporate Decision-Making For The Adoption of Cloud Computing: Economic and Organizational Factors
Corporate Decision-Making For The Adoption of Cloud Computing: Economic and Organizational Factors
Composition du jury:
At the end of this journey, and at the start of a new epoch in my life, I am now
sure more than any time before that the path to success cannot be walked alone.
I consider myself to be blessed and extremely lucky to have been surrounded by
compassionate and supportive mentors, colleagues and family who walked with me
and sometimes carried me through this journey. I count on you for the ways to come.
I would like to thank Prof. Ahmed Bounfour for his support, guidance,
and supervision over the past six years. I learnt a lot from the breadth of knowledge
he offered as a world-class scholar. Perhaps more importantly, I was humbled by his
faith in my ability which allowed me to mature as a scholar under his guidance.
According to academic genealogy, mentors or thesis advisors are considered parents.
I am extremely proud to have my academic lineage traced back to Prof. Bounfour.
I wish also to thank Prof. Thomas Housel and Prof. Euripidis Loukis
for their extremely helpful comments and advice. I am very proud of having you
as assessors of my work. I am very thankful for Prof. Grazia Cecere and Prof.
Emmanuel Waller for agreeing to assess my work and providing me with their
invaluable advice.
Mots clés: Modèles économiques, Cloud Computing, Filtrage collaboratif, Solutions d’aide à
la décision, Technologies de rupture, Réseaux mobiles, Économie de réseau, Systèmes de recom-
mandation, Adoption de la technologie, 5G et au-delà
Résumé: L’admission des technologies dis- des organisations, et nous étudions soigneuse-
ruptives est une décision assez cruciale et ment les besoins et la préparation des organi-
délicate qui affecte la survie et la continu- sations pour une technologie de rupture. Ce tra-
ité des entreprises, startups et multinationales. vail considère le cloud computing comme la tech-
Cette décision est considérée par de nombreux nologie disruptive étudiée et concentre sa con-
chercheurs et décideurs comme étant un juge- tribution sur l’admission du cloud computing
ment que chaque organisation devrait juger et par les organisations. Au niveau organisation-
décider. La question qui se pose est la suiv- nel, une solution d’aide à la décision est conçue
ante : les organisations, sont-elles vraiment li- à l’aide des systèmes de recommandation de fil-
bres de décider d’adopter ou non une technolo- trage collaboratif. Cette solution vise à aider les
gie spécifique ? En fait, de nombreuses or- décideurs à évaluer leurs besoins organisation-
ganisations n’ont pas la concession d’imposer nels et à choisir de façon optimale l’ensemble
leurs besoins aux fournisseurs, leurs services des technologies adaptées aux besoins de leurs
aux clients, ou leurs modèles commerciaux aux organisations. Au niveau économique, les fac-
concurrents. Dans ce travail, nous étudions, teurs économiques sont modélisés à l’aide de
à deux niveaux, la décision des organisations la modélisation à base d’agents. Nous consid-
en ce qui concerne l’adoption des technologies érons l’adoption du cloud computing dans les
de rupture. En premier lieu, nous considérons réseaux mobiles 5G comme un cas spécifique
les forces économiques (forces externes) qui in- d’admission du cloud. Cette spécification est
fluencent la décision des organisations. Ainsi, nécessaire pour permettre une modélisation pré-
nous examinons minutieusement la réponse du cise des facteurs économiques. Deux scénarios
marché aux technologies de rupture. En deux- sont envisagés, le premier suppose une concur-
ième lieu, nous considérons les forces organisa- rence parfaite sur le marché de la 5G, alors que
tionnelles (forces internes) affectant la décision le second assume un marché oligopolistique.
Title: Corporate Decision-Making for the Adoption of Cloud Computing: Economic and
Organizational Factors
Keywords: Business models, cloud computing, collaborative filtering, decision support solu-
tions, disruptive technologies, mobile networks, network economics, recommender systems, tech-
nology adoption, 5G & Beyond
Abstract: The adoption of disruptive tech- nization’s decision. More thoroughly, we look at
nologies is a very critical decision affecting the the organization’s needs and readiness for a dis-
survival and continuity of businesses, startups ruptive technology. This work considers cloud
to multinationals. Many researchers and deci- computing as the studied disruptive technology
sion makers consider technology adoption as a and focuses its contribution on cloud computing
decision each organization should evaluate and adoption. In the organizational level, a Decision
decide upon. But are organizations really free to Support Solution is designed using collaborative
decide whether to adopt a specific technology or filtering recommender systems to help decision
not? Many businesses do not have the privilege makers evaluate their organizational needs and
to dictate its needs to vendors, its services to decide on the optimal technology mix suitable
customers or its business models to competitors. for their organization. In the economic level,
In this work we study the organization’s deci- the economic factors are modeled using Agent-
sion on disruptive technology adoption at two Based Modeling. We consider cloud computing
levels. In the first level, we consider the eco- adoption in the 5G mobile networks as a spe-
nomic forces (external forces) affecting the orga- cific case of cloud adoption. This specification
nization’s decision. More thoroughly, we look at is needed to allow accurate modeling of the eco-
the market’s response to disruptive technologies. nomic factors. Two scenarios are considered, the
In the second level, we consider the organiza- first assumes perfect competition in the 5G mar-
tional forces (internal forces) affecting the orga- ket and the second assumes an oligopolistic mar-
Université Paris-Saclay
Réseaux Innovation Territoires et Mondialisation,
92330, Sceaux, France
Introduction 1
Background on Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter Abstracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1 Methodology 13
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 Research Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.2.1 Project-related previous contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.2.2 CBOD Objectives and Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.2.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.3 General discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.4 Epistemology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5.5 Auto-learning and Self-correcting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.5.6 Fine-tuning algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.5.7 Data quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.6 Collected Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.7 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Appendix - A: Active Learning Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Appendix - B: Accuracy metrics for recommender systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6 Conclusion 175
6.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
6.1.1 Generic and vendor-neutral decision support solution for cloud com-
puting adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
6.1.2 Modeling 5G networks under perfect competition conditions . . . . 178
6.1.3 Modeling 5G networks under oligopolistic conditions . . . . . . . . . 179
6.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
6.2.1 Cold-Start problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
6.2.2 Recommender system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6.2.3 Parameter fine-tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
References 181
List of Figures
2.14 Evaluation of the recommendation’s accuracy Using Predictive Accuracy Met-
rics - MAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.1 Scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.2 Outcome 1: All legacy mobile operators driven out of business with the final
user cost exceeding the initial cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.3 Outcome 2: All legacy mobile operators driven out of business with the final
user cost less than the initial cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.4 Outcome 3: Co-existence between legacy and cloud-based mobile operators.
Some of the legacy and cloud-based operators left the market. . . . . . . . . . 126
3.5 Outcome 4: Cloud-based mobile operators join the market and leave later
because of competition from the legacy mobile operators. . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3.6 Simulator’s Main View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
3.7 First Sample Round. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
3.8 Fifth Sample Round. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
3.9 Twentieth Sample Round. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
echnology is a driving force for current businesses and is among the key decisions
T and investments directly supervised by the senior executives. Correct decisions
help businesses thrive while wrong ones can dramatically limit an organization’s competi-
tiveness and possibly lead it to bankruptcy. The history is full of companies that gambled
on technologies that were proven to be a big success and others that took decisions we
currently consider as very short-sighted.
Large organizations are searching the industry for technologies developed by star-
tups and small companies that can complement their arsenal of services and technologies.
Those startups and small companies receive generous offers for acquisition in the hope
that their technologies offer market superiority for the buyer. Venture capitals, incubators,
and angel investors are also on the hunt for promising technologies, ideas, or services
that will become disruptive.
The majority of emerging technologies will have slight impact and marginal market
penetration, and will not mature into becoming a mainstream technology. Business
The literature addressed organizational cloud computing adoption using two differ-
ent and distinct approaches. The first approach considered the internal factors preparing
an organization to adopt cloud computing and determining which type is most convenient.
The second approach considered the external factors that set the market price and service
standard. In this thesis, we covered both approaches to provide a more complete answer.
This work has been applied to cloud computing but can be extended to other emerging
and disruptive technologies such as blockchain.
We will start this work by introducing cloud computing as the case study technology
used throughout the manuscript.
Nowadays, business owners are faced with building and managing complex Informa-
tion Technology (IT) infrastructures. They are supposed to be able to install a variety
of software and applications, and configure, and upgrade them. However, IT resources
may become obsolete over time. Therefore, cloud computing (CC) becomes an attractive
paradigm for business owners since it allows them to deal with complex IT infrastructures
by using outsourced cloud computing platforms. In cloud computing, Information Tech-
nologies (ITs) capabilities are moved away from personal computers and mobile devices
towards a remote cloud. Its main concept is to allow users and businesses to increase and
release rapidly their computing and storage resources, in real-time, without the need to
investigate new infrastructure, or train new personnel, or buy a new software.
Many definitions for cloud computing can be found in literature, each trying to
give a complete and specific explanation of what this technology is all about. We start by
surveying these definitions and then give our own based on the lessons learned. Cloud
computing is:
• "a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released
with minimal management effort or service provider interaction." [3].
• "a large pool of easily usable and accessible virtualized resources (such as hardware,
• "hardware-based service offering compute, network, and storage capacity where: Hard-
ware management is highly abstracted from the buyer, buyers incur infrastructure
costs as variable OPEX, and infrastructure capacity is highly elastic." [5], [7].
• “Online, infinite-like, easily provisioned and pay-as-you-go resource pool that are bound
by SLAs.” [8]
• Selecting a foreign cloud provider and performing the abstraction procedures needed
for having the foreign IdP (Identity Provider) trusted by the client’s IdP which is
necessary for establishing a secure connection.
The adoption of CC has a lot of benefits. The user can offload her job (computation,
storage, etc.) to the Cloud to decrease the utilization at his local devices and to get
additional functionalities he doesn’t have locally. CC allows businesses to avoid up-front
infrastructure investment. It provides customers with limitless computing resources that
are available on demand, removing the need for resource provisioning planning. It also
enables businesses to start small and scale up their hardware resources just as their
demands grow. Users can pay for computing resources on a short-term basis (hourly
processing, daily storage) and release them as needed with CC. There are no upfront
costs, and software upgrades are automated. Because Cloud customers do not have to
acquire hardware or license software, the expense and complexity of owning and operating
computers and networks is minimized. All the information and applications on the Cloud
are mobile accessible and they can be accessed remotely.
Advantages Disadvantages
Thin clients Always online
Compatibility High-speed connection
Lower IT costs Limited features
Fewer maintenance Data confidentiality
Software patching Data availability
Computation/Storage on-demand
Easier Collaboration
Access to Documents
Deployment models
The Cloud infrastructure supports four deployment models: public, private, hybrid,
and Community [12], [13].
• Public: It is the dominant Cloud model. It is provided for the use by the general public.
The Cloud service provider "is the owner of the Cloud and anyone can access
its services through web interfaces" [14]. Thus, Cloud customers have no control
over the location of the Cloud. The most common uses of Public Clouds are for
application development and testing, file-sharing, web applications, email service,
etc. The Public Cloud is adopted by many popular Cloud providers. One can cite
IBM, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, and Google App Engine. The Public Cloud has
the advantage to be flexible, reliable, highly scalable, allows easy access to data, and
• Private: The private Cloud, also called “Internal Cloud “, is a Cloud model provided for
the use within a single organization. It is owned and managed either by the organi-
zation itself or by the Cloud Service Provider, or by some combination of both of them.
Within this Cloud infrastructure, only authorized users within the organization have
access to the Cloud resources and applications. This provides the organization with
a high control level over its data and resources. The Private Cloud infrastructure
is suitable for the business societies that have high-security requirements, and
dynamic and critical management demands. The Private Cloud is the best Cloud
model to deal with the security and privacy issues of the organizations adopting
Cloud technology. "Unlike the Public Cloud, the Private Cloud is highly se-
cured and it is control-oriented. It has more control over its resources as
these later can only be accessed within the organization boundaries." [14].
Despite all its benefits, the Private Cloud model is less scalable than the Public
Cloud, and it is very expensive to be maintained and managed [17], [18].
Service models
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS is the Cloud stack’s lowest layer responsi-
ble for on-demand provisioning of servers [5]. "It consists of providing the Cloud
users several computing, storage, and network resources using which the
users can deploy their code and run their own applications" [14]. IBM, Ama-
zon Web Services, S3 (Secure Storage Service), and HP Public Cloud are examples
of IaaS providers. VRS (Virtual Resource Set) and PRS (Physical Resource Set) [5]
are two services offered at this layer. The first is hardware dependent and creates,
for the second, an abstraction layer. The second is hardware-independent and its
role is to track the running applications. Hypervisor, one of the VRS technologies,
is a widely used technology. both layers are shown in Figure 0.1.
• Data availability: One of the main issues in Cloud computing environments is data
availability. It is a critical Cloud requirement that needs to be achieved to meet the
users’ needs. Thus, different techniques have to be applied by the Cloud Service
Provider in order to ensure that data is available and easy and quickly accessible
by the end-users, even with the increasing number of Cloud users, or in the case of
network failure. Data availability can be guaranteed by implementing data storage
redundancy, data security policies, and network optimization.
• Data security: Cloud computing saves time and money, but trusting the system is a top
priority. Data security is one of the most significant roadblocks in Cloud computing.
As a result, data security in Cloud computing is a major concern. It is vital to preserve
and secure the security of the data kept in the Cloud in order to assure the Cloud’s
dependability and the users’ confidence in this environment. The deployment model,
as well as the data protection and prevention mechanisms deployed, determine the
level of trust in a Cloud context. In a public cloud deployment, data access control
is delegated to the infrastructure owner, who is responsible for defining a security
policy. The integrity, anonymity, and confidentiality of data on the Cloud are all
aspects of data security. The goal of data integrity preservation is to prevent illegal
data deletion, alteration, or fabrication. Database restrictions and transactions
are used in conjunction with a database management system to accomplish this.
When users’ private data is kept in the Cloud, the security of such data becomes
critical in order to boost the Cloud’s dependability. Authentication and access control
measures, data encryption, and data storage distribution can all help to ensure data
• Costing model: The cost dimension is based on several factors. It is defined according
to the service provided, the rental period of the service, the quality of the service,
the cost of maintenance, the age of the resources, and the investment cost of the
service provider [22].
• Platform control: Businesses are generally wary of the Cloud environment. In fact,
unlike the Cloud providers who can concept and change their platforms when and
how they want and without the consent of the customers, companies are unable to
change the technology of their platforms when they need it. Besides, the conception
of Cloud platforms does not depend on business-specific IT and business practices,
which will limit the appeal of Cloud computing.
• Business domain: This criterion refers to companies adopting the Cloud computing
solution. It is the strategy used by the company to manage its resources and to offer
the market the best services and products that its competitors. A good business model
of an enterprise is supposed to define the customers, their needs and appreciated
services, as well as the strategy to be adopted to earn money while offering the
customers the services and products at appropriate costs [23].
• Disaster recovery: Cloud disaster recovery is an important feature of the Cloud com-
puting systems. It allows to backup and to restore the data of the users in disaster
cases. It consists of storing several electronic copies of the users’ data stored in the
Latest Applications
Cloud computing refers to a set of services delivered via the internet. Cloud
computing’s primary technology is the centralization of computer processing, services,
and specialized applications. In Mobile Cloud computing (MCC), thin mobile devices can
request cloud services through the mobile network. Virtually any service that can be
developed on the mobile device can be exteneded to the cloud. As shown in Figure 0.2,
MCC is the combination of Cloud computing and Mobile Computing.
Huerta-Canepa and Lee [24] define Mobile Cloud as a group of mobile devices in
close proximity that are all interested in processing the same data. In this instance, the
processing costs (battery power and CPU cycles) will be shared among the participating
devices, allowing the mobile Cloud to achieve its objectives. Mobile Cloud is divisive
because we want a single architecture to be sufficient for all mobile apps while also
reducing power consumption in mobile devices and, most crucially, being inexpensive.
There was no architecture in the literature that could meet the aforementioned criteria,
and none of them were standardized.
