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Class Vii Merge PDF Annual Exam 2023-24

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Class - VII Subject – French

Time – 90 Minutes Maximum Marks- 40

1. Conjuguez les verbes suivants: [4]

1) Nous _______ une letter à nos parents. ( envoyer)
2) Nous _____ nos dossiers Sur la table.( placer)
3) Nous _____ le garçon. ( appeler)
4) Nous______ les vetement dans l'armoire. ( Ranger)
5) Les enfants ______ à la caisse.( payer)
6) Michel ________ cette chemise noire.( essayer)
7) Les filles _____ à 10 heure du matin.( se réveiller)
8) Pourquoi _______ -tu les journaux.( jeter)
2. Completez avec les préposition de lieux( au,en,aux,à,de,des,d’…). [2]
1) Nous habitons ______ Mozambique avec nos grands-parents.
2) Pendant les vacances, mes amis vont ______ Antilles.
3) Mon père travaille _____ Lyon ____ France.
4) Il habite _______ Belgique avec ses amis.
3. Cochez la bonne réponse. [2]
1) Vous êtes ( de/d’/à) Italie ?
2) Il va ( en/au/de) japon ce soir.
3) Je vais ( au/à/en) Afghanistan pour un mois.
4) Nous venons ( du/au/de) Danemark le matin.
4. Associez les fêtes avec les mots convenables. [2]
1) Fête du travail. A) le Réveillon
2) La Toussaint. B) des concerts
3) Noël C) des oeuf en Chocolat
4) Le jour de l’An D) les morts
5. Completez avec l’adjectif démonstratif. [4]
1) Il y a une grande piscine dans _____ hotel.
2) _______ restaurant est très cher.
3) ________ crayons sont longs.
4) ________ magazine sont grands.
5) Les livres de ______ étudiante sont Sur la table.
6) Le professeur parle à ______ enfants.
7) ________ actrice est bien connue dans le monde entier.
8) ___________ oiseaux font beaucoup de bruits.

6. Trouvez la question. [2]
1) Elle arrive à l’Ecole à 8 h du matin.
2) Ma cousin est Indienne
3) Je parle anglais et espagnol.
4) Nous habitons à Ranchi.
7. Mettez les phrases à l’impératif: [2½]
1) Vous ne mangez pas vite.
2) Tu es gentil.
3) Tu te promènes toujours le matin.
4) Nous avons de la patience.
5) Vous ne vous réveillez pas tôt le dimanche.
8. Donnez l’impératif en trois formes. [1½]
1) Choisir
_________ ___________ _________
2) Aller
_________ ___________ __________

3) Prendre

________ ___________ ____________

9. Mettez au négatif. [5]

1) Vous avez une jupe rouge .
2) Je boit du lait.
3) J’ai le stylo de riya.
4) Il y a une maison à cote du cinéma.
5) Ils achetent des fruits pour les enfants.
6) C’est une guitare.
7) Elles s’asseyent sur les bancs.
8) C’est une femme Russe.
9) Ta fille arrive à l’heure
10) Vous apprenez le japonais.
10. Répondez au question suivants: [2]
1) Combiens de saison dans une annee en France?
2) Quelle est votre saison favori.
3) Écrivez 2 jardins de France.
4) Écrivez 2 magazin de France.
11. Mettez le dialogue en ordre. [3]
 Ah! J’aime les films chinois. Et toi?
 Tu vas voir quel film maintenant?
 Quel est ton film favori ?
 Je vais voir un film chinois. C’est trés Intéressant.
 J’aime les films français et les films chinois.
 Mon film favori est < Zazzy dans le metro. >

12. Écrivez 10 ligne en < Ma maison> [5]
13. Lisez le passage et répondez aux questions suivantes:
C'est l'histoire de quatre amis — Svanik,Nanki, Ustat et Rudra. Ils étudient au lycée. C'est la
terminale. Aujourd'hui, c'est le dernier jour de l'école. Tous les étudiants font leurs adieux. Ils
écrivent de meilleurs vœux sur les chemises l'un de l'autre. Parmi les quatre amis, Svanik a une
idée. Il décided'organiser une soirée chez lui. Il invite tous ses amis. Tous mangent, dansent et
bavardent. Ils se souviennent de leur premier jour à l'école. Ils commencent à Dleurer. Enfin la
soirée se termine et tous retournent à leurs maisons.

Répondez par une phrase complète. [2]

1) Quest- ce que svanik décide de Faire ?

2) Où les quatre amis , étudient – ils ?

Dites vrai ou faux [2]

1) Aujourd’hui, c’est le premier jour de l’école.

2) Qui organize une soirée chez lui.

Trouvez dans texte: [1]

1) un adverbe -
2) Le contraire de “rire”


Class - VII Subject – Computer Science

Time – 1 Hour Maximum Marks - 25

1. Fill in the blanks: [6 X 1 = 6]

a) The decimal value of (10101)2 is _________________
b) Digital footprint is also known as _______________________.
c) <IMG _______ = ”c:\desktop\abc.png”>
d) By default, the stage has a ____________ background with the default sprite.
e) Scratch is a _____________ programming language.
f) ______is a location in computer's memory.
2. True False [5 x 1 = 5]
a) You can change an existing sprite with another sprite on the stage.
b) The <tr> element of table tag is used to define the contents within table cell.
c) The Flag is clicked to run and halt the execution of an animation.
d) The binary equivalent of (46)10 is 101110
e) The sprite library allows different costumes to sprites.
3. Answer in one Word [5 x 1 = 5]
a) What will be the coordinates of the sprite when it is at its default position on the stage?
b) It is the act of copying someone else’s work and publishing and showcasing it as one’s own
c) At what position does the default sprite appear on the stage?
d) Which block is used to perform basic arithmetical operation?
e) It occurs when fake copies of software are produced in such a way that they appear to be
4. HTML CODING [3 x 3 = 9]
a) Write HTML code to design Web Page with the following:
Name Age Country
Harry 28 Britain
John 35 USA
i) Create the above given table
ii) Table colour “Pink”.
iii) Background colour of the web page is “Yellow”
iv) Scroll the heading “Name List” from left to right
b) Write HTML code to design Web Page given below:

List of fruits
1. Fresh fruits
 Grapes
 Orange
2. Dry Fruits
 Almonds
 Cashew Nuts

c) Write HTML code to design Web Page :

i) Insert an image – file name : abc.png
ii) Write the heading “My image” at the center of the screen.
iii) Background colour “Red”

Class - VII Subject – English

Time – 3 Hours Maximum Marks- 80

General Instructions:
1. The question paper is divided into three sections: A, B & C.
2. It is compulsory to attempt all the sections.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

1. Read the following text and answer the given questions: [10 Marks]

Elephant babies like coconut oil. This discovery has saved the life of hundreds of orphaned,
unweaned elephants, left behind when their mothers were killed, victims of the ivory wars that
have catastrophically reduced elephant populations across Africa.
The discovery came after two decades of efforts by the renowned conservationist Daphne
Sheldrick, who has died aged 83. She devoted most of her life rescuing young elephants and
releasing them back into the wild.
When she first made attempts to keep the orphaned babies alive, often at one or two years old,
with other milk sources, they remained malnourished and faded into death. It was only after
trying every combination she could find that she hit on one baby milk formula from Europe,
which contained coconut oil that seemed to work. She and the elephants never looked back, and
now more than 230 elephants in Kenya, and many others in Asia and other parts of Africa, are
alive, and mostly in the wild, thanks to her hand-rearing.
Her work grew from her care of orphaned elephants found by her husband, David Sheldrick,
chief warden at the Tsavo National Park in Kenya in the 1960s. By the time her sanctuary was
well-established, in the late 70s and 80s, each elephant had its own stall, as otherwise they
would disturb one another, was bottle-fed every three hours, and was given blankets, raincoats
and sunscreen as needed. A keeper slept with each animal under a year old, alternating lest the
babies grow too dependent.
Often, the elephants arrived traumatised, having experienced the lethal violence and cruelty of
poaching. It was crucial, in her view, to recognise their grief and help them to overcome it.
“They are emotionally human animals,” she told journalists. “You have to think in human
terms. How does a child feel when it has lost its whole family and is suddenly in the hands of
the enemy?”
Throughout her life, Sheldrick championed the ability of elephants to communicate and their
capacity for feeling. Once, she recounted, a female wrenched the tusks from a newly killed bull
elephant and threw them into the jungle, before the eyes of the poachers.

Answer the following questions based on the text above. (Any 10 questions)
(i) Population of elephants were reduced as they were killed mainly for their _____ . [1]
(a) Skin
(b) Power
(c) tusk/Ivory
(d) cuteness
(ii) Who was Daphne Sheldrick? [1]
(a) Doctor
(b) Teacher
(c) Conservationist
(d) Writer
(iii) Daphne Sheldrick devoted __________ and_________________wild. [1]
(iv) The baby milk formula which seemed to work well with the baby elephants
contained …. [1]
(a) Protein
(b) Antibiotics
(c) Coconut oil
(d) Sesame oil
(v) How was Daphne Sheldrick able to save the lives of the orphaned elephants? [1]
(a) By giving them a shelter only
(b) By giving them Vitamins
(c) By hand rearing them
(d) By making them play with other babies
(vi) What did Sheldrick say about elephants while referring to their emotional side? [1]
(a) That they are babies
(b) That they are weak
(c) That they have feelings like human beings
(d) That they are like women
(vii) The antonym of ‘harmless’ as given in paragraph 5 is: [1]
(a) dangerous
(b) lethal
(c) fatal
(d) innocent
(viii) The synonym of ‘pulled out forcefully’ as given in the last paragraph is: [1]
(a) recounted
(b) wrenched
(c) championed
(d) none of these
(ix) Sheldrick was not able to communicate with the elephants. (State whether the statement
true or false) [1]
(x) David Sheldrick was Daphne’s husband and chief warden at the Tsavo National Park in
(State whether the statement is true or false) [1]
(xi) How were the baby elephants treated in the sanctuary to overcome trauma of violence?
2. Read the following text and answer the given questions: [10 Marks]

Each species has developed certain characteristics that help it to survive. For example, Poison
Dart Frog has poisonous skin so it is difficult for bigger animals to eat them. Their poisonous
skin is their only defence. It helps them survive even though they are very small. Chameleons
have the ability to camouflage. They avoid many predators by fading in the background. A
different way to surviving is to ensure that one gets enough food. Taking the example of the
Poison Dart Frog again, there is one species of snakes in the same habitat as the frog that has
developed resistance to the frog’s poison. This species can feed on the poisonous frogs that
other predators cannot risk.

It takes many years and many generations of any species to develop what they need. This
process is called evolution. Evolution is the gradual change in the physical and mental makeup
of different species in order to adapt to the changing environment and survive.

Evolution can be noticed even in plants. For instance, we can look at Venus Fly Trap, a
carnivorous plant. Usually plants obtain nitrogen, from the soil. However, Venus Fly Trap
plants originally belong to areas where the soil is not rich in nitrogen. In order to make up for
the lacking soil, these plants have developed trap-like fragrant leaves to capture insects. These
insects become an alternative source of nitrogen for the plant allowing it to survive in a habitat
with insufficient nitrogen.

