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TEB Software documentation

Structure overview

Source and experiment files are organized in the source and experiment directories respectively. Please see below for more information. For a quick overview of the source file structure you can visit the code browser at

Source files

src/teb: directory contains the physical sources of TEB: If you wish to implement TEB into your own software (e.g. atmospheric model). You only need to use these routines.

src/driver: directory contains the routines of the driver environment. Among these routines, you should only look at the driver.F90 program. This program is the main driver of this driver version of TEB. You can modify the values of the urban parameters using the input.nml file.

src/driver: directory contains the modules defining the several fortran structures used to group the TEB variables (and hence limit the number of arguments in all teb subroutines). It also contains the teb_garden_struct.F90, bem_morpho_struct.F90 and window_data_struct.F90 called from the main program driver.F90. The teb_garden_struct.F90 routine stores all the variables defined in the driver into the variables of the fortran structures, before calling the physical routineteb_garden.F90.

src/solar: directory contains a simplified sky model, that is in SURFEX, to estimate the part of the diffuse solar radiation that is near solar direction.This code is here only in order to retrieve exactly the same forcing data for TEB that what is in SURFEX (to insure that we have the same results).

src/proxi-SVAT: directory contains extremely simple vegetation models in case you use the 'garden' option or the 'greenroof' option. These vegetation models are very crude, and you are invited to use your own vegetation models instead (or ISBA using SURFEX if you wish). Note that the physical variables that need to be exchanged between TEB and these vegetation model (either on roofs or gardens) are only those that are in arguments of the routines in src/proxi-SVAT directory.

Experiment files

The general structure to run an experiment in TEB is as follows: the user provides a configuration file named input.nml and a folder named input containing a set of input files. TEB simulates and writes output files in the output folder. Each input/output file represent a quantity with rows representing individual time steps. The folder examples/CAPITOUL contains data used to set-up the CAPITOUL experiment (Masson et al 2008) and can be used as a template to start new experiments.


This file contains the configuration for parameters used in the model run. For all the options currently available in TEB, please refer to namelist options.


The following input files are required to run TEB. All quantities must be adjusted at forcing level.

Name Description Unit
Forc_TA.txt Dry-bulb temperature K
Forc_QA.txt Air specific humidity kg/m³
Forc_PS.txt Atmospheric pressure Pa
Forc_WIND.txt Wind speed m/s
Forc_DIR.txt Wind direction arc degree
Forc_DIR_SW.txt Direct downwelling shortwave solar radiation W/m²
Forc_SCA_SW.txt Scattered downwelling shortwave solar radiation W/m²
Forc_LW.txt Downwelling longwave solar radiation W/m²
Forc_RAIN.txt Liquid precipitation kg/m²/s
Forc_SNOW.txt Snow precipitation kg/m²/s
Forc_CO2.txt CO2 concentration kg/m³


The following files are produced by the TEB driver.

Name Description Unit
RN_TOWN.txt Net all-wave radiation flux density W/m²
H_TOWN.txt Turbulent sensible heat flux density W/m²
LE_TOWN.txt Turbulent latent heat flux density W/m²
P_CANYON.txt Pressure at road level Pa
Q_CANYON.txt Specific humidity at half building height kg/kg
T_CANYON.txt Dry-bulb air temperature at half building height K
U_CANYON.txt Wind speed at half building height m/s
TI_BLD.txt Internal building temperature K
T_ROAD1.txt Road surface temperature K
T_ROOF1.txt Roof surface temperature K
T_WALLA1.txt Wall surface temperature (wall A) K
T_WALLB1.txt Wall surface temperature (wall B) K

If building energy model option is activated (CBEM = "BEM") in input.nml, the following outputs will also be present in W/m² of buildings ground surface (not by m² of floor).

Name Description Unit
HVAC_COOL.txt Cooling power demand W/m² (total surface area)
HVAC_HEAT.txt Heating power demand W/m² (total surface area)
COP.txt Coefficient of performance 1

If the solar panel option is activated (LSOLAR_PANEL = .TRUE.) in input.nml, the following outputs will also be present in W/m² panel.

Name Description Unit
THER_PROD_PANEL.txt Thermal power production of solar panels W/m² panel
PHOT_PROD_PANEL.txt Electrical power production of solar panels W/m² panel

How to run TEB

After building TEB as described in you can manually run the teb driver program from your experiment directory (e.g. CAPITOUL) or use the helper functions as described in the tutorial. To manually run the driver program open you command prompt and type:

cd examples/CAPITOUL

This should print the following to standard output:



Results are available in the output directory and contain the temporal evolution of several TEB variables such as: