Annuaire Associations Dassistance

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Association / ONG / Communauté / fondation

Noms Ville Pays Contact

Telephone - Antenne Ouest (Bafoussam)
Horizon Femmes Bafoussam Cameroun Tél. (+237) 233 44 59 96
Site Web:
Telephone - Bureau de Bafoussam:
(+237) 699 44 37 14
ACAFEJ (Association Camerounaise des
Bafoussam Cameroun Facebook: https://facebook.
Femmes Juristes)
CI) Abidjan COTE D'IVOIRE Téléphone : 225070806349
Association - CALVIF ( Centre d'Aide et Email:
de Lutte contre les Violences faites aux Cotonou Benin Téléphone: (+229) 67288444
Femmes) Site web:
CAGEAD (Center for Advocacy, Gender
Bamenda Cameroun Téléphone: +237 677658324
Equality, and Action for Development)
Téléphone - Bureau de Bertoua: (+237)
699 67 37 69
ACAFEJ (Association Camerounaise des
Bertoua Cameroun Facebook: https://facebook.
Femmes Juristes)
Téléphone: + 237 696009179 / +237
WFAC (Women for a Change Cameroon) Bertoua - Yaoundé Cameroun 677150924
Telephone Antenne Littoral (Douala):
(+237) 33 37 30 44
Horizon Femmes Douala Cameroun Site Web:
Facebook: https://web.facebook.
Telephone - Bureau de Douala: (+237)
699 98 11 79
ACAFEJ (Association Camerounaise des
Douala Cameroun Facebook: https://facebook.
Femmes Juristes)
Téléphone: (+237) 651747384 /
Hope for a Better Tomorrow (HOBET) Limbe, Mbengwi Cameroun Site Web:
Facebook: https://web.facebook.
ALVF-EN (Association de Lutte contre les
Violences faites aux Femmes - Extrême- Maroua Cameroun Téléphone: + 237 699850717
Nord) Site web:
Site web: https://www.aldepa-cameroun.
ALDEPA (Action Locale pour un org/
Maroua Cameroun
Développement Participatif et Autogéré) Facebook: https://web.facebook.
Téléphone: + 237 651296458
Leap Girl Africa Yaoundé Cameroun
Site web:
Association - Sourire de Femmes Yaoundé Cameroun Téléphone: + 237 6 97916895
Telephone - Bureau de Yaoundé: (+237)
242 84 12 93/ 661 53 50 52
ACAFEJ (Association Camerounaise des
Yaoundé Cameroun Facebook: https://facebook.
Femmes Juristes)
Association des Femmes Juristes du Tchad Téléphone: 253 30 74 / Portable : 66 77
Tchad (AFJT) 50 35
Facebook: https://web.facebook.
Association Des Psychologues Tchadiens Tchad
Téléphone: (+235) 99 61 73 71
Facebook: https://web.facebook.
Coordinateur de l'association - Monsieur
Association - La Concorde Cameroun Yaoundé Cameroun
: Zogo Awoua Abraham
Téléphone - Coordinateur : (+237)
Téléphone: +44 02921 320 635 Site web:
WSSAG (Women Seeking Sanctuary and
UK ENGLAND Site web:
Advocacy Group)


Location: Before Fundong
Fundong District Hospital market Cameroon Contact: 677 150 023/670 136 867
Abuh Integrated Health Center Location: Fundong Cameroon Contact: 670 513 633
Location: Konene Health
International Medical Corps Center Cameroon Contacts:680 173 013/676 501 039
Presbyterian Health Center Meli Location: Meli Cameroon Contact: 670 811 436
St Therese Catholic Health Center Ngwah Location: Ngwah Cameroon Contact: 670 520 571

Mbingo Baptist Hospital Location: Bum Cameroon Contact : 676 572 811 / 680 214 353

St. Martin De Pores Catholic General Location: 3 corners
Hospital Njinikom Atuilah Cameroon Contact: 677 331 574
Location: St Martin Porres
Catholic Relief Services Catholic Hospital Cameroon Contact: 674 108 874

