Gouvernance Pour Une Afrique en Marche

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ISSN 1813-1840

African Development Topics Thmes sur le dveloppement de l'Afrique

Vol. 1, Number 1, 2004

Economic Commission for Africa Commission conomique pour lAfrique

Focus of this issue: Governance for a Progressing Africa Dossier de ce numro: Gouvernance pour une Afrique en marche
Compiled by the ECA Library Prpar par la bibliothque de la CEA


PREFACE..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ii FOCUS: GOVERNANCE FOR A PROGRESSING AFRICA ...................................................................................................................... iv DOSSIER: GOUVERNANCE POUR UNE AFRIQUE EN MARCHE .......................................................................................................... ix BIBLIOGRAPHIES .......................................................................................................................................................................................1 AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT AGRICOLE .................................................................................................1 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS / AGROECONOMIE............................................................................................................................3 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH / RECHERCHE AGRICOLE ..................................................................................................................5 AIDS / SIDA ............................................................................................................................................................................................8 CAPITAL MARKETS / MARCHES DE CAPITAUX...............................................................................................................................11 DEBT MANAGEMENT / GESTION DE LA DETTE ..............................................................................................................................13 DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE ......................................................................................................................................................14 DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE AU DEVELOPPEMENT ..........................................................................................14 DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT..............................................................................................17 DEVELOPMENT POLICY / POLITIQUE DE DEVELOPPEMENT .......................................................................................................22 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES / STRATEGIES DE DEVELOPPEMENT ..........................................................................................24 ECONOMIC COOPERATION / COOPERATION ECONOMIQUE .......................................................................................................26 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES.............................................................................................................26 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE .................................................................................................30 ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE............................................................................................................................35 EDUCATION / EDUCATION.................................................................................................................................................................37 EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI ....................................................................................................................................................................39 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES ............................................................................................................42 FISHERIES / PECHERIES ...................................................................................................................................................................49 FORESTRY / FORESTERIE.................................................................................................................................................................52 GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL ....................................................................................................................................................................52 GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE / VIOLENCE SEXISTE.........................................................................................................................57 GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE .....................................................................................................................................................57 HEALTH / SANTE .................................................................................................................................................................................62 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION.66 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY / PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE .......................................................................................................69 INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT / INVESTISSEMENTS INTERNATIONAUX ...................................................................................69 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES..................................................................................................72 INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ..............................................................................................................73 LAND ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE FONCIERE ...................................................................................................................................78 MIGRATION / MIGRATION ..................................................................................................................................................................80 MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE ...............................................................................................................................82 NATURAL RESOURCES / RESSOURCES NATURELLES.................................................................................................................83 POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES ....................................................................................................................85 POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE...............................................................................................................87 PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DU SECTEUR PRIVE ...........................................................................92 REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE ................................................................................................................93 RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE ...................................................................................................................98 SMALL ENTERPRISES / PETITES ENTREPRISES .........................................................................................................................100 SOCIAL WELFARE / BIEN-ETRE SOCIAL ........................................................................................................................................101 STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES...........................................................................................................................102 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ..................................................................................................110 TOURISM / TOURISME......................................................................................................................................................................112 TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE................................................................................................................................112 TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION / TRANSPORTS ET COMMUNICATIONS .........................................................................115 WATER RESOURCES / RESOURCES EN EAU ...............................................................................................................................117 AUTHOR INDEX / INDEX DES AUTEURS..............................................................................................................................................119 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX .............................................................................................................................................................................128 INDEX GEOGRAPHIQUE ........................................................................................................................................................................130 SUBJECT INDEX .....................................................................................................................................................................................132 INDEX DES SUJETS ...............................................................................................................................................................................139

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

African Development Topics is a new bibliographic journal issued two times per year by the Library of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). It marks a further step to expand our activities by offering more value-added and timely information and knowledge services to users. The release of this publication is part of our overall initiative to promote knowledge sharing within the ECA, by presenting current materials in the collection that can be used to further the research activities of staff members. Each issue of African Development Topics focuses on a topic of current interest to the ECA, to assist staff in selecting appropriate materials for their research. The topics will be decided based on forthcoming meetings, forums, programmes or other initiatives being undertaken in the divisions. We welcome suggestions from staff members as to topics they would like to see highlighted in future issues, and will do our best to accommodate user requests. The first issue of this output focuses on governance, and is timed to coincide with the African Development Forum IV whose theme is Governance for a Progressing Africa. As such, this issue features an in-depth bibliographic review covering governance resources in the Library, as well as bibliographic records on governance and other related topics. We would like to thank everyone who assisted us in creating the governance portions of this output, in particular Stphane Oertel of the Development Policy Management Division, who devoted time from his busy schedule to provide us with his invaluable insights. In addition to providing value-added bibliographic features, African Development Topics combines and replaces the Librarys previous bibliographic outputs. This output supersedes ECA-in-print, Index to Official African Publications, Africa Index and New Acquisitions, which ceased publication in December 2003. However, this output continues to present the current monographs, periodical articles, titles of series and occasional papers, ECA and other UN publications as well as official government publications that were included in the discontinued outputs. In order to consult the bibliographic records with greater ease, bilingual descriptor terms selected from the United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS) thesaurus have been used to describe the subject contents. The bibliographic records can be accessed through the subject, author and geographic indexes located at the end of the publication. African Development Topics is designed to serve the research needs of ECA staff members. In order to help us better serve these needs, we would appreciate any feedback you may have. Please send all comments or questions to ecalibadmin@uneca.org. We hope you find this publication to be useful to your research needs.

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique est une nouvelle revue bibliographique publie deux fois par an par la bibliothque de la Commission conomique pour l'Afrique (CEA). Elle reprsente une tape supplmentaire de lexpansion de nos activits, qui vise offrir temps notre clientle davantage de services valeur ajoute relatifs l'information et aux connaissances. Cette publication fait partie de l'initiative globale de la bibliothque tendant favoriser le partage des connaissances au sein de la CEA, en prsentant les documents figurant dans cette collection pouvant servir faire avancer les activits de recherche. Chaque numro donne une revue bibliographique dtaille d'un thme dactualit la CEA, pour aider le personnel choisir la documentation approprie ses travaux de recherche. Le choix des thmes est fond sur les runions, forums et programmes venir ou sur dautres initiatives prises par les divisions. Les suggestions des membres du personnel quant aux sujets qu'ils voudraient voir traiter dans les prochains numros sont les bienvenues, et les services de la bibliothque feront de leur mieux pour rpondre ces demandes. Le premier numro de cette revue est consacr la gouvernance, et il est prvu que sa publication concide avec le Forum pour le dveloppement de lAfrique, dont le thme est Gouvernance pour une Afrique en marche . Ce numro prsente une revue bibliographique dtaille des ressources disponibles la bibliothque sur la gouvernance, ainsi quune bibliographie sur la gouvernance et sur d'autres sujets pertinents. Nous tenons remercier tous ceux qui nous ont aids constituer les chapitres sur la gouvernance dans ce numro, en particulier Stphane Oertel de la Division des politiques et de la gestion du dveloppement, qui, malgr son calendrier charg, a pris le temps de fournir une aide dune valeur inestimable. Au-del des dossiers bibliographiques valeur ajoute, Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique combine et remplace les revues bibliographiques prcdentes de la bibliothque, savoir ECA-inPrint, Rpertoire des publications officielles africaines, Africa Index et Bibliographie des nouvelles acquisitions de la bibliothque de la CEA, dont la publication a t interrompue en dcembre 2003. Cependant, cette revue continuera prsenter les monographies, les articles priodiques, les titres des publications en srie et les tudes spciales de la CEA et dautres publications de lOrganisation des Nations Unies ainsi que les documents officiels gouvernementaux que prsentaient les revues supprimes. Pour faciliter la consultation des titres, on a utilis des descriptions bilingues tires du thesaurus du Systme d'information bibliographique de lONU (UNBIS) pour dcrire le contenu des articles et des documents. De plus, on peut accder aux titres en utilisant les indexes par sujets, auteurs et zones gographiques, situs en fin de publication. Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique a t cr pour rpondre aux besoins du personnel de la CEA en matire de recherche des membres de la CEA. Pour mieux vous aider, nous apprcierons vos commentaires sur la publication. Vous pouvez envoyer vos commentaires ou vos questions l'adresse suivante : ecalibadmin@uneca.org. Nous esprons que vous trouverez cette publication utile.

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


The African continent has undergone major political and institutional changes over the past decade, and there are still important challenges that lie ahead. As Africa continues its political transformation, recognition of the role that governance plays in the advancement of the continent is taking root at all levels of society. Sustainable growth and development are made possible in a political climate that promotes responsible, open and accountable leadership. International and regional initiatives are progressively highlighting this aspect in reducing the disparities that exist in the world. On a global scale, good governance is seen as a driving force in achieving the UNs Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of eradicating extreme poverty, attaining universal primary education, promoting gender equality and creating a global partnership for development. An African initiative, the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD), highlights responsible political and social leadership as a driver of real and sustainable growth for the continent as a whole. NEPAD was established in 2001 as a mechanism for African leaders to address the problems that plague the continent. Through NEPAD, African leaders and policymakers recognize their role in achieving peace, security, and sustainable political and socio-economic development. In particular, accountability by African governments towards one another, as well as their own people, is becoming an ever greater reality through the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), a voluntary instrument that ensures government conformity to the agreed political, economic and corporate governance values, codes and standards contained in the Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance agreed by African Union (AU) member states in 2002. Through the project Measuring and Monitoring Progress Towards Good Governance, the ECA is promoting governance as a vehicle for economic and institutional growth and development across the African continent and actively promoting NEPAD and APRM, along with other pan-African initiatives. The project emphasizes three priority areas: (1) Political representation; (2) Institutional effectiveness and accountability, and: (3) Economic management and corporate governance. This, along with the results of the fourth meeting of the African Development Forum (ADF IV), will form the backbone of the upcoming Africa Governance Report. The theme of ADF IV, held from 11 to 15 October 2004, is "Governance for a Progressing Africa". ADF IV, organized by the ECA, in partnership with the AU and African Development Bank, takes as a premise that good governance is essential for transforming Africa's economy. The ECA seeks

to support and strengthen the "capable state"-one with transparent, accountable political and economic systems, and efficient public institutions providing an enabling environment for the private sector and civil society to play their respective roles in national efforts.

The ECAs Africa Governance Report will focus on the following issues: the political and socioeconomic setting; defining and measuring governance; political representation; economic

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

management and corporate governance; institutional effectiveness and accountability for state and non-state actors; and institutional capacity building and governance.

Political representation
Political representation takes as its base the belief that governments are accountable to the citizens that they represent. Citizens have the right to participate in democratic government, supported by a systematic and transparent legal system, and in the construction of democratic institutions that are capable of producing sound economic and social policies. Mechanisms should exist to ensure that governments remain accountable to their citizens. Political representation includes issues relating to the distribution of power in the political system, the electoral process and the introduction of diverse and competing political parties in the political arena. The ECA Library makes accessible numerous materials on governance to assist staff in their research in this area Materials on this topic held at the ECA Library include: Dmocratisation en Afrique au sud du Sahara : transitions et virage : un bilan de la littrature (1995-1996) / Klaas van Walraven, Cline Thiriot. Leyde, Pays-Bas : AfrikaStudiecentrum, 2002. Research reports (Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum) ; 66/2002. iv, 219 p. Globalisation and democratic governance in Tanzania / Chachage Seithy L Chachage. Addis Ababa : Development Policy Management Forum, 2003. DPMF Occasional paper, no. 10. 38 p. Governance and growth / Mark Gradstein. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 505-518. Government and environmental policy / Forum for Social Studies. Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, 2004. Consultation papers on the environment, no.5. 23 p. Leadership and social transformation in the public sector : moving from challenges to solutions / UN. New York : United Nations, 2004. v, 154 p. Report of the conference on "The challenges of globalization in Africa : what role for civil society and other stakeholders?" / Development Policy Management Forum. Addis Ababa : Development Policy Management Forum, 2003. 60 p. The quest for peace in Africa : transformations, democracy and public policy / Alfred G. Nhema (editor). Utrecht : International Books, 2004, 416 p. Journals covering political representation include Democratization, Development and Change, Governance : an international journal of policy, administration and institutions and the Review of Policy Research.

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Economic management and corporate governance

Economic management and corporate governance covers the mechanisms set in place to govern economic and financial institutions and to establish the rules and regulations needed for the growth of the private sector. The private sector, and foreign direct investment, is increasingly recognized as an engine for growth following the dismantling of controlled economic systems in the 1990s. The core elements of economic management and corporate governance include public financial management and accountability, the integrity of monetary and financial systems, private sector development, the efficiency and equity of the tax system, investment promotion, accounting and auditing and investment and crime. Materials on this topic held at the ECA Library include: Governance and bank valuation / Gerard Caprio, Luc Laeven, and Ross Levine. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3202. 48 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. Industrial structure, technical change, and the role of government in development of the electronics and information industry in Taipei, China / Yeo Lin. Manila : Asian Development Bank, 2003. ERD working paper ; no. 41. http://www.adb.org/Documents/ERD/Working_Papers/wp041.pdf. Le rle des exportations dans le processus de croissance conomique dans la Cte d'Ivoire: ses implications pour des stratgies de cration d'emplois durables / Flix Fofana N'Zu. African development review, vol. 15, no. 2/3 (Dec.2003). p. 199 217. Lurking in the shadows : the informal sector and government policy / Jane Ihrig and Karine S. Moe. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 541-557. Journals covering economic management and corporate governance include Corporate governance: an international review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Public Money & Management and Review of African Political Economy.

Institutional effectiveness and accountability

The development of strong national institutions capable of responding to the demands of citizens is essential for the development of good governance. Institutional effectiveness at the state level is based, among others, on the respect for the rule of law, judicial independence, transparency and balance and independence between the different branches of government. While the state remains a principal actor in development, the role of non-state actors (e.g. civil society organizations, the private sector or the media), should not be de-emphasized due to the enormous contributions they have already played in national development. Institutional effectiveness and accountability covers the three branches of government (the judicial, legislative and executive branches), the respect for human rights, improved law enforcement mechanisms and the rule of law, civil society organizations and the independence of the media.

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Materials on this topic held at the ECA Library include: African decentralization : local actors, powers and accountability / Jesse C. Ribot. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2002. Democracy, governance and human rights programme paper ; no. 8. ix, 89 p. Building capacity in Africa : the impact of institutional, policy and resource factors / Mulatu Wubneh. African development review, vol. 15, no. 2/3 (Dec.2003). p. 165-198. Does greater accountability improve the quality of delivery of public services? Evidence from Uganda / Klaus Deininger and Paul Mpuga. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3277. 26 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. Feeling the heat? Anticorruption mechanisms in comparative perspective / Moshe Maor. Governance, vol. 17, no. 1 (Jan. 2004), pp. 1-28. Indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals : definitions, rationale, concepts, and sources / United Nations Development Group. New York : United Nations, 2003. viii, 106 p. : ill. http://millenniumindicators.un.org/unsd/mifre/Metadatajn30.pdf. Negotiating transparency : the role of institutions / Bo Bjurulf and Ole Elgstrm. Journal of Common market studies, vol. 42, no. 2 (June 2004). p. 249- 269. Red tape and corruption / Sergie Guriev. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 489-504. Searching for innovations in governance and public administration for poverty reduction : concepts, experiences and lessons for the future / United Nations. New York : United Nations, 2004, v, 140 p. South Africa human development report 2003 : the challenge of sustainable development in South Africa : unlocking the people's creativity / UNDP. Cape Town : Oxford University Press, 2003. xxii, 295 p. To serve the community or oneself : the public servant's dilemma / Abigail Barr, Lindelw Magnus, and Pieter Serneels. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3187. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. Working with local institutions to support sustainable livelihoods / by Robin Marsh. Rome : Rural Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. v, 79 p.

Journal collection on governance and related topics

Journals covering institutional effectiveness and accountability include the International Public Management Journal, International Review of Administrative sciences : an

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

international journal of comparative public administration, Policy Studies Journal, Public Administration: an international quarterly, Public Administration Review, Public Integrity and Public Management Review.

ECA Library
The ECA Library has a wealth of information covering a wide range of governance issues. The Library also maintains an extensive journal collection covering governance and development issues in hardcopy, CD-Rom and online format. We offer desktop access to our on-line journals. If you cannot find an article you need in our collection, let us know. The ECA Library is here to help you in your research. Contact any member of the Library staff to see how we can be of assistance to you.

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


Le continent africain a connu d'importants changements politiques et institutionnels au cours de la dernire dcennie mais il a encore de grands dfis relever. Au fur et mesure que l'Afrique poursuit sa transition politique on admet de plus en plus, tous les niveaux, le rle de la gouvernance dans l'volution du continent. La croissance et le dveloppement durables ne sont possibles que dans un climat politique favorisant un leadership responsable et transparent. Des initiatives nationales et internationales soulignent de plus en plus que la bonne gouvernance permet de rduire les ingalits qui existent dans le monde. A l'chelle internationale, la bonne gouvernance est perue comme le ressort permettant de raliser les Objectifs du Millnaire pour le dveloppement (OMD), qui consistent liminer l'extrme pauvret, assurer un enseignement primaire pour tous, promouvoir l'galit des sexes, et crer un partenariat mondial pour le dveloppement. Une initiative africaine, le Nouveau Partenariat pour le dveloppement de l'Afrique (NEPAD), souligne quun leadership politique et social responsable est une source de croissance relle et durable de lensemble du continent. Cr en 2001, le NEPAD est un mcanisme par lequel les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement africains abordent les problmes qui touchent durement le continent. Par le NEPAD, les dirigeants africains reconnaissent quils ont un rle jouer pour instaurer la paix, la scurit et un dveloppement politique et socio-conomique durable. Plus particulirement, la responsabilit des gouvernements africains les uns envers les autres, ainsi qu'envers leurs citoyens, devient une ralit plus prsente grce au Mcanisme africain d'valuation par les pairs (MAEP), auquel les gouvernements se soumettent volontairement pour montrer quils respectent les valeurs, codes et normes de gouvernance politique, conomique et des entreprises, contenus dans la Dclaration sur la dmocratie, la gouvernance politique, conomique et des entreprises adoptes par les Etats membres de l'Union africaine (UA) en 2002. Par son projet intitul Mesure et suivi des progrs accomplis dans la voie de la bonne gouvernance en Afrique, la CEA soutient la gouvernance en tant que moyen dassurer la croissance et le dveloppement conomique et institutionnel sur le continent africain et fait activement la promotion du NEPAD et du MAEP, ainsi que d'autres initiatives pan-africaines. Le projet met laccent sur trois domaines prioritaires : 1) la reprsentation politique ; 2) l'efficacit et la responsabilit institutionnelles, et ; 3) la gestion conomique et la gouvernance des entreprises. Les donnes qui seront recueillies dans ce cadre et les rsultats de la quatrime runion du Forum pour le dveloppement de l'Afrique (ADF IV), seront lossature du Rapport sur la gouvernance en Afrique, paratre. Le thme dADF IV, tenu du 11 au 15 octobre 2004, est gouvernance pour une Afrique en marche . Organis par la CEA, en partenariat avec l'UA et la Banque africaine de dveloppement, ADF IV part de principe que la bonne gouvernance est indispensable pour transformer les conomies africaines. La CEA s'emploie appuyer et renforcer l'Etat

comptent, un Etat dot de systmes politiques et conomiques transparents et responsables et

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

d'institutions publiques efficaces qui contribuent crer un environnement permettant au secteur priv et la socit civile de jouer le rle qui leur revient au niveau national .
Le Rapport sur la gouvernance en Afrique traitera des questions suivantes : 1) environnement politique et socio-conomique ; 2) dfinition et mesure de la gouvernance ; 3) reprsentation politique ; 4) gestion conomique et la gouvernance des entreprises ; (5) efficacit institutionnelle et responsabilit des organisations tatiques et non tatiques, et ; (6) renforcement des capacits institutionnelles et gouvernance des institutions. Reprsentation politique La reprsentation politique a pour principe que les gouvernements doivent rendre compte aux citoyens qu'ils reprsentent. Les citoyens ont le droit de participer au processus dmocratique, fond sur un systme juridique systmatique et transparent, et la construction d'institutions dmocratiques en mesure de produire des politiques conomiques et sociales judicieuses. De plus, il faut des mcanismes permettant de sassurer que les gouvernements demeurent responsables devant leurs citoyens. La reprsentation politique couvre des sujets relatifs la rpartition du pouvoir dans le systme politique, au processus lectoral et l'existence de partis politiques divers et rivaux sur la scne politique. La bibliothque de la CEA rend de nombreux ouvrages sur la gouvernance accessibles au personnel pour les besoins de leurs recherches. Elle dispose sur place de la documentation suivante : Dmocratisation en Afrique au sud du Sahara : transitions et virage : un bilan de la littrature (1995-1996) / Klaas van Walraven, Cline Thiriot. Leyde, Pays-Bas : AfrikaStudiecentrum, 2002. Research reports (Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum) ; 66/2002. iv, 219 p. Globalisation and democratic governance in Tanzania / Chachage Seithy L Chachage. Addis Ababa : Development Policy Management Forum, 2003. DPMF Occasional paper, no. 10. 38 p. Governance and growth / Mark Gradstein. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 505-518. Government and environmental policy / Forum for Social Studies. Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, 2004. Consultation papers on the environment, no.5. 23 p. Leadership and social transformation in the public sector : moving from challenges to solutions / UN. New York : United Nations, 2004. v, 154 p. Report of the conference on "The challenges of globalization in Africa : what role for civil society and other stakeholders?" / Development Policy Management Forum. Addis Ababa : Development Policy Management Forum, 2003. 60 p.

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

The quest for peace in Africa : transformations, democracy and public policy / Alfred G. Nhema (editor). Utrecht : International Books, 2004, 416 p. Quelques revues traitent de la reprsentation politique : Democratization, Development and Change, Governance : an international journal of policy, administration and institutions et Review of Policy Research.

La gestion conomique et la gouvernance des entreprises

La gestion conomique et la gouvernance des entreprises renvoient mcanismes mis en place pour grer les institutions conomiques et financires et pour tablir les dispositions rglementaires ncessaires la croissance du secteur priv. Suite au dmantlement du systme des pays conomie plannifi dans les annes 1990, le secteur priv, tout comme linvestissement tranger, est de plus en plus peru comme un moteur de la croissance conomique. La gestion conomique et la gouvernance des entreprises reposent notamment sur la responsabilit et la gestion des finances publiques ; l'intgrit des systmes montaires et financiers ; le dveloppement du secteur priv ; l'efficacit et l'quit de la fiscalit ; la promotion des investissements ; la comptabilit et la vrification des comptes et la criminalit et les investissements. Sur ce sujet, la bibliothque de la CEA dispose de la documentation suivante : Governance and bank valuation / Gerard Caprio, Luc Laeven, and Ross Levine. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3202. 48 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. Industrial structure, technical change, and the role of government in development of the electronics and information industry in Taipei, China / Yeo Lin. Manila : Asian Development Bank, 2003. ERD working paper ; no. 41. http://www.adb.org/Documents/ERD/Working_Papers/wp041.pdf. Le rle des exportations dans le processus de croissance conomique dans la Cte d'Ivoire: ses implications pour des stratgies de cration d'emplois durables / Flix Fofana N'Zu. African development review, vol. 15, no. 2/3 (Dec.2003). p. 199 217. Lurking in the shadows : the informal sector and government policy / Jane Ihrig and Karine S. Moe. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 541-557. Quelques revues traitent de la gestion conomique et la gouvernance des entreprises : Corporate governance : an international review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Public Money & Management et Review of African Political Economy.

Lefficacit et la responsabilit institutionnelles

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

La cration d'institutions nationales, capables de rpondre aux exigences des citoyens, est essentielle pour instaurer la bonne gouvernance. L'efficacit institutionnelle au niveau tatique est base, entre autres, sur le respect de ltat de droit, l'indpendance judiciaire, la transparence, et l'quilibre et l'indpendance entre les diffrents pouvoirs du gouvernement. Bien que l'Etat demeure le principal acteur du dveloppement, le rle des institutions non tatiques, telles que les organisations de la socit civile, le secteur priv ou les mdias, ne peut tre ignor, car leur contribution au dveloppement national est dj considrable. L'efficacit et la responsabilit institutionnelles concernent les trois pouvoirs du gouvernement (le judiciaire, le lgislatif et l'excutif) ; le respect des droits de l'homme ; lamlioration des mcanismes de maintien de lordre ; les organisations de la socit civile et ; l'indpendance des mdias. Sur ce sujet, la bibliothque de la CEA dispose sur place de la documentation suivante : African decentralization : local actors, powers and accountability / Jesse C. Ribot. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2002. Democracy, governance and human rights programme paper ; no. 8. ix, 89 p. Building capacity in Africa : the impact of institutional, policy and resource factors / Mulatu Wubneh. African development review, vol. 15, no. 2/3 (Dec.2003). p. 165-198. Does greater accountability improve the quality of delivery of public services? Evidence from Uganda / Klaus Deininger and Paul Mpuga. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3277. 26 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. Feeling the heat? Anticorruption mechanisms in comparative perspective / Moshe Maor. Governance, vol. 17, no. 1 (Jan. 2004), pp. 1-28. Indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals : definitions, rationale, concepts, and sources / United Nations Development Group. New York : United Nations, 2003. viii, 106 p. : ill. http://millenniumindicators.un.org/unsd/mifre/Metadatajn30.pdf. Negotiating transparency : the role of institutions / Bo Bjurulf and Ole Elgstrm. Journal of Common market studies, vol. 42, no. 2 (June 2004). p. 249- 269. Red tape and corruption / Sergie Guriev. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 489-504. Searching for innovations in governance and public administration for poverty reduction : concepts, experiences and lessons for the future / United Nations. New York : United Nations, 2004, v, 140 p. South Africa human development report 2003 : the challenge of sustainable development in South Africa : unlocking the people's creativity / UNDP. Cape Town : Oxford University Press, 2003. xxii, 295 p.

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

To serve the community or oneself : the public servant's dilemma / Abigail Barr, Lindelw Magnus, and Pieter Serneels. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3187. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. Working with local institutions to support sustainable livelihoods / by Robin Marsh. Rome : Rural Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. v, 79 p. Quelques revues sur lefficacit et la responsabilit institutionnelles: International Public Management Journal, Revue Internationale des Sciences administratives, Policy Studies Journal, Public Administration: an international quarterly, Public Administration Review, Public Integrity, et Public Management Review.

La bibliothque de la CEA
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African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


1. Dankers, Cora Environmental and social standards, certification and labeling for cash crops / prepared by Cora Dankers with contributions from Pascal Liu. Rome : Raw Materials, Tropical and Horticultural Products Service, Commodity and Trade Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO commodities and trade technical papers ; 2. xiii, 103 p. CROPS / CULTURES // ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS / NORMES ECOLOGIQUES // SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE ECOLOGIQUEMENT VIABLE ECAL CIRC 502.131.1 D1875 2. FAO Electronic Forum on Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture (2000-2001) Agricultural biotechnology for developing countries: results of an electronic forum / John Ruane and Maria Zimmermann, forum coordinators. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2001.FAO research and technology paper, 8. viii, 111 p. AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE // BIOTECHNOLOGY / BIOTECHNOLOGIE // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT ECAL CIRC 631.147 A2675 3. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Medium-term prospects for agricultural commodities : projections to the year 2010 / FAO. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO commodities and trade technical paper, 1. ix, 181 p. : ill. AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE // FOOD CONSUMPTION / CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE // FOOD SUPPLY / DISPONIBILITES ALIMENTAIRES ECAL CIRC 631:005.521 M4915 4. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Weed management for developing countries / edited by R. Labrada. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO plant production and protection papers ; 120, Add. 1. viii, 277 p. : ill.

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // WEED CONTROL / LUTTE CONTRE LES MAUVAISES HERBES ECAL CIRC 633 FPP120 Add. 1 5. Glowka, Lyle Law and modern biotechnology : selected issues of relevance to food and agriculture / Lyle Glowka for the FAO Legal Office. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. xvii, 172 p. AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE // BIOTECHNOLOGY / BIOTECHNOLOGIE // FOOD POLICY / POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE // GENETIC ENGINEERING / GENIE GENETIQUE // LAWS AND REGULATIONS / LOIS ET REGLEMENTS ECAL CIRC 349.42 FLS78 6. Munro, Lauchlan T. Zimbabwe's agricultural recovery programme in the 1990's : an evaluation using household survey data / Lauchlan T. Munro. Food policy, Vol. 28, no. 5-6 (October/December 2003). P. 437-458. DROUGHT / SECHERESS // HOUSEHOLD SURVEYS / ENQUETES SUR LES MENAGES // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // ZIMBABWE / ZIMBABWE ECAL JOUC 338.439.02 F6866 7. Peacock, Christie Reaching the Poor - A Call to Action. Investment in Smallholder Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa / Christie Peacock and edited by Laura Greenwood. London : FARM-Africa, Harvest Help, Imperial College London, 2004. v, 30 p.: ill. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT AGRICOLE // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL CIRC 338.435(6) R2815 8. Peshe, Denis Services by the people for the people: farmer organizations in Mali / Denis Peshe. Agriculture and rural development. vol. 11, no. 1/ 2004. pp. 21-23

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION / VULGARISATION AGRICOLE // AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE // FARMERS ASSOCIATIONS / ASSOCIATIONS D'AGRICULTEURS // FARM MANAGEMENT / GESTION D'EXPLOITATIONS AGRICOLES // MALI / MALI ECAL JOUC 631 A2785 9. Srinivasan, C.S. Concentration in ownership of plant variety : some implications for developing countries / C.S. Srinivasan. Food policy, vol. 28, no. 5-6 (October/December, 2003). p. 519-546. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // PLANT PRODUCTS / PRODUITS VEGETAUX ECAL JOUC 338.439.02 F6866 10. Social health insurance in Senegal. Agriculture and rural development. Vol. 11, no. 1/ 2004. pp.18-20 HEALTH CARE DELIVERY / PRESTATIONS DE SOINS DE SANTE // HEALTH ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DE LA SANTE // HEALTH INSURANCE / INSURANCE MALADIE // SENEGAL / SENEGAL ECAL JOUC 631 A2785 11. World Bank Agriculture and the WTO : creating a trading system for development / edited by Merlinda Dador Ingco and John D. Nash. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2003. 387 p.: ill. AGRICULTURAL TRADE / COMMERCE AGRICOLE // DEVELOPMENT POLICY / POLITIQUE DE DEVELOPPEMENT // FREE TRADE / LIBRE-ECHANGE // TARIFFS / TARIFS DOUANIERS ECAL CIRC 339.5.012.42 A2785


12. Beghin, John C. Groundnut policies, global trade dynamics, and the impact of trade liberalization / John Beghin, Ndiame Diop, and Mirvat Sewadeh. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3226. 35 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org.