Mobile Cloud computing has been understood differently by the research com-
munity and this explains the deep difference in defining this technology and designing
its architectures. To give a generalized definition that includes all points of view and
architectures, it should be abstract and doesn’t specify detailed features. For this reason,
we define mobile Cloud computing as: “A technology which allows the user to access Cloud
services through mobile devices”.
MCC provides a lot of benefits. It allows compute and data storage to be moved
from mobile devices to the cloud. It overcomes mobile devices’ constraints, particularly
their processing power and data storage capacity. MCC also allows you to increase the
battery life of your mobile device by transferring the computation-intensive application
Chapter Abstracts
• Chapter 1 - Methodology
This chapter identifies the research gap addressed in this work. A systematic survey
is performed, and the literature is critically analyzed. The research objectives
are clearly stated and articulated in alignment with the funding research project.
Finally, the epistemological orientation for this work is specified and argued in
comparison with the available epistemological orientations.
• Chapter 6 - Conclusions
In this chapter, we concluded this work and specified its contributions and limita-
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.4 Epistemology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.1 Introduction
the case of broker-based [21] or peer-based federation, new and more complex business
models are needed [28] [29], [30].
In the first methodology, researchers tried to identify all the determinants that
affect cloud’s business models in order to design a realistic model for a viable process.
Including all the determinants in a business model is not a guarantee for success. Youssef
et al. [42] relied on questionnaire to measure organizations’ willingness to adopt cloud
computing. They based their research on two strands, the first exploring the determinants
for cloud computing adoption. The second strand focuses on the special role of technological
Chan and Ma [41] highlighted the biased decisions of CEOs concerning IT-based
strategies. They showed that CEOs with fixed salaries have less tendency to migrate
to cloud and use green IT services while CEOs with shares have higher tendency to
adopt cloud computing. Chang et al. [32] stated that cloud adoption increases bilateral
dependence and will elevate the risk of post-contractual opportunistic behavior. The
decision to migrate or not is not always meaningful. Sabherwal et al. [40] showed that
effect of the interaction between Strategic IT Alignment (SITA) and IT Investment (ITI)
can be negative under some environments. They also showed that in stable, simple,
and munificent environments, SITA reflects a rigidity that reduces the positive effect
of ITI on firm performance. So even if the right decision has been chosen, internal and
external factors participate in the success of the adoption. Saunders and Brynjolfsson [50]
found that in average 90% of a company’s market value is related to the IT’s intangible
assets such as purchased and internally developed software, other internal IT services, IT
consulting, and IT-related training. Retana et al. [51] studied the impact of basic support
vs. full support on service usage by cloud users. It was found out that users who have or
had full support tend to rely more on cloud services than customers who didn’t experience
the features of the full service. Wunderlich and Veit [52] studied the end users’ imperfect
decision making when deciding on the adoption of sustainable technologies. Trenz et al.
[53] studied the social factors end users rely on when considering the adoption of cloud
computing especially when the relation with the cloud providers is uncertain. Relying on
all those concerns, the second methodology is becoming dominant since 2017.
The second methodology considers that strategies and clients’ business models,
suppliers and competitors’ processes are very important in deciding the success of the
user’s strategy. For this reason, simulating the interaction between business models
is important to fine tune the designed model and decrease failure risk by preventing
any miscalculated behavior. Various modeling techniques are available to study the
interaction between processes and to predict the success rate under each environment.
Naldi and Mastoeni [33] calculated the fees to migrate to the cloud. They then
utilized cash flow metrics to create decision criteria. It is important to highlight the fact
that their proposed decisions are independent from competitors’ decisions and only relied
on price, failure and utilization predictions. Such decision method is typical to the second
methodology. Naldi and Mastoeni [33] also calculated the risk resulting from wrong
decisions. Sen et al. [54] applied a similar logic for providing a model to help decision
makers decide whether to utilize shared or separate networks. Like [33], they relied on
organization’s internal costs and predicted prices to decide on the network type to be
used. Guerin et al. [55] developed a framework that helps decision makers evaluate the
benefits of convergence and deciding between shared and dedicated infrastructures. Their
proposal uses two operational metrics, gross profit margin and return on capacity when
considering reprovisioning resulting from excess demand. Naldi et al. [56] showed that
as the number of repositories in the cloud rises, the net advantage of investing in security
diminishes until it becomes unprofitable. As a result, unless the cloud provider promises
a better return on security investment, the cloud solution has a smaller net benefit than a
centralized solution. Gupta et al. [57] motivated researchers to use economic experiments
in information systems and presented its advantages. Aligned with this proposal Guo and
Ma [58] developed "an analytical model to study the competitive pricing strategies of an
incumbent perpetual software vendor in the presence of SaaS competitor" [58]. Multiple
strategies are being considered for the software vendor. They discovered that vendor
competition does not always result in better consumer surplus, and in certain cases, it
might even result in a socially unproductive outcome. Cocco et al. [59] simulated the
competition between traditional and on-demand software vendors. Their model can be
used as a tool to "forecast future market trends, or to plan business policies concerning
investment and pricing. Firms should calibrate this model depending on their past
business trends" [59].
Nan et al. [60] mathematically modelled the optimal pricing strategies of a cloud
service provider in an incumbent entrant setting under user upgrade cost and switching
cost. They found that in equilibrium the market structure is not unique, and this is very
important since it proves that the organizational factors are not enough for deciding on the
adoption of cloud computing. Feng et al. [61] investigated the competition between a new
entrant and an incumbent in a SaaS market and derived the optimal market entry strategy
for the new entrant. Naldi et al. [62] evaluated the effects of new entrants on existing
players using the Hirschman-Herndahl Index (HHI). Song et al. [63] studied the market
dynamics between two competing pricing strategies in contrast to the traditional fixed-fee
perpetual licensing strategy. They used Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) to study the
interaction between pricing strategies. Postmus et al. [64] used mathematical modeling
to compare pay-per-use and fixed-fee licensing. Mastroeni et al. [65] applied ABM on scale-
free networks to study user side decisions. Ketter et al. [66] used multiagent competitive
gaming platforms to study dynamic electricity trading. They gave preliminary empirical
evidence for the efficacy of competitive gaming platforms. Guijarro et al. [67] studied the
mathematical equilibrium in a market for data-based services. They were able to calculate
the Nash equilibrium when certain market conditions are available. Guijarro et al. [68]
[69] studied the mathematical equilibrium for a Multi-Sided Platform Sensor-Based
Services in the Internet of Things. They deduced that an increase in any market side will
benefit all the users across the other sides. Bhattacharya et al. [70] used game theory to
compare different selling strategies under monopolistic and competitive environments.
Feng et al. [71] used system dynamics (SD) to model the adoption of the electric vehicles
compared to internal combustion engine vehicles.
Focus areas 1 and 2 are discussed above and will be explored thoroughly in the re-
maining of this thesis. In supporting area 1, the literature argues that the organizational
approach is not enough to justify IT investment, but rather financial analytics should
be supportive of sometimes speculative investments. Housel and Nelson [72] proposed
using complexity and information theory with knowledge valuation analysis to measure
corporate knowledge and thus assign revenue streams to IT which provides an accounting
and financial justification for potential investment in cloud computing. Cintron et al. [73]
simulated and measured the knowledge value added by core IT processes. Such simulation
is critical in predicting the financial feasibility of the potential adoption. Additionally, in
uncertain conditions, real option analysis [74] provides a rigorous framework that helps in
valuating investments. This framework can be extended to consider investments related
to cloud adoption. In [75] the authors showed that the adoption of single innovation does
not concur impact or economic performance. Even multiple adoptions may not guarantee
impact. Economic performance is achieved through "innovative combinations" and is
very specific and case dependent. Extending this discussion from environmental inno-
vation into disruptive technologies has profound impact as is shows that organizational
approach’s recipe model falls short to deal with "innovative combinations" and case depen-
dency. In the same context, Cecere et al. [76] discussed the lock-in and lock-out factors
that prevent an organization from adopting eco-innovations. This work, if extended or
generalized, can explain the possibility of being locked out from adopting a technology
even if the organization wants. This literature body, called supporting area 1, does not
focus on technology adoption, but is critical in understanding the theoretical basis for the
first methodology.
how they will think. They are subject to what economists call fundamental uncertainty...
About these matters there is no scientific basis on which to form any calculable probability
whatever. We simply do not know. As a result, the decision problem faced by agents is
not logically defined and, so, it cannot have a logical solution. It follows that rational
behaviour is not well- defined. Therefore, there is no ‘optimal’ set of moves, no optimal
behaviour [77]."
Agent-Based Modelling and mathematical modelling are the natural methods for
understanding the complex nature of markets and its emerging nature. Arthur defined
this concept clearly
"it was computation more than anything else that allowed economic theorists to
venture beyond the standard neoclassical assumptions — for instance, to allow complicated
inductive reasoning and compute its consequences. If we turn these new possibilities into a
theoretical framework, we get complexity economics, or something like it. If we turn them
into a solution method, we get agent- based computational economics.So there is no well-
marked boundary between the two approaches. One could, therefore, regard agent- based
computational economics as a key method within the framework of complexity economics;
or one could regard complexity economics as a conceptual foundation behind agent- based
economic modelling [77]."
2. Conceptual weaknesses: these weaknesses are due to the nature of the methodology
such as: experts’ biased recommendations, decision-makers’ biased answers and
corporate officials’ biased perception to the used adoption model or determinants.
This work is under the umbrella of the CBOD Project (Cloud-Based Organizational Design
– ANR). CBOD is “inscribed in fundamental research, but with applicability in real world
settings, aims at developing the management and IS community knowledge on cloud
computing, from an organizational and business point of view” [82].
Previous contribution on the CBOD project includes [83] which found that "perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, complexity and compatibility are key factors for cloud
adoption. It also found that most small cloud providers have more stable and better
computing performance than large cloud providers and that the performance of CPU
impact price significantly" [82].
ontology modelling, and associated tools, with a particular interest to solutions that
are very comprehensible (both in exploring and designing the models) (action led by
Paris Sud)" [82]
6. "Build a set of cases and scenario able to reflect the diversity of issues, situation and
perspective of Cloud-based information systems (e.g. business models, resistance to
change, national specificities and international comparison, etc.), that will be also
used to validate the approach." [82]
Status Status
Objective 1 Done Task 1 Done
Objective 2 Done Task 2 Done
Objective 3 Pending Task 3 Pending
Objective 4 Pending Task 4 Pending
Objective 5 Pending Task 5 Pending
Objective 6 Pending Task 6 Pending
1.2.3 Objectives
In this work, our general aim is completing the remaining tasks and objectives set by
CBOD. Studying the organizational impact of cloud computing adoption is a declaration
of the new technology’s disruptive nature. Our aim is to help decision makers assess the
value of disruptive technology (and cloud computing in particular) on their organizations
to be able to draw better conclusions. Our objectives can be categorized into economic
and organizational which are:
Although it may seem from the above discussion that the literature is offering two distinct
alternative approaches and has favorized one over the other, the literature doesn’t contain
any comparison between the two approaches nor a systematic analysis specifying the
relationship between them. The relationship can span from complimentary to alterna-
tive, but without systematic analysis it can be ambiguous and possibly subjective. My
observations pushed me to believe that the organizational and economic approaches have
the following relationship:
1. The organizational approach precedes the economic approach as the first attempt to
understand an emerging technology.
2. The organizational approach provides, on the long run, an inexpensive, simple and
readily available hand rule for decision makers when the economic approach is too
complicated, too expensive or too slow to be evaluated.
In the Figure 1.4, we plot the number of publications per year for every approach.
The x-axis of Figure 1.4 is the publication year, while the y-axis is the number of publica-
tions (cumulative).
As seen in Figure 1.4, the organizational approach precedes the economic approach
by 6 years. This observation is consistent across other emerging technologies. Table 1.2
shows the blockchain selection papers and their relative approach.
[98] Lo et al. Flow-chart 2017
[99] Verified ICOs Flow-chart 2017
[100] Lin et al. Flow-chart 2017
[101] Meuller Flow-chart 2017
[102] Henkel Flow-chart 2017
[103] Maull et al. Flow-chart 2017
[104] Xu et al. Flow-chart 2017
[105] CapGemini Questionnaire 2017
[106] Klein et al. Questionnaire 2018
[107] Pahl et al. Flow-chart 2018
[108] Wessling et al. N/A 2018
[109] World Economic Forum Flow-chart 2018
[110] Wust Flow-chart 2018
[111] Gardner Flow-chart 2018
[112] Gatteschi et al. Questionnaire 2018
[113] Koens et al. Flow-chart 2018
[114] Scriber Questionnaire 2018
[115] Chand Flow-chart 2020
[2] Bou abdo et al. Neural network 2020
In the Figure 1.5, we plot the number of publications per year for every approach.
The x-axis of Figure 1.5 is the publication year, while the y-axis is the number of publica-
tions (cumulative).
Plotting the cloud adoption risk publications on the same graph with the two cloud
adoption approaches, as shown in Figure 1.6, instantly visualizes the direct correlation
between the initiatives to understand cloud adoption risk and initiatives to rely on the
economic approach for deciding cloud adoption. The “economic approach” and “cloud
adoption risk” have clear positive correlation (r = 0.88).
1.4 Epistemology
• “Epistemology is the study of the criteria by which we can know what does and does
not constitute warranted, or scientific, knowledge” [1].
[118]. Organizational order does not exist objectively but is being continuously
maintained, reconstructed and modified by individuals and groups acting in and
around an organization” [117].
or declined experimentally [121]. According to [122], the epistemological issue is not truth
but action. Pragmatism is concerned with action and the interplay between knowledge
and action. The authors of [123] proposed the experience-based research as a general
framework for management research.
Management sciences are part of human sciences [119] hence, a “criteria of utility
rather than ‘truth’ should be employed in making judgements on the adequacy of theory”
[124]. The stands, from utility and value, used in management research, as specified by
Levant and Zimnovitch [119], are as follows: Although an important part of management
research falls into dogmatism and sophism, action research provides real perspectives
and the hermeneutical-historical approach valuable information. It is what is called
Dead ends and prospects. On one hand, the management sciences theory degenerates
into dogmatism when it pretends to express the truth and tries to produce universal
regulations in order to succeed. If science pretends to apply to utilitarian things, it will
deteriorate into dogmatism. On another hand, the application of rhetoric as a technique
for management and its teaching is quite common. However, the use of rhetoric as a goal
or science will at last lead to a sophism that shifts utility over truth. The connection
between sophism and marketing is quite clear. The last situation, raising a technology,
which is relative to a context, a point of view, or a preference, to the rank of truth, would be
to deny it and destroy its claims to universality. This is sophism. According to [125], they
both, ultimately, aim to seduce, convince, and persuade. Our research aims to provide real
perspectives and not speculation regarding modeling the factors influencing the adoption
of cloud computing and the success of the adoption decision.
The stands from utility and truth can be reformulated into the stands between
science and technology. As shown in Figure 1.7, science and technology have four possible
relationships with truth and utility. These relations can be described as follows:
Figure 1.7 – Relationships of science and technology with truth and utility.
– All sciences, including social sciences, should follow the natural sciences model.
– Scientific statements are the creations of the scientist, thus cannot be falsified
using external observations.
• Pragmatism and Critical Realism: Critical Realism considers that people’s observ-
able behavior is not explicable using empirical methods and requires the casual
context of non-empirical structures and their interactions.
• Critical Theory: Critical Theory is oriented towards power structures and related
issues such as "exploitation, asymmetrical power relations, distorted communication,
and false consciousness" [1].
– How best to understand the very philosophical debate concerning the aim of
Figure 1.8 – The epistemological orientations used in management research (inspired from [1]).
The first part of our research is aligned with the constructivist approach since
we have been immersed in observing the environment of our study to know it, model
it and to build our results accordingly. Our constructivist approach is based on three
principles: the phenomenological hypothesis, i.e. the relation between economic factors
and corporate’s success, the relation between subject and object, i.e. how the object of
knowledge is constructed through comings and goings of analysis and interpretation, and
the construction of new truths. Other proposals found in literature using decision trees or
rigid recommendations follow ontological subjectivism and epistemological subjectivism
orientations and thus fall prone to biases.
