Finition: Macbook Pro 13

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MacBook Pro 13 pouces - Caractéristiques techniques - Apple (FR) 08/02/2021 10'50

MacBook Pro 13″ Présentation Caractéristiques techniques Acheter

M1 Intel


Argent Gris sidéral

Prix 1 449 € 1 679 €

Écran Écran Retina

Écran rétroéclairé par LED de 13,3 pouces (diagonale) avec technologie IPS ; résolution native
de 2 560 x 1 600 pixels à 227 pixels par pouce avec prise en charge de millions de couleurs
Résolutions à lʼéchelle disponibles :

1 680 x 1 050
1 440 x 900
1 024 x 640

Luminance de 500 nits

Large gamme de couleurs (P3)
Technologie True Tone Page 1 sur 11

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Puce Puce Apple M1

CPU 8 cœurs avec 4 cœurs hautes performances et 4 cœurs à haute efficacité énergétique
GPU 8 cœurs
Neural Engine 16 cœurs

Batterie et Jusquʼà 17 heures de navigation web sans fil

alimentation1 Jusquʼà 20 heures de lecture vidéo sur lʼapp Apple TV
Batterie lithium-polymère intégrée de 58,2 Wh
Adaptateur secteur USB-C 61 W

Mémoire 8 Go
8 Go de mémoire unifiée

Configurable en :

16 Go

Stockage2 256 Go 512 Go

SSD de 256 Go SSD de 512 Go

Configurable en : Configurable en :

512 Go, 1 To ou 2 To 1 To ou 2 To

Recharge et Deux ports Thunderbolt/USB 4 avec prise en charge de :

extension Recharge
Thunderbolt 3 (jusquʼà 40 Gbit/s)
USB 3.1 Gen 2 (jusquʼà 10 Gbit/s)

Casque Page 2 sur 11

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Thunderbolt/USB 4

Clavier et trackpad Magic Keyboard rétroéclairé avec :

65 touches (US) ou 66 touches (ISO) avec 4 touches fléchées (disposition en T inversé)

Touch Bar
Capteur Touch ID
Capteur de luminosité ambiante
Trackpad Force Touch pour un contrôle précis du curseur et des capacités de détection de la
pression ; clics forcés, accélérateurs, dessin sensible à la pression et gestes Multi-Touch

Touch Bar

Trackpad Force Touch

Sans-fil Wi-Fi

Connectivité sans fil Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax

Compatible avec la norme IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Page 3 sur 11

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Technologie sans fil Bluetooth 5.0

Caméra Caméra FaceTime HD 720p

Compatibilité vidéo Prise en charge simultanée de la résolution native sur lʼécran intégré en millions
de couleurs et :

Un écran externe dʼune résolution atteignant 6K à 60 Hz

Sortie vidéo numérique Thunderbolt 3

Sortie DisplayPort native par USB-C

Sorties VGA, HDMI, DVI et Thunderbolt 2 prises en charge à lʼaide dʼadaptateurs (vendus

Audio Haut-parleurs stéréo à gamme dynamique élevée

Son stéréo ample
Prise en charge de lʼaudio Dolby Atmos
Ensemble de trois micros de qualité studio avec formation de faisceaux directionnels
Prise casque 3,5 mm

Conditions Tension : de 100 à 240 V CA

de fonctionnement Fréquence : de 50 à 60 Hz

Température dʼutilisation : de 10 à 35 °C

Température de rangement : de -25 à 45 °C

Humidité relative : de 0 à 90 % sans condensation

Altitude maximale dʼutilisation : testé jusquʼà 3 000 m

Altitude maximale de rangement : 4 500 m

Altitude maximale de transport : 10 500 m Page 4 sur 11

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Dimensions Hauteur : 1,56 cm

et poids Largeur : 30,41 cm

Profondeur : 21,24 cm

Poids : 1,4 kg3

30,41 cm

21,24 cm

1,56 cm

Système macOS
dʼexploitation macOS est le système dʼexploitation dʼordinateur le plus avancé au monde. Avec un design
réinventé et des mises à jour majeures pour les apps, macOS Big Sur atteint de nouveaux
sommets en termes de puissance et dʼélégance.

En savoir plus !

