v2.9.7 (2025-1-26)
- icon (fe75762)
- 修复部分api文档不显示的问题 (9040b88)
v2.9.6 (2025-1-12)
- md worker (86546b0)
v2.9.4 (2025-1-8)
- n-md 默认开启webwork (eebdedd)
- 构建工具更新 (23fd72b)
- 构建工具更新 (78622e7)
- 构建工具更新 (6ee4655)
- 构建工具更新 (18fc8db)
- 构建工具更新 (e202018)
- 构建工具更新 (046331a)
- github actions (b8a4a42)
- actions cache (aa53393)
- actions cache (9bdd81f)
v2.9.3 (2024-12-16)
- code 支持多语言 (486cd82)
- 构建工具更新 (eccfc01)
v2.9.2 (2024-12-13)
- 重构 code 组件, 性能提升 (3c6c76b)
v2.9.1 (2024-12-11)
- qrcode shape (e998cfe)
- docs (a907b3e)
v2.9.0 (2024-12-9)
v2.8.27 (2024-12-9)
- qrcode (43ee6c6)
- 修复在window平台构建案例的问题 (9206a35)
v2.8.26 (2024-11-17)
- 更新构建工具 (5bd3739)
v2.8.25 (2024-11-14)
- 1.9 (88b47f4)
v2.8.24 (2024-10-16)
- types (6a86fe8)
v2.8.23 (2024-10-9)
- github ci 关闭进度条 (cd5e65b)
v2.8.22 (2024-8-31)
- swc_core 0.99.5 (6dc1519)
- swc_core 0.99.5 (4662d62)
- swc_core 0.99.5 (970f42f)
- 更新构建工具 (0d2f5fb)
- 更新构建工具 (c364497)
- 更新构建工具 (2d5ff6d)
- 添加虚拟模块描述 (a7f4000)
- 更新框架 (e180cee)
- 支持 solidjs refresh (52c2dd5)
v2.8.19 (2024-6-25)
- n-popover (c571c4f)
- @moneko/common (77c9680)
- web_worker (761962b)
- web_worker (7b6f6eb)
- content-visibility (53a5edf)
- 文档生成支持 @example (e9c799c)
- update build (99fa42d)
- update build (b2fb060)
- update build (924440f)
- test (95b6422)
- test (42e0a1c)
- test (e232413)
- google-site-verification (3f11a73)
- sitemap (9652aca)
- robots.txt (f9e9776)
v2.8.7 (2024-5-25)
2.8.20 (2024-7-2)
- 更新 solid-js 1.8.18 (ecdb3ec)
- 支持 solidjs refresh (52c2dd5)
- n-popover (c571c4f)
2.8.18 (2024-6-18)
- 文档生成支持 @example (e9c799c)
2.8.17 (2024-6-16)
- update build (924440f)
- test (95b6422)
- test (42e0a1c)
- test (e232413)
- google-site-verification (3f11a73)
- sitemap (9652aca)
- robots.txt (f9e9776)
2.8.6 (2024-5-25)
- code组件 (c7340f2)
2.8.5 (2024-5-23)
- 支持 esm和 cjs (c9c820d)
2.8.4 (2024-5-23)
- 增加构建输出 (071f2cd)
- 增加构建输出 (3d545ce)
- 增加构建输出 (5990367)
- 增加构建输出 (2fb880a)
- 增加构建输出 (f2b8f93)
- version 2.8.3 (f067a6e)
- prismjs (812a6c9)
- prism worker (b673977)
- fix github action (19dd125)
- fix github action (a957fc5)
- github action ci recursive install (5bc4c5c)
- @app/mdx-scpoe (3108158)
2.8.2 (2024-5-22)
- mdx scpoe (552e390)
- fix tag 无边框模式 jsx 案例 (13ab054)
- 添加文档tab (9ac2e96)
- 打包优化 (88dae18)
- 打包优化 (d73494b)
- fix jest (abfe62f)
- fix jest (bc8ddfb)
- fix tree field-names案例 (24a62b8)
- tabs添加切换动画配置 (e4996c1)
- 支持pnpm (12092a3)
- 优化 code 组件高亮、img 组件懒加载 (77caa5f)
- tree支持 fieldNames (b9814d3)
- 减少安装体积 (d5d2feb)
2.7.5 (2024-5-6)
- tree 动态修改数据 (89592b3)
2.7.4 (2024-5-6)
- cssModuleDefinition 为 cssModule 生成准确的声明文件 (53003f3)
- feat copy (8badba6)
- fix jekyll (6bb89c7)
- 更新 @moneko/core (b77eb1c)
2.7.1 (2024-4-20)
- 更新actions (0e9990e)
- 更新actions (0904b1a)
- 更新actions (87de451)
- nojekyll替换为jekyll (3051a91)
