Programme Officiel Baccalureat Anglais

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Prsentation du programme officiel du Baccalaurat (Anglais)


Your questions answered in this document.

1. What is the official program for modern languages including English? Programme denseignement de langues vivantes du cycle terminal . 2. What should a student be able to do in English in order to succeed in their Bac ? Comptences en rception, en production et en interaction. 3. How does the Baccalaureate put emphasis on reading and writing? Laccs lcrit. 4. What are the demands on students regarding oral expression and comprehension? Intraction orale. 5. What is the importance of student autonomy and learning outside of the classroom? Louverture vers dautres espaces dapprentisage. 6. How are communication technologies built into the Baccalaureate? Les technologies de linformation et de la communication. 7. What cultural subjects do students need to learn about? Gestes fondateurs et mondes en mouvement. Mythes et hros et changes. Lieux et formes du pouvoir. Lide du progrs

Comment lire ce document

Bas sur des extraits du Bulletin officiel n 9 du spcial 30 septembre 2010 du Ministre de l'ducation Nationale, ce document vous prsente les comptences et les sujets que vous devez matriser pendant votre prparation au baccalaurat. Vous pouvez aussi dcouvrir comment peut vous aider construire les comptences et le vocabulaire ncessaires une bonne comprhension orale et crite et une meilleure expression en anglais.

How to use this document

Based on extracts from the Official Bulletin n9 of September 30th 2010 from the French Department of Education this document will allow you to find out which skills and which subjects you need to master for the Baccalaureate in English. You will also be able to discover how the angloXchange website can help you to build the necessary skills and vocabulary for improved oral and reading comprehension and advanced written and oral expression for the English Bac.

What is the official program for modern languages including English?

Programme denseignement
de langues vivantes du cycle terminal pour les sries gnrales et technologiques. Informations publis sur le site officiel du Ministre de lEducation : Le programme du cycle terminal s'inscrit dans la continuit des programmes du collge et de la classe de seconde. Il prend appui sur le CECRL labor par le Conseil de l'Europe et vise dvelopper l'autonomie de l'lve dans la pratique des langues vivantes dans les activits langagires suivantes : Rception - comprhension de l'oral - comprhension de l'crit ASTUCES ANGLOXCHANGE Grce au site, vous pouvez dcouvrir des textes authentiques et des articles crits en anglais moderne. Des mots cls et des notions culturelles sont traduits et expliqus en franais. Vous avez galement la possibilit de dcouvrir des documents audio et vido. Ainsi vous pouvez amliorer votre comprhension de langlais parl, que ce soit dans le contexte dinterviews, dextraits de thtre, de films, de posie, de dbats politiques ou d'autres formes et registres. Production - expression orale en continu - expression crite Vous tes encourag participer activement au programme angloXchange. Vous pouvez contribuer au site en envoyant vos propres articles, des clips vido ou audio que vous avez trouv sur linternet (et qui sont pertinents). Vous pouvez ensuite ajouter vos analyses, vos traductions ou vos ractions devant ce document. De plus, les forums et les "Commentaires" vous permettent de dialoguer avec dautres utilisateurs - en anglais. Ceci vous encourage utiliser l'anglais comme un moyen de discussion et de dbat autour de sujets diffrents et travers des commentaires crits mais dans un style nanmoins conversationnel.

The official program

for modern languages for second and third year students on the general or technical Baccalaureate program. Information adapted from the official Department of Education The program for second and third years follow on from the junior high school and first year senior programs. The program is built around the European Councils CEFRL initiative, and seeks to develop student autonomy in the practice of modern languages in the following skill sets :

Reception (Passive) - oral comprehension - reading comprehension On, you can discover authentic texts and articles written in modern English. Key words and cultural notions are translated and explained in French. You also have the opportunity to discover audio and video documents and to build your understanding of spoken documents in English, be they interviews, theatre extracts, film clips, read poetry, political debates or other examples of spoken English in its various forms.

Production (Active) - Extended oral expression - Written expression Participants in the angloXchange programme are mere consumers of English: you are encouraged to participate actively by contributing realworld articles, video extracts or audio clips that you have found on the internet (and which are relevant to the Bac). You can then add written analysis, translations or personal reactions to your document in English. Furthermore, the forums and Comments allow you to dialogue with other users in English. This encourages you to use English as a means to discuss and debate different subjects using written comments in a conversational style.


What should a student be able to do in English in order to pass their Bac?

