Lettre Guide

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Candidature gagnanteI

La lettre de motivation :
La lettre de motivation traduit vos savoirs, savoir-faire, savoir-tre et savoirdevenir. Elle vous ressemble : donnez-lui une couleur. Elle fait vivre votre CV et surtout prsente votre projet professionnel.
La lettre de motivation aborde idalement trois thmes :
Votre intrt Le recruteur est toujours sensible au fait que vous ayez pris des renseignements sur lentreprise et ses produits. Il y ressent une source de motivation chez le candidat et une approche professionnelle. Votre projet Il est indispensable de prsenter ce que lon veut faire dans lentreprise. Montrez que le stage ou poste cibl est sous-tendu par une ide prcise, un objectif professionnel. Vous dmontrerez ainsi que vous avez rflchi la construction de votre avenir. Ladquation de votre profil Bien videmment, cest ladquation entre votre profil et le contenu de loffre de stage ou demploi que vous allez mettre en avant. Pour cela sortez deux ou trois points forts de votre parcours ou expriences significatives avec les rsultats qui viennent confirmer cette adquation. 1er paragraphe : VOUS Pourquoi cette entreprise ou le poste nonc vous intresse-t-il ? Vous connaissez ou tes intress par ses produits, sa problmatique, sa stratgie Exemples : Le secteur d'activit de votre entreprise, et les produits que vous distribuez correspondent l'orientation que je souhaite aujourd'hui donner mon parcours professionnel Deux critres principaux orientent le choix de mon premier emploi : intgrer une trs grande entreprise et opter pour un mtier davenir . Votre entreprise rpond ces deux attentes puisque le

Marion CHAUSSON 3, rue de la Citadelle 33000 BORDEAUX 06 06 06 06 06 mchausson@free.fr Grard POSTEL Paris, le 25 mai 2008 Objet : candidature sponta business dveloppement ne au service stratgie et Monsieur, VOUS + JE Ayant une bonne connai ssance des attentes des apprciant particulirem ent la stratgie et le marke vtrinaires et terais mettre mes compt ting, je souhaienc majeur parmi les laboratoi es au service de votre entreprise acteur res vtrinaires. JE En effet, lors de ma missi on pour la socit Invest (au cours du mastre HE anc C-Entrepreneurs), jai par e Consulting tion dune filiale dans le tici cadre de la stratgie de div p la cragroupe. ersification du De plus, au cours de mo n travaill en collaboratio stage dans les laboratoires Rivadis, jai n ave stratgiques de dveloppe c le dirigeant sur des problmatiques pour le service marketin ment. Jai aussi effectu une mission g conclusions ont t adopt concernant la stratgie produits et mes es par le comit de direct ion. Autonome, entreprenant e et aimant le travail en quipe, je souhaiterais apporter ma contrib uti des produits de CEVA San on la croissance et aux innovations t Animale. NOUS Je suis disponible partir du position pour vous rencon mois de juillet et me tiens votre distrer et approfondir tous vous jugeriez utiles. les points que Je vous prie dagrer, Mo nsieur, mes salutations dis tingues. A lattention de Monsieur

Vous pouvez adopter le plan traditionnel en trois paragraphes : Vous Je Nous

Ce canevas ne constitue en rien un modle idal de lettre de motivation. Si vous optez pour celui-ci, les trois paragraphes peuvent tre fondus ou bien le deuxime mis la place du premier : il peut tre en effet plus facile de commencer par mettre en avant vos atouts Attention : Insistez sur limportance de lenchanement logique des paragraphes !

Le cas de la candidature spontane

Une candidature spontane doit rpondre quatre questions que se pose le recruteur : 1 Pourquoi crit-il mon entreprise ? En quoi lintresse-t-elle ? 2 Que cherche-t-il ? 3 Que peut-il mapporter ? 4 Qua-t-il de plus que les autres ?