- fix notification 不同的通知类型 (4931704)
- fix notification 不同的通知类型 (5be2a0d)
- github action lint (9f6ccd4)
- code支持swift代码高亮 (4b43fa0)
2.7.0 (2024-1-19)
- npm run start (8047ec5)
- overrideResolve (ab76846)
- docs types (05cfac9)
- types (5d3c70f)
- 修复marked bin缺失; 升级core依赖提升编译性能 (ce01794)
- umd build (7f77062)
- tree (f7b1653)
- seo优化 (09a0193)
- update (c5acf94)
- 工程配套 (f03bc07)
- app-entry锈化 (b5c7cff)
- scp (e82512a)
- keyword (fc2060a)
- csp (d0ff775)
- update (e816807)
- update (92aabcf)
- 分页器受控案例更新 (7ad8b3c)
- update (f6a8674)
- npm files (73b5d58)
- polyfill false (5009662)
2.6.1 (2023-11-29)
- 打包工具更新 (225846b)
- fix (11d692f)
- docs (3ca52b8)
2.6.0 (2023-11-26)
- n-modal 模态框 (b0e5009)
- 启动框架更新 (d92969a)
- 启动框架更新 (9ade37a)
- 启动框架更新 (e6be64b)
- rive (311d299)
- input 支持提示大写锁定图标 (5314ea1)
2.5.1 (2023-10-12)
- 将 @swc/helpers 作为依赖 (b6d96a5)
- update readme (428dcc5)
2.5.0 (2023-10-11)
- 支持按需引入 (3e37948)
2.4.4 (2023-9-21)
- md中表格的browser logo样式; 2. 基于 swc_core 0.83.16 的全新构建 (f3ba66d)
2.4.3 (2023-9-19)
- code 支持 diff, 添加案例 (585573c)
- md、code (f50e30e)
- 颜色选择器弹出面板使用web component (18792cb)
2.4.0 (2023-9-14)
- 使用 webworker 处理markdown及代码高亮 (a530037)
2.3.5 (2023-8-29)
- custom css (7023f5a)
- 文档重定向出现/?/ (1de7417)
- 文档重定向出现/?/ (95fea77)
- attrs (e4b652e)
- docs (2154a10)
- ci (738da61)
- 修复自定义函数的最终类型 (95f4f5e)
- 自动推断html属性类型、js api属性类型 (8599591)
2.3.0 (2023-8-22)
- provider 响应内部变化 (53dce7a)
- update core (310920e)
2.2.0 (2023-8-20)
- table 数据表格、pagination 分页器 (da24adf)
2.1.4 (2023-8-19)
- 修改类型的emoji (7448222)
- 修改类型的emoji (62fd3dd)
- 实现 changelog (5f2edbc)
- 当没有自定义路由时不需要合并 (f5c8cef)
- 当没有自定义路由时不需要合并 (c643156)
- update (c70faf8)
- update (babb3b3)
- webcomponents polyfill (6083639)
- update (3614b9e)
- update (ff6f507)
- update (df1afb2)
- 暴露当前的 dayjs 实例 (73d5044)
- 自定义路由配置 (0817c52)
- n-img支持设置srcFull大图地址 2. 文档支持显示author头像 (f8b014f)
- data-picker (5584f13)
- data-picker (3a6e907)
- code block (f765fbc)
- @app/route (18124f1)
- docs deploy (2d69f68)
- docs deploy (6a02213)
- docs deploy (a150224)
- docs deploy (6457a7b)
- week date (f8be963)
2.0.8 (2023-8-4)
- virtualModule (069096b)
2.0.3 (2023-8-1)
2.0.0 (2023-7-28)
- update (1a8c7f3)
- update docs (1068c7a)
- update (0f956e9)
- update docs (7212704)
- update (ec9a287)
- update docs (b7e753c)
- cron style (8a88171)
- button style (469846a)
- coverage (ed798b5)
- coverage (ba9a022)
- docs the feature watch recursively is unavailable on the current platform (a13e06e)
- docs the feature watch recursively is unavailable on the current platform (369a8d3)
- has no exported member 'ButtonType' (3c2c4b2)
- popover max-block-size (c885a0d)
- menu fieldNames (6768c37)
- cron 样式调整 (b3e3762)
- cron 样式调整 (90dd810)
- cron (1d6f98c)
- jest (399b255)
- jest (30d4dab)
- 优化文档生成体验 (cdcf58a)
