- 🌐 Homepage: www.wgcban.com
- 📚 Final-year PhD student in ECE at Johns Hopkins University
- 👀 Interested in Computer Vision and Deep Learning - Self-Supervised Learning (SSL), Efficient adaptation of pre-trained models, Generative AI, and low-level vision
- 🚨Guarding Barlow Twins Against Overfitting with Mixed Samples
- AdaMAE: Adaptive Masking for Efficient Spatiotemporal Learning with Masked Autoencoders (
- ChangeFormer: A Transformer-Based Siamese Network for Change Detection (
) - DDPM-CD: Remote Sensing Change Detection using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
- Revisiting Consistency Regularization for Semi-supervised Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
- Metric-CD: Deep Metric Learning for Unsupervised Remote Sensing Change Detection