Website Design Tips

Website tips for dietitians, clinicians, and other health professionals. Learn how to instantly transform your online presence and create bold branding & website design to compliment your business.
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The Women’s Health RN, Women’s Health Nutritionist Project
There’s a growing demand for health professionals who can provide personalized guidance on nutrition and well-being. Well, welcome to The Women’s Health RN. Ginny is a Registered Nurse with extensive background in nutrition, functional medicine and women’s health. We invite you to step into project of a women’s health nutritionist, where the intersection of her branding, website design, and compelling copywriting come together to create an extraordinary online presence for her business.
This may contain: a woman sitting on a couch with a laptop computer in her lap and the caption reads, nothing makes me happier than seeing our client's take their kids to
Your Clinician Website Should Bring Leads And Clients By Itself | Chloe Creative Studio
Your clinician website should bring leads and clients by itself! Some of our clients go completely off socials + blogging throughout the summer! Imagine time with your family without compromising the reach of your practice. Here’s how we help you achieve this: 🩶 Ensure your branding speaks to your ideal client emotionally. 🩶 Meet them in their vulnerable spots — not in a “salesy” way — but in a way that your ideal client feels so incredibly heard through your words on your website. 🩶 Making it easy to take the next step with you. Don’t make your website so hard to navigate! Let me be honest, your brand & website is just the beginning of setting your practice on auto-pilot. Don’t skip this step, because if you do, the other steps will suffer.
What The Best Websites Have In Common | Chloe Creative Studio
What do the best websites have in common? It really comes down to these four things: quick load time, straightforward copy, unexpected design style, and white space. If your website is slow, Google will hate you and people will leave your website (aka high bounce rate). When you have straightforward copywriting, users don’t feel confused on what you offer and how you’re helping them. With unexpected design style, you keep users interested and intrigued to keep scrolling (aka high interactivity & retention rate). When your website contains more white space (doesn’t have to be white), users are guided to what you want them to see quicker. If your website doesn’t meet this criteria, connect with our marketing and design agency at and get our expertise!
Fun Therapist Website Design, Bloom Well Therapy
Today we are highlighting one of our therapist website design clients, Bloom Well Therapy. Jessica is a perinatal therapist, who was so amazing to work with. Our team loved learning about Jessica’s background, her growth desires for her online private practice and how we could get her to the next point of her capacity. We were hired for a branding design with collateral items and a VIP Website Full. In case you haven’t heard, our VIP Website Full is a 5-page one day website fully developed for you!
4 Things You Need To Do Grow Your Website
If you’ve heard (or even seen in your own Google Analytics), Google is shifting. With that in mind, websites are becoming more and more important to focus your efforts in. Today, we’re outlining how to grow your website ⤵️ Now, before we begin the deep-dive into the mystery of blog growth, let’s make one thing known: Growing your website into 25K, 50K or even 100K visits per month is a huge achievement that’s going to take a lot of work. You likely will implement the tips within this blogpost for months, maybe even a year, and then begin seeing the efforts pay off. It’s cliche to say, but website’s are a long term commitment.
Power Up Your Clinician Website: The 10 Best Free WordPress Plugins You Need
We don’t have to tell you why WordPress is our preferred platform and recommendation for clinicians in private practice. What we will tell you is this: these are the best free WordPress plugins that we install on many websites. Throughout this blogpost, we’ll be describing plugins in simple terms – you can take it in and choose which of these are right for your website. If you read through this and decide you need assistance with it, we can help!
Latest Dietitian Websites on WordPress
At Chloe Creative, we absolutely love working on dietitian websites. In 2018, we really niched down into the Registered Dietitian space and since the have expanded to helping clinicians worldwide. If you are a dietitian, work with our team of professionals so that you can level-up your practice! In this blogpost, find our recent women’s dietitian websites.
Best Therapist Websites on Squarespace: GML Therapy
We are kicking off a new series for the best therapist websites 🤗 In this blogpost, we are recapping a project for GML Therapy based in Texas. Grace is the owner of her private practice focusing in holistic psychotherapy to reduce anxiety. This series focuses on our therapist clients at Chloe Creative and their project stages that quantify them to become the best therapist websites on the internet.
This may contain: a woman sitting in front of a computer monitor
Website Plugin For Better Clinician UX Design That Creates a Custom Visitor Experience
If you are a food blogger or private practice clinician, here is a website plugin for better UX design that creates a custom visitor experience. Install the Grow plugin (by @mediavine) so you can create on growing your web traffic organically with their widget at the bottom of your website. By installing this plugin, you allow users the opportunity to bookmark your pages, share it to social media platforms and have a “login” area where they can access all the content they’ve “saved” on your website. This creates a user experience that differentiates you from competitors and keeps your audience wanting more. We personally enjoy their features to add blogs as a widget for our users so they can click around longer to enjoy things similar. The email subscriber is also genius!
