Pytzer is a Python implementation of the Pitzer model for chemical activities in aqueous solutions [P91] plus solvers to determine the equilibrium state of the system.
Pytzer is in beta! Use at your own peril.
Install with pip (any OS):
pip install pytzer
On Mac or Linux, you can alternatively install from conda-forge:
conda install conda-forge::pytzer
However, the above will not work on Windows, because jax is not on conda-forge for Windows - so use pip instead.
Once installed, you will need to set the environment variable JAX_ENABLE_X64=True
. For example, using conda:
conda env config vars set JAX_ENABLE_X64=True
A work in progress at
Pytzer is maintained by Dr Matthew P. Humphreys at the NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (Texel, the Netherlands).
For now, the appropriate citation is:
Humphreys, Matthew P. and Schiller, Abigail J. (2024). Pytzer: the Pitzer model for chemical activities and equilibria in aqueous solutions in Python (beta). Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2637914.
Please report which version of Pytzer you are using. You can find this in Python with:
import pytzer as pz