Evolution is a must for survival. Species that fail to evolve go extinct like dodos, moas,
mammoths among many others.

Answer the following questions. (Any 10 questions) [1x10=10]

(i) What is evolution?

(ii) How have Poison Dart Frogs evolved?
(iii) Which animals mentioned in the passage are now extinct?
(iv) Evolution is a quick process. (Write whether the statement is true/false)
(v) Chameleons and Poison Dart Frogs are natural enemies. (Write whether the statement is
(vi) Chameleons hide from predators by….. (Complete the statement)
(vii) Plants obtain nitrogen from :
(a) Water
(b) Soil
(c) Air
(d) Leaf
(viii) Venus Fly Trap attracts insects by using
(a) Its roots into the soil
(b) Its leaves
(c) Its camouflaging technique
(d) None of the above
(ix) Find a word from the passage which means ‘an animal that hunts, kills and eats other
animals.’(para – 1)
(x) Chameleons have the ability to _____________. (Fill in the blank)
(xi) Find the antonym of the word ‘Herbivorous’ (para-3).
(xii) Species that fail to evolve go _________. (Complete the sentence)


3. Do as directed: (Any 10 questions) [1X10=10]

i) I have sometimes seen rainbows in the sky. (Identify the adverb and state its kind)
ii) He said, “Abhinav has shifted to Goa today.” (Put the following sentence into indirect
iii) She said, “ How beautiful I look in this dress.” (Change the sentence into indirect
iv) I said to the boys, “Please listen to what I am saying.” (Change the sentence into indirect
v) _________________________, she baked a cake. (Just as mother had cooked dinner/After
mother had cooked dinner) (Complete this sentence with suitable adverb clauses from
the bracket)
vi) He dislikes being woken up early. (underline the noun phrase)
vii) Sita has prepared lunch. (Change the sentence into passive voice)
viii) Sujata likes to decorate her room. (Rewrite the sentence using gerund in place of the
ix) I asked him not ____________________________ the fruits from the tree (pluck.) (FIB
with the infinitive form of the given verb.)
x) We live twenty kilometers from the station. (Identify the preposition in the sentence)
xi) We had lunch at a restaurant on Saturday. (Rewrite the sentence in the simple future
xii) I ___________________ for over an hour. (wait) (FIB with the past perfect form of the
verb given in bracket)
4. A. Your class is going on a three day trip to Agra and Fatehpur Sikri. Write a notice for the
notice board inviting names for the trip. Give details about the dates of the trip and
expenditure involved (In 50 words). [5]

B. Design a poster on the theme ‘ Play Holi with flowers or with natural colours’,use ideas of
your own to design the poster. The poster is issued by the police department of your state.
(In 50 words)

5. A. Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your pocket money. (In 100-120
words) [5]
B. Write a letter to your Principal suggesting ways to improve spoken English in your
school.(In 100-120 words)


6. (I) Answer these questions with reference to the context.

A. “ I suppose they are reserving me for some grand occasion.” [1X5=5]

(a) Who is the speaker?

(b) What was the speaker’s opinion about himself?
(c) Why were the fireworks displayed ?
(d) Is the given statement true? Why?
(e) Name the chapter and the author.
B. ‘Son, no one barters his imaan for friendship. God resides in the heart of a panch.’
(a) Who is the speaker ?
(b) To whom is the speaker speaking?
(c) Describe in your own words the special attributes given to a panch.
(d) Write the meaning of the word ‘imaan’.
(e) The story is written by _________.

(II) Answer these questions with reference to the context.

A. ‘The birds around me hopped and played,

Their thoughts I cannot measure’ [1x5=5]

(a) Who is referred as ‘I’ in the given line?

(b) Whose thoughts are being spoken about in the given line?
(c) Even though the poet could not measure their thoughts, what conclusion did he arrive at?
(d) How does the poet describe the mood of the birds?
(e) The poem is about the beauty of the _________ season.

B. And he grew ashamed of his useless life,
And his maladies hatched in gloom;
(a) The poet of given poem is ___________.
(b) Who is ‘he’ being referred to here?
(c) What had happened to him?
(d) Write the meaning of ‘maladies’
(e) Do you think this poem has a message or moral? If yes, what is it?

7. Answer ANY FOUR questions in 40-50 words [3X4=12]

i) Why were the family members satisfied with the name Attila?
ii) Describe the princess. How did she reach the castle? (The Remarkable Rocket)
iii) What, according to the speaker, is ‘Nature’s holy plan’?(Lines written in early spring)
iv) What was Aunt Mabel’s reaction when she saw the python? Where did she find it?
v) For what does the speaker want the children to hug the trees?(Tree Huggers)
vi) Describe the relationship between Jumman and Algu.

8. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40 to 50 words. [3X2=6]

i) What do you know about Ben Gunn?

ii) What complains did George Merry make to Long John Silver?
iii) What terrified the pirates and later made them cheerful?
iv) What is the main theme of the novel ‘Treasure Island’?

9. Answer ANY ONE question in 80-100 words. [6]

i) Fireworks spell joy but they pollute the environment. State your opinion.
ii) What would happen if there were no trees on Earth? How can we stop that from happening
in the future?

10. Answer ANY ONE question in 80-100 words. [6]

i) What is the role of Long John Silver in the novel Treasure Island?
ii) What did Jim and his crew members do with their share of the treasure?


Class - VII Subject – General Knowledge

Time – 1 Hour Maximum Marks-50

1. After how many years does the UN hold presidential elections?

(a) 4 years (b) 3 years
(c) 2 years (d) 5 years
2. Name the lightest, simplest chemical element in the universe.
(a) hydrogen (b) nitrogen
(c) sodium (d) none
3. Which city served as the palace for both the Ming and Qing emperors.
(a) Forbidden (b) Himeji
(c) Castle (d) Chambord
4. A stretch of water between Denmark and Sweden is the..
(a) Castle kronborg (b) Pena
(c) White heron castle (d) none
5. They are also known as sea cows for their languid swimming pace..
(a) Manatee (b) Opah
(c) Puffer (d) All of the above
6. His appreciated films are Roja,Bombay..
(a) Amitabh Bachchan (b) Mani Ratnam
(c) Mrinal Sen (d) Waheeda Rehman
7. Who travelled to the edge of space as a passenger onboard Virgin Galactic unity 22 in July 2021?
(a) Adoror
(b) Lionel Messi
(c) Richard Branson
(d) Leonardo
8. She is a German politician who is 2005, became the first female chancellor of the country.
(a) Sundar Pichai
(b) Angela Merkel
(c) George Martin
(d) Satya Nadella

9. Which device enables computers to communicate with each other across telephone cables?
(a) LAN
(b) Modem
(c) Network Card
(d) None

10. Name the silicon valley of India..
(a) Bengaluru (b) Kolkata
(c) Delhi (d) Mumbai
11. Who is the author of the novel,At night All blood is black?
(a) Byomkesh (b) Jane Austen
(c) David diop (d) William
12. In 2007,he was named The Oxfam Global Ambassador..
(a) Beyonce (b) Oprah
(c) Yuvraj Singh (d) Rahul Bose
13. A capital city founded by Harihara and Bukka...
(a) Harappa (b) Memphis
(c) Vijayanagar (d) Petra
14. Popularly known as the 'King of Rock and Roll'..
(a) Isabella (b) Pablo
(c) Fanny Elssler (d) Elvis Presley
15. Hypocentre is associated with an..
(a) Hurricane (b) Tornado
(c) Avalanche (d) Earthquake
16. He was an English admiral and renowned seaman..
(a) Christopher (b) Amerigo
(c) Sir Francis Drake (d) Marco
17. Who invented the air conditioner..
(a) Willis Haviland (b) Chester F
(c) Orville (d) None
18. The word intuition means..
(a) within (b) outside
(c) forward (d) backward
19. They honour the best British and International contributions to the film industry..
(a) BAFTA (b) Grammy
(c) Palme d 'or (d) None
20. Which Buddhist temple in the world has seventy two stupas,containing a statue of Buddha?
(a) Mahabodhi (b) Borobudur
(c) Shwedagon (d) None
21. He was an explorer, soldier and writer from England..
(a) Sir Walter Raleigh (b) Ferdinand Magellan
(c) Vasco de gama (d) Bartholomew Dias
22. Who invented the kidney dialysis machine?
(a) Tapper (b) Ralph Schneider
(c) Willem Kolff (d) David Warren
23. 'Have it your way' identifies which brand.
(a) Nike (b) Coca-Cola
(c) Anand milk union (d) Levi's

24. This was the first newspaper to be published in India..
(a) Kesari (b) The Pioneer
(c) Young India (d) Bengal Gazette
25. In which country is the Wayang Puppet Theatre being practiced..
(a) Paris (b) Germany
(c) India (d) Indonesia
26. Which of these crops is abundantly grown in eastern India?
(a) jute (b) sugarcane
(c) jowar (d) bajra
27. It is known as the laughing gas..
(a) Hydrogen (b) Helium
(c) Carbon mono oxide (d) Nitrous oxide
28. In Hindu mythology, Karan received a shield from which god ?
(a) Moon (b) Sun
(c) Stars (d) None
29. Tick the correct first English daily newspaper that appeared in England..
(a) The Hindu (b) The Asian age
(c) The statesman (d) The Daily Courant
30. Name the Indian airline to Carry 100 million passengers within the span of a calendar year?
(a) Indigo (b) Vistara
(c) Sahara (d) None
31. Who said that India’s economic reforms have helped the nation over 16% to global growth?
(a) World federation organisation (b) The International Monetary fund
(c) UNESCO (d) All the above
32. Which festival was celebrated in Rampura village of Madhya Pradesh?
(a) Kanha Reserve (b) Pachmarhi
(c) Kuno Van Mahotsav (d) None
33. The United Nations has declared the year 2024 as the International year of....
(a) camelids (b) donkey
(c) giraffe (d) none
34. Which city attained the 153rd spot in the Quality of living index 2023?
(a) Hyderabad (b) Bhopal
(c) Indore (d) Thane
35. ........ Kerala government employee has climbed Mount Vinson..
(a) Lenin Peak (b) Alison Hargreaves
(c) Reinhold (d) Shaikh Hassan Khan
36. An amount of Rs10,000 becomes Rs20,736 in 2 years.If the rate of interest is compounded half
yearly, what is the annual rate of interest?
(a) 30% (b) 25%
(c) 40% (d) none
37. - 4950 / 6 + 112 × 1.75=?×2 is..
(a) 510.5 (b) 515.5
(c) 505.2 (d) none

38. A shopkeeper purchases Rs.15 mangoes for Rs.10 and sells them at 10 mangoes for Rs.15 Thus,
he earns a profit of..
(a) 75% (b) 125%
(c) 80% (d) none
39. A,B and C can complete a piece of work in 14, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working together,
they will complete the work in...
(a) 19/9 days (b) 27 days
(c) 28/9 days (d) none
40. Consider triangle ABD such that angle ADB=20 degrees and C is a point on BD such that AB =
AC and CD =CA. Then the measure of angle ABC is..
(a) 30 degree (b) 40 degree
(c) 45 degree (d) none
41. What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat and 2/4 goat?
(a) USA (b) Chicago
(c) Brazil (d) All the above
42. What building has the most stories?
(a) A library (b) A class
(c) A room (d) none
43. If you throw a blue stone into the Red sea, what will it become?
(a) dry (b) wet
(c) moist (d) none
44. What has three feet but cannot walk ?
(a) A yardstick (b) A hard stick
(c) A dry stick (d) None
45. What do you call a nose that’s 12 inches long?
(a) Mouth (b) A foot
(c) A hand (d) A hand
46. Adequate means...
(a) dramatic (b) huge
(c) frequent (d) enough
47. Bharat Nirmaan is designed to bring all round development in..
(a) Ports and Civil aviation (b) Heavy industries
(c) Urban infrastructure (d) Rural infrastructure
48. In which river is Panaji,a city of Goa situated?
(a) Mahanadi (b) Mandovi
(c) Kaveri (d) None
49. .......... is an artificial application of water to the land or soil.
(a) Ploughing (b) Irrigation
(c) Tilling (d) Rainwater farming
50. We need safe drinking water to prevent which of the water- borne disease.
(a) diarrhea (b) dysentery
(c) cholera (d) All of the above.