Accessi​bilité Les fonctionnalités dʼaccessibilité aident les personnes en situation de handicap à profiter
pleinement de leur nouveau MacBook Pro. Grâce à des fonctions dʼassistance intégrées pour
compenser les déficiences touchant la vue, lʼaudition, la mobilité et lʼapprentissage, tout
le monde peut créer et réaliser de grandes choses.

En savoir plus !

Fonctionnalités incluses :

Contrôle vocal
Augmenter le contraste
Réduire les animations
Siri et Dictée
Contrôle de sélection
Sous-titres codés
Synthèse vocale Page 5 sur 11

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Apps intégrées4

Photos iMovie GarageBand Pages Numbers Keynote

Siri Safari Mail FaceTime Messages Plans

Bourse Maison Dictaphone Notes Calendrier Contacts

Rappels Photo Booth Aperçu Musique Podcasts TV

Livres App Store Time Machine Localiser QuickTime Player

Contenu du coffret MacBook Pro 13 pouces

Adaptateur secteur USB-C 61 W
Câble de charge USB-C (2 m)

Garantie limitée En France, les consommateurs et consommatrices ont droit à une réparation ou à un
et services remplacement sans frais, par le vendeur, des produits non conformes au contrat de vente dans
les deux ans suivant leur livraison, conformément au Code de la consommation français.
Ils peuvent aussi obtenir le remboursement dʼun produit, ou garder le produit et obtenir son Page 6 sur 11

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remboursement partiel, par le vendeur ou le fabricant, dans les deux ans suivant la découverte
dʼun vice caché, conformément au Code civil français. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.

Votre MacBook Pro est aussi assorti dʼune assistance technique gratuite de 90 jours et dʼune
garantie limitée dʼun an offerte par Apple. Pour en savoir plus sur le service après-vente que
propose Apple pour votre MacBook Pro, cliquez ici.

Souscrivez lʼAppleCare+ pour obtenir jusquʼà trois ans dʼassistance technique assurée par des
expertes et experts ainsi quʼune garantie matérielle couvrant jusquʼà deux incidents relevant de
dégâts accidentels par période de douze mois, chacun dʼeux étant soumis à des frais
supplémentaires. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.

Configuration à la Configurez votre MacBook Pro avec ces options, disponibles uniquement sur :
16 Go de mémoire unifiée
SSD de 512 Go, 1 To ou 2 To Page 7 sur 11

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Le MacBook Pro et lʼenviron​nement

Afin de réduire son impact sur lʼenviron​nement, Apple Trade In
le MacBook Pro 13 pouces est conçu avec les
Faites reprendre votre appareil éligible pour
caractéristiques suivantes5 :
bénéficier dʼun crédit sur votre prochain achat ou
Consulter le rapport environ​nemental du dʼune Carte Cadeau Apple que vous pourrez
MacBook Pro 13 pouces ! utiliser à tout moment8. Si votre appareil ne donne
droit à aucun crédit, nous le recyclerons
Matériaux plus écologiques
Étain 100 % recyclé pour la soudure de la carte
Comment ça marche !
mère logique principale
Boîtier en aluminium à faible empreinte carbone Apple et lʼenviron​nement
35 % minimum de plastique recyclé dans de
Nous nous engageons à fabriquer nos produits
nombreux composants
sans puiser dans les ressources de la Terre, et à
devenir neutres en carbone sur lʼensemble de
Économe en énergie
notre activité, y compris sur nos produits, dʼici
Certification ENERGY STAR®6 2030.

Voir lʼengagement dʼApple !

Chimie plus intelligente7

Verre sans arsenic

Sans mercure
Sans RFB, PVC ni béryllium

Fabrication écologique

Le programme Zero Waste dʼApple aide les

fournisseurs à ne pas envoyer de déchets en
Tous les sites dʼassemblage final des
fournisseurs sont en phase de transition vers
lʼutilisation de 100 % dʼénergie renouvelable
pour la production Apple

Emballage plus respectueux

100 % des fibres de bois vierges proviennent de

forêts gérées de façon responsable
Emballage recyclable, majoritairement composé
de fibres

Accessoires Page 8 sur 11

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Logiciels Mac Autres accessoires