BOYO DIVISION : Psycho-social Support

Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) Location: Fundong Cameroon Contact: 677 770 205
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) Location: Njinikom Cameroon Contact: 670293101
Plan International Cameroon Location: Njinikom Cameroon Contact: 678766589
Mbingo Baptist Hospital Location: BELO - Mbingo Cameroon Contact: 677 084 333
United Youths Organization Location: Belo Cameroon Contact.672 445 258
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) Location: Belo Cameroon Contact: 669 611 335
Plan International Cameroon Location: Belo Cameroon Contact: 651 409 292
Women in Action against Gender Based
(WAG Cameroon) Location: Belo Cameroon Contact: 650 804 037
Green Partners Association Location: Belo Cameroon Contacts: 673 575 868
Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs Location: Fundong council Cameroon Contact: 683 736 019
Divisional Delegation of Women's Location: Near the Post
Empowerment Office, Fundong Cameroon Contact: 675 265 252
Location: Below SDO's
Women's Empowerment Center (WEC) Office Cameroon Contact: 675 006 765
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Safe Space Location: Belo Cameroon Contact: 674 106 042
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Safe Space Location: Njinikom Cameroon Contact: 677225 952
Mbengwi District Hospital Location: Mile 18 Cameroon Contact: 677 464 652/676 342 832
Location: Bome Health
International Medical Corps Center Cameroon Contact: 674 163 735/677 792 958
Location: Njah-Etuh
International Medical Corps Health Center Cameroon Contacts: 675 652 450/678 606 663
NJIKWA Cameroon
Location: Konda Health
International Medical Corps Center Cameroon Contact: 675 508 488
Location: Oshie Health
International Medical Corps Center Cameroon Contacts: 674 453 412/670 012 990
St. John of God Hospital Batibo Batibo Town Cameroon Contact: 665 367 284
Batibo Health District/COHESODEC Batibo Town Cameroon Contact: 676 273 535/669 048 744
St. Joseph Catholic Hospital Widikum Widikum Town Cameroon Contact: 662 748 490

MOMO DIVISION : Psycho-social Support

Divisional Delegation of Women
and the Family Location: GRA Mbengwi Cameroon Contact : 677 030 099
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location: Opposite the Contact: 674 601 355/675 420 403/680
Development (COMINSUD) council Cameroon 114 133
Plan International Cameroon Location: Mbengwi Cameroon Contact: 678 001 802
Green Partners Association Location: Mbengwi Cameroon Contact: 673 575 868
International Rescue Committee Location: Ku Cameroon Contact: 681 967 488
International Rescue Committee Location: Bome Cameroon Contact: 681 967 489
United Youth Organization Location: Batibo Town Cameroon Contact: 677 963 094
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) Location: Batibo Town Cameroon Contact : 675 244 904
Green Partners Association Location: Batibo Cameroon Contact: 679 646 289 /673 575 868
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) Location: Widikum Cameroon Contact: 675 793 826


Location: Mile 18
Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs Mbengwi Cameroon Contact: 677 019 899
Location: Mile 18
Community Initiative for Sustainable Mbengwi, Opposite the
Development (COMINSUD) council Cameroon Contact: 676 075 167


Divisional Delegation of Women Location: GRA (WEFC Contact: 677 030 099
Empowerment Mbengwi)
and the Family Cameroon
Location: Below SDO's
Women's Empowerment Center (WEC) Office Cameroon Contact: 677 560 093 / 670 517 480
Plan International Location: Guzang and
Batibo Center Cameroon Contact 677 897 750


Location: Mile 18
Community Initiative for Sustainable Mbengwi, Opposite the
Development (COMINSUD) council Cameroon Contact: 676 075 167
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) Location: Batibo Cameroon Contact: 673 459 820
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) Location: Widikum Cameroon Contact: 677 853 255


