A fluentd input plugin which takes input from from the Twitter streaming APIs
Currently, the easiest way to run it is to move the in_twitterstream.rb file into your fluentd plugin directory. Gem packaging will be done in the future.
Please add the following configurations to fluent.conf
## twitterstream input
type twitterstream
consumer_key ... # required
consumer_secret ... # required
access_token_key ... # required
access_token_secret ... # required
tag twitter.sample # optional (defaults to twitterstream.test)
## at most one of the following three lines is required (if none, uses sample stream)
## Reference: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/post/statuses/filter
locations -122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8 # location: san francisco
track ruby,python # keywords
follow 1224242142,12412412442 # user ids (not screen names)
- Gem packaging
- Tests
- According to Twitter's API documentation, all three paramters (locations, track, and follow) should be allowed in a filter query. But currently, the Tweetstream gem does not seem to fully support this. Investigation is needed.