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Table of Contents

Release Notes


  • Converted workflows to Python3


  • Added App Host support


  • Initial Release


This package enables Mobile Device Management (MDM) actions from IBM Resilient.

screenshot: main

The MaaS360 function package enables users to perform the following Mobile Device Management (MDM) actions:

  • Basic device search.

  • Get a list of software and versions installed ona device.

  • Locate a device.

  • Lock a device.

  • Wipe a device.

  • Cancel a pending wipe.

  • Stop app distribution across specific target devices.

  • Delete an app from the MaaS360 catalog.



  • Resilient platform >= v35.0.0
  • App Host >= v1.2.132 (if using App Host)
  • An Integration Server running resilient_circuits>=35.0.0 (if using an Integration Server)
    • To set up an Integration Server see:
    • If using an API key account, minimum required permissions are:
      Name Permissions
      Org Data Read
      Function Read
  • Proxy supported: Yes


App Configuration

The following table describes the settings you need to configure in the app.config file. If using App Host, see the Resilient System Administrator Guide. If using the integration server, see the Integration Server Guide.

Config Required Example Description
maas360_host_url Yes The URL of your MaaS360 instance
maas360_billing_id Yes 30000001 The billing or account ID for your MaaS360 Account
maas360_platform_id Yes 2 The platform ID of your MaaS360 instance. Can be seen when you create an Access Key
maas360_app_id Yes 30000001_QS1Uuu5 The App ID of the Access Key. For help on managing Access Keys for your MaaS360 instance refer to
maas360_app_version Yes 1.0 The App Version when creating the Access Key. Generally 1
maas360_app_access_key Yes Gjxdrwyw008 The Access Key
maas360_username Yes username The username used to login to the MaaS360 instance
maas360_password Yes password The password for the account used to login to the MaaS360 instance
maas360_request_timeout No 60 The number of seconds to timeout after making a request to MaaS360. If you are seeing read timeout=30 error you can override the timeout value
maas360_basic_search_page_size Yes 25 Limit number of devices returned at one time. Allowed page sizes: 25, 50, 100, 200, 250. Default value: 250
maas360_basic_search_match No 0 When set to 0 (Default) indicates Partial match for Device Name, Username, Phone Number. When set to 1 indicates Exact match.
maas360_basic_search_sort_attribute No lastReported Sort attribute. Possible values: lastReported (Default) or installedDate
maas360_basic_search_sort_order No dsc Sort Order. Possible values: asc or dsc (Default)
maas360_wipe_device_notify_me Yes Yes Whether to notify the administrator on successful device wipe. yes value enables this flag
maas360_wipe_device_notify_user Yes No Whether to notify the user on successful device wipe. yes value enables this flag.
maas360_wipe_device_notify_others Yes, Comma separated list of other email addresses to notify on successful device wipe

Custom Layouts

  • A new incident tab is needed in the Layouts section of the Resilient platform to contain two custom data tables like the screenshot below:

    screenshot: custom_layouts

Function - MaaS360 Basic Search

Function searches for devices by Device Name, Username, Phone Number, Platform, Device Status and other Device Identifiers.

screenshot: fn-maas360-basic-search


Name Type Required Example Tooltip
maas360_device_id text No ApplD8DTH6RCIH86 Full MaaS360 Device ID string that needs to be searched for
maas360_email text No Full Email address string that needs to be searched for
maas360_imei_meid text No 460272187173695 Full IMEI or MEID of the device
maas360_partial_device_name text No Jane's iPhone Partial (Starts with) or full Device Name string that needs to be searched for
maas360_partial_phone_no text No +16175000000 Partial (Starts with) or full Phone Number that needs to be searched for
maas360_partial_username text No Partial (Starts with) or full Username string that needs to be searched for
maas360_platform_name select No - Windows, Mac, iOS, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian, Windows Phone 7, Others


