Architectural section

12 Pins
4 bedroom home with study nook and triple car garage
Here's a non-fancy 4 bedroom home with study nook and triple car garage which would fit on a reasonably narrow block of land.
House Plan 5445-00183 - Luxury Plan: 7,670 Square Feet, 5 Bedrooms, 6.5 Bathrooms
Perfect: bdrm 5 int guest rm, guest into half studio and half private courtyart. Bdrm 3 &4 into music and theater room, add staircase close to foyer for upper level bdrms
The Noble Home
This plan is another long-time favourite. I absolutely love it. I would have to alter the upstairs bathrooms somewhat. What’s labeled as bedroom 4 would become a lovely master bathroom. I would probably remove the linen closet off the hall, turn...
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Викторианская архитектура
Architecture - architectural drawings-art.
Details of Victorian Architecture. (POST 4) - Villa at Villemomble (near Paris); architect: J. Amanovich
Victorian Brick and Terra-Cotta architecture.rar//Victorian Brick and Terra-Cotta architecture_Страница_161.jpg
Two-storey Detached House, Working Details
James Gorst Architects / The Lodge, Whithurst Park, West Sussex. Project Architect, Sandy Rendels.