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115K views · 857 reactions | That package of puff pastry in your freezer has been waiting for its moment to shine and it’s going to as part of this Potato-Gruyère Tart ✨. Serve it as an app or a whole meal with the recipe link in the comments. 🥔: Renu Anshie Dhar, 🎥: Chloe Gebacz | Food & Wine
The Best Mashed Potatoes Recipe - Kristine's Kitchen
Perfect creamy mashed potatoes! Serve these homemade mashed potatoes with your favorite meals. The best comforting side dish!
Wyse Guide fan group | Mashed Potato Muffins - Don't LOSE this recipe | Facebook
Wyse Guide fan group | Mashed Potato Muffins - Don't LOSE this recipe | Facebook
762K views · 1.4K comments | Twice Baked Potato Casserole | cheese, buttermilk | PRINT the recipe: https://www.wyseguide.com/twice-baked-potato-casserole/ This recipe for twice-baked potato casserole is always one of everyone’s... | By Wyse Guide | When it comes to special occasions, when it comes to the holidays or it just comes to a Sunday meal, a potato casserole is always something that it's a crowd pleaser. We loved it growing up and around Christmas, we always had some version of potato casserole. This one is a twice baked potato casserole. Instead of scooping out the potatoes, making a filling, putting it back in the potatoes, we're scooping it out but we're just going to mix it all together, put it in a casserole dish. So much easier to feed a crowd. So much more to me, fun to put together, a little bit easier to put together too. Less just it's just better. So, what I have here are my potatoes. They're just baking russet potatoes. Cleaned, washed, put on a baking tray with parchment. I do prick em. You know, some people do, some people don't but why go through the process of possibly having them burst in the oven if you don't have to. So, we're going to prick em just a few times each with a fork. The rest are done and once they're baked and cooling. We're going to make the components that go with it. It's going to be bacon, there's going to be sour cream, you know they're going to be good because a twice baked potato is good. So let's put them in the oven let them roast or bake and then we'll make the casserole The potatoes were finished. I've some bacon cooking. We'll talk about that in a little bit. Um so potatoes I just cut in half. Let them cool slightly from the oven and then I just scoop them out right here into this bowl. So this is where usually you would create more of a boat in each potato and that would you know be something that would keep them rigid and then you'd stuff them back in. That's not what we're doing. We are just scooping them out. And what I like is when you bake a potato it's a little fluffier in the sense that it's dryer. It doesn't have near as much water content in it. So it's just a little bit dryer. So to this we're going to add some butter. Guys. You know, yeah and it's going to be good. We're going to add that right in there. We're going to let it kind of melt as we just, it was softened butter. I just say room temperature. I'm going to go through and mash these. Now, not perfectly because the point here is, this is a casserole and it's okay if it's a rustic casserole and while these are kind of mashing per se which you can see since they're baked, it's super easy. I'm going to add in some buttermilk. Now, the buttermilk has more flavor than just whole milk and I like that. It adds a little bit of a tang a little bit of interest. So, I'm going to pour that in and keep mashing. So, while I'm mixing all that together, we have some sour cream to add. Yeah, that's what these are. These are good potatoes and they have all that goodness in them. Along with that, a good dose of salt. So, this is a lot of potatoes and guess what? Potatoes need salt. They need seasoning to actually bring out that flavor. Gonna add in some pepper, just crack it right in there or use ground whatever you use in your kitchen and the thing is now, we're starting to add that creamy consistency. So, up to this point, this is really some the same as any twice baked potato you've had filling wise. It has sour cream, it has does have buttermilk, maybe instead of just traditional milk but all that works together. So, we're going to let that sit there for a second and over here, we have bacon going. So, the bacon's been cooking and I'm just pulling off the last pieces. So, you just cook it to whatever darkness you like. I like some nice crispy bacon personally like the crisp edges on it. Now, what I'm going to do is pour off all but know about a tablespoon or two of that oil and that grease and what this is going to do now is be the best mode make sure no drips are there the best mode because all those brown bacon bits are in the bottom of that skillet and put on low low heat I'm going to add some chopped scallion to it so scallion is a green onion and a lot of times we like it fresh and it it is good fresh but if you cook it in some bacon grease I'm going to say it somehow even better so we're going to cook this just for a couple of minutes it doesn't take long because scallion doesn't take long and we'll add a little bit of garlic the green onion cook just for a couple minutes now I'm going to add in the garlic just enough to take off that raw garlic