results = {
    "content": {
        "count": 1,
        "device": {
            "appComplianceState": "In Compliance",
            "customAssetNumber": "",
            "deviceName": "",
            "deviceOwner": "",
            "deviceStatus": "Active",
            "deviceType": "Smartphone",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "encryptionStatus": "Encryption Complete",
            "firstRegisteredInEpochms": 1549629133338,
            "imeiEsn": 351623070066166,
            "installedDate": "2019-02-08T12:32:13",
            "installedDateInEpochms": 1549629133338,
            "isSupervisedDevice": False,
            "jailbreakStatus": "No",
            "lastMdmRegisteredInEpochms": 1549629133378,
            "lastRegisteredInEpochms": 1549629133338,
            "lastReported": "2019-04-23T16:11:23",
            "lastReportedInEpochms": 1556035883843,
            "maas360DeviceID": "Androiddeviceid",
            "maas360ManagedStatus": "Enrolled",
            "mailboxDeviceId": "",
            "mailboxLastReported": "",
            "mailboxLastReportedInEpochms": "",
            "mailboxManaged": "",
            "manufacturer": "blackberry",
            "mdmMailboxDeviceId": "",
            "model": "STV100-1",
            "osName": "Android 6.0.1 (MMB29M)",
            "osServicePack": "",
            "osVersion": "6.0.1",
            "ownership": "Corporate Owned",
            "passcodeCompliance": "Compliant",
            "phoneNumber": "",
            "platformName": "Android",
            "policyComplianceState": "In Compliance",
            "ruleComplianceState": "",
            "selectiveWipeStatus": "N/a",
            "sourceID": 1,
            "testDevice": False,
            "udid": "Androiddeviceid",
            "unifiedTravelerDeviceId": "Androiddeviceid",
            "userDomain": "",
            "username": "",
            "wifiMacAddress": "a4:e4:b8:73:a1:93"
        "pageNumber": 1,
        "pageSize": 1
    "inputs": {
        "maas360_device_id": "Androiddeviceid",
        "maas360_email": None,
        "maas360_imei_meid": None,
        "maas360_partial_device_name": None,
        "maas360_partial_phone_no": None,
        "maas360_partial_username": None,
        "maas360_platform_name": None
    "metrics": {
        "execution_time_ms": 9864,
        "host": "host",
        "package": "fn-maas360",
        "package_version": "1.0.0",
        "timestamp": "2019-05-13 13:21:40",
        "version": "1.0"
    "raw": "raw_json_string",
    "reason": None,
    "success": True,
    "version": "1.0"

Example Pre-Process Script:

inputs.maas360_device_id = if is not None else inputs.maas360_device_id
inputs.maas360_partial_device_name = if is not None else inputs.maas360_partial_device_name
inputs.maas360_email = if is not None else inputs.maas360_email
inputs.maas360_imei_meid = if is not None else inputs.maas360_imei_meid
inputs.maas360_partial_phone_no = if is not None else inputs.maas360_partial_phone_no
inputs.maas360_platform_name = if is not None else inputs.maas360_platform_name
inputs.maas360_partial_username = if is not None else inputs.maas360_partial_username

Example Post-Process Script:

from java.util import Date

def add_row(device):
device_dt = incident.addRow("maas360_device_dt")
device_dt.maas360_timestamp = Date()
device_dt.maas360_deviceid = device.get("maas360DeviceID")
device_dt.maas360_devicename = device.get("deviceName")
device_dt.maas360_username = device.get("username")
device_dt.maas360_platformname = device.get("platformName")
device_dt.maas360_devicetype = device.get("deviceType")
device_dt.maas360_lastreported = device.get("lastReported")
device_dt.maas360_devicestatus = device.get("deviceStatus")

# Print empty string instead of None
def string_value(value):
return value if value is not None else ""

def add_results_note(inputs, number_devices_found):
noteText = u"""{} device/s found in MaaS360 database with search parameters:
  - partialDeviceName: '{}'
  - partialUsername: '{}'
  - partialPhoneNumber: '{}'
  - imeiMeid: '{}'
  - platformName: '{}'
  - maas360DeviceId: '{}'
  - email: '{}'""".format(
    string_value(inputs.get("maas360_platform_name").get("name")) if inputs.get("maas360_platform_name") else "",

# Mainline starts here #

if results and results.get("success"):
count = 0
content = results.get("content")
if content:
  count = content.get("count")
  if count > 0:
    # Add a row for each Device found
    devices_list = [content.get("device")] if count == 1 else content.get("device")
    map(lambda device: add_row(device), devices_list)

# Write results to a Note
inputs = results.get("inputs")
add_results_note(inputs, count)

Function - MaaS360 Action

MaaS360 Function performs different actions based on the chosen Menu Item Rule.