En rception, llve est capable :

With regards comprehension a student must be able to:

- understand the essentials of orally conveyed messages (debates, presentations, radio and TV programs, documentary or fiction films) and lengthier texts on a wide range of subjects; - follow a complex argument in standard English - interpret not only the explicit but also the implicit meanings of the document - identify the producers point of view - develop a high degree of reading autonomy


- de comprendre l'essentiel de messages oraux labors (dbats, exposs, missions radiophoniques ou tlvises, films de fiction ou documentaires) et de textes longs, sur une gamme tendue de sujets ; - de suivre une argumentation complexe nonce dans un langage standard ; - d'effectuer un travail interprtatif qui, au-del de l'explicite, vise une comprhension de l'implicite ; - d'identifier le point de vue du locuteur ; - d'un grand degr d'autonomie en lecture. Des documents varis en format vido et audio sont prsents sur le site Chaque document propose des traductions et des explications de notions culturelles en anglais et en franais. Ceux-ci sont raliss soit par la rdaction dangloXchange ou par des tudiants comme vous. Sont aussi proposs des essais, des commentaires, des discussions et des analyses approfondies.

Video and audio documents figure heavily on Each document features English/French translations and includes explanations of key cultural notions written by the angloXchange staff or by students like you, as well as essays, comments, discussions and other analysis.

En production, l'lve est capable : - de s'exprimer de manire dtaille et organise sur une gamme tendue de sujets relatifs ses centres d'intrts ou ses domaines de connaissance ; - de prsenter, reformuler, expliquer ou commenter, de faon construite, avec finesse et prcision, par crit ou par oral, des documents crits ou oraux comportant une information ou un ensemble d'informations, des opinions et points de vue ; - de dfendre diffrents points de vue et opinions, conduire une argumentation claire et nuance. En interaction, llve est capable :

In expression, the student is able to : - express themselves in a detailed and organized fashion on a broad range of subjects relating to their interests or areas of expertise - whether orally or in writing, present, rephrase, explain or comment on, in an organized and precise fashion, written or audio documents that present information, opinions or points of view - defend different points of view or opinions with subtlety and in a clear and organized fashion.

Through interaction, the student is able to : - participate in a dialogue between two or more people by expressing themselves with spontaneity and ease, including with native speakers. - participate in lengthy conversations, reacting to others arguments and by expressing organized opinion.

- de participer une situation de dialogue deux ou plusieurs personnes, en s'exprimant avec spontanit et aisance, y compris avec des locuteurs natifs ; - de participer des conversations assez longues tout en ragissant aux arguments d'autrui et en argumentant.

How does the Baccalaureate put emphasis on reading and writing in English?

Laccs lcrit En LV1 et en LV2 plus particulirement, la matrise de plus en plus tendue de l'crit permet l'lve d'accder au plaisir de lire et d'crire dans une autre langue. Il peut ainsi se livrer la dcouverte autonome de textes, la lecture en continu d'une uvre intgrale, lecture qui peut tre guide et accompagne par les indications du professeur. Il doit tre initi et entran l'utilisation d'outils tels que dictionnaires et grammaires. L'lve peut aussi tre invit assurer la collecte, le classement en dossiers, ventuellement avec l'aide du professeur-documentaliste, puis l'exploitation, en fonction d'objectifs pralablement dfinis, de documents authentiques tudier en classe. ASTUCES ANGLOXCHANGE

Access to written English When is is chosen as a 1st o 2 language option, the increasing mastery of written English allows the student to take pleasure in reading and writing another language. They will therefore become more autonomous in the discovery of new documents and the reading of entire works, often guided by their teacher (not least with regards grammar and correct use of the dictionary). The student might also be invited to carry out the collection and organization of documents and project work, perhaps with the help of the librarian. This in turn will permit increased use of authentic documents both within and beyond the classroom according to pre-fixed pedagogic objectives.

En effet, vous propose une exposition rgulire et systmatique des documents authentiques en fonction des objectifs noncs dans le programme officiel. offers you simplified, organzed and regular exposure to authentic documents according to the objectives set out in the official programme.

Comment angloXchange peut-il vous aider?

Le projet AngloXchange est anim par des tudiants pour les tudiants. Le site rassemble des documents issus de sujets relatifs au programme en cours. Pour cela, le site s'appuie sur une varit de sources. Ainsi, les lves comme vous seront capables de dcouvrir, de sapproprier et de ragir une gamme de sujets, de registres et de formes en anglais, tel que lexige le nouveau baccalaurat.

