"Mosquito mega catch" that catches 1200 mosquitos in one night

According to the US Department of Agriculture Examination, this "Mosquito mega catch" can catch 1,200 mosquitoes in one night. The price is 199.95 dollars, about 22,000 yen. The main body is all weather type, it can be operated all day or can be operated only for a specified time.

See below for the secret of how you can capture so many mosquitoes by how it works.
The Mosquito Mega-Catch at Hammacher Schlemmer

As a mechanism I feel like bringing out the inducing substance that attracts mosquitoes and pulling mosquitoes out with LEDs and guiding the mosquitoed mosquitoes to the inner net and water and catching it, but this inducing substance is sprayed Air flow system patented.

Every summer, I am fighting mosquitoes and fighting all night all night long, so maybe I want something so strong. It is considerably cheaper than an electric shock insecticide, and I wonder if it will sell in Japan ....

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log