Vue I18n artworks
Vue I18n artworks by Kazuya Kawaguchi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, with the following extra conditions:
It is OK to use the Vue I18n logo in the following cases:
- in marketing materials for technical events, e.g. meetups, hackathons, conferences and workshops that are related to Vue I18n.
- in open source projects related to Vue I18n.
- in technical articles / videos / books / papers for educational purposes.
- to illustrate a commercial product's Vue I18n integration in its marketing copy.
It is NOT OK to use the Vue I18n logo in the following cases without prior written consent from the copyright owner:
- Using the Vue I18n logo in a commercial product for purposes other than illustrating its Vue I18n integration.
- Sell physical products that uses the Vue I18n logo or its variants, e.g. t-shirts.
The copyright owner reserves the right of final explanation for any use case not explicitly stated above.