Reality is constructed from the work that is done on it, from the observations that
emerge from it. Knowledge is the fruit of constructions that are realized progressively,
that are not given by themselves, but that are built continuously. This reality is not
directly accessible, but it results from interpretations. It cannot be directly deduced
according to pre-defined criteria, but it is deduced according to standards of feasibility
that must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
In the first part of our work, we considered the factors involved in generating
accurate decisions without oversimplification or overgeneralization. The factors used are
based on a previous contribution of the CBOD project [131]. Similar factors have been
grouped by Loukis et al. [132]. The constructed models are not necessarily final, and the
included factors are not necessarily complete. Increments can be done to the constructed
models to included missed factors that can enhance the model’s accuracy. The use of a
recommender system and the designed auto-tuning component help enhance the accuracy
of the model without manual intervention from our side.
This construction is carried out with the actors concerned, it is not a theoretical
construction, but a construction that combines theory and practice in the field of action.
It is an articulated approach, based on a learning process between me as a researcher
and the experts in the field.
The methods used define the project that allowed the construction of scientific
truths or scientific knowledge. According to this constructivist approach, such research is
a project in continuous progress. This evolution implies that it is not an elaborated and
definitive reality, but several realities likely to evolve according to the individuals who
apprehend it.
The second part is based on a positivist approach which can be defined by the
consideration of knowledge obtained by observation and measurement. It is the study of
the social world. This approach is based on an hypothetico-deductive model that verifies
and experiments hypotheses set a priori by operations and measures in order to find
causal relationships between the elements of the hypothesis. It consists of passing from
observable social reality to a generalization considered as a law. These relationships are
important since they will be considered as the main base of Management.
In our studies, we started by defining the terms and concepts used in order to
establish a clear and valid communication. Then, we established hypotheses defined
following the research needs. The second part of the research is based on a quantitative
method which was a market simulation in our case. This part has the role to test the
hypothesis in order to confirm it.
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.2 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.5 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.5.1 Determinants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.5.3 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.5.4 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.7 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.1 Introduction
Existing research has focused on defining and ranking the elements that influence
adoption decisions, "as well as the impact of a predetermined set of criteria on the
intention to utilize cloud computing services" [135], [136], [137], [138], [139], [140],
[141]. Other suggestions attempted to use traditional economic methods by combining
measurable and non-quantifiable components into a single index [142], [143]. The presence
of a linear connection between the influencing factors is implicitly assumed by these
writers, and this is non-provable. The determinants overlap in influence; thus, any
theoretical decision scheme will be very difficult to deduce. On the other hand, inducing
an empirical interaction formula as a function of the determinants would be the most
convenient taking into consideration the limitation of the available data. As will be
discussed later, we debate that non-personalized collaborative filtering recommender
systems are best suitable to induce an empirical relationship between the determinants
and the available cloud technologies/services.
2.2 Background
Humans spend the majority of their days in front of screens and devices, connected to the
Internet. Whether in their homes, institutions, colleges, hospitals, etc. anywhere and
everywhere technology is integrated. They are required to take a multitude of decisions
that go from simple daily decisions to life-changing ones. However, with the huge stream
of information to which the users are being exposed the problem of information overload
arises. The users are receiving a large quantity of data in a short time: they are not being
able to convert information to useful knowledge. This affects the decisions negatively
to the point of blocking it completely. In order to solve this issue, decision support
systems became widespread solution. Decision support systems (DSS) combine computer
capabilities and human skills in performing advanced operations such as data analytics,
reporting, planning, and modeling. This is not a new field of study, researchers have been
focusing on developing solutions for complex decision-making problems since the 1970s
DSS are systems that deal with problems that have semi-structured or unstructured
[145] stages. Simon places the problems dealt with DSS on a range from programmed,
easy to solve well-structured problems to non-programmed, difficult, and ill-structured
problems [146]. DSS is an incarnation of the concept that computers place an important
role in decision-making. They address the requirement of a certain design strategy
supporting the cognitive process of human decision.
Three types of DSS exist [144]: active, passive, and cooperative. The active DSS
can generate solutions or suggestions. On the other hand, a passive DSS cannot produce
such solutions or suggestions, but it is able to support the process of decision-making.
A cooperative DSS allows the decision-maker to modify the recommendations that the
system provided before being sent back to the system for validation and another round of
decision recommendation.
1. First Step: Problem Requirement Definition Once recognized, the problem needs to
2. Second Step: Alternative Generation As the name implies, this stage is in charge of
coming up with alternate answers to the uncertainties of decision-making. One of
the most important characteristics is that the alternatives must fulfill the previously
specified standards. The "Intelligence Phase" is formed when steps one and two
are combined. The system is tasked with locating, identifying, and formulating
the circumstance or issue. A summary of the present state of the detected issue is
provided. As a consequence of this step, a decision statement is issued.
3. Third Step: Model Development Once the alternatives are generated and the fitting
ones are selected, the model needs to be developed. The aim of the model development
is the analysis of the different alternatives. The model that best compares all the
alternatives is the one that achieved the selected criteria and goals the soonest.
4. Fourth Step: Alternative Analysis After this best model is developed, an alternative
analysis is conducted. This analysis concludes the evaluation of alternatives against
criteria. Many tools exist and research is still ongoing to find which method is
appropriate the most to which type of issues. The aim of these researches is to
differentiate between the pros and cons of using a certain method instead of another
and to check if changing the method used affected and changes the decision. At the
end of this step, the solutions are validated against the problem statement.
5. Fifth Step: Choice of Decision Design The choice should be made in a way that the
solution best achieves the objectives of the decision process, satisfies the desired
state, and meets the requirements
6. Sixth Step: Implementation The chosen decision design is implemented. These steps
are the flow of the “Choice Phase” model. The developed alternatives to the design
phase are here selected. A decision or model is the final product of the process.
be seen in Figure 2.2 there exist five main applications of DSS that consist of multiple
techniques and sub-technologies for decision making as shown in the coming subsections.
For decision support, a model-driven DSS employs optimization, finance, simulation, and
algebraic decision-analytic models. It is intended to assist decision-makers in understand-
ing a particular situation and allowing the user to alter model parameters. In general,
it is not data-intensive: big databases are not required. They may, however, need to be
removed for certain studies. One or more quantitative models that offer functionality are
the key component of this DSS’s architecture.
Analytical tools that use algebraic models assign a basic degree of capability. They
are typically created in spreadsheets and are frequently utilized in the development of
model-driven DSS systems. Simulation approaches, optimization, and mathematical
programming models, as well as decision analysis, are used to design and develop increas-
ingly complicated decision-making models. Models in a model-driven DSS are, in general,
a simplified depiction of reality.
Decision analysis models are the statistical methods and tools such as probabilistic
forecasting, decision tree analysis, AHP (analytical hierarchy process), and multi-criteria
decision analysis. A decision analysis aims at the discovery of the most favorable alterna-
tive under the given situation.
A data-driven DSS allows to access and manipulate structured data. It can handle real-
time data and time-series of external and internal company data. "Data-driven DSS are
separated by functionality. Simple file systems are accessed by retrieval tools and queries
that facilitate an elementary level of functionality" [144]. More in-depth functionality is
provided by management reporting systems such as EIS (Executive Information Systems)
and Data Warehouses. They allow computerized tools to manipulate data. The data-
driven DSS that provides the highest mode of decision support and operation is the BI
(Business Intelligence) Systems and the OLAP (Online Analytical Processing). BI systems
help in the creation of the decision: they trigger, manipulate, and analyze information
or data stored in historic databases. Their main objective is to ensure a higher quality
of information for decision making. The efficiency of the data-driven DSS is linked to
certain requirements: to have access to a large quantity of data and also high quality, i.e.
accurate, organized, and well-structured data.
The quantity of documents, videos, images, sounds, correspondence, and hypertext docu-
ments in companies is increasing exponentially. Not only the amount is huge but also
the size of the documents is very large. Document management is now a must. The
worldwide web contains very big document databases which augmented the development
of document-driven DRR. Search engines that are linked to these systems form decision-
aiding tools. It is important to note that documents are not standardized in patterns and
are therefore unstructured. Information retrieval systems are used to extract information
and give a structure for documents to provide better support for decision making.
The first type is about rule-based expert systems [148]. It is commonly used in
production systems, for scheduling. These expert systems use heuristics, strategies
leading to the correct solution for a problem. In this type of system, human expert
knowledge is necessary.
The second generation relies on genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, and neural networks
[149]. These methods are "similar to linear programming models but they conduct random
experiments by selecting variables without identified values to find the fitness function"
TAM is a widely used theory in Information Systems that studies the adoption level of a
studied technology under a certain organizational context [150] as shown in Figure 2.3.
It is based on two beliefs which are:
• "Perceived usefulness: the degree to which a user thinks a technology would enhance
performance or productivity in the workplace" [150].
• "Perceived ease of use: the degree of lack of effort required by the user in adopting a
given technology" [150].
These beliefs help in predicting users’ attitudes toward the evaluated technology
and thus its overall effectiveness. The predicted users’ attitudes and intentions to use
the studied technology affect the behavior of actual system usage as shown in Figure 2.3.
The TOE framework identifies the organization’s adoption influencers to be three elements
of a firm’s context [151] as shown in Figure 2.4. These elements are:
"It is a framework and model for measuring the complex dependent variable in IS research"
[152]. The variables belong to six interrelated dimensions, as shown in Figure 2.5, which
• information
• user satisfaction
• net benefits
"A system can be evaluated in terms of information, system, and service quality; these
characteristics affect the subsequent use or intention to use and user satisfaction. The
net benefits will (positively or negatively) influence user satisfaction and the further use
of the information system" [152].
Cloud computing represents a new field of research in the academic field. In information
systems, for example, 205 ’peer-reviewed’ academic articles were recorded in a review of
descriptive literature on ’cloud computing’ [153]. According to the same review on cloud
computing research, studies on the topic range into four types:
of potential and difficulties, but cloud computing research is still in its infancy. Much
of the present research focuses on the advantages and hazards of cloud computing, as
well as organizational case studies on cloud adoption and cloud computing designs [160].
More specifically, with respect to business decisions regarding cloud computing, it focuses
primarily on "identifying the determinants that influence the adoption of cloud
computing and the impact of a predefined set of factors on the environment." [25]
"Another line of research used the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model
to assess the commercial benefits of cloud computing migration. Many attempts
have been made to enhance this model to boost its accuracy while investigating
the adoption of cloud computing [161] [152]. Another stream of research mobi-
lized the TOE (Technology-Organization-Environment) to expand the scope of
analysis by adding new dimensions of explanation [151]. Also, researchers ad-
dressed the topic of cloud computing adoption determinants through the diffu-
sion theory of technology, initially developed by Rogers 1995 aiming at identify-
ing attributes of technology diffusion." [25]
Low et al. [138] addressed the problems of adopting cloud computing using the
TOE framework and argued for better understanding of the adoption of cloud computing
and its environmental and organizational factors.
In fact, the issues of cloud computing adoption constitute, according to [162], one
aspect from four aspects that have dominated the literature on cloud computing, to know:
cloud computing characteristics, cloud computing adoption, governance mechanisms, and
business impact pointing out « a shift from purely technical aspects of research on cloud
computing to a broader understanding of cloud computing as a new IT delivery model»
[162]. We enroll in our work within this perspective.
"Despite the fact that the IS (Information Science) literature have wit-
nessed the development of decision support systems with the objective of guid-
ing managers when deciding about their future investments in cloud comput-
ing services such as [163] [164], [164], and others, we assess a clear lack of an
integrative tool that combine a large mix of heterogeneous and interdependent
decision dimensions. Indeed, the decision support tools have been developed ei-
ther based on a limited number of dimensions like the storage and computing
capacities added to the network [165] or regarding a specific service like [163]."
Indeed, our study fits into the ’Business /Management’ class of the typology pro-
posed above and more particularly in the subject ’Adoption of the Cloud’. Indeed, only
21% of the articles listed in the literature review deal with the subject of adoption. As
such, we propose to focus on the decision-making process that companies undertake to
invest in cloud computing and what variables do they consider in this decision-making?
We also propose a decision model (a rule-based modeling approach).
The literature presented us with an ad hoc list of relevant factors, with the majority
of studies focusing on specific cloud computing services. We’ll do the following in this
• Determine the factors that influence an organization’s choice to use cloud solutions.
• Create a uniform and well-defined classification system for the determinants listed
in the literature.
• Create a vendor-neutral, accurate DSS that meets the demands of businesses. This
tool should be able to meet the organization’s technological requirements.
Constraints "The design of the DSS tool is very complicated and faces many
constraints. The first constraint is extremely sparse data. To ensure precision
and accuracy, a large number of determinants should be used, each with a range
of degrees. As can be seen in the DSS tool, the number of determinants we identi-
fied is 10, each with approximately 5 degrees. An organization’s need can thus be
represented by a 10-dimension vector with 5 possible values for each dimension.
The studied universe (the number of different possible vectors) is 510 = 9, 765, 625.
It is impractical to manually study each possible vector and propose a suitable
technology mix. In addition, the number of manual entries individually studied
by our team is very small compared to the universe’s size. For this reason, the
DSS tool has to adapt to the scarcity of the available data." [25]
2.5 Design
2.5.1 Determinants
"Based on literature review and our conducted survey, the determinants influ-
encing the adoption of cloud computing are:" [25]
• "Price: The literature suggests that cost savings are manifested in two as-
pects: energy and cost savings" [25]
• "Control: This dimension refers to the level of control the company wants
to have on the cloud computing solutions it adopts. It is true that once the
company is deprived of some of its control, by using the services of a cloud
provider, it requires different levels of control over their data, infrastruc-
ture, and processes." [25]
• "Lock-in: This dimension refers to the degree of lock-in or lock-up that the
cloud provider has on the company adopting its solutions. The lock-in is
used not only to choose the solution but the supplier also. The locking situ-
ations that companies experience are the result of the rising difficulty they
experience when it comes to changing cloud providers or replacing cloud
services." [25]
"The proposed DSS is flexible (as will be described in the coming section)
and can handle other technologies if needed." [25]
"The DSS tool is an integral part of this work and its final product. Its rec-
ommendation accuracy is highly required since it supports decision-makers in
setting the organization’s strategy. In this section, we describe the design of our
DSS tool, its objectives, and the constraints it faces. The foundational objectives
of the DSS tool are:" [25]
• "Simple user interface: The used dimensions and degrees should be generic
and well formulated. This objective is aligned with the dialog generation
and management system’s requirement of intuitive and easy-to-use inter-
faces [167]." [25]
• "Flexibility: The selected dimensions and degrees are not exclusive, thus
future needs and technology innovations might enforce changes. The DSS
tool should be flexible to adopt any change in dimensions and their degrees
without the need for manual intervention." [25]
2.5.3 Components
To meet the constraints and design objectives shown above, we designed a Non-
Personalized Collaborative Filtering Recommender System that receives the user’s re-
quirements and helps to match with the suitable cloud mix. As will be shown in Chapter
3, market factors (external to the organization) will affect the future of cloud adoption
and its success. For this reason, it is impossible to deduce the cloud adoption decision
objectively solely from the organization’s internal factors. For this reason, we decided to
build an RS DSS to help benefit from the subjective influence of the decision-makers and
the market trend.
2.5.4 Design
The flowchart of the “Processing operation” presented in Figure 2.6 is shown in Figure
2.7. Step 1
"As presented in Section 2.4, a distance should be able to calculate the correla-
tion between the user’s answer vector (organization’s need) and any vector stored
in the database. As also presented in Section 2.4, the existing distances do not
satisfy our requirements, so, we had to develop a distance formula that satisfies
our needs as shown next." [25]
"The backend server calculates the distance between the user’s vector and
every row in the stored data (row 0 in Figure 2.6 is degree 1, degree 3, . . . , IaaS).
