Bourses d'études Etats Unis professionnels

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BURKINA FASO Unite -Progres - Justice ISTERE DE LA JUSTICE ET DES ROTTS HUMAINS, CHARGE DES. TIONS AVEC LES INSTITUTIONS. SHORETARIAT GENERAL % Ne SU MURUSG MRI, < Y DY Communique « Relations avec les Institutio ovagadougou.t6 fy 7 DEG 224 tice et des Droits humains, chargé des Ministre de ta J dle des Sceaux, felatif A des hourses Tl est porté & la connaissance de tout Te personnel, que Pambassade des Ftats-Unis a annuels d’échanges éducatifs et culturels Ouagadougou dans le cadre de ses programmes $0, met a sa disposition les bourses suivantes avec le Burkina = bourses d'études "Fulbright" de 24 mois ; Fulbright" de 3.49 mois ; ~ bourses de recherche houtses de perfectionnement professionnel "Humphrey" de 9 mois Chacua de ces programmes a été congu afin d’élargir Fexpertise des professionnel: 8 bourses Fulbright disponibles pour le Burkina Faso sont entre autres dans Burkinabé. les domaines de Pénergie solaire, de la santé publique, de la démocratie, de Péconomie, des droits humains. Les dossiers sont disponibles sur le lien ci-dessous du 01 décembre 2024 au 31 janvier 2025. hitps:// Piéces jointes: ~ Lerre de PAmbassade des Etats Unis d’Amésique en date du (4/12/2024 5 ~ Affiches aannonce des programmes Scanné avec CamScanner {the United States of America Embassy ¢ Winsted Te usin de ros Harmen ‘harp doom ot SECRETARIAT GENERAL trope He 2995 A SRY Asa: Ouagadougou, le 04 décembre 2024 Madame/Monsieur, Liambassade des Etats Unis a Ouagadougou a 'honneur de vous informer que dans le cadre de ses Programmes annuels d'échanges éducatifs et culturels avec le Burkina Faso, elle met a la disposition des ‘¢tudiants et travailleurs du Burkina Faso : des bourses d’études « Fulbright » de (2 ans) des bourses de recherche « Fulbright » de (3-9 mois) et des bourses de perfectionnement professionnel « Humphrey » de (9 mois ~ 1 année). ‘Chacun de ces programmes a été congu afin d’élargir Vexpertise des étudiants et travailleurs burkinabe. Les premiers boursiers Fulbright ont été sélectionnés en 1948 et, depuis cette date, nous en comptons plus de 420.000 dans le monde. Les boursiers Fulbright burkinabé ont étudié l'énergie solaire, la santé publique, la démocratie, Péconomie, les droits humains et beaucoup d'autres sujets. Ils reviennent tous au pays aprés leur programme pour travailler dans nos ministeres, les institutions publiques ou privés, eVou enseigner dans les universités. Ils rapportent des perspectives nouvelles et des compétences supplémentaires pour leur travail. Les dossiers sont disponibles sur le site ( du 01 décembre 2024 au 31 janvier 2025. Par la présente, nous venons solliciter votre collaboration afin de faire parvenir l'information ci- différents agents de votre institution. Nous vous prions de croire Madame/ Monsieur, en I’ expression de nos sincéres remerciements. Brent LaRosa Directeur de la Section Diplomatie Publique P.J. : Des affiches d’annonce des programmes Scanné avec CamScanner ness Pot usembassy gov! && FULBRIGHT Bi OunqaPoCutural@state gov ANNUAL COMPETITION FOR THE FULBRIGHT & HUMPHREY EXCHANGE PROGRAMS Application period: December 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025 Types of Programs: 41. Fulbright Foreign Student Program (FVS) For scholars and professionals who would like to pursue a master’s degree or PRO in the United States (1-2-year grants). Candidates must have a high level of English — sulficient to successfully pursue fulltime graduate-level study in the United States (.e., a TOEFL score of at least 575). — Some applicants can be selected for the Fulbright Foreign Student — Long Term English (FVS-LTE). That program allows candidate if selected to have English language training in the United States for up to eight months before their master’s degree program. The program is only available to candidates seeking a master’s degree and must have a TOEFL score of at least 520. 2. Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program (ARSP) This program is intended for university faculty members or individuals working at Independent research centers. museums, or other cultural institutions that have educational and research objectives. This program allows selected ‘applicants to go to the United States to conduct research for three-to-nine months during the academic year. Thera is also ‘a special program for persons who desire to do AIDS-related research or professional development in the United States. ‘The disciplines eligible for the special AIDS program include: Sociology and social work, anthropology, education. economics, law, public administration, communications, art, theater, medical sciences, biological sciences, and psychology. A good command of English is essential, but no minimum TOEFL score is required. 3. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program For mid-level professionals who are moving up into leadership positions in the public or private sector. This program coffers an opportunity to develop one’s leadership skills and learn the latest in thelr particular field. Fellows spend approximately nine months in the United States taking graduate-level courses at a U.S. university, participating in long- term leadership development programs, and engaging with professional peers from around the world in non-academic professional development activities. This is not an academic degree program. The goal is general professional Gevelopment. Candidates must already have an undergraduate university degree, at least five years of professional experience, and be proficient in English (TOEFL score of at least 550). 4. Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program This Program brings international teachers to the United States for a six-week program to take academic seminars for professional development at a host university and to observe and share their expertise with teachers and students at the host university and at local primary and secondary schools. Applicants must be current secondary-level, full-time teachers, of English, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), math, science, or social studies including special education teachers in those subjects at institutions serving primarily a local population. Applicants must hold at least a bachelor's degree or the ‘equivalent and have completed at least five years of full-time teaching by the start of the program. Applicants should be able to demonstrate English language proficiency by attaining a minimum score of 450 on the TOEFL. Public Information Sessions: + Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Burkina Faso. ‘Wednesdays from 15: 00 to 17:00 + Applications are online through a Google form. From Dec. 4 2024 - Jan. 29, 2025 + Deadline for application is January 31, 2025. Centre National Cardinal Paul Zoungrana (Or OCADES Dagnoen Scanné avec CamScanner neton//bfamembassy gov! Sw FULBRIGHT $a CungaPDCuttural@state gov ANNUAL COMPETITION FOR THE FULBRIGHT & HUMPHREY EXCHANGE PROGRAMS Application period: December 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025 Types of Programs: 1. Fulbright Foreign Student Program (FVS) For scholars and professionals who would like to pursue a master’s degree or PhO in the United States (12-year grants). Candidates must have a high level of English — sufficient to successfully pursue fulltime graduate-level study in the United States (.e., a TOEFL score of at least 575). ~ Some applicants can be selected for the Fulbright Foreign ‘Student ~ Long Term English (FVS-LTE). That program allows candidate if selected to have English language tr in the United States for up to eight months before their master’s degree program. The program is only available to candidates seeking a master's degree and must have a TOEFL score of at least 520. 2. Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program (ARSP) This program is intended for university faculty members or individuals working at independent research centers, museums, or other cultural institutions that have educational and research objectives. This program allows selectod ‘applicants to go to the United States to conduct research for three-to-nine months during the academic year. There is also ‘2 special program for persons who desire to do AIDS-related research or professional development in the United States. The disciplines eligible for the special AIDS program include: Sociology and social work, anthropology, education, economics, law, public administration, communications, art, theater, medical sciences, biological sciences, and psychology. A good command of English is essential, but no minimum TOEFL score is required. 3. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program For mid-evel professionals who ate moving up into leadership positions in the public or private sector. This program coffers an opportunity to develop one's leadership skills and learn the latest in their particular field. Fellows spend ‘2ppreximetely nine months in the United States taking graduate-level courses at a U.S. university, participating in long- term leadership development programs, and engaging with professional peers from around the world in non-academic professional development activities. This is not an academic degree program. The goal is general professional Gevelopment. Candidates must already have an undergraduate university degree, at least five years of professional texperience, and be proficient in English (TOEFL score of atleast 550). 4. Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program This Program brings international teachers to the United States for a six-week program to take academic seminars for professional development at a host university and to observe and share their expertise with teachers and students at the host university and at local primary and secondary schools. Applicants must be current secondary-tevel, fulltime teachers of English, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), math, science, or social studies including special education teachers in those subjects at institutions serving primarily a local population. Applicants must hold at least a bachelor’s degree or the ‘equivalent and have completed at least five years of full-time teaching by the start of the program. Applicants should be able to demonstrate English language proficiency by attaining a minimum score of 450 on the TOEFL. Public Information Sessions: + Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Burkina Faso. Wednesdays from 15: 00 to 17:00, + Applications are online through a Google form. From Dec. 42024 - Jan. 29, 2025 + Deadline for application is January 31, 2025. Centre National Cardinal Paul Zoungrana Or OCADES Dagnoen Scanné avec CamScanner This Progrem brings international teachers tothe United States for sixaweek program to toke academic seminars for professionel development ct @ host university end to observe and share their expertise with teachers ond students ct the host university and ot local primary and secondary schools. Applicants must be current secondary- level, fulltime teachers of English, English os o Foreign Longuage (EFL), math, science, or social studies including special education teachers in _ those subjects ot institutions serving primary @ local population. BASIC REQUIREMENTS + Applicants must be citizens or parmanent residents of Burkina Faso pplicants must have complated a Bachelor 4) degree + Applicants must be proticiont in Engh (wil be tested) Note: Application forms must be completed 0 Google form. (Willbe