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# LLEF LLEF (pronounced Ι¬Ι›f - "hlyeff") is an LLDB plugin to make it more usable for low-level RE and VR. Similar to [GEF](https://github.com/hugsy/gef), but for LLDB. It uses LLDB's Python API to add extra status output and a few new commands, so that security researchers can more easily use LLDB to analyse software as it's running. ![llef demo](https://foundryzero.co.uk/assets/img/llef-small.gif) ## πŸ’» Supported Architectures * x86_64 * aarch64 / arm64 ## πŸ““ Requirements * LLDB 15+ (https://apt.llvm.org/) _On macOS this is bundled with Xcode 14.3+_ ## βš™ Installation The instructions below will install LLEF so that it is used by LLDB by default. 1. Clone the repository. 2. `cd ` 3. Run `./install.sh` 4. Select automatic (overwrites `~/.lldbinit`) or manual installation. _LLDB uses AT&T disassembly syntax for x86 binaries by default. The installer provides an option to override this._ ## β–Ά Usage ### Launch LLDB ```bash lldb-15 ``` ### Use commands: #### Pattern Create ``` (lldb) pattern create 10 [+] Generating a pattern of 10 bytes (n=4) aaaabaaaca [+] Pattern saved in variable: $8 (lldb) pattern create 100 -n 2 [+] Generating a pattern of 100 bytes (n=2) aabacadaea [+] Pattern saved in variable: $9 ``` #### Pattern Search ``` (lldb) pattern search $rdx [+] Found in $10 at index 45 (big endian) (lldb) pattern search $8 [+] Found in $10 at index 0 (little endian) (lldb) pattern search aaaabaaac [+] Found in $8 at index 0 (little endian) (lldb) pattern search 0x61616161626161616361 [+] Found in $8 at index 0 (little endian) ``` ### Breakpoint hook This is automatic and prints all the currently implemented information at a break point. ## πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Troubleshooting LLDB Python support LLDB comes bundled with python modules that are required for LLEF to run. If on launching LLDB with LLEF you encounter `ModuleNotFoundError` messages it is likely you will need to manually add the LLDB python modules on your python path. To do this run the following to establish your site-packages location: ```bash python3 -m site --user-site ``` Then locate the LLDB python modules location. This is typically at a location such as `/usr/lib/llvm-15/lib/python3.10/dist-packages` but depends on your python version. Finally, modify and execute the following to add the above LLDB module path into a new file `lldb.pth` in the site-packages location discovered above. ```bash echo "/usr/lib/llvm-15/lib/python3.10/dist-packages" > ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lldb.pth ``` ## πŸ‘ Thanks We’re obviously standing on the shoulders of giants here - we’d like to credit [hugsy](https://twitter.com/_hugsy_) for [GEF](https://github.com/hugsy/gef) in particular, from which this tool draws *heavy* inspiration! Please consider this imitation as flattery πŸ™‚ If you'd like to read a bit more about LLEF you could visit our [launch blog post](https://foundryzero.co.uk/2023/07/13/llef.html).