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Tinguilinta NoteDeCalcul

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05-12-23 1ere Diffusion 1 J. Fernández M. Sacristán G. Capellán

Date Objet de l’indice Indice Etabli par Vérifié par Validé par

Echelles : Sans objet Numéro du document TIN100 Indice 1

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

3.1. BÉTON
3.1.1. Type des bétons :
3.2.1. Enrobages
3.2.2. Fissuration
3.2.3. Loi de comportement des aciers
3.2.4. Longueur de recouvrement
4.1.1. Poids propre
4.1.2. Superstructures
4.1.3. Poids et poussée des remblais
4.1.4. Tassement d’appui
4.1.5. Retrait et fluage
4.2.1. Surcharges de circulation routière
4.2.2. Force de freinage et d’accélération
4.2.1. Surcharges sur remblai
4.3.1. Actions thermiques
4.3.2. Vent
4.6.1. Force de choc contre les bordures du trottoir
4.6.2. Actions sur le garde-corps piétonnier
4.6.3. Pression longitudinale du débit de la rivière sur les piles du pont (selon AASHTO)
4.6.4. Pression hydraulique due à l'accumulation flottante (selon AASHTO)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique


L’objet du présent document c’est définir les bases de calcul du Pont sur le fleuve
Nous définissons les règlements, les matériaux, les chargements et les méthodologies de
calcul à prendre en compte.


La solution de la structure du Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta consiste en un pont en béton
armé d’une longueur total de 120.00 m, avec deux travées latérales de 19 m et trois
travées centrales de 20.5m de portée.
La largeur du tablier c’est 11.50m. L’épaisseur type du tablier c’est 1.10 m.
Les culées reposent sur 10 pieux de Ø=800 mm avec des murs en retour. Les piles sont
formées par des chevêtres de 1.30 m d’épaisseur sur 8 pieux de 0.80 m de diamètre et fûts
typée colonne de 1.00 m de diamètre.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique


On a réalisé un modèle de calcul du tablier grâce au logiciel Midas Civil et deux modèles
pour le calcul des culées en utilisant le programme Axis VM. La description détaillée des
modèles de calcul est incluse dans les notes de calcul correspondantes au tablier, aux
piles et aux culées.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Pour les ouvrages neufs, nous appliquerons les Eurocodes et les annexes nationales
• Eurocode 0 – EN 1990 – Base de calcul des structures
• Eurocode 1 – EN 1991 – Actions sur les structures
• Eurocode 2 – EN 1992 – Calcul des structures béton
• Eurocode 7 – EN 1997 –Calcul géotechnique
• Eurocode 8 – EN 1998 – Calcul des structures aux séismes

• Guide méthodologique du SETRA – Eurocodes 0 et 1 - Application aux ponts

routes et passerelles- février 2010.
• Guide méthodologique du SETRA – Eurocode 2 – Application aux ponts routes en
béton- juillet 2008
• Guide technique des appareils d’appui en élastomère frette, édité par le SETRA-
Juillet 2007
• Fascicule 62 - TITRE V – Règles technique de la conception et de calcul des
fondations des ouvrages de génie civil.
• Note d’information du Setra Nº32 – Recommandations pour l’Eurocode 8 " Calculs
des structures pour leur résistance aux séismes ".
• Dossier pilote du SETRA- Ponts – dalle, guide de conception, juillet 1989
• Guide de Conception des ouvrages de soutènement du Setra de Décembre 1998
• Dossier du SETRA. Dalles de transition d’Octobre 1984
• Guide Technique du Setra – Garde-Corps-avril 1997
• Guide Technique du Setra – Corniches – décembre 1994
• Guide Technique du Setra – Assainissement des ponts -routes – juin 1989
• Notice d’utilisation du programme de calcul PSIDP/PSDP-CHAMOA (version
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique


3.1. BÉTON
Durée d’utilisation : 100 ans.
Classe structurale sur la base de 50 ans : S4 (EC2 1-1/NA
Cette classe sera majorée par 2 pour tenir compte de la durée de 100 ans (tableau 4.3.NF)

3.1.1. Type des bétons :

Loi de comportement du béton pour justification de la flexion aux ELU :

Loi «bilinéaire » - EC ». Fig.3.4


Acier B500B
fyk= 500 MPa
(ft/fy)k= >1.05
Εuk= >5.0%
E s= 200 GPa
γ s= 1.15 à l'ELU
1 à l'ELUaccidentel
Fyd=fyk/ ϒs= 434.8 à l'ELU
500 à l'ELUaccidentel
fs=k3*fyk= 400 à l'ELU caractéristique (avec k3 =0.8)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

3.2.1. Enrobages
Détermination des enrobages :

pile, culée,



Eléments de structure

Type of béton C30/37 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50

Classe d'environnement (Tableau 4.1)
Carbonatation : XC XC2 XC2 XC4 XC4
Corrosion: XD - - - -
Chlorures: XS - - - -
Gel-Dégel: XF - - - -
Attaque chimique: XA - - - -
Classe structurale (Tableau 4.3N)
Classe de départs 4 4 4 4
Durée de vie : 100 ans 2 2 2 2
Enrobage nominal Cnom 70 50 50 50

*Contact des terres : +30mm si bétonnage sur béton de propreté

Nous proposons de garder :
• Pour les pieux : 70mm
• Pour le reste : 50mm
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

3.2.2. Fissuration
La fissuration maximale est : wmax = 0.30mm (classe d’exposition XC)
La contrainte des armatures est limitée à 200MPa sous les combinaisons à l’ELS fréquent.

3.2.3. Loi de comportement des aciers

Loi de comportement de l’acier pour justification de la flexion aux ELU:
Loi «bilinéaire» à palier horizontal – EC2.1.1 Fig. 3.8.

3.2.4. Longueur de recouvrement

Les longueurs d’ancrage et les recouvrements des barres d’armature, sont déterminés
dans chaque cas d’accord à l’Eurocode EN 1992-1-1.


Sur le modèle de calcul, on introduit appareils d’appui en néoprène comme liaisons de type
ressort élastique, dont la constante K dans chaque direction est définie sur le document
d’accord à la norme européenne EN 1337-03.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique



4.1.1. Poids propre

Les effets du poids propre seront calculés sur la base des plans de coffrage du dossier
d’exécution, en attribuant au béton armé une densité de 25,0 kN/m3.

4.1.2. Superstructures
La justification de la valeur considérée se représente sur la table suivante. En base aux
efforts dus à cette valeur moyenne de la superstructure, avec les valeurs de poids propre,
le logiciel de calcul obtient la redistribution des efforts d’accord à la rhéologie. On obtient
les valeurs de charge de la superstructure maximum et minimum selon les coefficients
partiels de pondération indiqués sur la table suivante. Les variations de ces valeurs
extrêmes respect à la valeur moyenne, sont introduites dans le logiciel comme des actions
indépendantes de la valeur moyenne, en considérant finalement l’enveloppe des efforts
pour la quantification des efforts des différents Etats Limites étudiés.

Coefficient de Coefficient de
Partie d’ouvrage Densité Poids
majoration minoration
Bordure GSS 2 - 2.15kN/ml 1.0 1.0
Corniche 24.5kN/m3 Suivant géométrie 1.0 1.0
Béton remplissage
23.5kN/m3 Suivant géométrie 1.0 1.0
24.5kN/m3 Suivant géométrie 1.0 1.0
Etanchéité 23.5kN/m3 Suivant géométrie 1.2 0.8

Chaussée 23.5kN/m3 Suivant géométrie 1.4 0.8

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

4.1.3. Poids et poussée des remblais

 Poids volumique : 20kN/m3
 Angle de frottement interne : 30º
 Cohésion : négligée

4.1.4. Tassement d’appui

Un tassement différentiel de 5 mm dans chaque appui a été considéré.

4.1.5. Retrait et fluage

Les effets de retrait et fluage ont été tenus en compte dans le calcul du tablier, d’accord à
l’Eurocode EN 1992. La note de calcul du tablier inclut les valeurs considérées dans le


Le logiciel de calcul utilisé, MIDAS Civil 2013, contient la bibliothèque des convois utilisés
dans les différents codes internationaux, inclut l’Eurocode.
La chaussée a été divise en deux voies de 3.00 m chacune et une largeur restante de 1.50
m à chaque côté des voies. Sur ces voies se distribuent les convois des différents modèles
de charge considérées dans la normative appliquée à l’Eurocode.
Sur les modèles de calcul sont définis les voies de la chaussée avec les données de
largeur, excentricité par rapport a l'axe de la chaussée et distance entre les roues du
véhicule. Le logiciel de calcul, applique l'ensemble de charges le long de la voie ou voies
définis, sur la position la plus défavorable pour chaque éffort de chaque élément du
modèle, tenant compte les cas de charge asymétrique et en travées alternées.

4.2.1. Surcharges de circulation routière

 LM1 : Charges uniformément réparties et charges concentrées
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

 LM2 : Charge concentrée d’un essieu unique

 LM3 : Convoi unique

• Char M120

Surcharge sur trottoir

Charge uniforme de 5 kN/m2 pour la flexion locale.

Charge uniforme de 3kN/m2 lorsqu’elle est combinée au trafic routier.

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

La charge de foule (LM4, 5kN/m2) est appliquée sur l’ouvrage.

4.2.2. Force de freinage et d’accélération

La force de freinage s’exerce longitudinalement au niveau de la chaussée finie. Sa valeur
est :
Qlk=0.6 · αQ1· (2 · Q1k)+0.1· αQ1· q1k·wl·L

4.2.1. Surcharges sur remblai

La poussée due à la surcharge sur remblai est déterminée en prenant la valeur maximale :
 Soit à partir d’une surcharge de 20kN/m2 derrière les culées.
 Soit à partir des convois réels (LM 1)


4.3.1. Actions thermiques

Aux effets de l’Eurocode EC1-1-5. Actions thermiques en structures, le tablier du Pont sur
le fleuve Tinguilinta appartient au type 3 : tablier en béton.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Les valeurs représentatives des actions thermiques doivent être caractérisées par une
composante uniforme de température et les composantes de différence de température.
La composante uniforme de température dépend de la température minimale et maximale
du pont. Cela donne un rang de changes de température uniforme, lequel, dans une
structure sans restreintes au mouvement, donnerai des changes de la longueur des
On a considéré dans le calcul les suivantes températures minimale (Tmin) et maximale
(Tmax) de l’air à l’ombre sur l’emplacement.
Coefficient de dilatation du béton : 1.0x10-5m/m ºC
Température maximale : 40º
Température minimale : 10º

D’accord a la corrélation entre la température minimale/maximale de l’air à l’ombre

(Tmin/Tmax) et la composante uniforme minimale et maximale de la température du pont
(Te.min/Te.max) selon l’Eurocode, on obtient les valeurs suivantes :

Pour calculer la contraction jusqu’à la composante uniforme minimale de température du

pont et la dilatation jusqu’à la composante maximale de la température du pont, c’est
nécessaire la connaissance de la température initiale du pont T0 au moment où la structure
est restreinte.
DTN,min=T0-Te.min= 25 - 18 = 7º

DTN,max=Te.max-T0= 42 - 25 = 17º

Pour le dimensionnement des appuis et joints de dilatation, selon l’Eurocode, la valeur

recommandée de variation maximale de dilatation dès la composante uniforme de
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

température est DTN,max+20º, tandis que pour la variation maximale de contraction de la

composante uniforme de température du pont, la valeur recommandé est DTN,min+20º.

Gradient thermique
Le chauffage et refroidissement de la surface extérieure du tablier du pont, donne lieu à
une variation de température de chauffage maximum (surface supérieure plus chaude) et
de refroidissement maximum (surface inférieure plus froide).
L’effet des différences de température verticales doit être considéré par l’utilisation d’une
composante linéaire équivalente de la différence de température avec ΔTM,heat et ΔTM,cool.
Ces valeurs doivent être appliquées aux fibres supérieure et inférieure du tablier du pont.
L’Eurocode considère les valeurs suivantes recommandées de la composante linéale de la
différence de température pour tabliers dalle en béton:
Les valeurs recommandées sur le paragraphe antérieur considèrent une épaisseur de la
surface de chaussée de 50 mm. Pour des autres épaisseurs de surface, les valeurs
antérieures doivent être multipliées par Ksur, fonction du revêtement. Le coefficient adopté
dans les calculs pour un pont routier type 3 - dalle en béton, pour la situation de la fibre
supérieure plus chaude que la fibre inférieure, c’est 0.7 ; tandis que pour la fibre inférieure
plus chaude, c’est 1.00.
Donc, il résulte:
ΔTM,heat _corr=10.5º

ΔTM,cool _corr=8.0º

L’effet du gradient thermique est calculé avec la valeur instantanée du module de

déformation du béton.

4.3.2. Vent
La poussée du vent sur le tablier a été obtenue d’accord à l’Eurocode EN 1994-1-4. Étant
donné que le vent n’est pas dimensionnant, c’est considérée concomitant avec les
surcharges d’utilisation, de sort qu’une vitesse basique vb = 23 m/sest tenu en compte.

Dimensionnes de la section du tablier (hauteur des surcharges inclut) :

b = 11.50 m
dtot_max = 1.10 + 2.00 = 3.10 m
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique


Excentricité géométrique
On prendra compte d’une excentricité de +/- 5 cm sur l’axe des appareils d’appui / axe
théorique des fûts.
On prendra compte d’une excentricité de +/- 5 cm sur l’implantation des pieux/ axe
théorique des chevêtres.

Sans objet.


Les forces hydrostatiques ont été prises en compte, en plus de l'effet possible d'élévation
du niveau de la rivière dû à l'accumulation de rondins ou d'autres éléments dans les piles
du pont. On a tenu compte des actions d’impact de véhicules sur la bordure du trottoir et le

4.6.1. Force de choc contre les bordures du trottoir

L’action de choc d’un véhicule contre les bordures du trottoir est considérée comme une
force égale à 100 kN qui agit à une profondeur de 0.05 m sous le plafond de la bordure du
trottoir. Cette force agit sur 0.50 m de longueur et se transmet par la bordure du trottoir aux
éléments structurels que la soutiennent, dans ce cas la base du garde-corps, qui est
attaché au tablier à travers d’une armature de connexion. C’est de supposer que la charge
a un angle de dispersion de 45º. Dans ce cas, tenant compte de la largeur du trottoir, la
charge distribuée sur la base du garde-corps résulte 17.54 kN/m.
Lorsque défavorable, on devrait considérer une charge de circulation qui agit
simultanément à la force de choc équivalente à 0.75·αQ1·Q1k.

(1) Trottoir piéton

(2) Bordure de trottoir
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

4.6.2. Actions sur le garde-corps piétonnier

On doit tenir compte, pour le calcul structurel, des forces transmises au tablier du pont par
les balustrades piétonnières comme des charges variables.
Dans ce cas le garde-corps a été défini d’accord à la Guide Technique GC Garde-Corps
(SETRA 1997), et la charge supportée par le garde-corps c’est de 2.5 kN/m horizontale et
1kN/m verticale sur le profil supérieur de la balustrade.

4.6.3. Pression longitudinale du débit de la rivière sur les piles du pont (selon
La justification des actions considérées comme la poussée du courant fluvial sur les piles
du pont est incluse.

Pression longitudinale du débit de la rivière sur les piles du pont (selon AASHTO)

Coefficient de traînée Cd= 0.700

Diamètre des piles du pont Φ pila= 1.000 m
Niveau de la rivière hlecho= 1.500 m

Vitesse de calcul SLS vSLS= 3.00 m/s

Vitesse de calcul ULS vULS= 6.00 m/s
Vitesse de calcul ALS vALS= 10.00 m/s

Pression de l'eau SLS pSLS= 3.15 kN/m
Pression de l'eau ULS pULS= 12.60 kN/m
Pression de l'eau ALS pALS= 35.00 kN/m

Charge linéaire SLS qSLS= 3.15 kN/m

Charge linéaire ULS qULS= 12.60 kN/m
Charge linéaire ALS qALS= 35.00 kN/m

h (m) v (m/s) p (kN/m ) q (kN/m) F (kN) haplic (m) M (kN*m)
SLS 3.00 3.0 3.15 3.15 9.5 3.00 28.4
ULS 4.00 6.0 12.60 12.60 50.4 3.50 176.4
ALS 6.00 10.0 35.00 35.00 210.0 4.50 945.0

4.6.4. Pression hydraulique due à l'accumulation flottante (selon AASHTO)

La justification des actions considérées comme poussant les éventuels éléments flottants
de la rivière sur les piles du pont est incluse.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Pression hydraulique due à l'accumulation flottante (selon AASH

Coefficient de traînée CD*= 0.500

Diamètre des piles du pont Φ pila= 1.000 m
Niveau de la rivière hlecho= 1.500 m

Vitesse de calcul SLS vSLS= 3.00 m/s

Vitesse de calcul ULS vULS= 6.00 m/s
Vitesse de calcul ALS vALS= 10.00 m/s

Profondeur d'eau SLS hSLS= 3.000 m

Profondeur d'eau ULS hULS= 4.000 m
Profundidad agua ALS hALS= 5.000 m

Dimension A en SLS ASLS== 1.500 m

Dimension A en ULS AULS== 2.000 m
Dimension A en ALS AALS== 2.500 m

Semisum des travées adjacentes P1= 19.75 m

Semisum des travées adjacentes P2= 20.50 m
Semisum des travées adjacentes P3= 20.50 m
Semisum des travées adjacentes P4= 20.50 m
Semisum des travées adjacentes P5= 19.75 m

Dimension B en P1 BP1= 14.00 m

Dimension B en P2 BP2= 14.00 m
Dimension B en P3 BP3= 14.00 m
Dimension B en P4 BP4= 14.00 m
Dimension B en P5 BP5= 14.00 m

Pression SLS pSLS*= 2.25 kN/m
Pression ULS pULS*= 9.00 kN/m
Pression ALS pALS*= 25.00 kN/m

2 2
h (m) A (m) B(m) S (m ) v (m/s) p* (kN/m ) F (kN) haplic (m) M (kN*m)
SLS 3.00 1.50 14.00 21.00 3.0 2.25 47.3 4.00 189.0
ULS 4.00 2.00 14.00 28.00 6.0 9.00 252.0 4.83 1218.0
ALS 5.00 2.50 14.00 35.00 10.0 25.00 875.0 5.67 4958.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Action variable principale quasi- Fréquente Caractéristique
gr1a gr1b gr3 gr5 Tk gr1a gr1b gr2 gr3 gr4 gr5 Tk Qc

Actions permanentes

Poids propre 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Superstructures 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Poids du sol 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Effets hydrostatiques 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Precontrainte 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10
Retrait 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Fluage 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Tassement probables 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Déplacements d'appui imposés 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Tassement d'appui aléatoires 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Actions variables

Tandem System 0.75 1 0.75 0.75

UDL System 0.4 1 0.4 0.4
et/ou surch sur remblai corresp. 0.7
Charge piétons 3 KN/m2 1 0.4 0.4
gr1b Essieu unique LM2 0.75 1
Forces Horizontales 1
Tandem System 0.75
UDL System 0.4
Traffic Routier
et/ou surch sur remblai corresp.
gr3 Charge piétons 5 KN/m2 0.4 1
Foule 1
et/ou surch sur remblai corresp. 1
Véhicules spéciaux 1 1
Tandem System 0 0
UDL System 0 0
et/ou surch sur remblai corresp. 0
Actions Thermiques (Tk) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 0.6
Vent 0.2
Dénivelation d'appui ou charge de construction (Qc) 1

Action variable principale Fondamental
Accidentelle Sismique
gr1a min gr1a max gr1b min gr1b max gr2 min gr2 max gr3 min gr3 max gr4 min gr4 max gr5 min gr5 max Tk min Tk max Qc min Qc max

Actions permanentes

Poids propre 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.00
Superstructures 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.00
Poids du sol 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.00
Effets hydrostatiques 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00
Precontrainte 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Retrait 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Fluage 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Tassement probables 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Déplacements d'appui imposés 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Tassement d'appui aléatoires 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00

Actions variables

Tandem System 1.35 1.35 1.013 1.013

UDL System 1.35 1.35 0.54 0.54
et/ou surch sur remblai corresp. 0.945 0.945 0.54 0.54
Charge piétons 3 KN/m2 1.35 1.35
gr1b Essieu unique LM2 1.35 1.35
Forces Horizontales 1.35 1.35
Tandem System 1.013 1.013
UDL System 0.54 0.54
Traffic Routier
et/ou surch sur remblai corresp. 0.00 0.00
gr3 Charge piétons 5 KN/m2 1.35 1.35
Foule 1.35 1.35
et/ou surch sur remblai corresp. 1.35 1.35
Véhicules spéciaux 1.35 1.35
Tandem System 1.013 1.013
UDL System 0.54 0.54
et/ou surch sur remblai corresp. 0.00 0.00
Actions Thermiques (Tk) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vent 0.27 0.27
Dénivelation d'appui ou charge de construction (Qc) 1.35 1.35

Actions accidentales

Actions accidentales 1.00

Actions sismiques 1.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique



Dans cette note, nous introduisons les données spécifiques à l’ouvrage.
 Caractéristiques géométriques de l’ouvrage.
 Données géotechniques nécessaires pour la justification de stabilité de l’ouvrage
(valeurs de Kv, tassements, contraintes admissibles, etc.)
Nous déterminons les efforts en tête des piles et culées en service.
 Calcul des réactions d’appuis du tablier : utilisation du programme MIDAS Civil.
 Reprise des efforts verticaux de la note de calcul du tablier.
 Calcul de la répartition des efforts verticaux sur les appareils d’appui suivant la
méthode du guide d’emploi du PSIDP-EL.
 Définition géométrique des appuis.
 Calcul des efforts horizontaux dus au tablier.
Les efforts horizontaux sont répartis entre les différents appuis au prorata des souplesses
de ces appuis (souplesses totales des fondations, du corps d’appui et des appareils
d’appui). Les variations linéaires considérées sont celles dues aux variations de
température et au retrait.


• Calcul des déplacements pour justification des joints de dilatation
La valeur du souffle des joints de chaussée s’obtient à partir des résultats du
modèle de calcul du tablier, où s’incluent les actions rhéologiques et thermiques.
• Vérification des néoprènes :
Nous justifions les néoprènes selon le guide technique- Appareils d’appui en
caoutchouc fretté avec module différé de 0.9 GPa et instantané de 1.8GPa.


 Rappel des efforts des notes de descente de charges en service.
 Justification de la stabilité des fondations.
 Justification de armatures des fondations de type semelles suivant la méthode
des bielles.
 Détermination des torseurs dans les fûts-Armatures.
 Justification des chevêtres sous les efforts localisés au droit des appuis.
 Détermination des torseurs dans les murs en retour et le garde grève-
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique


 Rappel des efforts des notes de descente de charges en service.
 Justification de la stabilité des fondations.
 Justification d’armatures des fondations de type semelle suivant la méthode
des bielles.
 Détermination des torseurs dans les fûts-Armatures.
 Justification des chevêtres sous les efforts localisés au droit des appuis.
 Détermination des torseurs dans les murs en retour et le garde grève-


 Chevêtres incorporés.
 Encorbellements / porte-à-faux.
 Bielle d’about.
 Equilibre du coin inférieur.
 Étude des renforts longitudinaux sur appuis.
 Principe de ferraillage.
 Résistance au décoffrage-contre flèches.
Nous utilisons le logiciel MIDAS Civil 2016.
Ce logiciel est un programme de calcul de structures tridimensionnelles ou planes, au
premier ordre ou deuxième ordre, constituées par éléments de barres.
C’est particulièrement adapté aux ouvrages d’art.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Dans le calcul des culées et piles, on considère les caractéristiques du terrain définies sur
l’Annexe Géotechnique.
Sur la base du document « Etude de Conception Géotechnique PhaseG2 », la solution de
fondation des culées et piles du pont sur pieux est développée.
Comme développé dans l'annexe géotechnique, des sondages ont été réalisés pour
caractériser le terrain porteur sous chacun des éléments de support du pont. La campagne
de reconnaissance a mis en évidence les formations suivantes :
- De la latérite graveleuse avec des blocs de dolérites altérés et latéritisés identifié
dans tous les sondages jusqu’à une profondeur variant entre 0,00 m/TA à
1,50m/TA. Ses caractéristiques mécaniques sont.
o 0,47 ≤ pl* ≤ 1,41 MPa
o 2,34 ≤ EM ≤ 23,89 MPa
- De la dolérite grise sombre très fracturée récupérée sous formes de blocs et sous
forme poudreuse identifiée uniquement dans le sondage SC-C1 jusqu’à une
profondeur variant entre 1,50m/TA et 4,70 m/TA. Ses caractéristiques mécaniques
sont très faibles :
o pl* ≤ 2,28 MPa
o EM ≤ 26,52 MPa
- De la dolérite compacte et massive, sain peu fracturée à modérément fracturée
reconnue dans tous les sondages jusqu'à une profondeur variant entre 1,50 m/TA
et 15,00 m/TA. Ses caractéristiques mécaniques sont :
o 4,29 ≤ pl* ≤ 4,41 MPa
o 171,77 ≤ EM ≤ 756,55 MPa.
Pour un piex foré F800, on retendra pour le dimensionnement les paramètres
géotechniques suivants :
Culée C1 et pile P1

Piles P2, P3 et P4

Pile P5 et culée C2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Ci-dessous sont présentés les calculs géotechniques justifiant la capacité portante

maximale admissible des pieux d'un diamètre de 800 m encastrés au moins 2,5 fois le
diamètre dans le substrat rocheux le plus résistant (dolérite compacte et massive) selon

Selon GCOC, il est recommandé de prendre la valeur suivante comme charge

d'enfoncement pour les pieux dans le rocher :

qvad étant la pression admissible pour une fondation rocheuse peu profonde.

Lorsque l'encastrement est important, la même procédure peut être utilisée en multipliant la
charge d'enfoncement par pointe précédemment obtenue par le facteur d'encastrement df
défini par :
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Chaque fois que la longueur d'encastrement Lr est supérieure ou égale à 2,5 fois le
diamètre du pieu D, le facteur df est limité à la valeur maximale de 2.
La pression admissible d'une fondation rocheuse peu profonde pvadm peut être déterminée
à partir des données suivantes :
Résistance simple à la compression de la roche qu
Type de roche
Degré d'altération
Valuer RQD

La pression admissible peut être estimée par l'expression suivante :

P0 est la pression de référence et doit être prise égale à 1MPa.

Le paramètre α1 dépend du type de roche. Pour les roches ignées et
métamorphiques α1=0,80.
Le paramètre α2 dépend du degré d'altération. α2=0,7 a été pris en compte pour le
degré d'altération II (roche légèrement altérée).
L'influence de l'espacement entre lithoclases est considérée à travers le paramètre
α3. Dans ce cas précis, α3=0,77 a été considéré.
La valeur moyenne de la résistance simple à la compression qu dans la dolérite
compacte et massive est qU=106,5MPa.
En appliquant les données précédentes, une pression admissible pour les fondations de
surface dans la roche donne pvadm=4,45MPa.
En supposant dans les calculs un encastrement minimum de 2 diamètres (côté sécurité), la
valeur du paramètre df=1,80 et une valeur de résistance unitaire par pointe qP=16,02MPa
En appliquant un facteur de sécurité F=3, on obtient une résistance unitaire admissible par
pointe de qp,adm=16,02/3=5,34MPa.
Au sein de la zone d'encastrement rocheux, pour l'évaluation de la capacité de charge des
pieux forés, une résistance unitaire par puits τf égale à :

où qp est la résistance unitaire par pointe qui correspondrait à ladite roche avant d'être
affectée par le facteur df.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

On vérifie qu'en l'absence de prise en compte de la résistance unitaire due au frottement,

les réactions maximales dans la pire combinaison caractéristique ne dépassent pas les
limites de résistance par pointe.

Culée C1 Φ C1= 0.800 m

Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux1= 2587.1 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux1= 5.1 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux2= 2567.4 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux2= 5.1 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux3= 2544.6 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux3= 5.1 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux4= 2517.1 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux4= 5.0 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux5= 2490.1 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux5= 5.0 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux6= 450.2 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux6= 0.9 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux7= 444.8 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux7= 0.9 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux8= 435.0 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux8= 0.9 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux9= 434.9 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux9= 0.9 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux10= 427.7 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC1-Pieux10= 0.9 N/mm

Pile P1 Φ P1= 0.800 m

Rmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux1= 2327.1 kN σmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux1= 4.6 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux2= 2261.6 kN σmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux2= 4.5 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux3= 2262.1 kN σmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux3= 4.5 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux4= 2328.3 kN σmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux4= 4.6 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux5= 2307.3 kN σmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux5= 4.6 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux6= 2240.7 kN σmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux6= 4.5 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux7= 2240.2 kN σmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux7= 4.5 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux8= 2305.5 kN σmax,SLS,Pile1-Pieux8= 4.6 N/mm

Pile P2 Φ P2= 0.800 m

Rmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux1= 1705.9 kN σmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux1= 3.4 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux2= 1604.1 kN σmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux2= 3.2 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux3= 1604.0 kN σmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux3= 3.2 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux4= 1705.3 kN σmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux4= 3.4 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux5= 1933.5 kN σmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux5= 3.8 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux6= 1867.2 kN σmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux6= 3.7 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux7= 1867.3 kN σmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux7= 3.7 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux8= 1933.8 kN σmax,SLS,Pile2-Pieux8= 3.8 N/mm
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Pile P3 Φ P3= 0.800 m

Rmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux1= 1491.8 kN σmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux1= 3.0 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux2= 1316.6 kN σmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux2= 2.6 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux3= 1316.5 kN σmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux3= 2.6 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux4= 1490.5 kN σmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux4= 3.0 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux5= 1564.1 kN σmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux5= 3.1 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux6= 1390.6 kN σmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux6= 2.8 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux7= 1391.8 kN σmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux7= 2.8 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux8= 1566.8 kN σmax,SLS,Pile3-Pieux8= 3.1 N/mm

Pile P4 Φ P4= 0.800 m

Rmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux1= 1843.7 kN σmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux1= 3.7 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux2= 1777.2 kN σmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux2= 3.5 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux3= 1777.2 kN σmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux3= 3.5 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux4= 1844.2 kN σmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux4= 3.7 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux5= 1777.5 kN σmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux5= 3.5 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux6= 1660.9 kN σmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux6= 3.3 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux7= 1660.6 kN σmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux7= 3.3 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux8= 1776.7 kN σmax,SLS,Pile4-Pieux8= 3.5 N/mm

Pile P5 Φ P5= 0.800 m

Rmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux1= 2657.1 kN σmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux1= 5.3 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux2= 2589.9 kN σmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux2= 5.2 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux3= 2590.0 kN σmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux3= 5.2 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux4= 2657.4 kN σmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux4= 5.3 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux5= 2238.0 kN σmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux5= 4.5 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux6= 2170.9 kN σmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux6= 4.3 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux7= 2171.0 kN σmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux7= 4.3 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux8= 2238.1 kN σmax,SLS,Pile5-Pieux8= 4.5 N/mm
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note d’hypothèses et méthodologique

Culée C2 Φ C2= 0.800 m

Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux1= 2411.8 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux1= 4.8 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux2= 2477.6 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux2= 4.9 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux3= 2542.3 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux3= 5.1 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux4= 2601.9 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux4= 5.2 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux5= 2660.2 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux5= 5.3 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux6= 404.0 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux6= 0.8 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux7= 419.3 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux7= 0.8 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux8= 438.4 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux8= 0.9 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux9= 445.1 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux9= 0.9 N/mm
Rmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux10= 441.4 kN σmax,SLS,CuleeC2-Pieux10= 0.9 N/mm


05-12-23 1ere Diffusion 1 J. Fernández M. Sacristán G. Capellán

Date Objet de l’indice Indice Etabli par Vérifié par Validé par

Echelles : Sans objet Numéro du document TIN200 Indice 1

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier


Pour le dimensionnement et la vérification du Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita on a élaboré un
modèle de calcul avec la géométrie réelle, les caractéristiques physiques, mécaniques et
rhéologiques des matériaux du projet.
On a utilisé le logiciel de calcul de structures MIDAS Civil pour modéliser le Pont sur le fleuve
Tinguilita, tenant compte du processus constructif proposé, en introduisant les actions selon
la normative générale de l'Eurocode, avec les particularités des Annexes nationales
On a défini aussi les combinaisons des actions pour les différents États Limites selon
l'Eurocode.Le modèle représente avec exactitude tous les éléments du tablier ainsi que les
liens tablier-culées.

Le tablier c'est modélisé comme une grille, divisée par des éléments longitudinaux de 2m
(densité plus élevée près des colonnes) de longueur tenant compte de sa section
transversale chacun d'eux.
Le logiciel de calcul permet l’introduction des actions sur les points intermédiaires des barres
et aussi l'obtention des résultats sur des quarts de l’élément. De cette façon, on peut obtenir
des résultats chaque 50 cm de tablier.
Avec l’introduction des éléments et actions en différents phases constructives, le logiciel de
calcul utilisé permet la vérification de toutes les sections sous flexion longitudinale, effort
tranchant et torsion dans les États Limites Ultimes, ainsi que les vérifications des tensions et
de fissuration, contrôlées dans les États Limites de Service, selon l’Eurocode particularisé
pour les Annexes nationales françaises.


Ensuite, on montre les caractéristiques de section utilisée dans le logiciel du modèle de
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier


Ensuite on inclut la numération des éléments et noeuds qui conforment le tablier sur le
modèle de calcul.
Tout d'abord, les nœuds:

Tablier (Phase 1)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Tablier (Phase 2)

Tablier (Phase 3)

Tablier (Phase 4)

Tablier (Phase 5)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Tablier (Phase 6)

D'autre part, les éléments longitudinaux :

Tablier (Phase 1)

Tablier (Phase 2)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Tablier (Phase 3)

Tablier (Phase 4)

Tablier (Phase 5)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Tablier (Phase 6)


Il s'incluent les enveloppes des efforts dans les éléments du modèle de calcul du tablier en :
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1000 SH(max) 02/04 -52.06 -86.14 -87.39 79.08 393.14 81.12
1001 SH(max) 02/04 -394.28 -109.95 -50.57 62.87 1001.27 19.18
1002 SH(max) 02/04 -694.63 -42.14 17.95 51.61 1388.74 0.29
1003 SH(max) 02/04 -821.73 68.05 92.12 38.48 1556.93 6.71
1004 SH(max) 02/04 -692.56 227.4 199.65 38.15 1521.25 9.83
1005 SH(max) 02/04 -247 387.53 313.22 53.98 1295.77 3.93
1006 SH(max) 02/04 384.61 504.95 423.94 66.17 883.19 -2.28
1007 SH(max) 02/04 1143.1 493.89 538.76 64.92 398.11 75.8
1008 SH(max) 02/04 1717.25 378.69 520.85 32.4 55.2 140.23
1009 SH(max) 02/04 1896.47 223.6 360.21 61.34 -154.83 94.08
1010 SH(max) 02/04 1930.84 30.27 70.06 126.91 -191.09 84.71
1011 SH(max) 02/04 1811.12 -77.33 -98.01 98.07 -48.55 135.6
1012 SH(max) 02/04 1291.25 -147.22 -118.01 82.42 260.1 83.71
1013 SH(max) 02/04 559.63 -128.91 -73.59 60.06 687.68 3.35
1014 SH(max) 02/04 107.35 -64.62 -8.9 49 1058.94 3.14
1015 SH(max) 02/04 -124.9 31.37 62.23 34.52 1241.94 13.32
1016 SH(max) 02/04 -90.82 169 155.13 31.23 1248.2 13.14
1017 SH(max) 02/04 229.32 319.55 262.43 44.95 1075.68 6.3
1018 SH(max) 02/04 731.04 428.31 370.85 57.71 720.5 0.44
1019 SH(max) 02/04 1438.54 418.65 480.36 57.06 306.23 72.56
1020 SH(max) 02/04 1932.35 315.63 469.37 28.75 3.87 126.03
1021 SH(max) 02/04 2039.64 166.43 286.48 47.61 -180.69 90.17
1022 SH(max) 02/04 1979.25 0.19 10.99 109.18 -182.74 82.56
1023 SH(max) 02/04 1812.88 -93.31 -113.78 97 -26.81 135.15
1024 SH(max) 02/04 1277.58 -149.76 -114.57 79.79 277.69 87.61
1025 SH(max) 02/04 597.68 -121.03 -71.8 61.05 713.09 8
1026 SH(max) 02/04 168.68 -67.37 -12.17 49.23 1076.18 9.66
1027 SH(max) 02/04 -62.55 19.81 52.22 34.15 1253.8 14.89
1028 SH(max) 02/04 -23.06 156.7 145.76 30.46 1255.05 11.42
1029 SH(max) 02/04 268.43 308.55 254.19 44.5 1074.54 10.76
1030 SH(max) 02/04 754.4 429.52 367.74 57.75 712.85 2.99
1031 SH(max) 02/04 1471.37 427.75 484.47 58.45 289.94 72.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1032 SH(max) 02/04 2013.63 325.4 480.7 28.27 -29.69 128.88
1033 SH(max) 02/04 2149.81 163.59 293.41 36.88 -195.57 87.15
1034 SH(max) 02/04 2133.08 -10.5 -34.39 94.94 -177.42 84.31
1035 SH(max) 02/04 1987.01 -96.32 -129.2 96.83 -14.89 133.58
1036 SH(max) 02/04 1451.93 -152.34 -119.51 80.42 289.82 88.56
1037 SH(max) 02/04 739.94 -126.1 -77.3 61.59 709.77 6.91
1038 SH(max) 02/04 268.82 -73.01 -17.04 49.51 1074.06 9.77
1039 SH(max) 02/04 -13.7 9.01 46.16 34.68 1254.48 13.01
1040 SH(max) 02/04 -55.29 144.01 138.39 30.01 1255.8 14.23
1041 SH(max) 02/04 181.63 297.14 249.57 43.89 1078.61 9.96
1042 SH(max) 02/04 626.16 421.67 363.56 57.31 719.2 1.47
1043 SH(max) 02/04 1331.72 427.23 479.16 62.31 280.08 69.59
1044 SH(max) 02/04 1893.16 350.67 502.36 30.41 -39.05 124.25
1045 SH(max) 02/04 2053.59 229.36 382.93 34.01 -204.4 69.28
1046 SH(max) 02/04 2090.48 -30.14 -89.82 88.92 -65.25 148.05
1047 SH(max) 02/04 1414.49 -147.15 -114.18 79.05 304.12 36.53
1048 SH(max) 02/04 750.8 -111.4 -73.49 61.74 704.45 10.21
1049 SH(max) 02/04 259.82 -53.83 -9.82 50.33 1060.06 10.27
1050 SH(max) 02/04 -60.32 32.85 58.11 35.2 1229.73 12.08
1051 SH(max) 02/04 -100.16 169.22 153.84 29.45 1218.71 11.88
1052 SH(max) 02/04 139.4 316.73 259.04 42.8 1029.85 2.57
1053 SH(max) 02/04 603.24 430.62 366.8 56.38 654.14 -1.4
1054 SH(max) 02/04 1423.79 432.26 483.86 67.52 234.07 68.32
1055 SH(max) 02/04 1987.87 349.68 524.61 30.27 -92.04 132.74
1056 SH(max) 02/04 2123.87 219.52 440.14 46.19 -249.61 89.47
1057 SH(max) 02/04 2085.47 33.81 122.42 102.59 -211.48 88.13
1058 SH(max) 02/04 1919.09 -102.59 -115.36 107.76 -12.63 141.78
1059 SH(max) 02/04 1375.62 -183.88 -156.9 91.63 317.72 105.19
1060 SH(max) 02/04 517.06 -172.85 -111.27 70.8 761.53 6.32
1061 SH(max) 02/04 -139.05 -112.86 -48.25 57.95 1209.26 2.81
1062 SH(max) 02/04 -626.56 -23.39 22.81 43.23 1463.04 5.43
1063 SH(max) 02/04 -789.07 102.15 107.1 33.58 1519.85 6.64
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1064 SH(max) 02/04 -672.51 274.23 217.83 47.4 1369.65 2.64
1065 SH(max) 02/04 -383.61 436.23 339.11 52.61 997.98 18.52
1066 SH(max) 02/04 -50.49 343.89 359.31 18.3 397.31 79.14
2000 SH(max) 02/04 451.64 -116.35 -283.69 265.73 1587.54 85.47
2001 SH(max) 02/04 1583.18 -169.92 18.98 273.08 3731.98 20.45
2002 SH(max) 02/04 2217.43 -71.31 228.48 257.16 5024.21 -1.28
2003 SH(max) 02/04 2450 94.12 460.35 251.03 5649.43 -15.57
2004 SH(max) 02/04 2307.89 346.16 791.54 260.21 5528.11 -12.62
2005 SH(max) 02/04 1845.37 605.5 1130.19 283.39 4711.95 -13.47
2006 SH(max) 02/04 1078.44 797.13 1457.77 313.75 3206.49 -5.41
2007 SH(max) 02/04 57.69 756.43 1781.75 367.38 1471.98 103.13
2008 SH(max) 02/04 -416.67 525.05 2512.37 421.43 342.07 192.66
2009 SH(max) 02/04 -549.78 302.31 3688.39 456.54 -379.32 172.41
2010 SH(max) 02/04 221.78 123.18 -222.91 345.54 -1195.92 152.63
2011 SH(max) 02/04 329.86 -37.91 -166.36 273.14 -177.16 185
2012 SH(max) 02/04 712.13 -216.74 -217.6 285.76 953.16 107.1
2013 SH(max) 02/04 1316.18 -218.06 -59.78 256.67 2458.39 1.53
2014 SH(max) 02/04 1785.55 -105.83 148.68 239.87 3798.31 -10.44
2015 SH(max) 02/04 2064.51 36.55 372.2 232.52 4476.3 0.99
2016 SH(max) 02/04 2020.48 251.25 656.27 243.97 4499.99 0.18
2017 SH(max) 02/04 1653.07 491.15 980.11 271.39 3867.75 -4.32
2018 SH(max) 02/04 967.29 661.36 1301.36 303.97 2577.09 -3.55
2019 SH(max) 02/04 190.05 634.13 1624.52 350.9 1103.05 97.22
2020 SH(max) 02/04 -207.7 417.01 2301.99 401.68 126.2 169.9
2021 SH(max) 02/04 -295.56 214.14 3352.43 432.54 -600.7 161.39
2022 SH(max) 02/04 426.63 61.22 -558.18 358.04 -1044.77 144.85
2023 SH(max) 02/04 541.01 -89.22 -354.47 280.39 -92.93 184.77
2024 SH(max) 02/04 951.28 -231.19 -223.44 285.83 1010.81 107.95
2025 SH(max) 02/04 1597.37 -199.28 -68.08 257.71 2554.51 8.9
2026 SH(max) 02/04 2104.96 -110.13 120.84 239.08 3865.61 2.43
2027 SH(max) 02/04 2354.05 17.07 338.75 230.36 4518.71 4.69
2028 SH(max) 02/04 2328.06 233.49 625.74 242.06 4518.54 -2.87
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2029 SH(max) 02/04 1993.59 484.41 950.14 269.7 3866.11 4.89
2030 SH(max) 02/04 1411.8 675.26 1290.54 301.24 2554.58 3.21
2031 SH(max) 02/04 705.01 652.74 1618.04 348.51 1046.57 87.12
2032 SH(max) 02/04 265.3 438.68 2207.02 401.09 -70.88 173.53
2033 SH(max) 02/04 165.55 234.58 3145.55 447.45 -1038.77 151.88
2034 SH(max) 02/04 252.39 53.57 -718.81 365.97 -957.48 148.64
2035 SH(max) 02/04 349.78 -98.88 -405.29 279.1 -38.44 184.96
2036 SH(max) 02/04 761.96 -235.4 -239.24 286.07 1049.76 110.6
2037 SH(max) 02/04 1474.01 -206.82 -82.55 258.58 2539.47 6.06
2038 SH(max) 02/04 2045.41 -121.34 104.49 240.47 3857.83 3.9
2039 SH(max) 02/04 2361.58 0.58 316.15 232.81 4518.85 0.59
2040 SH(max) 02/04 2388 209.58 602.14 240.34 4526.56 2.24
2041 SH(max) 02/04 2138.31 463.95 932.42 267.86 3881.16 2.04
2042 SH(max) 02/04 1622.5 660.54 1270.97 299.38 2576.58 -2.29
2043 SH(max) 02/04 969.47 655.68 1600.73 343.14 1008.56 85.3
2044 SH(max) 02/04 529.8 487.12 2156 391.7 -124.76 158.98
2045 SH(max) 02/04 408.31 295.1 3052.05 423.13 -1101.41 138.24
2046 SH(max) 02/04 -188.98 9.72 -489.27 304.99 -160.37 218.88
2047 SH(max) 02/04 334.05 -216.14 -236.12 274.24 1109.23 45.85
2048 SH(max) 02/04 1058.01 -182.78 -62.06 258.09 2529.94 9.42
2049 SH(max) 02/04 1722.21 -84.21 141.37 241.81 3809.71 0.73
2050 SH(max) 02/04 2083.96 43.5 358.38 232.45 4430.07 -2.17
2051 SH(max) 02/04 2125.46 252.73 652.77 238.95 4389.61 -1.84
2052 SH(max) 02/04 1861.07 485.38 975.12 266.73 3695.9 -12.31
2053 SH(max) 02/04 1384.14 676.37 1298.5 298.7 2337.24 -4.04
2054 SH(max) 02/04 792.51 683.54 1622.39 342 849.56 87.17
2055 SH(max) 02/04 358.07 512.7 2276.47 398.96 -321.65 174.25
2056 SH(max) 02/04 240.16 307.18 3295.14 448.47 -1196.71 157.59
2057 SH(max) 02/04 -637.11 83.23 -667.77 389.14 -577.5 169.3
2058 SH(max) 02/04 -517.25 -68.77 -447.77 294.18 110.67 198.14
2059 SH(max) 02/04 -77.51 -264.64 -369.5 305.5 1165.27 147.67
2060 SH(max) 02/04 875.53 -283.62 -204.25 282.9 2757.56 5.86
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2061 SH(max) 02/04 1694.88 -190.63 6.15 246.86 4389.15 -12.21
2062 SH(max) 02/04 2214.72 -52.17 236.07 241.28 5317.52 -19.77
2063 SH(max) 02/04 2393.12 141.03 497.52 251.61 5522.9 -16.01
2064 SH(max) 02/04 2196.1 416.51 826.43 282.21 4966.49 3.2
2065 SH(max) 02/04 1592.5 662.46 1145.17 334.13 3713.86 19.55
2066 SH(max) 02/04 469.8 513.07 1765.23 388.3 1601.43 79.48
3000 SH(max) 02/04 107.61 35.23 -159.61 473.37 1514.9 20.23
3001 SH(max) 02/04 478.38 24.91 -10.66 422.08 3929.38 26.05
3002 SH(max) 02/04 892.72 30.93 240.6 375.8 5532.51 31.28
3003 SH(max) 02/04 1086.59 35.72 485.15 357.36 6244.95 28.1
3004 SH(max) 02/04 1015.64 41.6 800.62 355.9 6114.02 31.94
3005 SH(max) 02/04 734.06 47.15 1151.54 367.34 5189.84 33.69
3006 SH(max) 02/04 325.41 52.16 1512.19 389.17 3508.78 29.65
3007 SH(max) 02/04 38.81 68.58 1869.41 418.96 1563.48 23.78
3008 SH(max) 02/04 80.62 77.04 1855.96 445.66 61.05 37.66
3009 SH(max) 02/04 136.58 53.2 1394.65 432.36 -838.31 53.61
3010 SH(max) 02/04 223.03 31.52 315.76 447.62 -989.5 60.28
3011 SH(max) 02/04 289.37 50.38 -294.18 456.39 -393.66 51.38
3012 SH(max) 02/04 462.04 48.58 -304.4 421.94 927.92 30.61
3013 SH(max) 02/04 768.86 31.32 -49.62 379.87 2605.52 36.01
3014 SH(max) 02/04 1053.75 26.25 159.86 355.3 4136.94 34.21
3015 SH(max) 02/04 1193.2 25.49 389.11 338.07 4912.81 42.75
3016 SH(max) 02/04 1151.16 30.18 663.76 340.07 4939.98 42.16
3017 SH(max) 02/04 956.07 33.53 999.45 358.23 4221.18 40.19
3018 SH(max) 02/04 683.06 39.31 1349.04 384.19 2787.52 37.17
3019 SH(max) 02/04 540.48 58.15 1707.42 423.43 1157.79 38.28
3020 SH(max) 02/04 581.22 62.94 1651.95 457.02 -153.44 40.31
3021 SH(max) 02/04 626.1 44.08 1064.51 440.1 -954.86 57.96
3022 SH(max) 02/04 694.32 36.6 75.71 437.56 -948.89 58.39
3023 SH(max) 02/04 749.99 56.08 -322.04 453.21 -303.53 49.84
3024 SH(max) 02/04 902.63 54.01 -311.7 421.32 1003.1 35.72
3025 SH(max) 02/04 1157.28 37 -87.83 381.28 2717.41 44.09
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3026 SH(max) 02/04 1434.32 30.25 125.37 354.8 4215.38 45.51
3027 SH(max) 02/04 1585.17 26.42 356.44 336.37 4959.06 46.37
3028 SH(max) 02/04 1565.04 28.45 635.08 338.58 4957.57 41.25
3029 SH(max) 02/04 1381.02 32.96 965.69 356.73 4219.76 48.88
3030 SH(max) 02/04 1093.41 39.06 1320.82 381.99 2732.51 44.1
3031 SH(max) 02/04 875.45 54.97 1704.63 421.63 1052.17 33.95
3032 SH(max) 02/04 832.06 61.9 1652.02 454.67 -318.89 43.29
3033 SH(max) 02/04 832.9 41.75 985.69 441.23 -1001.62 52.17
3034 SH(max) 02/04 844.99 37.57 -22.86 438.45 -939.46 58.51
3035 SH(max) 02/04 861.99 57.21 -344.49 454.35 -262.59 47.58
3036 SH(max) 02/04 939.02 53.17 -333.14 422.78 1049.02 35.13
3037 SH(max) 02/04 1157.94 36.59 -114.44 381.81 2717 39.93
3038 SH(max) 02/04 1440.3 29.13 98.67 355.8 4205.85 46.24
3039 SH(max) 02/04 1616.61 26.37 329.81 338.99 4958.18 43.14
3040 SH(max) 02/04 1632.02 24.7 608.29 336.44 4969.08 44.14
3041 SH(max) 02/04 1475.22 29.09 942.49 354.75 4237.73 46.08
3042 SH(max) 02/04 1182.73 35.18 1300.91 380.18 2750.88 40.08
3043 SH(max) 02/04 926.31 50.5 1684.74 418.76 1010.06 35.25
3044 SH(max) 02/04 801.68 57.97 1731.83 449.34 -359.71 43.34
3045 SH(max) 02/04 763.64 42.37 1285.09 445.6 -1050 58.22
3046 SH(max) 02/04 674.51 49.3 -88.37 435.11 -435.08 43.29
3047 SH(max) 02/04 631.75 56.73 -312.17 417.75 1171.23 32.27
3048 SH(max) 02/04 816.95 39.65 -75.47 382.13 2756.48 41.03
3049 SH(max) 02/04 1079.42 34.21 145.97 357.15 4155.34 42.83
3050 SH(max) 02/04 1259.07 30.67 378.35 338.57 4859.2 39.55
3051 SH(max) 02/04 1293.69 26.58 667.03 335.47 4813.64 39.88
3052 SH(max) 02/04 1144.59 24.29 997.8 354.03 4022.99 33.54
3053 SH(max) 02/04 838.75 32.89 1355 380.13 2473.3 37.52
3054 SH(max) 02/04 503.88 47.98 1724.75 421.07 820.33 32.72
3055 SH(max) 02/04 311.43 51.36 1847.44 457.39 -577.88 44.86
3056 SH(max) 02/04 229.23 30.99 1625.71 447.46 -1228.99 57.3
3057 SH(max) 02/04 127.34 51.22 741.53 433.22 -1078.62 56.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3058 SH(max) 02/04 65.77 75.16 -168.32 451.13 -223.71 34.09
3059 SH(max) 02/04 1.96 69.34 -468.75 419.42 1241.18 28.09
3060 SH(max) 02/04 251.5 53.31 -219.42 389.37 3052.7 27.97
3061 SH(max) 02/04 662.14 45.07 0.61 362.56 4816.49 32.4
3062 SH(max) 02/04 978.82 40.17 233.57 349.38 5869.18 26.35
3063 SH(max) 02/04 1076.12 34.44 493.65 350.28 6101.82 26.73
3064 SH(max) 02/04 902.27 31.47 844.36 368.38 5467.6 35.58
3065 SH(max) 02/04 492.79 20.23 1228.68 413.32 3925.08 25.59
3066 SH(max) 02/04 115.39 33.43 1301.58 465.31 1533.67 15.98
4000 SH(max) 02/04 448.22 517.7 -287.18 393.65 1581.32 37.41
4001 SH(max) 02/04 1578.31 687.13 16.42 342.93 3723.6 170.47
4002 SH(max) 02/04 2212.99 446.65 226.53 289.96 5018.29 122.64
4003 SH(max) 02/04 2445.31 172.2 458.16 258.39 5643.14 92.52
4004 SH(max) 02/04 2306.21 -34.54 788.18 247.42 5526.51 92.32
4005 SH(max) 02/04 1844.5 -177.95 1126.14 251.49 4712.68 99.52
4006 SH(max) 02/04 1077.96 -282.54 1453.56 284.13 3205.94 95.2
4007 SH(max) 02/04 57.51 -252.89 1776.29 312.57 1471.02 26.3
4008 SH(max) 02/04 -415.44 -72.51 2503.44 292.82 343.75 -23.93
4009 SH(max) 02/04 -547.99 85.79 3676.38 383.31 -375.67 -0.95
4010 SH(max) 02/04 222.41 303.37 -222.25 448.98 -1193.05 13.4
4011 SH(max) 02/04 329.05 496.28 -165.2 402.96 -181.28 -4.51
4012 SH(max) 02/04 710.96 676.11 -217.86 352.12 950.7 12.18
4013 SH(max) 02/04 1313.73 655.17 -59.83 308.24 2454.1 92.18
4014 SH(max) 02/04 1781.95 472.92 148.32 272.63 3793.64 97.35
4015 SH(max) 02/04 2063.42 238.07 372.36 243.03 4477.08 100.89
4016 SH(max) 02/04 2019.18 31.77 655.21 234.39 4499.58 100.83
4017 SH(max) 02/04 1650.52 -101.66 978.9 242.97 3865.29 104.18
4018 SH(max) 02/04 964.61 -204.57 1301.3 261.6 2571.04 99.02
4019 SH(max) 02/04 188.69 -197.11 1622.93 289.05 1101.39 31.86
4020 SH(max) 02/04 -207.53 -54.38 2301.19 273.39 125.91 -10.56
4021 SH(max) 02/04 -295.86 98.63 3357.36 360.3 -603.06 5.54
4022 SH(max) 02/04 426.58 307.7 -556.33 450.44 -1042.57 13.95
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4023 SH(max) 02/04 540.67 495.36 -354.42 405.37 -91.88 -12.37
4024 SH(max) 02/04 950.43 674.07 -223.58 353.33 1011.14 17.2
4025 SH(max) 02/04 1595.75 642.63 -67.96 309.84 2554.69 96.97
4026 SH(max) 02/04 2102.89 458.85 120.42 271.84 3863.47 106.85
4027 SH(max) 02/04 2351.57 210.85 337.88 241.57 4515.93 103.99
4028 SH(max) 02/04 2323.37 2.42 624.98 233.01 4511.87 98.85
4029 SH(max) 02/04 1992.11 -125.78 949.12 241.47 3864.6 111.35
4030 SH(max) 02/04 1411.94 -218.18 1288.17 259.44 2557.25 106.43
4031 SH(max) 02/04 706.54 -213.21 1614.36 290 1049.07 29.49
4032 SH(max) 02/04 266.81 -71.68 2199.69 274.75 -64.36 -10.25
4033 SH(max) 02/04 166.69 86.97 3135.89 366.66 -1032.54 1.59
4034 SH(max) 02/04 251.32 266.11 -724.14 451.75 -961.12 10.32
4035 SH(max) 02/04 347.67 464.57 -408.94 404.16 -44.94 -14.77
4036 SH(max) 02/04 759.06 672.15 -240.9 355.39 1045.09 14.57
4037 SH(max) 02/04 1471.17 652.92 -83.45 311.54 2535.15 92.08
4038 SH(max) 02/04 2042.86 473.92 103.79 273.46 3854.39 107.39
4039 SH(max) 02/04 2357.05 228.46 314.49 244.05 4514.12 100.78
4040 SH(max) 02/04 2384.28 12.03 601.07 231.08 4523.52 102.07
4041 SH(max) 02/04 2136.41 -119.26 930.68 239.92 3880.08 108.38
4042 SH(max) 02/04 1620.83 -215.76 1269.52 258.58 2574.99 101.54
4043 SH(max) 02/04 968.43 -223.32 1599.51 288.57 1007.15 33.64
4044 SH(max) 02/04 529.41 -76.53 2155.74 272.55 -125.99 -13.52
4045 SH(max) 02/04 408.85 90.93 3053.89 342.1 -1103.12 17.26
4046 SH(max) 02/04 -187.31 362.39 -486.56 405.96 -158.15 -34.74
4047 SH(max) 02/04 336.39 675.23 -235.38 345.74 1110.81 37.7
4048 SH(max) 02/04 1059.1 628.53 -60.74 312.07 2533.05 85.85
4049 SH(max) 02/04 1721.94 472.68 142.05 275.15 3809.84 99.42
4050 SH(max) 02/04 2082.27 242.85 358.77 244.17 4428.19 96.91
4051 SH(max) 02/04 2123.6 36.03 652.55 230.11 4387.94 98.31
4052 SH(max) 02/04 1857.52 -115.74 975.61 239.27 3689.55 98.39
4053 SH(max) 02/04 1381.34 -233.09 1298.44 256.36 2332.98 103.71
4054 SH(max) 02/04 792.24 -219.77 1620.71 288.16 850.45 36.14
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4055 SH(max) 02/04 359.28 -40.38 2274.23 272.56 -318.9 -4.23
4056 SH(max) 02/04 241.31 125.32 3294.23 345.78 -1194.14 10.03
4057 SH(max) 02/04 -635.24 297.58 -667.03 459.28 -576.91 2.46
4058 SH(max) 02/04 -514.1 522.23 -446.54 426.72 113.55 -35.81
4059 SH(max) 02/04 -78.08 774.93 -367.65 374.01 1165.61 3.27
4060 SH(max) 02/04 873.85 793.28 -203.61 320.91 2753.94 77.93
4061 SH(max) 02/04 1691.04 624.11 7.07 282.87 4385.37 98.07
4062 SH(max) 02/04 2208.03 371.29 237.03 255.33 5309.03 88.53
4063 SH(max) 02/04 2388.59 109.32 499.2 245.11 5516.73 92.69
4064 SH(max) 02/04 2196.22 -59.51 827.45 252.27 4967.54 125.81
4065 SH(max) 02/04 1590.85 -165.38 1145.94 265.54 3712.22 168.3
4066 SH(max) 02/04 468.26 -114.42 1767.43 262.69 1599.23 37.45
5000 SH(max) 02/04 -54.61 348.15 -88.77 17.81 392.83 26.33
5001 SH(max) 02/04 -392.21 447.76 -52.72 54.2 1002.59 124
5002 SH(max) 02/04 -693.83 289.44 16.24 50.01 1393.94 89.34
5003 SH(max) 02/04 -819.25 120.25 91 35.77 1562.26 72.55
5004 SH(max) 02/04 -694.64 -13.64 198.78 43.69 1529.69 72.3
5005 SH(max) 02/04 -249.77 -105.48 311.63 58.04 1303.79 77.3
5006 SH(max) 02/04 384.94 -175.09 422.13 72.17 887.56 73.79
5007 SH(max) 02/04 1141.68 -173.11 538.63 92.34 399.82 21
5008 SH(max) 02/04 1714.03 -100.79 521.85 110.8 56.57 4.44
5009 SH(max) 02/04 1896.05 32.85 362.25 106.26 -153.93 18.13
5010 SH(max) 02/04 1925.85 218.55 70.48 48.93 -193.01 27.55
5011 SH(max) 02/04 1806.48 340.2 -97.92 30.34 -51.07 12.38
5012 SH(max) 02/04 1291.18 426.57 -118.84 66.84 259.94 14.72
5013 SH(max) 02/04 557.87 414.59 -74.61 59.85 689.58 71.19
5014 SH(max) 02/04 110.96 305.76 -8.82 46.27 1061.5 76.74
5015 SH(max) 02/04 -128.07 161.57 63.06 31.27 1250.15 77.53
5016 SH(max) 02/04 -92.37 26.42 154.99 35.06 1255.41 77.16
5017 SH(max) 02/04 231.45 -64.29 262.09 50.07 1080.09 79.56
5018 SH(max) 02/04 735.73 -128.48 371.72 63.74 721.04 74.39
5019 SH(max) 02/04 1436.14 -136.7 482.8 83.03 306.72 26.28
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5020 SH(max) 02/04 1936.07 -82.88 470.11 102.86 3.92 12.04
5021 SH(max) 02/04 2038.48 31.47 286.27 97.89 -183.93 23.62
5022 SH(max) 02/04 1979.09 215.34 9.26 43.18 -183.57 25.72
5023 SH(max) 02/04 1811.35 339.89 -115.03 32.65 -27.35 8.3
5024 SH(max) 02/04 1278.25 432.44 -115.38 62.08 279.09 17.61
5025 SH(max) 02/04 596.21 405.93 -72.38 60.05 717.35 72.62
5026 SH(max) 02/04 169.37 294.08 -12.63 46.19 1081.13 81.57
5027 SH(max) 02/04 -62.82 144.67 51.49 30.92 1259.94 78.84
5028 SH(max) 02/04 -15.98 10.51 145.64 34.47 1257.46 75.95
5029 SH(max) 02/04 266.82 -78.23 255.88 49.51 1080.55 83.44
5030 SH(max) 02/04 751.89 -137.45 368.4 63.29 718.11 79.02
5031 SH(max) 02/04 1470.38 -144.62 485.16 82.69 292.28 25.72
5032 SH(max) 02/04 2012.46 -89.7 482.82 102.21 -28 9.7
5033 SH(max) 02/04 2152.15 3.8 296.1 96.14 -194.34 19.86
5034 SH(max) 02/04 2131.44 187.55 -32.96 36.69 -180.31 24.06
5035 SH(max) 02/04 1986.54 332.66 -129.08 30.99 -18.56 6.92
5036 SH(max) 02/04 1455.1 435.97 -120.49 57.53 288.69 14.71
5037 SH(max) 02/04 743.9 412.09 -78.26 60.22 711.34 69.71
5038 SH(max) 02/04 269.85 303.27 -17.99 46.41 1078.85 81.6
5039 SH(max) 02/04 -9.65 153.69 45.09 31.46 1258.91 77.32
5040 SH(max) 02/04 -53.32 17.93 138.27 33.9 1261.5 77.8
5041 SH(max) 02/04 181.46 -73.62 249.63 49.12 1084.54 81.68
5042 SH(max) 02/04 628.88 -134.28 363.65 62.56 722.18 76.06
5043 SH(max) 02/04 1333.13 -145.82 480.35 80.52 280.58 27.84
5044 SH(max) 02/04 1893.32 -91.05 503.18 99.67 -40.04 6.31
5045 SH(max) 02/04 2053.41 10.77 383.72 109.38 -206.07 36.15
5046 SH(max) 02/04 2089.23 279.23 -91.26 36.59 -65.61 -14.83
5047 SH(max) 02/04 1414.78 450.62 -114.6 52.37 306.51 32.63
5048 SH(max) 02/04 747.58 403.77 -73.21 59.83 709.97 63.04
5049 SH(max) 02/04 257.58 306.3 -9.39 47.17 1066.4 76.37
5050 SH(max) 02/04 -60.06 163.74 58.61 31.68 1235.69 75.2
5051 SH(max) 02/04 -100.76 31.74 154.23 32.72 1225.12 75.62
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5052 SH(max) 02/04 143.85 -71.17 259.8 47.96 1031.46 76.78
5053 SH(max) 02/04 599.93 -143.85 369.85 61.06 656.2 78.07
5054 SH(max) 02/04 1419.6 -150.56 486.2 82.61 235.39 29.91
5055 SH(max) 02/04 1985.34 -83.34 526.77 101.43 -91.22 12.53
5056 SH(max) 02/04 2120.28 31.66 442.18 132.96 -250.7 25.58
5057 SH(max) 02/04 2083.51 226.3 123.27 66.67 -213.25 21.15
5058 SH(max) 02/04 1921.41 374.4 -116.92 33.68 -11.17 -0.49
5059 SH(max) 02/04 1370.24 509.32 -157.13 61.62 319.67 3
5060 SH(max) 02/04 518.9 500.23 -111.24 68.55 763.77 63.54
5061 SH(max) 02/04 -139.72 402.61 -48.35 54.93 1214.79 76.73
5062 SH(max) 02/04 -621.64 246.64 23.39 37.87 1466.31 70.1
5063 SH(max) 02/04 -786.84 78.42 109.84 35.97 1525.08 72.2
5064 SH(max) 02/04 -676.92 -35.67 220.88 49.89 1379.42 91.41
5065 SH(max) 02/04 -382.89 -107.06 340.38 61.17 1002.35 123.62
5066 SH(max) 02/04 -51.54 -84.91 361.1 78.52 398.61 27.57
1000 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -431.28 -345.61 -361.96 -18.03 92.51 -23.75
1001 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1748.27 -449.2 -348.73 -53.49 244.87 -125.65
1002 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2596.83 -289.79 -231.35 -49.29 314.26 -89.95
1003 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2942.07 -121.69 -120.27 -34.71 294.31 -74.58
1004 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2775.92 12.1 -32.9 -42.08 184.23 -70.15
1005 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -2222.2 104.77 38.52 -57.16 -15.07 -75.28
1006 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1278.86 174.97 97.87 -71.02 -306.59 -75.02
1007 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -87.54 172.6 147.94 -91.24 -719.12 -20.97
1008 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 464 101.48 129.12 -110.32 -1223.71 -3.52
1009 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 624.37 -33.18 -107.42 -105.89 -1461.45 -19.7
1010 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 690.69 -219.51 -423.14 -48.42 -1374.85 -26.09
1011 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 599.63 -338 -512.52 -30.89 -1064.45 -10.86
1012 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 151.48 -427.77 -484.4 -66.6 -618.89 -15.92
1013 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -831.07 -413.32 -373.44 -59.64 -263.72 -70.3
1014 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1634.29 -308.77 -259.88 -45.38 -83.19 -81.06
1015 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2087.32 -161.1 -152.53 -30.97 1.87 -74.2
1016 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2136.76 -26.22 -58.74 -34.93 -6.62 -75.28
1017 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1761.86 64.67 9.58 -49.95 -119.93 -81.28
1018 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -997.59 129.17 68.48 -63.39 -320.31 -77.84
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1019 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -120.57 135.85 115.1 -82.59 -694.61 -23.18
1020 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 300.24 82.46 120.43 -101.49 -1155.87 -14.2
1021 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 405.72 -29.41 -34.72 -98.28 -1383.27 -22.29
1022 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 418.69 -215.09 -381.08 -43.31 -1290.95 -26.64
1023 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 341.4 -341.05 -494.66 -32.15 -991.62 -7.65
1024 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -35.12 -433.34 -481.12 -61.7 -559.87 -18.75
1025 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -958.22 -405.35 -371.22 -59.62 -222.13 -70.69
1026 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1750.66 -293.93 -252.06 -45.88 -48.5 -81.14
1027 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2169.83 -144.16 -140.47 -30.76 38.13 -77.92
1028 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2178.28 -11.3 -48.17 -33.68 28.39 -80.52
1029 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -1760.3 77.28 15.63 -48.75 -83.09 -80.36
1030 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -961.95 137.08 72.08 -62.81 -280.23 -76.56
1031 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -91.34 145.11 118.92 -82.46 -632.66 -26.64
1032 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 320.64 90.98 126.14 -102.7 -1094.42 -9.76
1033 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 413.78 -5.48 14.63 -95.18 -1377.85 -21.9
1034 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 404.68 -184.63 -318.88 -38.05 -1349.21 -21.64
1035 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 309.31 -329.83 -481.78 -31.92 -1064.75 -5.71
1036 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -87.34 -435.97 -486.39 -57.51 -623.17 -15.18
1037 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -957.66 -412.92 -376.41 -59.98 -277.4 -71.36
1038 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1747.72 -302.11 -257.83 -46.35 -81.25 -80.6
1039 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2164.79 -154.75 -145.85 -30.86 28.63 -78.77
1040 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2161.12 -17.82 -52.63 -33.76 39.97 -77.62
1041 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1741.99 73.49 10.59 -48.82 -48.32 -80.37
1042 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -944.95 134.79 66.16 -62.14 -222.12 -77.74
1043 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -23.94 145.91 113.31 -79.87 -558.73 -28.32
1044 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 383.72 90.2 121.94 -98.32 -1006.62 -6.42
1045 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 465.81 -9.67 -0.49 -109.69 -1329.98 -36.31
1046 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 367.15 -279.86 -421.94 -36.12 -1209.49 14.31
1047 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -180.64 -453.25 -484.39 -51.96 -693.86 -35.82
1048 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -987.71 -402.75 -379.57 -59.6 -320.63 -61.51
1049 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -1709.4 -305.22 -264.09 -47.01 -119.63 -74.4
1050 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -2060.3 -163.16 -155.78 -31.87 -6.6 -74.77
1051 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1992.99 -31.44 -64.38 -33 3.18 -74.63
1052 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1525.28 71.65 6.36 -47.78 -82.58 -81.18
1053 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -698.05 142.66 68.03 -60.78 -262.1 -74.75
1054 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 244.27 150.45 117.24 -82.12 -644.02 -28.42
1055 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 735.07 84.25 106.44 -100.99 -1113.18 -13.45
1056 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 833.24 -32.55 -72.3 -131.53 -1447.01 -25.62
1057 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 759 -225.09 -357.93 -67.28 -1543.82 -21.18
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1058 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 610.92 -379.49 -512.08 -32.74 -1339.95 -1.81
1059 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 107.63 -505.09 -553.44 -62.38 -846.77 0.34
1060 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1000.82 -500.34 -445.79 -68.86 -380.1 -64.47
1061 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -2012.3 -400.89 -327.62 -55.47 -68.42 -75.54
1062 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2623.72 -246.9 -213.15 -38.1 147.71 -73.89
1063 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2842.31 -79.12 -99.75 -35.28 270.07 -73.76
1064 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2554.09 35.19 -23.79 -49.8 300.17 -86.1
1065 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1742.63 107.66 48.59 -61.29 242.04 -124.61
1066 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -439.57 84.52 86.87 -78.12 94.31 -26.98
2000 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -24.96 -519.19 1803.18 -393.57 394.07 -29.72
2001 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 262.48 -687.07 -1172.7 -341.03 986.71 -173.94
2002 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 503.04 -446.65 -859.7 -288.05 1246.22 -123.81
2003 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 617.11 -171.04 -536.65 -254.58 1173.43 -95.91
2004 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 537.61 35.88 -265.97 -242.4 766.77 -89.49
2005 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 250.89 178.31 -36.76 -249.51 28.34 -97.25
2006 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -262.05 282.99 173.69 -282.03 -1040.02 -98.23
2007 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -963.4 253.8 345.9 -310.55 -2478.09 -26.35
2008 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1582.02 71.91 431.4 -293.23 -4251.69 25.79
2009 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1814.19 -85.77 664.82 -384.04 -6650.32 -2.71
- -
2010 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1992.52 -302.89 3245.49 -446.1 -4895.54 -11.29
- -
2011 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1847.85 -498.01 2272.49 -404.8 -3413.22 7.78
2012 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -1365.2 -676.18 1610.65 -351.91 -2118.74 -14.83
2013 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -676.19 -656.66 1288.44 -308.34 -896.29 -89.87
2014 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -280.51 -472.02 -965.89 -270.15 -187.83 -106.33
2015 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -34.7 -238.09 -643.73 -241.98 128.32 -95.95
2016 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 21.88 -32.05 -355.7 -234.85 96.41 -98.45
2017 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -92 101.47 -136.28 -243.74 -322.39 -107.99
2018 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -365.58 205.05 67.12 -261.87 -1063.02 -105.69
2019 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -966.16 198.07 232.73 -289.73 -2395.6 -23.47
2020 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1527.64 55.99 410.92 -271.35 -3944.94 2.9
2021 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1720.05 -99.08 733.94 -362.35 -5946.34 -4.26
- -
2022 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1934.67 -307.8 3058.02 -451.08 -4861.64 -15.23
- -
2023 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1790.54 -495.34 2177.41 -403.57 -3219.56 14.43
- -
2024 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1328.56 -673.98 1599.24 -352.63 -1893.55 -20.62
2025 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -695.11 -643.41 1271.35 -309.26 -718.4 -93.93
2026 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -348.59 -459.61 -934.07 -271.89 -59.63 -107.24
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2027 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -153.39 -211.5 -606.89 -241.72 261.35 -102.25
2028 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -136.06 -2.05 -322.08 -230.93 223.66 -107.78
2029 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -297.69 126.8 -104.7 -239.48 -186.02 -106.38
2030 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -610.9 218.75 84.47 -258.99 -917.96 -103.7
2031 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -1224.3 213.42 241.49 -290.15 -2159.63 -32.72
2032 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1718.41 70.53 411.9 -277.4 -3598.99 10.72
2033 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1885.47 -84.94 788.05 -366.28 -5473.93 -7.41
- -
2034 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1855.09 -269.58 3034.14 -456.97 -5303.57 -7.06
- -
2035 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1695.75 -467.48 2182.92 -408.27 -3518.17 19.27
- -
2036 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1217.35 -672.88 1620.48 -356.21 -2119.51 -14.53
2037 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -610.51 -653.58 -1292.3 -311.57 -908.73 -96.01
2038 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -296.39 -475.29 -953.99 -273.89 -180.53 -105.64
2039 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -130.92 -227.26 -624.86 -242.27 225.42 -104.31
2040 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -141.32 -12.43 -338.41 -231.58 267.89 -102.95
2041 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -331.82 119.57 -121.58 -240.19 -57.06 -106.48
2042 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -679.13 216.08 69.98 -258.77 -706.87 -105.18
2043 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1310.89 223.4 227.07 -288.44 -1908.42 -34.24
2044 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1800.09 77.97 354.8 -270.93 -3277.19 13.09
2045 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1950.87 -92.4 650.44 -342.75 -4996.27 -16.89
- -
2046 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1598.56 -362.81 2650.46 -404 -4782.76 33.97
2047 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -833.89 -675.37 1642.47 -345.17 -2358.25 -45.47
2048 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -319.09 -629.42 1301.29 -311.61 -1062.93 -83.63
2049 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -60.17 -473.24 -979.59 -275.11 -322.77 -96.8
2050 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 44.56 -243.83 -654.03 -245.5 95.52 -97.16
2051 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -15.97 -36.75 -377.2 -231.53 132.81 -96.65
2052 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -271.89 115.96 -150.48 -239.47 -184.28 -107.36
2053 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -678.32 233.92 60 -256.25 -891.28 -97.08
2054 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1397.95 220.15 222.79 -288.14 -2230.78 -33.48
2055 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1906.95 39.96 144.91 -272.38 -3575.81 1.59
2056 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2064.93 -123.92 186.65 -343.69 -5180.82 -11.48
- -
2057 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1956.43 -301.05 3784.36 -463.7 -7141.4 -3.47
- -
2058 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1751.42 -518.16 2626.72 -425.91 -4730.4 27.28
- -
2059 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1157.98 -778.49 1839.01 -376.96 -2910.27 5.38
2060 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -357.96 -794.93 1506.11 -323.15 -1310.67 -80.47
2061 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 184.04 -626.38 1177.48 -285.43 -171.21 -96.28
2062 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 516.55 -372.12 -834.46 -256.76 629.4 -95.1
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2063 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 616.63 -108.28 -490.44 -243.35 1084.67 -95.92
2064 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 512.06 59.77 -246.7 -252.84 1197.1 -117.68
2065 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 270.98 165.09 -33.01 -267.54 970.05 -171.44
2066 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -6.14 114.64 268.65 -264 406.49 -35.21
3000 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 28.5 -36.98 1312.24 -472.74 445.73 -13.11
3001 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 177.17 -22.72 1261.57 -419.44 1163.27 -28.9
3002 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 293.39 -30.16 -879.93 -373.51 1442.39 -32.22
3003 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 332.58 -35.39 -534.8 -353.06 1352.67 -31.3
3004 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 273.17 -40.73 -263.64 -350.66 891.23 -28.64
3005 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 110.52 -45.55 -31.83 -365.06 49.51 -30.73
3006 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -127.35 -52.77 192.78 -386.74 -1184.64 -32.77
3007 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -362.14 -68.14 442.23 -417.06 -2912.25 -23.77
3008 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -452.01 -76.52 234.62 -446.18 -4900.72 -35.61
3009 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -504.5 -53.18 -677.52 -433.88 -5691.61 -57.65
3010 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -577.21 -31.55 -1556.1 -446.48 -5355.99 -57.59
3011 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -622.34 -50.64 1790.96 -457.65 -4153.27 -47.23
3012 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -670.8 -47.56 1696.09 -421.01 -2402.93 -33.56
3013 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -567.83 -31.96 -1330 -379.5 -970.72 -33.69
3014 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -390.18 -24.08 -982.9 -353.03 -190.06 -44.09
3015 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -260.26 -26.3 -653.23 -337 170.67 -36.9
3016 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -242.5 -29.6 -372.27 -340.54 134.33 -39.16
3017 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -327.71 -33.99 -138.49 -358.99 -342.26 -44.17
3018 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -510.86 -41.36 88.72 -384.43 -1192.08 -44.04
3019 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -713.01 -55.76 328.38 -423.86 -2823.33 -29.98
3020 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -776.04 -63.8 250.76 -455.97 -4621.54 -49.77
3021 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -789.68 -45.31 -396.15 -441.68 -5360.89 -56.64
3022 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -815.5 -37.41 -1315 -437.12 -5014.68 -59.67
3023 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -834.25 -56.55 1705.49 -451.53 -3884.79 -46.91
3024 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -829.23 -53.03 1672.39 -420.58 -2152.63 -39.19
3025 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -692.52 -37.73 1291.48 -380.45 -774.75 -41.06
3026 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -535.04 -30.18 -945.14 -354.83 -43.25 -45.36
3027 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -429.03 -26.35 -611.97 -336.45 321.31 -44.39
3028 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -420.93 -29.12 -335.24 -336.68 276.92 -50.73
3029 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -525.12 -32.04 -100.62 -354.97 -186.69 -42.77
3030 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -712.79 -38.42 120.36 -381.44 -1008.27 -40.89
3031 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -890.7 -56.05 343.3 -422 -2473.08 -37.1
3032 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -913.02 -61.51 343.44 -458.31 -4316.77 -42.68
3033 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -903.7 -41.16 -76.2 -442.56 -5353.13 -58.46
3034 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -896.06 -37.81 1067.83 -443.99 -5251.26 -54.1
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3035 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -893.29 -58.04 1646.88 -456.78 -4203.91 -42.57
3036 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -846.92 -53.62 1692.87 -422.18 -2428.28 -34.92
3037 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -675.35 -35.8 1311.98 -381.42 -1001.94 -43.67
3038 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -515.59 -29.78 -962.11 -356.02 -180.99 -44.07
3039 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -416.34 -25.61 -632.32 -337.44 279.84 -46.56
3040 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -426.29 -25.13 -354.01 -337.01 328.59 -44.71
3041 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -540.49 -28.43 -121.21 -355.15 -39.41 -43.63
3042 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -718.5 -36.21 97.52 -380.64 -763.61 -43.6
3043 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -872.59 -50.57 321 -418.85 -2171.51 -35.8
3044 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -859.42 -58.16 362.68 -447.57 -3980.5 -43.87
3045 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -830.5 -42.95 -32.54 -446.09 -5159.22 -58.61
3046 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -714.45 -49.79 1514.91 -432.96 -4786.52 -43.55
3047 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -619.37 -54.49 1682.67 -417.08 -2783.11 -39.65
3048 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -435 -40.25 1337.29 -381.59 -1197.61 -38.23
3049 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -288.45 -34.91 -993.92 -356.92 -343.33 -39.2
3050 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -217.12 -30.47 -658.23 -339.73 132.45 -39.56
3051 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -243.05 -25.96 -391.88 -336.63 175.2 -37.72
3052 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -381.86 -26.71 -159.89 -354.08 -185.41 -43.14
3053 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -574.22 -30.99 56.28 -379.83 -964.06 -31.7
3054 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -699.29 -47.9 305.8 -421.14 -2516.94 -29.1
3055 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -651.24 -52.79 332.47 -458.54 -4356.4 -49.64
3056 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -605.72 -31.35 -321.16 -446.27 -5661.82 -59.37
3057 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -544.17 -50.32 1406.32 -436.59 -6038.21 -58.24
3058 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -495.64 -73.94 1839.95 -447.81 -5354.18 -44.5
3059 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -376.4 -72.36 1903.43 -421.56 -3457.36 -19.3
3060 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -142.6 -52.52 1560.94 -391.5 -1502.63 -30.78
3061 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 93.63 -45.74 1202.13 -365.06 -180.13 -30.32
3062 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 256.76 -39.64 -847.23 -350.46 732.68 -33.1
3063 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 328.77 -36.15 -512.38 -348.64 1252.64 -29.82
3064 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 299.92 -30.72 -261.66 -368.87 1388.33 -26.58
3065 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 190.63 -21.19 -7.32 -415.71 1145.41 -27.97
3066 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 35.14 -32.84 152.78 -467.06 454.98 -13.79
4000 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -25.75 115.97 1808.78 -264.93 393.99 -79.18
4001 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 261.32 169.83 1175.63 -270.9 985.1 -23.97
4002 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 502.03 71.51 -861.5 -255.01 1245.08 0.85
4003 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 615.79 -93.02 -538.54 -246.29 1171.28 11.51
4004 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 537.93 -343.53 -267.97 -254.62 767.36 16.78
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4005 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 251.61 -603.99 -38.94 -280.89 30.29 17.15
4006 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -260.78 -795.41 171.54 -311.25 -1038.4 1.97
4007 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -961.37 -754.2 343.66 -364.82 -2475.15 -102.57
4008 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1577.75 -524.57 427.71 -421.69 -4239.24 -190.62
4009 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1809.52 -301.61 659.12 -456.5 -6632.61 -176.42
- -
4010 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1991.02 -122.07 3249.19 -344.39 -4893.81 -150.01
- -
4011 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1847.59 35.86 2275.47 -274.49 -3414.64 -180.07
- -
4012 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1364.46 216.97 1611.23 -285.09 -2119.07 -109.09
4013 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -676.29 217.31 -1288.1 -256.15 -896.57 0.41
4014 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -280.52 106.62 -965.9 -237.85 -188.86 -0.92
4015 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -34 -36.17 -642.71 -231.52 130.12 6.37
4016 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 22.25 -251.32 -355.87 -244.41 97.8 3.6
4017 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -92.15 -491.36 -136.62 -272.07 -321.98 0.11
4018 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -365.71 -660.7 67.62 -303.95 -1063.95 -3.93
4019 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -966.54 -632.5 232.32 -350.39 -2396.32 -90.64
4020 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1525.66 -415.86 411.21 -398.32 -3944.81 -179.03
4021 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1718.38 -214.54 736.11 -436.27 -5952.64 -158.82
- -
4022 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1932.44 -61.26 3055.36 -358.39 -4856.28 -145.73
4023 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1788.47 90.45 -2176.1 -279.33 -3216.07 -181.49
- -
4024 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1326.78 230.96 1598.81 -285.51 -1891.02 -110.17
4025 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -694.39 198.94 1270.75 -256.92 -717.4 -6.05
4026 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -348.3 109.87 -934.2 -239.12 -59.52 -2.32
4027 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -153.62 -17.54 -607.47 -230.51 261.49 -1.69
4028 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -137.34 -232.57 -322.4 -240.43 221.04 -8.6
4029 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -297.85 -482.65 -104.86 -267.97 -185.72 2.34
4030 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -610.31 -674.2 83.47 -300.48 -916.09 0.11
4031 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1221.36 -652.23 240.15 -348.84 -2154 -89.04
4032 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1714.12 -439.63 409.05 -404.61 -3586.81 -172.32
4033 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1881.63 -232.36 785.45 -445.19 -5457.67 -158.64
- -
4034 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1854.76 -55.95 3044.64 -370.99 -5308.48 -144.55
- -
4035 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1696.94 96.64 2189.67 -281.92 -3525.75 -178.43
- -
4036 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1217.54 234.69 1622.63 -285.77 -2123.81 -110.34
4037 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -609.88 206.38 1293.02 -258.23 -908.74 -9.45
4038 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -295.9 120.68 -954.4 -240.78 -180.1 -0.76
4039 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -130.83 -0.35 -625.95 -231.58 224.47 -4.51
4040 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -141.02 -209.56 -338.65 -240.82 267.67 -2.54
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4041 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -331.05 -463.2 -122.2 -268.18 -56.15 1.27
4042 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -677.97 -660.02 69.56 -299.62 -706.23 -1.33
4043 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1309.09 -654.57 226.9 -342.32 -1908.56 -85.47
4044 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1797.86 -486.17 355.68 -388.79 -3277.21 -159.38
4045 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1948.14 -295.91 651.18 -424.09 -4997.64 -138.54
- -
4046 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1594.09 -9.8 2645.14 -303.52 -4775.46 -218.33
4047 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -829.89 216.14 1639.59 -274.03 -2352.11 -51
4048 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -318.43 182.39 1298.52 -257.65 -1060.32 -6.23
4049 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -59.86 84.06 -977.95 -241.56 -321.79 3.33
4050 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 44.48 -43.72 -653.1 -233.37 95.68 2.34
4051 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -15.6 -252.99 -376.93 -239.88 133.47 4.78
4052 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -271.87 -485.27 -149.74 -266.71 -186.09 0.9
4053 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -678.83 -674.73 60.4 -298 -892.16 9.51
4054 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1395.63 -682.64 222.12 -341.77 -2228.22 -84.5
4055 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1903.11 -513.28 144.14 -398.79 -3570.1 -177.53
4056 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2061.37 -306.44 185.06 -445.82 -5176.5 -158.91
4057 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1952.64 -85.22 -3783.6 -393.22 -7140.67 -169.56
- -
4058 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1745.88 71.64 2622.86 -293.2 -4721.87 -207.48
- -
4059 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1157.49 262.68 1834.93 -307.98 -2907.21 -141.01
4060 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -357.6 283.15 1504.34 -284.63 -1311.07 -8.88
4061 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 183.36 189.81 1175.37 -248.85 -171.59 15.25
4062 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 514.55 51.73 -832.41 -242.25 626.34 11.6
4063 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 615.37 -139.63 -483.82 -249.81 1083.79 12.24
4064 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 513.32 -415.8 -245.33 -282.29 1200.55 8.23
4065 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 271.08 -662.76 -32.06 -336.05 969.74 -22.54
4066 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -6.4 -512.39 269.94 -389.3 406.74 -77.41
5000 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -433.11 86.97 -364.74 -79.67 93.52 -79.34
5001 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1742.82 109.33 -352.09 -62.6 245.61 -20.89
5002 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2593.55 41.92 -233.92 -51.05 315.82 -0.77
5003 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -2937.9 -69.02 -121.77 -37.26 295.05 -9.1
5004 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2776.81 -230.27 -34.25 -36.63 185.97 -7.64
5005 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2223.99 -389.3 36.91 -53.3 -13.94 -1.94
5006 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1278.22 -505.04 96.65 -65.85 -307.26 0.59
5007 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -88 -494.96 147.49 -64.53 -721.72 -75.62
5008 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 462.49 -378.06 129.78 -32.58 -1227.15 -139.47
5009 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 624.44 -222.55 -106.31 -61.45 -1463.54 -96.23
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5010 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 688.26 -31.18 -424.54 -126.95 -1381.89 -83.69
5011 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 601.39 78.54 -514.56 -99.19 -1072.14 -134.11
5012 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 152.03 146.53 -486.19 -82.71 -622.52 -84.9
5013 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -831.51 129.52 -375.64 -60.26 -265.2 -2.98
5014 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1630.73 63.61 -259.82 -48.72 -83.95 -8.62
5015 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2090.69 -31.6 -152.47 -34.44 3.22 -9.8
5016 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2138.53 -169.29 -59.47 -31.41 -5.6 -11.22
5017 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1760.15 -318.64 9.31 -45.23 -120.16 -8.67
5018 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -993.02 -426.81 69.3 -58.06 -322.2 -3.75
5019 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -123.32 -420.87 115.85 -57.09 -699.6 -71.19
5020 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 301.72 -315.82 120.81 -28.28 -1158.81 -128.29
5021 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 403.77 -164.44 -35.56 -49.08 -1392.78 -88.2
5022 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 417.52 0.11 -384.51 -109.94 -1295.84 -84.31
5023 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 338.9 92.61 -497.82 -96.94 -996.12 -135.02
5024 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -35.91 149.37 -483.08 -80.05 -561.39 -88.59
5025 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -960.37 121.38 -373.17 -61.2 -222.67 -6.93
5026 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1750.12 67.49 -253.59 -49.45 -48.42 -9.52
5027 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2169.75 -19.66 -142.1 -34.29 38.87 -14.06
5028 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2171.78 -156.67 -48.3 -30.26 27.32 -17.26
5029 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1761.62 -310.92 16.02 -44.18 -83.01 -7.42
5030 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -964.55 -430.7 71.89 -57.78 -280.61 -1.58
5031 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -92.22 -426.83 119.25 -58.78 -633.06 -72.77
5032 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 318.83 -323.4 127.19 -29.08 -1096.04 -129.37
5033 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 414.41 -165.72 16.83 -36.28 -1378.73 -89.76
5034 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 401.69 11.69 -318 -97.51 -1358.1 -81.97
5035 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 306.99 97.64 -482.71 -98.58 -1074.91 -132.42
5036 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -86.54 152.29 -488.82 -81.19 -629.15 -89.52
5037 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -954.83 125.65 -378.18 -61.92 -278.78 -8.36
5038 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1747.88 73.4 -260.01 -49.83 -81.11 -8.77
5039 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2162.32 -9.96 -147.14 -34.55 28.58 -15.12
5040 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2160.48 -143.63 -53 -30.21 40.41 -14.47
5041 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1743.71 -298.03 10.27 -43.97 -47.78 -8.68
5042 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -944.39 -420.96 66.18 -57.52 -222.78 -3.02
5043 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -24.46 -427.23 113.85 -62.32 -561.77 -70.41
5044 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 382.73 -351.99 122.23 -29.77 -1011.72 -124.59
5045 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 464.85 -227.04 -0.59 -34.42 -1336.37 -69.83
5046 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 366.27 29.74 -424.14 -88.74 -1214.08 -148.58
5047 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -179.8 145.84 -484.73 -79.2 -693.81 -38.77
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Elem Load Part Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion y Moment-z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5048 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -991.44 111.58 -379.83 -62 -320.92 -9.01
5049 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1711.38 54.15 -264.47 -50.6 -119.49 -8.23
5050 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -2059.8 -32.43 -156.02 -35.72 -6.24 -11.91
5051 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1993.34 -169 -64.76 -29.78 3.92 -11
5052 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1520.22 -314.87 6.94 -43.17 -83.72 -8.12
5053 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -699.87 -433 69.15 -56.53 -263.95 3.57
5054 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 240.7 -432.91 117.91 -67.71 -646.41 -67.76
5055 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 733.13 -347.71 107.76 -30.49 -1115.73 -134.09
5056 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 832.18 -220.29 -71.29 -45.79 -1452.53 -89.78
5057 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 757.93 -32.37 -358.19 -104.06 -1551.16 -87.84
5058 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 612.69 99.39 -513.62 -107.64 -1340.43 -144.5
5059 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 104.02 185.89 -555.55 -93.07 -850.87 -103.35
5060 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -997.87 172.89 -446.18 -71.7 -382.2 -7.69
5061 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2010.98 113.74 -328.42 -58.76 -68.72 -1.6
5062 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2617.78 23.75 -212.11 -43.76 147.11 -10.06
5063 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2838.36 -102.72 -97.5 -33.35 271.3 -8.68
5064 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 2559.45 -275.8 -22.63 -47.6 304.31 3.06
5065 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 1740.93 -435.39 49.34 -53.35 243.41 -19.69
5066 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02/04 -440.35 -344.85 87.72 -18.46 95.14 -78.8