Available actions are:

  • Locate Device
  • Get Software Installed
  • Lock Device
  • Wipe Device
  • Cancel Pending Wipe

screenshot: fn-maas360-action


Name Type Required Example Tooltip
maas360_action_type select Yes - Action Type field is automatically set based on the chosen Workflow action.
maas360_device_id text No ApplD8DTH6RCIH86 Full MaaS360 Device ID string that needs to be searched for

MaaS360 Action - Locate Device


results = {
    "content": {
        "actionStatus": 0,
        "description": "The action was executed successfully on the device.",
        "latitude": 25.005112,
        "locatedTime": "2019-05-13 17:45:12.0",
        "longitude": 121.541535,
        "maas360DeviceID": "deviceid"
    "inputs": {
        "maas360_action_type": {
            "id": 202,
            "name": "Locate Device"
        "maas360_device_id": "deviceid"
    "metrics": {
        "execution_time_ms": 951,
        "host": "host",
        "package": "fn-maas360",
        "package_version": "1.0.0",
        "timestamp": "2019-05-13 15:18:51",
        "version": "1.0"
    "raw": "raw_json_string",
    "reason": None,
    "success": True,
    "version": "1.0"

Example Pre-Process Script:

inputs.maas360_device_id = artifact.value

Example Post-Process Script:

# Mainline starts here #

if results and results.get("success"):
  content = results.get("content")
  if content:
    latitude = content.get("latitude")
    longitude = content.get("longitude")
    device_id = content.get("maas360DeviceID")

    if latitude and longitude:
      noteText = u"Current or last know location for Device ID {} is {} latitude, {} longitude.".format(device_id, latitude, longitude)
      noteText = u"There is no current or last know location available for Device ID {}.".format(device_id)

MaaS360 Action - Get Software Installed


results = {
    "content": {
        "deviceSw": [
                "swAttrs": [
                        "key": "Application ID",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "com.fiberlink.maas360forios"
                        "key": "Version",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": 3.70.111
                        "key": "AppDataSize",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": 3.79
                        "key": "File Size",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": 175.18
                        "key": "Installed by MDM",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "Manage Status"
                "swName": "MaaS360"
                "swAttrs": [
                        "key": "Application ID",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "com.blackberry.ddt.bugreporter"
                        "key": "Version",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": 1
                        "key": "AppDataSize",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": 0
                        "key": "File Size",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": 0
                        "key": "Install Location",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "Internal"
                "swName": "BlackBerry Bug Reporter"
        "lastSoftwareDataRefreshDate": "2019-04-18T00:13:07",
        "maas360DeviceID": "deviceid"
    "inputs": {
        "maas360_action_type": {
            "id": 201,
            "name": "Get Software Installed"
        "maas360_device_id": "deviceid"
    "metrics": {
        "execution_time_ms": 13019,
        "host": "host",
        "package": "fn-maas360",
        "package_version": "1.0.0",
        "timestamp": "2019-05-13 13:48:43",
        "version": "1.0"
    "raw": "raw_json_string",
    "reason": None,
    "success": True,
    "version": "1.0"

Example Pre-Process Script:

inputs.maas360_device_id = artifact.value

Example Post-Process Script:

from java.util import Date

def add_row(device_id, app_Name, app_version, app_id, refresh_date):
  app_dt = incident.addRow("maas360_installed_software_datatable")
  app_dt.maas360_app_timestamp = Date()
  app_dt.maas360_app_device_id = device_id
  app_dt.maas360_app_app_name = app_Name
  app_dt.maas360_app_app_version = app_version
  app_dt.maas360_app_app_id = app_id
  app_dt.maas360_app_lastSoftwareDataRefreshDate = refresh_date

# Mainline starts here #

if results and results.get("success"):
  content = results.get("content")
  if content:
    device_id = content.get("maas360DeviceID")
    refresh_date = content.get("lastSoftwareDataRefreshDate")

    found_apps = False
    apps = content.get("deviceSw")
    if apps:
      for app in apps:
        if app:
          app_Name = app.get("swName")
          app_attrs = app.get("swAttrs")
          if app_Name and app_attrs:
            app_version_attr = filter(lambda att: att["key"] == 'Version', app_attrs)
            # filter returns a list [{u'type': u'string', u'key': u'Version', u'value': u'3.70.111'}]
            app_version = str(app_version_attr[0].get("value")) if app_version_attr else "N/A"

            app_app_id_attr = filter(lambda att: att["key"] == 'Application ID', app_attrs)
            # filter returns a list [{u'type': u'string', u'key': u'Application ID', u'value': u'com.fiberlink.maas360forios'}]
            app_id = app_app_id_attr[0].get("value") if app_app_id_attr else "N/A"

            # write results in the app datatable
            add_row(device_id, app_Name, app_version, app_id, refresh_date)
            found_apps = True

  if found_apps:
    noteText = u"Installed software was found for the Device ID {} and saved in the MaaS360 Installed Software datatable".format(device_id)
    noteText = u"No installed software found for the Device ID {}".format(device_id)