Final Cut Pro Câble USB-C vers Lightning

Logic Pro Câble de charge USB-C
Adaptateur secteur USB-C 61 W
Écrans et adaptateurs
Housse en cuir pour MacBook Pro 13 pouces
Pro Display XDR Magic Keyboard
Moniteur 4K UltraFine LG Magic Keyboard avec pavé numérique
Moniteur 5K UltraFine LG Magic Trackpad 2
Adaptateur Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) vers Magic Mouse 2
Thunderbolt 2
AppleCare+ pour Mac
Adaptateur USB-C vers USB
Adaptateur USB-C vers lecteur de carte SD
Adaptateur multiport AV numérique USB-C
Adaptateur multiport VGA USB-C
Adaptateur USB-C vers Gigabit Ethernet

MacBook Pro
Acheter ! Comparer tous les Mac ! Page 9 sur 11

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Financement Livraison sans contact Se faire aider Séance personnalisée

Options de paiement rapide et gratuite pour un achat en ligne
mensuel disponibles. pour les commandes Une question ? Chattez en ligne Des fondamentaux aux astuces
En savoir plus !
supérieures à 40 € avec nos Spécialistes ou de pros, profitez pleinement de
Et retours gratuits. appelez le 0800 046 046. votre nouveau Mac.
Validez votre commande Nous contacter ! En savoir plus !
pour connaître
les dates de livraison.

En savoir plus !

MacBook Pro 13 pouces (2 ports Thunderbolt) : DAS tronc : 0,89 W/kg ; DAS membre : 0,89 W/kg

Le DAS (débit dʼabsorption spécifique) des ordinateurs Mac quantifie le niveau dʼexposition maximal de lʼutilisateur aux ondes électromagnétiques, pour un membre ou le tronc.
La réglementation française impose que le DAS ne dépasse pas 2 W/kg pour le tronc et 4 W/kg pour les membres. Pour en savoir plus sur le DAS, consultez la page

y. MacBook Pro avec puce Apple M1 : tests réalisés par Apple en octobre 2020 sur des prototypes de MacBook Pro 13 pouces équipés de la puce Apple M1, de 8 Go de RAM
et dʼun SSD de 512 Go. Le test de navigation web sans fil mesure lʼautonomie de la batterie à travers la consultation sans fil de 25 sites web populaires, la luminosité de
lʼécran étant réglée sur 8 clics à partir du niveau le plus bas. Le test de lecture vidéo sur lʼapp Apple TV mesure lʼautonomie de la batterie à travers la lecture de contenus
HD 1080p, la luminosité de lʼécran étant réglée sur 8 clics à partir du niveau le plus bas. MacBook Pro avec processeur Intel Core : tests réalisés par Apple en avril 2020
sur des prototypes de MacBook Pro 13 pouces équipés dʼun processeur Intel Core i5 quadricœur à 1,4 GHz avec 8 Go de RAM et un SSD de 256 Go ; et sur des
prototypes de MacBook Pro 13 pouces équipés dʼun processeur Intel Core i5 quadricœur à 2 GHz avec 16 Go de RAM et un SSD de 1 To. Le test de navigation web sans fil
mesure lʼautonomie de la batterie à travers la consultation sans fil de 25 sites web populaires, la luminosité de lʼécran étant réglée sur 12 clics à partir du niveau le plus bas
ou 75 %. Le test de lecture vidéo sur lʼapp Apple TV mesure lʼautonomie de la batterie à travers la lecture de contenus HD 1080p, la luminosité de lʼécran étant réglée sur
12 clics à partir du niveau le plus bas ou 75 %. Le test de veille mesure lʼautonomie de la batterie en permettant à un système connecté à un réseau sans fil et à un compte
iCloud de passer en mode veille avec les applications Safari et Mail ouvertes et tous les réglages système par défaut. Lʼautonomie de la batterie varie en fonction de la
configuration et de lʼutilisation. Voir pour plus dʼinformations.

z. 1 Go = 1 milliard dʼoctets et 1 To = 1 000 milliards dʼoctets ; la capacité formatée réelle est moindre.

|. Le poids varie en fonction de la configuration et du procédé de fabrication.

}. iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers et Keynote sont disponibles sur le Mac App Store. Le téléchargement dʼapps nécessite un identifiant Apple et un appareil compatible
avec la version du système dʼexploitation requise pour chaque app.

~. Données exactes au moment du lancement du produit.