How can angloXchange help ?

AngloXchange is produced by students for students. It brings together documents on a variety of subjects related to the program. It also relies on a variety of different sources. Therefore, you as a student will be able to discover, appropriate and react to a wide variety of subjects and issues in differing registers and forms, as required by the new Baccalaureate.

What are the demands on students regarding oral expression and comprehension?

Interaction orale

Oral exchange

En fin de classe de terminale gnrale et technologique, le niveau de comptence vis est pour : - la langue vivante 1 : B2 (utilisateur indpendant niveau avanc)* - la langue vivante 2 : B1 (utilisateur indpendant niveaux seuil)* - la langue vivante 3 : A2 (utilisateur lmentaire niveau intermdiaire) - la langue approfondie : . en langue vivante 1 : C1 (utilisateur expriment autonome)* . en langue vivante 2 : B2 (utilisateur indpendant niveau avanc)
*Conformment l'article D. 312-16 du code de l'ducation.

In the final year of the General and Technical Bac, the target levels are as follow : - Modern language 1 : B2 (Independent user advanced level)* - Modern language 2 : B1 (Independent user niveaux seuil)* - Modern language 3 : A2 (Basic User Independent User) - Language major : . Modern language 1 : C1 (Proficient User Autonomous)* . Modern language 2 : B2 (Independent user Advanced level)
*As set out in article D. 312-16 in French Education Law.

Cadre europen commun de rfrence pour les langues

Utilisateur Indpendant B2 Peut comprendre le contenu essentiel de sujets concrets ou abstraits dans un texte complexe, y compris une discussion technique dans sa spcialit. Peut communiquer avec un degr de spontanit et d'aisance tel qu'une conversation avec un locuteur natif ne comportant de tension ni pour l'un ni pour l'autre. Peut s'exprimer de faon claire et dtaille sur une grande gamme de sujets, mettre un avis sur un sujet d'actualit et exposer les avantages et les inconvnients de diffrentes possibilits. B1 Peut comprendre les points essentiels quand un langage clair et standard est utilis et s'il s'agit de choses familires dans le travail, l'cole, dans les loisirs, etc. Peut se dbrouiller dans la plupart des situations rencontres en voyage dans une rgion o la langue cible est parle. Peut produire un discours simple et cohrent sur des sujets familiers et dans ses domaines d'intrt. Peut raconter un vnement, une exprience ou un rve, dcrire un espoir ou un but et exposer brivement des raisons ou explications pour un projet ou une ide.

What is the importance of student autonomy and learning outside of the classroom?

Louverture vers dautres espaces dapprentissage L'autonomie de l'lve peut s'exercer pendant et en dehors de la classe avec pour objectif d'augmenter le temps d'exposition la langue.

Providing access to other learning spaces

The students autonomy is to be encouraged within and beyond the classroom and class activities in order to increase exposure to the target language.


AngloXchange vous offre une grande autonomie en vous proposant un accs illimit une riche base de donnes que vous soyez lcole ou la maison. Cela vous permet de travailler de manire indpendante et efficace sur des supports soigneusement slectionns et sans devoir trier des milliers darticles proposs par Google. Cette approche augmente votre exposition la langue anglaise au-del de vos cours. Ceci va complter les sujets que vous tudiez en classe.

The AngloXchange program affords you autonomy by offering you internet access to a rich database of resources whether you be within or outside of the classroom. This allows you to work independently, increasing your exposure to the English language beyond your regular classes and as a complement to the subjects you study in class or at home.

The angloXchange program brings together the most interesting articles from a variety of sources that will help students understand the modern world in English. Above all, the site helps students to give their opinion about that world using the level of English required by the Baccalaureate. With sources as various as The Washington Post, BBC News, The Guardian, The Slate, The Economist and other more specialized or quirky online publications, angloXchange seeks to help students follow the broad trends and specific stories relating to: Current affairs Education History Literature The Arts Popular Culture Science Society Fashion and more!

How are communication technologies built into the Baccalaureate?