- ELS caractéristique
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1000 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -58.68 -95.75 -99.86 69.09 294.72 69.48
1001 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -479.15 -134.95 -71.56 51.22 757.34 -1.06
1002 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -828.03 -65.4 -6.62 37.48 1062.33 -9.29
1003 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -964.05 38.3 61.84 27.14 1200.67 -1.76
1004 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -858.48 165.07 145.22 26.97 1187.96 1.03
1005 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -469.69 284.04 229.33 38.55 1034.63 -4.12
1006 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 105.3 371.33 311.26 47 741.91 -8.32
1007 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 810.99 362.86 395.71 42.94 379.35 65.63
1008 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1244.85 277.5 380.05 14.44 55.15 101.37
1009 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1379.35 161.82 273.91 37.24 -145.57 65.77
1010 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1404.72 41.86 68.49 90.9 -224.36 58.52
1011 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1316.32 -47.17 -92.4 79.74 -121.57 97
1012 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 932.86 -114.61 -134.89 69.2 177.6 70.91
1013 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 312.64 -116.6 -89.32 43.04 542.85 -0.73
1014 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -115.48 -70.71 -27.73 35.21 822 -4.95
1015 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -339.76 11.11 37.9 25.02 960.08 3.02
1016 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -319.91 123.17 113.59 22.73 967.03 2.95
1017 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -38.38 234.86 193.03 32.84 841.69 -2.61
1018 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 421.09 316.03 273.19 41.82 580.15 -4.75
1019 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1027.57 308.89 354.35 37.81 234.63 62.53
1020 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1387.7 232.29 343.27 12.83 -60.57 90.82
1021 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1471.59 121.63 205.06 28.32 -220.45 63.39
1022 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1431.34 5.03 -1.11 79.01 -238.18 57.81
1023 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1309.77 -70.28 -117.33 78.82 -106.58 97.8
1024 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 916.43 -124.01 -131.72 64.94 190.68 76.71
1025 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 327.15 -112.97 -87.4 43.7 554.34 1.89
1026 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -80.28 -72.05 -28.86 35.39 826.27 0.36
1027 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -299.47 4.67 32.11 24.84 959.05 4.6
1028 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -273.33 114.96 107.57 22.33 961.08 2.09
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1029 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -2.44 227.43 187.74 32.6 829 1.36
1030 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 450.97 317.02 271.4 41.71 561.12 -2.76
1031 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1060.78 315.9 357.35 38.42 204.49 65.36
1032 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1449.52 239.69 350.9 12.15 -103.19 93.89
1033 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1555.39 120.46 210.3 21.06 -241.31 62.17
1034 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1544.32 -8.27 -45.02 71.32 -224.49 60.07
1035 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1432.73 -74.67 -132.29 78.21 -78.79 97.39
1036 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1047.34 -125.55 -135.8 64.1 217.02 76.64
1037 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 436.55 -114.24 -90.91 43.89 565.13 1.75
1038 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -2.45 -72.45 -31.29 35.45 832.99 0.79
1039 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -263.74 1.28 29.21 25.16 962.94 3.51
1040 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -291.19 108.09 103.96 21.88 960.43 4.46
1041 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -61.68 219.67 186.04 32.11 825.91 0.77
1042 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 361.34 311.62 271.09 41.54 555.08 -3.3
1043 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 960.91 314.95 356.5 41.47 184.34 63.5
1044 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1374.25 257.17 367.08 13.93 -126.35 90.19
1045 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1491.8 166.96 274.06 18.71 -258.57 48.28
1046 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1502.19 -38.29 -105 72.36 -102.91 108.06
1047 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1014.02 -123.07 -127.28 62.08 244.76 32.22
1048 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 441.64 -98.03 -83.11 43.97 570.45 3.57
1049 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 0.51 -49.55 -20.9 36 826.54 1.47
1050 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -271.51 27.76 42.41 25.39 943.19 2.69
1051 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -286.93 130.7 117.9 21.42 926.1 2.34
1052 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -49.18 233.49 195.8 31.25 777.23 -5.07
1053 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 395.32 318.3 276.62 40.95 488.94 -5.31
1054 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1035.17 318.84 362.93 44.96 104.61 64.06
1055 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1450.95 256.31 382.73 13.41 -213.35 95.59
1056 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1551.25 158.81 310.96 30.94 -334.79 62.64
1057 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1522.51 1.89 46.17 82.57 -259.73 61.76
1058 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1397.44 -91.54 -140.56 85.23 -66.94 102.74
1059 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 993.09 -158.98 -167.94 70.62 254.24 88.06
1060 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 267.7 -160.88 -121.02 49.82 622.81 0.42
1061 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -337.79 -112.07 -58.35 40.73 946.28 -4.63
1062 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -769.7 -27.71 8.19 30.39 1124.53 -2.17
1063 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -911.5 87.47 83.3 23.41 1157.35 -1.42
1064 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -780.34 215.5 166.28 33.28 1037.03 -6.91
1065 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -449.62 324.21 258.35 35.23 748.2 -0.98
1066 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -53.6 252.26 264.45 5.13 295.2 68.38
2000 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 326.56 -129.19 -385.18 181.72 1221.37 74.02
2001 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1159.46 -210.86 -85.63 192.66 2861.55 -6.74
2002 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1651.32 -110.29 108.7 183.59 3856.06 -16.04
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2003 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1856.39 48.42 322.72 180.62 4367.58 -22.13
2004 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1783.22 251.28 580.77 187.41 4327.81 -19.26
2005 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1470.47 443.57 831.57 204.01 3772 -20.79
2006 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 933.61 584.92 1074.35 227.74 2706.61 -14.71
2007 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 204.38 554.87 1313.97 272.88 1438.15 84.43
2008 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -152.66 383.24 1842.64 311.43 390.74 139.98
2009 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -241.42 224.05 2693.14 325.24 -391.08 121.14
2010 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 2.28 118.74 -554.64 223.79 -1532.66 105.84
2011 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 65.93 7.03 -375.3 183.2 -388.12 132.51
2012 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 362.71 -141.63 -309.77 201.18 724.58 88.46
2013 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 897.92 -193.41 -153.77 184.52 1955.09 -5.67
2014 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1271.73 -116.96 41.41 174.77 2956.02 -18.9
2015 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1484.41 6.85 249.16 170.77 3469.79 -10.38
2016 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1455.84 182.71 482.04 179.28 3497.17 -11.04
2017 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1187.58 360.81 722.02 198.86 3037.18 -14.79
2018 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 683.34 487.42 960.19 225.12 2091.6 -11.8
2019 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 28.34 466.63 1198.33 267.6 907.41 78.66
2020 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -264.3 305.53 1706.74 299.67 -71.52 123.14
2021 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -319.32 155.44 2446.72 303.07 -925.38 114.31
2022 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 84.81 51.22 -758.16 226.46 -1340.24 102.02
2023 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 176.33 -52.63 -486.52 186.88 -308.76 133.86
2024 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 545.4 -176.2 -311.42 201.39 758.66 92.95
2025 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1101.74 -186.01 -155.48 185.4 1997.96 -0.93
2026 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1480.42 -119.95 25.67 174.25 2974.25 -8.6
2027 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1694.42 -5.14 229.46 169.48 3465.13 -6.74
2028 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1677.34 170.26 462.23 178.52 3470.48 -12.31
2029 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1419.74 355.84 702.47 198.27 2991.97 -6.75
2030 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 978.63 496.54 953.61 223.73 2026.75 -6.21
2031 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 375.61 479.27 1194.74 266.24 803.89 77.65
2032 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -5.47 320.11 1664.95 297.82 -284.56 126.52
2033 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -65.96 168.47 2342.8 305.86 -1339.75 109.08
2034 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 11.34 35.21 -866.75 226.93 -1160.51 106.95
2035 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 73.78 -69.66 -523.82 183.9 -192.16 135.13
2036 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 426.5 -183.89 -312.34 200.91 846.33 93.04
2037 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1023.17 -188.63 -157.62 185.58 2034.47 -1.33
2038 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1445.59 -121.78 19.81 174.82 2998.95 -6.69
2039 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1703.69 -9.39 219.02 171.02 3477.86 -9.17
2040 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1721.97 156.8 451.43 176.8 3471.81 -8.11
2041 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1508.04 341.77 695.29 196.5 2980.63 -8.78
2042 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1124.24 486.79 940.82 222.27 2003.22 -10.02
2043 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 563.78 483.4 1185.18 263.89 729.03 76.61
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2044 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 168.8 357.25 1656.35 293.84 -384.81 115.57
2045 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 67.52 214.15 2335.29 293.12 -1472.51 101.32
2046 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -208.36 -13.67 -608.78 198.58 -319.55 159.75
2047 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 205.93 -177.97 -294.91 192.49 953.51 37.16
2048 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 753.87 -162.97 -126.52 184.93 2061.88 0.21
2049 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1242.02 -80.26 62.27 175.55 2977.88 -8.96
2050 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1505.96 37.19 264.88 170.22 3406.73 -11.59
2051 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1532.5 195.84 497.02 175.59 3344.81 -11.74
2052 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1317.79 357.15 735.41 195.49 2797.15 -19.98
2053 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 949.66 498.69 969.9 221.77 1760.09 -12.04
2054 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 409.25 503 1211.25 265.76 451.61 80.22
2055 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 20.33 373.65 1777.15 301.59 -718.87 125.7
2056 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -47.58 219.55 2571.51 309.54 -1639.8 110.97
2057 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -424.4 32.98 -789.15 247.65 -812.25 119.16
2058 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -341.51 -81.7 -560.89 193.71 -44.24 146.17
2059 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -9.34 -231.78 -417.58 212.01 988.51 117.22
2060 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 731.09 -268.67 -258.85 200.26 2265.27 -2.71
2061 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1316.04 -191.76 -63.31 176.04 3439.76 -18.9
2062 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1678.5 -56.66 150.45 173.31 4094.83 -24.05
2063 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1786.93 126.16 383.97 181.26 4214.23 -21.89
2064 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1616.21 333.27 625.27 202.96 3770.65 -11.88
2065 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1167.12 493.22 854.45 245.87 2821.05 -6.47
2066 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 337.78 374.78 1339.28 294.21 1221.82 70.63
3000 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 78.81 22.39 -248.17 339.6 1132.79 13.67
3001 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 352.92 14.43 -127.9 303.63 2985.18 19.38
3002 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 658.3 18.77 111.8 271.27 4250.42 22.04
3003 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 801.4 21.97 341.24 258.85 4836.96 20.44
3004 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 749.68 25.84 588.75 258.11 4795.78 21.79
3005 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 569.81 29.5 848.64 266.14 4167.15 22.59
3006 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 318.94 32.72 1115.45 282.4 2953.73 20.13
3007 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 151.15 44.28 1381.43 305.17 1517.35 14.82
3008 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 164.56 51.22 1364.92 325.14 129.96 24.27
3009 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 187.35 35.73 1058.73 314.17 -688.97 35.45
3010 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 222.12 21.83 333.42 320.19 -1000.54 38.46
3011 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 247.65 35.83 -255.1 327.54 -604.75 32.27
3012 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 312.07 34.16 -400.49 306.49 622.98 19.12
3013 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 513.29 21.87 -159.47 278.66 2070.62 22.73
3014 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 731.2 18.48 43.5 261.81 3226.96 24.61
3015 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 836.33 18.12 259.58 249.61 3815.23 27.91
3016 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 808.08 21.27 487.35 250.88 3847.2 27.52
3017 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 666.18 23.43 735.99 263.23 3325.04 27.15
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3018 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 455.74 27.17 995.09 280.87 2236.07 25.92
3019 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 329.4 39.91 1261.34 306.88 887.48 24.49
3020 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 353.61 43.23 1217.99 327.9 -349.35 27.89
3021 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 385.08 29.9 773.66 315.52 -1010.97 38.2
3022 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 432.79 25.53 62.51 313.92 -1067.92 39.07
3023 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 471.82 38.89 -330.65 325.54 -551.54 33.24
3024 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 584.73 36.69 -401.75 305.84 680.73 24.21
3025 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 786.98 24.29 -182.05 279.38 2123.49 29.42
3026 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 994.9 19.69 23.32 261.41 3248.71 30.69
3027 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1106.86 17.27 240.71 248.88 3808.38 31.53
3028 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1092.78 18.65 469.05 250.35 3814.58 31
3029 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 957.47 21.72 714 262.56 3273.66 33.72
3030 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 735.52 25.63 980.3 279.54 2164.04 30.29
3031 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 556.67 36.32 1260.42 305.21 737.28 23.67
3032 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 523.92 41.31 1221.48 324.66 -539.36 29.54
3033 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 525.87 28.1 727.6 314.59 -1080.76 37.81
3034 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 536.05 26.21 -55.84 312.06 -1019.43 40.48
3035 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 549.43 39.22 -366.34 324.54 -445 33.01
3036 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 611.96 36.38 -417.15 306.24 786.53 23.88
3037 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 791.39 25.21 -200.33 279.68 2165.54 28.43
3038 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 999.62 20.31 10.02 262.04 3276.41 32.09
3039 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1129.35 18.49 228.11 250.42 3822.32 30.77
3040 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1140.04 17.27 456.68 248.36 3817.61 30.49
3041 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1023.67 20.07 705.01 260.89 3261.43 31.77
3042 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 804.6 24.2 976.87 278.11 2136.26 28.18
3043 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 600.33 35.32 1256.57 303.53 650.09 23.77
3044 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 512.6 41.15 1278.71 322.26 -635.88 29.38
3045 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 488.73 30.24 941.39 318.66 -1156.27 39.7
3046 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 445.55 33.21 -193.83 312.16 -518.97 28.97
3047 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 417.82 38.73 -379.99 303.06 956.36 23.07
3048 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 562.23 27.21 -153.92 280.06 2209.44 27.49
3049 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 755.18 23.81 61.04 262.74 3255.41 28.88
3050 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 885.35 21.4 279.88 249.6 3742.65 26.47
3051 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 907.91 18.6 509.03 247.45 3673.28 26.64
3052 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 795.48 16.93 755.05 260.16 3050.04 24.9
3053 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 563.59 22.74 1027.62 277.9 1853.41 24.7
3054 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 318.37 33.73 1297.14 305.07 316.67 20.92
3055 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 232.41 37.18 1358.52 327.91 -1015.35 30.13
3056 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 194.85 22.06 1157.24 320.1 -1464.35 37.84
3057 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 146.71 35.24 395.29 313.37 -1169.38 37.29
3058 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 117.93 50.95 -321.73 327.66 -381.6 24.97
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3059 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 93.09 45.95 -530.78 306.64 993.24 18.49
3060 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 236.44 34.32 -289.13 283.16 2462.7 19.31
3061 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 493.06 28.85 -72.85 263.43 3782.29 22.02
3062 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 722.64 25.58 147.63 254.09 4526.27 20.18
3063 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 793.78 21.91 383.16 254.73 4662.38 19.64
3064 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 665.39 19.88 645.71 266.86 4153.46 25.3
3065 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 363.71 11.86 939.69 298.33 2953.12 19.02
3066 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 84.54 21.79 960.68 335.19 1136.32 10.82
4000 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 324.06 377.42 -388.39 297.93 1216.29 15.65
4001 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1155.88 517.62 -87.86 251.92 2855.08 142.11
4002 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1647.98 363.22 107.06 208.02 3851.57 104
4003 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1852.97 157.79 320.91 185.47 4363.19 76.19
4004 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1781.62 -27.98 578.28 177.58 4326.18 71.21
4005 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1469.59 -168.45 828.57 180.09 3772.19 76.09
4006 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 933.14 -256.94 1071.24 203.37 2706.22 72.55
4007 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 204.44 -223.48 1309.95 219.31 1437.56 5.64
4008 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -151.54 -82.1 1836.06 194.3 393.37 -38.74
4009 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -240.27 35.04 2684.32 245.62 -387.43 -8.1
4010 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 3.12 216.76 -554.75 313.59 -1530.69 -6.17
4011 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 66.01 361.76 -374.93 306.08 -392.1 -15.07
4012 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 361.88 497.83 -310.08 275.25 721.88 -6.9
4013 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 896.19 483.28 -153.81 233.92 1951.74 64.5
4014 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1268.77 348.29 41.13 203.94 2952.88 75.38
4015 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1483.67 174.67 249.36 180.93 3470.01 74.07
4016 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1454.94 11.23 481.26 173.66 3496.58 75.19
4017 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1185.73 -108.55 721.12 178.56 3035.41 79.5
4018 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 681.39 -186 960.15 190.67 2086.94 72.98
4019 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 27.74 -161.27 1197.14 205.97 906.15 10.51
4020 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -264.54 -43.59 1706.23 183.92 -73.07 -22.56
4021 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -319.17 61.83 2450.28 230.58 -928.29 -5.48
4022 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 84.83 221.89 -756.58 315.47 -1338.02 -3.41
4023 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 176.34 362.19 -486.35 306.17 -307.08 -27.77
4024 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 544.95 495.88 -311.3 273.25 759.05 -3.32
4025 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1100.63 472.59 -155.27 234.84 1998.05 68.72
4026 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1478.96 337.01 25.33 203.61 2972.5 80.46
4027 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1692.62 154.1 228.74 180.44 3462.83 78.48
4028 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1673.89 -13.2 461.66 173.21 3466.02 78.84
4029 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1418.87 -128.14 701.71 177.86 2990.49 82.78
4030 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 978.76 -195.04 951.85 189.53 2028.77 76.51
4031 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 377.19 -166.04 1192.02 206 806.89 9.68
4032 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -4.05 -45.23 1659.48 182.68 -277.09 -22.28
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4033 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -65.13 63.74 2336.16 231.14 -1333.26 -5.75
4034 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 11.49 193.22 -871.84 314.36 -1163.48 -3.56
4035 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 73.27 340.59 -527.25 303.26 -197.97 -29.41
4036 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 424.28 494.74 -313.88 272.61 841.84 -4.43
4037 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1021.16 481.04 -158.31 235.25 2031.03 67.16
4038 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1443.21 349.08 19.3 204.34 2996.19 81.07
4039 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1700.4 167.72 217.77 181.86 3474.51 78.59
4040 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1719.28 -9.71 450.73 171.43 3469.58 78.66
4041 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1506.72 -129.61 694.12 176.52 2979.73 81.93
4042 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1123.09 -197.42 939.85 188.64 2002.09 74.15
4043 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 563.26 -170.01 1184.42 205.88 727.79 13.21
4044 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 168.84 -33.71 1656.42 184.07 -386.13 -24.63
4045 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 68.34 86.65 2336.77 220.57 -1474.21 -3.1
4046 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -207.07 264.8 -606.05 299.34 -316.73 -51.81
4047 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 207.44 496.64 -293.88 263.8 954.85 21.73
4048 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 754.69 462.79 -125.45 235.46 2064.14 60.82
4049 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1241.84 346.63 62.8 205.46 2977.77 72.99
4050 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1504.74 176.07 265.13 181.61 3405.18 73.34
4051 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1531.17 -0.31 496.78 170.66 3343.42 74.28
4052 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1314.93 -137.68 735.68 175.85 2792.72 77.41
4053 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 947.66 -211.37 969.75 186.7 1756.76 73.82
4054 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 409.36 -158.97 1209.92 205.72 453.02 12.83
4055 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 21.2 -0.07 1775.49 184.07 -716.05 -15.76
4056 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -46.65 116.32 2571.15 223.68 -1637.4 -5.62
4057 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -423.07 221.16 -788.8 330.38 -812.37 -6.78
4058 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -339.75 381.61 -559.84 318.75 -42.16 -45.86
4059 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -9.28 569.21 -416.33 282.42 989.81 -17.91
4060 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 729.78 582.61 -258.44 238.76 2262.54 57.84
4061 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1313.22 457.86 -62.81 207.78 3436.76 75.26
4062 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1673.85 270.42 150.96 186.31 4089.19 71.7
4063 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1783.58 67.06 384.92 178.03 4209.84 76.01
4064 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1615.6 -94.3 625.72 181.64 3770.33 102.11
4065 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1165.92 -201.35 854.73 188.34 2819.85 139.25
4066 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 336.47 -120.36 1340.69 180.73 1220.07 16.72
5000 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -58.49 255.18 -101.14 4.34 294.27 9.18
5001 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -478 336.26 -73.53 36.05 758.24 102.33
5002 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -827.16 230.81 -8.16 35.03 1066.32 75.25
5003 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -961.99 105.26 60.87 24.88 1205.06 58.61
5004 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -859.95 -12.13 144.56 30.8 1194.34 55.88
5005 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -471.83 -99.22 228.14 41.19 1040.87 59.98
5006 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 105.45 -156.83 309.92 52.19 745.73 55.77
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5007 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 809.79 -149.26 395.62 71.4 381.26 5.95
5008 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1242.44 -86.89 380.8 87.59 56.81 -12.16
5009 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1379.01 4.19 275.48 85.63 -145.07 10.86
5010 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1401.11 158.52 69 35.01 -226.04 18.7
5011 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1312.96 249.48 -92.34 14.49 -123.84 5.44
5012 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 932.87 314.63 -135.72 44.9 177.02 -1.1
5013 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 311.5 306.33 -90.33 44.01 544.37 50.95
5014 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -112.7 225.3 -27.71 35.32 824.29 60.11
5015 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -342.29 118.58 38.59 23.77 966.2 58.84
5016 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -321.19 11.97 113.47 26.08 972.46 58.82
5017 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -36.87 -67.99 192.78 36.81 845.28 61.63
5018 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 424.68 -116.96 273.83 48.09 580.66 54.36
5019 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1025.7 -117 356.15 67.96 235.03 9.93
5020 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1390.16 -65.16 343.83 82.87 -61.18 -0.06
5021 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1470.37 18.48 204.89 74.36 -223.37 15.98
5022 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1431.15 156.77 -2.42 25.63 -239.35 16.07
5023 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1308.54 249.25 -118.43 16.54 -107.29 -4.25
5024 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 916.86 318.49 -132.53 41.94 191.74 1.04
5025 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 325.89 299.59 -88.01 44.48 557.67 52.52
5026 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -79.77 217.01 -29.36 35.33 830.04 62.92
5027 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -299.63 106.22 31.4 23.68 963.67 60.78
5028 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -268.53 -0.92 107.48 25.79 963.38 60.39
5029 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -4.24 -78.82 188.99 36.45 833.49 63.67
5030 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 448.91 -123.37 271.88 47.81 565.39 57.66
5031 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1060.02 -120.33 357.9 68.39 206.81 10.23
5032 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1448.03 -65.15 352.51 82.59 -101.76 0.01
5033 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1556.6 7.36 212.37 70.44 -240.8 14.89
5034 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1542.56 138.01 -43.82 20.25 -226.71 14.98
5035 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1431.93 244.85 -132.38 15.01 -82.01 -6.02
5036 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1049.61 321.7 -136.86 38.6 215.51 -0.62
5037 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 439.62 304.48 -91.77 44.59 566.3 50.86
5038 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -1.63 223.99 -32.08 35.37 836.63 63.11
5039 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -260.71 113.23 28.37 23.96 966.52 60.78
5040 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -289.8 2.33 103.95 25.27 964.84 60.62
5041 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -61.89 -79.66 186.17 36.17 830.42 63.01
5042 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 363.25 -124.25 271.25 47.49 557.44 55.43
5043 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 961.87 -123.44 357.46 67.63 184.5 11.89
5044 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1374.3 -64.44 367.68 81.86 -127.54 -1.68
5045 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1491.62 20.61 274.62 79.24 -260.31 22.71
5046 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1500.74 205.02 -106.32 20.09 -103.42 -28.66
5047 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1014.24 332.39 -127.63 35.05 246.88 19.88
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5048 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 438.99 297.85 -82.86 44.53 574.95 45.59
5049 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -1.2 225.05 -20.63 35.89 831.4 57.68
5050 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -271.26 119.3 42.75 24.02 947.74 57.88
5051 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -287.35 7.91 118.18 24.37 930.93 58.34
5052 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -45.53 -84.26 196.33 35.25 778.69 60.64
5053 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 393.17 -132.74 278.79 46.86 490.38 56.53
5054 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1032.17 -124.5 364.59 71.18 105.54 12.02
5055 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1449.19 -54.34 384.35 84.44 -213.09 4.55
5056 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1548.7 41.54 312.53 95.33 -336.23 19.1
5057 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1521.02 163.97 46.71 41.62 -261.67 13.47
5058 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 1399.12 274.46 -141.97 16.02 -66.31 -15.18
5059 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 989.08 374.55 -168.36 40.63 256.43 -12.22
5060 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 269.23 368.26 -121.35 50.11 624.74 47.03
5061 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -338.08 295.59 -58.66 40.78 950.58 60.04
5062 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -765.72 179.66 8.47 27.7 1127.57 56.04
5063 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -909.6 50.5 84.96 25.9 1161.53 58.14
5064 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -780.21 -56.75 168.27 36.62 1043.77 74.51
5065 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -449.71 -129.16 259.18 50.04 751.51 101.13
5066 01-SLS-CHARACT(max) 02/04 -53.72 -91.3 265.69 68.58 296.11 10.54
1000 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -314.98 -253.31 -268.36 -4.55 110.81 -7.33
1001 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1283.39 -337.24 -268.08 -35.47 293.22 -102.8
1002 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1918.29 -230.98 -178.96 -34.42 392.42 -75.61
1003 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -2216.22 -106.05 -95.52 -23.91 400.06 -59.18
1004 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -2141.79 11.12 -21.25 -29.41 316.98 -55.34
1005 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1776.98 98.94 45.25 -40.42 144.35 -59.43
1006 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1133.04 156.82 103.78 -51.29 -120.31 -55.84
1007 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -311.46 149.25 155.47 -70.61 -499.65 -5.9
1008 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 102.54 87.27 145.68 -87.15 -874.91 12.38
1009 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 218.15 -4.18 -35.46 -85.27 -1064.21 -11.32
1010 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 281.21 -159.21 -301.79 -34.49 -1003.62 -18.12
1011 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 235.69 -247.87 -373.65 -15.01 -778.26 -4.96
1012 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -63.16 -315.5 -359.14 -44.72 -448.95 0.18
1013 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -758.63 -305.39 -278.41 -43.87 -142.79 -50.31
1014 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1320.7 -227.52 -193.38 -34.63 44.86 -60.68
1015 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1647.1 -118.14 -113.71 -23.57 131.56 -58.2
1016 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1685.29 -11.89 -38.22 -25.94 126.71 -58.46
1017 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1422.25 68.21 25.21 -36.66 21.79 -61.96
1018 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -890.71 117.62 82.88 -47.76 -170.35 -56.11
1019 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -249.65 116.51 131.28 -67.48 -489.53 -7.76
1020 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 62.43 64.83 124.14 -81.77 -833.87 -0.28
1021 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 130.2 -17.26 1.92 -74.56 -1008.59 -15.32
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1022 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 145.35 -156.59 -272.86 -25.73 -943.22 -16.41
1023 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 100.39 -250.08 -361.07 -16.11 -723.9 4.37
1024 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -171.13 -319.15 -357.38 -41.63 -404.18 -1.86
1025 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -843.19 -299.16 -276.22 -44.1 -104.24 -51.09
1026 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1401.85 -216.89 -187.42 -35.04 72.66 -62.75
1027 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1702.85 -105.85 -105.02 -23.46 159.13 -60.85
1028 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1710.71 0.29 -29.88 -25.14 151.92 -61.05
1029 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1421.03 78.45 30.61 -35.86 46.54 -63.09
1030 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -867.8 123.18 86.72 -47.46 -145 -55.84
1031 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -228.03 120.71 135.15 -68.25 -455.88 -10.79
1032 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 66.79 65.91 123.08 -82.93 -797.54 0.1
1033 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 122.36 -8.12 19.43 -69.67 -1005.7 -15.38
1034 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 113.67 -135.84 -229.31 -21.58 -984.46 -14.33
1035 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 52.85 -242.76 -351.6 -15.92 -776 5.91
1036 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -235.99 -321.7 -358.45 -38.69 -449.16 0.16
1037 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -870.78 -305.09 -277.81 -44.48 -140.22 -52.08
1038 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1419.9 -223.12 -190.29 -35.31 50 -63.25
1039 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1707.4 -114.03 -107.59 -23.41 153.15 -60.96
1040 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1697.07 -2.16 -32.14 -25.15 160.72 -60.41
1041 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1392.91 79.6 27.85 -35.9 72.02 -62.92
1042 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -829.3 124.65 82.4 -47.12 -102.78 -56.68
1043 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -147.33 123.59 130.52 -67.05 -403.06 -12.28
1044 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 146.2 64.01 118.26 -80.8 -734.54 1.64
1045 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 191.7 -20.08 0.59 -79.47 -971.88 -22.74
1046 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 116.33 -205.48 -306.88 -19.71 -879.83 28.33
1047 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -316.91 -334.32 -356.81 -34.7 -488.89 -22.19
1048 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -888.61 -297.11 -279.67 -44.33 -169.9 -45.1
1049 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1376.36 -224.26 -194.19 -35.79 19.93 -57.27
1050 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1604.01 -118.87 -113.97 -24.19 121.37 -57.72
1051 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1535.82 -7.68 -37.84 -24.57 123.78 -58.4
1052 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1184.42 84.65 27.12 -35.13 33.11 -61.23
1053 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -596.17 132.35 85.58 -46.66 -156.84 -54.07
1054 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 136.9 124.31 135.43 -70.79 -467.68 -10.95
1055 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 476.49 54.53 102.65 -84.09 -819.27 -4.47
1056 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 525.88 -42.28 -67.98 -94.28 -1057.91 -18.42
1057 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 456 -163.06 -273.66 -42.25 -1125.52 -12.74
1058 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 349.01 -278.21 -373.69 -15.27 -960.35 15.1
1059 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -36.29 -371.43 -406.83 -41.33 -596.57 14.61
1060 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -863.89 -368.33 -327.72 -50.37 -201.95 -47.07
1061 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1568.51 -294.32 -240.28 -41.16 84.11 -59.91
1062 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1984.53 -179.83 -155.48 -27.9 274.64 -56.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1063 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -2109.8 -51.08 -70.49 -25.5 371.31 -58.37
1064 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1879.33 56.27 -0.7 -36.58 375.21 -73.48
1065 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1279.84 129.69 67.45 -50.03 287.98 -101.29
1066 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -321.15 91.02 98.11 -68.21 111.68 -10.14
2000 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -14.11 -378.53 -1376.66 -297.86 451.34 -9.92
2001 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 367.25 -517.47 -882.79 -250.39 1149.3 -142.87
2002 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 634.06 -363.28 -657.79 -206.25 1504.23 -104.76
2003 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 751.79 -157.21 -421.21 -182.09 1532.17 -76.56
2004 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 676.64 28.86 -189.95 -173.36 1225.85 -71.42
2005 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 413.91 168.62 22.88 -178.31 586.4 -76.54
2006 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -52.34 257.18 218.35 -201.38 -384.41 -72.88
2007 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -687.86 223.85 381.82 -217.44 -1710.31 -5.62
2008 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1144.77 81.79 526.7 -194.63 -3032.87 39.85
2009 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1317.1 -35.1 757.84 -246.41 -4771.55 7.84
2010 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1407.75 -216.39 -2518.27 -310.79 -3605.91 6.18
2011 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1299.35 -363.11 -1759.48 -307.11 -2498.27 15.34
2012 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -961.28 -497.86 -1193.71 -275.22 -1536.74 4.91
2013 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -452.92 -484.36 -951.38 -233.98 -477.39 -62.77
2014 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -92.93 -347.62 -716.93 -201.97 219.96 -76.09
2015 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 125.62 -174.87 -478.94 -180.18 563.47 -74.53
2016 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 168.21 -11.3 -245.79 -173.83 545.75 -75.57
2017 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 48.27 108.52 -41.53 -178.93 157.86 -80.25
2018 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -220.87 186.16 146.03 -190.82 -550.99 -74.63
2019 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -688.71 161.83 309.46 -206.37 -1691.44 -4.24
2020 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1106.41 44.95 538.88 -181.97 -2826.48 20.5
2021 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1249.15 -62.23 897.35 -232.96 -4323.4 5.35
2022 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1361.85 -221.97 -2317.31 -315.04 -3566.65 3.17
2023 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1272.88 -362.14 -1654.02 -304.32 -2353.53 28.04
2024 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -993.03 -495.85 -1180.81 -272.3 -1368.82 0.84
2025 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -513.52 -473.16 -939.39 -234.14 -332.47 -66.83
2026 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -189.98 -337.57 -693.36 -203.43 343.24 -80.95
2027 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -9.85 -154.39 -451.77 -180.22 664.57 -78.94
2028 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 2.3 13.39 -218.83 -171.38 636.88 -79.47
2029 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -154.3 128.59 -15.59 -176.28 249.61 -83.1
2030 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -453.93 195.41 162.26 -189.04 -458.69 -75.87
2031 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -911.72 166.12 321.13 -206.15 -1558.4 -11.98
2032 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1220.19 44.32 540.19 -185.22 -2624.7 22.48
2033 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1344.45 -62.19 945.07 -230.75 -4003.4 4.74
2034 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1319.12 -195.76 -2244.61 -317.82 -3879.96 3.23
2035 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1200.69 -342.73 -1627.62 -306.33 -2565.47 29.95
2036 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -892.26 -495.28 -1196.6 -273.73 -1529.14 4.52
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2037 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -430.64 -481.51 -954.67 -235.41 -446.88 -68.99
2038 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -135.43 -350.09 -705.11 -204.58 259.54 -81.61
2039 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 18.22 -166.86 -461.71 -180.2 641.66 -79.26
2040 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 5.15 9.38 -227.93 -171.73 670.82 -79.32
2041 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -177.79 129.89 -24.72 -176.56 344.15 -82.44
2042 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -507.78 197.61 159.03 -188.73 -326.28 -75.47
2043 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -993.33 169.88 316.53 -205.62 -1379.16 -13.58
2044 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1290.79 34.81 493.58 -182.5 -2395.11 24.55
2045 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1379.11 -87.73 837.64 -221.5 -3671.3 3.45
2046 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1162.97 -265.04 -1937.83 -297.41 -3437.89 51.49
2047 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -594.04 -496.69 -1211.51 -263.14 -1663.52 -27.41
2048 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -147.19 -463.42 -959.69 -235.04 -549.29 -60.85
2049 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 90.13 -347.05 -721.28 -205.5 148.24 -73.36
2050 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 184.27 -176.78 -480.19 -182.71 524.58 -73.75
2051 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 120.93 -0.21 -246.99 -171.72 534.96 -74.83
2052 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -122.11 137.67 -36.95 -176.04 181.29 -78.05
2053 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -505.51 211.74 159.35 -186.59 -528.29 -69.27
2054 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1037.76 159.21 319.92 -205.7 -1620.8 -10.73
2055 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1344.95 -0.25 366.16 -184.03 -2623.97 15.94
2056 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1463.3 -115.44 542.92 -222.12 -3983.27 5.58
2057 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1425.51 -223.23 -2760.87 -333.19 -5127.34 7.16
2058 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1273.13 -378.55 -1924.58 -318.26 -3381.93 43.02
2059 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -834.12 -571.81 -1356.4 -284.14 -2051.93 24.32
2060 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -171.54 -583.78 -1110.41 -240.48 -686.81 -58.01
2061 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 327.72 -459.51 -866.8 -209.6 359.92 -75.7
2062 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 633.37 -271.04 -612.75 -187.48 1066.25 -72.26
2063 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 731.63 -66.18 -353.93 -177.09 1426.35 -76.43
2064 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 630.34 94.54 -130.16 -182.21 1442.88 -102.37
2065 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 357.5 201.1 68.08 -190.02 1124.2 -139.97
2066 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1.4 120.55 364.49 -181.77 458.51 -15.04
3000 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 17.22 -23.6 -973.9 -339.21 488 -10.77
3001 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 120.89 -12.89 -973.66 -301.35 1314.37 -20.55
3002 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 251.09 -18.21 -681.55 -269.26 1728.15 -22.64
3003 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 327.29 -21.72 -422.54 -255.2 1756.17 -21.73
3004 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 312.45 -25.25 -188.89 -253.64 1408.71 -20.55
3005 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 173.49 -28.51 30.04 -264.07 680.2 -21.53
3006 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -44.53 -33.19 250.39 -280.17 -439.57 -21.43
3007 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -248.94 -44.11 493.1 -303.45 -2037.39 -14.78
3008 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -320.01 -50.87 352.91 -325.23 -3512.18 -23.27
3009 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -357.22 -35.71 -348.47 -315.2 -4162.1 -37.06
3010 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -405.55 -21.72 -1108.4 -319.55 -3927.99 -37.23
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3011 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -434.97 -35.81 -1316.81 -328.95 -3044.17 -30.49
3012 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -462.92 -33.42 -1260.33 -305.82 -1747.88 -20.52
3013 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -438.99 -22.2 -995.04 -278.32 -513.7 -21.86
3014 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -335.68 -16.99 -731.56 -259.87 263.41 -28.84
3015 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -242.25 -18.63 -486.37 -248.76 658.11 -25.72
3016 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -230.27 -20.88 -256.53 -251.15 638.21 -26.45
3017 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -293.69 -23.8 -36.19 -263.71 196.74 -28.99
3018 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -404.55 -28.65 186.83 -280.93 -618.28 -28.85
3019 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -497.38 -38.41 414.75 -306.99 -1996.4 -20.96
3020 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -534.25 -43.69 302.35 -326.78 -3322.7 -32.26
3021 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -547.67 -30.78 -202.45 -316.45 -3922.27 -37.84
3022 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -574.07 -26.13 -959.98 -313.37 -3676.68 -39.63
3023 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -595.02 -39.17 -1257.82 -323.98 -2843.16 -31.92
3024 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -618.63 -36.06 -1244.87 -305.05 -1560.05 -25.84
3025 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -579.93 -24.77 -965.02 -278.56 -352.74 -28.28
3026 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -481.5 -19.6 -703.19 -261.29 406.47 -30.72
3027 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -403.72 -17.23 -455.74 -248.73 772.42 -30.92
3028 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -398.28 -19.18 -226.66 -248.59 739.9 -34.93
3029 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -474.59 -21.17 -5.56 -261.03 301.41 -31.27
3030 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -584.97 -25.25 210.75 -278.95 -500.25 -29.02
3031 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -652.14 -37.06 429.34 -305.51 -1784.89 -25.05
3032 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -650.06 -41.17 340.8 -327.84 -3153.51 -29.22
3033 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -642.12 -27.69 -54.46 -315.82 -3921.73 -40.55
3034 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -637.91 -26.43 -789.8 -316.97 -3846.77 -38.67
3035 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -638.82 -39.79 -1217.71 -326.98 -3070.96 -30.9
3036 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -624.61 -36.55 -1251.57 -306.05 -1756.29 -23.88
3037 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -555.27 -24.59 -970.14 -279.4 -487.8 -30.16
3038 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -451.83 -20.74 -711.67 -262.15 311 -31.42
3039 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -382.04 -18.05 -467.33 -248.94 745.8 -32.33
3040 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -393.89 -17.57 -237.48 -248.78 779.76 -30.9
3041 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -481.92 -19.69 -18.42 -261.09 409.46 -30.95
3042 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -594.4 -24.95 193.17 -278.35 -344.6 -29.81
3043 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -640.43 -35.48 411.92 -303.4 -1573.12 -24.08
3044 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -602.12 -41.34 342.6 -320.42 -2913.12 -29.64
3045 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -574.45 -30.7 -69.11 -318.71 -3783.54 -39.79
3046 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -486.86 -33.44 -1112.94 -310.32 -3490.67 -28.99
3047 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -423.41 -37.18 -1243.09 -302.45 -1966.42 -26.25
3048 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -324.21 -27.61 -985.95 -279.66 -621.31 -26.44
3049 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -232.81 -24.25 -731.78 -262.62 184.13 -27.43
3050 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -192.07 -21.26 -483.15 -250.63 612.98 -26.53
3051 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -224.19 -18.25 -255 -248.41 625.42 -25.99
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3052 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -335.27 -18.6 -36.43 -260.22 220.3 -28.95
3053 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -453.52 -21.62 173.77 -277.71 -569.67 -22.25
3054 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -481.55 -33.56 411.14 -305.18 -1835.44 -19.42
3055 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -454.79 -37.77 302.48 -328.97 -3195.59 -32.18
3056 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -425.7 -22.15 -327.24 -319.04 -4154.95 -38.77
3057 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -385.89 -34.66 -1070.33 -316.21 -4418.61 -38.25
3058 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -353.81 -50.31 -1351.33 -325.05 -3845.39 -29.61
3059 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -275.19 -47.93 -1406.92 -308.29 -2440.65 -14.74
3060 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -74.27 -33.69 -1151.33 -284.94 -793.66 -20.46
3061 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 143.94 -29.19 -885.95 -265.39 418.96 -21.37
3062 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 267.07 -25.23 -623.13 -255.05 1224.44 -22.98
3063 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 300.9 -22.99 -370.74 -253.59 1636.28 -20.93
3064 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 240.87 -19.31 -136 -267.37 1660.22 -21.84
3065 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 123.55 -12.53 106.31 -300.16 1292.61 -20.01
3066 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 19.66 -21.39 236.41 -336.46 493.29 -9.97
4000 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -14.86 128.74 -1380.38 -181.08 450.75 -73.73
4001 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 365.77 210.85 -884.48 -190.72 1147.29 4.02
4002 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 632.86 110.42 -658.65 -181.8 1502.86 15.62
4003 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 750.33 -47.47 -422.07 -176.75 1530 19.07
4004 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 676.7 -249.33 -191.09 -182.62 1226.17 22.07
4005 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 414.37 -442.48 21.52 -201.74 587.95 23.45
4006 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -51.45 -583.69 216.95 -225.61 -383.26 12.12
4007 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -686.41 -553.27 380.15 -271.07 -1708.07 -83.99
4008 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1141.65 -382.96 523.65 -311.53 -3023.94 -139.13
4009 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1313.67 -223.67 753.16 -325.58 -4758.79 -124.08
4010 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1406.66 -118.07 -2521.19 -222.04 -3605.01 -103.85
4011 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1299.22 -8.48 -1762.05 -184.25 -2499.38 -128.85
4012 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -960.81 141.86 -1194.21 -200.63 -1537.03 -88.49
4013 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -453.24 193.07 -951.18 -184.11 -477.97 5.49
4014 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -93.38 117.49 -716.92 -172.92 218.96 10.41
4015 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 125.78 -6.58 -478.18 -169.9 564.93 15.8
4016 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 168.14 -182.77 -245.96 -179.61 546.77 13.81
4017 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 47.86 -360.95 -41.81 -199.38 157.95 11.6
4018 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -221.46 -486.96 146.44 -224.89 -552.34 7.05
4019 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -689.04 -465.44 309.21 -266.91 -1692.01 -78.69
4020 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1104.99 -304.73 539.15 -297.34 -2826.4 -128.87
4021 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1247.96 -155.8 899.15 -305.75 -4327.95 -112.35
4022 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1360.28 -51.37 -2315.63 -226.42 -3562.67 -102.64
4023 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1271.37 53.57 -1653.02 -185.66 -2350.98 -131.42
4024 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -991.84 176.04 -1180.47 -200.99 -1366.97 -92.83
4025 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -512.94 185.89 -938.95 -184.68 -331.64 1.29
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4026 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -190 119.87 -693.36 -174.23 343.12 8.65
4027 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -10.25 4.77 -452.15 -169.5 664.42 8.94
4028 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 1.2 -169.59 -219.04 -176.96 634.3 3.75
4029 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -154.44 -354.54 -15.71 -196.68 249.71 12.12
4030 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -453.04 -495.78 161.27 -223.1 -456.89 7.93
4031 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -909.6 -478.94 319.45 -266.66 -1554.16 -77.33
4032 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1217.03 -320.89 537.07 -300.72 -2615.59 -125.6
4033 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1341.63 -166.92 941.56 -304.92 -3991.6 -114.05
4034 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1318.93 -36.97 -2251.95 -231.03 -3883.56 -103.86
4035 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1201.65 67.98 -1632.56 -186.46 -2571.17 -130.28
4036 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -892.12 183.51 -1198.17 -200.86 -1532.42 -93.05
4037 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -430.5 188.42 -955.21 -185.34 -447.64 -0.44
4038 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -135.32 121.38 -705.42 -175.09 259.54 9.02
4039 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 17.96 9.64 -462.52 -169.81 640.51 6.23
4040 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 5.15 -156.85 -228.18 -177.2 670.37 7.86
4041 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -177.26 -341.22 -25.32 -196.7 344.78 11.22
4042 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -506.92 -486.43 158.59 -222.25 -326 7.86
4043 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -991.91 -482.62 316.3 -263.02 -1379.3 -76.57
4044 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1288.99 -356.5 494.25 -291.74 -2395.15 -115.85
4045 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1377.13 -214.79 838.55 -294.21 -3672.68 -101.39
4046 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1159.67 13.8 -1933.9 -196.97 -3432.02 -158.97
4047 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -591.08 178.1 -1209.4 -192.21 -1659.03 -37.06
4048 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -146.39 162.74 -957.64 -184.59 -546.96 1.91
4049 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 90.38 80.23 -720.08 -175.39 149.01 11.97
4050 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 184.11 -37.24 -479.5 -171.1 524.55 11.7
4051 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 120.9 -195.78 -246.81 -176.44 535.36 13.88
4052 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -122.42 -357.05 -36.34 -195.5 179.57 11.48
4053 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -505.54 -497.48 159.65 -221.38 -529.36 12.47
4054 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1036.13 -502.34 319.27 -265.77 -1618.91 -79.92
4055 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1342.17 -374.08 365.34 -301.79 -2619.88 -128.12
4056 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1460.73 -218.96 541.7 -308 -3980.53 -111.9
4057 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1422.73 -34.62 -2760.28 -250.89 -5126.78 -119.28
4058 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1269.04 83.35 -1921.78 -192.8 -3375.76 -151.18
4059 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -833.8 230.57 -1353.41 -214.2 -2049.75 -117.31
4060 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -171.44 268.43 -1109.11 -201.84 -687.46 0.47
4061 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 326.9 191.41 -865.25 -177.82 359.26 21.12
4062 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 631.26 56.4 -611.23 -174.22 1063.15 17.93
4063 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 730.32 -125.48 -348.82 -179.74 1425.1 19.04
4064 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 631.23 -332.83 -129.03 -203.1 1445.58 20.33
4065 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 357.26 -493.29 68.87 -247.07 1123.88 4.15
4066 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1.71 -374.27 365.72 -294.74 458.53 -70.52
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5000 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -316.34 96.49 -270.1 -69.52 111.51 -69.81
5001 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1279.36 134.31 -270.22 -51.03 293.97 -0.26
5002 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1915.87 65.22 -180.48 -37.04 394.23 8.89
5003 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -2214.18 -39.15 -96.31 -26.19 401.33 -0.12
5004 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -2141.17 -167.19 -22.02 -25.73 319.28 0.67
5005 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1777.12 -285.34 44.28 -37.97 146.15 5.68
5006 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1133.37 -371.4 103.12 -46.65 -120.22 7.06
5007 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -311.81 -363.66 155.49 -42.56 -501.35 -65.42
5008 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 101.77 -277.05 146.42 -14.53 -877.34 -100.8
5009 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 217.29 -161.06 -34.38 -37.23 -1065.71 -67.34
5010 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 279.14 -42.31 -302.77 -90.9 -1008.78 -57.73
5011 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 237.65 47.63 -375.1 -80.48 -783.91 -95.85
5012 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -63.39 114.17 -360.48 -69.47 -451.61 -71.21
5013 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -758.27 116.81 -279.99 -43.18 -143.79 0.36
5014 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1320.77 69.93 -193.38 -34.91 44.66 0.83
5015 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1647.53 -11.22 -113.7 -24.94 133.39 -0.32
5016 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1685.46 -123.37 -38.8 -22.85 128.21 -1.47
5017 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1421.95 -234.19 25.01 -33.04 22.13 0.83
5018 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -889.27 -314.92 83.71 -42.06 -171.7 3.22
5019 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -249.61 -310.55 132.01 -37.76 -493.09 -63.46
5020 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 61.62 -232.4 124.7 -12.32 -836.11 -92.46
5021 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 129.01 -120.16 1.56 -29.48 -1015.57 -61.89
5022 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 144.06 -4.73 -275.4 -79.58 -946.83 -59.08
5023 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 98.84 69.91 -363.4 -78.75 -727.17 -97.68
5024 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -172.68 123.65 -358.81 -65.06 -405.27 -76.79
5025 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -843.88 113.03 -277.58 -43.77 -104.37 -2
5026 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1401.42 72.13 -188.49 -35.53 73.22 -0.22
5027 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1702.12 -4.65 -106.12 -24.91 160.31 -4
5028 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1708.99 -114.95 -29.94 -22.09 151.5 -6.49
5029 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1420.34 -229.18 31 -32.33 47.16 1.2
5030 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -868.92 -317.9 86.6 -41.71 -144.8 2.87
5031 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -229.84 -315.22 135.47 -38.69 -456.16 -64.98
5032 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 65.28 -238.23 123.92 -12.86 -798.68 -94.24
5033 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 121.34 -122 21.11 -20.54 -1006.33 -64.08
5034 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 112.3 8.93 -228.6 -73.06 -991 -58.31
5035 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 52.02 75.35 -352.23 -79.57 -783.48 -96.5
5036 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -235.25 125.4 -360.26 -64.87 -453.52 -77.4
5037 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -869.52 113.92 -279.11 -44.15 -141.07 -2.14
5038 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1419.13 72.69 -191.89 -35.69 50.58 -0.06
5039 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1706.48 -2.24 -108.54 -24.97 153.63 -5.09
5040 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1696.56 -107.7 -32.43 -22.04 161.65 -4.59
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5041 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1393.24 -220.34 27.59 -32.16 73.03 0.2
5042 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -829.76 -311.11 82.44 -41.67 -102.95 2.94
5043 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -147.82 -314.97 131.08 -41.42 -405.26 -63.97
5044 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 145.3 -258.13 118.59 -13.29 -738.27 -90.4
5045 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 190.81 -165.29 0.58 -18.99 -976.58 -48.66
5046 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 115.51 37.86 -308.52 -72.25 -883.15 -108.09
5047 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -318.14 122.26 -357.06 -62.12 -488.8 -32.1
5048 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -890.39 98.04 -279.85 -44.15 -169.56 -2.88
5049 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1376.7 49.65 -194.46 -36.2 20.67 0.11
5050 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1603.53 -27.44 -114.15 -25.82 122.26 -2.53
5051 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1535.34 -130.6 -38.13 -21.7 124.99 -1.69
5052 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1183.56 -232.11 27.68 -31.53 32.47 0.92
5053 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -595.89 -320.06 86.72 -41.06 -158.22 5.2
5054 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 134.86 -319.32 136.12 -45.07 -469.42 -64.51
5055 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 474.23 -254.87 103.75 -13.55 -821.32 -96.56
5056 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 524.58 -159.38 -67.33 -30.56 -1061.96 -62.83
5057 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 454.76 -0.95 -274.13 -83.68 -1130.9 -61.51
5058 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 348.29 89.94 -374.86 -85.26 -960.64 -104.72
5059 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -36.89 160.09 -408.36 -71.6 -599.46 -88.7
5060 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -862.44 160.8 -328.01 -50.55 -203.26 -1.44
5061 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1566.67 112.35 -240.86 -41.4 84.5 5.54
5062 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1982.24 27.98 -154.72 -30.82 274.69 -1.38
5063 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -2107.66 -87.77 -68.5 -23.18 372.88 -0.14
5064 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1883.28 -216.48 0.43 -33.44 379.29 11.29
5065 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -1278.57 -323.8 68.12 -35.8 289.52 0.09
5066 01-SLS-CHARACT(min) 02/04 -321.74 -252.97 98.84 -5.21 112.44 -68.61

- ELS fréquent
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1000 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -96.05 -113.17 -109.44 51.08 236.97 54.94
1001 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -571.51 -149.59 -84 27.69 614.55 -13.88
1002 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -926.19 -76.54 -21.79 16.58 862.61 -13.09
1003 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -1055.75 24.06 39.63 13.76 975.13 -10.65
1004 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -966.82 131.22 102.34 15.83 964.15 -8.36
1005 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -605 229.06 167.09 19.35 835.84 -11.21
1006 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -54.19 302.38 231.09 21.93 591.46 -11.79
1007 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 642.1 295.14 296.21 20.31 236.51 52.01
1008 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1089.32 230.21 285.29 -2.05 -97.89 80.03
1009 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1214.59 125.98 207.63 17.24 -283.34 45.76
1010 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1198.72 16.02 17.15 65.47 -344.53 39.18
1011 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1090.86 -65.92 -115.18 56.14 -228.09 79.04
1012 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 704.45 -130.53 -155.24 42.64 72.4 57.58
1013 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 120.38 -130.53 -102.39 18.93 409.26 -4.68
1014 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -292.78 -83.47 -43.48 15.57 642.43 -12.17
1015 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -487.14 -4.43 15.24 12.74 758.23 -6.53
1016 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -465.57 92.01 75.09 13.19 763.7 -6.93
1017 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -202.75 186.87 137.79 16.8 657.92 -11.52
1018 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 240.69 255.97 200.71 20.44 438.73 -11.13
1019 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 831.21 250.27 265.82 18.02 110.23 48.76
1020 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1206.43 189.03 250.46 -2.39 -191.3 67.57
1021 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1293.69 91.48 146.57 10.53 -341.99 42.32
1022 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1256.6 -17.18 -31.98 55.94 -347.38 37.14
1023 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1141.05 -87.23 -133.11 54.03 -208.66 76.63
1024 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 737.7 -139.42 -156.16 38.46 88.82 59.58
1025 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 156.66 -131.71 -107.12 18.89 419.56 -5.17
1026 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -239.34 -86.87 -47.31 15.37 647 -8.91
1027 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -445.81 -9.74 11.26 12.56 758.78 -6.46
1028 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -425.81 86.33 70.84 13.18 760.07 -9.08
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1029 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -171.12 181.9 133.21 16.94 647.5 -8.58
1030 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 267.12 255.83 196.57 21.17 421.78 -11.37
1031 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 864.01 255.84 263.51 19.19 87.7 47.87
1032 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1264.74 195.01 261.7 -2.78 -222.08 70.1
1033 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1364.19 89.54 147.56 3.07 -361.75 40.8
1034 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1353.06 -28.6 -62.12 49.41 -344.1 38.96
1035 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1247.66 -92.88 -145.23 53.45 -196.07 73.96
1036 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 851.42 -141.51 -156.98 35.88 101.7 58.16
1037 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 251.54 -131.42 -110.3 18.49 428.93 -7.07
1038 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -172.29 -87.5 -50.16 15.28 653.33 -8.98
1039 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -417.54 -12.66 8.52 12.78 762.86 -7.69
1040 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -437.49 79.76 67.57 12.97 759.97 -6.84
1041 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -221.43 173.52 129.96 16.74 645.53 -9.05
1042 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 188.45 248.79 193.65 21.67 417.77 -11.08
1043 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 776.2 256.37 258.4 22.8 81.1 47.2
1044 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1195.4 213.02 281.33 -0.57 -229.8 66.98
1045 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1311.33 131.89 208.07 2.78 -368.33 31.48
1046 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1315.68 -61.81 -118.41 53.4 -228.2 88.09
1047 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 812.11 -140.82 -144.54 34.8 120.38 22.7
1048 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 256.89 -112.73 -97.19 18.08 435.46 -4.21
1049 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -166.69 -64.11 -37 15.45 646.26 -8.35
1050 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -419.01 11.36 20.9 12.58 741.49 -7.57
1051 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -434.16 100.69 81 12.77 724.45 -7.48
1052 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -227.77 187.54 142.59 16.61 596.76 -12.68
1053 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 202.11 258.91 205.71 22.35 353.18 -9.24
1054 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 804.98 259.16 268.23 26.3 0.54 51.69
1055 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1222.61 213.21 298.43 -0.57 -318.31 77.01
1056 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1345.84 125.3 244.4 12.25 -454.16 43.04
1057 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1356.58 -22.74 -6.34 59.51 -397.62 41.67
1058 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1240.52 -108.64 -158.06 57.71 -222.7 82.01
1059 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 826.07 -171.99 -180.29 40.29 106.21 73.05
1060 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 106.51 -171.2 -131.68 19.61 478.68 -3.87
1061 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -474.99 -124.8 -70.91 16.85 750.95 -10.89
1062 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -878.97 -41.31 -11.11 14.04 902.1 -11.04
1063 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -1003.01 59.72 48.86 13.56 932 -10.19
1064 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -877.31 166.71 115.22 17.04 836.56 -10.45
1065 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -542.3 257.94 188.84 17.01 603.98 -13.51
1066 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -91.94 210.28 197.63 -2.99 236.44 53.68
2000 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 266.78 -157.26 -428.37 94.3 980.13 59.81
2001 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 933.31 -234.89 -153.82 121.63 2351.48 -22.77
2002 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1338.49 -127.93 28.36 124.97 3196.3 -22.09
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2003 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1505.16 29.7 225.82 127.14 3609.47 -23.75
2004 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1440.11 204.44 433.16 127.47 3576.67 -20.85
2005 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1173.36 362.43 639.81 131.2 3107.47 -22.12
2006 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 738.4 471.6 842.18 144.56 2210.72 -18.7
2007 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 130.7 444.48 1036.91 181.47 966.85 67.55
2008 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -230.87 307.94 1460.37 209.84 -152.9 107.43
2009 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -315.89 160.56 2167.34 201.72 -1047.1 83.98
2010 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -269.89 74.15 -769.32 136.51 -1810.59 79.97
2011 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -208.5 -27.51 -493.2 107.17 -708.46 98.33
2012 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 71.29 -163 -373.78 115.39 386.31 72.48
2013 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 625.11 -218.62 -223.86 120.9 1522.97 -10.41
2014 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1003.33 -138.67 -39.54 122.97 2367.03 -25.14
2015 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1179.78 -16.68 150.46 123 2801.65 -17.38
2016 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1152.08 140.64 346.89 122.67 2823.79 -18.45
2017 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 922.54 293.14 548.66 126.67 2432.32 -22.51
2018 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 498.66 397.47 747.95 140.8 1632.31 -18.72
2019 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -87.27 368.7 938.77 178.12 505.85 62.97
2020 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -372.33 231.97 1346.29 207.59 -522.54 90.04
2021 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -428.42 90.35 1953.43 198.16 -1470.49 77.76
2022 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -226.13 12.79 -865.19 136.28 -1628.02 72.97
2023 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -138.3 -80.63 -556.76 110.88 -621.65 100.37
2024 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 227.24 -196.16 -392.73 116.83 435.02 73.36
2025 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 787.78 -212.01 -234.8 121.02 1560.86 -10.79
2026 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1173.58 -144.38 -54.06 122.11 2385.61 -19.04
2027 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1361.44 -25.61 136.24 122.31 2802.85 -17.34
2028 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1346.1 132.17 332.91 123.36 2806.98 -22.84
2029 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1125.85 288.74 534.55 127.29 2394.85 -17.97
2030 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 706.46 402.31 736.65 140.05 1574.05 -17.73
2031 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 112.38 384.47 923.04 175.57 428.64 59.41
2032 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -264.04 245.66 1300.13 205.25 -665.81 93.05
2033 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -323.53 110.2 1854.11 207.39 -1728 75.48
2034 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -259.47 -6.66 -1031.56 133.01 -1538.06 74.23
2035 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -197.45 -100.86 -643.52 109.13 -566.58 101.42
2036 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 150.05 -208.68 -400.63 117.8 476.07 72.96
2037 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 739.46 -213.08 -239.2 121.37 1592.74 -12.98
2038 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1154.23 -144.5 -62.93 122.03 2408.84 -18.05
2039 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1372.39 -28.88 126.56 123.01 2816.7 -20.01
2040 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1387.1 120.04 322.68 122.67 2809.32 -18.88
2041 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1197.39 272.03 524.28 126.39 2387.59 -19.73
2042 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 808.09 392.02 720.21 138.81 1558.04 -20.58
2043 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 244.57 399.53 911.8 172.01 400.96 57.36
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2044 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -146.63 287.39 1307.38 203.13 -703.83 84.12
2045 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -245.59 156.07 1865.67 204.71 -1770.79 77.25
2046 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -323.22 -57.45 -696.84 116 -815.57 125.29
2047 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 78.82 -211.71 -363.44 121 552.55 29.77
2048 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 572.09 -185.65 -197.68 121.99 1619.86 -7.89
2049 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 979.98 -105.39 -19.61 122.41 2384.01 -17.46
2050 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1203.82 10.57 168.8 122.02 2738.69 -19.58
2051 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1227.52 155.81 366.06 122.6 2678.13 -19.23
2052 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1046.56 293.58 567.13 126.23 2204.81 -26.79
2053 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 661.88 403.24 760.94 138.15 1320.69 -17.04
2054 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 101.35 418.24 954.25 170.95 117.12 65.61
2055 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -267.55 303.23 1415.01 207.27 -1035.21 91.08
2056 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -332.98 162.62 2071.45 219.83 -1940.17 80.82
2057 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -505.18 -6.86 -994.53 129 -1486.1 82.16
2058 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -426.01 -113.83 -677.35 109.4 -610.77 112.99
2059 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -90.93 -252.19 -471.62 119.93 499.17 97.18
2060 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 549.17 -284.51 -317.79 123.11 1789.99 -7.58
2061 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1034.02 -212.26 -132.74 123.36 2787.09 -20.4
2062 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1334.77 -78.51 61.26 124.14 3346.74 -25.37
2063 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1437.53 89.23 259.86 125.28 3454.65 -23.38
2064 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1302.12 265.02 464.27 127.34 3104.8 -17.66
2065 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 940.7 398.16 656.58 151.47 2306.79 -22.16
2066 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 281.62 310.72 1029.74 186.16 978.4 56.65
3000 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 66.81 11.48 -303.25 212.81 949.24 8.68
3001 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 300.61 8.73 -197.52 188.08 2515.24 8.98
3002 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 559.87 9.18 27.55 181.24 3575.11 9.79
3003 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 672.19 9.45 240.46 177.98 4054.52 9.43
3004 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 620.51 9.74 462.79 180.25 4018.65 10.67
3005 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 470.74 10.03 684.72 182.78 3486.61 10.58
3006 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 261.26 9.16 914.52 186.2 2461.35 8.75
3007 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 121.97 12.18 1150.02 191.67 964.93 7.47
3008 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 96.32 15.39 1150.8 201.04 -444.87 10.16
3009 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 99.45 12.31 864.45 196.61 -1201.81 10.34
3010 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 111.11 11.97 164.15 198.22 -1422.92 11.51
3011 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 120.32 14.66 -329.19 200.03 -980.45 11.57
3012 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 153.23 13.33 -467.72 189.91 252.66 7.57
3013 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 309.44 9.88 -234.53 183.05 1653.65 9.9
3014 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 509.11 10.98 -42.19 179.89 2633.41 9.83
3015 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 622.51 10.3 159.83 175.69 3132.09 12.69
3016 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 607.27 10.57 370.13 175.36 3158.24 11.78
3017 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 477.1 9.87 587.43 178.98 2713.19 10.6
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3018 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 271.14 9.04 812.1 183.09 1787.58 9.95
3019 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 138.75 13.14 1047.45 189.55 422.61 11.91
3020 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 145.33 15.01 1025.28 201.5 -833.6 8.52
3021 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 167.95 12.13 627.99 196.84 -1434.98 9.97
3022 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 203.14 11.95 -30.05 196.75 -1443.95 9.74
3023 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 232.48 15.06 -402.39 200.71 -906.49 10.69
3024 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 326.09 13.81 -475.19 189.87 324.65 9.13
3025 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 508.58 10.14 -254.02 183.4 1700.24 12.55
3026 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 690.88 10.44 -59.41 179.09 2655.31 12.25
3027 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 803.82 10.65 143.88 175.43 3132.25 13.18
3028 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 793.55 10.39 354.83 175.98 3137.06 12.5
3029 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 662.71 10.51 571.3 179.66 2670.59 15
3030 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 462.38 9.95 798.4 183.24 1722.32 12.53
3031 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 303.5 12.1 1035.7 189.17 318.24 8.76
3032 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 272.12 15.19 1024.54 199.51 -963.32 9.38
3033 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 274.55 12.55 599.2 196.79 -1501.9 8.61
3034 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 283.67 11.77 -133.52 194.64 -1437.2 10.79
3035 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 295.34 14.43 -445.57 199.34 -862.31 11.12
3036 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 354.14 12.56 -497.98 189.64 373.58 8.81
3037 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 514.8 9.97 -278.02 183.02 1737.19 10.77
3038 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 696.98 9.71 -72.23 178.91 2681.52 13.2
3039 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 822.75 10.7 132.71 176.02 3147.59 12.11
3040 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 830.2 10.14 343.8 175.1 3141.12 11.92
3041 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 712.82 10.16 562.56 178.99 2662.66 13.11
3042 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 516.21 9.56 795.35 182.88 1702.81 10.78
3043 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 330.89 11.98 1034.14 189.04 287.99 8.73
3044 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 259.95 14.89 1082.61 199.03 -996.94 8.24
3045 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 244.24 13.04 788.56 198.49 -1533.73 9.28
3046 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 227.27 11.79 -276.22 193.62 -967.95 7.48
3047 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 221.56 12.77 -447.05 186.38 491.16 7.63
3048 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 369.09 9.58 -228.89 183 1771.71 11.02
3049 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 555.43 10.28 -25.11 179.19 2654.5 12.02
3050 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 672.52 10.68 179.63 175.13 3059.43 10.16
3051 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 681.2 10.76 391.44 174.55 2991.9 10.85
3052 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 559.82 9.58 610.65 178.71 2452.72 9.59
3053 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 349.42 10.71 846.78 182.9 1428.13 11.23
3054 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 148.43 12.76 1084.9 189.11 -48.78 8.88
3055 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 97.62 14.99 1160.94 200.47 -1384.94 9.11
3056 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 79.1 11.76 945.85 198.43 -1884.02 9.89
3057 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 55.36 12.19 148.3 195.3 -1684.27 10.18
3058 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 44.91 15.56 -430.7 202.09 -967.54 9.16
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3059 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 61.18 12.38 -586.67 190.6 419.19 10.95
3060 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 183.51 9.76 -352.88 184.74 1971.89 8.32
3061 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 399.04 9.05 -146.02 180.92 3115.39 9.95
3062 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 596.62 9.31 61.92 177.7 3752.68 8.96
3063 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 664.87 8.69 275.64 176.29 3877.6 9.06
3064 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 566.87 9.2 505.7 179.61 3473.6 13.55
3065 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 312.65 6.5 761.94 185.82 2475.59 8.82
3066 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 72.88 11.46 791.45 211.45 949.15 6.23
4000 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 264.78 313.57 -431.39 188.85 976.55 6.47
4001 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 930.65 421.48 -155.95 155.09 2346.89 115.68
4002 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1335.99 292.25 26.8 129.79 3193.16 83.78
4003 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1502.53 119.04 224.12 126.3 3606.15 60.51
4004 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1439.1 -49.3 431.14 126.74 3575.63 55.49
4005 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1172.94 -189.38 637.44 126.43 3107.72 58.89
4006 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 738.02 -273.7 839.58 129.06 2210.27 56.97
4007 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 131.02 -240.51 1033.62 126.35 966.87 -2.79
4008 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -229.58 -112.33 1454.97 110.53 -148.92 -53.91
4009 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -314.66 -4.94 2159.81 128.64 -1042.64 -37.37
4010 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -269 159.51 -769.95 224.39 -1809.35 -24.69
4011 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -208.26 291.97 -493.43 212.19 -712.03 -37.45
4012 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 70.67 413.19 -374.07 180.9 383.86 -13.54
4013 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 623.58 386.89 -223.86 149.89 1520.52 48.43
4014 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1001.08 283.16 -39.77 134.21 2364.62 55.1
4015 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1179.36 133.62 150.76 126.26 2802.04 53.97
4016 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1151.51 -15.18 346.42 124.32 2823.5 54.63
4017 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 921.18 -133.88 547.97 124.62 2430.96 57.4
4018 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 497.27 -210.77 747.9 126.63 1628.7 52.09
4019 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -87.75 -193.15 938.1 123.1 504.74 2.49
4020 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -372.41 -76.05 1345.96 109.65 -524.08 -42.48
4021 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -428.11 12.13 1956.81 130.4 -1473.59 -35.87
4022 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -225.89 169.4 -863.71 223.94 -1625.71 -26.53
4023 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -138.05 296.41 -556.11 212.73 -619.84 -48.95
4024 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 227.11 412.56 -392.49 180.91 435.56 -16.77
4025 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 786.99 377.21 -234.57 150.79 1560.99 47.03
4026 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1172.42 265.99 -54.39 133.22 2384.26 56.43
4027 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1359.98 115.4 135.71 125.94 2801.06 55.42
4028 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1343.2 -33.48 332.4 125.07 2803.23 55.67
4029 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1125.05 -150.47 534.1 125.11 2393.67 58.4
4030 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 706.82 -220.22 735.37 126.35 1575.56 52.19
4031 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 114.14 -192.81 920.79 122.01 431.89 -4.18
4032 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -262.46 -79.18 1295.4 108.47 -658.03 -42.52
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4033 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -322.51 18.77 1847.72 135.99 -1721.2 -33.55
4034 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -259.03 139.77 -1036 217.65 -1540.82 -30.9
4035 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -197.75 271.03 -646.54 210.81 -572.26 -50.22
4036 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 148.15 402.97 -401.88 182.21 471.71 -18.57
4037 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 737.72 386.49 -239.69 151.19 1590.39 43.25
4038 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1152.66 279.84 -63.3 133.17 2406.99 56.36
4039 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1370.04 128.32 125.63 126.35 2814.25 55.28
4040 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1385.2 -30.16 322.25 124.21 2807.76 55.58
4041 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1196.35 -154.82 523.52 124.6 2387.11 57.77
4042 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 807.25 -224.68 719.48 125.85 1557.35 51.57
4043 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 244.35 -188.92 911.22 122 399.89 -0.68
4044 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -146.3 -62.39 1307.63 110.88 -705.01 -43.38
4045 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -244.57 43.03 1867.06 134.32 -1772.33 -18.77
4046 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -321.85 191.85 -694.17 205.22 -812.41 -71.75
4047 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 80.31 393.8 -362.14 179.81 554.36 10.92
4048 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 572.69 375.81 -196.67 152.3 1621.54 41.21
4049 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 979.83 278.93 -19.1 133.7 2383.92 51.44
4050 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1202.84 132.88 169.03 125.34 2737.5 52.6
4051 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1226.55 -23.45 365.93 124.02 2677.12 53.78
4052 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1044.35 -159.45 567.26 124.46 2201.29 56.69
4053 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 660.11 -236.5 760.99 125.77 1318.2 56.46
4054 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 101.79 -180.09 953.33 120.15 118.68 5.68
4055 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -266.44 -36.78 1413.66 108.26 -1032.25 -38.11
4056 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -331.83 72.3 2071.17 135.98 -1937.73 -26.81
4057 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -503.85 161.58 -994.36 205.82 -1486.17 -37.07
4058 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -424.29 310.11 -676.24 216.75 -608.21 -62.76
4059 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -90.76 464.28 -470.44 191.44 500.83 -26.17
4060 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 548.22 467.38 -317.37 155.44 1787.93 43.88
4061 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1032.25 373.69 -132.24 135.11 2784.87 57.24
4062 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1331.33 221.23 61.77 126.95 3342.25 55.02
4063 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1434.94 47.64 260.7 126.59 3451.34 59.55
4064 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1301.79 -111.86 464.88 124.71 3105.12 81.71
4065 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 939.91 -224.6 656.87 120.43 2306.06 112.88
4066 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 280.59 -148.45 1030.95 94.8 977.28 7.18
5000 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -95.71 213.12 -110.77 -3.73 236.65 0.34
5001 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -570.27 269.81 -85.91 17.3 615.46 82.49
5002 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -925.26 181.31 -23.34 17.87 865.98 56.63
5003 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -1053.59 76.43 38.7 14.23 978.78 41.23
5004 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -968.22 -25.37 101.64 14.69 969.35 39.26
5005 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -606.99 -111.99 165.9 17.6 840.88 42.46
5006 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -53.78 -167.48 229.93 22.35 594.52 41.16
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5007 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 641.09 -161.66 296.05 40.34 237.95 -0.85
5008 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1087.15 -103.96 285.73 59.64 -96.82 -32.66
5009 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1214.47 -20.42 208.94 62.66 -283.3 -8.32
5010 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1196.77 124.94 17.45 16.31 -346.59 -1.08
5011 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1088.92 206.97 -115.34 0.15 -230.75 -16.46
5012 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 705.67 255.54 -156.1 26.08 71.44 -8.52
5013 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 120.22 246.2 -103.38 25.11 410.37 36.97
5014 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -288.62 178.71 -43.44 20.05 644.31 41.34
5015 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -489.77 87.78 15.79 14.66 763.08 39.31
5016 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -466.95 -4.43 74.9 13.39 768.01 39.08
5017 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -201.26 -82.69 137.6 16.25 660.78 41.12
5018 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 244.28 -132.61 201.37 21.67 439.08 36.88
5019 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 829.27 -134.44 267.16 39.2 110.13 0.82
5020 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1208.85 -83.44 251.08 57.86 -192.28 -24.68
5021 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1292.52 -3.8 146.34 52.05 -345.32 -4.37
5022 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1256.45 126.03 -33.36 7.49 -348.96 -3.86
5023 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1139.89 208.1 -134.28 1.81 -209.7 -27.1
5024 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 738.21 260.29 -157.03 23.47 89.5 -10.39
5025 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 155.46 236.08 -107.77 24.76 422.06 35.56
5026 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -238.77 169.83 -47.87 19.74 649.92 42.07
5027 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -445.91 76.72 10.53 14.65 762.4 39.83
5028 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -420.7 -15.38 70.82 13.46 761.89 39.58
5029 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -172.71 -93.4 134.13 16.26 650.92 42.12
5030 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 265.37 -140.65 196.79 22.18 424.99 37.97
5031 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 863.65 -136.62 263.95 39.64 89.61 -1.87
5032 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1263.49 -84.21 263.17 57.4 -221.07 -24.66
5033 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1365.54 -13.92 149.49 47.54 -361.64 -5.33
5034 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1351.34 109.23 -61.1 3.19 -346.74 -4.86
5035 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1246.79 202.19 -145.42 0.21 -199.79 -30.44
5036 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 853.45 262.85 -157.96 20.02 99.72 -13.21
5037 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 254.27 242.9 -111.07 24.17 429.86 31.95
5038 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -171.9 177.6 -50.92 19.63 656.22 41.68
5039 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -414.85 83.92 7.81 14.7 765.76 39.74
5040 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -436.38 -12.41 67.57 13.2 763.5 39.57
5041 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -221.93 -94.99 130.02 16.24 649.08 42.04
5042 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 190.16 -143.46 193.81 22.48 419.61 37.99
5043 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 777.04 -138.61 259.16 40.73 80.88 0.77
5044 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1195.44 -82.06 281.8 57.11 -231.38 -24.87
5045 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1311.27 -5.06 208.51 56.75 -370.49 5.82
5046 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1314.58 162.5 -119.69 5.01 -229.17 -44.59
5047 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 812.77 269.87 -144.72 16.84 122.08 9.73
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5048 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 254.5 238.08 -96.95 23.5 438.88 29.49
5049 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -168.24 177.12 -36.83 19.76 650.02 38.04
5050 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -418.64 87.54 21.11 14.59 745.04 38.26
5051 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -434.53 -8.07 81.13 12.97 728.25 38.72
5052 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -222.64 -97.02 143.12 16.02 597.88 41.58
5053 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 201.11 -146.6 207.28 22.98 354.05 42.19
5054 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 803.39 -140.12 269.41 44.59 1.09 4.63
5055 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1222.34 -72.56 299.83 60.91 -318.45 -17.86
5056 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1344.9 16.24 245.79 69.58 -456.04 -1.61
5057 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1355.33 129.14 -5.98 21.16 -400.1 -5.39
5058 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 1242.32 228.95 -159.26 -0.72 -222.42 -35.09
5059 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 822.13 307.75 -180.84 19.41 107.75 -18.61
5060 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr 108.12 298.71 -132.04 24.67 480.13 32.94
5061 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -475.25 238.52 -71.24 21.26 754.37 42.23
5062 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -874.89 143.73 -10.87 16.23 904.6 39.04
5063 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -1001.02 35.69 50.29 13.66 935.44 40.66
5064 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -877.19 -68.19 116.71 16.42 842.02 55.6
5065 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -542.34 -143.24 189.52 26.81 606.71 80.96
5066 02a-SLS-FREQ(max) 02-abr -92 -108.83 198.62 50.35 237.21 1.4
1000 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -262.54 -211.61 -202.01 3.56 123.82 1.54
1001 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1052.41 -270.67 -198.07 -16.9 324.8 -82.85
1002 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1573.89 -181.43 -126.71 -17.48 439.89 -56.93
1003 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1820.27 -77.07 -59.99 -13.41 463.82 -41.73
1004 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1753.83 24.33 -0.77 -13.63 396.79 -38.9
1005 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1453.02 111.66 58.13 -17.13 240.07 -42.07
1006 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -915.75 167.47 114.06 -21.76 -8.15 -41.24
1007 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -217.91 161.55 167 -39.81 -368.52 0.89
1008 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 184.29 104.2 159.66 -59.45 -734.93 32.91
1009 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 287.01 20.48 13.33 -62.31 -919.66 8.06
1010 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 328.6 -125.66 -235.52 -15.89 -862.53 1.62
1011 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 292.83 -205.52 -289.62 -0.73 -646.57 16.97
1012 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 11.39 -256.35 -262.56 -25.94 -339.31 7.65
1013 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -563.93 -245.3 -205.51 -25.02 -54.49 -36.27
1014 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1031.79 -180.57 -138.86 -19.52 124.43 -41.72
1015 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1309.44 -87.43 -75.61 -14.49 215.31 -38.9
1016 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1342.23 4.45 -15.59 -13.31 214.56 -38.87
1017 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1123.54 82.92 41.62 -16.18 113.67 -41.36
1018 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -682.82 133.19 97.62 -21.51 -74.39 -38.54
1019 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -103.87 133.71 148.97 -38.9 -379.95 1.43
1020 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 205.92 82.8 141.81 -56.92 -708.02 24.57
1021 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 268.19 4.89 25.02 -52.27 -870.11 5.11
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1022 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 271.63 -125.83 -211.59 -7.62 -808.78 3.61
1023 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 218.36 -208.91 -278.21 -1.49 -605.38 27.21
1024 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -66.5 -260.77 -258.73 -23.29 -304.98 9.65
1025 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -653.17 -235.64 -198.49 -24.5 -24.54 -34.23
1026 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1116.69 -169.68 -130.96 -19.57 152.14 -41.97
1027 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1368.6 -76.4 -67.77 -14.47 240.84 -39.91
1028 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1373.86 14.9 -8.35 -12.95 235.77 -39.98
1029 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1128.7 92.88 49.05 -15.83 132.43 -41.76
1030 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -666.46 140.33 105.56 -21.97 -57.13 -36.32
1031 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -78.93 136.96 156.12 -39.65 -354.31 1.34
1032 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 220.72 84.75 137.9 -57.75 -676.52 24.85
1033 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 277.39 13.38 39.09 -46.89 -867.81 5.02
1034 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 267.87 -107.23 -171.57 -4.43 -846.56 5.33
1035 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 205.09 -200.23 -264.95 -1.16 -654.54 30.5
1036 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -89.5 -262.9 -263.77 -20.1 -346.88 12.89
1037 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -676.08 -243.41 -201.26 -24.15 -53.52 -33.02
1038 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1131.49 -176.85 -134.21 -19.62 135.2 -41.75
1039 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1371.45 -84.58 -70.45 -14.24 236.71 -39.82
1040 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1362.01 12.55 -10.8 -13.2 242.57 -39.41
1041 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1103.51 94.77 46.95 -16.1 152.11 -41.99
1042 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -630.95 143.72 102.78 -22.27 -24.71 -39.1
1043 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -37.56 138.6 155.07 -40.34 -306.94 -1.11
1044 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 267.66 81.73 132.23 -56.33 -620.26 24.95
1045 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 319.98 5.57 27.13 -56.92 -835.91 -5.78
1046 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 268.96 -162.86 -228.35 -4.67 -753 44.35
1047 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -163.3 -271.53 -266.73 -16.64 -378.61 -11.99
1048 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -680.86 -237.43 -205.73 -23.41 -74.1 -29.06
1049 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1078.97 -176.49 -137.98 -19.72 111.43 -37.8
1050 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1261.27 -87.21 -74.51 -14.78 208.72 -38.18
1051 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1196.52 8.28 -14.48 -13.12 206.91 -38.78
1052 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -888.95 97.52 43.05 -15.99 111.9 -41.93
1053 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -392.38 146.14 98.41 -22.87 -70.33 -39.76
1054 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 219.97 139.84 155.11 -44.34 -360.22 -3.57
1055 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 535.53 72.8 125.56 -60.71 -688.95 18.03
1056 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 575.23 -16.85 -13.92 -68.74 -916.56 2.31
1057 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 528.39 -128.27 -208.82 -21.76 -979.69 6.35
1058 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 433.82 -232.47 -283.81 1.19 -816.4 35.11
1059 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 62.38 -304.88 -305.83 -19.89 -459.7 20.97
1060 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -661.75 -298.81 -245.79 -24.93 -84.51 -32.98
1061 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1252.89 -237.37 -176.56 -21.58 184.13 -42.15
1062 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1597.96 -143.85 -111.06 -16.41 358.03 -39.63
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1063 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1714.75 -36.2 -47.29 -13.4 437.9 -40.87
1064 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1532.94 67.65 14.71 -16.43 424.74 -54.79
1065 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1045.65 143.78 78.91 -26.85 320.24 -81.12
1066 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -266.82 108.54 107.33 -50.09 124.99 -0.97
2000 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 36.91 -314.39 -1065.36 -188.54 478.75 -0.65
2001 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 466.82 -421.25 -684.29 -153.93 1232 -116.26
2002 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 728 -292.34 -495.72 -128.37 1647.26 -84.39
2003 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 824.69 -118.53 -295.11 -123.51 1735.47 -60.82
2004 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 759.46 50.2 -98.44 -123.31 1489.13 -55.62
2005 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 512.85 189.59 93.37 -125.02 909.71 -59.19
2006 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 71.29 273.96 277.97 -127.74 -3.04 -57.24
2007 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -546.97 240.86 435.65 -124.89 -1274.13 2.87
2008 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1000.69 112.01 632.07 -110.63 -2523.1 55.16
2009 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1147.82 4.89 951.52 -129.7 -4088.02 37.81
2010 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1174.85 -159.05 -2022.79 -221.23 -3086.13 25.21
2011 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1061.58 -293.06 -1396.36 -212.68 -2122.32 37.95
2012 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -721.95 -413.18 -934.44 -180.87 -1183.52 11.57
2013 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -228.31 -387.68 -740.13 -149.97 -172.58 -46.49
2014 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 112.23 -282.54 -546.05 -132.43 491.62 -55.49
2015 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 309.33 -133.74 -345.41 -125.56 830.13 -54.12
2016 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 329.69 15.14 -147.55 -124.37 827.6 -54.75
2017 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 187.82 133.85 41.13 -124.78 454.9 -57.95
2018 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -102.05 210.74 218.05 -126.64 -239.26 -53.64
2019 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -558.29 193.49 379.24 -122.86 -1327.17 4.12
2020 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -948.67 76.69 607.69 -108.25 -2401.09 40.6
2021 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1070.35 -12.82 1016.07 -133.01 -3727.41 36.2
2022 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1097.34 -169.42 -1833.57 -222.71 -3038.66 27.02
2023 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1005.26 -296.26 -1297.05 -210.89 -1999.27 49.48
2024 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -722.51 -412.52 -908.62 -180.11 -1052 14.56
2025 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -246.8 -377.56 -718.6 -150.17 -59.07 -44.98
2026 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 70.44 -266.32 -522.07 -133.03 594.42 -56.7
2027 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 243.25 -115.61 -320.86 -125.64 923.68 -55.6
2028 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 247.66 33.67 -124.22 -123.42 903.93 -56.31
2029 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 83.29 150.79 65.72 -123.64 524.52 -58.32
2030 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -223.99 220.45 242.06 -125.88 -175.99 -51.22
2031 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -689.6 192.8 406.8 -122.13 -1231.47 2.02
2032 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1002.15 78.05 652.27 -110.62 -2255.96 43.1
2033 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1127.28 -17.54 1096.62 -136.34 -3450.83 33.3
2034 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1090.75 -141.21 -1738.43 -220.18 -3325.62 31.14
2035 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -971.21 -272.31 -1251.09 -213.42 -2194.61 51.15
2036 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -658.97 -403.31 -920.09 -183.24 -1201.11 18.98
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2037 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -190.95 -386.83 -733.5 -151.37 -165.13 -44.78
2038 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 110.32 -280.66 -532.9 -133.4 531.87 -56.55
2039 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 270.08 -127.58 -331.1 -124.96 907.68 -55.71
2040 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 263.07 29.88 -133.64 -124.44 930.5 -55.88
2041 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 85.81 154.95 57.29 -124.49 597.56 -58.03
2042 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -239.25 224.73 240.03 -125.98 -58.17 -52.52
2043 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -721.94 188.8 399.61 -121.68 -1070.02 0.54
2044 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1021.93 63.29 571.57 -109.57 -2047.01 43.56
2045 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1112.74 -43.97 921.91 -135.81 -3140.25 19.02
2046 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -984.34 -191.48 -1512.35 -202.86 -2951.97 72.03
2047 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -462.67 -393.49 -944.69 -179.23 -1299.7 -16.52
2048 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -19.06 -376.09 -743.59 -152.17 -238.34 -40.96
2049 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 239.78 -279.25 -545.01 -133.85 443.99 -51.49
2050 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 356.59 -133.48 -342.83 -126.29 804.61 -52.77
2051 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 316.16 22.97 -146.36 -124.85 799.28 -54.05
2052 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 95.28 159.46 44.71 -124.6 448.01 -56.96
2053 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -268.05 236.86 229.93 -125.43 -228.96 -51.76
2054 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -784.37 180.37 383.89 -119.98 -1272.7 -3.52
2055 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1092.6 36.47 486.22 -108.36 -2252.59 38.49
2056 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1216.24 -71.48 768.39 -135.31 -3464.57 27.6
2057 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1253.29 -162.46 -2225.47 -207.72 -4412.23 38.23
2058 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1123.73 -307.43 -1530.79 -215.47 -2846.02 60.08
2059 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -693.46 -466.03 -1073.11 -193.09 -1595.81 32.64
2060 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -45.03 -467.99 -873.74 -156.87 -287.02 -44
2061 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 428.95 -374.81 -670.71 -136.62 699.29 -57.51
2062 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 715.95 -221.73 -461.37 -127.82 1342.76 -55.48
2063 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 803.13 -46.75 -251.45 -125.71 1640.02 -59.91
2064 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 722.86 112.12 -49.2 -125.1 1593.42 -81.86
2065 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 457.13 224.33 136.66 -121.75 1211.55 -113.46
2066 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 49.28 148.65 406.71 -95.24 484.75 -5.42
3000 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 21.44 -12.49 -805.24 -212.76 514.96 -5.73
3001 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 133.29 -7.36 -795.13 -186.53 1403.55 -10.18
3002 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 280.2 -8.77 -540.53 -179.62 1884.68 -10.34
3003 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 368.73 -9.39 -313.39 -174.9 1982.02 -10.75
3004 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 363.05 -9.45 -102.1 -176.52 1703.14 -9.34
3005 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 229.58 -9.41 104.17 -181.01 1043.88 -9.39
3006 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 12.65 -10.01 314.77 -184.47 -1.81 -9.99
3007 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -193.41 -12.51 549.3 -189.8 -1519.69 -7.35
3008 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -264 -15.51 446.81 -200.77 -2981.45 -9.02
3009 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -283.06 -12.49 -115.8 -197.32 -3650.68 -11.63
3010 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -306.49 -11.84 -909.31 -198.1 -3432.03 -9.92
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3011 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -317.88 -14.41 -1119.83 -201.76 -2619.58 -9.57
3012 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -310.03 -12.39 -1048.08 -189.55 -1370.34 -8.79
3013 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -258.52 -10.07 -812.44 -182.87 -178.74 -8.85
3014 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -150.47 -9.54 -585.29 -178.27 567.65 -13.94
3015 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -66.99 -10.82 -367.78 -175.03 954.38 -10.26
3016 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -61.52 -10.3 -155.45 -175.47 951.7 -10.49
3017 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -134.04 -10.41 50.68 -179.29 527.78 -12.26
3018 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -247.97 -10.73 262.5 -182.99 -265.05 -12.73
3019 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -330.8 -12.06 483.39 -189.38 -1569.15 -8.19
3020 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -351.59 -15.67 377.01 -199.97 -2869.85 -12.61
3021 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -356.16 -13.17 -70.74 -197.28 -3438.3 -9.18
3022 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -369.31 -12.41 -814.72 -196.59 -3206.18 -9.88
3023 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -379.92 -15.07 -1067.59 -199.62 -2439.25 -9.11
3024 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -382.57 -12.9 -1023.91 -189.41 -1223.03 -10.53
3025 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -327.04 -10.43 -783.94 -182.92 -53 -11.19
3026 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -223.81 -10.28 -558.61 -179.06 685.17 -12.1
3027 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -151.98 -10.6 -341.25 -175.31 1060.05 -12.34
3028 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -152.05 -10.93 -129.82 -174.5 1036.56 -16.36
3029 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -225.27 -10.12 76.85 -178.2 607.22 -12.32
3030 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -339.04 -9.81 286.31 -182.52 -184.93 -11.04
3031 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -408.27 -13.15 508.26 -189.12 -1434.63 -9.94
3032 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -407.68 -15.26 414.32 -202.12 -2734.29 -8.76
3033 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -400.21 -12.36 23.24 -197.61 -3437.76 -10.9
3034 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -395.12 -11.84 -661.29 -199.81 -3362.31 -8.54
3035 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -394.32 -14.56 -1018.22 -202.05 -2649.03 -8.73
3036 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -376.2 -12.43 -1023.9 -189.73 -1405.22 -8.56
3037 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -302.94 -9.2 -783.25 -182.92 -177.39 -12.22
3038 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -196.17 -10.02 -567.62 -179.13 613.85 -12.2
3039 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -130.96 -10.23 -352.61 -174.85 1041.29 -13.42
3040 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -137.67 -10.47 -140.42 -175.35 1068.05 -12.05
3041 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -218.47 -9.92 64.39 -179.01 690.7 -11.98
3042 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -334.63 -10.48 266.11 -182.89 -49.26 -12.14
3043 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -394.8 -12.43 487.03 -188.63 -1240.45 -8.8
3044 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -374.78 -15.41 410.73 -196.87 -2513.13 -8.19
3045 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -355.84 -13.63 15.41 -198.17 -3309.77 -8.9
3046 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -296.23 -11.72 -937.71 -192.28 -3032.2 -7.18
3047 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -253.54 -10.91 -1027.48 -186.14 -1538.44 -10.54
3048 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -160.32 -9.68 -800.09 -182.83 -268.12 -9.72
3049 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -64.02 -10.51 -581.08 -179.26 513.76 -10.37
3050 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -13.02 -10.45 -364.48 -176.05 924.43 -10.06
3051 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -42.24 -10.4 -154.21 -175.37 919.01 -9.94
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3052 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -140.06 -11.2 50.08 -178.75 519.12 -13.51
3053 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -261.05 -9.76 249.45 -182.56 -240.36 -8.58
3054 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -317.6 -12.85 479.05 -188.9 -1463.65 -7.18
3055 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -330.55 -15.8 376.51 -200.99 -2776.19 -10.91
3056 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -322.28 -11.89 -147.44 -196.94 -3660.06 -10.39
3057 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -308.54 -11.44 -863.77 -198.41 -3903.18 -10.72
3058 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -293.81 -14.55 -1139.93 -199.97 -3302.38 -13.59
3059 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -219.8 -13.68 -1174.42 -192.47 -1899.06 -7.09
3060 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -17.96 -8.69 -945.73 -186.17 -332.52 -9.4
3061 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 199.43 -9 -718.07 -182.41 801.21 -9.12
3062 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 317.31 -8.67 -493.75 -178.48 1533.87 -11.77
3063 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 342.27 -9.49 -268.67 -175.17 1873.83 -10.35
3064 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 270.26 -8.5 -50.92 -179.82 1825.31 -9.96
3065 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 135.88 -7.06 176.36 -187.1 1383.26 -9.83
3066 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 24.38 -11.14 291.66 -212.28 521.08 -5.35
4000 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 35.98 156.76 -1068.44 -94.36 478.01 -59.59
4001 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 465.21 234.92 -685.74 -120.3 1229.84 20.02
4002 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 726.69 127.96 -496.49 -123.41 1645.77 21.63
4003 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 823.11 -28.79 -295.86 -123.87 1733.21 20.67
4004 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 759.45 -202.8 -99.54 -123.55 1489.39 23.91
4005 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 513.19 -361.76 92.07 -129.13 911.07 24.81
4006 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 71.88 -470.92 276.61 -142.6 -2.27 16.07
4007 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -545.77 -443.51 433.98 -179.9 -1272.51 -67.2
4008 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -998 -308.28 628.73 -210.6 -2515.63 -106.59
4009 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1144.98 -161.03 946.66 -203.37 -4076.69 -86.67
4010 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1173.77 -73.62 -2025.19 -134.02 -3085.46 -77.43
4011 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1061.59 26.32 -1398.55 -107.99 -2123.89 -94.59
4012 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -721.64 163.25 -934.92 -115.07 -1184.01 -72.43
4013 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -228.78 218.4 -740.07 -120.81 -173.26 10.36
4014 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 111.53 139.2 -545.98 -121.46 490.34 16.65
4015 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 309.3 16.97 -344.97 -122.33 831.49 22.81
4016 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 329.51 -140.75 -147.8 -122.93 828.45 21.26
4017 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 187.35 -293.33 40.82 -127.08 454.78 19.48
4018 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -102.7 -397.3 218.36 -140.52 -240.8 14.25
4019 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -558.73 -367.99 378.78 -177.69 -1327.86 -62.98
4020 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -947.44 -231.43 607.85 -205.37 -2400.96 -95.49
4021 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1069.44 -91.33 1018.1 -201.7 -3731.42 -75.31
4022 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1095.96 -12.97 -1832.27 -135.61 -3035.33 -73.26
4023 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1003.95 81.35 -1296.38 -109.64 -1997.18 -97.83
4024 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -721.59 195.99 -908.29 -116.51 -1050.53 -73.2
4025 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -246.49 211.92 -718.38 -120.75 -58.41 11.38
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4026 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 70.17 144.19 -522.12 -122.23 594.17 19.25
4027 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 242.65 25.18 -321.22 -122.44 923.35 19.62
4028 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 246.34 -131.58 -124.37 -122.08 901.2 14.68
4029 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 82.93 -287.65 65.48 -125.81 524.48 23.29
4030 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -223.28 -401.8 241.02 -139.37 -174.35 19.48
4031 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -687.64 -384.49 404.94 -175.85 -1227.97 -58.94
4032 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -999.12 -246.54 648.51 -208.2 -2248.07 -92.15
4033 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1124.63 -109.59 1091.43 -207.28 -3440.81 -80.07
4034 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1090.8 5.41 -1743.68 -135.81 -3328.79 -70.54
4035 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -972.42 99.6 -1254.71 -111.14 -2199.74 -96.64
4036 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -659.09 208.7 -921.34 -118.01 -1204.14 -72.87
4037 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -191.03 213.13 -733.98 -121.35 -165.71 11.45
4038 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 110.24 144.24 -533.27 -122.39 531.69 20.5
4039 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 269.59 29.13 -331.88 -122.02 906.38 17.3
4040 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 262.82 -120.14 -134.01 -123.03 929.94 18.74
4041 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 86.11 -271.71 56.58 -126.54 598.04 22.37
4042 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -238.65 -391.96 239.47 -138.66 -57.91 18.53
4043 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -720.77 -398.97 399.16 -171.17 -1070.09 -57.16
4044 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1020.38 -286.79 571.55 -201.4 -2047.09 -84.17
4045 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1110.94 -156.72 922.93 -206.3 -3141.74 -76.93
4046 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -981.55 57.77 -1509.21 -114.55 -2947.07 -124.41
4047 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -459.96 211.99 -942.98 -120.78 -1295.7 -29.32
4048 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -18.31 185.55 -742.07 -121.7 -236.24 10.14
4049 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 239.89 105.33 -544.18 -122.36 444.61 20.52
4050 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 356.26 -10.68 -342.38 -122.83 804.45 19.81
4051 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 315.93 -155.78 -146.27 -123.37 799.53 21.48
4052 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 94.69 -293.48 45.26 -126.16 445.93 18.33
4053 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -268.28 -402.27 230.22 -137.75 -230.08 17.69
4054 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -782.99 -417.68 383.3 -170.91 -1271.06 -65.35
4055 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1090 -303.61 485.32 -207.64 -2248.95 -93.32
4056 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1213.82 -162.15 767.37 -219.53 -3462.22 -81.48
4057 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1250.84 5.3 -2225.16 -130.56 -4411.52 -82.15
4058 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1120.1 115.39 -1528.5 -108.95 -2840.31 -117.88
4059 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -693.28 251.1 -1070.85 -121.55 -1593.98 -97.24
4060 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -45.11 284.28 -872.72 -124.48 -287.86 5.31
4061 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 428.03 211.89 -669.54 -124.92 698.52 22.66
4062 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 713.65 78.24 -460.03 -124.85 1339.46 19.28
4063 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 801.67 -88.67 -249.89 -123.83 1638.46 20.52
4064 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 723.74 -264.69 -48.13 -127.28 1595.94 26.09
4065 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 456.76 -398.27 137.43 -152.25 1211.24 19.76
4066 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 48.85 -310.36 407.96 -186.68 484.56 -56.56
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5000 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -264.21 113.99 -203.35 -51.43 124.32 -55.23
5001 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1049.18 148.91 -199.89 -27.51 325.58 12.57
5002 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1572.16 76.33 -127.97 -16.18 441.83 12.68
5003 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1818.81 -24.91 -60.64 -12.93 465.34 8.89
5004 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1753.17 -133.04 -1.37 -14.79 399.44 10.02
5005 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1453.23 -230.17 57.26 -18.82 242.26 12.74
5006 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -916.04 -302.45 113.4 -21.6 -7.7 10.58
5007 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -218.4 -295.97 167.05 -20.04 -369.78 -51.82
5008 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 183.42 -229.77 160.25 2 -736.79 -79.38
5009 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 286.19 -125.36 14.45 -17.24 -920.9 -47.13
5010 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 327.43 -16.35 -236.3 -65.48 -866.99 -38.27
5011 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 292.03 66.31 -290.78 -56.66 -651.57 -77.76
5012 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 11.77 130.18 -263.56 -42.76 -341.46 -57.74
5013 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -563.13 130.79 -206.73 -18.98 -55.04 4.46
5014 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1031.37 82.61 -138.95 -15.24 124.53 8.21
5015 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1309.99 4.37 -75.47 -12.65 217.47 9.3
5016 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1342.53 -92.14 -16.05 -13.26 216.38 8.5
5017 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1123.46 -186.3 41.44 -16.94 114.33 9.96
5018 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -681.79 -255.04 98.35 -20.58 -75.39 9.85
5019 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -103.59 -251.67 149.71 -17.96 -382.96 -49.52
5020 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 205.32 -188.8 142.3 2.78 -709.84 -69.11
5021 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 267.2 -89.99 24.76 -11.43 -876.24 -40.57
5022 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 270.6 17.45 -213.76 -56.38 -811.88 -38.12
5023 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 217.16 86.95 -280.17 -53.88 -608.15 -76.25
5024 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -67.73 139.03 -259.82 -38.44 -305.73 -59.51
5025 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -653.85 131.82 -199.44 -18.93 -24.28 5.24
5026 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1116.47 86.89 -131.73 -15.47 152.98 9.17
5027 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1368.14 9.77 -68.63 -12.62 242.3 7.27
5028 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1372.57 -86.36 -8.37 -12.91 235.65 4.85
5029 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1128.24 -183.41 49.51 -16.67 133.38 11.25
5030 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -667.46 -256.63 105.48 -21.11 -56.6 11.63
5031 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -80.49 -255.36 156.42 -19.37 -354.36 -47.33
5032 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 219.47 -193.65 138.82 2.11 -677.28 -70.21
5033 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 276.64 -91.27 40.77 -2.75 -868.28 -42.37
5034 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 266.85 29.3 -170.83 -50.92 -852.32 -36.85
5035 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 204.62 93.52 -265.31 -54.55 -661.2 -72.92
5036 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -88.45 141.48 -265.17 -36.45 -350.55 -58.79
5037 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -675.2 131.2 -202.29 -18.63 -54.05 6.88
5038 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1131 87.88 -135.49 -15.45 136.07 9.95
5039 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1370.79 11.77 -71.29 -12.54 237.5 6.31
5040 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1361.65 -79.39 -11.04 -13.09 243.82 6.87
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5041 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1103.85 -174.09 46.69 -16.79 153.4 10.23
5042 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -631.42 -248.4 102.73 -21.74 -24.61 10.91
5043 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -37.7 -256.36 155.55 -22.76 -308.65 -47.44
5044 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 267.07 -213.91 132.58 1.15 -623.47 -66.97
5045 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 319.4 -130.28 27.22 -2.98 -840.02 -31.54
5046 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 268.27 61.44 -229.84 -53.3 -755.88 -87.89
5047 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -164.46 140.11 -267.1 -34.66 -378.25 -22.34
5048 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -682.29 112.81 -205.8 -18.14 -73.43 5.1
5049 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1079.25 64.24 -138.1 -15.53 112.53 10.02
5050 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1260.92 -11.07 -74.61 -12.89 209.94 7.85
5051 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1196.23 -100.62 -14.67 -13.01 208.41 8.35
5052 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -887.64 -186.38 43.61 -16.73 111.54 8.72
5053 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -391.27 -260.51 99.62 -22.38 -71.21 9.25
5054 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 219.17 -259.55 155.84 -26.33 -361.47 -51.88
5055 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 534.49 -211.82 126.63 0.51 -690.62 -77.76
5056 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 574.02 -125.85 -13.19 -11.88 -920.16 -43
5057 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 527.19 23.53 -209.24 -60.41 -984.38 -41.3
5058 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 433.14 107.1 -284.72 -57.41 -816.45 -83.89
5059 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr 61.71 173.2 -306.75 -41.11 -461.93 -73.55
5060 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -660.64 171.09 -246.02 -20.05 -85.3 2.87
5061 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1251.51 125.11 -176.99 -17.32 184.98 11.86
5062 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1595.92 41.53 -110.45 -14.32 358.37 7.67
5063 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1713.18 -59.96 -45.43 -13.26 439.62 8.69
5064 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1537.19 -167.45 15.9 -17.1 428.92 14.87
5065 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -1044.63 -257.56 79.45 -17.41 321.87 12.61
5066 02a-SLS-FREQ(min) 02-abr -267.5 -210.87 108 2.93 125.7 -53.89

- ELS quasi-permanent
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -103.88 -119.41 -116.35 33.6 171.41 42.4
1001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -604.18 -160.58 -93.86 10.47 452.75 -16.67
1002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -986 -88.04 -43.4 1.36 644.15 -14.71
1003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -1142.31 3.49 6.83 0.96 734.1 -15.27
1004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -1078.98 91.08 57.63 1.11 729.39 -13.58
1005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -740.87 169.91 109.43 1.3 631.94 -15.57
1006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -209.67 230.59 160.5 0.79 441.93 -15.87
1007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 468.77 227.09 211.73 -1.57 159.61 36.6
1008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 903.56 177.83 207.77 -20.93 -131.47 55.46
1009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1011.32 88.97 152.32 -4.06 -312.16 29.34
1010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 981.5 -7.06 -5.2 37.9 -369.06 24.29
1011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 871.83 -82.41 -125.81 30.61 -262.36 56.21
1012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 495.4 -141.62 -165.83 18.45 -1.54 41.75
1013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -67.66 -141.8 -115.41 -0.93 272.51 -9.63
1014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -459.79 -96.02 -64.75 -0.16 458.4 -17.05
1015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -629.04 -25.33 -15.09 0.04 551.32 -12.4
1016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -591.87 56.2 34.65 0.1 556.26 -12.92
1017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -349.2 134.5 84.78 0.56 472.63 -16.65
1018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 77.67 191.65 134.35 1.07 298.95 -15.9
1019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 651.13 188.89 185.9 -2.41 32.66 33.78
1020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1014.16 141.37 177.08 -20.57 -231.9 44.74
1021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1102.08 57.64 93.25 -10.38 -375.12 26.9
1022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1066.18 -38.98 -54.95 29.36 -377.78 22.74
1023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 949.95 -103.23 -144.57 28.8 -246.66 54.36
1024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 557.41 -150.76 -167.05 14.25 13.5 43.14
1025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -3.53 -143.53 -120.19 -0.98 282.96 -10.95
1026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -381.61 -100.04 -68.64 -0.31 463.45 -14.84
1027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -567.44 -30.89 -19.1 -0.08 551.7 -13.28
1028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -548.54 50.35 30.29 0.25 551.96 -15.89
1029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -315.55 129.6 80.27 0.81 462.13 -14.48
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 103.9 191.56 130.27 1.88 282.24 -16.55
1031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 679.9 194.24 183.25 -1.12 10.7 32.49
1032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1067.87 147.28 188.04 -20.81 -260.41 47.72
1033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1167.85 55.47 93.66 -17.81 -391.73 25.99
1034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1155.96 -50.44 -84.94 22.97 -373.96 24.75
1035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1050.09 -108.77 -156.75 28.32 -233.13 52.08
1036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 665.71 -152.6 -167.93 11.69 27.24 41.96
1037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 87.18 -143 -123.26 -1.35 292.48 -12.54
1038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -317.67 -100.41 -71.37 -0.4 469.94 -14.68
1039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -540.9 -33.45 -21.85 0.1 555.87 -14.41
1040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -556.37 44.17 27.12 0.08 552.62 -13.64
1041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -361.57 121.68 77.13 0.67 460.68 -14.96
1042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 28.74 185.08 127.39 2.45 278.51 -16.34
1043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 593.42 195.01 178.33 2.51 4.06 31.97
1044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 997.22 163.12 206.05 -18.06 -267.84 46.66
1045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1112.05 93.26 150.37 -16.09 -399.14 18.14
1046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1115.32 -84.3 -132.75 28.26 -260.12 65.11
1047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 629.98 -154.19 -156.71 11.46 47.01 14.59
1048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 91.96 -125.66 -110.51 -1.7 301.22 -9.15
1049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -313.9 -78.6 -58.42 -0.35 464.32 -13.79
1050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -545.45 -10.41 -9.49 -0.14 535.52 -13.53
1051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -573.12 64.84 40.49 0.07 517.65 -13.24
1052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -391.93 135.44 89.97 0.77 411.6 -17.48
1053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 16.49 195.17 139.92 3.36 214.09 -13.71
1054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 597.99 197.79 188.6 6.27 -74.98 37.06
1055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1004.33 165.37 225.67 -18.54 -353.15 53.83
1056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1129.4 91.27 191.58 -8.75 -478.61 27.47
1057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1153.55 -44.56 -29.49 33.11 -426.55 26.29
1058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1056.36 -124.17 -168.77 31.32 -254.01 58.29
1059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 653.06 -181.41 -189.05 14.59 35.79 55.71
1060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -48.13 -175.25 -141.04 -2.04 336.79 -8.63
1061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -610.38 -130.23 -87.78 -0.48 551.69 -14.95
1062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -990.93 -56.04 -36.51 0.08 669.22 -15.98
1063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -1089.52 29.55 13.59 0.3 691.54 -14.77
1064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -937.15 115.12 66.72 0.27 617.53 -12.21
1065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -575.04 188.8 123.6 -0.37 440.84 -16.24
1066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -99.99 163.94 134.99 -11.34 169.82 41.26
2000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 214.8 -167.67 -532.97 -11.74 637.05 45.94
2001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 699.28 -252.79 -304.32 0.89 1664.82 -26.22
2002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 998.14 -146.78 -145.37 1.25 2318.2 -23.39
2003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1121.87 6.31 20.07 2.54 2651.69 -24.7
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1066.8 150.74 191.75 2.64 2640.82 -21.96
2005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 855.84 277.45 362.77 2.72 2284.15 -23.21
2006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 520.04 366.41 530.77 7.74 1582.36 -21.3
2007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 43.77 346.6 693.27 30.78 579.89 48.36
2008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -264.03 233.27 1032.97 52.53 -342 73.93
2009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -348.17 104.03 1621.72 51.59 -1187.03 61.95
2010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -326.65 32.59 -843.17 -1.94 -1930.67 60.85
2011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -266.45 -56.06 -598.89 -16.6 -902.81 66.96
2012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 2.82 -178.22 -506.73 -5.61 12.16 52.29
2013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 451.61 -237.55 -373.84 -1.6 941.59 -13.87
2014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 746 -159.78 -209.72 0.15 1619.44 -27.35
2015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 879.01 -41.95 -48.3 0.28 1969.33 -19.79
2016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 849.28 92.35 115.52 0.06 1989.79 -21.17
2017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 657.31 218.51 282.72 0.96 1679.54 -25.5
2018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 307.69 303.95 447.32 6.6 1041.46 -22.5
2019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -180.88 281.01 603.2 30.13 117.43 44.45
2020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -448.09 165.25 923.53 52.8 -738.29 58.93
2021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -507.5 39.15 1413.65 50.26 -1620.76 57.86
2022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -290.66 -25.57 -941.53 -4.01 -1766.02 54.32
2023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -201.77 -107.86 -663.41 -13.47 -827.99 69.45
2024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 138.1 -211.87 -526.4 -4.35 55.76 53.42
2025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 600.49 -231.94 -385.3 -1.47 979.73 -15.25
2026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 904.91 -166.73 -224.65 -0.41 1638.92 -22.87
2027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1050.93 -51.77 -62.81 -0.16 1970.29 -21.31
2028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1034.65 83.48 101.33 0.72 1971.96 -26.74
2029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 854.47 213.57 268.39 1.7 1641.06 -21.89
2030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 515.16 308.24 435.37 6.25 982.88 -22.18
2031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 28.16 296.32 586.76 27.83 42.56 41.32
2032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -318.08 178.32 876.36 50.39 -873.43 62.28
2033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -380.32 58.22 1312.8 57.7 -1864.85 56.08
2034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -315.57 -44.78 -1106.92 -8.28 -1672.55 56.14
2035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -251.87 -127.84 -749.68 -15.23 -769.52 71.12
2036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 69.23 -224.07 -533.89 -3.29 99.84 53.59
2037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 554.94 -232.42 -389.4 -1.05 1012.7 -17.42
2038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 887.48 -166.18 -233.17 -0.49 1662.68 -21.81
2039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1063.52 -54.53 -72.09 0.38 1985.02 -23.69
2040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1077.07 72.09 91.56 0.19 1975.91 -22.57
2041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 926.77 197.85 258.43 1.05 1635.84 -23.27
2042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 615.52 299.19 419.23 5.25 968.67 -24.37
2043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 150.77 312.05 575.81 25.3 15.5 38.96
2044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -209.85 217.78 887.32 50.97 -911.71 57.59
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -309.38 99.5 1330.29 59.59 -1907.23 58.47
2046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -404 -94 -790.15 -11.61 -988.18 94.36
2047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -24.24 -229.28 -493.62 -1.57 181.46 21.21
2048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 385.05 -207.35 -348.37 -0.7 1045.57 -11.54
2049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 721.83 -129.84 -190.74 -0.21 1642.43 -20.19
2050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 906.94 -17.11 -29.56 -0.4 1910.28 -22.1
2051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 930.72 107.05 135.34 0.16 1846.7 -21.45
2052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 790.85 219.1 301.83 1.11 1453.16 -28.75
2053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 487.06 309.99 460.79 4.58 731.32 -20.06
2054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 32.09 330.86 618.83 23.67 -264.31 47.12
2055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -328.92 236.34 991.88 53.2 -1232.37 59.43
2056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -393.06 110.77 1530.71 72.84 -2062.32 60.29
2057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -535.65 -46.2 -1056.92 -12.52 -1631.47 61.85
2058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -457.18 -141.62 -770.52 -16.5 -787.31 80.35
2059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -163.67 -265.33 -590.87 -2.51 136.28 75.08
2060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 346.79 -288.14 -451.28 -0.71 1187.4 -10.5
2061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 725.37 -216.44 -286.99 -0.7 1979.99 -21.32
2062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 965.1 -93.16 -119.66 0.03 2417.71 -26.22
2063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1055.33 50.74 48.01 0.85 2497.67 -24.14
2064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 961.95 192.38 218.44 -0.05 2222.9 -18.85
2065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 706.42 298.85 376.13 7.04 1615.53 -25.56
2066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 232.07 243.56 660.85 31.51 631.67 43.24
3000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 54.21 -0.27 -455.18 0.43 636.71 3.13
3001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 241.12 0.8 -347.85 0.99 1817.62 0.04
3002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 448.23 0.27 -157.29 0.96 2630.79 -0.13
3003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 535.6 0.11 21.14 1.57 3014.57 0.08
3004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 486.25 0.22 208.49 1.86 3002.56 1.51
3005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 359.84 0.48 395.75 1.04 2598.14 1.39
3006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 193.4 -0.19 589.73 1.06 1796.41 0.09
3007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 91.7 -0.03 794.14 1.06 581.01 0.12
3008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 78.95 0.07 813.96 0.61 -628.53 1
3009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 81.41 0.03 593.93 0.05 -1343.79 0.34
3010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 87.11 0.26 -13.61 0.41 -1567.1 1.48
3011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 91.99 0.24 -478.06 -0.43 -1169.97 1.98
3012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 116.35 0.55 -611.02 0.32 -117.94 0.01
3013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 266.03 0.04 -390.96 0.19 1042.94 1.18
3014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 445.43 0.87 -224.72 0.75 1831.11 0.15
3015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 539.22 -0.11 -51.82 0.31 2233.08 2.8
3016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 525.56 0.19 126.38 0.01 2257.38 1.51
3017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 410.27 -0.13 309.28 -0.07 1904.79 0
3018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 231.48 -0.51 497.14 0.08 1165.75 0.14
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 99.57 0.81 700.13 0.17 35.33 3.74
3020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 102.37 0.03 696.56 0.94 -1041.4 -0.15
3021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 122.9 -0.26 362.6 -0.04 -1607.05 0.89
3022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 154.96 -0.15 -210.3 0.24 -1611.51 0.15
3023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 181.84 0.18 -553.87 0.7 -1109.99 1.43
3024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 270.47 0.69 -619.9 0.34 -52.64 -0.01
3025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 448.95 -0.02 -411.08 0.32 1089.31 1.51
3026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 619.43 0.19 -242.28 0.13 1853.81 0.21
3027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 713.84 0.14 -68.03 0.17 2233.21 1.05
3028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 704.16 -0.12 110.79 0.71 2235.43 0.23
3029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 590.71 0.35 292.74 0.62 1860.85 2.84
3030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 404.19 0.2 482.9 0.35 1099.36 1.56
3031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 245.77 -0.21 687.57 0.1 -66.46 0.07
3032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 214.75 0.21 695 -0.88 -1167.83 0.48
3033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 217.28 0.37 332.87 0.04 -1666.9 0.19
3034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 226.2 0.08 -313.16 -1.94 -1601.13 2.19
3035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 237.46 0.08 -596.55 -0.82 -1061.26 2.44
3036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 295.34 0.2 -642.14 0.2 0.57 0.32
3037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 455.1 0.44 -434.47 0.11 1128.02 0.03
3038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 627.55 -0.03 -254.55 0 1880.85 1.2
3039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 734.51 0.47 -78.62 0.64 2249.67 0.05
3040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 740.58 -0.04 100.26 -0.08 2241.08 -0.01
3041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 639.66 0.22 284.5 0.05 1855.25 1.31
3042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 454.95 -0.26 480.39 0.07 1081.63 0.04
3043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 273.02 -0.09 686.16 0.26 -97.77 0.04
3044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 206.42 -0.07 746.13 1.19 -1201.07 0.1
3045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 192.77 -0.06 504.06 0.31 -1696.07 0.23
3046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 182.45 0.14 -434.78 0.77 -1168.72 0.18
3047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 181.62 1.11 -589.52 0.23 121.51 0.11
3048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 328.03 0.04 -385.19 0.12 1167.65 1.39
3049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 488.9 -0.01 -207.52 0.05 1858.14 1.73
3050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 592.9 0.19 -31.74 -0.28 2164.88 0.12
3051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 599.86 0.3 148.14 -0.3 2094.09 1.17
3052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 497.58 -0.45 332.96 0 1645.84 0.18
3053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 303.19 0.71 532.03 0.18 807.77 2.7
3054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 108.94 0.08 737.56 0.16 -427.82 1.73
3055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 67.6 0.02 832.13 -0.07 -1577.49 0.09
3056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 54.07 0.11 680.53 0.8 -2028.74 0.14
3057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 36.57 0.53 -31.11 -1.16 -1824.19 0.07
3058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 28.06 0.9 -577.4 1.44 -1139.29 -0.08
3059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 33.61 -0.33 -715.76 -0.54 61.87 3.86
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 121.43 0.6 -496.15 -0.44 1337.57 0.09
3061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 292.83 0.1 -311.74 -0.49 2246.02 1.06
3062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 464.69 0.47 -130.1 -0.2 2744.92 0.09
3063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 529.64 -0.15 52.49 0.65 2838.5 0.04
3064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 455.73 0.4 245.98 0.05 2524.06 4
3065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 253.07 -0.13 459.23 -0.41 1770.46 0.03
3066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 60.49 0.24 511.73 -0.19 631.1 0.99
4000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 213.26 246.19 -535.92 33.91 634.91 0.59
4001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 697.47 320.78 -306.21 9.44 1661.7 80.7
4002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 996.42 217.27 -146.79 1.05 2316.15 54.88
4003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1120.01 78.2 18.6 1.44 2649.4 36.8
4004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1066.13 -65.9 189.98 1.95 2640.25 32.79
4005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 855.58 -193.9 360.74 1.79 2284.47 35.21
4006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 519.82 -277.25 528.59 4.45 1582.05 33.32
4007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 44.11 -253.05 690.5 3.31 579.92 -13.43
4008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -262.72 -140.14 1028.53 -14.46 -338.59 -63.99
4009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -346.92 -44.99 1615.48 -12.09 -1182.31 -44.27
4010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -325.76 107.18 -843.91 77.35 -1929.33 -31
4011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -266.17 225.45 -598.94 58.2 -905.67 -49.04
4012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 2.5 326.33 -506.91 32.83 10.42 -23.99
4013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 450.61 293.2 -373.79 15.62 940.03 25.31
4014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 744.48 207.3 -209.8 8.3 1617.83 30.97
4015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 878.81 84.02 -48.06 3.54 1969.85 30.51
4016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 848.98 -42.97 115.19 1.68 1989.74 30.93
4017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 656.5 -158.6 282.25 1.91 1678.71 32.59
4018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 306.9 -232.83 447.37 3.92 1038.88 27.59
4019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -181.15 -210.16 602.73 1.89 116.68 -10.01
4020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -448.05 -103.15 923.48 -13.76 -739.55 -52.52
4021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -507.06 -25.72 1416.65 -8.58 -1623.93 -42.01
4022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -290.31 118.04 -940.29 75.41 -1763.89 -33.7
4023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -201.39 230.66 -663.07 58.03 -826.25 -59.91
4024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 138.13 325.69 -526.19 32.57 56.41 -28.8
4025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 599.85 283.25 -385.16 16.41 979.94 22.22
4026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 904.01 189.97 -224.96 7.69 1637.98 30.57
4027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1049.81 65.6 -63.24 3.48 1969.1 30.42
4028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1032.4 -60.3 101.02 2.43 1969.17 30.72
4029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 853.72 -172.74 268.03 2.41 1640.22 32.44
4030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 515.27 -240.27 434.4 3.81 984.09 26.82
4031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 29.65 -208.82 585.1 0.8 45.34 -16.92
4032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -316.41 -106.03 872.8 -15.18 -866.48 -52.44
4033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -379.22 -19.54 1307.92 -4.74 -1858.24 -39.63
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -315.15 88.88 -1111.42 68.22 -1675.05 -36.79
4035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -252.11 205.36 -752.37 56.17 -774.15 -60.23
4036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 67.79 316.07 -534.93 33.98 96.59 -30.48
4037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 554.01 292.43 -389.72 16.8 1011.24 18.53
4038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 886.68 203.75 -233.42 7.56 1661.62 30.48
4039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1062.08 78.27 -72.69 3.72 1983.37 30.39
4040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1075.91 -57.13 91.29 1.69 1974.94 30.84
4041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 926.26 -177.08 257.9 1.98 1635.74 32.41
4042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 615.2 -244.57 418.75 3.24 968.41 27.2
4043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 150.83 -204.34 575.47 0.65 14.89 -12.94
4044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -209.45 -90.01 887.63 -11.99 -912.45 -51.74
4045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -308.28 0.67 1331.56 -5.49 -1908.45 -24.93
4046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -402.5 128.03 -787.73 57.58 -985.07 -78.04
4047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -22.75 302.58 -492.43 35.94 183.07 -5.42
4048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 385.55 282.99 -347.56 18.13 1046.9 18.52
4049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 721.68 204.32 -190.32 7.86 1642.4 27.82
4050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 906.2 83.62 -29.38 2.93 1909.48 29.42
4051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 930.1 -49.74 135.24 1.61 1846.17 30.69
4052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 789.35 -180.77 302.03 1.86 1450.66 32.86
4053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 485.63 -255.6 460.83 3.15 729.53 33.04
4054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 32.59 -195.2 618.16 -0.73 -262.84 -5.42
4055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -327.76 -64.36 990.93 -14.63 -1229.54 -49.22
4056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -391.87 31.91 1530.57 -2.13 -2059.93 -32.97
4057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -534.28 107.15 -1056.65 55.85 -1631.55 -43.59
4058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -455.44 238.5 -769.46 59.76 -784.99 -73.06
4059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -163.43 368.8 -589.94 39.96 137.81 -34.86
4060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 346.2 362.1 -450.82 17.96 1185.96 21.19
4061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 724.19 286.89 -286.53 6.93 1978.53 33.18
4062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 962.7 165.61 -119.11 2.92 2414.48 31.99
4063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1053.55 23.44 48.75 2.48 2495.34 35.6
4064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 961.84 -130.24 218.92 1.36 2223.45 52.76
4065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 705.95 -242.11 376.43 0.04 1615.2 77.8
4066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 231.29 -158.53 661.9 -11.32 631.1 1.03
5000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -103.51 166.81 -117.75 -12.03 171.11 -3.79
5001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -602.87 200.47 -95.82 -0.32 453.52 57.65
5002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -985.01 128.59 -44.93 0.54 646.73 35.37
5003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -1140.11 45.08 5.89 0.43 736.96 22.39
5004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -1080.36 -41.22 56.88 0.63 733.31 20.82
5005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -742.77 -118.25 108.21 0.39 635.71 23.73
5006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -209.1 -171.54 159.42 0.92 444.28 23.18
5007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 467.97 -170.77 211.44 14.64 160.62 -11.95
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 901.62 -119.7 207.96 33.1 -130.74 -46.14
5009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1011.54 -42.5 153.43 35.98 -312.21 -19.77
5010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 979.89 90.88 -5.02 -4.88 -371.27 -12.87
5011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 870.17 159.71 -126.06 -18.05 -265.02 -30.91
5012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 496.76 194.6 -166.69 5.89 -2.49 -19.32
5013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -67.78 181.96 -116.4 5.68 273.13 19.32
5014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -455.48 126.05 -64.71 3.68 459.97 22.4
5015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -631.67 51.13 -14.7 1.53 554.76 20.42
5016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -593.3 -26.27 34.34 0.64 559.36 20.18
5017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -347.66 -97.48 84.63 0.48 474.8 22
5018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 81.29 -145.88 134.98 1.84 299.22 18.66
5019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 649.13 -146.11 186.88 14.95 32.03 -10.72
5020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1016.61 -99.39 177.55 32.47 -232.86 -37.97
5021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1101.04 -25.52 92.95 25.37 -378.61 -15.33
5022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1066.17 92.43 -56.2 -13.53 -379.48 -15.12
5023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 948.97 161.13 -145.76 -16.44 -247.95 -40.95
5024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 558.07 199.31 -167.99 3.19 13.88 -21.87
5025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -4.66 171.71 -120.92 5.3 284.6 17.03
5026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -380.98 116.78 -69.29 3.46 465.52 22.26
5027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -567.5 40.04 -19.9 1.58 554.29 20.17
5028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -543.14 -36.97 30.29 0.82 553.46 20.05
5029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -316.92 -106.65 80.92 0.6 464.41 22.37
5030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 102.47 -152.58 130.32 2.43 284.42 19.41
5031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 680.01 -147.5 183.6 15.41 12.07 -13.5
5032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1067.04 -99.95 189.26 32.12 -259.86 -37.82
5033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1169.5 -35.39 95.41 20.82 -391.69 -15.99
5034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1154.33 75.54 -84.18 -17.72 -376.75 -15.44
5035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1049.2 155.22 -157.08 -17.88 -236.8 -43.66
5036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 667.54 201.88 -168.93 -0.19 25.37 -24.3
5037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 89.68 178.54 -123.99 4.72 293.16 13.74
5038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -317.57 124.4 -72.11 3.37 472.01 22.03
5039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -538.44 47.24 -22.49 1.62 558.07 20.22
5040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -555.4 -34.42 27.1 0.6 555.22 20.03
5041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -362.21 -108.22 77.09 0.59 463.21 22.49
5042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 30.38 -155.32 127.54 2.81 279.85 19.67
5043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 594.29 -149.11 178.94 16.82 3.63 -10.72
5044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 997.4 -98.5 206.4 32.39 -269.48 -36.67
5045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1112.18 -29.27 150.72 30.61 -401.38 -6.62
5046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1114.72 115.8 -133.93 -13.68 -261.22 -53.7
5047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 631.12 203.97 -156.9 -2.42 48.36 -2.79
5048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 89.85 174.35 -110.41 4.23 303.58 12.71
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -315.28 125.01 -58.4 3.4 466.94 19.62
5050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -544.95 51.19 -9.42 1.46 538.08 19.66
5051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -573.42 -29.58 40.49 0.58 520.35 20.07
5052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -386.66 -109.55 90.49 0.57 412.53 22.79
5053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 15.49 -157.93 141.07 3.5 214.27 24.41
5054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 596.54 -150.88 189.44 20.6 -74.96 -6.47
5055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1004.33 -88.71 226.79 35.49 -353.47 -32.11
5056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1128.77 -6.21 192.82 41.87 -480.64 -13.72
5057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1152.64 93.52 -29.14 -0.32 -429.13 -16.64
5058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 1058.31 178.8 -169.9 -19.74 -253.8 -48.57
5059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 649.22 240.74 -189.7 -2.07 36.59 -28.74
5060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -46.46 226.59 -141.4 3.38 337.84 15.32
5061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -610.61 177.63 -88.15 3.15 554.18 23.31
5062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -986.74 101.98 -36.28 1.54 671.24 20.51
5063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -1087.41 14.21 14.82 1.07 694.19 21.63
5064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -937.03 -79.42 67.73 1.44 621.43 34.02
5065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -575.1 -153.92 124.13 9.72 442.92 55.72
5066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02/04 -100.03 -115.01 135.77 32.77 170.36 -3.05
1000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -212.54 -165.61 -139.63 11.91 128.95 5.73
1001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -810.21 -201.18 -132.24 0.63 340.1 -57.89
1002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1197.77 -128.67 -77.05 -0.25 465.64 -35.58
1003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1381.27 -45.57 -23.87 0.21 499.92 -22.8
1004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1323.66 40.29 25.43 0.15 443.34 -20.55
1005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1094.05 117.92 75.82 -0.08 297.52 -23.43
1006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -678.39 171.54 124.43 -0.51 61.34 -23.23
1007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -127.41 170.65 175.8 -14.27 -278.51 11.95
1008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 224.29 119.85 170.15 -33 -610.03 46.28
1009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 326.03 42.59 36.47 -35.7 -762.12 19.53
1010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 366.14 -91.65 -182.74 5.18 -701.6 13.27
1011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 327.88 -158.4 -217.02 17.49 -506.87 31.3
1012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 103.17 -195.31 -182.38 -5.82 -235.9 18.47
1013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -343.37 -181.17 -138.83 -5.63 23.51 -18.6
1014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -706.98 -127.5 -85.31 -3.3 189.13 -22.66
1015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -930.08 -50.9 -34.32 -1.41 267.93 -20.16
1016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -962.37 26.24 15.61 -0.62 262.2 -20.04
1017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -797.97 97.73 63.84 -0.48 170.93 -22.2
1018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -460.38 146.5 111.7 -1.8 -6.3 -20.23
1019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -11.43 145.31 160.96 -14.74 -288.86 12.95
1020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 254.44 98.93 153.33 -31.75 -581.56 37.93
1021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 318.95 26.49 47.25 -25.62 -721.83 16.03
1022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 322.73 -92.24 -158.39 13.35 -659.77 14.82
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 268.45 -161.93 -205.43 16.63 -477.15 40.95
1024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 21.64 -199.67 -178.42 -3.11 -211.82 21.12
1025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -440.13 -171.32 -131.64 -5.13 44.35 -15.77
1026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -800.01 -116.67 -77.56 -3.36 209.47 -22.21
1027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -996.35 -39.76 -26.87 -1.46 288.27 -20.27
1028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1000.14 36.72 22.46 -0.46 282.48 -20.35
1029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -808.2 106.09 70.67 -0.34 189.22 -22.12
1030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -447.63 152.24 118.98 -2.33 11.12 -17.86
1031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 12.84 147.85 167.13 -15.53 -262.81 12.91
1032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 272.16 100.39 149.56 -32.48 -549.33 37.93
1033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 328.75 35.01 61.61 -20.34 -718 15.71
1034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 319.78 -73.83 -118.34 16.54 -696.52 15.73
1035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 257 -153.51 -191.9 16.99 -526.15 43.66
1036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -3.22 -201.92 -183.24 0.09 -253.74 24.04
1037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -465.13 -178.96 -134.27 -4.76 15.71 -14.75
1038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -816.45 -123.81 -80.67 -3.41 192.75 -22.11
1039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1000.45 -47.69 -29.49 -1.29 283.92 -20.28
1040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -989.39 34.49 20.02 -0.67 288.9 -19.92
1041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -782.85 107.93 68.66 -0.55 208.05 -22.48
1042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -410.01 155.56 116.32 -2.73 42.29 -20.76
1043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 58.82 149.1 166.11 -16.57 -216.97 10.4
1044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 316.1 98.25 144.08 -31.8 -495.16 36.73
1045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 369.39 29.71 48.48 -30.79 -684.74 6.62
1046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 317.94 -116.05 -161.41 13.95 -619.05 53.43
1047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -59.92 -205.38 -186.2 2.51 -286.47 0.54
1048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -460.07 -173.79 -138.55 -4.21 -6.09 -12.34
1049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -756.48 -124.51 -84.4 -3.4 168.53 -19.47
1050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -883.35 -50.96 -33.39 -1.64 256.32 -19.61
1051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -816.86 29.73 16.35 -0.71 258.14 -20.17
1052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -560.84 110.14 64.75 -0.63 175.09 -23.01
1053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -165.67 157.47 111.78 -3.48 5.96 -22.04
1054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 315.68 150.6 165.56 -20.47 -258.97 7.51
1055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 569.57 88.97 136.04 -35.41 -550.66 32.24
1056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 611.45 5.72 7.97 -41.23 -755.68 14.32
1057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 565.92 -92.71 -154.39 -0.28 -820.35 17.56
1058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 472.1 -181.98 -207.55 20.02 -688.77 48.61
1059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 138.61 -238.26 -220.65 1.6 -367.78 31.08
1060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -443.19 -226.68 -173.84 -3.65 -14.6 -15.35
1061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -905.5 -176.62 -117.99 -3.44 241.79 -23.27
1062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1172.98 -102.01 -65.41 -1.74 404.8 -20.99
1063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1276.29 -14.62 -14.04 -0.92 474.12 -21.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
1064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1154.01 78.83 36.63 -1.52 450.54 -33.43
1065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -800.11 154.48 88.64 -9.82 335.58 -55.83
1066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -215.13 114.7 114.15 -32.61 130.14 3.51
2000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 48.46 -246.78 -694.24 -33.44 498.99 5.28
2001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 493.35 -320.53 -402.43 -8.21 1290.04 -81.07
2002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 774.7 -217.31 -247.96 0.28 1742.2 -55.29
2003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 890.97 -77.77 -80.76 0.94 1868.49 -36.99
2004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 844.8 66.73 84.99 0.9 1660.53 -32.85
2005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 617.63 194.12 250.17 -0.6 1120.35 -35.4
2006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 195.05 277.53 412.97 -3.32 248.95 -33.49
2007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -399.51 253.41 556.49 -1.95 -965.01 13.55
2008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -830.87 139.99 727.52 14.52 -2126.98 65.19
2009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -949.86 44.95 1014.35 11.42 -3409.42 44.73
2010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -976.71 -106.67 -1482.95 -74.51 -2451.7 31.42
2011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -885.92 -226.27 -971.62 -58.43 -1675.59 49.48
2012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -571.8 -326.31 -597.05 -32.59 -829.12 22.08
2013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -111.53 -293.86 -438.23 -15.5 109.93 -23.25
2014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 207.55 -206.8 -278.74 -6.89 728.49 -31.19
2015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 383.98 -84.04 -112.63 -3.01 1023.72 -30.57
2016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 410.09 42.98 52.73 -1.7 1002.89 -30.96
2017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 283.56 158.59 214 -2.03 664.58 -32.97
2018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 11.19 232.81 370.72 -4.07 7.2 -29.02
2019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -413.89 210.49 515.19 -1.85 -1015.29 16.73
2020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -767.7 103.6 719.18 15.11 -2001.14 50.7
2021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -866.26 25.21 1097.66 6.16 -3084.21 42.33
2022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -899.9 -117.98 -1291.23 -74.29 -2395.72 34.16
2023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -829.43 -230.49 -870.75 -56.33 -1593.72 60.37
2024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -572.23 -325.6 -570.58 -31.84 -734.65 26.63
2025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -127.17 -283.52 -416.36 -15.83 189.99 -20.07
2026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 170.45 -190.21 -254.48 -7.41 804.39 -30.74
2027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 325.87 -65.72 -88.08 -3.14 1098.16 -30.5
2028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 330.13 60.45 76.01 -1.09 1075.59 -31.23
2029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 181.29 173.09 237.15 -1.27 732.76 -32.29
2030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -112.15 240.51 393 -3.45 71.27 -25.78
2031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -549.67 208.83 540.9 -0.88 -918.42 14.78
2032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -831.31 105.06 760.2 13.32 -1853.49 52.96
2033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -933.08 20.58 1173.28 4.72 -2805.43 39.46
2034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -896.57 -89.92 -1195.36 -70.63 -2675.63 36.93
2035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -798.57 -206.33 -824.39 -58.3 -1788.17 61.06
2036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -517.45 -316.36 -581.84 -34.67 -883.36 30.96
2037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -78.5 -292.71 -430.8 -16.82 85.31 -19.86
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
2038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 208.64 -204.42 -264.95 -7.66 742.63 -30.53
2039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 352.51 -77.62 -97.92 -2.58 1081.22 -30.65
2040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 344.09 56.91 66.88 -1.91 1100.93 -30.97
2041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 183.02 177.22 228.77 -1.87 802.57 -32.55
2042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -122.23 244.62 390.96 -3.35 184.6 -28
2043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -572.21 204.2 533.54 -0.47 -761.74 12.88
2044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -847.68 90.81 678.62 13.26 -1651.84 51.91
2045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -918.17 -1.48 996.13 4.21 -2505.1 25.2
2046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -778.68 -127.68 -1038.85 -55.4 -2443.45 78.35
2047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -319.3 -302.31 -600.44 -35.38 -985.58 -0.13
2048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 93.58 -283.16 -440.59 -18.15 7.43 -18.19
2049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 333.78 -204.55 -276.81 -7.98 653.24 -27.79
2050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 434.43 -84.11 -109.49 -3.68 979.75 -29.5
2051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 384.37 49.32 54.19 -2.23 987.73 -30.84
2052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 184.09 180.79 215.97 -2.05 679.48 -32.96
2053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -157.79 255.99 380.48 -2.95 47.86 -28.27
2054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -640.09 195.51 517.31 0.91 -924.6 7.65
2055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -915.94 64.09 593.47 14.57 -1810.8 49.54
2056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1015.08 -31.1 843.79 2.83 -2827.53 33.73
2057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1055.47 -107.82 -1673.58 -57.65 -3718.38 44.74
2058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -950 -236.18 -1094.85 -58.44 -2438.92 70.41
2059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -545.41 -370.26 -725.03 -41.51 -1282.64 41.43
2060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 78.49 -362.58 -559.74 -19.03 -33.94 -21.22
2061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 533.48 -287.84 -390.77 -8.07 910.62 -33.34
2062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 801.1 -166.03 -217.47 -3.65 1514.77 -32.28
2063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 869.1 -22.54 -43.59 -1.88 1773.49 -35.82
2064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 769.21 130.51 125.23 -1.77 1688.6 -52.84
2065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 483.35 241.83 287.52 -1.25 1269.56 -78.21
2066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 60.82 158.74 511.77 10.85 504.88 0.78
3000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 24.96 -0.66 -525.81 -0.12 551.13 -0.14
3001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 145.08 0.38 -490.87 0.46 1467.36 -1.24
3002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 305.47 0.09 -278.98 0.49 1992.66 -0.35
3003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 407.53 -0.05 -87.97 1.06 2133.42 -1.41
3004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 413.76 0.02 92.52 1.26 1898 -0.13
3005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 289.12 0.09 272.51 0.47 1282.41 -0.16
3006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 75.76 -0.52 460.08 0.47 281.1 -1.33
3007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -135.01 -0.23 678.38 0.64 -1170.37 0
3008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -212.12 -0.15 592.15 -0.34 -2527.55 0.09
3009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -235.01 -0.18 62.67 -0.55 -3088.53 -1.66
3010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -262.1 -0.16 -643.35 -0.05 -2858.91 0.04
3011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -277.5 -0.03 -792 -0.98 -2107.16 0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -264.96 0.29 -699.69 0.16 -968.3 -1.21
3013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -212.96 -0.22 -495.92 0.04 138.35 -0.1
3014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -109.06 0.41 -305.62 0.56 835.55 -4.26
3015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -31.2 -0.35 -122.51 0.25 1174.35 -0.27
3016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -20.86 0.05 57.76 -0.14 1150.89 -0.17
3017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -84.95 -0.32 234.93 -0.22 764.99 -1.63
3018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -192.26 -0.95 420.86 -0.09 11.16 -2.93
3019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -274.05 0.17 629.78 -0.26 -1216.05 -0.02
3020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -298.39 -0.59 528.31 0.44 -2410.39 -3.89
3021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -303.93 -0.68 107.96 -0.56 -2916.51 -0.1
3022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -314.61 -0.28 -549.23 -0.14 -2679.64 -0.35
3023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -323 -0.2 -740.29 0.36 -1973.56 0.13
3024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -322.95 0.11 -675.31 0.02 -863.68 -1.37
3025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -268.45 -0.24 -467.07 0.08 225.99 -0.13
3026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -169.6 -0.05 -278.6 -0.07 922.67 -0.05
3027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -100.65 -0.07 -95.87 -0.08 1258.27 -0.15
3028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -101.4 -0.36 83.28 0.46 1231.46 -4.13
3029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -174.16 0 260.79 0.49 842.89 -0.14
3030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -283.81 -0.04 444.07 0.19 92.16 -0.07
3031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -352.64 -0.7 652.74 -0.06 -1080.83 -1.26
3032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -355.33 -0.24 564.98 -1.49 -2271.78 0.1
3033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -350.21 -0.18 201.76 -0.54 -2910.57 -2.49
3034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -345.46 -0.18 -396.7 -2.55 -2833.37 0
3035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -342.43 -0.23 -690.82 -1.46 -2181.72 -0.03
3036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -321.02 -0.09 -674.74 -0.13 -1045.22 -0.03
3037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -248.01 0.2 -465.89 0.07 103.2 -1.44
3038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -144.97 -0.23 -287.22 -0.14 852.29 -0.12
3039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -79.06 -0.04 -106.79 0.31 1238.46 -1.33
3040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -85.19 -0.26 72.99 -0.16 1261.77 -0.07
3041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -163.3 0 248.58 -0.08 922.81 -0.12
3042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -273 -0.54 424.07 -0.07 223.05 -1.36
3043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -330.42 -0.3 631.28 0.03 -890.58 -0.08
3044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -313.41 -0.37 556.73 0.72 -2054.67 -0.04
3045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -296.86 -0.44 185.68 -0.14 -2780.61 0.11
3046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -244.06 -0.08 -634.67 0.44 -2546.24 0.05
3047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -194.06 0.54 -675.13 0.02 -1182.63 -3.03
3048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -102.59 -0.15 -482.4 -0.05 7.88 -0.07
3049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -14.11 -0.19 -300.75 -0.08 750.71 -0.07
3050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 26.77 0.01 -118.87 -0.41 1123.46 -0.02
3051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -4.25 0.03 59.11 -0.35 1133.08 -0.18
3052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -100.71 -1.01 234.05 -0.08 781.03 -4.11
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
3053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -218.35 0.14 406.92 0.01 70.45 -0.05
3054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -274.1 -0.16 622.48 -0.03 -1069.33 -0.02
3055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -288.81 -0.78 525.08 -0.42 -2268.98 -1.93
3056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -276.48 -0.23 29.09 0.57 -3087.84 -0.67
3057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -259.38 0.14 -596.02 -1.72 -3334.77 -0.62
3058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -241.53 0.03 -806.97 0.52 -2844.88 -4.33
3059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -161.89 -0.86 -816.62 -1.19 -1544.5 0
3060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 44.5 0.32 -617.8 -0.69 -48.65 -1.18
3061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 258.83 -0.1 -425.8 -0.72 1040.41 -0.17
3062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 368.09 0.12 -236.72 -0.45 1729.28 -2.9
3063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 381.19 -0.58 -47.13 0.25 2025.68 -1.33
3064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 295.61 0.2 135.43 -0.29 1933.64 -0.3
3065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 147.69 -0.33 327.25 -0.73 1447.33 -1.03
3066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 26.69 0.07 443.38 -0.66 555.94 -0.08
4000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 47.49 167.16 -696.69 11.83 498.23 -45.76
4001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 491.69 252.83 -403.65 0.39 1287.8 23.47
4002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 773.34 146.82 -248.64 0.14 1740.66 22.93
4003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 889.33 -5.47 -81.42 0.28 1866.12 21.61
4004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 844.75 -149.36 84.08 0.75 1660.76 25.02
4005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 617.88 -276.92 249.09 -0.91 1121.58 25.92
4006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 195.41 -365.85 411.74 -6 249.41 18.64
4007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -398.56 -345.77 554.95 -29.35 -963.75 -48.09
4008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -828.78 -233.64 724.62 -53.11 -2120.32 -73.11
4009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -947.6 -104.42 1009.72 -52.98 -3400.23 -64.73
4010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -975.82 -32.2 -1485.04 4.09 -2451.01 -58.25
4011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -885.93 54.96 -973.41 15.88 -1677.18 -63.34
4012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -571.78 178.47 -597.55 6.07 -829.71 -52.28
4013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -112.16 237.32 -438.23 1.76 109.15 13.82
4014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 206.58 160.33 -278.79 1.04 726.87 18.87
4015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 383.92 42.19 -112.3 0.23 1025.03 25.21
4016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 409.82 -92.53 52.5 -0.27 1003.7 23.97
4017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 282.84 -218.72 213.67 -1.34 664.24 22.47
4018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 10.29 -303.8 370.83 -6.52 5.47 18.02
4019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -414.48 -280.47 514.92 -29.99 -1015.87 -44.49
4020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -766.67 -164.71 719.11 -50.81 -2001.05 -64.37
4021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -865.67 -40.11 1099.56 -53.58 -3087.67 -55.61
4022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -898.84 25.37 -1290.43 4.37 -2393.25 -54.69
4023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -828.48 108.42 -870.36 14.55 -1592.19 -67.03
4024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -571.62 211.68 -570.47 4.53 -733.56 -53.35
4025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -127.01 231.82 -416.26 1.64 190.54 15.82
4026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 170.1 166.5 -254.59 0.3 804.05 23.05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 325.26 51.31 -88.38 0 1097.75 23.56
4028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 328.84 -82.93 75.78 0.22 1072.58 18.59
4029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 181.16 -212.62 236.92 -0.7 732.68 27.2
4030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -111.25 -307.85 392.13 -5.73 72.68 23.93
4031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -547.85 -296.34 539.19 -28.08 -915.6 -40.97
4032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -828.99 -179.08 756.97 -52.96 -1846.76 -61.46
4033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -931.01 -57.63 1168.2 -57.55 -2797.61 -60.78
4034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -896.5 43.52 -1199.68 5.62 -2678.26 -52.26
4035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -799.52 126.65 -827.15 13.52 -1792.81 -66.47
4036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -517.83 224.12 -582.86 3.3 -886.07 -53.52
4037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -78.98 232.47 -431.27 1.16 84.72 15.86
4038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 208.24 165.9 -265.29 0.2 742.48 24.24
4039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 351.68 54.68 -98.61 0.38 1079.88 20.98
4040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 343.6 -72.19 66.48 -0.47 1100.35 22.42
4041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 183.14 -197.66 228.09 -1.16 803.04 25.9
4042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -121.9 -299.19 390.36 -5.08 184.72 22.33
4043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -571.34 -311.57 533.09 -24.7 -761.86 -38.79
4044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -846.41 -217.35 678.46 -49.44 -1651.93 -57.65
4045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -916.65 -100.11 997.04 -61.1 -2506.57 -58.22
4046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -776.46 94.24 -1036.53 12.9 -2439.6 -93.67
4047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -316.96 229.57 -599.31 1.75 -982.33 -20.83
4048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 94.34 207.21 -439.43 0.83 9.25 13.78
4049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 333.99 129.76 -276.18 0.28 653.78 23.25
4050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 434.18 17.01 -109.2 -0.2 979.5 22.33
4051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 384.08 -107.05 54.24 -0.78 987.8 23.7
4052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 183.29 -218.99 216.35 -1.16 677.1 20.29
4053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -158.06 -309.17 380.74 -4.45 46.78 20.71
4054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -638.96 -330.42 516.9 -23.7 -923.22 -46.89
4055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -913.67 -236.65 592.75 -53.56 -1807.8 -61.75
4056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1012.97 -110.46 842.91 -72.6 -2825.63 -61.08
4057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1053.43 44.7 -1673.32 11.15 -3717.86 -62.14
4058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -946.92 143.04 -1093.27 16.92 -2434.25 -85.26
4059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -545.36 264.3 -723.11 0.88 -1280.93 -75.11
4060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 78.23 287.9 -558.93 -0.35 -34.86 8.21
4061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 532.45 216.06 -389.79 -0.61 909.78 23.58
4062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 798.59 92.92 -216.41 -0.63 1511.24 20.14
4063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 867.49 -50.3 -42.33 0.33 1771.71 21.28
4064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 770.09 -192.17 126.22 0.04 1691.12 27.28
4065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 482.97 -298.98 288.25 -7.77 1269.26 23.15
4066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 60.37 -243.3 513.04 -32.08 504.67 -43.15
5000 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -214.45 120.26 -140.61 -33.84 129.46 -42.62
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5001 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -807.66 159.84 -133.77 -10.24 340.89 15.37
5002 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1196.65 87.8 -78.08 -0.96 467.68 14.38
5003 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1380.32 -4.33 -24.4 -0.21 501.58 13.6
5004 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1323.27 -92.61 25.02 -0.19 446.27 15.25
5005 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1094.29 -170.87 75.13 -0.81 300 17.11
5006 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -678.67 -230.69 123.86 -0.45 62.04 14.7
5007 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -127.88 -227.87 175.89 1.87 -279.43 -36.41
5008 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 223.4 -177.4 170.79 20.98 -611.49 -54.78
5009 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 325.2 -88.48 37.42 4.13 -763.14 -30.65
5010 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 364.96 6.87 -183.35 -37.87 -705.28 -23.32
5011 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 327.08 82.76 -218.01 -30.91 -511.01 -54.92
5012 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 103.27 141.24 -183.16 -18.45 -237.53 -41.86
5013 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -342.99 142.07 -139.78 0.96 23.38 9.49
5014 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -706.91 95.1 -85.47 0.48 189.37 13.16
5015 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -930.68 25.34 -34.06 0.08 270.39 15.19
5016 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -962.77 -56.25 15.31 -0.14 264.29 14.5
5017 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -798.14 -134.06 63.7 -0.63 171.8 15.18
5018 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -459.82 -190.95 112.39 -1.14 -7.03 14.67
5019 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -11.38 -189.99 161.75 2.48 -291.2 -34.38
5020 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 253.89 -141.27 153.76 20.96 -582.93 -46.4
5021 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 318 -56.24 47.11 9.68 -727.01 -25.33
5022 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 321.74 39.21 -160.28 -29.66 -662.32 -23.62
5023 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 267.28 103.04 -207.02 -28.59 -479.37 -53.91
5024 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 20.46 150.31 -179.25 -14.1 -212.27 -43.07
5025 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -440.87 143.61 -132.31 1.02 44.97 11.06
5026 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -800.09 100.03 -78.13 0.29 210.61 15.12
5027 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -996.3 30.92 -27.53 0.04 289.98 14.19
5028 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -999.49 -50.45 22.46 0.01 282.48 11.76
5029 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -808.12 -130.85 71.23 -0.56 190.54 17.14
5030 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -448.67 -192.19 119.03 -1.79 11.96 16.83
5031 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 11.3 -193.87 167.45 1.05 -262.67 -32
5032 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 270.84 -146.03 150.44 20.29 -549.84 -47.78
5033 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 327.94 -57.28 63.09 18.11 -718.34 -27.56
5034 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 318.72 51.15 -117.48 -24.19 -701.33 -22.64
5035 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 256.5 109.4 -192.1 -29.18 -531.77 -50.96
5036 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -2.45 152.55 -184.34 -12.09 -256.67 -42.48
5037 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -464.53 142.78 -135.11 1.35 15.55 12.42
5038 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -816.16 100.83 -81.65 0.32 193.96 15.76
5039 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1000 32.68 -30.22 0.13 284.93 13.1
5040 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -989.14 -43.84 19.84 -0.17 290.39 13.7
5041 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -783.16 -122.12 68.47 -0.7 209.65 16.21
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
5042 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -410.44 -184.76 116.28 -2.47 42.68 16.23
5043 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 58.58 -194.99 166.56 -2.44 -218.22 -32.13
5044 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 315.41 -163.98 144.46 18.61 -497.78 -46.64
5045 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 368.71 -91.74 48.6 15.99 -688.19 -18.17
5046 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 317.11 83.96 -162.7 -28.15 -621.45 -64.91
5047 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -60.99 153.45 -186.56 -11.23 -286.03 -14.27
5048 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -461.2 125.77 -138.51 1.73 -5.15 10.08
5049 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -756.74 78.76 -84.38 0.38 169.95 15.45
5050 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -883.19 10.64 -33.37 -0.02 257.78 13.83
5051 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -816.83 -64.8 16.27 -0.22 259.87 14.22
5052 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -560.07 -134.53 65.28 -0.79 174.9 13.58
5053 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -164.92 -196.55 113.01 -3.35 5.6 13.75
5054 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 314.91 -198.04 166.38 -6.25 -259.76 -37.15
5055 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 568.56 -164.1 137.07 18.55 -551.94 -54.62
5056 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 610.27 -91.83 8.61 9.13 -758.69 -27.51
5057 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 564.75 45.25 -154.79 -33.81 -824.26 -26.1
5058 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 471.45 122.65 -208.2 -30.95 -688.65 -60.26
5059 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 137.97 182.61 -221.2 -15.22 -369.49 -56.06
5060 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -442.42 175.14 -173.96 1.78 -15.05 7.65
5061 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -904.58 130.54 -118.25 0.14 242.96 15.99
5062 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1171.61 56.13 -64.94 -0.25 405.28 12.73
5063 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1275.29 -29.76 -12.27 0.01 475.94 13.32
5064 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -1158.47 -115.6 37.9 -0.29 454.89 16.6
5065 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -799.21 -188.48 89.21 0.09 337.3 15.34
5066 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02/04 -215.87 -164.4 114.84 11.3 130.87 -41.41

La numération des éléments se correspond avec cette définie dans la description du modèle
de calcul.


Les forces de section dues à tous les effets de charge sont extraites du modèle général civil
MIDAS. Les exigences maximales et minimales de flexion, cisaillement et torsion ultime sont
calculées à chaque élément le long du viaduc. Las capacités sont ensuite calculées en
fonction de l'emplacement et de la quantité de renforcement à chaque élément avec un
software de vérification sectionale.
Le tablier est analysé à l'aide d'un modèle de grillage. Il a été divisé en 5 zones comme
indiqué ci-dessous :
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Les exigences maximales et minimales ultime des sections critiques sont calculées.
Sections évaluées du tablier :

(Pile 1)
(Pile 2)
P3 0.50-S1
(Pile 3) (Mi-portée 1)
P4 0.50-S2
(Pile 4) (Mi-portée 2)
(Pile 5) 0.50-S3
0.50-S4 (Mi-portée 3)
(Mi-portée 4)

(Mi-portée 5)

(Mi-portée 6)

Configuration of Sections on grillage:

Les calculs sont présentés pour les éléments du porte-à-faux gauche et la partie centrale
gauche et central. Les calculs sont présentés à l'Annexe 1.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Annexe 1
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Calcul longitudinale du tablier ELU et ELS

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 1/8

Identifier: 1004_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 2/8

Identifier: 1004_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.657 40.764
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.419 40.092
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.419 41.020
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.657 40.964

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.657 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.423 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.423 40.764
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.657 40.764

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261842 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.297
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.677
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 3/8

Identifier: 1004_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 19426.8 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 15395.6

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.532 40.867 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.432 40.870 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.282 40.873 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -5.132 40.877 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.982 40.881 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.833 40.885 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.683 40.888 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.533 40.892 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.383 40.896 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.233 40.900 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -4.083 40.903 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.933 40.907 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.783 40.911 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.633 40.915 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.483 40.918 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.478 40.162 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.628 40.207 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.778 40.253 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.929 40.298 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -4.079 40.343 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.230 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.380 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.530 40.478 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.681 40.523 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.831 40.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.981 40.614 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -5.132 40.659 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.282 40.704 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.433 40.749 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.583 40.794 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 4/8

Identifier: 1004_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.611 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 -591.730 1142.230 - 0.438 - 137.950 97.390 - -
_#Co_13 -1067.950 1279.410 - 0.449 - 115.000 52.700 - -
_#Co_14 -1052.010 1397.310 - 0.509 - 141.450 97.760 - -
_#Co_15 -1247.050 1550.800 - 0.566 - 118.390 129.130 - -
_#Co_16 -1227.260 1669.000 - 0.611 - 101.470 100.010 - -
_#Co_17 -1067.950 1279.410 - 0.449 - 115.000 52.700 - -
_#Co_18 -2171.040 836.580 - 0.217 - -57.850 -87.550 - -
_#Co_19 -1491.920 711.190 - 0.194 - -46.270 -46.320 - -
_#Co_20 -1611.230 594.980 - 0.152 - -64.490 -79.020 - -
_#Co_21 -1520.860 473.320 - 0.119 - -6.100 -136.400 - -
_#Co_22 -1108.340 284.080 - 0.070 - 10.770 -48.890 - -
_#Co_23 -1504.740 710.910 - 0.193 - -54.260 -45.590 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 5/8

Identifier: 1004_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.419 41.020 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.419 40.092 15.237 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.483 40.918 -1.447 -251.702 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.478 40.162 13.827 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 6/8

Identifier: 1004_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.419 40.811 -4.963 40.773 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.963 40.773 -3.419 40.310 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 97.390 912.78 19426.82 OK

_#Co_13 52.700 493.92 19426.82 OK
_#Co_14 97.760 916.24 19426.82 OK
_#Co_15 129.130 1210.26 19426.82 OK
_#Co_16 100.010 937.33 19426.82 OK
_#Co_17 52.700 493.92 19426.82 OK
_#Co_18 -87.550 820.55 19426.82 OK
_#Co_19 -46.320 434.13 19426.82 OK
_#Co_20 -79.020 740.61 19426.82 OK
_#Co_21 -136.400 1278.39 19426.82 OK
_#Co_22 -48.890 458.22 19426.82 OK
_#Co_23 -45.590 427.29 19426.82 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 7/8

Identifier: 1004_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -1020.520 493.600 - 88.770 26.880 -0.590 - -
_#Co_1 -1030.080 514.670 - 90.900 28.950 -0.740 - -
_#Co_2 -1030.080 514.670 - 90.900 28.950 -0.740 - -
_#Co_3 -1271.940 712.520 - 44.810 -8.200 2.230 - -
_#Co_4 -1281.140 733.610 - 47.000 -6.120 1.980 - -
_#Co_5 -1030.080 514.670 - 90.900 28.950 -0.740 - -
_#Co_6 -1331.120 731.490 - 46.010 -6.830 2.070 - -
_#Co_7 -1321.560 710.420 - 43.880 -8.910 2.220 - -
_#Co_8 -1321.560 710.420 - 43.880 -8.910 2.220 - -
_#Co_9 -1030.080 514.670 - 90.900 28.950 -0.740 - -
_#Co_10 -1020.880 493.570 - 88.710 26.860 -0.490 - -
_#Co_11 -1321.560 710.420 - 43.880 -8.910 2.220 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.419 40.092 0.429 0.000 1.000
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -3.419 41.020 -0.247 -8.713 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.478 40.162 0.632 126.322 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_6 -3.483 40.918 -0.144 -28.814 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 8/8

Identifier: 1004_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.927 h (m) 0.927
d (m) - d (m) 0.564
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.363
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.229
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.0871
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 3217.0
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 126.32
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 432.9575
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.1739
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.648 40.225
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.409 39.553
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.409 40.481
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.648 40.425

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.648 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.433 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.433 40.225
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.648 40.225

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.288
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.138
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30686.3 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 24316.5

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.519 40.328 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.369 40.332 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.219 40.336 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -5.069 40.339 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.919 40.343 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.769 40.347 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.619 40.351 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.469 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.319 40.358 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.170 40.362 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -4.020 40.366 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.870 40.369 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.720 40.373 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.570 40.377 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.420 40.380 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.495 39.631 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.646 39.676 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.796 39.722 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.946 39.767 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -4.097 39.812 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.247 39.857 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.398 39.902 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.548 39.947 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.698 39.992 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.849 40.037 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.999 40.083 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -5.149 40.128 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.300 40.173 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.450 40.218 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.601 40.263 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -5.498 40.329 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -5.348 40.332 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -5.198 40.336 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -5.048 40.340 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -4.898 40.344 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -4.748 40.347 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -4.598 40.351 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -4.448 40.355 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -4.298 40.359 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -4.148 40.362 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -3.998 40.366 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -3.848 40.370 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -3.698 40.374 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -3.548 40.377 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.377 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1627.620 -1022.330 - 0.281 - -303.840 328.080 - -
_#Co_13 1020.810 -468.500 - 0.138 - -50.310 226.910 - -
_#Co_14 941.100 -356.490 - 0.110 - 39.440 109.870 - -
_#Co_15 1570.700 -1043.740 - 0.283 - -319.530 336.620 - -
_#Co_16 1000.930 -254.870 - 0.097 - -64.850 141.120 - -
_#Co_17 1239.990 -848.330 - 0.225 - -161.010 286.510 - -
_#Co_18 732.260 -615.920 - 0.149 - -37.700 -112.260 - -
_#Co_19 1343.110 -1442.780 - 0.336 - -400.020 -102.410 - -
_#Co_20 1373.980 -1443.360 - 0.331 - -487.200 13.870 - -
_#Co_21 826.990 -962.080 - 0.228 - -162.880 -199.950 - -
_#Co_22 1247.640 -1609.150 - 0.377 - -381.810 -127.570 - -
_#Co_23 1109.570 -1031.380 - 0.247 - -253.450 -144.410 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.409 40.481 3.362 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.409 39.553 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.420 40.380 2.620 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.495 39.631 -2.922 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.409 40.272 -4.953 40.234 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.953 40.234 -3.409 39.771 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 328.080 3074.39 30686.29 OK

_#Co_13 226.910 2126.34 30686.29 OK
_#Co_14 109.870 1029.57 30686.29 OK
_#Co_15 336.620 3154.41 30686.29 OK
_#Co_16 141.120 1322.41 30686.29 OK
_#Co_17 286.510 2684.84 30686.29 OK
_#Co_18 -112.260 1051.97 30686.29 OK
_#Co_19 -102.410 959.67 30686.29 OK
_#Co_20 13.870 129.97 30686.29 OK
_#Co_21 -199.950 1873.70 30686.29 OK
_#Co_22 -127.570 1195.44 30686.29 OK
_#Co_23 -144.410 1353.24 30686.29 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 992.770 -787.640 - -67.050 -223.300 64.250 - -
_#Co_1 376.940 -437.000 - -16.920 -21.430 4.000 - -
_#Co_2 376.460 -437.030 - -16.940 -21.410 4.040 - -
_#Co_3 992.290 -787.670 - -67.060 -223.280 64.290 - -
_#Co_4 396.890 -403.130 - -23.880 -56.190 14.420 - -
_#Co_5 464.340 -655.080 - -27.340 -104.990 31.590 - -
_#Co_6 376.460 -437.030 - -16.940 -21.410 4.040 - -
_#Co_7 992.290 -787.670 - -67.060 -223.280 64.290 - -
_#Co_8 992.770 -787.640 - -67.050 -223.300 64.250 - -
_#Co_9 376.940 -437.000 - -16.920 -21.430 4.000 - -
_#Co_10 967.050 -814.130 - -59.070 -181.750 51.740 - -
_#Co_11 899.600 -562.180 - -55.610 -132.960 34.570 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.409 40.481 0.506 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -3.409 39.553 -0.343 -12.064 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.420 40.380 0.422 84.468 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.495 39.631 -0.270 -54.064 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 1010_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_10

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.928 h (m) 0.928
d (m) 0.765 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.163 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.186 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.3533 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 84.47 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 368.0010 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.1016 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 1/8

Identifier: 1016_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 2/8

Identifier: 1016_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.534 40.227
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.296 39.555
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.296 40.483
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.534 40.427

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.534 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.546 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.546 40.227
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.534 40.227

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.174
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.140
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 3/8

Identifier: 1016_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 12075.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9568.9

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.408 40.330 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.310 40.332 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.160 40.336 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -5.010 40.340 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.860 40.344 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.710 40.347 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.560 40.351 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.410 40.355 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.260 40.359 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.110 40.362 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -3.960 40.366 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.811 40.370 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.661 40.374 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.511 40.377 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.361 40.381 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.331 39.618 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.481 39.663 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.631 39.708 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.782 39.753 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -3.932 39.798 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.082 39.843 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.233 39.889 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.383 39.934 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.534 39.979 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.684 40.024 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.834 40.069 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -4.985 40.114 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.135 40.159 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.285 40.204 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.436 40.250 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 4/8

Identifier: 1016_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.800 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 -100.490 860.930 - 0.570 - 87.580 105.380 - -
_#Co_13 -552.430 919.050 - 0.518 - 58.230 56.060 - -
_#Co_14 -171.110 876.940 - 0.569 - 88.310 104.060 - -
_#Co_15 -224.280 979.560 - 0.635 - 75.160 114.920 - -
_#Co_16 -719.280 1346.990 - 0.800 - 68.550 102.580 - -
_#Co_17 -481.590 890.000 - 0.510 - 58.830 56.860 - -
_#Co_18 -1792.490 515.770 - 0.155 - -82.510 -91.030 - -
_#Co_19 -1171.490 232.500 - 0.068 - -66.560 -76.970 - -
_#Co_20 -1598.910 516.800 - 0.162 - -90.820 -84.990 - -
_#Co_21 -1637.730 392.010 - 0.115 - -49.870 -116.750 - -
_#Co_22 -822.670 8.650 - 0.026 - -44.370 -50.790 - -
_#Co_23 -1242.330 261.560 - 0.076 - -67.160 -77.760 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 5/8

Identifier: 1016_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.296 40.483 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.296 39.555 21.670 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.361 40.381 -0.740 -128.717 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.331 39.618 19.971 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 6/8

Identifier: 1016_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.296 40.274 -4.840 40.236 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.840 40.236 -3.296 39.773 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 105.380 987.50 12075.50 OK

_#Co_13 56.060 525.33 12075.50 OK
_#Co_14 104.060 975.13 12075.50 OK
_#Co_15 114.920 1076.90 12075.50 OK
_#Co_16 102.580 961.26 12075.50 OK
_#Co_17 56.860 532.83 12075.50 OK
_#Co_18 -91.030 853.03 12075.50 OK
_#Co_19 -76.970 721.27 12075.50 OK
_#Co_20 -84.990 796.43 12075.50 OK
_#Co_21 -116.750 1094.05 12075.50 OK
_#Co_22 -50.790 475.95 12075.50 OK
_#Co_23 -77.760 728.68 12075.50 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 7/8

Identifier: 1016_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -568.860 300.560 - 39.400 -0.860 0.490 - -
_#Co_1 -771.700 383.580 - 40.250 -2.580 -1.800 - -
_#Co_2 -577.920 312.810 - 39.190 -0.360 0.420 - -
_#Co_3 -568.860 300.560 - 39.400 -0.860 0.490 - -
_#Co_4 -909.330 555.490 - 36.980 -10.760 -2.470 - -
_#Co_5 -569.290 300.560 - 39.410 -0.860 0.480 - -
_#Co_6 -953.480 518.210 - 35.280 -15.590 -2.780 - -
_#Co_7 -750.630 435.180 - 34.430 -13.870 -0.490 - -
_#Co_8 -944.410 505.960 - 35.490 -16.100 -2.710 - -
_#Co_9 -953.480 518.210 - 35.280 -15.590 -2.780 - -
_#Co_10 -622.500 268.470 - 37.440 -6.470 0.120 - -
_#Co_11 -953.040 518.210 - 35.280 -15.590 -2.770 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.296 39.555 0.399 0.000 1.000
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -3.296 40.483 -0.229 -8.052 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.331 39.618 0.735 147.037 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.361 40.381 -0.115 -23.060 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 8/8

Identifier: 1016_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.928 h (m) 0.928
d (m) - d (m) 0.549
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.378
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 87.5
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.241
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.0966
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 1963.5
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 25.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 147.04
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 506.5770
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2235
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.535 40.228
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.296 39.556
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.296 40.484
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.535 40.428

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.535 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.545 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.545 40.228
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.535 40.228

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.175
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.141
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 28035.6 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 22216.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.409 40.331 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.259 40.335 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.109 40.339 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -4.959 40.342 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.809 40.346 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.659 40.350 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.509 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.359 40.357 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.209 40.361 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.059 40.365 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -3.909 40.368 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.759 40.372 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.609 40.376 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.459 40.380 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.309 40.383 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.377 39.633 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.527 39.678 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.677 39.723 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.828 39.768 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -3.978 39.813 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.129 39.858 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.279 39.903 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.429 39.948 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.580 39.994 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.730 40.039 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.880 40.084 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -5.031 40.129 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.181 40.174 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.332 40.219 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.482 40.264 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -5.385 40.332 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -5.235 40.335 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -5.085 40.339 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -4.935 40.343 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -4.785 40.347 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -4.635 40.350 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -4.485 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -4.335 40.358 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -4.185 40.362 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -4.035 40.365 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -3.885 40.369 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -3.735 40.373 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -3.585 40.377 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -3.435 40.380 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.364 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1768.600 -1092.340 - 0.301 - -294.820 209.000 - -
_#Co_13 835.350 -375.970 - 0.116 - -81.930 236.980 - -
_#Co_14 701.800 -275.530 - 0.087 - -21.760 124.850 - -
_#Co_15 1651.750 -963.140 - 0.278 - -258.430 300.330 - -
_#Co_16 923.990 -243.520 - 0.095 - -87.060 146.300 - -
_#Co_17 1005.040 -550.750 - 0.160 - -120.380 258.410 - -
_#Co_18 480.410 -582.180 - 0.142 - -126.320 -110.160 - -
_#Co_19 1419.900 -1361.540 - 0.332 - -339.850 -115.160 - -
_#Co_20 1547.210 -1398.990 - 0.335 - -399.380 -26.020 - -
_#Co_21 649.190 -867.400 - 0.215 - -189.830 -202.370 - -
_#Co_22 1200.530 -1489.480 - 0.364 - -348.190 -139.510 - -
_#Co_23 1227.710 -1148.040 - 0.282 - -272.630 -132.350 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.296 40.484 3.323 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.296 39.556 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.309 40.383 2.585 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.377 39.633 -2.939 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.296 40.275 -4.840 40.237 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.840 40.237 -3.296 39.774 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 209.000 1958.51 28035.57 OK

_#Co_13 236.980 2220.70 28035.57 OK
_#Co_14 124.850 1169.95 28035.57 OK
_#Co_15 300.330 2814.35 28035.57 OK
_#Co_16 146.300 1370.95 28035.57 OK
_#Co_17 258.410 2421.52 28035.57 OK
_#Co_18 -110.160 1032.29 28035.57 OK
_#Co_19 -115.160 1079.15 28035.57 OK
_#Co_20 -26.020 243.83 28035.57 OK
_#Co_21 -202.370 1896.38 28035.57 OK
_#Co_22 -139.510 1307.33 28035.57 OK
_#Co_23 -132.350 1240.23 28035.57 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 1026.330 -747.190 - -82.530 -190.950 49.430 - -
_#Co_1 348.060 -443.730 - -42.540 -75.540 17.340 - -
_#Co_2 348.400 -443.720 - -42.550 -75.530 17.340 - -
_#Co_3 1025.980 -747.200 - -82.510 -190.950 49.440 - -
_#Co_4 422.470 -433.050 - -45.960 -97.300 24.490 - -
_#Co_5 595.290 -630.850 - -54.290 -147.780 40.690 - -
_#Co_6 348.060 -443.730 - -42.540 -75.540 17.340 - -
_#Co_7 1026.330 -747.190 - -82.530 -190.950 49.430 - -
_#Co_8 1025.980 -747.200 - -82.510 -190.950 49.440 - -
_#Co_9 348.400 -443.720 - -42.550 -75.530 17.340 - -
_#Co_10 938.100 -748.890 - -78.450 -165.150 40.980 - -
_#Co_11 779.090 -560.070 - -70.780 -118.710 26.080 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.296 40.484 0.501 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -3.296 39.556 -0.321 -11.305 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_0 -3.309 40.383 0.412 82.463 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.377 39.633 -0.254 -50.864 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 1022_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_0

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.928 h (m) 0.928
d (m) 0.776 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.151 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.189 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.3604 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 82.46 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 369.6726 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.0976 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 1/8

Identifier: 1028_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 2/8

Identifier: 1028_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.458 40.230
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.220 39.558
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.220 40.486
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.458 40.430

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.458 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.622 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.622 40.230
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.458 40.230

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.098
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.143
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 3/8

Identifier: 1028_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 12075.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9568.9

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.332 40.333 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.234 40.336 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.084 40.339 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -4.934 40.343 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.784 40.347 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.634 40.350 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.484 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.334 40.358 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.184 40.362 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.034 40.365 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -3.884 40.369 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.734 40.373 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.584 40.377 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.434 40.380 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.284 40.384 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.257 39.622 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.407 39.667 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.557 39.712 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.708 39.757 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -3.858 39.802 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.009 39.847 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.159 39.892 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.309 39.938 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.460 39.983 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.610 40.028 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.760 40.073 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -4.911 40.118 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.061 40.163 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.212 40.208 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.362 40.253 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 4/8

Identifier: 1028_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.794 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 -77.290 501.280 - 0.319 - 53.470 62.070 - -
_#Co_13 -474.220 923.180 - 0.534 - 55.310 57.930 - -
_#Co_14 -149.760 881.540 - 0.578 - 89.620 107.750 - -
_#Co_15 -278.500 991.680 - 0.638 - 85.940 119.120 - -
_#Co_16 -775.550 1346.230 - 0.794 - 80.530 105.770 - -
_#Co_17 -783.070 1028.270 - 0.556 - 51.700 53.020 - -
_#Co_18 -1853.500 554.640 - 0.169 - -77.810 -95.730 - -
_#Co_19 -1139.180 292.720 - 0.085 - -76.390 -76.860 - -
_#Co_20 -1685.410 551.550 - 0.174 - -84.250 -89.620 - -
_#Co_21 -1664.750 430.140 - 0.127 - -47.190 -124.050 - -
_#Co_22 -823.520 49.100 - 0.029 - -47.180 -53.300 - -
_#Co_23 -1251.640 278.040 - 0.081 - -71.080 -82.610 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 5/8

Identifier: 1028_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.220 40.486 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.220 39.558 21.453 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.284 40.384 -0.767 -133.332 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.257 39.622 19.747 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 6/8

Identifier: 1028_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.220 40.277 -4.764 40.239 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.764 40.239 -3.220 39.776 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 62.070 581.65 12075.50 OK

_#Co_13 57.930 542.85 12075.50 OK
_#Co_14 107.750 1009.71 12075.50 OK
_#Co_15 119.120 1116.25 12075.50 OK
_#Co_16 105.770 991.15 12075.50 OK
_#Co_17 53.020 496.84 12075.50 OK
_#Co_18 -95.730 897.07 12075.50 OK
_#Co_19 -76.860 720.24 12075.50 OK
_#Co_20 -89.620 839.82 12075.50 OK
_#Co_21 -124.050 1162.45 12075.50 OK
_#Co_22 -53.300 499.47 12075.50 OK
_#Co_23 -82.610 774.13 12075.50 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 7/8

Identifier: 1028_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -547.980 315.810 - 44.050 -3.630 0.360 - -
_#Co_1 -559.220 329.280 - 44.730 -2.830 0.230 - -
_#Co_2 -559.220 329.280 - 44.730 -2.830 0.230 - -
_#Co_3 -548.070 315.810 - 44.060 -3.630 0.360 - -
_#Co_4 -910.000 554.590 - 41.390 -7.780 -2.230 - -
_#Co_5 -559.220 329.280 - 44.730 -2.830 0.230 - -
_#Co_6 -980.400 524.340 - 40.900 -8.870 -2.390 - -
_#Co_7 -969.160 510.870 - 40.230 -9.680 -2.260 - -
_#Co_8 -969.160 510.870 - 40.230 -9.680 -2.260 - -
_#Co_9 -980.310 524.340 - 40.890 -8.870 -2.400 - -
_#Co_10 -631.590 291.240 - 43.460 -4.970 0.160 - -
_#Co_11 -969.160 510.870 - 40.230 -9.680 -2.260 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.220 39.558 0.444 0.000 1.000
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -3.220 40.486 -0.229 -8.050 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.257 39.622 0.734 146.852 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.284 40.384 -0.115 -23.071 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 8/8

Identifier: 1028_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.928 h (m) 0.928
d (m) - d (m) 0.548
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.379
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 87.5
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.241
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.0966
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 1963.5
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 25.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 146.85
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 506.5982
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2232
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.681 40.232
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.442 39.560
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.442 40.488
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.681 40.432

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.681 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.399 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.399 40.232
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.681 40.232

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.321
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.145
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 28035.6 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 22216.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.554 40.335 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.404 40.339 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.254 40.343 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -5.105 40.346 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.955 40.350 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.805 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.655 40.358 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.505 40.361 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.355 40.365 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.205 40.369 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -4.055 40.372 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.905 40.376 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.755 40.380 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.605 40.384 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.455 40.387 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.522 39.637 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.673 39.682 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.823 39.727 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.974 39.772 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -4.124 39.817 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.274 39.862 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.425 39.907 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.575 39.952 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.725 39.998 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.876 40.043 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -5.026 40.088 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -5.177 40.133 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.327 40.178 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.477 40.223 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.628 40.268 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -5.531 40.336 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -5.381 40.339 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -5.231 40.343 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -5.081 40.347 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -4.931 40.351 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -4.781 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -4.631 40.358 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -4.481 40.362 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -4.331 40.366 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -4.181 40.369 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -4.031 40.373 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -3.881 40.377 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -3.731 40.381 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -3.581 40.384 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.375 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1855.140 -1113.230 - 0.305 - -182.340 166.200 - -
_#Co_13 1009.520 -582.690 - 0.165 - -122.570 241.570 - -
_#Co_14 1093.920 -546.470 - 0.162 - -79.150 233.840 - -
_#Co_15 1578.390 -916.560 - 0.262 - -198.490 270.780 - -
_#Co_16 918.750 -249.870 - 0.096 - -97.670 146.600 - -
_#Co_17 1045.090 -577.620 - 0.166 - -113.950 245.750 - -
_#Co_18 462.990 -558.610 - 0.135 - -167.740 -72.470 - -
_#Co_19 1296.220 -1306.040 - 0.319 - -273.050 -133.070 - -
_#Co_20 1265.950 -1427.750 - 0.350 - -334.170 -162.580 - -
_#Co_21 761.380 -1065.500 - 0.264 - -227.970 -191.870 - -
_#Co_22 1252.550 -1530.860 - 0.375 - -314.630 -149.720 - -
_#Co_23 1242.240 -1174.600 - 0.288 - -253.570 -133.090 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.442 40.488 3.340 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.442 39.560 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.455 40.387 2.600 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.522 39.637 -2.937 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.442 40.279 -4.986 40.241 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.986 40.241 -3.442 39.778 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 166.200 1557.43 28035.57 OK

_#Co_13 241.570 2263.71 28035.57 OK
_#Co_14 233.840 2191.28 28035.57 OK
_#Co_15 270.780 2537.44 28035.57 OK
_#Co_16 146.600 1373.77 28035.57 OK
_#Co_17 245.750 2302.88 28035.57 OK
_#Co_18 -72.470 679.11 28035.57 OK
_#Co_19 -133.070 1246.98 28035.57 OK
_#Co_20 -162.580 1523.51 28035.57 OK
_#Co_21 -191.870 1797.98 28035.57 OK
_#Co_22 -149.720 1403.00 28035.57 OK
_#Co_23 -133.090 1247.17 28035.57 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 1076.320 -765.200 - -66.860 -146.580 33.290 - -
_#Co_1 357.200 -454.540 - -49.430 -108.410 27.590 - -
_#Co_2 357.090 -454.450 - -49.440 -108.340 27.580 - -
_#Co_3 1076.320 -765.200 - -66.860 -146.580 33.290 - -
_#Co_4 438.470 -438.510 - -49.680 -112.790 28.590 - -
_#Co_5 357.090 -454.450 - -49.440 -108.340 27.580 - -
_#Co_6 357.090 -454.450 - -49.440 -108.340 27.580 - -
_#Co_7 1076.210 -765.120 - -66.870 -146.520 33.270 - -
_#Co_8 1076.320 -765.200 - -66.860 -146.580 33.290 - -
_#Co_9 357.090 -454.450 - -49.440 -108.340 27.580 - -
_#Co_10 979.270 -772.440 - -66.570 -141.280 32.080 - -
_#Co_11 1076.320 -765.200 - -66.860 -146.580 33.290 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.442 40.488 0.517 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -3.442 39.560 -0.331 -11.656 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_0 -3.455 40.387 0.425 85.077 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.522 39.637 -0.262 -52.409 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 1034_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_0

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.927 h (m) 0.927
d (m) 0.776 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.151 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.189 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.3618 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 85.08 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 369.9810 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.1024 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 1/8

Identifier: 1040_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 2/8

Identifier: 1040_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.536 40.234
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.298 39.562
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.298 40.490
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.536 40.434

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.536 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.234
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.536 40.234

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.176
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.147
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 3/8

Identifier: 1040_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 12075.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9568.9

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.410 40.337 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.312 40.339 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.162 40.343 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -5.012 40.347 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.862 40.351 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.712 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.562 40.358 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.412 40.362 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.262 40.366 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.112 40.369 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -3.962 40.373 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.812 40.377 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.663 40.381 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.513 40.384 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.363 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.335 39.626 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.485 39.671 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.636 39.716 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.786 39.761 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -3.936 39.806 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.087 39.851 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.237 39.896 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.388 39.941 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.538 39.987 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.688 40.032 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.839 40.077 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -4.989 40.122 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.139 40.167 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.290 40.212 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.440 40.257 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 4/8

Identifier: 1040_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.786 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 -28.350 500.750 - 0.325 - 42.830 57.140 - -
_#Co_13 -812.200 1262.280 - 0.724 - 98.490 92.600 - -
_#Co_14 -579.230 1131.040 - 0.671 - 102.000 92.620 - -
_#Co_15 -236.390 984.650 - 0.633 - 99.930 104.980 - -
_#Co_16 -747.160 1340.670 - 0.786 - 97.700 92.110 - -
_#Co_17 -737.800 1024.710 - 0.560 - 52.380 54.210 - -
_#Co_18 -1782.830 556.550 - 0.172 - -78.770 -87.050 - -
_#Co_19 -1098.100 215.440 - 0.064 - -51.690 -102.270 - -
_#Co_20 -1146.970 297.300 - 0.087 - -89.610 -81.420 - -
_#Co_21 -1586.010 432.440 - 0.129 - -50.710 -109.750 - -
_#Co_22 -759.300 49.640 - 0.027 - -57.430 -49.360 - -
_#Co_23 -1177.210 279.330 - 0.081 - -77.050 -73.630 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 5/8

Identifier: 1040_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.298 40.490 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.298 39.562 21.424 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.363 40.388 -0.767 -133.411 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.335 39.626 19.723 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 6/8

Identifier: 1040_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.298 40.281 -4.842 40.243 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.842 40.243 -3.298 39.780 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 57.140 535.45 12075.50 OK

_#Co_13 92.600 867.74 12075.50 OK
_#Co_14 92.620 867.93 12075.50 OK
_#Co_15 104.980 983.75 12075.50 OK
_#Co_16 92.110 863.15 12075.50 OK
_#Co_17 54.210 507.99 12075.50 OK
_#Co_18 -87.050 815.73 12075.50 OK
_#Co_19 -102.270 958.36 12075.50 OK
_#Co_20 -81.420 762.97 12075.50 OK
_#Co_21 -109.750 1028.45 12075.50 OK
_#Co_22 -49.360 462.54 12075.50 OK
_#Co_23 -73.630 689.98 12075.50 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 7/8

Identifier: 1040_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -526.160 316.220 - 38.560 -12.150 0.310 - -
_#Co_1 -786.730 458.410 - 44.290 -7.870 -0.410 - -
_#Co_2 -981.450 526.170 - 44.060 -5.850 -2.760 - -
_#Co_3 -526.240 316.220 - 38.570 -12.150 0.330 - -
_#Co_4 -907.460 556.540 - 43.220 -6.680 -2.580 - -
_#Co_5 -534.870 329.750 - 40.480 -11.360 0.200 - -
_#Co_6 -981.450 526.170 - 44.060 -5.850 -2.760 - -
_#Co_7 -720.890 383.990 - 38.330 -10.130 -2.040 - -
_#Co_8 -526.160 316.220 - 38.560 -12.150 0.310 - -
_#Co_9 -981.380 526.170 - 44.050 -5.850 -2.780 - -
_#Co_10 -614.200 291.510 - 39.600 -11.130 0.090 - -
_#Co_11 -972.750 512.650 - 42.140 -6.630 -2.650 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.298 39.562 0.455 0.000 1.000
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -3.298 40.490 -0.229 -8.082 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.335 39.626 0.739 147.849 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.363 40.388 -0.115 -23.092 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 8/8

Identifier: 1040_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.928 h (m) 0.928
d (m) - d (m) 0.548
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.379
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 87.5
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.241
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.0967
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 1963.5
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 25.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 147.85
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 506.8432
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2248
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.537 40.235
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.298 39.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.298 40.491
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.537 40.435

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.537 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.235
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.537 40.235

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.177
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.148
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 28035.6 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 22216.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.411 40.338 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.261 40.342 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.111 40.346 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -4.961 40.349 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.811 40.353 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.661 40.357 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.511 40.361 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.361 40.364 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.211 40.368 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.061 40.372 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -3.911 40.375 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.761 40.379 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.611 40.383 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.461 40.387 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.311 40.390 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.379 39.640 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.529 39.685 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.679 39.730 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.830 39.775 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -3.980 39.820 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.131 39.865 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.281 39.910 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.431 39.955 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.582 40.001 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.732 40.046 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.882 40.091 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -5.033 40.136 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.183 40.181 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.334 40.226 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.484 40.271 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -5.387 40.339 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -5.237 40.342 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -5.087 40.346 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -4.937 40.350 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -4.787 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -4.637 40.357 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -4.487 40.361 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -4.337 40.365 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -4.187 40.369 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -4.037 40.372 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -3.887 40.376 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -3.737 40.380 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -3.587 40.384 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -3.437 40.387 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.378 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1739.150 -1132.490 - 0.301 - -199.480 140.490 - -
_#Co_13 1259.440 -738.680 - 0.209 - -158.770 248.110 - -
_#Co_14 1418.860 -868.190 - 0.233 - -126.970 128.300 - -
_#Co_15 1288.240 -723.420 - 0.210 - -233.910 285.900 - -
_#Co_16 885.480 -259.940 - 0.096 - -182.360 150.510 - -
_#Co_17 976.400 -571.870 - 0.160 - -167.600 219.910 - -
_#Co_18 480.430 -553.090 - 0.133 - -289.690 -51.200 - -
_#Co_19 1218.600 -1189.780 - 0.289 - -353.310 -113.320 - -
_#Co_20 1236.880 -1446.070 - 0.355 - -451.920 -165.430 - -
_#Co_21 1196.460 -1308.670 - 0.323 - -331.480 -197.960 - -
_#Co_22 1371.290 -1541.670 - 0.378 - -391.060 -161.530 - -
_#Co_23 1218.600 -1189.780 - 0.289 - -353.310 -113.320 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.298 40.491 3.422 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.298 39.563 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.311 40.390 2.673 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.379 39.640 -2.931 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.298 40.282 -4.842 40.244 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.842 40.244 -3.298 39.781 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 140.490 1316.51 28035.57 OK

_#Co_13 248.110 2325.00 28035.57 OK
_#Co_14 128.300 1202.28 28035.57 OK
_#Co_15 285.900 2679.12 28035.57 OK
_#Co_16 150.510 1410.41 28035.57 OK
_#Co_17 219.910 2060.74 28035.57 OK
_#Co_18 -51.200 479.79 28035.57 OK
_#Co_19 -113.320 1061.90 28035.57 OK
_#Co_20 -165.430 1550.22 28035.57 OK
_#Co_21 -197.960 1855.05 28035.57 OK
_#Co_22 -161.530 1513.67 28035.57 OK
_#Co_23 -113.320 1061.90 28035.57 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 1022.250 -773.800 - -98.590 -177.610 24.120 - -
_#Co_1 619.620 -646.490 - -86.650 -169.240 33.610 - -
_#Co_2 619.620 -646.490 - -86.650 -169.240 33.610 - -
_#Co_3 375.770 -474.650 - -92.470 -199.890 45.710 - -
_#Co_4 441.830 -443.740 - -90.580 -187.700 41.010 - -
_#Co_5 619.580 -646.530 - -86.650 -169.260 33.600 - -
_#Co_6 366.150 -452.170 - -91.760 -195.010 44.140 - -
_#Co_7 768.770 -579.480 - -103.710 -203.380 34.650 - -
_#Co_8 768.770 -579.480 - -103.710 -203.380 34.650 - -
_#Co_9 1012.620 -751.330 - -97.890 -172.730 22.550 - -
_#Co_10 1022.200 -773.830 - -98.600 -177.630 24.110 - -
_#Co_11 768.820 -579.450 - -103.710 -203.360 34.660 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.298 40.491 0.513 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -3.298 39.563 -0.331 -11.657 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.311 40.390 0.422 84.369 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.379 39.640 -0.262 -52.306 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 1046_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_10

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.927 h (m) 0.927
d (m) 0.776 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.151 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.188 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.3583 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 84.37 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 369.1799 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.1012 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 1/8

Identifier: 1051_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 2/8

Identifier: 1051_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.237
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.299 39.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.299 40.493
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.538 40.437

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.543 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.543 40.237
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.237

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.178
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.150
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 3/8

Identifier: 1051_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 12075.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9568.9

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.418 40.340 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.268 40.344 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.118 40.347 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -4.968 40.351 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.818 40.355 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.668 40.359 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.518 40.362 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.368 40.366 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.218 40.370 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.068 40.374 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -3.918 40.377 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.768 40.381 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.618 40.385 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.468 40.389 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.318 40.392 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.336 39.629 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.487 39.674 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.637 39.719 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.788 39.764 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -3.938 39.809 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.088 39.854 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.239 39.899 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.389 39.945 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.539 39.990 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.690 40.035 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.840 40.080 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -4.991 40.125 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.141 40.170 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.291 40.215 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.442 40.260 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 4/8

Identifier: 1051_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.790 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 -43.510 846.750 - 0.567 - 83.720 95.670 - -
_#Co_13 -695.010 1246.130 - 0.731 - 114.260 91.740 - -
_#Co_14 -433.220 1101.750 - 0.675 - 114.380 92.680 - -
_#Co_15 -167.330 961.900 - 0.630 - 101.930 106.150 - -
_#Co_16 -612.020 1314.270 - 0.790 - 104.610 92.300 - -
_#Co_17 -607.300 973.130 - 0.546 - 55.890 54.170 - -
_#Co_18 -1641.210 502.340 - 0.154 - -63.800 -87.990 - -
_#Co_19 -529.190 113.090 - 0.033 - -62.240 -50.070 - -
_#Co_20 -1132.530 264.430 - 0.077 - -96.050 -81.510 - -
_#Co_21 -1480.890 381.700 - 0.112 - -44.600 -111.040 - -
_#Co_22 -733.850 13.630 - 0.023 - -59.330 -49.310 - -
_#Co_23 -1139.300 257.030 - 0.074 - -72.270 -73.280 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 5/8

Identifier: 1051_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.299 40.493 -3.454 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.299 39.565 21.721 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.318 40.392 -0.726 -126.283 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.336 39.629 20.000 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 6/8

Identifier: 1051_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.299 40.284 -4.843 40.246 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.843 40.246 -3.299 39.783 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 95.670 896.51 12075.50 OK

_#Co_13 91.740 859.68 12075.50 OK
_#Co_14 92.680 868.49 12075.50 OK
_#Co_15 106.150 994.72 12075.50 OK
_#Co_16 92.300 864.93 12075.50 OK
_#Co_17 54.170 507.62 12075.50 OK
_#Co_18 -87.990 824.54 12075.50 OK
_#Co_19 -50.070 469.20 12075.50 OK
_#Co_20 -81.510 763.82 12075.50 OK
_#Co_21 -111.040 1040.54 12075.50 OK
_#Co_22 -49.310 462.08 12075.50 OK
_#Co_23 -73.280 686.70 12075.50 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 7/8

Identifier: 1051_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -486.890 297.260 - 29.850 -15.280 0.600 - -
_#Co_1 -836.460 492.430 - 65.600 7.030 -3.230 - -
_#Co_2 -836.460 492.430 - 65.600 7.030 -3.230 - -
_#Co_3 -486.890 297.260 - 29.850 -15.280 0.600 - -
_#Co_4 -790.360 530.280 - 57.310 1.670 -2.920 - -
_#Co_5 -487.050 297.260 - 29.840 -15.280 0.590 - -
_#Co_6 -836.620 492.430 - 65.580 7.020 -3.250 - -
_#Co_7 -487.050 297.260 - 29.840 -15.280 0.590 - -
_#Co_8 -487.050 297.260 - 29.840 -15.280 0.590 - -
_#Co_9 -836.620 492.430 - 65.580 7.020 -3.250 - -
_#Co_10 -543.000 264.490 - 39.490 -9.060 0.220 - -
_#Co_11 -836.460 492.430 - 65.600 7.030 -3.230 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.299 39.565 0.432 0.000 1.000
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -3.299 40.493 -0.220 -7.756 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.336 39.629 0.738 147.553 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.318 40.392 -0.109 -21.759 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 8/8

Identifier: 1051_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.928 h (m) 0.928
d (m) - d (m) 0.548
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.379
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 87.5
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.243
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.0983
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 1963.5
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 25.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 147.55
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 510.3748
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2259
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 1056_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 1056_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.239
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.300 39.567
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.300 40.495
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.538 40.439

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.542 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.542 40.239
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.239

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.178
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.152
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 1056_fin

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30686.3 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 24316.5

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.412 40.342 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.314 40.345 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.164 40.348 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -5.014 40.352 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.864 40.356 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.714 40.359 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.564 40.363 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.414 40.367 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.265 40.371 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.115 40.374 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -3.965 40.378 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.815 40.382 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.665 40.386 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.515 40.389 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.365 40.393 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.383 39.644 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.533 39.689 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.683 39.735 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.834 39.780 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -3.984 39.825 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.134 39.870 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.285 39.915 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.435 39.960 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.586 40.005 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.736 40.050 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.886 40.096 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -5.037 40.141 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.187 40.186 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.337 40.231 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.488 40.276 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -5.388 40.343 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -5.238 40.346 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -5.088 40.350 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -4.938 40.354 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 1056_fin

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -4.788 40.358 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -4.638 40.361 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -4.488 40.365 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -4.339 40.369 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -4.189 40.373 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -4.039 40.376 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -3.889 40.380 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -3.739 40.384 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -3.589 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -3.439 40.391 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 1056_fin
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.413 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1839.140 -1049.630 - 0.280 - 343.270 136.300 - -
_#Co_13 1681.270 -1118.060 - 0.283 - 421.860 92.780 - -
_#Co_14 1575.720 -1223.600 - 0.293 - 497.600 -20.270 - -
_#Co_15 1349.430 -499.530 - 0.160 - 154.570 201.120 - -
_#Co_16 1117.790 -308.530 - 0.111 - 150.890 95.190 - -
_#Co_17 1572.510 -976.110 - 0.254 - 323.750 132.300 - -
_#Co_18 843.430 -1211.720 - 0.293 - 134.860 -292.030 - -
_#Co_19 903.710 -925.470 - 0.223 - 29.250 -228.800 - -
_#Co_20 897.450 -706.910 - 0.173 - -41.620 -117.570 - -
_#Co_21 1299.600 -1645.520 - 0.403 - 329.980 -354.800 - -
_#Co_22 1295.880 -1694.490 - 0.413 - 252.960 -330.880 - -
_#Co_23 974.410 -1043.660 - 0.252 - 134.620 -255.260 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 1056_fin

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.300 40.495 3.468 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.300 39.567 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.365 40.393 2.705 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.383 39.644 -2.921 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 1056_fin

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.300 40.286 -4.844 40.248 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.844 40.248 -3.300 39.785 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 136.300 1277.25 30686.29 OK

_#Co_13 92.780 869.43 30686.29 OK
_#Co_14 -20.270 189.95 30686.29 OK
_#Co_15 201.120 1884.66 30686.29 OK
_#Co_16 95.190 892.01 30686.29 OK
_#Co_17 132.300 1239.76 30686.29 OK
_#Co_18 -292.030 2736.57 30686.29 OK
_#Co_19 -228.800 2144.05 30686.29 OK
_#Co_20 -117.570 1101.73 30686.29 OK
_#Co_21 -354.800 3324.78 30686.29 OK
_#Co_22 -330.880 3100.62 30686.29 OK
_#Co_23 -255.260 2392.00 30686.29 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 1056_fin



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 1019.720 -840.440 - 51.970 229.000 -70.740 - -
_#Co_1 1019.500 -840.460 - 51.980 229.010 -70.780 - -
_#Co_2 1019.500 -840.460 - 51.980 229.010 -70.780 - -
_#Co_3 651.880 -550.790 - 18.430 26.410 -12.550 - -
_#Co_4 651.820 -516.270 - 23.390 62.230 -23.590 - -
_#Co_5 1019.500 -840.460 - 51.980 229.010 -70.780 - -
_#Co_6 651.610 -516.290 - 23.400 62.240 -23.630 - -
_#Co_7 651.880 -550.790 - 18.430 26.410 -12.550 - -
_#Co_8 651.880 -550.790 - 18.430 26.410 -12.550 - -
_#Co_9 1019.500 -840.460 - 51.980 229.010 -70.780 - -
_#Co_10 1017.430 -867.660 - 46.240 186.220 -57.490 - -
_#Co_11 651.880 -550.790 - 18.430 26.410 -12.550 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.300 40.495 0.536 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -3.300 39.567 -0.366 -12.887 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.365 40.393 0.448 89.679 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.383 39.644 -0.290 -57.974 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 1056_fin
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_10

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.928 h (m) 0.928
d (m) 0.764 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.164 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.185 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.3528 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 89.68 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 367.8861 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.1112 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 1/8

Identifier: 1062_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 2/8

Identifier: 1062_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.566 40.241
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.327 39.569
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.327 40.497
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.566 40.441

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.566 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.514 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.514 40.241
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.566 40.241

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.206
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.154
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 3/8

Identifier: 1062_fin

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 19426.8 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 15394.2

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -5.437 40.344 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -5.287 40.348 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -5.137 40.352 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -4.987 40.355 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -4.837 40.359 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -4.687 40.363 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -4.537 40.367 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -4.387 40.370 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -4.238 40.374 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -4.088 40.378 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -3.938 40.382 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -3.788 40.385 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -3.638 40.389 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -3.488 40.393 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -3.338 40.396 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -3.417 39.648 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -3.567 39.693 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -3.717 39.739 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -3.868 39.784 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -4.018 39.829 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -4.169 39.874 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -4.319 39.919 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -4.469 39.964 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -4.620 40.009 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -4.770 40.054 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -4.920 40.100 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -5.071 40.145 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -5.221 40.190 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -5.372 40.235 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -5.522 40.280 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 4/8

Identifier: 1062_fin
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.584 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 -1128.600 1124.850 - 0.401 - 8.730 135.350 - -
_#Co_13 -1131.790 1324.100 - 0.477 - 28.000 79.500 - -
_#Co_14 -1131.760 1247.240 - 0.447 - 52.870 98.290 - -
_#Co_15 -1132.940 1111.940 - 0.399 - 4.140 157.780 - -
_#Co_16 -1526.650 1632.860 - 0.584 - 40.460 107.530 - -
_#Co_17 -1527.840 1320.610 - 0.457 - -0.680 146.790 - -
_#Co_18 -1531.260 617.880 - 0.166 - -128.940 -126.380 - -
_#Co_19 -1528.050 608.410 - 0.159 - -94.960 -41.320 - -
_#Co_20 -1528.160 491.970 - 0.125 - -142.280 -136.570 - -
_#Co_21 -1526.940 685.380 - 0.193 - -129.140 -156.810 - -
_#Co_22 -1133.160 224.080 - 0.059 - -103.320 -75.470 - -
_#Co_23 -1132.040 476.710 - 0.131 - -124.320 -145.820 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 5/8

Identifier: 1062_fin

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.327 40.497 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.327 39.569 14.435 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.338 40.396 -1.560 -271.390 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.417 39.648 12.906 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 6/8

Identifier: 1062_fin

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.327 40.288 -4.871 40.250 0.416
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.871 40.250 -3.327 39.787 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 135.350 1268.34 19426.82 OK

_#Co_13 79.500 744.98 19426.82 OK
_#Co_14 98.290 921.06 19426.82 OK
_#Co_15 157.780 1478.53 19426.82 OK
_#Co_16 107.530 1007.65 19426.82 OK
_#Co_17 146.790 1375.55 19426.82 OK
_#Co_18 -126.380 1184.29 19426.82 OK
_#Co_19 -41.320 387.20 19426.82 OK
_#Co_20 -136.570 1279.78 19426.82 OK
_#Co_21 -156.810 1469.44 19426.82 OK
_#Co_22 -75.470 707.22 19426.82 OK
_#Co_23 -145.820 1366.46 19426.82 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 7/8

Identifier: 1062_fin



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -1128.270 668.980 - -70.900 -5.180 -3.900 - -
_#Co_1 -1128.280 546.940 - -70.570 -20.740 -4.280 - -
_#Co_2 -1128.270 668.950 - -70.770 -4.670 -3.710 - -
_#Co_3 -1131.830 600.330 - -74.640 -13.000 0.030 - -
_#Co_4 -1128.270 688.920 - -70.840 -6.920 -3.840 - -
_#Co_5 -1131.830 600.370 - -74.760 -13.510 -0.170 - -
_#Co_6 -1131.840 478.320 - -74.470 -29.060 -0.470 - -
_#Co_7 -1131.830 600.370 - -74.790 -13.510 -0.090 - -
_#Co_8 -1131.830 471.010 - -74.600 -30.350 -0.700 - -
_#Co_9 -1128.280 539.620 - -70.740 -22.020 -4.440 - -
_#Co_10 -1131.830 451.070 - -74.680 -28.610 -0.690 - -
_#Co_11 -1128.280 539.620 - -70.770 -22.020 -4.370 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.327 39.569 0.674 0.000 1.000
C2 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -3.327 40.497 -0.237 -8.341 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.417 39.648 0.624 124.773 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.338 40.396 -0.135 -27.015 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 8/8

Identifier: 1062_fin
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 0.927 h (m) 0.927
d (m) - d (m) 0.555
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.372
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.231
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.0892
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 3217.0
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 124.77
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 436.4025
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.1700
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.419 40.092
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.218 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.218 41.075
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.419 41.020

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.657 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.423 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.423 40.764
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.657 40.764

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287473 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.303
Izz 0.915 Zg 40.528
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 28273.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 12360.2

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.333 40.922 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.183 40.926 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -3.033 40.929 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.883 40.933 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.733 40.937 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.583 40.941 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.433 40.944 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.283 40.948 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -2.133 40.952 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.983 40.956 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.833 40.959 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.683 40.963 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.534 40.967 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.384 40.971 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.234 40.974 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.329 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.479 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.629 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.779 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.929 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -2.079 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.229 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.379 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.529 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.679 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.829 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -2.979 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.177 40.072 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.327 40.117 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.282 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -1.432 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -1.582 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -1.732 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -1.882 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -2.032 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.182 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.332 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.482 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.632 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -2.782 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -2.932 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.836 for combination _#Co_12

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1718.650 5737.470 - 0.836 - 439.170 218.850 - -
_#Co_13 1603.480 5307.320 - 0.774 - 516.070 226.400 - -
_#Co_14 1510.530 4783.780 - 0.702 - 554.730 227.610 - -
_#Co_15 1496.440 4924.190 - 0.746 - 428.120 499.740 - -
_#Co_16 1718.650 5737.470 - 0.836 - 439.170 218.850 - -
_#Co_17 1531.990 4786.540 - 0.702 - 550.330 215.860 - -
_#Co_18 421.190 1103.620 - 0.163 - -361.340 -109.070 - -
_#Co_19 769.900 2528.420 - 0.361 - -352.870 -58.750 - -
_#Co_20 678.100 2113.570 - 0.306 - -486.040 -111.020 - -
_#Co_21 540.470 1682.440 - 0.245 - -25.130 -160.600 - -
_#Co_22 503.280 1025.770 - 0.157 - -176.720 -63.420 - -
_#Co_23 769.900 2528.420 - 0.361 - -352.870 -58.750 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_12

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_12 -1.218 41.075 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_12 -3.117 40.002 18.054 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_12 -1.234 40.974 -1.481 -257.562 1.150
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_12 -3.177 40.072 16.644 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.218 40.866 -3.414 40.812 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.419 40.310 -3.359 40.292 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.359 40.292 -3.087 40.210 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -3.087 40.210 -1.218 40.210 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 218.850 812.89 28273.55 OK

_#Co_13 226.400 840.93 28273.55 OK
_#Co_14 227.610 845.42 28273.55 OK
_#Co_15 499.740 1856.21 28273.55 OK
_#Co_16 218.850 812.89 28273.55 OK
_#Co_17 215.860 801.78 28273.55 OK
_#Co_18 -109.070 405.12 28273.55 OK
_#Co_19 -58.750 218.22 28273.55 OK
_#Co_20 -111.020 412.37 28273.55 OK
_#Co_21 -160.600 596.52 28273.55 OK
_#Co_22 -63.420 235.56 28273.55 OK
_#Co_23 -58.750 218.22 28273.55 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 1050.670 2694.110 - 82.310 33.460 1.810 - -
_#Co_1 793.380 1881.940 - 131.830 126.740 -0.900 - -
_#Co_2 793.190 1881.920 - 131.730 126.780 -0.800 - -
_#Co_3 1046.330 2620.760 - 79.630 27.950 2.040 - -
_#Co_4 1050.670 2694.110 - 82.310 33.460 1.810 - -
_#Co_5 793.380 1881.940 - 131.830 126.740 -0.900 - -
_#Co_6 789.040 1808.580 - 129.140 121.220 -0.670 - -
_#Co_7 1046.330 2620.760 - 79.630 27.950 2.040 - -
_#Co_8 1046.520 2620.780 - 79.720 27.910 1.950 - -
_#Co_9 793.380 1881.940 - 131.830 126.740 -0.900 - -
_#Co_10 789.040 1808.580 - 129.140 121.220 -0.670 - -
_#Co_11 1046.330 2620.760 - 79.630 27.950 2.040 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.117 40.002 0.988 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.218 41.075 -0.303 -10.668 1.000
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_0 -3.177 40.072 0.903 180.684 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_0 -1.234 40.974 -0.182 -36.397 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_0

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) - d (m) 0.973
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.249
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5340
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 20910.4
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 180.68
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 424.5362
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2905
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.409 39.553
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.208 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.208 40.536
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.409 40.481

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.648 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.433 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.433 40.225
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.648 40.225

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287593 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.293
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.988
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30686.3 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 13414.2

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.270 40.384 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.120 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.970 40.392 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.820 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.670 40.399 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.520 40.403 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.370 40.407 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.220 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -2.070 40.414 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.920 40.418 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.770 40.422 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.620 40.425 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.470 40.429 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.320 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.230 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.380 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.530 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.680 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.830 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.980 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -2.130 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.280 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.430 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.580 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.730 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.880 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -3.030 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.195 39.541 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.345 39.586 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -3.398 40.381 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -3.248 40.385 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -3.098 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -2.948 40.392 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -2.798 40.396 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -2.649 40.400 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.499 40.403 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.349 40.407 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.199 40.411 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.049 40.415 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -1.899 40.418 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -1.749 40.422 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -1.599 40.426 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -1.449 40.430 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -1.299 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.691 for combination _#Co_21

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 75.270 -1426.290 - 0.168 - -332.160 43.010 - -
_#Co_13 -1087.600 -2924.330 - 0.300 - -1303.810 211.030 - -
_#Co_14 -37.690 -1361.760 - 0.155 - -196.400 -7.180 - -
_#Co_15 -762.010 -2526.400 - 0.274 - -892.540 472.280 - -
_#Co_16 -36.100 -1358.390 - 0.155 - -208.810 -4.770 - -
_#Co_17 -1009.490 -3653.610 - 0.388 - -1467.800 216.520 - -
_#Co_18 -1861.580 -5675.630 - 0.585 - -2803.100 -117.620 - -
_#Co_19 -867.970 -5168.180 - 0.578 - -2498.540 -305.090 - -
_#Co_20 -1662.200 -6436.280 - 0.688 - -3370.680 -214.880 - -
_#Co_21 -1318.720 -6239.440 - 0.691 - -3064.560 -363.880 - -
_#Co_22 -1662.200 -6436.280 - 0.688 - -3370.680 -214.880 - -
_#Co_23 -912.600 -4139.890 - 0.450 - -1626.950 -239.460 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_21

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_21 -1.208 40.536 12.371 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_21 -3.108 39.463 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P43 fyk = 500 _#Co_21 -1.299 40.433 10.857 434.783 1.150
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_21 -3.195 39.541 -2.342 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.208 40.327 -3.404 40.273 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.409 39.771 -3.349 39.753 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.349 39.753 -3.077 39.671 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -3.077 39.671 -1.208 39.671 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 43.010 159.75 30686.29 OK

_#Co_13 211.030 783.84 30686.29 OK
_#Co_14 -7.180 26.67 30686.29 OK
_#Co_15 472.280 1754.21 30686.29 OK
_#Co_16 -4.770 17.72 30686.29 OK
_#Co_17 216.520 804.23 30686.29 OK
_#Co_18 -117.620 436.88 30686.29 OK
_#Co_19 -305.090 1133.21 30686.29 OK
_#Co_20 -214.880 798.14 30686.29 OK
_#Co_21 -363.880 1351.57 30686.29 OK
_#Co_22 -214.880 798.14 30686.29 OK
_#Co_23 -239.460 889.44 30686.29 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -369.540 -2463.090 - -35.450 -1064.500 -54.800 - -
_#Co_1 -839.800 -3180.970 - 11.510 -1514.470 -4.100 - -
_#Co_2 -496.700 -2376.230 - -68.010 -831.620 -51.420 - -
_#Co_3 -952.280 -2973.850 - -21.510 -1239.090 -0.050 - -
_#Co_4 -496.700 -2376.230 - -68.010 -831.620 -51.420 - -
_#Co_5 -839.800 -3180.970 - 11.510 -1514.470 -4.100 - -
_#Co_6 -966.960 -3094.120 - -21.050 -1281.600 -0.710 - -
_#Co_7 -496.700 -2376.230 - -68.010 -831.620 -51.420 - -
_#Co_8 -839.800 -3180.970 - 11.510 -1514.470 -4.100 - -
_#Co_9 -384.220 -2583.350 - -35.000 -1107.000 -55.460 - -
_#Co_10 -839.800 -3180.970 - 11.510 -1514.470 -4.100 - -
_#Co_11 -496.700 -2376.230 - -68.010 -831.620 -51.420 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.208 40.536 0.699 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_1 -3.108 39.463 -0.341 -11.998 1.000
P43 fyk = 500 _#Co_1 -1.299 40.433 0.748 149.696 1.000
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_1 -3.195 39.541 -0.253 -50.558 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_1

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) 0.945 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.128 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.256 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5041 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 149.70 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 403.1676 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2246 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.555
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.095 40.538
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.296 40.483

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.534 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.546 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.546 40.227
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.534 40.227

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287593 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.179
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.990
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 21235.6 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9282.9

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.211 40.385 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.061 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.911 40.392 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.761 40.396 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.611 40.400 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.461 40.403 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.311 40.407 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.161 40.411 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -2.011 40.415 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.861 40.418 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.711 40.422 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.561 40.426 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.411 40.430 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.261 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.111 40.437 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.209 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.359 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.509 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.659 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.809 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -1.959 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.109 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.259 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.409 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.559 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.709 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -2.859 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.078 39.542 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.180 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.209 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -1.359 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -1.509 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -1.659 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -1.809 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -1.959 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.109 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.259 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.409 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.559 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -2.709 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -2.859 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.855 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1742.400 3626.040 - 0.716 - 429.200 230.770 - -
_#Co_13 1683.540 3623.930 - 0.711 - 428.770 229.350 - -
_#Co_14 1742.400 3626.040 - 0.716 - 429.200 230.770 - -
_#Co_15 1017.230 2893.670 - 0.572 - 309.490 498.750 - -
_#Co_16 1351.870 4645.310 - 0.855 - 368.770 229.290 - -
_#Co_17 1683.540 3623.930 - 0.711 - 428.770 229.350 - -
_#Co_18 71.900 1750.440 - 0.285 - -457.670 -68.130 - -
_#Co_19 210.870 1232.600 - 0.212 - -607.020 -109.900 - -
_#Co_20 171.930 1291.250 - 0.219 - -616.000 -106.570 - -
_#Co_21 634.280 1354.330 - 0.263 - -163.400 -151.030 - -
_#Co_22 664.490 171.850 - 0.075 - -366.920 -66.110 - -
_#Co_23 230.790 1293.370 - 0.223 - -615.580 -105.150 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.095 40.538 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -2.994 39.465 20.738 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -1.111 40.437 -1.227 -213.452 1.150
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.078 39.542 18.994 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.095 40.329 -3.291 40.275 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.296 39.773 -3.236 39.755 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.236 39.755 -2.963 39.673 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.963 39.673 -1.095 39.673 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 230.770 857.16 21235.60 OK

_#Co_13 229.350 851.88 21235.60 OK
_#Co_14 230.770 857.16 21235.60 OK
_#Co_15 498.750 1852.53 21235.60 OK
_#Co_16 229.290 851.66 21235.60 OK
_#Co_17 229.350 851.88 21235.60 OK
_#Co_18 -68.130 253.06 21235.60 OK
_#Co_19 -109.900 408.21 21235.60 OK
_#Co_20 -106.570 395.84 21235.60 OK
_#Co_21 -151.030 560.98 21235.60 OK
_#Co_22 -66.110 245.55 21235.60 OK
_#Co_23 -105.150 390.56 21235.60 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 782.630 1201.250 - 71.070 53.120 0.480 - -
_#Co_1 782.180 1201.240 - 71.100 53.110 0.470 - -
_#Co_2 782.630 1201.250 - 71.070 53.120 0.480 - -
_#Co_3 771.590 1155.900 - 70.760 51.150 0.500 - -
_#Co_4 538.380 2015.550 - 60.130 15.030 -1.400 - -
_#Co_5 782.180 1201.240 - 71.100 53.110 0.470 - -
_#Co_6 436.830 1846.660 - 54.040 -4.930 -1.710 - -
_#Co_7 437.270 1846.670 - 54.010 -4.920 -1.690 - -
_#Co_8 436.830 1846.660 - 54.040 -4.930 -1.710 - -
_#Co_9 447.870 1892.010 - 54.340 -2.960 -1.720 - -
_#Co_10 664.280 1048.470 - 64.060 30.280 0.120 - -
_#Co_11 437.270 1846.670 - 54.010 -4.920 -1.690 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -2.994 39.465 0.603 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -1.095 40.538 -0.259 -9.128 1.000
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.078 39.542 0.805 160.985 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -1.111 40.437 -0.152 -30.329 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) - d (m) 0.973
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.249
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5340
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 16523.2
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 28.7
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 160.99
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 443.0819
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2385
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.556
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.095 40.539
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.296 40.484

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.535 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.545 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.545 40.228
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.535 40.228

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287593 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.180
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.991
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30332.9 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 13259.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.159 40.387 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.009 40.391 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.859 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.709 40.398 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.560 40.402 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.410 40.406 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.260 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.110 40.413 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -1.960 40.417 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.810 40.421 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.660 40.424 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.510 40.428 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.360 40.432 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.210 40.436 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.117 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.267 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.417 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.567 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.717 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.867 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -2.017 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.167 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.317 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.467 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.617 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.767 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -2.917 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.076 39.542 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.226 39.587 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -3.285 40.384 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -3.135 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -2.985 40.391 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -2.835 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -2.685 40.399 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -2.536 40.403 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.386 40.406 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.236 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.086 40.414 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -1.936 40.418 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -1.786 40.421 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -1.636 40.425 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -1.486 40.429 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -1.336 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -1.186 40.436 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.694 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 319.030 -2281.420 - 0.279 - -671.990 67.760 - -
_#Co_13 -609.230 -2253.070 - 0.240 - -973.420 196.850 - -
_#Co_14 265.580 -2223.740 - 0.268 - -570.830 7.580 - -
_#Co_15 -571.550 -2385.140 - 0.265 - -941.050 483.920 - -
_#Co_16 -841.240 -1614.950 - 0.156 - -1047.000 91.520 - -
_#Co_17 -848.630 -3378.580 - 0.364 - -1391.290 243.250 - -
_#Co_18 -1776.000 -4737.450 - 0.482 - -2520.040 -135.800 - -
_#Co_19 -672.410 -5809.300 - 0.662 - -2781.280 -292.920 - -
_#Co_20 -1605.320 -5834.610 - 0.621 - -3187.270 -221.980 - -
_#Co_21 -1163.690 -6045.630 - 0.676 - -3032.470 -375.520 - -
_#Co_22 -994.060 -6209.330 - 0.694 - -2908.100 -266.420 - -
_#Co_23 -817.760 -4480.750 - 0.497 - -2312.990 -281.860 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -1.095 40.539 12.769 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -2.995 39.466 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P43 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -1.186 40.436 11.218 434.783 1.150
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.076 39.542 -2.338 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.095 40.330 -3.291 40.276 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.296 39.774 -3.236 39.756 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.236 39.756 -2.964 39.674 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.964 39.674 -1.095 39.674 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 67.760 251.68 30332.86 OK

_#Co_13 196.850 731.17 30332.86 OK
_#Co_14 7.580 28.15 30332.86 OK
_#Co_15 483.920 1797.44 30332.86 OK
_#Co_16 91.520 339.94 30332.86 OK
_#Co_17 243.250 903.51 30332.86 OK
_#Co_18 -135.800 504.41 30332.86 OK
_#Co_19 -292.920 1088.00 30332.86 OK
_#Co_20 -221.980 824.51 30332.86 OK
_#Co_21 -375.520 1394.81 30332.86 OK
_#Co_22 -266.420 989.57 30332.86 OK
_#Co_23 -281.860 1046.92 30332.86 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -328.100 -2576.030 - -73.150 -1071.750 -53.650 - -
_#Co_1 -847.540 -2592.420 - -38.900 -1273.030 -12.190 - -
_#Co_2 -332.620 -2588.100 - -104.760 -947.090 -42.910 - -
_#Co_3 -851.380 -2604.540 - -70.720 -1148.440 -1.350 - -
_#Co_4 -697.740 -2375.800 - -48.620 -1213.810 -24.600 - -
_#Co_5 -859.830 -2700.070 - -39.960 -1315.270 -12.680 - -
_#Co_6 -864.010 -2712.160 - -71.680 -1190.640 -1.890 - -
_#Co_7 -344.560 -2695.770 - -105.930 -989.360 -43.360 - -
_#Co_8 -859.480 -2700.090 - -40.070 -1315.310 -12.640 - -
_#Co_9 -340.730 -2683.650 - -74.110 -1113.950 -54.190 - -
_#Co_10 -523.260 -2918.010 - -94.310 -1059.820 -28.630 - -
_#Co_11 -332.280 -2588.120 - -104.860 -947.130 -42.860 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.095 40.539 0.738 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -2.995 39.466 -0.311 -10.958 1.000
P43 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -1.186 40.436 0.711 142.286 1.000
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.076 39.542 -0.230 -46.087 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_10

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) 0.945 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.128 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.259 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5101 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 142.29 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 404.5805 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2096 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.220 39.558
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.018 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.018 40.541
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.220 40.486

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.458 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.622 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.622 40.230
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.458 40.230

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.103
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.993
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 21235.6 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9283.4

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.134 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -2.985 40.392 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.835 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.685 40.399 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.535 40.403 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.385 40.407 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.235 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.085 40.414 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -1.935 40.418 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.785 40.421 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.635 40.425 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.485 40.429 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.335 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.185 40.436 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.035 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.133 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.283 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.433 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.583 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.733 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -1.883 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.033 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.183 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.333 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.483 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.633 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -2.783 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -2.999 39.544 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.106 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.132 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -1.283 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -1.432 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -1.582 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -1.732 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -1.883 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.033 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.182 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.333 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.483 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -2.633 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -2.783 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.858 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 2098.140 3627.720 - 0.742 - 384.210 236.160 - -
_#Co_13 1674.430 4025.790 - 0.778 - 373.220 239.730 - -
_#Co_14 2062.500 3626.990 - 0.739 - 384.300 235.850 - -
_#Co_15 1164.210 2947.380 - 0.592 - 312.870 500.060 - -
_#Co_16 1427.200 4622.720 - 0.858 - 360.200 235.330 - -
_#Co_17 1293.650 3428.370 - 0.638 - 277.950 100.610 - -
_#Co_18 -88.980 1867.470 - 0.293 - -402.810 -73.910 - -
_#Co_19 503.490 1038.380 - 0.202 - -153.340 -127.950 - -
_#Co_20 142.860 1414.510 - 0.237 - -573.570 -116.260 - -
_#Co_21 754.940 1481.370 - 0.292 - -146.500 -161.240 - -
_#Co_22 918.820 320.030 - 0.117 - -366.660 -72.810 - -
_#Co_23 592.560 952.380 - 0.194 - -560.920 -124.550 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.018 40.541 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -2.918 39.468 21.002 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -1.035 40.440 -1.205 -209.538 1.150
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -2.999 39.544 19.253 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.018 40.332 -3.214 40.278 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.220 39.776 -3.160 39.758 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.160 39.758 -2.887 39.676 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.887 39.676 -1.018 39.676 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 236.160 877.18 21235.60 OK

_#Co_13 239.730 890.44 21235.60 OK
_#Co_14 235.850 876.03 21235.60 OK
_#Co_15 500.060 1857.39 21235.60 OK
_#Co_16 235.330 874.10 21235.60 OK
_#Co_17 100.610 373.70 21235.60 OK
_#Co_18 -73.910 274.53 21235.60 OK
_#Co_19 -127.950 475.25 21235.60 OK
_#Co_20 -116.260 431.83 21235.60 OK
_#Co_21 -161.240 598.90 21235.60 OK
_#Co_22 -72.810 270.44 21235.60 OK
_#Co_23 -124.550 462.62 21235.60 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 979.600 1259.220 - 73.780 42.300 0.270 - -
_#Co_1 979.580 1259.220 - 73.850 42.300 0.270 - -
_#Co_2 979.580 1259.220 - 73.850 42.300 0.270 - -
_#Co_3 966.050 1209.480 - 73.630 39.370 0.390 - -
_#Co_4 508.870 2009.470 - 66.640 24.980 -1.010 - -
_#Co_5 966.050 1209.480 - 73.630 39.370 0.390 - -
_#Co_6 353.120 1862.030 - 65.190 17.890 -0.990 - -
_#Co_7 353.140 1862.030 - 65.110 17.890 -1.000 - -
_#Co_8 353.140 1862.030 - 65.110 17.890 -1.000 - -
_#Co_9 366.670 1911.770 - 65.340 20.820 -1.110 - -
_#Co_10 796.490 1129.670 - 72.030 34.310 0.270 - -
_#Co_11 366.670 1911.770 - 65.340 20.820 -1.110 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -2.918 39.468 0.659 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -1.018 40.541 -0.259 -9.111 1.000
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -2.999 39.544 0.799 159.816 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -1.035 40.440 -0.152 -30.399 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) - d (m) 0.973
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.249
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5342
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 16523.2
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 28.7
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 159.82
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 443.1420
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2359
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.442 39.560
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.241 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.241 40.543
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.442 40.488

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.681 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.399 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.399 40.232
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.681 40.232

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.326
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.995
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30332.9 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 13260.3

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.305 40.391 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.155 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -3.005 40.399 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.855 40.402 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.705 40.406 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.555 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.405 40.414 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.255 40.417 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -2.105 40.421 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.956 40.425 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.806 40.428 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.656 40.432 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.506 40.436 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.356 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.263 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.413 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.563 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.713 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.863 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -2.013 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -2.163 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.313 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.463 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.613 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.763 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.913 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -3.063 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.222 39.546 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.372 39.591 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -3.431 40.388 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -3.281 40.392 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -3.131 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -2.981 40.399 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -2.832 40.403 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -2.682 40.407 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.532 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.382 40.414 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.232 40.418 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.082 40.422 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -1.932 40.425 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -1.782 40.429 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -1.632 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -1.482 40.437 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -1.332 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.765 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 205.040 -3399.600 - 0.404 - -1098.220 87.870 - -
_#Co_13 -625.150 -2550.590 - 0.276 - -1107.770 264.870 - -
_#Co_14 -414.680 -2150.540 - 0.235 - -748.110 162.960 - -
_#Co_15 -619.030 -2715.900 - 0.304 - -1053.490 491.150 - -
_#Co_16 -807.950 -1523.920 - 0.146 - -1005.590 81.370 - -
_#Co_17 -830.240 -3491.360 - 0.380 - -1499.640 300.080 - -
_#Co_18 -1686.320 -4313.550 - 0.437 - -2310.670 -154.030 - -
_#Co_19 -1138.200 -6454.200 - 0.727 - -3066.070 -385.130 - -
_#Co_20 -1281.730 -6290.690 - 0.688 - -3148.900 -219.920 - -
_#Co_21 -1128.280 -6368.350 - 0.717 - -3081.100 -389.930 - -
_#Co_22 -1028.310 -6826.000 - 0.765 - -3070.640 -264.580 - -
_#Co_23 -866.170 -4949.870 - 0.556 - -2397.370 -357.040 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -1.241 40.543 12.899 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -3.141 39.470 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P43 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -1.332 40.440 11.335 434.783 1.150
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.222 39.546 -2.329 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.241 40.334 -3.437 40.280 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.442 39.778 -3.382 39.760 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.382 39.760 -3.110 39.678 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -3.110 39.678 -1.241 39.678 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 87.870 326.38 30332.86 OK

_#Co_13 264.870 983.82 30332.86 OK
_#Co_14 162.960 605.29 30332.86 OK
_#Co_15 491.150 1824.30 30332.86 OK
_#Co_16 81.370 302.24 30332.86 OK
_#Co_17 300.080 1114.60 30332.86 OK
_#Co_18 -154.030 572.12 30332.86 OK
_#Co_19 -385.130 1430.50 30332.86 OK
_#Co_20 -219.920 816.86 30332.86 OK
_#Co_21 -389.930 1448.33 30332.86 OK
_#Co_22 -264.580 982.74 30332.86 OK
_#Co_23 -357.040 1326.17 30332.86 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -341.250 -2862.980 - -69.890 -1174.480 -50.620 - -
_#Co_1 -808.070 -2330.270 - -50.090 -1160.200 -18.620 - -
_#Co_2 -836.230 -2575.380 - -69.150 -1117.070 -5.170 - -
_#Co_3 -836.410 -2575.560 - -69.090 -1117.270 -4.930 - -
_#Co_4 -671.020 -2262.110 - -55.970 -1163.250 -28.240 - -
_#Co_5 -808.070 -2330.270 - -50.090 -1160.200 -18.620 - -
_#Co_6 -847.990 -2687.360 - -69.630 -1159.590 -5.650 - -
_#Co_7 -381.170 -3220.070 - -89.440 -1173.870 -37.650 - -
_#Co_8 -353.000 -2974.960 - -70.370 -1217.000 -51.090 - -
_#Co_9 -352.820 -2974.780 - -70.440 -1216.810 -51.340 - -
_#Co_10 -544.240 -3263.500 - -82.460 -1170.030 -26.250 - -
_#Co_11 -381.170 -3220.070 - -89.440 -1173.870 -37.650 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.241 40.543 0.823 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -3.141 39.470 -0.348 -12.243 1.000
P43 fyk = 500 _#Co_7 -1.332 40.440 0.805 160.953 1.000
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -3.222 39.546 -0.257 -51.411 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_7

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) 0.945 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.128 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.261 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5146 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 160.95 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 405.6279 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2475 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.562
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.097 40.545
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.298 40.490

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.536 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.234
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.536 40.234

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.181
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.997
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 21235.6 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9283.4

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.213 40.392 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.063 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.913 40.399 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.763 40.403 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.613 40.407 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.463 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.313 40.414 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.163 40.418 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -2.013 40.422 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.863 40.425 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.713 40.429 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.563 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.413 40.437 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.263 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.113 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.211 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.361 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.511 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.661 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.811 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -1.961 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.111 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.261 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.411 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.561 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.711 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -2.861 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.077 39.548 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.185 39.580 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.211 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -1.361 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -1.511 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -1.661 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -1.811 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -1.961 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.111 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.261 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.411 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.561 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -2.711 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -2.861 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.851 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 2041.720 2571.470 - 0.556 - 207.130 132.810 - -
_#Co_13 1590.790 4121.630 - 0.784 - 329.640 215.850 - -
_#Co_14 953.950 4233.400 - 0.756 - 341.410 196.080 - -
_#Co_15 1100.870 2952.700 - 0.587 - 295.240 487.360 - -
_#Co_16 1359.160 4630.800 - 0.851 - 331.980 212.600 - -
_#Co_17 1323.420 3742.980 - 0.688 - 281.530 85.470 - -
_#Co_18 -74.420 1869.080 - 0.294 - -380.220 -71.800 - -
_#Co_19 1008.920 550.620 - 0.160 - -568.090 -114.990 - -
_#Co_20 1055.620 600.440 - 0.171 - -594.400 -109.930 - -
_#Co_21 763.310 1490.200 - 0.293 - -166.320 -146.640 - -
_#Co_22 911.320 323.420 - 0.117 - -410.300 -70.540 - -
_#Co_23 634.190 1106.510 - 0.221 - -533.420 -120.920 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.097 40.545 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -2.996 39.472 20.729 0.000 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -1.113 40.444 -1.228 -213.589 1.150
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.077 39.548 19.002 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.097 40.336 -3.292 40.282 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.298 39.780 -3.238 39.762 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.238 39.762 -2.965 39.680 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.965 39.680 -1.097 39.680 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 132.810 493.30 21235.60 OK

_#Co_13 215.850 801.74 21235.60 OK
_#Co_14 196.080 728.31 21235.60 OK
_#Co_15 487.360 1810.22 21235.60 OK
_#Co_16 212.600 789.67 21235.60 OK
_#Co_17 85.470 317.46 21235.60 OK
_#Co_18 -71.800 266.69 21235.60 OK
_#Co_19 -114.990 427.11 21235.60 OK
_#Co_20 -109.930 408.32 21235.60 OK
_#Co_21 -146.640 544.67 21235.60 OK
_#Co_22 -70.540 262.01 21235.60 OK
_#Co_23 -120.920 449.14 21235.60 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 984.850 1263.060 - 64.510 11.480 -0.080 - -
_#Co_1 394.370 1920.130 - 70.220 32.470 -1.690 - -
_#Co_2 394.390 1920.130 - 70.180 32.470 -1.710 - -
_#Co_3 975.030 1213.040 - 62.730 8.880 0.100 - -
_#Co_4 535.380 2018.380 - 69.060 29.350 -1.570 - -
_#Co_5 975.030 1213.040 - 62.730 8.880 0.100 - -
_#Co_6 384.570 1870.110 - 68.400 29.870 -1.520 - -
_#Co_7 975.050 1213.040 - 62.690 8.890 0.090 - -
_#Co_8 975.030 1213.040 - 62.730 8.880 0.100 - -
_#Co_9 394.390 1920.130 - 70.180 32.470 -1.710 - -
_#Co_10 807.060 1132.580 - 64.130 12.710 -0.060 - -
_#Co_11 394.390 1920.130 - 70.180 32.470 -1.710 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -2.996 39.472 0.661 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -1.097 40.545 -0.260 -9.142 1.000
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.077 39.548 0.806 161.239 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -1.113 40.444 -0.152 -30.390 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) - d (m) 0.973
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.249
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5339
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 16523.2
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 28.7
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 161.24
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 443.0376
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2391
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.097 40.546
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.298 40.491

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.537 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.235
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.537 40.235

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.182
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.998
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30332.9 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 13260.3

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.161 40.394 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.011 40.398 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.861 40.402 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.711 40.405 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.562 40.409 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.412 40.413 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.262 40.417 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.112 40.420 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -1.962 40.424 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.812 40.428 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.662 40.431 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.512 40.435 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.362 40.439 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.212 40.443 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.119 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.269 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.419 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.569 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.719 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.869 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -2.019 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.169 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.319 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.469 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.619 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.769 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -2.919 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.078 39.549 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.228 39.594 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -3.287 40.391 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -3.137 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -2.987 40.398 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -2.837 40.402 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -2.687 40.406 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -2.537 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.387 40.413 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.238 40.417 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.088 40.421 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -1.938 40.425 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -1.788 40.428 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -1.638 40.432 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -1.488 40.436 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -1.338 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -1.188 40.443 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.816 for combination _#Co_20

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 -162.110 -4349.910 - 0.500 - -1218.850 109.950 - -
_#Co_13 -570.260 -2450.690 - 0.266 - -860.850 246.700 - -
_#Co_14 -895.060 -820.310 - 0.070 - -571.850 119.590 - -
_#Co_15 -620.760 -2665.080 - 0.300 - -865.280 563.340 - -
_#Co_16 -899.460 -815.730 - 0.069 - -576.550 124.100 - -
_#Co_17 -620.520 -2534.380 - 0.273 - -868.830 211.160 - -
_#Co_18 -1496.860 -5089.750 - 0.544 - -2488.490 -309.310 - -
_#Co_19 -1229.650 -6317.980 - 0.704 - -2710.960 -356.650 - -
_#Co_20 -1042.850 -7229.570 - 0.816 - -2890.990 -301.330 - -
_#Co_21 -1189.780 -6158.890 - 0.687 - -2703.570 -362.310 - -
_#Co_22 -1042.850 -7229.570 - 0.816 - -2890.990 -301.330 - -
_#Co_23 -1121.130 -5702.340 - 0.631 - -2509.500 -294.400 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_20

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_20 -1.097 40.546 13.053 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_20 -2.997 39.473 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P43 fyk = 500 _#Co_20 -1.188 40.443 11.474 434.783 1.150
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_20 -3.078 39.549 -2.318 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.097 40.337 -3.293 40.283 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.298 39.781 -3.238 39.763 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.238 39.763 -2.966 39.681 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.966 39.681 -1.097 39.681 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 109.950 408.39 30332.86 OK

_#Co_13 246.700 916.33 30332.86 OK
_#Co_14 119.590 444.20 30332.86 OK
_#Co_15 563.340 2092.44 30332.86 OK
_#Co_16 124.100 460.95 30332.86 OK
_#Co_17 211.160 784.32 30332.86 OK
_#Co_18 -309.310 1148.88 30332.86 OK
_#Co_19 -356.650 1324.72 30332.86 OK
_#Co_20 -301.330 1119.24 30332.86 OK
_#Co_21 -362.310 1345.74 30332.86 OK
_#Co_22 -301.330 1119.24 30332.86 OK
_#Co_23 -294.400 1093.50 30332.86 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -401.970 -2964.360 - -107.040 -1039.940 -38.310 - -
_#Co_1 -401.970 -2964.360 - -107.040 -1039.940 -38.310 - -
_#Co_2 -634.490 -1806.140 - -110.460 -836.160 -23.690 - -
_#Co_3 -748.320 -2260.740 - -121.620 -857.300 -7.460 - -
_#Co_4 -634.490 -1806.140 - -110.460 -836.160 -23.690 - -
_#Co_5 -412.830 -3067.190 - -107.050 -1072.350 -39.140 - -
_#Co_6 -759.250 -2363.520 - -121.670 -889.660 -8.350 - -
_#Co_7 -759.250 -2363.520 - -121.670 -889.660 -8.350 - -
_#Co_8 -526.730 -3521.730 - -118.250 -1093.450 -22.970 - -
_#Co_9 -412.900 -3067.130 - -107.090 -1072.310 -39.200 - -
_#Co_10 -526.730 -3521.730 - -118.250 -1093.450 -22.970 - -
_#Co_11 -748.390 -2260.690 - -121.660 -857.250 -7.520 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.097 40.546 0.846 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_8 -2.997 39.473 -0.375 -13.192 1.000
P43 fyk = 500 _#Co_8 -1.188 40.443 0.869 173.821 1.000
P27 fyk = 500 _#Co_8 -3.078 39.549 -0.276 -55.279 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_8

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) 0.945 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.128 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.260 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5123 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 173.82 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 405.0903 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2735 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.299 39.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.098 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.098 40.548
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.299 40.493

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.543 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.543 40.237
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.237

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.183
Izz 0.915 Zg 40.000
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 20921.4 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9146.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.168 40.396 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.018 40.400 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.868 40.403 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.718 40.407 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.568 40.411 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.418 40.415 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.269 40.418 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.119 40.422 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -1.969 40.426 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.819 40.430 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.669 40.433 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.519 40.437 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.369 40.441 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.219 40.445 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.213 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.363 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.513 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.663 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.813 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.963 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -2.113 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.263 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.413 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.563 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.713 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.863 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -3.079 39.551 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.186 39.584 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -1.212 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.362 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -1.512 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -1.662 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -1.812 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -1.962 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -2.112 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.262 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.412 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.562 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.712 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -2.862 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.830 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1689.250 3546.770 - 0.698 - 288.180 215.220 - -
_#Co_13 1124.000 4302.250 - 0.782 - 388.250 212.470 - -
_#Co_14 949.130 4066.770 - 0.729 - 393.550 196.050 - -
_#Co_15 966.320 2863.220 - 0.563 - 301.210 488.180 - -
_#Co_16 1288.330 4528.520 - 0.830 - 355.320 213.130 - -
_#Co_17 1524.470 3307.440 - 0.633 - 240.660 91.290 - -
_#Co_18 79.040 1723.920 - 0.281 - -318.940 -72.900 - -
_#Co_19 1013.520 518.920 - 0.154 - -480.690 -68.680 - -
_#Co_20 798.420 516.210 - 0.139 - -625.870 -108.980 - -
_#Co_21 661.210 1312.690 - 0.258 - -148.240 -146.490 - -
_#Co_22 688.100 188.760 - 0.080 - -417.000 -69.990 - -
_#Co_23 556.600 958.080 - 0.193 - -157.890 -135.840 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.098 40.548 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -2.998 39.475 20.482 0.000 1.765
P13 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -1.219 40.445 -1.195 -207.910 1.150
P26 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.079 39.551 18.770 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.098 40.339 -3.294 40.285 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.299 39.783 -3.239 39.765 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.239 39.765 -2.967 39.683 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.967 39.683 -1.098 39.683 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 215.220 799.40 20921.44 OK

_#Co_13 212.470 789.19 20921.44 OK
_#Co_14 196.050 728.20 20921.44 OK
_#Co_15 488.180 1813.27 20921.44 OK
_#Co_16 213.130 791.64 20921.44 OK
_#Co_17 91.290 339.08 20921.44 OK
_#Co_18 -72.900 270.78 20921.44 OK
_#Co_19 -68.680 255.10 20921.44 OK
_#Co_20 -108.980 404.79 20921.44 OK
_#Co_21 -146.490 544.11 20921.44 OK
_#Co_22 -69.990 259.97 20921.44 OK
_#Co_23 -135.840 504.56 20921.44 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 792.280 1185.640 - 57.530 1.900 0.550 - -
_#Co_1 451.990 1792.180 - 103.090 74.910 -2.270 - -
_#Co_2 451.740 1792.180 - 103.040 74.910 -2.290 - -
_#Co_3 783.130 1140.180 - 55.430 -1.660 0.710 - -
_#Co_4 543.030 1917.880 - 92.630 56.610 -1.920 - -
_#Co_5 782.880 1140.180 - 55.370 -1.660 0.700 - -
_#Co_6 442.590 1746.710 - 100.930 71.340 -2.120 - -
_#Co_7 782.880 1140.180 - 55.370 -1.660 0.700 - -
_#Co_8 783.130 1140.180 - 55.430 -1.660 0.710 - -
_#Co_9 451.740 1792.180 - 103.040 74.910 -2.290 - -
_#Co_10 674.650 1030.130 - 67.570 19.570 0.280 - -
_#Co_11 451.990 1792.180 - 103.090 74.910 -2.270 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -2.998 39.475 0.599 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -1.098 40.548 -0.247 -8.694 1.000
P26 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.079 39.551 0.771 154.254 1.000
P13 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -1.219 40.445 -0.141 -28.295 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) - d (m) 0.973
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.249
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5342
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 16523.2
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 28.7
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 154.25
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 443.1420
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2236
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.300 39.567
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.099 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.099 40.550
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.300 40.495

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.542 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.542 40.239
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.239

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.184
Izz 0.915 Zg 40.002
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 31490.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 13766.4

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.215 40.397 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.065 40.401 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.915 40.404 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.765 40.408 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.615 40.412 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.465 40.416 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.315 40.419 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.165 40.423 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -2.015 40.427 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.865 40.430 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.715 40.434 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.565 40.438 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.415 40.442 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.265 40.445 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.115 40.449 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.120 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.270 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.420 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.570 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.720 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -1.870 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.020 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.170 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.320 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.470 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.620 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -2.770 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -2.920 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -3.082 39.554 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -3.232 39.599 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -3.289 40.395 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -3.139 40.399 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -2.989 40.402 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -2.839 40.406 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -2.689 40.410 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.539 40.414 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.389 40.417 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.239 40.421 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.089 40.425 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -1.939 40.429 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -1.789 40.432 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -1.639 40.436 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -1.489 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -1.339 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_44 fyk=500.0 R I -1.189 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2056_fin
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.713 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 139.720 -1503.670 - 0.178 - 1193.610 213.580 - -
_#Co_13 -423.440 -2873.010 - 0.313 - 2524.140 306.330 - -
_#Co_14 -1322.960 -4326.280 - 0.441 - 3429.300 216.450 - -
_#Co_15 -919.790 -4069.680 - 0.434 - 3100.420 368.210 - -
_#Co_16 55.530 -1332.890 - 0.155 - 1055.100 264.470 - -
_#Co_17 -1110.080 -3833.170 - 0.395 - 2990.870 251.580 - -
_#Co_18 -1884.640 -5975.980 - 0.602 - 1982.480 -137.850 - -
_#Co_19 -1502.940 -5602.360 - 0.579 - 1328.550 -214.410 - -
_#Co_20 -104.930 -2528.710 - 0.278 - 182.450 6.380 - -
_#Co_21 -1073.670 -4861.710 - 0.526 - 910.800 -476.720 - -
_#Co_22 -1679.180 -6810.210 - 0.713 - 1846.740 -256.760 - -
_#Co_23 -813.350 -4349.160 - 0.462 - 741.710 -202.320 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -1.099 40.550 11.189 0.000 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -2.998 39.477 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -1.115 40.449 9.813 434.783 1.150
P28 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -3.082 39.554 -2.442 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.099 40.341 -3.295 40.287 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.300 39.785 -3.240 39.767 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.240 39.767 -2.968 39.685 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.968 39.685 -1.099 39.685 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 213.580 793.31 31490.54 OK

_#Co_13 306.330 1137.81 31490.54 OK
_#Co_14 216.450 803.97 31490.54 OK
_#Co_15 368.210 1367.66 31490.54 OK
_#Co_16 264.470 982.33 31490.54 OK
_#Co_17 251.580 934.45 31490.54 OK
_#Co_18 -137.850 512.02 31490.54 OK
_#Co_19 -214.410 796.39 31490.54 OK
_#Co_20 6.380 23.70 31490.54 OK
_#Co_21 -476.720 1770.70 31490.54 OK
_#Co_22 -256.760 953.69 31490.54 OK
_#Co_23 -202.320 751.49 31490.54 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2056_fin



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -430.630 -2849.900 - 35.310 1094.630 53.600 - -
_#Co_1 -467.620 -2509.700 - 44.340 841.330 51.630 - -
_#Co_2 -941.670 -3621.320 - -5.570 1558.880 3.410 - -
_#Co_3 -445.180 -2970.630 - 34.270 1137.170 54.250 - -
_#Co_4 -467.620 -2509.700 - 44.340 841.330 51.630 - -
_#Co_5 -978.660 -3281.130 - 3.460 1305.570 1.440 - -
_#Co_6 -978.660 -3281.130 - 3.460 1305.570 1.440 - -
_#Co_7 -941.670 -3621.320 - -5.570 1558.880 3.410 - -
_#Co_8 -467.620 -2509.700 - 44.340 841.330 51.630 - -
_#Co_9 -964.100 -3160.400 - 4.500 1263.040 0.790 - -
_#Co_10 -941.670 -3621.320 - -5.570 1558.880 3.410 - -
_#Co_11 -430.630 -2849.900 - 35.310 1094.630 53.600 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.099 40.550 0.783 0.000 1.000
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_2 -2.998 39.477 -0.383 -13.486 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_2 -1.115 40.449 0.828 165.690 1.000
P28 fyk = 500 _#Co_2 -3.082 39.554 -0.287 -57.323 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2056_fin
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_2

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) 0.945 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.128 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.255 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5012 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 24127.4 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 165.69 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 398.6154 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2562 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.327 39.569
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.126 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.126 40.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.327 40.497

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.566 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.514 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.514 40.241
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.566 40.241

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.211
Izz 0.915 Zg 40.004
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 27782.7 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 12145.5

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -3.188 40.400 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -3.038 40.404 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -2.888 40.408 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -2.738 40.411 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -2.588 40.415 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -2.438 40.419 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -2.288 40.423 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -2.138 40.426 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -1.988 40.430 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I -1.838 40.434 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I -1.688 40.438 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I -1.538 40.441 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I -1.388 40.445 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I -1.238 40.449 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I -1.241 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I -1.391 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I -1.541 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I -1.691 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I -1.841 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I -1.991 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I -2.141 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -2.291 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -2.441 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -2.591 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -2.741 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -2.891 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -3.116 39.558 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -3.266 39.603 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -1.240 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.390 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -1.540 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -1.690 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -1.840 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -1.990 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -2.140 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -2.290 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -2.440 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -2.590 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -2.740 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -2.890 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2062_fin
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.796 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1421.810 5321.620 - 0.757 - 355.760 122.370 - -
_#Co_13 956.620 4280.190 - 0.604 - 10.320 181.750 - -
_#Co_14 1002.920 4441.940 - 0.623 - 481.280 124.230 - -
_#Co_15 1009.000 4092.390 - 0.583 - 8.640 191.840 - -
_#Co_16 1344.800 5639.840 - 0.796 - 421.060 134.940 - -
_#Co_17 1343.990 5132.250 - 0.728 - 353.850 113.550 - -
_#Co_18 781.100 1374.570 - 0.217 - -402.020 -94.060 - -
_#Co_19 1263.590 2385.430 - 0.378 - -498.800 -233.020 - -
_#Co_20 1189.620 1882.360 - 0.311 - -566.620 -271.560 - -
_#Co_21 1209.710 2574.550 - 0.416 - -471.130 -524.420 - -
_#Co_22 900.500 924.120 - 0.168 - -436.510 -154.260 - -
_#Co_23 868.700 1692.240 - 0.261 - -414.460 -66.860 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.126 40.552 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -3.026 39.479 16.920 0.000 1.765
P13 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -1.238 40.449 -1.542 -268.104 1.150
P26 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -3.116 39.558 15.410 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.126 40.343 -3.322 40.289 0.416
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.327 39.787 -3.267 39.769 0.416
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.267 39.769 -2.995 39.687 0.416
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.995 39.687 -1.126 39.687 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 122.370 454.52 27782.67 OK

_#Co_13 181.750 675.08 27782.67 OK
_#Co_14 124.230 461.43 27782.67 OK
_#Co_15 191.840 712.56 27782.67 OK
_#Co_16 134.940 501.21 27782.67 OK
_#Co_17 113.550 421.76 27782.67 OK
_#Co_18 -94.060 349.37 27782.67 OK
_#Co_19 -233.020 865.52 27782.67 OK
_#Co_20 -271.560 1008.67 27782.67 OK
_#Co_21 -524.420 1947.87 27782.67 OK
_#Co_22 -154.260 572.97 27782.67 OK
_#Co_23 -66.860 248.34 27782.67 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2062_fin



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 942.940 2026.190 - -114.370 -125.910 -2.040 - -
_#Co_1 942.510 2026.180 - -114.330 -125.910 -2.110 - -
_#Co_2 900.920 2432.060 - -119.570 -60.160 -1.980 - -
_#Co_3 886.680 2164.290 - -120.230 -92.390 -0.160 - -
_#Co_4 905.340 2505.840 - -119.120 -66.590 -1.940 - -
_#Co_5 879.940 2177.830 - -120.530 -90.100 -0.270 - -
_#Co_6 879.940 2177.830 - -120.530 -90.100 -0.270 - -
_#Co_7 880.380 2177.830 - -120.570 -90.100 -0.200 - -
_#Co_8 921.960 1771.950 - -115.330 -155.840 -0.320 - -
_#Co_9 934.210 2063.650 - -114.910 -120.640 -2.140 - -
_#Co_10 917.540 1698.170 - -115.780 -149.410 -0.370 - -
_#Co_11 942.940 2026.190 - -114.370 -125.910 -2.040 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -3.026 39.479 0.763 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -1.126 40.552 -0.284 -10.000 1.000
P26 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -3.116 39.558 0.823 164.608 1.000
P13 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -1.238 40.449 -0.169 -33.859 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2062_fin
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.073 h (m) 1.073
d (m) - d (m) 0.973
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.250
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5374
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 20910.4
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 164.61
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 425.4100
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2565
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.218 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.982 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 0.982 41.075
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.218 41.075

