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2: I eat children
3: FireMonkees
4: KaoruDark
5: Tostiman Ultimate
zieloooon, PetaZamurai, damon182004, Bassmastertoad, Cherry", "allDonors": "NalaPaw, Gregbre, SAE_Wraith_1751, Suprax, Maral, Amamori(アマモリ), RFSharpe, Pigintub, ZN32K, Elwan, sumai, Hidetaka Nakazawa, Tolerance, toss-a-coint-to-the-doctor, Violet Evergarden, MRVodkaaa, Karolardo, Mike Von Wolkenstein, Baluvax, Army Veteran Gamer, ZER0, 4g0ny, Fart_Smucker, ClicknFight, Lunari Fenix, theshakiri, Jas, nasklaf, Jaime, xKahlfin, Isaak, imthetireguy, Driha / x00ey, greywheel, lim3, Nice Demon, Rvgged, Dramavian, Marditeo, davidrod, iAmDanny, BadJackDaniels, Daniel, scythe, dakkarino, Elichika, Cotorentin, Synnite, Luckytwice, OniZike, nuriksakura, Noice, Vinny376, Supemitas, Frypster, marakas, Satch, RuneK, T rrav, Dragola7, Eigard, YaBoiMonik, Horvath, y4m1n00m0 (Eustachy), Gorday, Smashjunge, xxKMKZxx, [r@ts]MeeB, Latezen, Vbbe, Chocodave, Hataksz, Ninja Sakura, MindCrasher11, Dooder, scottlandk, MaximusCheese, ulyss3s, ook, Juro, Uadi", "dailyBonusTypeA": [1, 2, 8, 7, 3, 6, 5], "dailyBonusTypeB": [1, 2, 9, 3, 4, 6, 5], "streamDate": [2024, 8, 16], "charityCodes": ["potatoZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ", "bananaZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ", "pumpkinZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ", "dragonfruitZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"], "riddle": [ { "id":20, "question": "If you have three, you have three. If you have two, you have two but if you have one, you have none. What am I?", "answer":"Choice"}, { "id":21, "question": "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?", "answer":"echo"}, { "id":22, "question": "I always stay green no matter what. What am I?", "answer":"Fir"}, { "id":23, "question": "I belong to you, yet everyone else uses me. What am I?", "answer":"name"}, { "id":24, "question": "I have an eye but see nothing. What am I?", "answer":"Needle"}, { "id":25, "question": "What is always in front of you no matter where you go?", "answer":"Future"}, { "id":26, "question": "I have a head but no hair. What am I?", "answer":"Pin"}, { "id":27, "question": "I run, it runs, I stop, it runs What is it?", "answer":"Watch"}, { "id":28, "question": "In order to throw it you'll need a hand, it never goes far though it might not land. What is it?", "answer":"Punch"}, { "id":29, "question": "I go round and round but always stay in my place. What am I?", "answer":"Clock"}, { "id":30, "question": "Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly?", "answer":"incorrectly"}, { "id":31, "question": "The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What am I?", "answer":"Coffin"}, { "id":32, "question": "What goes through a door but never goes in and never comes out?", "answer":"Keyhole"}, { "id":33, "question": "I am of most use when I'm broken. What am I?", "answer":"egg"}, { "id":34, "question": "I'm not a bird, though I am feathered and have a nest. I am quick in flight but need to rest often. What am I?", "answer":"Arrow"}, { "id":35, "question": "A blind girl lost her pencil, her ring, and her dog, what did she lose first?", "answer":"eyesight"}, { "id":36, "question": "What can fill an entire room but take no space?", "answer":"Light"}, { "id":37, "question": "How many letters are in 'alphabet'?", "answer":"8"}, { "id":38, "question": "Thirty white horses on a red hill, First they champ, Then they stamp, Then they stand still. What am I?", "answer":"Teeth"}, { "id":39, "question": "Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters What am I?", "answer":"Wind"}, { "id":40, "question": "Clad in black, a master of disguise, with swift movements. I’m skilled in combat, stealthy as can be, A warrior of shadows. What am I?", "answer":"ninja"}, { "id":41, "question": "I cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. I lay in places least visited. What am I?", "answer":"Darkness"}, { "id":42, "question": "I devour all - birds, beasts, trees, flowers. I grind hard stones to meal, slay kings, ruin towns. What am I?", "answer":"Time"}, { "id":43, "question": "I lay in a box with no hinges, key, or a lid, yet golden treasure is hiddne inside me. What am I?", "answer":"egg"}, { "id":44, "question": "The all-knowing will never see me, yet to the fool I appear every week. What am I?", "answer":"Incorrect keep searching"}, { "id":45, "question": "I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but whatever I touch will soon turn red. What am I?", "answer":"fire"} ] }