. ENERGY STAR et la marque ENERGY STAR sont des marques déposées appartenant à la U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Ä. Apple définit ses restrictions sur les substances nocives, y compris la mention « exempt de », dans sa Liste des substances réglementées. Chaque produit Apple est
exempt de PVC et de phtalates, à lʼexception des cordons dʼalimentation en Inde, en Thaïlande (pour les cordons dʼalimentation à deux broches) et en Corée du Sud, où
nous attendons toujours que nos solutions de remplacement pour le PVC et les phtalates soient agréées par les autorités gouvernementales.

Ö. La valeur du crédit peut varier selon lʼétat, lʼannée et la configuration de lʼappareil échangé. Pour pouvoir bénéficier dʼun crédit contre une reprise, vous devez avoir au
moins 18 ans. Tous les appareils ne donnent pas droit à un crédit dʼachat. Vous pouvez obtenir des informations complémentaires sur les appareils éligibles auprès des
partenaires de reprise dʼApple. Des limites et restrictions peuvent sʼappliquer. Les paiements sont effectués sous réserve que lʼappareil reçu soit conforme à la description
fournie lors de la demande de devis. Apple se réserve le droit de refuser tout appareil ou de limiter le nombre dʼappareils repris, pour quelque raison que ce soit. La valeur
de votre appareil actuel pourra être déduite du montant de lʼachat dʼun nouvel appareil Apple. Cette offre peut ne pas être disponible dans tous les magasins. Des
conditions supplémentaires peuvent sʼappliquer dans certains magasins. Vous devez avoir au moins 18 ans pour pouvoir recevoir votre remise par virement bancaire. Vous
devez être titulaire dʼun compte bancaire valable en France. Vous pourrez obtenir des informations complémentaires auprès des partenaires agréés dʼApple en charge de
la reprise et du recyclage des appareils éligibles. Des limites et restrictions peuvent sʼappliquer. Le paiement interviendra seulement si lʼappareil reçu correspond à la
description que vous avez fournie au moment de lʼestimation.

 Mac MacBook Pro MacBook Pro 13 pouces Caractéristiques techniques Page 10 sur 11

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Product Environmental Report
13-inch MacBook Pro
Date introduced
November 10, 2020

Made with better materials Tackling climate change

100% 100%
recycled tin in the solder of We’re committed to transitioning our entire
the main logic board manufacturing supply chain to 100 percent
renewable electricity by 2030.

Energy efficient Smarter chemistry¹

• Arsenic-free display glass
• Mercury-free
• Brominated flame retardant–free
less energy consumed than
• PVC-free
the ENERGY STAR® energy
• Beryllium-free
efficiency requirement

Responsible packaging Apple Trade In

100% 90% Return your device through

Apple Trade In and we’ll give it
of the wood fiber of the packaging is a new life or recycle it for free.
comes from recycled fiber based, due to
and responsible our work to use less
sources plastic in packaging

Enclosure made with low-carbon aluminum

This report includes data current as of product launch. Product evaluations are based on U.S. configuration of MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020).
Taking responsibility for
our products at every stage
We take responsibility for our products throughout their life cycles—including the materials We sell millions of products.
they are made of, the people who assemble them, and how they are recycled at end of life.
And we focus on the areas where we can make the biggest difference for our planet: reducing
So making even small
our impact on climate change, conserving important resources, and using safer materials. adjustments can have a
meaningful impact.

Materials Make

13-inch MacBook Pro

life cycle
185 kg carbon
emissions3 Package
and Ship


Carbon footprint
We continue to make progress in reducing Apple’s contribution to climate change—by focusing 13-inch MacBook Pro life cycle
on making energy-efficient products with renewable or recycled materials and with renewable carbon emissions

energy. And now with the Apple M1 chip, we’ve created a more efficiently designed chip tailored 73% Production

to the needs of Mac devices. This change decreased the carbon footprint of the main logic board, 7% Transport
19% Use
driving down the overall 13-inch MacBook Pro carbon footprint by 12 percent compared with the
<1% End-of-life processing
previous generation.4 Apple is committed to using carbon life cycle assessments to identify
opportunities to drive down product greenhouse gas emissions.

