- iOS10 Alpha
- Finished Table Cells
- Added Section Header
- Added Editing Menus
- iOS10 Alpha
- iOS10 Alpha
- Added Sliders
- Started on Table Cells
- iOS10 Alpha
- iOS10 Alpha
- Navigation Bars Complete
- 2 Tab option added
- iOS10 Alpha
- iOS10 Alpha
- Started Navigation Bars
- iOS10 Alpha
- Added iOS10 Alpha (very early alpha)
- Status Bars
- Segment Controls
- Search Bars
- Added iOS10 Alpha (very early alpha)
Hello There! We got tired of not having good axure widgets to design apps with. There are tons of quality PSDs and Sketch resources out there but just a lack of free axure resources. So we made our own, and guess what? We like to share.
- You should install Roboto for Android and San Francisco for iOS.
- Download the Axure library file:
- Open Axure, click the three bars icon and choose "Load Library". Find the library file you downloaded to load it.
- Make magic happen!
Alpha Versions of the libraries are available but either have missing controls or spotty functionality. Download and use at your own risk!
- Ryan Huettl
- Monika Perkerwicz
- Chris Ernt
- Gary Keeler