MaaS360 Action - Lock Device


results = {
    "content": {
        "actionID": 128294549,
        "actionStatus": 0,
        "description": "The action was executed successfully on the device.",
        "maas360DeviceID": "deviceid"
    "inputs": {
        "maas360_action_type": {
            "id": 203,
            "name": "Lock Device"
        "maas360_device_id": "deviceid"
    "metrics": {
        "execution_time_ms": 558,
        "host": "host",
        "package": "fn-maas360",
        "package_version": "1.0.0",
        "timestamp": "2019-05-13 15:27:03",
        "version": "1.0"
    "raw": "raw_json_string",
    "reason": None,
    "success": True,
    "version": "1.0"

Example Pre-Process Script:

inputs.maas360_device_id = artifact.value

Example Post-Process Script:

# Mainline starts here #

if results and results.get("success"):
  content = results.get("content")
  if content:
    noteText = u"Lock Device for Device ID: {}. {}".format(content.get("maas360DeviceID"), content.get("description"))

MaaS360 Action - Wipe Device


results = {
    "content": {
        "actionID": 128294800,
        "actionStatus": 0,
        "description": "The action was executed successfully on the device.",
        "maas360DeviceID": "deviceid"
    "inputs": {
        "maas360_action_type": {
            "id": 205,
            "name": "Cancel Pending Wipe"
        "maas360_device_id": "deviceid"
    "metrics": {
        "execution_time_ms": 915,
        "host": "host",
        "package": "fn-maas360",
        "package_version": "1.0.0",
        "timestamp": "2019-05-13 15:30:52",
        "version": "1.0"
    "raw": "raw_json_string",
    "reason": None,
    "success": True,
    "version": "1.0"

Example Pre-Process Script:

inputs.maas360_device_id = artifact.value

Example Post-Process Script:

# Mainline starts here #

if results and results.get("success"):
  content = results.get("content")
  if content:
    noteText = u"Cancel Pending Wipe for Device ID: {}. {}".format(content.get("maas360DeviceID"), content.get("description"))

Function - MaaS360 Stop App Distribution

Function stops a specific distribution of an app on target devices.

screenshot: fn-maas360-stop-app-distribution


Name Type Required Example Tooltip
maas360_app_id text No com.fiberlink.maas360forios Unique ID of the application
maas360_app_type select Yes - Type of the app
maas360_device_group_id text No - MaaS360 Device Group ID
maas360_device_id text No ApplD8DTH6RCIH86 Full MaaS360 Device ID string that needs to be searched for
maas360_target_devices select Yes - Target Devices


results = {
    "content": {
        "description": "Distribution stopped successfully.",
        "status": "Success"
    "inputs": {
        "maas360_app_id": "",
        "maas360_app_type": {
            "id": 250,
            "name": "iOS Enterprise Application"
        "maas360_device_group_id": None,
        "maas360_device_id": " deviceid",
        "maas360_target_devices": {
            "id": 352,
            "name": "Specific Device"
    "metrics": {
        "execution_time_ms": 11353,
        "host": "host",
        "package": "fn-maas360",
        "package_version": "1.0.0",
        "timestamp": "2019-05-16 10:23:59",
        "version": "1.0"
    "raw": "{\"status\": \"Success\", \"description\": \"Distribution stopped successfully.\"}",
    "reason": None,
    "success": True,
    "version": "1.0"

Example Pre-Process Script:

inputs.maas360_app_type = if is not None else inputs.maas360_app_type
inputs.maas360_app_id = artifact.value
inputs.maas360_target_devices = if is not None else inputs.maas360_target_devices
inputs.maas360_device_id = if is not None else inputs.maas360_device_id
inputs.maas360_device_group_id = if is not None else inputs.maas360_device_group_id

Example Post-Process Script:

# Print empty string instead of None
def string_value(value):
return value if value is not None else ""

def add_results_note(inputs, response_desc):
noteText = u"""Stop App Distribution - {} for input params:
  - appId: '{}'
  - appType: '{}'
  - targetDevices: '{}'
  - deviceId: '{}'
  - deviceGroupId: '{}'.""".format(

# Mainline starts here #

if results and results.get("success"):
content = results.get("content")
if content:
  # Write results to a Note
  inputs = results.get("inputs")
  add_results_note(inputs, content.get("description"))

Function - MaaS360 Delete App

Function stops all distributions of the app and deletes the app.

screenshot: fn-maas360-delete-app


Name Type Required Example Tooltip
maas360_app_id text No com.fiberlink.maas360forios Unique ID of the application
maas360_app_type select Yes - Type of the app


results = {
    "content": {
        "description": "Application deleted successfully.",
        "status": "Success"
    "inputs": {
        "maas360_app_id": "",
        "maas360_app_type": {
            "id": 251,
            "name": "iOS App Store Application"
    "metrics": {
        "execution_time_ms": 16402,
        "host": "host",
        "package": "fn-maas360",
        "package_version": "1.0.0",
        "timestamp": "2019-05-16 10:34:50",
        "version": "1.0"
    "raw": "{\"status\": \"Success\", \"description\": \"Application deleted successfully.\"}",
    "reason": None,
    "success": True,
    "version": "1.0"