The distance expression we developed is as follows:" [25]
X −1
Distance[k] = β[j] × α × (A[j] − S[k, j])
"Where β[j] is the priority of metric j (in the current version of the DSS tool,
all priorities are set to 1). α is a small positive value when S[k, j] ≥ A[j] (it is set
to 1 in this version of the DSS tool) and a large positive value otherwise (it is
set to 2 in this version of the DSS tool). α is used to represent the higher impact
of a downgrade in comparison with an upgrade. A[j] is the user’s answer for
Figure 2.7 – Flowchart of the processing operation i.e. to select the closest 3 technologies.
dimension j while S[k, j] is the stored value for row k and for dimension j. M is
the number of used metrics." [25]
2.5. DESIGN Step 2
"The backend server selects the technology mixes having the smallest distance
(closest to the user’s answer)." [25] Step 3
"The server then calculates the level of confidence in each recommendation. The
equation calculating the level of confidence is: " [25]
X Short_List[k, i]
Level of conf idence[k] = W [i] ×
i=1 (accuracy[i]
"This DSS has 2 levels of auto-learning and self-correcting. The first level is
intrinsic to all RS since the measurement of the new distance and level of con-
fidence will be affected by every new entry to the database. Users’ answers will
normalize the effect of inaccurate entries and the system will have better per-
formance with more accurate entries in the database. The second level of auto-
learning and self-correcting is design extrinsic. The DSS accuracy depends on
its configuration (the values of β[j], α and weighted_min[i]). The tool runs a peri-
odic algorithm to fine-tune its configuration." [25]
The fine-tuning algorithm will try for all possible combinations of (β[j], α and
weighted_min[i]) to predict the technology mix for every input vector. After that, the
algorithm will compare, for every parameter combination, the predicted technology mix
to the selected one. The difference between the predicted and selected technologies is
calculated using RMSE. The parameter combination that scores the smallest RMSE value
will be used by the RS DSS, since it increases the system’s predictive accuracy the most.
The fine-tuning algorithm is presented in the flowchart illustrated in Figure 2.8.
We selected RMSE as an accuracy metric since the DSS will offer one technology
mix for every user, thus rank accuracy and classification accuracy metrics become useless.
We can deduce that predictive accuracy metrics are the only ones suitable. RMSE’s
advantage over MAE and MAUE is its lower tolerance to large deviations between the
predicted and selected mixes.
The collaborative filtering recommender system model, no matter what type of field it
is used on, be it e-commerce or education, is not only affected by its parameter and the
tuning methods followed to best fit the training data. To achieve the best accuracy results
from evaluation metrics, it is necessary to analyze and study the quality and the quantity
of the data itself. As shown in [168], working with the data is most of the time risky. Even
with the most efficient algorithms, the output might end up biased, un-expected, and
fundamentally flawed. A more interesting work [169] [170] demonstrates how the content
in the datasets can be managed to shape the recommender’s output and immensely affect
hundreds of users of a certain system. It is valid that randomness and noise in data can
not only affect the accuracy results of a model [171], [172] but ultimately affect the quality
of recommendation presented to a certain user, however, this shows that the consequences
This leads to two types of problems that are faced when implementing recommender
• Noise in the data (the quality of the data such as natural and malicious noise,
The issue with small datasets when employing recommender models such as
collaborative filtering (CF) approaches is the cold-start problem that it encounters with
data that is inevitably sparse especially in new online systems. That content is just not
dense enough to fill the huge user-item matrix. During the cold-start phase, the knowledge-
based system produces more accurate results, but the collaborative system produces more
accurate results later on. For dealing with the cold-start problem, including knowledge-
based systems is often preferred [173]. Other solutions such as active learning [174] can
also be efficient when addressing such a problem faced by CF recommenders, however,
the user will eventually need to accurately provide insight on the queries presented to
him when he initially connects to the system.
Problems that result from noise in the systems can be tackled by manipulating
data pre-processing methods for noise management before loading the recommender with
the dataset and training it. Various methods exist depending on the type of noise present
in the data, be it malicious [175], natural [168], or obfuscation [170]. Unfortunately, there
is yet to be a unified noise system that fundamentally deals with the noise in a dataset
irrespective of the recommender used, therefore, the data needs to be manually analyzed
and it is more adequate to run tests that cater to all noise types before running tests on
an algorithm. In a CF environment, some easy and efficient noise management solutions
can be adopted to deal with the problem using pre-processing methods such as in [176],
however, for other models that don’t solely consider ratings such as knowledge-based,
other methods need to be considered to overcome this issue.
The tool has been publicly available for a period of one year, and we were able to collect
278 responses, mostly from the Middle East and Lebanon specifically. The respondents
have their profiles distribution as shown in Figure 2.9.
As can be seen in Figure 2.9, all the respondents are decision-makers or experts,
and their opinions are considered authoritative. The respondents represent industries
across different market sectors. These market sectors are distributed as shown in Figure
As seen in Figure 2.10, a large share of the respondents belongs to the financial
sector, whose members are usually reluctant to adopt a new technology unless proven
reliable. We expect to see in the selected technologies a considerable portion of private
and hybrid technologies selected. The participants represent companies of different sizes.
The distribution of respondents by company size is shown in Figure 2.11.
As seen in Figure 2.11, a large share of the respondents belongs to small companies.
Small non-technology companies usually find variations of SaaS very convenient. The
respondents represent companies of different ages. The distribution of respondents by
company age is shown in Figure 2.12.
As seen in Figure 2.12, a large share of the respondents belongs to new companies.
Previous expenditures on technology and the quality of a company’s system influence the
adoption decision. The distribution of selected technologies is shown in Figure 2.13.
As seen in Figure 2.13, legacy technologies such as “Dedicated servers” and “Grid
Computing” were selected by 14% of the respondents. Public cloud technologies sum up
to 31%, while private and managed cloud technologies sum up to 60% of the respondents’
decisions. The total percentages are different than 100% since we are measuring the
percentage of respondents who selected a specific technology, while the respondent has
the freedom to select any number of technologies simultaneously (Technology Mix).
2.7 Evaluation
The accuracy of the tool’s recommendations, over the process of data collection, has been
measured using MAE and the results are shown in figure ??. The y-axis shows MAE
while the x-axis shows the number of populated answers in the tool.
Figure 2.14 – Evaluation of the recommendation’s accuracy Using Predictive Accuracy Metrics -
As can be seen in figure 2.14, the system is following a gradient decent towards
low MAE values which means that the tool is achieving good accuracy.
2.8 Summary
This work is our response to the need for a holistic, generic, and non-trivial DSS that
helps decision-makers in their strategy of cloud computing adoption. We tried to do so by:
integrating a richer mix of cloud computing adoption that goes beyond the traditional
price/capacity mix and proposing a richer offer of cloud computing services and similar
solutions; and finally, by targeting a larger sample of users and organizations.
The designed DSS satisfies CBOD’s task 4. The updated project status is shown in
table 2.1.
Table 2.1 – Chapter 2 contributions to CBOD objectives and tasks
Status Status
Objective 1 Done Task 1 Done
Objective 2 Done Task 2 Done
Objective 3 Pending Task 3 Pending
Objective 4 Pending Task 4 Done
Objective 5 Pending Task 5 Pending
Objective 6 Pending Task 6 Pending
The designed DSS is based on RS since, as will be shown in the coming chapter,
market factors affect the success of cloud computing in a studied market.
The questions asked to the user and their respective possible answers are:
1. Does your enterprise have a business strategic vision for the next 2-3 years?
a. Do not know
b. No vision in place or being developed
c. Partially – we may have an initial vision but it is incomplete, not well
formulated or communicated
d. Yes, we have well formulated strategic vision but haven’t taken significant
actions to communicate or implement it yet, we may not have time, resource,
commitment or knowledge to implement it
e. Yes and it is being implemented, it is the foundation of our business direction
and priority-setting
a. Do not know
a. Do not know
b. Plan to decrease
d. Increase
e. Significantly increase
b. Mobile computing
d. IT service Management
e. DevOps
• Metric Questions
a. Unpredictable
b. Considerably predictable
c. Predictable
d. Very predictable
a. Non-sensitive
b. Considerably sensitive
c. Sensitive
d. Very sensitive
7. How are the organization’s operations in which cloud computing would be used?
a. Public facing
b. Critical
c. Mission – critical
d. Specific
e. Combination of above
a. Non-maintained
b. Average
c. Maintained
a. Low
b. Maintain existing levels
c. Average cloud services performance
d. Above average
e. High
10. What are your organization’s control requirements over the cloud service?
a. None
b. Maintain the existing control over data and operations
c. High
a. None
b. Moderate lock-in
c. Complete lock-in
13. Do you think you need a sophisticated IT support to manage cloud solutions?
14. How do you characterize the degree technical compliance (between the cloud
technology and your legacy technology)?
a. No compliance problems
b. Some compliance problems
c. Many compliance problems
The performance of any RS is measured by one or more metrics depending on the de-
signer’s intentions. "The accuracy metrics are divided into three major classes
[177] [178]:" [25]
• "Predictive accuracy metrics: they measure how close the ratings estimated
by a recommender system are to the true user ratings. They are usually
used to evaluate non-binary ratings. The most popular metrics in this cat-
egory are Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root
of items, and measure only the correct or incorrect classification. The most
used metrics in this category are precision and recall, in addition to fall-
out, miss rate, inverse precision, inverse recall, F1-measure, Mean Average
Precision (MAP), Geometric Mean Average Precision (GMAP), Harmonic
Mean Average Precision (HMAP) and Quadratic Mean Average Precision
(QMAP). For more information about these metrics, the reader can refer to
[182]." [181]
• "Rank accuracy metrics: they measure how much the recommender system
is able to estimate the correct order of items with respect to the user’s pref-
erences. These metrics are useful when we care about giving the user the
recommendations in a certain ranking. They use relative ordering regard-
less of the exact values. Therefore, even if the recommender system fails to
predict the ratings accurately, if it gives the items in the correct order of
preference then these metrics will still achieve a great score. Some used
metrics from this category are Kendall’s τ , Spearman’s ρ, DCG, and nDCG
[180]." [181]
Relevant Irrelevant
Recommended tp fp
Not Recommended fn tn
"A major problem with the frequently used metrics presented in Table 2.4
is that they can include great biases. This issue can be solved by three new met-
rics" [181] introduced by Powers [183]:
"Prediction error of
a heavy rater is very
small compared to that
"It computes the of a cold start user.
deviation be- However, MAE weighs
Mean Absolute tween predicted MP AE = every prediction error
1 n
Error (MAE) ratings and n i=1 |p_i − r_i| in the same way. But in
actual ratings." reality, the heavy rater
[181] is probably satisfied
with the prediction
error while cold start
users are not." [181]
M atthewsCorrelation = ± M arkedness.Inf ormedness (2.3)
Table 2.4 – Details of the Classification Accuracy Metrics Used in this Study
"Prediction error of
a heavy rater is very
small compared to that
"It computes the of a cold start user.
deviation be- However, MAE weighs
tween predicted P recision = tp+f p every prediction error
ratings and = gooditemsrecommended
in the same way. But in
actual ratings." reality, the heavy rater
[181] is probably satisfied
with the prediction
error while cold start
users are not." [181]
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.1 Introduction
Cloud Computing vendors and researchers promise competitive advantage and financial
savings for potential clients. When we consider individual businesses, migrating to the
cloud can be financially feasible and the most rewarding option. When we consider the
ecosystem as a whole, the rewards of cloud computing can become blurry. The literature
considers the individual business’ requirements to decide on cloud adoption without
having a vision into the market’s future. Mobile operators’ decision-makers experience
the same limitation when considering Multitenancy cloud computing for their networks.
Mobile operators are busy planning for the coming 5G era which supports a wide
range of potential applications. A new ecosystem of content provides is growing around
this communication infrastructure and some of the main concerns is how will the mobile
operators slice their spectrum to offer dedicated services to these content providers. 5G
is going to change how business is performed in many industries; according to the Next
Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) alliance, “5G is an end-to-end ecosystem to enable
a fully mobile and connected society. It empowers value creation towards customers and
partners, through existing and emerging use cases, delivered with a consistent experience,
and enabled by sustainable business models” [184]. It is really a disruptive technology
that has the potential to change even the mobile operator’s business model.
Yousaf et al. claimed that Virtualized Network Functions (VNF), Evolved Packet
Core as a Service (EPCaaS), and Multi-tenancy decrease the total cost of ownership and
increase a mobile operator’s competitiveness [185]. In reality, such a claim is true when
part of the mobile operators adopts these new technologies that give them an advantage
over other operators; but when all the mobile operators migrate to multi-tenancy cloud-
based core services, the claimed advantages are not necessarily maintained. In addition
to that, the promised reduced Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) can considerably reduce the
startup-cost which is an important economic barrier-to-entry that works for the advantage
of already running mobile operators and hinder other players from joining. The Pay-as-
you-go feature of cloud computing also reduces the effect of the economy of scale which is
another important economic barrier-to-entry that also works for the advantage of already
running mobile operators. EPCaaS and other forms of Cloud-based mobile operators can
be invasive to the current stability in the market and current “business may not be able
to recover costs and effectively compete” [186].
Various programmable ABM environments exist in the literature. ABM can also
be performed using custom-made object-oriented programs. In this chapter, Netlogo
[187] will be used as the programmable modeling environment for simulating the cloud
computing market behavior.
Research framework
Market prediction is left for a dedicated few who are experts in their market.
Nevertheless, history is full of experts who failed to successfully predict market behavior,
especially in the technology sector. Using ABM for cloud market prediction is courageous
and risky at the same time. For this reason, we decided to consider a specific application
of cloud computing as a reference.
Existing literature barely touches on the mobile market behavior as EPCaaS and
multitenancy get implemented. As this technology emerges, the current market stability
may diverge into a purely competitive market or converge into a monopolistic market. The
originality of this work can be identified as:
• This work is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to raise the issue of market structure
• Existing predictions used in the mobile market are based on historical data. Such
methods are notoriously inaccurate in predicting the implications of emergent tech-
nologies (such as the introduction of EPCaaS in 5G). This work is the first, to the
best of our knowledge, to simulate the market and predict its behavior based on the
interaction between different players, not by interpolating previous behaviors.
• The mobile market differs between countries, thus country-specific studies have limited
impact and may not be valid for different countries. This study is designed to be
country-independent, where the user can configure the simulator (we developed) to
match the studied market’s parameters.
• This study can be used by decision-makers to find the right parameters for their market’s
case to ensure a suitable outcome.
In this section, we start by presenting the related technologies behind EPCaaS such as
EPC, vEPC, and NFV. We then discuss cloud computing’s business model and pricing
Efforts to transform the traditional EPC into a set of virtualized modules started since 2011
[188]. Sama et al. [189] proposed cloud-based network sharing between mobile operators
for the LTE/EPC architecture. This proposal didn’t introduce a new business model since
existing mobile operators were advised to co-invest in a shared cloud network that offers
services to the partnering operators, thus, using the cloud’s community deployment model.
On the contrary, this paper emphasizes the cooperation between mobile operators, thus
inherently causing the competition to stabilize.
The term carrier cloud started to be present in research papers such as in [190],
[191], [192], [193], and other papers, and this announced the start of an interest in
cloud-based core services. Similarly, NFV (Network Function Virtualization) emerged
as a facilitator for dynamic mobile network [194] management, carrier cloud, and multi-
tenancy. NFV is also expected to "change the core structure of the telecommunications
infrastructure to be more cost-efficient" [195].
Bagaa et al. [196] designed an algorithm for calculating the most suitable number
and locations of vEPC’s virtual instances over the federated cloud which is suitable
for carrier clouds and EPCaaS. This placement algorithm ensures QoS and maximizes
the profits of cloud operators. Resource pooling has been proposed by Rodriguez et al.