Class - VII Subject – German

Time – 90 Minutes Maximum Marks- 40

1. Du bekommst eine Mail von Stefan. Lies die Mail und Schreib 5
eine Antwort in ca. 40 Wörter.
Lieber Florian,
alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Du wirst heute 13.
Ich habe nächste Woche Geburtstag. Ich möchte eine Party geben
und alle meinen Schulfreunden einladen. Wir kaufen eine
Geburtstagtorte in dem Supermarkt. Meine Freunde und ich wollen
CDs spielen und viel tanzen. Ich möchte zum Geburtstag das neue
Videospiel als Geschenk. Aber meine Mutter sagt, es ist zu teuer.
Wie feierst du deinen Geburtstag? Gibst du eine Party? Wer lädst du
zur Party ein? Wo ist die Party? Gibt es Musik und Tanz? Bekommst
du Geschenk? Was? Schreib bald. Ich warte auf deine Antwort.
Viele Grüβe
2. Lies den Text und Antwort die fragen:
Karin ist 14 Jahre alt und wohnt in Mühldorf - das ist eine kleine
Stadt in Bayern, nicht weit von München. Karin ist eine junge,
talentierte Tennisspielerin. Sie kann wirklich sehr gut Tennis spielen.
Sie hat schon viele Turniere gewonnen, aber sie will noch besser
werden. Deshalb muss sie jedenTag 2-3 Stunden trainieren. Sie will
in Zukunft internationaleTennisturniere, wie z.B. Wimbledon,
gewinnen. Ihre Vorbilder sindVenus Williams und Maria
Sharapova.Aber Karin ist ein ganz normaler Teenager: Sie ist ein Fan
vonMadonna und Backstreet Boys. Sie kann nicht nur Tennis
spielen:Sie kann auch gut Ski fahren und surfen.
A. Was stimmt? – (Schreib richtig oder falsch)
a. Karin ist eine junge Tennisspielerin. 1x6=6
b. Karin wohnt in München.
c. Karin hat noch nie ein Turnier gewonnen.
d. Karin trainiert nicht jeden Tag.
e. Karin will das Tennisturnier von Wimbledon gewinnen.
f. Karin hat keine Zeit für andere Hobbys.

B. Antwort die Fragen:

a. Wie alt ist Karin?
b. Was sind deine Hobbys?
c. Wie viel Stunde pro Tag trainiert sie?
d. Wer sind ihre Vorbilder?
3. Finden die Zusammengesetzte Wörter mit richtigem Artikel: 0.5x6=3
a. Das Haus + die Tür =
b. Wohnen + das Zimmer =
c. Der Geburtstag + die Torte =
d. Die Pause + das Brot =
e. Die Geburt + der Tag =
f. Der Sommer + der Pulli =
4. Ergänze die Possessiv – Artikel: 0.5x4=2
a. Stefan bringt ________ USB – Stick mit.
b. Karin hat neue Strümpfe. __________ Strümpfe sind sehr
c. Herr Wagner hat ein Smart – Phone. ________ Smart – Phone
ist super.
d. Angela hat einen Sommerpulli. __________ Sommerpulli ist
sehr modisch.
5. Bilde Sätze: 1x5=5
a. Nitin/zu Hause/heute/müssen/bleiben.
b. Wir/besuchen/wollen/einen Skikurs.
c. Maria/schwimmen/wollen/und/indem
d. Gehört/die/wem/Schere?
e. Das/sind/deine/Schulsachen?
6. Stell Fragen: 1x5=5
a. Am 2. November hat Tina Geburtstag.
b. Nein, ich fahre nicht nach Hamburg.
c. Im Juli fahre ich ans Meer.
d. Ich fahre nach Deutschland für Deutsch lernen.
e. Ich suche meine Uhr.
7. Was passtzusammen? 0.5x10=5

a. Wer ist 1861 geboren? i. Er fährt nach Paris.

b. Wann ist M. K. Gandhi ii. Ja, das ist unser Ball.
c. Wer ist 1997 gestorben? iii. Hier ist sie!
d. Wann ist Rabindranath iv. In August fahre ich
Tagore gestorben? ans Meer.
e. Wann fährst du ins v. Er
f. Wie ist das Wetter im vi. Im Winter.
g. In welchem Monat fährst vii. 2. Oktober.
du ans Meer?
h. Wohin fährt Rancho? viii. Rabindranath Tagore.
i. Wo ist meine Uhr? ix. Mutter Teresa.
j. Gehört der Ball euch? x. 1941
8. Konjugiert die folgendenVerben: 1x5=5

Sollen Können Wollen Müssen Werden


Class - VII Subject – Hindi

Time – 3 Hours Maximum Marks- 80

funsZ”k &¼i½ lHkh ç”u vfuok;Z gaSA

¼ii½ ç”u dh dqy la[;k lkr gSA
¼iii½ ç”u rhu [kaMksa esa foHkDr gS & [kaM ^d^] ^[k^ ,oa [kaM ^x^

[k.M ^d^
ç”u ¼1½ fuEufyf[kr vifBr x|ka”kksa dks /;kuiwoZd i<+sa rFkk ç”uksa ds mfpr mÙkj pqudj fy[ksa & ¼1x5¾5½

¼d½ jkeu Hkkoqd çd`fr ds FksA os çd`fr&çseh ds vykok ,d ;ksX; oSKkfud Hkh FksA muesa jk’Vªh;
Hkkouk dwV&dwV dj Hkjh gqbZ FkhA mudh [kkl fo”ks’krk Fkh fd os fons”kh oSKkfud ds chp cSBdj Hkh
vius Hkkjrh; laLdkjksa dks ugha Hkwyrs FksA mUgksaus dHkh efnjkiku ugha fd;kA os thou Hkj nf{k.k
os”k&Hkw’kk gh igurs jgs rFkk “kkdkgkjh jgsA muds vanj oSKkfud ftKklk l”kDr FkhA os pkgrs Fks
fd viuk lkjk thou “kks/k&dk;ksaZ dks gh lefiZr dj nsaA lu~ 1921 bZ- esa tc os leqnzh ;k=k ij Fks]
rc leqnz ds uhys ty dks fugkjrs gq, muds eu esa ftKklk mBh] fd leqnz dk jax uhyk gh D;ksa
gksrk gS\
bl ç”u dk mÙkj [kkstus esa tqV x, vkSj varr% lQy gq,A os fo”ofo[;kr rks gq, gh lkFk
gh lkFk ukscsy iqjLdkj fotsrk Hkh cu x,A
¼i½ jkeu~ dkSu Fks\
¼d½ xk;d ¼[k½ çfln~/k f”k{kd ¼x½ ;ksX; oSKkfud ¼?k½ fons”kh oSKkfud
¼ii½ jkeu~ viuk iwjk thou fdl dk;Z esa yxkuk pkgrs Fks\
¼d½ çd`fr çse esa ¼[k½ leqnzh ;k=k djus esa
¼x½ “kks/k dk;Z esa ¼?k½ fons”k esa fuokl djus esa
¼iii½ jkeu~ dks fuEufyf[kr iqjLdkjksa esa ls dkSu&lk iqjLdkj feyk Fkk\
¼d½ “kkafr iqjLdkj ¼[k½ lkfgR; vdkneh iqjLdkj
¼x½ ukscsy iqjLdkj ¼?k½ fo”o di iqjLdkj
¼iv½ jkeu~ dh [kkl fo”ks’krk D;k Fkh\
¼d½ og Hkkjrh; laLdkj dks ugha Hkwyrs FksA ¼[k½ og fons”kh Hkkstu ilan djrs FksA
¼x½ og leqnz ds ikuh dk jax cnyuk pkgrs FksA ¼?k½ og fo”o fo[;kr gksuk pkgrs FksA
¼v½ jkeu~ LoHkko ls fdl çdkj ds O;fDr Fks\
¼d½ Hkkoqd ¼[k½ g¡leq[k ¼x½ Øks/kh ¼?k½ eLrekSyk

¼[k½ jk’Vª lHkh jk’Vªokfl;ksa dks tUe] vUu] /ku&/kkU;] vkokl rFkk lqj{kk çnku djrk gSA blfy,
çR;sd jk’Vªoklh dk dÙkZO; curk gS fd og jk’Vªfgr dk /;ku j[ksA jk’Vª lqjf{kr gksxk rks mlds
fuoklh Hkh lqjf{kr gksaxsA ^fo|kFkhZ^ dk dk;Z fo|k/;;u djuk gSA mls f”k{kk ds lkFk&lkFk ,slh fo|k
Hkh xzg.k djuh pkfg,] ftlls jk’Vªh; Hkkoukvksa dk fodkl gksA fo|ky;ksa esa ,u-lh-lh-] LdkmV~l
vkfn bu Hkkoukvksa esa ;ksxnku nsus ds fy, cuh gSaA Nk=ksa dks buesa c<+&p<+ dj Hkkx ysuk pkfg,A
fo|kFkhZ dks ,d dÙkZO;fu’B ukxfjd dh Hkk¡fr O;ogkj djuk pkfg,A jk’Vª ds lkeus vusd çdkj ds
ladV vkrs gSa & dHkh ck<+ dHkh lw[kk rFkk dHkh nq?kZVuk,¡ vkfnA fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks çR;sd ladV esa dej
dlus dks rS;kj jguk pkfg,A fdlh Hkh ns”k dh Økafr esa uo;qodksa dk egÙoiw.kZ ;ksxnku gksrk gSA
tks Nk= i<+rs le; jk’Vª&fodkl dk LoIu viuh vk¡[kksa esa Hkj ysxk] og ftl Hkh {ks= esa tk,xk]
ogha jk’Vªfgr dk dk;Z djsxkA ¼1x5¾5½
¼i½ fo|kFkhZ dks f”k{kk ds lkFk&lkFk fdl çdkj dh fo|k çkIr djuh pkfg,\
¼d½ ftlls Nk= ;ksX; f[kykM+h cusA
¼[k½ ftlls jk’Vªh; Hkkoukvksa dk fodkl gksA
¼x½ ftlls og ohjrk iwoZd ;qn~/k dj lds A
¼?k½ ftlls og vUu rFkk vkokl dh O;oLFkk dj ldsA
¼ii½ çR;sd jk’Vªoklh dk D;k dÙkZO; gksuk pkfg,\
¼d½ og ,u-lh- lh esa Hkkx ys ¼[k½ og jk’Vªfgr dk /;ku j[ks
¼x½ og [ksy&dwn ij fo”ks’k /;ku ns ¼?k½ vfrfFk;ksa dk Lokxr djs
¼iii½ ,u-lh-lh- rFkk LdkmV~l vkfn laLFkkvksa dk D;k mÌs”; gS\
¼d½ Nk=ksa dks fons”k ;k=k djk, ¼[k½ Nk=ksa esa jk’Vªh; Hkkoukvksa dk fodkl gks
¼x½ Nk= i<+kbZ esa vPNs vad çkIr djsa ¼?k½ Nk= “kkjhfjd :Ik ls LoLFk jgsa
¼iv½ fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk çeq[k dk;Z D;k gS\
¼d½ [ksyuk&dwnuk ¼[k½ fo|k&v/;;u djuk
¼x½ vPNk xk;d cuuk ¼?k½ Hkk’k.k nsuk
¼v½ fdlh Hkh ns”k dh Økafr eas fdldk ;ksxnku egÙoiw.kZ gksrk gS\
¼d½ ns”k ds cqtqxksZa dk ¼[k½ ns”k ds uo;qodksa dk
¼x½ ns”k ds Nk=ksa dk ¼?k½ ns”k dh fL=;ksa dk