Bafut District Hospital Location: Nsani Cameroon Contact: 675 079 280
Location: Bafut District
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Hospital Cameroon Contact:674 108 874
Location: Bali District Contact: 677 433 979/650 431 042/669
International Rescue Committee Hospital Cameroon 749 688
Mantum Integrated Health Centre Location: Bali town Cameroon Contact: 677 387 535
St. Elizabeth Catholic Health Centre Location: Bali Cameroon Contact: 675 918 077
Location: Ntaghang –
St. John of God Hospital Bamenda Cameroon
International Red Cross Committee Location: Mendankwe
Integrated Health Center Cameroon Contact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Regional Delegation of Public Health Location Hospital Contact: 674 228 555/675 268 077
Head of Reproductive Health Roundabout Cameroon
Listening and Orientation Unit (LOU) of Location: Bamenda Contact: 681 198 034 /657 100 466/657
Médecins du Monde Suisse (Doctors of Regional Hospital 100 465
World Switzerland) Cameroon
Location: CCC Mankon Contact: 679 610 895
Azire Integrated Health Center Entrance Cameroon
Mbachongwa Integrated Health Centre Location. Chomba Cameroon Contact : 677 852 106
Ntambag Integrated Health Centre Location. Behind Ayaba Cameroon Contact: 675 311 249
St. Maria Soledad Catholic Hospital Location: Alakuma,
Opposite Sacred Heart
College Cameroon Contact: 672 081 512
Location: GBHS Junction Contact: 677 911 318
Presbyterian Health Centre Mankon Ntamulung Cameroon
Mount Zion Clinic Location. Small Mankon – Contact: 677 770 177
Vicky Street Cameroon
Mezam Polyclinic Location: Azire After PC Contact: 677 319 288
Church Cameroon
The people's Clinic Location. Opposite GBPS Contact: 677 021 013
Ngomgham Cameroon
Family Foundation Clinic and Maternity Location: Atuakom Contact: 677 783 174
Junction Cameroon
Alpha Royal Clinic /International Rescue Location: Ntarinkon - Contact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Committee Ntumazah Hill Cameroon
Location: Commercial Contact: 675 971 213
Cameroon National Association for Family Avenue (New Life
Welfare (CAMNAFAW) Building) Cameroon
Inter Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon Location: Brasseries Contact: 677 121 234/675 321 793
(IVFCam) Junction/Che Street Cameroon
Cameroon Medical Women Association Location: Food Market Contact: 676 513 435
(CMWA) (Former British College) Cameroon
Catholic Relief Services Location Cathedral Big Contact 674 108 874
Mankon Cameroon
Location: Evidence Contacts:677 319 374/677 233 454
Effective Basic Services (eBASE) Building Cameroon
Location: Mile 2, Opposite Contact: 677 440 403
PMI Nkwen (Nkwen District Hospital Amour Mezam Cameroon
Nkwen Integrated Health Centre Location: Mile 4 Cameroon Contact: 655 978 959
Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Location: Finance Contact: 675 727 494
Services Junction
(CBCHS) Cameroon
Ringland Medical Center Location: Foncha Street Contact 677 228 030
opposite St John Catholic
Church Cameroon
Nkwen Baptist Hospital Location: Finance Contact: 677 690 600
Junction Cameroon
St. Peter's Clinic Location: Mile 6 – Nkwen Cameroon Contact: 679 204 710
Santa District Hospital/International Location: Santa Contact: 670 439 141/650 431 042/669
Rescue 749 688
Committee Cameroon
Location: Bambui - Contact: 675 099 455
Tubah District Hospital/International Adjacent St Thomas
Rescue Aquinas
Committee/ Seminary Cameroon
Cameroon Medical Women Association Location: UBa Junction Cameroon Contact: 676 513 435
Sabga Baptist Health Centre Location: Sabga Cameroon Contact: 675 829 017
Location: Adjacent St Contact: 670 435 308
Thomas Aquinas
Tubah Health District (COHESODEC) Seminary Cameroon


Bamenda I
UNFPA Location: UN Compound Contact: 679 336 328 / 696 916 053
GRA Bamenda Cameroon
Bamenda II
Regional Hospital Bamenda Location : Round About Cameroon Contact : 698 227 308