flavor that's really the point here is we just want to take off that flavor it doesn't take long at all couple seconds and that's going to just bring in such a much better you know less raw flavor in the sense that raw garlic can be as stringent it can be too much in your face front of the flavor you want this to be a little bit more subdued and so just like 30 seconds to a minute in this heat, it really does that. So now, I'm going to bring it over and this is when we can really start assembling everything. So, what we have here are our mashed potatoes you call me Calm but what I love about them is they're rustic. I always think, I think anything should be able to be rustic. That means they're not maybe fully smooth but I don't want to over mix em. I like that rusticness. I like the texture they can have. So, we're adding in any of that residual grease that I left in there. Remember, we poured out the majority of it. Not so feel too bad. We did pour out the most of it. Now, I had also chopped up some of the green tops of those green onion. Those that I like to cook. I like the freshness of them. I'm going to add those in too. They are just a nice kind of flavor. Gonna add in some shredded cheese. Not quite all of it. I'm going to leave just a little bit for the top but some of it's going to be mixed in. Now, again, these are pretty traditional, pretty Midwestern, shall we say. I'm, I'm someone that does not mind my Midwestern roots. I love to enjoy them. I love to use them. They're sometimes more of a special occasion thing like when you're having of food like this and then we're going to put up chopped bacon so this is the bacon we cooked we're going to add it right in there and then we're going to mix all this together so this is a big pile of potatoes so be mixed with caution be careful the thing is here this can serve quite a few people and that's what I love about it instead of having to put it you know into each half of potato you don't have to do that here and that's the beauty you know and what's nice is to you're going to say ha ha because who portion controls but instead of a whole potato sometimes they can be big and you mount it into it you can portion control if you so choose. See, I'm I'm I'm helping us all with this recipe. Once it's all mixed together, this is one of the few recipes where you could put in it season to taste. You can taste at this point. There's nothing wrong here you can't eat. So, you can taste it That's good. Little bit more salt. Now, remember, potatoes, use a lot of salt and I'm always going to say more pepper because I like peppery potatoes. I do. Gonna mix that in too. We're going to just stir it together. Now, let's just pour it right into our baking dish. Now, I did grease the baking dish just to make sure but look at this piling in there. Is that not beautiful? I mean, guys, holiday's coming. So, my nieces, my nephew sister my brother-in-law stepdad my mom all of them will be around and we will be enjoying potatoes at some point this holiday season and I think it's going to be this and I think you can see why so spread them out to a somewhat even consistency and you can see here this is a twice baked sweet potato filling just in casserole form I think what's nice is it takes you know you can make this ahead at this point you could just cover it you could even put it in the fridge for a day then you can get it out and bake it how nice is that. Now, I'm going to put a little bit of cheese on top just to gild the lily. Let people know what's going on as in, guess what? There's cheese and we're going to sprinkle it and then we'll put it right into an oven. Let it get bubbly all throughout. That's the important part. Let that cheese melt. It's going to be good. So, after this came out of the oven, I just sprinkle on a little bit of parsley and chive chopped up together. You can see I like the cheese to get a little bit brown. Browning is flavor. I think that's that's something to remember. So then at this point, You can eat it. Now, it's a beautiful pretty much. Look at that, mashed potato casserole. There's cheese throughout it. You smell like the sour cream onion vibe going on. It's a vibe. That's what it is. Look how delicious that is. You have those green onions that were cooked in that bacon grease let alone the bacon, need I forget. Honestly this is better than a choice baked potato one is a little bit less work about the same but a little bit less it has more flavor I mean that could be just because I think it's really good and really delicious but you know what I mean this is such a great way to have a potato for a crowd to have a beautiful bake presentation for family that's coming over for the holidays for a Sunday noon meal Sunday night meal whatever you have a big meal that you want to make a big impact but also just have something that's nostalgic delicious somewhat comforting updated that's everything in one that's what this is what do I hope you do with it I hope you enjoy it I hope you make it I hope you're inspired to try something for the holidays and enjoy some good food that's the point so bring people together check my website Wise Guy. com for this recipe all my other recipes share them around use them that's the point of food is to enjoy it and share it merry Christmas.