- 优化文档生成体验 (31e427f)
- 通过ts声明的类型和注释自动生成Api文档 (2e5400a)
- menu 导航菜单 (a83ac70)
- tag 🏷️标签 (6de77c4)
- tabs选项卡 (d4b2717)
- 优化 IntrinsicElements 写法 (7a25a90)
- n-md添加part、theme demo (586d319)
- capture-screen (5289dce)
- update docs (e42ade0)
- update docs (13339c3)
- update docs (4eccf7b)
- update docs (55b5185)
- update docs (92436f7)
- update docs (822547a)
- update docs (29b0ebd)
- button组件 (5758241)
1.7.3 (2023-5-15)
- select disabled (897cc90)
- property 'content' is missing in type (882b700)
- backtop 返回顶部无效 (ab9c775)
- segmented dark style (388f99d)
- select多选时不关闭面板 (b295647)
- select多选菜单、去除多余的iconfont (6ee7cd7)
- loading 加载状态容器 (239e9b4)
- dropdown下拉菜单、popover 气泡卡片、select 下拉选择框 (fdb889e)
- dropdown下拉菜单、popover 气泡卡片、select 下拉选择框 (cc41847)
- tootip 自动跟据情况决定展开方向 (3aa7138)
1.5.0 (2023-5-5)
- segmented 分段控制器 (e7c269b)
1.4.2 (2023-5-5)
- checkbox supports indeterminate state (6427d62)
- radio 大小调整 (9367a19)
1.4.0 (2023-5-4)
- checkbox 复选框 (6df0d8d)
- radio 单选框 (d0f4c6f)
- input组件支持自动校验并为错误类型添加样式 (95761db)
- switch按钮支持聚焦、键盘事件 (20f48c5)
- switch (181bf14)
1.1.0 (2023-5-1)
- stylint (0cc1814)
- state (ff519b4)
- update lib (a9358e4)
1.0.47 (2023-4-20)
- tree (31532cd)
1.0.40 (2023-4-2)
- photo (316a9b7)
- sso (dabf963)
- 按需导入swc配置案例文档结构变 (0f33e3a)
- 文档结构变更 (d9a0179)
- deploy conf (1b113e3)
- seo (e93aa84)
- path (6c0f6fb)
- path (78ae924)
- seo优化 (d154991)
- seo优化 (b7afb42)
- 文档中的hash路由替换 (fbe64ee)
- 文档中的hash路由替换 (1459ea2)
- 改用数据路由 (57f3b7b)
- 支持代码块形式的案例 (0397c3a)
- 1、Carousel. 2、Photo (ef41800)
- 样式表按需引入、优化取色板性能 (65c2008)
- passiveSupported (397ef3b)
- 取色板支持 cmyk (c2719e7)
- common按需 (b21343d)
- color-schema (921edfd)
- update marked-completed (36e54d4)
1.0.36 (2023-3-7)
- pkg @moneko/react-live (0b606d3)
- type MediaRecorderDataAvailableEvent (ad85084)
- update changelog (3c0472a)
- 颜色选择器、颜色选择面板、文档生产方式 (3195b70)
1.0.35 (2023-2-23)
- 添加change log、commitlint (fdbf645)
- prefixCls (721bf9c)
- prefixCls (c6d982e)
- docs (c270d57)
- docs (8860703)
- prism (5cd5a51)
- twilwindcss (aae268c)
- test (05c54b1)
- test (6fed88c)
- lodash (7bfc060)
- lodash (61ec978)
- ci (a578218)
- ci (caa6ac5)
- ci (2dcd2fe)
- lint (53d6b41)
1.0.27 (2022-11-10)
1.0.22 (2022-10-19)
- prefixCls (1573fa0)
- prefixCls (c4db459)
- table style (76633f4)
- table style (744efdf)
- lessc (b05aac6)
- lessc (d64123b)
- KaTeX (de1bf0f)
1.0.16 (2022-10-13)
1.0.9 (2022-10-13)
- commonJS css (1440875)
- commonJS css (155d44c)
- commonJS css (138acf2)
- commonJS css (a011494)
- commonJS css (d9d7f6e)
1.0.6 (2022-10-11)
- setClipboard (ab0bdb8)
- KaTeX (856e46a)
- isEqual (99b8932)
- lint (6448087)
- 刷新页面404 (92519f1)
- 刷新页面404 (73ac100)
- 刷新页面404 (d00c81a)
- lint (7a0bff0)
- lint (de7982c)
- lint (acea9a2)
- classname (666000f)
1.0.0 (2022-9-17)
- lint (2a033a7)