Location: Ndung Cameroon Contact: 679 666 521
Location: Njinteh Cameroon Contact: 679 666 521
International Rescue Committee Location: Mbankong Cameroon Contact: 679 666 521
BAMENDA I Cameroon
Regional Delegation of Social Affairs Location: Up Station, Contact: 6773949842
(RDSA) Bamenda Cameroon
UNHCR Location: Opposite Court Contact: 675 552 923/698 393 225
of 1st Instance Cameroon
Location: Up station.
Plan International Cameroon Behind hill top hotel Cameroon Contact: 676 715 749/675 445 858
Location: Up Station Contact: 674 081 210
Community Impact for Africa Bamenda Cameroon
International Rescue Committee Location: GRA Up Station Cameroon Contact.650 431 042/669 749 688
Northwest Association of Women with Location. Bamenda I Contact. 675 322 337
Disabilities Cameroon
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location: Mendankwe Contact: 676 836 642
Development (COMINSUD) Health Centre Cameroon
Médecins du Monde Suisse (Doctors of Location: Up station - Contacts : 665 87 27 55 / 657 10 04 65
the Glass building adjacent
World Switzerland) - MDM-CH road to GRA Cameroon
Regional Delegation of Women's Location: Below DO’s Contact: 675 393 402
Empowerment and the Family Office Old Town.
(DERPROFF) Cameroon
Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs Location: Veterinary Contact: 677 768 682
(DDSA) Junction, Bamenda Cameroon
Divisional Delegation of Women's Location: Meta Quarter Contact: 673 437 361
Empowerment and the Family (Immeuble Njumbe) Cameroon
Location: Ntarinkon, Alpha Contact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
International Rescue Committee Royal Clinic Cameroon
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Location: Big Mankon Cameroon Contact: 674 108 874
Location : Ntarinkon - Contact: 679 600 356/676 306 683
Community Initiative for Sustainable Opposite Ni John
Development (COMINSUD) entrance Cameroon
Location: Cathedral, Big Contact: 677 677 407
Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) Mankon Cameroon
LUKMEF Location: Fon's Street Contact: 669 676 291
Mankon Cameroon
Cameroon Medical Women Association Location: Food Market Contact: 676 513 435
(CMWA) (Former British College) Cameroon
Interfaith Vision Foundation Cameroon Location: Che Street Contact: 675 321 793/670 229 963
(IVFCam) Cameroon
Women in Action against Gender Based Location: Beside Former Contact: 650 804 056/677 778 305
Violence (WAG Cameroon) Bamenda City Council Cameroon
Health Development and Consultancy Location: Che Street Contact: 675 392 568
Services (HEDECS) Bamenda II Cameroon
Positive Vision Cameroon (PVC) Location: Hospital Round Contact: 677 125 838
-About Cameroon
GRACE VISION Location: Veterinary Contact: 675 458 415
Junction Cameroon
Community Health and Social Location: City Chemist Contact 674 826 719 / 678 277 359.
Development Round About
for Cameroon (COHESODEC) Cameroon
Location: Small Mankon Contact: 677 084 119 /677 669 528
Community Human Rights and Advocacy opposite Sammy
Center (CHRAC) Driving School Cameroon
Sustainable Initiatives for Women and Location: New Layout Contact: 677 224 492/677 976 649
(SIWOG) Cameroon
Luc Memorial Rehabilitation Foundation Location. Mile 90 Cameroon Contact: 675 001 203
Nkumu Fed Fed (NFF) Location: Old Treasury Contact.677 375 598/678 615 573
Street Cameroon
Cameroon Women in Action Society Location: Below Maternity Contact : 677 881 133/677 182 468
(CAWAS) Gate Regional
Hospital Bamenda Cameroon
Center for Human Rights and Democracy Location: Meta Quarters Contact: 675 831 140/671 457 625
in (Opposite Holiday
Africa (CHRDA) Hotel) Cameroon
Teen Alive Organization Location: Metta Quarters Cameroon Contact.677 479 498
Green Partners Association Location: SONAC Street Cameroon Contact: 6796 462 89/673 575 868
Organization for Women's Empowerment Location: Che Street Contact: 675 809 516
and Ntarinkon
Development (OWED) Cameroon
Community Resource Centre for the Location: Commercial Contact: 677 945 955
Disabled Avenue, Opposite Nextel
and Disadvantaged (C.R.C.D.D.) Office Cameroon
Location: City Chemist- Contact: 674 30 02 29
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of Bayelle Cooperative
Peace and Hope (BIHAPH) Credit Union Building Cameroon
Coordinating Unit of Associations of Location: Azire - Fish Contact: 675 612 344
Persons Pond Hill
with Disabilities (CUAPWD) Cameroon
Common Action for Gender Development Location: T. Junction Contact: 233 362 196/675 469 966
(COMAGEND) Cameroon
Gender in Humanitarian Action Group Location: Savanah Street Contact: 677 831 004
(GIHA) Cameroon
Listening and Orientation Unit Location: Bamenda Contacts: 665 87 27 69 / 665 87 27 58 /
Regional Hospital 657 10
Cameroon 04 66
Global Action for Community Location: City Chemist Contact:654 072 934
Development Building
(GACD) Cameroon
Mother of Hope Cameroon (MOHCAM) Location: Savanah Street Cameroon Contact: 673 540 517
Location: BAFCULL Contact: 673 926 672
Global Development Vision (GLODEV) Building Small Mankon Cameroon
FOMCAM Community and Mental Health Location: Mulang Mankon Contact: 669 351 212 / 677 023 410
Organization Cameroon
Location: City Chemist- Contact: 677 319 374
Effective Basic Services (eBASE Africa) Evidence Building Cameroon
CBC Health Services Location: Finance Contact: 675 990 934
Junction Nkwen Cameroon
Location: S-bend Foncha Contact: 673 014 843/678 615 573
Community Initiative for Sustainable Junction Adjacent Blue
Development (COMINSUD) Pearl Hotel Cameroon
Location: Opposite Amour Contact: 677 787 066
Psyche Emergency Consulting (PEC) Mezam Nkwen Cameroon
North West Association of Women with Location: Bamenda III Contact: 675 102 989
Disabilities Cameroon
Center for Advocacy in Gender Equality Location: Ghana Street – Contact: 677 658 324/670 243 553
and Nkwen
Action for Development (CAGEAD) Cameroon
Location: Opposite Contact: 670 236 562
Integrated Development Foundation (IDF) FONAB Mile 3 Nkwen Cameroon
Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) Location: Mile 3 Nkwen, Contact: 670 343 354
(Elecam Building, 3rd
Floor) Cameroon
Strategic Humanitarian Services Location: Mile 6 Nkwen Contact: 672 523 341/651 712 705
(SHUMAS) Cameroon
United Youths Organization Location: Mile 2 Nkwen Cameroon Contact: 679 684 520
Location: FONAB Contact: 677 755 975
Integrated Development Foundation (IDF) Entrance Nkwen Cameroon
TUBAH Cameroon
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location: Bambui - Contact: 670 293 873
Development (COMINSUD) / Tubah Adjacent St. Thomas
District Aquinas
Hospital Seminary Cameroon
Location: Bambui - Contact 650 431 042/669 749 688
Tubah District Hospital/International Adjacent St. Thomas
Rescue Aquinas
Committee Seminary Cameroon
BALI Cameroon
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location: Bali Centre Contact: 670 949 535
Development (COMINSUD) Cameroon
Bali District Hospital/International Rescue Location: Bali Centre Contact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Committee Cameroon
BAFUT Cameroon
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location: Manji Contact: 670 511 011
Development (COMINSUD) / Bafut
District Hospital Cameroon
Plan International Cameroon Location: Bafut Cameroon Contact: 666 428 490
SANTA Cameroon
Sub-Divisional Delegation of Women's Location: Hill Top or New Contact: 679 713 651
Empowerment and the Family Layout Santa
(MINPROFF) Cameroon
Santa District Hospital/International Location: Santa Town Contact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Committee Cameroon
Santa District Hospital Location: Santa Cameroon Contact: 674 888 678
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location: Menka Contact: 670 439 141
Development (COMINSUD) Cameroon
LUKMEF Location: Santa Cameroon Contact: 672 008 950
Location: Opposite the Contact: 675 199 236/679 713 651
Sub-Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs grand stand Cameroon
Community Association of Vulnerable Location: Savanna Bridge Contact: 675 102 899/678 928 630
Persons Santa
(CAVP) Cameroon