ç”u ¼2½
¼i½ dfork ikB djuk Hkk’kk dk dkSu lk :Ik gS\ ¼1½
¼ii½ vuqukfld ds ç;ksx okys “kCn Nk¡Vs & ¼1½
papy] ukt+] m¡xyh] i<+uk] “ka[k] vk¡[k] yM+kbZ

¼iii½ fuEufyf[kr çR;;ksa ls fufeZr ,d&,d “kCn fy[ksa & ¼1½

vkyq] vd

¼iv½ fuEufyf[kr okD; dks Hkfo’;r~ dky esa fy[ksa & ¼1½
f”k{kd us ikB i<+k;kA

ç”u ¼3½ funsZ”kkuqlkj mÙkj fy[ksa &

¼i½ fuEufyf[kr vusd “kCnksa ds fy, ,d “kCn fy[ksa & ¼1½

vkKk dk ikyu djus okyk

¼ii½ fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa esa ls L=hfyax “kCn pqusa & ¼1½
vkpk;Z] ykseM+h] Hkkjr] xhnM+] [khj

¼iii½ fuEufyf[kr vusdkFkZd “kCnksa ds ,d&,d vFkZ fy[ksa & ¼1½

jkx] ny

¼iv½ fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa esa ls fdlh ,d “kCn dk foykse “kCn fy[ksa & ¼1½
vkjksg ;k [kkn~;

¼v½ fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa esa ls fdUgha nks ds nks&nks Ik;kZ;okph “kCn fy[ksa & ¼2½
d`’kd] dU;k] miou] fdukjk

¼vi½ fuEufyf[kr le:ih fHkUukFkZd “kCnksa ds vFkZ fy[ksa & ¼2½

¼d½ lxZ ¼[k½ cfy
LoxZ cyh

¼vii½ orZuh “kqn~/k djsa & ¼2½

Hkk’kk,sa] Nf=;

¼viii½ fuEufyf[kr eqgkojksa ds vFkZ fy[ksa & ¼2½

gkFk eyuk] va/ks dh ykBh

ç”u ¼3½ ¼d½ ;kSfxd “kCn dh ifjHkk’kk mnkgj.k lfgr fy[ksaA ¼2½
¼[k½ fØ;k fo”ks’k.k ds fdrus Hksn gSa\ çR;sd dk uke fy[ksaA ¼2½

ç”u ¼4½ fuEufyf[kr ifBr x|ka”k dks /;kuiwoZd i<+sa rFkk fn, x, ç”uksa ds mÙkj fy[ksa & ¼1x4¾4½

¼d½ vfr”k; xaHkhjrk ds lkFk feBkbZokys us dgk & ^^eSa Hkh vius uxj dk ,d çfrf’Br vkneh
FkkA edku] O;olk;] xkM+h&?kksM+s] ukSdj&pkdj lHkh dqN FkkA L=h Fkh] NksVs&NksVs nks cPps Hkh FksA
esjk og lksus dk lalkj FkkA ckgj laifÙk dk oSHko Fkk] Hkhrj lkalkfjd lq[k FkkA L=h laqnjh Fkh] esjh
çk.k FkhA cPps ,sls lqanj Fks] tSls lksus ds ltho f[kykSusA mudh vB[ksfy;ksa ds lkjs ?kj esa dksykgy
epk jgrk FkkA le; dh xfrA fo/kkrk dh yhykA vc dksbZ ugha gSA

¼i½ feBkbZokyk fdl çdkj dk O;fDr Fkk\

¼d½ cnuke ¼[k½ çfrf’Br ¼x½ csbZeku ¼?k½ cnek”k
¼ii½ feBkbZokys ds fdrus cPps Fks\
¼d½ ,d ¼[k½ nks ¼x½ rhu ¼?k½ pkj
¼iii½ feBkbZ okys us vius cPpksa dh laqnjrk dh lekurk fdlls crkbZ gS\
¼d½ lksus ds lalkj ls ¼[k½ xkM+h&?kksM+s ls
¼x½ lksus ds ltho f[kykSus ls ¼?k½ lksus ds futhZo f[kykSus ls
¼iv½ fdldh vB[ksfy;ksa ds ekjs ?kj esa dksykgy epk jgrk Fkk\
¼d½ ukSdj&pkdj dh ¼[k½ cPpksa dh ¼x½ L=h dh ¼?k½ uxj ds cPpksa dh

fn, x, in~;ka”k dks i<+sa rFkk fn, x, ç”uksa ds mÙkj fy[ksa & ¼1x4¾4½

¼[k½ eSa ?keaMksa esa Hkjk ,saBk gqvk]

,d fnu tc Fkk eaqMsjs ij [kM+kA
vk vpkud nwj ls mM+rk gqvk]
,d frudk vk¡[k esa esjh iM+kA

¼i½ çLrqr i|ka”k ds dfo dk uke pqusa &

¼d½ v;ks/;k flag mik/;k; ^gfjvkS/k^ ¼[k½ f”ko eaxy flag ^lqeu^
¼x½ losZ”ojn;ky lDlsuk ¼?k½ jghenkl
¼ii½ dfo ds eu esa dkSu & lk Hkko Hkjk gqvk Fkk\
¼d½ vkuan dk Hkko ¼[k½ ?keaM dk Hkko
¼x½ çse dk Hkko ¼?k½ R;kx dk Hkko
¼iii½ dfo dgk¡ [kM+s Fks\
¼d½ ?kj esa ¼[k½ eqaMsj ij ¼x½ Nr ij ¼?k½ njokts ds ikl
¼iv½ frudk fdldh vk¡[k esa iM+k\
¼d½ dfo dh vk¡[k esa ¼[k½ ys[kd dh vk¡[k esa
¼x½ ikBd dh vk¡[k esa ¼?k½ muds fe= dh vk¡[k esa

[k.M ^[k^

ç”u ¼5½ ¼d½ fuEufyf[kr ç”uksa ds mÙkj ,d ;k nks okD; esa fy[ksa & ¼1x5¾5½

¼i½ fiatjs esa can jgus ds dkj.k i{kh D;k Hkwy x;s gSa\
¼ii½ ^ns[kuk /kUuks] tSlh rsjh csVh oSlh esjh] nl&ik¡p ds fy, g¡lkbZ u gksA^ ;g dFku fdlus] fdlls
¼iii½ nknh ek¡ us lanwd ls D;k fudky dj ys[kd ds firkth dks fn;k\
¼iv½ “kke&,d fdlku ikB esa ^fpye vkaS/kh^ ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\
¼v½ nf{k.k Hkkjr dk dkSu & lk O;atu çfln~/k gS\ ikB ds vk/kkj ij fy[ksaA

¼[k½ fuEufyf[kr ç”uksa ds mÙkj fy[ksa & ¼2x4¾8½

¼i½ i{kh euq’; ls D;k vkxzg dj jgs gSa\ ^ge iaNh mUeqDr xxu ds^ uked dfork ds vk/kkj ij
¼ii½ ukxkktqZu fdl unh ds fdukjs tkdj cSB x,\ unh ds ty ls ys[kd ij D;k çHkko
¼iii½ [kku&iku dh fefJr laLd`fr ls D;k ykHk gS\ fdUgha nks dk mYys[k djsaA
¼iv½ ;klqdh pku vkSj rksÙkks pku ds viwoZ vuqHko esa D;k varj Fkk\

¼x½ fuEufyf[kr ç”uksa ds o.kZukRed mÙkj fy[ksa & ¼3x3¾9½

¼i½ fUkEufyf[kr nksgksa esa ls fdlh ,d dk HkkokFkZa fy[ksa &

/kjrh dh&lh jhr gS] lhr /kke vkSj esgA
tSlh ijs lks lfg jgs] R;ksa jghe ;g nsgAA
dfg jghe laifr lxs] cur cgqr cgq jhrA
foifr dlkSVh ts dls] rsbZ lk¡ps ehrAA
¼ii½ uhydaB us [kjxks”k ds cPps dks lk¡Ik ls fdl çdkj cpk;k\ bl ?kVuk ds vk/kkj ij uhydaB ds
LoHkko dh fdUgha nks fo”ks’krkvksa dk mYys[k djsaA
¼iii½ ohj dq¡oj lHkh /keksZ dks vknj nsrs Fks & bldk irk fdu ckrksa ls pyrk gS\ ikB ds vk/kkj ij

ç”u ¼6½ cky egkHkkjr ij vk/kkfjr fuEufyf[kr ç”uksa ds mÙkj fy[ksa & ¼2x5¾10½

¼d½ ikaMoksa dk okLrfod ifjp; ikdj nzqin dh D;k çfrfØ;k Fkh] vkSj D;ksa\
¼[k½ ikaMoksa ds laca/k esa Hkh’e vkSj nzks.kkpk;Z us /k`rjk’Vª dks D;k lykg nh\
¼x½ nq;ksZ/ku n~okjk banzçLFk ij vkØe.k ds çLrko ij “kdqfu us D;k lq>ko fn;k\
¼?k½ dsyksa ds ckx esa dkSu ysVk Fkk\ mlus Hkhe dks D;k vk”khokZn fn;k\
¼³½ nzks.kkpk;Z nzqin ls D;ksa ukjkt Fks\

[k.M ^x^

ç”u ¼7½ ¼i½ fuEufyf[kr fo’k;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d fo’k; ij ,d vuqPNsn fy[ksa & ¼5½

¼d½ lRlaxfr & ladsr fcUnq & Hkwfedk


¼[k½ ok;q çnw’k.k & ladsr fcUnq & Hkwfedk

nwj djus ds mik;

¼x½ cky fnol & ladsr fcUnq & ifjp; & dc rFkk D;ksa
cPpksa esa mRlkg

¼ii½ okf’kZd ijh{kk dh rS;kjh ds laca/k esa iwjh tkudkjh nsrs gq, nknkth dks i= fy[ksaA ¼5½
eksckby dk de ç;ksx djus dh lykg nsrs gq, fe= dks i= fy[ksaA


Class - VII Subject – H.P.E

Time –1 Hour Maximum Marks- 25

General Instruction:-
1. The question paper consist of 25 objective questions.
2. All questions are Compulsory.
3. All questions carrying one mark each.