615K views · 1.3K comments | Twice Baked Potato Casserole | cheese, buttermilk | PRINT the recipe: https://www.wyseguide.com/twice-baked-potato-casserole/ This recipe for twice-baked potato casserole is always one of everyone’s... | By Wyse Guide | When it comes to special occasions when it comes to the holidays or it just comes to a Sunday meal, a potato casserole is always something that it's a crowd pleaser. We loved it growing up and around Christmas we always had some version of potato casserole. This one is a twice baked potato casserole. Instead of scooping out the potatoes, making a filling, putting it back in the potatoes, we're scooping it out but we're just going to mix it all together, put it in a casserole dish. So much easier to feed a crowd. So much more to me, fun to put t
Creative Interiors & Exteriors design ideas, home and Garden Decoration | Mashed Potato Muffins - Don't LOSE this recipe | Facebook
Creative Interiors & Exteriors design ideas, home and Garden Decoration | Mashed Potato Muffins - Don't LOSE this recipe | Facebook
French Onion Potato Casserole | PRINT the recipe: https://www.wyseguide.com/french-onion-potato-casserole/ No one ever complains when there’s a delicious potato side dish. And this... | By Wyse Guide | This Christmas, you're going to make french onion potato casserole. Why? Because it's right in front of me and I'm going to take you through each step so you know how easy it is to get those caramelized onions to get all the flavor in these potatoes with the skin on so it's even easier mashed potatoes to make a beautiful potato bake for your holiday table. Let's go. Merry Christmas. If you are from the Midwest, you know a potato casserole. It's what brings the party together if you're going to have a big occasion meal and so for this Christmas, I'm making a French onion potato bake or potato casserole which really what we have to start with is potatoes. No, we are not starting with box mixed potatoes. We are starting with real russet potatoes because I want the flavor and I want the good potato. Now, I'm going to make it easy. We're not peeling them. We're scrubbing them. Now, a couple I did peel because they were turning green so I peeled off that green but otherwise, I'm just taking these russet potatoes and I'm slicing them you can see in like oh half inch size pieces you want them to be somewhat even just so they bake evenly and the reason and you can see I have other recipes for this too I'm leaving the peel is because once it is smashed with all this goodness and mashed together you know no different and honestly I am someone that always if I can we'll keep a peel on something whether it's winter squash you know zucchini whatever it is because there's nutrients in that peel there's fiber in that peel why get rid of it and these aren't mashed potatoes this is potato bake so we can do it so the potatoes right in here and what I'm going to do is add water and we're going to let this come to a boil turn them to a simmer and just cover them until they're cooked but while that's happening since we're making this French onion we're going to get the onions ready Now, when I say french onion, I'm not mean a traditional french dish. I'm saying if you're from America, you know we love what? French onion dip, the french onion in that sense which is going to be caramelized onion is what we're going to need to start with to get that deep kind of sweet onion flavor. We need them to cook down in some butter which if you're going to make a good homemade french onion dip, no, not the packet, the actual homemade stuff. This is the same way you would need to do it. So, I thinly slice some onion up and it looks like a lot but it really cooks down almost to nothing. So, you need to start with lot of onion. So, what I have here, you can see is some butter that's just been melting and what I want to do is add all of this onion right to it. So, we're going to put this right in here and we need to cook it low and slow enough. I'll turn it down here a bit just so it begins to slowly caramelize and this is a long process. You have to be patient with this but what I will do is add some salt to this. It brings out the moisture, excess water in them, helps it break down even quicker while I'm at it. I am going to salt my potatoes that