Hips Mobility

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7,671 likes, 101 comments - paradigmofperfection on December 2, 2024: "Hip flexors feel tight from sitting? Here are a few of my favorite hip flexor stretches: 1. Prone hip rotations 2. Hip flexor stretch 3. Ring/band lat/QL stretch (with a slight twist) 4. Thomas hip flexion - cause weakness can also cause a sensation of tightness Also don’t forget to assess neurodynamics and end range glute strength as those can also play a role in the sensation of tight hip flexors! Train with me in the
81K likes, 103 comments - thefnctnlchiro on November 20, 2022: "TRAIN YOUR DAMN HIP FLEXORS 👇🏼 The hip flexors get a lot of blame when it comes to hip + low back pains. Often times, people stretch and stretch and stretch and stretch them + still see no change. If this sounds like you — it’s time to start switching it up. STRENGTHEN your hips > stretching them. Just because your hip flexors feel tight, doesn’t necessarily mean they are. More likely than not, they’re pretty damn weak + *...
1,607 likes, 22 comments - oksana_moonyoga on December 12, 2023: "Hip opening vinyasa yoga flow. Try this sequence 💃🏻#yoga #vinyasa #creativevinyasa #creativeyoga #creativesequencing #yogainspiration #yogateacher #yogaflow #openhips #hipopener #hipopeningpose #hipflexibility #hipmobility".
Backpain | Sciatica | Mobility | A) Try this hip mobility! B) HIP MOBILITY | LOWER BACK PAIN Try this movement to improve your hip mobility. Go for 2 sets 5 times each... | Instagram
Laura Kummerle, PT, DPT, OCS on Instagram: "Hip flexors feel tight from sitting? Here are a few of my favorite hip flexor stretches: 1. Prone hip rotations 2. Hip flexor stretch 3. Ring/band lat/QL stretch (with a slight twist) 4. Thomas hip flexion - cause weakness can also cause a sensation of tightness Also don’t forget to assess neurodynamics and end range glute strength as those can also play a role in the sensation of tight hip flexors! Train with me in the Paradigm of Perfection + Train app! Discount codes (ad): Outfit: @ptulaactive - bare shorts + brami - LAST DAY OF THE BLACK FRIDAY SALE with up to 85% off + code LAURA will give you an extra 20% off on top of the sale (10% off after today, Dec 2)! Supplements: @legion - code LAURA Band: @movement_made - code paradigmofperfecti
Kim | Mobility, Strength & Flexibility on Instagram: "Save these 7 hip internal rotation exercises - beginner to advanced 🔥 Read the caption for more info 🤓 Studies have shown that there is a link between low back pain and restricted hip internal rotation 🔗😮 Hip internal rotation is important because it is one of the 6 ROM that play a role in our hip function We use this ROM daily when we walk, run, or change direction 🏃🏼‍♀️ It is a common movement pattern in many sports that require rotation 🏌️‍♀️ And also is a requirement for a deep squat (along side ankle dorsiflexion and other joint functions) 🏋️‍♀️ So if you’re getting low back pain - assess your joints and particularly your hips! (LINK IN BIO TO BOOK YOURS WITH ME 😄) Or if you’d like to learn for yourself or your clie
12K likes, 115 comments - vanja.moves on October 26, 2022: "3 basic hip mobility moves that should be done daily as part of your warm up routine Seated Good morning Active Pigeon Lunge Shifts #mobilityflow #noequipmentworkout #sportsinjuryprevention #strengthandflexibility #jointmobility #mobilitytraining #mobilitywork #mobilityworkout #hipmobility #mobilityexercises #anklemobility #spinemobility #warmupexercise #flexibility #contortion #functionalfitness #movement #lowbackpain #athletictrai
9,817 likes, 143 comments - victoriarosefitness on January 7, 2023: "Strengthen your hip flexors with this one exercise👇🏼! Standing Weighted Knee Lifts 👉🏼 10 reps each leg for 2-3 sets. Stand up tall with a dumbbell or kettlebell resting on the top of your foot 👉🏼 raise your keep up towards the ceiling at a slow and controlled tempo. Make sure to use a lighter weight as to not strain your hip flexors. YOU got this! 💪🏼".