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3226 13. Gurenko, Eugene Enabling productive but asset-poor farmers to succeed: a risk financing framework / Eugene Gurenko and Olivier Mahul. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3211. 21 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT / CREDIT AGRICOLE // FARMERS / AGRICULTEURS ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3211 2 Cops.


Habtu, Tadesse Wolde Gebreil Agricultural economics society price essay imperfect price transmission : is market power really to blame ? / Tadesse Wolde Gebreil Habtu. Journal of agricultural economics, vol. 55, no. 1 (March 2004). p. 101- 114. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS / AGROECONOMIE // AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS / PRODUITS AGRICOLES // ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // MARKET ECONOMY / ECONOMIE DE MARCHE // PRICE INDICES / INDICES DES PRIX ECAL JOUC 338.43.01 J865


Kelly, Valerie Expanding access to agricultural inputs in Africa: a review of recent market development experiences / Valerie Kelly, Akinwumi A. Adesina and Ann Gordon. Food policy, Vol. 28, no. 4 (Aug. 2003). p. 379-404 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS / AGROECONOMIE // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // MARKET ECONOMY / ECONOMIE DE MARCHE // PRIVATE SECTOR / SECTEUR PRIVE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL JOUC 338.439.02 F6866


Pedersen, Poul O. The logistical revolution and the changing structure of agriculturally based commodity chains in Africa / Poul Ove Pedersen. Copenhagen : Centre for Development Research, 2002. CDR working paper ; no. 20. 24 p.

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS / AGROECONOMIE // AGRICULTURAL TRADE / COMMERCE AGRICOLE // EXPORTS / EXPORTATIONS // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 330.34 CDRP02.12 17. Ponte, Stefano Standards, trade and equity: lessons from the specialty coffee industry / Stefano Ponte. Copenhagen : Centre for Development Research, 2002. CDR working paper. 43 p. AGRICULTURAL STANDARDS / NORMES AGRICOLES // COFFEE / CAF // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ECAL CIRC 330.34 CDRP02.13 18. Toulmin, Camilla Transformations in West African agriculture and the role of family farms / Camilla Toulmin and Bara Guye. Issue paper (International Institute for Environment and Development); no.123. London : International Institute for Environment and Development, 2003. 123 p. : ill. AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE // SMALL FARMS / PETITES EXPLOITATIONS AGRICOLES // WEST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST ECAL CIRC 504.06 IIED123 2 cops.


19. Albert, Helmut The future of agricultural services in Africa / Helmut Albert and Andreas SpringerHeinze. Agriculture and rural development, vol. 11, no. 1/ 2004. p. 7-9. AGRICULTURAL MANAGEMENT / GESTION AGRICOLE // AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT MARKETING / COMMERCIALISATION DES PRODUITS AGRICOLES // AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH / RECHERCHE AGRICOLE // PRIVATIZATION / PRIVATISATION // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL JOUC 631 A2785 20. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified animals, including fish : report of the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, Rome, 17-21 November 2003

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

/ FAO. Rome : World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004. FAO food and nutrition paper ; 79. vi, 36 p. : ill. BIOTECHNOLOGY / BIOTECHNOLOGIE // FOOD SECURITY / SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE // GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS / ORGANISMES GENETIQUEMENT MODIFIES ECAL CIRC 613.2 FFN79 21. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Use of phosphate rocks for sustainable agriculture / technical editing by F. Zapata, R.N. Roy ; a joint publication of the FAO Land and Water Development Division and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004. FAO fertilizer and plant nutrition bulletin ; 13. xx, 148 p. : ill. FERTILIZERS / ENGRAIS // ROCKS / ROCHES // SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE ECOLOGIQUEMENT VIABLE ECAL CIRC 631.85 U845 22. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Southland : a case study-based training exercise in policy analysis for the agricultural and rural sector / FAO. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. Capacity development in food and agriculture policies ; no. 1. vi, 112 p. AGRICULTURAL POLICY / POLITIQUE AGRICOLE // CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // FARM MANAGEMENT / GESTION D'EXPLOITATIONS AGRICOLES // RURAL POVERTY / PAUVRETE RURALE ECAL CIRC 338.43.01 S7275 23. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Trans-human grazing systems in temperate Asia / edited by J.M. Suttie and S.G. Reynolds. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO plant production and protection series ; no. 31. xx, 331 p. : ill. GRAZING / PATURAGE // PASTURE AND FORAGE / PATURAGE ET FOURRAGE // ASIA AND THE PACIFIC / ASIE ET PACIFIQUE ECAL CIRC 633 PPP31 24. Jarvis, Lovell

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

The impact of Chilean fruit sector development on female employment and household income / Lovell Jarvis and Esperanza Vera-Toscano. Policy research working papers ; 3263. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2004. 40 p.: ill. FRUIT CULTURE / CULTURES FRUITIERES // HOUSEHOLDS / MENAGES // INCOME SOURCES / SOURCES DE REVENUS // WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI FEMININ // CHILE / CHILI ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3263 25. Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group (2002 : Rome) Pesticide residues in food - 2002 : evaluations / sponsored jointly by FAO and WHO ; Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group, Rome, 16-25 September 2002. Rome : World Health Organization : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO plant production and protection papers ; 175/2. v., <1> : ill. FOOD SECURITY / SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE // PESTICIDE RESIDUES / RESIDUS DE PESTICIDES ECAL CIRC 633 FPP175/1, FPP175/2 26. Mortimore, Michael The future of family farms in West Africa: what can we learn from long-term data? / Michael Mortimore. London : International Institute of Environment and Development, 2003. Issue paper (International Institute for Environment and Development) ; no. 119. 72 p. : ill., map. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT AGRICOLE // SMALL FARMS / PETITES EXPLOITATIONS AGRICOLES // WEST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST ECAL CIRC 504.06 IIED119 27. Reece J. David Matching technologies with potential end users : a knowledge engineering approach for agricultural research management / J. David Reece , James Sumberg and Ludovic Pommier. Journal of agricultural economics, vol. 55, no. 1 (March 2004). p. 25-40. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY / MACHINES AGRICOLES // AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH / RECHERCHE AGRICOLE // TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER / TRANSFERT DE TECHNOLOGIE ECAL JOUC 338.43.01 J865

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


Roy, Rabindra N. Assessment of soil nutrient balance : approaches and methodologies / by R.N. Roy, Jan Peter Lesschen and E. M. A. Smaling. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO fertilizer and plant nutrition bulletin, 14. x, 87 p. : col. ill., maps. CROPS / CULTURES // NUTRITION / NUTRITION // SOIL FERTILITY / FERTILITE DU SOL ECAL CIRC 631.452 A8465


Wels, Harry Private wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe: joint ventures and reciprocity / by Harry Wels. Leiden : Brill, 2003. Afrika-Studiecentrum series, vol. 2. xiii, 242 p. : ill., map. . WILDLIFE CONSERVATION / PRESERVATION DE LA VIE SAUVAGE // ZIMBABWE / ZIMBABWE ECAL CIRC 502.7(689.1) W4585

30. Adeyi, Ofusoji AIDS, poverty reduction, and debt relief : a toolkit for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS programmes into development instruments / written by Ofusoji Adeyi, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, World Bank. Africa Regional Office. Geneva : UNAIDS / World Bank, 2001. UNAIDS best practice collection. 47 p. : graphs, tables. AIDS / SIDA // DEBT RELIEF / ALLEGEMENT DE LA DETTE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // SOCIAL JUSTICE / JUSTICE SOCIALE ECAL CIRC 614.4 364.662 A2885 2 cops. 31. Gauci, Adrian Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and risky behaviour in young people / ECA. Addis Ababa ; Economic Commission for Africa, 2003. ECA working paper series ; no. 3. 13 p. AIDS / SIDA // HEALTH INFORMATION / INFORMATION SANITAIRE // SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES / MALADIES SEXUELLEMENT TRANSMISSIBLES // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

ECAL ECAC 578.828 K72 32. Grant, Miriam R. When tea is a luxury : the economic impact of HIV/AIDS in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe / Miriam R. Grant and Andrew D. Palmiere. African studies, vol. 62, no. 2 (Dec.2003). p. 213 - 241 AIDS / SIDA // ECONOMIC ASPECTS / ASPECTS ECONOMIQUES // ZIMBABWE / ZIMBABWE ECAL JOUC 304.44 A2585 33. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS National aids programmes : a guide to monitoring and evaluation / UNAIDS, World Health Organization, Unicef, World Bank, European Commission, USAID. Geneva : UNAIDS, 2000. v, 139 p. AIDS / SIDA // HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION INTERNATIONALE ECAL CIRC 616.98 N2775 34. Moran, Dominique HIV/AIDS governance and development : the public administration factor / Dominique Moran. Public administration and development, vol. 24, no. 1 (Feb. 2004). p. 7- 18. AIDS / SIDA // DEVELOPMENT POLICY / POLITIQUE DE DEVELOPPEMENT // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE ECAL JOUC 35 P9766 35. Putzel, Jane The politics of action on AIDS : a case study of Uganda / Jane Putzel. Public administration and development, vol. 24, no. 1 (Feb. 2004). p. 19- 30. AIDS / SIDA // HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES // PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE // UGANDA / OUGANDA ECAL JOUC 35 P9766

African Development Topics

Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Assessment report on services available in Addis Ababa to diagnose, screen and manage people living with HIV/AIDS and provide retroviral treatment and treatment of opportunistic infections / commissioned by UN Workplace and Education Taskforce of UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS. [Addis Ababa] : Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, 2002. 63 p.: ill. AIDS / SIDA // HEALTH SERVICES / SERVICES DE SANTE // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE ECAL CIRC 616.98:578.828HIV(63) A8465 4 cops.


United Nations Development Programme Burkina Faso: coopration pour le dveloppement : rapport 2001 / UNDP. Ouagadougou : United Nations Development Programme, 2003. 154 p. : ill. AID PROGRAMMES / PROGRAMMES D'AIDE // AIDS / SIDA // DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES / STRATEGIES DE DEVELOPPEMENT // BURKINA FASO / BURKINA FASO ECAL OFGP BFA 339.96(662.5) B9595


United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Costs of scaling HIV programme activities to a national level in Sub-Saharan Africa : methods and estimates / ECA. Addis Ababa : ECA, 2000. 63 p. : ill. AIDS / SIDA // HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL ECAC 616.9(6) C8425


Walque, Damien de How does the impact of an HIV/AIDS information campaign vary with educational attainment? [electronic resource] : evidence from rural Uganda / Damien de Walque. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3289. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. AIDS PREVENTION / PREVENTION DU SIDA // EDUCATION / EDUCATION // HEALTH INFORMATION / INFORMATION SANITAIRE // RURAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS RURALES // UGANDA / OUGANDA ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3289

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Willan, Samantha Briefing : recent changes in the South African government's HIV/AIDS policy and its implementation / Samantha Willan. African affairs, vol. 103, no.410 (Jan. 2004), p. 109 - 117 AIDS / SIDA // HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD ECAL JOUC 960 A2586


World Bank Education and HIV/AIDS : a sourcebook of HIV/AIDS prevention programs / edited by Alexandria Valerio, Don Bundy. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2004. Africa region human development series. x, 359 p. : ill. AIDS PREVENTION / PREVENTION DU SIDA // EDUCATION / EDUCATION // HEALTH INFORMATION / INFORMATION SANITAIRE ECAL CIRC 616.98:578.828HIV(6) E245


Yu, Tony Fu-Lai Application of the WDR 2004 accountability model to the HIV/AIDS and development agenda / Tony Fu-Lai Yu and Sigrun Mogedal. Forum for development studies, vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 325 - 330 AIDS / SIDA // DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES / STRATEGIES DE DEVELOPPEMENT // HEALTH ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DE LA SANTE // HEALTH INFORMATION / INFORMATION SANITAIRE ECAL JOUC 330.34(6) F7155


43. Addison, Tony A global lottery and a global premium bond / Tony Addison and Abdur R. Chowdhury. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2003. WIDER discussion paper ; WDP 2003/80. 30 p. : ill. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // LOTTERIES / LOTERIES ECAL CIRC 330 WDP2003/80

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Dommen, Edward How just is the market economy? / Edward Dommen. Geneva : WCC Publications, 2003. xiv, 101 p. : ill. CAPITALISM / CAPITALISME // CHRISTIANITY / CHRISTIANISME // MARKET ECONOMY / ECONOMIE DE MARCHE ECAL CIRC 330.342.146:27 D6725


Edison, Hali J. Cross-border listings, capital controls, and equity flows to emerging markets / Hali Edison and Francis E. Warnock. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/236. 38 p. : ill. CAPITAL CONTROLS / CONTROLES DE CAPITAUX // EMERGING MARKETS / MARCHES EMERGENTS // FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS // INTERNATIONAL FINANCE / FINANCES INTERNATIONALES ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/236


United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Responding to globalization : stock market networking for regional integration in the ESCWA region / ESCWA. xi, 66 p.: ill. New York : Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2003. ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // MARKET ECONOMY / ECONOMIE DE MARCHE // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // STOCK MARKETS / BOURSES DES VALEURS // WESTERN ASIA / ASIE OCCIDENTALE ECAL CIRC 336.76 R4345


World Bank Subnational capital markets in developing countries: from theory to practice / edited by Mila Freire and John Petersen with Marcela Huertas and Miguel Valadez. Washington, DC : World Bank ; [Oxford] : Oxford University Press, 2003. 651 p. CAPITAL MARKETS / MARCHES DE CAPITAUX // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE ECAL CIRC 336.77.067.22(1-773) S9415

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48. Clements, Benedict External debt, public investment, and growth in low-income countries / Benedict Clements, Rina Bhattacharya and Toan Quoc Nguyen. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/249. 24 p.: ill. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // NATIONAL INCOME / REVENU NATIONAL // PUBLIC INVESTMENT / INVESTISSEMENT PUBLIC ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/249 49. E/ECA/CM.37/8 Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. (23rd : 18-20 May 2004: Kampala, Uganda). Solving Africa's external debt problem to finance development : a progress report / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 4 p. DEBT MANAGEMENT / GESTION DE LA DETTE // DEBT RELIEF / ALLEGEMENT DE LA DETTE // DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // PRICE STABILIZATION /STABILISATION DES PRIX // AFRICA / AFRIQUE 50. Kraay, Aart When is external debt sustainable? / Aart Kraay and Vikram Nehru. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3200. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. DEBT MANAGEMENT / GESTION DE LA DETTE // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3200 2 cops. 51. Manasse, Paolo Predicting sovereign debt crises / Paolo Manasse, Nouriel Roubini and Axel Schimmelpfennig. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/221. 40 p. : ill. . DEBT MANAGEMENT / GESTION DE LA DETTE // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/03/221

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52. LC/L.1973 Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Ageing: Towards a Regional Strategy for the Implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean of the Madrid International Plan of Action on ageing (19-21 November 2003 : Santiago, Chile). Older persons in Latin America and the Caribbean: situation and policies / ECLAC. Santiago : United Nations, 2003. iv, 45 p. : ill. AGEING PERSONS / PERSONNES AGEES // DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 316.346.32-053.9(8:729) O445 53. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Bulletin de la population et du dveloppement de l'Afrique 2002 / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, [2003]. 44 p. DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC 314 B9365 4 cops.


54. Barrow, Ondine The charitable impulse : NGOs and development in East and North-East Africa / Ondine Barrow and Michael Jennings. Journal of refugee studies, vol. 16, no. 4 (Dec. 2003). p. 454- 457. DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE / ASSITANCE AU DEVELOPPEMENT // NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS / ORGANISATIONS NON GOUVERNEMENTALES // EAST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'EST // NORTHEAST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU NORD-EST ECAL JOUC 314.745.22 J865 55. Burnside, Craig

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Aid, policies, and growth : revisiting the evidence / Craig Burnside and David Dollar. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3251. 35 p. : ill. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3251 56. Gelb, Alan Strategic framework for assistance to Africa : IDA and the emerging partnership model. / Alan Gelb. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2004. xv, 105 p. : ill., map DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES / STRATEGIES DE DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // PARTNERSHIP / SOCIETES DE PERSONNES // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 339.726.2(6) S9995 57. Hancock, Graham Lords of poverty : the power, prestige, and corruption of the international aid business / Graham Hancock. New York : Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989. xvi, 234 p. CORRUPT PRACTICES / PRATIQUES DE CORRUPTION // DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE AU DEVELOPPEMENT // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE ECAL CIRC 339.726.2 H2435 58. Hermes, Niels Flight capital and its reversal for development financing / Niels Hermes, Robert Lensink and Victor Murinde. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2002. WIDER discussion paper ; WDP 2002/99. 24 p. : ill. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS ECAL CIRC 330 WDP2002/99 59. Knack, Stephen F. Donor fragmentation and bureaucratic quality in aid recipients / Stephen Knack and Aminur Rahman. Policy research working papers ; 3186. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, [2003]. 30 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org.

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BUREAUCRACY / BUREAUCRATIE // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // DONOR COUNTRIES / PAYS DONATEURS // ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3186 60. Micklewright, John Private donations for international development / John Micklewright and Anna Wright. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2003. WIDER discussion paper ; WDP 2003/82. 22 p. : ill. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // DONOR COUNTRIES / PAYS DONATEURS // ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // PRIVATE SECTOR / SECTEUR PRIVE ECAL CIRC 330 WDP2003/82 61. Nissanke, Machiko Revenue potential of the currency transaction tax for development finance : a critical appraisal / Machiko Nissanke. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2003. WIDER discussion paper ; WDP 2003/81. 30 p. : ill. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS // TAX ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION FISCALE ECAL CIRC 330 WDP2003/81 62. Ocampo, Jos Antonio Globalization and development : a Latin American and Caribbean perspective / edited by Jos Antonio Ocampo, Juan Martin. Palo Alto, Calif. : Stanford Social Sciences ; Washington, DC : World Bank, 2003. Latin American development forum series. xv, 214 p. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 339.9 G5622 63. Saugestad, Sidsel

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The inconvenient indigenous : remote area development in Botswana, donor assistance, and the first people of the Kalahari / Sidsel Saugestad. Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2001. 266 p. : ill. DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE AU DEVELOPPEMENT // INDIGENOUS PEOPLES / POPULATIONS AUTOCHTONES // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE // BOTSWANA / BOTSWANA ECAL CIRC 316.347(688.3) S2555 64. United Nations. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs The humanitarian decade : challenges for humanitarian assistance in the last decade and into the future / OCHA. New York : United Nations, 2004. 2 v. HUMAN RIGHTS / DROITS DE L'HOMME // HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE HUMANITAIRE // INTERVENTION / INTERVENTION ECAL CIRC 341.231.14 H9181 65. Webb, Patrick Aide alimentaire : tendances, besoins et dfis au 21me sicle / Patrick Webb. Rome : World Food Programme, [n.d]. Occasional papers (World Food Programme) ; 14. 27 p. : ill. FOOD AID / AIDE ALIMENTAIRE ECAL CIRC 338.439 W3676


66. Ashraf, Nava A review of commitment savings products in developing countries / Nava Ashraf, Nathalie Gons, Dean S. Karlan, Wesley Yin. Manila : Asian Development Bank, 2003. ERD working paper ; no. 45. http://www.adb.org/Documents/ERD/Working_Papers/wp045.pdf DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS // SAVINGS / EPARGNE ECAL CIRC 330.34(5) ERDWP45 67. Bhattacharya, Jayati

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Endogenous growth in a North-South framework with human capital accumulation and technology transfer / Jayati Bhattacharya and Ajitava Raychaudhuri. Journal of International trade & economic development, vol. 13, no. 1 (March, 2004). p .23- 56. HUMAN RESOURCES / RESSOURCES HUMAINES // NORTH-SOUTH RELATIONS / RELATIONS NORD-SUD // NORTH-SOUTH TRADE / COMMERCE NORD-SUD // TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER / TRANSFERT DE TECHNOLOGIE ECAL JOUC 339.5:330.4 J865 68. Ehrhardt, David Avoiding customer and taxpayer bailouts in private infrastructure projects : policy toward leverage, risk allocation, and bankruptcy / David Ehrhardt and Timothy Irwin. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3274. 67 p. : ill. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. BANKRUPTCY / FAILLITE // ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC REFORM / REFORME ECONOMIQUE // PRIVATE SECTOR / SECTEUR PRIVE // RISK ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION DU RISQUE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3274 69. El-Hawary, Dahlia Regulating Islamic financial institutions : the nature of the regulated / Dahlia ElHawary, Wafik Grais, and Zamir Iqbal. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3227. 48 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // FINANCIAL REGULATIONS / REGLEMENTS FINANCIERS // ISLAMIC COUNTRIES / PAYS ISLAMIQUES ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3227 70. Kang, Chungwon From the front lines at Seoul bank : restructuring and reprivatization / Chungwon Kang. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/235. 38 p. : ill. ECONOMIC REFORM / REFORME ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // PRIVATIZATION / PRIVATISATION // REPUBLIC OF KOREA / REPUBLIQUE DE COREE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/235

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Kathina Juma, Monica Eroding local capacity : international humanitarian action in Africa / Monica Kathina Juma and Astri Suhrke, editors. Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2002. 203 p. CAPACITY BUILDING / DEVELOPPEMENT DES CAPACITES // DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE AU DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE HUMANITAIRE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE // EAST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'EST ECAL CIRC 061.235(676) E715


Klingen, Christoph How private creditors fared in emerging debt markets, 1970-2000 / Christoph Kingen, Beatrice Weder, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2004. IMF working paper ; WP/04/13. 59 p. : ill. CREDIT / CREDIT // ECONOMIC HISTORY / HISTOIRE ECONOMIQUE // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/04/13


Kose, M. Ayhan Volatility and co-movement in a globalized world economy : an empirical exploration / M. Ayham Kose, Eswar S. Prasad and Marco E. Terrones. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/246. 37 p.: ill. BUSINESS CYCLES / CYCLES ECONOMIQUES // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // INTERNATIONAL FINANCE / FINANCES INTERNATIONALES ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/246


Laffont, Jean-Jacques Enforcement, regulation and development / Jean-Jacques Laffont. Journal of African economies, vol. 12, supp. 2 (Oct. 2003). p. 93 - 211 DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // FINANCIAL REGULATIONS / REGLEMENTS FINANCIERS ECAL CIRC 338.1(6) J865


Muoz, Snia

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Social impact of a tax reform: the case of Ethiopia / Snia Muoz and Stanley SangWook Cho. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/232. 38 p. : ill. CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // SOCIAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS SOCIALES // TAX REFORM / REFORME FISCALE // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/03/232 76. Odedokun, Matthew A holistic perception of foreign financing of developing countries private sectors : analysis and description of structure and trends / Matthew Odedokun. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2003. WIDER discussion paper. 38 p. : ill. FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DU SECTEUR PRIVE // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT ECAL CIRC 330 WDP2003/01 77. Odedokun, Matthew Sustainability of external development finance to developing countries / Matthew Odedokun. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2004. Policy brief (World Institute for Development Economics Research) ; 9. . iv, 38 p. : ill. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS ECAL CIRC 341.232.3(1-773) O1235 78. Qin, Duo Excess investment and efficiency loss during reforms: the case of provinciallevel fixed-asset investment in People's Republic of China / Duo Qin and Haiyan Song. Manila : Asian Development Bank, 2003. ERD working paper, no. 47. http://www.adb.org/Documents/ERD/Working_Papers/wp047.pdf ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // CHINA / CHINE ECAL CIRC 330.34(5) ERDWP47

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Reinhart, Carmen M. Financial liberalization : the African experience / Carmen M. Reinhart and Ioannis Tokatlidis. Journal of African economies, vol. 12, supp. 2 (Oct. 2003). p. 53 - 88 ECONOMIC REFORM / REFORME ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES MARCHES FINANCIERS // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL JOUC 338.1(6) J865


Rogoff, Kenneth S. Evolution and performance of exchange tax regimes / Kenneth S. Rogoff, Aasim M. Husain, Ashoka Mody, Robin Brooks and Nienke Oomes. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/243. 83 p. : ill. . DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES / TAUX DE CHANGE // TAX ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION FISCALE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/243


Romeu, Rafael A puzzle of microstructure market maker models / Rafael Romeu. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2004. IMF working paper ; WP/04/6, 23 p. : ill ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES // FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS / MARCHES DES CHANGES // FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES / TAUX DE CHANGE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/04/6


Schipke, Alfred Capital markets and financial intermediation in the Baltics / Alfred Schipke ... [et. al.]. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2004. Occasional paper (International Monetary Fund) ; 228. vii, 38 p. : ill. CAPITAL MARKETS / MARCHES DE CAPITAUX // ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // BALTIC SEA REGION / REGION DE LA MER BALTIQUE ECAL CIRC 336.7 IMFO228 2 cops


Schinasi, Garry J. Responsibility of central banks for stability in financial markets / Garry J. Schinasi. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/121. 17 p. .

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CENTRAL BANKS / BANQUES CENTRALES // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // FINANCIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FINANCIERE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/121 84. Torre, Augusto de la Coping with risk through mismatches : domestic and international financial contracts for emerging economies / Augusto de la Torre and Sergio Schmukler. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3212. http://www.econ.worldbank.org/view.php? type=5&id=33030 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // INTERNATIONAL FINANCE / FINANCES INTERNATIONALES // RISK ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION DU RISQUE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3212 85. Wiegand, Johannes Fiscal surveillance in a petro zone : the case of the CEMAC / Johannes Wiegand. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2004. IMF working paper ; WP/04/8. 25 p. : ill CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // PETROLEUM POLICY / POLITIQUE PETROLIERE // CENTRAL AFRICA / AFRIQUE CENTRALE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/04/8


86. Brett, E.A. Participation and accountability in development management / E.A. Brett. Journal of development studies, vol. 40, no. 2 (Dec. 2003). p. 1-29. COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT / CONVENTIONS COLLECTIVES // DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECAL JOUC 330.34(1-773)J865 87. Davis, Jennifer

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Assessing community preferences for development projects : are willingnessto-pay studies robust to mode effects? / Jennifer Davis. World development, vol. 32 no. 4, (Apr. 2004), p. 655-672. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE // DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS / PROJETS DE DEVELOPPEMENT // PUBLIC SERVICES / SERVICES PUBLICS // WATER SUPPLY / ALIMENTATION EN EAU ECAL JOUC 338.24.021.8 W9275 88. Halonen, Maija Coordination failure in foreign aid / Maija Halonen. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3223. . 50 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // DONOR COUNTRIES / PAYS DONATEURS ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3223 89. International Labour Office Decent work for Africa's development: tenth African regional conference, Addis Ababa, December 2003 : report of the Director General / ILO. Geneva : International Labour Office, 2003. vi, 54 p. : ill. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // LABOUR MARKET / MARCHE DU TRAVAIL // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 331(6) 2 cops. D2925 90. The North, the South, and the environment : ecological constraints and the global economy / edited by V. Bhaskar and Andrew Glyn. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1995. xiii, 263 p. : ill. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY / POLITIQUE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT // INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES // NORTH-SOUTH RELATIONS / RELATIONS NORD-SUD ECAL CIRC 502.131.1 N8645

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91. Bourdillon, M.F.C. Children in development / M.F.C Bourdillon. Progress in development studies, vol. 4, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 99-113. CHILDREN / ENFANTS // DEVELOPMENT PLANNING / PLANIFICATION DU DEVELOPPEMENT // ZIMBABWE / ZIMBABWE ECAL JOUC 330.34 P9645 92. Hart, Keith Decentralized development : reflections on methodology / Keith Hart. Progress in development studies, vol. 4, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 148-154. DECENTRALIZATION IN MANAGEMENT / DECENTRALISATION DE LA GESTION // DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH / RECHERCHE SUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE ECAL JOUC 330.34 P9645 93. Kssler, Reinhart Development from below: a Namibian case study / Reinhart Kssler, Henning Melber and Per Strand. Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2003. 32 p. CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ETHNICITY / ETHNICITE // NAMIBIA / NAMIBIE ECAL CIRC 968.81 K865 94. Lopes, Carlos Ownership, leadership, and transformation : can we do better for capacity development? / Carlos Lopes and Thomas Theisohn. London : Sterling, VA : Earthscan Publications, 2003. xv, 355 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. CAPACITY BUILDING / DEVELOPPEMENT DES CAPACITES // DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS / PROJETS DE DEVELOPPEMENT // LEADERSHIP / LEADERSHIP // ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE / CHANGEMENT DE STRUCTURES // TECHNICAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ECAL CIRC 330.34(1-773) L8645

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Robinson, P.S. Methods of achieving integration in development planning : early experiences from South African municipalities / P.S. Robinson, A.L. Brown, A.E. Todes and F. Kitchin. International development planning review, vol. 25, no. 3 (Aug. 2003), pp.263282 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING / PLANIFICATION DU DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // DEVELOPMENT POLICY / POLITIQUE DE DEVELOPPEMENT // SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD ECAL JOUC 711.4 I615


Smith-Simonsen, Christine The pros and cons of self-reliance : Eritrea's relations with aid agencies and NGOs / Christine Smith-Simonsen. Forum for development studies, vol. 30, no. 2 (2003). p. 335 - 348 AID PROGRAMMES / PROGRAMMES D'AIDE // INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS / RELATIONS ECONOMIQUES INTERNATIONALES // NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS / ORGANISATIONS NON GOUVERNEMENTALES // ERITREA / ERYTHREE ECAL JOUC 330.34(6) F7155


United Nations Industrial Development Organization The role of industrial development in the achievement of the millennium development goals / UNIDO. Vienna : United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2004. xvi, 446 p.: ill. INDUSTRIALIZATION / INDUSTRIALISATION // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT / INTEGRATION DES FEMMES AU DEVELOPPEMENT ECAL CIRC 330.34 R7455


Wood, Christopher Environmental impact assessment in developing countries / Christopher Wood. International development planning review, vol. 25, no. 3 (Aug. 2003). p. 301-322 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // DEVELOPMENT PLANNING / PLANIFICATION DU DEVELOPPEMENT // ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT // ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY / POLITIQUE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ECAL JOUC 711.4 I615

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101. Baldacci, Emanuel Growth, governance, and fiscal policy transmission channels in low-income countries / Emanuel Baldacci, Arye L. Hillman and Naoko C. Kojo. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/237. 38 p. : ill. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // NATIONAL INCOME / REVENU NATIONAL ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/237 102. De Soto, Hernando Le mystre du capital: pourquoi le conomie de marche triomphe en occident et choue partout ailleurs / Hernando de Soto. Paris : Nouveaux Horizons, 2000. ix, 204 p. : ill.

