- 🌱 I'm currently learning MLLM.
- 😄 I'm interested in computer vision, medical image computing, LLM, etc.
- 📫 yulvchi@qq.com
See Yulv-git.github.io for more details.
See Yulv-git.github.io for more details.
A curated list of awesome inference deployment framework of artificial intelligence (AI) models. OpenVINO, TensorRT, MediaPipe, TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow Serving, ONNX Runtime, LibTorch, NCNN, TN…
A curated list of awesome ultrasound standard/diagnostic plane detection/localization/localisation/extraction/classification/selection/identification/recognition.
Search for typos in code or text, automatically fix some typos. 查找文本或代码中的拼写错误/打字错误,自动修改部分 typos。【The typos lib is extensible and customizable, and supports regular expressions. typos 库可扩展和定制,支持正则表达式】
Master thesis LaTeX template of Shenzhen University. 深大硕士毕业论文LaTex模板。
TeX 8
SZU Campus network online monitoring and web version automatic login. 深大校园网在线监测和校园网自动登录【网页版】。
Statistical analysis for correlation (Pearson Correlation) and agreement (Bland-Altman Agreement). Assessing correlation and agreement between two methods of measurement.
Python 3