Les technologies de linformation et de la communication

Le recours aux technologies du numrique est incontournable, il permet d'augmenter les moments de pratique authentique de la langue tant dans l'tablissement qu'en dehors de celui-ci. Il permet de renforcer les comptences des lves la fois en comprhension et en expression, notamment par : - l'accs des ressources numriques d'archives ou de la plus directe actualit (coute de documents en flux direct ou tlchargs librement, recherches documentaires sur internet, etc.) ; AngloXchange vous permet de trouver des textes authentiques et des documents en format audio ou vido qui sont la fois pertinents vis--vis du programme culturel et riche en annotations. Ceci vous permettra damliorer votre comprhension et votre expression chaque semaine. - la mise en contact avec des interlocuteurs aux quatre coins du monde (e-Twinning, visioconfrence, forums d'changes, bloc-notes numriques, messageries lectroniques, etc.) ; AngloXchange est un moyen dtudier en collaboration avec d'autres apprenants de la langue anglaise o quils soient dans le monde. Les forums et les commentaires vous permettent d'changer librement des avis, des ides et des conseils concernant la langue anglaise.

Use of IT technologies

The use of IT technologies is to be encouraged. They allow an increased use of the target language both within and beyond the school.

They allow the strengthening of pupils key skills both in terms of comprehension and expression, notably with regards: - access to digital resources or archives as well as current affairs (listening to documents either via streaming or downloading, internet research, etc)


AngloXchange allows you to find authentic texts and video or audio documents that are both relevant to your cultural programme and copiously annotated in order to allow greater comprehension and improved expression as a result.

- building contacts and dialogue with people around the world (e-Twinning, video-conferences, forums, online projects, e-mail etc)


AngloXchange was created as a means for students to be in contact and to collaborate with other English language learners or speakers around the world. The forums and comments allow a free exchange of opinions, ideas and advice in and about the English language.


- un renforcement des entranements individuels par l'utilisation d'outils nomades, avant, pendant ou aprs les activits de la classe (baladeurs, ordinateurs portables, tablettes et manuels numriques, etc.) Les contenus proposs par sont configurs pour une utilisation simple et conviviale sur votre ordinateur. Nanmoins, vous pouvez aussi les consulter sur votre smartphone. Le site dtecte automatiquement la technologie que vous utilisez et optimise la mise en page des documents. Ainsi, vous tes de vritables nomades dans vos tudes !

- improved personal learning owing to the use of mobile tecnologies before, during and after class activities (mp3 players, laptops, tablets, digital books, etc)

The content offered by is configured for use on smartphones or tablet computers. The site automatically detects the technology you are using and optimizes the presentation for your PC, phone or tablet.

Which Cultural Themes dictate the contexts in which English should be used?

Gestes fondateurs et mondes en mouvement Cette entre est structure autour de quatre notions : - mythes et hros - espaces et changes - lieux et formes du pouvoir - l'ide de progrs

Foundations and worlds in motion This theme is built around 4 notions:

- myths and heroes - places and exchanges - seats and forms of power - the idea of progress


Vous trouverez sur le site des articles, des extraits et des vidos organiss selon les quatre thmes culturels noncs dans votre programme. Vous pouvez ainsi dcouvrir une gamme tendue de documents. Chaque document fait rfrence au moins un des quatre thmes culturels. Vous pouvez ainsi prendre conscience de ces thmes et notions en anglais et dvelopper progressivement les comptences linguistiques et le vocabulaire ncessaires la comprhension des documents. Ceci vous amnera ragir devant des textes de faon subtile et nuance, que ce soit l'orale ou l'crit.

You will find articles, extracts and videos on the website organized according to the four Core Cultural Themes set out in the official program. You can therefore discover a variety of documents which refer to at least one of the four cultural themes. This will help you build awareness of key themes and notions and gradually develop the language skills and vocabulary required to not only understand the documents, but also react to them in subtle and varied ways be it orally or in writing.

Cette entre permet de dcoder la complexit des rfrents culturels qui sous-tendent les langues vivantes tant en parcourant leur histoire qu'en posant les enjeux du monde contemporain. Chaque notion du programme est aborde travers le prisme d'un ou de plusieurs domaines proposs ci-aprs. - Arts (architecture, cinma, musique, peinture, photographie) - Croyances et reprsentations - Histoire et gopolitique - Langue et langages - Littrature - Sciences et techniques - Sociologie et conomie Ce croisement permet de problmatiser le sujet abord. Il est au coeur du projet de squence et facilite l'appropriation des comptences linguistiques et pragmatiques en contexte. On veillera ancrer la problmatique du projet de cours dans l'une des quatre notions :

These core themes allow students to unravel the complexity of the cultural notions which underpin modern languages by gaining an overview of their history whilst also understanding the issues of the modern world. Each notion of the program is addressed through the prism of one or more of the subjects listed here below: Arts (architecture, cinema, music, painting, photography) Beliefs and representations History and geopolitics Language and languages Science and technology Sociology and economics

This overlapping of themes allows students to ask questions about any given subject. This is the heart of the class project and allows the assimilation of language skills and gestures in context. Here follow the four cultural notions that underpin the program:

What cultural subjects do students need to learn about?

Mythes et hros : Le mythe voque la condition humaine dans son ensemble, son histoire transmise d'abord oralement et souvent incarne par un hros, un lieu ou une communaut. Interroger les mythes, c'est s'intresser aux hros et aux rcits qui fondent une identit collective. Le caractre universel du mythe permet de mettre en vidence la faon particulire dont chaque aire culturelle interprte l'exprience humaine et construit des uvres pour l'exprimer. Chaque poque emprunte et ractualise certains mythes ou en cre de nouveaux. Le hros peut tre un personnage fictif ou rel qui a marqu la tradition, l'histoire, la vie quotidienne. La culture populaire et la contre-culture ne cessent de produire leurs propres hros (folklore, bandes dessines, etc.).

Myths and heroes Mythology manages to evoke the human condition in its entirety. Our history was first transmitted orally and often through stories of heroes, places or communities. To understand a myth is to take an interest in the heroes and tales that are the foundation of our collective identities. The universal character of mythology allows us to highlight the unique ways in which each cultural era has interpreted human experience and created great works as an expression of it. Each period borrows or modernizes certain myths or creates entirely new ones. A hero might be a fictional or real character who has left his or her mark on our traditions, history or day to day life. Popular culture and counter-culture never cease to produce their own heroes (folklore, comic strips, etc)


What cultural subjects do students need to learn about?

Espaces et changes Une socit peut tre aborde du double point de vue de sa cohsion et de son ouverture, ce qui amne s'interroger sur son inscription dans le monde. La gographie des circuits commerciaux et des rseaux d'influence, mais aussi les dcouvertes et la conqute de terres nouvelles constituent des aires culturelles qui dpassent souvent les frontires des tats. La frontire comme limite entre deux espaces sera vue tantt comme protection contre l'autre ou au contraire ouverture et appel vers un espace plus grand. L'espace peut voluer et prendre des contours varis : rappropriation des espaces symboliques, perte des repres dans les villes mondes, invention de nouveaux modles d'changes, constitution de grands ensembles rgionaux, espaces rels, espaces virtuels. On constate aujourd'hui qu'en dpit d'une grande ingalit au niveau des dveloppements, le monde n'a jamais t aussi intgr, tant les liens de toute nature entre peuples et pays sont devenus troits. Les changes de toutes sortes, les emprunts de langue langue, de culture culture en littrature, dans les arts, les sciences, les techniques, la philosophie, la religion, les institutions politiques et sociales et plus gnralement dans les usages quotidiens, ont pris une nouvelle ampleur dans l'unification des espaces et des peuples, des langues et visions du monde. Chaque socit est ainsi travaille par des conflits entre particulier et universel, que recoupent souvent des oppositions entre tradition et modernit.

Spaces and exchanges A society can be understood from the dual perspectives of cohesion and openness both of which encourage us to think further about that societys position in the world. The geography of international trade and networks of influence - and the discovery and conquest of new worlds constitute cultural phenomena which often go beyond national boundaries. The frontier as a limit between two spaces will be seen as much as a protection against outsiders as an opening and an address to broader horizons. Space can evolve and take various forms: the reappropriation of symbolic spaces, the loss of our bearings in modern towns, the invention of new modes of exchange, the constitution of new regional gatherings, real spaces and virtual spaces. We notice today that despite large inequalities in global development, the world has never been so integrated owing to the links between peoples and nations that have become ever more direct. Exchanges of all kinds - the borrowings between languages, between cultures, in literature, the arts, the sciences and technologies, in philosophy and religion, between political and social institutions and even in our daily habits have taken on a new amplitude as places and peoples, languages and world visions unify. Every society is therefore challenged by conflicts between the individual and the universal that reflect also on oppositions between tradition and modernity.


What cultural subjects do students need to learn about?

