Add the script tag to your <RootDocument>
component at app/routes/__root
// app/routes/__root.jsx
import { Meta, Scripts } from "@tanstack/start";
// ...
function RootDocument({ children }) {
return (
<script src="" />
<Meta />
<Scripts />
// ...
This only works for React 19
Add the following code to your <RootDocument>
component at app/routes/__root
// app/routes/__root.jsx
import { scan } from "react-scan";
import { Meta, Scripts } from "@tanstack/start";
import { useEffect } from "react";
// ...
function RootDocument({ children }) {
useEffect(() => {
// Make sure to run this only after hydration
enabled: true,
}, []);
return (
<Meta />
<Scripts />
React Scan must be imported before React (and other React renderers like React DOM) in your entire project, as it needs to hijack React DevTools before React gets to access it.
Alternatively you can also do the following code in app/client
// app/client.jsx
import { scan } from "react-scan"; // must be imported before React and React DOM
import { hydrateRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { StartClient } from "@tanstack/start";
import { createRouter } from "./router";
enabled: true,
const router = createRouter();
hydrateRoot(document, <StartClient router={router} />);
This only works for React 19