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.657 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.423 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.423 40.764
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.657 40.764

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg -0.118
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.545
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30999.7 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 12967.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -1.084 40.978 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.934 40.982 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.784 40.986 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.634 40.989 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.484 40.993 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.334 40.997 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.184 41.000 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I 0.015 40.999 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.115 40.996 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.265 40.993 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.415 40.989 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.565 40.985 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.715 40.981 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.865 40.978 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 0.921 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.771 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.621 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.471 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.321 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.171 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.021 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -0.129 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.279 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.429 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.579 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.729 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.879 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -1.029 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -1.179 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I 0.968 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I 0.818 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I 0.668 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I 0.518 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I 0.368 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I 0.218 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I 0.068 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -0.082 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -0.232 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -0.382 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -0.532 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -0.682 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -0.832 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -0.982 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -1.132 40.102 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.705 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 817.150 5211.660 - 0.594 - 540.670 119.680 - -
_#Co_13 774.470 5556.390 - 0.633 - 453.830 177.360 - -
_#Co_14 784.950 4959.120 - 0.566 - 559.790 127.700 - -
_#Co_15 749.390 5320.780 - 0.644 - 483.670 709.410 - -
_#Co_16 761.470 6254.660 - 0.705 - 395.910 137.640 - -
_#Co_17 626.750 4661.290 - 0.529 - 461.010 160.230 - -
_#Co_18 341.820 2313.600 - 0.263 - -478.450 -119.420 - -
_#Co_19 391.200 1935.210 - 0.234 - -403.350 -503.760 - -
_#Co_20 362.920 2392.810 - 0.272 - -505.450 -126.050 - -
_#Co_21 389.430 1777.420 - 0.222 - -414.040 -707.610 - -
_#Co_22 446.920 1186.480 - 0.153 - -172.800 -468.270 - -
_#Co_23 540.540 2624.030 - 0.306 - -399.820 -155.520 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -0.117 41.102 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.218 40.002 15.449 0.000 1.765
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -0.184 41.000 -1.749 -304.092 1.150
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 0.921 40.102 13.725 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.218 40.210 0.982 40.210 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 0.977 40.867 -0.117 40.894 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R -0.117 40.894 -1.213 40.867 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 119.680 410.87 30999.67 OK

_#Co_13 177.360 608.89 30999.67 OK
_#Co_14 127.700 438.40 30999.67 OK
_#Co_15 709.410 2435.45 30999.67 OK
_#Co_16 137.640 472.53 30999.67 OK
_#Co_17 160.230 550.08 30999.67 OK
_#Co_18 -119.420 409.98 30999.67 OK
_#Co_19 -503.760 1729.44 30999.67 OK
_#Co_20 -126.050 432.74 30999.67 OK
_#Co_21 -707.610 2429.27 30999.67 OK
_#Co_22 -468.270 1607.60 30999.67 OK
_#Co_23 -155.520 533.91 30999.67 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 477.010 2182.410 - -22.590 142.220 0.160 - -
_#Co_1 434.460 2977.130 - 9.980 29.950 1.500 - -
_#Co_2 472.900 2145.950 - -25.060 147.890 0.100 - -
_#Co_3 434.460 2977.130 - 9.850 29.950 1.590 - -
_#Co_4 438.510 3060.250 - 8.510 36.500 1.470 - -
_#Co_5 438.510 3060.250 - 8.510 36.500 1.470 - -
_#Co_6 429.360 2966.050 - 8.450 32.360 1.480 - -
_#Co_7 472.900 2145.950 - -25.060 147.890 0.100 - -
_#Co_8 434.460 2977.130 - 9.980 29.950 1.500 - -
_#Co_9 472.900 2145.950 - -24.930 147.890 0.010 - -
_#Co_10 468.860 2062.820 - -23.590 141.340 0.130 - -
_#Co_11 468.860 2062.820 - -23.590 141.340 0.130 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.218 40.002 0.630 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -0.117 41.102 -0.297 -10.467 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 0.921 40.102 0.753 150.695 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -0.184 41.000 -0.190 -38.073 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) - d (m) 1.000
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.250
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5505
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 24127.4
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 150.69
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 409.7322
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2268
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.208 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.992 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 0.992 40.536
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.208 40.536

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.648 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.433 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.433 40.225
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.648 40.225

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg -0.108
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.006
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30999.7 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 12967.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -1.170 40.437 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -1.021 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.871 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.721 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.571 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.421 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.271 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -0.121 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.028 40.460 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.178 40.456 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.328 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.478 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.628 40.445 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.778 40.441 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 0.928 40.437 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.870 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.720 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.570 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.420 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.270 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.120 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -0.030 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.180 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.330 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.480 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.630 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.780 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.930 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -1.080 39.563 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.149 40.437 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -0.999 40.441 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -0.849 40.445 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -0.699 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -0.549 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -0.399 40.456 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -0.249 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -0.108 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I 0.042 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I 0.192 40.456 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I 0.342 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I 0.492 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I 0.642 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I 0.792 40.441 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I 0.942 40.437 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.659 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 212.400 -3312.930 - 0.374 - -972.290 368.060 - -
_#Co_13 -123.250 -3711.870 - 0.400 - -526.220 277.500 - -
_#Co_14 -394.610 -1731.560 - 0.174 - 207.580 368.480 - -
_#Co_15 -144.030 -3479.330 - 0.388 - -437.440 622.840 - -
_#Co_16 -226.160 -1250.870 - 0.128 - -123.300 369.330 - -
_#Co_17 -142.710 -3476.890 - 0.383 - -422.140 515.430 - -
_#Co_18 -522.330 -3708.900 - 0.377 - -568.700 -139.880 - -
_#Co_19 -196.000 -3954.660 - 0.430 - -1075.800 -421.920 - -
_#Co_20 85.610 -5290.070 - 0.587 - -1755.650 -365.550 - -
_#Co_21 -195.950 -4057.700 - 0.451 - -1100.850 -618.410 - -
_#Co_22 -172.590 -5932.820 - 0.659 - -1465.580 -541.150 - -
_#Co_23 -195.740 -3954.590 - 0.431 - -1074.710 -446.580 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -0.108 40.563 15.414 0.000 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -1.208 39.463 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -0.108 40.463 13.693 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 0.870 39.563 -1.781 -309.741 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.208 39.671 0.992 39.671 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 0.987 40.327 -0.108 40.355 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R -0.108 40.355 -1.203 40.327 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 368.060 1263.59 30999.67 OK

_#Co_13 277.500 952.69 30999.67 OK
_#Co_14 368.480 1265.04 30999.67 OK
_#Co_15 622.840 2138.28 30999.67 OK
_#Co_16 369.330 1267.95 30999.67 OK
_#Co_17 515.430 1769.53 30999.67 OK
_#Co_18 -139.880 480.22 30999.67 OK
_#Co_19 -421.920 1448.50 30999.67 OK
_#Co_20 -365.550 1254.98 30999.67 OK
_#Co_21 -618.410 2123.08 30999.67 OK
_#Co_22 -541.150 1857.83 30999.67 OK
_#Co_23 -446.580 1533.16 30999.67 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 72.440 -2380.380 - 0.620 -428.920 -0.040 - -
_#Co_1 -205.100 -2446.480 - 10.780 -443.430 0.530 - -
_#Co_2 -132.030 -1795.560 - 0.230 -28.960 0.080 - -
_#Co_3 -261.260 -2606.690 - 10.420 -333.140 0.630 - -
_#Co_4 -75.880 -1635.340 - 0.580 -139.240 0.000 - -
_#Co_5 -60.670 -3086.620 - 9.660 -720.980 0.460 - -
_#Co_6 -265.140 -2501.810 - 9.260 -321.020 0.560 - -
_#Co_7 1.280 -2415.630 - -0.860 -284.960 0.010 - -
_#Co_8 -60.670 -3086.630 - 9.660 -720.980 0.440 - -
_#Co_9 68.560 -2275.500 - -0.530 -416.800 -0.100 - -
_#Co_10 -127.950 -3226.770 - 9.340 -589.150 0.540 - -
_#Co_11 -132.030 -1795.570 - 0.230 -28.960 0.070 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -0.108 40.563 0.651 0.000 1.000
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -1.208 39.463 -0.305 -10.756 1.000
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 -0.108 40.463 0.753 150.548 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 0.870 39.563 -0.200 -39.917 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_10

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) 0.986 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.114 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.271 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5651 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 24127.4 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 150.55 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 413.0039 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2265 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.095 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.106 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.106 40.538
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.095 40.538

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.534 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.546 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.546 40.227
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.534 40.227

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.006
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.008
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 23825.1 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9966.5

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -0.961 40.441 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.811 40.445 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.661 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.512 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.362 40.456 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.212 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.062 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I 0.139 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.237 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.387 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.537 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.687 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.837 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.987 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 1.041 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.891 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.741 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.591 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.441 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.291 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.141 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -0.009 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.159 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.309 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.459 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.609 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.759 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.909 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -1.059 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I 1.041 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I 0.891 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I 0.741 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I 0.591 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I 0.441 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I 0.291 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I 0.141 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -0.009 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -0.159 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -0.309 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -0.459 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -0.609 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -0.759 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -0.909 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -1.059 39.565 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.678 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 983.660 2739.490 - 0.439 - 353.530 467.960 - -
_#Co_13 780.320 3801.760 - 0.546 - 423.830 128.210 - -
_#Co_14 783.810 3697.120 - 0.533 - 427.100 127.000 - -
_#Co_15 406.590 3422.870 - 0.516 - 351.740 693.110 - -
_#Co_16 308.050 4983.410 - 0.678 - 325.970 145.030 - -
_#Co_17 780.320 3801.760 - 0.546 - 423.830 128.210 - -
_#Co_18 -190.120 2057.480 - 0.261 - -481.290 -80.880 - -
_#Co_19 -35.580 1410.910 - 0.185 - -589.650 -122.790 - -
_#Co_20 -28.140 1473.440 - 0.193 - -645.140 -123.700 - -
_#Co_21 301.870 1729.730 - 0.267 - -603.660 -689.410 - -
_#Co_22 512.660 222.760 - 0.064 - -384.170 -465.410 - -
_#Co_23 -35.580 1410.910 - 0.185 - -589.650 -122.790 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 0.006 40.565 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.095 39.465 17.081 0.000 1.765
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -0.062 40.463 -1.596 -277.532 1.150
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -0.009 39.565 15.213 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.095 39.673 1.106 39.673 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.100 40.329 0.006 40.357 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.006 40.357 -1.089 40.329 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 467.960 1606.56 23825.05 OK

_#Co_13 128.210 440.16 23825.05 OK
_#Co_14 127.000 436.01 23825.05 OK
_#Co_15 693.110 2379.53 23825.05 OK
_#Co_16 145.030 497.91 23825.05 OK
_#Co_17 128.210 440.16 23825.05 OK
_#Co_18 -80.880 277.67 23825.05 OK
_#Co_19 -122.790 421.55 23825.05 OK
_#Co_20 -123.700 424.68 23825.05 OK
_#Co_21 -689.410 2366.83 23825.05 OK
_#Co_22 -465.410 1597.81 23825.05 OK
_#Co_23 -122.790 421.55 23825.05 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 482.430 1318.860 - 14.270 59.300 0.460 - -
_#Co_1 482.380 1370.830 - 15.780 61.630 0.520 - -
_#Co_2 482.380 1370.830 - 15.780 61.630 0.520 - -
_#Co_3 482.370 1370.830 - 15.730 61.630 0.540 - -
_#Co_4 97.550 2287.860 - -0.160 19.910 -0.020 - -
_#Co_5 482.380 1370.830 - 15.780 61.630 0.520 - -
_#Co_6 -1.300 2151.600 - -6.720 0.100 -0.230 - -
_#Co_7 -1.240 2099.630 - -8.230 -2.220 -0.290 - -
_#Co_8 -1.240 2099.630 - -8.230 -2.220 -0.290 - -
_#Co_9 -1.240 2099.640 - -8.180 -2.220 -0.310 - -
_#Co_10 364.920 1200.700 - 6.700 36.320 0.220 - -
_#Co_11 -1.240 2099.630 - -8.230 -2.220 -0.290 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.095 39.465 0.494 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 0.006 40.565 -0.249 -8.765 1.000
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -0.009 39.565 0.667 133.387 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -0.062 40.463 -0.156 -31.135 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) - d (m) 1.000
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.250
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5499
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 19426.8
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 28.9
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 133.39
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 424.8092
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.1820
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.095 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.105 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.105 40.539
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.095 40.539

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.535 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.545 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.545 40.228
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.535 40.228

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.005
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.009
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30999.7 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 12967.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -1.060 40.439 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.910 40.443 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.760 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.610 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.460 40.454 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.310 40.458 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.160 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -0.010 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.138 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.288 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.438 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.588 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.738 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.888 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 1.038 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.983 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.833 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.683 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.533 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.383 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.233 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I 0.083 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.067 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.217 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.367 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.517 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.667 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.817 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -0.967 39.566 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.036 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -0.886 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -0.736 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -0.586 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -0.436 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -0.286 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -0.136 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I 0.005 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I 0.155 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I 0.305 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I 0.455 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I 0.605 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I 0.755 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I 0.905 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I 1.055 40.440 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.618 for combination _#Co_20

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 622.790 -3399.780 - 0.394 - -695.810 168.840 - -
_#Co_13 -38.300 -2197.330 - 0.243 - -301.950 451.890 - -
_#Co_14 -638.190 -1399.860 - 0.127 - -25.940 143.150 - -
_#Co_15 -71.230 -3100.990 - 0.348 - -396.320 618.540 - -
_#Co_16 -274.110 -1212.540 - 0.120 - -209.290 168.330 - -
_#Co_17 -80.520 -2803.510 - 0.308 - -364.010 451.870 - -
_#Co_18 -738.620 -3133.280 - 0.308 - -743.490 -166.610 - -
_#Co_19 -181.990 -4512.560 - 0.494 - -1174.370 -449.770 - -
_#Co_20 237.240 -5410.360 - 0.618 - -1491.290 -538.280 - -
_#Co_21 -145.190 -3790.010 - 0.423 - -1083.450 -614.900 - -
_#Co_22 -23.990 -5475.280 - 0.596 - -1349.830 -265.680 - -
_#Co_23 -139.770 -3906.370 - 0.428 - -1112.310 -449.750 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_20

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_20 0.005 40.566 16.689 0.000 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_20 -1.095 39.466 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_20 0.005 40.466 14.852 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_20 0.983 39.566 -1.665 -289.590 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.095 39.674 1.105 39.674 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.100 40.330 0.005 40.358 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.005 40.358 -1.090 40.330 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 168.840 579.65 30999.67 OK

_#Co_13 451.890 1551.39 30999.67 OK
_#Co_14 143.150 491.45 30999.67 OK
_#Co_15 618.540 2123.52 30999.67 OK
_#Co_16 168.330 577.90 30999.67 OK
_#Co_17 451.870 1551.32 30999.67 OK
_#Co_18 -166.610 571.99 30999.67 OK
_#Co_19 -449.770 1544.11 30999.67 OK
_#Co_20 -538.280 1847.98 30999.67 OK
_#Co_21 -614.900 2111.03 30999.67 OK
_#Co_22 -265.680 912.11 30999.67 OK
_#Co_23 -449.750 1544.05 30999.67 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 126.790 -2929.590 - 3.900 -597.380 0.450 - -
_#Co_1 123.520 -2841.850 - 4.240 -587.150 0.370 - -
_#Co_2 -303.650 -1826.040 - -1.590 -234.630 -0.020 - -
_#Co_3 126.790 -2929.590 - 3.900 -597.380 0.450 - -
_#Co_4 -182.440 -1763.870 - -0.510 -295.220 0.060 - -
_#Co_5 113.940 -2402.170 - 1.760 -435.050 0.200 - -
_#Co_6 -303.650 -1826.040 - -1.590 -234.630 -0.020 - -
_#Co_7 -300.380 -1913.780 - -1.930 -244.870 0.060 - -
_#Co_8 126.790 -2929.590 - 3.900 -597.380 0.450 - -
_#Co_9 -303.650 -1826.040 - -1.590 -234.630 -0.020 - -
_#Co_10 -17.680 -2964.770 - 2.630 -525.580 0.360 - -
_#Co_11 -290.800 -2353.460 - 0.550 -396.970 0.230 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 0.005 40.566 0.805 0.000 1.000
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -1.095 39.466 -0.280 -9.844 1.000
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_0 0.005 40.466 0.707 141.391 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 0.983 39.566 -0.181 -36.290 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_0

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) 0.986 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.114 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.273 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5716 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 24127.4 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 141.39 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 414.4692 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2076 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.018 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.182 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.182 40.541
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.018 40.541

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.458 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.622 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.622 40.230
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.458 40.230

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.082
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.011
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 23825.1 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9966.5

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -0.885 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.735 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.585 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.435 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.285 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.135 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I 0.015 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I 0.215 40.465 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.313 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.463 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.613 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.763 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.913 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 1.063 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 1.117 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.967 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.817 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.667 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.517 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.367 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.217 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I 0.067 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.083 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.233 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.383 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.533 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.683 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.833 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -0.983 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I 1.118 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I 0.968 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I 0.818 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I 0.668 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I 0.518 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I 0.368 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I 0.218 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I 0.068 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -0.082 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -0.232 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -0.382 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -0.532 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -0.682 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -0.832 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -0.982 39.568 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.686 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1364.130 2851.750 - 0.478 - 298.600 471.690 - -
_#Co_13 527.560 3405.600 - 0.511 - 360.210 570.130 - -
_#Co_14 1065.820 3760.910 - 0.558 - 393.880 134.300 - -
_#Co_15 502.570 4197.260 - 0.634 - 359.810 697.710 - -
_#Co_16 353.550 5017.100 - 0.686 - 340.890 155.740 - -
_#Co_17 451.980 3503.200 - 0.516 - 355.850 506.710 - -
_#Co_18 -353.260 2107.320 - 0.273 - -419.740 -473.000 - -
_#Co_19 353.510 1881.120 - 0.284 - -515.810 -507.490 - -
_#Co_20 -106.810 1600.360 - 0.223 - -595.180 -664.110 - -
_#Co_21 384.840 1180.910 - 0.194 - -583.950 -700.750 - -
_#Co_22 708.890 387.240 - 0.093 - -379.160 -88.570 - -
_#Co_23 433.650 1782.210 - 0.262 - -511.160 -173.580 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 0.082 40.568 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.018 39.468 17.251 0.000 1.765
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 0.015 40.466 -1.582 -275.133 1.150
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 1.117 39.568 15.365 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.018 39.676 1.182 39.676 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.176 40.332 0.082 40.360 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.082 40.360 -1.013 40.332 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 471.690 1619.37 23825.05 OK

_#Co_13 570.130 1957.32 23825.05 OK
_#Co_14 134.300 461.07 23825.05 OK
_#Co_15 697.710 2395.32 23825.05 OK
_#Co_16 155.740 534.67 23825.05 OK
_#Co_17 506.710 1739.60 23825.05 OK
_#Co_18 -473.000 1623.87 23825.05 OK
_#Co_19 -507.490 1742.27 23825.05 OK
_#Co_20 -664.110 2279.97 23825.05 OK
_#Co_21 -700.750 2405.76 23825.05 OK
_#Co_22 -88.570 304.07 23825.05 OK
_#Co_23 -173.580 595.92 23825.05 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 649.770 1438.200 - 1.520 49.530 0.260 - -
_#Co_1 649.500 1381.310 - 2.970 46.210 0.380 - -
_#Co_2 649.750 1438.200 - 1.640 49.530 0.260 - -
_#Co_3 427.970 1661.110 - 2.870 41.040 0.600 - -
_#Co_4 72.650 2278.450 - -2.190 30.450 0.370 - -
_#Co_5 427.970 1661.110 - 2.870 41.040 0.600 - -
_#Co_6 -73.240 2112.900 - -2.030 22.460 0.450 - -
_#Co_7 -72.960 2169.790 - -3.490 25.780 0.330 - -
_#Co_8 -73.220 2112.890 - -2.150 22.460 0.450 - -
_#Co_9 148.560 1889.980 - -3.390 30.950 0.110 - -
_#Co_10 475.970 1292.490 - 1.410 40.510 0.340 - -
_#Co_11 148.560 1889.980 - -3.390 30.950 0.110 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.018 39.468 0.556 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 0.082 40.568 -0.248 -8.737 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 1.117 39.568 0.661 132.234 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 0.015 40.466 -0.156 -31.127 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) - d (m) 1.000
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.250
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5500
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 19426.8
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 28.9
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 132.23
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 424.8373
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.1796
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.241 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.959 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 0.959 40.543
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.241 40.543

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.681 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.399 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.399 40.232
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.681 40.232

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg -0.141
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.013
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30999.7 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 12967.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -1.206 40.443 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -1.056 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.906 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.756 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.606 40.458 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.456 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.306 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -0.156 40.470 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I -0.007 40.467 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.143 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.293 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.443 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.592 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.742 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 0.892 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.837 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.687 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.537 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.387 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.237 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.087 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -0.063 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.213 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.363 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.513 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.663 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.813 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.963 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -1.113 39.570 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.182 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -1.032 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -0.882 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -0.732 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -0.582 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -0.432 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -0.282 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -0.141 40.470 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I 0.009 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I 0.159 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I 0.309 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I 0.459 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I 0.609 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I 0.759 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I 0.909 40.444 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.617 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 768.960 -3462.600 - 0.407 - -266.620 172.890 - -
_#Co_13 -20.580 -2230.840 - 0.239 - -264.380 141.130 - -
_#Co_14 -16.290 -2150.950 - 0.235 - -148.560 326.970 - -
_#Co_15 -9.820 -2318.800 - 0.262 - -183.670 622.530 - -
_#Co_16 -286.600 -1238.360 - 0.122 - -249.980 170.380 - -
_#Co_17 -62.840 -2914.120 - 0.320 - -326.990 424.150 - -
_#Co_18 -809.350 -3252.600 - 0.326 - -1002.140 -398.110 - -
_#Co_19 -135.680 -5218.590 - 0.581 - -1251.420 -553.370 - -
_#Co_20 -134.100 -5218.340 - 0.582 - -1252.180 -565.490 - -
_#Co_21 -152.790 -4794.810 - 0.537 - -1181.280 -626.490 - -
_#Co_22 34.510 -5642.320 - 0.617 - -1214.150 -276.570 - -
_#Co_23 -104.610 -4184.610 - 0.463 - -1083.350 -491.790 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -0.141 40.570 15.552 0.000 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -1.241 39.470 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 -0.141 40.470 13.819 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 0.837 39.570 -1.768 -307.559 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.241 39.678 0.959 39.678 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 0.954 40.334 -0.141 40.362 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R -0.141 40.362 -1.236 40.334 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 172.890 593.55 30999.67 OK

_#Co_13 141.130 484.52 30999.67 OK
_#Co_14 326.970 1122.53 30999.67 OK
_#Co_15 622.530 2137.22 30999.67 OK
_#Co_16 170.380 584.93 30999.67 OK
_#Co_17 424.150 1456.16 30999.67 OK
_#Co_18 -398.110 1366.76 30999.67 OK
_#Co_19 -553.370 1899.79 30999.67 OK
_#Co_20 -565.490 1941.39 30999.67 OK
_#Co_21 -626.490 2150.82 30999.67 OK
_#Co_22 -276.570 949.50 30999.67 OK
_#Co_23 -491.790 1688.37 30999.67 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 192.950 -2997.970 - -11.660 -427.370 -1.050 - -
_#Co_1 -328.600 -1870.100 - 1.310 -352.250 -1.900 - -
_#Co_2 161.910 -2430.110 - -0.480 -339.930 -1.500 - -
_#Co_3 190.580 -2905.910 - -10.000 -416.560 -1.020 - -
_#Co_4 -185.520 -1785.630 - 0.850 -348.190 -1.780 - -
_#Co_5 -328.600 -1870.100 - 1.310 -352.250 -1.900 - -
_#Co_6 -328.600 -1870.100 - 1.310 -352.250 -1.900 - -
_#Co_7 192.950 -2997.970 - -11.660 -427.370 -1.050 - -
_#Co_8 -297.570 -2437.960 - -9.870 -439.690 -1.450 - -
_#Co_9 -326.230 -1962.160 - -0.350 -363.060 -1.930 - -
_#Co_10 22.540 -3056.730 - -11.110 -432.130 -1.180 - -
_#Co_11 192.950 -2997.970 - -11.660 -427.370 -1.050 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -0.141 40.570 0.831 0.000 1.000
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -1.241 39.470 -0.288 -10.134 1.000
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_0 -0.141 40.470 0.730 145.920 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 0.837 39.570 -0.186 -37.255 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_0

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) 0.986 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.114 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.274 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5732 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 24127.4 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 145.92 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 414.8376 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2170 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.097 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.104 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.104 40.545
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.097 40.545

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.536 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.234
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.536 40.234

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.004
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.015
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 23825.1 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 9966.5

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -0.963 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.813 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.663 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.514 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.364 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.214 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.064 40.470 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I 0.137 40.469 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.235 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.385 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.535 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.685 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.835 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.985 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 1.039 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.889 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.739 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.589 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.439 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.289 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.139 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -0.011 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.161 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.311 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.461 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.611 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.761 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.911 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -1.061 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I 1.039 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I 0.889 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I 0.739 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I 0.589 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I 0.439 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I 0.289 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I 0.139 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I -0.011 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -0.161 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -0.311 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -0.461 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -0.611 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -0.761 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -0.911 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -1.061 39.572 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.688 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1396.510 2781.800 - 0.445 - 217.370 85.730 - -
_#Co_13 460.610 3509.610 - 0.492 - 334.540 166.610 - -
_#Co_14 94.750 4677.490 - 0.674 - 363.050 660.270 - -
_#Co_15 452.300 3544.380 - 0.537 - 326.020 696.530 - -
_#Co_16 366.160 5031.510 - 0.688 - 329.360 150.580 - -
_#Co_17 532.510 3555.470 - 0.503 - 310.110 167.290 - -
_#Co_18 -348.340 2188.150 - 0.285 - -388.200 -474.020 - -
_#Co_19 466.780 1791.450 - 0.262 - -536.780 -104.550 - -
_#Co_20 895.230 695.660 - 0.145 - -614.790 -138.790 - -
_#Co_21 456.390 1845.700 - 0.293 - -597.430 -703.580 - -
_#Co_22 729.200 391.880 - 0.095 - -425.030 -90.600 - -
_#Co_23 389.730 1894.100 - 0.274 - -533.060 -175.520 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 0.004 40.572 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.097 39.472 17.272 0.000 1.765
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -0.064 40.470 -1.578 -274.460 1.150
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 1.039 39.572 15.386 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.097 39.680 1.104 39.680 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.098 40.336 0.004 40.364 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.004 40.364 -1.091 40.336 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 85.730 294.32 23825.05 OK

_#Co_13 166.610 571.99 23825.05 OK
_#Co_14 660.270 2266.79 23825.05 OK
_#Co_15 696.530 2391.27 23825.05 OK
_#Co_16 150.580 516.96 23825.05 OK
_#Co_17 167.290 574.33 23825.05 OK
_#Co_18 -474.020 1627.37 23825.05 OK
_#Co_19 -104.550 358.93 23825.05 OK
_#Co_20 -138.790 476.48 23825.05 OK
_#Co_21 -703.580 2415.47 23825.05 OK
_#Co_22 -90.600 311.04 23825.05 OK
_#Co_23 -175.520 602.58 23825.05 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 673.130 1386.270 - -0.050 12.340 -0.010 - -
_#Co_1 458.670 1673.650 - 1.840 22.070 0.110 - -
_#Co_2 -52.470 2180.600 - -2.580 38.760 -0.280 - -
_#Co_3 458.670 1673.650 - 1.840 22.070 0.110 - -
_#Co_4 95.670 2289.830 - -2.100 35.430 -0.210 - -
_#Co_5 673.120 1386.270 - -0.010 12.340 0.010 - -
_#Co_6 -52.470 2180.600 - -2.580 38.760 -0.280 - -
_#Co_7 162.000 1893.220 - -4.470 29.040 -0.390 - -
_#Co_8 673.130 1386.270 - -0.050 12.340 -0.010 - -
_#Co_9 162.000 1893.220 - -4.470 29.040 -0.390 - -
_#Co_10 496.610 1296.760 - -0.660 16.430 -0.090 - -
_#Co_11 -52.460 2180.590 - -2.620 38.760 -0.290 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.097 39.472 0.542 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 0.004 40.572 -0.249 -8.773 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 1.039 39.572 0.667 133.441 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -0.064 40.470 -0.156 -31.168 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) - d (m) 1.000
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.250
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5497
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 19426.8
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 28.9
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 133.44
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 424.7508
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.1821
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.097 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.103 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.103 40.546
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.097 40.546

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.537 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.235
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.537 40.235

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.003
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.016
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30999.7 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 12967.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -1.062 40.446 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.912 40.450 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.762 40.454 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.612 40.458 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.462 40.461 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.312 40.465 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.162 40.469 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -0.012 40.473 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.136 40.470 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.286 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.436 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.586 40.458 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.736 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.886 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 1.036 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.981 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.831 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.681 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.531 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.381 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.231 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I 0.081 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.069 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.219 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.369 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.519 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.669 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.819 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -0.969 39.573 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.038 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -0.888 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -0.738 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -0.588 40.458 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -0.438 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -0.288 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I -0.138 40.469 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I 0.003 40.473 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I 0.153 40.469 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I 0.303 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I 0.453 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I 0.603 40.458 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I 0.753 40.454 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I 0.903 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I 1.053 40.447 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.614 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 640.280 -3365.300 - 0.405 - -268.800 499.860 - -
_#Co_13 17.430 -3128.120 - 0.345 - -731.400 341.940 - -
_#Co_14 634.300 -3241.560 - 0.377 - -242.440 163.900 - -
_#Co_15 7.570 -3197.820 - 0.370 - -665.370 800.630 - -
_#Co_16 -210.310 -1277.550 - 0.129 - -591.380 163.570 - -
_#Co_17 8.560 -3166.060 - 0.345 - -690.260 246.730 - -
_#Co_18 -640.130 -3367.470 - 0.337 - -1596.630 -161.940 - -
_#Co_19 -87.020 -4290.210 - 0.468 - -1471.370 -339.950 - -
_#Co_20 -431.560 -4493.300 - 0.496 - -1802.280 -721.820 - -
_#Co_21 -97.310 -3896.350 - 0.446 - -1391.200 -798.890 - -
_#Co_22 34.940 -5621.370 - 0.614 - -1604.980 -265.810 - -
_#Co_23 -96.460 -3890.680 - 0.438 - -1388.400 -643.590 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_22 0.004 40.573 15.534 0.000 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -1.097 39.473 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 0.003 40.473 13.803 434.783 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 0.981 39.573 -1.770 -307.838 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.097 39.681 1.103 39.681 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.098 40.337 0.003 40.365 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.003 40.365 -1.092 40.337 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 499.860 1716.08 30999.67 OK

_#Co_13 341.940 1173.92 30999.67 OK
_#Co_14 163.900 562.69 30999.67 OK
_#Co_15 800.630 2748.66 30999.67 OK
_#Co_16 163.570 561.56 30999.67 OK
_#Co_17 246.730 847.05 30999.67 OK
_#Co_18 -161.940 555.96 30999.67 OK
_#Co_19 -339.950 1167.09 30999.67 OK
_#Co_20 -721.820 2478.09 30999.67 OK
_#Co_21 -798.890 2742.69 30999.67 OK
_#Co_22 -265.810 912.56 30999.67 OK
_#Co_23 -643.590 2209.52 30999.67 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 171.580 -2523.320 - 2.530 -501.820 0.580 - -
_#Co_1 167.750 -2432.010 - 3.230 -483.450 0.510 - -
_#Co_2 167.750 -2432.000 - 3.170 -483.450 0.550 - -
_#Co_3 165.750 -3010.640 - 1.150 -533.980 0.620 - -
_#Co_4 -113.790 -1777.340 - -0.990 -599.760 0.440 - -
_#Co_5 165.750 -3010.640 - 1.210 -533.980 0.590 - -
_#Co_6 -234.330 -2319.260 - -3.590 -679.270 0.400 - -
_#Co_7 -230.490 -2410.580 - -4.300 -697.640 0.470 - -
_#Co_8 -230.490 -2410.580 - -4.230 -697.640 0.440 - -
_#Co_9 -228.490 -1831.940 - -2.220 -647.110 0.360 - -
_#Co_10 28.990 -3036.910 - -0.370 -590.440 0.540 - -
_#Co_11 -228.490 -1831.940 - -2.280 -647.110 0.400 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 0.004 40.573 0.700 0.000 1.000
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -1.097 39.473 -0.286 -10.065 1.000
P36 fyk = 500 _#Co_3 0.003 40.473 0.730 145.992 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 0.981 39.573 -0.185 -36.987 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_3

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) 0.986 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.114 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.274 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5725 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 24127.4 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 145.99 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 414.6753 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2171 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.098 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.102 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.102 40.548
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.098 40.548

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.543 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.543 40.237
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.237

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.002
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.018
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 24139.2 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 10097.9

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -1.069 40.448 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.919 40.452 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.769 40.456 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.619 40.460 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.469 40.463 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.319 40.467 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.169 40.471 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -0.019 40.474 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.130 40.472 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.279 40.468 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.429 40.464 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.579 40.461 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.729 40.457 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.879 40.453 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 1.029 40.449 0.000 0.000 1φ20 314.2
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 1.037 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.887 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.737 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.587 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.437 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.287 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I 0.137 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.013 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.163 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.313 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.463 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.613 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.763 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -0.913 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.063 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I 1.038 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I 0.888 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I 0.738 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I 0.588 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I 0.438 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I 0.288 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I 0.138 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -0.012 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -0.162 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -0.312 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -0.462 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -0.612 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -0.762 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -0.912 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_44 fyk=500.0 R I -1.062 39.575 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.670 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 1106.940 2700.970 - 0.441 - 164.290 470.590 - -
_#Co_13 866.660 3700.550 - 0.538 - 293.070 133.990 - -
_#Co_14 130.140 4486.530 - 0.648 - 420.510 660.360 - -
_#Co_15 435.400 3324.990 - 0.503 - 332.870 696.330 - -
_#Co_16 329.850 4911.800 - 0.670 - 355.830 149.590 - -
_#Co_17 802.120 3088.220 - 0.453 - 272.770 132.540 - -
_#Co_18 -203.820 2019.280 - 0.255 - -319.750 -90.540 - -
_#Co_19 -9.450 1450.670 - 0.192 - -476.450 -141.110 - -
_#Co_20 722.610 598.340 - 0.122 - -647.370 -138.410 - -
_#Co_21 355.600 1740.680 - 0.272 - -566.880 -702.400 - -
_#Co_22 590.850 237.690 - 0.067 - -431.090 -88.820 - -
_#Co_23 55.080 2063.000 - 0.276 - -456.150 -139.670 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 0.003 40.575 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.098 39.475 17.315 0.000 1.765
P7 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -0.019 40.474 -1.597 -277.713 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 1.037 39.575 15.424 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.098 39.683 1.102 39.683 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.097 40.339 0.002 40.367 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.002 40.367 -1.093 40.339 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 470.590 1615.59 24139.21 OK

_#Co_13 133.990 460.00 24139.21 OK
_#Co_14 660.360 2267.10 24139.21 OK
_#Co_15 696.330 2390.58 24139.21 OK
_#Co_16 149.590 513.56 24139.21 OK
_#Co_17 132.540 455.03 24139.21 OK
_#Co_18 -90.540 310.83 24139.21 OK
_#Co_19 -141.110 484.45 24139.21 OK
_#Co_20 -138.410 475.18 24139.21 OK
_#Co_21 -702.400 2411.42 24139.21 OK
_#Co_22 -88.820 304.93 24139.21 OK
_#Co_23 -139.670 479.50 24139.21 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 556.940 1299.740 - 16.600 1.520 0.440 - -
_#Co_1 556.920 1299.740 - 16.660 1.520 0.450 - -
_#Co_2 15.510 2034.950 - -9.940 85.000 -0.700 - -
_#Co_3 556.920 1299.740 - 16.660 1.520 0.450 - -
_#Co_4 127.540 2174.360 - -3.190 65.220 -0.460 - -
_#Co_5 556.920 1299.740 - 16.660 1.520 0.450 - -
_#Co_6 15.510 2034.950 - -9.940 85.000 -0.700 - -
_#Co_7 15.530 2034.950 - -10.010 85.000 -0.710 - -
_#Co_8 556.940 1299.740 - 16.600 1.520 0.440 - -
_#Co_9 15.530 2034.950 - -10.010 85.000 -0.710 - -
_#Co_10 423.780 1177.800 - 8.760 24.470 0.160 - -
_#Co_11 15.530 2034.950 - -10.010 85.000 -0.710 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.098 39.475 0.498 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 0.003 40.575 -0.236 -8.302 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 1.037 39.575 0.638 127.589 1.000
P7 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -0.019 40.474 -0.148 -29.570 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_4

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) - d (m) 1.000
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.250
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5500
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 19426.8
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 28.9
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 127.59
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 424.8373
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.1697
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.099 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.101 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.101 40.550
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.099 40.550

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.542 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.542 40.239
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.239

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.001
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.020
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 30195.4 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 12631.3

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -0.966 40.453 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.816 40.457 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.666 40.460 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.516 40.464 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.366 40.468 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.216 40.472 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.066 40.475 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I 0.135 40.474 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.233 40.471 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.383 40.467 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.533 40.464 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.683 40.460 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.833 40.456 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.983 40.453 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 0.980 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 0.830 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.680 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.530 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.380 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.230 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.080 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I -0.070 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.220 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.370 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.520 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.670 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.820 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.970 39.577 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -1.040 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -0.890 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I -0.740 40.459 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I -0.590 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I -0.440 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I -0.290 40.470 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I -0.140 40.473 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I 0.002 40.477 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I 0.152 40.473 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I 0.302 40.470 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I 0.452 40.466 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I 0.602 40.462 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I 0.752 40.458 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I 0.902 40.455 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I 1.052 40.451 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3056_fin
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.703 for combination _#Co_22

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 391.230 -3557.890 - 0.413 - 1606.040 144.770 - -
_#Co_13 -68.780 -3429.280 - 0.391 - 1162.700 455.310 - -
_#Co_14 353.190 -4630.600 - 0.543 - 1801.200 370.020 - -
_#Co_15 -54.480 -3495.940 - 0.407 - 1208.840 626.370 - -
_#Co_16 -194.530 -1481.570 - 0.156 - 729.850 144.560 - -
_#Co_17 -30.750 -4036.800 - 0.453 - 1348.740 275.720 - -
_#Co_18 -529.540 -4038.290 - 0.436 - -25.050 -371.490 - -
_#Co_19 -104.040 -4918.700 - 0.568 - 419.610 -578.740 - -
_#Co_20 -492.360 -2968.020 - 0.309 - -210.750 -146.670 - -
_#Co_21 -137.660 -4618.560 - 0.535 - 375.120 -628.960 - -
_#Co_22 -59.150 -6283.910 - 0.703 - 615.690 -249.460 - -
_#Co_23 -140.690 -4311.980 - 0.497 - 259.480 -603.780 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_22

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_22 0.002 40.577 15.899 0.000 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_22 -1.099 39.477 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
P35 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 0.002 40.477 14.134 434.783 1.150
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_22 0.980 39.577 -1.737 -302.080 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.099 39.685 1.101 39.685 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.096 40.341 0.002 40.369 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.002 40.369 -1.094 40.341 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 144.770 497.01 30195.42 OK

_#Co_13 455.310 1563.13 30195.42 OK
_#Co_14 370.020 1270.32 30195.42 OK
_#Co_15 626.370 2150.40 30195.42 OK
_#Co_16 144.560 496.29 30195.42 OK
_#Co_17 275.720 946.58 30195.42 OK
_#Co_18 -371.490 1275.37 30195.42 OK
_#Co_19 -578.740 1986.88 30195.42 OK
_#Co_20 -146.670 503.54 30195.42 OK
_#Co_21 -628.960 2159.30 30195.42 OK
_#Co_22 -249.460 856.43 30195.42 OK
_#Co_23 -603.780 2072.85 30195.42 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3056_fin



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 73.110 -2860.760 - -0.970 464.950 0.530 - -
_#Co_1 -125.030 -2110.210 - 2.160 166.190 0.520 - -
_#Co_2 44.100 -3328.500 - -21.670 743.610 -0.020 - -
_#Co_3 -25.000 -2894.710 - -0.070 316.910 0.640 - -
_#Co_4 -124.990 -2110.210 - 2.080 166.190 0.500 - -
_#Co_5 44.100 -3328.500 - -21.670 743.610 -0.020 - -
_#Co_6 -231.870 -2738.420 - -19.770 331.210 -0.020 - -
_#Co_7 -48.790 -3468.720 - -22.930 607.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_8 -202.860 -2270.680 - 0.940 52.550 0.540 - -
_#Co_9 -148.820 -2684.220 - -20.700 457.020 -0.120 - -
_#Co_10 -48.820 -3468.720 - -22.860 607.740 0.010 - -
_#Co_11 -202.860 -2270.680 - 0.940 52.550 0.540 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_0 0.002 40.577 0.805 0.000 1.000
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_10 -1.099 39.477 -0.331 -11.665 1.000
P35 fyk = 500 _#Co_7 0.002 40.477 0.844 168.773 1.000
P14 fyk = 500 _#Co_10 0.980 39.577 -0.214 -42.745 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3056_fin
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_7

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) 0.0 fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) 0.987 d (m) -
h-d (m) 0.114 h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) 84.0 Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) 0.273 hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) 0.5700 Aceff (m2) -
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) 23323.2 As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) 32.0 φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) 168.77 σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001 εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) 418.5508 srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) 0.2647 wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.126 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.074 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.074 40.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.126 40.552

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.566 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.514 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.514 40.241
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.566 40.241

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg -0.026
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.022
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 31490.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 13173.1

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R I -1.088 40.453 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R I -0.939 40.456 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_2 fyk=500.0 R I -0.789 40.460 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_3 fyk=500.0 R I -0.639 40.464 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_4 fyk=500.0 R I -0.489 40.467 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_5 fyk=500.0 R I -0.339 40.471 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_6 fyk=500.0 R I -0.189 40.475 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_7 fyk=500.0 R I -0.039 40.479 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_8 fyk=500.0 R I 0.110 40.476 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_9 fyk=500.0 R I 0.260 40.472 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_10 fyk=500.0 R I 0.410 40.468 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_11 fyk=500.0 R I 0.560 40.464 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_12 fyk=500.0 R I 0.710 40.461 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_13 fyk=500.0 R I 0.860 40.457 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_14 fyk=500.0 R I 1.010 40.453 0.000 0.000 1φ25 490.9
_#PasR_15 fyk=500.0 R I 1.009 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_16 fyk=500.0 R I 0.859 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_17 fyk=500.0 R I 0.709 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_18 fyk=500.0 R I 0.559 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_19 fyk=500.0 R I 0.409 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_20 fyk=500.0 R I 0.259 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_21 fyk=500.0 R I 0.109 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_22 fyk=500.0 R I -0.041 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_23 fyk=500.0 R I -0.191 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_24 fyk=500.0 R I -0.341 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_25 fyk=500.0 R I -0.491 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_26 fyk=500.0 R I -0.641 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_27 fyk=500.0 R I -0.791 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_28 fyk=500.0 R I -0.941 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_29 fyk=500.0 R I -1.091 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_30 fyk=500.0 R I 1.010 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_31 fyk=500.0 R I 0.860 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_32 fyk=500.0 R I 0.710 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_33 fyk=500.0 R I 0.560 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_34 fyk=500.0 R I 0.410 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_35 fyk=500.0 R I 0.260 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_36 fyk=500.0 R I 0.110 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_37 fyk=500.0 R I -0.040 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_38 fyk=500.0 R I -0.190 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_39 fyk=500.0 R I -0.340 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_40 fyk=500.0 R I -0.490 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_41 fyk=500.0 R I -0.640 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_42 fyk=500.0 R I -0.790 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_43 fyk=500.0 R I -0.940 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
_#PasR_44 fyk=500.0 R I -1.090 39.579 0.000 0.000 1φ32 804.2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3062_fin
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.686 for combination _#Co_16

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_12 812.410 3597.570 - 0.438 - 125.620 485.120 - -
_#Co_13 692.590 5556.930 - 0.652 - 354.240 513.730 - -
_#Co_14 511.850 4874.330 - 0.578 - 499.890 669.250 - -
_#Co_15 566.880 4268.290 - 0.514 - 431.730 714.250 - -
_#Co_16 649.280 6107.890 - 0.686 - 53.910 169.450 - -
_#Co_17 542.090 4791.880 - 0.540 - 380.530 179.810 - -
_#Co_18 202.930 2335.000 - 0.271 - -414.900 -554.540 - -
_#Co_19 270.490 1846.340 - 0.219 - -484.540 -515.900 - -
_#Co_20 513.420 2212.610 - 0.276 - -591.550 -671.060 - -
_#Co_21 463.320 2566.070 - 0.315 - -537.300 -716.070 - -
_#Co_22 503.740 1064.030 - 0.142 - -475.070 -476.720 - -
_#Co_23 421.460 2612.390 - 0.300 - -510.570 -181.940 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_16

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -0.026 40.579 -3.500 -22.667 1.765
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_16 -1.126 39.479 15.459 0.000 1.765
P7 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 -0.039 40.479 -1.770 -307.830 1.150
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_16 1.009 39.579 13.736 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

Longitudinal torsion ULS Persistent

Torsion band defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.126 39.687 1.074 39.687 0.416
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.069 40.343 -0.026 40.371 0.416
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R -0.026 40.371 -1.121 40.343 0.416


ID Tx Asl Asl Asl

(kN*m) required provided CHECK
(mm2) (mm2)

_#Co_12 485.120 1665.48 31490.54 OK

_#Co_13 513.730 1763.70 31490.54 OK
_#Co_14 669.250 2297.62 31490.54 OK
_#Co_15 714.250 2452.11 31490.54 OK
_#Co_16 169.450 581.74 31490.54 OK
_#Co_17 179.810 617.31 31490.54 OK
_#Co_18 -554.540 1903.80 31490.54 OK
_#Co_19 -515.900 1771.15 31490.54 OK
_#Co_20 -671.060 2303.83 31490.54 OK
_#Co_21 -716.070 2458.35 31490.54 OK
_#Co_22 -476.720 1636.64 31490.54 OK
_#Co_23 -181.940 624.62 31490.54 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3062_fin



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 536.130 1932.560 - 0.110 -166.970 -0.250 - -
_#Co_1 438.210 2223.430 - 0.310 -134.380 -0.210 - -
_#Co_2 379.740 2756.680 - 0.240 -66.360 -0.320 - -
_#Co_3 438.210 2223.430 - 0.220 -134.380 -0.130 - -
_#Co_4 371.580 2840.780 - 0.210 -73.690 -0.360 - -
_#Co_5 371.590 2840.780 - 0.120 -73.690 -0.280 - -
_#Co_6 371.580 2840.780 - 0.210 -73.690 -0.360 - -
_#Co_7 469.510 2549.910 - 0.010 -106.280 -0.400 - -
_#Co_8 527.970 2016.660 - 0.070 -174.300 -0.280 - -
_#Co_9 469.510 2549.910 - 0.100 -106.280 -0.470 - -
_#Co_10 536.130 1932.560 - 0.110 -166.970 -0.250 - -
_#Co_11 536.130 1932.560 - 0.200 -166.970 -0.320 - -
Calculation with UNIAXIAL bending (neutral axis is horizontal)

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 40 _#Co_0 -1.126 39.479 0.570 0.000 1.000
C3 fck = 40 _#Co_4 -0.026 40.579 -0.275 -9.700 1.000
P15 fyk = 500 _#Co_5 1.009 39.579 0.696 139.169 1.000
P7 fyk = 500 _#Co_4 -0.039 40.479 -0.178 -35.586 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3062_fin
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_5

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


Concrete Concrete
fctm (MPa) 3.509 fctm (MPa) 3.509
fcteff (MPa) - fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section Cross Section
h (m) 1.100 h (m) 1.100
d (m) - d (m) 1.000
h-d (m) - h-d (m) 0.100
Covering c (mm) - Covering c (mm) 84.0
hceff (m) - hceff (m) 0.250
Aceff (m2) - Aceff (m2) 0.5500
Reinforcement Reinforcement
As (mm2) - As (mm2) 24127.4
φeq (mm2) - φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters Additional parameters
kt 0.400 kt 0.400
k1 0.800 k1 0.800
k2 0.5000 k2 0.5000
k3 3.400 k3 3.400
k4 0.425 k4 0.425
Results Results
σs (MPa) - σs (MPa) 139.17
εsm-εcm (‰) - εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) - srmax (mm) 409.6082
wk (mm) - wk (mm) 0.2032
wk adm (mm) 0.3000 wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? - wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Calcul transversale du tablier ELU

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.657 40.764
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.419 40.092
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.419 41.020
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.657 40.964

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.657 40.964
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.117 41.102
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.423 40.964
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.423 40.764
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.117 40.002
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.657 40.764

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.419 40.092
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.117 40.002
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.218 40.002
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.982 40.002
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.181 40.091
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.423 40.764
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.423 40.964
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.181 41.020
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.982 41.075
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.117 41.102
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.218 41.075
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.419 41.020
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.657 40.964
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.657 40.764
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261842 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.297
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.677
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.538 40.356 -4.538 40.998 2.238 1696.5

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T -591.730 174.450 137.950 97.390 1142.230 306.330
_#Co_1 01T -1067.950 207.960 115.000 52.700 1279.410 351.360
_#Co_2 01T -1052.010 196.420 141.450 97.760 1397.310 327.620
_#Co_3 01T -1247.050 157.910 118.390 129.130 1550.800 263.790
_#Co_4 01T -1227.260 154.310 101.470 100.010 1669.000 228.650
_#Co_5 01T -1067.950 207.960 115.000 52.700 1279.410 351.360
_#Co_6 01T -2171.040 56.580 -57.850 -87.550 836.580 7.660
_#Co_7 01T -1491.920 28.830 -46.270 -46.320 711.190 -15.540
_#Co_8 01T -1611.230 34.780 -64.490 -79.020 594.980 -5.060
_#Co_9 01T -1520.860 73.430 -6.100 -136.400 473.320 81.030
_#Co_10 01T -1108.340 98.010 10.770 -48.890 284.080 139.800
_#Co_11 01T -1504.740 30.960 -54.260 -45.590 710.910 -17.720
_#Co_12 01T -591.730 174.450 137.950 97.390 1142.230 306.330
_#Co_13 01T -1067.950 207.960 115.000 52.700 1279.410 351.360
_#Co_14 01T -1052.010 196.420 141.450 97.760 1397.310 327.620
_#Co_15 01T -1247.050 157.910 118.390 129.130 1550.800 263.790
_#Co_16 01T -1227.260 154.310 101.470 100.010 1669.000 228.650
_#Co_17 01T -1067.950 207.960 115.000 52.700 1279.410 351.360
_#Co_18 01T -2171.040 56.580 -57.850 -87.550 836.580 7.660
_#Co_19 01T -1491.920 28.830 -46.270 -46.320 711.190 -15.540
_#Co_20 01T -1611.230 34.780 -64.490 -79.020 594.980 -5.060
_#Co_21 01T -1520.860 73.430 -6.100 -136.400 473.320 81.030
_#Co_22 01T -1108.340 98.010 10.770 -48.890 284.080 139.800
_#Co_23 01T -1504.740 30.960 -54.260 -45.590 710.910 -17.720

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.419 40.811 -4.963 40.773 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.963 40.773 -3.419 40.310 0.416 1φ16 0.200 1005.3


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 97.390 OK 739.18 539.18 0.00 0.536 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_1 52.700 OK 606.48 406.48 0.00 0.404 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_2 97.760 OK 740.28 540.28 0.00 0.537 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_3 129.130 OK 833.43 633.43 0.00 0.630 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_4 100.010 OK 746.96 546.96 0.00 0.544 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_5 52.700 OK 606.48 406.48 0.00 0.404 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_6 -87.550 OK 709.96 509.96 0.00 0.507 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_7 -46.320 OK 587.54 387.54 0.00 0.385 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_8 -79.020 OK 684.64 484.64 0.00 0.482 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_9 -136.400 OK 855.01 655.01 0.00 0.652 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_10 -48.890 OK 595.17 395.17 0.00 0.393 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_11 -45.590 OK 585.37 385.37 0.00 0.383 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_12 97.390 OK 739.18 539.18 0.00 0.536 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_13 52.700 OK 606.48 406.48 0.00 0.404 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_14 97.760 OK 740.28 540.28 0.00 0.537 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_15 129.130 OK 833.43 633.43 0.00 0.630 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_16 100.010 OK 746.96 546.96 0.00 0.544 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 52.700 OK 606.48 406.48 0.00 0.404 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_18 -87.550 OK 709.96 509.96 0.00 0.507 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_19 -46.320 OK 587.54 387.54 0.00 0.385 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_20 -79.020 OK 684.64 484.64 0.00 0.482 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_21 -136.400 OK 855.01 655.01 0.00 0.652 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_22 -48.890 OK 595.17 395.17 0.00 0.393 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_23 -45.590 OK 585.37 385.37 0.00 0.383 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.538 40.356 -4.538 40.998 2.238 1696.5



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 137.950 798.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 115.000 829.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 141.450 840.4 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 118.390 868.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 101.470 865.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 115.000 829.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -57.850 946.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -46.270 863.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -64.490 865.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -6.100 837.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 10.770 744.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -54.260 865.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 137.950 798.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 115.000 829.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 141.450 840.4 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio
_#Co_15 118.390 868.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 101.470 865.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 115.000 829.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -57.850 946.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -46.270 863.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -64.490 865.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -6.100 837.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 10.770 744.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -54.260 865.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.059 0.037 0.096 0.237 0.173 0.410 0.536 0.288 0.383 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.032 0.031 0.063 0.128 0.139 0.267 0.404 0.156 0.320 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.059 0.038 0.097 0.238 0.168 0.406 0.537 0.289 0.393 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.078 0.032 0.110 0.314 0.136 0.451 0.630 0.381 0.329 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.061 0.027 0.088 0.243 0.117 0.361 0.544 0.295 0.282 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.032 0.031 0.063 0.128 0.139 0.267 0.404 0.156 0.320 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.053 0.016 0.069 0.213 0.061 0.274 0.507 0.259 0.161 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.028 0.012 0.040 0.113 0.054 0.166 0.385 0.137 0.129 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.048 0.017 0.065 0.192 0.074 0.267 0.482 0.233 0.179 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.083 0.002 0.084 0.332 0.007 0.339 0.652 0.403 0.017 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.030 0.003 0.033 0.119 0.014 0.133 0.393 0.144 0.030 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.028 0.015 0.042 0.111 0.063 0.174 0.383 0.135 0.151 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.059 0.037 0.096 0.237 0.173 0.410 0.536 0.288 0.383 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.032 0.031 0.063 0.128 0.139 0.267 0.404 0.156 0.320 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.059 0.038 0.097 0.238 0.168 0.406 0.537 0.289 0.393 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.078 0.032 0.110 0.314 0.136 0.451 0.630 0.381 0.329 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1004_Mid-Span-1.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1004_inicio
_#Co_16 0.061 0.027 0.088 0.243 0.117 0.361 0.544 0.295 0.282 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.032 0.031 0.063 0.128 0.139 0.267 0.404 0.156 0.320 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.053 0.016 0.069 0.213 0.061 0.274 0.507 0.259 0.161 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.028 0.012 0.040 0.113 0.054 0.166 0.385 0.137 0.129 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.048 0.017 0.065 0.192 0.074 0.267 0.482 0.233 0.179 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.083 0.002 0.084 0.332 0.007 0.339 0.652 0.403 0.017 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.030 0.003 0.033 0.119 0.014 0.133 0.393 0.144 0.030 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.028 0.015 0.042 0.111 0.063 0.174 0.383 0.135 0.151 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.648 40.225
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.409 39.553
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.409 40.481
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.648 40.425

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.648 40.425
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.108 40.563
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.433 40.425
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.433 40.225
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.108 39.463
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.648 40.225

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.409 39.553
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.108 39.463
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.208 39.463
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.992 39.463
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.191 39.552
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.433 40.225
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.433 40.425
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.191 40.481
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.992 40.536
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.108 40.563
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.208 40.536
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.409 40.481
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.648 40.425
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.648 40.225
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.288
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.138
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.528 39.817 -4.528 40.459 2.238 4712.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1627.620 -41.440 -303.840 328.080 -1022.330 43.720
_#Co_1 01T 1020.810 21.830 -50.310 226.910 -468.500 30.360
_#Co_2 01T 941.100 -8.440 39.440 109.870 -356.490 17.150
_#Co_3 01T 1570.700 -40.650 -319.530 336.620 -1043.740 56.840
_#Co_4 01T 1000.930 -29.300 -64.850 141.120 -254.870 16.050
_#Co_5 01T 1239.990 -13.200 -161.010 286.510 -848.330 74.220
_#Co_6 01T 732.260 -72.510 -37.700 -112.260 -615.920 -16.280
_#Co_7 01T 1343.110 -174.620 -400.020 -102.410 -1442.780 -42.950
_#Co_8 01T 1373.980 -141.630 -487.200 13.870 -1443.360 -6.310
_#Co_9 01T 826.990 -113.460 -162.880 -199.950 -962.080 -30.550
_#Co_10 01T 1247.640 -150.930 -381.810 -127.570 -1609.150 -14.110
_#Co_11 01T 1109.570 -147.060 -253.450 -144.410 -1031.380 -67.000
_#Co_12 01T 1627.620 -41.440 -303.840 328.080 -1022.330 43.720
_#Co_13 01T 1020.810 21.830 -50.310 226.910 -468.500 30.360
_#Co_14 01T 941.100 -8.440 39.440 109.870 -356.490 17.150
_#Co_15 01T 1570.700 -40.650 -319.530 336.620 -1043.740 56.840
_#Co_16 01T 1000.930 -29.300 -64.850 141.120 -254.870 16.050
_#Co_17 01T 1239.990 -13.200 -161.010 286.510 -848.330 74.220
_#Co_18 01T 732.260 -72.510 -37.700 -112.260 -615.920 -16.280
_#Co_19 01T 1343.110 -174.620 -400.020 -102.410 -1442.780 -42.950
_#Co_20 01T 1373.980 -141.630 -487.200 13.870 -1443.360 -6.310
_#Co_21 01T 826.990 -113.460 -162.880 -199.950 -962.080 -30.550
_#Co_22 01T 1247.640 -150.930 -381.810 -127.570 -1609.150 -14.110
_#Co_23 01T 1109.570 -147.060 -253.450 -144.410 -1031.380 -67.000

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.409 40.272 -4.953 40.234 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.953 40.234 -3.409 39.771 0.416 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 328.080 OK 1423.97 1223.97 0.00 0.779 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_1 226.910 OK 1123.63 923.63 0.00 0.588 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_2 109.870 OK 776.17 576.17 0.00 0.367 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_3 336.620 OK 1449.32 1249.32 0.00 0.795 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_4 141.120 OK 868.94 668.94 0.00 0.426 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_5 286.510 OK 1300.56 1100.56 0.00 0.701 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_6 -112.260 OK 783.27 583.27 0.00 0.371 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_7 -102.410 OK 754.02 554.02 0.00 0.353 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_8 13.870 OK 491.18 291.18 0.00 0.200 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_9 -199.950 OK 1043.59 843.59 0.00 0.537 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_10 -127.570 OK 828.72 628.72 0.00 0.400 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_11 -144.410 OK 878.71 678.71 0.00 0.432 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_12 328.080 OK 1423.97 1223.97 0.00 0.779 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_13 226.910 OK 1123.63 923.63 0.00 0.588 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_14 109.870 OK 776.17 576.17 0.00 0.367 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_15 336.620 OK 1449.32 1249.32 0.00 0.795 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_16 141.120 OK 868.94 668.94 0.00 0.426 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 286.510 OK 1300.56 1100.56 0.00 0.701 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_18 -112.260 OK 783.27 583.27 0.00 0.371 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_19 -102.410 OK 754.02 554.02 0.00 0.353 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_20 13.870 OK 491.18 291.18 0.00 0.200 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_21 -199.950 OK 1043.59 843.59 0.00 0.537 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_22 -127.570 OK 828.72 628.72 0.00 0.400 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_23 -144.410 OK 878.71 678.71 0.00 0.432 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.528 39.817 -4.528 40.459 2.238 4712.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -303.840 729.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 -50.310 817.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 39.440 828.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 -319.530 737.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 -64.850 820.1 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 -161.010 785.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -37.700 858.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -400.020 770.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -487.200 766.3 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -162.880 845.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -381.810 784.5 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -253.450 804.4 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 -303.840 729.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 -50.310 817.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 39.440 828.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio
_#Co_15 -319.530 737.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 -64.850 820.1 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 -161.010 785.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -37.700 858.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -400.020 770.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -487.200 766.3 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -162.880 845.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -381.810 784.5 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -253.450 804.4 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.199 0.082 0.280 0.799 0.416 1.215 0.779 0.620 0.304 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_1 0.137 0.014 0.151 0.552 0.062 0.614 0.588 0.429 0.050 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.067 0.011 0.077 0.267 0.048 0.315 0.367 0.208 0.039 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.204 0.086 0.290 0.819 0.433 1.252 0.795 0.636 0.320 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_4 0.085 0.017 0.103 0.343 0.079 0.423 0.426 0.267 0.065 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.174 0.043 0.217 0.697 0.205 0.902 0.701 0.541 0.161 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.068 0.010 0.078 0.273 0.044 0.317 0.371 0.212 0.038 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.062 0.107 0.169 0.249 0.519 0.768 0.353 0.194 0.400 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.008 0.131 0.139 0.034 0.636 0.670 0.200 0.026 0.487 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.121 0.044 0.165 0.487 0.193 0.679 0.537 0.378 0.163 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.077 0.103 0.180 0.310 0.487 0.797 0.400 0.241 0.382 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.087 0.068 0.156 0.351 0.315 0.667 0.432 0.273 0.254 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.199 0.082 0.280 0.799 0.416 1.215 0.779 0.620 0.304 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_13 0.137 0.014 0.151 0.552 0.062 0.614 0.588 0.429 0.050 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.067 0.011 0.077 0.267 0.048 0.315 0.367 0.208 0.039 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.204 0.086 0.290 0.819 0.433 1.252 0.795 0.636 0.320 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1010_Pier-P1.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1010_inicio
_#Co_16 0.085 0.017 0.103 0.343 0.079 0.423 0.426 0.267 0.065 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.174 0.043 0.217 0.697 0.205 0.902 0.701 0.541 0.161 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.068 0.010 0.078 0.273 0.044 0.317 0.371 0.212 0.038 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.062 0.107 0.169 0.249 0.519 0.768 0.353 0.194 0.400 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.008 0.131 0.139 0.034 0.636 0.670 0.200 0.026 0.487 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.121 0.044 0.165 0.487 0.193 0.679 0.537 0.378 0.163 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.077 0.103 0.180 0.310 0.487 0.797 0.400 0.241 0.382 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.087 0.068 0.156 0.351 0.315 0.667 0.432 0.273 0.254 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.534 40.227
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.296 39.555
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.296 40.483
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.534 40.427

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.534 40.427
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.006 40.565
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.546 40.427
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.546 40.227
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.994 39.465
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.534 40.227

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.555
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.994 39.465
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.465
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.106 39.465
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.304 39.554
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.546 40.227
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.546 40.427
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.304 40.483
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.106 40.538
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.006 40.565
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.095 40.538
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.296 40.483
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.534 40.427
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.534 40.227
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.174
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.140
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.415 39.819 -4.415 40.461 2.238 1696.5

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T -100.490 76.400 87.580 105.380 860.930 91.100
_#Co_1 01T -552.430 101.890 58.230 56.060 919.050 130.260
_#Co_2 01T -171.110 76.670 88.310 104.060 876.940 96.930
_#Co_3 01T -224.280 62.740 75.160 114.920 979.560 73.330
_#Co_4 01T -719.280 84.040 68.550 102.580 1346.990 86.760
_#Co_5 01T -481.590 101.600 58.830 56.860 890.000 132.310
_#Co_6 01T -1792.490 3.590 -82.510 -91.030 515.770 -43.060
_#Co_7 01T -1171.490 -15.500 -66.560 -76.970 232.500 -57.420
_#Co_8 01T -1598.910 5.220 -90.820 -84.990 516.800 -34.810
_#Co_9 01T -1637.730 19.150 -49.870 -116.750 392.010 7.080
_#Co_10 01T -822.670 13.640 -44.370 -50.790 8.650 -1.160
_#Co_11 01T -1242.330 -15.210 -67.160 -77.760 261.560 -59.480
_#Co_12 01T -100.490 76.400 87.580 105.380 860.930 91.100
_#Co_13 01T -552.430 101.890 58.230 56.060 919.050 130.260
_#Co_14 01T -171.110 76.670 88.310 104.060 876.940 96.930
_#Co_15 01T -224.280 62.740 75.160 114.920 979.560 73.330
_#Co_16 01T -719.280 84.040 68.550 102.580 1346.990 86.760
_#Co_17 01T -481.590 101.600 58.830 56.860 890.000 132.310
_#Co_18 01T -1792.490 3.590 -82.510 -91.030 515.770 -43.060
_#Co_19 01T -1171.490 -15.500 -66.560 -76.970 232.500 -57.420
_#Co_20 01T -1598.910 5.220 -90.820 -84.990 516.800 -34.810
_#Co_21 01T -1637.730 19.150 -49.870 -116.750 392.010 7.080
_#Co_22 01T -822.670 13.640 -44.370 -50.790 8.650 -1.160
_#Co_23 01T -1242.330 -15.210 -67.160 -77.760 261.560 -59.480

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.296 40.274 -4.840 40.236 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.840 40.236 -3.296 39.773 0.416 1φ16 0.200 1005.3


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 105.380 OK 762.84 562.84 0.00 0.560 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_1 56.060 OK 616.43 416.43 0.00 0.414 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_2 104.060 OK 758.92 558.92 0.00 0.556 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_3 114.920 OK 791.16 591.16 0.00 0.588 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_4 102.580 OK 754.53 554.53 0.00 0.552 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_5 56.860 OK 618.80 418.80 0.00 0.417 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_6 -91.030 OK 720.24 520.24 0.00 0.517 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_7 -76.970 OK 678.50 478.50 0.00 0.476 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_8 -84.990 OK 702.31 502.31 0.00 0.500 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_9 -116.750 OK 796.60 596.60 0.00 0.593 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_10 -50.790 OK 600.78 400.78 0.00 0.399 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_11 -77.760 OK 680.85 480.85 0.00 0.478 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_12 105.380 OK 762.84 562.84 0.00 0.560 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_13 56.060 OK 616.43 416.43 0.00 0.414 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_14 104.060 OK 758.92 558.92 0.00 0.556 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_15 114.920 OK 791.16 591.16 0.00 0.588 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_16 102.580 OK 754.53 554.53 0.00 0.552 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 56.860 OK 618.80 418.80 0.00 0.417 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_18 -91.030 OK 720.24 520.24 0.00 0.517 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_19 -76.970 OK 678.50 478.50 0.00 0.476 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_20 -84.990 OK 702.31 502.31 0.00 0.500 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_21 -116.750 OK 796.60 596.60 0.00 0.593 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_22 -50.790 OK 600.78 400.78 0.00 0.399 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_23 -77.760 OK 680.85 480.85 0.00 0.478 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.415 39.819 -4.415 40.461 2.238 1696.5



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 87.580 729.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 58.230 762.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 88.310 739.4 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 75.160 747.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 68.550 795.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 58.830 752.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -82.510 860.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -66.560 735.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -90.820 848.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -49.870 820.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -44.370 630.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -67.160 745.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 87.580 729.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 58.230 762.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 88.310 739.4 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio
_#Co_15 75.160 747.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 68.550 795.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 58.830 752.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -82.510 860.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -66.560 735.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -90.820 848.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -49.870 820.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -44.370 630.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -67.160 745.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.064 0.024 0.087 0.256 0.120 0.377 0.560 0.311 0.243 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.034 0.016 0.050 0.136 0.076 0.213 0.414 0.166 0.162 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.063 0.024 0.087 0.253 0.119 0.373 0.556 0.307 0.245 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.070 0.020 0.090 0.280 0.101 0.380 0.588 0.339 0.209 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.062 0.018 0.081 0.250 0.086 0.336 0.552 0.303 0.191 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.034 0.016 0.050 0.138 0.078 0.217 0.417 0.168 0.164 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.055 0.022 0.077 0.222 0.096 0.317 0.517 0.269 0.229 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.047 0.018 0.064 0.187 0.091 0.278 0.476 0.227 0.185 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.051 0.024 0.076 0.207 0.107 0.314 0.500 0.251 0.252 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.071 0.013 0.084 0.284 0.061 0.345 0.593 0.345 0.139 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.031 0.012 0.043 0.124 0.070 0.194 0.399 0.150 0.123 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.047 0.018 0.065 0.189 0.090 0.279 0.478 0.230 0.187 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.064 0.024 0.087 0.256 0.120 0.377 0.560 0.311 0.243 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.034 0.016 0.050 0.136 0.076 0.213 0.414 0.166 0.162 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.063 0.024 0.087 0.253 0.119 0.373 0.556 0.307 0.245 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.070 0.020 0.090 0.280 0.101 0.380 0.588 0.339 0.209 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1016_Mid-Span-2.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1016_inicio
_#Co_16 0.062 0.018 0.081 0.250 0.086 0.336 0.552 0.303 0.191 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.034 0.016 0.050 0.138 0.078 0.217 0.417 0.168 0.164 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.055 0.022 0.077 0.222 0.096 0.317 0.517 0.269 0.229 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.047 0.018 0.064 0.187 0.091 0.278 0.476 0.227 0.185 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.051 0.024 0.076 0.207 0.107 0.314 0.500 0.251 0.252 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.071 0.013 0.084 0.284 0.061 0.345 0.593 0.345 0.139 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.031 0.012 0.043 0.124 0.070 0.194 0.399 0.150 0.123 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.047 0.018 0.065 0.189 0.090 0.279 0.478 0.230 0.187 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.535 40.228
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.296 39.556
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.296 40.484
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.535 40.428

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.535 40.428
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.005 40.566
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.545 40.428
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.545 40.228
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.995 39.466
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.535 40.228

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.556
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.995 39.466
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.466
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.105 39.466
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.304 39.555
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.545 40.228
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.545 40.428
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.304 40.484
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.105 40.539
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.005 40.566
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.095 40.539
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.296 40.484
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.535 40.428
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.535 40.228
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.175
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.141
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.415 39.820 -4.415 40.462 2.238 4712.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1768.600 -108.680 -294.820 209.000 -1092.340 6.240
_#Co_1 01T 835.350 -21.500 -81.930 236.980 -375.970 26.450
_#Co_2 01T 701.800 -45.280 -21.760 124.850 -275.530 3.190
_#Co_3 01T 1651.750 -81.720 -258.430 300.330 -963.140 46.620
_#Co_4 01T 923.990 -55.510 -87.060 146.300 -243.520 4.890
_#Co_5 01T 1005.040 -40.860 -120.380 258.410 -550.750 68.880
_#Co_6 01T 480.410 -85.910 -126.320 -110.160 -582.180 -44.340
_#Co_7 01T 1419.900 -183.410 -339.850 -115.160 -1361.540 -81.800
_#Co_8 01T 1547.210 -149.300 -399.380 -26.020 -1398.990 -41.280
_#Co_9 01T 649.190 -124.020 -189.830 -202.370 -867.400 -76.510
_#Co_10 01T 1200.530 -153.970 -348.190 -139.510 -1489.480 -64.190
_#Co_11 01T 1227.710 -173.110 -272.630 -132.350 -1148.040 -102.960
_#Co_12 01T 1768.600 -108.680 -294.820 209.000 -1092.340 6.240
_#Co_13 01T 835.350 -21.500 -81.930 236.980 -375.970 26.450
_#Co_14 01T 701.800 -45.280 -21.760 124.850 -275.530 3.190
_#Co_15 01T 1651.750 -81.720 -258.430 300.330 -963.140 46.620
_#Co_16 01T 923.990 -55.510 -87.060 146.300 -243.520 4.890
_#Co_17 01T 1005.040 -40.860 -120.380 258.410 -550.750 68.880
_#Co_18 01T 480.410 -85.910 -126.320 -110.160 -582.180 -44.340
_#Co_19 01T 1419.900 -183.410 -339.850 -115.160 -1361.540 -81.800
_#Co_20 01T 1547.210 -149.300 -399.380 -26.020 -1398.990 -41.280
_#Co_21 01T 649.190 -124.020 -189.830 -202.370 -867.400 -76.510
_#Co_22 01T 1200.530 -153.970 -348.190 -139.510 -1489.480 -64.190
_#Co_23 01T 1227.710 -173.110 -272.630 -132.350 -1148.040 -102.960

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.296 40.275 -4.840 40.237 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.840 40.237 -3.296 39.774 0.416 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 209.000 OK 1070.46 870.46 0.00 0.554 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_1 236.980 OK 1153.52 953.52 0.00 0.607 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_2 124.850 OK 820.64 620.64 0.00 0.395 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_3 300.330 OK 1341.59 1141.59 0.00 0.727 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_4 146.300 OK 884.32 684.32 0.00 0.436 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_5 258.410 OK 1217.14 1017.14 0.00 0.648 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_6 -110.160 OK 777.03 577.03 0.00 0.367 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_7 -115.160 OK 791.88 591.88 0.00 0.377 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_8 -26.020 OK 527.25 327.25 0.00 0.215 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_9 -202.370 OK 1050.78 850.78 0.00 0.542 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_10 -139.510 OK 864.16 664.16 0.00 0.423 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_11 -132.350 OK 842.91 642.91 0.00 0.409 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_12 209.000 OK 1070.46 870.46 0.00 0.554 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_13 236.980 OK 1153.52 953.52 0.00 0.607 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_14 124.850 OK 820.64 620.64 0.00 0.395 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_15 300.330 OK 1341.59 1141.59 0.00 0.727 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_16 146.300 OK 884.32 684.32 0.00 0.436 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 258.410 OK 1217.14 1017.14 0.00 0.648 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_18 -110.160 OK 777.03 577.03 0.00 0.367 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_19 -115.160 OK 791.88 591.88 0.00 0.377 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_20 -26.020 OK 527.25 327.25 0.00 0.215 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_21 -202.370 OK 1050.78 850.78 0.00 0.542 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_22 -139.510 OK 864.16 664.16 0.00 0.423 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_23 -132.350 OK 842.91 642.91 0.00 0.409 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.415 39.820 -4.415 40.462 2.238 4712.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -294.820 709.4 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 -81.930 844.0 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 -21.760 863.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 -258.430 726.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 -87.060 831.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 -120.380 819.5 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -126.320 895.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -339.850 759.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -399.380 741.3 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -189.830 870.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -348.190 791.3 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -272.630 787.4 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 -294.820 709.4 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 -81.930 844.0 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 -21.760 863.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio
_#Co_15 -258.430 726.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 -87.060 831.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 -120.380 819.5 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -126.320 895.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -339.850 759.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -399.380 741.3 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -189.830 870.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -348.190 791.3 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -272.630 787.4 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.127 0.079 0.206 0.509 0.416 0.924 0.554 0.395 0.295 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.144 0.022 0.166 0.577 0.097 0.674 0.607 0.448 0.082 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.076 0.006 0.081 0.304 0.025 0.329 0.395 0.236 0.022 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.182 0.069 0.251 0.731 0.356 1.087 0.727 0.568 0.259 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_4 0.089 0.023 0.112 0.356 0.105 0.461 0.436 0.276 0.087 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.157 0.032 0.189 0.629 0.147 0.776 0.648 0.488 0.120 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.067 0.034 0.101 0.268 0.141 0.409 0.367 0.208 0.126 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.070 0.091 0.161 0.280 0.447 0.728 0.377 0.218 0.340 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.016 0.107 0.123 0.063 0.539 0.602 0.215 0.049 0.400 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.123 0.051 0.174 0.493 0.218 0.711 0.542 0.382 0.190 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.084 0.093 0.178 0.340 0.440 0.780 0.423 0.264 0.348 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.080 0.073 0.153 0.322 0.346 0.668 0.409 0.250 0.273 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.127 0.079 0.206 0.509 0.416 0.924 0.554 0.395 0.295 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.144 0.022 0.166 0.577 0.097 0.674 0.607 0.448 0.082 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.076 0.006 0.081 0.304 0.025 0.329 0.395 0.236 0.022 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.182 0.069 0.251 0.731 0.356 1.087 0.727 0.568 0.259 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1022_Pier-P2.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1022_inicio
_#Co_16 0.089 0.023 0.112 0.356 0.105 0.461 0.436 0.276 0.087 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.157 0.032 0.189 0.629 0.147 0.776 0.648 0.488 0.120 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.067 0.034 0.101 0.268 0.141 0.409 0.367 0.208 0.126 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.070 0.091 0.161 0.280 0.447 0.728 0.377 0.218 0.340 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.016 0.107 0.123 0.063 0.539 0.602 0.215 0.049 0.400 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.123 0.051 0.174 0.493 0.218 0.711 0.542 0.382 0.190 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.084 0.093 0.178 0.340 0.440 0.780 0.423 0.264 0.348 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.080 0.073 0.153 0.322 0.346 0.668 0.409 0.250 0.273 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.458 40.230
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.220 39.558
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.220 40.486
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.458 40.430

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.458 40.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.082 40.568
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.622 40.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.622 40.230
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.918 39.468
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.458 40.230

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.220 39.558
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.918 39.468
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.018 39.468
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.182 39.468
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.381 39.557
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.622 40.230
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.622 40.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.381 40.486
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.182 40.541
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.082 40.568
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.018 40.541
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.220 40.486
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.458 40.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.458 40.230
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.098
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.143
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.339 39.822 -4.339 40.464 2.238 1696.5

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T -77.290 74.530 53.470 62.070 501.280 62.740
_#Co_1 01T -474.220 122.770 55.310 57.930 923.180 129.960
_#Co_2 01T -149.760 96.970 89.620 107.750 881.540 96.070
_#Co_3 01T -278.500 86.570 85.940 119.120 991.680 81.450
_#Co_4 01T -775.550 107.260 80.530 105.770 1346.230 96.550
_#Co_5 01T -783.070 122.010 51.700 53.020 1028.270 137.170
_#Co_6 01T -1853.500 29.570 -77.810 -95.730 554.640 -14.020
_#Co_7 01T -1139.180 5.940 -76.390 -76.860 292.720 -28.760
_#Co_8 01T -1685.410 25.580 -84.250 -89.620 551.550 -12.430
_#Co_9 01T -1664.750 36.850 -47.190 -124.050 430.140 31.510
_#Co_10 01T -823.520 27.140 -47.180 -53.300 49.100 5.450
_#Co_11 01T -1251.640 8.230 -71.080 -82.610 278.040 -35.110
_#Co_12 01T -77.290 74.530 53.470 62.070 501.280 62.740
_#Co_13 01T -474.220 122.770 55.310 57.930 923.180 129.960
_#Co_14 01T -149.760 96.970 89.620 107.750 881.540 96.070
_#Co_15 01T -278.500 86.570 85.940 119.120 991.680 81.450
_#Co_16 01T -775.550 107.260 80.530 105.770 1346.230 96.550
_#Co_17 01T -783.070 122.010 51.700 53.020 1028.270 137.170
_#Co_18 01T -1853.500 29.570 -77.810 -95.730 554.640 -14.020
_#Co_19 01T -1139.180 5.940 -76.390 -76.860 292.720 -28.760
_#Co_20 01T -1685.410 25.580 -84.250 -89.620 551.550 -12.430
_#Co_21 01T -1664.750 36.850 -47.190 -124.050 430.140 31.510
_#Co_22 01T -823.520 27.140 -47.180 -53.300 49.100 5.450
_#Co_23 01T -1251.640 8.230 -71.080 -82.610 278.040 -35.110

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.220 40.277 -4.764 40.239 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.764 40.239 -3.220 39.776 0.416 1φ16 0.200 1005.3


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 62.070 OK 634.27 434.27 0.00 0.432 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_1 57.930 OK 621.98 421.98 0.00 0.420 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_2 107.750 OK 769.88 569.88 0.00 0.567 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_3 119.120 OK 803.63 603.63 0.00 0.600 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_4 105.770 OK 764.00 564.00 0.00 0.561 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_5 53.020 OK 607.40 407.40 0.00 0.405 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_6 -95.730 OK 734.19 534.19 0.00 0.531 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_7 -76.860 OK 678.17 478.17 0.00 0.476 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_8 -89.620 OK 716.06 516.06 0.00 0.513 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_9 -124.050 OK 818.27 618.27 0.00 0.615 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_10 -53.300 OK 608.23 408.23 0.00 0.406 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_11 -82.610 OK 695.24 495.24 0.00 0.493 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_12 62.070 OK 634.27 434.27 0.00 0.432 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_13 57.930 OK 621.98 421.98 0.00 0.420 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_14 107.750 OK 769.88 569.88 0.00 0.567 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_15 119.120 OK 803.63 603.63 0.00 0.600 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_16 105.770 OK 764.00 564.00 0.00 0.561 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 53.020 OK 607.40 407.40 0.00 0.405 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_18 -95.730 OK 734.19 534.19 0.00 0.531 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_19 -76.860 OK 678.17 478.17 0.00 0.476 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_20 -89.620 OK 716.06 516.06 0.00 0.513 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_21 -124.050 OK 818.27 618.27 0.00 0.615 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_22 -53.300 OK 608.23 408.23 0.00 0.406 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_23 -82.610 OK 695.24 495.24 0.00 0.493 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.339 39.822 -4.339 40.464 2.238 1696.5



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 53.470 725.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 55.310 759.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 89.620 736.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 85.940 747.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 80.530 803.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 51.700 779.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -77.810 868.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -76.390 748.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -84.250 860.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -47.190 824.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -47.180 630.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -71.080 746.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 53.470 725.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 55.310 759.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 89.620 736.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio
_#Co_15 85.940 747.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 80.530 803.1 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 51.700 779.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -77.810 868.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -76.390 748.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -84.250 860.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -47.190 824.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -47.180 630.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -71.080 746.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.038 0.014 0.052 0.151 0.074 0.225 0.432 0.183 0.149 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.035 0.015 0.050 0.141 0.073 0.214 0.420 0.171 0.154 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.065 0.024 0.089 0.262 0.122 0.384 0.567 0.318 0.249 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.072 0.023 0.095 0.290 0.115 0.405 0.600 0.352 0.239 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.064 0.022 0.086 0.257 0.100 0.358 0.561 0.312 0.224 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.032 0.014 0.046 0.129 0.066 0.195 0.405 0.157 0.144 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.058 0.021 0.079 0.233 0.090 0.323 0.531 0.283 0.216 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.047 0.021 0.067 0.187 0.102 0.289 0.476 0.227 0.212 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.054 0.023 0.077 0.218 0.098 0.316 0.513 0.265 0.234 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.075 0.013 0.088 0.302 0.057 0.359 0.615 0.366 0.131 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.032 0.013 0.045 0.130 0.075 0.205 0.406 0.157 0.131 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.050 0.019 0.069 0.201 0.095 0.296 0.493 0.244 0.198 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.038 0.014 0.052 0.151 0.074 0.225 0.432 0.183 0.149 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.035 0.015 0.050 0.141 0.073 0.214 0.420 0.171 0.154 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.065 0.024 0.089 0.262 0.122 0.384 0.567 0.318 0.249 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.072 0.023 0.095 0.290 0.115 0.405 0.600 0.352 0.239 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1028_Mid-Span-3.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1028_inicio
_#Co_16 0.064 0.022 0.086 0.257 0.100 0.358 0.561 0.312 0.224 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.032 0.014 0.046 0.129 0.066 0.195 0.405 0.157 0.144 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.058 0.021 0.079 0.233 0.090 0.323 0.531 0.283 0.216 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.047 0.021 0.067 0.187 0.102 0.289 0.476 0.227 0.212 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.054 0.023 0.077 0.218 0.098 0.316 0.513 0.265 0.234 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.075 0.013 0.088 0.302 0.057 0.359 0.615 0.366 0.131 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.032 0.013 0.045 0.130 0.075 0.205 0.406 0.157 0.131 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.050 0.019 0.069 0.201 0.095 0.296 0.493 0.244 0.198 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.681 40.232
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.442 39.560
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.442 40.488
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.681 40.432

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.681 40.432
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.141 40.570
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.399 40.432
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.399 40.232
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.141 39.470
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.681 40.232

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.442 39.560
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.141 39.470
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.241 39.470
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.959 39.470
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.158 39.559
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.399 40.232
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.399 40.432
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.158 40.488
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.959 40.543
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.141 40.570
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.241 40.543
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.442 40.488
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.681 40.432
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.681 40.232
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.321
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.145
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.562 39.824 -4.562 40.466 2.238 4712.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1855.140 -76.320 -182.340 166.200 -1113.230 -0.400
_#Co_1 01T 1009.520 -21.400 -122.570 241.570 -582.690 51.030
_#Co_2 01T 1093.920 -40.680 -79.150 233.840 -546.470 34.070
_#Co_3 01T 1578.390 -59.230 -198.490 270.780 -916.560 25.870
_#Co_4 01T 918.750 -50.330 -97.670 146.600 -249.870 8.370
_#Co_5 01T 1045.090 -30.060 -113.950 245.750 -577.620 63.400
_#Co_6 01T 462.990 -93.080 -167.740 -72.470 -558.610 -58.880
_#Co_7 01T 1296.220 -155.120 -273.050 -133.070 -1306.040 -127.770
_#Co_8 01T 1265.950 -141.220 -334.170 -162.580 -1427.750 -110.330
_#Co_9 01T 761.380 -115.450 -227.970 -191.870 -1065.500 -80.380
_#Co_10 01T 1252.550 -130.550 -314.630 -149.720 -1530.860 -91.270
_#Co_11 01T 1242.240 -154.320 -253.570 -133.090 -1174.600 -136.710
_#Co_12 01T 1855.140 -76.320 -182.340 166.200 -1113.230 -0.400
_#Co_13 01T 1009.520 -21.400 -122.570 241.570 -582.690 51.030
_#Co_14 01T 1093.920 -40.680 -79.150 233.840 -546.470 34.070
_#Co_15 01T 1578.390 -59.230 -198.490 270.780 -916.560 25.870
_#Co_16 01T 918.750 -50.330 -97.670 146.600 -249.870 8.370
_#Co_17 01T 1045.090 -30.060 -113.950 245.750 -577.620 63.400
_#Co_18 01T 462.990 -93.080 -167.740 -72.470 -558.610 -58.880
_#Co_19 01T 1296.220 -155.120 -273.050 -133.070 -1306.040 -127.770
_#Co_20 01T 1265.950 -141.220 -334.170 -162.580 -1427.750 -110.330
_#Co_21 01T 761.380 -115.450 -227.970 -191.870 -1065.500 -80.380
_#Co_22 01T 1252.550 -130.550 -314.630 -149.720 -1530.860 -91.270
_#Co_23 01T 1242.240 -154.320 -253.570 -133.090 -1174.600 -136.710

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.442 40.279 -4.986 40.241 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.986 40.241 -3.442 39.778 0.416 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 166.200 OK 943.40 743.40 0.00 0.473 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_1 241.570 OK 1167.15 967.15 0.00 0.616 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_2 233.840 OK 1144.20 944.20 0.00 0.601 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_3 270.780 OK 1253.87 1053.87 0.00 0.671 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_4 146.600 OK 885.21 685.21 0.00 0.436 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_5 245.750 OK 1179.56 979.56 0.00 0.624 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_6 -72.470 OK 665.14 465.14 0.00 0.296 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_7 -133.070 OK 845.05 645.05 0.00 0.411 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_8 -162.580 OK 932.65 732.65 0.00 0.466 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_9 -191.870 OK 1019.61 819.61 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_10 -149.720 OK 894.47 694.47 0.00 0.442 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_11 -133.090 OK 845.10 645.10 0.00 0.411 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_12 166.200 OK 943.40 743.40 0.00 0.473 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_13 241.570 OK 1167.15 967.15 0.00 0.616 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_14 233.840 OK 1144.20 944.20 0.00 0.601 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_15 270.780 OK 1253.87 1053.87 0.00 0.671 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_16 146.600 OK 885.21 685.21 0.00 0.436 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 245.750 OK 1179.56 979.56 0.00 0.624 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_18 -72.470 OK 665.14 465.14 0.00 0.296 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_19 -133.070 OK 845.05 645.05 0.00 0.411 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_20 -162.580 OK 932.65 732.65 0.00 0.466 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_21 -191.870 OK 1019.61 819.61 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_22 -149.720 OK 894.47 694.47 0.00 0.442 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_23 -133.090 OK 845.10 645.10 0.00 0.411 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.562 39.824 -4.562 40.466 2.238 4712.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -182.340 696.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 -122.570 818.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 -79.150 806.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 -198.490 736.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 -97.670 831.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 -113.950 813.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -167.740 897.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -273.050 777.5 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -334.170 781.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -227.970 854.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -314.630 783.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -253.570 785.3 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 -182.340 696.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 -122.570 818.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 -79.150 806.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio
_#Co_15 -198.490 736.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 -97.670 831.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 -113.950 813.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -167.740 897.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -273.050 777.5 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -334.170 781.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -227.970 854.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -314.630 783.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -253.570 785.3 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.101 0.049 0.150 0.405 0.262 0.666 0.473 0.314 0.182 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.146 0.033 0.179 0.588 0.150 0.738 0.616 0.457 0.123 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.142 0.021 0.163 0.569 0.098 0.667 0.601 0.442 0.079 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.164 0.053 0.217 0.659 0.269 0.928 0.671 0.512 0.199 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.089 0.026 0.115 0.357 0.117 0.474 0.436 0.277 0.098 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.149 0.031 0.179 0.598 0.140 0.738 0.624 0.464 0.114 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.044 0.045 0.089 0.176 0.187 0.363 0.296 0.137 0.168 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.081 0.073 0.154 0.324 0.351 0.675 0.411 0.251 0.273 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.098 0.090 0.188 0.396 0.427 0.823 0.466 0.307 0.334 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.116 0.061 0.177 0.467 0.267 0.734 0.522 0.363 0.228 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.091 0.084 0.175 0.364 0.401 0.766 0.442 0.283 0.315 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.081 0.068 0.149 0.324 0.323 0.647 0.411 0.252 0.254 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.101 0.049 0.150 0.405 0.262 0.666 0.473 0.314 0.182 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.146 0.033 0.179 0.588 0.150 0.738 0.616 0.457 0.123 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.142 0.021 0.163 0.569 0.098 0.667 0.601 0.442 0.079 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.164 0.053 0.217 0.659 0.269 0.928 0.671 0.512 0.199 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1034_Pier-P3.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1034_inicio
_#Co_16 0.089 0.026 0.115 0.357 0.117 0.474 0.436 0.277 0.098 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.149 0.031 0.179 0.598 0.140 0.738 0.624 0.464 0.114 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.044 0.045 0.089 0.176 0.187 0.363 0.296 0.137 0.168 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.081 0.073 0.154 0.324 0.351 0.675 0.411 0.251 0.273 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.098 0.090 0.188 0.396 0.427 0.823 0.466 0.307 0.334 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.116 0.061 0.177 0.467 0.267 0.734 0.522 0.363 0.228 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.091 0.084 0.175 0.364 0.401 0.766 0.442 0.283 0.315 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.081 0.068 0.149 0.324 0.323 0.647 0.411 0.252 0.254 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.536 40.234
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.298 39.562
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.298 40.490
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.536 40.434

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.536 40.434
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.572
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.434
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.234
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.996 39.472
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.536 40.234

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.562
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.996 39.472
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.472
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.104 39.472
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.302 39.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.544 40.234
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.544 40.434
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.302 40.490
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.104 40.545
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.004 40.572
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.097 40.545
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.298 40.490
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.536 40.434
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.536 40.234
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.176
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.147
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.417 39.826 -4.417 40.468 2.238 1696.5

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T -28.350 81.910 42.830 57.140 500.750 55.010
_#Co_1 01T -812.200 143.260 98.490 92.600 1262.280 79.920
_#Co_2 01T -579.230 128.840 102.000 92.620 1131.040 70.130
_#Co_3 01T -236.390 119.960 99.930 104.980 984.650 61.560
_#Co_4 01T -747.160 141.670 97.700 92.110 1340.670 78.680
_#Co_5 01T -737.800 135.190 52.380 54.210 1024.710 116.100
_#Co_6 01T -1782.830 26.500 -78.770 -87.050 556.550 -30.920
_#Co_7 01T -1098.100 -4.530 -51.690 -102.270 215.440 -1.060
_#Co_8 01T -1146.970 18.520 -89.610 -81.420 297.300 -15.810
_#Co_9 01T -1586.010 23.590 -50.710 -109.750 432.440 16.610
_#Co_10 01T -759.300 18.640 -57.430 -49.360 49.640 -2.360
_#Co_11 01T -1177.210 3.760 -77.050 -73.630 279.330 -52.540
_#Co_12 01T -28.350 81.910 42.830 57.140 500.750 55.010
_#Co_13 01T -812.200 143.260 98.490 92.600 1262.280 79.920
_#Co_14 01T -579.230 128.840 102.000 92.620 1131.040 70.130
_#Co_15 01T -236.390 119.960 99.930 104.980 984.650 61.560
_#Co_16 01T -747.160 141.670 97.700 92.110 1340.670 78.680
_#Co_17 01T -737.800 135.190 52.380 54.210 1024.710 116.100
_#Co_18 01T -1782.830 26.500 -78.770 -87.050 556.550 -30.920
_#Co_19 01T -1098.100 -4.530 -51.690 -102.270 215.440 -1.060
_#Co_20 01T -1146.970 18.520 -89.610 -81.420 297.300 -15.810
_#Co_21 01T -1586.010 23.590 -50.710 -109.750 432.440 16.610
_#Co_22 01T -759.300 18.640 -57.430 -49.360 49.640 -2.360
_#Co_23 01T -1177.210 3.760 -77.050 -73.630 279.330 -52.540

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.298 40.281 -4.842 40.243 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.842 40.243 -3.298 39.780 0.416 1φ16 0.200 1005.3


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 57.140 OK 619.63 419.63 0.00 0.417 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_1 92.600 OK 724.90 524.90 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_2 92.620 OK 724.96 524.96 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_3 104.980 OK 761.65 561.65 0.00 0.559 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_4 92.110 OK 723.45 523.45 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_5 54.210 OK 610.93 410.93 0.00 0.409 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_6 -87.050 OK 708.43 508.43 0.00 0.506 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_7 -102.270 OK 753.61 553.61 0.00 0.551 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_8 -81.420 OK 691.71 491.71 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_9 -109.750 OK 775.82 575.82 0.00 0.573 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_10 -49.360 OK 596.54 396.54 0.00 0.394 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_11 -73.630 OK 668.59 468.59 0.00 0.466 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_12 57.140 OK 619.63 419.63 0.00 0.417 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_13 92.600 OK 724.90 524.90 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_14 92.620 OK 724.96 524.96 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_15 104.980 OK 761.65 561.65 0.00 0.559 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_16 92.110 OK 723.45 523.45 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 54.210 OK 610.93 410.93 0.00 0.409 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_18 -87.050 OK 708.43 508.43 0.00 0.506 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_19 -102.270 OK 753.61 553.61 0.00 0.551 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_20 -81.420 OK 691.71 491.71 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_21 -109.750 OK 775.82 575.82 0.00 0.573 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_22 -49.360 OK 596.54 396.54 0.00 0.394 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_23 -73.630 OK 668.59 468.59 0.00 0.466 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.417 39.826 -4.417 40.468 2.238 1696.5



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 42.830 718.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 98.490 800.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 102.000 774.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 99.930 741.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 97.700 799.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 52.380 781.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -78.770 875.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -51.690 724.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -89.610 749.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -50.710 830.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -57.430 621.4 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -77.050 754.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 42.830 718.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 98.490 800.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 102.000 774.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio
_#Co_15 99.930 741.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 97.700 799.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 52.380 781.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -78.770 875.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -51.690 724.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -89.610 749.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -50.710 830.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -57.430 621.4 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -77.050 754.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.035 0.011 0.046 0.139 0.060 0.199 0.417 0.169 0.119 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.056 0.026 0.083 0.225 0.123 0.348 0.522 0.273 0.274 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.056 0.027 0.083 0.225 0.132 0.357 0.522 0.274 0.283 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.064 0.027 0.090 0.256 0.135 0.390 0.559 0.310 0.278 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.056 0.026 0.082 0.224 0.122 0.346 0.521 0.272 0.272 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.033 0.014 0.047 0.132 0.067 0.199 0.409 0.160 0.146 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.053 0.021 0.074 0.212 0.090 0.302 0.506 0.257 0.219 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.062 0.014 0.076 0.249 0.071 0.320 0.551 0.302 0.144 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.049 0.024 0.073 0.198 0.120 0.318 0.489 0.240 0.249 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.066 0.014 0.080 0.267 0.061 0.328 0.573 0.324 0.141 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.030 0.015 0.045 0.120 0.092 0.213 0.394 0.146 0.160 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.045 0.021 0.065 0.179 0.102 0.281 0.466 0.217 0.214 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.035 0.011 0.046 0.139 0.060 0.199 0.417 0.169 0.119 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.056 0.026 0.083 0.225 0.123 0.348 0.522 0.273 0.274 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.056 0.027 0.083 0.225 0.132 0.357 0.522 0.274 0.283 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.064 0.027 0.090 0.256 0.135 0.390 0.559 0.310 0.278 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1040_Mid-Span-4.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1040_inicio
_#Co_16 0.056 0.026 0.082 0.224 0.122 0.346 0.521 0.272 0.272 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.033 0.014 0.047 0.132 0.067 0.199 0.409 0.160 0.146 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.053 0.021 0.074 0.212 0.090 0.302 0.506 0.257 0.219 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.062 0.014 0.076 0.249 0.071 0.320 0.551 0.302 0.144 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.049 0.024 0.073 0.198 0.120 0.318 0.489 0.240 0.249 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.066 0.014 0.080 0.267 0.061 0.328 0.573 0.324 0.141 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.030 0.015 0.045 0.120 0.092 0.213 0.394 0.146 0.160 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.045 0.021 0.065 0.179 0.102 0.281 0.466 0.217 0.214 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.537 40.235
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.298 39.563
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.298 40.491
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.537 40.435

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.537 40.435
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.573
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.435
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.235
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.997 39.473
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.537 40.235

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.563
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.997 39.473
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.473
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.103 39.473
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.302 39.562
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.544 40.235
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.544 40.435
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.302 40.491
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.103 40.546
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.004 40.573
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.097 40.546
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.298 40.491
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.537 40.435
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.537 40.235
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.177
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.148
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.417 39.827 -4.417 40.469 2.238 4712.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1739.150 -108.840 -199.480 140.490 -1132.490 -37.610
_#Co_1 01T 1259.440 -42.100 -158.770 248.110 -738.680 -4.940
_#Co_2 01T 1418.860 -72.600 -126.970 128.300 -868.190 -19.730
_#Co_3 01T 1288.240 -91.920 -233.910 285.900 -723.420 -51.440
_#Co_4 01T 885.480 -84.400 -182.360 150.510 -259.940 -34.340
_#Co_5 01T 976.400 -56.750 -167.600 219.910 -571.870 17.430
_#Co_6 01T 480.430 -145.670 -289.690 -51.200 -553.090 -94.080
_#Co_7 01T 1218.600 -230.110 -353.310 -113.320 -1189.780 -176.040
_#Co_8 01T 1236.880 -205.540 -451.920 -165.430 -1446.070 -135.870
_#Co_9 01T 1196.460 -161.150 -331.480 -197.960 -1308.670 -110.090
_#Co_10 01T 1371.290 -182.980 -391.060 -161.530 -1541.670 -110.770
_#Co_11 01T 1218.600 -230.110 -353.310 -113.320 -1189.780 -176.040
_#Co_12 01T 1739.150 -108.840 -199.480 140.490 -1132.490 -37.610
_#Co_13 01T 1259.440 -42.100 -158.770 248.110 -738.680 -4.940
_#Co_14 01T 1418.860 -72.600 -126.970 128.300 -868.190 -19.730
_#Co_15 01T 1288.240 -91.920 -233.910 285.900 -723.420 -51.440
_#Co_16 01T 885.480 -84.400 -182.360 150.510 -259.940 -34.340
_#Co_17 01T 976.400 -56.750 -167.600 219.910 -571.870 17.430
_#Co_18 01T 480.430 -145.670 -289.690 -51.200 -553.090 -94.080
_#Co_19 01T 1218.600 -230.110 -353.310 -113.320 -1189.780 -176.040
_#Co_20 01T 1236.880 -205.540 -451.920 -165.430 -1446.070 -135.870
_#Co_21 01T 1196.460 -161.150 -331.480 -197.960 -1308.670 -110.090
_#Co_22 01T 1371.290 -182.980 -391.060 -161.530 -1541.670 -110.770
_#Co_23 01T 1218.600 -230.110 -353.310 -113.320 -1189.780 -176.040

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.298 40.282 -4.842 40.244 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.842 40.244 -3.298 39.781 0.416 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 140.490 OK 867.07 667.07 0.00 0.425 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_1 248.110 OK 1186.56 986.56 0.00 0.628 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_2 128.300 OK 830.88 630.88 0.00 0.402 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_3 285.900 OK 1298.75 1098.75 0.00 0.699 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_4 150.510 OK 896.82 696.82 0.00 0.444 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_5 219.910 OK 1102.85 902.85 0.00 0.575 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_6 -51.200 OK 602.00 402.00 0.00 0.256 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_7 -113.320 OK 786.41 586.41 0.00 0.373 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_8 -165.430 OK 941.11 741.11 0.00 0.472 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_9 -197.960 OK 1037.68 837.68 0.00 0.533 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_10 -161.530 OK 929.53 729.53 0.00 0.464 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_11 -113.320 OK 786.41 586.41 0.00 0.373 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_12 140.490 OK 867.07 667.07 0.00 0.425 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_13 248.110 OK 1186.56 986.56 0.00 0.628 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_14 128.300 OK 830.88 630.88 0.00 0.402 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_15 285.900 OK 1298.75 1098.75 0.00 0.699 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_16 150.510 OK 896.82 696.82 0.00 0.444 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 219.910 OK 1102.85 902.85 0.00 0.575 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_18 -51.200 OK 602.00 402.00 0.00 0.256 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_19 -113.320 OK 786.41 586.41 0.00 0.373 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_20 -165.430 OK 941.11 741.11 0.00 0.472 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_21 -197.960 OK 1037.68 837.68 0.00 0.533 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_22 -161.530 OK 929.53 729.53 0.00 0.464 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_23 -113.320 OK 786.41 586.41 0.00 0.373 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.417 39.827 -4.417 40.469 2.238 4712.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -199.480 713.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 -158.770 782.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 -126.970 759.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 -233.910 778.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 -182.360 836.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 -167.600 823.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -289.690 895.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -353.310 788.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -451.920 786.1 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -331.480 791.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -391.060 766.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -353.310 788.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 -199.480 713.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 -158.770 782.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 -126.970 759.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio
_#Co_15 -233.910 778.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 -182.360 836.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 -167.600 823.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -289.690 895.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -353.310 788.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -451.920 786.1 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -331.480 791.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -391.060 766.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -353.310 788.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.085 0.054 0.139 0.342 0.280 0.621 0.425 0.266 0.200 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.150 0.043 0.193 0.604 0.203 0.807 0.628 0.469 0.159 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.078 0.034 0.112 0.312 0.167 0.479 0.402 0.242 0.127 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.173 0.063 0.236 0.696 0.300 0.996 0.699 0.540 0.234 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.091 0.049 0.140 0.366 0.218 0.584 0.444 0.284 0.182 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.133 0.045 0.178 0.535 0.203 0.739 0.575 0.416 0.168 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.031 0.078 0.109 0.125 0.324 0.448 0.256 0.097 0.290 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.069 0.095 0.163 0.276 0.448 0.724 0.373 0.214 0.354 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.100 0.121 0.222 0.403 0.575 0.978 0.472 0.313 0.452 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.120 0.089 0.209 0.482 0.419 0.900 0.533 0.374 0.332 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.098 0.105 0.203 0.393 0.510 0.903 0.464 0.305 0.391 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.069 0.095 0.163 0.276 0.448 0.724 0.373 0.214 0.354 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.085 0.054 0.139 0.342 0.280 0.621 0.425 0.266 0.200 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.150 0.043 0.193 0.604 0.203 0.807 0.628 0.469 0.159 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.078 0.034 0.112 0.312 0.167 0.479 0.402 0.242 0.127 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.173 0.063 0.236 0.696 0.300 0.996 0.699 0.540 0.234 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1046_Pier-P4.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1046_inicio
_#Co_16 0.091 0.049 0.140 0.366 0.218 0.584 0.444 0.284 0.182 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.133 0.045 0.178 0.535 0.203 0.739 0.575 0.416 0.168 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.031 0.078 0.109 0.125 0.324 0.448 0.256 0.097 0.290 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.069 0.095 0.163 0.276 0.448 0.724 0.373 0.214 0.354 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.100 0.121 0.222 0.403 0.575 0.978 0.472 0.313 0.452 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.120 0.089 0.209 0.482 0.419 0.900 0.533 0.374 0.332 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.098 0.105 0.203 0.393 0.510 0.903 0.464 0.305 0.391 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.069 0.095 0.163 0.276 0.448 0.724 0.373 0.214 0.354 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.237
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.299 39.565
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.299 40.493
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.538 40.437

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.437
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.003 40.575
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.543 40.437
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.543 40.237
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.475
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.237

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.299 39.565
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.475
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.098 39.475
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.102 39.475
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.301 39.564
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.543 40.237
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.543 40.437
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.301 40.493
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.102 40.548
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.003 40.575
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.098 40.548
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.299 40.493
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.538 40.437
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.538 40.237
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.178
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.150
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.418 39.829 -4.418 40.471 2.238 1696.5

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T -43.510 91.470 83.720 95.670 846.750 93.220
_#Co_1 01T -695.010 159.680 114.260 91.740 1246.130 92.250
_#Co_2 01T -433.220 140.980 114.380 92.680 1101.750 79.680
_#Co_3 01T -167.330 111.650 101.930 106.150 961.900 76.710
_#Co_4 01T -612.020 144.770 104.610 92.300 1314.270 96.410
_#Co_5 01T -607.300 130.900 55.890 54.170 973.130 132.430
_#Co_6 01T -1641.210 53.330 -63.800 -87.990 502.340 -13.950
_#Co_7 01T -529.190 -19.130 -62.240 -50.070 113.090 37.650
_#Co_8 01T -1132.530 4.130 -96.050 -81.510 264.430 10.140
_#Co_9 01T -1480.890 35.190 -44.600 -111.040 381.700 34.620
_#Co_10 01T -733.850 10.990 -59.330 -49.310 13.630 14.950
_#Co_11 01T -1139.300 11.730 -72.270 -73.280 257.030 -35.890
_#Co_12 01T -43.510 91.470 83.720 95.670 846.750 93.220
_#Co_13 01T -695.010 159.680 114.260 91.740 1246.130 92.250
_#Co_14 01T -433.220 140.980 114.380 92.680 1101.750 79.680
_#Co_15 01T -167.330 111.650 101.930 106.150 961.900 76.710
_#Co_16 01T -612.020 144.770 104.610 92.300 1314.270 96.410
_#Co_17 01T -607.300 130.900 55.890 54.170 973.130 132.430
_#Co_18 01T -1641.210 53.330 -63.800 -87.990 502.340 -13.950
_#Co_19 01T -529.190 -19.130 -62.240 -50.070 113.090 37.650
_#Co_20 01T -1132.530 4.130 -96.050 -81.510 264.430 10.140
_#Co_21 01T -1480.890 35.190 -44.600 -111.040 381.700 34.620
_#Co_22 01T -733.850 10.990 -59.330 -49.310 13.630 14.950
_#Co_23 01T -1139.300 11.730 -72.270 -73.280 257.030 -35.890

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.299 40.284 -4.843 40.246 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.843 40.246 -3.299 39.783 0.416 1φ16 0.200 1005.3


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 95.670 OK 734.02 534.02 0.00 0.531 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_1 91.740 OK 722.35 522.35 0.00 0.520 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_2 92.680 OK 725.14 525.14 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_3 106.150 OK 765.13 565.13 0.00 0.562 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_4 92.300 OK 724.01 524.01 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_5 54.170 OK 610.81 410.81 0.00 0.409 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_6 -87.990 OK 711.22 511.22 0.00 0.509 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_7 -50.070 OK 598.64 398.64 0.00 0.397 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_8 -81.510 OK 691.98 491.98 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_9 -111.040 OK 779.64 579.64 0.00 0.577 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_10 -49.310 OK 596.39 396.39 0.00 0.394 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_11 -73.280 OK 667.55 467.55 0.00 0.465 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_12 95.670 OK 734.02 534.02 0.00 0.531 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_13 91.740 OK 722.35 522.35 0.00 0.520 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_14 92.680 OK 725.14 525.14 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_15 106.150 OK 765.13 565.13 0.00 0.562 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_16 92.300 OK 724.01 524.01 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 54.170 OK 610.81 410.81 0.00 0.409 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_18 -87.990 OK 711.22 511.22 0.00 0.509 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_19 -50.070 OK 598.64 398.64 0.00 0.397 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_20 -81.510 OK 691.98 491.98 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_21 -111.040 OK 779.64 579.64 0.00 0.577 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_22 -49.310 OK 596.39 396.39 0.00 0.394 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_23 -73.280 OK 667.55 467.55 0.00 0.465 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.418 39.829 -4.418 40.471 2.238 1696.5



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 83.720 721.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 114.260 783.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 114.380 761.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 101.930 738.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 104.610 779.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 55.890 762.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -63.800 854.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -62.240 642.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -96.050 747.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -44.600 798.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -59.330 617.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -72.270 730.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 83.720 721.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 114.260 783.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 114.380 761.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio
_#Co_15 101.930 738.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 104.610 779.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 55.890 762.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -63.800 854.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -62.240 642.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -96.050 747.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -44.600 798.0 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -59.330 617.8 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -72.270 730.5 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.058 0.022 0.080 0.233 0.116 0.349 0.531 0.283 0.233 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.056 0.031 0.086 0.223 0.146 0.369 0.520 0.271 0.318 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.056 0.031 0.087 0.226 0.150 0.376 0.522 0.274 0.318 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.064 0.027 0.092 0.258 0.138 0.396 0.562 0.313 0.283 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.056 0.028 0.084 0.225 0.134 0.359 0.521 0.273 0.291 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.033 0.015 0.048 0.132 0.073 0.205 0.409 0.160 0.155 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.053 0.017 0.070 0.214 0.075 0.289 0.509 0.260 0.177 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.030 0.017 0.047 0.122 0.097 0.219 0.397 0.148 0.173 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.049 0.026 0.075 0.198 0.128 0.327 0.489 0.241 0.267 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.067 0.012 0.079 0.270 0.056 0.326 0.577 0.328 0.124 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.030 0.016 0.046 0.120 0.096 0.216 0.394 0.146 0.165 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.044 0.019 0.064 0.178 0.099 0.277 0.465 0.216 0.201 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.058 0.022 0.080 0.233 0.116 0.349 0.531 0.283 0.233 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.056 0.031 0.086 0.223 0.146 0.369 0.520 0.271 0.318 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.056 0.031 0.087 0.226 0.150 0.376 0.522 0.274 0.318 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.064 0.027 0.092 0.258 0.138 0.396 0.562 0.313 0.283 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1051_Mid-Span-5.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1051_inicio
_#Co_16 0.056 0.028 0.084 0.225 0.134 0.359 0.521 0.273 0.291 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.033 0.015 0.048 0.132 0.073 0.205 0.409 0.160 0.155 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.053 0.017 0.070 0.214 0.075 0.289 0.509 0.260 0.177 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.030 0.017 0.047 0.122 0.097 0.219 0.397 0.148 0.173 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.049 0.026 0.075 0.198 0.128 0.327 0.489 0.241 0.267 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.067 0.012 0.079 0.270 0.056 0.326 0.577 0.328 0.124 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.030 0.016 0.046 0.120 0.096 0.216 0.394 0.146 0.165 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.044 0.019 0.064 0.178 0.099 0.277 0.465 0.216 0.201 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.239
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.300 39.567
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.300 40.495
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.538 40.439

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.439
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.002 40.577
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.542 40.439
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.542 40.239
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.477
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.239