LE GUIDE Carrires HEC 2008/09


ICandidature gagnante

groupe est pionnier dans les technologies nouvelles de et se donne les moyens dtre prsent sur les marchs en forte progression et haut potentiel. 2me paragraphe : JE Le JE est gnralement la partie la plus difficile travailler car on doit mettre en valeur des lments de son parcours en adquation avec son projet et ce, de manire synthtique. Pour confirmer le premier paragraphe, faites ressortir une ou deux expriences et expliquez-les de faon concrte en donnant les rsultats obtenus (quils soient quantitatifs ou qualitatifs). Prcisez vos atouts, vos comptences, votre valeur ajoute par rapport au poste. Exemple : Ma participation au cours devenir consultant en stratgie HEC me conforte dans lopinion que je me fais de ce mtier : le challenge intellectuel et la perspective dapporter des solutions innovantes et efficaces des entreprises en dveloppement sont autant de raisons qui renforcent ma motivation. 3me paragraphe : NOUS Ce troisime et dernier paragraphe a pour objectif de tracer la voie vers lentretien. Exemple : Prt m'investir pleinement dans ce poste oprationnel, et vous convaincre au cours de notre prochain entretien, je vous prie d'agrer, Monsieur, mes salutations distingues . Tout au long de la lettre, restez le plus neutre possible. Ce document doit tre passe-partout. Ne donnez pas aux recruteurs des motifs de vous remettre votre place : ne soyez pas trop content de vous, vitez les tournures ampoules et la flatterie excessive.

Bruno DESBOIS 1, rue de la Fort 91400 Orsay Tl. 06 06 06 06 06 Bruno.desbois@gm ail.com Objet : candidature junior chez Oliver pour un stage de six mois en tant qu Wyman General e consultant Management. Monsieur, tudiant HEC en Oliver Wyman en deuxime anne, je souhaiterais tra va Management. Ja tant que stagiaire dans la bran iller chez che General i eu loccasion consultants de chez de discuter avec lvnement MEE OW lors des Carrefours HEC ainsi diffrents TO vous positionner en W le mercredi 13 fvrier 2008. Vo que lors de tre connue votre cabine leader dans votre secteur et la croi capacit ssance qua t ces dernires ann est une rfrence du es conseil en stratgi , mincitent croire quOW e. Un des enseignem en lanne dernire es ts que je retire de mon exprience t projet, la stratgie que quelle que soit lampleur ou la au Vietnam adopte pour le m teneur dun en effet, jai personn ellement contribu er bien est dterminante. En linstauration d micro crdit en ap un comit populaire de portant des solutions aux ngociatio e caisse de ns avec le Can Tho. Jai galement d ve problmatiques de lopp cette anne un got pronon str c devenir consultan atgies dentreprise. Ma participati pour les t en stratgie HE on au cours que je me fais de ce C, me conforte dans dapporter des solu mtier: le challenge intellectuel et la lopinion tions innovantes et perspective dveloppement so nt autant de raisons efficaces des entreprises en qui renforcent ma Entreprenant et au motivation. to mes responsabilit nome, jai pris got aux dfis du lea dership grce s de prsident du ainsi les exigence Rugby Club HEC. s quipe et je souh et les devoirs quimplique le manag Je connais aiterais vivement ement dune comptences au m service de celle ettre ma motivation et mes Management. s dOliver Wym an General Je suis disponible disposition pour vo partir du mois de juillet et me tie us rencontrer et ap jugerez utiles. profondir tous poin ns votre ts que vous Dans cette attente, je vous prie dagr distingues. er, Monsieur, mes salutations

faire/ ne pas faire

Soyez direct !
Ncrivez pas : Suite votre annonce parue sur lIntranet HEC pour un poste de chef de produit, je me permets de vous prsenter ma candidature Mais plutt : Bientt diplm dHEC, majeure Marketing, et ayant dj effectu un stage la division des produits grand public de LOral, je suis particulirement intress(e) par le poste de chef de produit que vous cherchez pourvoir.

Reliez vos expriences vos qualits !