1. How many minutes are usually played in football match?

(a) 30
(b) 45
(c) 90
(d) 70
2. Which trophy is Associated with football?
(a) Santosh trophy
(b) U.S. open
(c) Walker Cup
(d) Davis Cup
3. Who is the Captain of Indian Football Team.
(a) Sunil Chhetri
(b) Rahul K.P.
(c) Deepak Tangri
(d) Sandesh Jhigan
4. Which awards is not associated with any Sports /Games?
(a) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
(b) Arjun Award
(c) Ashok Chakra
(d) Dhayan Chand Award
5. “ Dronacharya Award” is awarded in which category of sports?
(a) Players
(b) Coaches
(c) Umpire
(d) Sports Journalists
6. What is the nick name of Indian Football Team?
(a) Black Tiger
(b) White Tiger
(c) Red Tiger
(d) Blue Tiger
7. FIFA World Cup was started in which year?
(a) 1930
(b) 1931
(c) 1932
(d) 1929

8. “Instep Kick” is Associated with which game?
(a) Cricket
(b) Hockey
(c) Football
(d) Badminton
9. Which country has hosted the Asian Games 2023?
(a) Indian
(b) China
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Japan
10. Who won the most Gold Medals in the Asian Games 2023?
(a) Indian
(b) Japan
(c) China
(d) North Korea
11. Penalty kick is also known as ----------?
(a) Direct Kick
(b) Free Kick
(c) Throw
(d) Spot Kick
12. Who is known as the God Of Football?
(a) Messi
(b) Pele
(c) Robert leo
(d) Margan
13. How many players played in a football match?
(a) 11
(b) 12
(c) 10
(d) 14
14. How Many Medals India won in the Asian Games 2023?
(a) 97
(b) 100
(c) 85
(d) 107
15. Which country has won the maximum number of Football World Cup?
(a) Germany
(b) Italy
(c) Argentina
(d) Brazil
16. From where the Substitute player can entre in the ground in football match?
(a) Touch line
(b) Half way line
(c) Goal line
(d) End line

17. ‘For warning’ which Card is used by Referee in a football Match.
(a) Red
(b) Yellow
(c) Blue
(d) Green
18. FIFA was established is which year?
(a) 1902
(b) 1905
(c) 1907
(d) 1904
19. What is the colour of the T –Shirt of Brazil National Football Team?
(a) Red
(b) Black
(c) Pink
(d) Yellow
20. Who won the Limited over Cricket World Cup 2023?
(a) India
(b) Australia
(c) South Africa
(d) England
21. What is the full form of FIFA?
(a) Federal International football Association
(b) Football international federation
(c) Federation International de football Association
(d) Association International federation
22. What is the official weight of Football?
(a) 310-350 gm
(b) 410-450 gm
(c) 400 – 450gm
(d) 350 – 400 gm
23. Who will host the FIFA World Cup 2026?
(a) Canada, Mexico and U.S.A
(b) China
(c) Brazil
(d) Spain
24. What is the rank of India in Asian Games 2023?
(a) First
(b) Fourth
(c) Third
(d) Second
25. What is the Circumference of Football?
(a) 27” to 28”
(b) 24” to 25”
(c) 26” to 27”
(d) 29” to 30”


Class - VII Subject – Japanese

Time – 90 Minutes Maximum Marks - 40

1. Read the given passage and answer the following questions in Japanese. [4]
ムケシュ: スプリヤちゃんのしゅみはなんですか?

スプリヤ: まんがをよむことです。ムケシュちゃんは?

ムケシュ: わたしはクリケットをすることがしゅみです。


スプリヤ: それはすごいですね。

ムケシュ: スプリヤちゃんはなにかならいごとをしていますか?

スプリヤ: はい、りょうりをならっています。

ムケシュ: いいですね。どこでならっていますか。

スプリヤ: りょうりきょうしつ(Cooking class)でならっています。

ムケシュ: すごいですね。りょうりきょうしつはまいにちですか?

スプリヤ: いいえ、りょうりきょうしつはまいしゅうにちようびにいっか


ムケシュ: いいですね!りょうりきょうしつはいつまでですか。

スプリヤ: りょうりきょうしつは3がつ31にちまでです。

1) スプリヤちゃんのしゅみはなんですか?

2) ムケシュちゃんのしゅみはなんですか?

3) スプリヤちゃんはどこでりょうりをならっていますか?

4) スプリヤちゃんのりょうりきょうしつはいつまでですか?

2. Write a small paragraph on any one of the topics in Japanese(Hiragana/Katakana). [4]
1) ふゆやすみ (Winter holiday)
2) わたしのまち (My city)

3. Complete the following sentences with the hints given in the bracket. [3]
1) まいにち1じかん___________なければいけません。
2) ミーティングのために_____________なければいけません。
3) しゅくだいをあしたまでに__________なければいけません。
4) あしたの1じまでに、このほんを_______ければいけません。
5) あさごはんを_____________なければなりません。
6) あしたははやく___________なければなりません。
4. Change any three of the following sentences in [~てもいいですか ] form. [3]
1) テレビをみます。
2) くすりをのみます。
3) まんがをよみます。
4) がっこうをやすみます。

5. Complete the following verb conjugation table. [3]

じしょけい ~ますけい ~たけい

Dictionary Form ~masu form ~ta form(Polite)







6. Write your name in Katakana. [1]

7. Write the given places in English. [2]
1) ドイツ
2) ニューヨーク
3) カナダ
4) ネパール

8. Make sentences with the following words in Japanese. [4]

1) パソコン
2) スマートフォン
3) インターネット
4) インド

9. Rewrite the following Hiragana in Katakana. [2]

1) ぱいなっぷる
2) すくーるばす
3) こいん
4) ひんでぃー

10. Translate the following sentences in English. [5]

1) このパンケーキはおいしそうです。
2) このスマートフォンはつかいやすいです。
3) おはしがつかいにくいです。
4) くすりをのんだのでげんきになりました。
5) いえのちかくにスーパーができました。とてもべんりになりました。

11. Change the following i-adjectives in the form given below. [3]
1) あたらしかった : Plain-Present-Positive
2) すずしい : Polite-Past-Positive
3) わるいです : Plain-Past-Positive
4) いたくない : Plain-Present-Positive
5) くろかったです : Polite-Present-Positive
6) ちいさかった : Plain-Present-Positive

12. Rearrange the given jumbled words and make meaningful sentences. [5]
1) か / に / の / いく / です / どこ /?
2) なに / です / かう / か / を / の /?
3) この / かんたん / は / ほん / そうです /。
4) ことが / かく / を / にほんご / できます / 。
5) たべたい / です / たべもの / を / の / にほん / 。


Class - VII Subject – Mathematics

Time – 3 Hours Maximum Marks- 80

General Instructions:
1. This question paper has 5 Section A-E.
2. Section A has 20 MCQs carrying 1 mark each.
3. Section B has 5 questions carrying 2 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 questions carrying 3 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 questions carrying 5 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with subparts of the
values 1,1 and 2 marks each respectively.
7. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice in 2 questions of 5marks,
2 questions of 3 marks and 2 questions of 2 marks has been provided. An internal choice has
been provided in the 2marks questions of Section E.
8. Draw neat figures wherever required.


1. The value of 53 x (-9) - (-109) x 53 is

(a) 5300 (b) 6254 (c) -6254 (d) -5777
2. Which of the following shows the maximum rise in the temperature ?
(a) 23˚ to 32˚ (b) -10˚ to +1˚ (c) -18˚ to -11˚ (d) -5˚ to 5˚
3. What should be divided by 6 to get -18 ?
(a) - 3 (b) 3 (c) -108 (d) 108
4. By what number 9 5 be multiplied to get 42 ?
30 7 1 3
(a) (b) 30 (c) 4 7 (d) 4 7

5. The value of 3× 0.3×0.03×0.003×30 =

(a) 0.0000243 (b) 0.000243 (c) 0.00243 (d) 0.0243
6. The there are 10 marbles in a box which are marked with the distinct numbers from 1 to 10.
A marble is drawn randomly. The probability of getting prime numbered marble is
1 2 9 3
(a) (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 10

7. The mean of first seven even natural numbers is

(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 6

8. If the sum of a number and its two-fifth is 70, then the number is
(a) 70 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 90

9. An angle is thrice its supplement. The measure of the angle is
(a) 120˚ (b) 105˚ (c) 135˚ (d) 150˚
−4 1
10. The product of the coefficients of terms in 𝑎𝑏2 + 𝑏c 2 + 3ca2 is
3 4
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) -1 (d) 3

11. How much is a2 -3a greater than 2a2 + 4a ?

(a) a2 − 7a (b) a2 + 7a (c) −a2 − 7a (d) −a2 + 7a

12. A solid that has two opposite identical faces and other faces as parallelograms is a
(a) prism (b) pyramid (c) cone (d) sphere

13. The ratio of copper and zinc in an alloy is 5:3. If the weight of the copper in the alloy is 30.5
grams, then the weight of zinc in the alloy is
(a) 48.8 gm (b) 6.1 gm (c) 18.3 gm (d) 25.5 gm

14. Which of the following fractions is equivalent to 12.5 %?

1 1 1 1
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 12

15. In what time will a sum of Rs.8000 amount to Rs. 8360 at 6% per annum simple interest ?
1 1
(a) 8 months (b) 9 months (c) 1 4 months (d) 1 2 year

−7 −8
16. − ( 15 ) =
−239 29 −29
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
195 195 195

1 5 2 1
17. The product of 3 7 x 1 6 x 1 5 x 1 11 is equal to
8 4 4 4
(a) 5 5 (b) 5 5 (c) 8 5 (d) 7 5

18. The circumference of a circle is 44cm. Its area is

(a) 77cm2 (b) 154cm2 (c) 208cm2 (d) 144cm2

DIRECTION: In the question number 19 and 20, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by
a statement of reason (R). Choose the correct option.
19. Statement A (Assertion): The height of a triangle whose area = 62cm2 and base = 20 cm is
6.2 cm
Statement R (Reason): The formula to find the height of a triangle is h = 𝑎

(a) Both assertion(A) and reason(R) are true and reason(R) is the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion(A) and reason(R) are true and reason(R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

1 1 𝑦 25
20. Statement A (Assertion): If 𝑥 =3 and 𝑦 =2, then the value of ( + ) is equal to
𝑥 𝑦 36
𝑎 𝑎 4
Statement R (Reason) : If 𝑎 = 2 and 𝑏 = 3, then the value of ( 𝑏 ) is equal to 9
(a) Both assertion(A) and reason(R) are true and reason(R) is the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion(A) and reason(R) are true and reason(R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

1 1
21. The length of a rectangular plot of area 65 3 m2 is 12 4 m. What is the width of the plot?
A car covers distance of 14.75 km in 1 litre of petrol. How much distance will it cover in
7.5 litres of petrol.
𝑥 𝑥
22. Solve: −4 = −1
2 3

23. Two parallel lines 𝑙 and m are cut by two transversals p and 𝑞.Determine the values of 𝑥 and
𝑦 giving proper reasons.