Lieux et formes du pouvoir Le pouvoir est la fois source de l'intgration politique, sociale et personnelle et rvlateur des tensions et des conflits au sein du groupe. Le pouvoir s'exerce travers un ensemble de relations complexes subies ou acceptes, souvent intriorises. Le pouvoir implique aussi des contrepouvoirs : comment limite-t-on le pouvoir, comment lui rsiste-t-on ? Cette notion peut tre aborde titre d'exemple sous les angles suivants : - lieux institutionnels emblmatiques du pouvoir (Cour, chteau, parlement, prison, tribunal, capitales, etc.) ;

Seats and forms of power Power is a source of political, social and personal reflection and often revealing of the tensions and conflicts that are to be found in social groups. Power is exercised through various complex relations either imposed or accepted, often interiorized. Power implies also opposition: how is power limited and how is it resisted? This notion can be addressed, for example, from the following angles: - emblematic institutions of power (the court, the castle, parliament, prison, the tribunal, capitals, etc) - the power of the media (the press, public opinion etc)

- pouvoir des mdias (la presse, quatrime pouvoir , l'opinion publique, etc.) ; - got du pouvoir et rsistance au pouvoir (les personnalits qui font l'histoire, les grandes figures, la dsobissance civile, la guerre et le pacifisme) ; - pouvoir et conqutes (luttes pour l'galit et la libert, conqutes et reculs ; la question de la parit ; le droit de vote) ; - arts et pouvoir (sa reprsentation, sa mise en scne ; la soumission : louanges, art officiel ; la dnonciation : satire, fable, caricature) ; - langue et pouvoir.

- the lust for power and resistance to power (historical personalities, great figures, civil disobedience, war and pacifism) - power and conquest (the fight for equality and liberty, conquests and retreats, questions of egality, the right to vote) - power and the arts (representations and mise en scne of power, submission, praise and patronage, official art, denunciation, satire, fable and caricature) - language and power


What cultural subjects do students need to learn about?

Lide de progrs Considr comme outil principal d'orientation dans la complexit du monde, le concept de progrs a accompagn les grands moments de l'histoire. Il traverse et bouscule les hritages et les traditions, entranant une grande varit de processus d'volution ainsi que des rsistances face au changement. Relay par un dveloppement des technologies de pointe, une acclration des avances scientifiques et techniques, le culte de la nouveaut et du progrs fait l'objet, ces dernires dcennies, d'une prise de conscience accrue des consquences possibles qui en rsultent. partir de documents authentiques de toute nature, contemporains ou antrieurs, il convient de donner aux lves des lments de contextualisation qui leur permettent d'tablir des relations pour mieux apprhender les enjeux relatifs l'ide de progrs. Cette notion permet notamment d'aborder : - les effets du progrs sur le fonctionnement des socits (nouvelles liberts, nouvelles contraintes et nouvelles alinations) ; - l'impact sur les codes de la communication (volution des langues et langages) ; - l'thique du progrs et la responsabilit ; - la vision diachronique des arts et des techniques ; - la notion de modernit et d'avant-garde dans les arts ; - l'illusion du progrs, les utopies.

The idea of progress Considered as a principal means of orientation in a complex world, the concept of progress has accompanied the greatest moments in history. It informs and overthrows heritage and traditions, bringing with it a great variety of evolutionary processes as well as resistance to change. The acceleration of advanced sciences and technologies and the cult of innovation and progress have been, for several decades, the reason for an increased awareness of the possible consequences of such technologies. Using authentic documents of all kinds, historical or current, students should be encouraged to develop a notion of context which will allow them to construct the kind of meaning that permits a greater understanding of the issues related to ideas of progress. This notion allows students to address issues of: - the effects of progress on society (new liberties, new constraints, new alienations) - the impact of codes of communication (the evolution of languages and register) - the ethics of progress and responsibility - the diachronic vision of arts and technology - the notion of modernity and the avant-garde in the arts - the illusion of progress, utopias


How can students work independently at home in order to prepare for the Bac?

ORAL COMPREHENSION & EXPRESSION Students in their first year of preparation for the Bac are currently using angloXchange to build their oral comprehension skills.

OBJECTIVE : Build the necessary vocabulary to present, analyze and discuss a variety of oral texts. STEP ONE: For homework, students independently choose an audio or video document (for example on YouTube) from one of the following categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A famous speech (eg: by Martin Luther King or Winston Churchill) A televised debate (eg: a political or cultural debate or an expert from a book review show) A read poem An extract from a play An extract from a film A traditional or popular song or rap.