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.300 39.567
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.477
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.099 39.477
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.101 39.477
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.300 39.566
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.542 40.239
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.542 40.439
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.300 40.495
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.101 40.550
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.002 40.577
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.099 40.550
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.300 40.495
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.538 40.439
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.538 40.239
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.178
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.152
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.419 39.831 -4.419 40.473 2.238 4712.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1839.140 110.480 343.270 136.300 -1049.630 54.060
_#Co_1 01T 1681.270 131.340 421.860 92.780 -1118.060 61.880
_#Co_2 01T 1575.720 109.360 497.600 -20.270 -1223.600 64.980
_#Co_3 01T 1349.430 83.030 154.570 201.120 -499.530 46.400
_#Co_4 01T 1117.790 67.200 150.890 95.190 -308.530 24.810
_#Co_5 01T 1572.510 108.380 323.750 132.300 -976.110 93.290
_#Co_6 01T 843.430 14.800 134.860 -292.030 -1211.720 17.690
_#Co_7 01T 903.710 -12.990 29.250 -228.800 -925.470 -36.560
_#Co_8 01T 897.450 9.800 -41.620 -117.570 -706.910 -22.510
_#Co_9 01T 1299.600 39.930 329.980 -354.800 -1645.520 12.260
_#Co_10 01T 1295.880 29.600 252.960 -330.880 -1694.490 7.910
_#Co_11 01T 974.410 4.430 134.620 -255.260 -1043.660 -52.270
_#Co_12 01T 1839.140 110.480 343.270 136.300 -1049.630 54.060
_#Co_13 01T 1681.270 131.340 421.860 92.780 -1118.060 61.880
_#Co_14 01T 1575.720 109.360 497.600 -20.270 -1223.600 64.980
_#Co_15 01T 1349.430 83.030 154.570 201.120 -499.530 46.400
_#Co_16 01T 1117.790 67.200 150.890 95.190 -308.530 24.810
_#Co_17 01T 1572.510 108.380 323.750 132.300 -976.110 93.290
_#Co_18 01T 843.430 14.800 134.860 -292.030 -1211.720 17.690
_#Co_19 01T 903.710 -12.990 29.250 -228.800 -925.470 -36.560
_#Co_20 01T 897.450 9.800 -41.620 -117.570 -706.910 -22.510
_#Co_21 01T 1299.600 39.930 329.980 -354.800 -1645.520 12.260
_#Co_22 01T 1295.880 29.600 252.960 -330.880 -1694.490 7.910
_#Co_23 01T 974.410 4.430 134.620 -255.260 -1043.660 -52.270

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.300 40.286 -4.844 40.248 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.844 40.248 -3.300 39.785 0.416 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 136.300 OK 854.63 654.63 0.00 0.417 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_1 92.780 OK 725.44 525.44 0.00 0.335 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_2 -20.270 OK 510.18 310.18 0.00 0.208 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_3 201.120 OK 1047.07 847.07 0.00 0.539 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_4 95.190 OK 732.59 532.59 0.00 0.339 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_5 132.300 OK 842.76 642.76 0.00 0.409 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_6 -292.030 OK 1316.95 1116.95 0.00 0.711 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_7 -228.800 OK 1129.24 929.24 0.00 0.592 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_8 -117.570 OK 799.03 599.03 0.00 0.381 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_9 -354.800 OK 1503.30 1303.30 0.00 0.830 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_10 -330.880 OK 1432.28 1232.28 0.00 0.784 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_11 -255.260 OK 1207.79 1007.79 0.00 0.642 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_12 136.300 OK 854.63 654.63 0.00 0.417 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_13 92.780 OK 725.44 525.44 0.00 0.335 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_14 -20.270 OK 510.18 310.18 0.00 0.208 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_15 201.120 OK 1047.07 847.07 0.00 0.539 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_16 95.190 OK 732.59 532.59 0.00 0.339 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 132.300 OK 842.76 642.76 0.00 0.409 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_18 -292.030 OK 1316.95 1116.95 0.00 0.711 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_19 -228.800 OK 1129.24 929.24 0.00 0.592 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_20 -117.570 OK 799.03 599.03 0.00 0.381 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_21 -354.800 OK 1503.30 1303.30 0.00 0.830 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_22 -330.880 OK 1432.28 1232.28 0.00 0.784 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
_#Co_23 -255.260 OK 1207.79 1007.79 0.00 0.642 OK OK
2454.37 1570.80 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.419 39.831 -4.419 40.473 2.238 4712.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 343.270 699.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 421.860 722.0 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 497.600 737.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 154.570 769.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 150.890 803.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 323.750 737.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 134.860 842.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 29.250 834.1 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -41.620 835.0 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 329.980 777.0 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 252.960 777.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 134.620 823.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 343.270 699.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 421.860 722.0 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 497.600 737.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin
_#Co_15 154.570 769.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 150.890 803.2 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 323.750 737.7 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 134.860 842.8 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 29.250 834.1 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -41.620 835.0 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 329.980 777.0 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 252.960 777.6 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 134.620 823.9 OK 4712.39 0.00 999.4 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.083 0.092 0.175 0.332 0.491 0.823 0.417 0.258 0.343 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.056 0.113 0.169 0.226 0.584 0.810 0.335 0.175 0.422 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.012 0.134 0.146 0.049 0.675 0.724 0.208 0.038 0.498 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.122 0.041 0.163 0.490 0.201 0.690 0.539 0.380 0.155 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.058 0.041 0.098 0.232 0.188 0.420 0.339 0.180 0.151 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.080 0.087 0.167 0.322 0.439 0.761 0.409 0.250 0.324 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.177 0.036 0.213 0.711 0.160 0.871 0.711 0.552 0.135 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.139 0.008 0.146 0.557 0.035 0.592 0.592 0.432 0.029 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.071 0.011 0.082 0.286 0.050 0.336 0.381 0.222 0.042 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.215 0.089 0.303 0.864 0.425 1.288 0.830 0.671 0.330 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.200 0.068 0.268 0.805 0.325 1.131 0.784 0.625 0.253 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.155 0.036 0.191 0.621 0.163 0.785 0.642 0.482 0.135 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.083 0.092 0.175 0.332 0.491 0.823 0.417 0.258 0.343 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.056 0.113 0.169 0.226 0.584 0.810 0.335 0.175 0.422 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.012 0.134 0.146 0.049 0.675 0.724 0.208 0.038 0.498 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.122 0.041 0.163 0.490 0.201 0.690 0.539 0.380 0.155 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1056_Pier-P5.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1056_fin
_#Co_16 0.058 0.041 0.098 0.232 0.188 0.420 0.339 0.180 0.151 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.080 0.087 0.167 0.322 0.439 0.761 0.409 0.250 0.324 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.177 0.036 0.213 0.711 0.160 0.871 0.711 0.552 0.135 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.139 0.008 0.146 0.557 0.035 0.592 0.592 0.432 0.029 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.071 0.011 0.082 0.286 0.050 0.336 0.381 0.222 0.042 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.215 0.089 0.303 0.864 0.425 1.288 0.830 0.671 0.330 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_22 0.200 0.068 0.268 0.805 0.325 1.131 0.784 0.625 0.253 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_23 0.155 0.036 0.191 0.621 0.163 0.785 0.642 0.482 0.135 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 1 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 2 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.566 40.241
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.327 39.569
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -3.327 40.497
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -5.566 40.441

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.566 40.441
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.026 40.579
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.514 40.441
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.514 40.241
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.026 39.479
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.566 40.241

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.327 39.569
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.026 39.479
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.126 39.479
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.074 39.479
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.273 39.568
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.514 40.241
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.514 40.441
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.273 40.497
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.074 40.552
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.026 40.579
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.126 40.552
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.327 40.497
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.566 40.441
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.566 40.241
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 3 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
1.261954 Iyy 0.056 Yg -4.206
Izz 0.454 Zg 40.154
Iyz -0.062
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 4 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.446 39.833 -4.446 40.475 2.238 1696.5

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_0 fyk=500.0 R TORSION 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 5 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T -1128.600 -46.980 8.730 135.350 1124.850 141.040
_#Co_1 01T -1131.790 -13.040 28.000 79.500 1324.100 105.270
_#Co_2 01T -1131.760 -31.680 52.870 98.290 1247.240 107.370
_#Co_3 01T -1132.940 -54.070 4.140 157.780 1111.940 148.740
_#Co_4 01T -1526.650 -51.860 40.460 107.530 1632.860 132.780
_#Co_5 01T -1527.840 -75.050 -0.680 146.790 1320.610 170.150
_#Co_6 01T -1531.260 -139.810 -128.940 -126.380 617.880 12.120
_#Co_7 01T -1528.050 -154.430 -94.960 -41.320 608.410 63.350
_#Co_8 01T -1528.160 -136.150 -142.280 -136.570 491.970 13.800
_#Co_9 01T -1526.940 -124.650 -129.140 -156.810 685.380 1.480
_#Co_10 01T -1133.160 -96.370 -103.320 -75.470 224.080 30.040
_#Co_11 01T -1132.040 -103.670 -124.320 -145.820 476.710 -19.930
_#Co_12 01T -1128.600 -46.980 8.730 135.350 1124.850 141.040
_#Co_13 01T -1131.790 -13.040 28.000 79.500 1324.100 105.270
_#Co_14 01T -1131.760 -31.680 52.870 98.290 1247.240 107.370
_#Co_15 01T -1132.940 -54.070 4.140 157.780 1111.940 148.740
_#Co_16 01T -1526.650 -51.860 40.460 107.530 1632.860 132.780
_#Co_17 01T -1527.840 -75.050 -0.680 146.790 1320.610 170.150
_#Co_18 01T -1531.260 -139.810 -128.940 -126.380 617.880 12.120
_#Co_19 01T -1528.050 -154.430 -94.960 -41.320 608.410 63.350
_#Co_20 01T -1528.160 -136.150 -142.280 -136.570 491.970 13.800
_#Co_21 01T -1526.940 -124.650 -129.140 -156.810 685.380 1.480
_#Co_22 01T -1133.160 -96.370 -103.320 -75.470 224.080 30.040
_#Co_23 01T -1132.040 -103.670 -124.320 -145.820 476.710 -19.930

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 6 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_0 fyk=500.0 R -3.327 40.288 -4.871 40.250 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -4.871 40.250 -3.327 39.787 0.416 1φ16 0.200 1005.3


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 450.000 450.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 250.000 250.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 7 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 135.350 OK 851.81 651.81 0.00 0.648 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_1 79.500 OK 686.01 486.01 0.00 0.483 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_2 98.290 OK 741.79 541.79 0.00 0.539 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_3 157.780 OK 918.40 718.40 0.00 0.715 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_4 107.530 OK 769.22 569.22 0.00 0.566 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_5 146.790 OK 885.78 685.78 0.00 0.682 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_6 -126.380 OK 825.18 625.18 0.00 0.622 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_7 -41.320 OK 572.67 372.67 0.00 0.371 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_8 -136.570 OK 855.44 655.44 0.00 0.652 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_9 -156.810 OK 915.52 715.52 0.00 0.712 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_10 -75.470 OK 674.05 474.05 0.00 0.472 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_11 -145.820 OK 882.90 682.90 0.00 0.679 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_12 135.350 OK 851.81 651.81 0.00 0.648 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_13 79.500 OK 686.01 486.01 0.00 0.483 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_14 98.290 OK 741.79 541.79 0.00 0.539 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_15 157.780 OK 918.40 718.40 0.00 0.715 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_16 107.530 OK 769.22 569.22 0.00 0.566 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 8 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin


Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_17 146.790 OK 885.78 685.78 0.00 0.682 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_18 -126.380 OK 825.18 625.18 0.00 0.622 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_19 -41.320 OK 572.67 372.67 0.00 0.371 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_20 -136.570 OK 855.44 655.44 0.00 0.652 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_21 -156.810 OK 915.52 715.52 0.00 0.712 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_22 -75.470 OK 674.05 474.05 0.00 0.472 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
_#Co_23 -145.820 OK 882.90 682.90 0.00 0.679 OK OK
2454.37 1005.31 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 9 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -4.446 39.833 -4.446 40.475 2.238 1696.5



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 8.730 824.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_1 28.000 838.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_2 52.870 838.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_3 4.140 825.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_4 40.460 895.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_5 -0.680 868.4 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_6 -128.940 854.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_7 -94.960 853.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_8 -142.280 838.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_9 -129.140 868.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_10 -103.320 729.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_11 -124.320 811.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_12 8.730 824.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_13 28.000 838.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_14 52.870 838.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 10 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin
_#Co_15 4.140 825.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_16 40.460 895.9 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_17 -0.680 868.4 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_18 -128.940 854.2 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_19 -94.960 853.7 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_20 -142.280 838.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_21 -129.140 868.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_22 -103.320 729.6 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
_#Co_23 -124.320 811.3 OK 1696.46 0.00 359.8 - 3724.6 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 11 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.082 0.002 0.084 0.329 0.011 0.340 0.648 0.400 0.024 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.048 0.008 0.056 0.193 0.033 0.227 0.483 0.235 0.078 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.060 0.014 0.074 0.239 0.063 0.302 0.539 0.290 0.147 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.096 0.001 0.097 0.384 0.005 0.389 0.715 0.466 0.012 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.065 0.011 0.076 0.262 0.045 0.307 0.566 0.318 0.112 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.089 0.000 0.089 0.357 0.001 0.358 0.682 0.433 0.002 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.077 0.035 0.111 0.308 0.151 0.459 0.622 0.373 0.358 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.025 0.025 0.051 0.101 0.111 0.212 0.371 0.122 0.264 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.083 0.038 0.121 0.332 0.170 0.502 0.652 0.403 0.395 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.095 0.035 0.130 0.382 0.149 0.530 0.712 0.463 0.359 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.046 0.028 0.073 0.184 0.142 0.325 0.472 0.223 0.287 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.088 0.033 0.122 0.355 0.153 0.508 0.679 0.431 0.346 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_12 0.082 0.002 0.084 0.329 0.011 0.340 0.648 0.400 0.024 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_13 0.048 0.008 0.056 0.193 0.033 0.227 0.483 0.235 0.078 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_14 0.060 0.014 0.074 0.239 0.063 0.302 0.539 0.290 0.147 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_15 0.096 0.001 0.097 0.384 0.005 0.389 0.715 0.466 0.012 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 1062_Mid-Span-6.dat 12 / 12
Identifier: 1062_fin
_#Co_16 0.065 0.011 0.076 0.262 0.045 0.307 0.566 0.318 0.112 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_17 0.089 0.000 0.089 0.357 0.001 0.358 0.682 0.433 0.002 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_18 0.077 0.035 0.111 0.308 0.151 0.459 0.622 0.373 0.358 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_19 0.025 0.025 0.051 0.101 0.111 0.212 0.371 0.122 0.264 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_20 0.083 0.038 0.121 0.332 0.170 0.502 0.652 0.403 0.395 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_21 0.095 0.035 0.130 0.382 0.149 0.530 0.712 0.463 0.359 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_22 0.046 0.028 0.073 0.184 0.142 0.325 0.472 0.223 0.287 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_23 0.088 0.033 0.122 0.355 0.153 0.508 0.679 0.431 0.346 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.419 40.092
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.218 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.218 41.075
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.419 41.020

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.657 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.423 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.423 40.764
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.657 40.764

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.419 40.092
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.218 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.982 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.181 40.091
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.423 40.764
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.423 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.181 41.020
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.982 41.075
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.218 41.075
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.419 41.020
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.657 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.657 40.764
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287473 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.303
Izz 0.915 Zg 40.528
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.318 40.002 -2.318 41.048 2.201 4523.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1718.650 228.430 439.170 218.850 5737.470 315.980
_#Co_1 01T 1603.480 276.740 516.070 226.400 5307.320 425.430
_#Co_2 01T 1510.530 261.130 554.730 227.610 4783.780 424.880
_#Co_3 01T 1496.440 233.170 428.120 499.740 4924.190 347.560
_#Co_4 01T 1718.650 228.430 439.170 218.850 5737.470 315.980
_#Co_5 01T 1531.990 271.600 550.330 215.860 4786.540 435.570
_#Co_6 01T 421.190 121.320 -361.340 -109.070 1103.620 143.840
_#Co_7 01T 769.900 74.480 -352.870 -58.750 2528.420 11.260
_#Co_8 01T 678.100 92.360 -486.040 -111.020 2113.570 47.440
_#Co_9 01T 540.470 117.690 -25.130 -160.600 1682.440 132.660
_#Co_10 01T 503.280 139.030 -176.720 -63.420 1025.770 194.600
_#Co_11 01T 769.900 74.480 -352.870 -58.750 2528.420 11.260

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.218 40.866 -3.414 40.812 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.419 40.310 -3.359 40.292 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.359 40.292 -3.087 40.210 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -3.087 40.210 -1.218 40.210 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 218.850 OK 1084.01 1284.01 0.00 0.523 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 226.400 OK 1090.36 1290.36 0.00 0.526 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 227.610 OK 1091.38 1291.38 0.00 0.526 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 499.740 OK 1320.19 1520.19 0.00 0.619 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 218.850 OK 1084.01 1284.01 0.00 0.523 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 215.860 OK 1081.50 1281.50 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -109.070 OK 991.71 1191.71 0.00 0.486 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -58.750 OK 949.40 1149.40 0.00 0.468 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -111.020 OK 993.35 1193.35 0.00 0.486 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -160.600 OK 1035.04 1235.04 0.00 0.503 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -63.420 OK 953.32 1153.32 0.00 0.470 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -58.750 OK 949.40 1149.40 0.00 0.468 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.318 40.002 -2.318 41.048 2.201 4523.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 439.170 1014.5 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_1 516.070 1030.2 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_2 554.730 1042.9 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_3 428.120 1044.8 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_4 439.170 1014.5 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_5 550.330 1040.0 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_6 -361.340 1191.6 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_7 -352.870 1144.0 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_8 -486.040 1156.6 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_9 -25.130 1175.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_10 -176.720 1180.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
_#Co_11 -352.870 1144.0 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.5 - 7135.5 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2004_Mid-Span-1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2004_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.034 0.062 0.095 0.138 0.433 0.571 0.523 0.075 0.262 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.035 0.072 0.107 0.143 0.501 0.644 0.526 0.078 0.308 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.035 0.078 0.113 0.144 0.532 0.675 0.526 0.078 0.331 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.077 0.060 0.137 0.315 0.410 0.725 0.619 0.171 0.256 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.034 0.062 0.095 0.138 0.433 0.571 0.523 0.075 0.262 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.033 0.077 0.110 0.136 0.529 0.665 0.522 0.074 0.329 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.017 0.051 0.067 0.069 0.303 0.372 0.486 0.037 0.216 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.009 0.049 0.058 0.037 0.308 0.345 0.468 0.020 0.211 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.017 0.068 0.085 0.070 0.420 0.490 0.486 0.038 0.290 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.025 0.004 0.028 0.101 0.021 0.123 0.503 0.055 0.015 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.010 0.025 0.035 0.040 0.150 0.190 0.470 0.022 0.106 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.009 0.049 0.058 0.037 0.308 0.345 0.468 0.020 0.211 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.409 39.553
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.208 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.208 40.536
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.409 40.481

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.648 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.433 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.433 40.225
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.648 40.225

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.409 39.553
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.208 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.992 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.191 39.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.433 40.225
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.433 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.191 40.481
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.992 40.536
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.208 40.536
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.409 40.481
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.648 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.648 40.225
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287593 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.293
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.988
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.309 39.463 -2.309 40.509 2.201 12566.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 75.270 -76.120 -332.160 43.010 -1426.290 -2.880
_#Co_1 01T -1087.600 89.780 -1303.810 211.030 -2924.330 119.720
_#Co_2 01T -37.690 -89.050 -196.400 -7.180 -1361.760 11.210
_#Co_3 01T -762.010 44.820 -892.540 472.280 -2526.400 109.480
_#Co_4 01T -36.100 -84.070 -208.810 -4.770 -1358.390 14.700
_#Co_5 01T -1009.490 77.870 -1467.800 216.520 -3653.610 159.350
_#Co_6 01T -1861.580 -42.140 -2803.100 -117.620 -5675.630 87.120
_#Co_7 01T -867.970 -203.310 -2498.540 -305.090 -5168.180 -5.570
_#Co_8 01T -1662.200 -107.740 -3370.680 -214.880 -6436.280 53.560
_#Co_9 01T -1318.720 -168.060 -3064.560 -363.880 -6239.440 6.930
_#Co_10 01T -1662.200 -107.740 -3370.680 -214.880 -6436.280 53.560
_#Co_11 01T -912.600 -153.010 -1626.950 -239.460 -4139.890 -51.330

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.208 40.327 -3.404 40.273 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.409 39.771 -3.349 39.753 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.349 39.753 -3.077 39.671 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -3.077 39.671 -1.208 39.671 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 43.010 OK 936.16 1136.16 0.00 0.463 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 211.030 OK 1077.43 1277.43 0.00 0.520 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 -7.180 OK 906.04 1106.04 0.00 0.451 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 472.280 OK 1297.08 1497.08 0.00 0.610 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 -4.770 OK 904.01 1104.01 0.00 0.450 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 216.520 OK 1082.05 1282.05 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -117.620 OK 998.89 1198.89 0.00 0.488 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -305.090 OK 1156.51 1356.51 0.00 0.553 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -214.880 OK 1080.67 1280.67 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -363.880 OK 1205.94 1405.94 0.00 0.573 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -214.880 OK 1080.67 1280.67 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -239.460 OK 1101.33 1301.33 0.00 0.530 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.309 39.463 -2.309 40.509 2.201 12566.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -332.160 1285.1 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 -1303.810 1443.8 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 -196.400 1300.5 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 -892.540 1399.4 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 -208.810 1300.3 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 -1467.800 1433.2 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 3966.00 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -2803.100 1549.5 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 7573.99 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -2498.540 1413.9 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 6751.07 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -3370.680 1522.3 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 9107.59 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -3064.560 1475.4 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8280.45 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -3370.680 1522.3 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 9107.59 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -1626.950 1420.0 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 4396.03 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2010_Pier-P1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2010_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.007 0.047 0.053 0.027 0.258 0.286 0.463 0.015 0.071 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.032 0.183 0.215 0.133 0.903 1.036 0.520 0.072 0.280 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_2 0.001 0.028 0.029 0.005 0.151 0.156 0.451 0.002 0.042 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.073 0.125 0.198 0.298 0.638 0.936 0.610 0.162 0.192 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.001 0.029 0.030 0.003 0.161 0.164 0.450 0.002 0.045 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.033 0.206 0.239 0.137 1.024 1.161 0.522 0.074 0.316 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_6 0.018 0.393 0.411 0.074 1.809 1.883 0.488 0.040 0.603 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_7 0.047 0.350 0.397 0.192 1.767 1.960 0.553 0.105 0.537 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.033 0.472 0.505 0.136 2.214 2.350 0.522 0.074 0.725 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_9 0.056 0.430 0.485 0.229 2.077 2.307 0.573 0.125 0.659 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.033 0.472 0.505 0.136 2.214 2.350 0.522 0.074 0.725 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.037 0.228 0.265 0.151 1.146 1.297 0.530 0.082 0.350 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.555
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.095 40.538
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.296 40.483

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.534 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.546 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.546 40.227
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.534 40.227

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.555
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.106 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.304 39.554
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.546 40.227
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.546 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.304 40.483
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.106 40.538
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.095 40.538
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.296 40.483
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.534 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.534 40.227
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287593 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.179
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.990
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.195 39.465 -2.195 40.511 2.201 4523.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1742.400 138.520 429.200 230.770 3626.040 124.440
_#Co_1 01T 1683.540 139.340 428.770 229.350 3623.930 135.980
_#Co_2 01T 1742.400 138.520 429.200 230.770 3626.040 124.440
_#Co_3 01T 1017.230 90.670 309.490 498.750 2893.670 86.030
_#Co_4 01T 1351.870 120.130 368.770 229.290 4645.310 94.670
_#Co_5 01T 1683.540 139.340 428.770 229.350 3623.930 135.980
_#Co_6 01T 71.900 24.420 -457.670 -68.130 1750.440 -9.620
_#Co_7 01T 210.870 17.570 -607.020 -109.900 1232.600 -28.130
_#Co_8 01T 171.930 20.270 -616.000 -106.570 1291.250 -17.520
_#Co_9 01T 634.280 60.120 -163.400 -151.030 1354.330 19.510
_#Co_10 01T 664.490 52.130 -366.920 -66.110 171.850 33.600
_#Co_11 01T 230.790 19.450 -615.580 -105.150 1293.370 -29.060

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.095 40.329 -3.291 40.275 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.296 39.773 -3.236 39.755 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.236 39.755 -2.963 39.673 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.963 39.673 -1.095 39.673 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 230.770 OK 1094.03 1294.03 0.00 0.527 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 229.350 OK 1092.83 1292.83 0.00 0.527 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 230.770 OK 1094.03 1294.03 0.00 0.527 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 498.750 OK 1319.34 1519.34 0.00 0.619 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 229.290 OK 1092.78 1292.78 0.00 0.527 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 229.350 OK 1092.83 1292.83 0.00 0.527 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -68.130 OK 957.28 1157.28 0.00 0.472 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -109.900 OK 992.40 1192.40 0.00 0.486 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -106.570 OK 989.60 1189.60 0.00 0.485 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -151.030 OK 1026.98 1226.98 0.00 0.500 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -66.110 OK 955.58 1155.58 0.00 0.471 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -105.150 OK 988.41 1188.41 0.00 0.484 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.195 39.465 -2.195 40.511 2.201 4523.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 429.200 945.5 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 428.770 946.5 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 429.200 945.5 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 309.490 1030.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 368.770 970.2 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 428.770 946.5 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -457.670 1145.0 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -607.020 1126.0 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -616.000 1131.3 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -163.400 1089.8 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -366.920 1164.8 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -615.580 1123.3 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2016_Mid-Span-2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2016_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.035 0.060 0.096 0.146 0.454 0.599 0.527 0.079 0.256 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.035 0.060 0.095 0.145 0.453 0.598 0.527 0.079 0.256 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.035 0.060 0.096 0.146 0.454 0.599 0.527 0.079 0.256 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.077 0.043 0.120 0.315 0.300 0.615 0.619 0.171 0.185 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.035 0.052 0.087 0.145 0.380 0.525 0.527 0.079 0.220 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.035 0.060 0.095 0.145 0.453 0.598 0.527 0.079 0.256 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.010 0.064 0.075 0.043 0.400 0.443 0.472 0.023 0.273 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.017 0.085 0.102 0.069 0.539 0.608 0.486 0.038 0.363 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.016 0.086 0.103 0.067 0.545 0.612 0.485 0.037 0.368 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.023 0.023 0.046 0.095 0.150 0.245 0.500 0.052 0.098 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.010 0.051 0.062 0.042 0.315 0.357 0.471 0.023 0.219 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.016 0.086 0.102 0.066 0.548 0.614 0.484 0.036 0.368 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.556
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.095 40.539
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.296 40.484

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.535 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.545 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.545 40.228
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.535 40.228

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.556
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.105 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.304 39.555
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.545 40.228
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.545 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.304 40.484
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.105 40.539
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.095 40.539
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.296 40.484
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.535 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.535 40.228
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287593 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.180
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.991
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.196 39.466 -2.196 40.512 2.201 12566.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 319.030 -113.350 -671.990 67.760 -2281.420 -9.330
_#Co_1 01T -609.230 11.410 -973.420 196.850 -2253.070 107.660
_#Co_2 01T 265.580 -119.610 -570.830 7.580 -2223.740 -2.190
_#Co_3 01T -571.550 -19.000 -941.050 483.920 -2385.140 85.130
_#Co_4 01T -841.240 -33.980 -1047.000 91.520 -1614.950 40.290
_#Co_5 01T -848.630 -15.830 -1391.290 243.250 -3378.580 119.160
_#Co_6 01T -1776.000 -115.960 -2520.040 -135.800 -4737.450 6.930
_#Co_7 01T -672.410 -246.680 -2781.280 -292.920 -5809.300 -73.620
_#Co_8 01T -1605.320 -174.120 -3187.270 -221.980 -5834.610 -32.550
_#Co_9 01T -1163.690 -228.380 -3032.470 -375.520 -6045.630 -86.730
_#Co_10 01T -994.060 -225.770 -2908.100 -266.420 -6209.330 -60.570
_#Co_11 01T -817.760 -221.780 -2312.990 -281.860 -4480.750 -113.420

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.095 40.330 -3.291 40.276 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.296 39.774 -3.236 39.756 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.236 39.756 -2.964 39.674 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.964 39.674 -1.095 39.674 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 67.760 OK 956.97 1156.97 0.00 0.471 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 196.850 OK 1065.51 1265.51 0.00 0.516 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 7.580 OK 906.37 1106.37 0.00 0.451 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 483.920 OK 1306.87 1506.87 0.00 0.614 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 91.520 OK 976.95 1176.95 0.00 0.480 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 243.250 OK 1104.52 1304.52 0.00 0.532 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -135.800 OK 1014.18 1214.18 0.00 0.495 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -292.920 OK 1146.28 1346.28 0.00 0.549 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -221.980 OK 1086.64 1286.64 0.00 0.524 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -375.520 OK 1215.73 1415.73 0.00 0.577 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -266.420 OK 1124.00 1324.00 0.00 0.539 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -281.860 OK 1136.98 1336.98 0.00 0.545 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.196 39.466 -2.196 40.512 2.201 12566.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -671.990 1251.8 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 -973.420 1378.5 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 -570.830 1259.1 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 -941.050 1373.4 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 -1047.000 1410.2 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 -1391.290 1411.2 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -2520.040 1537.8 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 6809.16 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -2781.280 1387.2 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 7515.03 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -3187.270 1514.5 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8612.02 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -3032.470 1454.2 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8193.75 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -2908.100 1431.1 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 7857.70 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -2312.990 1407.0 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 6249.71 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2022_Pier-P2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2022_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.010 0.094 0.105 0.043 0.537 0.580 0.471 0.023 0.144 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.030 0.136 0.167 0.124 0.706 0.830 0.516 0.067 0.209 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.001 0.080 0.081 0.005 0.453 0.458 0.451 0.003 0.123 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.074 0.132 0.206 0.305 0.685 0.990 0.614 0.166 0.202 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.014 0.147 0.161 0.058 0.742 0.800 0.480 0.031 0.225 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.037 0.195 0.232 0.153 0.986 1.139 0.532 0.083 0.299 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_6 0.021 0.353 0.374 0.086 1.639 1.724 0.495 0.047 0.542 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_7 0.045 0.390 0.435 0.185 2.005 2.190 0.549 0.100 0.598 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.034 0.447 0.481 0.140 2.104 2.244 0.524 0.076 0.685 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_9 0.058 0.425 0.483 0.237 2.085 2.322 0.577 0.129 0.652 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.041 0.408 0.449 0.168 2.032 2.200 0.539 0.091 0.625 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.043 0.324 0.367 0.178 1.644 1.822 0.545 0.097 0.497 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.220 39.558
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.018 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.018 40.541
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.220 40.486

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.458 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.622 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.622 40.230
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.458 40.230

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.220 39.558
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.018 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.182 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.381 39.557
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.622 40.230
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.622 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.381 40.486
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.182 40.541
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.018 40.541
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.220 40.486
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.458 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.458 40.230
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.103
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.993
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.119 39.468 -2.119 40.514 2.201 4523.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 2098.140 138.140 384.210 236.160 3627.720 75.450
_#Co_1 01T 1674.430 142.880 373.220 239.730 4025.790 76.350
_#Co_2 01T 2062.500 142.560 384.300 235.850 3626.990 86.180
_#Co_3 01T 1164.210 99.870 312.870 500.060 2947.380 73.440
_#Co_4 01T 1427.200 129.720 360.200 235.330 4622.720 67.220
_#Co_5 01T 1293.650 128.350 277.950 100.610 3428.370 100.030
_#Co_6 01T -88.980 49.540 -402.810 -73.910 1867.470 28.160
_#Co_7 01T 503.490 35.700 -153.340 -127.950 1038.380 15.900
_#Co_8 01T 142.860 36.280 -573.570 -116.260 1414.510 7.440
_#Co_9 01T 754.940 73.940 -146.500 -161.240 1481.370 38.450
_#Co_10 01T 918.820 61.970 -366.660 -72.810 320.030 39.540
_#Co_11 01T 592.560 41.410 -560.920 -124.550 952.380 3.460

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.018 40.332 -3.214 40.278 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.220 39.776 -3.160 39.758 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.160 39.758 -2.887 39.676 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.887 39.676 -1.018 39.676 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 236.160 OK 1098.57 1298.57 0.00 0.529 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 239.730 OK 1101.57 1301.57 0.00 0.530 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 235.850 OK 1098.31 1298.31 0.00 0.529 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 500.060 OK 1320.46 1520.46 0.00 0.619 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 235.330 OK 1097.87 1297.87 0.00 0.529 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 100.610 OK 984.60 1184.60 0.00 0.483 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -73.910 OK 962.15 1162.15 0.00 0.474 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -127.950 OK 1007.58 1207.58 0.00 0.492 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -116.260 OK 997.75 1197.75 0.00 0.488 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -161.240 OK 1035.57 1235.57 0.00 0.503 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -72.810 OK 961.22 1161.22 0.00 0.473 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -124.550 OK 1004.72 1204.72 0.00 0.491 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.119 39.468 -2.119 40.514 2.201 4523.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 384.210 903.9 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 373.220 947.8 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 384.300 908.7 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 312.870 1017.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 360.200 960.0 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 277.950 985.5 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -402.810 1166.9 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -153.340 1107.6 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -573.570 1135.3 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -146.500 1080.3 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -366.660 1130.1 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -560.920 1109.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2028_Mid-Span-3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2028_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.036 0.054 0.090 0.149 0.425 0.574 0.529 0.081 0.229 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.037 0.052 0.089 0.151 0.394 0.545 0.530 0.082 0.223 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.036 0.054 0.090 0.149 0.423 0.572 0.529 0.081 0.230 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.077 0.044 0.121 0.315 0.308 0.623 0.619 0.171 0.187 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.036 0.050 0.087 0.148 0.375 0.524 0.529 0.081 0.215 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.015 0.039 0.054 0.063 0.282 0.346 0.483 0.034 0.166 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.011 0.056 0.068 0.047 0.345 0.392 0.474 0.025 0.241 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.020 0.021 0.041 0.081 0.138 0.219 0.492 0.044 0.092 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.018 0.080 0.098 0.073 0.505 0.579 0.488 0.040 0.343 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.025 0.021 0.045 0.102 0.136 0.237 0.503 0.055 0.088 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.011 0.051 0.063 0.046 0.324 0.370 0.473 0.025 0.219 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.019 0.079 0.098 0.079 0.506 0.584 0.491 0.043 0.335 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.442 39.560
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.241 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.241 40.543
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.442 40.488

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.681 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.399 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.399 40.232
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.681 40.232

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.442 39.560
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.241 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.959 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.158 39.559
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.399 40.232
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.399 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.158 40.488
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.959 40.543
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.241 40.543
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.442 40.488
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.681 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.681 40.232
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.326
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.995
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.342 39.470 -2.342 40.516 2.201 12566.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 205.040 -83.230 -1098.220 87.870 -3399.600 0.760
_#Co_1 01T -625.150 10.380 -1107.770 264.870 -2550.590 116.770
_#Co_2 01T -414.680 -70.820 -748.110 162.960 -2150.540 0.430
_#Co_3 01T -619.030 -7.500 -1053.490 491.150 -2715.900 106.930
_#Co_4 01T -807.950 -43.180 -1005.590 81.370 -1523.920 42.420
_#Co_5 01T -830.240 -17.220 -1499.640 300.080 -3491.360 121.510
_#Co_6 01T -1686.320 -117.710 -2310.670 -154.030 -4313.550 -23.700
_#Co_7 01T -1138.200 -215.260 -3066.070 -385.130 -6454.200 -150.890
_#Co_8 01T -1281.730 -140.470 -3148.900 -219.920 -6290.690 -35.620
_#Co_9 01T -1128.280 -208.610 -3081.100 -389.930 -6368.350 -145.180
_#Co_10 01T -1028.310 -185.210 -3070.640 -264.580 -6826.000 -101.920
_#Co_11 01T -866.170 -194.070 -2397.370 -357.040 -4949.870 -156.700

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.241 40.334 -3.437 40.280 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.442 39.778 -3.382 39.760 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.382 39.760 -3.110 39.678 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -3.110 39.678 -1.241 39.678 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 87.870 OK 973.88 1173.88 0.00 0.478 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 264.870 OK 1122.71 1322.71 0.00 0.539 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 162.960 OK 1037.02 1237.02 0.00 0.504 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 491.150 OK 1312.97 1512.97 0.00 0.616 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 81.370 OK 968.42 1168.42 0.00 0.476 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 300.080 OK 1152.31 1352.31 0.00 0.551 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -154.030 OK 1029.51 1229.51 0.00 0.501 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -385.130 OK 1223.83 1423.83 0.00 0.580 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -219.920 OK 1084.91 1284.91 0.00 0.524 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -389.930 OK 1227.86 1427.86 0.00 0.582 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -264.580 OK 1122.46 1322.46 0.00 0.539 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -357.040 OK 1200.21 1400.21 0.00 0.570 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.342 39.470 -2.342 40.516 2.201 12566.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -1098.220 1267.4 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 -1107.770 1380.7 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 -748.110 1352.0 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 -1053.490 1379.9 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 -1005.590 1405.7 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 -1499.640 1408.7 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 4052.03 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -2310.670 1525.6 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 6243.44 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -3066.070 1450.8 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8284.53 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -3148.900 1470.4 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8508.34 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -3081.100 1449.4 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8325.15 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -3070.640 1435.8 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8296.88 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -2397.370 1413.6 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 6477.70 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2034_Pier-P3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2034_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.014 0.154 0.167 0.055 0.867 0.922 0.478 0.030 0.236 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.041 0.155 0.196 0.167 0.802 0.969 0.539 0.091 0.238 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.025 0.105 0.130 0.103 0.553 0.656 0.504 0.056 0.161 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.075 0.148 0.223 0.310 0.763 1.073 0.616 0.168 0.227 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_4 0.013 0.141 0.153 0.051 0.715 0.767 0.476 0.028 0.216 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.046 0.210 0.256 0.189 1.065 1.254 0.551 0.103 0.322 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_6 0.024 0.324 0.348 0.097 1.515 1.612 0.501 0.053 0.497 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_7 0.059 0.430 0.489 0.243 2.113 2.356 0.580 0.132 0.659 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.034 0.441 0.475 0.139 2.142 2.280 0.524 0.075 0.677 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_9 0.060 0.432 0.492 0.246 2.126 2.372 0.582 0.134 0.662 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.041 0.430 0.471 0.167 2.139 2.306 0.539 0.091 0.660 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.055 0.336 0.391 0.225 1.696 1.921 0.570 0.122 0.515 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.562
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.097 40.545
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.298 40.490

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.536 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.234
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.536 40.234

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.562
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.104 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.302 39.561
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.544 40.234
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.544 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.302 40.490
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.104 40.545
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.097 40.545
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.298 40.490
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.536 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.536 40.234
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.181
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.997
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.197 39.472 -2.197 40.518 2.201 4523.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 2041.720 131.590 207.130 132.810 2571.470 81.180
_#Co_1 01T 1590.790 192.020 329.640 215.850 4121.630 79.530
_#Co_2 01T 953.950 173.600 341.410 196.080 4233.400 92.000
_#Co_3 01T 1100.870 135.100 295.240 487.360 2952.700 88.520
_#Co_4 01T 1359.160 187.520 331.980 212.600 4630.800 88.580
_#Co_5 01T 1323.420 153.550 281.530 85.470 3742.980 115.180
_#Co_6 01T -74.420 47.070 -380.220 -71.800 1869.080 22.370
_#Co_7 01T 1008.920 13.160 -568.090 -114.990 550.620 13.870
_#Co_8 01T 1055.620 20.150 -594.400 -109.930 600.440 9.800
_#Co_9 01T 763.310 45.210 -166.320 -146.640 1490.200 13.730
_#Co_10 01T 911.320 35.850 -410.300 -70.540 323.420 28.340
_#Co_11 01T 634.190 32.080 -533.420 -120.920 1106.510 -7.140

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.097 40.336 -3.292 40.282 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.298 39.780 -3.238 39.762 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.238 39.762 -2.965 39.680 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.965 39.680 -1.097 39.680 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 132.810 OK 1011.67 1211.67 0.00 0.494 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 215.850 OK 1081.49 1281.49 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 196.080 OK 1064.87 1264.87 0.00 0.515 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 487.360 OK 1309.78 1509.78 0.00 0.615 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 212.600 OK 1078.76 1278.76 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 85.470 OK 971.87 1171.87 0.00 0.477 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -71.800 OK 960.37 1160.37 0.00 0.473 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -114.990 OK 996.69 1196.69 0.00 0.488 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -109.930 OK 992.43 1192.43 0.00 0.486 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -146.640 OK 1023.30 1223.30 0.00 0.498 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -70.540 OK 959.31 1159.31 0.00 0.472 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -120.920 OK 1001.67 1201.67 0.00 0.490 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.197 39.472 -2.197 40.518 2.201 4523.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 207.130 931.9 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 329.640 952.1 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 341.410 1024.6 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 295.240 1026.1 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 331.980 969.2 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 281.530 981.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -380.220 1164.9 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -568.090 1117.8 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -594.400 1111.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -166.320 1079.1 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -410.300 1131.1 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -533.420 1103.7 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2040_Mid-Span-4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2040_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.020 0.029 0.049 0.084 0.222 0.306 0.494 0.045 0.124 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.033 0.046 0.079 0.136 0.346 0.482 0.522 0.074 0.197 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.030 0.048 0.078 0.124 0.333 0.457 0.515 0.067 0.204 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.075 0.041 0.116 0.307 0.288 0.595 0.615 0.167 0.176 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.033 0.047 0.079 0.134 0.343 0.477 0.521 0.073 0.198 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.013 0.039 0.053 0.054 0.287 0.341 0.477 0.029 0.168 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.011 0.053 0.064 0.045 0.326 0.372 0.473 0.025 0.227 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.018 0.080 0.097 0.073 0.508 0.581 0.488 0.039 0.339 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.017 0.083 0.100 0.069 0.535 0.604 0.486 0.038 0.355 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.023 0.023 0.046 0.092 0.154 0.247 0.498 0.050 0.099 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.011 0.058 0.068 0.044 0.363 0.407 0.472 0.024 0.245 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.019 0.075 0.093 0.076 0.483 0.560 0.490 0.041 0.319 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.097 40.546
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.298 40.491

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.537 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.235
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.537 40.235

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.103 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.302 39.562
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.544 40.235
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.544 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.302 40.491
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.103 40.546
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.097 40.546
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.298 40.491
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.537 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.537 40.235
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.182
Izz 0.915 Zg 39.998
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.198 39.473 -2.198 40.519 2.201 12566.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T -162.110 -79.710 -1218.850 109.950 -4349.910 -5.680
_#Co_1 01T -570.260 -13.570 -860.850 246.700 -2450.690 78.370
_#Co_2 01T -895.060 -94.380 -571.850 119.590 -820.310 -11.930
_#Co_3 01T -620.760 -32.560 -865.280 563.340 -2665.080 63.210
_#Co_4 01T -899.460 -90.140 -576.550 124.100 -815.730 -10.760
_#Co_5 01T -620.520 -18.120 -868.830 211.160 -2534.380 83.250
_#Co_6 01T -1496.860 -263.060 -2488.490 -309.310 -5089.750 -134.500
_#Co_7 01T -1229.650 -290.200 -2710.960 -356.650 -6317.980 -185.180
_#Co_8 01T -1042.850 -252.440 -2890.990 -301.330 -7229.570 -132.160
_#Co_9 01T -1189.780 -286.280 -2703.570 -362.310 -6158.890 -177.200
_#Co_10 01T -1042.850 -252.440 -2890.990 -301.330 -7229.570 -132.160
_#Co_11 01T -1121.130 -284.030 -2509.500 -294.400 -5702.340 -192.430

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.097 40.337 -3.293 40.283 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.298 39.781 -3.238 39.763 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.238 39.763 -2.966 39.681 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.966 39.681 -1.097 39.681 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 109.950 OK 992.45 1192.45 0.00 0.486 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 246.700 OK 1107.43 1307.43 0.00 0.533 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 119.590 OK 1000.55 1200.55 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 563.340 OK 1373.67 1573.67 0.00 0.641 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 124.100 OK 1004.35 1204.35 0.00 0.491 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 211.160 OK 1077.55 1277.55 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -309.310 OK 1160.07 1360.07 0.00 0.554 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -356.650 OK 1199.88 1399.88 0.00 0.570 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -301.330 OK 1153.36 1353.36 0.00 0.551 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -362.310 OK 1204.64 1404.64 0.00 0.572 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -301.330 OK 1153.36 1353.36 0.00 0.551 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -294.400 OK 1147.54 1347.54 0.00 0.549 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.198 39.473 -2.198 40.519 2.201 12566.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -1218.850 1317.5 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 -860.850 1373.2 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 -571.850 1417.6 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 -865.280 1380.1 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 -576.550 1418.2 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 -868.830 1380.1 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -2488.490 1499.7 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 6723.91 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -2710.960 1463.2 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 7325.03 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -2890.990 1437.7 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 7811.47 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -2703.570 1457.8 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 7305.06 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -2890.990 1437.7 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 7811.47 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -2509.500 1448.4 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 6780.68 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2046_Pier-P4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2046_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.017 0.171 0.188 0.069 0.925 0.994 0.486 0.038 0.262 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.038 0.121 0.159 0.156 0.627 0.782 0.533 0.085 0.185 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.018 0.080 0.099 0.075 0.403 0.479 0.489 0.041 0.123 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.087 0.121 0.208 0.355 0.627 0.982 0.641 0.193 0.186 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.019 0.081 0.100 0.078 0.407 0.485 0.491 0.043 0.124 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.032 0.122 0.154 0.133 0.630 0.763 0.521 0.072 0.187 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.048 0.349 0.396 0.195 1.659 1.854 0.554 0.106 0.535 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_7 0.055 0.380 0.435 0.225 1.853 2.078 0.570 0.122 0.583 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.046 0.405 0.452 0.190 2.011 2.201 0.551 0.103 0.622 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_9 0.056 0.379 0.435 0.228 1.855 2.083 0.572 0.124 0.581 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.046 0.405 0.452 0.190 2.011 2.201 0.551 0.103 0.622 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.045 0.352 0.397 0.186 1.733 1.918 0.549 0.101 0.540 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.299 39.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.098 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.098 40.548
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.299 40.493

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.543 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.543 40.237
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.237

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.299 39.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.098 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.102 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.301 39.564
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.543 40.237
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.543 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.301 40.493
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.102 40.548
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.098 40.548
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.299 40.493
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.538 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.538 40.237
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.183
Izz 0.915 Zg 40.000
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.199 39.475 -2.199 40.521 2.201 4523.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1689.250 156.880 288.180 215.220 3546.770 129.260
_#Co_1 01T 1124.000 217.210 388.250 212.470 4302.250 111.210
_#Co_2 01T 949.130 204.890 393.550 196.050 4066.770 115.840
_#Co_3 01T 966.320 135.540 301.210 488.180 2863.220 107.010
_#Co_4 01T 1288.330 198.480 355.320 213.130 4528.520 117.170
_#Co_5 01T 1524.470 125.300 240.660 91.290 3307.440 142.550
_#Co_6 01T 79.040 89.860 -318.940 -72.900 1723.920 38.420
_#Co_7 01T 1013.520 -7.210 -480.690 -68.680 518.920 67.100
_#Co_8 01T 798.420 0.240 -625.870 -108.980 516.210 42.380
_#Co_9 01T 661.210 61.100 -148.240 -146.490 1312.690 48.490
_#Co_10 01T 688.100 29.220 -417.000 -69.990 188.760 55.630
_#Co_11 01T 556.600 44.740 -157.890 -135.840 958.080 17.830

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.098 40.339 -3.294 40.285 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.299 39.783 -3.239 39.765 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.239 39.765 -2.967 39.683 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.967 39.683 -1.098 39.683 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 215.220 OK 1080.96 1280.96 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 212.470 OK 1078.65 1278.65 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 196.050 OK 1064.84 1264.84 0.00 0.515 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 488.180 OK 1310.47 1510.47 0.00 0.615 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 213.130 OK 1079.20 1279.20 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 91.290 OK 976.76 1176.76 0.00 0.479 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -72.900 OK 961.30 1161.30 0.00 0.473 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -68.680 OK 957.75 1157.75 0.00 0.472 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -108.980 OK 991.63 1191.63 0.00 0.486 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -146.490 OK 1023.17 1223.17 0.00 0.498 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -69.990 OK 958.85 1158.85 0.00 0.472 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -135.840 OK 1014.22 1214.22 0.00 0.495 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.199 39.475 -2.199 40.521 2.201 4523.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 288.180 945.7 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 388.250 1001.3 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 393.550 1025.2 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 301.210 1037.3 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 355.320 978.9 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 240.660 961.1 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -318.940 1144.0 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -480.690 1110.9 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -625.870 1140.3 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -148.240 1086.1 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -417.000 1155.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -157.890 1107.4 OK 4523.89 0.00 1674.3 - 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2051_Mid-Span-5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2051_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.033 0.040 0.073 0.136 0.305 0.440 0.522 0.074 0.172 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.033 0.054 0.087 0.134 0.388 0.522 0.521 0.073 0.232 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.030 0.055 0.085 0.124 0.384 0.508 0.515 0.067 0.235 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.075 0.042 0.117 0.308 0.290 0.598 0.615 0.167 0.180 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.033 0.050 0.083 0.134 0.363 0.497 0.521 0.073 0.212 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.014 0.034 0.048 0.058 0.250 0.308 0.479 0.031 0.144 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.011 0.045 0.056 0.046 0.279 0.325 0.473 0.025 0.190 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.011 0.067 0.078 0.043 0.433 0.476 0.472 0.024 0.287 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.017 0.088 0.104 0.069 0.549 0.618 0.486 0.037 0.374 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.023 0.021 0.043 0.092 0.136 0.229 0.498 0.050 0.089 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.011 0.058 0.069 0.044 0.361 0.405 0.472 0.024 0.249 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.021 0.022 0.043 0.086 0.143 0.228 0.495 0.047 0.094 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.300 39.567
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.099 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.099 40.550
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.300 40.495

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.542 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.542 40.239
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.239

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.300 39.567
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.099 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.101 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.300 39.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.542 40.239
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.542 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.300 40.495
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.101 40.550
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.099 40.550
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.300 40.495
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.538 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.538 40.239
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.184
Izz 0.915 Zg 40.002
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2056_fin



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.199 39.477 -2.199 40.523 2.201 12566.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_7 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 139.720 119.480 1193.610 213.580 -1503.670 47.730
_#Co_1 01T -423.440 130.840 2524.140 306.330 -2873.010 103.520
_#Co_2 01T -1322.960 54.690 3429.300 216.450 -4326.280 131.740
_#Co_3 01T -919.790 111.820 3100.420 368.210 -4069.680 88.450
_#Co_4 01T 55.530 120.810 1055.100 264.470 -1332.890 72.570
_#Co_5 01T -1110.080 57.390 2990.870 251.580 -3833.170 206.300
_#Co_6 01T -1884.640 -55.170 1982.480 -137.850 -5975.980 94.060
_#Co_7 01T -1502.940 -69.480 1328.550 -214.410 -5602.360 64.470
_#Co_8 01T -104.930 62.420 182.450 6.380 -2528.710 28.880
_#Co_9 01T -1073.670 -53.160 910.800 -476.720 -4861.710 92.610
_#Co_10 01T -1679.180 -63.160 1846.740 -256.760 -6810.210 57.000
_#Co_11 01T -813.350 -2.330 741.710 -202.320 -4349.160 -42.030

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2056_fin
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.099 40.341 -3.295 40.287 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.300 39.785 -3.240 39.767 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.240 39.767 -2.968 39.685 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.968 39.685 -1.099 39.685 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2056_fin



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 213.580 OK 1079.58 1279.58 0.00 0.521 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 306.330 OK 1157.57 1357.57 0.00 0.553 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 216.450 OK 1082.00 1282.00 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 368.210 OK 1209.60 1409.60 0.00 0.574 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 264.470 OK 1122.37 1322.37 0.00 0.539 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 251.580 OK 1111.53 1311.53 0.00 0.534 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -137.850 OK 1015.91 1215.91 0.00 0.495 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -214.410 OK 1080.28 1280.28 0.00 0.522 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 6.380 OK 905.36 1105.36 0.00 0.450 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -476.720 OK 1300.84 1500.84 0.00 0.611 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -256.760 OK 1115.89 1315.89 0.00 0.536 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -202.320 OK 1070.11 1270.11 0.00 0.517 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2056_fin
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.199 39.477 -2.199 40.523 2.201 12566.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 1193.610 1291.0 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 2524.140 1367.9 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 6820.24 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 3429.300 1490.7 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 9265.98 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 3100.420 1435.7 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8377.35 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 1055.100 1302.5 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 2990.870 1461.6 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 8081.34 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 1982.480 1567.4 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 5356.67 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 1328.550 1515.3 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 182.450 1324.4 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 910.800 1456.7 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 1846.740 1539.3 Ast>0 REQ 12566.37 4989.90 4650.8 OK 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 741.710 1421.1 OK 12566.37 0.00 4650.8 - 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2056_Pier-P5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2056_fin

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.033 0.167 0.200 0.135 0.925 1.059 0.521 0.073 0.257 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_1 0.047 0.354 0.401 0.193 1.845 2.038 0.553 0.105 0.543 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_2 0.033 0.481 0.514 0.137 2.300 2.437 0.522 0.074 0.737 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_3 0.057 0.435 0.491 0.232 2.160 2.392 0.574 0.126 0.667 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_4 0.041 0.148 0.189 0.167 0.810 0.977 0.539 0.091 0.227 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.039 0.419 0.458 0.159 2.046 2.205 0.534 0.086 0.643 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_6 0.021 0.278 0.299 0.087 1.265 1.352 0.495 0.047 0.426 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_7 0.033 0.186 0.219 0.135 0.877 1.012 0.522 0.073 0.286 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.001 0.026 0.027 0.004 0.138 0.142 0.450 0.002 0.039 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.073 0.128 0.201 0.301 0.625 0.926 0.611 0.163 0.196 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.039 0.259 0.298 0.162 1.200 1.362 0.536 0.088 0.397 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.031 0.104 0.135 0.128 0.522 0.650 0.517 0.069 0.159 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 1/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 2/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.327 39.569
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.126 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -1.126 40.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -3.327 40.497

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.566 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.514 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.514 40.241
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.566 40.241

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.327 39.569
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.126 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.074 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.273 39.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.514 40.241
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.514 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.273 40.497
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.074 40.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.126 40.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.327 40.497
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.566 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.566 40.241
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 3/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.287488 Iyy 0.207 Yg -2.211
Izz 0.915 Zg 40.004
Iyz 0.005
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 4/9

Identifier: 2062_fin



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.227 39.479 -2.227 40.525 2.201 3958.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 5/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1421.810 -140.460 355.760 122.370 5321.620 185.910
_#Co_1 01T 956.620 -48.450 10.320 181.750 4280.190 111.420
_#Co_2 01T 1002.920 -93.780 481.280 124.230 4441.940 139.250
_#Co_3 01T 1009.000 -56.070 8.640 191.840 4092.390 109.710
_#Co_4 01T 1344.800 -129.320 421.060 134.940 5639.840 177.840
_#Co_5 01T 1343.990 -134.820 353.850 113.550 5132.250 193.390
_#Co_6 01T 781.100 -119.900 -402.020 -94.060 1374.570 39.800
_#Co_7 01T 1263.590 -202.260 -498.800 -233.020 2385.430 109.870
_#Co_8 01T 1189.620 -174.930 -566.620 -271.560 1882.360 90.260
_#Co_9 01T 1209.710 -190.870 -471.130 -524.420 2574.550 110.070
_#Co_10 01T 900.500 -123.360 -436.510 -154.260 924.120 75.620
_#Co_11 01T 868.700 -120.200 -414.460 -66.860 1692.240 24.090

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 6/9

Identifier: 2062_fin
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.126 40.343 -3.322 40.289 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_4 fyk=500.0 R -3.327 39.787 -3.267 39.769 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_5 fyk=500.0 R -3.267 39.769 -2.995 39.687 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2_6 fyk=500.0 R -2.995 39.687 -1.126 39.687 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 7/9

Identifier: 2062_fin



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 122.370 OK 1002.89 1202.89 0.00 0.490 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 181.750 OK 1052.82 1252.82 0.00 0.510 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 124.230 OK 1004.46 1204.46 0.00 0.491 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 191.840 OK 1061.30 1261.30 0.00 0.514 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 134.940 OK 1013.46 1213.46 0.00 0.494 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 113.550 OK 995.48 1195.48 0.00 0.487 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -94.060 OK 979.09 1179.09 0.00 0.480 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -233.020 OK 1095.93 1295.93 0.00 0.528 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -271.560 OK 1128.33 1328.33 0.00 0.541 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -524.420 OK 1340.94 1540.94 0.00 0.628 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -154.260 OK 1029.71 1229.71 0.00 0.501 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -66.860 OK 956.22 1156.22 0.00 0.471 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 8/9

Identifier: 2062_fin
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -2.227 39.479 -2.227 40.525 2.201 3958.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 355.760 1055.0 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_1 10.320 1118.5 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_2 481.280 1112.2 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_3 8.640 1111.3 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_4 421.060 1065.5 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_5 353.850 1065.6 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_6 -402.020 1142.4 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_7 -498.800 1076.6 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_8 -566.620 1105.9 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_9 -471.130 1083.9 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_10 -436.510 1191.1 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
_#Co_11 -414.460 1130.5 OK 3958.41 0.00 1465.0 - 7134.7 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 2062_Mid-Span-6.dat 9/9

Identifier: 2062_fin

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.019 0.050 0.069 0.077 0.337 0.414 0.490 0.042 0.243 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.028 0.001 0.029 0.115 0.009 0.124 0.510 0.062 0.007 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.019 0.067 0.087 0.078 0.433 0.511 0.491 0.043 0.329 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.029 0.001 0.031 0.121 0.008 0.129 0.514 0.066 0.006 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.021 0.059 0.080 0.085 0.395 0.480 0.494 0.046 0.287 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.017 0.050 0.067 0.072 0.332 0.404 0.487 0.039 0.242 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.014 0.056 0.071 0.059 0.352 0.411 0.480 0.032 0.274 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.036 0.070 0.106 0.147 0.463 0.610 0.528 0.080 0.340 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.042 0.079 0.121 0.171 0.512 0.684 0.541 0.093 0.387 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.081 0.066 0.147 0.331 0.435 0.765 0.628 0.180 0.322 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.024 0.061 0.085 0.097 0.366 0.464 0.501 0.053 0.298 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.010 0.058 0.068 0.042 0.367 0.409 0.471 0.023 0.283 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.218 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.982 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 0.982 41.075
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.218 41.075

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.657 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.423 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.423 40.764
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.657 40.764

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.419 40.092
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.117 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.218 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.982 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.883 40.002
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.181 40.091
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.423 40.764
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.423 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.181 41.020
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.982 41.075
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.117 41.102
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.218 41.075
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.419 41.020
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.657 40.964
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.657 40.764
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg -0.118
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.545
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -0.118 40.002 -0.118 41.102 2.200 3392.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 817.150 -11.360 540.670 119.680 5211.660 46.970
_#Co_1 01T 774.470 31.950 453.830 177.360 5556.390 71.020
_#Co_2 01T 784.950 -29.440 559.790 127.700 4959.120 16.680
_#Co_3 01T 749.390 14.500 483.670 709.410 5320.780 43.580
_#Co_4 01T 761.470 27.080 395.910 137.640 6254.660 60.670
_#Co_5 01T 626.750 25.700 461.010 160.230 4661.290 78.690
_#Co_6 01T 341.820 -43.780 -478.450 -119.420 2313.600 -26.800
_#Co_7 01T 391.200 -86.930 -403.350 -503.760 1935.210 -48.050
_#Co_8 01T 362.920 -26.560 -505.450 -126.050 2392.810 -14.620
_#Co_9 01T 389.430 -66.410 -414.040 -707.610 1777.420 -46.840
_#Co_10 01T 446.920 -76.790 -172.800 -468.270 1186.480 -45.290
_#Co_11 01T 540.540 -78.430 -399.820 -155.520 2624.030 -60.330

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.218 40.210 0.982 40.210 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 0.977 40.867 -0.117 40.894 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R -0.117 40.894 -1.213 40.867 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 119.680 OK 993.36 1193.36 0.00 0.486 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 177.360 OK 1038.36 1238.36 0.00 0.505 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 127.700 OK 999.62 1199.62 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 709.410 OK 1453.43 1653.43 0.00 0.674 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 137.640 OK 1007.38 1207.38 0.00 0.492 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 160.230 OK 1025.00 1225.00 0.00 0.499 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -119.420 OK 993.16 1193.16 0.00 0.486 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -503.760 OK 1292.99 1492.99 0.00 0.608 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -126.050 OK 998.33 1198.33 0.00 0.488 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -707.610 OK 1452.02 1652.02 0.00 0.673 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -468.270 OK 1265.31 1465.31 0.00 0.597 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -155.520 OK 1021.32 1221.32 0.00 0.498 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -0.118 40.002 -0.118 41.102 2.200 3392.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 540.670 1234.8 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 453.830 1240.7 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 559.790 1239.3 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 483.670 1244.2 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 395.910 1242.5 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 461.010 1261.1 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -478.450 1300.5 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -403.350 1293.7 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -505.450 1297.6 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -414.040 1293.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -172.800 1286.0 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -399.820 1273.0 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3004_Mid-Span-1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3004_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.017 0.072 0.089 0.070 0.438 0.508 0.486 0.038 0.407 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.025 0.060 0.085 0.104 0.366 0.470 0.505 0.056 0.342 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.018 0.074 0.092 0.075 0.452 0.526 0.489 0.041 0.422 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.101 0.064 0.165 0.415 0.389 0.804 0.674 0.225 0.364 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.020 0.052 0.072 0.081 0.319 0.399 0.492 0.044 0.298 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.023 0.061 0.084 0.094 0.366 0.459 0.499 0.051 0.347 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.017 0.063 0.080 0.070 0.368 0.438 0.486 0.038 0.360 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.072 0.053 0.125 0.295 0.312 0.607 0.608 0.160 0.304 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.018 0.067 0.085 0.074 0.390 0.463 0.488 0.040 0.381 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.101 0.055 0.156 0.414 0.320 0.734 0.673 0.225 0.312 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.067 0.023 0.090 0.274 0.134 0.408 0.597 0.149 0.130 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.022 0.053 0.075 0.091 0.314 0.405 0.498 0.049 0.301 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.208 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.992 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 0.992 40.536
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.208 40.536

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.648 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.433 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.433 40.225
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.648 40.225

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.409 39.553
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.108 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.208 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.992 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.893 39.463
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.191 39.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.433 40.225
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.433 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.191 40.481
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.992 40.536
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.108 40.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.208 40.536
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.409 40.481
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.648 40.425
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.648 40.225
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg -0.108
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.006
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -0.108 39.463 -0.108 40.563 2.200 9424.8

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 212.400 34.880 -972.290 368.060 -3312.930 26.670
_#Co_1 01T -123.250 65.660 -526.220 277.500 -3711.870 55.170
_#Co_2 01T -394.610 35.610 207.580 368.480 -1731.560 15.910
_#Co_3 01T -144.030 43.370 -437.440 622.840 -3479.330 17.180
_#Co_4 01T -226.160 36.440 -123.300 369.330 -1250.870 19.800
_#Co_5 01T -142.710 51.150 -422.140 515.430 -3476.890 84.560
_#Co_6 01T -522.330 2.410 -568.700 -139.880 -3708.900 10.180
_#Co_7 01T -196.000 -18.030 -1075.800 -421.920 -3954.660 -34.930
_#Co_8 01T 85.610 1.210 -1755.650 -365.550 -5290.070 18.340
_#Co_9 01T -195.950 -2.730 -1100.850 -618.410 -4057.700 19.770
_#Co_10 01T -172.590 -5.950 -1465.580 -541.150 -5932.820 5.670
_#Co_11 01T -195.740 -13.170 -1074.710 -446.580 -3954.590 -48.300

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.208 39.671 0.992 39.671 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 0.987 40.327 -0.108 40.355 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R -0.108 40.355 -1.203 40.327 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 368.060 OK 1187.14 1387.14 0.00 0.565 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 277.500 OK 1116.49 1316.49 0.00 0.536 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 368.480 OK 1187.46 1387.46 0.00 0.565 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 622.840 OK 1385.90 1585.90 0.00 0.646 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 369.330 OK 1188.13 1388.13 0.00 0.566 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 515.430 OK 1302.10 1502.10 0.00 0.612 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -139.880 OK 1009.13 1209.13 0.00 0.493 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -421.920 OK 1229.15 1429.15 0.00 0.582 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -365.550 OK 1185.18 1385.18 0.00 0.564 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -618.410 OK 1382.44 1582.44 0.00 0.645 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -541.150 OK 1322.17 1522.17 0.00 0.620 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -446.580 OK 1248.39 1448.39 0.00 0.590 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -0.108 39.463 -0.108 40.563 2.200 9424.8



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -972.290 1318.3 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 -526.220 1364.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 207.580 1402.2 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 -437.440 1367.6 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 -123.300 1378.9 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 -422.140 1367.4 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -568.700 1419.8 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -1075.800 1374.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -1755.650 1335.9 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 4485.32 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -1100.850 1374.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -1465.580 1371.5 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 3744.25 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -1074.710 1374.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3010_Pier-P1.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3010_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.052 0.129 0.181 0.215 0.738 0.953 0.565 0.117 0.264 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.040 0.070 0.109 0.162 0.386 0.548 0.536 0.088 0.143 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.053 0.028 0.080 0.216 0.148 0.364 0.565 0.117 0.056 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.089 0.058 0.147 0.364 0.320 0.684 0.646 0.198 0.119 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.053 0.016 0.069 0.216 0.089 0.306 0.566 0.117 0.033 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.073 0.056 0.129 0.302 0.309 0.610 0.612 0.164 0.114 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.020 0.075 0.095 0.082 0.401 0.482 0.493 0.044 0.154 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.060 0.143 0.203 0.247 0.783 1.029 0.582 0.134 0.292 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.052 0.233 0.285 0.214 1.314 1.528 0.564 0.116 0.476 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_9 0.088 0.146 0.234 0.362 0.801 1.163 0.645 0.197 0.298 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.077 0.194 0.271 0.317 1.069 1.385 0.620 0.172 0.397 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.064 0.142 0.206 0.261 0.782 1.043 0.590 0.142 0.291 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.095 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.106 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.106 40.538
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.095 40.538

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.534 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.546 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.546 40.227
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.534 40.227

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.555
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.994 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.106 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.006 39.465
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.304 39.554
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.546 40.227
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.546 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.304 40.483
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.106 40.538
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.006 40.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.095 40.538
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.296 40.483
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.534 40.427
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.534 40.227
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.006
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.008
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.006 39.465 0.006 40.565 2.200 3392.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 983.660 70.480 353.530 467.960 2739.490 92.940
_#Co_1 01T 780.320 90.470 423.830 128.210 3801.760 124.090
_#Co_2 01T 783.810 84.090 427.100 127.000 3697.120 110.110
_#Co_3 01T 406.590 58.080 351.740 693.110 3422.870 67.380
_#Co_4 01T 308.050 65.910 325.970 145.030 4983.410 73.820
_#Co_5 01T 780.320 90.470 423.830 128.210 3801.760 124.090
_#Co_6 01T -190.120 -35.980 -481.290 -80.880 2057.480 -57.020
_#Co_7 01T -35.580 -45.800 -589.650 -122.790 1410.910 -63.250
_#Co_8 01T -28.140 -41.090 -645.140 -123.700 1473.440 -63.030
_#Co_9 01T 301.870 -13.790 -603.660 -689.410 1729.730 -28.900
_#Co_10 01T 512.660 -2.580 -384.170 -465.410 222.760 1.910
_#Co_11 01T -35.580 -45.800 -589.650 -122.790 1410.910 -63.250

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.095 39.673 1.106 39.673 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.100 40.329 0.006 40.357 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.006 40.357 -1.089 40.329 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 467.960 OK 1265.07 1465.07 0.00 0.597 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 128.210 OK 1000.02 1200.02 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 127.000 OK 999.08 1199.08 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 693.110 OK 1440.72 1640.72 0.00 0.668 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 145.030 OK 1013.14 1213.14 0.00 0.494 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 128.210 OK 1000.02 1200.02 0.00 0.489 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -80.880 OK 963.10 1163.10 0.00 0.474 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -122.790 OK 995.79 1195.79 0.00 0.487 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -123.700 OK 996.50 1196.50 0.00 0.487 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -689.410 OK 1437.83 1637.83 0.00 0.667 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -465.410 OK 1263.08 1463.08 0.00 0.596 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -122.790 OK 995.79 1195.79 0.00 0.487 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.006 39.465 0.006 40.565 2.200 3392.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 353.530 1117.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 423.830 1146.0 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 427.100 1145.5 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 351.740 1197.6 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 325.970 1211.2 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 423.830 1146.0 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -481.290 1280.0 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -589.650 1258.7 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -645.140 1257.7 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -603.660 1212.1 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -384.170 1271.2 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -589.650 1258.7 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3016_Mid-Span-2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3016_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.067 0.047 0.114 0.274 0.316 0.590 0.597 0.149 0.266 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.018 0.056 0.074 0.075 0.370 0.445 0.489 0.041 0.319 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.018 0.057 0.075 0.074 0.373 0.447 0.489 0.040 0.322 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.099 0.047 0.145 0.406 0.294 0.699 0.668 0.220 0.265 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.021 0.043 0.064 0.085 0.269 0.354 0.494 0.046 0.245 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.018 0.056 0.074 0.075 0.370 0.445 0.489 0.041 0.319 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.012 0.064 0.075 0.047 0.376 0.423 0.474 0.026 0.362 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.018 0.078 0.096 0.072 0.468 0.540 0.487 0.039 0.444 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.018 0.086 0.103 0.072 0.513 0.585 0.487 0.039 0.486 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.098 0.080 0.178 0.403 0.498 0.901 0.667 0.219 0.455 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.066 0.051 0.117 0.272 0.302 0.575 0.596 0.148 0.289 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.018 0.078 0.096 0.072 0.468 0.540 0.487 0.039 0.444 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.095 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.105 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.105 40.539
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.095 40.539

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.535 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.545 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.545 40.228
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.535 40.228

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.296 39.556
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.995 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.095 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.105 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.005 39.466
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.304 39.555
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.545 40.228
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.545 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.304 40.484
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.105 40.539
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.005 40.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.095 40.539
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.296 40.484
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.535 40.428
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.535 40.228
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.005
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.009
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.005 39.466 0.005 40.566 2.200 9424.8

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 622.790 18.660 -695.810 168.840 -3399.780 8.080
_#Co_1 01T -38.300 37.320 -301.950 451.890 -2197.330 57.330
_#Co_2 01T -638.190 6.340 -25.940 143.150 -1399.860 -2.740
_#Co_3 01T -71.230 14.510 -396.320 618.540 -3100.990 -21.100
_#Co_4 01T -274.110 11.680 -209.290 168.330 -1212.540 8.640
_#Co_5 01T -80.520 36.390 -364.010 451.870 -2803.510 59.060
_#Co_6 01T -738.620 -16.910 -743.490 -166.610 -3133.280 -25.690
_#Co_7 01T -181.990 -38.630 -1174.370 -449.770 -4512.560 -79.140
_#Co_8 01T 237.240 -19.940 -1491.290 -538.280 -5410.360 -31.650
_#Co_9 01T -145.190 -15.760 -1083.450 -614.900 -3790.010 -1.620
_#Co_10 01T -23.990 -20.850 -1349.830 -265.680 -5475.280 -38.180
_#Co_11 01T -139.770 -37.690 -1112.310 -449.750 -3906.370 -80.870

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.095 39.674 1.105 39.674 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.100 40.330 0.005 40.358 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.005 40.358 -1.090 40.330 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 168.840 OK 1031.72 1231.72 0.00 0.502 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 451.890 OK 1252.53 1452.53 0.00 0.592 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 143.150 OK 1011.68 1211.68 0.00 0.494 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 618.540 OK 1382.54 1582.54 0.00 0.645 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 168.330 OK 1031.32 1231.32 0.00 0.502 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 451.870 OK 1252.52 1452.52 0.00 0.592 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -166.610 OK 1029.98 1229.98 0.00 0.501 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -449.770 OK 1250.88 1450.88 0.00 0.591 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -538.280 OK 1319.93 1519.93 0.00 0.619 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -614.900 OK 1379.70 1579.70 0.00 0.644 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -265.680 OK 1107.27 1307.27 0.00 0.533 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -449.750 OK 1250.87 1450.87 0.00 0.591 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.005 39.466 0.005 40.566 2.200 9424.8



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -695.810 1261.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 -301.950 1353.0 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 -25.940 1435.8 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 -396.320 1357.5 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 -209.290 1385.5 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 -364.010 1358.8 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -743.490 1449.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -1174.370 1372.8 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -1491.290 1314.9 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 3809.93 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -1083.450 1367.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -1349.830 1351.0 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -1112.310 1367.0 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3022_Pier-P2.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3022_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.024 0.092 0.116 0.099 0.551 0.650 0.502 0.054 0.189 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.064 0.040 0.104 0.264 0.223 0.488 0.592 0.144 0.082 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.020 0.003 0.024 0.084 0.018 0.102 0.494 0.046 0.007 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.088 0.053 0.141 0.362 0.292 0.654 0.645 0.197 0.107 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.024 0.028 0.052 0.098 0.151 0.250 0.502 0.054 0.057 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.064 0.048 0.113 0.264 0.268 0.532 0.592 0.144 0.099 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.024 0.099 0.122 0.097 0.513 0.610 0.501 0.053 0.202 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.064 0.156 0.220 0.263 0.855 1.119 0.591 0.143 0.318 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.077 0.198 0.274 0.315 1.134 1.449 0.619 0.171 0.404 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_9 0.088 0.144 0.231 0.360 0.792 1.152 0.644 0.195 0.294 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.038 0.179 0.217 0.155 0.999 1.155 0.533 0.084 0.366 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.064 0.147 0.212 0.263 0.814 1.077 0.591 0.143 0.302 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.018 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.182 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.182 40.541
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.018 40.541

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.458 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.622 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.622 40.230
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.458 40.230

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.220 39.558
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.918 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.018 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.182 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.082 39.468
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.381 39.557
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.622 40.230
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.622 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.381 40.486
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.182 40.541
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.082 40.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.018 40.541
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.220 40.486
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.458 40.430
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.458 40.230
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.082
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.011
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.082 39.468 0.082 40.568 2.200 3392.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1364.130 18.890 298.600 471.690 2851.750 2.840
_#Co_1 01T 527.560 40.160 360.210 570.130 3405.600 27.070
_#Co_2 01T 1065.820 31.660 393.880 134.300 3760.910 23.140
_#Co_3 01T 502.570 17.210 359.810 697.710 4197.260 16.240
_#Co_4 01T 353.550 28.910 340.890 155.740 5017.100 23.660
_#Co_5 01T 451.980 33.240 355.850 506.710 3503.200 36.740
_#Co_6 01T -353.260 -38.260 -419.740 -473.000 2107.320 -42.700
_#Co_7 01T 353.510 -74.270 -515.810 -507.490 1881.120 -86.390
_#Co_8 01T -106.810 -64.490 -595.180 -664.110 1600.360 -80.780
_#Co_9 01T 384.840 -51.140 -583.950 -700.750 1180.910 -78.570
_#Co_10 01T 708.890 -29.680 -379.160 -88.570 387.240 -56.940
_#Co_11 01T 433.650 -56.030 -511.160 -173.580 1782.210 -115.680

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.018 39.676 1.182 39.676 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.176 40.332 0.082 40.360 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.082 40.360 -1.013 40.332 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 471.690 OK 1267.98 1467.98 0.00 0.598 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 570.130 OK 1344.78 1544.78 0.00 0.629 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 134.300 OK 1004.77 1204.77 0.00 0.491 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 697.710 OK 1444.31 1644.31 0.00 0.670 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 155.740 OK 1021.50 1221.50 0.00 0.498 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 506.710 OK 1295.30 1495.30 0.00 0.609 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -473.000 OK 1269.00 1469.00 0.00 0.599 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -507.490 OK 1295.91 1495.91 0.00 0.609 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -664.110 OK 1418.09 1618.09 0.00 0.659 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -700.750 OK 1446.68 1646.68 0.00 0.671 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -88.570 OK 969.10 1169.10 0.00 0.476 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -173.580 OK 1035.42 1235.42 0.00 0.503 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.082 39.468 0.082 40.568 2.200 3392.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 298.600 1065.4 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 360.210 1180.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 393.880 1106.6 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 359.810 1184.4 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 340.890 1204.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 355.850 1191.4 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -419.740 1302.5 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -515.810 1205.0 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -595.180 1268.5 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -583.950 1200.6 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -379.160 1244.1 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -511.160 1193.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3028_Mid-Span-3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3028_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.067 0.040 0.107 0.276 0.280 0.556 0.598 0.150 0.225 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.081 0.048 0.129 0.334 0.305 0.639 0.629 0.181 0.271 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.019 0.052 0.071 0.079 0.356 0.435 0.491 0.043 0.297 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.099 0.048 0.147 0.408 0.304 0.712 0.670 0.222 0.271 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.022 0.045 0.067 0.091 0.283 0.374 0.498 0.050 0.257 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.072 0.047 0.119 0.296 0.299 0.595 0.609 0.161 0.268 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.067 0.056 0.123 0.277 0.322 0.599 0.599 0.150 0.316 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.072 0.068 0.141 0.297 0.428 0.725 0.609 0.161 0.388 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.095 0.079 0.174 0.389 0.469 0.858 0.659 0.211 0.448 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.100 0.077 0.177 0.410 0.486 0.896 0.671 0.223 0.440 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.013 0.050 0.063 0.052 0.305 0.357 0.476 0.028 0.285 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.025 0.068 0.093 0.102 0.428 0.530 0.503 0.055 0.385 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.241 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.959 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 0.959 40.543
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.241 40.543

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.681 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.399 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.399 40.232
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.681 40.232

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.442 39.560
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.141 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.241 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.959 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.859 39.470
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.158 39.559
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.399 40.232
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.399 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.158 40.488
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 0.959 40.543
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.141 40.570
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.241 40.543
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.442 40.488
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.681 40.432
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.681 40.232
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg -0.141
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.013
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -0.141 39.470 -0.141 40.570 2.200 9424.8

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 768.960 -13.300 -266.620 172.890 -3462.600 10.300
_#Co_1 01T -20.580 16.380 -264.380 141.130 -2230.840 65.660
_#Co_2 01T -16.290 -9.450 -148.560 326.970 -2150.950 -15.990
_#Co_3 01T -9.820 -11.360 -183.670 622.530 -2318.800 -13.010
_#Co_4 01T -286.600 -3.580 -249.980 170.380 -1238.360 12.490
_#Co_5 01T -62.840 15.900 -326.990 424.150 -2914.120 70.620
_#Co_6 01T -809.350 -21.780 -1002.140 -398.110 -3252.600 -18.150
_#Co_7 01T -135.680 -56.680 -1251.420 -553.370 -5218.590 -67.730
_#Co_8 01T -134.100 -35.760 -1252.180 -565.490 -5218.340 -1.750
_#Co_9 01T -152.790 -26.670 -1181.280 -626.490 -4794.810 6.900
_#Co_10 01T 34.510 -42.660 -1214.150 -276.570 -5642.320 -32.960
_#Co_11 01T -104.610 -53.340 -1083.350 -491.790 -4184.610 -74.080

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.241 39.678 0.959 39.678 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 0.954 40.334 -0.141 40.362 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R -0.141 40.362 -1.236 40.334 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 172.890 OK 1034.88 1234.88 0.00 0.503 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 141.130 OK 1010.10 1210.10 0.00 0.493 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 326.970 OK 1155.08 1355.08 0.00 0.552 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 622.530 OK 1385.66 1585.66 0.00 0.646 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 170.380 OK 1032.92 1232.92 0.00 0.502 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 424.150 OK 1230.89 1430.89 0.00 0.583 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -398.110 OK 1210.58 1410.58 0.00 0.575 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -553.370 OK 1331.70 1531.70 0.00 0.624 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -565.490 OK 1341.16 1541.16 0.00 0.628 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -626.490 OK 1388.75 1588.75 0.00 0.647 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -276.570 OK 1115.76 1315.76 0.00 0.536 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -491.790 OK 1283.66 1483.66 0.00 0.604 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -0.141 39.470 -0.141 40.570 2.200 9424.8



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -266.620 1241.5 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 -264.380 1350.5 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 -148.560 1349.9 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 -183.670 1349.0 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 -249.980 1387.3 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 -326.990 1356.4 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -1002.140 1459.4 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -1251.420 1366.4 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -1252.180 1366.2 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -1181.280 1368.8 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -1214.150 1342.9 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -1083.350 1362.1 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3034_Pier-P3.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3034_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.025 0.035 0.060 0.101 0.215 0.316 0.503 0.055 0.072 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.020 0.035 0.055 0.083 0.196 0.278 0.493 0.045 0.072 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.047 0.020 0.066 0.191 0.110 0.301 0.552 0.104 0.040 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.089 0.024 0.113 0.364 0.136 0.500 0.646 0.198 0.050 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.024 0.033 0.057 0.100 0.180 0.280 0.502 0.054 0.068 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.060 0.043 0.104 0.248 0.241 0.489 0.583 0.135 0.089 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.057 0.133 0.190 0.233 0.687 0.920 0.575 0.127 0.272 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.079 0.166 0.245 0.324 0.916 1.240 0.624 0.176 0.339 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.081 0.166 0.247 0.331 0.917 1.247 0.628 0.180 0.339 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_9 0.089 0.157 0.246 0.367 0.863 1.230 0.647 0.199 0.320 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.039 0.161 0.200 0.162 0.904 1.066 0.536 0.088 0.329 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.070 0.144 0.214 0.288 0.795 1.083 0.604 0.156 0.294 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.097 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.104 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.104 40.545
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.097 40.545

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.536 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.234
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.536 40.234

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.562
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.996 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.104 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.472
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.302 39.561
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.544 40.234
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.544 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.302 40.490
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.104 40.545
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.004 40.572
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.097 40.545
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.298 40.490
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.536 40.434
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.536 40.234
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.004
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.015
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.004 39.472 0.004 40.572 2.200 3392.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1396.510 17.950 217.370 85.730 2781.800 37.610
_#Co_1 01T 460.610 39.120 334.540 166.610 3509.610 49.020
_#Co_2 01T 94.750 21.700 363.050 660.270 4677.490 31.820
_#Co_3 01T 452.300 23.540 326.020 696.530 3544.380 47.420
_#Co_4 01T 366.160 27.800 329.360 150.580 5031.510 39.030
_#Co_5 01T 532.510 27.750 310.110 167.290 3555.470 67.130
_#Co_6 01T -348.340 -44.020 -388.200 -474.020 2188.150 -40.890
_#Co_7 01T 466.780 -82.080 -536.780 -104.550 1791.450 -67.840
_#Co_8 01T 895.230 -67.060 -614.790 -138.790 695.660 -62.550
_#Co_9 01T 456.390 -70.390 -597.430 -703.580 1845.700 -68.550
_#Co_10 01T 729.200 -41.770 -425.030 -90.600 391.880 -35.750
_#Co_11 01T 389.730 -78.790 -533.060 -175.520 1894.100 -95.700

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.097 39.680 1.104 39.680 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.098 40.336 0.004 40.364 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.004 40.364 -1.091 40.336 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 85.730 OK 966.88 1166.88 0.00 0.475 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 166.610 OK 1029.98 1229.98 0.00 0.501 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 660.270 OK 1415.10 1615.10 0.00 0.658 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 696.530 OK 1443.39 1643.39 0.00 0.670 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 150.580 OK 1017.47 1217.47 0.00 0.496 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 167.290 OK 1030.51 1230.51 0.00 0.501 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -474.020 OK 1269.80 1469.80 0.00 0.599 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -104.550 OK 981.56 1181.56 0.00 0.481 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -138.790 OK 1008.27 1208.27 0.00 0.492 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -703.580 OK 1448.89 1648.89 0.00 0.672 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -90.600 OK 970.68 1170.68 0.00 0.477 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -175.520 OK 1036.93 1236.93 0.00 0.504 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.004 39.472 0.004 40.572 2.200 3392.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 217.370 1060.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 334.540 1190.2 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 363.050 1240.7 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 326.020 1191.3 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 329.360 1203.2 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 310.110 1180.2 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -388.200 1301.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -536.780 1189.3 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -614.790 1218.4 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -597.430 1190.7 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -425.030 1241.3 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -533.060 1199.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3040_Mid-Span-4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3040_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.012 0.029 0.041 0.050 0.205 0.255 0.475 0.027 0.164 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.024 0.044 0.068 0.097 0.281 0.379 0.501 0.053 0.252 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.094 0.048 0.142 0.386 0.293 0.679 0.658 0.210 0.273 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.099 0.043 0.143 0.408 0.274 0.681 0.670 0.221 0.245 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.021 0.044 0.065 0.088 0.274 0.362 0.496 0.048 0.248 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.024 0.041 0.065 0.098 0.263 0.361 0.501 0.053 0.234 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.068 0.051 0.119 0.277 0.298 0.576 0.599 0.151 0.292 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.015 0.071 0.086 0.061 0.451 0.513 0.481 0.033 0.404 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.020 0.082 0.101 0.081 0.505 0.586 0.492 0.044 0.463 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.100 0.079 0.180 0.412 0.502 0.913 0.672 0.224 0.450 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.013 0.056 0.069 0.053 0.342 0.395 0.477 0.029 0.320 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.025 0.071 0.096 0.103 0.444 0.547 0.504 0.056 0.401 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.097 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.103 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.103 40.546
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.097 40.546

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.537 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.544 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.544 40.235
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.537 40.235

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.298 39.563
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.997 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.097 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.103 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.004 39.473
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.302 39.562
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.544 40.235
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.544 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.302 40.491
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.103 40.546
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.004 40.573
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.097 40.546
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.298 40.491
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.537 40.435
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.537 40.235
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.003
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.016
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.003 39.473 0.003 40.573 2.200 9424.8

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 640.280 23.150 -268.800 499.860 -3365.300 32.720
_#Co_1 01T 17.430 61.300 -731.400 341.940 -3128.120 75.260
_#Co_2 01T 634.300 26.230 -242.440 163.900 -3241.560 34.530
_#Co_3 01T 7.570 7.380 -665.370 800.630 -3197.820 -13.740
_#Co_4 01T -210.310 13.750 -591.380 163.570 -1277.550 18.180
_#Co_5 01T 8.560 54.860 -690.260 246.730 -3166.060 80.970
_#Co_6 01T -640.130 -38.360 -1596.630 -161.940 -3367.470 -15.680
_#Co_7 01T -87.020 -90.530 -1471.370 -339.950 -4290.210 -50.880
_#Co_8 01T -431.560 -50.210 -1802.280 -721.820 -4493.300 -20.940
_#Co_9 01T -97.310 -24.340 -1391.200 -798.890 -3896.350 26.200
_#Co_10 01T 34.940 -48.550 -1604.980 -265.810 -5621.370 -9.070
_#Co_11 01T -96.460 -63.240 -1388.400 -643.590 -3890.680 -61.980

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.097 39.681 1.103 39.681 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.098 40.337 0.003 40.365 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.003 40.365 -1.092 40.337 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 499.860 OK 1289.96 1489.96 0.00 0.607 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 341.940 OK 1166.76 1366.76 0.00 0.557 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 163.900 OK 1027.86 1227.86 0.00 0.500 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 800.630 OK 1524.60 1724.60 0.00 0.703 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 163.570 OK 1027.61 1227.61 0.00 0.500 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 246.730 OK 1092.48 1292.48 0.00 0.527 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -161.940 OK 1026.33 1226.33 0.00 0.500 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -339.950 OK 1165.21 1365.21 0.00 0.556 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -721.820 OK 1463.12 1663.12 0.00 0.678 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -798.890 OK 1523.24 1723.24 0.00 0.702 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -265.810 OK 1107.37 1307.37 0.00 0.533 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -643.590 OK 1402.09 1602.09 0.00 0.653 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.003 39.473 0.003 40.573 2.200 9424.8



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 -268.800 1259.3 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 -731.400 1345.3 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 -242.440 1260.1 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 -665.370 1346.6 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 -591.380 1376.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 -690.260 1346.5 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -1596.630 1436.1 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 4079.05 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -1471.370 1359.7 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 3759.04 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -1802.280 1407.3 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 4604.45 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -1391.200 1361.1 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 3554.22 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -1604.980 1342.9 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 4100.39 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -1388.400 1361.0 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 3547.07 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3046_Pier-P4.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3046_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.071 0.036 0.107 0.292 0.213 0.506 0.607 0.159 0.073 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.049 0.097 0.146 0.200 0.544 0.744 0.557 0.109 0.198 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.023 0.032 0.056 0.096 0.192 0.288 0.500 0.052 0.066 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.114 0.088 0.202 0.468 0.494 0.963 0.703 0.254 0.180 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.023 0.078 0.102 0.096 0.430 0.525 0.500 0.052 0.160 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.035 0.092 0.127 0.144 0.513 0.657 0.527 0.078 0.187 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.023 0.212 0.235 0.095 1.112 1.207 0.500 0.051 0.433 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_7 0.048 0.195 0.244 0.199 1.082 1.281 0.556 0.108 0.399 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_8 0.103 0.239 0.342 0.422 1.281 1.703 0.678 0.229 0.489 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_9 0.114 0.184 0.298 0.467 1.022 1.490 0.702 0.254 0.377 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_10 0.038 0.213 0.251 0.156 1.195 1.351 0.533 0.084 0.435 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_11 0.092 0.184 0.276 0.377 1.020 1.397 0.653 0.205 0.376 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.098 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.102 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.102 40.548
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.098 40.548

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.543 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.543 40.237
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.237

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.299 39.565
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.098 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.102 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.003 39.475
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.301 39.564
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.543 40.237
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.543 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.301 40.493
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.102 40.548
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.003 40.575
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.098 40.548
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.299 40.493
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.538 40.437
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.538 40.237
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.002
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.018
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.002 39.475 0.002 40.575 2.200 3392.9

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 1106.940 52.030 164.290 470.590 2700.970 76.460
_#Co_1 01T 866.660 58.610 293.070 133.990 3700.550 87.720
_#Co_2 01T 130.140 13.000 420.510 660.360 4486.530 23.040
_#Co_3 01T 435.400 33.040 332.870 696.330 3324.990 58.990
_#Co_4 01T 329.850 26.780 355.830 149.590 4911.800 50.950
_#Co_5 01T 802.120 55.250 272.770 132.540 3088.220 92.880
_#Co_6 01T -203.820 -58.540 -319.750 -90.540 2019.280 -62.460
_#Co_7 01T -9.450 -79.710 -476.450 -141.110 1450.670 -78.160
_#Co_8 01T 722.610 -37.440 -647.370 -138.410 598.340 -22.830
_#Co_9 01T 355.600 -64.140 -566.880 -702.400 1740.680 -56.970
_#Co_10 01T 590.850 -20.280 -431.090 -88.820 237.690 -15.310
_#Co_11 01T 55.080 -76.350 -456.150 -139.670 2063.000 -83.320

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.098 39.683 1.102 39.683 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.097 40.339 0.002 40.367 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.002 40.367 -1.093 40.339 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 470.590 OK 1267.12 1467.12 0.00 0.598 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 133.990 OK 1004.53 1204.53 0.00 0.491 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 660.360 OK 1415.17 1615.17 0.00 0.658 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 696.330 OK 1443.23 1643.23 0.00 0.670 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 149.590 OK 1016.70 1216.70 0.00 0.496 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 132.540 OK 1003.40 1203.40 0.00 0.490 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -90.540 OK 970.63 1170.63 0.00 0.477 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -141.110 OK 1010.08 1210.08 0.00 0.493 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -138.410 OK 1007.98 1207.98 0.00 0.492 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -702.400 OK 1447.97 1647.97 0.00 0.671 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -88.820 OK 969.29 1169.29 0.00 0.476 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -139.670 OK 1008.96 1208.96 0.00 0.493 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.002 39.475 0.002 40.575 2.200 3392.9



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 164.290 1100.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 293.070 1134.1 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 420.510 1235.8 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 332.870 1193.6 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 355.830 1208.2 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 272.770 1143.0 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -319.750 1281.9 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -476.450 1255.1 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -647.370 1248.1 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -566.880 1204.7 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -431.090 1266.3 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -456.150 1246.2 OK 3392.92 0.00 1328.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3051_Mid-Span-5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3051_inicio

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.067 0.022 0.089 0.275 0.149 0.425 0.598 0.150 0.124 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.019 0.039 0.058 0.078 0.258 0.337 0.491 0.043 0.221 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.094 0.056 0.150 0.386 0.340 0.727 0.658 0.210 0.317 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.099 0.044 0.143 0.407 0.279 0.686 0.670 0.221 0.251 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.021 0.047 0.069 0.088 0.295 0.382 0.496 0.048 0.268 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.019 0.036 0.055 0.078 0.239 0.316 0.490 0.042 0.205 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.013 0.042 0.055 0.053 0.249 0.302 0.477 0.029 0.241 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.020 0.063 0.083 0.083 0.380 0.462 0.493 0.045 0.359 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.020 0.086 0.106 0.081 0.519 0.600 0.492 0.044 0.487 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.100 0.075 0.175 0.411 0.471 0.882 0.671 0.223 0.427 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.013 0.057 0.070 0.052 0.340 0.392 0.476 0.028 0.325 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.020 0.060 0.080 0.082 0.366 0.448 0.493 0.044 0.343 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.099 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.101 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.101 40.550
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.099 40.550

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.538 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.542 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.542 40.239
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.538 40.239

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.300 39.567
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -2.998 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.099 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.101 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 3.002 39.477
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.300 39.566
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.542 40.239
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.542 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.300 40.495
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.101 40.550
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 0.002 40.577
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.099 40.550
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.300 40.495
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.538 40.439
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.538 40.239
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg 0.001
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.020
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3056_fin



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.001 39.477 0.001 40.577 2.200 9424.8

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.200 1570.8


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 391.230 -18.770 1606.040 144.770 -3557.890 76.910
_#Co_1 01T -68.780 11.660 1162.700 455.310 -3429.280 15.700
_#Co_2 01T 353.190 -24.970 1801.200 370.020 -4630.600 80.870
_#Co_3 01T -54.480 -17.540 1208.840 626.370 -3495.940 92.560
_#Co_4 01T -194.530 -13.060 729.850 144.560 -1481.570 49.140
_#Co_5 01T -30.750 -36.420 1348.740 275.720 -4036.800 142.020
_#Co_6 01T -529.540 -42.250 -25.050 -371.490 -4038.290 5.680
_#Co_7 01T -104.040 -78.740 419.610 -578.740 -4918.700 77.600
_#Co_8 01T -492.360 -34.930 -210.750 -146.670 -2968.020 -2.770
_#Co_9 01T -137.660 -47.940 375.120 -628.960 -4618.560 -8.050
_#Co_10 01T -59.150 -60.910 615.690 -249.460 -6283.910 25.310
_#Co_11 01T -140.690 -33.380 259.480 -603.780 -4311.980 -37.600

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3056_fin
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.099 39.685 1.101 39.685 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.096 40.341 0.002 40.369 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R 0.002 40.369 -1.094 40.341 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3056_fin



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 144.770 OK 1012.94 1212.94 0.00 0.494 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 455.310 OK 1255.20 1455.20 0.00 0.593 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 370.020 OK 1188.67 1388.67 0.00 0.566 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 626.370 OK 1388.65 1588.65 0.00 0.647 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 144.560 OK 1012.78 1212.78 0.00 0.494 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 275.720 OK 1115.10 1315.10 0.00 0.536 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -371.490 OK 1189.81 1389.81 0.00 0.566 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -578.740 OK 1351.49 1551.49 0.00 0.632 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -146.670 OK 1014.42 1214.42 0.00 0.495 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -628.960 OK 1390.67 1590.67 0.00 0.648 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -249.460 OK 1094.61 1294.61 0.00 0.527 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -603.780 OK 1371.03 1571.03 0.00 0.640 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3056_fin
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.001 39.477 0.001 40.577 2.200 9424.8



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 1606.040 1278.5 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 4103.09 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 1162.700 1342.0 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 1801.200 1283.8 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 4601.69 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 1208.840 1340.1 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 729.850 1359.4 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 1348.740 1336.8 Ast>0 REQ 9424.78 3445.75 3689.1 OK 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -25.050 1405.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 419.610 1346.9 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -210.750 1400.5 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 375.120 1351.5 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 615.690 1340.7 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 259.480 1352.0 OK 9424.78 0.00 3689.1 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3056_Pier-P5.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3056_fin

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.021 0.213 0.234 0.085 1.256 1.341 0.494 0.046 0.435 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_1 0.065 0.154 0.219 0.266 0.866 1.133 0.593 0.145 0.315 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_2 0.053 0.239 0.292 0.217 1.403 1.620 0.566 0.118 0.488 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_3 0.089 0.160 0.250 0.367 0.902 1.269 0.647 0.199 0.328 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_4 0.021 0.097 0.117 0.085 0.537 0.621 0.494 0.046 0.198 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.039 0.179 0.218 0.161 1.009 1.170 0.536 0.088 0.366 OK
OK Ast>0 req OK OK OK
_#Co_6 0.053 0.003 0.056 0.217 0.018 0.235 0.566 0.118 0.007 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.083 0.056 0.138 0.339 0.312 0.650 0.632 0.184 0.114 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.021 0.028 0.049 0.086 0.150 0.236 0.495 0.047 0.057 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.090 0.050 0.139 0.368 0.278 0.646 0.648 0.200 0.102 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.036 0.082 0.117 0.146 0.459 0.605 0.527 0.079 0.167 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.086 0.034 0.120 0.353 0.192 0.545 0.640 0.192 0.070 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 1/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 40.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1860.0 εsy 2.50
fpyk010 (MPa) 1670.0 εc00 -1.14
Es (MPa) 200000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 35220 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.200 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 2/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -1.126 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 1.074 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 1.074 40.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -1.126 40.552

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -5.566 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 5.514 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 5.514 40.241
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -5.566 40.241

TORSION Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -3.327 39.569
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -3.026 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -1.126 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 1.074 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 2.974 39.479
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 3.273 39.568
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 5.514 40.241
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 5.514 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 3.273 40.497
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 1.074 40.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.026 40.579
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -1.126 40.552
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 -3.327 40.497
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 -5.566 40.441
C1 40.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 -5.566 40.241
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 3/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
2.390520 Iyy 0.235 Yg -0.026
Izz 0.958 Zg 40.022
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 4/9

Identifier: 3062_fin



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -0.026 39.479 -0.026 40.579 2.200 3958.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_1 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_2 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_3 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_4 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_5 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_6 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ12 0.200 565.5


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_1 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_TOP 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_2 fyk=500.0 R TORSION+BENDING_BOT 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 5/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01T 812.410 9.410 125.620 485.120 3597.570 9.680
_#Co_1 01T 692.590 64.450 354.240 513.730 5556.930 -3.120
_#Co_2 01T 511.850 32.530 499.890 669.250 4874.330 16.470
_#Co_3 01T 566.880 40.660 431.730 714.250 4268.290 1.480
_#Co_4 01T 649.280 31.730 53.910 169.450 6107.890 25.250
_#Co_5 01T 542.090 -14.040 380.530 179.810 4791.880 57.740
_#Co_6 01T 202.930 -25.890 -414.900 -554.540 2335.000 -25.520
_#Co_7 01T 270.490 -66.260 -484.540 -515.900 1846.340 -1.900
_#Co_8 01T 513.420 -33.190 -591.550 -671.060 2212.610 -22.270
_#Co_9 01T 463.320 -41.910 -537.300 -716.070 2566.070 -6.790
_#Co_10 01T 503.740 -23.220 -475.070 -476.720 1064.030 -14.740
_#Co_11 01T 421.460 12.330 -510.570 -181.940 2612.390 -62.690

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 6/9

Identifier: 3062_fin
ULS Persistent

Torsion reinforcement defined by rectangles: ULS Persistent

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width N-φ s Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) B (m) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#TorR_2_1 fyk=500.0 R -1.126 39.687 1.074 39.687 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_4 fyk=500.0 R 1.069 40.343 -0.026 40.371 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4
_#TorR_1_5 fyk=500.0 R -0.026 40.371 -1.121 40.343 0.416 1φ25 0.200 2454.4


ID Material Class Key N-φ s Ast input Ast total

(MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m) (mm2/m)
TraBndReq_0 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_TOP 0φ0 0.000 900.000 900.0
TraBndReq_1 fyk=500.0 R TRANS_BENDING_BOT 0φ0 0.000 1100.000 1100.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 7/9

Identifier: 3062_fin



Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd required
Ast_req /
Ast (mm2 /m) Tor+Tr.Bnd provided Ast_prov
_#Co_0 485.120 OK 1278.46 1478.46 0.00 0.602 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_1 513.730 OK 1300.78 1500.78 0.00 0.611 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_2 669.250 OK 1422.10 1622.10 0.00 0.661 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_3 714.250 OK 1457.21 1657.21 0.00 0.675 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_4 169.450 OK 1032.19 1232.19 0.00 0.502 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_5 179.810 OK 1040.28 1240.28 0.00 0.505 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_6 -554.540 OK 1332.62 1532.62 0.00 0.624 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_7 -515.900 OK 1302.47 1502.47 0.00 0.612 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_8 -671.060 OK 1423.52 1623.52 0.00 0.661 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_9 -716.070 OK 1458.63 1658.63 0.00 0.676 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_10 -476.720 OK 1271.91 1471.91 0.00 0.600 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
_#Co_11 -181.940 OK 1041.94 1241.94 0.00 0.506 OK OK
2454.37 2454.37 0.00
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 8/9

Identifier: 3062_fin
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R -0.026 39.479 -0.026 40.579 2.200 3958.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 125.620 1235.5 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_1 354.240 1252.0 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_2 499.890 1277.0 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_3 431.730 1269.4 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_4 53.910 1258.0 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_5 380.530 1272.8 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_6 -414.900 1319.7 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_7 -484.540 1310.3 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_8 -591.550 1276.8 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_9 -537.300 1283.7 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_10 -475.070 1278.1 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
_#Co_11 -510.570 1289.5 OK 3958.41 0.00 1549.4 - 7542.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

SECTION 3062_Mid-Span-6.dat 9/9

Identifier: 3062_fin

Shear Z - Torsion Interaction ULS Persistent

(T,V) Rdmax (T,V) Rdc (T,V) Rds

Tor Ast
ID TEd / VEd / TEd / VEd / req / TEd / VEd / CHK
Suma Suma
TRdmax VRdmax TRdc VRdc Tor Ast TRds VRds
_#Co_0 0.069 0.017 0.086 0.284 0.102 0.386 0.602 0.154 0.081 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_1 0.073 0.047 0.120 0.301 0.283 0.584 0.611 0.163 0.229 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_2 0.095 0.066 0.162 0.392 0.391 0.783 0.661 0.213 0.323 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_3 0.102 0.057 0.159 0.418 0.340 0.758 0.675 0.227 0.279 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_4 0.024 0.007 0.031 0.099 0.043 0.142 0.502 0.054 0.035 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_5 0.026 0.050 0.076 0.105 0.299 0.404 0.505 0.057 0.246 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_6 0.079 0.055 0.134 0.324 0.314 0.639 0.624 0.176 0.268 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_7 0.074 0.064 0.138 0.302 0.370 0.672 0.612 0.164 0.313 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_8 0.096 0.078 0.174 0.393 0.463 0.856 0.661 0.213 0.382 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_9 0.102 0.071 0.173 0.419 0.419 0.838 0.676 0.228 0.347 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_10 0.068 0.063 0.131 0.279 0.372 0.651 0.600 0.152 0.307 OK
OK OK OK - -
_#Co_11 0.026 0.068 0.094 0.106 0.396 0.502 0.506 0.058 0.330 OK
OK OK OK - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Calcul des diaphragmes - Flexion

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Page 1
04.12.23, 16:17
Fagus-8 - Rel. 211 (0)

Cross-section ABUTMENTS (C35/45;S500): Outline, Reinforcements Scale 1 :20.0

R1 5Ø25 s=0.19

C1 CP (C35/45)
5Ø25 s=0.19

Ultimate strength analysis Cross section (Girder): ABUTMENTS

Action forces / Efficiency: eff(M,N)=0.61 OK

Bending and axial force Shear forces and torsion Complete CS
No. AP P N My Mz eff(M,N) Vy Vz T eff(V,T) eff(M,N,V,T)
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [-] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [-] [-]
1 !ULS 0.3 -6.3 0 0.01
2 !ULS -236.6 -100.1 0 0.03
3 !ULS -240.4 729.1 0 0.61
4 !ULS -359.7 -563.8 0 0.40
5 !ULS -248.8 -494.8 0 0.38
6 !ULS -247.1 -682.9 0 0.57

Analysis parameters "!ULS" Standard: Eurocode EN

ID Diagram - Strain Limits Partial safety factor Various parameters
c s c2 cu3 ud s cc c s  
[‰] [‰] [‰] [N/mm ] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
!ULS 2/0 1 -2. -3.5 20. 0.85 1.5 1.15 45. 0.
 : Inclination of diagonal in compression
 : Creep coefficient

Extreme stresses and strain (Results of run No 6)

Name Class yq zq  d 
[m] [m] [‰] [N/mm2] [-]
C1 C35/45 -0.5 0. -2.1 -19.8 1.76
C1 C35/45 0.5 1.05 21.7 0. 1.76
R2 S500 0.38 0.07 -0.6 -113.8 1.15
R1 S500 0.38 0.97 20. 434.8 1.15

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Page 2
04.12.23, 16:17
Fagus-8 - Rel. 211 (0)

Cross-section ABUTMENTS (C35/45;S500): Efficiency Nx=-240.4;My=729.1; eff(M,N)=0.61 OK Scale 1 :19.2

Strain [‰] Stress [N/mm2]

-2.1 -1461.9 kN


0.94 m

1067.1 kN

Ultimate strength analysis Cross section (Girder): ABUTMENTS

Action forces / Efficiency: eff(M,N)=0.61 OK

Bending and axial force Shear forces and torsion Complete CS
No. AP P N My Mz eff(M,N) Vy Vz T eff(V,T) eff(M,N,V,T)
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [-] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [-] [-]
1 !ULS -240.4 729.1 0 0.61

Analysis parameters "!ULS" Standard: Eurocode EN

ID Diagram - Strain Limits Partial safety factor Various parameters
c s c2 cu3 ud s cc c s  
[‰] [‰] [‰] [N/mm ] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
!ULS 2/0 1 -2. -3.5 20. 0.85 1.5 1.15 45. 0.
 : Inclination of diagonal in compression
 : Creep coefficient

Extreme stresses and strain

Name Class yq zq  d 
[m] [m] [‰] [N/mm2] [-]
C1 C35/45 -0.5 1.05 -2.1 -19.8 1.76
C1 C35/45 0.5 0. 21.5 0. 1.76
R1 S500 0.38 0.97 -0.4 -81. 1.15
R2 S500 0.38 0.07 20. 434.8 1.15

Ultimate state "!ULS"

Internal forces Strain and Curvature Stiffness Values
N My Mz x y z N/ x My/y Mz/z
-1 -1
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [‰] [km ] [km ] [kN] [kNm2] [kNm2]
-394.8 1196.2 0. 9.7 22.5 -0.1 40760.77 53198.85 27.01

Stress analysis Cross section (Girder): ABUTMENTS

Action forces / Loading history - calculation with loading steps

Bending and axial force Shear forces and torsion Remarks
No. AP P N My Mz Vy Vz T -
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [kNm]
1 !SLS 0.2 -4.3 0
2 !SLS -167.4 145.6 0
3 !SLS -187.1 -190.1 0
4 !SLS -65.7 -198.9 0

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Page 3
04.12.23, 16:17
Fagus-8 - Rel. 211 (0)

Analysis parameters "!SLS" Standard: Eurocode EN

ID Diagram - Strain Limits Partial safety factor Various parameters
c s c2 cu3 ud s cc c s  
[‰] [‰] [‰] [N/mm2] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
!SLS 1/0 1 200. 1. 1. 1. 45. 0.
 : Inclination of diagonal in compression
 : Creep coefficient

Extreme stresses and strain after 4 steps

Name Class yq zq  d 
[m] [m] [‰] [N/mm2] [-]
C1 C35/45 0.5 0. -0.1 -2.9 1.00
C1 C35/45 -0.5 1.05 0.2 0. 1.00
R2 S500 0.38 0.07 -0.1 -13.6 1.00
R1 S500 0.38 0.97 0.2 33.9 1.00

Cross-section ABUTMENTS (C35/45;S500): Stress analysis with given forces Nx=-65.7;My=-198.9; Scale 1 :19.2
R1 5Ø25 s=0.19

Strain [‰] Stress [N/mm2]

wk = 0.11 [mm]
183.6 kN


0.92 m
C1 CP (C35/45) γs=1.

-249.3 kN
5Ø25 s=0.19

Stress analysis Cross section (Girder): ABUTMENTS

Action forces
Bending and axial force Shear forces and torsion Remarks
No. AP P N My Mz Vy Vz T -
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [kNm]
1 !SLS -65.7 -198.9 0

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Page 4
04.12.23, 16:17
Fagus-8 - Rel. 211 (0)

Analysis parameters "!SLS" Standard: Eurocode EN

ID Diagram - Strain Limits Partial safety factor Various parameters
c s c2 cu3 ud s cc c s  
[‰] [‰] [‰] [N/mm2] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
!SLS 1/0 1 200. 1. 1. 1. 45. 0.
 : Inclination of diagonal in compression
 : Creep coefficient

Extreme stresses and strain

Name Class yq zq  d 
[m] [m] [‰] [N/mm2] [-]
C1 C35/45 -0.5 0. -0.1 -2.7 1.00
C1 C35/45 0.5 1.05 0.4 0. 1.00
R2 S500 0.38 0.07 0. -9.6 1.00
R1 S500 0.38 0.97 0.4 74.9 1.00

Stresses in homogeneous cross section (linear material properties)

Name Weight yq zq elas
[m] [m] [N/mm2]
C1 1. -0.5 0. -1.1
C1 1. 0.5 1.05 1.

Stresses and strain during the last iterations step

Internal forces Strain and Curvature Stiffness Value s
N My Mz x y z N/ x My/y Mz/z
-1 -1
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [‰] [km ] [km ] [kN] [kNm2] [kNm2]
-65.7 -198.9 0. 0.2 -0.5 -0.0 398073.48 427156.47 42.09

Crack verification
Text Value Text Value
Basic principles EN 1992-1-1 7.3
Cross section
h 1.05 m Compression zone (uncracked) 0.56 m
d 0.97 m h-d 0.08 m
Cover c 0.06 m hc,eff 0.16 m
A c,eff Tension surface 164773 mm2 = Min[2.5 (h-d);(h-x)/3; h/2]

Concrete Additional parameters

Ec 34 kN/mm2 Duration of load kt 0.4
e (E s /E c ) 5.882 Bond properties k1 0.8
Creep coefficient  0. Distribution of strain k2 0.5
f ctm 3.2 N/mm2 k3 3.4
f ct,eff 3.2 N/mm2 k4 0.425

Reinforcement Results
Es 200 kN/mm 2 Moment -198.9 kNm
As (in tension surface) 2454 mm 2 Stress in reinforcement s 74.9 N/mm2
Diameter eq 25 mm sm - cm (7.9) 0.225 o/oo
eff 1.49 o/o Crack spacing s r,max (7.11) 0.5 m
Crack width w k (7.8) 0.11 mm

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Page 5
04.12.23, 16:17
Fagus-8 - Rel. 211 (0)

Cross-section PIERS (C35/45;S500): Outline, Reinforcements Scale 1 :20.0

R1 As4021

C1 CP (C35/45)

Ultimate strength analysis Cross section (Girder): PIERS

Action forces / Efficiency: eff(M,N)=0.6 OK

Bending and axial force Shear forces and torsion Complete CS
No. AP P N My Mz eff(M,N) Vy Vz T eff(V,T) eff(M,N,V,T)
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [-] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [-] [-]
1 !ULS 19.8 3.5 0 0.01
2 !ULS -328.4 -729.9 0 0.36
3 !ULS -305.1 1121.7 0 0.60
4 !ULS -384.5 -1044.4 0 0.54
5 !ULS -380.0 -1061.0 0 0.55
6 !ULS -356.1 -1091.5 0 0.57

Analysis parameters "!ULS" Standard: Eurocode EN

ID Diagram - Strain Limits Partial safety factor Various parameters
c s c2 cu3 ud s cc c s  
[‰] [‰] [‰] [N/mm2] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
!ULS 2/0 1 -2. -3.5 20. 0.85 1.5 1.15 45. 0.
 : Inclination of diagonal in compression
 : Creep coefficient

Extreme stresses and strain (Results of run No 6)

Name Class yq zq  d 
[m] [m] [‰] [N/mm2] [-]
C1 C35/45 0.5 0. -2.6 -19.8 1.76
C1 C35/45 -0.5 1.05 21.7 0. 1.76
R4 S500 0.38 0.07 -1. -201.6 1.15
R1 S500 0.38 0.97 20. 434.8 1.15

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Page 6
04.12.23, 16:17
Fagus-8 - Rel. 211 (0)

Cross-section PIERS (C35/45;S500): Efficiency Nx=-305.1;My=1121.7; eff(M,N)=0.6 OK Scale 1 :19.2

Strain [‰] Stress [N/mm2]

-2.6 -2256.1 kN


0.93 m

1748.4 kN

Ultimate strength analysis Cross section (Girder): PIERS

Action forces / Efficiency: eff(M,N)=0.6 OK

Bending and axial force Shear forces and torsion Complete CS
No. AP P N My Mz eff(M,N) Vy Vz T eff(V,T) eff(M,N,V,T)
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [-] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [-] [-]
1 !ULS -305.1 1121.7 0 0.60

Analysis parameters "!ULS" Standard: Eurocode EN

ID Diagram - Strain Limits Partial safety factor Various parameters
c s c2 cu3 ud s cc c s  
[‰] [‰] [‰] [N/mm ] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
!ULS 2/0 1 -2. -3.5 20. 0.85 1.5 1.15 45. 0.
 : Inclination of diagonal in compression
 : Creep coefficient

Extreme stresses and strain

Name Class yq zq  d 
[m] [m] [‰] [N/mm2] [-]
C1 C35/45 -0.5 1.05 -2.6 -19.8 1.76
C1 C35/45 0.5 0. 21.6 0. 1.76
R1 S500 -0.38 0.97 -0.8 -165.4 1.15
R4 S500 0.38 0.07 20. 434.8 1.15

Ultimate state "!ULS"

Internal forces Strain and Curvature Stiffness Values
N My Mz x y z N/ x My/y Mz/z
-1 -1
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [‰] [km ] [km ] [kN] [kNm2] [kNm2]
-507.8 1865.3 0. 9.5 22.9 -0.1 53615.91 81318.39 28.78

Stress analysis Cross section (Girder): PIERS

Action forces / Loading history - calculation with loading steps

Bending and axial force Shear forces and torsion Remarks
No. AP P N My Mz Vy Vz T -
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [kNm]
1 !SLS 0.4 -8.2 0
2 !SLS -238.7 403.9 0
3 !SLS -245.0 -442.8 0
4 !SLS -106.0 -471.0 0

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Page 7
04.12.23, 16:17
Fagus-8 - Rel. 211 (0)

Analysis parameters "!SLS" Standard: Eurocode EN

ID Diagram - Strain Limits Partial safety factor Various parameters
c s c2 cu3 ud s cc c s  
[‰] [‰] [‰] [N/mm2] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
!SLS 1/0 1 200. 1. 1. 1. 45. 0.
 : Inclination of diagonal in compression
 : Creep coefficient

Extreme stresses and strain after 4 steps

Name Class yq zq  d 
[m] [m] [‰] [N/mm2] [-]
C1 C35/45 0.5 0. -0.2 -5.5 1.00
C1 C35/45 -0.5 1.05 0.4 0. 1.00
R4 S500 0.38 0.07 -0.1 -25. 1.00
R1 S500 0.38 0.97 0.4 75. 1.00

Cross-section PIERS (C35/45;S500): Stress analysis with given forces Nx=-106.0;My=-471.0; Scale 1 :19.2
R1 As4021

Strain [‰] Stress [N/mm2]

wk = 0.15 [mm]
465.6 kN


0.91 m
C1 CP (C35/45) γs=1.