Legal Department Mezam State Council's Location: Up Station – Contact: 675 628 865
Chambers Bamenda Cameroon
Location: Up Station – Contact: 677 665 651
Regional Delegation of Social Affairs Bamenda Cameroon
UNHCR / Libra Law Firm Location. MITTACCUL Contact: 677 949 325
Building, Sonac Street
Bamenda Cameroon
Beacon of Light Association (BeLA) Location: Mile 2 Nkwen Cameroon Contact: 677 939 177
Bamenda II Cameroon
National Commission for Human Rights Location: After Franco Contact: 678 169 094
and Alliance – Bamenda
Freedoms (NCHRF) Cameroon
Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs Location: Veterinary Contact: 677 768 682
(DDSA) Junction, Bamenda Cameroon
Central Police Office Location: Old Town Cameroon Contact : 677 054 347 / 653 497 499
International Federation of Women Location: NWCA Building Contact: 677 658 759
lawyers Commercial Avenue
(FIDA- Bamenda) Cameroon
Location: Food Market Contact: 677 068 856 / 670 564 729 /
Finders Group Initiative (FGI) Cameroon 675 082 826
Organization for Women's Empowerment Location: Che Street Contact: 677 232 516
and Ntarinkon
Development (OWED) Cameroon
Refugee Welfare Association Cameroon Location: City Chemist Contact 675 807 330
(REWAC) Pharmacy, Express Union
Building, 2nd floor Cameroon
Loyalty Law Firm Location: Sonac Street – Contact: 675 160 353
B'da II Cameroon
Community Health and Social Location: City Chemist Contact: 675 405 478 / 695 110 313
Development for Round About
Cameroon (COHESODEC) Cameroon
CHRAC Location Small Mankon Cameroon Contact: 670 400 556
Location: Bamenda Contacts: 665 87 27 57 / 674 078 5 43
Listening and Orientation Unit Regional Hospital Cameroon
Global Action for Community Location: City Chemist Contact 654 072 934
Development Evidence Building
(GACD) Cameroon
Bamenda III Cameroon
Research and Advocacy for Gender Location: Bamenda III Contact: 675 267 972
Justice RAGJ Cameroon
Centre for Human Rights and Democracy Location: Mile 4 - Health Contact: 677 08 44 10
in Centre
Africa (CHRDA) Cameroon


