This list was created with:
curl ">${PREV}+created%3A<${NOW}&sort=created&order=asc&per_page=100&page=1" > issues1.out
jq -r '.items[] | "[" + .title + "](" + .url + ")" | tostring' issues?.out >
sed -e's,^\[ *\(.*\)\](*/\([0-9].*\)),* [Issue #\2](\2) - \1,' -i
cat >>
- Issue #826 - CMake: remove needless policy setting
- Issue #827 - Resolve build issue in tokener_parse_ex_fuzzer.c
- Issue #828 - Put arc4random check under DISABLE_EXTRA_LIBS=OFF in CMakeLists.txt.
- Issue #829 - Cannot build with clang-cl
- Issue #830 - I am looking whether this CVE - CVE-2021-32292 is impacted by json-c version v0.13.1or not ?
- Issue #831 - rename WIN32 to _WIN32
- Issue #833 - memory leak issue in 0.13
- Issue #834 - fix error des of 'error_memory'
- Issue #835 - fix error des of 'error_memory'
- Issue #836 - Null pointer dereference in
- Issue #837 - Add type checking for parsed objects in tokener_parse_ex_fuzzer
- Issue #838 - Cannot link properly using cmake
- Issue #839 - json_pointer.c: initialize idx
- Issue #840 - Memory leak when enable HAVE_SETLOCALE and HAVE_USELOCALE
- Issue #841 - Random crash in json_tokener_parse
- Issue #842 - Assignment bug in json_pointer.c
- Issue #843 - _WIN32 should be used, not WIN32 in source code ifdefs.
- Issue #844 - Doxygen: mis-wording in
- Issue #845 - CMP0153
- Issue #846 - CMP0153
- Issue #848 - json_object_from_file caused calloc SIGSEGV
- Issue #849 - random_seed.c: add a Coverity Scan suppression
- Issue #850 - Missing return description
- Issue #851 - Allow NULL in json_object_new_string() and json_object_new_string_len()
- Issue #852 - docs: micro typo in json_object_put doc
- Issue #853 - json_tokener_parse_verbose does not set the error indicator when it fails to allocate the tokener
- Issue #854 - json_tokener_parse_verbose sets the error indicator to a wrong value when there is a memory allocation failure
- Issue #856 - Using or compiling from source seg faults on json_tokener_parse_ex in alpine docker container
- Issue #857 - json_tokener_parse_verbose sets the error indicator to a wrong value when there is a memory allocation failure
- Issue #858 - json_tokener.h: json_tokener_parse_verbose: fix typo
- Issue #859 - Develop
- Issue #860 - Develop
- Issue #861 - Handle yet another out-of-memory condition.
- Issue #862 - Missing
during build cmake build step - Issue #863 - build ios simulator error
- Issue #864 - Build pkg-config for msvc as well
- Issue #865 - Assertion usage
- Issue #866 - Added github actions
- Issue #868 - I meet compile error in harmony
- Issue #869 - At a high level how are jsons parses? Are they terminated by the new line?
- Issue #870 - Non-Compliant features should be optional (and disabled)