1.Net Framework 4.7.2+ (Windows Environment)
2.msbuild.exe (comes with Visual studio or Visual studio build tools)
3.Packages need to be installed (can be installed using nuget package manager)
a.Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client v5.2.7+
b.Newtonsoft.Json v12.0.2+
using below command from cmd (This will create executables for each of the entities in respective folders. sln file in under avayacloud-client-common folder)
cd <path to avayacloud-client.sln>
<Path to msbuild.exe> avayacloud-client.sln /t:Clean,Build /p:Configuration=Release
Using below commands from cmd (This will create executables for specifc entity.)
cd <path to avayacloud-client-agent.proj>
<Path to msbuild.exe> avayacloud-client-agent.proj /t:Clean,Build /p:Configuration=Release
avayacloud-client-agent.exe --endpoint <Avayacloud endpoint> --abcusername <Avaya Cloud username> --abcpassword <Avaya Cloud password> --agent_username <Agent username> --agent_password <Agent password> --firstname <First Name of Agent> --lastname <Last Name of Agent> --startdate <Start Date for Agent> --enddate <End Date for Agent>
First Name, Last Name, Start Date, End Date are optional arguments.
avayacloud-client-subscription.exe --endpoint <Avayacloud endpoint> --abcusername <Avaya Cloud username> --abcpassword <Avaya Cloud password> --subscriptionEndPoint <endpoint> --dataDeliveryFormat <delivery format(CSV/JSON)> --dataSourceType <ECH/HAGENT/HAGLOG..> --startTime <Subscription start time> --frequencyInMinutes <frequency of data post in mins> --subAccountAppId <SubAccountAppId for which the subscription data to be fecthed>
subAccountAppId is an optional argument. It can be used to pass a specific subAccountAppId or 'ALL' if user is a sysadmin to get data of all subaccounts. If nothing is passed one of the subaccounts assigned to the user will be used.
Avaya cloud endpoint URL e.g https://integration.bpo.avaya.com/, https://login.bpo.avaya.com/