Bamenda I
UNHCR Location: Up Station Contact: 675 55 29 23
Opposite the court of 1st
instance Cameroon
Médecins du Monde Suisse (Doctors of Location: Up station - Contacts: 665872755 / 657 100 465
the World Glass building adjacent
Switzerland) - MDM-CH road to GRA Cameroon
Bamenda II Cameroon
Regional Delegation of Women's Location: Old Town, Contact: 653 735 287/675 807 330
Empowerment Entrance to D.O B’daII
and the Family (DERPROFF), NWR Cameroon
NKUMU Fed Fed Location: 3rd Floor Contact: 677 375 598
Bamenda Police Credit
Union –
Old Treasury Street Cameroon
GRACE VISION Location: Veterinary Contact: 675 458 415
Junction Economic
Women's Empowerment and the Family Location: Old Town - Contact: 675 807330
Center Opposite DO’s Office
(WEFC) Bamenda Cameroon
C o m m u n i t y I n i t i a t i v e f o r S u s Location: Ntarinkon Ni Contact: 677 974 489
tainable John Entrance
Development (COMINSUD) Cameroon
Community Health and Social Location: City Chemist Contact: 675 405 478/695 110 313
Development for Round About
Cameroon (COHESODEC) Cameroon
SIWOG (Sustainable Initiative For Women Location Bamenda Tel: 677 224 492
Girls) Cameroon
Luc Memorial Rehabilitation Foundation Location: Mile 90 Cameroon Tel: 675 001 203
Organization for Women's Empowerment Location: Che Street Contact: 675 325 909
and Ntarinkon
Development (OWED) Cameroon
Association for the Empowerment of the Location: Ntarikon, Contact: 671 479 099
Deaf Bamenda
and Vulnerable Persons (AEDVP) Cameroon
Location: City Chemist- Contact: 675 265 6 61/677 802 134
Bayelle Cooperative
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of Credit Union
Peace and Hope (BIHAPH) Building/Bamenda Cameroon
Sustainable Initiative For Women Location: Hospital Contact: 674 232 741
Organization Roundabout (Guzang
(SIWOG) Cooperative Credit Union
Building) Cameroon
Cameroon Medical Women Association Location. Food Market Contact.676 513 435
(CMWA) Cameroon
Refugee Welfare Association Cameroon Location: City Chemist Contact. 675 322 337
(REWAC) Pharmacy, Express Union
Building, 2nd floor Cameroon
Mother of Hope Cameroon (MOHCAM) Location: Savanah Street Cameroon Contact: 673 540 517/677 831 004
Bamenda III Cameroon
Center for Human Rights and Peace Location: Ghana Street - Contact: 679 362 689
Advocacy Nkwen
(CHRAPA) Cameroon
Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) Location: Mile 3 Nkwen, Contact: 670 343 354
Bamenda (Elecam
Building, 3rd Floor) Cameroon
Community Agriculture and Location Mile 5 Nkwen Contact: 670 485 022
Environmental adjacent Theresa Tower
Protection Association (CAEPA) Cameroon
Strategic Humanitarian Services Location: Mile 6 Nkwen Contacts: 676 440 219/677 755 630
(SHUMAS) Cameroon
SANTA Cameroon
Community Association of Vulnerable Location: Savanna Bridge Contact: 675 102 899/678 928 630
Persons Santa
(CAVP) Cameroon
International Rescue Committee Location: Santa Cameroon Contact: 650 431 042