shore atthe opening of opplications on Dec. It, 2024) FURTHER INFORMATION + Public Information Sessions: + Wednesdays from 15: 00 to 17:00 ‘+ From Dee. 4, 2024 - Jan. 29, 2025, ‘+ Contre National Cardinal Paul Zoungrana. ‘+ Follow us on Facebook at U.S. EmbassyBF B © s) & FULBRIGHT fu BRIGHT & HUMPHREY | i> (ea/ Niclas cele AS Annual Competition : Dre ae Ree) 7 Scanné avec CamScanner For scholars ond professionals who would like to pursue @ master's degree or PhD in the United States (L-2-yeor grants). Candidates must have a high level of English - sufficient to successfully pursue full-time groduct TOEFL score of ot least 575). - Some opplicants can be selected for the Fulbright Foreign Student - Long Term English (FVS-LTE}. That program allows candidate if selected to have English language ‘raining in the United Stotes for up to eight months before their master’s degree program. The program Is only available to candidates secking a masters degree and must have a TOEFL score of at least 520. level study in the United States (i.,.¢ 18 VISITING Sen] O leva This program is intended for university faculty members cr individuals working at Independent research centers, museums, or other cultural institutions that have educational and research objectives. This program allows selected applicants to go to the United States to conduct research for three-to-nine months during the academic yeor. There is also « speciol program for persons who desire to do AIDS-related research or professional development in the United States. ‘The disciplines eligible for the special AIDS program Include: Sociology and social work, anthropology, education, economics, law, public administration, ‘communications, ert, theater, medical sciences, biclogical sciences, and psychology. A good command cof English is essential, But no minimum TOEFL score is required. H I Mah For mid-level professionals who are moving up into leadership position in the public or private sector. This program offers an opportunity to develop one's leadership skis and learn the latest in their partculor field Fellows spend approximately nine months in the United States taking graduate-level courses at @ U.S. university, pertcipoting in long-term leadership development programs, and engaging with professional peers from eround the word in non-academic professional development activities. This is not an academic degree program. The goal is goneral professional d ralopment, Candidates must already have an undergraduate university degree, 3 least five years of professional ‘experience, and be proficient in English {TOEFL score of at east $50), Scanné avec CamScanner sx-week program to toke seminar for professional development riversty ond to obser experise wh teachers and students ot the host university end ct local primary and secondary schools. Applicants must be current secondary- level, full-time teachers of English, English os @ Foreign Language (EFL), math science, or social studies including special education teachers in * those subjects ot institutions serving primarily o _, cel population. ‘end share their BASIC REQUIREMENTS of Burkina Fos 4) degree + Applicants must be proficient in Enghth wil be tested) Note: Application forms must be completed 0 Google form, (Will be shore atthe opening of applications on Dec. It, 2024) FURTHER INFORMATION + Public Information Sessions: + Wednesdays from 15: 00 to 17:00 ‘+ From Dec. 4, 2024 - Jan. 29, 2025 + Contre National Cardinal Paul Zoungrana, + Follow us on Facebook ot U.S. EmbassyBF ‘Ge © occ secant ere eater Annual Competition : Pra eee eR L PL} Scanné avec CamScanner = ond professionals whe would Ike to ses degree or PhO in the United States yer grarts). Candidates must have high lvel essfully pursue full-time 1e-level study in the United States (ie., ¢ of et least 575). - Some oppliconts con be selected for the Fulbright Foreign Student - Long Term English (FVS-LTE). Thet program ollows 3d to have English language ‘raining in the United States for up to eight months candidate if sl before their master’s degree program. The program is only available to candidates seeking « mostor’s degree and must have a TOEFL score of atleast 520. ULBRIGHT VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM ‘This program is intended for university feculty members, or individuals working at independent research conters, museums, or other cultural institutions that have ‘educational and research objectives. This program llows selected applicants to go to the United States to ‘conduct research for three-to-nine months during the ‘acodemic year. There is also @ special program for persons who desire to do AIDS-related research or professional development in the United States. The disciplines eligible for the special AIDS program Include: Sociology and social work, anthropology, ‘education, economics, law, public administration, communications, art, theater, medical s biological sciences, and psychology. A good command of English is essential, but no minimum TOEFL score is. required, leadership p This progra leadership Vaca ac | {HMO \ oil Gael Jortunity to davalop one’s hills and lan the latast in thar particular fale Fellows spend approximately nine months in the United Statas taking graduste-lovel courses ot o US. university, participating in long-term leadership development programs, and engaging with professionel peers from around the world in non-academic professional development activities. This is not en academic dagree program. The goal is general professional development, Condidates must already have on undergraduate University degree, at least five years of professional experience, and be proficient in English (TOEFL score of at least 550), Scanné avec CamScanner

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