24. What must be added to 2x 3 - 4x 2 + 3x -7 to make the sum x 3 + 2x 2 -3x +2 ?

Simplify: 2𝑥 − 3𝑦 − [3𝑥 − 2𝑦 − {𝑥 − 𝑧 − (𝑥 − 2𝑦)}]
25. Express 108 x 192 as a product of prime factors only in exponential form.


26. The students of class VII have to choose one club from Music, Dance, Yoga, Dramatics,
Fine arts and Electronics clubs. The data given below shows the choices made by girls and
boys of the class.

GIRLS 15 24 10 19 27 21

BOYS 12 16 8 17 11 30

(a) Draw a double graph using appropriate scale to depict the above data.
(b) How many students are there in class VII ?
27. Find the value of ∠BOC, ∠COD and ∠ AOD, if points A, O and B are collinear.

−13 12 −31 −1
28. Divide the sum of and by the product of and .
5 7 7 2
1 2
Find six rational numbers between and .
2 3

29. A race track is in the form of a ring whose inner circumference is 352m, and the outer
circumference is 396m. Find the width of the track.
A circular flower bed is surrounded by a path 4m wide. The diameter of the flower bed is
66m. What is the area of this path?

3 4 4 4 15 2
30. Find the value of (− 5) x ( 9) x (− )

p 2 2 9 0 𝑞 −3
31. If = ( 3) ÷ ( 5) , find the value of ( 𝑝)


32. Two poles of heights 6m and 11m stand on a plane ground. If the distance between their feet is
12 m, find the distance between their tops.
ABCD is a quadrilateral. Prove that AB + BC + CD +DA > AC+BD

33. Juhi sells a TV set for Rs. 27600. She loses 8% in the bargain. What was the price at which
she bought it. Also find her actual loss.

34. Sakshi took a wire of 88 cm and bent it into the shape of a circle. Find the radius of that
circle also find its area. If the same wire is bent into the shape of a square, what will be the
length of each of its sides? Which figure encloses more area, the circle or the square?
A door of length 5.5m and breadth 2m is fitted in a wall. The length of the wall is 12m and
breadth is 9.5m. Find the cost of the white washing the wall, if the rate of white washing the
wall is rupees Rs. 35 per m2 .
(25 ) × 73 125 × 52 ×𝑎7
35. Simplify : (a) (b)
83 × 7 103 ×𝑎4

SECTION- E (1+1+2=4 MARKS)

36. A picnic is planned in a school for class VII students. Girls are 60% of the total number of
students and are 18 in number. The picnic site is 55 km from the school and the transport
company is charging at the rate of Rs.12 per km. Total cost of refreshments is Rs.4280.

Find :-
(a) the total number of students.
(b) the ratio of number of girls to the number of boys in the class.
(c) the cost per heads if two teachers are also going with the class.
if there first stop is at a place 22 km from the school, what percent of the total distance of
55 km is this.

37. Rajendra, a farmer had two sons and two daughters. He decided to divide his property
amongst his sons and daughters. So, he wrote a will about distribution of his property.
3 1
According to his will he decided to give 5 of the property to his sons in equal proportions, 3
to his daughters in equal proportions and rest to a charitable trust. After his death his will
was opened and read out by an advocate in presence of all villagers.

Now answer the following questions:

(a) What portion of property did he give to each of his son?
(b) What portion of property did he give to each of his daughter?
(c) What portion of property was given to the Charitable Trust?
Who got the greater share – sons, daughters or the charitable trust?
38. A pizza factory has come out with two types of pizzas. A square Pizza of side 50 cm cost
Rs. 200 and a circular Pizza of diameter 70 cm costs Rs. 250.

50 cm
70 cm

Answer the following questions:

(a) What is the ratio of the perimeter of the square Pizza to the circumference of the
circular pizza?
(b) What is the area of the circular pizza?
(c) What is the area of square pizza?
Which Pizza is a better deal?


Class - VII Subject – Sanskrit

Time – 90 Minutes Maximum Marks - 40

^[kaM & d^
ç”Uk 1- v/kksfyf[kra i|ka”ka ifBRok ç”ukuke~ mÙkjkf.k fy[kr &

v;a fut% ijkss osfr x.kuk y?kqpsrlke~A

mnkj&pfjrkuka rq olq/kSo dqVqEcde~AA

i`fFkO;ka =hf.k jRukfu tye~ vUue~ lqHkkf’kre~A

ew<S% ik’kk.k [k.Ms’kq jRulaKk fo/kh;rsAA

I.,dinsu mÙkjr %& ¼1@2x2¾1½

¼d½ i`fFkO;ka dfr jRukfu lfUr\ ¼[k½ ds’kke~ rq olq/kSo dqVqEcde~ vfLr\

II.,dokD;su mÙkjr %& ¼1x2¾2½

¼d½ ew<S% dq= jRulaKk fo/kh;rs\
¼[k½ y?kqpsr’kke~ x.kuk fde~ vfLr\

III.mfpra fodYia fpuqr %& ¼1@2x4¾2½

¼d½ ^y?kqpsr’kke~^ v= dk foHkfDr ç;qDrk\
¼v½ iapeh ¼c½ ‘k’Bh ¼l½ lIreh ¼n½ lacks/ku

¼[k½ ^jRukfu^ v= fde~ fyaxa ç;qDra\

¼v½ iqfYyxa ¼c½ L=hfyaxa ¼l½ uiqaldfyaxa ¼n½ vU;fyaxa

¼x½ ^i`fFkoh^ bfr inL; d% vU;% i;kZ;% v= ç;qDr%\

¼v½ olq/kk ¼c½ jRua ¼l½ ik’kk.ka ¼n½ vUue~

¼?k½ ew[kSZ% bfr inL; d`rs v= fda ina ç;qDre~\

¼v½ ik’kk.k ¼c½ ew<+S% ¼l½ jRukfu ¼n½ =hf.k

ç”Uk 2- v/kksfyf[kra x|ka”ka ifBRok ç”ukuke~ mÙkjkf.k fy[kr %&

,di”kq% çs’k.kØe% çkpyr~A çfrfnua flag% çsf’kri”kqa gRokHk{k;r~A ,dnk ,dL; “k”kdL; okj%
lek;kr%A /kzqoa ej.ka eRok l% “kuS% “kuS% xPNu~ O;pkj;r~ ;r~ dsuksik;su o;a rLekr~ u`”kalkr~ eqDrk% Hkose~A l%
eufl mik;e~ vo/kk;Z foyEcsu rL; le{ke~ mifLFkrks·Hkor~A
I.,dinsu mÙkjr %& ¼1@2x2¾1½
¼d½ ,dnk dL; okj% lek;kr%\ ¼[k½ d% çsf’kri”kqa gRokHk{k;r~\
II.,dokD;su mÙkjr %& ¼1x2¾2½
¼d½ “k”kd% dsu çdkjs.k flagL; le{ke~ mifLFkr% vHkor~\
¼[k½ dL; Øe% çkpyr~\
III.mfpra fodYia fpuqr %& ¼1@2x4¾2½
¼i½ *çfrfnua flag% çsf’kri”kqa vHk{k;r~* & bfr okD;s fØ;kina fde~\
¼v½ vHk{k;r~ ¼c½ flag% ¼l½ çfrfnua ¼n½ çsf’kri”kqa

¼ii½ ^”k”kdL;^ v= dk foHkfDr ç;qDrk\

¼v½ iapeh ¼c½ ‘k’Bh ¼l½ lIreh ¼n½ prqFkhZ

¼iii½ ^v[kknr~^ bfr inL; d% vU;% Ik;kZ;% v= ç;qDr%\

¼v½ O;pkj;r~ ¼c½ vHkor~ ¼l½ vHk{k;r~ ¼n½ çkpyr~

¼iv½ ^l% eufl mik;e~ vfpUr;r~^ v= dr`Zina fde~\

¼v½ eufl ¼c½ l% ¼l½ mik;e~ ¼n½ vfpUr;r~

^[kaM & [k^

ç”Uk 3- lfU/k & foPNsna dq:r %& ¼1@2x4¾2½

¼d½ dsuksik;su ¾ &&&&&&&&& $ &&&&&&&&&
¼[k½ lknje~ ¾ &&&&&&&&&&& $ &&&&&&&&&

ç”Uk 4- “kCn:ikf.k fy[kr %& ¼1@2x8¾4½

¼d½ ifr% irh &&&&&&&&
¼[k½ u|k &&&&& &&&&&&&&
¼x½ dL; &&&&&& &&&&&&&&
¼?k½ dL;S &&&&&& &&&&&&&&
¼³½ er;s efrH;ke~ &&&&&&&&
ç”Uk 5- /kkrq:ikf.k fy[kr %& ¼1@2x8¾4½
¼d½ xfe’;fr &&&&& &&&&&&&&
¼[k½ vfy[kr~ &&&&& vfy[ku~
¼x½ uerq uerke~ &&&&&&&&
¼?k½ djksfr &&&&&& &&&&&&&&
¼³½ xPNsr~ &&&&& &&&&&&&&
^[kaM & x^

ç”Uk 6- ?kVukuqlkjs.k fy[kr %& ¼1@2x4¾2½

¼d½ “k”kd% Hkklqjda dwie~ vu;r~A
¼[k½ flag% “k”kdk; vØq/;r~A
¼x½ flag% çfrfnua ,dkf/kdi”kwu~ gfUr LeA
¼?k½ “k”kd% foyEcsu flagL; le{ka xroku~A

ç”Uk 7- js[kkafdrkfu Iknkfu vf/kd`R; ç”ufuekZ.ka dq:r %& ¼1x4¾4½

¼d½ O;ogkjs.k fe=kf.k tk;UrsA
¼[k½ e`R;q% u çrh{krsA
¼x½ vk;ZHkV~V% “kwU;L; çfriknue~ vdjksr~A
¼?k½ laLd`ra lokZu~ f”k{k;frA

ç”Uk 8- e¥~tw’kkr~ inkfu fpRok fjDrLFkkua iwj;r %& ¼1@2x4¾2½
¼e¥~tw’kk & Hkkjrkr~] gjfr] mRirfUr] ‘kM~_ro%½

¼d½ laLd`r v/;;ua v/;kiua &&&&& cfgjfi çpyfUrA

¼[k½ Hkkjrs &&&& HkofUrA
¼x½ olUr% dL; ân;a u &&&&&\
¼?k½ olUrs iq’iokfVdk;ka fp=ir³~xk%% &&&&&&&A