2 13-inch MacBook Pro Product Environmental Report

Source Materials
The enclosure of the 13-inch MacBook Pro is made with
low-carbon aluminum.
Materials life cycle and Ship
To conserve important resources, we work to reduce the material we use and aim to one day
source only recycled or renewable materials in our products. And as we make this transition,
we remain committed to the responsible sourcing of primary materials. We map many materials,
Recover Use some to the mineral source, and establish the strictest standards for smelters and refiners.
We’re proud to be recognized as a worldwide leader in the responsible sourcing of minerals
in our products. Our product designs also consider the safety of those who make, use, and
recycle our products, restricting the use of hundreds of harmful substances. Our standards
go beyond what’s required by law to protect people and the environment.

Aluminum Plastic Tin

Our focus on Apple’s carbon footprint extends We’re transitioning to plastics from We use 100 percent recycled tin in the solder
to the materials we source. So we prioritized renewable or recycled sources as of the main logic board. Apple also requires
low-carbon aluminum that was smelted using alternatives to fossil fuel–based plastics. 100 percent of identified tin, tantalum, tungsten,
100 percent hydroelectricity rather than fossil For the 13-inch MacBook Pro, we use gold, and cobalt smelters and refiners to
fuels for the enclosure, where the majority of 35 percent or more recycled plastic participate in third-party audits.5
the aluminum is located. in 11 components.

Smarter chemistry
The 13-inch MacBook Pro is free of harmful substances like beryllium, brominated flame
retardants, PVC, phthalates, arsenic in the display glass, and mercury.1 And 100 percent of the
materials in the 13-inch MacBook Pro are covered by our Regulated Substances Specification.
We go beyond what’s required by aiming to understand the non-regulated substances in every
part of every product—an effort that requires an industry-leading level of transparency through
the entire supply chain. We consistently identify the makeup of over 75 percent by mass of
Mac devices.

3 13-inch MacBook Pro Product Environmental Report

The Apple Supplier Code of Conduct sets strict standards for the
Package protection of people in our supply chain and the planet that we
Materials life cycle and Ship all share. Every year, we assess our suppliers’ performance in
upholding the standards required by our Code.

We work closely with our suppliers to provide safe and healthy workplaces where people
Recover Use
are treated with dignity and respect, and to reduce suppliers’ environmental impact. Our
requirements apply across our supply chain, and include the responsible sourcing of materials.
From the strong foundation set by our Code, we go further—from helping suppliers transition
to renewable energy, to providing educational opportunities for their employees, to supporting
final assembly suppliers in reducing waste.

Supplier energy use

Zero Waste to Landfill All 13-inch MacBook Pro final assembly

supplier sites are transitioning to
Greener chemicals The 13-inch MacBook Pro final
100 percent renewable energy for
assembly supplier sites do not
All 13-inch MacBook Pro final assembly Apple production.
generate any waste sent to landfill.7
supplier sites use safer cleaners and
degreasers in their manufacturing
processes, as determined by the
GreenScreen® assessment method.6

4 13-inch MacBook Pro Product Environmental Report

Package and Ship
The 13-inch MacBook Pro packaging is made with 100 percent
recycled and responsibly sourced wood fiber.
Materials life cycle and Ship
To improve our packaging, we are working to eliminate plastics, increase recycled content,
and use less packaging overall. All of the wood fiber in our packaging is either recycled or
comes from responsibly managed forests.8 And we have protected or created enough
Recover Use responsibly managed forests to cover all the virgin wood fiber we use in our packaging.9 This
ensures working forests are able to regrow and continue to clean our air and purify our water.

of the packaging10
is fiber based, due to
our work to use less
plastic in packaging

recycled content in
fiber packaging

of the virgin wood
fiber in the packaging
comes from responsibly
managed forests8

5 13-inch MacBook Pro Product Environmental Report

The 13-inch MacBook Pro uses 74 percent less energy than the
requirement for ENERGY STAR.
Materials life cycle and Ship
We design our products to be energy efficient, long lasting, and safe. The 13-inch MacBook Pro
uses software and power-efficient components that intelligently manage power consumption.
We also run our own Reliability and Environmental Testing Labs, so our products go through
Recover Use rigorous testing before they leave our doors. Our support continues throughout each product’s
life cycle, with regular software updates to keep devices current and a network of authorized
repair professionals to service them, if necessary.