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ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // MARKET ECONOMY / ECONOMIE DE MARCHE ECAL CIRC 330.342.14 S7185 103. E.03.G.152 Solimano, Andrs Remittances by emigrants : issues and evidence / Andrs Solimano. Santiago : Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003. Serie Macroeconoma del desarrollo, 72 p. : ill. ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // EMIGRATION / EMIGRATION // FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS ECAL CIRC 330.101.541 SMD26 104. Fields, Gary S. Household income dynamics : a four country story / Gary S. Fields, Paul L. Cichello, Samuel Freije, Marta Menndez and David Newhouse. Journal of development studies, vol. 40, no. 2 (Dec. 2003). p. 30-54. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // HOUSEHOLDS / MENAGES // INCOME DISTRIBUTION / REPARTITION DE REVENUE ECAL JOUC 330.34 ( 1-773) J865 105. Foster, Vivien Does infrastructure reform work for the poor? A case study on the cities of La Paz and El Alto in Bolivia / Vivien Foster and Osvaldo Irusta. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3177. CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // ECONOMIC REFORM / REFORME ECONOMIQUE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // BOLIVIA / BOLIVIE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3177 106. Lall, Somik V. Location, concentration, and performance of economic activity in Brazil / Somik V. Lall, Richard Funderburg, and Tito Yepes. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2004. Policy research working papers ; 3268. 43 p. : ill., maps. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // BRAZIL / BRESIL

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ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3268 107. Mankiw, N. Gregory Principles of economics, 2nd. ed. / N. Gregory Mankiw. Fort Worth : Harcourt College Publishers, 2001. xlviii, 837 p. : ill. ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE ECAL CIRC 330 M2785 108. Rawlings, Laura Evaluating social funds: a cross-country analysis of community interventions / Laura Rawlings, Lynne Sherburne-Benz, Julie Van Domelen. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2003. World Bank regional and sectoral studies. xxvii, 208 p. : ill. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE // ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE ECONOMIQUE // INTERVENTION / INTERVENTION ECAL CIRC 364.787.26 R2595 109. Schluter, Christian Local versus global assessment of mobility / Christian Schluter and Mark Trede. International economic review, vol. 44, no. 4 (Nov. 2003). p. 1313-1356 GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // INCOME DISTRIBUTION / REPARTITION DES REVENUES // LABOUR ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DU TRAVAILLE ECAL JOUC 339.9 I615 110. Shah, Anwar Fiscal decentralization in developing and transition economies : progress, problems, and the promise / Anwar Shah. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3282. 47 p. : ill. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. DECENTRALIZATION IN GOVERNMENT / DECENTRALISATION ADMINISTRATIVE // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // EASTERN EUROPE / EUROPE DE L'EST ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3282 111. Takahashi, Hiroto

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Wealth distribution and the underdevelopment trap / Hiroto Takahashi. Journal of International trade & economic development, vol. 13, no. 1 (March, 2004). p. 1-21. INCOME DISTRIBUTION / REPARTITION DE REVENU // INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS // WEALTH / RICHESSE ECAL JOUC 339.5:330.4 J865 112. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa La situation conomique et sociale en Afrique du Nord 2002 : Performances conomiques et sociales, 2001-2002, tude sur le secteur priv dans les pays d'Afrique du Nord / ECA. Tanger : Economic Commission for Africa, 2002. 96 p. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // FINANCIAL POLICY / POLITITIQUE FINANCIERE // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE // PRIVATE SECTOR / SECTEUR PRIVE // SOCIAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS SOCIALES // NORTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU NORD ECAL ECAC 330.101.54 S6235 113. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Les conomies de l'Afrique Centrale 2004 / ECA, International Labour Organisation, Central African States Development Bank, Communaut conomique des Etats de l'Afrique centrale. Navalcarnero (Madrid) : Maisonneuve & Larose, 2004. 352 p. : ill. ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // CENTRAL AFRICA / AFRIQUE CENTRALE ECAL ECAC 338.2 E17 114. United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Social capital and poverty reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean: towards a new paradigm / ECLAC. Libros de la CEPAL; 71. Santiago : CEPAL; East Lansing, MI : Michigan State University, 2004, 553 p. : ill. POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE // SOCIAL CAPITAL / CAPITAL SOCIAL // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 316.472.4:364.662(8:729) S6785 115. Yamauchi, Ayumu

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Fiscal sustainability - the case of Eritrea / Ayumu Yamauchi. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2004. IMF working paper ; WP/04/7. 28 p. : ill CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // ERITREA / ERYTHREE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/04/7 116. Yang, Yongzheng China's integration into the world economy : implications for developing countries / Yonghenz Yang. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/245. 29 p. : ill. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // CHINA / CHINE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/245


117. Burgess, Robin Toward a microeconomics of growth / Robin Burgess and Anthony J. Venables. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3257. http://www.econ.worldbank.org/view.php ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3257 118. Crcamo-Diaz, Rodrigo Towards development in landlocked economies / Rodrigo Crcamo-Diaz. Santiago : Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004. Serie Macroeconoma del desarrollo ; 29. 34 p. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // LANDLOCKED STATES / ETATS SANS LITTORAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT / TRANSPORT PUBLIC ECAL CIRC 330.101.541 SMD29

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Crawford, Eric Input use and market development in Sub-Saharan Africa : an overview / Eric Crawford, Valerie Kelly, T.S. Jayne and Julie Howard. Food policy, vol. 28, no. 4, (Aug. 2003). p.277-292 FERTILIZER USE / UTILISATION DES ENGRAIS // LAND ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE FONCIERE // MARKET ECONOMY / ECONOMIE DE MARCHE // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL JOUC 338.439.02 F6866


Diamond, Jack Budget system reform in transitional economies : the case of the former Yugoslav republics / Jack Diamond and Duncan Last. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/247. 38 p. : ill. BUDGETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE BUDGETAIRE // CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES // YUGOSLAVIA / YOUGOSLAVIE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/247


E/ECA/CM.36/9 United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Rapport annuel : Conseil conomique et social documents officiels. Supplement No. 18 / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2003. CAPACITY BUILDING / DEVELOPPEMENT DES CAPACITES // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // SOCIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE SOCIALE // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ECAL ECAC 330.34 R2215


E/ECA/CM.37.3 United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Draft strategic framework: proposed biennial programme plan 2006-2007 twenty-third meeting of the committee of experts of the conference of African ministers of finance, planning and economic development / ECA. Kampala : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 10 p.

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // PROGRAMME PLANNING / PLANIFICATION DES PROGRAMMES // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT SOCIAL // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC 330.34 D7586 4 cops. 123. E/ESCWA/EAD/2003/3 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Analysis of performances and assessment of growth and productivity in the ESCWA region / ESCWA. New York : United Nations, 2003. vi, 24 p. : ill. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // PRODUCTIVITY / PRODUCTIVITE // WESTERN ASIA / ASIE OCCIDENTALE ECAL CIRC 338.1(5-15) A5325 124. E/ESCWA/SDPD/2003/2 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Review of sustainable development and productivity activities / ESCWA. New York : United Nations, 2003. v : ill. PRODUCTIVITY / PRODUCTIVITE // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // WESTERN ASIA / ASIE OCCIDENTALE CIRC 502.131.1(5-15) R4255 125. Fardon, Richard Modernity on a shoestring : dimensions of globalization, consumption and development in Africa and beyond / edited by Richard Fardon, Wim van Binsbergen and Rijk van Dijk. Leiden : EIDOS, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1999. viii, 422 p. : ill. CONSUMPTION / CONSOMMATION // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 339.9(6) M6895 126. Hnatkovska, Viktoria Volatility and growth / Viktoria Hnatkovska and Norman Loayza. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3184. 40 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org.

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

BUSINESS CYCLES / CYCLES ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3184 2 cops. 127. Honohan, Patrick Financial development, growth, and poverty: how close are the links? / Patrick Honohan. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3203. 31 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // POVERTY / PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3203 128. Keefer, Philip What does political economy tell us about economic development and vice versa? / Philip Keefer. Policy research working papers ; 3250. 39 p. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. DECISION-MAKING / PRISE DE DECISION // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // SEPARATION OF POWERS / SEPARATION DES POUVOIRS ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3250 129. Pattillo, Catherine A. What are the channels through which external debt affects growth? / Catherine Pattillo, Haelaene Poirson, and Luca Ricci. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2004. IMF working paper ; WP/04/15. 33p. : ill. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE ECAL CIRC336 IMWP/04/15 130. Ravallion, Martin Pro-poor growth : a primer / Martin Ravallion. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3242. 28 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3242 131. Scheve, Kenneth Public inflation aversion and the political economy of macroeconomic policymaking / Kenneth Scheve. International Organization, vol. 58, no. 1 (2004), p. 134. ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // INFLATION / INFLATION // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE ECAL JOUC 327 I616 132. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Report of the Africa regional implementation review meeting to the twelfth session of the commission on sustainable development (CSD) on water, sanitation and human settlements / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2003. 20 p. HUMAN SETTLEMENTS / ETABLISSEMENTS HUMAINS // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // SANITATION / ASSAINISSEMENT // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // WATER / EAU DE PLUIE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC 330.34 R4255 2 cops. 133. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Symposium international sur le capital humain et le dveloppement en Afrique du Nord: entrepreneuriat, emploi et perspectives Euro-Mditerranennes / ECA. Alger (Algrie) : Economic Commission for Africa. 193 p. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // HUMAN RESOURCES / RESSOURCES HUMAINES // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT SOCIAL // NORTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU NORD ECAL ECAC 316.42 S989 2 134. Yu, Tony Fu-Lai National capabilities and economic development : a subjectivist view / Tony FuLai Yu. Forum for development studies, vol. 30, no. 2 (2003). p. 247 - 268

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE ECAL JOUC 330.34(6) F7155 135. Centre for Democracy & Development The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD): challenges & developments / CDD. [Lagos] : Centre for Democracy & Development, 2003. xv, 173 p. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 330.34(6) N5327


136. Bora, Bijit Industrial policy and the WTO / Bijit Bora, Peter J. Lloyd and Mari Pangestu. New York : United Nations, 2000. Policy issues in international trade and commodities ; no. 6. v, 47 p. : ill. INDUSTRIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE INDUSTRIELLE // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 339.54 PIIT6 2 cops. 137. Fosu, Augustin Kwasi Economic reforms and restructuring in Sub-Saharan Africa: an overview / Augusin Kwasi Fosu, Mwangi S. Kimenyi and Njuguna S. Ndung'u. Journal of African economies, vol. 12, supp. 2 (Oct. 2003). p 1-11. ECONOMIC REFORM / REFORME ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES MARCHES FINANCIERS // STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT / AJUSTEMENT STRUCTUREL // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL JOUC 338.1(6) J865 138. ITC/P165.E/TSS/BAS/03-XII International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Business guide to trade remedies in the European community: anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguards legislation, practices and procedures / International Trade Centre, UNCTAD, and WTO. Geneva : 2004. ix, 209 : ill. ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS / NORMES ECOLOGIQUES // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES // EUROPE / EUROPE ECAL CIRC 339.9.012.421(4) B9795 139. Land, Tony Building coherence between sector reforms and decentralisation: do SWAps provide the missing link? / Tony Land, Volker Hauck, with Jaap Bijl, Chantal Dogb Gnimadi, George Kasumba, Adiza Lamien Ouando, Juan Carlos Aguilar Perales, Jos Antonio Peres and Stergomena Tax. Maastricht, Netherlands : Centre europen de gestion des politiques de dveloppement, 2003. ECDPM discussion paper ; no. 49. 45 p. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES MARCHES FINANCIERS // INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS / RELATIONS ECONOMIQUES INTERNATIONALES ECAL CIRC 339.9 ECDPM49 140. Mhleisen, Martin U.S. fiscal policies and priorities for long-run sustainability / Martin Mhleisen and Christopher Towe, editors. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 2004. Occasional paper (International Monetary Fund) ; 227. vii, 56 p. : ill. ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // ENERGY POLICY / POLITIQUE ENERGETIQUE // FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // UNITED STATES / ETATS-UNIS ECAL CIRC 336.7 IMFO227, 2 cops 141. United Nations Environment Programme Africa environment outlook : past, present and future perspectives / UNEP. Stevenage, Hertfordshire : Earthprint for and on behalf of the United Nations Environment Programme, 2002. xxii, 422 p. : ill., maps. ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // ENVIRONMENT / ENVIRONNEMENT // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 502.1(6) A2585

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

142. Blankenau, William F. Public education expenditures and growth / William F. Blankenau and Nicole B. Simpson. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 583-605. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // EDUCATIONAL COSTS / COUT DE L'EDUCATION // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES ECAL JOUC 338.24 J865 143. De la Croix, David Public versus private education when differential fertility matters / David de la Croix and Matthias Doepke. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 607-629. EDUCATION / EDUCATION // FERTILITY RATE / TAUX DE FECONDITE // PRIVATE SCHOOLS / ECOLES PRIVEES // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES ECAL JOUC 338.24 J865 144. Delamonica, Enrique Education for all : how much will it cost? / Enrique Delamonica, Santos Mehrotra and Jan Vandemoortele. Development and change, vol. 35, no. 1 (Jan. 2004). p. 3-30. BASIC EDUCATION / EDUCATION DE BASE // EDUCATIONAL COSTS / COUT DE L'EDUCATION // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES ECAL JOUC 330.34 D4892 145. Das, Jishnu Equity in educational expenditures: Can government subsidies help? / Jishnu Das. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3249. 39 p : ill. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. EDUCATION / EDUCATION // SOCIAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS SOCIALES // SUBSIDIES / SUBVENTIONS // ZAMBIA / ZAMBIE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3249

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


Das, Jishnu When can school inputs improve test scores? / Jishnu Das, Stefan Dercon, James Habyarimana, Pramila Krishman. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3217. 54 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS / INDICATEURS EDUCATIONNELS // EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE L'EDUCATION // ZAMBIA / ZAMBIE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3217


Davoodi, Hamid R. How useful are benefit incidence analyses of public education and health spending? / Hamid R. Davoodi, Erwin R. Tiongson, and Sawitree S. Asawanuchit. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/227. 47 p. : ill. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // EDUCATION / EDUCATION // HEALTH ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DE LA SANTE // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/03/227


Gradstein, Mark Educational expansion: evidence and interpretation / Mark Gradstein and Denis Nikitin. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3245. 19 p. : ill. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // EDUCATION / EDUCATION // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3245


Gradstein, Mark The political economy of public spending on education, inequality, and growth / Mark Gradstein. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3162. 14 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // EDUCATIONAL COSTS / COUT DE L'EDUCATION // INCOME DISTRIBUTION / REPARTITION DE REVENUE // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3162

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


Graziella, Bertocchi The evolution of modern educational systems : technical vs. general education, distributional conflict, and growth / Bertocchi Graziella and Michael Spagat. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). CONFLICT / CONFLIT // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // EDUCATIONAL COSTS / COUT DE L'EDUCATION // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES ECAL JOUC 338.24 J865


Johanson, Richard K. Skills development in Sub-Saharan Africa / Richard K. Johanson, Arvil V. Adams. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2004. World Bank regional and sectoral studies. 245 p. TECHNICAL EDUCATION / ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE // VOCATIONAL EDUCATION / ENSEIGNEMENT PROFESSIONNEL // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL CIRC 377(6) J655


World Bank Education in Rwanda : rebalancing resources to accelerate post-conflict development and poverty reduction. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2003. World Bank country study. 226 p. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES CONFLITS // DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES / STRATEGIES DE DEVELOPPEMENT // EDUCATION / EDUCATION // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // RWANDA / RWANDA ECAL CIRC 37(675.98) E255

153. Bougroum, Mohammed The effects of job-creation schemes in Morocco / Mohammed Bougroum and Aomar Ibourk. International labour review, vol. 142, no. 3 (2003). p. 341-370. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // MOROCCO / MAROC

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ECAL JOUC 331.101.26 I615 154. Estevo, Marcello Do active labor market policies increase employment? / Marcello Estevo. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/234. 29 p. : ill. EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // LABOUR MARKET / MARCHE DU TRAVAIL // LABOUR POLICY / POLITIQUES DU TRAVAILLE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/234 155. Maloka, Eddy Tsidiso Basotho and the mines : a social history of labour migrancy in Lesotho and South Africa, 1890-1940 / Eddy Tshdiso Maloka. Dakar : Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, 2004. 257 p. : ill., maps. MIGRANT WORKERS / TRAVAILLEURS MIGRANTS // MINING / EXPLOITATION MINIERE // SOCIAL HISTORY / HISTOIRE SOCIALE // LESOTHO / LESOTHO // SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD ECAL CIRC 364.65-057.56(688.5) M2575 156. Meckl, Jrgen Accumulation of technological knowledge, wage differentials and unemployment / Jrgen Meckl. Journal of macroeconomics, vol. 26, no. 1 (March, 2004). p. 65-82. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE / CHANGEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE // UNEMPLOYMENT / CHOMAGE // WAGE PAYMENT SYSTEM / SYSTEME DE RENUMERATION ECAL JOUC 330.101.541 J865 157. Metcalf, David The impact of the national minimum wage on the pay distribution, wage and employment / David Metcalf. The Economic journal. vol. 114, no. 494 (March 2004). p.84-86 EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // MINIMUM WAGE / SALAIRE MINIMUM // TRAINING PROGRAMMES / PROGRAMMES DE FORMATION // WAGES / SALAIRES ECAL JOUC 330 E196

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


Minni, Claude Les entreprises face au vieillissement de leurs effectifs / Claude Minni et Agns Topiol. Economie et statistique, no. 368 (2003). p. 43-64. AGEING PERSONS / PERSONNES AGEES // EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // ENTERPRISE STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES D'ENTREPRISES // PENSION SCHEMES / PLANS DE RETRAITE ECAL JOUC 330.101.8 E175


Prouteau, Lionel Les services informels entre mnages: une dimension mconnue du bnvolat / Lionel Prouteau et Franois-Charles Wolff. Economie et statistique, no. 368 (2003). p. 331. EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // HOUSEHOLDS / MENAGES // INFORMAL SECTOR / SECTEUR INFORMEL ECAL JOUC 330.101.8 E175


Ruhs, Martin The ethics of labour immigration policy / Martin Ruhs and Ha- Joon Chang. International Organization, vol. 58, no. 1 (2004). p. 69-102. LABOUR LAW / DROIT DU TRAVAIL // LABOUR POLICY / POLITIQUES DU TRAVAILLE // MIGRANT WORKERS / TRAVAILLEURS MIGRANTS ECAL JOUC 327 I616


Sanderson, Eleanor Progress in participatory development : opening up the possibility of knowledge through progressive participation / Eleanor Sanderson and Sara Kindon. Progress in development studies, vol. 4, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 114-126. KNOW-HOW / SAVOIR-FAIRE // POPULAR PARTICIPATION / PARTICIPATION POPULAIRE // NEW ZEALAND / NOUVELLE-ZELANDE ECAL JOUC 330.34 P9645


Trich, Jo

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Dlocalisations : proposer pour rassembler et avancer / Jo Trich. Economie & politique, no. 590-593 (Sept.-Dec. 2003). p. 39. EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // ENTREPRENEURSHIP / ENTREPRENARIAT // TEXTILE INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE TEXTILE ECAL JOUC 316.334.3 E195690 163. World Bank Unlocking the employment potential in the Middle East and North Africa : toward a new social contract / World Bank. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2004. 262 p. : ill. EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // LABOUR MARKET / MARCHE DU TRAVAIL // NORTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU NORD // WESTERN ASIA / ASIE OCCIDENTALE ECAL CIRC 331.5(5-15) U585


164. African Development Bank African development report 2003 / African Development Bank. Oxford : 2003. 315 p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // AFRICA / AFRIQUE REFC 330.34(6) A2585 165. African Development Bank Annual report 2002 / African Development Bank. Tunis : African Development Bank, 2003. 394 p. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // AFRICA / AFRIQUE AFR 339.732(6) A6155 166. Bank al-Ahli al-Misri (National Bank of Egypt)

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Economic bulletin / Bank al-Ahli al-Misri. Cairo : Bank al-Ahli al-Misri, 2003. Vol. 56,no. 3, 160 p. DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE AU DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // TRADE NEGOTIATIONS / NEGOCIATIONS COMMERCIALES // EGYPT / EGYPTE JOUC 336.711(620) E195 167. Bank al-Maghrib (Bank of Morocco) Bulletin trimestriel / Bank Al-Maghrib. Rabat : Bank Al-Maghrib, Dec. 2003. No. 98, 155 p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC LAW / DROIT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // MOROCCO / MAROC JOUC 338.1(64) B9365 168. Bank al-Maghribi lil-Tijarah al-Kharijiyah (Banque marocaine du commerce extrieur) Information review, no. 93, June 2003. / Bank al-Maghribi lil-Tijarah alKharijiyah. Casablanca : Bank al-Maghribi lil-Tijarah al-Kharijiyah, 2003. 24 p.: ill. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS / BALANCE DES PAIEMENTS // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // FOREIGN TRADE / COMMERCE EXTERIEUR // FINANCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES FINANCIERES // MOROCCO / MAROC JOUC 339.5(64) I435 169. Bank al-Markazi al-Misri (Central Bank of Egypt) Annual report 2002-2003 / Bank al-Markazi al-Misri. [Cairo] : [Bank al-Markazi alMisri], [2004]. 154 p. : ill. CENTRAL BANKS / BANQUES CENTRALES // ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // INTEREST RATES / TAUX DINTERET // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // EGYPT / EGYPTE EGY 336.711(620) A6155 170. Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi (Central Bank of Tunisia)

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The economic situation periodical, no. 61, Oct. 2003 / Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi. Tunis : Bank al-Markazi al-TunisI, 2003. 25 p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC LAW / DROIT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // TUNISIA / TUNISIE JOUC 338.1(611) E195 171. Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi (Central Bank of Tunisia) Priodique de conjoncture, no. 60, juillet 2003. / Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi. Tunis : Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi, [2003]. 29 p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC LAW / DROIT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // TUNISIA / TUNISIE JOUC 338.1(611) P4455 172. Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi (Central Bank of Tunisia) Rapport annuel 2002 / Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi. Tunis : Bank al-Markazi alTunisi, [2003]. 250 p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC LAW / DROIT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // TUNISIA / TUNISIE TUN 336.711(611) R2215 173. Bank of Botswana Annual report 2003 / Bank of Botswana . Gaborone : Bank of Botswana, 2004. 105 p. CENTRAL BANKS / BANQUES CENTRALES // ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC LAW / DROIT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // BOTSWANA / BOTSWANA BWA 336.711(681) A6155 174. Bank of Botswana Research bulletin, vol. 21,no. 2; Dec. 2003 / Bank of Botswana. Gaborone : Bank of Botswana, 2003. 40 p.

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ECONOMIC RESEARCH / RECHERCHE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // BOTSWANA / BOTSWANA JOUC 330.101.541(681)R4325 175. Bank of Ghana Quarterly economic bulletin / Bank of Ghana. Accra : Bank of Ghana, July-Sep. 2003. 35 p. : ill. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // INTEREST RATES / TAUX DINTERET // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // GHANA / GHANA JOUC 338.1(667) Q15 176. Bank of Uganda Annual report, 2001-2002 / Bank of Uganda. Kampala : Bank of Uganda, 2003. [47] p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // INTEREST RATES / TAUX DINTERET // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // UGANDA / OUGANDA UGA 336.711(676.1) A6155 177. Bank of Uganda Quarterly economic report vol. 1, 2002; Mar 2002. Bank of Uganda. Kampala : Bank of Uganda, 2003. [54] p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // UGANDA / OUGANDA JOUC 338.1(676.1)Q15 178. Banque centrale de Djibouti Indicateurs conomiques et montaires, 4me trimestre 2003 / Banque centrale de Djibouti. Djibouti : Banque centrale de Djibouti, 2003. 32 p.

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CENTRAL BANKS / BANQUES CENTRALES // ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // MONETARY ANALYSIS / ANALYSE MONETAIRE // DJIBOUTI / DJIBOUTI JOUC 311.312:338(667) I395 179. Banque centrale de Djibouti Rapport annuel 2002 / Banque centrale de Djibouti. Djibouti : Banque centrale de Djibouti, [2003]. 65 p. : ill. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS / BALANCE DES PAIEMENTS // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // DJIBOUTI / DJIBOUTI DJI 336.711(677.1) R2215 180. Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest Etudes et recherche / Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest. Dakar : Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest, juin 2003. No. 537, 36 p. CENTRAL BANKS / BANQUES CENTRALES // ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC RESEARCH / RECHERCHE ECONOMIQUE // WEST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST JOUC 330.45 I435 181. Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest Informations gnrales / Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest. Dakar : Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest, juin 2003. No. 537, 78 p. MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // WEST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST JOUC 311 I435 182. Central Bank of Lesotho Quarterly review / Central Bank of Lesotho. Maseru : Central Bank of Lesotho, Sep. 2003. Vol. 22, no. 3, 84 p. CENTRAL BANKS / BANQUES CENTRALES // ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

COMMERCIAL BANKS / BANQUES COMMERCIALES // ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // INTEREST RATES / TAUX DINTERET // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // GHANA / GHANA JOUC 336.17(667) Q15 187. Mauritius Commercial Bank Annual report, 2003 / Mauritius Commercial Bank. Port Louis : Mauritius Commercial Bank, 2003. 127 p. : ill. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS / BALANCE DES PAIEMENTS // COMMERCIAL BANKS / BANQUES COMMERCIALES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // MAURITIUS / MAURICE MUS 336.71(698.2) A6155 188. Namibia. Ministry of Finance Medium term expenditure framework 2004/05-2006/07 / Ministry of Finance. [Windhoek] : Ministry of Finance, [2004]. 1v. FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // NATIONAL ACCOUNTS / COMPTABILITE NATIONALE // PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES // NAMIBIA / NAMIBIE NAM 336.144.2(688) M3715 189. Namibia. State Revenue Fund Estimate of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 1 April 2004 31 March 2005 / State Revenue Fund. [Windhoek] : , State Revenue Fund, [2004]. 418 p PUBLIC EXPENDITURES / DEPENSES PUBLIQUES // PUBLIC FINANCE / FINANCES PUBLIQUES // NAMIBIA / NAMIBIE NAM 336.2(688) E815 190. National Bank of Ethiopia Annual report 2002-2003 (Ethiopian fiscal year 1995) / National Bank of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa : National Bank of Ethiopia, 2004. 150 p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // EXTERNAL DEBT / DETTE EXTERIEURE // INTEREST

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RATES / TAUX DINTERET // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE ETH 336.711(63) A6155 191. National Bank of Ethiopia Birritu / National Bank of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa : National Bank of Ethiopia, Nov 2003 Jan 2004. No. 87, 44 p. EXPORT DIVERSIFICATION / DIVERSIFICATION DES EXPORTATIONS // FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // FOOD POLICY / POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE JOUC 336.711(63) B6195 192. National Bank of Ethiopia Quarterly bulletin / National Bank of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa : National Bank of Ethiopia, 2004. Fiscal year series, vol. 19, no.1. 48 p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // INTEREST RATES / TAUX DINTERET // PUBLIC FINANCE / FINANCES PUBLIQUES // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE JOUC 336.711(63) Q15 193. Sierra Leone. Ministry of Finance Government budget and statement of economic and financial policies for the financial year, 2004 / Ministry of Finance. [Freetown] : Ministry of Finance, [2003]. 40 p. ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FINANCIERE // NATIONAL ACCOUNTS / COMPTABILITE NATIONALE // SIERRA LEONE / SIERRA LEONE SLE 336.14(664) G7215

194. Cacaud, P.

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Administrative sanctions in fisheries law / P. Cacaud, M. Kuruc and M. Spreij. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO legislative study ; 82. 60 p. FISHERY LEGISLATION / LEGISLATION DE LA PECHE ECAL CIRC 349.42 FLS82 195. Caddy, J. F. Enhancing or restoring the productivity of natural populations of shellfish and other marine invertebrate resources / by J.F. Caddy and D. Defeo. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO fisheries technical paper; 448. LIVING MARINE RESOURCES / RESSOURCES BIOLOGIQUES MARINES // SHELLFISH / COQUILLAGES ET CRUSTACES ECAL CIRC 639.2 FFTP448 196. De Graaf, Gertjan Geographic information systems in fisheries management and planning : technical manual / Gertjan de Graaf, Felix Marttin, Jos Aguilar-Manjarrez and Jeff Jenness. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO fisheries technical paper ; 449. xvi, 162 p. : ill, maps GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS/ SYSTEMES D'INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUE // FISHERY MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES PECHES ECAL CIRC 639.2 FFTP449 197. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Management, co-management or no management? : Major dilemmas in Southern African freshwater fisheries / edited by Eyolf Jul-Larsen. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO fisheries technical paper ; 426/2. vii, 266 p.: ill. FISHERIES / PECHERIES // FISHING / PECHE // SOUTHERN AFRICA / AFRIQUE AUSTRALE ECAL CIRC 639.2 M2665 198. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations The ecosystem approach to fisheries : issues, terminology, principles, institutional foundations, implementation and outlook / Edited by Derek Staples

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with assistance from Kevern Cochrane and Serge Garcia. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO fisheries technical paper ; 443. vii, 71p. FISHERIES / PECHERIES // FISHERY MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES PECHES // INSTITUTIONAL MACHINERY / MECANISME INSTITUTIONNEL ECAL CIRC 639.2 FFTP443 199. Little, David Integrated livestock-fish farming systems / David Little and Peter Edwards. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. x, 177 p. : ill. AQUACULTURE / AQUICULTURE ECAL CIRC 574.62 L7785 200. McHugh, Dennis J. A guide to the seaweed industry / by Dennis J. McHugh. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO fisheries technical paper ; 441. x, 105 p : ill. ALGAE / ALGUES // MARINE FLORA / FLORE MARINE ECAL CIRC 639.2 FFTP441 201. Sharp, Gary D. Future climate change and regional fisheries : a collaborative analysis / Gary D. Sharp. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO fisheries technical paper ; 452. v, 75 p. : ill. CLIMATE CHANGE / CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES // FISHERIES / PECHERIES ECAL CIRC 639.2 FFTP452 202. Tietze, Uwe Microfinance in fisheries and aquaculture : guidelines and case studies / by Uwe Tietze and Lolita V. Villareal. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO fisheries technical paper ; 440. xii, 103 p. : ill. AQUACULTURE / AQUICULTURE // CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // FINANCIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FINANCIERE // FISHERIES / PECHERIES // GUIDELINES / PRINCIPES DIRECTEURS // ASIA AND THE PACIFIC / ASIE ET PACIFIQUE

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203. Dub, Yves C. Cross-sectoral policy impacts between forestry and other sectors / edited by Yves C. Dub and Franz Schmithsen. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO forestry paper ; 142. viii, 159 p. : ill. FOREST POLICY / POLITIQUE FORESTIERE // INTERSECTORAL COOPERATION / COORDINATION INTERSECTORIELLE ECAL CIRC 630 FFP142 204. Forestry Outlook Study for Africa Regional report : opportunities and challenges towards 2020 / Forestry Outlook Study for Africa. Rome : African Development Bank, European Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO forestry paper ; 141. xiv, 66 p. : ill., map. FOREST POLICY / POLITIQUE FORESTIERE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 630 FFP141 205. Kajiwara, Akira Forest certification and social change : a comprehensive study in Japan / Akira Kajiwara. Kobe : Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, 2003. Kobe economic & business research series ; no.17. iii, 89 p. : ill. FOREST INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE FORESTIERE // FORESTRY / FORESTERIE // JAPAN / JAPON ECAL CIRC 630(520) K135


206. Bonder, Gloria The new information technologies and women : essential reflections / Gloria Bonder. Santiago : Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Women and Development Unit, 1995. Serie Mujer y desarrollo. 56 p.