[130] to enhance the performance of vEPCs running in resource-limited general-purpose
Khan [197] proposed to use NFV over SDN (Software Defined Networks) and backed
his proposal by predicting OPEX reductions. These reductions include, among others,
eliminating the takedown and provisioning of network upgrades and eliminating physical
boxes and cable migration. Sama et al. [198] discussed the realization of an operational
VNF/SDN stack and control architecture. Valtulina et al. [199] studied the Mobility
Management in vEPC and proposed a Distributed Mobility Management under VNF/SDN
Sousa et al. [200] proved the technical feasibility of migrating existing mobile
networks to a fully cloudified environment. They also proposed an architecture that
includes a business lifecycle optimizing CAPEX/OPEX and a technical lifecycle leveraging
a deployment model virtualizing MNO’s core network and RAN elements. The authors of
[201] discussed vEPC from vendors’ point of view, listed EPC market revenue projections,
and compared vEPC suppliers. This paper is one of the rare publications looking at the
mobile network industry from an economic perspective.
Cloudified EPCs received attention from the research community and some unique
services have been proposed which makes vEPC own a competitive advantage against
legacy deployments. Zhao et al. [202] proposed MOBaaS (Mobility and Bandwidth
prediction as a service), uniquely for cloudified EPCs, which provides location predictions
of a single/group user equipment (UEs) in the future moment. This information can be
used for self-adaptation procedures and optimal network function configuration during
run-time operations.
Taleb et al. [204] demonstrated the feasibility of the on-demand creation of cloud-
based elastic mobile core networks. They also described two implementation scenarios for
EPCaaS. The first scenario uses full virtualization where both user plane and control
plane functional entities are implemented in VMs. The second scenario uses partial
virtualization where only control plane functional entities are used in VMs.
Jeon et al. [208] proposed a traffic offloading framework between legacy EPC and
vEPC. This work is based on the fact that existing design and deployment initiatives for 5G
do not consider that their adoption by operators will need to pass through a co-existence
period with the existing legacy network.
Cau et al. [209] proposed novel solutions for effective subscribers’ state management
in quality-constrained 5G scenarios which will help ensure efficient elasticity provisioning
of EPCaaS stateful components. This work leverages SDN and NFV in addition to
proposed protocols and network nodes to move network control functions close to eNB
(Mobile Edge Computing) which results in robust network decisions. Solozaba et al.
[210] benefitted from the previous work to propose Non-Standalone 5G ETSI MEC-based
architecture for Mission-Critical Push-to-Talk. This work is among many (such as [211],
[212], and [213]) that leverage EPCaaS functionalities at the edge level to offer new
EPCaaS business model hasn’t been touched before in the literature and this work is
considered the first to look at EPCaaS from a business/economic perspective. In this
section, we survey the cloud computing business model as discussed in the literature.
Chang et al. [214] classified the business models under eight dimensions which are:
1- Entertainment and Social Networking. 2- Venture Capitals. 3- In-House Private Clouds.
4- All-In-One Enterprise Cloud. 5- One-Stop Resources and Services. 6- Government
funding. 7- Support and Services Contracts. 8- Service Provider and Service Orientation.
Weinhardt et al. [26] described CBMF (The Cloud Business Model Framework) which
is divided into three main business models which are: 1- Infrastructure as a Service. 2-
Platform as a Service. 3- Software as a Service. They also listed the cloud offerings and
matched them to the business models in CBMF.
Martson et al. [215] surveyed and identified various issues that will affect the
different stakeholders of cloud computing. They issued a set of recommendations for the
practitioners who will provide and manage this technology.
The authors of [216] and [217] studied the effect of cloud computing on the value
chain and listed some of cloud computing’s success factors which include simplicity of
service deployment, references, flexible price models, integration and migration interfaces,
and architecture frameworks that support automatic scaling and economies of scale.
Yousaf et al. [185] studied the cost analysis of EPCaaS’ VNF (Virtualized Network
Functions) deployment. The study evaluated cost as a function of CPUs which can be
translated to dollars based on the current pricing of a VM (Virtual Machine).
In this section, we will be identifying the pricing schemes, found in literature, of each of
the agents participating in the studied market. It is worth noting that a generic currency
is used to represent pricing as recommended by [218] who defined it as dimensionless
and [77] who defined it as average aggregate quantities.
Each CSP (Cloud Service Provider) enhances its competitiveness through value-added
services [26], but pricing remains a decisive factor in offer selection [219]. All available
business models share the same possible pricing models which can be categorized into
two groups:
• Static: The user (the cloud-based mobile operator in our case) has either a fixed resource
cost or fixed lump sum fee. The static pricing models have dominance over dynamic
ones due to accounting and psychological reasons even if it costs more [26], [220].
Static pricing models are:
• Pay-per-use: Resource units are priced at a fixed value. This pricing model is
used for “products whose mass production and widespread delivery have made
price negotiation impractical” [26], [221].
• Dynamic: The user pays a dynamic cost, specified based on supply and demand, for
the used resources. Such models achieve differentiated services and better prices
for low-end services [26], [222]. Dynamic pricing models are:
• Auctions/Bidding: Prices are proposed by clients and the CSP selects the price
that optimizes his revenues.
• Revised pricing: Resource units are priced a new value for each new unit of
time. Existing pricing models found in the literature are:
– RPM3 [224]: The authors of [224] proposed a pricing model based on the
Black-Scholes-Merton Model and Moore’s law.
The literature has limited proposals for pricing models specially designed for virtual or
cloud-based mobile operators. Meidanis et al. [225] studied the pricing scheme of a Mobile
Virtual Network Operator who rents the infrastructure from a Legacy Mobile Operator.
This work uses user profiles from a crowdsourcing platform to maximize revenues for
both operators. Although this study is not identical to our environment (EPCaaS), we
can deduce the pricing correlation between these two types of operators. The correlation
can be simplified as:
Where Ui is user i, PM V N O (Ui ) is the selling price for user i by the virtual mobile
operator and di is the traffic demand by user i. C(di ) is a linear function and Plegacy (Ui )
is the price charged by the legacy mobile operator against the virtual mobile operator.
The authors have identified a linear function between both pricing schemes even though
Plegacy (Ui ) is a function of di . Thus, PM V N O (Ui ) is a function of the square of di which
makes high traffic users pay extremely high fares.
Xiao et al. [227] proposed a non-uniform pricing scheme that tries to motivate users
to utilize the spectrum resources more predictably while ensuring high QoS (Quality of
Service). Predictable user behavior allows the mobile operator to offer consistent service
to its virtual mobile operators.
Zhang et al. [228] proposed a pricing framework for MCA (Mobile Crowdsourced
Access), where the direct traffic and tethering traffic are charged independently according
to a data price and a tethering price, respectively. The literature didn’t touch the pricing
strategies for cloud-based mobile operators specifically, thus the general pricing strategies,
discussed earlier, are also implementable.
Wang et al. [229] listed green pricing schemes for mobile operators and identified the
absence of real green pricing schemes and the existence of a few related research pro-
posals. The listed schemes are [230] and [231]. In the first [230], the authors proposed
a compensation-based pricing model by studying the game where the MVNO invests
in content /advertising to compensate for the quality of service degradation. It is done
by modeling the system as a supply-chain. In the second [231], the authors proposed a
Sen et al. [232] surveyed the data pricing strategies and divided them into two cat-
egories, static and dynamic. The static pricing strategies include: Fate-rate, Usage-based,
QoS classes, Negotiated contracts, Application-based, and Time-of-day. The dynamic
pricing strategies include: Raffle-based, Real-time congestion, Auction-based, and Day-
ahead. Although these pricing strategies are ISP oriented but can be extended to legacy
CSPs. Kim et al. [233] studied the own- and cross-price elasticities of SMS and voice
services. They found that voice services and SMS are substitutes with 0.8% increase
in demand on SMS for 10% increase in the price of voice services. Vincenzi et al. [234]
studied the possibility of cooperation among different MNOs that provide service to the
same area by sharing their C-RAN (Cloud Radio Access Network). The authors set rules,
among which is a pricing scheme, for ensuring profitable collaboration. Nicoletta and
Zirulia [235] studied the changes in tariff plans in small and large operators over time
and competition. Tariff plans are not necessarily related to pricing, but rather market
segmentation through service differentiation. Ding et al. [236] studied the effectiveness of
time-dependent pricing mechanisms for large mobile operators and concluded that adding
location factors can enhance its performance. Asghari and yousefi [237] studied monopo-
listic and oligopolistic markets of VMVoIP in which a single VMVoIP and several VMVoIP
operators available in the market respectively using game theory. Koski and Kretschmer
[238] studied the competition between 2G mobile operators across 32 different countries.
They also studied the competition between technologies (substitute technologies) and
their effect on pricing. It was deduced that as different technologies exist, the prices
decrease dramatically. Papai et al. [239] compared the number of broadband operators vs.
the aggressiveness (challenger) of these operators. It was concluded that aggressiveness
seems more important than the mere number of operators. Consul et al. [240] studied the
use of bi-objective heuristics for the construction of Pareto-optimal network topologies that
result in an optimum Pareto between the incumbent operators’ income and the quality of
service deterioration suffered by end-users as a result of tethering was investigated. They
demonstrated that the market interactions between such operators greatly influence the
Pareto-optimal collection of topologies.
It helps in benchmarking
Listed EPC market revenue projec- the market situation and
tions and compared vEPC suppliers. in in calibrating our pre-
[156] Static pricing: Pay-per-use (flat rate)
The current players in the mobile industry are either legacy operators (own and manage
the physical infrastructure) or virtual operators (rent access to the physical infrastructure
of other legacy operators). With the emergence of EPCaaS, two new players will join
the scene. The first new player is the CSP offering its EPCaaS services (Usually mobile
technology vendors will play this role such as Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, etc.). The second
new player is the cloud-based mobile operator which uses EPCaaS services to support
its business. Finally, the clients are the pool of customers currently served by legacy
operators. Legacy and cloud-based mobile operators will compete on the finite pool of
customers. Figure 3.1 shows the clients, EPCaaS offering CSPs, legacy mobile operators,
and cloud-based mobile operators.
The black link represents the legacy backhaul interface between a legacy mobile
operator’s Radio and Core network. The blue link between a mobile user and a mobile
operator (legacy or cloud-based) represents a client-operator subscription. In Figure 3.1
, all the blue links are connected to legacy mobile operators since current markets do
not have emerging cloud-based mobile operators yet. As cloud-based mobile operators
emerge, mobile users will subscribe with the new operators thus some of the mobile users
will connect their blue lines to the new operators.
The exact number of factors affecting any system is nearly impossible to identify, and
the effect magnitude of every factor also varies. Designing the modeling environment
requires selecting which factors to include, the abstraction level and the detailing level
[241]. The factors we decided to include in this study are:
• Market growth.
In this section, we specify the included factors and model the market players (agents).
In the current version of our study, the CSP is modeled as an infinite resource
provider following the pricing scheme RPM3 which is nearest to reality. There are
many general pricing strategies in literature such as: Cost-plus pricing (markup),
Competitive pricing, Price skimming, Penetration pricing, and Price bundling, but
specifically for cloud computing RPM3 is the most realistic. The assumptions behind
this model are that the CSP has no other business lines (and no other source of
revenues) and none of the CSPs has a competitive advantage. In a reality, a cloud-
based operator can get services from different CSPs to acquire a wide spectrum of
services, but the model’s complexity and tuning make its realization impractical.
• Model: In the current version of our study, the used pricing scheme is the
markup where all cloud-based mobile operators set their selling price to the
cost they are paying the EPCaaS CSP in addition to a markup margin of a
unified percentage. If all cloud-based operators are using the same markup
percentage, then the value of this percentage will not affect the inter-operator
The number of cloud-based mobile operators is set by the user using the vari-
able “N umber_of _CM SP s”. CMSP refers to a Cloud-based Mobile Service
Provider. Since the CMSPs are not currently available, we give the legacy
mobile operators, in this simulator, a certain amount of time to stabilize their
prices and their market shares. The time CMSPs start joining the market
is set by a random variable ranging between 0 and 2× “Average_entry_time”.
When the new CMSP joins the market, he uses a predefined price equals
to the variable “Initial_momentum”. This price is going to be used for a
certain time after joining the market. This time is set by the variable
“N umber_of _rounds_bef ore_elasticity”. When this grace period ends, the CMSP
will start using the following pricing model.
Legacy mobile operators have been around for more than 30 years and are the
driving force behind consecutive developments in mobile technology. Some of the
mobile operators have a presence in more than 10 different countries such as MTN,
Orange, Telenor, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Airtel, Vodafone, América Móvil, and
• Factors:
– Economic Model and Market Structure Madden and Coble-Neal [242] stud-
ied the relationship between fixed-line and mobile telephony. They deduced
– Reputation and SLAs (RaS) Reputation is a decisive factor other than price.
A client will select a more expensive offer if complemented by a better
reputation and a satisfying SLA. PoP is a decimal number between 0 and
1 representing the percentage of the CSPs with a good reputation. In our
simulation, we consider 2 reputation levels only (with a good reputation,
without a good reputation). RaS is a decimal number between 0 and 1
representing the maximum difference a user accepts to pay for a better
reputation. If RaS = 0 then the user is indifferent to the reputation and
uses price as the only decisive factor. If RaS = 1 then the user will select
the provider with a better reputation.
• Model: In the current version of our study, the considered market structure
is the perfect competition and the used pricing scheme is markup. The num-
ber of legacy mobile operators is configured by the user using the variable
“N umber_of _DM SP s”. DMSP refers to Legacy Mobile Service Provider. The
price offered by a legacy mobile operator as follows:
Initial_price_of _DM SP ; where t = 0
P rice =
General_cost × ; Otherwise
(DM SPusers )
The “general_cost” is the same as the one used in cloud-based mobile operators
and it represents a constant that is used as a starting benchmark for cloud
pricing and can be changed to accommodate different currencies. The variable
“DM SP _users” is the number of users connected to this DMSP (legacy mobile
operator). The variable “Initial_price_of _DM SP ” represents the price that all
legacy mobile operators start with. It is used to represent the current status of
the market where the prices are nearly equal across all mobile operators. Every
legacy mobile operator has a binary reputation (0 or 1) generated as shown
in the previous section. The mobile operator can survive 3 periods without
customers and if this period extends, the operator becomes out of business.
4. Mobile user
• Factors:
• Model: The user has access to the list of available operators (both cloud-based
and legacy), but based on the “bounded rationality” concept every user selects
randomly a list of operators to contact for offers. This list is called knowledge_list,
which is of size (N umber_of _active_M SP s × Degree_of _knowledge). When the
variable “Degree_of _knowledge” is set to 1, the user can access all prices of-
fered in the market. Every round, the user searches his knowledge-list and
compares the best-offered price (minimum_price) to his current price. If the
minimum_price × (RoM ) > current_price × (1 − RaS) the user will move to the
new operator and his price becomes equal to the minimum_price. In case the
user is to stay with his current operator, the user’s price will be updated to the
operator’s new price.
3.3.3 Metrics
To better understand the market behavior, multiple metrics should be used. The used
metrics are:
1. Average cost paid by clients: The average cost per resource paid by the clients.
3.3.4 Evaluation
The market behaved very differently under different configurations; thus, we can expect
the impact of EPCaaS to differ between countries. We were able to distinguish 4 different
consequences (outcomes) that could affect the telecom market if EPCaaS was introduced
and cloud-based mobile operators joined. The outcomes are: Outcome 1: All legacy mobile operators driven out of the market with the
final user cost exceeding the initial cost.
As can be seen in Figure 3.2, as new players joined the market, the legacy mobile operator
was driven out of the market to be replaced by new cloud-based mobile operators who
competed on the market share until one dominated the whole market. As can be seen
in the average price plot, as a new member joins the market, the prices severely drop
(perfect competition) and rise as one leaves the market and competition stress decreases.
Since one player dominated the market, the user cost elevated and stabilized much higher
than what was during the competition of legacy mobile operators. Outcome 2: All legacy mobile operators driven out of business with the
final user cost less than the initial cost.
As can be seen in Figure 3.3, at tick 2 all legacy mobile operators were in business (100%
DMSPs in business) and the cost was around 70 monetary units. Staring tick 3 legacy
operators started to exit the market as new cloud-based mobile operators entered. The
cost gradually dropped (except for a peak when all legacy operators left the market) as
more users moved from legacy to cloud-based operators. The users were distributed over
the cloud operators who offered the same price which is an all-time low.