13-inch MacBook Pro

Energy consumption of ENERGY STAR–rated products
Apple devices consistently rank among the high-performing products rated
by ENERGY STAR, which sets specifications that typically reflect the 25 percent kWh kWh
most energy-efficient devices on the market. The 13-inch MacBook Pro Uses less energy Uses more energy

consumes 74 percent less energy than the requirement for ENERGY STAR.11

Designed to last
To ensure durability, we assessed
the 13-inch MacBook Pro in our
Reliability Testing Lab, using
rigorous testing methods that
simulate customers’ experiences.

Made with smarter

We apply rigorous controls for
materials users touch—all based
on recommendations from
toxicologists and dermatologists.

6 13-inch MacBook Pro Product Environmental Report

Return your product with Apple Trade In and we’ll ensure it has
Package a long life or recycle it for free.
Materials life cycle and Ship
When products are used longer, fewer resources are extracted from the earth. That’s why we
launched Apple Trade In—it offers customers a seamless way to return their old devices and
accessories to Apple. Eligible devices can be traded in for credit or an Apple Store Gift Card,
Recover Use while accessories and other devices can be recycled for free.12 We also offer and participate
in product take-back and recycling collection programs for 99 percent of the countries where
we sell products—and we hold our recyclers to high standards. Our efforts to keep harmful
substances out of our products also mean our materials are safer to recover and reuse.

Apple Trade In
For more information on how to recycle
your products at end of life, visit:

7 13-inch MacBook Pro Product Environmental Report

Recycled materials: Recycling makes better use Apple addresses this uncertainty by developing
of finite resources by sourcing from recovered rather detailed process-based environmental models
than mined materials. Recycled content claims for with Apple-specific parameters. For the remaining
materials used in our products have been verified elements of Apple’s carbon footprint, we rely on
by an independent third party to a recycled content industry average data and assumptions. Calculation
standard that conforms to ISO 14021. includes emissions for the following life cycle phases
contributing to Global Warming Potential (GWP
Bio-based plastics: Bio-based plastics are made 100 years) in CO2 equivalency factors (CO2e):
from biological sources rather than from fossil-fuel
• Production: Includes the extraction, production,
sources. Bio-based plastics allow us to reduce reliance
and transportation of raw materials, as well as the
on fossil fuels.
manufacture, transport, and assembly of all parts
Renewable materials: We define bio-materials as and product packaging.
those that can be regenerated in a human lifespan, • Transport: Includes air and sea transportation of
like paper fibers or sugarcane. Bio-materials can the finished product and its associated packaging
help us use fewer finite resources. But even though from manufacturing site to regional distribution
bio-materials have the ability to regrow, they are not hubs. Transport of products from distribution hubs
always managed responsibly. Renewable materials to end customers is modeled using average
are a type of bio-material managed in a way that distances based on regional geography.
enables continuous production without depleting
• Use: Apple assumes a three- or four-year period
earth’s resources. That’s why we focus on sources
for power use by first owners based on the product
that are certified for their management practices.
type. Product use scenarios are based on historical
Supplier Clean Energy Program: Since the electricity customer use data for similar products. Energy
used to make our products is the largest contributor use is simulated in various ways; for example, by
to our overall carbon footprint, we’re helping our modeling daily battery drain or through performing
suppliers become more energy efficient and transition activities like movie and music playback. Geographic
to new renewable energy sources. We’re committed differences in the power grid mix have been
to transitioning our entire manufacturing supply chain accounted for at a regional level.
to 100 percent renewable electricity by 2030. • End-of-life processing: Includes transportation
from collection hubs to recycling centers and
Carbon footprint: Estimated emissions are calculated
the energy used in mechanical separation and
in accordance with guidelines and requirements as
shredding of parts. For more information on the
specified by ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. There is
carbon footprint, visit
inherent uncertainty in modeling carbon emissions
due primarily to data limitations. For the top
component contributors to Apple’s carbon emissions,

1 Apple defines its restrictions on harmful substances, including definitions for what Apple considers to be “free of,”
in the Apple Regulated Substances Specification. Every Apple product is free of PVC and phthalates with the
exception of AC power cords in India, Thailand (for 2-prong AC power cords), and South Korea, where we continue
to seek government approval for our PVC and phthalates replacement. Apple products comply with the European
Union Directive 2011/65/EU and its amendments, including exemptions for the use of lead such as high-temperature
solder. Apple is working to phase out the use of these exempted substances where technically possible.