Ncrivez pas : Mes deux stages mont permis de dvelopper diffrentes qualits : la rigueur, la crativit, la communication ainsi que laptitude travailler sous la pression et dans des dlais courts. Mais plutt : Chez Exane, en tant quanalyste, jai pu prouver mes facults danalyse et de synthse, et mon aptitude donner le meilleur sous pression et dans des dlais courts. Dautre part, au sein de la direction financire de SaintGobain, jai notamment dvelopp ma capacit travailler en quipe et mon sens de la communication orale et crite.


LE GUIDE Carrires HEC 2008/09


Candidature gagnanteI

Writing a good cover letter

Suggested structure for a cover letter

Dear Mrs Anderson, Paragraph 1: I have met with Mr Brown/current employee/alumni/representative at HEC, etc (you dont have a second chance to leave a good first impression). Paragraph 2: My work, academic and professional, is directly linked to the things you care about (one or two examples). Paragraph 3: Final pitch (maximum of two sentences) with a few teasers of what makes you stand out, without giving everything away. Paragraph 4: Express interest in meeting up. Yours sincerely,

Olivier Syriex 95, rue de Turenne 62500 Saint-Omer Tl. 06 06 06 06 06 Olivier.syriex@gmail.com Object: Application for a in the Investment Bank graduate position ing Department Dear Sir, Currently in my gradua tio willing to join the Inv n year at HEC School of Management, I am Rothschild unique expert estment Banking Department of Rothschild. ise confirmed by its firs France and in the U.K . in M&A so far in 200 t position in Europe, in 7 and by its outstanding number of transactions, wo my personal and analytica uld give me the opportunity to make the most of through a multi-sector exp l skills. I am indeed longing to challenge mysel f erience, working over fin top level senior banker s. I am appealed by the ancial issues along with structure with ad-hoc tea ms, which guarantees the flexible project-based diversity of execution. As a financial analyst at JC Decaux NA in New York, responsible for the reporting, I already had a background as well as chance to extend my numerical and analytica l my interest for financial research in financial dat a basis to build up report issues by conducting French executives. ing tools to the US and I was also in charge of the created French company Business Development in the U.K. for the newly WIT France. Starting fro m reflection and creativity to identify the market and scratch, I relied on my highlighting the key factor to set-up the strategy, abilities to communicate s of success. This experience also confirmed my and convince since I starte with some effective result d our network of clients s: merchant from New-Zeala I started a joint-venture negotiation with a wine nd. On top of this, I think I off er as an investment banker some personal qualities, which could be useful . By managing a strateg ic survey to launch new financial software for the handled working under pre sake of Actuaris-Watson Wyatts managers, I ssure in a team and proved reliability. Finally, my int ernational experiences are my commitment and my fluency in English but not only a guarantee to also a proof of my adapta bility and flexibility. Reliable, curious and har d-working, I am thus dee Rothschilds demanding and successful teams to ply motivated to join order to produce efficient maximize my skills in results. May I request a meetin g in order to discuss fur motivation. ther my interests and Yours faithfully Olivier Syriex

Check for quality

Less is definitely more. Be as concise as possible, your letter will initially get a cursory glance only (maximum of 15 lines of text). The main points clearly laid out, in a maximum of three or four main paragraphs, in simple, clear language, preferably with one or two examples. Same as for the CV find out what the employer wants first and emphasize it. Transferable skills: highlight in what way your past experience is directly relevant to what the target company is doing. If you are using e-mail to send your cover letter with your CV attached, try to stick to one screen in length. High-quality notepaper and envelopes are well worth the effort if you use the post. It is easier to hit the delete button than to throw away a letter. In exceptional cases, a letter can be sent without CV if the company is likely to offer you an interview on the basis of your discussions with them or what they know about you previously. Do not copy phrases off the employers website indiscriminately or give bland reasons for applying to distinctive companies like McKinsey & Co.


LE GUIDE Carrires HEC 2008/09


ICandidature gagnante

When and how to use e-mail

Although e-mail is usually less formal than other avenues, when used in a job search, one should always keep in mind that it is still a business communication.

