! Read Iran COVID-19 epidemic models situation report No 50 - 2022-03-25 here
DELP 20220325, IHME 20220222, IMPE 20220120, SRIV 20220325
Note that the latest available IMPE model update reflects their predictions as of 2022-01-20, more than two months old now.
The New Year ceremonies and travels increase number of contacts and probability of transmission and spread the virus across the country. These factors are not fully included in the models. As such, a new surge could be expected in Iran about April.
Considerable proportions of the COVID-19 cases and deaths that will occur in the new-coming 7th wave can be prevented by Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) and vaccination.
Premature release of mandates for using masks and physical distancing serves the political and economic purposes of the governments, not the public health and survival needs of the populations.
People will die. Do something now.
Strengths and weakness of the international and periodically update COVID-19 pandemic models are discussed here.
(1) Iran Daily deaths, all time
(2) Iran Daily deaths, 2021 on
(3) Iran Daily deaths, 2021 on, reference scenario with uncertainty, IHME
(4) Iran Daily deaths, 2021 on, all scenarios, IHME
(5) Iran Daily deaths, 2021 on, reference scenario with uncertainty, IMPE
(6) Iran Daily deaths, 2021 on, 3 scenarios, IMPE
(7) Iran Daily cases or infections, all time
(8) Iran Daily cases or infections, 2021 on
(8b) Iran Daily cases, 2021 on
(8c) Iran Daily estimated infections IHME, IMPE to reported cases JOHN, main scenarios, 2021 on
(9) Iran Hospital-related outcomes, all time
(10) Iran Hospital-related outcomes, 2021 on
(11) Iran Daily deaths estimated to reported, all time
(12) Iran Daily cases or infections estimated to reported cases, 2021 on
(13) Iran R effective, 2 scenarios, 2021 on, IHME
(14) Iran Daily Infection-outcome ratios, 2 scenarios, 2021 on, IHME
(15) Iran Daily mobility, 2 scenarios, all time, IHME
(16) Iran Daily mask use, 2 scenarios, all time, IHME
(17) Iran Percent cumulative vaccinated, 2021 on, IHME