This may contain: a woman sitting at a desk in front of a computer with a quote on it
Doing The Impossible On Private Practice Website Design And Development | Chloe Creative Studio
How many times have you heard from a developer that something on your private practice website is impossible? Now, there may be times where something legitimately isn’t possible, but often, we find out that these things are said for a couple reasons. The person who said this can’t complete it and/or it’s out of their scope (which is OKAY — just say that!). The other reason is that their method is outdated. Just like in the clinician-space, you have to verify your information. Ask around to get multiple opinions first. Then, make an informed decision! This is just a reminder to “shop around” and ask questions if you are looking for custom function on your website. Want more web design tips for your private practice? Visit
This may contain: a person sitting at a desk in front of a computer monitor with the text data driven results from client who worked with us
Branding, Website Design, & Copywriting For Your Private Practice With Results | Chloe Creative
With the right tools, design to convert, copywriting that speaks to your audience and a brand that captivates their eye, it all boils down to how you can provide a solution to your ideal audience. That’s how conversion happens. Here’s examples of our former client results: ➡️ 116% user growth ➡️ 117% new user growth ➡️ Steady increase of inquiries per month ➡️ Being found on Google ➡️ Ideal client signed because she loved the way you described working with her would be Each of these clients invested in our top tier packages: branding and website, or branding, website and copywriting. This is why we almost always recommend getting both a brand and website done at the same time - together, it’s powerful.
This may contain: a woman sitting on a couch using a laptop computer with the caption pov you have a really great website but have bitty as your link in bio
How To Use Your Great Website Instead Of Third Party Link In Bio | Chloe Creative Studio
Want to level up your social media and website game for your private practice clinician? Here is how to use your already great website and use that as a tool for your link in bio instead of a third party marketing tool: It may be controversial, but you shouldn’t be using third party platforms as your Instagram link in bio when you have a fully functioning website to do this instead. This includes those Flodesk one-pager websites — it’s just not needed! Instead, create this on your website (as a page called Links or Social) with all desired links added as buttons. By following this method, everything is housed on your website for data tracking, longer length of time on website and it looks more professional! 🩷
5 Tips For Writing Website Content To Get More Clients | Chloe Creative Studio Blog
Chloe Creative Studio is excited to share 5 tips for writing website content to help you get more clients at your private practice or health business! 1. understand your ideal client. 2. Establish your brand's via strategy and design. 3. Clarify your message. What are you actually speaking about? 4. Review SEO for how to write content for a website. 5. Encourage action. If you want to invest in professional help with your copywriting, connect with our team at Chloe Creative to apply for one of our packages to support your private practice! Visit to connect with us!
This may contain: a woman sitting at a desk typing on a keyboard with the caption'the next time you find yourself embarrassed to send potential clients to your website
When You're Embarrassed By Your Private Practice Website Try This | Chloe Creative Studio
The next time you find yourself embarrassed to send potential clients to your website, try sending them to a designated links page instead. Don’t have the budget or time to invest in a website right now? Let’s get a links page up that you own. Here’s what I’d do: 🩶 Go to Squarespace and purchase the lowest tier.. 🩶 Select a template but bypass all the suggested pages, only focus on adding one page. 🩶Add a blank page called “Links”. On this page, add a few buttons vertically down the page. Connect links for clients to interact with your business! 🩶 When you’re done, publish! Setup a free Google Analytics account and connect it to your new “website”. 🩶 Paste the link of your page into your Instagram bio and begin tracking its performance.
This may contain: a woman is holding a jar with something in it and the caption reads, rov you finally got confused at what's on your website
Website Design Tips: Use Your Brand Fonts Consistently To Gain More Website Traffic | Chloe Creative
Website design tips from Chloe Creative Studio: Use your brand fonts consistently to help gain more website traffic. Yes — often our clients come back to us after rebranding or getting a new brand and say “for some reason my website is really picking up traffic now!” That is no coincidence! People begin to be attracted to your brand and business, which leads them to feeling connected to you as a person. When you establish this connection, it’s natural for people to get curious about what you do via your website. You definitely want to make sure your branding is consistent within your website. If not, you have the potential to lose that connection and instead, create a disconnect. We highly recommend pairing your branding with a new website to ensure both are optimized to convert.