are still coming up to a boil. It's just as a good step to season everything as you go. So I'm going to let this slowly saute down just slowly wilt down to this dark beautiful caramelize texture. The potatoes are done and I just drain them obviously. Let some of that steam here escape. Over here on the stove, the onions, I'm going to show you. They're still caramelizing. They're not done yet. This is a patient process. So I want to let them sit here just a little bit longer. Keep getting darker. It's what it does is it slowly extracts the sugars of cooks off some of the excess liquid and onions. Cooks it down until it caramelizes. So it's a long process but you want that process. So as the steam is escaping, what I want to do is just take an old-fashioned potato masher and go in and start mashing these best I can. Now, I'm not using a mixer here. I'm just using a masher because it's such a simple process. What I like to do is get them as mashed as possible before I add in although what we're going to call the good stuff. It's the stuff you use during the holidays for the special occasion things. It's not like an every night potato. So, I'm just going to go through mash em as I can then we'll start adding in. I have the mostly mashed. Now, I once had someone tell me lumps and homemade mashed potatoes let you know what that they're real potatoes. Don't worry about that. I mean, we're having the texture from the skins anyway which I think is kind of nice to add color and texture. If you don't, you can peel em but I wouldn't. So, what I'm doing here is finishing it up and now we can start adding in all the extra components that make a potato casserole something special. So, we're going to start with cheese. It's room temperature obviously. Cream cheese is also really good because it makes this kind of the convergence of a french onion dip because french onion dip would have cream cheese in it in a potato casserole. We're going to add in some sour cream. Yeah it's it's you can understand why these are being made around the holidays and not just a Monday night. Now if you need something special do it on a Monday night. We're going to add in some warm. This is hot to the touch. Whole milk. We're going to add those right in there. We're going to add in black pepper, super important to me in any potato, little bit more salt, and then some Parmesan cheese which I grated some but I needed some more and so we're going to take here the grater and we're going to put in a little bit more and yes, this is an extra big hunk of it. Around the holidays, I like to get a big hunk of it and just use it best I can and it's just fun to have a big hunk because you can use it in so many things. I'm going to add in about half of this Monterey Jack cheese. The rest will go on top. Monterey Jack is just like a nice cheese that will add in the flavor and that's the beginning of these perfect potatoes. And now that everything's in there, I'm just going to take the masher again and just keep mashing it up to bring all this together. So we're melting in that cream cheese. We have the cheese that's going to slowly melt into it and don't forget. We haven't even added one of the best parts which is those caramelized onions that I can smell and we're just about ready to finish up on. We're going to put this all together. Finish up the onions here and we're just about done. Now with those potatoes mixed up. You can see my onions. I mean they have now darkened both from the caramelization and from just being on the stove. So we're going to add in a couple components here. I really want to bring out and pronounce that caramel that caramelize flavor. Some moistureshire sauce. We're going to add that right in. It's going to sizzle. We're going to add in some chopped garlic. I don't want it to do it when it was on the stove because I didn't want it to get more burned. So, I just want it to really get warm through in this. When you just stir that around and that you can see that sauce is actually bringing up a little bit of those darkened bits which is what I want and instantly, if you guys were here, it's like an umami bomb with umami is that sense of like that depth of flavor that you just can't get from other things and what I love is you get the garlic, that sauce really brings it out. The