-571.7 kN

Stress analysis Cross section (Girder): PIERS

Action forces
Bending and axial force Shear forces and torsion Remarks
No. AP P N My Mz Vy Vz T -
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [kNm]
1 !SLS -106.0 -471.0 0

Analysis parameters "!SLS" Standard: Eurocode EN

ID Diagram - Strain Limits Partial safety factor Various parameters
c s c2 cu3 ud s cc c s  
[‰] [‰] [‰] [N/mm2] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
!SLS 1/0 1 200. 1. 1. 1. 45. 0.
 : Inclination of diagonal in compression
 : Creep coefficient

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Page 8
04.12.23, 16:17
Fagus-8 - Rel. 211 (0)

Extreme stresses and strain

Name Class yq zq  d 
[m] [m] [‰] [N/mm2] [-]
C1 C35/45 -0.5 0. -0.1 -5.1 1.00
C1 C35/45 0.5 1.05 0.6 0. 1.00
R4 S500 0.38 0.07 -0.1 -19.8 1.00
R1 S500 0.38 0.97 0.6 116. 1.00

Stresses in homogeneous cross section (linear material properties)

Name Weight yq zq elas
[m] [m] [N/mm2]
C1 1. -0.5 0. -2.7
C1 1. 0.5 1.05 2.5

Stresses and strain during the last iterations step

Internal forces Strain and Curvature Stiffness Values
N My Mz x y z N/ x My/y Mz/z
-1 -1
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [‰] [km ] [km ] [kN] [kNm2] [kNm2]
-106.1 -471. 0. 0.2 -0.7 -0.0 435770.96 629763.92 161.78

Crack verification
Text Value Text Value
Basic principles EN 1992-1-1 7.3
Cross section
h 1.05 m Compression zone (uncracked) 0.55 m
d 0.97 m h-d 0.08 m
Cover c 0.06 m hc,eff 0.17 m
A c,eff Tension surface 168010 mm2 = Min[2.5 (h-d);(h-x)/3; h/2]

Concrete Additional parameters

Ec 34 kN/mm2 Duration of load kt 0.4
e (E s /E c ) 5.882 Bond properties k1 0.8
Creep coefficient  0. Distribution of strain k2 0.5
f ctm 3.2 N/mm2 k3 3.4
f ct,eff 3.2 N/mm2 k4 0.425

Reinforcement Results
Es 200 kN/mm 2 Moment -471. kNm
As (in tension surface) 4021 mm 2 Stress in reinforcement s 116. N/mm2
Diameter eq 32 mm sm - cm (7.9) 0.348 o/oo
eff 2.393 o/o Crack spacing s r,max (7.11) 0.43 m
Crack width w k (7.8) 0.15 mm

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

Calcul des diaphragmes - Cisaillement

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

DIAPHRAGM SHEAR VERIFICATION (non-prestressed members) (EC-2 6.2)

Structure: IDStructure = "Tinguilinta"

Element: IDElement := "Abutment Diaphragms"

b 1 := 1.00m
h deck := 0.95m
Ac := b 1 h deck = 0.95 m

fck := 40MPa
γC_uls := 1.5
fyk := 500MPa γs_uls := 1.15

Top and bottom reinforcement: As_ten1 := 24.54cm

As_comp := 24.54cm

Tensile reinforcement position: rlayer_1 := 66mm

from the concrete surface

As_ten1  rlayer_1
requ := = 0.066 m

Effective depth: d := h deck - requ = 0.884 m

Design forces: Vzd_1 := 557.36kN

Mdy_1 := 100.1kN
Nd_1 := 236.61kN (compression positive)

· Not requering design shear reinforcement

k1_sh := 0.15
CRd.c_1 :=

200 200
k := 1+ if 1 + 2 k = 1.48
d d
mm mm
2 otherwise

 3
  fck
νmin := 1MPa  0.035 k  
= 0.397 MPa

As_ten1  As_ten1 
ρ1 := if  b  d   0.02 ρ1 = 0.0028
b 1 d  1 
0.02 otherwise

Nd_1 Nd_1 0.2fck

σcp.1 := if < σcp.1 = 0.2491 MPa
Ac Ac γC_uls
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier
 1 
  fck  σcp.1
VRd.c_1 := CRd.c_1 k  100  ρ1  + k1_sh  b1 d 1  1 MPa VRd.c_1 = 382.26 kN
  MPa  MPa

VRd.c_min_1 := ( νmin + k1_sh σcp.1)  b 1 d VRd.c_min_1 = 383.8 kN

VRd.c_ULS := VRd.c_1 if VRd.c_1  VRd.c_min_1

VRd.c_min_1 otherwise

VERIFIEDULS_P := "YES" if VRd.c_ULS  Vzd_1

VERIFIEDULS_P = "Need shear reinforcement"
"Need shear reinforcement" otherwise

· Requering design shear reinforcement

Shear reinforcement diameter: ϕsh := 16mm

Number of bars: nsh := 4
Spacing: ssh := 20cm
π ϕsh 1 π ( 20mm)
1 cm
Shear reinforcement dispose: Asw_dis := nsh  +  Asw_dis = 55.92
4 ssh 4 ssh m

Mechanical depth: z1 := 0.9 d = 0.796 m

Design yield strength:

fywd := 400MPa
Concrete reduction factor: ν1 := 0.6

Compression chord coefficient: αcw := 1

Shear reinforcement inclination: α := 90º

Struts inclination: cotθ := 1

fck 1
VRd_max := αcw b 1 z 1 ν1 
γC_uls  cotθ + 1  VRd_max = 6364.8 kN
 
cotθ 

"YES" if VRd_max  Vzd_1  VERIFIEDULS_P = "Need shear reinforcement"
"NO" otherwise

Necessary shear reinforcement: Asw := 0 if VERIFIED ULS_P = "YES"

 Vzd_1  Asw = 17.51
 z  f  cot  otherwise m
 1 ywd θ 
0.5 αcw ν1 fck b 1 cm
Asw_max := = 200 
fywd γC_uls m


"YES" if Asw_dis  Asw  Asw_dis < Asw_max
"NO" otherwise
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier

DIAPHRAGM SHEAR VERIFICATION (non-prestressed members) (EC-2 6.2)

Structure: IDStructure = "Tinguilinta"

Element: IDElement := "Pier Diaphragms"

b 1 := 1.00m
h deck := 0.95m
Ac := b 1 h deck = 0.95 m

fck := 40MPa
γC_uls := 1.5
fyk := 500MPa γs_uls := 1.15

Top and bottom reinforcement: As_ten1 := 40.21cm

As_comp := 40.21cm

Tensile reinforcement position: rlayer_1 := 66mm

from the concrete surface

As_ten1  rlayer_1
requ := = 0.066 m

Effective depth: d := h deck - requ = 0.884 m

Design forces: Vzd_1 := 975kN

Mdy_1 := -730 kN
Nd_1 := 328kN (compression positive)

· Not requering design shear reinforcement

k1_sh := 0.15
CRd.c_1 :=

200 200
k := 1+ if 1 + 2 k = 1.48
d d
mm mm
2 otherwise

 3
  fck
νmin := 1MPa  0.035 k  
= 0.397 MPa

As_ten1  As_ten1 
ρ1 := if  b  d   0.02 ρ1 = 0.0045
b 1 d  1 
0.02 otherwise

Nd_1 Nd_1 0.2fck

σcp.1 := if < σcp.1 = 0.3453 MPa
Ac Ac γC_uls
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier
 1 
  fck  σcp.1
VRd.c_1 := CRd.c_1 k  100  ρ1  + k1_sh  b1 d 1  1 MPa VRd.c_1 = 457.5 kN
  MPa  MPa

VRd.c_min_1 := ( νmin + k1_sh σcp.1)  b 1 d VRd.c_min_1 = 396.55 kN

VRd.c_ULS := VRd.c_1 if VRd.c_1  VRd.c_min_1

VRd.c_min_1 otherwise

VERIFIEDULS_P := "YES" if VRd.c_ULS  Vzd_1

VERIFIEDULS_P = "Need shear reinforcement"
"Need shear reinforcement" otherwise

· Requering design shear reinforcement

Shear reinforcement diameter: ϕsh := 20mm

Number of bars: nsh := 4
Spacing: ssh := 20cm
π ϕsh 1 π ( 20mm)
1 cm
Shear reinforcement dispose: Asw_dis := nsh  +  Asw_dis = 78.54
4 ssh 4 ssh m

Mechanical depth: z1 := 0.9 d = 0.796 m

Design yield strength:

fywd := 400MPa
Concrete reduction factor: ν1 := 0.6

Compression chord coefficient: αcw := 1

Shear reinforcement inclination: α := 90º

Struts inclination: cotθ := 1

fck 1
VRd_max := αcw b 1 z 1 ν1 
γC_uls  cotθ + 1  VRd_max = 6364.8 kN
 
cotθ 

"YES" if VRd_max  Vzd_1  VERIFIEDULS_P = "Need shear reinforcement"
"NO" otherwise

Necessary shear reinforcement: Asw := 0 if VERIFIED ULS_P = "YES"

 Vzd_1  Asw = 30.64
 z  f  cot  otherwise m
 1 ywd θ 
0.5 αcw ν1 fck b 1 cm
Asw_max := = 200 
fywd γC_uls m


"YES" if Asw_dis  Asw  Asw_dis < Asw_max
"NO" otherwise
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul du Tablier
· Minimum shear reinforcement (9.2.2)

Asw_dis -3
Ratio reinforcement: ρw := ρw = 7.854  10
b 1 sin( α)

1MPa -3
Minimum ratio: ρw_min := 0.08 ρw_min = 1.012  10

VERIFIEDA.sw_min := "-" if VERIFIED ULS_P = "YES"

"YES" if ρw  ρw_min  VERIFIEDULS_P = "Need shear reinforcement"
"NO" otherwise
VERIFIEDA.sw_min = "YES"


Depth deck: h deck = 0.95 m

Deck type:: Type := "Slab" ("Slab" or "Other" )

Effective deck: d = 0.884 m

Pier diameter: ϕpier := 1.00m

Punching case: Case := "Lateral"

Punching verification:

Hh := h deck Lh := 0.3m Sh := 4.4m

Punching_check_needed := "No punching check needed" if Lh < 2 Hh  Case = "Central"

( Sh - ϕpier)
"No punching check needed" if < 2  Hh  Case = "Lateral"
"No punching check needed" if Type = "Other"
"Punching check needed" otherwise

Punching_check_needed = "No punching check needed"



05-12-23 1ere Diffusion 1 J. Fernández M. Sacristán G. Capellán

Date Objet de l’indice Indice Etabli par Vérifié par Validé par

Echelles : Sans objet Numéro du document TIN300 Indice 1

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.1. CULÉE 1
1.2. CULÉE 2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Les culées sont calculées à l'aide d'un modèle de plaque de type éléments finis en utilisant
le logiciel Axis VM. Le modèle reproduit la géométrie et les matériaux utilisés pour la
conception de la structure. Les pieux des fondations sont représentés avec la rigidité réelle
du sol selon le rapport géotechnique.
Les forces induites par le tablier sont introduites dans le modèle à travers les cas de charge
correspondant à l'ELS et à l'ELU.
Le logiciel fournit les forces et la conception de l'armature pour l’ELS et l’ELU.
La semelle a été calculé par un modèle bielles tirants considérant les actions maximales des
pieux. Les pieux ont étés vérifiés par un logiciel de vérification des sections conformément à
l'Eurocode avec les actions calcules du modèle d’éléments finis.

1.1. CULÉE 1
Une vue générale du modèle d'éléments finis de la structure est présentée ci-dessous :

Modèle d’éléments finis de la culée 1

La description du modèle de la culée et les résultats du modèle sont présentés dans l'Annexe
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.2. CULÉE 2
Une vue générale du modèle d'éléments finis de la structure est présentée ci-dessous :

Modèle d’éléments finis de la culée 2

La description du modèle de la culée et les résultats du modèle sont présentés dans l'Annexe


Les appareils d’appui ont été dimensionnés en utilisant les spécifications des Eurocodes.
Les dimensions résultantes ont une largeur et une longueur de 500x600 mm d'une hauteur
de 105mm
Le calcul des appareils d’appui est présenté dans l’Annexe 2.

Les forces obtenues à partir du modèle général sont post-traitées dans un logiciel de
vérification des sections conformément à l'Eurocode.
Les armatures de flexion et de cisaillement sont calculées conformément aux normes pour
chaque pile. La semelle a été calculé par un modèle bielles tirants considérant les actions
maximales des pieux et piles. Les pieux ont étés vérifiés par un logiciel de vérification des
sections conformément à l'Eurocode.

Le calcul des piles est présenté dans l’Annexe 2.

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure


Ensuite on inclut la numération des éléments qui conforment les piles sur le modèle de calcul.

Piles (P1, P2 et P3)

Piles (P3, P4 et P5)

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Pieux (P1, P2 et P3)

Pieux (P3, P4 et P5)


Il s'incluent les enveloppes des efforts dans les éléments du modèle de calcul des piles en :
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
6545 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2382.94 128.48 912.83 12.09 1909.43 456.38
6546 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2412.88 131.21 912.83 12.09 581.15 298.94
6547 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2442.83 371.2 912.83 12.09 870.85 123.24
6548 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2472.77 393.14 912.83 12.09 2793.09 662.51
6550 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2383.09 135.55 913.22 11.99 1910.74 481.02
6551 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2413.03 138.28 913.22 11.99 581.69 310.31
6552 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2442.97 378.27 913.22 11.99 870.64 124.53
6553 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2472.92 400.22 913.22 11.99 2791.88 666.59
6555 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2129.98 116.44 460.5 9.49 1114.42 455.45
6556 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2159.93 116.67 460.5 9.49 455.88 297.5
6557 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2189.87 372.86 460.5 9.49 589.07 110.57
6558 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2219.81 394.8 460.5 9.49 1748.21 663.91
6560 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2136.47 117.61 460.5 9.45 1114.39 475.58
6561 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2166.41 120.34 460.5 9.45 455.87 309.26
6562 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2196.35 376.55 460.5 9.45 589.06 112.18
6563 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2226.3 398.49 460.5 9.45 1748.26 666.9
6565 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2165.8 121.17 166.04 6.97 573.75 481.75
6566 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2195.74 121.17 168.76 6.97 319.11 305.32
6567 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2225.68 385.37 171.49 6.97 107.58 116.45
6568 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2255.63 407.31 174.21 6.97 335.68 691.51
6570 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2172.48 120 166.64 6.92 575.43 500.31
6571 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2202.43 122.72 169.37 6.92 319.87 316.74
6572 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2232.37 387.06 172.09 6.92 107.34 118.55
6573 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2262.31 409 174.82 6.92 334.7 694.47
6575 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2117.33 113.23 747.89 7.42 1755.57 469.86
6576 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2147.27 114.08 747.89 7.42 638.6 303.34
6577 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2177.22 378.37 747.89 7.42 286.25 112.85
6578 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2207.16 400.31 747.89 7.42 987.73 674.21
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
6580 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2121.18 114.92 748.11 7.96 1756.34 489.28
6581 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2151.12 117.65 748.11 7.96 639.2 314.74
6582 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2181.07 381.95 748.11 7.96 286.36 114.36
6583 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2211.01 403.89 748.11 7.96 987.17 678.14
6585 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2417.12 128.46 1517.36 10.75 3535.92 462.3
6586 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2447.06 131.19 1517.36 10.75 1222.34 300.44
6587 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2477 375.1 1517.36 10.75 648.45 125.11
6588 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2506.95 397.04 1517.36 10.75 1805.66 674.38
6590 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2421.1 134.92 1517.22 10.83 3535.48 488.12
6591 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2451.04 137.65 1517.22 10.83 1222.12 312.43
6592 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2480.99 381.57 1517.22 10.83 648.43 126.26
6593 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -2510.93 403.51 1517.22 10.83 1805.85 678.77
6545 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6698.38 -133.35 -1360.84 -11.93 -3437.81 -476.37
6546 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6738.8 -136.07 -1360.84 -11.93 -1426.2 -309.11
6547 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6779.22 -376.07 -1360.84 -11.93 -1032.36 -126.53
6548 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6819.65 -398.01 -1360.84 -11.93 -2269.74 -672.18
6550 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6694.44 -126.25 -1360.14 -12.02 -3435.82 -451.85
6551 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6734.86 -128.97 -1360.14 -12.02 -1425.1 -297.85
6552 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6775.28 -368.97 -1360.14 -12.02 -1032.18 -125.38
6553 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6815.71 -390.91 -1360.14 -12.02 -2270.22 -667.95
6555 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6467.16 -115.59 -843.89 -9.47 -2160.05 -471.11
6556 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6507.58 -118.31 -843.89 -9.47 -884.28 -307.92
6557 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6548 -374.5 -843.89 -9.47 -465.52 -113.93
6558 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6588.43 -396.44 -843.89 -9.47 -1039.6 -671.76
6560 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6473.04 -116.32 -843.9 -9.53 -2160.09 -450.86
6561 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6513.46 -116.32 -843.9 -9.53 -884.2 -296.11
6562 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6553.89 -370.78 -843.9 -9.53 -465.55 -112.3
6563 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6594.31 -392.73 -843.9 -9.53 -1039.67 -668.8
6565 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6538.58 -118.05 -255.91 -6.9 -974.72 -496.37
6566 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6579 -120.78 -258.64 -6.9 -583.06 -315.76
6567 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6619.43 -385.11 -261.36 -6.9 -234.36 -120.6
6568 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6659.85 -407.05 -264.09 -6.9 -325.23 -699.52
6570 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6544.88 -121.16 -255.23 -6.94 -972.78 -478.33
6571 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6585.3 -121.16 -257.95 -6.94 -582.17 -304.75
6572 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6625.72 -383.49 -260.68 -6.94 -234.43 -118.74
6573 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6666.15 -405.43 -263.4 -6.94 -326.14 -696.42
6575 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6465.38 -112.99 -552.69 -7.92 -1542.43 -484.8
6576 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6505.8 -115.72 -552.69 -7.92 -755.78 -313.2
6577 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6546.23 -380.01 -552.69 -7.92 -668.45 -115.88
6578 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6586.65 -401.95 -552.69 -7.92 -1668.62 -682.01
6580 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6465.84 -113.31 -552.23 -7.4 -1540.86 -465.17
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
6581 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6506.26 -113.31 -552.23 -7.4 -754.63 -301.54
6582 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6546.68 -376.51 -552.23 -7.4 -668.28 -114.07
6583 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6587.11 -398.45 -552.23 -7.4 -1668.82 -678.64
6585 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6797.25 -132.48 -853.69 -10.88 -2102.12 -482.72
6586 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6837.67 -135.2 -853.69 -10.88 -800.84 -310.75
6587 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6878.1 -379.11 -853.69 -10.88 -1239.55 -128.37
6588 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6918.52 -401.05 -853.69 -10.88 -3406.95 -684.46
6590 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6800.72 -126.09 -853.82 -10.81 -2102.53 -456.98
6591 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6841.15 -128.81 -853.82 -10.81 -801.05 -298.81
6592 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6881.57 -372.73 -853.82 -10.81 -1239.55 -127.22
6593 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -6921.99 -394.67 -853.82 -10.81 -3406.75 -680.18

- ELS quasi-permanent

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
6545 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3039.43 40.04 479.79 0.23 784.37 94.13
6546 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3069.37 40.04 479.79 0.23 52.69 33.48
6547 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3099.32 40.04 479.79 0.23 145.76 24.21
6548 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3129.26 42.17 479.79 0.23 864.82 59.97
6550 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3036.39 24.1 480.04 0.15 785.23 49.72
6551 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3066.33 24.1 480.04 0.15 53.17 13.38
6552 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3096.28 24.1 480.04 0.15 145.72 28.43
6553 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3126.22 26.23 480.04 0.15 864.07 88.42
6555 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2933.8 40.13 156.28 0.15 210.35 95.04
6556 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2963.74 40.13 156.28 0.15 -27.98 34.01
6557 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2993.68 40.13 156.28 0.15 170.67 24.37
6558 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3023.63 42.43 156.28 0.15 656.52 59.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
6560 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2935.26 23.78 156.35 0.05 210.55 49.19
6561 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2965.21 23.78 156.35 0.05 -27.89 13.09
6562 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2995.15 23.78 156.35 0.05 170.64 28.41
6563 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3025.09 26.08 156.35 0.05 656.52 88.89
6565 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2953.67 40.16 -27.31 0.07 -145.68 95.01
6566 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2983.62 40.16 -27.31 0.07 -104.03 33.77
6567 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3013.56 40.16 -27.31 0.07 -43.41 23.95
6568 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3043.5 42.56 -27.31 0.07 34.49 60.31
6570 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2954.87 23.86 -26.95 -0.01 -144.5 49.48
6571 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2984.81 23.86 -26.95 -0.01 -103.4 13.1
6572 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3014.75 23.86 -26.95 -0.01 -43.49 28.11
6573 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3044.7 26.26 -26.95 -0.01 33.51 89.12
6575 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2899.24 40.44 230.77 0.14 427.74 96.54
6576 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2929.18 40.44 230.77 0.14 75.81 34.87
6577 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2959.13 40.44 230.77 0.14 34.01 24.57
6578 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2989.07 42.84 230.77 0.14 415.61 60.47
6580 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2897.79 23.68 231 0.32 428.5 49.41
6581 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2927.73 23.68 231 0.32 76.23 13.3
6582 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2957.68 23.68 231 0.32 34.1 28.55
6583 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -2987.62 26.08 231 0.32 415.29 90.18
6585 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3142.18 39.85 583.84 0.16 1285.01 93.75
6586 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3172.13 39.85 583.84 0.16 394.65 33.31
6587 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3202.07 39.85 583.84 0.16 229.13 24.27
6588 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3232.01 42.04 583.84 0.16 806.02 60.22
6590 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3142.6 24.17 583.74 0.25 1284.69 50.28
6591 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3172.54 24.17 583.74 0.25 394.49 13.75
6592 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3202.48 24.17 583.74 0.25 229.11 28.56
6593 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -3232.43 26.36 583.74 0.25 806.13 88.32
6545 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3290.1 -24.06 -472.47 -0.16 -1296.71 -49.76
6546 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3320.04 -24.06 -472.47 -0.16 -576.2 -13.49
6547 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3349.99 -24.06 -472.47 -0.16 -680.44 -28.59
6548 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3379.93 -26.19 -472.47 -0.16 -1410.66 -88.73
6550 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3284.67 -40.05 -472 -0.24 -1295.33 -94.51
6551 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3314.62 -40.05 -472 -0.24 -575.53 -33.84
6552 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3344.56 -40.05 -472 -0.24 -680.35 -24.55
6553 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3374.5 -42.19 -472 -0.24 -1410.96 -60.2
6555 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3109.31 -23.7 -318.76 -0.08 -801.83 -48.99
6556 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3139.25 -23.7 -318.76 -0.08 -315.71 -13
6557 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3169.19 -23.7 -318.76 -0.08 -266.57 -28.4
6558 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3199.14 -26 -318.76 -0.08 -504.64 -88.99
6560 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3110.67 -40.05 -318.78 -0.2 -801.9 -94.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
6561 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3140.61 -40.05 -318.78 -0.2 -315.76 -33.88
6562 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3170.56 -40.05 -318.78 -0.2 -266.59 -24.37
6563 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3200.5 -42.35 -318.78 -0.2 -504.76 -60.03
6565 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3143.42 -23.87 -57.21 0.02 -275.82 -49.83
6566 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3173.36 -23.87 -57.21 0.02 -188.58 -13.42
6567 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3203.3 -23.87 -57.21 0.02 -120.33 -28.43
6568 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3233.25 -26.27 -57.21 0.02 -69.35 -89.62
6570 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3144.79 -40.17 -56.82 -0.06 -274.68 -95.55
6571 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3174.73 -40.17 -56.82 -0.06 -188.04 -34.3
6572 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3204.67 -40.17 -56.82 -0.06 -120.2 -24.44
6573 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3234.62 -42.57 -56.82 -0.06 -69.46 -60.58
6575 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3106.5 -23.82 -250.39 -0.26 -729.92 -49.43
6576 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3136.45 -23.82 -250.39 -0.26 -348.08 -13.1
6577 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3166.39 -23.82 -250.39 -0.26 -276.36 -28.14
6578 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3196.33 -26.22 -250.39 -0.26 -628.05 -89.38
6580 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3104.31 -40.59 -250.12 -0.08 -729.01 -96.42
6581 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3134.25 -40.59 -250.12 -0.08 -347.57 -34.52
6582 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3164.19 -40.59 -250.12 -0.08 -276.28 -23.99
6583 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3194.14 -42.99 -250.12 -0.08 -628.32 -59.83
6585 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3343.71 -24.12 -379.11 -0.24 -928.39 -50.11
6586 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3373.65 -24.12 -379.11 -0.24 -350.26 -13.64
6587 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3403.6 -24.12 -379.11 -0.24 -496.95 -28.58
6588 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3433.54 -26.32 -379.11 -0.24 -1386.06 -88.51
6590 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3342.9 -39.74 -379.19 -0.16 -928.66 -93.45
6591 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3372.84 -39.74 -379.19 -0.16 -350.4 -33.17
6592 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3402.78 -39.74 -379.19 -0.16 -496.95 -24.23
6593 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -3432.73 -41.93 -379.19 -0.16 -1385.91 -60.24

Il s’incluent les enveloppes des efforts dans les éléments du modèle de calcul des pieux en:
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7102 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1023.27 100.27 228.1 0 249.26 153.15
7103 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1010.7 67.67 141.63 0 64.4 69.38
7104 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 998.13 40.93 74.75 0 57.74 15.29
7105 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 985.57 21.06 27.39 0 135.39 24.21
7106 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 973 7.94 2.65 0 155.95 34.65
7107 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 960.44 2.45 25.12 0 142.51 35.86
7108 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 947.87 35.24 129.97 0 64.98 17.62
7112 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 859.15 100.27 227.3 0 248 153.13
7113 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 846.58 67.67 141.08 0 63.81 69.37
7114 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 834.01 40.93 74.42 0 57.58 15.28
7115 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 821.45 21.05 27.22 0 135.27 24.2
7116 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 808.88 7.94 2.56 0 155.71 34.65
7117 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 796.32 2.45 25.11 0 142.23 35.86
7118 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 783.75 35.24 129.68 0 64.84 17.62
7122 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 858.63 100.26 227.25 0 247.91 153.12
7123 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 846.07 67.67 141.05 0 63.76 69.36
7124 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 833.5 40.93 74.4 0 57.58 15.27
7125 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 820.93 21.05 27.2 0 135.27 24.2
7126 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 808.37 7.94 2.55 0 155.72 34.65
7127 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 795.8 2.45 25.11 0 142.24 35.86
7128 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 783.23 35.24 129.69 0 64.85 17.62
7132 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1021.6 100.25 227.96 0 249.03 153.1
7133 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1009.03 67.66 141.54 0 64.29 69.35
7134 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 996.47 40.92 74.69 0 57.73 15.26
7135 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 983.9 21.05 27.36 0 135.4 24.19
7136 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 971.33 7.93 2.64 0 155.99 34.64
7137 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 958.77 2.45 25.12 0 142.56 35.86
7138 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 946.2 35.24 130.01 0 65.01 17.62
7142 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 428.74 100.9 227.96 0 249.01 154.09
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7143 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 416.17 68.1 141.53 0 64.28 69.68
7144 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 403.61 41.19 74.69 0 57.72 15.28
7145 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 391.04 21.17 27.36 0 135.4 24.07
7146 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 378.47 7.95 2.63 0 155.99 34.42
7147 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 365.91 2.46 25.12 0 142.56 35.95
7148 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 353.34 35.4 130.01 0 65.01 17.7
7152 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 245.54 100.91 227.25 0 247.9 154.13
7153 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 232.98 68.11 141.05 0 63.76 69.71
7154 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 220.41 41.19 74.39 0 57.58 15.29
7155 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 207.84 21.18 27.2 0 135.27 24.08
7156 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 195.28 7.96 2.55 0 155.72 34.43
7157 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 182.71 2.47 25.11 0 142.24 35.95
7158 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 170.14 35.4 129.69 0 64.85 17.7
7162 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 246.03 100.92 227.3 0 247.99 154.14
7163 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 233.46 68.12 141.08 0 63.8 69.72
7164 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 220.89 41.2 74.42 0 57.58 15.3
7165 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 208.33 21.18 27.21 0 135.27 24.09
7166 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 195.76 7.96 2.56 0 155.71 34.43
7167 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 183.2 2.47 25.11 0 142.23 35.95
7168 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 170.63 35.4 129.68 0 64.84 17.7
7172 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 430.08 100.92 228.09 0 249.24 154.16
7173 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 417.51 68.12 141.63 0 64.39 69.73
7174 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 404.94 41.2 74.75 0 57.74 15.31
7175 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 392.38 21.18 27.39 0 135.38 24.09
7176 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 379.81 7.96 2.65 0 155.95 34.43
7177 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 367.24 2.47 25.12 0 142.52 35.95
7178 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 354.68 35.4 129.97 0 64.99 17.7
7202 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 452.96 101.25 115.09 0 164.04 175.12
7203 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 440.4 73.49 78.12 0 67.44 87.86
7204 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 427.83 52.48 51.29 0 4.13 24.96
7205 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 415.26 39.64 35.44 0 74 24.6
7206 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 402.7 42.41 106.58 0 53.29 21.21
7212 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 263.34 101.25 114.1 0 162.27 175.11
7213 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 250.77 73.48 77.39 0 66.53 87.85
7214 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 238.21 52.48 50.77 0 3.36 24.95
7215 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 225.64 39.63 35.04 0 73.8 24.6
7216 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 213.07 42.42 106.18 0 53.09 21.21
7222 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 263.37 101.25 114.1 0 162.28 175.09
7223 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 250.8 73.48 77.39 0 66.54 87.84
7224 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 238.23 52.48 50.77 0 3.36 24.95
7225 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 225.67 39.63 35.04 0 73.8 24.6
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7226 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 213.1 42.42 106.18 0 53.09 21.21
7232 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 453.19 101.23 115.09 0 164.03 175.06
7233 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 440.63 73.47 78.12 0 67.43 87.82
7234 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 428.06 52.47 51.29 0 4.13 24.94
7235 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 415.5 39.62 35.44 0 74 24.6
7236 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 402.93 42.41 106.59 0 53.29 21.21
7242 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -6.98 100.37 115.08 0 164.02 173.72
7243 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -19.55 72.86 78.11 0 67.42 87.18
7244 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -32.12 52.05 51.29 0 4.12 24.76
7245 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -44.68 39.32 35.43 0 74 24.44
7246 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -57.25 42 106.58 0 53.29 21
7252 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -188.96 100.39 114.09 0 162.26 173.77
7253 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -201.53 72.88 77.39 0 66.53 87.2
7254 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -214.09 52.07 50.77 0 3.36 24.78
7255 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -226.66 39.33 35.04 0 73.8 24.45
7256 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -239.23 42 106.18 0 53.09 21
7262 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -189.18 100.39 114.09 0 162.26 173.78
7263 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -201.75 72.88 77.39 0 66.53 87.21
7264 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -214.31 52.07 50.77 0 3.36 24.78
7265 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -226.88 39.34 35.03 0 73.8 24.45
7266 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -239.45 42.01 106.18 0 53.09 21
7272 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -7.55 100.39 115.08 0 164.02 173.8
7273 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -20.12 72.89 78.11 0 67.42 87.23
7274 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -32.69 52.07 51.29 0 4.12 24.79
7275 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -45.25 39.34 35.43 0 73.99 24.45
7276 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -57.82 42 106.58 0 53.29 21
7302 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -222.43 104.16 43.79 0 67.51 177.57
7303 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -234.99 83.51 33.92 0 28.66 83.9
7304 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -247.56 69.84 27.54 0 4.13 7.37
7305 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -260.13 30.1 23.68 0 11.84 15.05
7312 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -537.91 104.16 40.72 0 62.18 177.55
7313 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -550.47 83.51 31.43 0 26.11 83.89
7314 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -563.04 69.84 25.46 0 4.03 7.37
7315 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -575.61 30.1 22.91 0 11.46 15.05
7322 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -536 104.15 40.68 0 62.09 177.55
7323 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -548.56 83.51 31.4 0 26.05 83.88
7324 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -561.13 69.84 25.43 0 4.03 7.36
7325 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -573.69 30.1 22.91 0 11.45 15.05
7332 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -218.38 104.14 43.66 0 67.26 177.5
7333 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -230.95 83.49 33.81 0 28.52 83.86
7334 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -243.52 69.82 27.45 0 4.12 7.36
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7335 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -256.08 30.09 23.71 0 11.85 15.05
7342 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -292.02 103.79 43.65 0 67.23 176.95
7343 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -304.59 83.24 33.8 0 28.51 83.6
7344 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -317.15 69.61 27.44 0 4.12 7.33
7345 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -329.72 29.98 23.7 0 11.85 14.99
7352 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -609.47 103.81 40.68 0 62.08 177
7353 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -622.04 83.26 31.39 0 26.04 83.63
7354 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -634.6 69.62 25.42 0 4.03 7.34
7355 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -647.17 29.98 22.91 0 11.45 14.99
7362 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -609.87 103.82 40.71 0 62.17 177.01
7363 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -622.43 83.26 31.43 0 26.1 83.64
7364 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -635 69.63 25.45 0 4.03 7.34
7365 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -647.57 29.98 22.91 0 11.46 14.99
7372 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -294.6 103.82 43.78 0 67.48 177.03
7373 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -307.17 83.27 33.91 0 28.65 83.65
7374 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -319.74 69.63 27.53 0 4.12 7.35
7375 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -332.3 29.98 23.68 0 11.84 14.99
7402 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 55.87 102.09 187.16 0 276.94 174.57
7403 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 43.31 82.03 142.94 0 111.89 82.56
7404 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 30.74 68.63 114.72 0 11.11 7.33
7405 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 18.17 29.55 53.47 0 26.73 14.78
7412 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -129.18 102.09 185.98 0 274.89 174.56
7413 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -141.75 82.03 141.99 0 110.9 82.55
7414 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -154.31 68.63 113.92 0 11.02 7.32
7415 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -166.88 29.55 53.18 0 26.59 14.78
7422 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -129.46 102.09 185.94 0 274.81 174.55
7423 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -142.02 82.03 141.95 0 110.87 82.55
7424 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -154.59 68.63 113.89 0 11.01 7.31
7425 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr -167.16 29.55 53.19 0 26.6 14.78
7432 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 55.33 102.07 187.01 0 276.68 174.5
7433 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 42.76 82.01 142.82 0 111.77 82.52
7434 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 30.19 68.61 114.62 0 11.1 7.31
7435 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 17.63 29.55 53.48 0 26.74 14.77
7442 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 357.33 102.24 186.99 0 276.65 174.8
7443 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 344.76 82.17 142.81 0 111.76 82.63
7444 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 332.19 68.75 114.61 0 11.1 7.31
7445 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 319.63 29.56 53.48 0 26.74 14.78
7452 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 161.86 102.26 185.93 0 274.8 174.84
7453 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 149.29 82.19 141.95 0 110.86 82.65
7454 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 136.73 68.76 113.88 0 11.01 7.31
7455 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 124.16 29.57 53.19 0 26.6 14.78
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7462 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 161.77 102.27 185.98 0 274.88 174.85
7463 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 149.2 82.19 141.99 0 110.9 82.66
7464 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 136.64 68.76 113.92 0 11.01 7.31
7465 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 124.07 29.57 53.18 0 26.59 14.78
7472 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 357.51 102.27 187.15 0 276.91 174.86
7473 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 344.95 82.2 142.93 0 111.88 82.67
7474 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 332.38 68.77 114.71 0 11.11 7.32
7475 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 319.82 29.56 53.47 0 26.73 14.78
7502 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 425.63 102.1 379.41 0 560.82 174.68
7503 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 413.07 82.07 289.67 0 226.28 82.62
7504 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 400.5 68.68 232.41 0 19.03 7.41
7505 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 387.93 30.07 84.26 0 42.13 15.04
7512 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 229.79 102.09 378.03 0 558.42 174.65
7513 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 217.22 82.06 288.56 0 225.13 82.6
7514 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 204.65 68.67 231.47 0 18.92 7.4
7515 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 192.09 30.08 83.94 0 41.97 15.04
7522 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 229.75 102.09 378.05 0 558.45 174.65
7523 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 217.18 82.06 288.57 0 225.14 82.6
7524 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 204.62 68.67 231.49 0 18.92 7.4
7525 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 192.05 30.07 83.94 0 41.97 15.04
7532 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 425.56 102.06 379.45 0 560.89 174.59
7533 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 412.99 82.04 289.71 0 226.31 82.56
7534 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 400.43 68.64 232.44 0 19.03 7.39
7535 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 387.86 30.07 84.25 0 42.13 15.03
7542 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1409.01 100.78 379.44 0 560.87 172.4
7543 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1396.44 81.01 289.7 0 226.3 81.53
7544 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1383.88 67.78 232.43 0 19.02 7.34
7545 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1371.31 30.1 84.25 0 42.13 15.05
7552 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1233.93 100.8 378.04 0 558.44 172.44
7553 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1221.36 81.03 288.57 0 225.13 81.55
7554 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1208.79 67.8 231.48 0 18.92 7.35
7555 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1196.23 30.1 83.94 0 41.97 15.05
7562 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1234.07 100.81 378.02 0 558.41 172.45
7563 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1221.5 81.03 288.55 0 225.12 81.56
7564 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1208.94 67.8 231.47 0 18.92 7.35
7565 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1196.37 30.1 83.94 0 41.97 15.05
7572 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1409.47 100.81 379.4 0 560.79 172.46
7573 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1396.91 81.04 289.66 0 226.26 81.57
7574 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1384.34 67.81 232.4 0 19.02 7.36
7575 06a-ULS-SH(max) 02-abr 1371.77 30.1 84.26 0 42.13 15.05
7102 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3022.29 -99.73 -339.88 0 -381.61 -152.32
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7103 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3039.26 -67.31 -212.31 0 -105.52 -69.01
7104 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3056.22 -40.71 -113.28 0 -44.22 -15.2
7105 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3073.18 -20.94 -42.92 0 -94.88 -24.29
7106 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3090.15 -7.9 -3.47 0 -107.26 -34.81
7107 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3107.11 -2.45 -18.24 0 -96.86 -36.04
7108 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3124.08 -35.42 -87.76 0 -43.88 -17.71
7112 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2819.62 -99.74 -339.05 0 -380.3 -152.34
7113 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2836.59 -67.32 -211.75 0 -104.91 -69.02
7114 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2853.55 -40.72 -112.93 0 -44.1 -15.21
7115 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2870.52 -20.94 -42.74 0 -94.78 -24.3
7116 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2887.48 -7.9 -3.38 0 -107.04 -34.81
7117 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2904.45 -2.45 -18.23 0 -96.59 -36.05
7118 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2921.41 -35.43 -87.48 0 -43.74 -17.71
7122 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2820.42 -99.74 -339.09 0 -380.38 -152.35
7123 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2837.39 -67.32 -211.78 0 -104.95 -69.03
7124 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2854.35 -40.72 -112.95 0 -44.1 -15.22
7125 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2871.32 -20.95 -42.75 0 -94.78 -24.3
7126 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2888.28 -7.9 -3.39 0 -107.03 -34.81
7127 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2905.25 -2.45 -18.23 0 -96.57 -36.05
7128 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2922.21 -35.42 -87.46 0 -43.73 -17.71
7132 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3024.3 -99.74 -340.01 0 -381.81 -152.37
7133 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3041.27 -67.33 -212.4 0 -105.62 -69.04
7134 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3058.23 -40.72 -113.33 0 -44.23 -15.23
7135 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3075.19 -20.95 -42.95 0 -94.87 -24.3
7136 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3092.16 -7.9 -3.49 0 -107.23 -34.81
7137 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3109.12 -2.45 -18.24 0 -96.81 -36.04
7138 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3126.09 -35.42 -87.71 0 -43.85 -17.71
7142 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3436.64 -100.32 -340.02 0 -381.83 -153.25
7143 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3453.61 -67.72 -212.4 0 -105.63 -69.33
7144 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3470.57 -40.96 -113.33 0 -44.24 -15.23
7145 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3487.53 -21.06 -42.95 0 -94.88 -24.2
7146 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3504.5 -7.92 -3.49 0 -107.23 -34.62
7147 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3521.46 -2.47 -18.24 0 -96.81 -36.15
7148 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3538.43 -35.61 -87.71 0 -43.85 -17.8
7152 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3232.57 -100.32 -339.09 0 -380.39 -153.24
7153 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3249.53 -67.72 -211.78 0 -104.95 -69.31
7154 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3266.49 -40.96 -112.95 0 -44.1 -15.22
7155 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3283.46 -21.06 -42.75 0 -94.78 -24.19
7156 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3300.42 -7.92 -3.39 0 -107.03 -34.62
7157 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3317.39 -2.47 -18.23 0 -96.57 -36.16
7158 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3334.35 -35.61 -87.46 0 -43.73 -17.8
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7162 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3231.86 -100.32 -339.05 0 -380.31 -153.24
7163 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3248.82 -67.72 -211.75 0 -104.91 -69.31
7164 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3265.79 -40.95 -112.93 0 -44.1 -15.21
7165 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3282.75 -21.05 -42.74 0 -94.78 -24.19
7166 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3299.71 -7.91 -3.38 0 -107.04 -34.62
7167 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3316.68 -2.47 -18.23 0 -96.59 -36.16
7168 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3333.64 -35.61 -87.48 0 -43.74 -17.8
7172 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3434.27 -100.31 -339.89 0 -381.62 -153.2
7173 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3451.23 -67.71 -212.32 0 -105.53 -69.29
7174 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3468.19 -40.95 -113.28 0 -44.22 -15.2
7175 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3485.16 -21.05 -42.92 0 -94.89 -24.18
7176 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3502.12 -7.91 -3.48 0 -107.27 -34.61
7177 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3519.09 -2.46 -18.24 0 -96.86 -36.16
7178 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3536.05 -35.61 -87.76 0 -43.88 -17.8
7202 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2364.38 -100.71 -210.95 0 -301.85 -174.21
7203 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2381.34 -73.09 -143.37 0 -124.69 -87.42
7204 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2398.31 -52.21 -94.3 0 -7.13 -24.85
7205 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2415.27 -39.43 -65.28 0 -40.7 -24.73
7206 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2432.24 -42.64 -58.36 0 -29.18 -21.32
7212 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2127.17 -100.72 -209.92 0 -300.02 -174.24
7213 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2144.14 -73.11 -142.62 0 -123.76 -87.44
7214 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2161.1 -52.22 -93.76 0 -6.32 -24.86
7215 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2178.07 -39.44 -64.87 0 -40.51 -24.74
7216 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2195.03 -42.64 -57.97 0 -28.99 -21.32
7222 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2126.91 -100.72 -209.93 0 -300.04 -174.25
7223 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2143.87 -73.11 -142.62 0 -123.77 -87.45
7224 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2160.84 -52.22 -93.76 0 -6.32 -24.86
7225 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2177.8 -39.44 -64.87 0 -40.51 -24.74
7226 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2194.77 -42.64 -57.98 0 -28.99 -21.32
7232 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2363.67 -100.72 -210.96 0 -301.87 -174.27
7233 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2380.64 -73.11 -143.38 0 -124.7 -87.46
7234 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2397.6 -52.22 -94.31 0 -7.13 -24.87
7235 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2414.56 -39.45 -65.29 0 -40.7 -24.74
7236 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2431.53 -42.64 -58.36 0 -29.18 -21.32
7242 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2895.6 -99.88 -210.97 0 -301.89 -172.97
7243 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2912.57 -72.53 -143.39 0 -124.71 -86.84
7244 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2929.53 -51.82 -94.31 0 -7.14 -24.71
7245 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2946.49 -39.16 -65.29 0 -40.7 -24.58
7246 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2963.46 -42.23 -58.36 0 -29.18 -21.11
7252 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2679.21 -99.88 -209.93 0 -300.04 -172.95
7253 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2696.17 -72.52 -142.63 0 -123.77 -86.82
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7254 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2713.14 -51.82 -93.76 0 -6.32 -24.7
7255 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2730.1 -39.15 -64.87 0 -40.51 -24.58
7256 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2747.07 -42.23 -57.97 0 -28.99 -21.11
7262 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2679.29 -99.88 -209.92 0 -300.03 -172.95
7263 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2696.26 -72.52 -142.62 0 -123.77 -86.82
7264 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2713.22 -51.82 -93.76 0 -6.32 -24.69
7265 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2730.19 -39.15 -64.87 0 -40.51 -24.58
7266 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2747.15 -42.23 -57.97 0 -28.99 -21.11
7272 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2895.98 -99.87 -210.95 0 -301.87 -172.91
7273 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2912.94 -72.51 -143.38 0 -124.7 -86.79
7274 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2929.91 -51.8 -94.31 0 -7.14 -24.68
7275 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2946.87 -39.14 -65.29 0 -40.7 -24.57
7276 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2963.84 -42.23 -58.36 0 -29.18 -21.11
7302 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2239.82 -103.68 -65.93 0 -101.98 -176.72
7303 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2256.79 -83.14 -51.12 0 -43.45 -83.51
7304 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2273.75 -69.53 -41.56 0 -3.32 -7.35
7305 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2290.72 -30.23 -15.85 0 -7.93 -15.11
7312 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1859.61 -103.7 -62.93 0 -96.76 -176.77
7313 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1876.57 -83.16 -48.7 0 -40.95 -83.54
7314 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1893.54 -69.54 -39.51 0 -3.24 -7.36
7315 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1910.5 -30.23 -15.07 0 -7.54 -15.12
7322 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1859.48 -103.71 -62.99 0 -96.91 -176.78
7323 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1876.44 -83.16 -48.75 0 -41.04 -83.55
7324 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1893.41 -69.55 -39.57 0 -3.24 -7.36
7325 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1910.37 -30.23 -15.08 0 -7.54 -15.12
7332 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2237.94 -103.71 -66.12 0 -102.35 -176.8
7333 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2254.91 -83.17 -51.29 0 -43.65 -83.56
7334 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2271.87 -69.55 -41.7 0 -3.33 -7.37
7335 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2288.84 -30.23 -15.84 0 -7.92 -15.12
7342 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2337.09 -103.3 -66.13 0 -102.38 -176.21
7343 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2354.05 -82.86 -51.29 0 -43.67 -83.27
7344 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2371.01 -69.31 -41.7 0 -3.33 -7.34
7345 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2387.98 -30.14 -15.84 0 -7.92 -15.07
7352 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1959.39 -103.3 -62.99 0 -96.92 -176.2
7353 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1976.35 -82.86 -48.76 0 -41.04 -83.26
7354 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1993.32 -69.3 -39.57 0 -3.24 -7.33
7355 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2010.28 -30.14 -15.08 0 -7.54 -15.07
7362 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1961.24 -103.3 -62.93 0 -96.77 -176.19
7363 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1978.2 -82.85 -48.7 0 -40.95 -83.25
7364 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -1995.17 -69.3 -39.52 0 -3.24 -7.33
7365 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2012.13 -30.14 -15.07 0 -7.53 -15.07
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7372 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2341.19 -103.28 -65.94 0 -102 -176.14
7373 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2358.15 -82.84 -51.13 0 -43.47 -83.23
7374 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2375.11 -69.28 -41.56 0 -3.33 -7.32
7375 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2392.08 -30.14 -15.85 0 -7.93 -15.07
7402 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2775.29 -101.64 -138.15 0 -206.85 -173.79
7403 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2792.26 -81.67 -105.94 0 -84.81 -82.2
7404 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2809.22 -68.33 -85.31 0 -17.23 -7.3
7405 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2826.19 -29.68 -74.31 0 -37.16 -14.84
7412 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2556.05 -101.66 -137 0 -204.87 -173.84
7413 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2573.01 -81.69 -105.01 0 -83.86 -82.22
7414 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2589.98 -68.35 -84.53 0 -17.15 -7.3
7415 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2606.94 -29.69 -74.01 0 -37.01 -14.84
7422 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2556.01 -101.66 -137.02 0 -204.89 -173.85
7423 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2572.97 -81.69 -105.02 0 -83.87 -82.23
7424 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2589.94 -68.35 -84.54 0 -17.15 -7.31
7425 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2606.9 -29.69 -74 0 -37 -14.85
7432 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2775.8 -101.67 -138.18 0 -206.9 -173.87
7433 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2792.77 -81.7 -105.96 0 -84.83 -82.25
7434 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2809.73 -68.36 -85.33 0 -17.25 -7.32
7435 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2826.7 -29.69 -74.27 0 -37.14 -14.84
7442 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2461.51 -101.75 -138.19 0 -206.92 -174
7443 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2478.47 -81.78 -105.97 0 -84.84 -82.28
7444 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2495.44 -68.42 -85.33 0 -17.25 -7.31
7445 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2512.4 -29.71 -74.27 0 -37.14 -14.86
7452 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2200.49 -101.74 -137.02 0 -204.9 -173.98
7453 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2217.46 -81.78 -105.02 0 -83.87 -82.26
7454 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2234.42 -68.42 -84.54 0 -17.15 -7.3
7455 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2251.39 -29.71 -74 0 -37 -14.86
7462 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2199.92 -101.74 -137 0 -204.87 -173.97
7463 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2216.88 -81.77 -105.01 0 -83.87 -82.26
7464 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2233.85 -68.42 -84.53 0 -17.15 -7.3
7465 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2250.81 -29.71 -74.01 0 -37.01 -14.86
7472 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2460.22 -101.72 -138.16 0 -206.87 -173.93
7473 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2477.18 -81.75 -105.94 0 -84.82 -82.23
7474 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2494.15 -68.4 -85.32 0 -17.24 -7.29
7475 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2511.11 -29.71 -74.31 0 -37.16 -14.85
7502 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3939.03 -101.45 -213.51 0 -316.82 -173.59
7503 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3955.99 -81.55 -163.22 0 -128.46 -82.11
7504 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3972.96 -68.25 -131.1 0 -35.12 -7.37
7505 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3989.92 -30.25 -150.97 0 -75.49 -15.13
7512 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3727.75 -101.48 -212.24 0 -314.63 -173.64
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7513 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3744.71 -81.58 -162.2 0 -127.41 -82.14
7514 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3761.68 -68.26 -130.24 0 -35 -7.38
7515 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3778.64 -30.26 -150.62 0 -75.31 -15.13
7522 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3727.86 -101.48 -212.23 0 -314.61 -173.64
7523 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3744.83 -81.58 -162.19 0 -127.4 -82.14
7524 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3761.79 -68.27 -130.24 0 -35 -7.38
7525 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3778.76 -30.26 -150.63 0 -75.32 -15.13
7532 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3939.44 -101.48 -213.48 0 -316.77 -173.67
7533 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3956.41 -81.58 -163.2 0 -128.43 -82.16
7534 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3973.37 -68.27 -131.08 0 -35.12 -7.39
7535 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3990.34 -30.26 -150.99 0 -75.49 -15.13
7542 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2971.19 -100.21 -213.49 0 -316.79 -171.47
7543 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2988.15 -80.56 -163.21 0 -128.45 -81.12
7544 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3005.12 -67.41 -131.09 0 -35.12 -7.34
7545 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3022.08 -30.28 -150.99 0 -75.49 -15.14
7552 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2759.73 -100.21 -212.23 0 -314.62 -171.46
7553 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2776.69 -80.56 -162.19 0 -127.4 -81.11
7554 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2793.66 -67.41 -130.24 0 -35.01 -7.33
7555 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2810.62 -30.29 -150.63 0 -75.32 -15.14
7562 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2759.67 -100.2 -212.24 0 -314.63 -171.45
7563 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2776.63 -80.55 -162.2 0 -127.41 -81.1
7564 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2793.6 -67.4 -130.25 0 -35.01 -7.33
7565 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2810.56 -30.29 -150.62 0 -75.31 -15.14
7572 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2971.06 -100.18 -213.52 0 -316.85 -171.41
7573 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -2988.03 -80.54 -163.23 0 -128.47 -81.08
7574 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3004.99 -67.39 -131.11 0 -35.13 -7.33
7575 06a-ULS-SH(min) 02-abr -3021.96 -30.28 -150.97 0 -75.49 -15.14

- ELS quasi-permanent
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7102 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -349.54 1.17 120.02 0 127.09 1.78
7103 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -362.1 0.79 74.02 0 30.07 0.8
7104 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -374.67 0.48 38.58 0 18.61 0.17
7105 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -387.24 0.24 13.57 0 46.04 0.23
7106 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -399.8 0.09 0.29 0 53.52 0.38
7107 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -412.37 0.01 8.38 0 49.19 0.42
7108 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -424.94 0.42 45 0 22.5 0.21
7112 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -351.79 1.16 119.99 0 127.04 1.75
7113 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -364.36 0.78 74 0 30.05 0.78
7114 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -376.93 0.47 38.57 0 18.6 0.16
7115 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -389.49 0.24 13.57 0 46.05 0.22
7116 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -402.06 0.09 0.28 0 53.53 0.38
7117 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -414.62 0.01 8.38 0 49.2 0.42
7118 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -427.19 0.42 45.01 0 22.5 0.21
7122 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -352.27 1.16 119.97 0 127 1.75
7123 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -364.84 0.78 73.98 0 30.03 0.78
7124 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -377.4 0.47 38.56 0 18.6 0.16
7125 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -389.97 0.24 13.56 0 46.05 0.22
7126 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -402.54 0.09 0.28 0 53.54 0.38
7127 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -415.1 0.01 8.38 0 49.21 0.42
7128 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -427.67 0.42 45.02 0 22.51 0.21
7132 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -350.98 1.15 119.95 0 126.97 1.73
7133 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -363.55 0.77 73.97 0 30.02 0.77
7134 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -376.11 0.46 38.55 0 18.59 0.16
7135 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -388.68 0.24 13.56 0 46.06 0.22
7136 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -401.24 0.09 0.28 0 53.55 0.38
7137 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -413.81 0 8.38 0 49.22 0.42
7138 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -426.38 0.42 45.03 0 22.52 0.21
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7142 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -208.63 1.18 119.94 0 126.96 1.78
7143 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -221.2 0.8 73.96 0 30.01 0.79
7144 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -233.76 0.48 38.55 0 18.59 0.16
7145 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -246.33 0.24 13.56 0 46.06 0.21
7146 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -258.9 0.09 0.28 0 53.55 0.37
7147 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -271.46 0 8.38 0 49.22 0.41
7148 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -284.03 0.41 45.03 0 22.52 0.21
7152 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -210.04 1.19 119.97 0 127 1.79
7153 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -222.61 0.8 73.98 0 30.03 0.8
7154 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -235.18 0.48 38.56 0 18.59 0.16
7155 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -247.74 0.25 13.56 0 46.05 0.22
7156 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -260.31 0.09 0.28 0 53.54 0.37
7157 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -272.87 0.01 8.38 0 49.21 0.41
7158 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -285.44 0.41 45.02 0 22.51 0.2
7162 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -209.75 1.19 119.99 0 127.04 1.8
7163 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -222.31 0.8 74 0 30.04 0.81
7164 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -234.88 0.48 38.57 0 18.6 0.17
7165 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -247.44 0.25 13.57 0 46.05 0.22
7166 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -260.01 0.09 0.28 0 53.53 0.37
7167 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -272.58 0.01 8.38 0 49.2 0.41
7168 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -285.14 0.41 45.01 0 22.5 0.2
7172 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -207.74 1.19 120.02 0 127.07 1.82
7173 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -220.3 0.8 74.01 0 30.06 0.82
7174 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -232.87 0.49 38.58 0 18.6 0.18
7175 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -245.43 0.25 13.57 0 46.04 0.23
7176 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -258 0.09 0.29 0 53.52 0.38
7177 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -270.57 0.01 8.38 0 49.19 0.41
7178 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -283.13 0.41 45 0 22.5 0.2
7202 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -469.74 1.21 39.09 0 53.42 2.07
7203 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -482.31 0.87 26.18 0 20.78 1.03
7204 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -494.88 0.62 16.87 0 -0.48 0.28
7205 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -507.44 0.47 11.41 0 28.1 0.26
7206 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -520.01 0.49 40.38 0 20.19 0.24
7212 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -471.65 1.2 39.08 0 53.39 2.05
7213 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -484.22 0.87 26.17 0 20.77 1.02
7214 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -496.79 0.62 16.87 0 -0.48 0.27
7215 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -509.35 0.46 11.4 0 28.1 0.26
7216 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -521.92 0.49 40.38 0 20.19 0.24
7222 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -471.48 1.2 39.08 0 53.38 2.04
7223 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -484.05 0.86 26.16 0 20.76 1.01
7224 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -496.61 0.61 16.86 0 -0.49 0.27
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7225 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -509.18 0.46 11.4 0 28.1 0.26
7226 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -521.75 0.49 40.38 0 20.19 0.24
7232 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -469.23 1.19 39.07 0 53.38 2.03
7233 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -481.8 0.86 26.16 0 20.76 1
7234 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -494.36 0.61 16.86 0 -0.48 0.27
7235 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -506.93 0.46 11.4 0 28.1 0.26
7236 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -519.49 0.49 40.38 0 20.19 0.24
7242 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -635.57 1.19 39.07 0 53.37 2.03
7243 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -648.14 0.86 26.16 0 20.75 1
7244 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -660.7 0.61 16.86 0 -0.49 0.27
7245 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -673.27 0.46 11.39 0 28.1 0.25
7246 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -685.84 0.48 40.38 0 20.19 0.24
7252 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -637.9 1.2 39.07 0 53.38 2.05
7253 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -650.47 0.87 26.16 0 20.76 1.01
7254 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -663.04 0.61 16.86 0 -0.49 0.27
7255 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -675.6 0.46 11.4 0 28.1 0.26
7256 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -688.17 0.48 40.38 0 20.19 0.24
7262 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -638.07 1.2 39.08 0 53.39 2.05
7263 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -650.63 0.87 26.17 0 20.76 1.02
7264 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -663.2 0.62 16.87 0 -0.49 0.27
7265 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -675.77 0.46 11.4 0 28.1 0.26
7266 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -688.33 0.49 40.38 0 20.19 0.24
7272 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -636.06 1.21 39.09 0 53.4 2.07
7273 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -648.63 0.87 26.17 0 20.77 1.03
7274 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -661.19 0.62 16.87 0 -0.49 0.28
7275 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -673.76 0.47 11.4 0 28.1 0.26
7276 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -686.33 0.49 40.38 0 20.19 0.24
7302 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -858.62 1.23 -6.72 0 -10.69 2.1
7303 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -871.18 0.99 -5.26 0 -4.7 0.98
7304 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -883.75 0.83 -4.31 0 0.65 0.08
7305 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -896.31 0.35 4.9 0 2.45 0.17
7312 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -861.13 1.23 -6.76 0 -10.77 2.08
7313 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -873.69 0.98 -5.3 0 -4.74 0.97
7314 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -886.26 0.82 -4.34 0 0.64 0.07
7315 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -898.83 0.35 4.9 0 2.45 0.17
7322 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -861.11 1.22 -6.8 0 -10.83 2.07
7323 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -873.68 0.98 -5.33 0 -4.77 0.97
7324 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -886.25 0.82 -4.37 0 0.64 0.07
7325 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -898.81 0.35 4.91 0 2.45 0.17
7332 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -858.58 1.22 -6.83 0 -10.88 2.05
7333 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -871.14 0.97 -5.35 0 -4.79 0.96
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7334 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -883.71 0.81 -4.39 0 0.64 0.07
7335 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -896.27 0.34 4.92 0 2.46 0.17
7342 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -910.66 1.24 -6.84 0 -10.9 2.09
7343 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -923.23 0.99 -5.36 0 -4.8 0.98
7344 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -935.8 0.83 -4.39 0 0.63 0.07
7345 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -948.36 0.34 4.91 0 2.46 0.17
7352 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -913.23 1.25 -6.8 0 -10.84 2.12
7353 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -925.8 1 -5.33 0 -4.77 0.99
7354 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -938.37 0.83 -4.37 0 0.64 0.07
7355 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -950.93 0.34 4.91 0 2.45 0.17
7362 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -913.25 1.25 -6.77 0 -10.77 2.12
7363 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -925.82 1 -5.3 0 -4.74 0.99
7364 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -938.38 0.84 -4.34 0 0.64 0.07
7365 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -950.95 0.34 4.9 0 2.45 0.17
7372 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -910.71 1.26 -6.73 0 -10.71 2.14
7373 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -923.27 1.01 -5.27 0 -4.71 1.01
7374 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -935.84 0.84 -4.32 0 0.64 0.08
7375 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -948.41 0.34 4.9 0 2.45 0.17
7402 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -555.61 1.19 57.77 0 84.28 2.03
7403 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -568.18 0.96 43.91 0 33.44 0.95
7404 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -580.75 0.8 35.1 0 4.81 0.08
7405 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -593.31 0.34 24.14 0 12.07 0.17
7412 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -557.93 1.18 57.74 0 84.22 2.01
7413 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -570.5 0.95 43.89 0 33.41 0.94
7414 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -583.07 0.79 35.08 0 4.81 0.07
7415 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -595.63 0.34 24.14 0 12.07 0.17
7422 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -558.02 1.18 57.71 0 84.17 2
7423 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -570.59 0.95 43.86 0 33.39 0.94
7424 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -583.16 0.79 35.06 0 4.81 0.07
7425 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -595.72 0.34 24.14 0 12.07 0.17
7432 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -555.88 1.17 57.68 0 84.13 1.98
7433 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -568.45 0.94 43.84 0 33.37 0.93
7434 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -581.01 0.78 35.04 0 4.81 0.07
7435 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -593.58 0.34 24.15 0 12.07 0.17
7442 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -552.84 1.19 57.68 0 84.12 2.02
7443 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -565.41 0.95 43.84 0 33.36 0.94
7444 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -577.97 0.8 35.04 0 4.81 0.07
7445 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -590.54 0.33 24.15 0 12.07 0.17
7452 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -554.94 1.2 57.7 0 84.16 2.03
7453 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -567.5 0.96 43.86 0 33.38 0.95
7454 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -580.07 0.8 35.05 0 4.81 0.07
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7455 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -592.64 0.34 24.14 0 12.07 0.17
7462 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -554.81 1.2 57.73 0 84.21 2.04
7463 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -567.38 0.96 43.88 0 33.41 0.96
7464 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -579.95 0.81 35.07 0 4.81 0.07
7465 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -592.51 0.34 24.14 0 12.07 0.17
7472 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -552.46 1.21 57.76 0 84.27 2.06
7473 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -565.03 0.97 43.91 0 33.43 0.97
7474 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -577.59 0.81 35.1 0 4.81 0.08
7475 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -590.16 0.34 24.14 0 12.07 0.17
7502 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -417.96 1.2 145.94 0 214.81 2.06
7503 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -430.52 0.97 111.26 0 86.21 0.97
7504 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -443.09 0.81 89.16 0 8.47 0.08
7505 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -455.66 0.32 37.54 0 18.77 0.16
7512 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -419.93 1.19 145.94 0 214.82 2.02
7513 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -432.5 0.95 111.27 0 86.21 0.95
7514 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -445.06 0.8 89.16 0 8.47 0.07
7515 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -457.63 0.32 37.54 0 18.77 0.16
7522 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -419.88 1.19 145.95 0 214.83 2.02
7523 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -432.44 0.96 111.27 0 86.22 0.95
7524 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -445.01 0.8 89.17 0 8.47 0.07
7525 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -457.58 0.32 37.54 0 18.77 0.16
7532 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -417.81 1.18 145.97 0 214.86 2
7533 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -430.37 0.95 111.29 0 86.23 0.93
7534 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -442.94 0.79 89.18 0 8.47 0.07
7535 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -455.5 0.32 37.54 0 18.77 0.16
7542 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -107.85 1.17 145.96 0 214.84 1.99
7543 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -120.41 0.94 111.28 0 86.22 0.93
7544 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -132.98 0.78 89.17 0 8.47 0.07
7545 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -145.55 0.32 37.54 0 18.77 0.16
7552 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -109.64 1.18 145.95 0 214.82 1.99
7553 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -122.2 0.94 111.27 0 86.21 0.93
7554 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -134.77 0.79 89.17 0 8.47 0.07
7555 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -147.34 0.32 37.54 0 18.77 0.16
7562 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -109.59 1.18 145.94 0 214.81 2.01
7563 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -122.16 0.95 111.26 0 86.21 0.94
7564 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -134.72 0.79 89.16 0 8.47 0.07
7565 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -147.29 0.32 37.54 0 18.77 0.16
7572 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -107.73 1.19 145.93 0 214.8 2.03
7573 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -120.3 0.95 111.26 0 86.2 0.96
7574 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -132.86 0.8 89.16 0 8.47 0.08
7575 03a-SLS-QUASIP(max) 02-abr -145.43 0.32 37.54 0 18.77 0.16
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7102 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1670.58 -1.18 -118.01 0 -134.13 -1.75
7103 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1683.15 -0.79 -73.92 0 -38.17 -0.76
7104 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1695.72 -0.47 -39.63 0 -26.23 -0.13
7105 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1708.28 -0.24 -15.24 0 -52.3 -0.19
7106 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1720.85 -0.08 -2.22 0 -57.99 -0.36
7107 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1733.42 0 -10.39 0 -51.69 -0.41
7108 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1745.98 -0.41 -46.49 0 -23.25 -0.21
7112 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1669.99 -1.18 -118.04 0 -134.18 -1.75
7113 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1682.55 -0.79 -73.94 0 -38.19 -0.77
7114 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1695.12 -0.47 -39.65 0 -26.24 -0.14
7115 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1707.68 -0.24 -15.25 0 -52.3 -0.2
7116 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1720.25 -0.08 -2.22 0 -57.98 -0.36
7117 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1732.82 0 -10.39 0 -51.68 -0.41
7118 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1745.38 -0.41 -46.48 0 -23.24 -0.2
7122 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1670.32 -1.19 -118.07 0 -134.24 -1.76
7123 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1682.88 -0.8 -73.96 0 -38.22 -0.77
7124 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1695.45 -0.48 -39.66 0 -26.24 -0.14
7125 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1708.02 -0.24 -15.25 0 -52.3 -0.2
7126 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1720.58 -0.08 -2.22 0 -57.97 -0.36
7127 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1733.15 0 -10.39 0 -51.67 -0.41
7128 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1745.72 -0.41 -46.47 0 -23.24 -0.2
7132 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1671.57 -1.19 -118.11 0 -134.29 -1.78
7133 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1684.13 -0.8 -73.99 0 -38.24 -0.79
7134 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1696.7 -0.48 -39.68 0 -26.24 -0.15
7135 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1709.27 -0.24 -15.26 0 -52.29 -0.21
7136 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1721.83 -0.09 -2.23 0 -57.96 -0.37
7137 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1734.4 0 -10.39 0 -51.66 -0.41
7138 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1746.97 -0.41 -46.47 0 -23.23 -0.2
7142 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1569.39 -1.16 -118.11 0 -134.3 -1.73
7143 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1581.95 -0.78 -73.99 0 -38.25 -0.76
7144 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1594.52 -0.47 -39.68 0 -26.25 -0.14
7145 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1607.08 -0.24 -15.26 0 -52.3 -0.21
7146 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1619.65 -0.08 -2.23 0 -57.96 -0.37
7147 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1632.22 0 -10.39 0 -51.66 -0.41
7148 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1644.78 -0.42 -46.47 0 -23.23 -0.21
7152 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1567.91 -1.16 -118.08 0 -134.24 -1.72
7153 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1580.48 -0.77 -73.97 0 -38.22 -0.75
7154 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1593.04 -0.46 -39.66 0 -26.24 -0.14
7155 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1605.61 -0.23 -15.26 0 -52.3 -0.2
7156 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1618.17 -0.08 -2.23 0 -57.97 -0.37
7157 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1630.74 0 -10.39 0 -51.67 -0.41
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7158 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1643.31 -0.42 -46.47 0 -23.24 -0.21
7162 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1567.4 -1.15 -118.04 0 -134.19 -1.71
7163 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1579.96 -0.77 -73.94 0 -38.2 -0.75
7164 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1592.53 -0.46 -39.65 0 -26.24 -0.13
7165 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1605.1 -0.23 -15.25 0 -52.3 -0.2
7166 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1617.66 -0.08 -2.22 0 -57.98 -0.37
7167 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1630.23 0 -10.39 0 -51.68 -0.42
7168 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1642.8 -0.42 -46.48 0 -23.24 -0.21
7172 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1567.85 -1.15 -118.01 0 -134.14 -1.7
7173 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1580.42 -0.77 -73.92 0 -38.18 -0.74
7174 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1592.99 -0.46 -39.64 0 -26.24 -0.13
7175 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1605.55 -0.23 -15.24 0 -52.31 -0.2
7176 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1618.12 -0.08 -2.22 0 -57.99 -0.37
7177 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1630.69 0 -10.39 0 -51.68 -0.42
7178 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1643.25 -0.42 -46.49 0 -23.25 -0.21
7202 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1175.8 -1.18 -79.69 0 -113.68 -2.01
7203 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1188.37 -0.85 -54.11 0 -46.78 -1
7204 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1200.93 -0.6 -35.54 0 -2.22 -0.27
7205 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1213.5 -0.45 -24.57 0 -14.89 -0.26
7206 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1226.07 -0.5 -20.59 0 -10.29 -0.25
7212 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1174.47 -1.18 -79.69 0 -113.68 -2.02
7213 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1187.04 -0.85 -54.11 0 -46.78 -1
7214 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1199.61 -0.61 -35.54 0 -2.22 -0.27
7215 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1212.17 -0.46 -24.57 0 -14.88 -0.27
7216 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1224.74 -0.5 -20.58 0 -10.29 -0.25
7222 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1174.33 -1.18 -79.69 0 -113.68 -2.03
7223 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1186.89 -0.86 -54.11 0 -46.78 -1.01
7224 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1199.46 -0.61 -35.54 0 -2.22 -0.28
7225 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1212.03 -0.46 -24.57 0 -14.88 -0.27
7226 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1224.59 -0.5 -20.58 0 -10.29 -0.25
7232 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1175.36 -1.19 -79.69 0 -113.69 -2.05
7233 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1187.93 -0.86 -54.11 0 -46.78 -1.02
7234 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1200.5 -0.62 -35.54 0 -2.23 -0.28
7235 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1213.06 -0.46 -24.57 0 -14.88 -0.27
7236 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1225.63 -0.5 -20.58 0 -10.29 -0.25
7242 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1376.43 -1.19 -79.7 0 -113.7 -2.04
7243 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1389 -0.86 -54.11 0 -46.79 -1.02
7244 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1401.57 -0.61 -35.55 0 -2.23 -0.28
7245 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1414.13 -0.46 -24.57 0 -14.88 -0.27
7246 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1426.7 -0.5 -20.58 0 -10.29 -0.25
7252 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1375.51 -1.18 -79.69 0 -113.69 -2.02
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7253 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1388.08 -0.85 -54.11 0 -46.79 -1
7254 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1400.64 -0.61 -35.54 0 -2.23 -0.27
7255 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1413.21 -0.46 -24.57 0 -14.88 -0.27
7256 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1425.78 -0.5 -20.58 0 -10.29 -0.25
7262 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1375.67 -1.18 -79.69 0 -113.69 -2.01
7263 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1388.23 -0.85 -54.11 0 -46.78 -1
7264 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1400.8 -0.6 -35.54 0 -2.22 -0.27
7265 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1413.37 -0.45 -24.57 0 -14.88 -0.27
7266 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1425.93 -0.5 -20.58 0 -10.29 -0.25
7272 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1376.89 -1.17 -79.7 0 -113.69 -2
7273 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1389.46 -0.84 -54.11 0 -46.79 -0.99
7274 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1402.03 -0.6 -35.54 0 -2.23 -0.27
7275 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1414.59 -0.45 -24.57 0 -14.89 -0.26
7276 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1427.16 -0.5 -20.59 0 -10.29 -0.25
7302 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -912.25 -1.25 -14.22 0 -22.36 -2.1
7303 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -924.82 -1 -11.09 0 -9.7 -0.98
7304 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -937.38 -0.83 -9.06 0 -0.19 -0.07
7305 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -949.95 -0.34 2.24 0 1.12 -0.17
7312 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -910.84 -1.26 -14.24 0 -22.39 -2.12
7313 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -923.41 -1.01 -11.1 0 -9.72 -0.99
7314 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -935.97 -0.84 -9.07 0 -0.19 -0.07
7315 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -948.54 -0.34 2.26 0 1.13 -0.17
7322 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -910.82 -1.26 -14.26 0 -22.43 -2.13
7323 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -923.39 -1.01 -11.12 0 -9.74 -1
7324 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -935.95 -0.84 -9.08 0 -0.19 -0.08
7325 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -948.52 -0.34 2.26 0 1.13 -0.17
7332 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -912.19 -1.27 -14.28 0 -22.47 -2.15
7333 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -924.76 -1.02 -11.14 0 -9.76 -1.01
7334 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -937.32 -0.85 -9.1 0 -0.19 -0.08
7335 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -949.89 -0.34 2.27 0 1.14 -0.17
7342 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1002.76 -1.23 -14.29 0 -22.48 -2.1
7343 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1015.33 -0.99 -11.15 0 -9.76 -0.98
7344 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1027.9 -0.83 -9.11 0 -0.2 -0.08
7345 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1040.46 -0.35 2.27 0 1.14 -0.17
7352 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1001.45 -1.23 -14.26 0 -22.44 -2.08
7353 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1014.01 -0.98 -11.12 0 -9.74 -0.97
7354 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1026.58 -0.82 -9.09 0 -0.19 -0.07
7355 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1039.15 -0.35 2.26 0 1.13 -0.17
7362 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1001.47 -1.22 -14.24 0 -22.4 -2.07
7363 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1014.03 -0.98 -11.11 0 -9.72 -0.97
7364 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1026.6 -0.82 -9.07 0 -0.19 -0.07
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7365 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1039.17 -0.34 2.25 0 1.13 -0.17
7372 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1002.82 -1.21 -14.23 0 -22.37 -2.05
7373 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1015.39 -0.97 -11.09 0 -9.71 -0.96
7374 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1027.95 -0.81 -9.06 0 -0.19 -0.07
7375 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1040.52 -0.34 2.24 0 1.12 -0.17
7402 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1290.71 -1.23 -62.55 0 -93.77 -2.07
7403 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1303.28 -0.98 -47.98 0 -38.51 -0.97
7404 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1315.84 -0.82 -38.66 0 -6.07 -0.07
7405 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1328.41 -0.32 -23.62 0 -11.81 -0.16
7412 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1289.81 -1.24 -62.56 0 -93.79 -2.09
7413 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1302.37 -0.99 -47.99 0 -38.52 -0.98
7414 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1314.94 -0.83 -38.66 0 -6.07 -0.07
7415 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1327.51 -0.32 -23.61 0 -11.8 -0.16
7422 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1289.95 -1.24 -62.57 0 -93.8 -2.1
7423 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1302.52 -0.99 -48 0 -38.52 -0.98
7424 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1315.08 -0.83 -38.67 0 -6.07 -0.07
7425 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1327.65 -0.32 -23.6 0 -11.8 -0.16
7432 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1291.14 -1.25 -62.58 0 -93.82 -2.12
7433 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1303.71 -1 -48.01 0 -38.53 -1
7434 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1316.28 -0.84 -38.67 0 -6.08 -0.08
7435 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1328.84 -0.33 -23.6 0 -11.8 -0.16
7442 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1237.92 -1.23 -62.58 0 -93.84 -2.09
7443 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1250.48 -0.99 -48.01 0 -38.54 -0.98
7444 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1263.05 -0.82 -38.68 0 -6.08 -0.08
7445 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1275.62 -0.33 -23.6 0 -11.8 -0.16
7452 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1236.73 -1.22 -62.57 0 -93.81 -2.06
7453 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1249.3 -0.98 -48 0 -38.53 -0.97
7454 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1261.86 -0.81 -38.67 0 -6.08 -0.07
7455 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1274.43 -0.33 -23.6 0 -11.8 -0.16
7462 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1236.62 -1.22 -62.56 0 -93.8 -2.06
7463 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1249.19 -0.97 -47.99 0 -38.52 -0.96
7464 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1261.75 -0.81 -38.66 0 -6.07 -0.07
7465 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1274.32 -0.33 -23.61 0 -11.8 -0.16
7472 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1237.59 -1.21 -62.56 0 -93.79 -2.03
7473 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1250.16 -0.97 -47.99 0 -38.52 -0.95
7474 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1262.73 -0.8 -38.66 0 -6.07 -0.07
7475 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1275.29 -0.33 -23.62 0 -11.81 -0.16
7502 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1839.31 -1.16 -94.8 0 -140.43 -1.96
7503 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1851.88 -0.93 -72.43 0 -56.82 -0.92
7504 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1864.45 -0.77 -58.15 0 -14 -0.07
7505 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1877.01 -0.33 -58.58 0 -29.29 -0.16
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilinta
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
7512 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1838.79 -1.16 -94.79 0 -140.42 -1.97
7513 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1851.36 -0.93 -72.42 0 -56.81 -0.92
7514 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1863.93 -0.78 -58.14 0 -14 -0.07
7515 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1876.49 -0.33 -58.58 0 -29.29 -0.16
7522 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1838.85 -1.17 -94.78 0 -140.4 -1.98
7523 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1851.42 -0.94 -72.42 0 -56.81 -0.93
7524 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1863.99 -0.78 -58.14 0 -14 -0.07
7525 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1876.55 -0.33 -58.59 0 -29.29 -0.16
7532 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1839.49 -1.18 -94.78 0 -140.4 -2.01
7533 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1852.06 -0.95 -72.41 0 -56.8 -0.95
7534 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1864.62 -0.79 -58.13 0 -14 -0.08
7535 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1877.19 -0.33 -58.59 0 -29.3 -0.17
7542 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1512.8 -1.18 -94.78 0 -140.41 -2.02
7543 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1525.37 -0.95 -72.42 0 -56.81 -0.95
7544 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1537.93 -0.79 -58.14 0 -14.01 -0.08
7545 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1550.5 -0.33 -58.59 0 -29.3 -0.16
7552 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1512.04 -1.17 -94.78 0 -140.41 -1.99
7553 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1524.61 -0.94 -72.42 0 -56.81 -0.93
7554 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1537.18 -0.78 -58.14 0 -14 -0.07
7555 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1549.74 -0.32 -58.59 0 -29.29 -0.16
7562 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1512.08 -1.17 -94.79 0 -140.42 -1.98
7563 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1524.64 -0.94 -72.42 0 -56.82 -0.93
7564 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1537.21 -0.78 -58.14 0 -14.01 -0.07
7565 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1549.78 -0.33 -58.59 0 -29.29 -0.16
7572 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1512.89 -1.16 -94.8 0 -140.45 -1.97
7573 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1525.46 -0.93 -72.43 0 -56.83 -0.92
7574 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1538.03 -0.78 -58.15 0 -14.01 -0.07
7575 03a-SLS-QUASIP(min) 02-abr -1550.59 -0.32 -58.58 0 -29.29 -0.16
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la substructure

Annexe 2
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure


1.1. CULÉE 1

1.1.1. Domaines et poutres

Chaque domaine est créé avec une épaisseur correspondant à sa géométrie.

Domaines et poutres du modèle

Propriétés des domaines

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Propriétés des poutres

1.1.2. Appuis
Les paramètres géotechniques sont introduits dans les pieux.

Propriétés des appuis

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.1.3. Matériaux


1.1.4. Cas de charge et combinaisons de charges

• Poids propre

Poids propre cas de charge

• Poids de la terre

Poids de la terre cas de charge

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

• Pression horizontale de la terre

Pression horizontale de la terre cas de charge

• Surcharge

Surcharge cas de charge

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

• Forces du tablier

Forces du tablier cas de charge

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

• Combinaison des charges

01-SLS- 01-SLS-
01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS-
EarthVertPr EarthHorPre CHARACT(m CHARACT(m
ess ss ax)Moment- ax)Moment-
ax)Axial ax)Shear-y ax)Shear-z ax)Torsion in)Axial in)Shear-y in)Shear-z
y z
1 Co #1 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Co #2 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Co #3 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Co #4 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Co #5 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 Co #6 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
7 Co #7 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
8 Co #8 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
9 Co #9 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
10 Co #10 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
11 Co #11 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Co #12 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Co #13 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Co #14 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Co #15 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Co #16 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Co #17 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Co #18 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
19 Co #19 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
20 Co #20 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
21 Co #21 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
22 Co #22 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
23 Co #23 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
24 Co #24 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Co #25 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Co #26 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Co #27 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Co #28 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Co #29 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Co #30 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Co #31 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Co #32 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Co #33 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Co #34 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Co #35 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Co #36 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Co #37 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Co #38 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Co #39 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Co #40 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 Co #41 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Co #42 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Co #43 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Co #44 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Co #45 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Co #46 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Co #47 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Co #48 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Co #49 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Co #50 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Co #51 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Co #52 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Co #53 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Co #54 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Co #55 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Co #56 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Co #57 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Co #58 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Co #59 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Co #60 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Co #61 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Co #62 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Co #63 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Co #64 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Combinaison des charges I

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

01-SLS- 01-SLS-
01-SLS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS-
Name Type CHARACT(m SH(max)Axi SH(max)She SH(max)She SH(max)Tor SH(max)Mo SH(max)Mo SH(min)Axi SH(min)She SH(min)She SH(min)Tor SH(min)Mo
in)Moment- in)Moment-
in)Torsion al ar-y ar-z sion ment-y ment-z al ar-y ar-z sion ment-y
y z
1 Co #1 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Co #2 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Co #3 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Co #4 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Co #5 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Co #6 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Co #7 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Co #8 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Co #9 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Co #10 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Co #11 SLS Characteristic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Co #12 SLS Characteristic 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Co #13 SLS Characteristic 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Co #14 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Co #15 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Co #16 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Co #17 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Co #18 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Co #19 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Co #20 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Co #21 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Co #22 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Co #23 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Co #24 SLS Characteristic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Co #25 SLS Characteristic 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Co #26 SLS Characteristic 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Co #27 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Co #28 ULS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Co #29 ULS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Co #30 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Co #31 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Co #32 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Co #33 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
34 Co #34 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
35 Co #35 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
36 Co #36 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
37 Co #37 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
38 Co #38 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
39 Co #39 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Co #40 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 Co #41 ULS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Co #42 ULS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Co #43 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Co #44 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Co #45 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Co #46 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
47 Co #47 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
48 Co #48 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
49 Co #49 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
50 Co #50 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
51 Co #51 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
52 Co #52 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Co #53 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Co #54 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Co #55 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Co #56 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Co #57 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Co #58 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Co #59 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Co #60 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Co #61 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Co #62 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Co #63 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Co #64 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Combinaison des charges II

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

03a- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a-

06a-ULS- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a-
max)Shear- max)Shear- max)Torsio max)Mome max)Mome min)Shear- min)Mome min)Mome
ment-z max)Axial min)Axial min)Shear-z min)Torsion
y z n nt-y nt-z y nt-y nt-z
1 Co #1 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Co #2 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Co #3 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Co #4 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Co #5 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Co #6 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Co #7 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Co #8 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Co #9 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Co #10 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Co #11 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Co #12 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Co #13 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Co #14 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Co #15 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Co #16 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Co #17 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Co #18 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Co #19 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Co #20 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Co #21 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Co #22 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Co #23 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Co #24 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Co #25 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Co #26 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Co #27 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Co #28 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Co #29 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Co #30 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Co #31 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Co #32 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Co #33 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Co #34 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Co #35 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Co #36 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Co #37 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Co #38 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Co #39 ULS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Co #40 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 Co #41 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Co #42 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Co #43 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Co #44 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Co #45 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Co #46 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Co #47 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Co #48 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Co #49 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Co #50 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Co #51 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Co #52 ULS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Co #53 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Co #54 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Co #55 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Co #56 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Co #57 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Co #58 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Co #59 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Co #60 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
61 Co #61 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
62 Co #62 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
63 Co #63 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
64 Co #64 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Combinaison des charges III

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.1.5. Armature verticale de la culée

Armature verticale zone intérieur

Armature verticale zone extérieur

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.1.6. Armature horizontale de la culée

Armature horizontale zone intérieur

Armature horizontale zone extérieur

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.1.7. Semelle
La semelle a été calculé par un modèle bielles tirants considérant les actions maximales
des pieux.
fyd= 400 N/mm

Culee C1. Direction longitudinale

C= 1.300 m
d= 1.210 m
vavant= 0.500 m
Rd,avant,max= 3584.7 kN
T1dl= 1742.7 kN
As1l= 43.57 cm2
As1l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK
varrière= 3.200 m
Rd,arrière,max= 557.6 kN
T2dl= 1734.9 kN
As2l= 43.37 cm2
As2l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK

Culee C1. Direction transversale

npieaux= 5
l= 2.200 m
Rd,max= 3584.7 kN
pd l= 4480.9 kN
T1dt= 716.9 kN
As1t= 17.92 cm2
As1t,disp= 34.30 cm2 7F 25
Vérification OK
T2dt= 896.2 kN
As2t= 22.40 cm2
As2t,disp= 37.68 cm2 12F 20
Vérification OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.1.8. Pieux
Vérification sectionale
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 1 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 30.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -0.91
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 32837 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 2 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

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Identifier: TinguilintaC1
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.496933 Iyy 0.020 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.020 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 4 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 11781.0 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 23707.4

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 12φ25 5890.5
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12φ25 5890.5
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 5 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 2513.3

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.125 2513.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 6 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 -2221.900 0.000 514.300 0.000 4.800 987.600
_#Co_1 01 -2005.800 0.000 455.200 0.000 0.900 878.000
_#Co_2 01 -3168.600 0.000 538.200 0.000 16.700 961.800
_#Co_3 01 -337.900 0.000 506.400 0.000 9.900 956.900
_#Co_4 01 30.600 0.000 514.700 0.000 42.200 868.800
_#Co_5 01 -231.500 0.000 532.200 0.000 2.300 944.000
_#Co_6 05 -2057.500 0.000 317.100 0.000 2.800 569.300
_#Co_7 05 -1881.000 0.000 297.900 0.000 0.800 542.500
_#Co_8 05 -2064.400 0.000 316.900 0.000 2.300 568.400
_#Co_9 05 -303.100 0.000 311.400 0.000 9.000 550.000
_#Co_10 05 -268.200 0.000 307.200 0.000 14.700 535.600
_#Co_11 05 -303.100 0.000 311.400 0.000 9.000 550.000

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 7 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.767 for combination _#Co_5

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -2221.900 4.800 987.600 0.703 0.000 514.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_1 -2005.800 0.900 878.000 0.625 0.000 455.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_2 -3168.600 16.700 961.800 0.715 0.000 538.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_3 -337.900 9.900 956.900 0.767 0.000 506.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_4 30.600 42.200 868.800 0.735 0.000 514.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_5 -231.500 2.300 944.000 0.767 0.000 532.200 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 8 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_5

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C18 fck = 30 _#Co_5 0.397 0.052 -3.500 -17.000 1.765
C6 fck = 30 _#Co_5 -0.397 -0.052 6.526 0.000 1.765
P9 fyk = 500 _#Co_5 0.298 0.000 -2.253 -400.000 1.150
P3 fyk = 500 _#Co_5 -0.298 0.000 5.279 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 9 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 2513.3



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 514.300 519.0 OK 2513.27 0.00 574.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_1 455.200 519.0 OK 2513.27 0.00 574.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_2 538.200 519.0 Ast>0 REQ 2513.27 2355.14 574.3 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_3 506.400 361.7 Ast>0 REQ 2513.27 2215.98 574.3 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_4 514.700 317.0 Ast>0 REQ 2513.27 2252.30 574.3 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_5 532.200 346.7 Ast>0 REQ 2513.27 2328.88 574.3 OK 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 10 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_6 -2057.500 2.800 569.300 0.000 317.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_7 -1881.000 0.800 542.500 0.000 297.900 0.000 - -
_#Co_8 -2064.400 2.300 568.400 0.000 316.900 0.000 - -
_#Co_9 -303.100 9.000 550.000 0.000 311.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_10 -268.200 14.700 535.600 0.000 307.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_11 -303.100 9.000 550.000 0.000 311.400 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C6 fck = 30 _#Co_6 -0.397 -0.052 0.466 0.000 1.000
C18 fck = 30 _#Co_9 0.397 0.052 -0.591 -19.400 1.000
P3 fyk = 500 _#Co_9 -0.298 0.000 1.023 209.695 1.000
P9 fyk = 500 _#Co_6 0.298 0.000 -0.404 -82.732 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC1-Piles.dat 11 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC1
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_9

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 2.896
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.795
d (m) 0.513
h-d (m) 0.281
Covering c (mm) 57.5
hceff (m) 0.180
Aceff (m2) 0.0847
As (mm2) 2945.2
φeq (mm2) 25.0
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 209.70
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) 317.6916
wk (mm) 0.2621
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.2. CULÉE 2

1.2.1. Domaines et poutres

Chaque domaine est créé avec une épaisseur correspondant à sa géométrie.

Domaines et poutres du modèle

Propriétés des domaines

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Propriétés des poutres

1.2.2. Appuis
Les paramètres géotechniques sont introduits dans les pieux.

Propriétés des appuis

1.2.3. Matériaux

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.2.4. Cas de charge et combinaisons de charges

• Poids propre

Poids propre cas de charge

• Poids de la terre

Poids de la terre cas de charge

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

• Pression horizontale de la terre

Pression horizontale de la terre cas de charge

• Surcharge

Surcharge cas de charge

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

• Forces du tablier

Forces du tablier cas de charge

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

• Combinaison des charges

01-SLS- 01-SLS-
01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS- 01-SLS-
EarthVertPr EarthHorPre CHARACT(m CHARACT(m
ess ss ax)Moment- ax)Moment-
ax)Axial ax)Shear-y ax)Shear-z ax)Torsion in)Axial in)Shear-y in)Shear-z
y z
1 Co #1 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Co #2 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Co #3 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Co #4 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Co #5 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 Co #6 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
7 Co #7 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
8 Co #8 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
9 Co #9 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
10 Co #10 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
11 Co #11 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Co #12 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Co #13 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Co #14 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Co #15 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Co #16 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Co #17 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Co #18 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
19 Co #19 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
20 Co #20 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
21 Co #21 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
22 Co #22 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
23 Co #23 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
24 Co #24 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Co #25 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Co #26 SLS Characteristic 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Co #27 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Co #28 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Co #29 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Co #30 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Co #31 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Co #32 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Co #33 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Co #34 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Co #35 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Co #36 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Co #37 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Co #38 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Co #39 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Co #40 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 Co #41 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Co #42 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Co #43 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Co #44 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Co #45 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Co #46 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Co #47 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Co #48 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Co #49 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Co #50 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Co #51 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Co #52 ULS 0 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Co #53 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Co #54 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Co #55 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Co #56 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Co #57 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Co #58 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Co #59 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Co #60 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Co #61 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Co #62 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Co #63 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Co #64 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Combinaison des charges I

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

01-SLS- 01-SLS-
01-SLS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS- 06a-ULS-
Name Type CHARACT(m SH(max)Axi SH(max)She SH(max)She SH(max)Tor SH(max)Mo SH(max)Mo SH(min)Axi SH(min)She SH(min)She SH(min)Tor SH(min)Mo
in)Moment- in)Moment-
in)Torsion al ar-y ar-z sion ment-y ment-z al ar-y ar-z sion ment-y
y z
1 Co #1 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Co #2 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Co #3 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Co #4 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Co #5 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Co #6 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Co #7 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Co #8 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Co #9 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Co #10 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Co #11 SLS Characteristic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Co #12 SLS Characteristic 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Co #13 SLS Characteristic 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Co #14 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Co #15 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Co #16 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Co #17 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Co #18 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Co #19 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Co #20 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Co #21 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Co #22 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Co #23 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Co #24 SLS Characteristic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Co #25 SLS Characteristic 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Co #26 SLS Characteristic 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Co #27 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Co #28 ULS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Co #29 ULS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Co #30 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Co #31 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Co #32 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Co #33 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
34 Co #34 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
35 Co #35 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
36 Co #36 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
37 Co #37 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
38 Co #38 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
39 Co #39 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Co #40 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 Co #41 ULS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Co #42 ULS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Co #43 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Co #44 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Co #45 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Co #46 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
47 Co #47 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
48 Co #48 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
49 Co #49 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
50 Co #50 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
51 Co #51 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
52 Co #52 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Co #53 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Co #54 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Co #55 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Co #56 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Co #57 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Co #58 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Co #59 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Co #60 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Co #61 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Co #62 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Co #63 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Co #64 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Combinaison des charges II

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

03a- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a-

06a-ULS- 03a- 03a- 03a- 03a-
max)Shear- max)Shear- max)Torsio max)Mome max)Mome min)Shear- min)Mome min)Mome
ment-z max)Axial min)Axial min)Shear-z min)Torsion
y z n nt-y nt-z y nt-y nt-z
1 Co #1 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Co #2 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Co #3 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Co #4 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Co #5 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Co #6 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Co #7 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Co #8 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Co #9 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Co #10 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Co #11 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Co #12 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Co #13 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Co #14 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Co #15 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Co #16 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Co #17 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Co #18 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Co #19 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Co #20 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Co #21 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Co #22 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Co #23 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Co #24 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Co #25 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Co #26 SLS Characteristic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Co #27 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Co #28 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Co #29 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Co #30 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Co #31 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Co #32 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Co #33 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Co #34 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Co #35 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Co #36 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Co #37 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Co #38 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Co #39 ULS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Co #40 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 Co #41 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Co #42 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Co #43 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Co #44 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Co #45 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Co #46 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Co #47 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Co #48 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Co #49 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Co #50 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Co #51 ULS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Co #52 ULS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Co #53 SLS Quasipermanent 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Co #54 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Co #55 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Co #56 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Co #57 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Co #58 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Co #59 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Co #60 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
61 Co #61 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
62 Co #62 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
63 Co #63 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
64 Co #64 SLS Quasipermanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Combinaison des charges III

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.2.5. Armature verticale de la culée

Armature verticale zone intérieur

Armature verticale zone extérieur

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.2.6. Armature horizontale de la culée

Armature horizontale zone intérieur

Armature horizontale zone extérieur

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.2.7. Semelle
La semelle a été calculé par un modèle bielles tirants considérant les actions maximales
des pieux.
fyd= 400 N/mm

Culee C2. Direction longitudinale

C= 1.300 m
d= 1.210 m
vavant= 0.500 m
Rd,avant,max= 3697.5 kN
T1dl= 1797.5 kN
As1l= 44.94 cm2
As1l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK
varrière= 3.200 m
Rd,arrière,max= 524.8 kN
T2dl= 1632.8 kN
As2l= 40.82 cm2
As2l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK

Culee C2. Direction transversale

npieaux= 5
l= 2.200 m
Rd,max= 3697.5 kN
pd l= 4621.9 kN
T1dt= 739.5 kN
As1t= 18.49 cm2
As1t,disp= 34.30 cm2 7F 25
Vérification OK
T2dt= 924.4 kN
As2t= 23.11 cm2
As2t,disp= 37.68 cm2 12F 20
Vérification OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

1.2.8. Pieux
Vérification sectionale
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 1 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 30.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -0.91
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 32837 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 2 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 3 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.496933 Iyy 0.020 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.020 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 4 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 11781.0 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 23707.4

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 12φ25 5890.5
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12φ25 5890.5
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 5 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 2513.3

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.125 2513.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 6 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 -2257.700 0.000 517.000 0.000 6.600 1055.500
_#Co_1 01 -2036.400 0.000 457.700 0.000 1.200 940.100
_#Co_2 01 -3382.900 0.000 532.600 0.000 19.900 1028.000
_#Co_3 01 -302.300 0.000 505.000 0.000 13.400 1020.900
_#Co_4 01 -66.100 0.000 522.200 0.000 24.200 996.300
_#Co_5 01 -115.100 0.000 525.300 0.000 26.400 1008.100
_#Co_6 05 -2042.500 0.000 314.100 0.000 3.000 615.800
_#Co_7 05 -1871.700 0.000 294.400 0.000 2.100 582.500
_#Co_8 05 -2042.500 0.000 314.100 0.000 3.000 615.800
_#Co_9 05 -298.200 0.000 304.600 0.000 11.600 588.500
_#Co_10 05 -268.200 0.000 299.100 0.000 17.500 572.500
_#Co_11 05 -298.200 0.000 304.600 0.000 11.600 588.500

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 7 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.835 for combination _#Co_5

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -2257.700 6.600 1055.500 0.749 0.000 517.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_1 -2036.400 1.200 940.100 0.667 0.000 457.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_2 -3382.900 19.900 1028.000 0.764 0.000 532.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_3 -302.300 13.400 1020.900 0.825 0.000 505.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_4 -66.100 24.200 996.300 0.831 0.000 522.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_5 -115.100 26.400 1008.100 0.835 0.000 525.300 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 8 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_5

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C18 fck = 30 _#Co_5 0.397 0.052 -3.500 -17.000 1.765
C6 fck = 30 _#Co_5 -0.397 -0.052 6.763 0.000 1.765
P9 fyk = 500 _#Co_5 0.298 0.000 -2.212 -394.235 1.150
P3 fyk = 500 _#Co_5 -0.298 0.000 5.474 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 9 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 2513.3



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 517.000 552.3 OK 2513.27 0.00 574.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_1 457.700 552.3 OK 2513.27 0.00 574.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_2 532.600 519.0 Ast>0 REQ 2513.27 2330.63 574.3 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_3 505.000 356.7 Ast>0 REQ 2513.27 2209.86 574.3 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_4 522.200 323.4 Ast>0 REQ 2513.27 2285.12 574.3 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_5 525.300 330.3 Ast>0 REQ 2513.27 2298.69 574.3 OK 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 10 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_6 -2042.500 3.000 615.800 0.000 314.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_7 -1871.700 2.100 582.500 0.000 294.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_8 -2042.500 3.000 615.800 0.000 314.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_9 -298.200 11.600 588.500 0.000 304.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_10 -268.200 17.500 572.500 0.000 299.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_11 -298.200 11.600 588.500 0.000 304.600 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C6 fck = 30 _#Co_6 -0.397 -0.052 0.569 0.000 1.000
C18 fck = 30 _#Co_9 0.397 0.052 -0.633 -20.799 1.000
P3 fyk = 500 _#Co_9 -0.298 0.000 1.107 227.002 1.000
P9 fyk = 500 _#Co_6 0.298 0.000 -0.436 -89.327 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaC2-Piles.dat 11 / 11
Identifier: TinguilintaC2
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_9

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 2.896
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.795
d (m) 0.498
h-d (m) 0.297
Covering c (mm) 57.5
hceff (m) 0.181
Aceff (m2) 0.0850
As (mm2) 2945.2
φeq (mm2) 25.0
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 227.00
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.001
srmax (mm) 318.1245
wk (mm) 0.2892
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure


Les appareils d’appui ont été dimensionnés en utilisant les spécifications des Eurocodes.
Les dimensions résultantes ont une largeur et une longueur de 500x600 mm d'une hauteur
de 105mm
Le calcul des appareils d’appui est présenté dans ce qui suit.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Les forces obtenues à partir du modèle général sont post-traitées dans un logiciel de
vérification des sections conformément à l'Eurocode.
Les armatures de flexion et de cisaillement sont calculées conformément aux normes pour
chaque pile. La semelle a été calculé par un modèle bielles tirants considérant les actions
maximales des pieux et piles. Les pieux ont étés vérifiés par un logiciel de vérification des
sections conformément à l'Eurocode.
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 1 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 2 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 3 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.776457 Iyy 0.048 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.048 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 4 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 38603.9 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 49718.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24φ32 19301.9
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24φ32 19301.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 5 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 5236.0

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 2φ20 0.120 5236.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 6 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 -2367.970 0.000 99.690 11.190 1.990 503.420
_#Co_1 01 -3569.210 0.000 147.940 9.510 119.470 209.760
_#Co_2 01 -4117.180 0.000 914.510 3.100 2605.390 -321.730
_#Co_3 01 -4117.180 0.000 914.510 3.100 2605.390 -321.730
_#Co_4 01 -4135.800 0.000 123.230 10.460 94.320 533.800
_#Co_5 01 -2487.740 0.000 400.970 11.190 318.520 -863.470
_#Co_6 01 -3623.330 0.000 411.060 10.440 29.970 -862.610
_#Co_7 01 -4278.870 0.000 951.640 3.100 -2747.060 779.530
_#Co_8 01 -3263.090 0.000 1240.220 4.500 3826.570 -768.850
_#Co_9 01 -3475.870 0.000 372.350 3.070 713.560 961.900
_#Co_10 01 -2368.110 0.000 55.220 2.820 3.650 -332.410
_#Co_11 01 -3236.890 0.000 155.860 11.020 -174.380 245.240
_#Co_12 01 -4111.580 0.000 916.760 4.860 2607.010 421.940
_#Co_13 01 -4111.580 0.000 916.760 4.860 2607.010 421.940
_#Co_14 01 -3344.430 0.000 135.250 11.960 -172.120 565.290
_#Co_15 01 -2487.890 0.000 356.420 2.820 317.540 961.280
_#Co_16 01 -3464.200 0.000 418.690 11.960 746.450 -882.840
_#Co_17 01 -4273.270 0.000 959.400 4.860 -2747.990 -724.820
_#Co_18 01 -3256.830 0.000 1233.690 3.440 3824.810 824.410
_#Co_19 01 -3616.550 0.000 365.610 2.820 11.380 967.560
_#Co_20 01 -6678.160 0.000 343.680 -11.900 -1572.930 -520.550
_#Co_21 01 -5434.360 0.000 418.460 -10.950 -1678.370 -238.920
_#Co_22 01 -4327.800 0.000 1362.650 -3.460 -4475.390 368.040
_#Co_23 01 -4327.800 0.000 1362.650 -3.460 -4475.390 368.040
_#Co_24 01 -5541.930 0.000 411.040 -11.890 -1676.070 -558.950
_#Co_25 01 -6839.860 0.000 519.120 -11.900 -3.220 870.430
_#Co_26 01 -5661.700 0.000 569.770 -11.890 308.780 875.550
_#Co_27 01 -4447.580 0.000 1390.100 -3.460 3609.380 -824.240
_#Co_28 01 -5463.360 0.000 808.510 -4.860 -2964.250 724.140
_#Co_29 01 -5382.010 0.000 405.170 -2.750 -330.840 -974.820
_#Co_30 01 -6674.220 0.000 333.570 -2.580 -1570.310 352.040
_#Co_31 01 -5695.070 0.000 228.270 -9.430 -1138.950 -203.600
_#Co_32 01 -4320.580 0.000 1363.470 -4.510 -4472.850 -468.640
_#Co_33 01 -4320.580 0.000 1363.470 -4.510 -4472.850 -468.640
_#Co_34 01 -6260.890 0.000 219.870 -10.370 -1163.990 -527.540
_#Co_35 01 -6835.920 0.000 488.680 -2.580 -4.580 -960.600
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 7 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -5749.230 0.000 445.160 -10.370 -345.830 855.420
_#Co_37 01 -4440.350 0.000 1394.740 -4.510 3607.770 769.130
_#Co_38 01 -5456.800 0.000 800.300 -3.100 -2965.040 -780.100
_#Co_39 01 -5601.710 0.000 514.930 -2.990 337.760 -969.060
_#Co_40 05 -3024.460 0.000 294.580 -0.090 594.880 4.780
_#Co_41 05 -3069.680 0.000 172.080 0.120 -829.760 124.640
_#Co_42 05 -3055.950 0.000 480.150 -0.130 1150.210 -46.430
_#Co_43 05 -3055.950 0.000 480.150 -0.130 1150.210 -46.430
_#Co_44 05 -3069.680 0.000 172.080 0.120 -829.760 124.640
_#Co_45 05 -3144.230 0.000 294.630 -0.090 -1202.030 13.810
_#Co_46 05 -3189.880 0.000 173.180 0.150 191.100 -121.800
_#Co_47 05 -3175.720 0.000 479.990 -0.130 -1776.500 62.930
_#Co_48 05 -3363.420 0.000 473.400 0.200 1225.070 -103.870
_#Co_49 05 -3349.270 0.000 176.990 -0.080 -742.520 80.850
_#Co_50 05 -3021.420 0.000 294.850 0.080 595.970 -4.940
_#Co_51 05 -3224.970 0.000 176.710 0.040 324.480 68.080
_#Co_52 05 -3052.750 0.000 480.400 0.120 1151.270 46.350
_#Co_53 05 -3052.750 0.000 480.400 0.120 1151.270 46.350
_#Co_54 05 -3224.970 0.000 176.710 0.040 324.480 68.080
_#Co_55 05 -3141.190 0.000 294.910 0.080 -1202.600 -14.230
_#Co_56 05 -3344.320 0.000 177.370 0.070 -743.310 -81.110
_#Co_57 05 -3172.530 0.000 480.240 0.120 -1777.000 -63.420
_#Co_58 05 -3358.140 0.000 472.940 -0.210 1223.970 103.820
_#Co_59 05 -3186.350 0.000 172.850 -0.160 190.280 121.500
_#Co_60 05 -3275.130 0.000 251.640 0.140 -991.800 42.230
_#Co_61 05 -3229.920 0.000 176.330 -0.050 323.000 -68.090
_#Co_62 05 -3243.650 0.000 473.730 0.200 -1656.970 102.980
_#Co_63 05 -3243.650 0.000 473.730 0.200 -1656.970 102.980
_#Co_64 05 -3229.920 0.000 176.330 -0.050 323.000 -68.090
_#Co_65 05 -3394.900 0.000 251.940 0.140 540.960 -44.440
_#Co_66 05 -3349.270 0.000 176.990 -0.080 -742.520 80.850
_#Co_67 05 -3363.420 0.000 473.400 0.200 1225.070 -103.870
_#Co_68 05 -3175.720 0.000 479.990 -0.130 -1776.500 62.930
_#Co_69 05 -3189.880 0.000 173.180 0.150 191.100 -121.800
_#Co_70 05 -3269.700 0.000 251.200 -0.150 -990.110 -42.450
_#Co_71 05 -3066.150 0.000 171.740 -0.130 -828.450 -125.040
_#Co_72 05 -3238.360 0.000 473.260 -0.210 -1655.230 -103.310
_#Co_73 05 -3238.360 0.000 473.260 -0.210 -1655.230 -103.310
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 8 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 05 -3066.150 0.000 171.740 -0.130 -828.450 -125.040
_#Co_75 05 -3389.480 0.000 251.510 -0.150 539.940 44.300
_#Co_76 05 -3186.350 0.000 172.850 -0.160 190.280 121.500
_#Co_77 05 -3358.140 0.000 472.940 -0.210 1223.970 103.820
_#Co_78 05 -3172.530 0.000 480.240 0.120 -1777.000 -63.420
_#Co_79 05 -3344.320 0.000 177.370 0.070 -743.310 -81.110

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 9 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.887 for combination _#Co_32

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -2367.970 1.990 503.420 0.139 0.000 99.690 11.190 - -
_#Co_1 -3569.210 119.470 209.760 0.142 0.000 147.940 9.510 - -
_#Co_2 -4117.180 2605.390 -321.730 0.538 0.000 914.510 3.100 - -
_#Co_3 -4117.180 2605.390 -321.730 0.538 0.000 914.510 3.100 - -
_#Co_4 -4135.800 94.320 533.800 0.194 0.000 123.230 10.460 - -
_#Co_5 -2487.740 318.520 -863.470 0.211 0.000 400.970 11.190 - -
_#Co_6 -3623.330 29.970 -862.610 0.228 0.000 411.060 10.440 - -
_#Co_7 -4278.870 -2747.060 779.530 0.581 0.000 951.640 3.100 - -
_#Co_8 -3263.090 3826.570 -768.850 0.770 0.000 1240.220 4.500 - -
_#Co_9 -3475.870 713.560 961.900 0.280 0.000 372.350 3.070 - -
_#Co_10 -2368.110 3.650 -332.410 0.114 0.000 55.220 2.820 - -
_#Co_11 -3236.890 -174.380 245.240 0.138 0.000 155.860 11.020 - -
_#Co_12 -4111.580 2607.010 421.940 0.541 0.000 916.760 4.860 - -
_#Co_13 -4111.580 2607.010 421.940 0.541 0.000 916.760 4.860 - -
_#Co_14 -3344.430 -172.120 565.290 0.178 0.000 135.250 11.960 - -
_#Co_15 -2487.890 317.540 961.280 0.226 0.000 356.420 2.820 - -
_#Co_16 -3464.200 746.450 -882.840 0.272 0.000 418.690 11.960 - -
_#Co_17 -4273.270 -2747.990 -724.820 0.578 0.000 959.400 4.860 - -
_#Co_18 -3256.830 3824.810 824.410 0.771 0.000 1233.690 3.440 - -
_#Co_19 -3616.550 11.380 967.560 0.244 0.000 365.610 2.820 - -
_#Co_20 -6678.160 -1572.930 -520.550 0.430 0.000 343.680 -11.900 - -
_#Co_21 -5434.360 -1678.370 -238.920 0.407 0.000 418.460 -10.950 - -
_#Co_22 -4327.800 -4475.390 368.040 0.886 0.000 1362.650 -3.460 - -
_#Co_23 -4327.800 -4475.390 368.040 0.886 0.000 1362.650 -3.460 - -
_#Co_24 -5541.930 -1676.070 -558.950 0.422 0.000 411.040 -11.890 - -
_#Co_25 -6839.860 -3.220 870.430 0.318 0.000 519.120 -11.900 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 10 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -5661.700 308.780 875.550 0.292 0.000 569.770 -11.890 - -
_#Co_27 -4447.580 3609.380 -824.240 0.736 0.000 1390.100 -3.460 - -
_#Co_28 -5463.360 -2964.250 724.140 0.639 0.000 808.510 -4.860 - -
_#Co_29 -5382.010 -330.840 -974.820 0.299 0.000 405.170 -2.750 - -
_#Co_30 -6674.220 -1570.310 352.040 0.422 0.000 333.570 -2.580 - -
_#Co_31 -5695.070 -1138.950 -203.600 0.326 0.000 228.270 -9.430 - -
_#Co_32 -4320.580 -4472.850 -468.640 0.887 0.000 1363.470 -4.510 - -
_#Co_33 -4320.580 -4472.850 -468.640 0.887 0.000 1363.470 -4.510 - -
_#Co_34 -6260.890 -1163.990 -527.540 0.360 0.000 219.870 -10.370 - -
_#Co_35 -6835.920 -4.580 -960.600 0.329 0.000 488.680 -2.580 - -
_#Co_36 -5749.230 -345.830 855.420 0.293 0.000 445.160 -10.370 - -
_#Co_37 -4440.350 3607.770 769.130 0.734 0.000 1394.740 -4.510 - -
_#Co_38 -5456.800 -2965.040 -780.100 0.640 0.000 800.300 -3.100 - -
_#Co_39 -5601.710 337.760 -969.060 0.304 0.000 514.930 -2.990 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 11 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_32

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 35 _#Co_32 0.065 0.496 3.693 0.000 1.765
C11 fck = 35 _#Co_32 -0.065 -0.496 -3.500 -19.833 1.765
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_32 0.000 0.414 3.059 434.783 1.150
P18 fyk = 500 _#Co_32 0.000 -0.414 -2.866 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 12 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 5236.0