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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION // WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT / INTEGRATION DES FEMMES AU DEVELOPPEMENT // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 331.5 ESMD39 207. Chant, Sylvia New contributions to the analysis of poverty : methodological and challenges to understanding poverty from a gender perspective / Sylvia Chant. Santiago : Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003. Serie Mujer y desarrollo ; 47. 66 p. GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // POVERTY / PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 331.5 ESMD47 208. Chen, Derek Hung Chiat Gender equality and economic development : the role for information and communication technologies / Derek H. C. Chen. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3285. 33p.: ill. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION // WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT / INTEGRATION DES FEMMES AU DEVELOPPEMENT // WOMEN'S RIGHTS / DROITS DE LA FEMME ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3285 209. Doumbia, Saliha Gender equality at work in Sub Saharan Africa : a case study of Mali's modern sector / Saliha Doumbia and Dominique Meurs. International labour review, vol. 142, no. 3 (2003). p. 295- 316. CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // SEX DISCRIMINATION / DISCRIMINATIONS SEXUELLES // SKILLED WORKERS / TRAVAILLEURS QUALIFIES // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA // MALI / MALI ECAL JOUC 331.101.26 I615 210. Hoogle, Lies van der

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Promoting cultural diversity and the rights of women : the dilemmas of 'intersectionality ' for development organisations / Liesbeth van der Hoogle and Koos Kingma. Gender and development, vol. 12, no. 1 (May 2004). p. 47-55. CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT CULTUREL // INDIGENOUS PEOPLES / POPULATIONS AUTOCHTONES // WOMEN'S RIGHTS / DROITS DE LA FEMME ECAL JOUC 396 G3256 211. Klenk, Rebecca M. Who is the developed woman? : women as a category of development discourse, Kumaon, India / Rebecca M. Klenk. Development and change, vol. 35, no. 1 (Jan. 2004). p. 3-30. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL // WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT / INTEGRATION DES FEMMES AU DEVELOPPEMENT // INDIA / INDE ECAL JOUC 330.34 D4892 212. Lewis, Cindy Microfinance from the point of view of women with disabilities : lessons from Zambia and Zimbabwe / Cindy Lewis. Gender and development, vol. 12, no. 1 (May 2004). p. 28-39. DISABLED WOMEN / FEMMES HANDICAPEES // DISCRIMINATORY TRADE PRACTICES / PRATIQUES COMMERCIALES DISCRIMINATOIRES // MICROCREDIT / MICROCREDIT // ZAMBIA / ZAMBIE // ZIMBABWE / ZIMBABWE ECAL JOUC 396 G3256 213. Nwankwo, Obiageli The convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) : a tool for mobilising towards enforcement of women's human rights / Obiageli Nwankwo. Enugu, Nigeria : Fourth Dimension Pub. Co., 2001. CIRDDOC public education series ; no. 3. iv, 20 p. ; 21 cm. HUMAN RIGHTS / DROITS DE L'HOMME // GENDER DISCRIMINATION / DISCRIMINATION FONDEE SUR LE SEXE // LAWS AND REGULATIONS / LOIS ET REGLEMENTS // LEGISLATIVE PROCESS / PROCESSUS LEGISLATIF // POPULAR PARTICIPATION / PARTICIPATION POPULAIRE ECAL CIRC 347.156 N9925

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Oostendorp, R. H. Globalization and the gender wage gap / Remco Oostendorp. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3256. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // GENDER DISCRIMINATION / DISCRIMINATION FONDEE SUR LE SEXE // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // INCOME DISTRIBUTION / REPARTITION DE REVENUE // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // WAGES / SALAIRES ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3256


Plantega, Dorine Gender identity, and diversity : learning from insights gained in transformative gender training / Dorine Plantega. Gender and development, vol. 12, no. 1 (May 2004). p. 40 - 46. GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // WOMEN'S ADVANCEMENT / PROMOTION DE LA FEMME // WOMEN'S RIGHTS / DROITS DE LA FEMME ECAL JOUC 396 G3256


Skard, Torild Missing perspectives: people and gender / Torild Skard. Forum for development studies, vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 331334. GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // SOCIAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS SOCIALES ECAL JOUC 330.34(6) F7155


United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa The missing link in growth and sustainable development : closing the gender gap, an issue paper / ECA. Kampala : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 25 p. : ill. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC M678 4 cops


United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa

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Le chanon manquant dans le processus de croissance et de dveloppement durable: comment liminer les disparits entre les hommes et les femmes : document de synthse / ECA. Kampala : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 27 p. : ill. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC M678 4 cops 219. United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Women and men in Egypt : a statistical portrait / ESCWA. Beirut : Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2003. 87 p. : ill. DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // EGYPT / EGYPTE ECAL CIRC 311.312:305(62) W8725 220. Win, Everjoice J. When sharing female identity is not enough : coalition building in the midst of political polarisation in Zimbabwe / Everjoice J. Win. Gender and development, vol. 12, no. 1 (May 2004). p. 19-27. WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT / INTEGRATION DES FEMMES AU DEVELOPPEMENT // WOMEN'S ADVANCEMENT / PROMOTION DE LA FEMME // ZIMBABWE / ZIMBABWE ECAL JOUC 396 G3256 221. World Bank Genre et dveloppement conomique : vers l'galit des sexes dans les droits, les ressources et la participation / World Bank. Montreal : Editions Saint-Martin, 2003. xix, 350 p. : ill. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT / INTEGRATION DES FEMMES AU DEVELOPPEMENT // WOMEN'S ADVANCEMENT / PROMOTION DE LA FEMME ECAL CIRC 305-055.2(1-773) G3355

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222. United Nations Development Fund for Women Not a minute more: Ending violence against women / [editor, Gloria Jacobs]. New York : United Nations Development Fund for Women, 2003. 112 p.: ill. GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE / VIOLENCE SEXISTE // SEX DISCRIMINATION / DISCRIMINATION SEXUELLE ECAL CIRC 364.632-055.2 N8995 223. Vann, Beth Supporting displaced communities to address gender based violence / Beth Vann, Meriwether Beatty and Lisa Ehrlich. Forced migration review, (Jan. 2004). p. 28-29. GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE / VIOLENCE SEXISTE // SEX DISCRIMINATION / DISCRIMINATION SEXUELLE ECAL JOUC 325.54 F6975 224. Ward, Jeanne Gender based violence in conflict affected settings: overview of a multi-country research project / Jeanne Ward and Jessica Brewer. Forced migration review, (Jan. 2004). p. 24-25. CONFLICT / CONFLIT // GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE / VIOLENCE SEXISTE // SEX DISCRIMINATION / DISCRIMINATIONS SEXUELLES ECAL JOUC 325.54 F6975

225. Barr, Abigail To serve the community or oneself : the public servant's dilemma / Abigail Barr, Lindelw Magnus, and Pieter Serneels. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3187. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. CIVIL SERVANTS / FONCTIONNAIRES // CORRUPT PRACTICES / PRATIQUES DE CORRUPTION // PUBLIC SECTOR / SECTEUR PUBLIC // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3187

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Bjurulf, Bo Negotiating transparency : the role of institutions / Bo Bjurulf and Ole Elgstrm. Journal of Common market studies, vol. 42, no. 2 (June 2004). p. 249- 269. INSTITUTION BUILDING / CREATION D'INSTITUTIONS // INSTITUTIONAL MACHINERY / MECANISME INSTITUTIONNEL // NEGOTIATION / NEGOCIATION ECAL JOUC 339.92 J865


Caprio, Gerard Governance and bank valuation / Gerard Caprio, Luc Laeven, and Ross Levine. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3202. 48 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE ECAL CIRC PRWP3202


Chachage, Chachage Seithy L. Globalisation and democratic governance in Tanzania / Chachage Seithy L Chachage. Addis Ababa : Development Policy Management Forum, 2003. DPMF Occasional paper; no. 10. 38 p. DEMOCRACY / DEMOCRATIE // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA / REPUBLIQUE-UNIE DE TANZANIE ECAL CIRC 35(6) DPMFO10


Civil Society and Environmental Policy Dialogue (5th : 10 October 2003 : Addis Ababa ). Government and environmental policy / Forum for Social Studies. Addis Ababa : Forum for Social Studies, 2004. Consultation papers on the environment ; no.5. 23 p. : ill. ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT // ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY / POLITIQUE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT // ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION / PROTECTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE ECAL CIRC 502.1(63) G7215


Deininger, Klaus W.

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Does greater accountability improve the quality of delivery of public services? Evidence from Uganda / Klaus Deininger and Paul Mpuga. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3277. 26 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // CORRUPT PRACTICES / PRATIQUES DE CORRUPTION // PUBLIC SERVICES / SERVICES PUBLICS // UGANDA / OUGANDA ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3277 231. Development Policy Management Forum Report of the conference on "The challenges of globalization in Africa : what role for civil society and other stakeholders?" / Development Policy Management Forum. Addis Ababa : Development Policy Management Forum, 2003. 60 p.: ill. CIVIL SOCIETY / SOCIETE CIVILE // DEMOCRACY / DEMOCRATIE // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 339.9(6) R4256 232. Gradstein, Mark Governance and growth / Mark Gradstein. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 505-518. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // INSTITUTIONAL MACHINERY / MECANISME INSTITUTIONNEL // LAND RIGHTS / DROITS A LA TERRE ECAL JOUC 338.24 J865 233. Guriev, Sergie Red tape and corruption / Sergie Guriev. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 489-504. BUREAUCRACY / BUREAUCRATIE // CORRUPT PRACTICES / PRATIQUES DE CORRUPTION ECAL JOUC 338.24 J865 234. Ihrig, Jane Lurking in the shadows : the informal sector and government policy / Jane Ihrig and Karine S. Moe. Journal of development economics, vol. 73, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 541557.

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INFORMAL SECTOR / SECTEUR INFORMEL // POLICY-MAKING / ELABORATION D'UNE POLITIQUE // TAX ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION FISCALE ECAL JOUC 338.24 J865 235. Lin, Yeo Industrial structure, technical change, and the role of government in development of the electronics and information industry in Taipei, China / Yeo Lin. Manila : Asian Development Bank, 2003. ERD working paper ; no. 41. http://www.adb.org/Documents/ERD/Working_Papers/wp041.pdf. DEVELOPMENT POLICY / POLITIQUE DE DEVELOPPEMENT // ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE ELECTRIQUE // CHINA / CHINE ECAL CIRC 330.34(5) ERDWP41 236. Maor, Moshe Feeling the heat? Anticorruption mechanisms in comparative perspective / Moshe Maor. Governance, vol. 17, no. 1 ( Jan. 2004 ), pp. 1-28. BRIBERY / CORRUPTION // CORRUPT PRACTICES / PRATIQUES DE CORRUPTION // ILLEGALITY / ILLEGALITE // AUSTRALIA / AUSTRALIE // ITALY / ITALIE // USSR / URSS // UNITED STATES / ETATS-UNIS ECAL JOUC 35 G7216 237. Nhema, Alfred G. The quest for peace in Africa : transformations, democracy and public policy / Alfred G. Nhema (editor). Utrecht : International Books, 2004, 416 p.: ill. DEMOCRACY / DEMOCRATIE // PEACE-BUILDING / CONSOLIDATION DE LA PAIX // POLICY-MAKING / ELABORATION D'UNE POLITIQUE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 327.36(6) Q55 238. Phiri, B. J. Democratisation in Zambia : the 2001 tripartite elections / B.J. Phiri. Pretoria, South Africa : Africa Institute of South Africa, 2002. Occasional papers of the Africa Institute ; no. 67. viii, 98 p. : ill., maps. DEMOCRATIZATION / DEMOCRATISATION // ELECTIONS / ELECTIONS // POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES // ZAMBIA / ZAMBIE

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ECAL CIRC 321.7(689.4) P5735 239. Ribot, Jesse Craig African decentralization : local actors, powers and accountability / Jesse C. Ribot. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2002. Democracy, governance and human rights programme paper ; no. 8. ix, 89 p. DECENTRALIZATION IN GOVERNMENT / DECENTRALISATION ADMINISTRATIVE // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE ECAL CIRC 35.071.6(6) R4865 240. ST/ESA/PAD/SER.E/59 Leadership and social transformation in the public sector : moving from challenges to solutions / United Nations. New York : United Nations, 2004. v, 154 p. : ill. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM / REFORME DE LA FONCTION PUBLIQUE // LEADERSHIP / LEADERSHIP // ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE / CHANGEMENT DE STRUCTURES // PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE // PUBLIC SECTOR / SECTEUR PUBLIC ECAL CIRC 35 L4345 241. ST/ESA/PAD/SER.E/60 United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Public Administration and Development Management. Searching for innovations in governance and public administration for poverty reduction : concepts, experiences and lessons for the future / United Nations. New York : United Nations, 2004, v, 140 p. GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 35.071.2 S4395 242. Walraven, Klaas van Dmocratisation en Afrique au sud du Sahara : transitions et virage : un bilan de la littrature (1995-1996) / Klaas van Walraven, Cline Thiriot. Leyde, Pays-Bas : Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum, 2002. Research reports (Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum) ; 66/2002. iv, 219 p. DEMOCRATIZATION / DEMOCRATISATION // POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA

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ECAL CIRC 321.7(6) W2215

243. Arhinful, Daniel Kojo The solidarity of self-interest : social and cultural feasibility of rural health insurance in Ghana / Daniel Kojo Arhinful. Leiden : Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. AfrikaStudiecentrum, 2003. Research reports (Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum); 71/2003. xv, 222 p. : ill., map HEALTH INSURANCE / INSURANCE MALADIE // RURAL HEALTH / SANTE RURALE // SOCIAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS SOCIALES // GHANA / GHANA ECAL CIRC 368.942(667) A6915 244. Bijlmakers, Leon A. Structural adjustment : source of structural adversity : socio-economic stress, health and child nutritional status in Zimbabwe / Leon Bijlmakers. Leiden : Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum, 2003. Research reports (Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum). xix, 281 p.: ill. CHILD NUTRITION / NUTRITION DE L'ENFANT // ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT / AJUSTEMENT STRUCTUREL // ZIMBABWE / ZIMBABWE ECAL CIRC 338.24.021.8(689.1) B5945 245. Das, Jishnu Strained mercy: the quality of medical care in Delhi / Jishnu Das and Jeffrey S. Hammer. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3228. 27 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. HEALTH CARE DELIVERY / PRESTATIONS DE SOINS DE SANTE // HEALTH SERVICES / SERVICES DE SANTE // MEDICAL CARE / SOINS MEDICAUX // INDIA / INDE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3228 246. Dedehouanou, Houinsou

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Resisting reforms: a resource-based perspective of collective action in the distribution of agricultural input and primary health services in the Couffo region, Benin / Houinsou Dedehouanou. Leiden : Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. AfrikaStudiecentrum, 2003. Research reports (Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum) ; 68/2000. xvii, 322 p. : ill. AGRICULTURAL POLICY / POLITIQUE AGRICOLE // HEALTH SERVICES / SERVICES DE SANTE // BENIN / BENIN ECAL CIRC 338.43.01(668.2) D2995 247. Deininger, Klaus W. Economic and welfare effects of the abolition of health user fees evidence from Uganda / Klaus Deininger and Paul Mpuga. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3276. 28 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. HEALTH ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DE LA SANTE // PUBLIC HEALTH / SANTE PUBLIQUE // USER CHARGES / REDEVANCE D'UTILISATION // UGANDA / OUGANDA. ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3276 248. Dujardin, Bruno Politiques de sant attentes des patients : vers un dialogue constructif / Bruno Dujardin. Paris : Editions Karthala ; Editions Charles Loold Mayer, 2003. 331 p. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION INTERNATIONALE // MEDICAL CARE / SOINS MEDICAUX // PUBLIC HEALTH / SANTE PUBLIQUE ECAL CIRC 614(1-773) D9185 249. Luepker, Russell V. Cardiovascular survey methods / Russell V. Luepker, Alun Evans, Paul McKeigue, K. Srinath Reddy. Geneva : World Health Organization, 2004. 3rd ed. xiv, 185 p. : ill. HEALTH INFORMATION / INFORMATION SANITAIRE ECAL CIRC 616.1 C2675 250. Nwankwo, Obiageli Reproductive health & rights in Nigeria / [written by Oby Nwankwo]. Enugu, Nigeria : Civil Resource Development and Documentation Centre (CIRDDOC) Nigeria : Fourth Dimension Pub., 2002. CIRDDOC public education series ; no. 7. iv, 44 p.

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HUMAN RIGHTS / DROITS DE L'HOMME // LEGISLATIVE PROCESS / PROCESSUS LEGISLATIF // REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH / SANTE REPRODUCTIVE // WOMEN'S RIGHTS / DROITS DE LA FEMME // NIGERIA / NIGERIA ECAL CIRC 612.6:347.156 N9925 251. Paxson, Christina H. Child health and the 1988-92 economic crisis in Peru / Christina Paxson and Norbert Schady. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3260. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. CHILD HEALTH / SANTE DE L'ENFANT // ECONOMIC CRISIS / CRISE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC HISTORY / HISTOIRE ECONOMIQUE // PERU / PEROU ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3260 252. Singh, Susheela Adding it up : the benefits of investing in sexual and reproductive health care / Susheela Singh, Jacqueline E. Darroch, Michael Vlassoff, Jennifer Nadeau. New York : Washington : The Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2003. 36 p.: ill. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE // REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH / SANTE REPRODUCTIVE ECAL CIRC 613.88 A2245 253. WHO/CDS/RBM/2001.33 WHO informal consultation on the use of antimalarial drugs. (13-17 November 2000: Geneva) Use of antimalarial drugs : report of a WHO informal consultation / WHO. Geneva : World Health Organization, 2001. 141 p. : ill. HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // MALARIA / PALUDISME // PHARMACEUTICALS / PRODUITS PHARMACEUTIQUES ECAL CIRC 616.936 U845 254. World Health Organization Climate change and human health : risks and responses / editors,.J. McMichael ... [et.al.]. Geneva : World Health Organization, 2003. xi, 322 p.: ill.

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CLIMATE CHANGE / CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES // HEALTH INFORMATION / INFORMATION SANITAIRE // RISK ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION DU RISQUE ECAL CIRC 551.583 C6397 255. World Health Organization Guidelines for the management of sexually transmitted infections / WHO. Geneva : World Health Organization, 2003. vii, 91 p. : ill. GUIDELINES / PRINCIPES DIRECTEURS // HEALTH CARE DELIVERY / PRESTATIONS DE SOINS DE SANTE // SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES / MALADIES SEXUELLEMENT TRANSMISSIBLES ECAL CIRC 616-055 G9465 256. World Health Organization Managing newborn problems : a guide for doctors, nurses, and midwives / WHO. Geneva : World Health Organization, 2003. Integrated management of pregnancy and childbirth (World Health Organization). xx, 306 p. : ill. CHILD HEALTH / SANTE DE L'ENFANT // HEALTH INFORMATION / INFORMATION SANITAIRE // REFERENCE MATERIALS / OUVRAGES DE REFERENCE ECAL CIRC 618.29 M2665 257. Zhang, Heather Xiaoquan Interpreting reproductive rights : institutional responses to the agenda in the 1990s / Heather Xiaoquan Zhang and Catherine Locke. Public administration and development, vol. 24, no. 1 (Feb. 2004). p. 41- 50 . HEALTH POLICY / POLITIQUE DE LA SANTE // INSTITUTIONAL MACHINERY / MECANISME INSTITUTIONNEL // POPULATION POLICY / POLITIQUE DEMOGRAPHIQUE // PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE // REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH / SANTE REPRODUCTIVE ECAL JOUC 35 P9766 258. Physicians' desk reference: PDR, 58 ed. Montvale, NJ : Thomson PDR, 2004. 3538 p. : ill. HEALTH CARE DELIVERY / PRESTATIONS DE SOINS DE SANTE // PHARMACEUTICALS / PRODUITS PHARMACEUTIQUES // REFERENCE MATERIALS / OUVRAGES DE REFERENCE

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ECAL REFC 615.03 P5785


259. Archibugi, Daniele A new indicator of technological capabilities for developed and developing countries / Daniele Archibugi and Alberto Coco. World development, vol. 32 no. 4 (Apr. 2004). p. 629-654. DEVELOPED MARKET ECONOMIES / ECONOMIES DE MARCHE DEVELOPPEES // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // SKILLED WORKERS / TRAVAILLEURS QUALIFIES // TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER / TRANSFERT DE TECHNOLOGIE ECAL JOUC 338.24.021.8 W9275 260. Castells, Manuel The information society and the welfare state : the Finnish model / Manuel Castells, Pekka Himanen. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. SITRA (Series) ; 233. ix, 200 p. : ill., maps INFORMATION SOCIETY / SOCIETE DE L'INFORMATION // SOCIAL WELFARE / BIEN-ETRE SOCIAL // FINLAND / FINLANDE ECAL CIRC 004:316.323.65(480) C3485 3 cops. 261. Chisenga, Justin The use of ICTs in African public libraries : a survey of ten countries in Anglophone Africa / edited by Justin Chisenga. Oxford : International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications, 2004. x, 128 p. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION // PUBLIC LIBRARIES / BIBLIOTHEQUES PUBLIQUES // ENGLISH-SPEAKING AFRICA / AFRIQUE ANGLOPHONE ECAL CIRC 004:027.022(6) U845 2 cops. 262. Clarke, Matthew e-Development? Development and the new economy / Matthew Clarke. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2003. Policy brief (World Institute for Development Economics Research) ; no. 7. v, 38 p. : ill.

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DIGITAL DIVIDE / FOSSE NUMERIQUE // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // INFORMATION POLICY / POLITIQUE DE L'INFORMATION ECAL CIRC 004(1-773) C5935 263. Giles, David E.A. Computer-aided econometrics / David E.A. Giles. New York : M. Dekker, 2003. Statistics, textbooks and monographs ; 169. xxv, 507 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. COMPUTER PROGRAMMES / PROGRAMMES D'ORDINATEUR // COMPUTER SIMULATION / SIMULATION PAR ORDINATEUR // ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES ECAL CIRC 330.43 C7385 264. Klosek, Jacqueline The legal guide to e-business / Jacqueline Klosek. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2003. ix, 226 p. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE / COMMERCE ELECTRONIQUE // LAWS AND REGULATIONS / LOIS ET REGLEMENTS // UNITED STATES / ETATS-UNIS ECAL CIRC 004.738.5 K665 265. Mann, Catherine Assessing the potential benefit of trade facilitation : a global perspective / Catherine Mann, Tsunehiro Otsuki, and John S. Wilson. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3224. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3224 266. Onyeiwu, Steve Inter-country variations in digital technology in Africa: evidence, determinants, and policy implications / Steve Onyeiwu. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2002. WIDER discussion paper. 23 p. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE NUMERIQUE // INFORMATION POLICY / POLITIQUE DE L'INFORMATION // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 330 WDP2002/72

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Ueki, Yasushi E-business innovation and customs renovation for secure supply-chain management / Yasushi Ueki. Santiago : United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003. Serie Comercio internacional (Santiago, Chile) ; 34 CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION / ADMINISTRATION DOUANIERE // ELECTRONIC COMMERCE / COMMERCE ELECTRONIQUE // LOGISTICS / LOGISTIQUE // TARIFFS / TARIFS DOUANIERS ECAL CIRC 339.5 ESCI34


UNCTAD/ITE/IPC/2003/1 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Information and communication technology development indices / UNCTAD. New York : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2003. ix, 86 p. : ill. COMMUNICATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS // INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ECAL CIRC 004 I435 2 cops.


United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Africa networking : development information, ICTs and governance / ECA, forward by K.Y. Amoako, edited by Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane, Nino Orlando Fluck, Aida Opoku-Mensah, M.A. Mohamed Salih. The Netherlands : International Books, 2004. 272 p. : ill. COMMUNICATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS // DEMOCRACY / DEMOCRATIE // DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE NUMERIQUE // INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 9004.7(6) A2585 3 cops.


Wang, Yanling On the quantity and quality of knowledge : the impact of openness and foreign research and development on North-North and North-South technology spillovers / Yanling Wang and Maurice Schiff. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3190. 21 p.

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271. Gordon, Rachel Singer The librarian's guide to writing for publication / Rachel Singer Gordon. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2004. ix, 190 p. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip046/2003014609.html LIBRARY SCIENCE / BIBLIOTHECONOMIE // PUBLISHING / EDITION // REFERENCE MATERIALS / OUVRAGES DE REFERENCE ECAL CIRC 808.1 G6645 272. World Bank Poor people's knowledge : promoting intellectual property in developing countries / edited by J. Michael Finger, Philip Schuler. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2003. Trade and development series. 250 p. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY / PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 339.166.5(1-773) P8235


273. Benelli, Roberto Do IMF-supported programs boost private capital inflows? The role of program size and policy adjustment / Roberto Benelli. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/231. 34 p. : ill. CAPITAL MARKETS / MARCHES DE CAPITAUX // FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/03/231

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Caldern, Csar Greenfield foreign direct investment and mergers and acquisitions : feedback and macroeconomic effects / Csar Caldern, Luis Serven, and Norman Loayza. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers; 3192. 30 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. CAPITAL MARKETS / MARCHES DE CAPITAUX // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE CIRC 330 PRWP3192


Campos, Nauro F. Why does FDI go where it goes? New evidence from the transition economies / Nauro F. Campos and Yuko Kinoshita. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper; WP/03/228. 31 p.: ill. . DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // MARKET ECONOMY / ECONOMIE DE MARCHE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/03/228


Hallward-Driemeier, Mary Do bilateral investment treaties attract foreign direct investment? : Only a bit and they could bite / Mary Hallward-Driemeier. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2003. Policy research working papers; 3121. FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // TRADE AGREEMENTS / ACCORDS COMMERCIAUX // TREATIES / TRAITES ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3121 2 cops


Lehmann, Alexander International dividend repatriations / Alexander Lehmann and Ashoka Mody. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2004. IMF working paper; WP/04/5. 25 p. ill FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS / RELATIONS ECONOMIQUES INTERNATIONALES // MARKET ECONOMY / ECONOMIE DE MARCHE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/04/5

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Mohammed, Aziz Ali Burden sharing at the IMF / Aziz Ali Mohammed. New York : Geneva : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2000. G-24 Discussion paper series ; no. 2. 11 p. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT / INVESTISSEMENTS INTERNATIONAUX ECAL CIRC 339 UNGD24


Morisset, Jacques Does a country need a promotion agency to attract foreign direct investment? : A small analytical model applied to 58 countries / Jacques Morisset. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2003. Policy research working papers. 22 p.: ill. ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES // FINANCIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FINANCIERE // FINANCIAL REGULATIONS / REGLEMENTS FINANCIERS // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS / RELATIONS ECONOMIQUES INTERNATIONALES ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3028


UNCTAD/ITE/IPC/2003/4. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Investment policy review : Lesotho / UNCTAD. Geneva : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2003. x, 98 p : ill. ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FINANCIERE // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // LESOTHO / LESOTHO ECAL CIRC 339.727.22(688.5) I625 2 cops.