Example Pre-Process Script:

inputs.maas360_app_type = if is not None else inputs.maas360_app_type
inputs.maas360_app_id = artifact.value

Example Post-Process Script:

# Print empty string instead of None
def string_value(value):
return value if value is not None else ""

def add_results_note(inputs, response_desc):
noteText = u"""Delete App - {} for input params:
  - appId: '{}'
  - appType: '{}'""".format(

# Mainline starts here #

if results and results.get("success"):
content = results.get("content")
if content:
  # Write results to a Note
  inputs = results.get("inputs")
  add_results_note(inputs, content.get("description"))

Script - Example: Create Artifact for Device ID

Script creates an Artifact for MaaS360 Device ID value based on the selected MaaS360 Device datatable row.

Object: maas360_device_dt

Script Text:

# Create an Artifact for MaaS360 Device ID value based on the selected MaaS360 Device datatable row.

# Artifact description
artifact_description = u"""Created by MaaS360 Basic Search results for Device Name '{}', Username '{}', Platform name '{}', Device Type '{}'""".format(

# Artifact type
artifact_type = "maas360_device_id"

# Artifact value
artifact_value = row.maas360_deviceid

# Create an Artifact
if artifact_value:
  incident.addArtifact(artifact_type, artifact_value, artifact_description)

Script - Example: Create Artifact for App ID

Script creates an Artifact for MaaS360 App ID value based on the selected MaaS360 Installed Software datatable row.

Object: maas360_installed_software_datatable

Script Text:

# Create an Artifact for MaaS360 App ID value based on the selected MaaS360 Installed Software datatable row.

# Artifact description
artifact_description = u"""Created by MaaS360 Get Software Installed results for Device ID '{}', App Name '{}', App Version '{}'""".format(

# Artifact type
artifact_type = "maas360_app_id"

# Artifact value
artifact_value = row.maas360_app_app_id

# Create an Artifact
if artifact_value:
  incident.addArtifact(artifact_type, artifact_value, artifact_description)

Data Table - MaaS360 Installed Software datatable

screenshot: dt-maas360-installed-software-datatable

API Name:



Column Name API Access Name Type Tooltip
App ID maas360_app_app_id text -
App Name maas360_app_app_name text -
App Version maas360_app_app_version text -
Device ID maas360_app_device_id text -
Last Data Refresh Date maas360_app_lastSoftwareDataRefreshDate text -
Timestamp maas360_app_timestamp datetimepicker -

Data Table - MaaS360 Device datatable

screenshot: dt-maas360-device-datatable

API Name:



Column Name API Access Name Type Tooltip
Device ID maas360_deviceid text -
Device Name maas360_devicename text -
Device Status maas360_devicestatus text -
Device Type maas360_devicetype text -
Last Reported maas360_lastreported text -
Platform Name maas360_platformname text -
Timestamp maas360_timestamp datetimepicker -
Username maas360_username text -

Custom Artifact Types

Display Name API Access Name Description
MaaS360 App Id maas360_app_id Unique ID of the application
MaaS360 Device Id maas360_device_id MaaS360 Device ID string


Rule Name Object Workflow/Script Triggered
Example: MaaS360 Lock Device artifact example_maas360_lock_device
Example: MaaS360 Cancel Pending Wipe artifact example_maas360_cancel_pending_wipe
Example: MaaS360 Basic Search incident example_maas360_basic_search
Example: MaaS360 Get Software Installed artifact example_maas360_get_software_installed
Example: MaaS360 Stop App Distribution artifact example_maas360_stop_app_distribution
Example: Create Artifact for Device ID maas360_device_dt "Example: Create Artifact for Device ID"
Example: MaaS360 Locate Device artifact example_maas360_locate_device
Example: MaaS360 Delete App artifact example_maas360_delete_app
Example: MaaS360 Wipe Device artifact example_maas360_wipe_device
Example: Create Artifact for App ID maas360_installed_software_datatable "Example: Create Artifact for App ID"

Troubleshooting & Support

If using the app with an App Host, see the Resilient System Administrator Guide and the App Host Deployment Guide for troubleshooting procedures. You can find these guides on the IBM Knowledge Center, where you can select which version of the Resilient platform you are using.

If using the app with an integration server, see the Integration Server Guide

For Support

This is an IBM Supported app. Please search for assistance.