As can be seen in Figure 3.4, the cloud-based mobile operators started replacing legacy
operators until they lost their initial-momentum and had to abide by the discussed pricing
scheme. The pricing scheme, with the users distributed among them, prevented the
cloud-based operators from offering more competitive prices and failed to drive the legacy
operator out of business. Since the users are divided over the active legacy and cloud-
based operators, the resultant price is higher than the start price, so we deduce that this
competition resulting from the introduction of EPCaaS is against the financial benefit of
users. Outcome 4: Cloud-based mobile operators join the market and leave later
because of competition from the legacy mobile operators.
As can be seen in Figure 3.5, the cloud-based mobile operators joined the market and left
sequentially as the cost dropped into very competitive rates. Finally, some of the legacy
Figure 3.2 – Outcome 1: All legacy mobile operators driven out of business with the final user
cost exceeding the initial cost.
mobile operators withstood the emergence of EPCaaS which wasn’t surviving competitive
In this chapter, we raised the issue of market structure uncertainty due to the introduction
of a multitenancy cloud to the 5G mobile network. As delicate as this issue may get, no
historical data is available to guide us during the emergence of multitenancy in the mobile
market. We modeled the 5G network using the Agent-Based-Modeling technique and the
market behavior has been predicted using this model. Since the mobile market differs
between countries, we tested our model for various configurations, and we observed 4
different market behaviors listed as:
1. All legacy mobile operators driven out of the market with the final user cost exceeding
the initial cost.
2. All legacy mobile operators driven out of business with the final user cost less than
the initial cost.
3. Co-existence between legacy and cloud-based mobile operators. Some of the legacy
and cloud-based operators left the market.
4. Cloud-based mobile operators join the market and leave later because of competition
from the legacy mobile operators.
As EPCaaS becomes a reality, the collected data will help us validate and fine-tune
the performance of our model. A fine-tuned model will help decision-makers plan their
investments based on the predicted market price.
Finally, this model is expected to be the fundamental framework for testing the
readiness of the mobile market to accept new services/technologies and a decision-support
solution for policy makers and executives.
This chapter satisfies CBOD’s task 3 and objective 3. The updated project status is
shown in table 3.2.
Table 3.2 – Chapter 3 contributions to CBOD objectives and tasks
Status Status
Objective 1 Done Task 1 Done
Objective 2 Done Task 2 Done
Objective 3 Done Task 3 Done
Objective 4 Pending Task 4 Done
Objective 5 Pending Task 5 Pending
Objective 6 Pending Task 6 Pending
When the setup button is pressed, a new instance of the simulation is generated.
This instance is based on the inputs set in the left part of the Main view. The visual
representation of the simulation is shown in the black box on the right side of the
Main view in Figure 3.6. The components in the black box are positioned similar to
Figure 3.1 where the left side represents the mobile users, the upper-right agents
are cloud-based mobile operators and the lower-right (represented by big houses)
are the legacy mobile operators.
When the “go once” button is pressed, the users start looking for the best offers
and subscribing with their best local operator (based on “bounded-rationality”). In
Figure 3.7, we can see that the users are connected with the legacy mobile operators,
and next to each user, his subscription price is shown in addition to the MSP id
using this format: price – MSP id. The cloud-based operators haven’t entered the
market yet and their printed prices are 0 (not active) using the following format:
Offered price - Reputation. The legacy mobile operators are connected with lines
from the users and their prices are printed using the following format: Reputation –
Number of subscribed users – Offered price.
The fifth sample round, shown in Figure 3.8, shows the outputs plotted in three
windows. The first window shows the average cost paid by the users where we can
deduce that the price peaked at the start of the simulation and then converged
towards a constant price similar to what happens in real-life where the introduction
of the mobile service leads to peak prices and then competition drives the prices
down to a stable price. In the second window, we see that the percentage of legacy
mobile operators (red line) was 100% and then converged to 66%, so we can deduce
that the market settings set in this simulation can’t accept three legacy operators
(since the market is small) and stabilize at just two mobile operators. Increasing
the “number_of _clients” variable can keep the third operator in the business. The
percentage of cloud-based mobile operators (blue line) is still zero, which means
that none joined the market yet. As the third legacy operator was kicked out of
business, the subscribed were distributed over two mobile operators which increase
the average number of subscribers per active operator and this can be seen in the
third window.
The twentieth sample round, shown in Figure 3.9, shows three cloud-based mobile
operators joining the market and driving all legacy mobile operators out of business.
b. Netlogo Code
globals [
cout ;; Used as the xcor value for the first Mobile Service Provider.
counter ;; Used to index the IDs of the clients. The value is set to 0
in setup.
counter-DMSP-CMSP ;; Used to index the IDs of the Cloud-based Mobile
Service Providers and Dominant Mobile Service Providers.
General_Cost ;; c = 1000
Number_of_active_CMSPs ;; n
breed [clients client] ;; Breed of clients.
breed [CMSPs CMSP] ;; Breed of CMSPs.
breed [DMSPs DMSP] ;; Breed of CMSPs.
clients-own [
cost ;; Used to represent the cost the company is paying for its IT
services that could be offloaded.
id ;; Client’s ID.
connected_to ;; CMSP’s OR DMSP’s ID
knowledge_list ;; list of CMSPs and DMSPs the user knows
CMSPs-own [
price ;; Used to represent the price the CMSP is offering its client.
Price = ( general_cost * ( 1 + coefficient-of-price ) / (
Number_of_active_CMSPs * CMSP_users ) )
CMSP_users ;; Number of users connected to this CMSP
id ;; CMSP’s ID. Starts at 10.
to fill_List_of_active_MSPs
;; Identify the active MSPs so that a user can search for a suitable
price between the active ones. It will decide the searched list
based on the degree-of-knowledge
set Number_of_active_MSPs 0
set List_of_active_MSPs []
ask DMSPs [if in_business = 1 [set Number_of_active_MSPs
Number_of_active_MSPs + 1
set List_of_active_MSPs sentence List_of_active_MSPs id]]
ask CMSPs [if in_business = 1
[set Number_of_active_MSPs Number_of_active_MSPs + 1
to setup
;;ask patches [set pcolor white]
set-default-shape clients "person"
set-default-shape CMSPs "house"
set-default-shape DMSPs "house"
set cout (100 / (Number-of-CMSPs + Number-of-DMSPs + 1) ) ;; It is a
dynamic value for ycor which is the position of the first CMSP.
Other CMSPs will be shifted by a dynamic value called space
set counter 0 ;; Used to index the IDs of the clients
set counter-DMSP-CMSP 1 ;; Used to index the IDs of the DMSPs and CMSPs
set Number_of_active_CMSPs 0
set General_Cost 1000
create-DMSPs Number-of-DMSPs [
let space ( 90 / ( Number-of-CMSPs + Number-of-DMSPs ) ) ;; Dynamic
value for CMSP locations
set size 5
[set Good_Reputation 1]
set xcor 70
set ycor cout
set cout cout + space
set id counter-DMSP-CMSP
set counter-DMSP-CMSP counter-DMSP-CMSP + 1
set number_of_changes 1
set DMSP_count 0
ask DMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set DMSP_count DMSP_count + 1 ]
create-CMSPs Number-of-CMSPs [
let space ( 90 / ( Number-of-CMSPs + Number-of-DMSPs ) ) ;; Dynamic
value for CMSP locations
set size 1
set price 0
set xcor 70
set ycor cout
set cout cout + space
set id counter-DMSP-CMSP
set counter-DMSP-CMSP counter-DMSP-CMSP + 1
set number_of_changes 1
set Number_of_active_CMSPs 0
ask CMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set Number_of_active_CMSPs
Number_of_active_CMSPs + 1 ]
;;print List_of_active_MSPs
create-clients number-of-Clients [
set size ceiling ( 20 / number-of-Clients) ;; be easier to see
let space (90 / number-of-Clients)
set connected_to -1
set xcor 20
;; Fill a knowledge list i.e. the list of MSPs the user contact looking
for the best offer. This is because of bounded rationality
ask clients [
let start_of_knowledge random Number_of_active_MSPs
ifelse start_of_knowledge + ( Number_of_active_MSPs * Degree-of-
knowledge) < ( Number_of_active_MSPs )
[set knowledge_list sublist List_of_active_MSPs start_of_knowledge (
round (start_of_knowledge + (Number_of_active_MSPs * Degree-of-
knowledge)) )]
[let subl1 sublist List_of_active_MSPs start_of_knowledge (
Number_of_active_MSPs )
let subl2 sublist List_of_active_MSPs 0 (Number_of_active_MSPs *
Degree-of-knowledge - (Number_of_active_MSPs - start_of_knowledge
) )
set knowledge_list sentence subl1 subl2
to exiting_business
if ( ticks > 3 ) [
ask CMSPs [ set in_business 0 ]
ask DMSPs [ set in_business 0 ]
set CMSP_count 0
set DMSP_count 0
ask CMSPs
if in_business = 1
set CMSP_count CMSP_count + 1
ask DMSPs
if in_business = 1
set DMSP_count DMSP_count + 1
set Number_of_active_CMSPs 0
ask CMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set Number_of_active_CMSPs
Number_of_active_CMSPs + 1 ]
set DMSP_count 0
ask DMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set DMSP_count DMSP_count + 1 ]
to Join_business
ask CMSPs
if ( ticks > entry_period - 1 ) AND ( ticks < Elacticity_starts )
set in_business 1
print id
set price initial_momentum
to update_pricing
set Number_of_active_CMSPs 0
ask CMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set Number_of_active_CMSPs
Number_of_active_CMSPs + 1 ]
ask CMSPs [ ifelse in_business = 1 [set plabel (word (precision price
2) "␣-␣" Good_Reputation)] [set plabel "" ]]
ask DMSPs [ ifelse in_business = 1 [ set plabel (word id "␣-" (
DMSP_users) "␣-␣" price)] [set plabel "" ] ]
ask clients [ set plabel ( word (precision cost 2 ) "␣-␣" connected_to
to measure-CMSP-involvement
to optimizeprofits
ask CMSPs[
let checker_price price
let number_of_prices_lower_than_checker 0
let second_lowest_price 2 * Initial-price-of-DMSP
let read_CMSP_price 0
let read_CMSP_id 0
let read_DMSP_price 0
let read_DMSP_id 0
ask clients[
ask CMSPs
set read_CMSP_price price
set read_CMSP_id id
;;set read_CMSP_Good_Reputation [Good_Reputation] of ?1
;;set Reputation_of_the_CMSP_connected_to
ask DMSPs
set read_DMSP_price price
set read_DMSP_id id
;;set read_CMSP_Good_Reputation [Good_Reputation] of ?1
;;set Reputation_of_the_CMSP_connected_to
ifelse ticks = 1 [
ask CMSPs
set read_CMSP_price price
set read_CMSP_id id
foreach klist
?2 ->
if(read_CMSP_id = ?2)
if (read_CMSP_price < minimum_price )
[ set id_of_CMSP-with_minimum_price read_CMSP_id ]
ask DMSPs
set read_CMSP_price price
set read_CMSP_id id
foreach klist
?2 ->
if(read_CMSP_id = ?2)
if (read_CMSP_price < minimum_price )
[ set id_of_CMSP-with_minimum_price read_CMSP_id ]
ask CMSPs
set read_CMSP_price price
set read_CMSP_id id
;;set read_CMSP_Good_Reputation [Good_Reputation] of ?1
;;set read_CMSP_capacity [CMSP_users] of ?1
ask DMSPs
set read_DMSP_price price
set read_DMSP_id id
;;set read_CMSP_Good_Reputation [Good_Reputation] of ?1
;;set read_CMSP_capacity [CMSP_users] of ?1
foreach klist
[ ??1 ->
let xid ??1
if read_DMSP_id = xid
set minimum_price read_DMSP_price
set id_of_CMSP-with_minimum_price read_DMSP_id
;;set Reputation_of_the_CMSP_offering_minimum_price
set connected_to read_CMSP_id ; Connecting to the new CMSP
set cost read_CMSP_price
let node2 one-of CMSPs with [ id = read_CMSP_id]
ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set color 12 +
read_client_id] ]
;ask CMSPs with [id = iCMSP] [ create-link-with end1 [set color
12 + idinput + idinput]]
set connected_to read_DMSP_id ; Connecting to the new CMSP
set cost read_DMSP_price
let node2 one-of DMSPs with [ id = read_DMSP_id]
ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set color 12 +
read_client_id] ]
;ask CMSPs with [id = iCMSP] [ create-link-with end1 [set color
12 + idinput + idinput]]
Figure 3.3 – Outcome 2: All legacy mobile operators driven out of business with the final user
cost less than the initial cost.
Figure 3.4 – Outcome 3: Co-existence between legacy and cloud-based mobile operators. Some of
the legacy and cloud-based operators left the market.
Figure 3.5 – Outcome 4: Cloud-based mobile operators join the market and leave later because of
competition from the legacy mobile operators.
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.1 Introduction
The adoption of cloud computing divides the market into two categories namely adopters
and non-adopters. This division identifies the organizations’ business models, pricing
models and chances of success and failure. We are interested in investigating the market
dynamics when those two categories collide.
In the previous chapter, we studied the market dynamics under the assumption of perfect
competition for a cloud computing scenario namely the adoption of multitenancy by mobile
operators. The legacy mobile operators are few in number, but huge in size and have
the capability to alter the market price, so they match the definition of oligopolistic
players [244]. As current prices are relatively stable, we can safely expect that the market
has reached a form of oligopolistic equilibrium (not necessarily Cournot’s or Betrand’s).
This equilibrium has been reached due to barriers to entry and limited licensed mobile
spectrum which made the market relatively closed in terms of operators. As cloud-based
mobile operators emerge, they will enter a stable market with reached equilibrium which
makes their impact non-trivial in case they succeeded in unbalancing the market.
The dominant oligopoly models are Cournot’s [245] and Bertrand’s [246] where each
is based on a set of assumptions that may or may not be applicable to a certain market. The
oligopoly in the mobile market has no formal representation in literature and this is due to
the incompatibility between the existing oligopoly models’ assumptions and the market’s
condition. In this chapter, we will try to cover this gap by implementing Cournot’s oligopoly
model for the mobile market with additional assumptions and mathematically calculate
its equilibrium price and stability. We will also simulate the oligopolistic behavior of
legacy mobile operators using ABM and draw conclusions.
As new players enter the market, it is expected that legacy mobile operators counter this
new market penetration and either set coordinated competitive strategies or maintain
oligopolistic strategies. Cooperative competitive strategies can be regulated by govern-
ment policies so it is outside the scope of this work. In this work, we will consider that
the legacy mobile operators adopt an oligopolistic strategy.
We are interested in studying the mobile market’s transition state when EPCaaS
services get introduced and new cloud-based operators enter the market. This market
penetration is expected to be faced with a non-coordinated opposition from the oligopoly of
legacy mobile operators. To do so, we will study the dynamic interaction between different
players (mobile user, legacy mobile operator, cloud-based mobile operator, and CSP) and
predict the market’s emerging status under oligopolistic rules. In this section, we discuss
the dynamics of oligopoly which were used for studying the interaction between players
in addition to game theory.
Cournot [245], defined oligopoly as the competition between a few sellers, placing it
between monopoly and perfect competition. Monopoly is one seller explicitly dominating
the supply of the market and having total control over the price/cost structure; while
perfect competition is composed of small suppliers having no control over the market
price. In perfect competition, firms with flexible cost functions will lower their cost ratio
to get positive profit or lower their price to become more competitive and the others on
the margin will earn nothing thus causing them to exit the market. Equilibrium
Palander [247] found either a quasi-periodic orbit or a chaotic orbit, which has no dis-
cernible structure at all. The system was characterized by Cournot [245] as a recursive
iterative map, which is a series of motions that leads to a conclusion where the orbit
Equilibrium can be around one fixed point which is considered to be a static equilibrium,
or range between a set of fixed points. Equilibrium can also be around a set of fixed points
"coexisting with other types of attracting orbits" [244]. The linear model for example
has "one unique attractor, but nonlinearity opens up for coexistence between different
attractors" [244].