ç”Uk 9- v/kksfyf[kr & inkuka foHkfDr% opue~ p fy[kr %& ¼1x3¾3½

inkfu foHkfDRk% opue~

¼d½ ns”ks &&&&& &&&&&

¼[k½ Lokxrk; &&&&& &&&&&
¼x½ ujk.kke~ &&&&& &&&&&&

ç”Uk 10- ;Fkk;ksX;a la;ksT; fy[kr@ijLija esyua dq:r %& ¼1@2x4¾2½

d [k

¼d½ dkSfVY;su “kwU;L; çfriknue~ vdjksr~

¼[k½ vk;ZHkV~V% vFkZ”kkL=a ç.khre~
¼x½ okYehfd% vH;qn;k; çsj;fUr
¼?k½ lwDr;% jkek;.ke~ vjp;r~

ç”Uk 11- js[kkafdrkfu inkfu “kqn~/kkfu d`Rok fy[kr %& ¼1@2x4¾2½

¼d½ flag% “k”kde~ vØq/;r~A
¼[k½ d% flagsu u fcHksfrA
¼x½ o`{kk; i=kf.k irfUrA
¼?k½ tyL; fcuk thoua ukfLrA

ç”Uk 12- e¥~tw’kkr~ lekukFkZd inkfu fpRok fy[kr %& ¼1@2x4¾2½

¼e¥~tw’kk & mM~M;Urs] dkuus] “;ke%] lewgk%½
¼d½ vfLkr% ¾ &&&&&&&
¼[k½ ous ¾ &&&&&&&
¼x½ mRirfUr ¾ &&&&&&&
¼?k½ o`Unkfu ¾ &&&&&&&&

ç”Uk 13- mnkgj.kkuqlkja ^Le^ “kCna ;kstf;Rok fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r %& ¼1@2x2¾1½
mnkgj.ka & volr~ ¾ olfr LEk
¼d½ vHkor~ ¾ &&&&&&&& ¼[k½ vu;r~ ¾ &&&&&&&

ç”Uk 14- mi;qDr dFkukuka le{ke~ ^vke~^ vuqi;qDr dFkukuka le{ke~ ^u^ bfr fy[kr %& ¼1@2x4¾2½
¼d½ LkR;a czw;kr~ A ¾ &&&&&&
¼[k½ O;ogkjs lnk mnkjrk L;kr~ A ¾ &&&&&&&
¼x½ yksds bna loZa pykpya vfLrA ¾ &&&&&&&
¼?k½ fpRra pya u vfLr A ¾ &&&&&&&&


Class - VII Subject – Science

Time – 3 Hours Maximum Marks- 80

Attempt all questions. However there are internal choices. Rough work to be done in
the right margin.


I. Choose the most appropriate answer. [2x 1= 2]

1. Fuse wire is generally made of
(a) tin and lead
(b) nickel and chromium
(c) nickel and copper
(d) chromium and silver
2. Assertion- the distance time graph for the motion of an object moving with a constant speed is
not a straight line.
Reason- an object moving along a straight line covers equal distance in equal intervals of time it
is said to be uniform motion.
(a) Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is correct explanation for
(b) Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is not correct explanation for
(c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
(d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.
II. Very short answer questions [2x1 = 2]
3. Boojho made light from a laser torch to fall on a prism. Will he be able to observe a band of
seven colours? Explain with a reason.
4. Write any two factors on which the electrical resistance of a conductor depends?
III. Short answer questions [3x 2 = 6]
5. Convert – 40 ᴼC into ᴼF
6. What is a real image? Give one situation where a real image is formed.
7. (a) Calculate the time period and frequency of a second’s pendulum.
(b) Write two factors on which the time period of a pendulum depends.
IV. Long answer questions [3x 4= 12]
8. (a) State the principle of calorimetry.
(b)Write one advantage and one disadvantage of using alcohol as a thermometric liquid.

9. (a) State any four characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror.
(b) State any one differences between a convex and a concave mirror.

10. (a) Starting from A, Paheli moves along a rectangular path ABCD as shown in figure. She takes
5 min to reach the starting point A.

1. Calculate the total displacement of Paheli in 5 minutes.

2. Calculate the speed in m/s.
(b) A bus travelled 200 km in the first 3 hours and then 100 kms for the next one and a half
hours and then 120 kms for the next one and a half hours. What is the average speed of the
bus for the whole journey.
11. (a) What are the necessary Features of heating element of a room heater?
(b) Draw a closed-circuit diagram consisting of a battery, electric bulb, an ammeter and an
electric switch.
V. Very long answer/ activity questions [1x5=5]
12. (a) Represent the percentage of composition of different gases in the atmosphere using a pie-
(b) Draw a distance-time graph from the following data showing the distance covered by a
racing car in fixed intervals of time. Calculate the speed of the car graphically.

Time(s) Distance (in m) from starting point

0 0
1 15
2 30
3 45
4 60
5 75
(a) Differentiate between short circuit and overloading.
(b) Sketch a labelled circuit diagram of an electromagnet. What are the methods of increasing
the strength of an electromagnet.


I. Choose the most appropriate answer. [1 X 4 = 4]

1. Assertion – Change of water from liquid to steam on heating is a physical change.
Reason – The temperature remains the same and the change involves a change in
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct but R is Wrong
(d) A is wrong but R is correct

2. Nutrients are replenished in the soil through
(a) Water
(b) herbs
(c) humus
(d) All of these

3. When an acid is slowly added to water:

(a) It releases heat
(b) It absorbs heat
(c) There is no heat change
(d) None of these.
4. Seema’s mother made a concentrated sugar syrup by dissolving sugar in hot water on cooling,
Crystal of sugar got separated. This indicates a
(a) Physical change that can be reversed
(b) Physical change that cannot be reversed
(c) Chemical change that can be reversed
(d) Chemical change that cannot be reversed
II Very Short Question Answer : [2 X 3 = 6]
5. (a) What will you observe when
(i) A drop of sodium hydroxide is added to blue Litmus?
(ii) A drop of hydrochloric acid is added to China rose solution?
(iii) A drop of dilute sulphuric acid is added to red Cabbage juice?
(b) Name the indicator which gives pink colour in basic solution but remains colorless in acidic
6. Explain how the following functions are performed by the forest?
(a) Prevention of floods
(b) Prevention of soil erosion.

7. (a) What are the main aim of Swachh Bharat mission initiated by government of India?
(Write any two points)
(b) Why eucalyptus tree should be planted all along sewage ponds?

III. Short Answer Question: [3 x 4 = 12]

8. (a) A farmer was unhappy because of his low crop yield. He discussed with an agricultural
scientist and realized that the soil of his field was either too acidic or too basic. What
remedy would you suggest the farmer to neutralize the soil?
(b) Differentiate between
(i) base and alkali
(ii) concentrated acid and dilute acid
9. Explain the following:
(a) Lime water turns milky on passing carbon dioxide gas in it.
(b) Bubbles are produced when acetic acid is added to a solution of sodium bicarbonate.
(c) Ships are damaged due to rusting inspite of being painted.

10. (a) Explain the process of the treatment of water at wastewater treatment plant to get clarified
water .
(b) What are contaminants?
11. (a) Untreated human excreta is a health hazard. Explain.
(b) Why chemicals should not be thrown down the drain?
12. Long answers: [5]
(a) “Nothing goes waste in a forest” justify the statement.
(b) What are the harmful effects of deforestation? (write any two points)
(c) Define the term understorey.
(a) Explain the role of forest in maintaining the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere.
(b) The forest is “dynamic living entity” justify the statement.
(c) Define the term ‘Crown’.


I. Choose and write the correct option - [1x2= 2]

1. Which of the following statements are correct -
(i) Ferns and mosses are considered as lower plants because they do not have roots and flowers.
(ii) Spores and seeds are similar in function.
(iii) Buds of yeast have a hard protective covering.
(iv) Asexual mode of reproduction leads to new varieties of plants
(a) i ,iii ,iv.
(b) ii , iii, iv
(c) i ,ii.
(d) only iv
2. Given below are two statements, Assertion (A) and Reason (R.). Choose the correct option
regarding the Assertion and Reason.
A. During photosynthesis carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form sugar
molecules in the presence of sunlight.
R. Green plants can convert light energy into chemical energy.
(a) Both statements are correct and R is the correct reason for A
(b) Both statements are correct but R is not the correct reason for A
(c) A is correct but R is wrong
(d) Both A and R are false
II. Answer in short – [1x2=2]
3. Why is the alveoli in lungs covered by blood capillaries?
4. Write two ways in which transpiration is useful for plants?
III. Answer in brief - [2x4= 8]
5. A farmer grows rice in his field during the rainy season and then grows plants, labeled X, in the
same field during the winter season to make the soil fertile.
(a) What variety could be the plants labeled as X?
(b) How do those plants make the soil fertile? Explain in brief.
6. (a) How does transportation occur in organisms like hydra and sponges?
(b) What form of nitrogenous waste is excreted by fishes and birds?
7. How do root hair enhance absorption of water from soil?

8. (a) Write one advantage and one disadvantage of asexual reproduction in plants.
(b) Why are flowers called the reproductive parts of plants? Explain in brief.

IV. Answer as directed - [3x3=9]

9. (a) How does bile juice aid in digestion of fats?
(b) Write two functions of the tongue.
(c) What are the two steps of nutrition that occur in the small intestine?
10. (a) What is cellular respiration?
(b) Write the equation for aerobic respiration.
11. Label the diagram given below and answer the questions -

(a) Label the parts marked a,b,c and d.

(b) What is the function of the part marked (b)
(c) After fertilization what happens to the part labeled (D)
IV. Answer only ONE of the given questions- [3+1+1=5]
12. (a) Draw a labeled schematic diagram to show the circulation of blood in humans.
(b) Write one point of difference regarding the structure of arteries and veins. What is the
reason for that difference.
(c) A person suffering from anemia feels very weak and has lack of energy.
Lack of which blood cells could be responsible for this condition? Explain with reason.
(a) Draw a labeled diagram of the human excretory system.
(b) Sweating serves two purposes in our body. Mention both in brief.
(c) What is dialysis? Why does a person with kidney problems need to go for dialysis?


Class - VII Subject – Social Science

Time – 3 Hours Maximum Marks - 80

All Questions are compulsory.


I. Choose the correct option: [1x9=9]

1. Habitat refers to
(a) habit of a person.
(b) a species of rabbit.
(c) environment of a region and the social and economic lifestyle of its residents.
(d) a medicine.

2. Sabha ________
i. was an assembly of prominent Brahman landholders.
ii. looked after the Brahmadeya.
iii. was a settlement of peasants.
i v . was a group of villages.
(a) only (i) and (ii) are correct.
(b) only (ii) and (iv) are correct.
(c) (i),(ii),(iii),(iv) all are correct.
(d) Only (iii).

3. Garrison is ________
(a) a group of soldiers living in and guarding a town
(b) a group of ministers.
(c) a group of poets.
(d) a group of singers.

4. Hundi was a ________

(a) language in medieval time.
(b) note recording a deposit made by a person.
(c) tribe living in central India.
(d) kingdom.

5. Which one of the following is not true about the 16th and 17th centuries?
(a) The European companies used their naval power to gain control of the sea trade in India.
(b) The European traders forced Indian traders to work as their agents.
(c) There was a decline in the crafts of spinning, weaving etc.
(d) Independence of craft persons declined as they work on a system of advances.