2 The 13-inch MacBook Pro achieved a Gold rating in the United States and Canada, in accordance with IEEE 1680.1
or UL 110, and is listed as such on the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Registry. EPEAT
registers computers, displays, and mobile phones based on environmental requirements in these standards. For
more information, visit

3 Greenhouse gas emissions were calculated using a life cycle assessment methodology in accordance with
ISO 14040 and 14044 standards and based on MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020) with 256GB storage configuration.
We often update our carbon models to leverage new information. As a result, our estimate for the carbon footprint
of the previous generation—MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) with 256GB storage—
decreased from 217 kg CO2e (as published in its Product Environmental Report) to 212 kg CO2e.

Carbon footprint

MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020) with 256GB / 512GB MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) with
185 / 207 kg CO2e 212 / 233 kg CO2e
storage 256GB / 512GB storage

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports) MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports) with
251 / 298 kg CO2e 278 / 300 kg CO2e
with 512GB / 1TB storage 256GB / 512GB storage

8 13-inch MacBook Pro Product Environmental Report

4 MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) was used for comparison as the most recently released
and similar device. Preproduction MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020) with 256GB storage was compared to
shipping MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) with 256GB storage since these are the two
lowest configurations offered.

5 Third-party assessments seek to confirm sourcing practices and are part of our responsible sourcing program.
In addition, our efforts consider conflict, human rights, and other risks.

6 Only chemicals that meet GreenScreen® benchmark 3 or 4 are considered safer and preferred for use. Final
assembly sites for the 13-inch MacBook Pro are among the 18 final assembly supplier facilities that have adopted
these safer cleaners. GreenScreen® is a comprehensive hazard assessment tool that evaluates substances against
18 different criteria. For more information, visit

7 Finalassembly supplier sites for the 13-inch MacBook Pro are third-party certified as Zero Waste by UL LLC
(UL 2799 Standard). UL requires at least 90 percent diversion through methods other than waste to energy to
achieve Zero Waste to Landfill (Silver 90–94 percent, Gold 95–99 percent, and Platinum 100 percent)

8 Responsible sourcing of wood fiber is defined in Apple’s Sustainable Fiber Specification. We consider wood fibers
to include bamboo.

9 Formore information about our work to protect and create responsibly managed forests, please read our
Environmental Progress Report.

10 Breakdown of U.S. retail packaging by weight.

11 Energyconsumption and energy efficiency values are based on the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements
for Computers, including the max energy allowance for the 13-inch MacBook Pro. For more information, visit ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The 13-inch MacBook Pro is tested with a fully charged battery and powered by the 61W USB-C Power Adapter
with the USB-C Charge Cable (2m).
• Off: Lowest power mode of the system. System is shut down.
• Sleep: Low power state that is entered automatically after 10 minutes of inactivity (default), or by selecting
Sleep from the Apple menu. Wake for network access enabled.
• Idle—Display on: System is on and has completed loading macOS. Display brightness was set as defined by
ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Computers and Auto-Brightness was turned off. Connected to Wi-Fi.
• Power adapter, no-load: Condition in which the 61W USB-C Power Adapter with the USB-C Charge Cable (2m)
is connected to AC power, but not connected to the system.
• Power adapter efficiency: Average of the 61W USB-C Power Adapter with the USB-C Charge Cable (2m)
measured efficiency when tested at 100 percent, 75 percent, 50 percent, and 25 percent of the power adapter’s
rated output current.

Power consumption for MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020)

Mode 100V 115V 230V

Off 0.04W 0.04W 0.06W

Sleep 0.16W 0.17W 0.19W

Idle—Display on 3.03W 3.00W 3.03W

Power adapter, no-load 0.03W 0.02W 0.03W

Power adapter efficiency 90.1% 90.4% 90.3%

12 Trade-in values vary based on the condition, year, and configuration of your trade-in device, and may also vary
between online and in-store trade-in. You must be at least 18 years old. In-store trade-in requires presentation of
a valid, government-issued photo ID (local law may require saving this information). Additional terms from Apple
or Apple’s trade-in partners may apply.

© 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other countries. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of
their respective companies.

9 13-inch MacBook Pro Product Environmental Report

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