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 99.690 862.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_1 147.940 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_2 914.510 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_3 914.510 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_4 123.230 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_5 400.970 933.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_6 411.060 966.7 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_7 951.640 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_8 1240.220 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4170.33 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_9 372.350 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_10 55.220 655.6 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_11 155.860 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_12 916.760 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_13 916.760 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_14 135.250 912.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 13 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes
_#Co_15 356.420 933.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_16 418.690 1011.7 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_17 959.400 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_18 1233.690 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4148.37 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_19 365.610 990.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_20 343.680 978.7 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_21 418.460 990.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_22 1362.650 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4582.01 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_23 1362.650 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4582.01 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_24 411.040 1011.7 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_25 519.120 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_26 569.770 896.3 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_27 1390.100 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4674.31 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_28 808.510 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_29 405.170 927.0 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_30 333.570 966.7 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_31 228.270 941.0 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_32 1363.470 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4584.77 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_33 1363.470 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4584.77 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_34 219.870 941.0 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_35 488.680 760.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_36 445.160 879.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_37 1394.740 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4689.92 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_38 800.300 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_39 514.930 927.0 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 14 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_40 -3024.460 594.880 4.780 0.000 294.580 -0.090 - -
_#Co_41 -3069.680 -829.760 124.640 0.000 172.080 0.120 - -
_#Co_42 -3055.950 1150.210 -46.430 0.000 480.150 -0.130 - -
_#Co_43 -3055.950 1150.210 -46.430 0.000 480.150 -0.130 - -
_#Co_44 -3069.680 -829.760 124.640 0.000 172.080 0.120 - -
_#Co_45 -3144.230 -1202.030 13.810 0.000 294.630 -0.090 - -
_#Co_46 -3189.880 191.100 -121.800 0.000 173.180 0.150 - -
_#Co_47 -3175.720 -1776.500 62.930 0.000 479.990 -0.130 - -
_#Co_48 -3363.420 1225.070 -103.870 0.000 473.400 0.200 - -
_#Co_49 -3349.270 -742.520 80.850 0.000 176.990 -0.080 - -
_#Co_50 -3021.420 595.970 -4.940 0.000 294.850 0.080 - -
_#Co_51 -3224.970 324.480 68.080 0.000 176.710 0.040 - -
_#Co_52 -3052.750 1151.270 46.350 0.000 480.400 0.120 - -
_#Co_53 -3052.750 1151.270 46.350 0.000 480.400 0.120 - -
_#Co_54 -3224.970 324.480 68.080 0.000 176.710 0.040 - -
_#Co_55 -3141.190 -1202.600 -14.230 0.000 294.910 0.080 - -
_#Co_56 -3344.320 -743.310 -81.110 0.000 177.370 0.070 - -
_#Co_57 -3172.530 -1777.000 -63.420 0.000 480.240 0.120 - -
_#Co_58 -3358.140 1223.970 103.820 0.000 472.940 -0.210 - -
_#Co_59 -3186.350 190.280 121.500 0.000 172.850 -0.160 - -
_#Co_60 -3275.130 -991.800 42.230 0.000 251.640 0.140 - -
_#Co_61 -3229.920 323.000 -68.090 0.000 176.330 -0.050 - -
_#Co_62 -3243.650 -1656.970 102.980 0.000 473.730 0.200 - -
_#Co_63 -3243.650 -1656.970 102.980 0.000 473.730 0.200 - -
_#Co_64 -3229.920 323.000 -68.090 0.000 176.330 -0.050 - -
_#Co_65 -3394.900 540.960 -44.440 0.000 251.940 0.140 - -
_#Co_66 -3349.270 -742.520 80.850 0.000 176.990 -0.080 - -
_#Co_67 -3363.420 1225.070 -103.870 0.000 473.400 0.200 - -
_#Co_68 -3175.720 -1776.500 62.930 0.000 479.990 -0.130 - -
_#Co_69 -3189.880 191.100 -121.800 0.000 173.180 0.150 - -
_#Co_70 -3269.700 -990.110 -42.450 0.000 251.200 -0.150 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 15 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_71 -3066.150 -828.450 -125.040 0.000 171.740 -0.130 - -
_#Co_72 -3238.360 -1655.230 -103.310 0.000 473.260 -0.210 - -
_#Co_73 -3238.360 -1655.230 -103.310 0.000 473.260 -0.210 - -
_#Co_74 -3066.150 -828.450 -125.040 0.000 171.740 -0.130 - -
_#Co_75 -3389.480 539.940 44.300 0.000 251.510 -0.150 - -
_#Co_76 -3186.350 190.280 121.500 0.000 172.850 -0.160 - -
_#Co_77 -3358.140 1223.970 103.820 0.000 472.940 -0.210 - -
_#Co_78 -3172.530 -1777.000 -63.420 0.000 480.240 0.120 - -
_#Co_79 -3344.320 -743.310 -81.110 0.000 177.370 0.070 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C11 fck = 35 _#Co_40 -0.065 -0.496 0.051 0.000 1.000
C11 fck = 35 _#Co_57 -0.065 -0.496 -0.612 -20.845 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_57 0.000 0.414 0.539 110.568 1.000
P18 fyk = 500 _#Co_57 0.000 -0.414 -0.506 -103.655 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Colonnes.dat 16 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP1-Colonnes
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_57

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 3.210
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.995
d (m) 0.751
h-d (m) 0.245
Covering c (mm) 34.0
hceff (m) 0.170
Aceff (m2) 0.0880
As (mm2) 7238.2
φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 110.57
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) 181.7649
wk (mm) 0.0773
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 1 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 2 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 3 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.776457 Iyy 0.048 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.048 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 4 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 19301.9 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 24859.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24φ32 19301.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 5 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 2618.0

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.120 2618.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 6 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 -2115.010 0.000 24.150 8.970 208.910 503.730
_#Co_1 01 -4055.460 116.440 -624.890 2.670 -1905.200 163.840
_#Co_2 01 -2789.080 -69.650 460.500 4.010 1465.500 5.500
_#Co_3 01 -2789.080 -69.650 460.500 4.010 1465.500 5.500
_#Co_4 01 -3166.160 104.440 29.450 8.780 182.240 533.440
_#Co_5 01 -2234.790 401.400 24.150 8.970 536.710 -849.490
_#Co_6 01 -3327.850 405.770 29.450 8.780 509.750 -847.950
_#Co_7 01 -2908.850 220.780 460.500 4.010 -1053.990 -331.810
_#Co_8 01 -3133.360 -178.770 -662.070 2.680 2388.570 356.300
_#Co_9 01 -3250.320 -351.500 -12.040 3.030 715.790 961.990
_#Co_10 01 -2121.490 -48.940 24.090 2.830 208.600 -313.820
_#Co_11 01 -2929.570 116.250 15.790 7.560 261.070 192.320
_#Co_12 01 -2790.290 98.510 460.500 2.660 1465.480 105.790
_#Co_13 01 -2790.290 98.510 460.500 2.660 1465.480 105.790
_#Co_14 01 -3096.620 108.120 14.390 9.360 256.810 558.530
_#Co_15 01 -2241.270 -350.270 24.090 2.830 536.790 962.470
_#Co_16 01 -3216.400 409.460 14.390 9.360 748.030 -856.460
_#Co_17 01 -2910.060 -191.920 460.500 2.660 -1054.050 397.380
_#Co_18 01 -3135.120 207.550 -662.110 3.980 2388.640 -290.510
_#Co_19 01 -3327.420 -353.170 21.220 2.810 493.710 968.930
_#Co_20 01 -6446.950 -100.400 -345.030 -9.460 -1401.960 -518.400
_#Co_21 01 -5161.030 -114.220 -339.710 -7.580 -1332.400 -186.360
_#Co_22 01 -5254.720 85.840 -843.890 -4.040 -2803.480 45.640
_#Co_23 01 -5254.720 85.840 -843.890 -4.040 -2803.480 45.640
_#Co_24 01 -5328.040 -106.080 -341.130 -9.380 -1336.720 -552.500
_#Co_25 01 -6608.640 -401.730 -345.030 -9.460 126.180 849.270
_#Co_26 01 -5447.810 -407.410 -341.130 -9.380 167.620 849.810
_#Co_27 01 -5416.410 -204.590 -843.890 -4.040 2054.840 283.840
_#Co_28 01 -5191.900 194.950 278.670 -2.720 -1387.730 -404.280
_#Co_29 01 -5115.320 355.140 -268.250 -2.840 15.760 -975.320
_#Co_30 01 -6452.830 53.420 -345.010 -3.040 -1401.780 330.050
_#Co_31 01 -5254.610 -116.320 -803.810 -2.750 -2708.360 -163.360
_#Co_32 01 -5256.460 -114.490 -843.900 -2.760 -2803.520 -156.170
_#Co_33 01 -5256.460 -114.490 -843.900 -2.760 -2803.520 -156.170
_#Co_34 01 -5087.560 -108.190 -802.400 -4.550 -2704.100 -529.560
_#Co_35 01 -6614.520 354.750 -345.010 -3.040 126.310 -961.200
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 7 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -5491.400 -403.700 -276.730 -8.800 0.540 841.630
_#Co_37 01 -5418.150 175.940 -843.900 -2.760 2054.870 -349.860
_#Co_38 01 -5193.090 -223.520 278.710 -4.080 -1387.820 338.030
_#Co_39 01 -5413.140 353.660 -318.220 -3.050 206.700 -968.480
_#Co_40 05 -2918.830 -18.200 155.960 -0.050 328.040 -45.010
_#Co_41 05 -2984.540 40.130 -204.280 0.070 -773.280 125.280
_#Co_42 05 -3023.320 -18.450 156.280 -0.050 329.510 -46.040
_#Co_43 05 -3023.320 -18.450 156.280 -0.050 329.510 -46.040
_#Co_44 05 -2984.400 40.020 -204.250 0.110 -773.200 125.560
_#Co_45 05 -3038.600 -13.390 155.960 -0.050 -623.340 62.330
_#Co_46 05 -3104.170 44.830 -204.250 0.110 472.750 -122.250
_#Co_47 05 -3143.090 -13.650 156.280 -0.050 -623.800 62.860
_#Co_48 05 -3109.610 30.070 -318.760 0.110 899.580 -104.470
_#Co_49 05 -3148.540 -28.400 41.770 -0.050 -196.980 80.640
_#Co_50 05 -2920.290 18.300 156.030 0.010 328.290 45.390
_#Co_51 05 -3029.890 23.780 41.790 -0.050 57.860 66.960
_#Co_52 05 -3024.620 18.550 156.350 0.010 329.770 46.430
_#Co_53 05 -3024.620 18.550 156.350 0.010 329.770 46.430
_#Co_54 05 -3030.030 23.670 41.760 -0.010 57.780 67.250
_#Co_55 05 -3040.060 13.490 156.030 0.010 -623.520 -62.570
_#Co_56 05 -3149.810 28.480 41.760 -0.010 -196.990 -80.830
_#Co_57 05 -3144.390 13.750 156.350 0.010 -623.980 -63.090
_#Co_58 05 -3111.150 -30.030 -318.780 -0.160 899.590 104.360
_#Co_59 05 -3105.730 -44.760 -204.190 -0.150 472.600 122.100
_#Co_60 05 -3094.340 34.620 -318.450 0.110 -1043.410 103.590
_#Co_61 05 -3028.620 -23.700 41.800 -0.010 57.910 -66.700
_#Co_62 05 -2989.840 34.880 -318.760 0.110 -1044.890 104.630
_#Co_63 05 -2989.840 34.880 -318.760 0.110 -1044.890 104.630
_#Co_64 05 -3028.760 -23.600 41.770 -0.050 57.830 -66.980
_#Co_65 05 -3214.110 29.820 -318.450 0.110 899.120 -103.940
_#Co_66 05 -3148.540 -28.400 41.770 -0.050 -196.980 80.640
_#Co_67 05 -3109.610 30.070 -318.760 0.110 899.580 -104.470
_#Co_68 05 -3143.090 -13.650 156.280 -0.050 -623.800 62.860
_#Co_69 05 -3104.170 44.830 -204.250 0.110 472.750 -122.250
_#Co_70 05 -3095.700 -34.570 -318.460 -0.160 -1043.500 -103.410
_#Co_71 05 -2986.100 -40.050 -204.220 -0.110 -773.070 -124.980
_#Co_72 05 -2991.370 -34.830 -318.780 -0.160 -1044.970 -104.450
_#Co_73 05 -2991.370 -34.830 -318.780 -0.160 -1044.970 -104.450
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 8 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 05 -2985.960 -39.950 -204.190 -0.150 -772.990 -125.270
_#Co_75 05 -3215.470 -29.770 -318.460 -0.160 899.130 103.840
_#Co_76 05 -3105.730 -44.760 -204.190 -0.150 472.600 122.100
_#Co_77 05 -3111.150 -30.030 -318.780 -0.160 899.590 104.360
_#Co_78 05 -3144.390 13.750 156.350 0.010 -623.980 -63.090
_#Co_79 05 -3149.810 28.480 41.760 -0.010 -196.990 -80.830

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 9 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.832 for combination _#Co_32

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -2115.010 208.910 503.730 0.187 0.000 24.150 8.970 - -
_#Co_1 -4055.460 -1905.200 163.840 0.574 116.440 -624.890 2.670 - -
_#Co_2 -2789.080 1465.500 5.500 0.434 -69.650 460.500 4.010 - -
_#Co_3 -2789.080 1465.500 5.500 0.434 -69.650 460.500 4.010 - -
_#Co_4 -3166.160 182.240 533.440 0.225 104.440 29.450 8.780 - -
_#Co_5 -2234.790 536.710 -849.490 0.304 401.400 24.150 8.970 - -
_#Co_6 -3327.850 509.750 -847.950 0.326 405.770 29.450 8.780 - -
_#Co_7 -2908.850 -1053.990 -331.810 0.344 220.780 460.500 4.010 - -
_#Co_8 -3133.360 2388.570 356.300 0.721 -178.770 -662.070 2.680 - -
_#Co_9 -3250.320 715.790 961.990 0.376 -351.500 -12.040 3.030 - -
_#Co_10 -2121.490 208.600 -313.820 0.150 -48.940 24.090 2.830 - -
_#Co_11 -2929.570 261.070 192.320 0.171 116.250 15.790 7.560 - -
_#Co_12 -2790.290 1465.480 105.790 0.435 98.510 460.500 2.660 - -
_#Co_13 -2790.290 1465.480 105.790 0.435 98.510 460.500 2.660 - -
_#Co_14 -3096.620 256.810 558.530 0.233 108.120 14.390 9.360 - -
_#Co_15 -2241.270 536.790 962.470 0.328 -350.270 24.090 2.830 - -
_#Co_16 -3216.400 748.030 -856.460 0.360 409.460 14.390 9.360 - -
_#Co_17 -2910.060 -1054.050 397.380 0.350 -191.920 460.500 2.660 - -
_#Co_18 -3135.120 2388.640 -290.510 0.718 207.550 -662.110 3.980 - -
_#Co_19 -3327.420 493.710 968.930 0.350 -353.170 21.220 2.810 - -
_#Co_20 -6446.950 -1401.960 -518.400 0.532 -100.400 -345.030 -9.460 - -
_#Co_21 -5161.030 -1332.400 -186.360 0.460 -114.220 -339.710 -7.580 - -
_#Co_22 -5254.720 -2803.480 45.640 0.830 85.840 -843.890 -4.040 - -
_#Co_23 -5254.720 -2803.480 45.640 0.830 85.840 -843.890 -4.040 - -
_#Co_24 -5328.040 -1336.720 -552.500 0.489 -106.080 -341.130 -9.380 - -
_#Co_25 -6608.640 126.180 849.270 0.408 -401.730 -345.030 -9.460 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 10 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -5447.810 167.620 849.810 0.366 -407.410 -341.130 -9.380 - -
_#Co_27 -5416.410 2054.840 283.840 0.646 -204.590 -843.890 -4.040 - -
_#Co_28 -5191.900 -1387.730 -404.280 0.485 194.950 278.670 -2.720 - -
_#Co_29 -5115.320 15.760 -975.320 0.376 355.140 -268.250 -2.840 - -
_#Co_30 -6452.830 -1401.780 330.050 0.520 53.420 -345.010 -3.040 - -
_#Co_31 -5254.610 -2708.360 -163.360 0.805 -116.320 -803.810 -2.750 - -
_#Co_32 -5256.460 -2803.520 -156.170 0.832 -114.490 -843.900 -2.760 - -
_#Co_33 -5256.460 -2803.520 -156.170 0.832 -114.490 -843.900 -2.760 - -
_#Co_34 -5087.560 -2704.100 -529.560 0.816 -108.190 -802.400 -4.550 - -
_#Co_35 -6614.520 126.310 -961.200 0.428 354.750 -345.010 -3.040 - -
_#Co_36 -5491.400 0.540 841.630 0.362 -403.700 -276.730 -8.800 - -
_#Co_37 -5418.150 2054.870 -349.860 0.649 175.940 -843.900 -2.760 - -
_#Co_38 -5193.090 -1387.820 338.030 0.481 -223.520 278.710 -4.080 - -
_#Co_39 -5413.140 206.700 -968.480 0.389 353.660 -318.220 -3.050 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 11 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_32

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 35 _#Co_32 0.065 0.496 3.194 0.000 1.765
C11 fck = 35 _#Co_32 -0.065 -0.496 -3.500 -19.833 1.765
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_32 0.000 0.414 2.622 434.783 1.150
P18 fyk = 500 _#Co_32 0.000 -0.414 -2.928 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 12 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 2618.0



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 24.150 737.5 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_1 -624.890 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_2 460.500 884.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_3 460.500 884.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_4 29.450 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_5 24.150 802.9 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_6 29.450 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_7 460.500 901.9 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_8 -662.070 941.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_9 -12.040 912.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_10 24.090 699.4 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_11 15.790 723.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_12 460.500 898.4 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_13 460.500 898.4 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_14 14.390 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 13 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes
_#Co_15 24.090 803.9 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_16 14.390 912.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_17 460.500 887.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_18 -662.110 941.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_19 21.220 912.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_20 -345.030 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_21 -339.710 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_22 -843.890 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_23 -843.890 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_24 -341.130 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_25 -345.030 745.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_26 -341.130 817.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_27 -843.890 912.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_28 278.670 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_29 -268.250 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_30 -345.010 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_31 -803.810 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_32 -843.900 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_33 -843.900 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_34 -802.400 941.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_35 -345.010 791.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_36 -276.730 817.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_37 -843.900 912.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_38 278.710 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_39 -318.220 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 14 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_40 -2918.830 328.040 -45.010 -18.200 155.960 -0.050 - -
_#Co_41 -2984.540 -773.280 125.280 40.130 -204.280 0.070 - -
_#Co_42 -3023.320 329.510 -46.040 -18.450 156.280 -0.050 - -
_#Co_43 -3023.320 329.510 -46.040 -18.450 156.280 -0.050 - -
_#Co_44 -2984.400 -773.200 125.560 40.020 -204.250 0.110 - -
_#Co_45 -3038.600 -623.340 62.330 -13.390 155.960 -0.050 - -
_#Co_46 -3104.170 472.750 -122.250 44.830 -204.250 0.110 - -
_#Co_47 -3143.090 -623.800 62.860 -13.650 156.280 -0.050 - -
_#Co_48 -3109.610 899.580 -104.470 30.070 -318.760 0.110 - -
_#Co_49 -3148.540 -196.980 80.640 -28.400 41.770 -0.050 - -
_#Co_50 -2920.290 328.290 45.390 18.300 156.030 0.010 - -
_#Co_51 -3029.890 57.860 66.960 23.780 41.790 -0.050 - -
_#Co_52 -3024.620 329.770 46.430 18.550 156.350 0.010 - -
_#Co_53 -3024.620 329.770 46.430 18.550 156.350 0.010 - -
_#Co_54 -3030.030 57.780 67.250 23.670 41.760 -0.010 - -
_#Co_55 -3040.060 -623.520 -62.570 13.490 156.030 0.010 - -
_#Co_56 -3149.810 -196.990 -80.830 28.480 41.760 -0.010 - -
_#Co_57 -3144.390 -623.980 -63.090 13.750 156.350 0.010 - -
_#Co_58 -3111.150 899.590 104.360 -30.030 -318.780 -0.160 - -
_#Co_59 -3105.730 472.600 122.100 -44.760 -204.190 -0.150 - -
_#Co_60 -3094.340 -1043.410 103.590 34.620 -318.450 0.110 - -
_#Co_61 -3028.620 57.910 -66.700 -23.700 41.800 -0.010 - -
_#Co_62 -2989.840 -1044.890 104.630 34.880 -318.760 0.110 - -
_#Co_63 -2989.840 -1044.890 104.630 34.880 -318.760 0.110 - -
_#Co_64 -3028.760 57.830 -66.980 -23.600 41.770 -0.050 - -
_#Co_65 -3214.110 899.120 -103.940 29.820 -318.450 0.110 - -
_#Co_66 -3148.540 -196.980 80.640 -28.400 41.770 -0.050 - -
_#Co_67 -3109.610 899.580 -104.470 30.070 -318.760 0.110 - -
_#Co_68 -3143.090 -623.800 62.860 -13.650 156.280 -0.050 - -
_#Co_69 -3104.170 472.750 -122.250 44.830 -204.250 0.110 - -
_#Co_70 -3095.700 -1043.500 -103.410 -34.570 -318.460 -0.160 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 15 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_71 -2986.100 -773.070 -124.980 -40.050 -204.220 -0.110 - -
_#Co_72 -2991.370 -1044.970 -104.450 -34.830 -318.780 -0.160 - -
_#Co_73 -2991.370 -1044.970 -104.450 -34.830 -318.780 -0.160 - -
_#Co_74 -2985.960 -772.990 -125.270 -39.950 -204.190 -0.150 - -
_#Co_75 -3215.470 899.130 103.840 -29.770 -318.460 -0.160 - -
_#Co_76 -3105.730 472.600 122.100 -44.760 -204.190 -0.150 - -
_#Co_77 -3111.150 899.590 104.360 -30.030 -318.780 -0.160 - -
_#Co_78 -3144.390 -623.980 -63.090 13.750 156.350 0.010 - -
_#Co_79 -3149.810 -196.990 -80.830 28.480 41.760 -0.010 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 35 _#Co_41 -0.065 0.496 0.166 0.000 1.000
C11 fck = 35 _#Co_72 -0.065 -0.496 -0.446 -15.189 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_62 0.000 0.414 0.294 60.276 1.000
P18 fyk = 500 _#Co_72 0.000 -0.414 -0.374 -76.770 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Colonnes.dat 16 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP2-Colonnes
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_62

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 3.210
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 1.000
d (m) 0.784
h-d (m) 0.215
Covering c (mm) 34.0
hceff (m) 0.150
Aceff (m2) 0.0718
As (mm2) 3217.0
φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 60.28
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) 237.0875
wk (mm) 0.0418
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 1 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 2 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 3 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.776457 Iyy 0.048 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.048 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 4 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 19301.9 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 24859.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24φ32 19301.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 5 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 2618.0

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.120 2618.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 6 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 -2150.830 0.000 153.900 6.960 433.500 539.510
_#Co_1 01 -3905.420 0.000 121.190 4.170 -14.680 567.710
_#Co_2 01 -2697.670 0.000 167.030 6.360 699.660 298.660
_#Co_3 01 -2697.670 0.000 167.030 6.360 699.660 298.660
_#Co_4 01 -3207.690 0.000 152.880 6.950 370.160 570.460
_#Co_5 01 -2270.600 0.000 426.650 6.960 271.910 -879.670
_#Co_6 01 -3369.380 0.000 429.710 6.950 284.890 -881.250
_#Co_7 01 -2817.440 0.000 363.610 6.360 252.240 -592.480
_#Co_8 01 -3266.730 0.000 295.100 1.160 507.900 690.630
_#Co_9 01 -3323.750 0.000 378.390 3.340 312.920 998.590
_#Co_10 01 -2157.510 0.000 120.960 3.220 435.930 -340.140
_#Co_11 01 -3178.130 0.000 183.900 6.810 615.040 589.520
_#Co_12 01 -2699.590 0.000 166.720 3.840 701.810 -101.540
_#Co_13 01 -2699.590 0.000 166.720 3.840 701.810 -101.540
_#Co_14 01 -3167.310 0.000 174.370 6.630 566.200 590.540
_#Co_15 01 -2277.280 0.000 374.820 3.220 270.700 999.480
_#Co_16 01 -3297.910 0.000 442.860 6.810 348.100 -887.660
_#Co_17 01 -2819.360 0.000 321.210 3.840 250.550 699.310
_#Co_18 01 -3268.240 0.000 318.580 3.570 506.470 -637.140
_#Co_19 01 -3370.200 0.000 373.570 3.210 266.930 1005.880
_#Co_20 01 -6518.370 0.000 256.040 -6.860 -1062.560 -551.600
_#Co_21 01 -5398.210 0.000 244.610 -6.780 -964.550 -584.080
_#Co_22 01 -6366.480 0.000 256.380 -6.330 -1159.570 -153.170
_#Co_23 01 -6311.010 0.000 256.790 -6.330 -1169.200 -320.000
_#Co_24 01 -4943.020 0.000 233.640 -6.580 -914.650 -585.120
_#Co_25 01 -6680.060 0.000 472.830 -6.860 -245.770 882.150
_#Co_26 01 -5517.990 0.000 470.060 -6.780 -242.240 881.150
_#Co_27 01 -6472.710 0.000 419.100 -6.330 -172.240 606.810
_#Co_28 01 -5076.900 0.000 290.950 -1.080 -428.920 -690.690
_#Co_29 01 -5151.810 0.000 413.010 -3.170 -217.560 -1012.370
_#Co_30 01 -6524.670 0.000 238.440 -3.280 -1060.230 359.690
_#Co_31 01 -5099.600 0.000 216.650 -4.130 -803.560 -568.250
_#Co_32 01 -6367.870 0.000 264.650 -3.810 -1156.440 -44.500
_#Co_33 01 -6312.390 0.000 254.360 -3.810 -1166.730 122.300
_#Co_34 01 -5099.600 0.000 216.650 -4.130 -803.560 -568.250
_#Co_35 01 -6686.360 0.000 431.320 -3.280 -247.530 -995.910
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 7 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -5527.930 0.000 463.050 -6.920 -235.190 874.750
_#Co_37 01 -6474.090 0.000 381.380 -3.810 -173.840 -714.360
_#Co_38 01 -5078.660 0.000 314.850 -3.620 -430.300 636.510
_#Co_39 01 -5481.530 0.000 408.780 -3.320 -207.270 -1005.020
_#Co_40 05 -2938.700 0.000 38.020 0.060 -247.770 -45.060
_#Co_41 05 -2996.480 0.000 69.830 0.070 -319.190 125.620
_#Co_42 05 -2963.140 0.000 35.930 0.060 -166.500 -65.620
_#Co_43 05 -2963.140 0.000 35.930 0.060 -166.500 -65.620
_#Co_44 05 -2996.480 0.000 69.830 0.070 -319.190 125.620
_#Co_45 05 -3058.470 0.000 35.980 0.060 -43.860 61.690
_#Co_46 05 -3116.260 0.000 72.700 0.070 29.310 -122.990
_#Co_47 05 -3082.910 0.000 33.010 0.060 0.070 73.150
_#Co_48 05 -3248.220 0.000 59.030 0.030 73.450 -103.420
_#Co_49 05 -3190.440 0.000 39.650 0.020 0.270 81.260
_#Co_50 05 -2939.900 0.000 37.870 -0.050 -247.050 44.500
_#Co_51 05 -3072.050 0.000 36.040 -0.010 -165.260 67.670
_#Co_52 05 -2964.670 0.000 35.650 -0.050 -165.050 65.270
_#Co_53 05 -2964.670 0.000 35.650 -0.050 -165.050 65.270
_#Co_54 05 -3072.050 0.000 36.040 -0.010 -165.260 67.670
_#Co_55 05 -3059.670 0.000 35.820 -0.050 -44.090 -62.140
_#Co_56 05 -3191.820 0.000 39.380 -0.010 -0.480 -81.520
_#Co_57 05 -3084.450 0.000 32.710 -0.050 -0.650 -73.430
_#Co_58 05 -3249.590 0.000 58.530 -0.020 72.020 103.120
_#Co_59 05 -3117.430 0.000 72.410 -0.050 28.410 122.490
_#Co_60 05 -3128.450 0.000 61.570 0.030 -238.170 102.650
_#Co_61 05 -3070.660 0.000 36.320 0.020 -166.750 -68.030
_#Co_62 05 -3104.010 0.000 69.600 0.030 -319.440 123.210
_#Co_63 05 -3104.010 0.000 69.600 0.030 -319.440 123.210
_#Co_64 05 -3070.660 0.000 36.320 0.020 -166.750 -68.030
_#Co_65 05 -3248.220 0.000 59.030 0.030 73.450 -103.420
_#Co_66 05 -3190.440 0.000 39.650 0.020 0.270 81.260
_#Co_67 05 -3223.780 0.000 66.980 0.030 29.510 -114.880
_#Co_68 05 -3058.470 0.000 35.980 0.060 -43.860 61.690
_#Co_69 05 -3116.260 0.000 72.700 0.070 29.310 -122.990
_#Co_70 05 -3129.820 0.000 61.100 -0.020 -236.010 -103.000
_#Co_71 05 -2997.660 0.000 69.530 -0.050 -317.790 -126.180
_#Co_72 05 -3105.040 0.000 69.290 -0.010 -318.010 -123.770
_#Co_73 05 -3105.040 0.000 69.290 -0.010 -318.010 -123.770
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 8 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 05 -2997.660 0.000 69.530 -0.050 -317.790 -126.180
_#Co_75 05 -3249.590 0.000 58.530 -0.020 72.020 103.120
_#Co_76 05 -3117.430 0.000 72.410 -0.050 28.410 122.490
_#Co_77 05 -3224.810 0.000 66.650 -0.010 28.580 114.410
_#Co_78 05 -3059.670 0.000 35.820 -0.050 -44.090 -62.140
_#Co_79 05 -3191.820 0.000 39.380 -0.010 -0.480 -81.520

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 9 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.469 for combination _#Co_20

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -2150.830 433.500 539.510 0.224 0.000 153.900 6.960 - -
_#Co_1 -3905.420 -14.680 567.710 0.252 0.000 121.190 4.170 - -
_#Co_2 -2697.670 699.660 298.660 0.254 0.000 167.030 6.360 - -
_#Co_3 -2697.670 699.660 298.660 0.254 0.000 167.030 6.360 - -
_#Co_4 -3207.690 370.160 570.460 0.251 0.000 152.880 6.950 - -
_#Co_5 -2270.600 271.910 -879.670 0.283 0.000 426.650 6.960 - -
_#Co_6 -3369.380 284.890 -881.250 0.312 0.000 429.710 6.950 - -
_#Co_7 -2817.440 252.240 -592.480 0.230 0.000 363.610 6.360 - -
_#Co_8 -3266.730 507.900 690.630 0.293 0.000 295.100 1.160 - -
_#Co_9 -3323.750 312.920 998.590 0.340 0.000 378.390 3.340 - -
_#Co_10 -2157.510 435.930 -340.140 0.190 0.000 120.960 3.220 - -
_#Co_11 -3178.130 615.040 589.520 0.289 0.000 183.900 6.810 - -
_#Co_12 -2699.590 701.810 -101.540 0.242 0.000 166.720 3.840 - -
_#Co_13 -2699.590 701.810 -101.540 0.242 0.000 166.720 3.840 - -
_#Co_14 -3167.310 566.200 590.540 0.281 0.000 174.370 6.630 - -
_#Co_15 -2277.280 270.700 999.480 0.312 0.000 374.820 3.220 - -
_#Co_16 -3297.910 348.100 -887.660 0.317 0.000 442.860 6.810 - -
_#Co_17 -2819.360 250.550 699.310 0.253 0.000 321.210 3.840 - -
_#Co_18 -3268.240 506.470 -637.140 0.283 0.000 318.580 3.570 - -
_#Co_19 -3370.200 266.930 1005.880 0.339 0.000 373.570 3.210 - -
_#Co_20 -6518.370 -1062.560 -551.600 0.469 0.000 256.040 -6.860 - -
_#Co_21 -5398.210 -964.550 -584.080 0.418 0.000 244.610 -6.780 - -
_#Co_22 -6366.480 -1159.570 -153.170 0.459 0.000 256.380 -6.330 - -
_#Co_23 -6311.010 -1169.200 -320.000 0.465 0.000 256.790 -6.330 - -
_#Co_24 -4943.020 -914.650 -585.120 0.394 0.000 233.640 -6.580 - -
_#Co_25 -6680.060 -245.770 882.150 0.420 0.000 472.830 -6.860 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 10 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -5517.990 -242.240 881.150 0.377 0.000 470.060 -6.780 - -
_#Co_27 -6472.710 -172.240 606.810 0.365 0.000 419.100 -6.330 - -
_#Co_28 -5076.900 -428.920 -690.690 0.341 0.000 290.950 -1.080 - -
_#Co_29 -5151.810 -217.560 -1012.370 0.390 0.000 413.010 -3.170 - -
_#Co_30 -6524.670 -1060.230 359.690 0.454 0.000 238.440 -3.280 - -
_#Co_31 -5099.600 -803.560 -568.250 0.377 0.000 216.650 -4.130 - -
_#Co_32 -6367.870 -1156.440 -44.500 0.456 0.000 264.650 -3.810 - -
_#Co_33 -6312.390 -1166.730 122.300 0.458 0.000 254.360 -3.810 - -
_#Co_34 -5099.600 -803.560 -568.250 0.377 0.000 216.650 -4.130 - -
_#Co_35 -6686.360 -247.530 -995.910 0.441 0.000 431.320 -3.280 - -
_#Co_36 -5527.930 -235.190 874.750 0.376 0.000 463.050 -6.920 - -
_#Co_37 -6474.090 -173.840 -714.360 0.381 0.000 381.380 -3.810 - -
_#Co_38 -5078.660 -430.300 636.510 0.333 0.000 314.850 -3.620 - -
_#Co_39 -5481.530 -207.270 -1005.020 0.399 0.000 408.780 -3.320 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 11 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_20

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C22 fck = 35 _#Co_20 0.191 0.462 0.965 0.000 1.765
C10 fck = 35 _#Co_20 -0.191 -0.462 -3.500 -19.833 1.765
P4 fyk = 500 _#Co_20 0.207 0.359 0.586 104.450 1.150
P16 fyk = 500 _#Co_20 -0.207 -0.359 -3.121 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 12 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 2618.0



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 153.900 775.7 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_1 121.190 791.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_2 167.030 840.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_3 167.030 840.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_4 152.880 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_5 426.650 808.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_6 429.710 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_7 363.610 840.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_8 295.100 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_9 378.390 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_10 120.960 743.7 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_11 183.900 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_12 166.720 823.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_13 166.720 823.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_14 174.370 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

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Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes
_#Co_15 374.820 809.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_16 442.860 912.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_17 321.210 858.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_18 318.580 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_19 373.570 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_20 256.040 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_21 244.610 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_22 256.380 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_23 256.790 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_24 233.640 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_25 472.830 760.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_26 470.060 817.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_27 419.100 745.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_28 290.950 817.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_29 413.010 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_30 238.440 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_31 216.650 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_32 264.650 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_33 254.360 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_34 216.650 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_35 431.320 817.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_36 463.050 817.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_37 381.380 745.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_38 314.850 817.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_39 408.780 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 14 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_40 -2938.700 -247.770 -45.060 0.000 38.020 0.060 - -
_#Co_41 -2996.480 -319.190 125.620 0.000 69.830 0.070 - -
_#Co_42 -2963.140 -166.500 -65.620 0.000 35.930 0.060 - -
_#Co_43 -2963.140 -166.500 -65.620 0.000 35.930 0.060 - -
_#Co_44 -2996.480 -319.190 125.620 0.000 69.830 0.070 - -
_#Co_45 -3058.470 -43.860 61.690 0.000 35.980 0.060 - -
_#Co_46 -3116.260 29.310 -122.990 0.000 72.700 0.070 - -
_#Co_47 -3082.910 0.070 73.150 0.000 33.010 0.060 - -
_#Co_48 -3248.220 73.450 -103.420 0.000 59.030 0.030 - -
_#Co_49 -3190.440 0.270 81.260 0.000 39.650 0.020 - -
_#Co_50 -2939.900 -247.050 44.500 0.000 37.870 -0.050 - -
_#Co_51 -3072.050 -165.260 67.670 0.000 36.040 -0.010 - -
_#Co_52 -2964.670 -165.050 65.270 0.000 35.650 -0.050 - -
_#Co_53 -2964.670 -165.050 65.270 0.000 35.650 -0.050 - -
_#Co_54 -3072.050 -165.260 67.670 0.000 36.040 -0.010 - -
_#Co_55 -3059.670 -44.090 -62.140 0.000 35.820 -0.050 - -
_#Co_56 -3191.820 -0.480 -81.520 0.000 39.380 -0.010 - -
_#Co_57 -3084.450 -0.650 -73.430 0.000 32.710 -0.050 - -
_#Co_58 -3249.590 72.020 103.120 0.000 58.530 -0.020 - -
_#Co_59 -3117.430 28.410 122.490 0.000 72.410 -0.050 - -
_#Co_60 -3128.450 -238.170 102.650 0.000 61.570 0.030 - -
_#Co_61 -3070.660 -166.750 -68.030 0.000 36.320 0.020 - -
_#Co_62 -3104.010 -319.440 123.210 0.000 69.600 0.030 - -
_#Co_63 -3104.010 -319.440 123.210 0.000 69.600 0.030 - -
_#Co_64 -3070.660 -166.750 -68.030 0.000 36.320 0.020 - -
_#Co_65 -3248.220 73.450 -103.420 0.000 59.030 0.030 - -
_#Co_66 -3190.440 0.270 81.260 0.000 39.650 0.020 - -
_#Co_67 -3223.780 29.510 -114.880 0.000 66.980 0.030 - -
_#Co_68 -3058.470 -43.860 61.690 0.000 35.980 0.060 - -
_#Co_69 -3116.260 29.310 -122.990 0.000 72.700 0.070 - -
_#Co_70 -3129.820 -236.010 -103.000 0.000 61.100 -0.020 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 15 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_71 -2997.660 -317.790 -126.180 0.000 69.530 -0.050 - -
_#Co_72 -3105.040 -318.010 -123.770 0.000 69.290 -0.010 - -
_#Co_73 -3105.040 -318.010 -123.770 0.000 69.290 -0.010 - -
_#Co_74 -2997.660 -317.790 -126.180 0.000 69.530 -0.050 - -
_#Co_75 -3249.590 72.020 103.120 0.000 58.530 -0.020 - -
_#Co_76 -3117.430 28.410 122.490 0.000 72.410 -0.050 - -
_#Co_77 -3224.810 28.580 114.410 0.000 66.650 -0.010 - -
_#Co_78 -3059.670 -44.090 -62.140 0.000 35.820 -0.050 - -
_#Co_79 -3191.820 -0.480 -81.520 0.000 39.380 -0.010 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 35 _#Co_41 -0.191 0.462 -0.012 -0.397 1.000
C13 fck = 35 _#Co_62 0.191 -0.462 -0.189 -6.432 1.000
P7 fyk = 500 _#Co_41 -0.107 0.400 -0.027 -5.542 1.000
P19 fyk = 500 _#Co_62 0.107 -0.400 -0.173 -35.557 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Colonnes.dat 16 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP3-Colonnes
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_62

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 3.210
fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section
h (m) 1.000
d (m) -
h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) -
As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 1.0000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 1 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 2 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

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Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.776457 Iyy 0.048 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.048 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 4 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 19301.9 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 24859.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24φ32 19301.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

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Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 2618.0

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ20 0.120 2618.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 6 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 -2102.360 0.000 225.880 4.770 710.990 521.010
_#Co_1 01 -4050.410 0.000 673.740 0.960 1994.290 174.150
_#Co_2 01 -2857.980 0.000 755.700 3.490 2325.790 527.240
_#Co_3 01 -2857.980 0.000 755.700 3.490 2325.790 527.240
_#Co_4 01 -3141.580 0.000 206.600 4.840 588.440 551.860
_#Co_5 01 -2222.130 0.000 453.050 4.770 32.700 -865.150
_#Co_6 01 -3303.280 0.000 446.930 4.840 93.440 -864.370
_#Co_7 01 -2977.750 0.000 847.560 3.490 -1909.230 -896.750
_#Co_8 01 -4133.500 0.000 506.710 1.400 1408.530 913.580
_#Co_9 01 -3256.020 0.000 438.250 4.220 -75.160 976.780
_#Co_10 01 -2106.210 0.000 207.310 4.600 711.750 -329.740
_#Co_11 01 -2932.410 0.000 303.560 2.040 1026.490 204.230
_#Co_12 01 -2856.000 0.000 752.350 1.720 2326.720 -415.750
_#Co_13 01 -2856.000 0.000 752.350 1.720 2326.720 -415.750
_#Co_14 01 -3100.660 0.000 301.470 4.610 1019.540 576.360
_#Co_15 01 -2225.980 0.000 408.040 4.600 31.880 977.470
_#Co_16 01 -3220.430 0.000 500.110 4.610 -31.890 -872.670
_#Co_17 01 -2975.770 0.000 834.680 1.720 -1909.750 962.180
_#Co_18 01 -4131.040 0.000 526.720 3.730 1407.620 -847.510
_#Co_19 01 -3300.700 0.000 395.720 4.630 76.800 984.330
_#Co_20 01 -6445.170 0.000 167.650 -4.650 -782.700 -535.440
_#Co_21 01 -5168.760 0.000 147.130 -2.020 -623.770 -198.320
_#Co_22 01 -5169.420 0.000 560.280 -3.710 -1963.820 -474.730
_#Co_23 01 -5169.420 0.000 560.280 -3.710 -1963.820 -474.730
_#Co_24 01 -5337.060 0.000 148.580 -4.600 -630.860 -570.390
_#Co_25 01 -6606.860 0.000 427.320 -4.650 -642.080 865.560
_#Co_26 01 -5456.840 0.000 424.410 -4.600 -685.700 866.570
_#Co_27 01 -5331.110 0.000 672.040 -3.710 1079.640 848.590
_#Co_28 01 -4175.370 0.000 669.660 -1.610 -2238.120 -961.740
_#Co_29 01 -5089.880 0.000 387.310 -4.580 -465.470 -989.570
_#Co_30 01 -6445.630 0.000 142.170 -4.390 -780.060 345.980
_#Co_31 01 -5244.450 0.000 488.110 -0.810 1164.610 -173.770
_#Co_32 01 -5165.810 0.000 555.820 -1.380 -1961.890 363.370
_#Co_33 01 -5165.810 0.000 555.820 -1.380 -1961.890 363.370
_#Co_34 01 -5076.190 0.000 490.290 -3.380 1171.560 -545.890
_#Co_35 01 -6607.320 0.000 382.510 -4.390 -642.710 -975.470
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 7 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -5462.060 0.000 435.870 -4.800 -482.090 859.150
_#Co_37 01 -5327.500 0.000 655.660 -1.380 1078.890 -912.400
_#Co_38 01 -4172.240 0.000 686.180 -3.390 -2238.480 897.280
_#Co_39 01 -5414.500 0.000 365.520 -4.210 -650.440 -982.690
_#Co_40 05 -2884.270 0.000 250.580 0.140 -918.820 -44.860
_#Co_41 05 -2960.410 0.000 100.630 -0.110 122.250 127.370
_#Co_42 05 -2986.730 0.000 233.430 -0.220 603.700 106.340
_#Co_43 05 -2986.730 0.000 233.430 -0.220 603.700 106.340
_#Co_44 05 -2960.410 0.000 100.630 -0.110 122.250 127.370
_#Co_45 05 -3004.040 0.000 250.280 0.140 605.670 62.570
_#Co_46 05 -3080.190 0.000 102.660 -0.110 -439.870 -122.960
_#Co_47 05 -3106.500 0.000 234.200 -0.220 -804.020 -111.490
_#Co_48 05 -3108.840 0.000 251.470 0.100 606.540 69.910
_#Co_49 05 -3135.160 0.000 115.380 0.000 242.390 81.380
_#Co_50 05 -2882.820 0.000 250.300 -0.080 -917.730 44.770
_#Co_51 05 -3013.290 0.000 114.010 0.020 -438.390 67.470
_#Co_52 05 -2984.770 0.000 233.670 0.280 604.640 -106.390
_#Co_53 05 -2984.770 0.000 233.670 0.280 604.640 -106.390
_#Co_54 05 -3013.290 0.000 114.010 0.020 -438.390 67.470
_#Co_55 05 -3002.590 0.000 250.000 -0.080 605.160 -61.580
_#Co_56 05 -3133.060 0.000 115.100 0.020 241.870 -80.630
_#Co_57 05 -3104.550 0.000 234.440 0.280 -804.450 112.150
_#Co_58 05 -3107.150 0.000 251.190 -0.040 606.010 -68.910
_#Co_59 05 -3078.640 0.000 102.950 0.220 -440.320 123.870
_#Co_60 05 -3091.530 0.000 232.920 -0.260 601.680 104.650
_#Co_61 05 -3015.380 0.000 114.280 0.000 -439.390 -67.590
_#Co_62 05 -2989.070 0.000 251.070 0.100 -920.850 -46.560
_#Co_63 05 -2989.070 0.000 251.070 0.100 -920.850 -46.560
_#Co_64 05 -3015.380 0.000 114.280 0.000 -439.390 -67.590
_#Co_65 05 -3211.300 0.000 232.250 -0.260 -803.150 -104.150
_#Co_66 05 -3135.160 0.000 115.380 0.000 242.390 81.380
_#Co_67 05 -3108.840 0.000 251.470 0.100 606.540 69.910
_#Co_68 05 -3106.500 0.000 234.200 -0.220 -804.020 -111.490
_#Co_69 05 -3080.190 0.000 102.660 -0.110 -439.870 -122.960
_#Co_70 05 -3089.330 0.000 233.160 0.320 602.650 -104.670
_#Co_71 05 -2958.860 0.000 100.920 0.220 123.300 -127.360
_#Co_72 05 -2987.380 0.000 250.790 -0.040 -919.720 46.490
_#Co_73 05 -2987.380 0.000 250.790 -0.040 -919.720 46.490
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 8 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 05 -2958.860 0.000 100.920 0.220 123.300 -127.360
_#Co_75 05 -3209.110 0.000 232.490 0.320 -803.610 104.820
_#Co_76 05 -3078.640 0.000 102.950 0.220 -440.320 123.870
_#Co_77 05 -3107.150 0.000 251.190 -0.040 606.010 -68.910
_#Co_78 05 -3104.550 0.000 234.440 0.280 -804.450 112.150
_#Co_79 05 -3133.060 0.000 115.100 0.020 241.870 -80.630

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 9 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.720 for combination _#Co_28

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -2102.360 710.990 521.010 0.270 0.000 225.880 4.770 - -
_#Co_1 -4050.410 1994.290 174.150 0.597 0.000 673.740 0.960 - -
_#Co_2 -2857.980 2325.790 527.240 0.716 0.000 755.700 3.490 - -
_#Co_3 -2857.980 2325.790 527.240 0.716 0.000 755.700 3.490 - -
_#Co_4 -3141.580 588.440 551.860 0.278 0.000 206.600 4.840 - -
_#Co_5 -2222.130 32.700 -865.150 0.268 0.000 453.050 4.770 - -
_#Co_6 -3303.280 93.440 -864.370 0.297 0.000 446.930 4.840 - -
_#Co_7 -2977.750 -1909.230 -896.750 0.626 0.000 847.560 3.490 - -
_#Co_8 -4133.500 1408.530 913.580 0.516 0.000 506.710 1.400 - -
_#Co_9 -3256.020 -75.160 976.780 0.322 0.000 438.250 4.220 - -
_#Co_10 -2106.210 711.750 -329.740 0.246 0.000 207.310 4.600 - -
_#Co_11 -2932.410 1026.490 204.230 0.330 0.000 303.560 2.040 - -
_#Co_12 -2856.000 2326.720 -415.750 0.709 0.000 752.350 1.720 - -
_#Co_13 -2856.000 2326.720 -415.750 0.709 0.000 752.350 1.720 - -
_#Co_14 -3100.660 1019.540 576.360 0.365 0.000 301.470 4.610 - -
_#Co_15 -2225.980 31.880 977.470 0.297 0.000 408.040 4.600 - -
_#Co_16 -3220.430 -31.890 -872.670 0.295 0.000 500.110 4.610 - -
_#Co_17 -2975.770 -1909.750 962.180 0.635 0.000 834.680 1.720 - -
_#Co_18 -4131.040 1407.620 -847.510 0.507 0.000 526.720 3.730 - -
_#Co_19 -3300.700 76.800 984.330 0.325 0.000 395.720 4.630 - -
_#Co_20 -6445.170 -782.700 -535.440 0.418 0.000 167.650 -4.650 - -
_#Co_21 -5168.760 -623.770 -198.320 0.315 0.000 147.130 -2.020 - -
_#Co_22 -5169.420 -1963.820 -474.730 0.625 0.000 560.280 -3.710 - -
_#Co_23 -5169.420 -1963.820 -474.730 0.625 0.000 560.280 -3.710 - -
_#Co_24 -5337.060 -630.860 -570.390 0.358 0.000 148.580 -4.600 - -
_#Co_25 -6606.860 -642.080 865.560 0.449 0.000 427.320 -4.650 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 10 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -5456.840 -685.700 866.570 0.415 0.000 424.410 -4.600 - -
_#Co_27 -5331.110 1079.640 848.590 0.471 0.000 672.040 -3.710 - -
_#Co_28 -4175.370 -2238.120 -961.740 0.720 0.000 669.660 -1.610 - -
_#Co_29 -5089.880 -465.470 -989.570 0.401 0.000 387.310 -4.580 - -
_#Co_30 -6445.630 -780.060 345.980 0.400 0.000 142.170 -4.390 - -
_#Co_31 -5244.450 1164.610 -173.770 0.424 0.000 488.110 -0.810 - -
_#Co_32 -5165.810 -1961.890 363.370 0.620 0.000 555.820 -1.380 - -
_#Co_33 -5165.810 -1961.890 363.370 0.620 0.000 555.820 -1.380 - -
_#Co_34 -5076.190 1171.560 -545.890 0.446 0.000 490.290 -3.380 - -
_#Co_35 -6607.320 -642.710 -975.470 0.466 0.000 382.510 -4.390 - -
_#Co_36 -5462.060 -482.090 859.150 0.390 0.000 435.870 -4.800 - -
_#Co_37 -5327.500 1078.890 -912.400 0.481 0.000 655.660 -1.380 - -
_#Co_38 -4172.240 -2238.480 897.280 0.713 0.000 686.180 -3.390 - -
_#Co_39 -5414.500 -650.440 -982.690 0.430 0.000 365.520 -4.210 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 11 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_28

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C22 fck = 35 _#Co_28 0.191 0.462 3.416 0.000 1.765
C10 fck = 35 _#Co_28 -0.191 -0.462 -3.500 -19.833 1.765
P4 fyk = 500 _#Co_28 0.207 0.359 2.802 434.783 1.150
P16 fyk = 500 _#Co_28 -0.207 -0.359 -2.886 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 12 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 2618.0



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 225.880 768.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_1 673.740 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_2 755.700 921.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_3 755.700 921.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_4 206.600 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_5 453.050 801.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_6 446.930 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_7 847.560 926.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_8 506.710 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_9 438.250 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_10 207.310 769.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_11 303.560 890.5 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_12 752.350 921.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_13 752.350 921.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_14 301.470 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 13 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes
_#Co_15 408.040 801.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_16 500.110 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_17 834.680 938.9 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_18 526.720 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_19 395.720 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_20 167.650 791.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_21 147.130 760.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_22 560.280 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_23 560.280 927.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_24 148.580 817.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_25 427.320 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_26 424.410 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_27 672.040 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_28 669.660 941.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_29 387.310 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_30 142.170 760.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_31 488.110 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_32 555.820 912.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_33 555.820 912.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_34 490.290 879.2 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_35 382.510 840.1 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_36 435.870 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_37 655.660 896.3 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_38 686.180 941.0 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_39 365.520 860.6 OK 2617.99 0.00 778.6 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 14 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_40 -2884.270 -918.820 -44.860 0.000 250.580 0.140 - -
_#Co_41 -2960.410 122.250 127.370 0.000 100.630 -0.110 - -
_#Co_42 -2986.730 603.700 106.340 0.000 233.430 -0.220 - -
_#Co_43 -2986.730 603.700 106.340 0.000 233.430 -0.220 - -
_#Co_44 -2960.410 122.250 127.370 0.000 100.630 -0.110 - -
_#Co_45 -3004.040 605.670 62.570 0.000 250.280 0.140 - -
_#Co_46 -3080.190 -439.870 -122.960 0.000 102.660 -0.110 - -
_#Co_47 -3106.500 -804.020 -111.490 0.000 234.200 -0.220 - -
_#Co_48 -3108.840 606.540 69.910 0.000 251.470 0.100 - -
_#Co_49 -3135.160 242.390 81.380 0.000 115.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_50 -2882.820 -917.730 44.770 0.000 250.300 -0.080 - -
_#Co_51 -3013.290 -438.390 67.470 0.000 114.010 0.020 - -
_#Co_52 -2984.770 604.640 -106.390 0.000 233.670 0.280 - -
_#Co_53 -2984.770 604.640 -106.390 0.000 233.670 0.280 - -
_#Co_54 -3013.290 -438.390 67.470 0.000 114.010 0.020 - -
_#Co_55 -3002.590 605.160 -61.580 0.000 250.000 -0.080 - -
_#Co_56 -3133.060 241.870 -80.630 0.000 115.100 0.020 - -
_#Co_57 -3104.550 -804.450 112.150 0.000 234.440 0.280 - -
_#Co_58 -3107.150 606.010 -68.910 0.000 251.190 -0.040 - -
_#Co_59 -3078.640 -440.320 123.870 0.000 102.950 0.220 - -
_#Co_60 -3091.530 601.680 104.650 0.000 232.920 -0.260 - -
_#Co_61 -3015.380 -439.390 -67.590 0.000 114.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_62 -2989.070 -920.850 -46.560 0.000 251.070 0.100 - -
_#Co_63 -2989.070 -920.850 -46.560 0.000 251.070 0.100 - -
_#Co_64 -3015.380 -439.390 -67.590 0.000 114.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_65 -3211.300 -803.150 -104.150 0.000 232.250 -0.260 - -
_#Co_66 -3135.160 242.390 81.380 0.000 115.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_67 -3108.840 606.540 69.910 0.000 251.470 0.100 - -
_#Co_68 -3106.500 -804.020 -111.490 0.000 234.200 -0.220 - -
_#Co_69 -3080.190 -439.870 -122.960 0.000 102.660 -0.110 - -
_#Co_70 -3089.330 602.650 -104.670 0.000 233.160 0.320 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 15 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_71 -2958.860 123.300 -127.360 0.000 100.920 0.220 - -
_#Co_72 -2987.380 -919.720 46.490 0.000 250.790 -0.040 - -
_#Co_73 -2987.380 -919.720 46.490 0.000 250.790 -0.040 - -
_#Co_74 -2958.860 123.300 -127.360 0.000 100.920 0.220 - -
_#Co_75 -3209.110 -803.610 104.820 0.000 232.490 0.320 - -
_#Co_76 -3078.640 -440.320 123.870 0.000 102.950 0.220 - -
_#Co_77 -3107.150 606.010 -68.910 0.000 251.190 -0.040 - -
_#Co_78 -3104.550 -804.450 112.150 0.000 234.440 0.280 - -
_#Co_79 -3133.060 241.870 -80.630 0.000 115.100 0.020 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 35 _#Co_40 0.065 0.496 0.275 0.000 1.000
C11 fck = 35 _#Co_40 -0.065 -0.496 -0.386 -13.155 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_40 0.000 0.414 0.219 44.844 1.000
P18 fyk = 500 _#Co_62 0.000 -0.414 -0.331 -67.839 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Colonnes.dat 16 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP4-Colonnes
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_40

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 3.210
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.997
d (m) 0.784
h-d (m) 0.213
Covering c (mm) 34.0
hceff (m) 0.138
Aceff (m2) 0.0646
As (mm2) 3217.0
φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 44.84
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) 224.8436
wk (mm) 0.0295
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 1 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 35.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -1.03
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 34077 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 2 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.065 0.000
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.462 -0.687
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 3 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.065 -0.991
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.191 -0.958
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.304 -0.892
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.397 -0.800
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.462 -0.687
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.496 -0.561
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.496 -0.430
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.462 -0.304
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.397 -0.191
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.304 -0.099
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.191 -0.034
C1 35.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.065 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.776457 Iyy 0.048 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.048 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 4 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 38603.9 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 49718.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 24φ32 19301.9
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24φ32 19301.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 5 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 5236.0

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 2φ20 0.120 5236.0
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 6 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 -2402.150 0.000 363.340 3.890 1245.500 515.040
_#Co_1 01 -3652.420 0.000 347.340 0.320 1143.570 194.780
_#Co_2 01 -3169.840 0.000 1520.280 4.430 4692.840 484.180
_#Co_3 01 -3169.840 0.000 1520.280 4.430 4692.840 484.180
_#Co_4 01 -4209.500 0.000 357.090 4.430 1217.110 542.010
_#Co_5 01 -2521.920 0.000 534.250 3.890 -449.940 -875.830
_#Co_6 01 -3687.790 0.000 522.830 3.890 -410.330 -882.070
_#Co_7 01 -3289.610 0.000 1505.350 4.430 -4292.690 -866.250
_#Co_8 01 -4377.930 0.000 761.920 1.740 2455.710 876.410
_#Co_9 01 -3528.410 0.000 581.420 6.320 -713.270 974.910
_#Co_10 01 -2406.130 0.000 353.170 6.460 1245.260 -344.490
_#Co_11 01 -3273.410 0.000 507.030 -0.270 1755.690 243.860
_#Co_12 01 -3168.270 0.000 1518.820 1.450 4692.290 -385.530
_#Co_13 01 -3168.270 0.000 1518.820 1.450 4692.290 -385.530
_#Co_14 01 -3399.760 0.000 498.440 3.300 1743.710 574.900
_#Co_15 01 -2525.900 0.000 501.350 6.460 -449.980 976.590
_#Co_16 01 -3519.530 0.000 638.310 3.300 -676.740 -894.370
_#Co_17 01 -3288.040 0.000 1509.380 1.450 -4292.450 921.620
_#Co_18 01 -4377.160 0.000 773.400 4.130 2456.000 -820.430
_#Co_19 01 -3691.840 0.000 488.870 6.460 -410.310 982.780
_#Co_20 01 -6777.040 0.000 153.050 -3.520 53.130 -530.580
_#Co_21 01 -5475.570 0.000 193.330 0.220 177.090 -236.620
_#Co_22 01 -5404.770 0.000 857.410 -4.120 -2752.980 -438.850
_#Co_23 01 -5404.770 0.000 857.410 -4.120 -2752.980 -438.850
_#Co_24 01 -5601.900 0.000 177.220 -3.350 165.140 -567.620
_#Co_25 01 -6938.730 0.000 420.620 -3.520 -1171.180 883.350
_#Co_26 01 -5721.680 0.000 434.640 -3.350 -1218.720 886.880
_#Co_27 01 -5566.460 0.000 930.510 -4.120 2184.720 820.620
_#Co_28 01 -4478.140 0.000 1390.050 -1.430 -4563.670 -922.050
_#Co_29 01 -5456.700 0.000 369.580 -6.520 -840.270 -990.280
_#Co_30 01 -6780.510 0.000 130.190 -7.030 52.560 367.220
_#Co_31 01 -5425.690 0.000 133.650 -0.390 -109.880 -187.790
_#Co_32 01 -5404.040 0.000 855.620 -1.730 -2753.490 340.970
_#Co_33 01 -5404.040 0.000 855.620 -1.730 -2753.490 340.970
_#Co_34 01 -6349.910 0.000 112.900 -4.490 -108.030 -534.840
_#Co_35 01 -6942.210 0.000 384.250 -7.030 -1170.740 -972.720
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 7 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -5461.030 0.000 408.920 -3.960 -840.160 874.460
_#Co_37 01 -5565.730 0.000 921.240 -1.730 2185.090 -876.260
_#Co_38 01 -4476.610 0.000 1396.390 -4.410 -4563.360 865.780
_#Co_39 01 -5668.510 0.000 399.670 -6.380 -1177.210 -982.630
_#Co_40 05 -3127.210 0.000 181.300 0.040 -634.440 3.980
_#Co_41 05 -3173.120 0.000 314.910 -0.170 860.540 123.990
_#Co_42 05 -3298.030 0.000 584.840 -0.200 1730.180 102.730
_#Co_43 05 -3298.030 0.000 584.840 -0.200 1730.180 102.730
_#Co_44 05 -3173.120 0.000 314.910 -0.170 860.540 123.990
_#Co_45 05 -3246.980 0.000 181.400 0.040 471.520 14.460
_#Co_46 05 -3293.090 0.000 315.560 -0.130 -1045.080 -121.480
_#Co_47 05 -3417.810 0.000 585.140 -0.200 -1831.230 -109.780
_#Co_48 05 -3277.750 0.000 379.830 0.120 1095.090 69.510
_#Co_49 05 -3402.470 0.000 111.440 0.050 308.940 81.200
_#Co_50 05 -3127.630 0.000 181.380 -0.050 -634.760 -3.750
_#Co_51 05 -3282.230 0.000 110.430 -0.070 -348.210 68.560
_#Co_52 05 -3297.320 0.000 584.740 0.210 1729.790 -102.310
_#Co_53 05 -3297.320 0.000 584.740 0.210 1729.790 -102.310
_#Co_54 05 -3282.230 0.000 110.430 -0.070 -348.210 68.560
_#Co_55 05 -3247.400 0.000 181.480 -0.050 471.680 -14.560
_#Co_56 05 -3401.810 0.000 111.560 -0.040 309.170 -81.260
_#Co_57 05 -3417.090 0.000 585.040 0.210 -1831.010 109.500
_#Co_58 05 -3278.070 0.000 379.910 -0.120 1095.260 -69.540
_#Co_59 05 -3293.360 0.000 315.460 0.120 -1044.910 121.220
_#Co_60 05 -3328.740 0.000 347.860 -0.110 1031.880 42.100
_#Co_61 05 -3282.890 0.000 110.320 0.090 -347.820 -68.360
_#Co_62 05 -3157.980 0.000 379.560 0.120 -1217.460 -47.100
_#Co_63 05 -3157.980 0.000 379.560 0.120 -1217.460 -47.100
_#Co_64 05 -3282.890 0.000 110.320 0.090 -347.820 -68.360
_#Co_65 05 -3448.510 0.000 348.080 -0.110 -1088.420 -44.400
_#Co_66 05 -3402.470 0.000 111.440 0.050 308.940 81.200
_#Co_67 05 -3277.750 0.000 379.830 0.120 1095.090 69.510
_#Co_68 05 -3417.810 0.000 585.140 -0.200 -1831.230 -109.780
_#Co_69 05 -3293.090 0.000 315.560 -0.130 -1045.080 -121.480
_#Co_70 05 -3327.930 0.000 347.750 0.120 1031.470 -41.750
_#Co_71 05 -3173.390 0.000 314.820 0.160 860.210 -123.610
_#Co_72 05 -3158.300 0.000 379.640 -0.120 -1217.790 47.270
_#Co_73 05 -3158.300 0.000 379.640 -0.120 -1217.790 47.270
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 8 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 05 -3173.390 0.000 314.820 0.160 860.210 -123.610
_#Co_75 05 -3447.700 0.000 347.970 0.120 -1088.190 44.200
_#Co_76 05 -3293.360 0.000 315.460 0.120 -1044.910 121.220
_#Co_77 05 -3278.070 0.000 379.910 -0.120 1095.260 -69.540
_#Co_78 05 -3417.090 0.000 585.040 0.210 -1831.010 109.500
_#Co_79 05 -3401.810 0.000 111.560 -0.040 309.170 -81.260

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 9 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.933 for combination _#Co_2

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -2402.150 1245.500 515.040 0.282 0.000 363.340 3.890 - -
_#Co_1 -3652.420 1143.570 194.780 0.277 0.000 347.340 0.320 - -
_#Co_2 -3169.840 4692.840 484.180 0.933 0.000 1520.280 4.430 - -
_#Co_3 -3169.840 4692.840 484.180 0.933 0.000 1520.280 4.430 - -
_#Co_4 -4209.500 1217.110 542.010 0.319 0.000 357.090 4.430 - -
_#Co_5 -2521.920 -449.940 -875.830 0.222 0.000 534.250 3.890 - -
_#Co_6 -3687.790 -410.330 -882.070 0.247 0.000 522.830 3.890 - -
_#Co_7 -3289.610 -4292.690 -866.250 0.864 0.000 1505.350 4.430 - -
_#Co_8 -4377.930 2455.710 876.410 0.541 0.000 761.920 1.740 - -
_#Co_9 -3528.410 -713.270 974.910 0.282 0.000 581.420 6.320 - -
_#Co_10 -2406.130 1245.260 -344.490 0.272 0.000 353.170 6.460 - -
_#Co_11 -3273.410 1755.690 243.860 0.374 0.000 507.030 -0.270 - -
_#Co_12 -3168.270 4692.290 -385.530 0.930 0.000 1518.820 1.450 - -
_#Co_13 -3168.270 4692.290 -385.530 0.930 0.000 1518.820 1.450 - -
_#Co_14 -3399.760 1743.710 574.900 0.387 0.000 498.440 3.300 - -
_#Co_15 -2525.900 -449.980 976.590 0.238 0.000 501.350 6.460 - -
_#Co_16 -3519.530 -676.740 -894.370 0.268 0.000 638.310 3.300 - -
_#Co_17 -3288.040 -4292.450 921.620 0.865 0.000 1509.380 1.450 - -
_#Co_18 -4377.160 2456.000 -820.430 0.537 0.000 773.400 4.130 - -
_#Co_19 -3691.840 -410.310 982.780 0.262 0.000 488.870 6.460 - -
_#Co_20 -6777.040 53.130 -530.580 0.278 0.000 153.050 -3.520 - -
_#Co_21 -5475.570 177.090 -236.620 0.211 0.000 193.330 0.220 - -
_#Co_22 -5404.770 -2752.980 -438.850 0.593 0.000 857.410 -4.120 - -
_#Co_23 -5404.770 -2752.980 -438.850 0.593 0.000 857.410 -4.120 - -
_#Co_24 -5601.900 165.140 -567.620 0.246 0.000 177.220 -3.350 - -
_#Co_25 -6938.730 -1171.180 883.350 0.406 0.000 420.620 -3.520 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 10 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -5721.680 -1218.720 886.880 0.383 0.000 434.640 -3.350 - -
_#Co_27 -5566.460 2184.720 820.620 0.518 0.000 930.510 -4.120 - -
_#Co_28 -4478.140 -4563.670 -922.050 0.918 0.000 1390.050 -1.430 - -
_#Co_29 -5456.700 -840.270 -990.280 0.342 0.000 369.580 -6.520 - -
_#Co_30 -6780.510 52.560 367.220 0.262 0.000 130.190 -7.030 - -
_#Co_31 -5425.690 -109.880 -187.790 0.202 0.000 133.650 -0.390 - -
_#Co_32 -5404.040 -2753.490 340.970 0.591 0.000 855.620 -1.730 - -
_#Co_33 -5404.040 -2753.490 340.970 0.591 0.000 855.620 -1.730 - -
_#Co_34 -6349.910 -108.030 -534.840 0.265 0.000 112.900 -4.490 - -
_#Co_35 -6942.210 -1170.740 -972.720 0.415 0.000 384.250 -7.030 - -
_#Co_36 -5461.030 -840.160 874.460 0.329 0.000 408.920 -3.960 - -
_#Co_37 -5565.730 2185.090 -876.260 0.522 0.000 921.240 -1.730 - -
_#Co_38 -4476.610 -4563.360 865.780 0.917 0.000 1396.390 -4.410 - -
_#Co_39 -5668.510 -1177.210 -982.630 0.386 0.000 399.670 -6.380 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 11 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_2

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 35 _#Co_2 0.065 0.496 -3.500 -19.833 1.765
C11 fck = 35 _#Co_2 -0.065 -0.496 4.206 0.000 1.765
P0 fyk = 500 _#Co_2 0.000 0.414 -2.821 -400.000 1.150
P12 fyk = 500 _#Co_2 0.000 -0.414 3.527 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 12 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 5236.0



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 363.340 921.4 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_1 347.340 1001.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_2 1520.280 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 5112.05 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_3 1520.280 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 5112.05 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_4 357.090 1001.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_5 534.250 938.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_6 522.830 990.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_7 1505.350 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 5061.85 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_8 761.920 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_9 581.420 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_10 353.170 921.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_11 507.030 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_12 1518.820 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 5107.14 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_13 1518.820 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 5107.14 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_14 498.440 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 13 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes
_#Co_15 501.350 939.5 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_16 638.310 1001.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_17 1509.380 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 5075.40 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_18 773.400 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_19 488.870 990.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_20 153.050 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_21 193.330 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_22 857.410 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_23 857.410 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_24 177.220 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_25 420.620 941.0 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_26 434.640 990.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_27 930.510 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_28 1390.050 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4674.14 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_29 369.580 978.7 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_30 130.190 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_31 133.650 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_32 855.620 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_33 855.620 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_34 112.900 745.1 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_35 384.250 954.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_36 408.920 966.7 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_37 921.240 1020.9 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
_#Co_38 1396.390 1020.9 Ast>0 REQ 5235.99 4695.46 1557.1 OK 2333.4 OK
_#Co_39 399.670 990.2 OK 5235.99 0.00 1557.1 - 2333.4 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 14 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_40 -3127.210 -634.440 3.980 0.000 181.300 0.040 - -
_#Co_41 -3173.120 860.540 123.990 0.000 314.910 -0.170 - -
_#Co_42 -3298.030 1730.180 102.730 0.000 584.840 -0.200 - -
_#Co_43 -3298.030 1730.180 102.730 0.000 584.840 -0.200 - -
_#Co_44 -3173.120 860.540 123.990 0.000 314.910 -0.170 - -
_#Co_45 -3246.980 471.520 14.460 0.000 181.400 0.040 - -
_#Co_46 -3293.090 -1045.080 -121.480 0.000 315.560 -0.130 - -
_#Co_47 -3417.810 -1831.230 -109.780 0.000 585.140 -0.200 - -
_#Co_48 -3277.750 1095.090 69.510 0.000 379.830 0.120 - -
_#Co_49 -3402.470 308.940 81.200 0.000 111.440 0.050 - -
_#Co_50 -3127.630 -634.760 -3.750 0.000 181.380 -0.050 - -
_#Co_51 -3282.230 -348.210 68.560 0.000 110.430 -0.070 - -
_#Co_52 -3297.320 1729.790 -102.310 0.000 584.740 0.210 - -
_#Co_53 -3297.320 1729.790 -102.310 0.000 584.740 0.210 - -
_#Co_54 -3282.230 -348.210 68.560 0.000 110.430 -0.070 - -
_#Co_55 -3247.400 471.680 -14.560 0.000 181.480 -0.050 - -
_#Co_56 -3401.810 309.170 -81.260 0.000 111.560 -0.040 - -
_#Co_57 -3417.090 -1831.010 109.500 0.000 585.040 0.210 - -
_#Co_58 -3278.070 1095.260 -69.540 0.000 379.910 -0.120 - -
_#Co_59 -3293.360 -1044.910 121.220 0.000 315.460 0.120 - -
_#Co_60 -3328.740 1031.880 42.100 0.000 347.860 -0.110 - -
_#Co_61 -3282.890 -347.820 -68.360 0.000 110.320 0.090 - -
_#Co_62 -3157.980 -1217.460 -47.100 0.000 379.560 0.120 - -
_#Co_63 -3157.980 -1217.460 -47.100 0.000 379.560 0.120 - -
_#Co_64 -3282.890 -347.820 -68.360 0.000 110.320 0.090 - -
_#Co_65 -3448.510 -1088.420 -44.400 0.000 348.080 -0.110 - -
_#Co_66 -3402.470 308.940 81.200 0.000 111.440 0.050 - -
_#Co_67 -3277.750 1095.090 69.510 0.000 379.830 0.120 - -
_#Co_68 -3417.810 -1831.230 -109.780 0.000 585.140 -0.200 - -
_#Co_69 -3293.090 -1045.080 -121.480 0.000 315.560 -0.130 - -
_#Co_70 -3327.930 1031.470 -41.750 0.000 347.750 0.120 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 15 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_71 -3173.390 860.210 -123.610 0.000 314.820 0.160 - -
_#Co_72 -3158.300 -1217.790 47.270 0.000 379.640 -0.120 - -
_#Co_73 -3158.300 -1217.790 47.270 0.000 379.640 -0.120 - -
_#Co_74 -3173.390 860.210 -123.610 0.000 314.820 0.160 - -
_#Co_75 -3447.700 -1088.190 44.200 0.000 347.970 0.120 - -
_#Co_76 -3293.360 -1044.910 121.220 0.000 315.460 0.120 - -
_#Co_77 -3278.070 1095.260 -69.540 0.000 379.910 -0.120 - -
_#Co_78 -3417.090 -1831.010 109.500 0.000 585.040 0.210 - -
_#Co_79 -3401.810 309.170 -81.260 0.000 111.560 -0.040 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 35 _#Co_40 -0.065 0.496 0.059 0.000 1.000
C11 fck = 35 _#Co_47 -0.065 -0.496 -0.633 -21.563 1.000
P0 fyk = 500 _#Co_47 0.000 0.414 0.539 110.490 1.000
P12 fyk = 500 _#Co_47 0.000 -0.414 -0.523 -107.203 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Colonnes.dat 16 / 16
Identifier: TinguilintaP5-Colonnes
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_47

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 3.210
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.997
d (m) 0.752
h-d (m) 0.245
Covering c (mm) 34.0
hceff (m) 0.168
Aceff (m2) 0.0858
As (mm2) 7238.2
φeq (mm2) 32.0
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 110.49
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) 180.0882
wk (mm) 0.0769
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure


Pile 1
fyd= 400 N/mm

Pile P1. Direction longitudinale

C= 1.300 m
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.850 m
Rd,comp,max= 3428.2 kN
T1dl= 2833.2 kN
As1l= 70.83 cm2
As1l,disp= 102.90 cm2 3x7F 25
Vérification OK
vsup= 0.700 m
Rd,trac,max= 1029.6 kN
Tsupdl= 700.7 kN
Asup,l= 17.52 cm2
As2l,disp= 34.30 cm2 1x7F 25
Vérification OK

Pile P1. Direction transversale

C= 1.3
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.85 m
Rd,comp,max= 3428.2 kN
T1dl= 2833.2 kN
As1l= 70.83 cm2
As1l,disp= 102.90 cm2 3x7F 25
Vérification OK
vsup= 0.7 m
Rd,trac,max= 1029.60 kN
Tsupdl= 700.75 kN
Asup,l= 17.51871658
As2l,disp= 34.30 cm 1x7F 25
Vérification OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Pile 2

fyd= 400 N/mm

Pile P2. Direction longitudinale

C= 1.300 m
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.850 m
Rd,comp,max= 2887.5 kN
T1dl= 2386.4 kN
As1l= 59.66 cm2
As1l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK
vsup= 0.700 m
Rd,trac,max= 459.5 kN
Tsupdl= 312.7 kN
Asup,l= 7.82 cm2
As2l,disp= 21.98 cm2 1x7F 20
Vérification OK

Pile P2. Direction transversale

C= 1.3
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.85 m
Rd,comp,max= 2887.5 kN
T1dl= 2386.4 kN
As1l= 59.66 cm2
As1l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK
vsup= 0.7 m
Rd,trac,max= 459.50 kN
Tsupdl= 312.74 kN
Asup,l= 7.818424891
As2l,disp= 21.98 cm 1x7F 20
Vérification OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Pile 3

fyd= 400 N/mm

Pile P3. Direction longitudinale

C= 1.300 m
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.850 m
Rd,comp,max= 2332.7 kN
T1dl= 1927.9 kN
As1l= 48.20 cm2
As1l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK

Pile P3. Direction transversale

C= 1.3
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.85 m
Rd,comp,max= 2332.7 kN
T1dl= 1927.9 kN
As1l= 48.20 cm2
As1l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Pile 4

fyd= 400 N/mm

Pile P4. Direction longitudinale

C= 1.300 m
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.850 m
Rd,comp,max= 2767.3 kN
T1dl= 2287.0 kN
As1l= 57.18 cm2
As1l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK
vsup= 0.700 m
Rd,trac,max= 363.8 kN
Tsupdl= 247.6 kN
Asup,l= 6.19 cm2
As2l,disp= 21.98 cm2 1x7F 20
Vérification OK

Pile P4. Direction transversale

C= 1.3
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.85 m
Rd,comp,max= 2767.3 kN
T1dl= 2287.0 kN
As1l= 57.18 cm2
As1l,disp= 68.60 cm2 2x7F 25
Vérification OK
vsup= 0.7 m
Rd,trac,max= 363.80 kN
Tsupdl= 247.60 kN
Asup,l= 6.190082645
As2l,disp= 21.98 cm 1x7F 20
Vérification OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

Pile 5

fyd= 400 N/mm

Pile P5. Direction longitudinale

C= 1.300 m
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.850 m
Rd,comp,max= 3931 kN
T1dl= 3248.8 kN
As1l= 81.22 cm2
As1l,disp= 102.90 cm2 3x7F 25
Vérification OK
vsup= 0.700 m
Rd,trac,max= 1415.8 kN
Tsupdl= 963.6 kN
Asup,l= 24.09 cm2
As2l,disp= 34.30 cm2 1x7F 25
Vérification OK

Pile P5. Direction transversale

C= 1.3
d= 1.210 m
vinf= 0.85 m
Rd,comp,max= 3931.0 kN
T1dl= 3248.8 kN
As1l= 81.22 cm2
As1l,disp= 102.90 cm2 3x7F 25
Vérification OK
vsup= 0.7 m
Rd,trac,max= 1415.80 kN
Tsupdl= 963.60 kN
Asup,l= 24.0899368
As2l,disp= 34.30 cm 1x7F 25
Vérification OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

2.3. PIEUX
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 1 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 30.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -0.91
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 32837 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 2 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 3 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.496933 Iyy 0.020 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.020 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 4 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 8303.2 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 16709.0

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 12φ25 5890.5
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12φ16 2412.7
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 5 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 2010.6

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ16 0.100 2010.6
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 6 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 1029.550 0.000 308.200 0.000 -483.630 -128.560
_#Co_1 01 -1084.080 0.000 100.290 0.000 -3.790 203.240
_#Co_2 01 -2569.220 0.000 234.220 0.000 363.300 105.870
_#Co_3 01 -2569.220 0.000 234.220 0.000 363.300 105.870
_#Co_4 01 -1520.290 0.000 101.230 0.000 19.820 203.250
_#Co_5 01 865.430 0.000 308.240 0.000 -483.750 -128.550
_#Co_6 01 -883.740 0.000 100.280 0.000 -2.070 203.230
_#Co_7 01 -2464.330 0.000 233.440 0.000 361.640 105.830
_#Co_8 01 -2464.330 0.000 233.440 0.000 361.640 105.830
_#Co_9 01 -920.110 0.000 100.280 0.000 -3.040 203.230
_#Co_10 01 864.920 0.000 309.330 0.000 -483.810 142.740
_#Co_11 01 -682.270 0.000 100.260 0.000 0.140 203.220
_#Co_12 01 -2464.870 0.000 232.350 0.000 361.530 -91.600
_#Co_13 01 -2464.870 0.000 232.350 0.000 361.530 -91.600
_#Co_14 01 -718.690 0.000 100.260 0.000 -0.840 203.220
_#Co_15 01 1027.880 0.000 309.360 0.000 -483.840 142.740
_#Co_16 01 -452.540 0.000 100.270 0.000 3.760 203.190
_#Co_17 01 -2570.790 0.000 233.050 0.000 363.010 -91.650
_#Co_18 01 -2570.790 0.000 233.050 0.000 363.010 -91.650
_#Co_19 01 -342.670 0.000 103.400 0.000 -39.170 203.190
_#Co_20 01 435.020 0.000 222.930 0.000 337.160 143.440
_#Co_21 01 -1154.860 0.000 100.960 0.000 -4.600 204.510
_#Co_22 01 -197.860 0.000 232.920 0.000 362.990 -90.590
_#Co_23 01 -197.860 0.000 232.920 0.000 362.990 -90.590
_#Co_24 01 -1154.860 0.000 100.960 0.000 -4.600 204.510
_#Co_25 01 251.830 0.000 222.970 0.000 337.200 143.450
_#Co_26 01 -1385.500 0.000 101.100 0.000 -10.490 204.560
_#Co_27 01 -100.890 0.000 232.220 0.000 361.530 -90.580
_#Co_28 01 -100.890 0.000 232.220 0.000 361.530 -90.580
_#Co_29 01 -1385.500 0.000 101.100 0.000 -10.490 204.560
_#Co_30 01 252.310 0.000 221.200 0.000 337.260 -127.480
_#Co_31 01 -1579.170 0.000 101.200 0.000 -13.070 204.570
_#Co_32 01 -100.350 0.000 233.540 0.000 361.640 106.590
_#Co_33 01 -100.350 0.000 233.540 0.000 361.640 106.590
_#Co_34 01 -1579.170 0.000 101.200 0.000 -13.070 204.570
_#Co_35 01 436.360 0.000 221.230 0.000 337.380 -127.470
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 7 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -1711.220 0.000 101.170 0.000 -12.410 204.590
_#Co_37 01 -196.260 0.000 234.310 0.000 363.280 106.590
_#Co_38 01 -196.260 0.000 234.310 0.000 363.280 106.590
_#Co_39 01 -1711.220 0.000 101.170 0.000 -12.410 204.590
_#Co_40 01 -3013.810 0.000 199.530 0.000 293.140 128.590
_#Co_41 01 -1392.110 0.000 124.770 0.000 -129.930 -202.140
_#Co_42 01 576.970 0.000 344.070 0.000 -551.550 -108.230
_#Co_43 01 576.970 0.000 344.070 0.000 -551.550 -108.230
_#Co_44 01 -955.900 0.000 134.940 0.000 -153.550 -202.150
_#Co_45 01 -2811.140 0.000 200.290 0.000 294.810 128.540
_#Co_46 01 -1522.720 0.000 124.630 0.000 -129.250 -202.180
_#Co_47 01 517.140 0.000 343.250 0.000 -549.830 -108.230
_#Co_48 01 517.140 0.000 343.250 0.000 -549.830 -108.230
_#Co_49 01 -1486.340 0.000 124.300 0.000 -128.270 -202.180
_#Co_50 01 -2811.940 0.000 201.890 0.000 294.680 -142.780
_#Co_51 01 -1693.120 0.000 124.590 0.000 -129.110 -202.190
_#Co_52 01 516.350 0.000 342.570 0.000 -549.920 93.960
_#Co_53 01 516.350 0.000 342.570 0.000 -549.920 93.960
_#Co_54 01 -1656.710 0.000 124.250 0.000 -128.130 -202.190
_#Co_55 01 -3015.820 0.000 201.040 0.000 292.800 -142.820
_#Co_56 01 -1938.630 0.000 125.010 0.000 -130.570 -202.210
_#Co_57 01 574.880 0.000 343.480 0.000 -551.810 93.960
_#Co_58 01 574.880 0.000 343.480 0.000 -551.810 93.960
_#Co_59 01 -2048.510 0.000 110.790 0.000 -87.640 -202.210
_#Co_60 01 -3428.160 0.000 332.010 0.000 -528.240 -143.360
_#Co_61 01 -1889.710 0.000 121.840 0.000 -120.520 -203.390
_#Co_62 01 -2815.510 0.000 343.450 0.000 -551.830 93.410
_#Co_63 01 -2815.510 0.000 343.450 0.000 -551.830 93.410
_#Co_64 01 -1889.710 0.000 121.840 0.000 -120.520 -203.390
_#Co_65 01 -3224.080 0.000 331.120 0.000 -526.350 -143.310
_#Co_66 01 -1641.690 0.000 120.950 0.000 -117.220 -203.370
_#Co_67 01 -2875.250 0.000 342.530 0.000 -549.930 93.460
_#Co_68 01 -2875.250 0.000 342.530 0.000 -549.930 93.460
_#Co_69 01 -1641.690 0.000 120.950 0.000 -117.220 -203.370
_#Co_70 01 -3223.370 0.000 329.870 0.000 -526.220 127.630
_#Co_71 01 -1477.720 0.000 121.150 0.000 -117.940 -203.370
_#Co_72 01 -2874.630 0.000 343.340 0.000 -549.840 -109.180
_#Co_73 01 -2874.630 0.000 343.340 0.000 -549.840 -109.180
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 8 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 01 -1477.720 0.000 121.150 0.000 -117.940 -203.370
_#Co_75 01 -3425.780 0.000 330.670 0.000 -527.900 127.680
_#Co_76 01 -1399.520 0.000 122.450 0.000 -122.710 -203.330
_#Co_77 01 -2813.470 0.000 344.170 0.000 -551.570 -109.120
_#Co_78 01 -2813.470 0.000 344.170 0.000 -551.570 -109.120
_#Co_79 01 -1399.520 0.000 122.450 0.000 -122.710 -203.330
_#Co_80 05 -343.250 0.000 117.590 0.000 -192.400 -2.340
_#Co_81 05 -1664.300 0.000 119.600 0.000 186.360 2.360
_#Co_82 05 -1632.520 0.000 120.030 0.000 187.100 -2.310
_#Co_83 05 -1632.520 0.000 120.030 0.000 187.100 -2.310
_#Co_84 05 -1664.300 0.000 119.600 0.000 186.360 2.360
_#Co_85 05 -345.510 0.000 117.630 0.000 -192.480 -2.340
_#Co_86 05 -1636.760 0.000 120.000 0.000 187.030 2.330
_#Co_87 05 -1635.130 0.000 120.000 0.000 187.040 -2.340
_#Co_88 05 -1635.130 0.000 120.000 0.000 187.040 -2.340
_#Co_89 05 -1663.700 0.000 119.580 0.000 186.310 2.330
_#Co_90 05 -345.990 0.000 117.660 0.000 -192.540 2.310
_#Co_91 05 -1635.440 0.000 119.980 0.000 186.990 2.330
_#Co_92 05 -1635.440 0.000 119.980 0.000 186.990 2.330
_#Co_93 05 -1635.440 0.000 119.980 0.000 186.990 2.330
_#Co_94 05 -1662.410 0.000 119.560 0.000 186.260 2.330
_#Co_95 05 -344.700 0.000 117.690 0.000 -192.600 2.300
_#Co_96 05 -1633.420 0.000 119.960 0.000 186.950 2.300
_#Co_97 05 -1633.420 0.000 119.960 0.000 186.950 2.300
_#Co_98 05 -1633.420 0.000 119.960 0.000 186.950 2.300
_#Co_99 05 -371.690 0.000 118.110 0.000 -193.330 2.300
_#Co_100 05 -202.350 0.000 119.950 0.000 186.930 2.360
_#Co_101 05 -680.450 0.000 43.680 0.000 66.350 2.370
_#Co_102 05 -202.350 0.000 119.950 0.000 186.930 2.360
_#Co_103 05 -202.350 0.000 119.950 0.000 186.930 2.360
_#Co_104 05 -680.450 0.000 43.680 0.000 66.350 2.370
_#Co_105 05 -203.760 0.000 119.980 0.000 186.980 2.370
_#Co_106 05 -681.890 0.000 43.720 0.000 66.420 2.390
_#Co_107 05 -203.760 0.000 119.980 0.000 186.980 2.370
_#Co_108 05 -203.760 0.000 119.980 0.000 186.980 2.370
_#Co_109 05 -681.890 0.000 43.720 0.000 66.420 2.390
_#Co_110 05 -203.460 0.000 120.000 0.000 187.030 -2.280
_#Co_111 05 -683.040 0.000 43.750 0.000 66.480 2.400
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 9 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_112 05 -203.460 0.000 120.000 0.000 187.030 -2.280
_#Co_113 05 -203.460 0.000 120.000 0.000 187.030 -2.280
_#Co_114 05 -683.040 0.000 43.750 0.000 66.480 2.400
_#Co_115 05 -201.450 0.000 120.030 0.000 187.080 -2.270
_#Co_116 05 -683.900 0.000 43.780 0.000 66.550 2.410
_#Co_117 05 -201.450 0.000 120.030 0.000 187.080 -2.270
_#Co_118 05 -201.450 0.000 120.030 0.000 187.080 -2.270
_#Co_119 05 -1268.050 0.000 62.730 0.000 -104.590 2.410
_#Co_120 05 -1664.300 0.000 119.600 0.000 186.360 2.360
_#Co_121 05 -343.250 0.000 117.590 0.000 -192.400 -2.340
_#Co_122 05 -375.030 0.000 118.020 0.000 -193.140 2.330
_#Co_123 05 -375.030 0.000 118.020 0.000 -193.140 2.330
_#Co_124 05 -343.250 0.000 117.590 0.000 -192.400 -2.340
_#Co_125 05 -1663.700 0.000 119.580 0.000 186.310 2.330
_#Co_126 05 -372.460 0.000 118.050 0.000 -193.200 -2.340
_#Co_127 05 -374.080 0.000 118.050 0.000 -193.200 2.320
_#Co_128 05 -374.080 0.000 118.050 0.000 -193.200 2.320
_#Co_129 05 -345.510 0.000 117.630 0.000 -192.480 -2.340
_#Co_130 05 -1664.030 0.000 119.550 0.000 186.260 -2.340
_#Co_131 05 -374.590 0.000 118.080 0.000 -193.270 -2.350
_#Co_132 05 -374.590 0.000 118.080 0.000 -193.270 -2.350
_#Co_133 05 -374.590 0.000 118.080 0.000 -193.270 -2.350
_#Co_134 05 -347.610 0.000 117.660 0.000 -192.550 -2.360
_#Co_135 05 -1665.290 0.000 119.530 0.000 186.210 -2.370
_#Co_136 05 -376.560 0.000 118.120 0.000 -193.340 -2.360
_#Co_137 05 -376.560 0.000 118.120 0.000 -193.340 -2.360
_#Co_138 05 -376.560 0.000 118.120 0.000 -193.340 -2.360
_#Co_139 05 -1638.290 0.000 119.950 0.000 186.930 -2.370
_#Co_140 05 -1563.100 0.000 118.120 0.000 -193.360 -2.300
_#Co_141 05 -1085.000 0.000 41.860 0.000 -72.770 -2.310
_#Co_142 05 -1563.100 0.000 118.120 0.000 -193.360 -2.300
_#Co_143 05 -1563.100 0.000 118.120 0.000 -193.360 -2.300
_#Co_144 05 -1085.000 0.000 41.860 0.000 -72.770 -2.310
_#Co_145 05 -1561.630 0.000 118.090 0.000 -193.280 -2.280
_#Co_146 05 -1083.500 0.000 41.830 0.000 -72.720 -2.290
_#Co_147 05 -1561.630 0.000 118.090 0.000 -193.280 -2.280
_#Co_148 05 -1561.630 0.000 118.090 0.000 -193.280 -2.280
_#Co_149 05 -1083.500 0.000 41.830 0.000 -72.720 -2.290
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 10 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_150 05 -1561.110 0.000 118.050 0.000 -193.210 2.380
_#Co_151 05 -1081.540 0.000 41.800 0.000 -72.660 -2.290
_#Co_152 05 -1561.110 0.000 118.050 0.000 -193.210 2.380
_#Co_153 05 -1561.110 0.000 118.050 0.000 -193.210 2.380
_#Co_154 05 -1081.540 0.000 41.800 0.000 -72.660 -2.290
_#Co_155 05 -1561.570 0.000 118.020 0.000 -193.150 2.410
_#Co_156 05 -1079.130 0.000 41.780 0.000 -72.620 -2.270
_#Co_157 05 -1561.570 0.000 118.020 0.000 -193.150 2.410
_#Co_158 05 -1561.570 0.000 118.020 0.000 -193.150 2.410
_#Co_159 05 -446.320 0.000 73.730 0.000 112.960 -2.270

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 11 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.777 for combination _#Co_15

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 1029.550 -483.630 -128.560 0.774 0.000 308.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_1 -1084.080 -3.790 203.240 0.187 0.000 100.290 0.000 - -
_#Co_2 -2569.220 363.300 105.870 0.377 0.000 234.220 0.000 - -
_#Co_3 -2569.220 363.300 105.870 0.377 0.000 234.220 0.000 - -
_#Co_4 -1520.290 19.820 203.250 0.212 0.000 101.230 0.000 - -
_#Co_5 865.430 -483.750 -128.550 0.732 0.000 308.240 0.000 - -
_#Co_6 -883.740 -2.070 203.230 0.178 0.000 100.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_7 -2464.330 361.640 105.830 0.370 0.000 233.440 0.000 - -
_#Co_8 -2464.330 361.640 105.830 0.370 0.000 233.440 0.000 - -
_#Co_9 -920.110 -3.040 203.230 0.179 0.000 100.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_10 864.920 -483.810 142.740 0.736 0.000 309.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_11 -682.270 0.140 203.220 0.171 0.000 100.260 0.000 - -
_#Co_12 -2464.870 361.530 -91.600 0.368 0.000 232.350 0.000 - -
_#Co_13 -2464.870 361.530 -91.600 0.368 0.000 232.350 0.000 - -
_#Co_14 -718.690 -0.840 203.220 0.172 0.000 100.260 0.000 - -
_#Co_15 1027.880 -483.840 142.740 0.777 0.000 309.360 0.000 - -
_#Co_16 -452.540 3.760 203.190 0.167 0.000 100.270 0.000 - -
_#Co_17 -2570.790 363.010 -91.650 0.375 0.000 233.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_18 -2570.790 363.010 -91.650 0.375 0.000 233.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_19 -342.670 -39.170 203.190 0.177 0.000 103.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_20 435.020 337.160 143.440 0.492 0.000 222.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_21 -1154.860 -4.600 204.510 0.191 0.000 100.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_22 -197.860 362.990 -90.590 0.370 0.000 232.920 0.000 - -
_#Co_23 -197.860 362.990 -90.590 0.370 0.000 232.920 0.000 - -
_#Co_24 -1154.860 -4.600 204.510 0.191 0.000 100.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_25 251.830 337.200 143.450 0.449 0.000 222.970 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 12 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -1385.500 -10.490 204.560 0.204 0.000 101.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_27 -100.890 361.530 -90.580 0.387 0.000 232.220 0.000 - -
_#Co_28 -100.890 361.530 -90.580 0.387 0.000 232.220 0.000 - -
_#Co_29 -1385.500 -10.490 204.560 0.204 0.000 101.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_30 252.310 337.260 -127.480 0.443 0.000 221.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_31 -1579.170 -13.070 204.570 0.216 0.000 101.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_32 -100.350 361.640 106.590 0.391 0.000 233.540 0.000 - -
_#Co_33 -100.350 361.640 106.590 0.391 0.000 233.540 0.000 - -
_#Co_34 -1579.170 -13.070 204.570 0.216 0.000 101.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_35 436.360 337.380 -127.470 0.485 0.000 221.230 0.000 - -
_#Co_36 -1711.220 -12.410 204.590 0.225 0.000 101.170 0.000 - -
_#Co_37 -196.260 363.280 106.590 0.375 0.000 234.310 0.000 - -
_#Co_38 -196.260 363.280 106.590 0.375 0.000 234.310 0.000 - -
_#Co_39 -1711.220 -12.410 204.590 0.225 0.000 101.170 0.000 - -
_#Co_40 -3013.810 293.140 128.590 0.376 0.000 199.530 0.000 - -
_#Co_41 -1392.110 -129.930 -202.140 0.226 0.000 124.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_42 576.970 -551.550 -108.230 0.730 0.000 344.070 0.000 - -
_#Co_43 576.970 -551.550 -108.230 0.730 0.000 344.070 0.000 - -
_#Co_44 -955.900 -153.550 -202.150 0.217 0.000 134.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_45 -2811.140 294.810 128.540 0.362 0.000 200.290 0.000 - -
_#Co_46 -1522.720 -129.250 -202.180 0.233 0.000 124.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_47 517.140 -549.830 -108.230 0.715 0.000 343.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_48 517.140 -549.830 -108.230 0.715 0.000 343.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_49 -1486.340 -128.270 -202.180 0.231 0.000 124.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_50 -2811.940 294.680 -142.780 0.365 0.000 201.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_51 -1693.120 -129.110 -202.190 0.243 0.000 124.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_52 516.350 -549.920 93.960 0.713 0.000 342.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_53 516.350 -549.920 93.960 0.713 0.000 342.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_54 -1656.710 -128.130 -202.190 0.241 0.000 124.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_55 -3015.820 292.800 -142.820 0.378 0.000 201.040 0.000 - -
_#Co_56 -1938.630 -130.570 -202.210 0.259 0.000 125.010 0.000 - -
_#Co_57 574.880 -551.810 93.960 0.728 0.000 343.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_58 574.880 -551.810 93.960 0.728 0.000 343.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_59 -2048.510 -87.640 -202.210 0.257 0.000 110.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_60 -3428.160 -528.240 -143.360 0.528 0.000 332.010 0.000 - -
_#Co_61 -1889.710 -120.520 -203.390 0.254 0.000 121.840 0.000 - -
_#Co_62 -2815.510 -551.830 93.410 0.506 0.000 343.450 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 13 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_63 -2815.510 -551.830 93.410 0.506 0.000 343.450 0.000 - -
_#Co_64 -1889.710 -120.520 -203.390 0.254 0.000 121.840 0.000 - -
_#Co_65 -3224.080 -526.350 -143.310 0.516 0.000 331.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_66 -1641.690 -117.220 -203.370 0.237 0.000 120.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_67 -2875.250 -549.930 93.460 0.507 0.000 342.530 0.000 - -
_#Co_68 -2875.250 -549.930 93.460 0.507 0.000 342.530 0.000 - -
_#Co_69 -1641.690 -117.220 -203.370 0.237 0.000 120.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_70 -3223.370 -526.220 127.630 0.514 0.000 329.870 0.000 - -
_#Co_71 -1477.720 -117.940 -203.370 0.228 0.000 121.150 0.000 - -
_#Co_72 -2874.630 -549.840 -109.180 0.509 0.000 343.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_73 -2874.630 -549.840 -109.180 0.509 0.000 343.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_74 -1477.720 -117.940 -203.370 0.228 0.000 121.150 0.000 - -
_#Co_75 -3425.780 -527.900 127.680 0.526 0.000 330.670 0.000 - -
_#Co_76 -1399.520 -122.710 -203.330 0.225 0.000 122.450 0.000 - -
_#Co_77 -2813.470 -551.570 -109.120 0.507 0.000 344.170 0.000 - -
_#Co_78 -2813.470 -551.570 -109.120 0.507 0.000 344.170 0.000 - -
_#Co_79 -1399.520 -122.710 -203.330 0.225 0.000 122.450 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 14 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_15

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 30 _#Co_15 -0.153 0.370 13.279 0.000 1.765
C13 fck = 30 _#Co_15 0.153 -0.370 -3.500 -17.000 1.765
P1 fyk = 500 _#Co_15 -0.151 0.262 11.086 434.783 1.150
P7 fyk = 500 _#Co_15 0.151 -0.262 -1.306 -232.850 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 15 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 2010.6



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 308.200 169.6 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1348.67 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_1 100.290 397.8 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_2 234.220 464.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_3 234.220 464.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_4 101.230 425.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_5 308.240 192.7 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1348.84 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_6 100.280 374.5 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_7 233.440 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_8 233.440 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_9 100.280 379.6 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_10 309.330 192.8 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1353.61 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_11 100.260 346.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_12 232.350 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_13 232.350 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_14 100.260 351.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 16 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
_#Co_15 309.360 169.8 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1353.74 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_16 100.270 343.3 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_17 233.050 464.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_18 233.050 464.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_19 103.400 327.8 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_20 222.930 242.6 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_21 100.960 389.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_22 232.920 320.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_23 232.920 320.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_24 100.960 389.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_25 222.970 268.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_26 101.100 406.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_27 232.220 306.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_28 232.220 306.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_29 101.100 406.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_30 221.200 260.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_31 101.200 433.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_32 233.540 306.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_33 233.540 306.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_34 101.200 433.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_35 221.230 242.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_36 101.170 442.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_37 234.310 319.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_38 234.310 319.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_39 101.170 442.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_40 199.530 417.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_41 124.770 422.5 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_42 344.070 222.5 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1505.63 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_43 344.070 222.5 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1505.63 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_44 134.940 384.6 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_45 200.290 417.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_46 124.630 425.5 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_47 343.250 222.8 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1502.05 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_48 343.250 222.8 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1502.05 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_49 124.300 420.3 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_50 201.890 417.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_51 124.590 449.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_52 342.570 231.1 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1499.07 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_53 342.570 231.1 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1499.07 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 17 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
_#Co_54 124.250 444.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_55 201.040 417.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_56 125.010 442.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_57 343.480 222.8 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1503.05 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_58 343.480 222.8 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1503.05 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_59 110.790 417.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_60 332.010 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_61 121.840 449.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_62 343.450 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_63 343.450 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_64 121.840 449.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_65 331.120 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_66 120.950 442.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_67 342.530 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_68 342.530 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_69 120.950 442.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_70 329.870 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_71 121.150 419.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_72 343.340 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_73 343.340 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_74 121.150 419.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_75 330.670 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_76 122.450 408.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_77 344.170 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_78 344.170 470.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_79 122.450 408.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 18 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_80 -343.250 -192.400 -2.340 0.000 117.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_81 -1664.300 186.360 2.360 0.000 119.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_82 -1632.520 187.100 -2.310 0.000 120.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_83 -1632.520 187.100 -2.310 0.000 120.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_84 -1664.300 186.360 2.360 0.000 119.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_85 -345.510 -192.480 -2.340 0.000 117.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_86 -1636.760 187.030 2.330 0.000 120.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_87 -1635.130 187.040 -2.340 0.000 120.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_88 -1635.130 187.040 -2.340 0.000 120.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_89 -1663.700 186.310 2.330 0.000 119.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_90 -345.990 -192.540 2.310 0.000 117.660 0.000 - -
_#Co_91 -1635.440 186.990 2.330 0.000 119.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_92 -1635.440 186.990 2.330 0.000 119.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_93 -1635.440 186.990 2.330 0.000 119.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_94 -1662.410 186.260 2.330 0.000 119.560 0.000 - -
_#Co_95 -344.700 -192.600 2.300 0.000 117.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_96 -1633.420 186.950 2.300 0.000 119.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_97 -1633.420 186.950 2.300 0.000 119.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_98 -1633.420 186.950 2.300 0.000 119.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_99 -371.690 -193.330 2.300 0.000 118.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_100 -202.350 186.930 2.360 0.000 119.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_101 -680.450 66.350 2.370 0.000 43.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_102 -202.350 186.930 2.360 0.000 119.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_103 -202.350 186.930 2.360 0.000 119.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_104 -680.450 66.350 2.370 0.000 43.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_105 -203.760 186.980 2.370 0.000 119.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_106 -681.890 66.420 2.390 0.000 43.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_107 -203.760 186.980 2.370 0.000 119.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_108 -203.760 186.980 2.370 0.000 119.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_109 -681.890 66.420 2.390 0.000 43.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_110 -203.460 187.030 -2.280 0.000 120.000 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 19 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_111 -683.040 66.480 2.400 0.000 43.750 0.000 - -
_#Co_112 -203.460 187.030 -2.280 0.000 120.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_113 -203.460 187.030 -2.280 0.000 120.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_114 -683.040 66.480 2.400 0.000 43.750 0.000 - -
_#Co_115 -201.450 187.080 -2.270 0.000 120.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_116 -683.900 66.550 2.410 0.000 43.780 0.000 - -
_#Co_117 -201.450 187.080 -2.270 0.000 120.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_118 -201.450 187.080 -2.270 0.000 120.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_119 -1268.050 -104.590 2.410 0.000 62.730 0.000 - -
_#Co_120 -1664.300 186.360 2.360 0.000 119.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_121 -343.250 -192.400 -2.340 0.000 117.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_122 -375.030 -193.140 2.330 0.000 118.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_123 -375.030 -193.140 2.330 0.000 118.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_124 -343.250 -192.400 -2.340 0.000 117.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_125 -1663.700 186.310 2.330 0.000 119.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_126 -372.460 -193.200 -2.340 0.000 118.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_127 -374.080 -193.200 2.320 0.000 118.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_128 -374.080 -193.200 2.320 0.000 118.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_129 -345.510 -192.480 -2.340 0.000 117.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_130 -1664.030 186.260 -2.340 0.000 119.550 0.000 - -
_#Co_131 -374.590 -193.270 -2.350 0.000 118.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_132 -374.590 -193.270 -2.350 0.000 118.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_133 -374.590 -193.270 -2.350 0.000 118.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_134 -347.610 -192.550 -2.360 0.000 117.660 0.000 - -
_#Co_135 -1665.290 186.210 -2.370 0.000 119.530 0.000 - -
_#Co_136 -376.560 -193.340 -2.360 0.000 118.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_137 -376.560 -193.340 -2.360 0.000 118.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_138 -376.560 -193.340 -2.360 0.000 118.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_139 -1638.290 186.930 -2.370 0.000 119.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_140 -1563.100 -193.360 -2.300 0.000 118.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_141 -1085.000 -72.770 -2.310 0.000 41.860 0.000 - -
_#Co_142 -1563.100 -193.360 -2.300 0.000 118.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_143 -1563.100 -193.360 -2.300 0.000 118.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_144 -1085.000 -72.770 -2.310 0.000 41.860 0.000 - -
_#Co_145 -1561.630 -193.280 -2.280 0.000 118.090 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 20 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_146 -1083.500 -72.720 -2.290 0.000 41.830 0.000 - -
_#Co_147 -1561.630 -193.280 -2.280 0.000 118.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_148 -1561.630 -193.280 -2.280 0.000 118.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_149 -1083.500 -72.720 -2.290 0.000 41.830 0.000 - -
_#Co_150 -1561.110 -193.210 2.380 0.000 118.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_151 -1081.540 -72.660 -2.290 0.000 41.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_152 -1561.110 -193.210 2.380 0.000 118.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_153 -1561.110 -193.210 2.380 0.000 118.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_154 -1081.540 -72.660 -2.290 0.000 41.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_155 -1561.570 -193.150 2.410 0.000 118.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_156 -1079.130 -72.620 -2.270 0.000 41.780 0.000 - -
_#Co_157 -1561.570 -193.150 2.410 0.000 118.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_158 -1561.570 -193.150 2.410 0.000 118.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_159 -446.320 112.960 -2.270 0.000 73.730 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 30 _#Co_80 0.052 0.397 0.389 0.000 1.000
C0 fck = 30 _#Co_115 -0.052 0.397 -0.224 -7.348 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_115 0.000 -0.302 0.393 80.525 1.000
P0 fyk = 500 _#Co_81 0.000 0.302 -0.171 -34.996 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP1-Piles.dat 21 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP1
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_115

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 2.896
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.794
d (m) 0.532
h-d (m) 0.262
Covering c (mm) 57.5
hceff (m) 0.180
Aceff (m2) 0.0849
As (mm2) 2075.8
φeq (mm2) 21.5
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 80.52
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) 344.9175
wk (mm) 0.0813
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 1 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 30.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -0.91
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 32837 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 2 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 3 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.496933 Iyy 0.020 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.020 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 4 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 5890.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 11853.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12φ25 5890.5
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 5 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 1340.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ16 0.150 1340.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 6 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 459.240 0.000 179.800 0.000 -317.640 -146.530
_#Co_1 01 -1273.240 0.000 101.250 0.000 0.560 223.680
_#Co_2 01 -1142.880 0.000 134.040 0.000 221.580 -149.480
_#Co_3 01 -1142.880 0.000 134.040 0.000 221.580 -149.480
_#Co_4 01 -1299.220 0.000 101.650 0.000 19.930 225.720
_#Co_5 01 269.620 0.000 179.960 0.000 -318.040 -146.530
_#Co_6 01 -1004.810 0.000 101.260 0.000 -0.240 223.660
_#Co_7 01 -1318.550 0.000 133.190 0.000 219.320 -149.520
_#Co_8 01 -1318.550 0.000 133.190 0.000 219.320 -149.520
_#Co_9 01 -1076.410 0.000 101.200 0.000 0.430 225.700
_#Co_10 01 269.650 0.000 182.560 0.000 -318.020 163.990
_#Co_11 01 -721.390 0.000 101.250 0.000 3.030 223.650
_#Co_12 01 -1318.570 0.000 136.730 0.000 219.330 166.980
_#Co_13 01 -1318.570 0.000 136.730 0.000 219.330 166.980
_#Co_14 01 -865.400 0.000 101.190 0.000 3.640 225.690
_#Co_15 01 459.480 0.000 182.400 0.000 -317.620 163.980
_#Co_16 01 -420.930 0.000 101.290 0.000 10.200 223.610
_#Co_17 01 -1142.810 0.000 137.550 0.000 221.580 166.930
_#Co_18 01 -1142.810 0.000 137.550 0.000 221.580 166.930
_#Co_19 01 -278.790 0.000 101.280 0.000 12.590 225.650
_#Co_20 01 -0.700 0.000 135.870 0.000 218.580 163.330
_#Co_21 01 -759.200 0.000 101.280 0.000 29.000 221.770
_#Co_22 01 -44.330 0.000 137.400 0.000 221.550 166.380
_#Co_23 01 -44.330 0.000 137.400 0.000 221.550 166.380
_#Co_24 01 -937.920 0.000 101.270 0.000 29.330 223.870
_#Co_25 01 -182.680 0.000 135.720 0.000 218.190 163.350
_#Co_26 01 -1062.320 0.000 100.930 0.000 21.850 221.820
_#Co_27 01 -219.570 0.000 136.570 0.000 219.310 166.400
_#Co_28 01 -219.570 0.000 136.570 0.000 219.310 166.400
_#Co_29 01 -1203.550 0.000 100.930 0.000 22.460 223.920
_#Co_30 01 -182.900 0.000 132.340 0.000 218.180 -146.260
_#Co_31 01 -1343.580 0.000 100.790 0.000 18.590 221.830
_#Co_32 01 -219.770 0.000 133.170 0.000 219.310 -149.310
_#Co_33 01 -219.770 0.000 133.170 0.000 219.310 -149.310
_#Co_34 01 -1412.400 0.000 100.790 0.000 19.260 223.930
_#Co_35 01 -1.270 0.000 132.480 0.000 218.590 -146.240
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 7 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -1630.320 0.000 100.820 0.000 19.380 221.850
_#Co_37 01 -44.850 0.000 134.020 0.000 221.560 -149.290
_#Co_38 01 -44.850 0.000 134.020 0.000 221.560 -149.290
_#Co_39 01 -1592.010 0.000 100.820 0.000 19.900 223.950
_#Co_40 01 -2355.900 0.000 65.090 0.000 -8.830 137.910
_#Co_41 01 -879.170 0.000 124.800 0.000 -146.140 -222.500
_#Co_42 01 -750.820 0.000 221.660 0.000 -407.320 146.610
_#Co_43 01 -750.820 0.000 221.660 0.000 -407.320 146.610
_#Co_44 01 -997.260 0.000 130.800 0.000 -164.630 -224.530
_#Co_45 01 -2118.690 0.000 97.900 0.000 131.470 146.590
_#Co_46 01 -1077.940 0.000 123.500 0.000 -141.120 -222.530
_#Co_47 01 -532.360 0.000 220.680 0.000 -404.980 146.600
_#Co_48 01 -532.360 0.000 220.680 0.000 -404.980 146.600
_#Co_49 01 -1150.520 0.000 123.390 0.000 -140.930 -224.570
_#Co_50 01 -2118.420 0.000 102.580 0.000 131.440 -163.950
_#Co_51 01 -1325.900 0.000 123.340 0.000 -140.510 -222.540
_#Co_52 01 -532.030 0.000 222.810 0.000 -405.000 -163.960
_#Co_53 01 -532.030 0.000 222.810 0.000 -405.000 -163.960
_#Co_54 01 -1326.120 0.000 123.230 0.000 -140.260 -224.580
_#Co_55 01 -2355.190 0.000 76.330 0.000 -8.900 -167.370
_#Co_56 01 -1656.710 0.000 124.250 0.000 -144.020 -222.550
_#Co_57 01 -750.010 0.000 223.780 0.000 -407.350 -163.960
_#Co_58 01 -750.010 0.000 223.780 0.000 -407.350 -163.960
_#Co_59 01 -1943.030 0.000 124.480 0.000 -145.540 -224.600
_#Co_60 01 -2887.120 0.000 223.560 0.000 -407.160 -163.350
_#Co_61 01 -2041.100 0.000 129.720 0.000 -162.870 -220.770
_#Co_62 01 -2852.320 0.000 223.670 0.000 -407.370 -163.350
_#Co_63 01 -2852.320 0.000 223.670 0.000 -407.370 -163.350
_#Co_64 01 -2002.780 0.000 129.540 0.000 -162.340 -222.870
_#Co_65 01 -2670.730 0.000 222.580 0.000 -404.790 -163.310
_#Co_66 01 -1712.140 0.000 128.740 0.000 -159.350 -220.750
_#Co_67 01 -2635.930 0.000 222.680 0.000 -405.010 -163.310
_#Co_68 01 -2635.930 0.000 222.680 0.000 -405.010 -163.310
_#Co_69 01 -1711.350 0.000 128.640 0.000 -159.090 -222.850
_#Co_70 01 -2670.810 0.000 220.540 0.000 -404.770 146.310
_#Co_71 01 -1463.280 0.000 128.910 0.000 -159.980 -220.740
_#Co_72 01 -2636.040 0.000 220.640 0.000 -404.990 146.310
_#Co_73 01 -2636.040 0.000 220.640 0.000 -404.990 146.310
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 8 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 01 -1534.860 0.000 128.820 0.000 -159.780 -222.840
_#Co_75 01 -2887.500 0.000 221.520 0.000 -407.130 146.360
_#Co_76 01 -1262.070 0.000 130.330 0.000 -165.010 -220.700
_#Co_77 01 -2852.770 0.000 221.630 0.000 -407.340 146.360
_#Co_78 01 -2852.770 0.000 221.630 0.000 -407.340 146.360
_#Co_79 01 -1440.670 0.000 130.190 0.000 -164.660 -222.790
_#Co_80 05 -463.460 0.000 79.690 0.000 -153.500 -2.600
_#Co_81 05 -991.110 0.000 10.510 0.000 19.100 2.670
_#Co_82 05 -1164.050 0.000 39.110 0.000 72.970 -2.590
_#Co_83 05 -1164.050 0.000 39.110 0.000 72.970 -2.590
_#Co_84 05 -1169.520 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.940 2.670
_#Co_85 05 -465.370 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.520 -2.610
_#Co_86 05 -467.190 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.520 2.650
_#Co_87 05 -1166.370 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.940 -2.610
_#Co_88 05 -1166.370 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.940 -2.610
_#Co_89 05 -493.640 0.000 79.620 0.000 -153.370 2.650
_#Co_90 05 -465.200 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.520 2.640
_#Co_91 05 -961.260 0.000 10.440 0.000 18.950 2.640
_#Co_92 05 -1166.220 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.920 2.640
_#Co_93 05 -1166.220 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.920 2.640
_#Co_94 05 -987.730 0.000 10.520 0.000 19.100 2.640
_#Co_95 05 -462.950 0.000 79.690 0.000 -153.510 2.630
_#Co_96 05 -462.950 0.000 79.690 0.000 -153.510 2.630
_#Co_97 05 -1163.620 0.000 39.090 0.000 72.920 2.610
_#Co_98 05 -1163.620 0.000 39.090 0.000 72.920 2.610
_#Co_99 05 -462.950 0.000 79.690 0.000 -153.510 2.630
_#Co_100 05 -629.290 0.000 39.010 0.000 72.740 2.630
_#Co_101 05 -629.290 0.000 39.010 0.000 72.740 2.630
_#Co_102 05 -655.060 0.000 39.090 0.000 72.900 2.630
_#Co_103 05 -655.060 0.000 39.090 0.000 72.900 2.630
_#Co_104 05 -629.290 0.000 39.010 0.000 72.740 2.630
_#Co_105 05 -631.620 0.000 39.010 0.000 72.750 2.640
_#Co_106 05 -1160.490 0.000 51.070 0.000 -99.710 2.650
_#Co_107 05 -657.390 0.000 39.090 0.000 72.910 2.640
_#Co_108 05 -657.390 0.000 39.090 0.000 72.910 2.640
_#Co_109 05 -1186.260 0.000 50.990 0.000 -99.550 2.650
_#Co_110 05 -631.780 0.000 39.020 0.000 72.770 -2.590
_#Co_111 05 -633.600 0.000 39.020 0.000 72.760 2.650
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 9 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_112 05 -657.540 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.930 -2.590
_#Co_113 05 -657.540 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.930 -2.590
_#Co_114 05 -659.360 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.920 2.650
_#Co_115 05 -629.780 0.000 39.030 0.000 72.790 -2.570
_#Co_116 05 -1189.580 0.000 50.990 0.000 -99.540 2.680
_#Co_117 05 -655.500 0.000 39.110 0.000 72.950 -2.570
_#Co_118 05 -655.500 0.000 39.110 0.000 72.950 -2.570
_#Co_119 05 -1189.580 0.000 50.990 0.000 -99.540 2.680
_#Co_120 05 -1169.520 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.940 2.670
_#Co_121 05 -641.870 0.000 51.050 0.000 -99.660 -2.600
_#Co_122 05 -468.930 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 2.660
_#Co_123 05 -468.930 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 2.660
_#Co_124 05 -463.460 0.000 79.690 0.000 -153.500 -2.600
_#Co_125 05 -1168.190 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.930 2.640
_#Co_126 05 -1166.370 0.000 39.100 0.000 72.940 -2.610
_#Co_127 05 -467.190 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.520 2.650
_#Co_128 05 -467.190 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.520 2.650
_#Co_129 05 -1139.920 0.000 39.020 0.000 72.780 -2.610
_#Co_130 05 -1168.040 0.000 39.090 0.000 72.910 -2.620
_#Co_131 05 -671.980 0.000 50.990 0.000 -99.550 -2.620
_#Co_132 05 -467.020 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 -2.620
_#Co_133 05 -467.020 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 -2.620
_#Co_134 05 -645.510 0.000 51.070 0.000 -99.710 -2.620
_#Co_135 05 -1169.080 0.000 39.080 0.000 72.890 -2.650
_#Co_136 05 -1169.080 0.000 39.080 0.000 72.890 -2.650
_#Co_137 05 -468.410 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 -2.630
_#Co_138 05 -468.410 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 -2.630
_#Co_139 05 -1169.080 0.000 39.080 0.000 72.890 -2.650
_#Co_140 05 -1370.150 0.000 79.630 0.000 -153.390 -2.640
_#Co_141 05 -1370.150 0.000 79.630 0.000 -153.390 -2.640
_#Co_142 05 -1344.370 0.000 79.710 0.000 -153.550 -2.640
_#Co_143 05 -1344.370 0.000 79.710 0.000 -153.550 -2.640
_#Co_144 05 -1370.150 0.000 79.630 0.000 -153.390 -2.640
_#Co_145 05 -1369.230 0.000 79.620 0.000 -153.380 -2.610
_#Co_146 05 -840.360 0.000 10.510 0.000 19.090 -2.610
_#Co_147 05 -1343.450 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 -2.610
_#Co_148 05 -1343.450 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 -2.610
_#Co_149 05 -814.580 0.000 10.430 0.000 18.930 -2.610
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 10 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_150 05 -1369.380 0.000 79.620 0.000 -153.370 2.640
_#Co_151 05 -1367.560 0.000 79.620 0.000 -153.370 -2.600
_#Co_152 05 -1343.630 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 2.640
_#Co_153 05 -1343.630 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.530 2.640
_#Co_154 05 -1341.810 0.000 79.700 0.000 -153.520 -2.600
_#Co_155 05 -1370.610 0.000 79.630 0.000 -153.380 2.670
_#Co_156 05 -810.810 0.000 10.440 0.000 18.950 -2.580
_#Co_157 05 -1344.890 0.000 79.710 0.000 -153.540 2.670
_#Co_158 05 -1344.890 0.000 79.710 0.000 -153.540 2.670
_#Co_159 05 -810.810 0.000 10.440 0.000 18.950 -2.580