Vittas, Dimitri The use of "asset swaps" by institutional investors in South Africa / Dimitri Vittas. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3175. FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3175


World Bank

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The brave new world / edited by Theodore H. Moran. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2003. International political risk management. ix, 238 p. : ill. FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // RISK ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION DU RISQUE // TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS / SOCIETES TRANSNATIONALES ECAL CIRC 339.727.22 B8265


283. Alesina, Alberto The size of nations / Alberto Alesina and Enrico Spolaore. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2003. x, 261 p. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES // STATES / ETATS ECAL CIRC 321 A3715 284. Cuvelier, Jeroen Rwandan economic involvement in the conflict in the Democratic of Congo / Jeroen Cuvelier, Stefaan Marysse. Antwerp : University of Antwerp, Institute of Development Policy and Management, 2003. IDPM-UA discussion paper ; 2003-7. 29 p. : ill. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES CONFLITS // ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE // INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES // DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO // RWANDA / RWANDA // UGANDA / OUGANDA ECAL CIRC 330.34 IDPM-UAD03/7 285. Fafowora, Oladapo Olusola Selected essays and speeches on Nigerian diplomacy, politics, and economics / Oladapo Olusola Fafowora. Ibadan : Dokun Publishing House, 2001. xi, 307 p. Publisher ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // FOREIGN RELATIONS / RELATIONS EXTERIEURES // POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES // NIGERIA / NIGERIA ECAL CIRC 327(669) F1495

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Morgenstierne, Christopher Munthe Denmark and national liberation in Southern Africa / Christopher Munthe Morgenstierne. Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2003. 141 p. DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE / ASSISTANCE AU DEVELOPPEMENT // NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS / MOUVEMENTS DE LIBERATION NATIONALE // DENMARK / DANEMARK // SOUTHERN AFRICA / AFRIQUE AUSTRALE ECAL CIRC 327(489:6-13) M8515


Religion in international relations : the return from exile / edited by Fabio Petito and Pavlos Hatzopoulos. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. x, 286 p. : ill. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES // RELIGION / RELIGION ECAL CIRC 2:327 R3825


United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Multilateralism : current African experiences and perspectives / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 6 p. REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC 330.142.24 961 4 cops


Ziring, Lawrence The United Nations : international organization and world politics / Lawrence Ziring, Robert E. Riggs, Jack Plano. Belmont, CA : Thomson / Wadsworth, 2004. xiii, 586 p.: ill. cm. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS / ORGANISATIONS INTERNATIONALES // WORLD POLITICS / POLITIQUE MONDIALE ECAL CIRC 061.2:327 Z815


290. Bolaky, Bineswaree

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Trade, regulations, and growth / Bineswaree Bolaky and Caroline Freund. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3255. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // FREE TRADE / LIBRE-ECHANGE // STANDARD OF LIVING / NIVEAU DE VIE // TRADE REGULATION / REGLEMENTATION COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3255 291. Brenton, Paul The initial and potential impact of preferential access to the U.S. market under the African growth and opportunity act / Paul Brenton and Takako Ikezuki. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2004. Policy research working papers ; 3262. 37 p. : ill., maps. MARKET ACCESS / ACCES AU MARCHE // TARIFFS / TARIFS DOUANIERS // TRADE AGREEMENTS / ACCORDS COMMERCIAUX // AFRICA / AFRIQUE // UNITED STATES / ETATS-UNIS ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3262 292. Clarke, George Has the Internet increased trade? Evidence from industrial and developing countries / George Clarke and Scott Wallsten. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3215. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. DEVELOPED MARKET ECONOMIES / ECONOMIES DE MARCHE DEVELOPPEES // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // INTERNET / INTERNET ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3215 293. Duttagupta, Rupa Free trade areas and rules of origin : economics and politics / Rupa Duttagupta and Arvind Panagariya. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/229. 29 p. : ill. ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE // FREE TRADE / LIBRE-ECHANGE // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP/03/229

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E/ECA/CM.37/2 United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Mainstreaming trade in national development strategies - an issue paper twenty-third meeting of the committee of experts of the conference of African ministers of finance, planning and economic development / ECA. Kampala : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 15 p. FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE


E/ECA/CM.37/2 United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Intgrer la politique commerciale dans les stratgies nationales de dveloppement-document de synthse vingt-troisime runion du comit d'experts de la confrence des ministres africains des finances, de la planification et du dveloppement conomique / ECA. Kampala : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 19 p. FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE


ECE/TRADE/330.04.II.E.3 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Sharing the gains of globalization in the new security environment: the challenges to trade facilitation / ECE. New York : Geneva : United Nations, 2003. liv, 415 p.: ill. INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION ECAL CIRC 339.5 S5315


Evenett, Simon J. Government procurement market access, transparency, and multilateral trade rules / Simon J. Evenett and Bernard Hoekman. Policy research working papers ; 3195. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. 27 p. INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // MARKET ACCESS / ACCES AU MARCHE // TARIFFS / TARIFS DOUANIERS // TRADE AGREEMENTS / ACCORDS COMMERCIAUX CIRC 330 PRWP3195 2 cops.

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Fidrmuc, Jarko The core and periphery of the world economy / Jarko Fidrmuc. Journal of International trade & economic development, vol. 13, no. 1 (March, 2004). p. 89-106. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY / GEOGRAPHIE ECONOMIQUE ECAL JOUC 339.5:330.4 J865


Nalebuff, Barry Bundling as an entry barrier / Barry Nalebuff. Quarterly journal of Economics, vol. 119, no. 476 (Feb. 2004). p. 159 - 187 INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // MARKET ACCESS / ACCES AU MARCHE // TRADE RESTRICTIONS / RESTRICTIONS COMMERCIALES ECAL JOUC 330 Q155


N'Zu Flix Fofana Le rle des exportations dans le processus de croissance conomique dans la Cte d'Ivoire: ses implications pour des stratgies de cration d'emplois durables / Flix Fofana N'Zu. African development review, vol. 15, no. 2/3 (Dec.2003). p. 199 - 217 ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // EXPORTS / EXPORTATIONS // EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // IVORY COAST / COTE D'IVOIRE ECAL JOUC 330.34(6) A2587


Saggi, Kamal Trading market access for competition policy enforcement / Kamal Saggi and Bernard Hoekman. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3188. 35 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. COMPETITION / CONCURRENCE // MARKET ACCESS / ACCES AU MARCHE // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3188 2 cops.


ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/87 United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistics Division

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International merchandise trade statistics / United Nations. New York : United Nations, 2004. vi, 113 p. INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // TRADE STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES COMMERCIALES ECAL CIRC 339.5 I615 303. Tollens, Eric F. Does market liberalisation jeoparadise export quality? Cameroonian Cocoa, 1988-2000 / Eric F. Tollens and Christopher L. Gilbert. Journal of African economies, vol. 12, no. 3 (Nov. 2003). p.303-342 CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // ECONOMIC HISTORY / HISTOIRE ECONOMIQUE // EXPORTS / EXPORTATIONS // FINANCIAL LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES MARCHES FINANCIERS // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES // CAMEROON / CAMEROUN ECAL JOUC 338.1(6) J865 304. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Bulletin: publication annuelle du bureau de la CEA pour l'Afrique du Nord - No. 10,2003 / ECA. Tanger : Economic Commission for Africa, 2003. 41 p. BUSINESS WOMEN / FEMMES ENTREPRENEURS // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE EXTERIEUR // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENT ETRANGER // NORTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU NORD ECAL ECAC 339.5 B9365 5 cops. 305. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Unlocking Africa's trade potential in the global economy : policy paper / ECA. [Addis Ababa] : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 27 p. : ill GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT REGIONAL // TRADE NEGOTIATIONS / NEGOCIATIONS COMMERCIALES // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC U54 4 cops 306. Young, Alasdair R. The incidental fortress: the single European market and world trade / Alasdair R. Young . Journal of common market studies, vol. 42, no. 2 (June 2004). p. 393 - 414.

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307. Bingen, Jim Linking farmers to markets: different approaches to human capital development / Jim Bingen, Alex Serrano and Julie Howard. Food policy, vol. 28, no. 4 (Aug. 2003). p.405-419 FARMERS / AGRICULTEURS // FOOD POLICY / POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE // HUMAN DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT HUMAIN // MARKET ACCESS / ACCES AU MARCHE ECAL JOUC 338.439.02 F6866 308. Castagnini, Raffaella Comparing land reform and land markets in Colombia : impacts on equity and efficiency / Raffaella Castagnini, Klaus Deininger, and Maria A. Gonzalez. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3258. http://www.econ.worldbank.org/view.php. INCOME DISTRIBUTION / REPARTITION DE REVENUE // LAND ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE FONCIERE // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE // COLUMBIA / COLUMBIE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3258 309. Deininger, Klaus W. Land markets in developing and transition economies: impact of liberalization and implications for future reform / Klaus Deininger. American journal of agricultural economics, vol. 85, no. 5 , 2003. p. 1217-1222. DEMOCRACY / DEMOCRATIE // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // LAND ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE FONCIERE // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DVELOPPEMENT RURAL ECAL JOUC 338.43 A5135

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Institute of Development Research Proceedings of the workshop on some aspects of rural land tenure in Ethiopia : access, use and transfer / edited by Workneh Negatu and Yigremew Adal. Addis Ababa : Institute of Development Research, 2004. 152 p. : ill. LAND ALLOTMENT / REPARTITION DES TERRES // LAND ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE FONCIERE // LAND TENURE / REGIME FONCIER // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE ECAL CIRC 332.282(63) P9635


International Institute for Environment and Development The dynamics of resource tenure in West Africa / edited by Camilla Toulmin, Philippe Lavigne Delville, Samba Traor. Paris : Groupe de recherche et dchanges technologiques ; London : International Institute for Environment and Development, 2002. xiii, 242 p. : ill., map. LAND TENURE / REGIME FONCIER // NATURAL RESOURCES / RESSOURCES NATURELLES // WEST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST ECAL CIRC 332.282(6-15) D9975


International workshop for researchers and policy makers: (19-21 March 2002: Ouagadougou) Making land rights more secure / IIED. London : International Institute for Environment and Development, 2004. iv, 164 p. : ill. LAND RIGHTS / DROITS A LA TERRE // LAND TENURE / REGIME FONCIER ECAL CIRC 332.282 M2355


Poteete, Amy R. Ideas, interests and institutions : challenging the property rights paradigm in Botswana / Amy R. Poteete. Governance, vol. 16, no. 4 (Oct. 2003). p.527 - 558 INSTITUTIONAL MACHINERY / MECANISME INSTITUTIONNEL // LAND RIGHTS / DROITS A LA TERRE // BOTSWANA / BOTSWANA ECAL JOUC 35 G7216


Stamm, Volker

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Micro-policies on land tenure in three villages in Bam province, Burkina Faso / Volker Stamm, Jean-Pierre Sawadogo, Saidou Robert Oudraogo, Dnis Oudraogo. London: International Institute for Environment and Development, 2003. Issue paper (International Institute for Environment and Development) ; no. 124 24 p. : ill. ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // LAND TENURE / REGIME FONCIER // BURKINA FASO / BURKINA FASO ECAL CIRC 504.06 IIED124 315. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Land tenure systems and sustainable development in southern Africa / ECA. Lusaka : Economic Commission for Africa, 2003. 47 p. : ill. LAND TENURE / REGIME FONCIER // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // SOUTHERN AFRICA / AFRIQUE AUSTRALE ECAL ECAC 711.3 L253 316. Wily, Liz Alden Community-based land tenure management : questions and answers about Tanzania's new village land act, 1999 / Liz Alden Wily. London : International Institute for Environment and Development, 2003. Issue paper (International Institute for Environment and Development) ; no.120. 59 p. : ill., map. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE // LAND TENURE / REGIME FONCIER // LAWS AND REGULATIONS / LOIS ET REGLEMENTS // UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA / REPUBLIQUE-UNIE DE TANZANIE ECAL CIRC 504.06 IIED120 2 cops.

317. Adams, Richard H. International migration, remittances, and poverty in developing countries / Richard H. Adams Jr. and John Page. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3179. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // MIGRATION / MIGRATION // POVERTY / PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3179

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Boswell, Christina Poverty, international migration and asylum / Christina Boswell and Jeff Crisp. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2004. Policy brief (World Institute for Development Economics Research) ; 8. v, 34 p. : ill. ASYLUM SEEKERS / DEMANDEURS D'ASILE // FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS // MIGRATION / MIGRATION // POVERTY / PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 314.74(1-773) B7475


Chami, Ralph Are immigrant remittance flows a source of capital for development? / Ralph Chami, Connel Fullenkamp, and Samir Jahjah. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/189. 47 p. : ill. ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES // ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // FINANCIAL FLOWS / FLUX FINANCIERS // MIGRATION / MIGRATION ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/189


Mobile Africa : changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond / edited by Mirjam de Bruijn, Rijk Van Dijk, & Dick Foeken. Leiden : Boston : Brill, 2001. v.1. x, 214 p. : maps. DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // MIGRATION / MIGRATION // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 314.72(6) M6875


Nadig, Aninia Forced migration and global processes : report of the eighth conference of the international association for the Study of Forced Migration, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 5-9 January 2003 / Aninia Nadig. Journal of refugee studies, vol. 16, no. 4 (Dec. 2003), p. 361-375. FORCED MIGRATION / MIGRATION FORCEE // HUMAN RIGHTS / DROITS DE L'HOMME // SECURITY ASSURANCES / GARANTIES DE SECURITE ECAL JOUC 314.745.22 J865

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United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Human rights and trafficking in persons in the Americas : summary and highlights of the Hemispheric Conference on International Migration / ECLAC. Santiago : Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004. 109 p. HUMAN RIGHTS / DROITS DE L'HOMME // MIGRANT WORKERS / TRAVAILLEURS MIGRANTS // MIGRATION / MIGRATION // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 314.742(8:729) H9185


323. Bhundia, Ashok Sources of nominal exchange rate fluctuations in South Africa / Ashok Bhundia and Jan Gottschalk. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/252. 24 p. : ill. ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES / TAUX DE CHANGE // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/252 324. Hemming, Richard Fiscal vulnerability and financial crisis in emerging market economies / Richard Hemming, Michael Kell, and Axel Schimmelpfennig. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. Occasional paper (International Monetary Fund). vii, 124 p. : ill. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // FINANCIAL CRISIS / CRISE FINANCIERE // FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE ECAL CIRC 336.7 IMFO218 325. International Monetary Fund Rules-based fiscal policy in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain / Teresa Dban, Enrica Detragiache, Gabriel di Bella, Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, and Steven Symansky. Washington, DC. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. v, 43 p. : ill. FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // FRANCE / FRANCE // GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE // ITALY / ITALIE // SPAIN / ESPAGNE

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ECAL CIRC 336.7 IMFO225 326. Shambauch, Jay C. The effects of fixed exchange rates on monetary policy / Jay C. Shambauch. Quarterly journal of Economics, vol. 119, no. 476 (Feb. 2004). p. 301- 352. CAPITAL MARKETS / MARCHES DE CAPITAUX // FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES / TAUX DE CHANGE // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE ECAL JOUC 330 Q155 327. World Bank Government at risk: contingent liabilities and fiscal risk / Hana Polackova Brixi, Allen Schick, editors. Washington, DC : World Bank ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. xi, 471 p. : ill. FISCAL POLICY / POLITIQUE FISCALE // RISK ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION DU RISQUE ECAL CIRC 351.82 G7215


328. Bisanda, E.T.N. Review of sisal waste utilisation: challenges and opportunities / E.T.N. Bisanda and J. Enock. Discovery and innovation, vol. 15, no. 1/2 (June 2003). p. 17-27. BIOMASS / BIOMASSE // BIOTECHNOLOGY / BIOTECHNOLOGIE // SISAL / SISAL // WASTE MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES DECHETS ECAL JOUC 0:62(6) D6115 329. Brockhaus, Maria Mediation in a changing landscape : success and failure in managing conflicts over natural resources in southwest Burkina Faso / Maria Brockhaus, Tanja Pickardt, Barbara Rischowsky. London : International Institute for Environment and Development, 2003. Issue paper (International Institute for Environment and Development) ; 125. 36 p. : ill., map. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES CONFLITS // NATURAL RESOURCES / RESSOURCES NATURELLES // BURKINA FASO / BURKINA FASO

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ECAL CIRC 504.06 IIED125 2 cops. 330. Burger, Dietrich Sustainable forest management does not come naturally / Dietrich Burger, Katrin Gothmann and Barbara Lang. Agriculture and rural development, vol. 11, no. 1/2004. p. 44-45. ECOLOGY / ECOLOGIE // FOREST POLICY / POLITIQUE FORESTIERE ECAL JOUC 631 A2785 331. Ethiopia. Ministry of Mines Industrial minerals and rocks resource potential of Ethiopia / compiled by Tibebu Mengistu, Haile Michael Fentaw. Addis Ababa : Ministry of Mines, 2003. 66 p. MINING / EXPLOITATION MINIERE // NATURAL RESOURCES / RESSOURCES NATURELLES // ROCKS / ROCHES // ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE ETH 553.04(63) I425 332. Hoorweg, Jan Recent advances in coastal ecology: studies from Kenya / Jan Hoorweg & Nyawira Mythiga (eds.). Leiden : Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum, 2003. Research reports (Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Afrika-Studiecentrum) ; 70/2003. xvi, 396 p. : ill., maps. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT / AMENAGEMENT DES ZONES COTIERES // ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY / POLITIQUE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT // KENYA / KENYA ECAL CIRC 574(676.2) R2955 333. Rodary, Estienne Conservation de la nature et dveloppement, l'intgration impossible? / sous la direction de Estienne Rodary, Christian Castellanet et Georges Rossi. Paris : Karthala ; Paris : Groupe de recherche et dchanges technologiques, 2003. Economie et dveloppement. 308 p. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION / PROTECTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ECAL CIRC 502.1:330.34 C7555

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Ross, Michael L. How do natural resources influence civil war? : Evidence from thirteen cases / Michael L. Ross. International Organization, vol. 58, no. 1 (2004). p. 35- 67. CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // CIVIL WAR / GUERRE CIVILE // CONFLICT / CONFLIT // NATURAL RESOURCES./ RESSOURCES NATURELLES ECAL JOUC 327 I616


Schwoerer, Matthias Forests and international conventions : where do we stand in 2003? / Matthias Schwoerer. Agriculture and rural development, vol. 11, no. 1/ 2004. p. 24-26. DEFORESTATION / DEBOISEMENT // FOREST POLICY / POLITIQUE FORESTIERE // TREATIES / TRAITES ECAL JOUC 631 A2785


UNCTAD/ITE/IPC/2003/7 A manual for the preparers and users of eco-efficiency indicators / UNCTAD. Geneva : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2004. xiii, 114 p. : ill. AUDITING / VERIFICATION COMPTABLE // ECOLOGY / ECOLOGIE // MANUALS / MANUELS ECAL CIRC 502.3 M2945


337. Azenabor, G. E. Understanding the problems in African philosophy / Godwin Azenabor. Lagos : First Academic Publishers, 2002. xv, 138 p. PHILOSOPHY / PHILOSOPHIE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 1(6) A9935 338. Block, Steven A. Multiparty competition, founding elections and political business cycles in Africa / Steven A. Block, Karen E. Ferree and Smita Singh. Journal of African economies, vol. 12, no. 3 (Nov. 2003). p.444-468

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BUSINESS CYCLES / CYCLES ECONOMIQUES // ELECTIONS / ELECTIONS // POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL JOUC 338.1(6) J865 339. Campante, Filipe R. Inefficient lobbying, populism, and oligarchy / Filipe R. Campante and Francisco H. G. Ferreira. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3240. 33 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. LOBBYING / LOBBYING ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3240 340. E/ECA/CM.37/CRP2 Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (23rd : 18-20 May 2004: Kampala, Uganda). External review of ECA : report of the independent consultant team / ECA Kampala : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 32 p. AIDS / SIDA // GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE 341. Hendricks, Fred Fault-lines in South African democracy : continuing crises of inequality injustice / Fred Hendricks. Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2003. 32 p. DEMOCRATIZATION / DEMOCRATISATION // POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES // SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD ECAL CIRC 323.118(680) H4955 342. Rakner, Lise Political and economic liberalisation in Zambia : 1991-2001 / Lise Rakner. Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2003. 235 p. DEMOCRATIZATION / DEMOCRATISATION // ECONOMIC LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION ECONOMIQUE // ZAMBIA / ZAMBIE ECAL CIRC 32(689.4) R1625

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Reinikka, Ritva The power of information: evidence from a newspaper campaign to reduce capture / Ritva Reinikka and Jakob Svensson. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3239. 37 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. INFORMATION SOCIETY / SOCIETE DE L'INFORMATION // CORRUPT PRACTICES / PRATIQUES DE CORRUPTION // UGANDA / OUGANDA ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3239


Young, Crawford The end of the post-colonial state in Africa? Reflections on changing African political dynamics / Crawford Young. African affairs, vol. 103, no.410 (Jan. 2004). p. 23 - 49 COLONIALISM / COLONIALISME // POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL JOUC 960 A2586


345. Anderson, Kym Agriculture, trade reform and poverty reduction : implications for Sub-Saharan Africa / by Kym Anderson. New York : United Nations, 2004. 30 p.: ill. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL CIRC 339.54 PIIT22 2 cops. 346. Balisacan, A.M. Economic growth and poverty reduction in Viet Nam / Arsenio M. Balisacan, Ernesto M. Pernia, and Gemma Esther B. Estrada. Manila : Asian Development Bank, 2003. ERD working paper ; no. 42. http://www.adb.org/Documents/ERD/Working_Papers/wp042.pdf ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC HISTORY / HISTOIRE ECONOMIQUE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // VIET NAM / VIET NAM

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ECAL CIRC 330.34(5) ERDWP42 347. Bonfiglioli, Angelo Empowering the poor : local governance for poverty reduction / Angelo Bonfiglioli. New York : United Nations Capital Development Fund, 2003. viii, 153 p. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // NATURAL RESOURCES / RESSOURCES NATURELLES // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 364.662 B7135 348. Buys, Piet The economics of regional poverty-environment programs : an application for Lao People's Democratic Republic / Piet Buys, Kenneth Chomitz, Susmita Dasgupta, Uwe Deichmann, Bjorn Larsen, Craig Meisner, Jostein Nygard, Kiran Pandey, Nat Pinnoi and David Wheeler. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2004. Policy research working papers. 39 p. : ill., maps. REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE // RURAL POVERTY / PAUVRETE RURALE // LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE POPULAIRE LAO ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3267 349. Fiess, Norbert M. The dynamics of poverty and its determinants : the case of the northeast of Brazil and its states / Norbert M. Fiess and Dorte Verner. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2004. Policy research working papers ; 3259. 109 p. : ill. CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // BRAZIL / BRESIL ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3259 350. Finger, J. Michael Poor people's knowledge : helping poor people to earn from their knowledge / J. Michael Finger. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3205. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT / GESTION DE LA CONNAISSANCE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE

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ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3205 2 cops 351. Fofack, Hippolyte A financial social accounting matrix for the integrated macroeconomic model for poverty analysis : application to Cameroon with a fixed-price multiplier analysis / Hippolyte Fofack and Christian A. Emini. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3219. 49 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES // ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // PRICE INDICES / INDICES DES PRIX // CAMEROON / CAMEROUN ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3219 2 cops. 352. Impavido, Gregorio A conceptual framework for retirement products : risk sharing arrangements between providers and retirees / Gregorio Impavido, Craig Thorburn, and Mike Wadsworth. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3208. 37 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. AGEING PERSONS / PERSONNES AGEES // CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // RISK ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION DU RISQUE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3208 2 cops. 353. International Labour Organization Trade unions and poverty alleviation in Africa / edited by Mohammed Mwamadzingo and Ditiro Saleshando. Geneva : International Labour Organization, 2003. xvi, 184 p. : ill., map. POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // TRADE UNIONS / SYNDICATS // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 331.105.44:364.662(6) T7635 354. Kempe, Ronald Hope The poverty dilemma in Africa : toward policies for including the poor / Ronald Hope Kempe. Progress in development studies, vol. 4, no. 2 (Apr. 2004). p. 127-141. POLICY-MAKING / ELABORATION D'UNE POLITIQUE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL JOUC 330.34 P9645

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Lokshin, Michael Robustness of subjective welfare analysis in a poor developing country : Madagascar 2001 / Michael Lokshin, Stefano Paternostro, and Nithin Umapathi. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3191. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // WELFARE ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DE BEIN-ETRE // MADAGASCAR / MADAGASCAR ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3191


Overseas Development Institute Fighting poverty in Africa : are PRPSs making a difference? / edited by David Booth. London : Overseas Development Institute, 2003. ix, 283 p. POVERTY / PAUVRETE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 364.662(6) F4715


Petrucci, Alessandra The application of a spatial regression model to the analysis and mapping of poverty / Alessandra Petrucci, Nicola Salvati and Chiara Seghieri. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. vii, 54 p. : ill., maps. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS/ SYSTEMES D'INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // ECUADOR / EQUATEUR ECAL CIRC 364.662(866) P4985


Raad van Advies voor het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in het kader van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council) Poverty and governance / RAWOO. The Hague : Raad van Advies voor het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in het kader van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, 2003. Publication (Raad van Advies voor het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in het kader van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Netherlands)) ; 26. 152 p. GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 364.662 P9795

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Ravallion, Martin Competing concepts of inequality in the globalization debate / Martin Ravallion. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2004]. Policy research working papers ; 3243. 27 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // INCOME DISTRIBUTION / REPARTITION DE REVENUE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3243


United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Social capital and poverty reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean : towards a new paradigm / ECLAC. Santiago, Chile : Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ; East Lansing, MI : Michigan State University, 2004. Libros de la CEPAL ; 71. 553 p. : ill. ECONOMIC COOPERATION / COOPERATION ECONOMIQUE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // SOCIAL CAPITAL / CAPITAL SOCIAL // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 316.472.4:364.662(8:729) S6785


United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition 5th report on the world nutrition situation : nutrition for improved development outcomes / United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition. Geneva : United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition, 2004. vii, 130 p. : ill., maps DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // NUTRITION POLICY / POLITIQUE NUTRITIONNELLE ECAL CIRC 612.39(1-773) F4695


Vedeld, Trond Democratic decentralisation and poverty reduction : exploring the linkages / Trond Vedeld. Forum for development studies, vol. 30, no. 2 (2003). p. 159-204 DECENTRALIZATION IN GOVERNMENT / DECENTRALISATION ADMINISTRATIVE // DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE ECAL JOUC 330.34(6) F7155


Wade, Robert Hunter

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Is globalization reducing poverty and inequality? / Robert Hunter Wade. World development, vol. 32 no. 4 (Apr. 2004). p. 567- 590. GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // INCOME DISTRIBUTION / REPARTITION DE REVENUE // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // POLITICAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS POLITIQUES ECAL JOUC 338.24.021.8 W9275 364. Wordofa, Dereje Poverty reduction policy responses to gender and social diversity in Uganda / Dereje Wordofa. Gender and development, vol. 12, no. 1 (May 2004). p. 68- 74. GENDER / SEXE SOCIAL // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // SOCIAL CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS SOCIALES // UGANDA / OUGANDA ECAL JOUC 396 G3256 365. World Bank Combating malnutrition : time to act / Stuart Gillespie, Milla McLachlan, Roger Shrimpton, editors. Washington, D.C. : World Bank : UNICEF, 2003. Health, nutrition, and population series. ix, 165 p. : ill. MALNUTRITION / MALNUTRITION // NUTRITION POLICY / POLITIQUE NUTRITIONNELLE // POVERTY / PAUVRETE ECAL CIRC 364.692:613.391 C7295


366. Bichmann, Wolfgang Private-sector service providers even for the poor? / Wolfgang Bichmann. Agriculture and rural development. vol. 11, no. 1/ 2004. p. 10-13. POVERTY / PAUVRETE // PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DU SECTEUR PRIVE // SERVICE INDUSTRIES / SECTEUR TERTIAIRE ECAL JOUC 631 A2785 367. Konan, Denise Eby

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Quantifying the impact of services liberalization in a developing country / Denise Eby Konan and Keith E. Maskus. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3193. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES // ECONOMIC LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION ECONOMIQUE // SERVICE INDUSTRIES / SECTEUR TERTIAIRE // PRIVATIZATION / PRIVATISATION ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3193 2 cops. 368. Nelson, Jane Building partnerships : cooperation between the United Nations system and the private sector / Jane Nelson. New York : United Nations, Dept. of Public Information, 2002. 352 p. : ill. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS / RELATIONS ECONOMIQUES INTERNATIONALES // TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS / SOCIETES TRANSNATIONALES // PARTNERSHIP / SOCIETES DE PERSONNES // PUBLIC-PRIVATE COOPERATION / COOPERATION PUBLIC-PRIVE ECAL CIRC 339.9.012 N4275 2 copies 369. World Bank Reforming infrastructure : privatization, regulation, and competition / World Bank. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2004. World Bank policy research report. 306 p. : ill. ECONOMIC REFORM / REFORME ECONOMIQUE // PRIVATIZATION / PRIVATISATION // PUBLIC SERVICES / SERVICES PUBLICS ECAL CIRC 351.824.11 R3325


370. Anyanwu, John C. Estimating the macroeconomic effects of monetary unions: the case of trade and output / John C. Anyanwu. African development review, vol. 15, no. 2/3 (Dec.2003). p. 126-146

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FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE // MONETARY UNIONS / UNIONS MONETAIRES // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL JOUC 330.34(6) A2587 371. E/ECA/CM.37/6 Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. (23rd : 18-20 May 2004: Kampala, Uganda). Economic report on Africa 2004: unlocking Africa's trade potential in the global economy overview / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 23 p. : ill. ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // HUMAN RESOURCES / RESSOURCES HUMAINES // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE 372. E/ECA/CM.37/6 Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. (23rd : 18-20 May 2004: Kampala, Uganda). Rapport conomique sur l'Afrique 2004 : exploiter le potentiel commercial de l'Afrique dans le contexte de l'conomie mondiale: vue d'ensemble. / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 23 p. : ill. ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // HUMAN RESOURCES / RESSOURCES HUMAINES // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE 373. E/ECA/CM.37/CRP2 Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. (23rd : 18-20 May 2004 : Kampala, Uganda). External review of ECA : report of the independent consultant team / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 32 p. DEVELOPMENT POLICY / POLITIQUE DE DEVELOPPEMENT // PROGRAMME EVALUATION / EVALUATION DES PROGRAMMES 374. E/ECA/TRID/RI/04/04 United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Exprience de l'Union Africaine en matire de financement de l'intgration

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rgionale en Afrique : runion ad hoc d'experts sur le financement de l'intgration rgionale en Afrique / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 21 p. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT / REGLEMENT DES DIFFERENDS // FINANCING / FINANCEMENT // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE 375. E/ESCWA/EAD/2003/1 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Macroeconomic policy analysis for regional cooperation in the ESCWA region : the effect of real exchange rate variability on intraregional trade / ESCWA. New York : United Nations, 2003. x, 39 p. ill. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES / TAUX DE CHANGE // MACROECONOMICS / MACROECONOMIE // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // WESTERN ASIA / ASIE OCCIDENTALE ECAL CIRC 339.743(5-15) R4255 376. Forum on Debt and Development A regional approach to financial crisis prevention : lessons from Europe and initiatives in Asia, Latin America and Africa / Jan Joost Teunissen editor. The Hague : Forum on Debt and Development, 2002. FINANCIAL CRISIS / CRISE FINANCIERE // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE // ASIA AND THE PACIFIC / ASIE ET PACIFIQUE // EUROPE / EUROPE // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 338.124.4 R3365 377. Maskay, Nephil Matangi Patterns of shocks and regional monetary cooperation in South Asia / Nephil Matangi Maskay. Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2003. IMF working paper ; WP/03/240. 27 p. : ill. ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // SOUTH ASIA / ASIE DU SUD ECAL CIRC 336 IMWP03/240 378. Ninalowo, Adebayo

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Democratic governance, regional integration and development in Africa / Adebayo Ninalowo. Addis Ababa : Development Policy Management Forum, 2003. DPMF Occasional paper; no. 11. 32 p. DEMOCRACY / DEMOCRATIE // DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES / STRATEGIES DE DEVELOPPEMENT // GOVERNANCE / GOUVERNANCE // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 35(6) DPMF011 379. Rohrbach, D.D. Looking beyond national boundaries: regional harmonization of seed policies, laws and regulations / D.D. Rohrbach, I.J. Minde and J. Howard. Food policy, vol. 28, no. 4 (Aug. 2003). p.317-333. AGRICULTURAL POLICY / POLITIQUE AGRICOLE // FOOD POLICY / POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE // LAWS AND REGULATIONS / LOIS ET REGLEMENTS // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE ECAL JOUC 338.439.02 F6866 380. Round Table of Executive Secretaries of the United Nations Regional Commissions at UNCTAD XI Bilateralism and regionalism in the aftermath of Cancun : Re-establishing the primacy of multilateralism. Mulilateralism : current African experience and perspective / Round Table of Executive Secretaries of the United Nations Regional Commissions at UNCTAD XI. [Addis Ababa] : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 6 p. ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // REGIONAL COOPERATION / COOPERATION REGIONALE // TRADE NEGOTIATIONS / NEGOCIATIONS COMMERCIALES // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC 330.142.24 B5955 4 cops 381. Schiff, Maurice Regional integration and development / Maurice Schiff and L. Alan Winters. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2003. xvii, 321 p. : ill. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT REGIONAL // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 339.922 S3365

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


The new regionalism in Africa / edited by J. Andrew Grant and Fredrik Sderbaum. Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2003. xxii, 243 p. : ill., maps ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 339.922(6) N5325


Trade Facilitation Policy Centre Trade facilitation / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. ATPC briefing no. 1 4 p. REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 336.761.6 T763


United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Accelerating regional integration in Africa / ECA. Washington D.C. : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 32 p. : ill. COMMUNICATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS // ENERGY POLICY / POLITIQUE ENERGETIQUE // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // TRANSPORT / TRANSPORT // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC 339.92(6) A1696


United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Acclrer l'integration rgionale en Afrique / ECA. Washington D.C. : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. 35 p. : ill. COMMUNICATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS // ENERGY POLICY / POLITIQUE ENERGETIQUE // REGIONAL INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION REGIONALE // TRANSPORT / TRANSPORT // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL ECAC 339.92(6) A1696 4 cops.