Santa District Hospital/International Location: Santa District Contact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Rescue Hospital
Committee Cameroon
Bamenda II
Divisional Delegation of Women's Location: Meta Quarter Cameroon Contact: 673 437 362
Empowerment and the Family (Immeubles Njumbe)
Location: Temporarily Cameroon Contact: 675 393 402
Regional Delegation of Women's Located at WEC Old
Empowerment Town,
and the Family (DERPROFF), NWR Bamenda II
CommunityInitiativeforSus Location: Ntarinkon Ni Cameroon Contact: 677 974 489
tainable John Entrance
Development (COMINSUD)
Community Initiative for Sustainable Adolescent Youth and Cameroon Contact: 675109
Development (COMINSUD) Friendly Space Location:
Ntarinkon Ni John
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location: Mile 3 S - Bend, Cameroon
Development (COMINSUD) Adjacent Blue Pearl
SAFE SPACE Hotel Contact: 678 176 359
CBC Health Services (One -Stop –Shop Location: Finance Junction Cameroon
Services) Contact: 677 690 600


CBC Health Services – GBV One Stop Location: Finance Junction Cameroon Contact: 675 396 705
International Rescue Committee Location: Mendankwe Cameroon Contact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Integrated Health Center
Plan International Cameroon Plan Location: Behind Hill Top Cameroon Contact: 676 715 749/675 445 858
International Cameroon Hotel, Up Station

Regional Delegation of Women's Location: Old Town - Cameroon Contact: 675 393 402
Empowerment and the Family Opposite DO’s Office
Divisional Delegation of Women's Location: Hospital Round Cameroon Contact: 673 437 361/ 675 807 330
Empowerment and the Family About Atua- Azire
Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs Location: Old Town - Cameroon Contact: 677 054 347
(DDSA) Desk in Central Police
Alpha Royal/International Rescue Location: Ntarikon Cameroon Contact: 650 431 042/669 749 689
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location : Ntarinkon, Fru Cameroon Contact: 676 306 683
Development (COMINSUD) Ndi Entrance
LUKMEF Location: Fon's Street Cameroon Contact: 669 676 291
Organization for Women's Empowerment Location: Che Street Cameroon Contact: 677 232 516
and Ntarinkon
Development (OWED)
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of Location: City Chemist - Cameroon Contact: 680 99 06 47
Peace and Hope (BIHAPH) Bayelle Cooperative
Credit Union
Global Action for Community Location: City Chemist Cameroon Contact: 654 072 934
Development Evidence Building

BUI DIVISION : Health Care

Bingo Baptist Hospital Location: Above Squares Cameroon Contact: 677 866 343
St. Elizabeth Catholic Hospital Location: Shishong Cameroon Contact: 673 501 004
Catholic Relief Services Location: St. Elizabeth Cameroon Contact:674 108 875
Catholic Hospital
Community Initiative for Sustainable Location: Mbve - Cameroon Contact: 677 334 482
Development (COMINSUD) Ndzengwev
Community Education for Life (CEF Life) Location: Kumbo Cameroon Contact. 675 803 132/678 625 194
Plan International Cameroon Location: Kumbo Cameroon Contact: 676 225 987
Banso Baptist Hospital (BBH) Location: Above Squares Cameroon Contact: 677 866 343
Justice and Peace Commission Kumbo Location. Bishop's House Cameroon Contact: 675 411 550
Women in Action against Gender Based Location: Jakiri Cameroon Contact:675 127 491

Community Initiative for Sustainable Location. Elak Cameroon Contact: 670 550 468
Development (COMINSUD)

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