STEP TWO: Students prepare the following written responses to the document: Describe: Who has produced the document? Who is the audience? When was it produced? Why was it produced? What is special or unique about this document? Translate: List and translate into French key vocabulary and notions that a listener needs to know if they are to understand the text. Personal response: Explain why you chose this document. What emotional or intellectual impact does it have on you? What language or style choices in the document are responsible for this emotional or intellectual impact? Personalise your work: Briefly outline what you have learned or gained from analyzing this document. STEP THREE: Present your project to the class


How can students work independently at home in order to prepare for the Bac?


Students in their second year of preparation for the Bac are currently using angloXchange to build their reading and written expression skills.

OBJECTIVE : Build the necessary vocabulary to present, analyze and discuss a variety of written texts. STEP ONE: In class, pairs of students decide on a subject that will a) interest and inspire them b) be relevant to the Cultural Notions outlined in the Baccalaureate program. STEP TWO: Choose a subject and three related documents For homework, students select three online documents (using Google) that address different aspects or points of view regarding their chosen subject. They may choose three texts, or replace on or two of the texts with a video or inspirational image relating to their subject. STEP THREE: Prepare a written response to each of your three documents Students prepare the following written responses to EACH of their three documents: Describe: Who has produced the document? Who is the intended audience? When was it produced? Why was it produced (ie: what is its purpose)? What is special or unique about this document? Translate: List and translate into French key vocabulary and notions that a listener needs to know if they are to understand the text. Personal response: Explain why you chose this document. What emotional or intellectual impact does it have on you? What language or style choices in the document are responsible for this emotional or intellectual impact? STEP FOUR: Prepare a presentation page for your work: 1. Briefly outline (about 150 words) who you are and what you have learned or gained from analyzing this document. 2. Write about 150 words that presents your project to other students. Make them curious by outlining a series of questions that they will find answers to if they choose to look closely at your analysis of your three document.


What vocabulary should I be using to describe the texts?


Here is a starter guide to help you use appropriate vocabulary for talking about written texts and video or audio documents.

DESCRIBE THE DOCUMENT interview personal diary entry press article film or book review (political) speech (political) debate literary extract poem set of lyrics live performance movie extract television news report

DESCRIBE THE PEOPLE INVOLVED interviewer/interviewee owner of the diary writer/journalist/columnist reviewer/critic orator/speaker participants + the chair author/writer/narrator/character poet composer/songwriter group/band/actors characters/actors/director/writer newscaster/anchor/journalist


DEFINE THE PURPOSE Discuss Convince Tell Record Inform Explain Analyze Motivate Demonstrate Denounce Argue for Describe Set out Outline Evoke Convey Transport Entertain Animate Present Justify etc

reader/viewer reader reader reader/viewer audience/spectators audience/viewer reader reader listener spectator/audience/crowd audience viewer


What is the Baccalaurat?

The Baccalaurat, known in France colloquially as le bac, is an academic qualification which French and international students take at the end of the lyce.
Introduced by Napoleon I in 1808, the the bac is the main diploma required to pursue university studies. It confirms a rounded secondary education, gives access to a wide range of university education. It cannot be compared with British Commonwealth A-levels as it cannot, like A-levels, be obtained in single subjects. Within France, there are three main types of baccalaurat degrees: the baccalaurat gnral (general baccalaureate); the baccalaurat professionnel (professional baccalaureate); the baccalaurat technologique (technological baccalaureate).

Students who sit for the baccalaurat gnral choose one of three streams (termed sries) in the penultimate lyce year. Each stream results in a specialization and carries different weights (coefficients) associated with each subject. The streams for the baccalaurat gnral are as follows:

scientifique (sciences)

sciences conomiques et sociales (economics and social sciences)

littraire (literature)

The natural sciences stream The bac ES is balanced between The bac L weighs French requires a high level in literary and economic and social literature, philosophy, history & geo mathematics, physics & chemistry, courses of studies, and students graphy, andforeign and biology or, if available, must take an economics and social languages heavily. engineering sciences. sciences exam.

The baccalaurat permits students to choose to sit for exams in over forty world languages or French regional languages. AngloXchange has been designed to help students build their English language skills in written and spoken comprehension and expression. On the following pages, you can discover in French and English the Modern Languages Program for the General Baccalaureate. We have added a few explanations as to how the angloXchange program helps students to build the skills required by the Baccalureat.


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