Tesla announces that it will offer a beta version of fully autonomous driving only to 'drivers who have passed the safety review'

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced on Twitter on September 25, 2021 that he will release FSD Beta 10, the latest version of firmware that enables fully autonomous driving, to more customers. Although not yet published at the time of writing, Tesla says that drivers with access to the beta need to be audited as 'safe drivers'.
Safety Score Beta | Tesla
Tesla tests drivers to trust them to supervise experimental Autopilot | Ars Technica
NTSB official says Tesla should address “basic safety issues” before expanding full self-driving --The Verge
The beta version of the FSD was made available in October 2020 to 'a very small number of users who are both professional and attentive drivers.'
Tesla releases beta version of fully autonomous driving-GIGAZINE

In July 2021, Tesla announced that it will offer a paid plan that allows you to use FSD for $ 199 per month (about 22,000 yen). Prior to that, it also sold a $ 10,000 buy-out license.
22,000 yen per month is required to use Tesla's full self-driving function-GIGAZINE

However, the Consumers Union, an American consumer organization, has evaluated Tesla's fully autonomous driving function as 'just by name and not worth the high price', leaving many problems to call it fully autonomous driving. I pointed out that it has been done.
'Tesla's fully automated driving is just a name' evaluated by consumer reports and no value of over 800,000 yen --GIGAZINE

In fact, the FSD Beta 9, delivered by Tesla in July 2021, was reported to have been driven into parked vehicles and stanchions many times, and safety remained questionable.
Tesla distributes the latest version of the full self-driving function 'FSD Beta 9', but behavioral problems such as 'Pushing into a lane with a parked vehicle' are reported --GIGAZINE

by Chris Yarzab
Jennifer Omen di chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board In response to this, 'Tesla to be addressed in the basic safety issues before cutting into fully automatic operation' and stated , use of Tesla 'fully automatic operation.' He criticized the word as misleading and irresponsible.
Meanwhile, CEO Musk said on September 25, 2021, 'The page requesting FSD beta will be released tonight, but FSD beta 10.1 will be released tomorrow night as it requires 24-hour testing. Announced on Twitter. However, the request page has not been published yet at the time of writing the article.
FSD Beta request button goes live tonight, but FSD 10.1 needs another 24 hours of testing, so out tomorrow night
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 25, 2021
In response to safety concerns, Tesla calculated a safety score by estimating 'user driving could lead to future collisions' from five checkpoints before offering the FSD beta. We have announced a policy of allowing only successful users to access the beta version of FSD.
The five checkpoints that Tesla has set out are as follows, and based on this, the safety score will be calculated with a maximum of 100 points. 'Most drivers have a safety score of 80 or higher,' Tesla said.
1: Number of forward collision warnings per 1000 miles
2: Sudden braking rate that experiences backward acceleration exceeding 0.3G
3: Unreasonable handling rate that experiences lateral acceleration exceeding 0.4G
4: Time required to stop when the vehicle in front suddenly stops according to the inter-vehicle distance
5: Whether it was judged that he had neglected his attention because he took his hand off the steering wheel, and he was forced to switch to the autopilot.
Regarding the FSD beta version and safety score, overseas IT media The Verge sent an email, but Tesla said that it will not reply because the press office has been dissolved.
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