United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Assessing regional integration in Africa / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2004. xii, 278 p.: ill.

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique



389. Akroyd, Stephen Public and private roles in the provision of rural services / Stephen Akroyd and David Hoole. Agriculture and rural development, vol. 11, no. 1/ 2004. p. 4-6. POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVRETE // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALES // PUBLIC SECTOR / SECTEUR PUBLIC // PRIVATE SECTOR / SECTEUR PRIVE

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

ECAL JOUC 631 A2785 390. Chauveau, Jean-Pierre Rural land plans: establishing relevant systems for identifying and recording customary rights / Jean-Pierre Chauveau. London : International Institute for Environment and Development, 2003. Issue paper (International Institute for Environment and Development) ; no.122. 24 p. : ill., map. LAND RIGHTS / DROITS A LA TERRE // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE // RURAL PLANNING / AMENAGEMENT RURAL ECAL CIRC 504.06 IIED122 2 cops. 391. Manh Hung, Nguyen Escaping the poverty trap in a developing rural economy / Nguyen Manh Hung. Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 37, no. 1 (Feb. 2004). p. 123-139. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // POVERTY MITIGATION / DIMINUTION DE LA PAUVERETE // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE // TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER / TRANSFERT DE TECHNOLOGIE ECAL JOUC 330(71) C2125 392. Mansuri, Ghazala Community-based (and driven) development : a critical review / Ghazala Mansuri and Vijayendra Rao. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3209. 77 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3209 2 cops. 393. Salzer, Walter Communities as public sector providers. / Walter Salzer. Agriculture and rural development. vol. 11, no. 1/ 2004. p. 14-17. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE // PUBLIC SECTOR / SECTEUR PUBLIC // PUBLIC SERVICES / SERVICES PUBLICS // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL ECAL JOUC 631 A2785

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique


394. Beck, Thorsten Small and medium enterprises, growth, and poverty cross-country evidence / Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirgic-Kunt, and Ross Levine. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3178. http://www.econ.worldbank.org. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT / PRODUIT INTERIEUR BRUT // POVERTY / PAUVRETE // SMALL ENTERPRISES / PETITES ENTREPRISES ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3178 2 cops 395. Reinecke, Gerhard Policies for small enterprises : Creating the right environment for good jobs / Gerhard Reinecke and Simon White. Geneva : International Labour Office, 2004. xxiv, 194 p. : ill. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // ECONOMIC GROWTH / CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC POLICY / POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE // SMALL ENTERPRISES / PETITES ENTREPRISES ECAL CIRC 334.012.64(1-773) R3665 396. UNCTAD/ITE/TEB/2003/6 & E.04.II.D.15 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Accounting and financial reporting guidelines for small and medium-enterprises (SMEGA): level 3 guidance / UNCTAD. New York : Geneva : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2003. v, 15 p. : ill. FINANCIAL REGULATIONS / REGLEMENTS FINANCIERS // GUIDELINES / PRINCIPES DIRECTEURS // SMALL ENTERPRISES / PETITES ENTREPRISES ECAL CIRC 336.13 A1725 397. United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Small and medium-sized enterprises in countries in transition / ECE. New York : United Nations, 2003. Entrepreneurship and SMEs. vi, 112 p. : ill. http://www.insme.info/documenti/Small%20and%20MediumSized%20Enterprises%20in%20Countries%20in%20Transition.pdf.

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398. Fuster, Luisa A welfare analysis of social security in a dynastic framework / Luisa Fuster, Ayse Imrohoroglu and Selahattin Imrohoroglu. International economic review, vol. 44, no. 4 (Nov. 2003). p. 1247-1294. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // LABOUR SUPPLY / OFFRE DE MAIN D'UVRE // SOCIAL SECURITY / SECURITE SOCIAL // WELFARE ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DE BEIN-ETRE ECAL JOUC 339.9 I615 399. Toba, Natsuko Welfare impacts of electricity generation sector reform in the Philippines / Natsuko Toba. Manila : Asian Development Bank, 2003. ERD working paper ; no. 44. http://www.adb.org/Documents/ERD/Working_Papers/wp044.pdf ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE ELECTRIQUE // WELFARE ECONOMICS / ECONOMIE DE BEIN-ETRE // PHILIPPINES / PHILIPPINES ECAL CIRC 330.34(5) ERDWP44 400. Van Ginneken, Wouter Extending social security : policies for developing countries / Wouter Van Ginneken. International labour review, vol. 142, no. 3 (2003). p. 277- 294. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // SECURITY ASSURANCES / GARANTIES DE SECURITE // SOCIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE SOCIALE // SOCIAL SECURITY / SECURITE SOCIALE ECAL JOUC 331.101.26 I615

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401. African Development Bank ADB statistics pocket book=Livre de poche des statistiques de la BAD 2003 / African Development Bank. Tunis : African Development Bank, [2004]. 142 p. ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // SOCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES SOCIALES // STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // AFRICA / AFRIQUE REFC 311.311(6) A2215 402. Algeria. Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat (Office national des statistiques) Bulletin trimestriel des statistiques, no. 30, deuxime trimestre 2003 / Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat. Alger : Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat, 2004. 61 p. STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES ALGERIA / ALGERIE JOUC 311.312(65) B9365 403. Algeria. Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat (Office national des statistiques) Collections statistiques, no. 110/2003. Evolution des changes extrieurs de marchandises de 1992 a 2001 / Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat. Alger : Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat, 2003. 119 p. (Srie E : Statistiques conomiques, no. 30). ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // TRADE STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES COMMERCIALES // ALGERIA / ALGERIE ECAL JOUC 311.312(65) C6975 404. Algeria. Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat (Office national des statistiques) Collections statistiques, no. 112/2003. Codes des agglomrations / Diwan alWatani lil-Ihsa'iyat. Alger : Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat, 2003. (Srie C : statistiques rgionales et cartographie). 146 p. DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // TRADE STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES COMMERCIALES // ALGERIA / ALGERIE JOUC 311.312(65) C6975

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Algeria. Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat (Office national des statistiques) Rtrospective des comptes conomiques de 1963 a 2001 / Diwan al-Watani lilIhsa'iyat. Alger : Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat, 2003. 101 p (Collections statistiques, no. 111, srie E, no. 29) ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC HISTORY / HISTOIRE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // NATIONAL ACCOUNTS / COMPTABILITE NATIONALE // ALGERIA / ALGERIE JOUC 311.312(65) C6975


Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi (Central Bank of Tunisia) Financial statistics / Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi. Tunis : Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi, Dec. 2003. No. 145, 88 p. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // FINANCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES FINANCIERES / TUNISIA / TUNISIE JOUC 311.312:336(611) F4915


Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi (Central Bank of Tunisia) Financial statistics , Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi. Tunis : Bank al-Markazi al-TunisI, Mar. 2004. No. 146. 84 p. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // FINANCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES FINANCIERES / TUNISIA / TUNISIE JOUC 311.312 :336(611) F4915


Bank of Mauritius Monthly statistical bulletin / Bank of Mauritius. Port Louis : Bank of Mauritius, Mar. 2004. 54 p. ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INDICATORS / INDICATEURS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // MAURITIUS / MAURICE JOUC 311.312(698.2) M7895


Banque centrale de Djibouti Statistiques montaires mensuelles / Banque centrale de Djibouti. Djibouti : Banque centrale de Djibouti, Nov. 2003. [10 p.].

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // FINANCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES FINANCIERES // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // DJIBOUTI / DJIBOUTI JOUC 311.312 :336.74(677.1) S7975 410. Banque centrale de Djibouti Statistiques montaires mensuelles Banque centrale de Djibouti. Djibouti : Banque centrale de Djibouti, mars 2004. [11 p.]. STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // MONETARY ANALYSIS / ANALYSE MONETAIRE // DJIBOUTI / DJIBOUTI JOUC 311.312:336.74(677.1) S7975 411. Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest Statistiques conomiques / Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest. Dakar : Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest, juin 2003. No. 537, 76 p. CENTRAL BANKS / BANQUES CENTRALES // ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // WEST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST JOUC 330.311.3 S7975 412. Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest Statistiques montaires / Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest. Dakar : Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest, juin 2003. No. 537, 108 p. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS FINANCIERES // FINANCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES FINANCIERES // MONEY SUPPLY / MASSE MONETAIRE // WEST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST JOUC 336.74:311.312 S7975 413. Banque des tats de lAfrique Centrale Etudes et statistiques / Banque des tats de lAfrique Centrale. [Yaound] : [Banque des tats de lAfrique Centrale], juillet 2003. No. 272, 1 v.(various pagings). ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / ANALYSE ECONOMIQUE // ECONOMIC FORECASTS / PREVISIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES ECONOMIQUES // MONETARY POLICY / POLITIQUE MONETAIRE // CENTRAL AFRICA / AFRIQUE CENTRALE

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Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

JOUC 338.1(67) B2125 414. Botswana. Central Statistics Office Statistical bulletin, Q4, 2001(vol. 26,no. 4)-Q1-4, 2002 (vol. 27,no. 1-4) / Central Statistics Office. Gaborone : Central Statistics Office, 2004. 147 p. STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // BOTSWANA / BOTSWANA JOUC 311.312(681) S7975 415. Botswana. Central Statistics Office Transport and communications statistics, 2002 / Central Statistics Office. Gaborone : Central Statistics Office, 2003. 71 p. COMMUNICATION STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE LA COMMUNICATION // COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS / SYSTEMES DE COMMUNICATION // TRANSPORT STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DES TRANSPORTS // TRANSPORT SYSTEMS / SYSTEMES DE TRANSPORT // BOTSWANA / BOTSWANA BWA311.312:656(681) T7725 416. Central Bank of Swaziland Monthly statistical release, April 2004 / Central Bank of Swaziland. Mbabane : Central Bank of Swaziland, 2004. 2 p. CENTRAL BANKS / BANQUES CENTRALES // FINANCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES FINANCIERES // STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // SWAZILAND / SWAZILAND JOUC 336.611( 683.4) M7895 417. Ma`had al-Qawmi lil-Ihsa' (Tunisia. Institut National de la Statistique) Bulletin mensuel / Ma`had al-Qawmi lil-Ihsa'. Tunis : Ma`had al-Qawmi lil-Ihsa', fv. 2004. No. 566, 49 p. STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // TUNISIA / TUNISIE JOUC 311.312(611) B9365 418. Mauritius. Central Statistical Office

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Digest of educational statistics 2002 / Central Statistical Office. Port Louis : Central Statistical Office, 2002. Vol. 19, 171 p. EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE L'EDUCATION // MAURITIUS / MAURICE MUS 311.312:37(698.2) D5725 419. Mauritius. Central Statistical Office Digest of productivity and competitiveness statistics 2001. / Central Statistical Office. Port Louis : Central Statistical Office, 2003. 81 p. COMPETITION / CONCURRENCE // EXPORT PROCESSING ZONES / ZONES INDUSTRIELLES POUR L'EXPORTATION // LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY / PRODUCTIVITE DU TRAVAIL // PRODUCTIVITY / PRODUCTIVITE // STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // MAURITIUS / MAURICE MUS 311.312:338.45(698.2) D5725 420. Morocco. Direction de la statistique Annuaire statistique du Maroc 2003 / Direction de la statistique. Rabat : Direction de la statistique, [2004]. 730 p. : ill. STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // MOROCCO / MAROC MAR 311.312(64) A6135 421. Morocco. Direction de la statistique Le Maroc en chiffres 2002/ Direction de la statistique. Rabat : Direction de la statistique, 2004. 153 p. : ill. STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // MOROCCO / MAROC MAR 311.312(64) M3545 422. Senegal. Direction de la prvision et de la statistique Bulletin trimestriel de statistiques 2me trimestre 2003 / Direction de la Prvision et de la Statistique. Dakar : Direction de la prvision et de la statistique, 2003. 74 p. STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // SENEGAL / SENEGAL JOUC 311.312(663)B9365

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Senegal. Direction de la prvision et de la statistique Comptes nationaux rviss du Sngal : provisoires 1996-2001. Volume 1 : rsultats / Direction de la prvision et de la statistique. Dakar : Direction de la prvision et de la statistique, 2002. 38 p. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS / COMPTABILITE NATIONALE // STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES // SENEGAL / SENEGAL SEN 330.534(663) C7385


Senegal. Direction de la prvision et de la statistique Indice de la production industrielle, 2me trimestre 2003 / Direction de la Prvision et de la Statistique. Dakar : Direction de la prvision et de la statistique, 2003. 16 p. INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES INDUSTRIELLES // SENEGAL / SENEGAL JOUC 311.312 :338.45(663) I395


ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/92 United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistics Division Handbook on the collection of fertility and mortality data / DESA. New York : United Nations, 2004. Studies in methods. Series F ; No.92. vii, 129 p. : ill. http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/workshop/Ghana2004/docs/Handbook%5FFertilit y%5FMortality.pdf FERTILITY / FECONDITE // MANUALS / MANUELS // MORTALITY STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE MORTALITE // STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES ECAL CIRC 314.02 H2365


Tanizaki, Hisashi Computational methods in statistics and econometrics / Hisashi Tanizaki. New York : M. Dekker, 2004. xix, 494 p.: ill. DATA PROCESSING / TRAITEMENT DES DONNEES // ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES // MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES MATHEMATIQUES // STATISTICAL DATA / DONNEES STATISTIQUES ECAL CIRC 519.2 T1645


UNESCO Institute for Statistics

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Sub-Saharan Africa : regional report / UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Montreal : UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2001. Regional report series (UNESCO Institute for Statistics). 119 p. : ill. EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS / INDICATEURS EDUCATIONNELS // EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE L'EDUCATION // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL CIRC 311.312:37(6) S9415 428. UNESCO Institute for Statistics Afrique Subsaharienne : rapport rgional / UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Montreal : UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2001. Regional report series (UNESCO Institute for Statistics). 119 p.: ill. EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS / -- INDICATEURS EDUCATIONNELS // EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE L'EDUCATION // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL CIRC 311.312:37(6) A2585 429. UNESCO Institute for Statistics The Caribbean and Latin America : English, Dutch and French-speaking countries, good neighbours, Caribbean students at the tertiary level of education / UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Montreal : UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2001. Regional report series (UNESCO Institute for Statistics). 40 p. EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS / INDICATEURS EDUCATIONNELS // EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE L'EDUCATION // HIGHER EDUCATION / ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 311.312:37(8) C2775 430. UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2001. Latin America and the Caribbean : regional report / UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2001. Montreal : UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2001. Regional report series (UNESCO Institute for Statistics). 72 p. EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS / INDICATEURS EDUCATIONNELS // EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE L'EDUCATION // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE

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ECAL CIRC 311.312:37(8) L3575 431. UNESCO Institute for Statistics Amrique Latine et les Carabes : rapport rgional / UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Montreal : UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2001. Regional report series (UNESCO Institute for Statistics). 72 p. EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS / INDICATEURS EDUCATIONNELS / EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES DE L'EDUCATION // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 311.312:37(8) A5125 432. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistics Division International standard industrial classification of all economic activities (ISIC) / DESA. New York : United Nations, 2004. Statistical papers (United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs) ; Series M, No.4, Rev.3.1. 251 p. INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE // INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES INDUSTRIELLES // TRADE STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES COMMERCIALES ECAL CIRC 67 I615 433. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa African statistical yearbook /Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique : Part 1- North Africa / Partie 1- Afrique du nord / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2001. 151 p. in various pagings. COMMUNICATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS // DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE // SOCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES SOCIALES // TRANSPORT / TRANSPORT // NORTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU NORD ECAL ECAC 303 A2585 434. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa African statistical yearbook/Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique : Part 3-Central Afrique/Partie 3 - Afrique centrale / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2002. xvii, 128 p. in various pagings : ill. COMMUNICATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS // DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE // SOCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES SOCIALES // TRANSPORT / TRANSPORT // CENTRAL AFRICA / AFRIQUE CENTRALE

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ECAL ECAC 3 A2585 435. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa African statistical yearbook/Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique : Part 4 - East Africa/Partie 4 - Afrique de l'est / ECA. Addis Ababa : Economic Commission for Africa, 2002. viii, 216 p. in various pagings, ill. COMMUNICATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS // DEMOGRAPHY / DEMOGRAPHIE // INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE // SOCIAL STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES SOCIALES // TRANSPORT / TRANSPORT // EAST AFRICA / AFRIQUE DE L'EST ECAL ECAC 3 A2586 436. World Trade Organization International trade statistics / World Trade Organization. Geneva: World Trade Organization. 2002 TRADE STATISTICS / STATISTIQUES COMMERCIALES // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ECAL CIRC 339.5 I615 2 cops


437. Adeniyi, P. O. Research capacity building for sustainable development in Nigeria : problems, challenges and the way forward / edited by Peter O. Adeniyi. Lagos, Nigeria : Unilag Consult, 1999. xxv, 407 p. ; ill. CAPACITY BUILDING / DEVELOPPEMENT DES CAPACITES // INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH / RECHERCHE INDUSTRIELLE // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // NIGERIA / NIGERIA ECAL CIRC 330.34(669) R4325 438. E.02.II.G.5 United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Science and technology for sustainable development: a Latin American and Caribbean perspective / ECLAC. Santiago : Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003. ECLAC serie seminarios y conferencias. 52 p.

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SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY / POLITIQUE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // CARIBBEAN REGION / REGION DES ANTILLES // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 338 ESSC25 439. Marsh, Robin Ruth Working with local institutions to support sustainable livelihoods / by Robin Marsh. Rome : Rural Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. v, 79 p. : ill. LOCAL OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES / FONCTIONNAIRES MUNICIPAUX // RURAL DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT RURALE // SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE ECOLOGIQUEMENT VIABLE // SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ECAL CIRC 332.146.2 M3665 2 cops. 440. ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/95 United Nations Development Group Indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals : definitions, rationale, concepts, and sources / United Nations Development Group. New York : United Nations, 2003. viii, 106 p. : ill. http://millenniumindicators.un.org/unsd/mifre/Metadatajn30.pdf ECONOMETRIC MODELS / MODELES ECONOMETRIQUES // SOCIAL HISTORY / HISTOIRE SOCIALE // SOCIAL POLICY / POLITIQUE SOCIALE ECAL CIRC 364.65 I395 441. United Nations Development Programme South Africa human development report 2003 : the challenge of sustainable development in South Africa : unlocking the people's creativity / UNDP. Cape Town : Oxford University Press, 2003. xxii, 295 p. : ill. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE // SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD ECAL CIRC 330.34(680) S7265 2 cops. 442. United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Energy sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean : the share of renewable sources / ECLAC. Santiago : United Nations, 2003. vi, 70 p. : ill.

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444. World Tourism Organization WTO in Africa : 1996-2003 / WTO and UNESCO. [Geneva :] : [World Tourism Organization], [2004]. 84 p. : ill. CULTURE / CULTURE // DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS / PROJETS DE DEVELOPPEMENT // ECOTOURISM / ECOTOURISME // TOURISM / TOURISME // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 338.48(6) W9585 445. World Tourism Organization L'OMT en Afrique : 1996-2003 / WTO and UNESCO. [Geneva] : [World Tourism Organization], [2004]. 84 p. : ill. CULTURE / CULTURE // DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS / PROJETS DE DEVELOPPEMENT // ECOTOURISM / ECOTOURISME // TOURISM / TOURISME // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL CIRC 338.48(6) O575


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Freeman, H. Ade Fertilizer market liberalization and private retail trade in Kenya / H. Ade Freeman and Wachira Kaguongo. Food policy, vol. 28, no. 5-6 (October/December, 2003). p. 505518. ECONOMIC LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION ECONOMIQUE // FERTILIZER / ENGRAIS // PRIVATE SECTOR / SECTEUR PRIVE // RETAIL TRADE / COMMERCE DE DETAIL // KENYA / KENYA ECAL JOUC 338.439.02 F6866


Haouas, Ilham The impacts of trade liberalization on employment and wages in Tunisian industries / Ilham Haouas, Mahmoud Yagoubi and Almas Heshmati. Helsinki : UNU/WIDER, 2002. WIDER discussion paper ; WDP 2002/102. 29 p. : ill. EMPLOYMENT / EMPLOI // INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIE // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES // WAGES / SALAIRES // TUNISIA / TUNISIE ECAL CIRC 330 WDP2002/102


ITC/P165.E/TSS/BAS/03-XII Business guide to trade remedies in the European community : anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguards legislation, practices and procedures / International Trade Centre, UNCTAD, and WTO. Geneva : International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO, 2004. ix, 209: ill. TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // EUROPE / EUROPE ECAL CIRC 339.9.012.421(4) B9795


Nicita, Alessandro Who benefited from trade liberalization in Mexico? Measuring the effects on household welfare / Alessandro Nicita. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2004. Policy research working papers ; 3265. 55 p. : ill., map. HOUSEHOLDS / MENAGES // SOCIAL WELFARE / BIEN-ETRE SOCIAL // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES // MEXICO / MEXIQUE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3265



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United Nations Conference Trade and Development. Foreign direct investment and performance requirements: new evidence from selected countries / UNCTAD. Geneva : United Nations, 2003. xii, 306 p.: ill. New York: DEVELOPMENT FINANCE / FINANCEMENT DU DEVELOPPEMENT // FOREIGN INVESTMENTS / INVESTISSEMENTS ETRANGERS // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES ECAL CIRC 339.727.22 F7145 451. United Nations Office in Geneva Les initiatives des pays en dveloppement pour les futures ngociations commerciales / UNOG. Genve : Nations Unies, 2000. viii, 643 p. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 339.54(1-773) I565 452. Wobst, Peter The impact of domestic and global trade liberalisation on five Southern African countries / Peter Wobst. The journal of development studies, vol. 40, no. 2 (Dec. 2003). p. 70-92. EXTERNAL TRADE / COMMERCE EXTERIEUR // GLOBALIZATION / MONDIALISATION // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES // SOUTHERN AFRICA / AFRIQUE AUSTRALE ECAL JOUC 330.34 ( 1-773) J865 453. World Bank Doing business in 2004: understanding regulation / World Bank. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2004. 194 p. : ill. BANKRUPTCY / FAILLITE // BUSINESS ENTERPRISES / ENTREPRISES COMMERCIALES // ECONOMIC REGULATION / REGLEMENTATION ECONOMIQUE // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE ECAL CIRC 65.011.1 D6575 454. World Bank

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East Asia integrates: a trade policy agenda for shared growth / edited by Kathie Kurmm and Homi Kharas. New York : World Bank, 2004. Trade and development series. xliv,. 201 p. : ill. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy043/2003056886.html ECONOMIC CONDITIONS / CONDITIONS ECONOMIQUES // ECONOMIC INTEGRATION / INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE // TRADE POLICY / POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE // EAST ASIA / ASIE ORIENTALE ECAL CIRC 339.54(5) E135 455. World Bank Moving people to deliver services / Aaditya Mattoo, Antonia Carzaniga, editors. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2003. xi, 244 p. : ill. INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // MIGRANT WORKERS / TRAVAILLEURS MIGRANTS // TRADE AGREEMENTS / ACCORDS COMMERCIAUX // TRADE LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES ECAL CIRC 331.556.4 M9355 2 Cops.


456. Bull, Alberto Traffic congestion : the problem and how to deal with it / Alberto Bull, editor. Santiago, Chile : United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean : Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit, 2004. Cuadernos de la CEPAL ; 87. 187 p. : ill., maps. TRAFFIC CONTROL / CONTROLE DE LA CIRCULATION // TRAFFIC FLOW / FLUX DE TRAFIC // URBAN TRAFFIC / CIRCULATION URBAINE // LATIN AMERICA / AMERIQUE LATINE ECAL CIRC 656.021.24(8) B9355 457. Gmez-Lobo, Andrs The limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries / Andrs Gmez-Lobo and Antonio Estache. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2003]. Policy research working papers ; 3207. 39 p. http://www.econ.worldbank.org.

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BUSES / AUTOBUS // CASE STUDIES / ETUDES DE CAS // COMPETITION / CONCURRENCE // DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT // PRIVATIZATION / PRIVATISATION // URBAN TRAFFIC / CIRCULATION URBAINE ECAL CIRC 330 PRWP3207 458. Mattos, Jos Carlos S. Maritime transport liberalization and the challenges to further its implementation in Chile / Jos Carlos S. Mattos and Maria Jos Acosta. Santiago : Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003. Srie Comrcio internacional ; 43 INTERNATIONAL TRADE / COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL // MARITIME LAW / DROIT MARITIME // MERCHANT MARINE / MARINE MARCHANDE // PORTS / PORTS // CHILE / CHILI ECAL CIRC 339.5 ESCI43 459. Mwase, Ngila The liberalisation, de-regulation and privatisation of the transport sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: experiences, challenges and opportunities / Ngila Muase. Journal of African economies, vol. 12, supp. 2 (Oct. 2003). p. 53 - 92 DEREGULATION / DEREGLEMENTATION // FINANCIAL LIBERALIZATION / LIBERALISATION DES MARCHES FINANCIERS // PRIVATIZATION / PRIVATISATION // TRANSPORT SYSTEMS / SYSTEMES DE TRANSPORT // AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA / AFRIQUE AU SUD DU SAHARA ECAL JOUC 338.1(6) J865 460. Noumba Um, Paul A model for calculating interconnection costs in telecommunications / prepared by Paul Noumba Um. Washington, D.C. : World Bank : PPIAF, 2004. x, 67 p. : ill. TELECOMMUNICATIONS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS // MATHEMATICAL MODELS / MODELES MATHEMATIQUES ECAL CIRC 338.47(6) M6895 461. World Health Organization World report on road traffic injury prevention / edited by Mergie Peden. Geneva : World Health Organization, World Bank, 2004. xxi, 217 p. : ill., map.

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ACCIDENT PREVENTION / PREVENTION DES ACCIDENTS // TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS / ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ECAL CIRC 614.8 W9275 462. World Health Organization Rapport mondial sur la prvention des traumatismes dus aux accidents de la circulation / sous la direction de Mergie Peden. Geneva : World Health Organization, World Bank, 2004. xxi, 236. : ill., map. ACCIDENT PREVENTION / PREVENTION DES ACCIDENTS // TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS / ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ECAL CIRC 614.8 R2215


463. Andah, Kodwo Managing hydro-geological disasters in a vulnerable environment / Kodwo Andah. Perugia : GRIFO Publishers, 1998. vi, 273 p. : ill. HYDROGEOLOGY / HYDROGEOLOGIE // RISK ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION DU RISQUE // WATER MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES EAUX ECAL CIRC 556.3 M2665 464. Burchi, Stefano Preparing national regulations for water resources management : principles and practice / by Stefano Burchi and Ariella D'Andrea. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO legislative study ; 80. ix, 391 p. LAWS AND REGULATIONS / LOIS ET REGLEMENTS // WATER LAW / DROIT DES EAUX // WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT / MISE EN VALEUR DES RESSOURCES EN EAU // WATER RIGHTS / PROPRIETE DES EAUX ECAL CIRC 349.42 FLS80 465. Donkor, Stephen M.K. Development challenges of water resource management in Africa / Stephen M.K. Donkor. African water journal, Dec. 2003. p. 1-19.