When to use email

For a first contact, e-mail is to be used only when a recruiter specifically invites or instructs you to do so with instructions on the company's website, a job ad, a verbal conversation, other reliable advice, etc. Otherwise, you are safer sending a rsum and cover letter via hard copy.The key is to READ the e-mail sent by the recruiter and follow instructions. Be very careful about noting TO WHOM and HOW you should respond. Peter Jackson of company XYZ might send the e-mail, but instruct you to MAIL your rsum and a cover to Jane White of XYZ. Emails that have been forwarded to you (or to many) and/or have gone through lots of forwarding may take more time for you to interpret. Read the details so you do the right thing. It won't help you to shoot off a response to someone who just happened to forward the e-mail but isn't the actual recruiter. Keeping a written record If you do something important verbally like agree upon an interview date and time, or accept a job offer its important to follow up in writing, and an e-mail can serve that purpose. Example: Thank you so much for the offer of an interview at your Paris office. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, March 7 at 8:00 a.m. Putting information in writing creates a record and can (if worded clearly) protect everyone from confusion and misunderstanding. Thank-you emails after interviews The question of whether to send a thankyou note electronically or in paper copy is one that comes up frequently. Sending an email thank-you isn't wrong. Recruiters will appreciate that you did at least send thanks. If you know that the person who interviewed you is traveling a lot, s/he may see your e-mail before getting back to the office to see hard copy mail. If the hiring decision happens very quickly following the interview, an e-mail might be seen sooner than hard copy. Hard copy is still nice, and can follow up an e-mail.

Not to be discussed by email... Job negotiations should not be conducted by email. If you don't understand the benefits package information provided with a job offer and have questions, a verbal conversation is essential. However, if speed is of the essence and you are only reaching voice mail by phone, you could alert the recruiter via e-mail that you have some questions and are hoping to speak directly. Suggest times when you might be available to speak.

spelling, and punctuation are correct (don't depend on the spell check to catch your mistakes). Use capitalization and lower case letters. All capitals is the e-mail equivalent of screaming (never a good thing to do to a potential recruiter). Attachments Applications sent by email should be in the most standard format possible (usually Word or PDF). Be very careful to follow the recruiter's instructions, and use the format s/he requests. Name your attachments logically logically for the recipient, not you, that is. AlanSmithResume.doc works fine. Myresume4jf206 might work for you, but won't mean anything or be helpful to the recruiter. Be careful of the size of the files you are sending pictures can be rather heavy and you wouldn't want to jam the recruiter's inbox! Paper size and layout can differ depending on the country but standard A4 size will suit in all cases. Check the name of your files and make sure they match your application (no file called McKinsey if you're applying to Bain). And the obvious, but which happens so many times don't forget to ATTACH your attachments! Final cautions and considerations Be aware that e-mail is a form of written communication and it creates a written record. Retain copies of the e-mail you send and receive. Don't let the speed and ease of sending e-mail blind you to the fact that you will be judged on what you say and how you say it. E-mail, like other written correspondence, doesn't reveal your tone of voice. Choose your words carefully. If in doubt have someone else read your email, or say it out loud. A well-written e-mail can quickly impress a recruiter (and the reverse is true).

How to use email correctly

Email address Use your HEC email address. If for some reason you decide to use a personal email alias, make sure it is professional addresses such as 'partyanimal@yahoo.com' will definitely send the wrong message Subject line This needs to be very clear: Application for graphic designer position listing 84G11 Follow-up to our meeting on October 18th at HEC's International Finance Forum A blank subject line is unwise and may well send your email directly to the spam bin. Read this and information and for your consideration and the like are meaningless. (Aren't all e-mails supposed to be read, and contain information, etc.?) Your signature Include one. It should give your full name and full contact information, including mailing address, e-mail address and phone number(s). After your name, you can include something that identifies you (as a job title would), like HEC Paris MBA Program, class of 2008. DON'T assume that your reader will open attachments to get basic information that should appear in your e-mail, like your name and who you are. Format The rules of snail-mail business correspondence apply. Proofread your mail before pushing that send button to ensure grammar,


LE GUIDE Carrires HEC 2008/09


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