caramelized onions. And so now on its own just by here it'd be really strong. But when you add it into these potatoes. Which is add all that in. All that flavor. All that goodness. This is where these become French onion potatoes. What I'm going to do now is just stir those in. There's no reason to have to mash them in. I'm going to take a spatula. Cuz we're now at the point where we're going to put them together and put them in a casserole dish. So when we're stirring in those onions. Look how they just mix in. Is that not a thing. It's like you're taking a couple of your favorite things and making something even better. So, we're stirring them together so we really get them mixed in throughout. Ain't that beautiful? I love the textures and I love that the skins kind of play with those onions and just all kind of works together. So, I have a buttered baking dish back here and this point, you can put this in the fridge and then, wait to bake it for a day before so you can have this ready to go and it can then be fresh from the oven but what I'm going to do is pour all this right in here and you can see how beautiful mixed it is and I like the textures I like that you see some color in there it's just not bland potatoes and you can try to tell yourself you're getting extra fiber at the skins you know around the holidays any little extra bit can make a difference and we're just going to spread those out into an even layer I butter the dish just so it wouldn't stick as bad and butter to me adds more flavor to this than a baking spray would and we're going to then just pop this in the oven before we do that you can see here now remember if you would put this in the fridge at this point when you go to put them in the oven it's going to take longer because they're going to be cold I'll let them sit out before you bake them at room temperature for probably an hour to warm up slightly and then I would bake em but this now It's a thing of beauty and you can eat them right now as is. I just like to warm them up through just because I'm adding some of those things cools them down but then also put a little bit of cheese on top. By the way, if you haven't been to the Midwest, this is your welcome to the Midwest with a potato casserole. I'm just telling you, it's good and I do always freshly grape my cheese. I don't like that pre shredded stuff. I think it has a weird, I don't like something they put with it that has a weird kind of texture to it, sawdusty so times a little grainy so I just like to take that hunk of cheese and shred it right on top so now I will put it all around make sure it's even and we're going to put this right in the oven then we're going to eat I put it out of the oven now you can see that I like to let the cheese get a little bit brown on top you don't have to I just think it's nice and then we put on some chives because you know a little bit of green I just when you're having something that's kind of potatoes it's nice to have some green isn't it it just breaks it up and it makes it look fancy and that's what the holidays are about so now we can just enjoy them obviously this serves a nice dough so like when my family's all over this is what we're going to eat so you get those caramelize potatoes look how it's like a mashed potato in there I mean that to me is a glorious thing you get the cheese on top. It smells amazing if I do say so myself. Keep in. There's nothing bad to say. What I like is they're creamy like a mashed potato. You can get the hits of just little bits of that caramelized onion that Worcestershire. Brings it out even more and adds more flavor and then really what you do is you get all those other elements, the creamy, the tangy with the cream cheese and the sour cream. It just comes together for a great potato bake. It's great for the holidays. It's great for Christmas. It's great really for anytime you want to celebrate and have this on the table for something special and you can make it ahead. Bake it before so it makes it even easier as always share this video around if you're inspired or excited because someone else might be too helps me it helps them helps all of us realize good food you're able to make it at home check my website Wise Guy. com for this recipe and all my others until next time merry Christmas.