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WATER CONSERVATION / CONSERVATION DE L'EAU // WATER MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES EAUX // WATER RESOURCES / RESOURCES EN EAU // WATER SUPPLY / ALIMENTATION EN EAU // AFRICA / AFRIQUE ECAL JOUC 556.18(6) A2585 466. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Agriculture, food and water. / FAO. [Rome] : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. viii, 61 p. : ill., maps. RURAL WATER SUPPLY / ALIMENTATION RURALE EN EAU // WATER MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES EAUX // WATER SUPPLY / ALIMENTATION EN EAU ECAL CIRC 556.18 A2785 467. Hodgson, Stephen Legislation on water users' organizations: a comparative analysis / Stephen Hodgson. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. FAO legislative study ; 79. iv, 108 p. IRRIGATION / IRRIGATION // WATER LAW / DROIT DES EAUX // WATER MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES EAUX ECAL CIRC 349.42 FLS79 468. Mkandla, Mildred Pro-poor strategies to meet basic needs: the case of women and rainwater harvesting in Kaniado district, Kenya. / Mildred Mkandla. African water journal, Dec. 2003. p. 82-94. CAPACITY BUILDING / DEVELOPPEMENT DES CAPACITES // DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES / STRATEGIES DE DEVELOPPEMENT // RAIN WATER (WATER SUPPLY) / EAU DE PLUIE // WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT / INTEGRATION DES FEMMES AU DEVELOPPEMENT // KENYA / KENYA ECAL JOUC 556.18(6) A2585

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A Acosta, Maria Jos 458 Adams, Arvil V. 151 Adams, Richard H. 317 Addison, Tony 43 Adeniyi, Peter O. 437 Adesina, Akinwumi A. 15 Adeyi, Ofusoji 30 Africa Institute of South Africa 238 African Center for Economic Growth 388 African Development Bank 164, 165, 204, 401 Aguilar-Manjarrez, Jos 196 Akroyd, Stephen 389 Alan Guttmacher Institute 252 Albert, Helmut 19 Alesina, Alberto 283 Algeria. Diwan al-Watani lil-Ihsa'iyat (Office national des statistiques) 402, 403, 404, 405 Amoako, K. Y. 269 Andah, Kodwo 463 Anderson, Kym 345 Anyanwu, John C. 370 Archibugi, Daniele 259 Arhinful, Daniel Kojo 243 Asawanuchit, Sawitree S. 147 Ashraf, Nava 66 Asian Development Bank 66, 78, 235, 346, 399 Azenabor, G. E. 337 B Baldacci, Emanuel 101 Balisacan, A. M. 346 Bank al-Ahli al-Misri (National Bank of Egypt) 166 Bank al-Maghrib (Bank of Morocco) 167 Bank al-Maghribi lil-Tijarah al-Kharijiyah (Banque marocaine du commerce extrieur) 168 Bank al-Markazi al-Misri (Central Bank of Egypt) 169 Bank al-Markazi al-Tunisi (Central Bank of Tunisia) 170, 171, 172, 406, 407 Bank of Botswana 173, 174 Bank of Ghana 175 Bank of Uganda 176, 177 Bank of Mauritius 408 Banque centrale de Djibouti 178, 179, 409, 410 Banque Centrale des Etats de lAfrique de lOuest 180, 181, 411, 412 Banque des tats de lAfrique Centrale 413 Barr, Abigail 225 Barrow, Ondine 54 Beatty, Meriwether 223 Beck, Thorsten 394 Beghin, John C. 12 Ben Soltane, Karima Bounemra 269 Benelli, Roberto 273 Bhundia, Ashok 323 Bhaskar, V. 90 Bhattacharya, Jayati 67 Bhattacharya, Rina 48 Bichmann, Wolfgang 366 Bijl, Jaap 139 Bijlmakers, Leon A. 244 Bingen, Jim 307 Bisanda, E. T. N. 328 Bjurulf, Bo 226 Blankenau, William F. 142 Block, Steven A. 338 Bolaky, Bineswaree 290 Bonder, Gloria 206 Bonfiglioli, Angelo 347 Booth, David 356 Bora, Bijit 136 Boswell, Christina 318 Botswana. Central Statistics Office 414, 415 Bougroum, Mohammed 152 Bourdillon, M. F. C. 91 Brenton, Paul 291 Brett, E. A. 86 Brewer, Jessica 224

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Brixi, Hana Polackova 327 Brockhaus, Maria 329 Brooks, Robin 80 Brown, A. L. 95 Bull, Alberto 456 Bundy, Don 41 Burchi, Stefano 464 Burger, Dietrich 330 Burgess, Robin 117 Burnside, Craig 55 Buys, Piet 348 C Cacaud, P. 194 Caddy, J. F. 195 Caldern, Csar 274 Campante, Filipe R. 339 Campos, Nauro F. 275 Caprio, Gerard 227 Crcamo-Diaz, Rodrigo 118 Carzaniga, Antonia 455 Castagnini, Raffaella 308 Castellanet, Christian 333 Castells, Manuel 260 Central African States Development Bank 113 Central Bank of Lesotho 182 Central Bank of Seychelles 183 Central Bank of Swaziland 184, 416 Centre europen de gestion des politiques de dveloppement 139 Centre for Democracy & Development 135 Centre for Development Research 16, 17 Chachage, Chachage Seithy L. 228 Chami, Ralph 319 Chang, Ha- Joon 160 Chant, Sylvia 207 Chauveau, Jean-Pierre 390 Chen, Derek Hung Chiat 208 Chisenga, Justin 261 Chomitz, Kenneth 348 Chowdhury, Abdur R. 43 Cichello, Paul L. 104 Civil Resource Development and Documentation Centre 213, 250 Civil Society and Environmental Policy Dialogue 229

Clarke, George 292 Clarke, Matthew 262 Clements, Benedict 48 Cochrane, Kevern 198 Coco, Alberto 259 Commercial Bank of Ethiopia 185 Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development 49, 340, 371, 372, 373 Communaut conomique des Etats de l'Afrique centrale 113 Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa 155 Crawford, Eric 119 Crisp, Jeff 318 Cuvelier, Jeroen 284 D Dban, Teresa 325 D'Andrea, Ariella 464 Dankers, Cora 1 Darroch, Jacqueline E. 252 Das, Jishnu 145, 146, 245 Dasgupta, Susmita 348 Davis, Jennifer 87 Davoodi, Hamid R. 147 De Bruijn, Mirjam 320 Dedehouanou, Houinsou 246 Defeo, D. 195 De Graaf, Gertjan 196 Deichmann, Uwe 348 Deininger, Klaus W. 230, 247, 308, 309 De la Croix, David 143 Delamonica, Enrique 144 Delville, Philippe Lavigne 311 Demirgic-Kunt, Asli 394 Dercon, Stefan 146 De Soto, Hernando 102 Detragiache, Enrica 325 Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit 456 Development Policy Management Forum 228, 231, 378 Diamond, Jack 120 Di Bella, Gabriel 325

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Diop, Ndiame 12 Doepke, Matthias 143 Dollar, David 55 Donkor, Stephen M. K. 465 Doumbia, Saliha 209 Dommen, Edward 44 Dub, Yves C. 203 Dujardin, Bruno 248 Duttagupta, Rupa 293 E Edison, Hali J. 45 Edwards, Peter 199 Ehrhardt, David 68 Ehrlich, Lisa 223 EIDOS 125 Elgstrm, Ole 226 El-Hawary, Dahlia 69 Emini, Christian A. 351 Enock, J. 328 Estache, Antonio 457 Estevo, Marcello 154 Estrada, Gemma Esther B. 346 Ethiopia. Ministry of Mines 331 European Commission 33, 204 Evans, Alun 249 Evenett, Simon J. 297 F Fafowora, Oladapo Olusola 285 Fardon, Richard 125 FARM-Africa 7 Ferree, Karen E. 338 Ferreira, Francisco H. G. 339 Fidrmuc, Jarko 298 Fields, Gary S. 104 Fiess, Norbert M. 349 Finger, J. Michael 272, 350 Fluck, Nino Orlando 269 Foeken, Dick 320 Fofack, Hippolyte 351 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 357, 439, 464, 466, 467

Forestry Outlook Study for Africa 204 Forum for Social Studies 229 Forum on Debt and Development 376 Foster, Vivien 105 Fosu, Augustin Kwasi 137 Freeman, H. Ade 446 Freije, Samuel 104 Freire, Mila 47 Freund, Caroline 290 Fullenkamp, Connel 319 Funderburg, Richard 106 Fuster, Luisa 398 G Garcia, S. M. 198 Gauci, Adrian 31 Gelb, Alan 56 Ghana Commercial Bank 186 Gilbert, Christopher L. 303 Giles, David E. A. 263 Gillespie, Stuart 365 Glowka, Lyle 5 Glyn, Andrew 90 Gnimadi, Chantal Dogb 139 Gmez-Lobo, Andrs 457 Gons, Nathalie 66 Gonzalez, Maria A. 308 Gordon, Ann 15 Gordon, Rachel Singer 271 Gothmann, Katrin 330 Gottschalk, Jan 323 Gradstein, Mark 148, 149, 232 Grais, Wafik 69 Grant, J. Andrew 382 Grant, Miriam R. 32 Graziella, Bertocchi 150 Greenwood, Laura 7 Groupe de recherche et dchanges technologiques (GRET) 311, 333 Guye, Bara 18 Gurenko, Eugene 13 Guriev, Sergie 233 H Habyarimana, James 146

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Haile Michael Fentaw 331 Hallward-Driemeier, Mary 276 Halonen, Maija 88 Hammer, Jeffrey S. 245 Hancock, Graham 57 Haouas, Ilham 447 Hart, Keith 92 Harvest Help 7 Hatzopoulos, Pavlos 287 Hauck, Volker 139 Hemming, Richard 324 Hendricks, Fred 341 Hermes, Niels 58 Heshmati, Almas 447 Hillman, Arye L. 101 Himanen, Pekka 260 Hiratsuka, Daisuke 99, 100 Hnatkovska, Viktoria 126 Hodgson, Stephen 467 Hoekman, Bernard 297, 301 Honohan, Patrick 127 Hoogle, Lies van der 210 Hoole, David 389 Hoorweg, Jan 332 Howard, Julie 119, 307, 379 Huertas, Marcela 47 Husain, Aasim M. 80 I Ibourk, Aomar 153 IDE (Japan) 99, 100 Ihrig, Jane 234 Ikezuki, Takako 291 Impavido, Gregorio 352 Imperial College London 7 Imrohoroglu, Ayse 398 Imrohoroglu, Selahattin 398 Ingco, Merlinda Dador 11 Institute of Development Policy and Management (University of Antwerp) 284 Institute of Development Research 310 International Atomic Energy Agency 21 International Institute for Environment and Development 18, 26, 311, 312, 314, 316, 329, 390 International Labour Office 89, 395

International Labour Organisation 113, 353 International Monetary Fund 45, 48, 51, 70, 72, 73, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 101, 115, 116, 120, 129, 140, 147, 154, 273, 275, 277, 293, 319, 323, 324, 325, 377 International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications 261 International Trade Centre 138, 448 International workshop for researchers and policy makers 312 Irwin, Timothy 68 Iqbal, Zamir 69 Irusta, Osvaldo 105 J Jacobs, Gloria 222 Jahjah, Samir 319 Jarvis, Lovell 24 Jayne, T. S. 119 Jenness, Jeff 196 Jennings, Michael 54 JETO (Japan) 99, 100 Johanson, Richard K. 151 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 30, 33, 36 Jul-Larsen, Eyolf 197 K Kaguongo, Wachira 446 Kajiwara, Akira 205 Kang, Chungwon 70 Karlan, Dean S. 66 Kasumba, George 139 Kathina Juma, Monica 71 Keefer, Philip 128 Kell, Michael 324 Kelly, Valerie 15, 119 Kempe, Ronald Hope 354 Kharas, Homi 454 Kimenyi, Mwangi S. 137 Kindon, Sara 161 Kingma, Koos 210 Kinoshita, Yuko 275 Kitchin, F. 95 Klenk, Rebecca M. 211

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Klingen, Christoph 72 Klosek, Jacqueline 264 Knack, Stephen F. 59 Kojo, Naoko C. 101 Konan, Denise Eby 367 Kose, M. Ayhan 73 Kssler, Reinhart 93 Kraay, Aart 50 Krishman, Pramila 146 Kurmm, Kathie 454 Kuruc, M. 194 L Labrada, R. 4 Laeven, Luc 227 Laffont, Jean-Jacques 74 Lall, Somik V 106 Land, Tony 139 Lang, Barbara 330 Larsen, Bjorn 348 Last, Duncan 120 Lehmann, Alexander 277 Lensink, Robert 58 Lesschen, Jan Peter 28 Levine, Ross 227, 394 Lewis, Cindy 212 Lin, Yeo 235 Little, David 199 Liu, Pascal 1 Lloyd, Peter J. 136 Loayza, Norman 274 Locke, Catherine 257 Lokshin, Michael 355 Lopes, Carlos 94 Luepker, Russell V. 249 M Magnus, Lindelw 225 Ma`had al-Qawmi lil-Ihsa' (Tunisia. Institut National de la Statistique) 417 Mahul, Olivier 13 Maloka, Eddy Tsidiso 155 Manasse, Paolo 51 Manh Hung, Nguyen 391 Mankiw, N. Gregory 107

Mann, Catherine 265 Mansuri, Ghazala 392 Maor, Moshe 236 Marsh, Robin Ruth 439 Martin, Juan 62 Marttin, Felix 196 Marysse, Stefaan 284 Maskay, Nephil Matangi 377 Maskus, Keith E. 367 Mattoo, Aaditya 455 Mattos, Jos Carlos S. 458 Mauritius. Central Statistical Office 418, 419 Mauritius Commercial Bank 187 McHugh, Dennis J. 200 McKeigue, Paul 249 McLachlan, Milla 365 McMichael, J. 254 Meckl, Jrgen 156 Mehrotra, Santos 144 Meisner, Craig 348 Melber, Henning 93 Menndez, Marta 104 Metcalf, David 157 Meurs, Dominique 209 Michigan State University 114, 360 Micklewright, John 60 Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria 325 Minde, I. J. 379 Minni, Claude 158 Mkandla, Mildred 468 Mody, Ashoka 80, 277 Moe, Karine S. 234 Mogedal, Sigrun 42 Mohammed, Aziz Ali 278 Moran, Dominique 34 Moran, Theodore H. 282 Morgenstierne, Christopher Munthe 286 Morisset, Jacques 279 Morocco. Direction de la statistique 420, 421 Mortimore, Michael 26 Mpuga, Paul 230, 247 Mhleisen, Martin 140 Munro, Lauchlan T. 6 Muoz, Snia 75 Murinde, Victor 58 Mwamadzingo, Mohammed 353 Mwase, Ngila 459

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Mythiga, Nyawira 332 N Nadeau, Jennifer 252 Nadig, Aninia 321 Nalebuff, Barry 299 Namibia. Ministry of Finance 188 Namibia. State Revenue Fund 189 Nash, John D. 11 National Bank of Ethiopia 190, 191, 192 Ndung'u, Njuguna S. 137 Nehru, Vikram 50 Nelson, Jane 368 Newhouse, David 104 Nguyen, Toan Quoc 48 Nhema, Alfred G. 237 Nicita, Alessandro 449 Nikitin, Denis 148 Ninalowo, Adebayo 378 Nissanke, Machiko 61 Nordiska Afrikainstitutet 63, 71, 93, 125, 286, 341, 342 Noumba Um, Paul 460 Nwankwo, Obiageli 213, 250 Nygard, Jostein 348 N'Zu Flix Fofana 300 O Ocampo, Jos Antonio 62 Odedokun, Matthew 76, 77 Onyeiwu, Steve 266 Oomes, Nienke 80 Oostendorp, R. H. 214 Opoku-Mensah, Aida 269 Otsuki, Tsunehiro 265 Ouando, Adiza Lamien 139 Oudraogo, Dnis 314 Oudraogo, Saidou Robert 314 Overseas Development Institute 356 P Page, John 317 Palmiere, Andrew D. 32 Panagariya, Arvind 293

Pandey, Kiran 348 Pangestu, Mari 136 Paternostro, Stefano 355 Pattillo, Catherine A. 129 Paxson, Christina H. 251 Peacock, Christie 7 Peden, Mergie 461, 462 Pedersen, Poul O. 16 Perales, Juan Carlos Aguilar 139 Peres, Jos Antonio 139 Pernia, Ernesto M. 346 Peshe, Denis 8 Petersen, John 47 Petito, Fabio 287 Petrucci, Alessandra 357 Phiri, B. J. 238 Pickardt, Tanja 329 Pinnoi, Nat 348 Plano, Jack 289 Plantega, Dorine 215 Poirson, Haelaene 129 Pommier, Ludovic 27 Ponte, Stefano 17 Poteete, Amy R. 313 Prasad, Eswar S. 73 Prouteau, Lionel 159 Putzel, Jane 35 Q Qin, Duo 78 R Raad van Advies voor het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in het kader van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council) 358 Rahman, Aminur 59 Rakner, Lise 342 Rao, Vijayendra 392 Ravallion, Martin 130, 359 Rawlings, Laura 108 Raychaudhuri, Ajitava 67 Reddy, K. Srinath 249 Reece J. David 27

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Reinecke, Gerhard 395 Reinhart, Carmen M. 79 Reinikka, Ritva 343 Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration (Kobe University) 205 Reynolds, S. G. 23 Ribot, Jesse Craig 239 Ricci, Luca 129 Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. AfrikaStudiecentrum (African Studies Centre) 242, 243, 244, 246, 332 Riggs, Robert E. 289 Rischowsky, Barbara 329 Robinson, P. S. 95 Rodary, Estienne 333 Rogoff, Kenneth S. 80 Rohrbach, D. D. 379 Romeu, Rafael 81 Ross, Michael L. 334 Rossi, Georges 333 Roubini, Nouriel 51 Round Table of Executive Secretaries of the United Nations Regional Commissions at UNCTAD XI 380 Roy, Rabindra N. 21, 28 Ruane, John 2 Ruhs, Martin 160 S Saggi, Kamal 301 Saleshando, Ditiro 353 Salih, M.A. Mohamed 269 Salvati, Nicola 357 Salzer, Walter 393 Sanderson, Eleanor 161 Sang-Wook Cho, Stanley 75 Saugestad, Sidsel 63 Sawadogo, Jean-Pierre 314 Schady, Norbert 251 Scheve, Kenneth 131 Schiff, Maurice 270, 381 Schick, Allen 327 Schimmelpfennig, Axel 51, 324 Schinasi, Garry J. 83 Schipke, Alfred 82

Schluter, Christian 109 Schmithsen, Franz 203 Schmukler, Sergio 84 Schuler, Philip 272 Schwoerer, Matthias 335 Seghieri, Chiara 357 Senegal. Direction de la prvision et de la statistique 422, 423, 424 Serneels, Pieter 225 Serrano, Alex 307 Serven, Luis 274 Sewadeh, Mirvat 12 Shah, Anwar 110 Shambauch, Jay C. 326 Sharp, Gary D. 201 Sherburne-Benz, Lynne 108 Shrimpton, Roger 365 Sierra Leone. Ministry of Finance 193 Simpson, Nicole B. 142 Singh, Smita 338 Singh, Susheela 252 Skard, Torild 216 Smaling, E. M. A. 28 Smith-Simonsen, Christine 96 Sderbaum, Fredrik 382 Solimano, Andrs 103 Song, Haiyan 78 Spagat, Michael 150 Spolaore, Enrico 283 Spreij, M. 194 Springer-Heinze, Andreas 19 Srinivasan, C. S. 9 Stamm, Volker 314 Staples, Derek 198 Strand, Per 93 Suhrke, Astri 71 Sumberg, James 27 Suttie, J. M. 23 Svensson, Jakob 343 Symansky, Steven 325 T Tadesse Wolde Gebreil Habtu 14 Takahashi, Hiroto 111 Tanizaki, Hisashi 426 Tax, Stergomena 139

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Terrones, Marco E. 73 Theisohn, Thomas 94 Thiriot, Cline 242 Thorburn, Craig 352 Tibebu Mengistu 331 Tietze, Uwe 202 Tiongson, Erwin R. 147 Toba, Natsuko 399 Todes, A. E. 95 Tokatlidis, Ioannis 79 Tollens, Eric F. 303 Topiol, Agns 158 Torre, Augusto de la 84 Toulmin, Camilla 18, 311 Towe, Christopher 140 Trade Facilitation Policy Centre 383 Traor, Samba 311 Trede, Mark 109 Trich, Jo 162 Teunissen, Jan Joost 376 U Ueki, Yasushi 267 Umapathi, Nithin 355 UNESCO 444, 445 UNESCO Institute for Statistics 427, 428, 429, 430, 431 UNICEF 33, 365 United Nations 136, 240, 345 United Nations Capital Development Fund 347 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 138, 268, 278, 280, 336, 396, 448, 450 United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs 241, 302, 425, 432 United Nations, Dept. of Public Information 368 United Nations Development Fund for Women 222 United Nations Development Group 440 United Nations Development Programme 37, 441 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 46, 123, 124, 219, 375

United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa 31, 38, 49, 53, 112, 113, 121, 122, 132, 133, 217, 218, 269, 288, 294, 295, 304, 305, 315, 340, 371, 372, 373, 374, 380, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 433, 434, 435 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe 296, 397 United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 52, 103, 114, 118, 206, 207, 267, 322, 360, 438, 442, 456, 458 United Nations Environment Programme 141 United Nations Industrial Development Organization 97 United Nations. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 64 United Nations Office in Geneva 451 United Nations Research Institute for Social Development 239 United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition 361 United States. Agency for International Development 33 UNU / WIDER 43, 58, 60, 61, 76, 77, 262, 266, 318, 447 V Valadez, Miguel 47 Valerio, Alexandria 41 Van Binsbergen, Wim 125 Vandemoortele, Jan 144 Van Dijk, Rijk 125, 320 Van Domelen, Julie 108 Van Ginneken, Wouter 400 Vann, Beth 223 Vedeld, Trond 362 Venables, Anthony J. 117 Vera-Toscano, Esperanza 24 Verner, Dorte 349 Villareal, Lolita V. 202 Vittas, Dimitri 281 Vlassoff, Michael 252 W Wade, Robert Hunter 363

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

Wadsworth, Mike 352 Wallsten, Scott 292 Walque, Damien de 39 Walraven, Klaas van 242 Wang, Yanling 270 Ward, Jeanne 224 Warnock, Francis E. 45 Webb, Patrick 65 Weder, Beatrice 72 Wels, Harry 29 Wheeler, David 348 White, Simon 395 Wiegand, Johannes 85 Willan, Samantha 40 Wilson, John S. 265 Wily, Liz Alden 316 Win, Everjoice J. 220 Winters, L. Alan 381 Wobst, Peter 452 Wolff, Franois-Charles 159 Wood, Christopher 98 Wordofa, Dereje 364 Workneh Negatu 310 World Bank 11, 12, 13, 24, 30, 33, 39, 41, 47, 50, 55, 56, 59, 62, 68, 69, 84, 88, 105, 106, 108, 110, 117, 126, 127, 128, 130, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152, 163, 208, 214, 221, 225, 227, 230, 245, 247, 251, 265, 270, 272, 274, 276, 279, 281, 282, 290, 291, 292, 297, 301, 308, 317, 327, 339, 343, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 355, 359, 360, 365, 367, 369, 381, 392, 394, 449, 453, 454, 455, 457, 460, 461, 462

World Food Programme 65 World Health Organization 25, 249, 253, 254, 255, 256, 461, 462 World Tourism Organization 444, 445 World Trade Organization 138, 436, 448 Wright, Anna 60 Wubneh, Mulatu 443 X Y Yagoubi, Mahmoud 447 Yamauchi, Ayumu 115 Yamazawa, Ippei 99, 100 Yang, Yongzheng 116 Yepes, Tito 106 Yigremew Adal 310 Yin, Wesley 66 Young, Alasdair R. 306 Young, Crawford 344 Yu, Tony Fu-Lai 42, 134 Z Zapata, F. 21 Zettelmeyer, Jeromin 72 Zhang, Heather Xiaoquan 257 Zimmermann, Maria 2 Ziring, Lawrence 289 ZMM-GT Coordinating Secretariat 38

African Development Topics


Thmes sur le dveloppement de lAfrique

A Africa 15, 16, 19, 49, 53, 56, 71, 79, 89, 122, 125, 132, 135, 141, 164, 165, 204, 217, 218, 231, 237, 266, 269, 288, 291, 294, 295, 305, 320, 337, 338, 340, 344, 353, 354, 356, 371, 372, 374, 376, 378, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 401, 443, 444, 445, 465 Africa south of Sahara 7, 31, 38, 119, 137, 151, 209, 242, 345, 427, 428, 459 Algeria 402, 403, 404, 405 Asia and the Pacific 23, 99, 100, 202, 376 Australia 236 B Baltic Sea region 82 Benin 246 Bolivia 105 Botswana 63, 173, 174, 313, 414, 415 Brazil 106, 349 Burkina Faso 37, 314, 329 C Cameroon 303, 351 Caribbean region 52, 62, 114, 206, 322, 360, 429, 430, 431, 438, 442 Central Africa 85, 113, 413, 434 Chile 24, 458 China 78, 116, 235 Columbia 308 D Denmark 286 Democratic Republic of the Congo 284 Djibouti 178, 179, 409, 410 E East Africa 54, 71, 435 East Asia 454 Eastern Europe 110, 397 Germany 325 Ghana 175, 186, 243 H I India 211, 245 Islamic countries 69 Italy 236, 325 Ivory Coast 300 J Japan 99, 100, 205 K Kenya 332, 446, 468 L Lao People's Democratic Republic 348 Latin America 52, 62, 114, 206, 322, 360, 376, 429, 430, 431, 438, 442, 456 Lesotho 155, 182, 280 M Ecuador 357 Egypt 166, 169, 219 English-Speaking Africa 261 Eritrea 96, 115 Ethiopia 36, 75, 185, 190, 191, 192, 225, 229, 310, 331 Europe 138, 306, 376, 448 F Finland 260 France 325 G


Madagascar 355 Malawi 388 Mali 8, 209 Mauritius 187, 408, 418, 419 Mexico 449 Morocco 153, 167, 168, 420, 421 Mozambique 388 N Namibia 93, 188, 189 New Zealand 161 Nigeria 250, 285, 437 North Africa 112, 133, 163, 304, 433 Northeast Africa 54 O

Uganda 35, 39, 176, 177, 230, 247, 284, 343, 364 United Republic of Tanzania 228, 316 United States 140, 264, 291, 236 USSR 236 V Viet Nam 346 W West Africa 18, 26, 180, 181, 311, 411, 412 Western Asia 46, 123, 124, 163, 375 X Y

P Yugoslavia 120 Peru 251 Philippines 399 Q R Republic of Korea 70 Rwanda 152, 284 S Senegal 10, 422, 423, 424 Seychelles 183 Sierre Leone 193 South Africa 40, 95, 155, 281, 323, 341, 441 South Asia 377 Southern Africa 197, 286, 315, 452 Spain 325 Swaziland 184, 416 T Tunisia 170, 171, 172, 406, 407, 417, 447 U Z Zambia 145, 146, 212, 238, 342, 388 Zimbabwe 6, 29, 32, 91, 212, 220, 244


A Afrique 15, 16, 19, 49, 53, 56, 71, 79, 89, 122, 125, 132, 135, 141, 164, 165, 204, 217, 218, 231, 237, 266, 269, 288, 291, 294, 295, 305, 320, 337, 338, 340, 344, 353, 354, 356, 371, 372, 374, 376, 378, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 401, 443, 444, 445, 465 Afrique anglophone 261 Afrique australe 197, 286, 315, 452 Afrique au sud du Sahara 7, 31, 38, 119, 137, 151, 209, 242, 345, 427, 428, 459 Afrique centrale 85, 113, 413, 434 Afrique de l'est 54, 71, 435 Afrique de l'ouest 18, 26, 180, 181, 311, 411, 412 Afrique du nord 112, 133, 163, 304, 433 Afrique du nord-est 54 Afrique du Sud 40, 95, 155, 281, 323, 341, 441 Algrie 402, 403, 404, 405 Allemagne 325 Amrique Latine 52, 62, 114, 206, 322, 360, 376, 429, 430, 431, 438, 442, 456 Asie du sud 377 Asie et Pacifique 23, 99, 100, 202, 376 Asie Occidentale 46, 123, 124, 163, 375 Asie Orientale 454 Australie 236 B Bnin 246 Bolivie 105 Botswana 63, 173, 174, 313, 414, 415 Brsil 106, 349 Burkina Faso 37, 314, 329 C Cameroun 303, 351 Chili 24, 458 Chine 78, 116, 235 Columbie 308

Cote d'Ivoire 300 D Danemark 286 Djibouti 178, 179, 409, 410 E Egypte 166, 169, 219 Equateur 357 Erythre 96, 115 Espagne 325 Etats-Unis 140, 264, 291, 236 Ethiopie 36, 75, 185, 190, 191, 192, 225, 229, 310, 331 Europe 138, 306, 376, 448 Europe de l'Est 110, 397 F Finlande 260 France 325 G Ghana 175, 186, 243 H I Inde 211, 245 Italie 236, 325 J Japon 99, 100, 205 K Kenya 332, 446, 468 L Lesotho 155, 182, 280


M Madagascar 355 Malawi 388 Mali 8, 209 Maroc 153, 167, 168, 420, 421 Maurice 187, 408, 418, 419 Mexique 449 Mozambique 388 N

Rpublique Dmocratique Populaire Lao 348 Rpublique-Unie de Tanzanie 228, 316 Rwanda 152, 284 S Sngal 10, 422, 423, 424 Seychelles 183 Sierre Leone 193 Swaziland 184, 416 T

Namibie 93, 188, 189 Nigeria 250, 285, 437 Nouvelle-Zlande 161 O

Tunisie 170, 171, 172, 406, 407, 417, 447 U URSS 236

Ouganda 35, 39, 176, 177, 230, 247, 284, 343, 364 P Pays Islamiques 69 Prou 251 Philippines 399 Q R Rgion de la Mer Baltique 82 Rgion des Antilles 52, 62, 114, 206, 322, 360, 429, 430, 431, 438, 442 Rpublique de Core 70 Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo 284

V Viet Nam 346 W X Y Yougoslavie 120 Z Zambie 145, 146, 212, 238, 342, 388 Zimbabwe 6, 29, 32, 91, 212, 220, 244


A Accident prevention 461, 462 Ageing persons 52, 158, 352 Agricultural credit 13 Agricultural development 7, 26 Agricultural economics 14, 15, 16 Agricultural extension 8 Agricultural machinery 27 Agricultural management 19 Agricultural policy 22, 246, 379 Agricultural product marketing 19 Agricultural products 14 Agricultural research 19, 27 Agricultural standards 17 Agricultural trade 11, 16 Agriculture 2, 3, 5, 8, 18 Aid programmes 37, 96 Aids 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42 Aids prevention 39, 41 Algae 200 Asylum seekers 318 Auditing 336 Aquaculture 199, 202 B Balance of payments 168, 179, 185, 187 Bankruptcy 68, 453 Basic education 144 Biomass 328 Biotechnology 2, 5, 20, 328 Bribery 236 Budgetary policy 120 Bureaucracy 59, 233 Buses 457 Business cycles 73, 126, 338 Business enterprises 453 Business women 304 C

Capacity building 71, 94, 121, 437, 443, 468 Capital controls 45 Capital markets 47, 82, 273, 274, 326 Capitalism 44 Case studies 22, 75, 85, 93, 105, 115, 120, 202, 209, 230, 265, 303, 334, 349, 352, 457 Central banks 83, 169, 173, 178, 180, 182, 183, 184, 411, 416 Child health 251, 256 Child nutrition 244 Children 91 Christianity 44 Civil servants 225 Civil service reform 240 Civil society 231 Civil war 334 Climate change 201, 254 Coastal zone management 332 Coffee 17 Collective agreement 86 Colonialism 344 Commercial banks 185, 186, 187 Communications 268, 269, 384, 385, 386, 387, 433, 434, 435 Communication statistics 415 Communication systems 415 Community development 87, 108, 316, 392, 393 Competition 301, 419, 457 Computer programmes 263 Computer simulation 263 Conflict 150, 224, 334 Conflict management 152, 284, 329, 374 Consumption 125 Corporate planning 100 Corrupt practices 57, 225, 230, 233, 236, 343 Credit 72 Crops 1, 28 Cultural development 188 Culture 444, 445 Customs administration 267 D Data processing 426 Debt management 49, 50, 51 Debt relief 30, 49


