event_date | venue | description | title | trainers | summary | name | type | experience | published | |
6 Oct |
Online |
A mix of both theory and hands on exercise on Phoenix and Ecto libraries. |
Rebuild Phoenix from Scratch |
A hands-on exercise where the participants will recreate a mini-version of Phoenix from scratch |
Phoenix from scratch |
false |
The training will be a mix of both theory and hands-on exercise where the participants will recreate a mini-version of Phoenix from scratch.
As we build our mini-Phoenix, we will see how Phoenix uses a very thin layer of Elixir macros for much of the magic it does. As we see through this layer of Elixir macros, we will see how the functional nature of phoenix is very simple and yet powerful with several aha moments throughout the session to make you a confident developer who knows the Phoenix framework inside out.
- Intermediate
- 1 day
- Software developers
Having worked with real world project using Phoenix will help to appreciate this training more
At minimum, you should have with Phoenix to create a simple CRUD interface.
- Learn the internal working of Phoenix framework to get mastery of the framework.
- How to build a web app using Elixir and Cowboy
- What are Elixir macros? How and where does Phoenix use them
- What is a Plug? How is it designed and working
- Understand how Phoenix is like an onion with layers and layers of Plug.
- What are Phoenix View and Templates and how does Phoenix render templates so fast?
- How does variables in Phoenix templates work? What are 'assigns'?