Acuarela infusiones

1,250 Pins
ruby silvious art — 26 Days of Tea in France/11 The Way you Wear your...
26 Days of Tea in France/11 The Way you Wear your Hat #kusmitea @kusmiteaparis #hyerestourisme (at Plage De L'Almanarre à Hyeres)
ruby silvious art
363 Paintings on Tea Bags
Ruby Silvious is an artist in upstate New York. As a creative displine, she decided to paint at least one image per day for 363 days. She chose as her medium used tea bags. She features scenes of everyday life, still lives, figure studies, and images of both whimsy and melancholy. You can follow her progress on Instagram.-via Khool...
ruby silvious art
ruby silvious art - All is calm. All is white.
ruby silvious art
ruby silvious art
My teabag art for today. This is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Dell'Asunta on the island of Torcello, Venice, Italy
My teabag art for today - would love to try this
My teabag art for today - Venice
DKJones Fledgling Artist: My teabag art for today - Venice
My teabag art for today was another image transfer that didn't quite work
DKJones Fledgling Artist: My teabag art for today was another image transfer...
My teabag art for today was inspired by the trip that we leave on tomorrow