Nonlinearities were first suggested for monopoly by Joan Robinson in 1933 [248],
and for duopoly by Tord Palander in 1939 [247]. For the simple reason that prices and
quantities cannot be negative, piecewise linear models are nonlinear. In the case of a
monopoly with linear demand functions, a high-priced product is a amenity restricted
for rich customers; as the price is reduced, other categories of consumers may buy it. As
a result, marginal cost functions can cross at multiple locations, giving the monopolist
multiple coexisting local profit maxima.
In an oligopoly, Palander [247] assumes that each seller will select the global
maximum profit. However, it depends on the competitor’s market share. The reaction
function, representing the anticipated reaction of the competitor, comes in disjoint pieces
leading to multiple attractors. In a duopoly, Palander described also the possibility of two
coexisting "Cournot equilibria with a periodic oscillation" [247].
In the Cournot setting, a competitor can simply decide his best action if he is knowledgeable
of the competitors’ next move, which is not usually the case. Cournot process assumes
that each agent considers all his competitors’ actions will remain constant and select his
best action based on this assumption. Definitely, the agent will be disappointed by this
assumption, which is generally called naïve or myopic.
Even if orbits are simple and strictly periodic, the agent cannot learn them and
modify his actions because this would affect the orbit’s periodicity (since it is also assumed
that the agents are large enough to change the price-supply structure). Furthermore,
because chaotic and quasiperiodic orbits are hard to learn, the equilibrium is the only
fixed-point orbit where competitors’ expectations are not fooled.
Achieving static equilibrium is very interesting in dynamic settings, for this reason,
linearity is usually considered. Using linear demand functions and constant marginal cost,
the corresponding reaction functions are linear with slope a = − 12 . Under this assumption,
Cournot’s static equilibrium and "Palander’s two concurrent Cournot equilibria are stable"
Bertrand’s oligopoly model [246] is very similar to that of Cournot, but sets the price as the
controlled variable (instead of quantity as set by Cournot). Bertrand’s model considers the
supplied quantity as directly proportional to the demand and intrinsically assumes that
the supplier has the capability of infinitely supplying a product [249]. This is problematic
in markets with limited supply capacity or when the cost function has a fixed component,
because in such cases, Bertrand’s oligopoly model fails to reach nash equilibrium [249].
The mobile network market has limited supply capacity (limited spectrum) and its cost
function has a fixed component (fixed spectrum lease). Accordingly, Bertrand’s oligopoly
model is considered impractical for this work.
2. Noncooperative: where agents pursue their interests which are partially conflicting
with others.
The distinction between games with perfect and imperfect information is due to
differences in how games are represented dependent on the order of play. There is a
distinction to be made between sequential-move games, in which players select their
tactics one by one, and simultaneous-move games, in which players select their plans all
at once.
It’s critical to understand the difference between cardinal and ordinal utility when
discussing utility functions. "An ordinal utility function is a function that represents an
agent’s preferences on an ordinal scale in economics. According to ordinal utility theory,
asking an agent about his choice for one option vs another alternative is only useful if
not possible. A cardinal utility function or scale is a utility index that uniquely retains
preference orderings up to positive affine transformations" [250], allowing the customer
to express satisfaction in cardinal or quantitative values.
In the previous chapter, we evaluated the market behavior when multi-tenancy is intro-
duced under the condition of free competition. Free competition can be enforced through
government policies that are outside the scope of this research. In the absence of such
policies, the market is most likely going to be oligopolistic especially when legacy providers
face an existential threat like multi-tenancy and virtualized mobile operators [244].
are free from this constraint [244]. The possibility of network expansion is neglected
from this model because of its extreme mathematical complexity. The market behavior
of the second case will then be modeled using ABM. The originality of this work can be
identified as:
• This work is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to discuss the co-existence of limitless
and limited capacity mobile operators.
• It extends the results of the previous chapter under more realistic assumptions. This
work is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to formally represent an oligopoly in
Laffont and Tirole [252] studied the Endogenous Marginal Costs between telecommuni-
cation operators and their effect on the operators’ strategies. In this study we assume
that the terminating access is priced at the marginal cost, thus equating between inter-
operator and intra-operator traffic. This assumption simplifies the model, discussed
in this chapter, by eliminating size proportional pricing and Platform Competition in
Two-sided Markets [253].
Hauge and Jaminson [254] examine common techniques for calculating market
concentration, as well as suppliers’ ability to raise prices, barriers to entrance and
departure, and anticompetitive behavior. They also go through strategies for recognizing
market power, with an emphasis on the telecoms industry, as well as methodologies for
determining if corporations are using their market power.
Vafamehr and Khodayar [256] studied the "oligopolistic competition among cloud
providers in electricity and data networks" [256]. At each of the electricity and data
networks system, "the operation strategies of the market participants are determined
by forming bi-level optimization problems in which the upper-level problem maximizes
the payoff of the market participants while the lower-level problem represents the corre-
sponding market settlement process" [256].
Helmes and Schlosser [257] studied oligopoly pricing in isoelastic adoption models
and calculated the formulas for the equilibrium prices as a function of the number of
competing firms. Farias et al. [258] proposed an approximation of dynamic oligopoly
that is suitable for computer simulation and modeling. The authors suggest that their
approach can significantly expand the set of dynamic oligopoly models that can be analyzed
computationally. Desai et al. [259] extended the above work by using a smoothed linear
program which yields more accurate results.
Klemperer and Meyer [260] studied the effect of per-supplier “supply function” on
the equilibria of oligopoly. They proved that under uncertainty, symmetrical oligopoly with
homogeneous production can reach uniqueness if Nash equilibrium in supply functions is
Ledvina and Sircar [262] are among the few who studied oligopoly between firms
having different costs of production. They concentrated on the linear demand structure
with constant marginal but asymmetric costs.
For two consecutive periods, Van den Berg et al. [264] looked at a dynamic Cournot
duopoly in which providers had a restricted number of items available. It was discovered
that under commitment, tactics are independent of the rival’s realized sales, that each
allocation of beginning supply has a unique Nash equilibrium, and that prices rise with
time. Sellers can modify their supply choice after the first period if there is no commitment.
A subgame perfect Nash equilibrium may not necessarily exist in this scenario, and prices
may fall over time.
Bischi et al. [265] based their dynamic oligopoly model with R&D externalities
on the work of [231], [232], [233], [234], [235] to formulate a two-stage oligopoly game
evaluating the suitability of sharing R&D results with partner firms as well as gaining
knowledge for free through spillovers. As the mobile technology is guided by the 3GPP
standards, such a model does not apply to our case assuming that mobile operators are
not vendors or manufacturers of telecommunication technology. Mobile operators’ R&D
efforts are limited to the production of differentiating services that, as argued in the
previous chapter, create a competitive advantage against small operators who can’t afford
to develop or to integrate all available services.
Ara et al. [266] studied the government imposing tariffs as a vertical oligopoly.
The discussed case study has the Home market specialized in final goods while the
foreign market specialized in intermediate inputs to mimic the Japan-China case. Other
applications of the mixed Cournot game have been investigated by Zhe et al. [253] and it
showed that private firms aim for profit maximization only while semipublic ones aim at
social welfare and profit maximization.
One of Cournot’s basic assumptions when studying oligopoly is the existence of an inverse
demand function where the price-quantity relationship is maintained. This assumption
intrinsically includes the assumption of an elastic demand function, which is not always
true. In this chapter, we will consider both elastic and inelastic demands for cloud services
and in particular mobile services. For the first, we will mathematically calculate the
Cournot equilibrium price and the stability constraints. While for inelastic demand, we
In this section, we will use the mathematical notation of [244]. Let the inverse demand
function be p = f (Q) Where p represents the price, f the inverse demand function and Q
the market supply.
The market supply Q can be broken into the sum of each supplier’s quantity denoted
by Q = Where n represents the number of suppliers, and qi represents their relative
i=1 qi
− 21 Qi ; Qi < a−ci
2b b
qi =
0; elsewhere
Considering the equilibria of the general Cournot model, we reach the following
a − ci
qi = −Q
n a−c
n+1 b
c= ci
n i=1
To calculate the stability of the Cournot equilibria, we need to solve the following n
by n Jacobian Matrix
0 −0.5 −0.5 −0.5
−0.5 0 −0.5 −0.5
J =
... −0.5 ... −0.5
−0.5 −0.5 −0.5 0
The solution of this matrix in its current form calculates the stability for a homo-
geneous limitless-capacity oligopoly which is not the aim of this work. This matrix will be
utilized in Section to calculate the stability of a mixed capacity environment.
Legacy operators are limited-capacity suppliers, but have already provisioned their
infrastructure to accommodate the current traffic size. We can thus assume that with
the introduction of cloud-based mobile operators, legacy mobile operators will run in the
range of constant marginal costs without reaching the jump to infinity when the limit is
reached. Assuming a constant cost function, it can be represented by ci = Ci /qi where Ci
is the running cost of operator i. Based on the above assumptions, the reaction function
− 12 Qi ; Qi < a
2b b
qi =
0; elsewhere
Considering the equilibria of the general Cournot model, we reach the following
qi = −Q
m a
For the supplier to remain profitable, p × qi > ci then ci < b(m+1)2
To calculate the stability of the Cournot equilibria, we need to solve the following n
by n Jacobian Matrix
0 −0.5 −0.5 −0.5
−0.5 0 −0.5 −0.5
J =
... −0.5 ... −0.5
−0.5 −0.5 −0.5 0
It is safe to represent the mobile market during the transition period when cloud-based
mobile operators join the market as a mixed capacity oligopoly where legacy operators
with their existing infrastructure represent the limited-capacity suppliers and the cloud-
based operators represent the limitless-capacity suppliers. Legacy operators have nearly
fixed costs when the supply is within their capacity and peaks when new infrastructure
investment is required. As this peak increases, the jump in cost can tend to infinity and
thus satisfy the definition of limited-capacity suppliers.
based service provides, the CES function is not a good representation of its cost function,
thus a piecewise function of 2 steps will be used to represent legacy mobile operators.
Cloud-based operators, like all cloud clients, can be represented by a linear cost function
as a simplification of the granular incremental piecewise cost function where the range of
each step equals the capacity of 1 virtual server.
The profitability is dependent on the quantity sold, thus, a legacy mobile operator
will exit the market if he maintained a number of customers less than or equal to ci
Studying the long-run stability of the mixed process, assuming that n legacy operators
exist in the market (n limited-capacity suppliers) and m cloud-based operators joining
the market (m limitless-capacity suppliers) we can compose the Jacobian for the mixed
system as an (n + m) by (n + m) matrix:
0 −0.5 −0.5 −0.5
−0.5 0 −0.5 −0.5
J =
... −0.5 ... −0.5
−0.5 −0.5 −0.5 0
Luckily enough, the resulting matrix is similar to the limited-capacity and limitless-
capacity cases and its eigenvalues are:
1 1
λ1 ...λn+m−1 = ; λn+m = − (n + m − 1)
2 2
For the system to be in stability, all the eigenvalues should be in the unit circle of
the complex plan which is always true for all the eigenvalues except the last. For λn+m to
fall in the unit circle of the complex plane, n + m < 3. This means that the market will
only be stable if less than 3 operators remain in the market.
In this section, the user is considered to have full market exposure without differentiation
between operator service (Rationality) while neglecting the transfer cost (the cost and
inconvenience to move from one operator to another). Operators can reject sharing the
Porting Authorisation Code [[267], [268], [269]], thus, preventing their customers from
switching to new operators while maintaining their phone numbers. This inconvenience
can be represented by a transfer cost which reduces the customer’s willingness to migrate
between operators. In this section, we consider the user to have a complete willingness to
move between operators. For these reasons, discrepancies in market price are usually
punished and an equilibrium price is expected to be achieved. The relative source code is
listed in the appendix and the simulation results are shown below.
In the absence of a demand function, the operators can’t predict their best move
and consequently, the overall behavior is unstable. Under oligopolistic pricing schemes,
the cloud-based mobile operators will remain in the market if the selling price is higher
than their customer price. On the other hand, the legacy mobile operators will remain
in business if the selling price is higher than their cost divided by the number of their
As competitive pricing push the prices towards the marginal cost (and in our
case to the operating cost since we neglect the opportunity cost), if we consider that all
legacy mobile operators have the same operational cost and similarly for the cloud-based
operators, we will end up with one type of operators remaining (Figure 4.1 and Figure
4.2). If the operational costs are different, the market will develop into a monopoly with
the operator having the lowest operational cost remaining (Figure 4.3).
Figure 4.1 – Oligopolistic equilibrium with legacy operators out of business (cloud-based operators
have the same operational cost which is lower than that of legacy operators for the considered
number of clients).
In this chapter, we raised the issue of oligopoly in the mobile network especially during the
transition phase when cloud-based mobile operators emerge. We mathematically modeled
the market behavior under the assumption of elastic demand. Cournot Equilibrium
and its stability were calculated for the mixed environment of limitless suppliers (cloud-
Figure 4.2 – Oligopolistic equilibrium with cloud-based operators out of business (cloud-based
operators have the same operational cost which is higher than that of legacy operators for the
considered number of clients).
The outcomes of this chapter reinforce the outcomes of the previous chapter, which
can be summarized as:
• Any DSS for cloud adoption should not rely solely on the business’ requirements, but
consider the market behavior in general and its possible economic implications.
• Businesses’ actions towards cloud computing are active during the cloud’s first stages
but become reactive with its introduction to the market.
This chapter covers one of the gaps faced in the previous chapter which is the
oligopolistic nature of the mobile market, but it introduced many more challenges that
are to be faced in our future work. Cournot’s oligopoly model is equipped with additional
tools such as investment and time series that help users predict the market behavior as
new players join the market over time. We have neglected these tools in this work, but
are considered as future work for their importance.
We considered in this chapter Cournot’s oligopoly model without taking into con-
sideration Betrand’s oligopoly (although many economists refuse to call it so) or other
models that could be more convenient for the mobile and cloud markets and disruptive
technologies in general.
This chapter satisfies CBOD’s task 5 and objectives 4, 5 and 6. The updated project
status is shown in table 4.1.
Table 4.1 – Chapter 4 contributions to CBOD objectives and tasks
Status Status
Objective 1 Done Task 1 Done
Objective 2 Done Task 2 Done
Objective 3 Done Task 3 Done
Objective 4 Done Task 4 Done
Objective 5 Done Task 5 Done
Objective 6 Done Task 6 Pending
globals [
cout ;; Used as the xcor value for the first Mobile Service Provider.
counter ;; Used to index the IDs of the clients. The value is set to 0 in
counter-DMSP-CMSP ;; Used to index the IDs of the Cloud-based Mobile Service
Providers and Dominant Mobile Service Providers.