6. Mirabai was the disciple of saint
(a) Tulsi Das.
(b) Ravi Das.
(c) Surdas.
(d) Kabir Das.

7. Choose the correct option:

i. Jatis framed their own rules and regulations to manage the conduct of their members.
ii. Jatis were ranked on the basis of their backgrounds and occupations.
iii. Ranks of jatis were fixed permanently.
iv. The status of the same Jati could vary from one area to another.
(a) only (i) is correct.
(b) only (i) and (ii) are correct.
(c) only (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
(d) (i),(ii),(iii),(iv) all are correct.

8. Which of the following is not a correct statement about Samantas?

(a) They were the subordinates of the kings.
(b) They were always faithful to the kings, and never betrayed their kings.
(c) They brought gifts for their king.
(d) They were expected to be present at the court of their kings.

9. Kharaj
i. was a tax on cultivation.
ii. amounted to about 50% of the peasant’s produce.
iii was a tax on houses and cattle.
iv. was imposed during Mughal period.
(a) only (ii) is correct.
(b) only (i) is correct.
(c) (i) and (ii) are correct.
(d) only (i) and (ii) are correct.

II. Write the answers very briefly [2x2=4]

1. Describe the city of Hampi.
2. Mark and label the following in the map given
(a) Birth place of Mirabai
(b) Birth place of Gurunanak
III. Write the following answers in short:
1. Why did people from distant lands visit surat? Mention any one reason of the decline of
Surat. [2+1=3]
2. Who wrote Akbar Nama? What does it deal with? [1+2=3]

IV. Read the passage carefully
Between 1720 and 1761, the Maratha empire expanded. It gradually chipped away at the
authority of the Mughal Empire. Malwa and Gujarat were seized from the Mughals by the
1720s. By the 1730s, the Maratha king was recognised as the overlord of the entire Deccan
peninsula. He possessed the right to levy chauth and sardeshmukhi in the entire region.

After raiding Delhi in 1737 the frontiers of Maratha domination expanded rapidly: into
Rajasthan and the Punjab in the north; into Bengal and Orissa in the east; and into Karnataka
and the Tamil and Telugu countries in the south .These were not formally included in the
Maratha empire, but were made to pay tribute as a way of accepting Maratha sovereignty.
Expansion brought enormous resources, but it came at a price. These military campaigns also
made other rulers hostile towards the Marathas. As a result, they were not inclined to support
the Marathas during the third battle of Panipat in 1761.

Answer the following questions based on the above passage

i. What was chauth? [1]
ii. Name the other two states who were not friendly with the Mughals [1]
iii. Why were the other rulers not inclined to support the Marathas during the third battle of
Panipat? [2]
V. Write the answer in detail:
What were the major beliefs and practices of the Sufis? [2+3=5]
What were the major ideas expressed by Kabir? How did he express these? Name any two
religious texts where his verses are mentioned. [3+1+1=5]

I. Choose the correct option [1x3=3]
1. OPD is a short term for
(a) Out patient department.
(b) Operation department.
(c) opthamology patient department.
(d) orthopaedic patient department.

2. Civil Rights Movement

(a) started in 1750s
(b) was a movement by the Germans for equal rights.
(c) was a movement in The USA in which African – American people demanded equal rights.
and an end to racial discrimination.
(d) was the movement by British women for voting rights.
3. Opposition
(a) refers to elected representatives who are not members of the ruling party.
(b) plays the role of questioning government decision.
(c) raises new issues for consideration in the assembly.
(d) All (a),(b), and (c) are correct.

II. Write the answer briefly: [2x3=6]
1. Why should the decision taken by the Chief Minister and other ministers be debated in the
Legislative Assembly?
2. Describe any two methods of struggle that are used for women’s movement to raise
3. “Buying and selling can take place even without going to the market place.” Explain with
suitable examples.
III. Write the answer in short:
1. What do you understand by the following terms?: (i) care – giving and (ii) double burden
Each term should be explained with the help of a suitable example. [1.5+1.5=3]
2. How does the stereotype about what women can or cannot do, affect women’s right to
equality? [3]

IV. Read the passage carefully:

The different technologies that mass media use are expensive. Just think about the TV studio in
which the newsreader sits - it has lights, cameras, sound recorders, transmission satellites, etc.,
all of which cost a lot of money.

In a news studio, it is not only the newsreader who needs to be paid but also a number of other
people who help put the broadcast together. This includes those who look after the cameras
and lights. Also, as you read earlier the technologies that mass media use keep changing and
so a lot of money is spent on getting the latest technology. Due to these costs, the mass media
needs a great deal of money to do its work. As a result, most television channels and
newspapers are part of big business houses.

Answer the following questions based on the above passage

i. What do you mean by the term media? [1]
ii. Why do television channels and newspapers are part of big business houses? [2]
iii. Why do TV channels show advertisement? [1]

V. Write the answer in detail

What is a weekly market? Who are the sellers in the weekly market? Why are the goods cheap
in the weekly market? [1+1+3=5]


I. Choose the correct option : [1]

1. Which is a threat to the environment :
(a) growing plant
(b) growing population
(c) growing crop
(d) None of these
2. The Dead Sea is located in which of the following countries? [1]
(a) Turkey
(b) Israel
(c) Lebanon
(d) Iraq

3. Complete the table : [1]
Name the Term
These are small streams or rivers that join the main river.
(a) Lakes
(b) Deltas
(c) Leeves
(d) Tributaries
4. Which of the following is TRUE with respect to the major domains of the earth : [1]
i. It is the solid crust or the light top layer of the earth.
ii. It is the part of a planet that’s made of water.
iii. It is the thin layer of air that surrounds the earth.
iv. It is the life supporting zone of the earth where land, water and air interact and make life
(a) Only i.
(b) ii. and iv.
(c) i. and iii.
(d) All of the above
5. Match the Columns and choose the correct options : [1]
Column I Column II
a. Wind i. Local wind.
b. Monsoon ii. Permanent wind.
c. Loo iii. Seasonal wind.
d. Trade Wind iv. Horizontal movement of air.
(a) a.-iv, b.-iii, c.-i, d.-ii
(b) a.-iv,b.-iii, c.-ii,d.-i
(c) a.-iv,b.-i, c.-ii,d.-iii
(d) a.-iv, b.-ii, c.-iii,d.-i
II. Answer the following question in very short:
1. Why are rainforests depleting? Give any two points. [2]
III. Answer the following questions in short:
1. What does the process of erosion and deposition create? How are moraines formed? [1+2=3]
2. How are high tides important? Give any three points. [3]
IV. Answer the following question in detail:
1. How does nature maintain a balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
What is the result of this balance getting disturbed? [3+2=5]
In which layer of the atmosphere do aeroplanes fly?
Write important features of this layer. [1+4=5]

V. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow :
The earth’s crust is made up of various types of rocks. Any natural mass of mineral matter
that makes up the earth’s crust is called a rock. Rocks can be of different colour, size and
texture. There are three major types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. When
the molten magma cools, it becomes solid. Rocks thus formed are called igneous rocks. They
are also called primary rocks. There are two types of igneous rocks: intrusive rocks and
extrusive rock.
1. What happens to the lava that comes on the earth’s surface? [1]
2. Give an example of the extrusive igneous rocks. [1]
3. Write any two uses of rocks. [2]

VI. Draw, label and colour the diagram of types of rainfall. [3]

VII. Locate and label the following on the given map of Africa: [3]
A. Western Sahara
B. Red Sea
C. Sudan





Class - VII Subject – Spanish

Time – 90 Minutes Maximum Marks - 40

1. Contesta a las preguntas siguientes de comprensión :

(a) ¿Quién escribe este correo a quien? [1]

(b) ¿Qué dice Sol de carácter física de Miguel? [1]
(c) ¿Por qué Miguel es el mejor amigo de Sol? [1]
(d) Describe a tu mejor amigo en cuatro frases. [2]
2. Contesta a las preguntas siguientes : [3]
(a) ¿Cuándo empezó la reunión de internautas más importante del mundo?
(b) ¿Quién fue un invitado muy especial en esta reunión?
(c) ¿Qué cumple 10 años y cuándo?
3. Escribe frases con uso de “acabar de+ infinitivo” : [2]
(a) El estudiante ……. escribir el examen final.
(b) Tú …….. jugar dos partidos de fútbol de su club.
(c) Vosotros ……… viajar a Barcelona.
(d) Yo ……… visitar a mis amigos en Madrid.
4. Ordena las frases siguientes : [3]
(a) Todos/Estudio/días/los/matemáticas →
(b) tu/Dónde/esuela/está →
(c) gusta/me/el/helado de nata/A/mi →

5. Llena los huecos con conjugación de pretérito perfecto [2]
(a) ¿…… (escribir, tú) ya un párrafo en español?
(b) Esta tarde ……. (Ir, él) de compras.
(c) ¿....... (viajar, tú) alguna vez fuera de India?
(d) Nunca …….. (viajar, yo) fuera de India.
6. Completa las preguntas con el Interrogative correcto [2]
(a) ¿….. está tu amigo? Está en la biblioteca.
(b) ¿...... vas a hacer hoy? Voy a hacer ejercicio.
(c) ¿...... es tu hermano? Él que se pone vestido azul.
(d) ¿...... llora la ñina? Es que tiene hambre.
7. Carolina tuvo que preparar antes de salir de viaje. ¿Qué hizo? Escribe las frases en pretérito
indefinido. [2]
(a) Lavar las ropas. (Ella)
(b) Ir a la peluquería (Ella)
(c) Recoger los billetes de avión. (Ella)
(d) Planchar los vestidos. (Ella)
8. Traduce las frases con Ser e Ir en pretérito indefinido [2]
(a) He went to school for studying.
(b) We were stuladents of DPS, Ranchi 10 years ago.
9. Haz las frases con marcadores temporales de pretérito indefinido. [2]
(a) ……. (Yesterday) yo …… (ir) a la casa de mi amigo.
(b) ……(in 2021) tú …… (viajar) a Madrid.
(c) …… (Last month) él …. (jugar) un partido de fútbol.
(d) Colón ……(descubrir) América en 1492.
10. Usa adverbios de frequencia con la respuesta [2]
(todos los días, a veces, siempre, nunca)
(a) ¿Estudias matematicas cada día en tu clase?
(b) ¿Vais a la escuela los domingos?
(c) ¿Haces tu cama?
(d) ¿Limpias la mesa de tu estudio?
11. Aplica las palabras de ‘servir para’ y ‘se usa para’ [4]
(a) ¿Para qué sirve la aspiradora?
(b) ¿Para qué se usa el bolígrafo?
(c) ¿Para qué sirve la biblioteca?
(d) ¿Para qué se usa la lavadora?
12. Relaciona las columnas y haz frases [2]
Cecilia → tiene que (a) una hermana
Cecilia → tiene (b) ir a clase
(c) doce años
(d) estudiar mucho

13. Escribe las frases con ‘hay que’ y demostrativos [4]

(este, ese, aquel, aquella)
(a) Book - One has to read this book.
(b) Dress - one has to iron that (mid distance) dress.
(c) Plate - one has to wash that (long distance) plate.
(d) Garbage - one has to take out that garbage.


14. Escribe conjugación de los verbos siguientes [5]

(a) Hablar, Aprender, Escribir (pretérito indefinido)
(b) Decir, Hacer (pretérito perfecto)

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