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 11 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.660 for combination _#Co_15

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 459.240 -317.640 -146.530 0.649 0.000 179.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_1 -1273.240 0.560 223.680 0.228 0.000 101.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_2 -1142.880 221.580 -149.480 0.257 0.000 134.040 0.000 - -
_#Co_3 -1142.880 221.580 -149.480 0.257 0.000 134.040 0.000 - -
_#Co_4 -1299.220 19.930 225.720 0.232 0.000 101.650 0.000 - -
_#Co_5 269.620 -318.040 -146.530 0.586 0.000 179.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_6 -1004.810 -0.240 223.660 0.217 0.000 101.260 0.000 - -
_#Co_7 -1318.550 219.320 -149.520 0.262 0.000 133.190 0.000 - -
_#Co_8 -1318.550 219.320 -149.520 0.262 0.000 133.190 0.000 - -
_#Co_9 -1076.410 0.430 225.700 0.221 0.000 101.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_10 269.650 -318.020 163.990 0.597 0.000 182.560 0.000 - -
_#Co_11 -721.390 3.030 223.650 0.209 0.000 101.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_12 -1318.570 219.330 166.980 0.270 0.000 136.730 0.000 - -
_#Co_13 -1318.570 219.330 166.980 0.270 0.000 136.730 0.000 - -
_#Co_14 -865.400 3.640 225.690 0.214 0.000 101.190 0.000 - -
_#Co_15 459.480 -317.620 163.980 0.660 0.000 182.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_16 -420.930 10.200 223.610 0.224 0.000 101.290 0.000 - -
_#Co_17 -1142.810 221.580 166.930 0.266 0.000 137.550 0.000 - -
_#Co_18 -1142.810 221.580 166.930 0.266 0.000 137.550 0.000 - -
_#Co_19 -278.790 12.590 225.650 0.252 0.000 101.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_20 -0.700 218.580 163.330 0.389 0.000 135.870 0.000 - -
_#Co_21 -759.200 29.000 221.770 0.210 0.000 101.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_22 -44.330 221.550 166.380 0.382 0.000 137.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_23 -44.330 221.550 166.380 0.382 0.000 137.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_24 -937.920 29.330 223.870 0.216 0.000 101.270 0.000 - -
_#Co_25 -182.680 218.190 163.350 0.338 0.000 135.720 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 12 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -1062.320 21.850 221.820 0.219 0.000 100.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_27 -219.570 219.310 166.400 0.332 0.000 136.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_28 -219.570 219.310 166.400 0.332 0.000 136.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_29 -1203.550 22.460 223.920 0.226 0.000 100.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_30 -182.900 218.180 -146.260 0.323 0.000 132.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_31 -1343.580 18.590 221.830 0.231 0.000 100.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_32 -219.770 219.310 -149.310 0.317 0.000 133.170 0.000 - -
_#Co_33 -219.770 219.310 -149.310 0.317 0.000 133.170 0.000 - -
_#Co_34 -1412.400 19.260 223.930 0.237 0.000 100.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_35 -1.270 218.590 -146.240 0.375 0.000 132.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_36 -1630.320 19.380 221.850 0.249 0.000 100.820 0.000 - -
_#Co_37 -44.850 221.560 -149.290 0.368 0.000 134.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_38 -44.850 221.560 -149.290 0.368 0.000 134.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_39 -1592.010 19.900 223.950 0.248 0.000 100.820 0.000 - -
_#Co_40 -2355.900 -8.830 137.910 0.267 0.000 65.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_41 -879.170 -146.140 -222.500 0.249 0.000 124.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_42 -750.820 -407.320 146.610 0.444 0.000 221.660 0.000 - -
_#Co_43 -750.820 -407.320 146.610 0.444 0.000 221.660 0.000 - -
_#Co_44 -997.260 -164.630 -224.530 0.263 0.000 130.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_45 -2118.690 131.470 146.590 0.272 0.000 97.900 0.000 - -
_#Co_46 -1077.940 -141.120 -222.530 0.252 0.000 123.500 0.000 - -
_#Co_47 -532.360 -404.980 146.600 0.477 0.000 220.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_48 -532.360 -404.980 146.600 0.477 0.000 220.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_49 -1150.520 -140.930 -224.570 0.256 0.000 123.390 0.000 - -
_#Co_50 -2118.420 131.440 -163.950 0.278 0.000 102.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_51 -1325.900 -140.510 -222.540 0.261 0.000 123.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_52 -532.030 -405.000 -163.960 0.487 0.000 222.810 0.000 - -
_#Co_53 -532.030 -405.000 -163.960 0.487 0.000 222.810 0.000 - -
_#Co_54 -1326.120 -140.260 -224.580 0.262 0.000 123.230 0.000 - -
_#Co_55 -2355.190 -8.900 -167.370 0.278 0.000 76.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_56 -1656.710 -144.020 -222.550 0.279 0.000 124.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_57 -750.010 -407.350 -163.960 0.452 0.000 223.780 0.000 - -
_#Co_58 -750.010 -407.350 -163.960 0.452 0.000 223.780 0.000 - -
_#Co_59 -1943.030 -145.540 -224.600 0.298 0.000 124.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_60 -2887.120 -407.160 -163.350 0.470 0.000 223.560 0.000 - -
_#Co_61 -2041.100 -162.870 -220.770 0.309 0.000 129.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_62 -2852.320 -407.370 -163.350 0.468 0.000 223.670 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 13 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_63 -2852.320 -407.370 -163.350 0.468 0.000 223.670 0.000 - -
_#Co_64 -2002.780 -162.340 -222.870 0.307 0.000 129.540 0.000 - -
_#Co_65 -2670.730 -404.790 -163.310 0.455 0.000 222.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_66 -1712.140 -159.350 -220.750 0.287 0.000 128.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_67 -2635.930 -405.010 -163.310 0.454 0.000 222.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_68 -2635.930 -405.010 -163.310 0.454 0.000 222.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_69 -1711.350 -159.090 -222.850 0.288 0.000 128.640 0.000 - -
_#Co_70 -2670.810 -404.770 146.310 0.451 0.000 220.540 0.000 - -
_#Co_71 -1463.280 -159.980 -220.740 0.274 0.000 128.910 0.000 - -
_#Co_72 -2636.040 -404.990 146.310 0.449 0.000 220.640 0.000 - -
_#Co_73 -2636.040 -404.990 146.310 0.449 0.000 220.640 0.000 - -
_#Co_74 -1534.860 -159.780 -222.840 0.279 0.000 128.820 0.000 - -
_#Co_75 -2887.500 -407.130 146.360 0.465 0.000 221.520 0.000 - -
_#Co_76 -1262.070 -165.010 -220.700 0.268 0.000 130.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_77 -2852.770 -407.340 146.360 0.463 0.000 221.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_78 -2852.770 -407.340 146.360 0.463 0.000 221.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_79 -1440.670 -164.660 -222.790 0.276 0.000 130.190 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 14 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_15

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 30 _#Co_15 -0.153 0.370 13.612 0.000 1.765
C13 fck = 30 _#Co_15 0.153 -0.370 -3.500 -17.000 1.765
P4 fyk = 500 _#Co_15 -0.151 0.262 11.537 434.783 1.150
P10 fyk = 500 _#Co_15 0.151 -0.262 -1.425 -253.974 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 15 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 1340.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 179.800 206.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_1 101.250 402.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_2 134.040 384.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_3 134.040 384.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_4 101.650 390.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_5 179.960 233.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_6 101.260 364.5 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_7 133.190 408.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_8 133.190 408.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_9 101.200 374.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_10 182.560 233.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_11 101.250 324.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_12 136.730 408.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_13 136.730 408.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_14 101.190 344.9 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 16 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
_#Co_15 182.400 206.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_16 101.290 308.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_17 137.550 384.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_18 137.550 384.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_19 101.280 288.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_20 135.870 271.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_21 101.280 343.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_22 137.400 277.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_23 137.400 277.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_24 101.270 355.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_25 135.720 286.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_26 100.930 372.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_27 136.570 291.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_28 136.570 291.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_29 100.930 376.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_30 132.340 286.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_31 100.790 396.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_32 133.170 291.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_33 133.170 291.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_34 100.790 406.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_35 132.480 271.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_36 100.820 417.9 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_37 134.020 277.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_38 134.020 277.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_39 100.820 412.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_40 65.090 417.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_41 124.800 346.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_42 221.660 355.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_43 221.660 355.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_44 130.800 363.5 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_45 97.900 417.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_46 123.500 374.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_47 220.680 335.7 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_48 220.680 335.7 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_49 123.390 385.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_50 102.580 417.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_51 123.340 409.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_52 222.810 335.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_53 222.810 335.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 17 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
_#Co_54 123.230 409.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_55 76.330 417.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_56 124.250 421.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_57 223.780 355.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_58 223.780 355.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_59 124.480 426.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_60 223.560 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_61 129.720 426.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_62 223.670 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_63 223.670 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_64 129.540 426.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_65 222.580 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_66 128.740 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_67 222.680 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_68 222.680 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_69 128.640 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_70 220.540 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_71 128.910 413.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_72 220.640 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_73 220.640 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_74 128.820 423.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_75 221.520 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_76 130.330 400.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_77 221.630 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_78 221.630 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_79 130.190 410.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 18 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_80 -463.460 -153.500 -2.600 0.000 79.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_81 -991.110 19.100 2.670 0.000 10.510 0.000 - -
_#Co_82 -1164.050 72.970 -2.590 0.000 39.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_83 -1164.050 72.970 -2.590 0.000 39.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_84 -1169.520 72.940 2.670 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_85 -465.370 -153.520 -2.610 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_86 -467.190 -153.520 2.650 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_87 -1166.370 72.940 -2.610 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_88 -1166.370 72.940 -2.610 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_89 -493.640 -153.370 2.650 0.000 79.620 0.000 - -
_#Co_90 -465.200 -153.520 2.640 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_91 -961.260 18.950 2.640 0.000 10.440 0.000 - -
_#Co_92 -1166.220 72.920 2.640 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_93 -1166.220 72.920 2.640 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_94 -987.730 19.100 2.640 0.000 10.520 0.000 - -
_#Co_95 -462.950 -153.510 2.630 0.000 79.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_96 -462.950 -153.510 2.630 0.000 79.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_97 -1163.620 72.920 2.610 0.000 39.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_98 -1163.620 72.920 2.610 0.000 39.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_99 -462.950 -153.510 2.630 0.000 79.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_100 -629.290 72.740 2.630 0.000 39.010 0.000 - -
_#Co_101 -629.290 72.740 2.630 0.000 39.010 0.000 - -
_#Co_102 -655.060 72.900 2.630 0.000 39.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_103 -655.060 72.900 2.630 0.000 39.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_104 -629.290 72.740 2.630 0.000 39.010 0.000 - -
_#Co_105 -631.620 72.750 2.640 0.000 39.010 0.000 - -
_#Co_106 -1160.490 -99.710 2.650 0.000 51.070 0.000 - -
_#Co_107 -657.390 72.910 2.640 0.000 39.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_108 -657.390 72.910 2.640 0.000 39.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_109 -1186.260 -99.550 2.650 0.000 50.990 0.000 - -
_#Co_110 -631.780 72.770 -2.590 0.000 39.020 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 19 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_111 -633.600 72.760 2.650 0.000 39.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_112 -657.540 72.930 -2.590 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_113 -657.540 72.930 -2.590 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_114 -659.360 72.920 2.650 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_115 -629.780 72.790 -2.570 0.000 39.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_116 -1189.580 -99.540 2.680 0.000 50.990 0.000 - -
_#Co_117 -655.500 72.950 -2.570 0.000 39.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_118 -655.500 72.950 -2.570 0.000 39.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_119 -1189.580 -99.540 2.680 0.000 50.990 0.000 - -
_#Co_120 -1169.520 72.940 2.670 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_121 -641.870 -99.660 -2.600 0.000 51.050 0.000 - -
_#Co_122 -468.930 -153.530 2.660 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_123 -468.930 -153.530 2.660 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_124 -463.460 -153.500 -2.600 0.000 79.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_125 -1168.190 72.930 2.640 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_126 -1166.370 72.940 -2.610 0.000 39.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_127 -467.190 -153.520 2.650 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_128 -467.190 -153.520 2.650 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_129 -1139.920 72.780 -2.610 0.000 39.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_130 -1168.040 72.910 -2.620 0.000 39.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_131 -671.980 -99.550 -2.620 0.000 50.990 0.000 - -
_#Co_132 -467.020 -153.530 -2.620 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_133 -467.020 -153.530 -2.620 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_134 -645.510 -99.710 -2.620 0.000 51.070 0.000 - -
_#Co_135 -1169.080 72.890 -2.650 0.000 39.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_136 -1169.080 72.890 -2.650 0.000 39.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_137 -468.410 -153.530 -2.630 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_138 -468.410 -153.530 -2.630 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_139 -1169.080 72.890 -2.650 0.000 39.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_140 -1370.150 -153.390 -2.640 0.000 79.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_141 -1370.150 -153.390 -2.640 0.000 79.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_142 -1344.370 -153.550 -2.640 0.000 79.710 0.000 - -
_#Co_143 -1344.370 -153.550 -2.640 0.000 79.710 0.000 - -
_#Co_144 -1370.150 -153.390 -2.640 0.000 79.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_145 -1369.230 -153.380 -2.610 0.000 79.620 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 20 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_146 -840.360 19.090 -2.610 0.000 10.510 0.000 - -
_#Co_147 -1343.450 -153.530 -2.610 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_148 -1343.450 -153.530 -2.610 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_149 -814.580 18.930 -2.610 0.000 10.430 0.000 - -
_#Co_150 -1369.380 -153.370 2.640 0.000 79.620 0.000 - -
_#Co_151 -1367.560 -153.370 -2.600 0.000 79.620 0.000 - -
_#Co_152 -1343.630 -153.530 2.640 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_153 -1343.630 -153.530 2.640 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_154 -1341.810 -153.520 -2.600 0.000 79.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_155 -1370.610 -153.380 2.670 0.000 79.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_156 -810.810 18.950 -2.580 0.000 10.440 0.000 - -
_#Co_157 -1344.890 -153.540 2.670 0.000 79.710 0.000 - -
_#Co_158 -1344.890 -153.540 2.670 0.000 79.710 0.000 - -
_#Co_159 -810.810 18.950 -2.580 0.000 10.440 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 30 _#Co_80 0.052 0.397 0.225 0.000 1.000
C12 fck = 30 _#Co_95 0.052 -0.397 -0.173 -5.679 1.000
P3 fyk = 500 _#Co_95 0.000 0.302 0.177 36.358 1.000
P9 fyk = 500 _#Co_155 0.000 -0.302 -0.144 -29.618 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP2-Piles.dat 21 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP2
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_95

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 2.896
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.795
d (m) 0.558
h-d (m) 0.236
Covering c (mm) 57.5
hceff (m) 0.150
Aceff (m2) 0.0651
As (mm2) 1472.6
φeq (mm2) 25.0
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 36.36
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) 383.4080
wk (mm) 0.0408
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 1 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 30.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -0.91
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 32837 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 2 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 3 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.496933 Iyy 0.020 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.020 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 4 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 5890.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 11853.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12φ25 5890.5
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 5 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 1005.3

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ16 0.200 1005.3
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 6 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 -216.150 0.000 93.940 0.000 -15.000 -200.760
_#Co_1 01 -1135.220 0.000 107.250 0.000 51.470 228.270
_#Co_2 01 -550.460 0.000 83.150 0.000 89.410 -152.740
_#Co_3 01 -550.460 0.000 83.150 0.000 89.410 -152.740
_#Co_4 01 -1395.560 0.000 107.460 0.000 55.370 229.510
_#Co_5 01 -531.620 0.000 93.980 0.000 -15.880 -200.790
_#Co_6 01 -894.080 0.000 107.300 0.000 51.960 228.260
_#Co_7 01 -740.020 0.000 81.590 0.000 82.540 -152.780
_#Co_8 01 -740.020 0.000 81.590 0.000 82.540 -152.780
_#Co_9 01 -922.750 0.000 108.330 0.000 62.020 229.500
_#Co_10 01 -529.710 0.000 99.810 0.000 -15.950 215.320
_#Co_11 01 -600.580 0.000 107.540 0.000 54.170 228.250
_#Co_12 01 -739.810 0.000 91.220 0.000 82.430 181.010
_#Co_13 01 -739.810 0.000 91.220 0.000 82.430 181.010
_#Co_14 01 -705.350 0.000 108.670 0.000 64.710 229.490
_#Co_15 01 -212.100 0.000 99.780 0.000 -15.250 215.290
_#Co_16 01 -273.990 0.000 107.970 0.000 58.080 228.200
_#Co_17 01 -550.320 0.000 92.570 0.000 89.090 180.960
_#Co_18 01 -550.320 0.000 92.570 0.000 89.090 180.960
_#Co_19 01 -466.010 0.000 109.590 0.000 71.570 229.440
_#Co_20 01 -285.740 0.000 103.200 0.000 57.430 214.470
_#Co_21 01 -350.910 0.000 107.780 0.000 59.310 227.440
_#Co_22 01 -534.390 0.000 92.360 0.000 89.050 180.450
_#Co_23 01 -534.390 0.000 92.360 0.000 89.050 180.450
_#Co_24 01 -541.290 0.000 109.450 0.000 72.800 228.720
_#Co_25 01 -603.190 0.000 103.130 0.000 56.730 214.500
_#Co_26 01 -1006.210 0.000 106.420 0.000 47.290 227.490
_#Co_27 01 -723.990 0.000 91.010 0.000 82.410 180.500
_#Co_28 01 -723.990 0.000 91.010 0.000 82.410 180.500
_#Co_29 01 -1145.700 0.000 107.420 0.000 57.800 228.780
_#Co_30 01 -603.580 0.000 97.500 0.000 56.790 -199.890
_#Co_31 01 -1335.510 0.000 106.220 0.000 45.110 227.500
_#Co_32 01 -723.890 0.000 81.380 0.000 82.520 -152.210
_#Co_33 01 -723.890 0.000 81.380 0.000 82.520 -152.210
_#Co_34 01 -1362.910 0.000 107.120 0.000 55.170 228.800
_#Co_35 01 -288.320 0.000 97.600 0.000 57.660 -199.850
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 7 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -1576.620 0.000 106.170 0.000 44.640 227.520
_#Co_37 01 -534.540 0.000 82.950 0.000 89.370 -152.170
_#Co_38 01 -534.540 0.000 82.950 0.000 89.370 -152.170
_#Co_39 01 -1530.460 0.000 107.290 0.000 56.640 228.820
_#Co_40 01 -2231.340 0.000 106.970 0.000 -117.490 191.930
_#Co_41 01 -1293.950 0.000 114.980 0.000 -101.480 -227.240
_#Co_42 01 -2037.750 0.000 94.680 0.000 -134.940 144.660
_#Co_43 01 -2037.750 0.000 94.680 0.000 -134.940 144.660
_#Co_44 01 -1169.440 0.000 113.230 0.000 -93.520 -228.450
_#Co_45 01 -1851.120 0.000 105.180 0.000 -110.550 193.090
_#Co_46 01 -1485.310 0.000 114.570 0.000 -99.250 -227.290
_#Co_47 01 -1743.960 0.000 92.610 0.000 -128.220 144.630
_#Co_48 01 -1743.960 0.000 92.610 0.000 -128.220 144.630
_#Co_49 01 -1594.130 0.000 114.430 0.000 -99.340 -228.510
_#Co_50 01 -1851.000 0.000 114.360 0.000 -110.750 -220.350
_#Co_51 01 -1750.310 0.000 114.480 0.000 -98.750 -227.310
_#Co_52 01 -1744.950 0.000 100.980 0.000 -128.410 -172.890
_#Co_53 01 -1744.950 0.000 100.980 0.000 -128.410 -172.890
_#Co_54 01 -1786.100 0.000 114.320 0.000 -98.780 -228.520
_#Co_55 01 -2229.460 0.000 116.080 0.000 -117.990 -219.160
_#Co_56 01 -2086.630 0.000 114.720 0.000 -100.040 -227.330
_#Co_57 01 -2038.500 0.000 102.970 0.000 -135.420 -172.910
_#Co_58 01 -2038.500 0.000 102.970 0.000 -135.420 -172.910
_#Co_59 01 -2049.420 0.000 114.570 0.000 -100.010 -228.540
_#Co_60 01 -2328.600 0.000 115.660 0.000 -118.020 -218.270
_#Co_61 01 -2181.280 0.000 114.580 0.000 -101.320 -226.420
_#Co_62 01 -2225.660 0.000 102.700 0.000 -135.440 -172.300
_#Co_63 01 -2225.660 0.000 102.700 0.000 -135.440 -172.300
_#Co_64 01 -2176.330 0.000 116.950 0.000 -113.070 -227.750
_#Co_65 01 -1950.910 0.000 113.960 0.000 -110.750 -219.520
_#Co_66 01 -1516.800 0.000 112.730 0.000 -91.900 -226.400
_#Co_67 01 -1931.970 0.000 100.690 0.000 -128.410 -172.270
_#Co_68 01 -1931.970 0.000 100.690 0.000 -128.410 -172.270
_#Co_69 01 -1545.600 0.000 114.550 0.000 -101.820 -227.740
_#Co_70 01 -1952.760 0.000 104.880 0.000 -110.560 192.310
_#Co_71 01 -1216.200 0.000 112.830 0.000 -92.420 -226.390
_#Co_72 01 -1932.760 0.000 92.400 0.000 -128.230 144.030
_#Co_73 01 -1932.760 0.000 92.400 0.000 -128.230 144.030
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 8 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 01 -1360.700 0.000 114.770 0.000 -102.950 -227.730
_#Co_75 01 -2332.700 0.000 106.650 0.000 -117.520 191.080
_#Co_76 01 -1024.540 0.000 113.220 0.000 -94.700 -226.340
_#Co_77 01 -2225.940 0.000 94.480 0.000 -134.970 144.070
_#Co_78 01 -2225.940 0.000 94.480 0.000 -134.970 144.070
_#Co_79 01 -1257.910 0.000 115.830 0.000 -108.360 -227.670
_#Co_80 05 -852.330 0.000 14.250 0.000 -29.420 -2.710
_#Co_81 05 -871.580 0.000 10.110 0.000 -21.190 2.710
_#Co_82 05 -873.430 0.000 6.840 0.000 -14.050 -2.730
_#Co_83 05 -873.430 0.000 6.840 0.000 -14.050 -2.730
_#Co_84 05 -871.580 0.000 10.110 0.000 -21.190 2.710
_#Co_85 05 -854.840 0.000 14.280 0.000 -29.480 -2.730
_#Co_86 05 -870.150 0.000 10.120 0.000 -21.230 2.690
_#Co_87 05 -875.930 0.000 6.870 0.000 -14.150 -2.750
_#Co_88 05 -875.930 0.000 6.870 0.000 -14.150 -2.750
_#Co_89 05 -870.150 0.000 10.120 0.000 -21.230 2.690
_#Co_90 05 -854.830 0.000 14.300 0.000 -29.530 2.680
_#Co_91 05 -868.160 0.000 10.130 0.000 -21.270 2.680
_#Co_92 05 -875.890 0.000 6.910 0.000 -14.230 2.660
_#Co_93 05 -875.890 0.000 6.910 0.000 -14.230 2.660
_#Co_94 05 -868.160 0.000 10.130 0.000 -21.270 2.680
_#Co_95 05 -852.290 0.000 14.310 0.000 -29.560 2.660
_#Co_96 05 -865.610 0.000 10.140 0.000 -21.300 2.660
_#Co_97 05 -873.310 0.000 6.940 0.000 -14.300 2.640
_#Co_98 05 -873.310 0.000 6.940 0.000 -14.300 2.640
_#Co_99 05 -865.610 0.000 10.140 0.000 -21.300 2.660
_#Co_100 05 -904.380 0.000 8.460 0.000 -17.930 2.690
_#Co_101 05 -963.780 0.000 12.800 0.000 -25.970 2.710
_#Co_102 05 -915.240 0.000 6.950 0.000 -14.320 2.710
_#Co_103 05 -915.240 0.000 6.950 0.000 -14.320 2.710
_#Co_104 05 -963.780 0.000 12.800 0.000 -25.970 2.710
_#Co_105 05 -906.950 0.000 8.440 0.000 -17.890 2.710
_#Co_106 05 -966.410 0.000 12.760 0.000 -25.880 2.740
_#Co_107 05 -917.840 0.000 6.910 0.000 -14.240 2.740
_#Co_108 05 -917.840 0.000 6.910 0.000 -14.240 2.740
_#Co_109 05 -993.190 0.000 12.770 0.000 -25.900 2.740
_#Co_110 05 -906.970 0.000 8.420 0.000 -17.850 -2.680
_#Co_111 05 -995.180 0.000 12.740 0.000 -25.820 2.750
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 9 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_112 05 -917.880 0.000 6.880 0.000 -14.160 -2.660
_#Co_113 05 -917.880 0.000 6.880 0.000 -14.160 -2.660
_#Co_114 05 -995.180 0.000 12.740 0.000 -25.820 2.750
_#Co_115 05 -904.420 0.000 8.400 0.000 -17.810 -2.660
_#Co_116 05 -996.540 0.000 12.700 0.000 -25.750 2.770
_#Co_117 05 -915.360 0.000 6.840 0.000 -14.070 -2.630
_#Co_118 05 -915.360 0.000 6.840 0.000 -14.070 -2.630
_#Co_119 05 -996.540 0.000 12.700 0.000 -25.750 2.770
_#Co_120 05 -905.970 0.000 6.850 0.000 -14.090 2.690
_#Co_121 05 -887.830 0.000 10.650 0.000 -21.670 -2.730
_#Co_122 05 -884.870 0.000 14.270 0.000 -29.470 2.710
_#Co_123 05 -884.870 0.000 14.270 0.000 -29.470 2.710
_#Co_124 05 -887.830 0.000 10.650 0.000 -21.670 -2.730
_#Co_125 05 -904.560 0.000 6.890 0.000 -14.170 2.670
_#Co_126 05 -890.360 0.000 10.700 0.000 -21.780 -2.750
_#Co_127 05 -883.470 0.000 14.290 0.000 -29.510 2.690
_#Co_128 05 -883.470 0.000 14.290 0.000 -29.510 2.690
_#Co_129 05 -890.360 0.000 10.700 0.000 -21.780 -2.750
_#Co_130 05 -904.540 0.000 6.940 0.000 -14.260 -2.760
_#Co_131 05 -892.320 0.000 10.740 0.000 -21.870 -2.760
_#Co_132 05 -883.480 0.000 14.310 0.000 -29.560 -2.740
_#Co_133 05 -883.480 0.000 14.310 0.000 -29.560 -2.740
_#Co_134 05 -892.320 0.000 10.740 0.000 -21.870 -2.760
_#Co_135 05 -905.910 0.000 6.980 0.000 -14.350 -2.790
_#Co_136 05 -893.700 0.000 10.790 0.000 -21.960 -2.790
_#Co_137 05 -884.890 0.000 14.340 0.000 -29.610 -2.760
_#Co_138 05 -884.890 0.000 14.340 0.000 -29.610 -2.760
_#Co_139 05 -893.700 0.000 10.790 0.000 -21.960 -2.790
_#Co_140 05 -996.480 0.000 12.820 0.000 -26.020 -2.690
_#Co_141 05 -937.080 0.000 8.480 0.000 -17.980 -2.710
_#Co_142 05 -985.620 0.000 14.340 0.000 -29.630 -2.710
_#Co_143 05 -985.620 0.000 14.340 0.000 -29.630 -2.710
_#Co_144 05 -937.080 0.000 8.480 0.000 -17.980 -2.710
_#Co_145 05 -995.160 0.000 12.780 0.000 -25.910 -2.660
_#Co_146 05 -935.700 0.000 8.450 0.000 -17.920 -2.690
_#Co_147 05 -984.270 0.000 14.310 0.000 -29.570 -2.680
_#Co_148 05 -984.270 0.000 14.310 0.000 -29.570 -2.680
_#Co_149 05 -908.930 0.000 8.440 0.000 -17.900 -2.690
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 10 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_150 05 -995.180 0.000 12.740 0.000 -25.820 2.750
_#Co_151 05 -906.970 0.000 8.420 0.000 -17.850 -2.680
_#Co_152 05 -984.270 0.000 14.290 0.000 -29.520 2.730
_#Co_153 05 -984.270 0.000 14.290 0.000 -29.520 2.730
_#Co_154 05 -906.970 0.000 8.420 0.000 -17.850 -2.680
_#Co_155 05 -996.540 0.000 12.700 0.000 -25.750 2.770
_#Co_156 05 -904.420 0.000 8.400 0.000 -17.810 -2.660
_#Co_157 05 -985.600 0.000 14.280 0.000 -29.490 2.750
_#Co_158 05 -985.600 0.000 14.280 0.000 -29.490 2.750
_#Co_159 05 -904.420 0.000 8.400 0.000 -17.810 -2.660

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 11 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.314 for combination _#Co_60

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 -216.150 -15.000 -200.760 0.231 0.000 93.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_1 -1135.220 51.470 228.270 0.229 0.000 107.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_2 -550.460 89.410 -152.740 0.165 0.000 83.150 0.000 - -
_#Co_3 -550.460 89.410 -152.740 0.165 0.000 83.150 0.000 - -
_#Co_4 -1395.560 55.370 229.510 0.243 0.000 107.460 0.000 - -
_#Co_5 -531.620 -15.880 -200.790 0.190 0.000 93.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_6 -894.080 51.960 228.260 0.222 0.000 107.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_7 -740.020 82.540 -152.780 0.167 0.000 81.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_8 -740.020 82.540 -152.780 0.167 0.000 81.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_9 -922.750 62.020 229.500 0.226 0.000 108.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_10 -529.710 -15.950 215.320 0.206 0.000 99.810 0.000 - -
_#Co_11 -600.580 54.170 228.250 0.222 0.000 107.540 0.000 - -
_#Co_12 -739.810 82.430 181.010 0.188 0.000 91.220 0.000 - -
_#Co_13 -739.810 82.430 181.010 0.188 0.000 91.220 0.000 - -
_#Co_14 -705.350 64.710 229.490 0.223 0.000 108.670 0.000 - -
_#Co_15 -212.100 -15.250 215.290 0.251 0.000 99.780 0.000 - -
_#Co_16 -273.990 58.080 228.200 0.263 0.000 107.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_17 -550.320 89.090 180.960 0.189 0.000 92.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_18 -550.320 89.090 180.960 0.189 0.000 92.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_19 -466.010 71.570 229.440 0.240 0.000 109.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_20 -285.740 57.430 214.470 0.242 0.000 103.200 0.000 - -
_#Co_21 -350.910 59.310 227.440 0.249 0.000 107.780 0.000 - -
_#Co_22 -534.390 89.050 180.450 0.189 0.000 92.360 0.000 - -
_#Co_23 -534.390 89.050 180.450 0.189 0.000 92.360 0.000 - -
_#Co_24 -541.290 72.800 228.720 0.232 0.000 109.450 0.000 - -
_#Co_25 -603.190 56.730 214.500 0.209 0.000 103.130 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 12 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -1006.210 47.290 227.490 0.224 0.000 106.420 0.000 - -
_#Co_27 -723.990 82.410 180.500 0.187 0.000 91.010 0.000 - -
_#Co_28 -723.990 82.410 180.500 0.187 0.000 91.010 0.000 - -
_#Co_29 -1145.700 57.800 228.780 0.231 0.000 107.420 0.000 - -
_#Co_30 -603.580 56.790 -199.890 0.194 0.000 97.500 0.000 - -
_#Co_31 -1335.510 45.110 227.500 0.237 0.000 106.220 0.000 - -
_#Co_32 -723.890 82.520 -152.210 0.166 0.000 81.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_33 -723.890 82.520 -152.210 0.166 0.000 81.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_34 -1362.910 55.170 228.800 0.241 0.000 107.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_35 -288.320 57.660 -199.850 0.223 0.000 97.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_36 -1576.620 44.640 227.520 0.251 0.000 106.170 0.000 - -
_#Co_37 -534.540 89.370 -152.170 0.165 0.000 82.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_38 -534.540 89.370 -152.170 0.165 0.000 82.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_39 -1530.460 56.640 228.820 0.251 0.000 107.290 0.000 - -
_#Co_40 -2231.340 -117.490 191.930 0.294 0.000 106.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_41 -1293.950 -101.480 -227.240 0.248 0.000 114.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_42 -2037.750 -134.940 144.660 0.265 0.000 94.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_43 -2037.750 -134.940 144.660 0.265 0.000 94.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_44 -1169.440 -93.520 -228.450 0.242 0.000 113.230 0.000 - -
_#Co_45 -1851.120 -110.550 193.090 0.264 0.000 105.180 0.000 - -
_#Co_46 -1485.310 -99.250 -227.290 0.257 0.000 114.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_47 -1743.960 -128.220 144.630 0.240 0.000 92.610 0.000 - -
_#Co_48 -1743.960 -128.220 144.630 0.240 0.000 92.610 0.000 - -
_#Co_49 -1594.130 -99.340 -228.510 0.264 0.000 114.430 0.000 - -
_#Co_50 -1851.000 -110.750 -220.350 0.279 0.000 114.360 0.000 - -
_#Co_51 -1750.310 -98.750 -227.310 0.273 0.000 114.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_52 -1744.950 -128.410 -172.890 0.252 0.000 100.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_53 -1744.950 -128.410 -172.890 0.252 0.000 100.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_54 -1786.100 -98.780 -228.520 0.276 0.000 114.320 0.000 - -
_#Co_55 -2229.460 -117.990 -219.160 0.307 0.000 116.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_56 -2086.630 -100.040 -227.330 0.296 0.000 114.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_57 -2038.500 -135.420 -172.910 0.277 0.000 102.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_58 -2038.500 -135.420 -172.910 0.277 0.000 102.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_59 -2049.420 -100.010 -228.540 0.294 0.000 114.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_60 -2328.600 -118.020 -218.270 0.314 0.000 115.660 0.000 - -
_#Co_61 -2181.280 -101.320 -226.420 0.303 0.000 114.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_62 -2225.660 -135.440 -172.300 0.291 0.000 102.700 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 13 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_63 -2225.660 -135.440 -172.300 0.291 0.000 102.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_64 -2176.330 -113.070 -227.750 0.306 0.000 116.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_65 -1950.910 -110.750 -219.520 0.285 0.000 113.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_66 -1516.800 -91.900 -226.400 0.256 0.000 112.730 0.000 - -
_#Co_67 -1931.970 -128.410 -172.270 0.266 0.000 100.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_68 -1931.970 -128.410 -172.270 0.266 0.000 100.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_69 -1545.600 -101.820 -227.740 0.262 0.000 114.550 0.000 - -
_#Co_70 -1952.760 -110.560 192.310 0.271 0.000 104.880 0.000 - -
_#Co_71 -1216.200 -92.420 -226.390 0.242 0.000 112.830 0.000 - -
_#Co_72 -1932.760 -128.230 144.030 0.254 0.000 92.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_73 -1932.760 -128.230 144.030 0.254 0.000 92.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_74 -1360.700 -102.950 -227.730 0.252 0.000 114.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_75 -2332.700 -117.520 191.080 0.302 0.000 106.650 0.000 - -
_#Co_76 -1024.540 -94.700 -226.340 0.235 0.000 113.220 0.000 - -
_#Co_77 -2225.940 -134.970 144.070 0.281 0.000 94.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_78 -2225.940 -134.970 144.070 0.281 0.000 94.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_79 -1257.910 -108.360 -227.670 0.249 0.000 115.830 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 14 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_60

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C19 fck = 30 _#Co_60 0.370 0.153 0.645 0.000 1.765
C7 fck = 30 _#Co_60 -0.370 -0.153 -3.500 -17.000 1.765
P1 fyk = 500 _#Co_60 0.262 0.151 0.145 25.900 1.150
P7 fyk = 500 _#Co_60 -0.262 -0.151 -3.000 -400.000 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 15 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 1005.3



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 93.940 291.1 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_1 107.250 366.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_2 83.150 300.4 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_3 83.150 300.4 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_4 107.460 403.7 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_5 93.980 311.8 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_6 107.300 362.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_7 81.590 327.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_8 81.590 327.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_9 108.330 366.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_10 99.810 324.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_11 107.540 321.5 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_12 91.220 327.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_13 91.220 327.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_14 108.670 336.3 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 16 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
_#Co_15 99.780 290.5 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_16 107.970 299.3 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_17 92.570 314.4 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_18 92.570 314.4 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_19 109.590 315.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_20 103.200 300.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_21 107.780 310.1 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_22 92.360 312.1 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_23 92.360 312.1 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_24 109.450 313.1 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_25 103.130 321.8 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_26 106.420 364.7 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_27 91.010 324.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_28 91.010 324.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_29 107.420 368.4 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_30 97.500 321.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_31 106.220 395.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_32 81.380 324.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_33 81.380 324.9 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_34 107.120 399.1 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_35 97.600 301.3 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_36 106.170 429.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_37 82.950 298.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_38 82.950 298.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_39 107.290 422.7 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_40 106.970 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_41 114.980 405.3 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_42 94.680 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_43 94.680 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_44 113.230 387.7 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_45 105.180 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_46 114.570 416.3 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_47 92.610 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_48 92.610 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_49 114.430 431.7 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_50 114.360 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_51 114.480 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_52 100.980 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_53 100.980 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 17 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
_#Co_54 114.320 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_55 116.080 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_56 114.720 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_57 102.970 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_58 102.970 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_59 114.570 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_60 115.660 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_61 114.580 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_62 102.700 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_63 102.700 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_64 116.950 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_65 113.960 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_66 112.730 420.8 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_67 100.690 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_68 100.690 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_69 114.550 424.8 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_70 104.880 426.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_71 112.830 394.3 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_72 92.400 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_73 92.400 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_74 114.770 398.7 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_75 106.650 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_76 113.220 367.3 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_77 94.480 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_78 94.480 417.0 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_79 115.830 400.2 OK 1005.31 0.00 229.7 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 18 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_80 -852.330 -29.420 -2.710 0.000 14.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_81 -871.580 -21.190 2.710 0.000 10.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_82 -873.430 -14.050 -2.730 0.000 6.840 0.000 - -
_#Co_83 -873.430 -14.050 -2.730 0.000 6.840 0.000 - -
_#Co_84 -871.580 -21.190 2.710 0.000 10.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_85 -854.840 -29.480 -2.730 0.000 14.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_86 -870.150 -21.230 2.690 0.000 10.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_87 -875.930 -14.150 -2.750 0.000 6.870 0.000 - -
_#Co_88 -875.930 -14.150 -2.750 0.000 6.870 0.000 - -
_#Co_89 -870.150 -21.230 2.690 0.000 10.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_90 -854.830 -29.530 2.680 0.000 14.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_91 -868.160 -21.270 2.680 0.000 10.130 0.000 - -
_#Co_92 -875.890 -14.230 2.660 0.000 6.910 0.000 - -
_#Co_93 -875.890 -14.230 2.660 0.000 6.910 0.000 - -
_#Co_94 -868.160 -21.270 2.680 0.000 10.130 0.000 - -
_#Co_95 -852.290 -29.560 2.660 0.000 14.310 0.000 - -
_#Co_96 -865.610 -21.300 2.660 0.000 10.140 0.000 - -
_#Co_97 -873.310 -14.300 2.640 0.000 6.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_98 -873.310 -14.300 2.640 0.000 6.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_99 -865.610 -21.300 2.660 0.000 10.140 0.000 - -
_#Co_100 -904.380 -17.930 2.690 0.000 8.460 0.000 - -
_#Co_101 -963.780 -25.970 2.710 0.000 12.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_102 -915.240 -14.320 2.710 0.000 6.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_103 -915.240 -14.320 2.710 0.000 6.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_104 -963.780 -25.970 2.710 0.000 12.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_105 -906.950 -17.890 2.710 0.000 8.440 0.000 - -
_#Co_106 -966.410 -25.880 2.740 0.000 12.760 0.000 - -
_#Co_107 -917.840 -14.240 2.740 0.000 6.910 0.000 - -
_#Co_108 -917.840 -14.240 2.740 0.000 6.910 0.000 - -
_#Co_109 -993.190 -25.900 2.740 0.000 12.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_110 -906.970 -17.850 -2.680 0.000 8.420 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 19 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_111 -995.180 -25.820 2.750 0.000 12.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_112 -917.880 -14.160 -2.660 0.000 6.880 0.000 - -
_#Co_113 -917.880 -14.160 -2.660 0.000 6.880 0.000 - -
_#Co_114 -995.180 -25.820 2.750 0.000 12.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_115 -904.420 -17.810 -2.660 0.000 8.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_116 -996.540 -25.750 2.770 0.000 12.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_117 -915.360 -14.070 -2.630 0.000 6.840 0.000 - -
_#Co_118 -915.360 -14.070 -2.630 0.000 6.840 0.000 - -
_#Co_119 -996.540 -25.750 2.770 0.000 12.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_120 -905.970 -14.090 2.690 0.000 6.850 0.000 - -
_#Co_121 -887.830 -21.670 -2.730 0.000 10.650 0.000 - -
_#Co_122 -884.870 -29.470 2.710 0.000 14.270 0.000 - -
_#Co_123 -884.870 -29.470 2.710 0.000 14.270 0.000 - -
_#Co_124 -887.830 -21.670 -2.730 0.000 10.650 0.000 - -
_#Co_125 -904.560 -14.170 2.670 0.000 6.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_126 -890.360 -21.780 -2.750 0.000 10.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_127 -883.470 -29.510 2.690 0.000 14.290 0.000 - -
_#Co_128 -883.470 -29.510 2.690 0.000 14.290 0.000 - -
_#Co_129 -890.360 -21.780 -2.750 0.000 10.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_130 -904.540 -14.260 -2.760 0.000 6.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_131 -892.320 -21.870 -2.760 0.000 10.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_132 -883.480 -29.560 -2.740 0.000 14.310 0.000 - -
_#Co_133 -883.480 -29.560 -2.740 0.000 14.310 0.000 - -
_#Co_134 -892.320 -21.870 -2.760 0.000 10.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_135 -905.910 -14.350 -2.790 0.000 6.980 0.000 - -
_#Co_136 -893.700 -21.960 -2.790 0.000 10.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_137 -884.890 -29.610 -2.760 0.000 14.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_138 -884.890 -29.610 -2.760 0.000 14.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_139 -893.700 -21.960 -2.790 0.000 10.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_140 -996.480 -26.020 -2.690 0.000 12.820 0.000 - -
_#Co_141 -937.080 -17.980 -2.710 0.000 8.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_142 -985.620 -29.630 -2.710 0.000 14.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_143 -985.620 -29.630 -2.710 0.000 14.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_144 -937.080 -17.980 -2.710 0.000 8.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_145 -995.160 -25.910 -2.660 0.000 12.780 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 20 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_146 -935.700 -17.920 -2.690 0.000 8.450 0.000 - -
_#Co_147 -984.270 -29.570 -2.680 0.000 14.310 0.000 - -
_#Co_148 -984.270 -29.570 -2.680 0.000 14.310 0.000 - -
_#Co_149 -908.930 -17.900 -2.690 0.000 8.440 0.000 - -
_#Co_150 -995.180 -25.820 2.750 0.000 12.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_151 -906.970 -17.850 -2.680 0.000 8.420 0.000 - -
_#Co_152 -984.270 -29.520 2.730 0.000 14.290 0.000 - -
_#Co_153 -984.270 -29.520 2.730 0.000 14.290 0.000 - -
_#Co_154 -906.970 -17.850 -2.680 0.000 8.420 0.000 - -
_#Co_155 -996.540 -25.750 2.770 0.000 12.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_156 -904.420 -17.810 -2.660 0.000 8.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_157 -985.600 -29.490 2.750 0.000 14.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_158 -985.600 -29.490 2.750 0.000 14.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_159 -904.420 -17.810 -2.660 0.000 8.400 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C0 fck = 30 _#Co_95 -0.052 0.397 -0.032 -1.041 1.000
C11 fck = 30 _#Co_142 -0.052 -0.397 -0.073 -2.404 1.000
P3 fyk = 500 _#Co_95 0.000 0.302 -0.036 -7.357 1.000
P9 fyk = 500 _#Co_142 0.000 -0.302 -0.069 -14.149 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP3-Piles.dat 21 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP3
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_142

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 2.896
fcteff (MPa) -
Cross Section
h (m) 0.799
d (m) -
h-d (m) -
Covering c (mm) -
hceff (m) -
Aceff (m2) -
As (mm2) -
φeq (mm2) -
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 1.0000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) -
εsm-εcm (‰) -
srmax (mm) -
wk (mm) -
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 1 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 30.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -0.91
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 32837 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 2 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 3 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.496933 Iyy 0.020 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.020 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 4 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 5890.5 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 11853.7

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12φ25 5890.5
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 5 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 1340.4

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ16 0.150 1340.4
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 6 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 459.240 0.000 107.950 0.000 -317.640 -146.530
_#Co_1 01 -1273.240 0.000 122.170 0.000 0.560 223.680
_#Co_2 01 -1142.880 0.000 199.830 0.000 221.580 -149.480
_#Co_3 01 -1142.880 0.000 199.830 0.000 221.580 -149.480
_#Co_4 01 -1299.220 0.000 122.020 0.000 19.930 225.720
_#Co_5 01 269.620 0.000 108.180 0.000 -318.040 -146.530
_#Co_6 01 -1004.810 0.000 121.720 0.000 -0.240 223.660
_#Co_7 01 -1318.550 0.000 198.730 0.000 219.320 -149.520
_#Co_8 01 -1318.550 0.000 198.730 0.000 219.320 -149.520
_#Co_9 01 -1076.410 0.000 121.530 0.000 0.430 225.700
_#Co_10 01 269.650 0.000 112.320 0.000 -318.020 163.990
_#Co_11 01 -721.390 0.000 122.320 0.000 3.030 223.650
_#Co_12 01 -1318.570 0.000 200.990 0.000 219.330 166.980
_#Co_13 01 -1318.570 0.000 200.990 0.000 219.330 166.980
_#Co_14 01 -865.400 0.000 122.020 0.000 3.640 225.690
_#Co_15 01 459.480 0.000 112.100 0.000 -317.620 163.980
_#Co_16 01 -420.930 0.000 123.850 0.000 10.200 223.610
_#Co_17 01 -1142.810 0.000 201.970 0.000 221.580 166.930
_#Co_18 01 -1142.810 0.000 201.970 0.000 221.580 166.930
_#Co_19 01 -278.790 0.000 117.190 0.000 12.590 225.650
_#Co_20 01 -0.700 0.000 200.450 0.000 218.580 163.330
_#Co_21 01 -759.200 0.000 123.680 0.000 29.000 221.770
_#Co_22 01 -44.330 0.000 201.890 0.000 221.550 166.380
_#Co_23 01 -44.330 0.000 201.890 0.000 221.550 166.380
_#Co_24 01 -937.920 0.000 123.680 0.000 29.330 223.870
_#Co_25 01 -182.680 0.000 200.240 0.000 218.190 163.350
_#Co_26 01 -1062.320 0.000 122.190 0.000 21.850 221.820
_#Co_27 01 -219.570 0.000 200.910 0.000 219.310 166.400
_#Co_28 01 -219.570 0.000 200.910 0.000 219.310 166.400
_#Co_29 01 -1203.550 0.000 122.190 0.000 22.460 223.920
_#Co_30 01 -182.900 0.000 197.890 0.000 218.180 -146.260
_#Co_31 01 -1343.580 0.000 121.720 0.000 18.590 221.830
_#Co_32 01 -219.770 0.000 198.560 0.000 219.310 -149.310
_#Co_33 01 -219.770 0.000 198.560 0.000 219.310 -149.310
_#Co_34 01 -1412.400 0.000 121.720 0.000 19.260 223.930
_#Co_35 01 -1.270 0.000 198.210 0.000 218.590 -146.240
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 7 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -1630.320 0.000 122.190 0.000 19.380 221.850
_#Co_37 01 -44.850 0.000 199.650 0.000 221.560 -149.290
_#Co_38 01 -44.850 0.000 199.650 0.000 221.560 -149.290
_#Co_39 01 -1592.010 0.000 117.900 0.000 19.900 223.950
_#Co_40 01 -2355.900 0.000 147.790 0.000 -8.830 137.910
_#Co_41 01 -879.170 0.000 110.630 0.000 -146.140 -222.500
_#Co_42 01 -750.820 0.000 154.510 0.000 -407.320 146.610
_#Co_43 01 -750.820 0.000 154.510 0.000 -407.320 146.610
_#Co_44 01 -997.260 0.000 110.740 0.000 -164.630 -224.530
_#Co_45 01 -2118.690 0.000 148.750 0.000 131.470 146.590
_#Co_46 01 -1077.940 0.000 109.700 0.000 -141.120 -222.530
_#Co_47 01 -532.360 0.000 153.480 0.000 -404.980 146.600
_#Co_48 01 -532.360 0.000 153.480 0.000 -404.980 146.600
_#Co_49 01 -1150.520 0.000 109.770 0.000 -140.930 -224.570
_#Co_50 01 -2118.420 0.000 151.790 0.000 131.440 -163.950
_#Co_51 01 -1325.900 0.000 109.490 0.000 -140.510 -222.540
_#Co_52 01 -532.030 0.000 156.480 0.000 -405.000 -163.960
_#Co_53 01 -532.030 0.000 156.480 0.000 -405.000 -163.960
_#Co_54 01 -1326.120 0.000 109.510 0.000 -140.260 -224.580
_#Co_55 01 -2355.190 0.000 150.740 0.000 -8.900 -167.370
_#Co_56 01 -1656.710 0.000 109.890 0.000 -144.020 -222.550
_#Co_57 01 -750.010 0.000 157.500 0.000 -407.350 -163.960
_#Co_58 01 -750.010 0.000 157.500 0.000 -407.350 -163.960
_#Co_59 01 -1943.030 0.000 105.910 0.000 -145.540 -224.600
_#Co_60 01 -2887.120 0.000 138.280 0.000 -407.160 -163.350
_#Co_61 01 -2041.100 0.000 110.000 0.000 -162.870 -220.770
_#Co_62 01 -2852.320 0.000 157.420 0.000 -407.370 -163.350
_#Co_63 01 -2852.320 0.000 157.420 0.000 -407.370 -163.350
_#Co_64 01 -2002.780 0.000 110.000 0.000 -162.340 -222.870
_#Co_65 01 -2670.730 0.000 156.390 0.000 -404.790 -163.310
_#Co_66 01 -1712.140 0.000 109.610 0.000 -159.350 -220.750
_#Co_67 01 -2635.930 0.000 156.390 0.000 -405.010 -163.310
_#Co_68 01 -2635.930 0.000 156.390 0.000 -405.010 -163.310
_#Co_69 01 -1711.350 0.000 109.610 0.000 -159.090 -222.850
_#Co_70 01 -2670.810 0.000 153.300 0.000 -404.770 146.310
_#Co_71 01 -1463.280 0.000 109.890 0.000 -159.980 -220.740
_#Co_72 01 -2636.040 0.000 153.300 0.000 -404.990 146.310
_#Co_73 01 -2636.040 0.000 153.300 0.000 -404.990 146.310
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 8 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 01 -1534.860 0.000 109.890 0.000 -159.780 -222.840
_#Co_75 01 -2887.500 0.000 132.340 0.000 -407.130 146.360
_#Co_76 01 -1262.070 0.000 110.860 0.000 -165.010 -220.700
_#Co_77 01 -2852.770 0.000 154.340 0.000 -407.340 146.360
_#Co_78 01 -2852.770 0.000 154.340 0.000 -407.340 146.360
_#Co_79 01 -1440.670 0.000 107.850 0.000 -164.660 -222.790
_#Co_80 05 -463.460 0.000 62.440 0.000 -153.500 -2.600
_#Co_81 05 -991.110 0.000 27.920 0.000 19.100 2.670
_#Co_82 05 -1164.050 0.000 57.780 0.000 72.970 -2.590
_#Co_83 05 -1164.050 0.000 57.780 0.000 72.970 -2.590
_#Co_84 05 -1169.520 0.000 27.920 0.000 72.940 2.670
_#Co_85 05 -465.370 0.000 62.450 0.000 -153.520 -2.610
_#Co_86 05 -467.190 0.000 27.920 0.000 -153.520 2.650
_#Co_87 05 -1166.370 0.000 57.750 0.000 72.940 -2.610
_#Co_88 05 -1166.370 0.000 57.750 0.000 72.940 -2.610
_#Co_89 05 -493.640 0.000 27.920 0.000 -153.370 2.650
_#Co_90 05 -465.200 0.000 62.460 0.000 -153.520 2.640
_#Co_91 05 -961.260 0.000 27.830 0.000 18.950 2.640
_#Co_92 05 -1166.220 0.000 57.720 0.000 72.920 2.640
_#Co_93 05 -1166.220 0.000 57.720 0.000 72.920 2.640
_#Co_94 05 -987.730 0.000 27.930 0.000 19.100 2.640
_#Co_95 05 -462.950 0.000 62.460 0.000 -153.510 2.630
_#Co_96 05 -462.950 0.000 27.830 0.000 -153.510 2.630
_#Co_97 05 -1163.620 0.000 57.690 0.000 72.920 2.610
_#Co_98 05 -1163.620 0.000 57.690 0.000 72.920 2.610
_#Co_99 05 -462.950 0.000 62.460 0.000 -153.510 2.630
_#Co_100 05 -629.290 0.000 57.690 0.000 72.740 2.630
_#Co_101 05 -629.290 0.000 57.580 0.000 72.740 2.630
_#Co_102 05 -655.060 0.000 57.690 0.000 72.900 2.630
_#Co_103 05 -655.060 0.000 57.690 0.000 72.900 2.630
_#Co_104 05 -629.290 0.000 57.580 0.000 72.740 2.630
_#Co_105 05 -631.620 0.000 57.710 0.000 72.750 2.640
_#Co_106 05 -1160.490 0.000 57.600 0.000 -99.710 2.650
_#Co_107 05 -657.390 0.000 57.710 0.000 72.910 2.640
_#Co_108 05 -657.390 0.000 57.710 0.000 72.910 2.640
_#Co_109 05 -1186.260 0.000 57.600 0.000 -99.550 2.650
_#Co_110 05 -631.780 0.000 57.740 0.000 72.770 -2.590
_#Co_111 05 -633.600 0.000 57.630 0.000 72.760 2.650
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 9 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_112 05 -657.540 0.000 57.740 0.000 72.930 -2.590
_#Co_113 05 -657.540 0.000 57.740 0.000 72.930 -2.590
_#Co_114 05 -659.360 0.000 57.630 0.000 72.920 2.650
_#Co_115 05 -629.780 0.000 57.770 0.000 72.790 -2.570
_#Co_116 05 -1189.580 0.000 57.650 0.000 -99.540 2.680
_#Co_117 05 -655.500 0.000 57.770 0.000 72.950 -2.570
_#Co_118 05 -655.500 0.000 57.770 0.000 72.950 -2.570
_#Co_119 05 -1189.580 0.000 57.650 0.000 -99.540 2.680
_#Co_120 05 -1169.520 0.000 57.660 0.000 72.940 2.670
_#Co_121 05 -641.870 0.000 23.140 0.000 -99.660 -2.600
_#Co_122 05 -468.930 0.000 62.560 0.000 -153.530 2.660
_#Co_123 05 -468.930 0.000 62.560 0.000 -153.530 2.660
_#Co_124 05 -463.460 0.000 23.140 0.000 -153.500 -2.600
_#Co_125 05 -1168.190 0.000 57.630 0.000 72.930 2.640
_#Co_126 05 -1166.370 0.000 23.110 0.000 72.940 -2.610
_#Co_127 05 -467.190 0.000 62.570 0.000 -153.520 2.650
_#Co_128 05 -467.190 0.000 62.570 0.000 -153.520 2.650
_#Co_129 05 -1139.920 0.000 23.110 0.000 72.780 -2.610
_#Co_130 05 -1168.040 0.000 57.600 0.000 72.910 -2.620
_#Co_131 05 -671.980 0.000 22.970 0.000 -99.550 -2.620
_#Co_132 05 -467.020 0.000 62.580 0.000 -153.530 -2.620
_#Co_133 05 -467.020 0.000 62.580 0.000 -153.530 -2.620
_#Co_134 05 -645.510 0.000 23.080 0.000 -99.710 -2.620
_#Co_135 05 -1169.080 0.000 57.570 0.000 72.890 -2.650
_#Co_136 05 -1169.080 0.000 22.940 0.000 72.890 -2.650
_#Co_137 05 -468.410 0.000 62.590 0.000 -153.530 -2.630
_#Co_138 05 -468.410 0.000 62.590 0.000 -153.530 -2.630
_#Co_139 05 -1169.080 0.000 57.570 0.000 72.890 -2.650
_#Co_140 05 -1370.150 0.000 62.590 0.000 -153.390 -2.640
_#Co_141 05 -1370.150 0.000 62.480 0.000 -153.390 -2.640
_#Co_142 05 -1344.370 0.000 62.590 0.000 -153.550 -2.640
_#Co_143 05 -1344.370 0.000 62.590 0.000 -153.550 -2.640
_#Co_144 05 -1370.150 0.000 62.480 0.000 -153.390 -2.640
_#Co_145 05 -1369.230 0.000 62.580 0.000 -153.380 -2.610
_#Co_146 05 -840.360 0.000 62.470 0.000 19.090 -2.610
_#Co_147 05 -1343.450 0.000 62.580 0.000 -153.530 -2.610
_#Co_148 05 -1343.450 0.000 62.580 0.000 -153.530 -2.610
_#Co_149 05 -814.580 0.000 62.470 0.000 18.930 -2.610
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 10 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_150 05 -1369.380 0.000 62.570 0.000 -153.370 2.640
_#Co_151 05 -1367.560 0.000 62.460 0.000 -153.370 -2.600
_#Co_152 05 -1343.630 0.000 62.570 0.000 -153.530 2.640
_#Co_153 05 -1343.630 0.000 62.570 0.000 -153.530 2.640
_#Co_154 05 -1341.810 0.000 62.460 0.000 -153.520 -2.600
_#Co_155 05 -1370.610 0.000 62.570 0.000 -153.380 2.670
_#Co_156 05 -810.810 0.000 62.440 0.000 18.950 -2.580
_#Co_157 05 -1344.890 0.000 62.570 0.000 -153.540 2.670
_#Co_158 05 -1344.890 0.000 62.570 0.000 -153.540 2.670
_#Co_159 05 -810.810 0.000 62.440 0.000 18.950 -2.580

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 11 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.660 for combination _#Co_15

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 459.240 -317.640 -146.530 0.649 0.000 107.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_1 -1273.240 0.560 223.680 0.228 0.000 122.170 0.000 - -
_#Co_2 -1142.880 221.580 -149.480 0.257 0.000 199.830 0.000 - -
_#Co_3 -1142.880 221.580 -149.480 0.257 0.000 199.830 0.000 - -
_#Co_4 -1299.220 19.930 225.720 0.232 0.000 122.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_5 269.620 -318.040 -146.530 0.586 0.000 108.180 0.000 - -
_#Co_6 -1004.810 -0.240 223.660 0.217 0.000 121.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_7 -1318.550 219.320 -149.520 0.262 0.000 198.730 0.000 - -
_#Co_8 -1318.550 219.320 -149.520 0.262 0.000 198.730 0.000 - -
_#Co_9 -1076.410 0.430 225.700 0.221 0.000 121.530 0.000 - -
_#Co_10 269.650 -318.020 163.990 0.597 0.000 112.320 0.000 - -
_#Co_11 -721.390 3.030 223.650 0.209 0.000 122.320 0.000 - -
_#Co_12 -1318.570 219.330 166.980 0.270 0.000 200.990 0.000 - -
_#Co_13 -1318.570 219.330 166.980 0.270 0.000 200.990 0.000 - -
_#Co_14 -865.400 3.640 225.690 0.214 0.000 122.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_15 459.480 -317.620 163.980 0.660 0.000 112.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_16 -420.930 10.200 223.610 0.224 0.000 123.850 0.000 - -
_#Co_17 -1142.810 221.580 166.930 0.266 0.000 201.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_18 -1142.810 221.580 166.930 0.266 0.000 201.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_19 -278.790 12.590 225.650 0.252 0.000 117.190 0.000 - -
_#Co_20 -0.700 218.580 163.330 0.389 0.000 200.450 0.000 - -
_#Co_21 -759.200 29.000 221.770 0.210 0.000 123.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_22 -44.330 221.550 166.380 0.382 0.000 201.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_23 -44.330 221.550 166.380 0.382 0.000 201.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_24 -937.920 29.330 223.870 0.216 0.000 123.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_25 -182.680 218.190 163.350 0.338 0.000 200.240 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 12 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -1062.320 21.850 221.820 0.219 0.000 122.190 0.000 - -
_#Co_27 -219.570 219.310 166.400 0.332 0.000 200.910 0.000 - -
_#Co_28 -219.570 219.310 166.400 0.332 0.000 200.910 0.000 - -
_#Co_29 -1203.550 22.460 223.920 0.226 0.000 122.190 0.000 - -
_#Co_30 -182.900 218.180 -146.260 0.323 0.000 197.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_31 -1343.580 18.590 221.830 0.231 0.000 121.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_32 -219.770 219.310 -149.310 0.317 0.000 198.560 0.000 - -
_#Co_33 -219.770 219.310 -149.310 0.317 0.000 198.560 0.000 - -
_#Co_34 -1412.400 19.260 223.930 0.237 0.000 121.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_35 -1.270 218.590 -146.240 0.375 0.000 198.210 0.000 - -
_#Co_36 -1630.320 19.380 221.850 0.249 0.000 122.190 0.000 - -
_#Co_37 -44.850 221.560 -149.290 0.368 0.000 199.650 0.000 - -
_#Co_38 -44.850 221.560 -149.290 0.368 0.000 199.650 0.000 - -
_#Co_39 -1592.010 19.900 223.950 0.248 0.000 117.900 0.000 - -
_#Co_40 -2355.900 -8.830 137.910 0.267 0.000 147.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_41 -879.170 -146.140 -222.500 0.249 0.000 110.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_42 -750.820 -407.320 146.610 0.444 0.000 154.510 0.000 - -
_#Co_43 -750.820 -407.320 146.610 0.444 0.000 154.510 0.000 - -
_#Co_44 -997.260 -164.630 -224.530 0.263 0.000 110.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_45 -2118.690 131.470 146.590 0.272 0.000 148.750 0.000 - -
_#Co_46 -1077.940 -141.120 -222.530 0.252 0.000 109.700 0.000 - -
_#Co_47 -532.360 -404.980 146.600 0.477 0.000 153.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_48 -532.360 -404.980 146.600 0.477 0.000 153.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_49 -1150.520 -140.930 -224.570 0.256 0.000 109.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_50 -2118.420 131.440 -163.950 0.278 0.000 151.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_51 -1325.900 -140.510 -222.540 0.261 0.000 109.490 0.000 - -
_#Co_52 -532.030 -405.000 -163.960 0.487 0.000 156.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_53 -532.030 -405.000 -163.960 0.487 0.000 156.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_54 -1326.120 -140.260 -224.580 0.262 0.000 109.510 0.000 - -
_#Co_55 -2355.190 -8.900 -167.370 0.278 0.000 150.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_56 -1656.710 -144.020 -222.550 0.279 0.000 109.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_57 -750.010 -407.350 -163.960 0.452 0.000 157.500 0.000 - -
_#Co_58 -750.010 -407.350 -163.960 0.452 0.000 157.500 0.000 - -
_#Co_59 -1943.030 -145.540 -224.600 0.298 0.000 105.910 0.000 - -
_#Co_60 -2887.120 -407.160 -163.350 0.470 0.000 138.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_61 -2041.100 -162.870 -220.770 0.309 0.000 110.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_62 -2852.320 -407.370 -163.350 0.468 0.000 157.420 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 13 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_63 -2852.320 -407.370 -163.350 0.468 0.000 157.420 0.000 - -
_#Co_64 -2002.780 -162.340 -222.870 0.307 0.000 110.000 0.000 - -
_#Co_65 -2670.730 -404.790 -163.310 0.455 0.000 156.390 0.000 - -
_#Co_66 -1712.140 -159.350 -220.750 0.287 0.000 109.610 0.000 - -
_#Co_67 -2635.930 -405.010 -163.310 0.454 0.000 156.390 0.000 - -
_#Co_68 -2635.930 -405.010 -163.310 0.454 0.000 156.390 0.000 - -
_#Co_69 -1711.350 -159.090 -222.850 0.288 0.000 109.610 0.000 - -
_#Co_70 -2670.810 -404.770 146.310 0.451 0.000 153.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_71 -1463.280 -159.980 -220.740 0.274 0.000 109.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_72 -2636.040 -404.990 146.310 0.449 0.000 153.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_73 -2636.040 -404.990 146.310 0.449 0.000 153.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_74 -1534.860 -159.780 -222.840 0.279 0.000 109.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_75 -2887.500 -407.130 146.360 0.465 0.000 132.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_76 -1262.070 -165.010 -220.700 0.268 0.000 110.860 0.000 - -
_#Co_77 -2852.770 -407.340 146.360 0.463 0.000 154.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_78 -2852.770 -407.340 146.360 0.463 0.000 154.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_79 -1440.670 -164.660 -222.790 0.276 0.000 107.850 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 14 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_15

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C1 fck = 30 _#Co_15 -0.153 0.370 13.612 0.000 1.765
C13 fck = 30 _#Co_15 0.153 -0.370 -3.500 -17.000 1.765
P4 fyk = 500 _#Co_15 -0.151 0.262 11.537 434.783 1.150
P10 fyk = 500 _#Co_15 0.151 -0.262 -1.425 -253.974 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 15 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 1340.4



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 107.950 206.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_1 122.170 402.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_2 199.830 384.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_3 199.830 384.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_4 122.020 390.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_5 108.180 233.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_6 121.720 364.5 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_7 198.730 408.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_8 198.730 408.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_9 121.530 374.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_10 112.320 233.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_11 122.320 324.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_12 200.990 408.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_13 200.990 408.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_14 122.020 344.9 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 16 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
_#Co_15 112.100 206.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_16 123.850 308.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_17 201.970 384.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_18 201.970 384.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_19 117.190 288.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_20 200.450 271.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_21 123.680 343.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_22 201.890 277.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_23 201.890 277.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_24 123.680 355.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_25 200.240 286.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_26 122.190 372.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_27 200.910 291.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_28 200.910 291.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_29 122.190 376.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_30 197.890 286.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_31 121.720 396.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_32 198.560 291.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_33 198.560 291.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_34 121.720 406.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_35 198.210 271.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_36 122.190 417.9 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_37 199.650 277.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_38 199.650 277.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_39 117.900 412.4 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_40 147.790 417.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_41 110.630 346.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_42 154.510 355.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_43 154.510 355.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_44 110.740 363.5 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_45 148.750 417.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_46 109.700 374.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_47 153.480 335.7 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_48 153.480 335.7 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_49 109.770 385.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_50 151.790 417.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_51 109.490 409.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_52 156.480 335.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_53 156.480 335.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 17 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
_#Co_54 109.510 409.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_55 150.740 417.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_56 109.890 421.6 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_57 157.500 355.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_58 157.500 355.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_59 105.910 426.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_60 138.280 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_61 110.000 426.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_62 157.420 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_63 157.420 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_64 110.000 426.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_65 156.390 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_66 109.610 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_67 156.390 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_68 156.390 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_69 109.610 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_70 153.300 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_71 109.890 413.2 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_72 153.300 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_73 153.300 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_74 109.890 423.3 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_75 132.340 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_76 110.860 400.8 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_77 154.340 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_78 154.340 445.1 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_79 107.850 410.0 OK 1340.41 0.00 306.3 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 18 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_80 -463.460 -153.500 -2.600 0.000 62.440 0.000 - -
_#Co_81 -991.110 19.100 2.670 0.000 27.920 0.000 - -
_#Co_82 -1164.050 72.970 -2.590 0.000 57.780 0.000 - -
_#Co_83 -1164.050 72.970 -2.590 0.000 57.780 0.000 - -
_#Co_84 -1169.520 72.940 2.670 0.000 27.920 0.000 - -
_#Co_85 -465.370 -153.520 -2.610 0.000 62.450 0.000 - -
_#Co_86 -467.190 -153.520 2.650 0.000 27.920 0.000 - -
_#Co_87 -1166.370 72.940 -2.610 0.000 57.750 0.000 - -
_#Co_88 -1166.370 72.940 -2.610 0.000 57.750 0.000 - -
_#Co_89 -493.640 -153.370 2.650 0.000 27.920 0.000 - -
_#Co_90 -465.200 -153.520 2.640 0.000 62.460 0.000 - -
_#Co_91 -961.260 18.950 2.640 0.000 27.830 0.000 - -
_#Co_92 -1166.220 72.920 2.640 0.000 57.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_93 -1166.220 72.920 2.640 0.000 57.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_94 -987.730 19.100 2.640 0.000 27.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_95 -462.950 -153.510 2.630 0.000 62.460 0.000 - -
_#Co_96 -462.950 -153.510 2.630 0.000 27.830 0.000 - -
_#Co_97 -1163.620 72.920 2.610 0.000 57.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_98 -1163.620 72.920 2.610 0.000 57.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_99 -462.950 -153.510 2.630 0.000 62.460 0.000 - -
_#Co_100 -629.290 72.740 2.630 0.000 57.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_101 -629.290 72.740 2.630 0.000 57.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_102 -655.060 72.900 2.630 0.000 57.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_103 -655.060 72.900 2.630 0.000 57.690 0.000 - -
_#Co_104 -629.290 72.740 2.630 0.000 57.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_105 -631.620 72.750 2.640 0.000 57.710 0.000 - -
_#Co_106 -1160.490 -99.710 2.650 0.000 57.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_107 -657.390 72.910 2.640 0.000 57.710 0.000 - -
_#Co_108 -657.390 72.910 2.640 0.000 57.710 0.000 - -
_#Co_109 -1186.260 -99.550 2.650 0.000 57.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_110 -631.780 72.770 -2.590 0.000 57.740 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 19 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_111 -633.600 72.760 2.650 0.000 57.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_112 -657.540 72.930 -2.590 0.000 57.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_113 -657.540 72.930 -2.590 0.000 57.740 0.000 - -
_#Co_114 -659.360 72.920 2.650 0.000 57.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_115 -629.780 72.790 -2.570 0.000 57.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_116 -1189.580 -99.540 2.680 0.000 57.650 0.000 - -
_#Co_117 -655.500 72.950 -2.570 0.000 57.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_118 -655.500 72.950 -2.570 0.000 57.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_119 -1189.580 -99.540 2.680 0.000 57.650 0.000 - -
_#Co_120 -1169.520 72.940 2.670 0.000 57.660 0.000 - -
_#Co_121 -641.870 -99.660 -2.600 0.000 23.140 0.000 - -
_#Co_122 -468.930 -153.530 2.660 0.000 62.560 0.000 - -
_#Co_123 -468.930 -153.530 2.660 0.000 62.560 0.000 - -
_#Co_124 -463.460 -153.500 -2.600 0.000 23.140 0.000 - -
_#Co_125 -1168.190 72.930 2.640 0.000 57.630 0.000 - -
_#Co_126 -1166.370 72.940 -2.610 0.000 23.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_127 -467.190 -153.520 2.650 0.000 62.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_128 -467.190 -153.520 2.650 0.000 62.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_129 -1139.920 72.780 -2.610 0.000 23.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_130 -1168.040 72.910 -2.620 0.000 57.600 0.000 - -
_#Co_131 -671.980 -99.550 -2.620 0.000 22.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_132 -467.020 -153.530 -2.620 0.000 62.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_133 -467.020 -153.530 -2.620 0.000 62.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_134 -645.510 -99.710 -2.620 0.000 23.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_135 -1169.080 72.890 -2.650 0.000 57.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_136 -1169.080 72.890 -2.650 0.000 22.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_137 -468.410 -153.530 -2.630 0.000 62.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_138 -468.410 -153.530 -2.630 0.000 62.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_139 -1169.080 72.890 -2.650 0.000 57.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_140 -1370.150 -153.390 -2.640 0.000 62.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_141 -1370.150 -153.390 -2.640 0.000 62.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_142 -1344.370 -153.550 -2.640 0.000 62.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_143 -1344.370 -153.550 -2.640 0.000 62.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_144 -1370.150 -153.390 -2.640 0.000 62.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_145 -1369.230 -153.380 -2.610 0.000 62.580 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 20 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_146 -840.360 19.090 -2.610 0.000 62.470 0.000 - -
_#Co_147 -1343.450 -153.530 -2.610 0.000 62.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_148 -1343.450 -153.530 -2.610 0.000 62.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_149 -814.580 18.930 -2.610 0.000 62.470 0.000 - -
_#Co_150 -1369.380 -153.370 2.640 0.000 62.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_151 -1367.560 -153.370 -2.600 0.000 62.460 0.000 - -
_#Co_152 -1343.630 -153.530 2.640 0.000 62.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_153 -1343.630 -153.530 2.640 0.000 62.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_154 -1341.810 -153.520 -2.600 0.000 62.460 0.000 - -
_#Co_155 -1370.610 -153.380 2.670 0.000 62.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_156 -810.810 18.950 -2.580 0.000 62.440 0.000 - -
_#Co_157 -1344.890 -153.540 2.670 0.000 62.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_158 -1344.890 -153.540 2.670 0.000 62.570 0.000 - -
_#Co_159 -810.810 18.950 -2.580 0.000 62.440 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 30 _#Co_80 0.052 0.397 0.225 0.000 1.000
C12 fck = 30 _#Co_95 0.052 -0.397 -0.173 -5.679 1.000
P3 fyk = 500 _#Co_95 0.000 0.302 0.177 36.358 1.000
P9 fyk = 500 _#Co_155 0.000 -0.302 -0.144 -29.618 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP4-Piles.dat 21 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP4
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_95

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 2.896
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.795
d (m) 0.558
h-d (m) 0.236
Covering c (mm) 57.5
hceff (m) 0.150
Aceff (m2) 0.0651
As (mm2) 1472.6
φeq (mm2) 25.0
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 36.36
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) 383.4080
wk (mm) 0.0408
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 1 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

Parameters: Standard: EUROCODE EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fck (MPa) 30.0 εcu -3.50

fyk(traction) (MPa) 500.0 εcu0 -2.00
fyk(compression) (MPa) 400.0 εsu 20.00
fpyk (MPa) 1900.0 εsy 2.44
fpyk010 (MPa) 1636.8 εc00 -0.91
Es (MPa) 205000 k1 0.800
Ep (MPa) 190000 k3 3.400
αcc 0.850 k4 0.425
λ 0.800 kt 0.400
Ec (MPa) 32837 wmax_quasip (mm) 0.300

ϒc 1.500 ϒc-acc 1.300 Density class NORMAL

ϒs 1.150 ϒs-acc 1.000 η1 1.000
ϒp 1.150 ϒp-acc 1.000 ηE 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 2 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

PRINCIPAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

GENERAL Section Coordinates - Cross section C

ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 0 -0.052 0.000
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 1 -0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 2 -0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 3 -0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 4 -0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 5 -0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 6 -0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 7 -0.370 -0.550
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 3 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
ID Material Polygon N Y Z
(MPa) (m) (m)
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 8 -0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 9 -0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 10 -0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 11 -0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 12 0.052 -0.793
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 13 0.153 -0.766
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 14 0.244 -0.714
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 15 0.317 -0.640
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 16 0.370 -0.550
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 17 0.397 -0.449
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 18 0.397 -0.344
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 19 0.370 -0.244
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 20 0.317 -0.153
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 21 0.244 -0.079
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 22 0.153 -0.027
C1 30.0 Poly_0_OUT 23 0.052 0.000

Mechanical properties - Reference Material C

Area Moment of Inertia (m4) Center of Gravity (m)
0.496933 Iyy 0.020 Yg 0.000
Izz 0.020 Zg 0.000
Iyz 0.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 4 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT STEEL As = 9660.4 mm2 ρ (1/1000) = 19440.1

ID Material Class key Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 N-φ Area

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm2)
_#PasR_0 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 12φ25 5890.5
_#PasR_1 fyk=500.0 R C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12φ20 3769.9
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 5 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5



ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 2010.6

Shear reinforcement provided

ID ID Material Class Key N-φ s Partial

Rectangle Partial (MPa) (mm) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 _#ShearR_0_0 fyk=500.0 R C0 1φ16 0.100 2010.6
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 6 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_0 01 431.920 0.000 178.020 0.000 -324.210 -144.740
_#Co_1 01 -1977.440 0.000 152.100 0.000 225.240 225.720
_#Co_2 01 -2778.340 0.000 385.380 0.000 750.530 -146.870
_#Co_3 01 -2778.340 0.000 385.380 0.000 750.530 -146.870
_#Co_4 01 -1977.440 0.000 152.100 0.000 225.240 225.720
_#Co_5 01 236.070 0.000 178.400 0.000 -325.150 -144.750
_#Co_6 01 -1708.250 0.000 134.800 0.000 176.000 225.690
_#Co_7 01 -2958.650 0.000 384.030 0.000 747.440 -146.960
_#Co_8 01 -2958.650 0.000 384.030 0.000 747.440 -146.960
_#Co_9 01 -1708.250 0.000 134.800 0.000 176.000 225.690
_#Co_10 01 236.030 0.000 180.660 0.000 -325.120 159.370
_#Co_11 01 -1597.660 0.000 151.580 0.000 223.770 225.680
_#Co_12 01 -2958.760 0.000 385.120 0.000 747.480 161.620
_#Co_13 01 -2958.760 0.000 385.120 0.000 747.480 161.620
_#Co_14 01 -1639.190 0.000 152.040 0.000 225.040 225.680
_#Co_15 01 431.840 0.000 180.250 0.000 -324.130 159.350
_#Co_16 01 -1211.880 0.000 137.160 0.000 184.170 225.610
_#Co_17 01 -2778.570 0.000 386.490 0.000 750.620 161.520
_#Co_18 01 -2778.570 0.000 386.490 0.000 750.620 161.520
_#Co_19 01 -901.310 0.000 140.770 0.000 194.900 225.610
_#Co_20 01 1415.290 0.000 384.160 0.000 746.050 157.600
_#Co_21 01 -245.090 0.000 135.380 0.000 180.980 222.780
_#Co_22 01 1368.340 0.000 386.270 0.000 750.590 159.310
_#Co_23 01 1368.340 0.000 386.270 0.000 750.590 159.310
_#Co_24 01 -113.370 0.000 152.150 0.000 227.700 222.780
_#Co_25 01 1240.210 0.000 383.730 0.000 745.070 157.590
_#Co_26 01 -851.180 0.000 130.920 0.000 166.810 222.830
_#Co_27 01 1202.470 0.000 384.890 0.000 747.460 159.300
_#Co_28 01 1202.470 0.000 384.890 0.000 747.460 159.300
_#Co_29 01 -887.120 0.000 131.330 0.000 168.070 222.830
_#Co_30 01 1240.350 0.000 382.870 0.000 745.040 -145.050
_#Co_31 01 -1064.920 0.000 130.470 0.000 165.170 222.840
_#Co_32 01 1202.620 0.000 384.020 0.000 747.420 -146.760
_#Co_33 01 1202.620 0.000 384.020 0.000 747.420 -146.760
_#Co_34 01 -1100.840 0.000 130.860 0.000 166.430 222.840
_#Co_35 01 1415.760 0.000 383.280 0.000 745.970 -145.060
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 7 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_36 01 -1270.300 0.000 130.950 0.000 166.760 222.860
_#Co_37 01 1368.830 0.000 385.380 0.000 750.500 -146.770
_#Co_38 01 1368.830 0.000 385.380 0.000 750.500 -146.770
_#Co_39 01 -1270.300 0.000 130.950 0.000 166.760 222.860
_#Co_40 01 -3930.550 0.000 336.090 0.000 647.890 144.900
_#Co_41 01 -1613.330 0.000 102.030 0.000 18.110 -224.300
_#Co_42 01 -742.870 0.000 223.820 0.000 -423.580 144.820
_#Co_43 01 -742.870 0.000 223.820 0.000 -423.580 144.820
_#Co_44 01 -1613.330 0.000 102.030 0.000 18.110 -224.300
_#Co_45 01 -3719.260 0.000 337.330 0.000 650.720 144.810
_#Co_46 01 -1834.280 0.000 108.060 0.000 70.740 -224.360
_#Co_47 01 -529.500 0.000 222.610 0.000 -420.750 144.810
_#Co_48 01 -529.500 0.000 222.610 0.000 -420.750 144.810
_#Co_49 01 -1834.280 0.000 108.060 0.000 70.740 -224.360
_#Co_50 01 -3719.380 0.000 338.530 0.000 650.740 -159.310
_#Co_51 01 -1918.240 0.000 102.590 0.000 27.230 -224.370
_#Co_52 01 -529.530 0.000 224.410 0.000 -420.730 -159.350
_#Co_53 01 -529.530 0.000 224.410 0.000 -420.730 -159.350
_#Co_54 01 -1876.710 0.000 102.500 0.000 25.960 -224.370
_#Co_55 01 -3930.960 0.000 337.330 0.000 647.960 -159.390
_#Co_56 01 -2311.340 0.000 108.270 0.000 71.950 -224.390
_#Co_57 01 -743.060 0.000 225.590 0.000 -423.510 -159.350
_#Co_58 01 -743.060 0.000 225.590 0.000 -423.510 -159.350
_#Co_59 01 -2621.920 0.000 106.540 0.000 61.220 -224.400
_#Co_60 01 -2962.710 0.000 224.720 0.000 -422.270 -157.650
_#Co_61 01 -1738.340 0.000 107.320 0.000 73.620 -221.560
_#Co_62 01 -2926.760 0.000 225.320 0.000 -423.540 -157.650
_#Co_63 01 -2926.760 0.000 225.320 0.000 -423.540 -157.650
_#Co_64 01 -1870.060 0.000 101.300 0.000 26.900 -221.560
_#Co_65 01 -2751.250 0.000 223.540 0.000 -419.470 -157.600
_#Co_66 01 -1118.890 0.000 109.400 0.000 84.690 -221.550
_#Co_67 01 -2715.310 0.000 224.120 0.000 -420.730 -157.600
_#Co_68 01 -2715.310 0.000 224.120 0.000 -420.730 -157.600
_#Co_69 01 -1082.950 0.000 109.140 0.000 83.430 -221.550
_#Co_70 01 -2751.190 0.000 222.080 0.000 -419.490 145.080
_#Co_71 01 -937.010 0.000 109.120 0.000 83.220 -221.540
_#Co_72 01 -2715.280 0.000 222.680 0.000 -420.750 145.080
_#Co_73 01 -2715.280 0.000 222.680 0.000 -420.750 145.080
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 8 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_74 01 -901.090 0.000 108.880 0.000 81.960 -221.540
_#Co_75 01 -2962.580 0.000 223.300 0.000 -422.340 145.140
_#Co_76 01 -796.320 0.000 108.320 0.000 78.810 -221.490
_#Co_77 01 -2926.720 0.000 223.900 0.000 -423.600 145.140
_#Co_78 01 -2926.720 0.000 223.900 0.000 -423.600 145.140
_#Co_79 01 -796.320 0.000 108.320 0.000 78.810 -221.490
_#Co_80 05 -411.680 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.800 -2.540
_#Co_81 05 -1833.030 0.000 145.930 0.000 287.750 2.660
_#Co_82 05 -1827.780 0.000 145.940 0.000 287.780 -2.510
_#Co_83 05 -1827.780 0.000 145.940 0.000 287.780 -2.510
_#Co_84 05 -1833.030 0.000 145.930 0.000 287.750 2.660
_#Co_85 05 -413.650 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.800 -2.550
_#Co_86 05 -446.140 0.000 94.340 0.000 -186.870 2.620
_#Co_87 05 -1830.760 0.000 145.940 0.000 287.790 -2.550
_#Co_88 05 -1830.760 0.000 145.940 0.000 287.790 -2.550
_#Co_89 05 -1114.130 0.000 19.520 0.000 37.840 2.620
_#Co_90 05 -413.590 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.780 2.600
_#Co_91 05 -1800.060 0.000 145.490 0.000 286.870 2.620
_#Co_92 05 -1830.820 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.810 2.620
_#Co_93 05 -1830.820 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.810 2.620
_#Co_94 05 -1830.820 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.810 2.620
_#Co_95 05 -411.520 0.000 94.770 0.000 -187.750 2.590
_#Co_96 05 -411.520 0.000 94.770 0.000 -187.750 2.590
_#Co_97 05 -1827.960 0.000 145.970 0.000 287.840 2.570
_#Co_98 05 -1827.960 0.000 145.970 0.000 287.840 2.570
_#Co_99 05 -411.520 0.000 94.770 0.000 -187.750 2.590
_#Co_100 05 -101.560 0.000 145.500 0.000 286.880 2.570
_#Co_101 05 -477.920 0.000 78.110 0.000 153.390 2.570
_#Co_102 05 -128.190 0.000 145.960 0.000 287.820 2.570
_#Co_103 05 -128.190 0.000 145.960 0.000 287.820 2.570
_#Co_104 05 -101.560 0.000 145.500 0.000 286.880 2.570
_#Co_105 05 -103.350 0.000 145.490 0.000 286.860 2.580
_#Co_106 05 -1180.830 0.000 45.350 0.000 -90.310 2.580
_#Co_107 05 -129.970 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.800 2.580
_#Co_108 05 -129.970 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.800 2.580
_#Co_109 05 -1207.450 0.000 44.890 0.000 -89.370 2.580
_#Co_110 05 -103.310 0.000 145.480 0.000 286.840 -2.550
_#Co_111 05 -481.820 0.000 78.090 0.000 153.340 2.600
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 9 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_112 05 -129.910 0.000 145.940 0.000 287.780 -2.550
_#Co_113 05 -129.910 0.000 145.940 0.000 287.780 -2.550
_#Co_114 05 -508.420 0.000 78.550 0.000 154.280 2.600
_#Co_115 05 -101.450 0.000 145.470 0.000 286.830 -2.550
_#Co_116 05 -1506.610 0.000 94.350 0.000 -186.910 2.620
_#Co_117 05 -128.010 0.000 145.930 0.000 287.760 -2.550
_#Co_118 05 -128.010 0.000 145.930 0.000 287.760 -2.550
_#Co_119 05 -1506.610 0.000 94.350 0.000 -186.910 2.620
_#Co_120 05 -1833.030 0.000 145.930 0.000 287.750 2.660
_#Co_121 05 -411.680 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.800 -2.540
_#Co_122 05 -416.930 0.000 94.810 0.000 -187.830 2.630
_#Co_123 05 -416.930 0.000 94.810 0.000 -187.830 2.630
_#Co_124 05 -411.680 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.800 -2.540
_#Co_125 05 -1832.510 0.000 145.940 0.000 287.780 2.620
_#Co_126 05 -1800.020 0.000 145.480 0.000 286.850 -2.560
_#Co_127 05 -415.400 0.000 94.800 0.000 -187.810 2.620
_#Co_128 05 -415.400 0.000 94.800 0.000 -187.810 2.620
_#Co_129 05 -1076.300 0.000 22.090 0.000 43.170 -2.560
_#Co_130 05 -1832.570 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.800 -2.550
_#Co_131 05 -446.110 0.000 94.330 0.000 -186.860 -2.570
_#Co_132 05 -415.350 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.790 -2.570
_#Co_133 05 -415.350 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.790 -2.570
_#Co_134 05 -415.350 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.790 -2.570
_#Co_135 05 -1833.210 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.810 -2.600
_#Co_136 05 -1833.210 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.810 -2.600
_#Co_137 05 -416.770 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.780 -2.580
_#Co_138 05 -416.770 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.780 -2.580
_#Co_139 05 -1833.210 0.000 145.950 0.000 287.810 -2.600
_#Co_140 05 -1506.520 0.000 94.330 0.000 -186.870 -2.610
_#Co_141 05 -1130.160 0.000 26.960 0.000 -53.370 -2.600
_#Co_142 05 -1479.890 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.800 -2.600
_#Co_143 05 -1479.890 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.800 -2.600
_#Co_144 05 -1506.520 0.000 94.330 0.000 -186.870 -2.610
_#Co_145 05 -1505.760 0.000 94.330 0.000 -186.870 -2.570
_#Co_146 05 -483.990 0.000 86.890 0.000 171.340 -2.570
_#Co_147 05 -1479.140 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.800 -2.570
_#Co_148 05 -1479.140 0.000 94.790 0.000 -187.800 -2.570
_#Co_149 05 -457.370 0.000 86.430 0.000 170.400 -2.570
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 10 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
ID Key * Nx Vy Vz Tx My Mz
(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN) (kN) (kN*m)
_#Co_150 05 -1505.790 0.000 94.340 0.000 -186.880 2.580
_#Co_151 05 -1127.280 0.000 26.960 0.000 -53.380 -2.570
_#Co_152 05 -1479.190 0.000 94.800 0.000 -187.820 2.580
_#Co_153 05 -1479.190 0.000 94.800 0.000 -187.820 2.580
_#Co_154 05 -1100.680 0.000 27.410 0.000 -54.320 -2.570
_#Co_155 05 -1506.610 0.000 94.350 0.000 -186.910 2.620
_#Co_156 05 -101.450 0.000 145.470 0.000 286.830 -2.550
_#Co_157 05 -1480.050 0.000 94.810 0.000 -187.850 2.620
_#Co_158 05 -1480.050 0.000 94.810 0.000 -187.850 2.620
_#Co_159 05 -101.450 0.000 145.470 0.000 286.830 -2.550

* Key values ID Key ID Key ID Key

ULS 01L As 01 but longitudinal only 03 SLS characteristic
persistent 01T As 01 but transversal only 04 SLS frequent

ULS 02L As 02 but longitudinal only 05 SLS quasipermanent

accidental 02T As 02 but transversal only 06 All of them 01 to 05
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 11 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
ULS Persistent
Analysis parameters ULS Standard: Eurocode EN ULS Persistent
ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Factor Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2)

c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)

ULS 0/0 1 1 -2.00 -3.50 20.00 0.850 1.500 1.150 1.150 45.0 0 t=oo
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Action Forces / Efficiency ULS Persistent Max Eff = 0.995 for combination _#Co_20

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_0 431.920 -324.210 -144.740 0.420 0.000 178.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_1 -1977.440 225.240 225.720 0.293 0.000 152.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_2 -2778.340 750.530 -146.870 0.617 0.000 385.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_3 -2778.340 750.530 -146.870 0.617 0.000 385.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_4 -1977.440 225.240 225.720 0.293 0.000 152.100 0.000 - -
_#Co_5 236.070 -325.150 -144.750 0.383 0.000 178.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_6 -1708.250 176.000 225.690 0.260 0.000 134.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_7 -2958.650 747.440 -146.960 0.621 0.000 384.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_8 -2958.650 747.440 -146.960 0.621 0.000 384.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_9 -1708.250 176.000 225.690 0.260 0.000 134.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_10 236.030 -325.120 159.370 0.387 0.000 180.660 0.000 - -
_#Co_11 -1597.660 223.770 225.680 0.273 0.000 151.580 0.000 - -
_#Co_12 -2958.760 747.480 161.620 0.623 0.000 385.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_13 -2958.760 747.480 161.620 0.623 0.000 385.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_14 -1639.190 225.040 225.680 0.276 0.000 152.040 0.000 - -
_#Co_15 431.840 -324.130 159.350 0.426 0.000 180.250 0.000 - -
_#Co_16 -1211.880 184.170 225.610 0.241 0.000 137.160 0.000 - -
_#Co_17 -2778.570 750.620 161.520 0.619 0.000 386.490 0.000 - -
_#Co_18 -2778.570 750.620 161.520 0.619 0.000 386.490 0.000 - -
_#Co_19 -901.310 194.900 225.610 0.235 0.000 140.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_20 1415.290 746.050 157.600 0.995 0.000 384.160 0.000 - -
_#Co_21 -245.090 180.980 222.780 0.244 0.000 135.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_22 1368.340 750.590 159.310 0.990 0.000 386.270 0.000 - -
_#Co_23 1368.340 750.590 159.310 0.990 0.000 386.270 0.000 - -
_#Co_24 -113.370 227.700 222.780 0.289 0.000 152.150 0.000 - -
_#Co_25 1240.210 745.070 157.590 0.958 0.000 383.730 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 12 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_26 -851.180 166.810 222.830 0.219 0.000 130.920 0.000 - -
_#Co_27 1202.470 747.460 159.300 0.953 0.000 384.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_28 1202.470 747.460 159.300 0.953 0.000 384.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_29 -887.120 168.070 222.830 0.221 0.000 131.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_30 1240.350 745.040 -145.050 0.958 0.000 382.870 0.000 - -
_#Co_31 -1064.920 165.170 222.840 0.226 0.000 130.470 0.000 - -
_#Co_32 1202.620 747.420 -146.760 0.952 0.000 384.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_33 1202.620 747.420 -146.760 0.952 0.000 384.020 0.000 - -
_#Co_34 -1100.840 166.430 222.840 0.228 0.000 130.860 0.000 - -
_#Co_35 1415.760 745.970 -145.060 0.995 0.000 383.280 0.000 - -
_#Co_36 -1270.300 166.760 222.860 0.235 0.000 130.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_37 1368.830 750.500 -146.770 0.989 0.000 385.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_38 1368.830 750.500 -146.770 0.989 0.000 385.380 0.000 - -
_#Co_39 -1270.300 166.760 222.860 0.235 0.000 130.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_40 -3930.550 647.890 144.900 0.601 0.000 336.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_41 -1613.330 18.110 -224.300 0.220 0.000 102.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_42 -742.870 -423.580 144.820 0.351 0.000 223.820 0.000 - -
_#Co_43 -742.870 -423.580 144.820 0.351 0.000 223.820 0.000 - -
_#Co_44 -1613.330 18.110 -224.300 0.220 0.000 102.030 0.000 - -
_#Co_45 -3719.260 650.720 144.810 0.591 0.000 337.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_46 -1834.280 70.740 -224.360 0.239 0.000 108.060 0.000 - -
_#Co_47 -529.500 -420.750 144.810 0.364 0.000 222.610 0.000 - -
_#Co_48 -529.500 -420.750 144.810 0.364 0.000 222.610 0.000 - -
_#Co_49 -1834.280 70.740 -224.360 0.239 0.000 108.060 0.000 - -
_#Co_50 -3719.380 650.740 -159.310 0.593 0.000 338.530 0.000 - -
_#Co_51 -1918.240 27.230 -224.370 0.240 0.000 102.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_52 -529.530 -420.730 -159.350 0.369 0.000 224.410 0.000 - -
_#Co_53 -529.530 -420.730 -159.350 0.369 0.000 224.410 0.000 - -
_#Co_54 -1876.710 25.960 -224.370 0.237 0.000 102.500 0.000 - -
_#Co_55 -3930.960 647.960 -159.390 0.603 0.000 337.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_56 -2311.340 71.950 -224.390 0.272 0.000 108.270 0.000 - -
_#Co_57 -743.060 -423.510 -159.350 0.356 0.000 225.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_58 -743.060 -423.510 -159.350 0.356 0.000 225.590 0.000 - -
_#Co_59 -2621.920 61.220 -224.400 0.294 0.000 106.540 0.000 - -
_#Co_60 -2962.710 -422.270 -157.650 0.425 0.000 224.720 0.000 - -
_#Co_61 -1738.340 73.620 -221.560 0.232 0.000 107.320 0.000 - -
_#Co_62 -2926.760 -423.540 -157.650 0.423 0.000 225.320 0.000 - -
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 13 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_63 -2926.760 -423.540 -157.650 0.423 0.000 225.320 0.000 - -
_#Co_64 -1870.060 26.900 -221.560 0.235 0.000 101.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_65 -2751.250 -419.470 -157.600 0.411 0.000 223.540 0.000 - -
_#Co_66 -1118.890 84.690 -221.550 0.201 0.000 109.400 0.000 - -
_#Co_67 -2715.310 -420.730 -157.600 0.410 0.000 224.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_68 -2715.310 -420.730 -157.600 0.410 0.000 224.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_69 -1082.950 83.430 -221.550 0.199 0.000 109.140 0.000 - -
_#Co_70 -2751.190 -419.490 145.080 0.408 0.000 222.080 0.000 - -
_#Co_71 -937.010 83.220 -221.540 0.194 0.000 109.120 0.000 - -
_#Co_72 -2715.280 -420.750 145.080 0.407 0.000 222.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_73 -2715.280 -420.750 145.080 0.407 0.000 222.680 0.000 - -
_#Co_74 -901.090 81.960 -221.540 0.192 0.000 108.880 0.000 - -
_#Co_75 -2962.580 -422.340 145.140 0.422 0.000 223.300 0.000 - -
_#Co_76 -796.320 78.810 -221.490 0.188 0.000 108.320 0.000 - -
_#Co_77 -2926.720 -423.600 145.140 0.421 0.000 223.900 0.000 - -
_#Co_78 -2926.720 -423.600 145.140 0.421 0.000 223.900 0.000 - -
_#Co_79 -796.320 78.810 -221.490 0.188 0.000 108.320 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 14 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

Stresses and strain diagram ULS Persistent


Stresses and strain values at points ULS Persistent _#Co_20

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 30 _#Co_20 0.052 0.397 -3.500 -17.000 1.765
C11 fck = 30 _#Co_20 -0.052 -0.397 11.789 0.000 1.765
P0 fyk = 500 _#Co_20 0.000 0.302 -1.526 -272.035 1.150
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_20 0.000 -0.302 9.815 434.783 1.150
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 15 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
ULS Persistent
Shear Z analysis: ULS Persistent

Shear reinforcement summary:

ID Material Class Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1 width B Ast

(MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm2/m)
_#ShearR_0 fyk=500.0 R 0.000 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800 2010.6



(kN) (kN) VRdcZ provided required (kN) VRdsZ Z VRdmax
(mm2/m) (mm2/m) (kN) Z
_#Co_0 178.020 258.7 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_1 152.100 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_2 385.380 501.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_3 385.380 501.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_4 152.100 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_5 178.400 279.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_6 134.800 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_7 384.030 501.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_8 384.030 501.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_9 134.800 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_10 180.660 286.4 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_11 151.580 469.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_12 385.120 501.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_13 385.120 501.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_14 152.040 475.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 16 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
_#Co_15 180.250 258.7 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_16 137.160 433.7 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_17 386.490 511.3 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_18 386.490 511.3 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_19 140.770 406.3 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_20 384.160 124.6 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1681.07 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_21 135.380 333.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_22 386.270 131.2 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1690.30 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_23 386.270 131.2 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1690.30 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_24 152.150 323.3 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_25 383.730 149.3 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1679.18 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_26 130.920 399.3 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_27 384.890 154.6 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1684.26 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_28 384.890 154.6 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1684.26 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_29 131.330 387.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_30 382.870 144.7 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1675.42 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_31 130.470 412.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_32 384.020 150.0 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1680.45 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_33 384.020 150.0 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1680.45 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_34 130.860 418.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_35 383.280 124.5 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1677.21 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_36 130.950 441.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_37 385.380 131.2 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1686.40 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_38 385.380 131.2 Ast>0 REQ 2010.62 1686.40 459.5 OK 1258.1 OK
_#Co_39 130.950 441.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_40 336.090 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_41 102.030 449.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_42 223.820 384.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_43 223.820 384.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_44 102.030 449.1 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_45 337.330 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_46 108.060 431.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_47 222.610 368.6 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_48 222.610 368.6 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_49 108.060 431.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_50 338.530 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_51 102.590 431.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_52 224.410 368.6 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_53 224.410 368.6 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 17 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
_#Co_54 102.500 431.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_55 337.330 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_56 108.270 417.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_57 225.590 389.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_58 225.590 389.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_59 106.540 417.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_60 224.720 459.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_61 107.320 449.8 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_62 225.320 474.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_63 225.320 474.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_64 101.300 431.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_65 223.540 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_66 109.400 401.7 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_67 224.120 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_68 224.120 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_69 109.140 396.7 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_70 222.080 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_71 109.120 394.9 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_72 222.680 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_73 222.680 482.2 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_74 108.880 389.8 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_75 223.300 474.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_76 108.320 391.5 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_77 223.900 474.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_78 223.900 474.0 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
_#Co_79 108.320 391.5 OK 2010.62 0.00 459.5 - 1258.1 OK
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 18 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5



ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_80 -411.680 -187.800 -2.540 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_81 -1833.030 287.750 2.660 0.000 145.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_82 -1827.780 287.780 -2.510 0.000 145.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_83 -1827.780 287.780 -2.510 0.000 145.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_84 -1833.030 287.750 2.660 0.000 145.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_85 -413.650 -187.800 -2.550 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_86 -446.140 -186.870 2.620 0.000 94.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_87 -1830.760 287.790 -2.550 0.000 145.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_88 -1830.760 287.790 -2.550 0.000 145.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_89 -1114.130 37.840 2.620 0.000 19.520 0.000 - -
_#Co_90 -413.590 -187.780 2.600 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_91 -1800.060 286.870 2.620 0.000 145.490 0.000 - -
_#Co_92 -1830.820 287.810 2.620 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_93 -1830.820 287.810 2.620 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_94 -1830.820 287.810 2.620 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_95 -411.520 -187.750 2.590 0.000 94.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_96 -411.520 -187.750 2.590 0.000 94.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_97 -1827.960 287.840 2.570 0.000 145.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_98 -1827.960 287.840 2.570 0.000 145.970 0.000 - -
_#Co_99 -411.520 -187.750 2.590 0.000 94.770 0.000 - -
_#Co_100 -101.560 286.880 2.570 0.000 145.500 0.000 - -
_#Co_101 -477.920 153.390 2.570 0.000 78.110 0.000 - -
_#Co_102 -128.190 287.820 2.570 0.000 145.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_103 -128.190 287.820 2.570 0.000 145.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_104 -101.560 286.880 2.570 0.000 145.500 0.000 - -
_#Co_105 -103.350 286.860 2.580 0.000 145.490 0.000 - -
_#Co_106 -1180.830 -90.310 2.580 0.000 45.350 0.000 - -
_#Co_107 -129.970 287.800 2.580 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_108 -129.970 287.800 2.580 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_109 -1207.450 -89.370 2.580 0.000 44.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_110 -103.310 286.840 -2.550 0.000 145.480 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 19 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_111 -481.820 153.340 2.600 0.000 78.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_112 -129.910 287.780 -2.550 0.000 145.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_113 -129.910 287.780 -2.550 0.000 145.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_114 -508.420 154.280 2.600 0.000 78.550 0.000 - -
_#Co_115 -101.450 286.830 -2.550 0.000 145.470 0.000 - -
_#Co_116 -1506.610 -186.910 2.620 0.000 94.350 0.000 - -
_#Co_117 -128.010 287.760 -2.550 0.000 145.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_118 -128.010 287.760 -2.550 0.000 145.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_119 -1506.610 -186.910 2.620 0.000 94.350 0.000 - -
_#Co_120 -1833.030 287.750 2.660 0.000 145.930 0.000 - -
_#Co_121 -411.680 -187.800 -2.540 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_122 -416.930 -187.830 2.630 0.000 94.810 0.000 - -
_#Co_123 -416.930 -187.830 2.630 0.000 94.810 0.000 - -
_#Co_124 -411.680 -187.800 -2.540 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_125 -1832.510 287.780 2.620 0.000 145.940 0.000 - -
_#Co_126 -1800.020 286.850 -2.560 0.000 145.480 0.000 - -
_#Co_127 -415.400 -187.810 2.620 0.000 94.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_128 -415.400 -187.810 2.620 0.000 94.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_129 -1076.300 43.170 -2.560 0.000 22.090 0.000 - -
_#Co_130 -1832.570 287.800 -2.550 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_131 -446.110 -186.860 -2.570 0.000 94.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_132 -415.350 -187.790 -2.570 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_133 -415.350 -187.790 -2.570 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_134 -415.350 -187.790 -2.570 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_135 -1833.210 287.810 -2.600 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_136 -1833.210 287.810 -2.600 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_137 -416.770 -187.780 -2.580 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_138 -416.770 -187.780 -2.580 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_139 -1833.210 287.810 -2.600 0.000 145.950 0.000 - -
_#Co_140 -1506.520 -186.870 -2.610 0.000 94.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_141 -1130.160 -53.370 -2.600 0.000 26.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_142 -1479.890 -187.800 -2.600 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_143 -1479.890 -187.800 -2.600 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_144 -1506.520 -186.870 -2.610 0.000 94.330 0.000 - -
_#Co_145 -1505.760 -186.870 -2.570 0.000 94.330 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 20 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5

ID Nx My Mz eff Vy Vz Tx eff eff

(kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (N,M) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (V,T) (N,M,V,T)
_#Co_146 -483.990 171.340 -2.570 0.000 86.890 0.000 - -
_#Co_147 -1479.140 -187.800 -2.570 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_148 -1479.140 -187.800 -2.570 0.000 94.790 0.000 - -
_#Co_149 -457.370 170.400 -2.570 0.000 86.430 0.000 - -
_#Co_150 -1505.790 -186.880 2.580 0.000 94.340 0.000 - -
_#Co_151 -1127.280 -53.380 -2.570 0.000 26.960 0.000 - -
_#Co_152 -1479.190 -187.820 2.580 0.000 94.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_153 -1479.190 -187.820 2.580 0.000 94.800 0.000 - -
_#Co_154 -1100.680 -54.320 -2.570 0.000 27.410 0.000 - -
_#Co_155 -1506.610 -186.910 2.620 0.000 94.350 0.000 - -
_#Co_156 -101.450 286.830 -2.550 0.000 145.470 0.000 - -
_#Co_157 -1480.050 -187.850 2.620 0.000 94.810 0.000 - -
_#Co_158 -1480.050 -187.850 2.620 0.000 94.810 0.000 - -
_#Co_159 -101.450 286.830 -2.550 0.000 145.470 0.000 - -
Calculation with BIAXIAL bending

Analysis parameters SLS Standard: Eurocode EN SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Diagram Strain Limits σs Partial Safety Varius parameters
σ-ε (‰) (N/mm2) Factor
c s p εc2 εcu3 εud αcc ϒc ϒs ϒp θ φ P(t)
SLS 1/0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 0 t=o
θ : Inclination of diagonal in compression
φ : Creep coefficient
P(t) : Initial value of PT force: P=P(o) or P=P(oo)

Extreme stresses and strain SLS QUASIPERMANENT

ID Material Combi Y Z ε σ ϒ
(MPa) (m) (m) (‰) (MPa)
C23 fck = 30 _#Co_80 0.052 0.397 0.296 0.000 1.000
C23 fck = 30 _#Co_102 0.052 0.397 -0.332 -10.914 1.000
P6 fyk = 500 _#Co_100 0.000 -0.302 0.657 134.587 1.000
P0 fyk = 500 _#Co_135 0.000 0.302 -0.226 -46.264 1.000
Pont sur le fleuve Tinguilita
Note de Calcul de la Substructure

SECTION TinguilintaP5-Piles.dat 21 / 21
Identifier: TinguilintaP5
Stress Analysis SLS QUASIPERMANENT _#Co_100

Crack verification: EN 1992 -1-1 7.3


fctm (MPa) 2.896
fcteff (MPa) 0.0
Cross Section
h (m) 0.794
d (m) 0.486
h-d (m) 0.308
Covering c (mm) 57.5
hceff (m) 0.186
Aceff (m2) 0.0891
As (mm2) 2415.1
φeq (mm2) 22.8
Additional parameters
kt 0.400
k1 0.800
k2 0.5000
k3 3.400
k4 0.425
σs (MPa) 134.59
εsm-εcm (‰) 0.000
srmax (mm) 338.4250
wk (mm) 0.1396
wk adm (mm) 0.3000
wk<wkadm? Yes

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