This folder contains tools for helping with local debugging with logs.
The lnav folder contains a lnav log format definition that works for golem JSON logs.
Copy this file to e.g. .lnav/formats/installed
, after that
lnav should automatically recognize golem JSON logs.
Use cargo make elastic-up
to start the elastic, kibana and filebeat docker containers.
Filebeat is configured to load logs from ./logs/*.logs
Note that JSON file logging should be enabled, e.g.:
export GOLEM__TRACING__FILE_DIR=../logs
Logs that are not in JSON format (e.g. nginx / redis) will be loaded as the "message" field.
On the first start it might take some time until kibana is booted and until provisioning finishes, but after that the preconfigured log view should be available.
For credentials see the env config.
For stopping the elastic stack use cargo make elastic-stop