Ten years later, the less-than-great steamy success of 50 Shades has created its own subsection of films and TV.
XO, Kitty brings out the best (and sometimes worst) of modern teen dramas — give us more seasons Netflix!
Friends to lovers supremacy! But now we have to wait another month to find out what happens in Part 2 of Season 3 of Bridgerton.
Can you escape fate? Or is fate just hogwash? Tarot thinks it's both.
Vampires have daddy issues too... aaand complicated meanings to their existence... as well as empowering final battles.
Time for a rethink. From Kälteen Bars to Burn Books, Regina George might be the most misunderstood and misjudged character in Mean Girls.
Damsel, the third Millie Bobbie Brown-lead Netflix Original, should deliver a lot more with what it promises from its extravagance.
The plot of Tiger Stripes reflects the controversy of its Malaysian theatrical release, holding a mirror up to society in more ways than one.
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