Decentralization in government 110, 239, 362 Decentralization in management 92 Decision-making 128 Deforestation 335 Democracy 228, 231, 237, 269, 309 Democratization 238, 242, 341, 342 Demography 52, 53, 219, 320, 362, 404, 433, 434, 435 Deregulation 459 Developed market economies 252, 292 Developing countries 2, 4, 9, 47, 48, 57, 58, 59, 66, 72, 76, 80, 84, 98, 101, 110, 116, 118, 139, 148, 221, 248, 252, 259, 272, 275, 292, 309, 317, 324, 350, 355, 361, 367, 391, 395, 400, 451, 457 Development assistance 54, 57, 63, 71, 166, 286 Development finance 43, 49, 58, 60, 61, 74, 77, 165, 450 Development planning 91, 95, 98 Development policy 11, 34, 95, 235, 373 Development projects 87, 94, 444, 445 Development strategies 37, 42, 56, 152, 378, 443, 468 Digital technology 266, 269 Disabled women 212 Discriminatory trade practices 212 Donor countries 59, 60, 88 Drought 6 E Ecology 330, 336 Econometric models 78, 81, 263, 279, 319, 351, 367, 426, 440 Economic analysis 68, 102, 106, 117, 123, 147, 153, 178, 180, 351, 355, 398, 405, 411, 413 Economic aspects 32 Economic assistance 43, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 77, 88, 103, 108 Economic conditions 14, 75, 82, 112, 116, 141, 181, 244, 285, 347, 454 Economic cooperation 99, 360 Economic crisis 251

Economic development 7, 15, 62, 77, 89, 90, 93, 104, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 133, 134, 135, 139, 153, 165, 208, 262, 309, 319, 333, 345, 394, 443 Economic forecasts 164, 165, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 182, 183, 184, 186, 190, 192, 408, 413 Economic geography 298 Economic growth 48, 55, 101, 117, 123, 126, 129, 130, 142, 149, 150, 211, 217, 218, 232, 290, 300, 346, 394, 395 Economic history 72, 251, 303, 346, 405 Economic indicators 113, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 178, 182, 183, 184, 408 Economic integration 46, 71, 95, 135, 371, 372, 380, 382, 388, 454 Economic law 167, 170, 171, 172, 173 Economic liberalization 342, 367, 446 Economic policy 55, 106, 115, 116, 121, 131, 134, 139, 140, 141, 153, 164, 193, 244, 280, 314, 323, 349, 395, 397 Economic reform 68, 70, 79, 105, 137, 369 Economic regulation 397, 453 Economic research 174, 180 Economic statistics 164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 190, 192, 401, 403, 404, 405, 408, 411, 413 Economics 47, 107, 284, 293 Ecotourism 444, 445 Education 39, 41, 143, 145, 147, 148, 152 Educational costs 142, 144, 149, 150 Educational indicators 146, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431 Educational statistics 146, 418, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431 Elections 238, 338 Electrical industry 235, 399 Electronic commerce 264, 267 Emerging markets 45 Emigration 103 Employment 89, 153, 154, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 300, 447 Energy policy 140, 384, 385 Enterprise statistics 158 Entrepreneurship 162 Environment 141


Environmental economics 229 Environmental impact assessment 98 Environmental policy 90, 98, 229, 332 Environmental protection 229, 333 Environmental standards 1, 138 Ethnicity 93 Exports 16, 300, 303 Export diversification 191 Export processing zones 419 External debt 48, 49, 50, 51, 72, 115, 129, 175, 176, 177, 179, 184, 185, 186, 187, 190 External trade 452 F Farm management 8, 22 Farmers 13, 307 Farmers associations 8 Fertilizers 21, 446 Fertilizer use 119 Fertility 425 Fertility rate 143 Financial crisis 324, 376 Financial flows 45, 58, 61, 76, 77, 103, 273, 318, 319 Financial institutions 69, 70, 82, 83, 127, 166, 178, 179, 181, 185, 187, 191, 227, 278, 370, 406, 407, 409, 412 Financial liberalization 79, 137, 139, 303, 459 Financial policy 83, 112, 193, 202, 279, 280 Financial regulations 69, 74, 279, 396 Financial statistics 168, 406, 407, 409, 412, 416 Financing 374 Fiscal policy 85, 101, 110, 115, 140, 188, 192, 294, 295, 324, 325, 327 Fisheries 197, 198, 201, 202 Fishery legislation 194 Fishery management 196, 198 Food aid 57, 65 Food consumption 3 Food policy 5, 191, 307, 379 Food security 20, 25 Food supply 3 Forced migration 321 Foreign exchange markets 81 Foreign exchange rates 80, 81, 323, 326, 375

Foreign investments 76, 78, 168, 184, 214, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 304, 391, 450 Foreign relations 285 Foreign trade 168 Forest industry 205 Forest policy 203, 204, 330, 335 Forestry 205 Free trade 11, 290, 293 Fruit culture 24 G Gender 207, 208, 209, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 340, 364 Gender-based violence 222, 223, 224 Gender discrimination 213, 214 Genetic engineering 5 Genetically modified organisms 20 Geographic information systems 196, 357 Globalization 46, 62, 73, 109, 125, 148, 214, 228, 229, 231, 296, 305, 359, 363, 371, 372, 452 Governance 34, 101, 227, 228, 231, 232, 239, 241, 269, 347, 358, 378 Grazing 23 Gross domestic product 394 Guidelines 202, 255, 396 H Health care delivery 10, 245, 255, 258 Health economics 10, 42, 147, 247 Health information 31, 39, 41, 42, 249, 254, 256 Health insurance 10, 243 Health policy 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 244, 248, 253, 257 Health services 36, 245, 246 Higher education 429 Households 24, 104, 159, 449 Household surveys 6 Human development 307 Human resources 67, 133, 371, 372, 386, 387 Human rights 64, 213, 250, 321, 322 Human settlements 132


Humanitarian assistance 64, 71 Hydrogeology 463 I Illegality 236 Income distribution 104, 109, 111, 149, 214, 308, 359, 363 Income sources 24 Indigenous peoples 63, 210 Industry 162, 432, 433, 434, 435, 447 Industrial policy 136 Inflation 131 Informal sector 159, 234 Information policy 262, 266 Information society 260, 261, 343 Information technology 206, 208, 265, 268, 269 Industrial research 437 Industrial statistics 424, 432 Industrialization 97 Information society 229, 298 Information technology 184, 186, 232, 234, 235 Institution building 226, 443 Institutional machinery 198, 226, 232, 257, 313 Intellectual property 272 Interest rates 169, 175, 176, 182, 183, 186, 190, 192 International competition 100 International cooperation 33, 248 International economic relations 96, 99, 100, 139, 277, 279, 368 International finance 45, 73, 84 International investment 278 International organizations 289 International relations 90, 283, 284, 287 International trade 12, 17, 118, 136, 214, 292, 293, 296, 297, 299, 302, 304, 305, 306, 371, 372, 436, 451, 455, 458 Internet 292 Intersectoral cooperation 203 Intervention 64, 108 Investments 66, 111 Irrigation 467

J K Know-how 161 Knowledge management 350 L Labour economics 109 Labour law 160 Labour market 89, 154, 163 Labour policy 154, 160 Labour productivity 419 Labour supply 398 Land allotment 310 Land economics 119, 308, 309, 310 Land rights 232, 312, 313, 390 Land tenure 310, 311, 312, 314, 315, 316 Landlocked states 118 Laws and regulations 213, 264, 316, 379, 464 Leadership 94, 240 Legislative process 213, 250 Library science 271 Living marine resources 195 Lobbying 339 Local officials and employees 439 Logistics 267 Lotteries 43 M Macroeconomics 112, 126, 131, 274, 294, 295, 351, 370, 375 Malaria 253 Malnutrition 365 Manuals 336, 425 Market access 291, 297, 299, 301, 306, 307 Market economy 14, 15, 44, 46, 102, 119, 275, 277 Marine flora 200 Maritime law 458 Mathematical models 460 Medical care 245, 248 Merchant marine 458 Microcredit 212


Migrant workers 155, 160, 322, 455 Migration 317, 318, 319, 320, 322 Minimum wage 157 Mining 155, 331 Monetary analysis 178, 410 Monetary policy 169, 174, 175, 176, 181, 182, 183, 186, 190, 323, 326, 377, 409, 413 Monetary unions 370 Mortality statistics 425 N National accounts 188, 193, 405, 423 National income 48, 101 National liberation movements 286 Natural resources 311, 329, 331, 334, 347, 386, 387 Negotiation 226, 305 North-south relations 67, 90, 270 North-south trade 67 Nutrition 28 Nutrition policy 361, 365 O Organizational change 94, 240

Poverty mitigation 30, 97, 114, 130, 152, 241, 294, 295, 340, 345, 346, 347, 353, 360, 362, 363, 364, 389, 391 Price indices 14, 351 Price stabilization 49 Private schools 143 Private sector 15, 60, 68, 112, 389, 446 Private sector development 76, 366 Privatization 19, 70, 367, 369, 457, 459 Productivity 123, 124, 419 Programme evaluation 373 Programme planning 122 Public administration 34, 59, 240, 241 Public expenditures 35, 120, 142, 143, 144, 147, 149, 150, 188, 189 Public finance 189, 192 Public health 247, 248 Public health administration 35, 252, 257 Public investment 48 Public libraries 261 Public-private cooperation 368, 388 Public sector 225, 240, 389, 393 Public services 87, 230, 369, 393 Public transport 118 Publishing 271 Q

P R Partnership 56, 368, 388 Pasture and forage 23 Peace-building 237 Pension schemes 158 Pesticide residues 25 Petroleum policy 85 Pharmaceuticals 253, 258 Philosophy 337 Plant products 9 Policy-making 234, 237, 354 Political conditions 53, 238, 242, 285, 338, 341, 344, 363 Popular participation 161, 213 Population policy 257 Ports 458 Poverty 6, 7, 89, 105, 121, 127, 207, 272, 317, 318, 349, 350, 351, 354, 356, 357, 358, 359, 365, 366, 394 Rain water (water supply) 468 Reference materials 256, 258, 271 Regional cooperation 52, 121, 122, 132, 133, 135, 288, 348, 375, 376, 377, 379, 380, 388 Regional development 305, 381, 388 Regional integration 46, 306, 374, 375, 378, 379, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387 Religion 287 Renewable energy sources 442 Reproductive health 250, 252, 257 Research and development 270 Retail trade 446 Risk assessment 68, 84, 254, 282, 327, 352, 463 Rocks 21, 331 Rural conditions 39


Rural development 63, 92, 114, 211, 308, 309, 348, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 439 Rural health 243 Rural planning 390 Rural poverty 22, 348 Rural water supply 466 S Sanitation 132 Savings 66 Science and technology policy 438 Security assurances 321, 400 Separation of powers 128 Service industries 366, 367 Sex discrimination 209, 222, 223, 224 Sexually transmitted diseases 31, 255 Shellfish 195 Sisal 328 Skilled workers 209, 259 Small enterprises 394, 395, 396, 397 Small farms 18, 26 Social capital 114, 360 Social conditions 75, 112, 145, 216, 243, 364 Social development 122, 133 Social history 155, 440 Social justice 30 Social security 398, 400 Social policy 121, 400, 440 Social statistics 401, 433, 434, 435 Social welfare 260, 449 Soil fertility 28 Standard of living 290 States 283 Statistical data 219, 401, 402, 410, 414, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 425, 426 Stock markets 46 Structural adjustment 137, 244 Subsidies 145 Sustainable agriculture 1, 21, 439 Sustainable development 53, 97, 121, 124, 132, 217, 218, 315, 340, 437, 438, 439, 441 T Tariffs 11, 267, 291, 297 Tax administration 61, 80, 234

Tax reform 75 Technical cooperation 94 Technical education 151 Technological change 156 Technology transfer 27, 67, 259, 270, 391 Telecommunications 460 Textile industry 162 Tourism 444, 445 Trade agreements 276, 291, 297, 455 Trade liberalization 12, 138, 303, 345, 447, 448, 449, 450, 452, 455 Trade negotiations 166, 305, 380 Trade policy 12, 136, 138, 265, 288, 293, 294, 295, 301, 306, 370, 371, 372, 381, 383, 448, 451, 453, 454 Trade regulation 290 Trade restrictions 299 Trade statistics 302, 403, 404, 432, 436 Trade unions 353 Traffic accidents 461, 462 Traffic control 456 Traffic flow 456 Training programmes 157 Transnational corporations 282, 368 Transport 384, 385, 386, 387, 433, 434, 435 Transport statistics 415 Transport systems 415, 459 Treaties 276, 335 U Unemployment 156 Urban traffic 456, 457 User charges 247 V Vocational education 151 W Wage payment system 156 Wages 157, 214, 447 Waste management 328 Water 132 Water conservation 465 Water law 464, 467


Water management 463, 465, 466, 467 Water resources 465 Water resources development 364 Water rights 364 Water supply 87, 465, 466 Wealth 111 Weed control 4 Welfare economics 355, 398, 399 Wildlife conservation 29 Women in development 99, 206, 208, 211, 220, 221, 268

Women's advancement 215, 220, 221 Women's employment 24 Women's rights 208, 210, 215, 250 World politics 289 X Y Z



A Accs au march 291, 297, 299, 301, 306, 307 Accidents de la circulation 461, 462 Accords commerciaux 276, 291, 297, 455 Administration de la sant publique 35, 252, 257 Administration douanire 267 Administration fiscale 61, 80, 234 Administration publique 34, 59, 240, 241 Agriculteurs 13, 307 Agriculture 2, 3, 5, 8, 18 Agriculture cologiquement viable 1, 21, 439 Agroconomie 14, 15, 16 Aide alimentaire 57, 65 Ajustement structurel 137, 244 Algues 200 Alimentation en eau 87, 465, 466 Alimentation rurale en eau 466 Allgement de la dette 30, 49 Amnagement rural 390 Amnagement des zones ctires 332 Analyse conomique 68, 102, 106, 117, 123, 147, 153, 178, 180, 351, 355, 398, 405, 411, 413 Analyse montaire 178, 410 Aspects conomiques 32 Assainissement 132 Assistance au dveloppement 54, 57, 63, 71, 166, 286 Assistance conomique 43, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 77, 88, 103, 108 Assistance humanitaire 64, 71 Associations d'agriculteurs 8 Assurance maladie 10, 243 Autobus 457 Aquiculture 199, 202 B Balance des paiements 168, 179, 185, 187

Banques centrales 83, 169, 173, 178, 180, 182, 183, 184, 411, 416 Banques commerciales 185, 186, 187 Bibliothconomie 271 Bibliothques publiques 261 Bien-tre social 260, 449 Biomasse 328 Biotechnologie 2, 5, 20, 328 Bourses des valeurs 46 Bureaucratie 59, 233 C Caf 17 Capitalisme 44 Capital social 114, 360 Changements climatiques 201, 254 Changement de structures 94, 240 Changement technologique 156 Chmage 156 Christianisme 44 Circulation urbaine 456, 457 Colonialisme 344 Commerce agricole 11, 16 Commerce de dtail 446 Commerce lectronique 264, 267 Commerce extrieur 168 Commerce international 12, 17, 118, 136, 214, 292, 293, 296, 297, 299, 302, 304, 305, 306, 371, 372, 436, 451, 455, 458 Commerce nord-sud 67 Commercialisation des produits agricoles 19 Communications 268, 269, 384, 385, 386, 387, 433, 434, 435 Comptabilit nationale 188, 193, 405, 423 Concurrence 301, 419, 457 Concurrence internationale 100 Conditions conomiques 14, 75, 82, 112, 116, 141, 181, 244, 285, 347, 454 Conditions politiques 53, 238, 242, 285, 338, 341, 344, 363 Conditions rurales 39 Conditions sociales 75, 112, 145, 216, 243, 364 Conflit 150, 224, 334 Conservation de l'eau 465 Consolidation de la paix 237


Consommation 125 Consommation alimentaire 3 Contrles de capitaux 45 Contrle de la circulation 456 Conventions collectives 86 Coopration conomique 99, 360 Coopration internationale 33, 248 Coopration public-priv 368, 388 Coopration rgionale 52, 121, 122, 132, 133, 135, 288, 348, 375, 376, 377, 379, 380, 388 Coopration technique 94 Coordination intersectorielle 203 Coquillages et crustacs 195 Corruption 236 Cot de l'ducation 142, 144, 149, 150 Cration d'institutions 226, 443 Crdit 72 Crdit agricole 13 Crise conomique 251 Crise financire 324, 376 Croissance conomique 48, 55, 101, 117, 123, 126, 129, 130, 142, 149, 150, 211, 217, 218, 232, 290, 300, 346, 394, 395 Culture 444, 445 Cultures 1, 28 Cultures fruitires 24 Cycles conomiques 73, 126, 338 D Dboisement 335 Dcentralisation administrative 110, 239, 362 Dcentralisation de la gestion 92 Demandeurs d'asile 318 Dmocratie 228, 231, 237, 269, 309 Dmocratisation 238, 242, 341, 342 Dmographie 52, 53, 219, 320, 362, 404, 433, 434, 435 Dpenses publiques 35, 120, 142, 143, 144, 147, 149, 150, 188, 189 Drglementation 459 Dette extrieure 41, 42, 43, 44, 64, 104, 117, 158, 159, 166, 167, 168, 169, 173 Dveloppement agricole 7, 26 Dveloppement communautaire 87, 108, 316, 392, 393

Dveloppement culturel 188 Dveloppement des capacits 71, 94, 121, 437, 443, 468 Dveloppement du secteur prive 76, 366 Dveloppement conomique 7, 15, 62, 77, 89, 90, 93, 104, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 133, 134, 135, 139, 153, 165, 208, 262, 309, 319, 333, 345, 394, 443 Dveloppement durable 53, 97, 121, 124, 132, 217, 218, 315, 340, 437, 438, 439, 441 Dveloppement humain 307 Dveloppement rgional 305, 381, 388 Dveloppement rural 63, 92, 114, 211, 308, 309, 348, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 439 Dveloppement social 122, 133 Diminution de la pauvret 30, 97, 114, 130, 152, 241, 294, 295, 340, 345, 346, 347, 353, 360, 362, 363, 364, 389, 391 Discrimination fonde sur le sexe 213, 214 Discriminations sexuelles 209, 222, 223, 224 Disponibilits alimentaires 3 Diversification des exportations 191 Donnes statistiques 219, 401, 402, 410, 414, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 425, 426 Droits la terre 232, 312, 313, 390 Droits de la femme 208, 210, 215, 250 Droits de l'homme 64, 213, 250, 321, 322 Droit des eaux 464, 467 Droit du travail 160 Droit conomique 167, 170, 171, 172, 173 Droit maritime 458 E Eau de pluie 132, 468 Ecoles prives 143 Ecologie 330, 336 Economie 47, 107, 284, 293 Economie de la sant 10, 42, 147, 247 Economie de bien-tre 355, 398, 399 Economie de lenvironnement 229 Economie de march 14, 15, 44, 46, 102, 119, 275, 277 Economie du travaille 109 Economie foncire 119, 308, 309, 310 Economies de march dveloppes 259, 292


Ecotourisme 444, 445 Edition 271 Education 39, 41, 143, 145, 147, 148, 152 Education de base 144 Elaboration d'une politique 234, 237, 354 Elections 238, 338 Emigration 103 Emploi 89, 153, 154, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 300, 447 Emploi feminin 24 Enfants 91 Engrais 21, 446 Enqutes sur les mnages 6 Enseignement professionnel 151 Enseignement suprieur 429 Enseignement technique 151 Entreprenariat 162 Entreprises commerciales 453 Entreprises prives Environnement 141 Epargne 66 Etablissements humains 132 Etats 283 Etats sans littoral 118 Ethnicit 93 Etudes de cas 22, 75, 85, 93, 105, 115, 120, 202, 209, 230, 265, 303, 334, 349, 352, 457 Evaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement 98 Evaluation des programmes 373 Evaluation du risque 68, 84, 254, 282, 327, 352, 463 Exploitation minire 155, 331 Exportations 16, 300, 303 F Faillite 68, 453 Fcondit 425 Femmes entrepreneurs 304 Femmes handicapes 212 Fertilit du sol 28 Financement 374 Financement du dveloppement 43, 49, 58, 60, 61, 74, 77, 165, 450 Finances internationales 45, 73, 84 Finances publiques 189, 192 Flore marine 200

Flux de trafic 456 Flux financiers 45, 58, 61, 76, 77, 103, 273, 318, 319 Fonctionnaires 225 Fonctionnaires municipaux 439 Foresterie 205 G Garanties de scurit 321, 400 Gnie gntique 4 Gographie conomique 298 Gestion agricole 19 Gestion de la connaissance 350 Gestion de la dette 49, 50, 51 Gestion des conflits 152, 284, 329, 374 Gestion des dchets 328 Gestion des eaux 463, 465, 466, 467 Gestion des pches 196, 198 Gestion d'exploitations agricoles 8, 22 Gouvernance 34, 101, 227, 228, 231, 232, 239, 241, 269, 347, 358, 378 Guerre civile 334 H Histoire conomique 72, 251, 303, 346, 405 Histoire sociale 155, 440 Hydrogologie 463 I Illgalit 236 Indicateurs conomiques 113, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 178, 182, 183, 184, 408 Indicateurs ducationnels 146, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431 Indices des prix 14, 351 Industrialisation 97 Industrie 162, 432, 433, 434, 435, 447 Industrie lectrique 235, 399 Industrie forestire 205 Industrie textile 162 Inflation 131 Information sanitaire 31, 39, 41, 42, 249, 254, 256


Institutions financires 69, 70, 82, 83, 127, 166, 178, 179, 181, 185, 187, 191, 227, 278, 370, 406, 407, 409, 412 Intgration des femmes au dveloppement 99, 206, 208, 211, 220, 221, 268 Intgration conomique 46, 71, 95, 135, 371, 372, 380, 382, 388, 454 Intgration rgionale 46, 306, 374, 375, 378, 379, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387 Internet 292 Intervention 64, 108 Investissements 66, 111 Investissements trangers 76, 78, 168, 184, 214, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 304, 391, 450 Investissements internationaux 278 Investissement public 48 Irrigation 395 J Justice sociale 30

Malnutrition 365 Manuels 336, 425 March du travail 89, 154, 163 Marchs de capitaux 47, 82, 273, 274, 326 Marchs des changes 81 Marchs mergents 45 Marine marchande 458 Mcanisme institutionnel 198, 226, 232, 257, 313 Mnages 24, 104, 159, 449 Microcrdit 212 Migration 317, 318, 319, 320, 322 Migration force 321 Mise en valeur des ressources en eau 464 Modles conomtriques 78, 81, 263, 279, 319, 351, 367, 426, 440 Modles mathmatiques 460 Mondialisation 46, 62, 73, 109, 125, 148, 214, 228, 229, 231, 296, 305, 359, 363, 371, 372, 452 Mouvements de libration nationale 286 N

K L Leadership 94, 240 Lgislation de la pche 194 Libralisation des marchs financiers 79, 137, 139, 303, 459 Libralisation des changes 12, 138, 303, 345, 447, 448, 449, 450, 452, 455 Libralisation conomique 342, 367, 446 Libre-change 11, 290, 293 Lobbying 339 Logistique 267 Lois et rglements 213, 264, 316, 379, 464 Loteries 43 Lutte contre les mauvaises herbes 4 M Machines agricoles 27 Macroconomie 112, 126, 131, 274, 294, 295, 351, 370, 375 Maladies sexuellement transmissibles 31, 255 Ngociation 226, 305 Ngociations commerciales 166, 305, 380 Niveau de vie 290 Normes agricoles 17 Normes cologiques 1, 138 Nutrition 28 Nutrition de l'enfant 244 O Offre de main d'uvre 398 Organisations internationales 289 Organismes gntiquement modifis 20 Ouvrages de rfrence 256, 258, 271 P Paludisme 253 Participation populaire 161, 213 Pturage et fourrage 23 Pauvret 6, 7, 89, 105, 121, 127, 207, 272, 317, 318, 349, 350, 351, 354, 356, 357, 358, 359, 365, 366, 394


Pauvret rurale 22, 348 Pays donateurs 59, 60, 88 Pays en dveloppement 2, 4, 9, 47, 48, 57, 58, 59, 66, 72, 76, 80, 84, 98, 101, 110, 116, 118, 139, 148, 221, 248, 252, 259, 272, 275, 292, 309, 317, 324, 350, 355, 361, 367, 391, 395, 400, 451, 457 Pcheries 197, 198, 201, 202 Personnes ges 52, 158, 352 Petites entreprises 394, 395, 396, 397 Petites exploitations agricoles 18, 26 Philosophie 337 Planification dans l'entreprise 100 Planification des programmes 122 Planification du dveloppement 91, 95, 98 Plans de retraite 158 Politique agricole 22, 246, 379 Politique alimentaire 5, 191, 307, 379 Politique budgtaire 120 Politique commerciale 12, 136, 138, 265, 288, 293, 294, 295, 301, 306, 370, 371, 372, 381, 383, 448, 451, 453, 454 Politique de la sant 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 244, 248, 253, 257 Politique de dveloppement 11, 34, 95, 235, 373 Politique de l'environnement 90, 98, 229, 332 Politique de l'information 262, 266 Politique dmographique 257 Politique du travail 154, 160 Politique conomique 55, 106, 115, 116, 121, 131, 134, 139, 140, 141, 153, 164, 193, 244, 280, 314, 323, 349, 395, 397 Politique nergtique 140, 384, 385 Politique financire 83, 112, 193, 202, 279, 280 Politique fiscale 85, 101, 110, 115, 140, 188, 192, 294, 295, 324, 325, 327 Politique forestire 203, 204, 330, 335 Politique industrielle 136 Politique mondiale 289 Politique montaire 169, 174, 175, 176, 181, 182, 183, 186, 190, 323, 326, 377, 409, 413 Politique nutritionelle 361, 365 Politique ptrolire 85 Politique scientifique et technique 438 Politique sociale 121, 400, 440

Populations autochtones 63, 210 Ports 458 Pratiques commerciales discriminatoires 212 Pratiques de corruption 57, 225, 230, 233, 236, 343 Prservation de la vie sauvage 29 Prestations de soins de sant 10, 245, 255, 258 Prvention des accidents 461, 462 Prvention du sida 39, 41 Prvisions conomiques 164, 165, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 182, 183, 184, 186, 190, 192, 408, 413 Principes directeurs 202, 255, 396 Prise de dcision 128 Privatisation 19, 70, 367, 369, 457, 459 Processus lgislatif 213, 250 Productivit 123, 124, 419 Productivit du travail 419 Produit intrieur brut 394 Produits agricoles 14 Produits pharmaceutiques 253, 258 Produits vgtaux 9 Programmes d'aide 37, 96 Programmes de formation 157 Programmes dordinateur 263 Projets de dveloppement 87, 94, 444, 445 Promotion de la femme 215, 220, 221 Proprit des eaux 464 Proprit intellectuelle 272 Protection de lenvironnement 229, 333 Q R Recherche agricole 19, 27 Recherche conomique 174, 180 Recherche et dveloppement 270 Recherche industrielle 437 Redevance d'utilisation 247 Reforme de la fonction publique 240 Reforme conomique 68, 70, 79, 105, 137, 369 Reforme fiscale 75 Rgime foncier 310, 311, 312, 314, 315, 316 Rglementation commerciale 290


Rglementation conomique 397, 453 Rglements financiers 69, 74, 279, 396 Relations conomiques internationales 96, 99, 100, 139, 277, 279, 368 Relations extrieurs 285 Relations internationales 90, 283, 284, 287 Relations nord-sud 67, 90, 270 Religion 287 Rpartition de revenue 104, 109, 111, 149, 214, 308, 359, 363 Rpartition des terres 310 Rsidus de pesticides 25 Ressources biologiques marines 195 Ressources en eau 465 Ressources humaines 67, 133, 371, 372, 386, 387 Ressources naturelles 311, 329, 331, 334, 347, 386, 387 Restrictions commerciales 299 Revenu national 48, 101 Richesse 111 Roches 21, 331 S Salaire minimum 157 Salaires 157, 214, 447 Sant de l'enfant 251, 256 Sant publique 247, 248 Sant reproductive 250, 252, 257 Sant rurale 243 Savoir-faire 161 Scheresse 6 Secteur informel 159, 234 Secteur priv 15, 60, 68, 112, 389, 446 Secteur public 225, 240, 389, 393 Secteur tertiaire 366, 367 Scurit alimentaire 20, 25 Scurit sociale 398, 400 Sparation des pouvoirs 128 Services de sant 36, 245, 246 Services publics 87, 230, 369, 393 Sexe social 207, 208, 209, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 340, 364 Sida 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42 Simulation par ordinateur 263

Sisal 328 Socit civile 231 Socit de l'information 260, 261, 343 Sources d'nergie renouvelables 442 Socits de personnes 56, 368, 388 Socits transnationales 282, 368 Soins mdicaux 245, 248 Sources de revenus 24 Stabilisation des prix 49 Statistiques commerciales 302, 403, 404, 432, 436 Statistiques de la communication 415 Statistiques de l'ducation 146, 418, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431 Statistiques de mortalit 425 Statistiques d'entreprises 158 Statistiques des transports 415 Statistiques conomiques 164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 190, 192, 401, 403, 404, 405, 408, 411, 413 Statistiques financires 168, 406, 407, 409, 412, 416 Statistiques industrielles 424, 432 Statistiques sociales 401, 433, 434, 435 Stratgies de dveloppement 37, 42, 56, 152, 378, 443, 468 Subventions 145 Syndicats 353 Systme de rnumeration 156 Systmes de communication 415 Systmes de transport 415, 459 Systmes d'information gographique 196, 357 T Tarifs douaniers 11, 267, 291, 297 Taux de change 80, 81, 323, 326, 375 Taux de fcondit 143 Taux dintrt 158, 164, 165, 168, 172, 173 Technologie de l'information 206, 208, 265, 268, 269 Technologie numrique 266, 269 Tlcommunications 460 Tourisme 444, 445 Traitement des donnes 426


Traites 276, 335 Transfert de technologie 27, 67, 259, 270, 391 Transport 384, 385, 386, 387, 433, 434, 435 Transport public 118 Travailleurs migrants 155, 160, 322, 455 Travailleurs qualifis 209, 259 U Unions montaires 370 Utilisation des engrais 119 V Vrification comptable 336 Violence sexiste 222, 223, 224 Vulgarisation agricole 8 W X Y Z Zones industrielles pour l'exportation 419


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