General_Cost_DMSP ;; c = 1000
General_Cost_CMSP ;; c = 200
constant_a ;;market’s inverse demand function constant a
constant_b ;;market’s inverse demand function constant b
Number_of_active_CMSPs ;; n
cost ;; Used to represent the cost the company is paying for its IT services
that could be offloaded.
id ;; Client’s ID.
connected_to ;; CMSP’s OR DMSP’s ID
knowledge_list ;; list of CMSPs and DMSPs the user knows
price ;; Used to represent the price the CMSP is offering its client. Price
= ( general_cost * ( 1 + coefficient-of-price ) / (
Number_of_active_CMSPs * CMSP_users ) )
CMSP_users ;; Number of users connected to this CMSP
id ;; CMSP’s ID. Starts at 10.
entry_period ;; When should enter business. Random number between 0 and 2*
in_business ;; Boolean value. If tick > entry_period and CMSP_users > 0
Elacticity_starts ;; Before elasticity, CMSP_users will be Initial_momentum;
Elasticity_starts = entry_period + Number-of-rounds-before-elasticity
Good_Reputation ;; 1 is true, 0 is false
to fill_List_of_active_MSPs
;; Identify the active MSPs so that a user can search for a suitable price
between the active ones. It will decide the searched list based on the
set Number_of_active_MSPs 0
set List_of_active_MSPs []
ask DMSPs [if in_business = 1 [set Number_of_active_MSPs
Number_of_active_MSPs + 1
set List_of_active_MSPs sentence List_of_active_MSPs id]]
ask CMSPs [if in_business = 1
[set Number_of_active_MSPs Number_of_active_MSPs + 1
set List_of_active_MSPs sentence List_of_active_MSPs id]]
;;print "␣Number␣of␣active␣MSPs"
;;print Number_of_active_MSPs
if Number_of_active_MSPs > 0
let list1 [id] of DMSPs
let list2 [id] of CMSPs
let list_of_ids sentence list1 list2
;; Fill a knowledge list i.e. the list of MSPs the user contact looking for
the best offer. This is because of bounded rationality
ask clients [
;;Currently the user selects a new knowledge-list every tick, and the
new knowledge-list may not include his current operator. The best way
to be done is to keep the current operator in the list
;;since the user will cover all operators after certain number of ticks
let start_of_knowledge random Number_of_active_MSPs
ifelse start_of_knowledge + ( Number_of_active_MSPs * Degree-of-knowledge)
< ( Number_of_active_MSPs )
[set knowledge_list sublist List_of_active_MSPs start_of_knowledge ( round
(start_of_knowledge + (Number_of_active_MSPs * Degree-of-knowledge)) )
[let subl1 sublist List_of_active_MSPs start_of_knowledge (
Number_of_active_MSPs )
let subl2 sublist List_of_active_MSPs 0 (Number_of_active_MSPs * Degree-
of-knowledge - (Number_of_active_MSPs - start_of_knowledge ) )
set knowledge_list sentence subl1 subl2
to setup
;;ask patches [set pcolor white]
set-default-shape clients "person"
set-default-shape CMSPs "house"
set-default-shape DMSPs "house"
set cout (100 / (Number-of-CMSPs + Number-of-DMSPs + 1) ) ;; It is a dynamic
value for ycor which is the position of the first CMSP. Other CMSPs will
be shifted by a dynamic value called space
set Number_of_active_CMSPs 0
set General_Cost_DMSP 1000
set General_Cost_CMSP 200
set constant_a 1000
set constant_b 20
create-DMSPs Number-of-DMSPs [
let space ( 90 / ( Number-of-CMSPs + Number-of-DMSPs ) ) ;; Dynamic value
for CMSP locations
set size 5
set xcor 70
set ycor cout
set cout cout + space
set id counter-DMSP-CMSP
set counter-DMSP-CMSP counter-DMSP-CMSP + 1
set number_of_changes 1
set DMSP_count 0
ask DMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set DMSP_count DMSP_count + 1 ]
create-CMSPs Number-of-CMSPs [
let space ( 90 / ( Number-of-CMSPs + Number-of-DMSPs ) ) ;; Dynamic value
for CMSP locations
set size 1
set price 0
set xcor 70
set ycor cout
set cout cout + space
set id counter-DMSP-CMSP
set counter-DMSP-CMSP counter-DMSP-CMSP + 1
set number_of_changes 1
set Number_of_active_CMSPs 0
;;print List_of_active_MSPs
create-clients number-of-Clients [
set size ceiling ( 20 / number-of-Clients) ;; be easier to see
let space (90 / number-of-Clients)
set connected_to -1
set xcor 20
set ycor cout
set cout cout + space
;; Fill a knowledge list i.e. the list of MSPs the user contact looking for
the best offer. This is because of bounded rationality
ask clients [
let start_of_knowledge random Number_of_active_MSPs
if ( ticks > 3 ) [
set DMSP_count 0
ask DMSPs
if in_business = 1
set DMSP_count DMSP_count + 1
set DMSP_count 0
ask DMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set DMSP_count DMSP_count + 1 ]
to Join_business
ask CMSPs
if ( ticks > entry_period - 1 ) AND ( ticks < Elacticity_starts )
set in_business 1
print id
set price initial_momentum
to update_pricing
set Number_of_active_CMSPs 0
set Number_of_active_MSPs 0
ask CMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set Number_of_active_CMSPs
Number_of_active_CMSPs + 1 ]
ask DMSPs with [ in_business = 1 ] [ set Number_of_active_MSPs
Number_of_active_MSPs + 1 ]
let Total_Q 0
ask clients [ set Total_Q (Total_Q + 1) ]
let read_CMSP_price 0
let read_CMSP_id 0
let read_DMSP_price 0
let read_DMSP_id 0
ask clients[
let id_of_CMSP-with_minimum_price 0
;;let Reputation_of_the_CMSP_connected_to 0
ifelse ticks = 1 [
ask CMSPs
set read_CMSP_price price
set read_CMSP_id id
foreach klist
?2 ->
if(read_CMSP_id = ?2)
if (read_CMSP_price < minimum_price )
[ set id_of_CMSP-with_minimum_price read_CMSP_id ]
] ] ]
ask DMSPs
set read_CMSP_price price
set read_CMSP_id id
foreach klist
?2 ->
if(read_CMSP_id = ?2)
if (read_CMSP_price < minimum_price )
[ set id_of_CMSP-with_minimum_price read_CMSP_id ]
ask CMSPs
set read_CMSP_price price
set read_CMSP_id id
;;set read_CMSP_Good_Reputation [Good_Reputation] of ?1
;;set read_CMSP_capacity [CMSP_users] of ?1
set read_DMSP_id id
;;set read_CMSP_Good_Reputation [Good_Reputation] of ?1
;;set read_CMSP_capacity [CMSP_users] of ?1
set connected_to read_CMSP_id ; Connecting to the new CMSP
set cost read_CMSP_price
let node2 one-of CMSPs with [ id = read_CMSP_id]
ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set color 12 + read_client_id] ]
set connected_to read_DMSP_id ; Connecting to the new CMSP
set cost read_DMSP_price
let node2 one-of DMSPs with [ id = read_DMSP_id]
ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set color 12 + read_client_id] ]
Chapter 5
General Discussion
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
5.1 Introduction
Technology is a driving force for current businesses and is among the key deci-
sions and investments directly supervised by senior executives. Large organizations are
searching the industry for technologies developed by startups and small companies that
can complement their arsenal of services and technologies. Those startups and small
companies receive generous offers for acquisition in the hope that their technologies offer
market superiority for the buyer. Selecting winner technologies is a tedious task, contains
many ambiguities and variables, and is relatively not very accurate.
Cloud computing is typically one of those disruptive technologies that divide the
market between adopters vs. non-adopters. Choosing whether to adopt cloud computing
must consider its impact on the organization’s success which, in turn, depends on internal
and external factors to the organization. The existing literature addressed organizational
cloud computing adoption using two distinct approaches. The first one considered the
internal factors to help an organization select the most suitable type of cloud computing,
while the second approach took into account the external factors that set the market price
and service standard. This thesis provides in-depth coverage of both approaches.
This work was intentionally designed to be modular and applicable to other disrup-
tive and emerging technologies. As shown in Section 1.3 of Chapter 1 (general discussion),
the need for studying the corporate adoption of blockchain is very relevant and is expected
to be in high demand next year. The contributions of this work can be easily migrated to
the blockchain which makes this work very relevant and one of the very first, the first to
the best of our knowledge, to cover the economic factors of blockchain adoption.
This work has yielded the first open-source DSS, to the best of our knowledge, to
study the economic factors affecting cloud computing adoption and predicted its economic
trend. Additionally, this work is the first to use a collaborative filtering recommender
system to match experts’ answers concerning cloud computing adoption. This approach
yields considerable accuracy enhancement compared to the approaches found in the
This work is also the first to study the market risks resulting from the introduction
of multitenancy in 5G mobile networks. It also paved the way for policy studies regulating
incoming 5G networks.
This chapter rediscusses the main findings and contributions of this work in a more
general context and transversally summarizes them as follows. Section 5.2 analyzes how
this contribution adds to the literature. Section 5.3 analyzes how this contribution adds
to managerial practices. Lastly, Section 5.4 describes some operational future research
The literature is divided into two distinct methodologies for deciding on the adoption
of cloud computing. The first methodology relies on questionnaires sent to experts and
decision-makers to extract a set of determinants for cloud computing adoption. The second
methodology relies on modeling the market dynamics and predicting the success of the
In the first methodology, researchers tried to identify all the determinants that
affect the cloud’s business models in order to design a realistic model for a viable process.
Including all the determinants in a business model is not a guarantee for success. The
second methodology considers that strategies and clients’ business models, suppliers, and
competitors’ processes are very important in deciding the success of the user’s strategy.
For this reason, simulating the interaction between business models is important to
fine-tune the designed model and decrease failure risk by preventing any miscalculated
As shown in Figure 1.1 (Cloud adoption literature), the first approach reached a
maturity level without being able to overcome its weaknesses which are implementation
weaknesses due to limitations in the determinant’s selection, questionnaire distribution
and rigidity of the outcomes and Conceptual weaknesses due to the nature of the method-
ology such as: experts’ biased recommendations, decision-makers’ biased answers and
corporate officials’ biased perception to the used adoption model or determinants.
The second methodology considers that strategies and clients’ business models,
suppliers, and competitors’ processes are very important in deciding the success of the
user’s strategy. For this reason, simulating the interaction between business models is
important to fine-tune the designed model and decrease failure risk. Several approaches
were proposed to study the interaction between processes and to predict the success
rate under different environments, such as mathematically modeling the optimal pricing
strategies of a cloud service provider, studying the mathematical equilibrium in a market
for data-based services, or using game theory to compare different selling strategies under
monopolistic and competitive environments.
The aim of this work, first and above all, is increasing the manager’s awareness of his
corporation’s capabilities and needs and making sense of the surrounding environment
in terms of cloud computing technologies and capabilities offers.
The DSS tools provided in this work are transparent, i.e. the logic behind the
decision-making process can be traced and investigated. Consequently, managers can
now take informed decisions powered by the dynamic logic generated in both tools. Trans-
parency is legally required [270] for autonomous systems and shareholders required in
corporate environments.
highlighted earlier, a major contribution to the proposed tools is increasing the manager’s
awareness of his corporation’s capabilities and needs and making sense of the surrounding
environment. Finally, low-confidence recommendations can pinpoint errors in reports
generated by different teams in the organization.
The contributions of this manuscript can still be developed in multiple directions and we
are planning to pursue the following:
We modeled the market using Agent-Based Modeling which is very efficient in representing
the interactions between agents. Complementing this work with a system dynamics
simulation would allow us to build a much better understanding of market behavior.
As discussed in the limitations, the proposed recommender system satisfies the require-
ments we set in Chapter 2, but it hasn’t been evaluated for accuracy against other
recommender systems. We are planning to work on optimizing the design of the used
algorithm and hopefully overcome the cold-start problem even with small datasets.
We are planning to mathematically study the emergence of new suppliers over time
using time series instead of evaluating the market as a closed network of suppliers and
In this work, we only considered Cournot’s oligopoly model although not very suitable
for representing our use case. Other models are available, such as Bertrand’s duopoly
model. It would be much more enriching if other models are considered and benchmarked
against the Agent-based modeling and System dynamics simulations.
Chapter 6
6.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
The common factor between all the above examples is that they all considered their
organizational factors when deciding on the adoption of the respective disruptive technol-
ogy. The factors deciding the decision’s success or failure were outside the organizational
boundaries especially that all the above names are major players in their respective
markets. Based on this observation, we studied in this dissertation the organizational as
well as the economic factors affecting cloud computing’s corporate adoption.
Almost all emerging technologies will not endure time and market competition.
Their impact and market penetration will be marginal and will eventually fade away.
Unlike lawmakers, business leaders must assess all emerging technologies and devote
their very limited resources to study any potential technology. Since early adopters achieve
the highest revenue rate, managers can be overwhelmed with the new technologies and
this can lead them to neglect real disruptive technologies, and therefore, to become late
adopters. While late adoption of emerging technologies removes many of the inherent
risks associated with them, a significant part of the profit margin will also be eliminated.
Cloud computing is a distinctive disruptive technology that divides the market into
two parts: adopters and non-adopters. Depending on the type of cloud used, the adopters
themselves can be evenly divided. This important division is success versus failure. The
decision of an organization to adopt or not to adopt cloud computing should be based on
the impact of this technology on the success of that organization. Several internal and
external factors influence this success, therefore, adopting a specific technology is not a
trivial decision, it depends on future opportunities and market dynamics, and not just on
the internal state of the organization.
across all emerging technologies, thus corporations should follow an exocentric approach to
decision-making. Exocentric approach is more difficult than endocentric because the latter
relies on internal historical data, internal processes, and internal needs. Corporations
are usually very efficient in accessing and analyzing internal factors. Exocentric approach
requires external historical data, knowledge of competitors’ intentions, new player’s
intentions and most importantly suppliers’ plans. Corporations usually find the analysis
and extraction of complicated trends from external data difficult, resource consuming and
very sensitive to random factors not included in the observations.
Missed factors, even negligible, can lead to radical changes in the predictions fol-
lowing the butterfly effect. This makes any designed model in a continuous enhancement
loop. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) gained momentum in nearly
every field, but not in our case. Training effective AI and ML models require a relatively
large training dataset which we miss in this case. For this reason, we decided to design
a parameterized model relying Agent-Based Modelling and economics equations. Each
decision maker can insert the parameters representing the market situation he is facing.
This chapter recapitulates the main findings and contributions and is organized as
follows. Section 6.1 indicates the important contributions and relevant implications of
this thesis, while Section 6.2 lists some of this work’s limitations.
Status Status
Objective 1 Done Task 1 Done
Objective 2 Done Task 2 Done
Objective 3 Done Task 3 Done
Objective 4 Done Task 4 Done
Objective 5 Done Task 5 Done
Objective 6 Done Task 6 Done
6.1 Contributions
Considering both organizational and economic factors in a corporate decision is not a trivial
task especially that market trends differ from our mental models. We solved this challenge
by proposing an RS based DSS since one of RS’s strength is extracting trends from datasets
and user interactions. These trends are very important for providing decision-makers
with an insight into the external factors. Interestingly enough, Collaborative Filtering
Recommender Systems profile similar organizations and utilize the trends only from the
coherent group. We consider this DSS to be the first generic and vendor-neutral decision
support solution for cloud computing adoption.
In this contribution, we simulated two categories of organizations, one didn’t adopt cloud
computing (legacy mobile operators), and the second adopted cloud technology (cloud-
based mobile operators). The adoption decision is not related to internal organizational
factors. The simulation showed that the market behavior (outcome) could result in:
1. All legacy mobile operators driven out of the market with the final user cost exceeding
the initial cost.
2. All legacy mobile operators driven out of business with the final user cost less than
the initial cost.
3. Co-existence between legacy and cloud-based mobile operators. Some of the legacy
and cloud-based operators left the market.
4. Cloud-based mobile operators join the market and leave later because of the compe-
tition from the legacy mobile operators.
More important than the number of possible outcomes is that we were able to
prove that economic factors decide whether cloud adoption is beneficial or not. This proof
reinforces our decision of using RS as the engine inside DSS that we designed in this
In this contribution, we evaluated the transition phase from a stable market (in oligopoly
terms) into a disrupted market (when disruptive technologies emerge). We considered two
cases: elastic and inelastic demands for cloud services. For the first case, the market sta-
bility was modeled mathematically where legacy mobile operators have a limited capacity
inherited from the nature of their infrastructures; while cloud-based mobile operators
are free from this constraint. The market behavior of the second case was modeled using
Agent-Based-Modeling. In addition to the outcomes of the previous contribution, we
concluded that Businesses’ actions towards cloud computing are active during the cloud’s
first stages, but become reactive with its introduction to the market.
6.2 Limitations
Collaborative Filtering has a well-known problem called the cold-start problem that
affects the accuracy of the recommender system when having a very small dataset. This
problem is automatically overcome as the dataset grows. For this case, the DSS has to go
through a test phase for collecting answers from practitioners.
The proposed recommender system is not necessarily the best algorithm available, but it
has been developed to cover the requirements of the DSS. Further investigation in the
computer science discipline can help develop a more optimized algorithm.
The ABM simulation is not benchmarked with valid data because the data aren’t available
yet and the simulation’s role is to predict the future market behavior. More investigation
is required to calibrate the simulator equipped with market data.
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