French Onion Potato Casserole | PRINT the recipe: https://www.wyseguide.com/french-onion-potato-casserole/ No one ever complains when there’s a delicious potato side dish. And this... | By Wyse Guide | This Christmas, you're going to make french onion potato casserole. Why? Because it's right in front of me and I'm going to take you through each step so you know how easy it is to get those caramelized onions to get all the flavor in these potatoes with the skin on so it's even easier mashed potatoes to make a beautiful potato bake for your holiday table. Let's go. Merry Christmas if you are from the Midwest you know a potato casserole it's what brings the party together if you're going to have a big occasion meal and so for this Christmas I'm making a french onion potato bake or potato ca
The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond Community! | 🥔🧀 Stuffed Potato Cakes 🧀🥔 | Facebook
Martha Stewart Recipes | 🥔🧀 Stuffed Potato Cakes 🧀🥔 | Facebook
Tasty formula by emilie - Crispy Crunchy Parmesan Potatoes Ingredients: 4 large potatoes, peeled and sliced 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/4 cup olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon dried basil Directions: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). In a large bowl, mix the olive oil, garlic, paprika, salt, pepper, oregano, and basil. Toss the potato slices in the oil mixture until they are well coated. Arrange the potato slices in a single layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle the grated Parmesan cheese over the potato slices. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the potatoes are golden and crispy. Serve hot and enjoy! Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cooking Time: 30 minutes | Total Time: 45 minutes Kcal: 310
Garlic Butter Hasselback Potatoes | A new type of potato for Thanksgiving | PRINT the recipe: https://www.wyseguide.com/garlic-butter-hasselback-potatoes/ Rather than the traditional side dish, this recipe for garlic butter... | By Wyse Guide | Garlic Butter Hasselback Potatoes they're going to be on the menu this Thanksgiving not just for me but I think you too I'm going to take you the whole steps so you can see how to make this beautiful presentation but it taste amazing so you can mimic this exact thing on your Thanksgiving table let's go Thanksgiving is one of the time that we have the most fruit traditions and I'm not going to say you have to change up what you have usually we have those set meals every year but there are things I like to vary in vary out change up a little bit and these garlic butter hassle back potatoes are one of my favorite ways because they're simple they can be assembled a little bit ahead baked partially and then finished off maybe while the turkey is cooling off whatever it is so what I have here are some of my potatoes and I want to finish up my last one now what we're doing is we're fanning them this is what a hassle back potato is see how I have them all cut and they open up that's what we need to do now some people like to do it where you take two skewers and you take your potato you can use a Yukon goal you can use a russet whatever you enjoy and you put between those skewers and then use those as your guide of how far down to cut because you don't want to cut all the way through now that can work the problem is sometimes potatoes aren't flat so some people cut off a portion just to make them flat I don't like to do that because it's kind of a waste so I don't know if I'll really use the skewers you know I've made this recipe quite a few times I've made houseback potatoes quite a few times after a while you get a little bit a rhythm and you kind of just know now does that mean I never mess up with this no but I will not tell anyone if I do and we'll just jam that potato against the side of the pan if you almost cut all the way through and it will hold it together maybe but what I'm doing here is just cutting down and I'm using a smaller knife because I feel like I have a little bit more control and can feel where it's going but we're just going through and making all those cuts look at that isn't that beautiful I I think this is such a fun thing because they're kind of a fun presentation then each person could either you can cut them in pieces if you don't want to have a whole potato at Thanksgiving we have lots of food or you can single serve them so what we do at this point is we take olive oil so we need to pretty much roast them and bake them so they can be partially cooked now as I'm putting that olive oil on sometimes I will try to open them up just slightly at some of the pieces to get it down in but what we're going to do is we're going to roast them at a nice temperature and that's going to allow the potatoes to really almost cook through and then at that point we're going to make a delicious butter that is enriched with garlic and herbs and we're going to add cheese and we're going to really finish this off in what I like to think of as a real Thanksgiving flare because that's the thing at Thanksgiving we go over the top we enjoy all the things we don't do everyday we do that day so I'm going to take some salt make sure to season this up because if you can season it every step of the way they're going to always end up better in the end so I'm putting that all over I'm going to take some black pepper and do the same and this is the only step you need to know at this point to season them olive oil and now roast them and then we come back and we finish it up with that butter so I'm going to put this right in we're going to let them roast and we'll finish up The potatoes are just about done. So, I'm going to finish up by getting the butter ready. This is the garlic butter is going to be herbs. So, I have my butter right here in a small little baking dish, not a baking dish, it's a saucepan for the stove. Anything that can melt it and what I'm going to add is some fresh sage that I've minced up. We're using the flavors of Thanksgiving. So, we have some fresh sage. I have some thyme leaves that I kind of chopped up small. If it's tender stems of thyme like the ends of them, you can chop them up. If it's the more, you know, woody stems, you definitely want to remove that from the leaves and then, just do the leaves So, then, I want to take a couple cloves of garlic and I'm just going to actually press them through. You can mince them really fine. You can put them through a garlic press. I sometimes like the garlic press in this case 'cuz it really, see how it just gets off that essence, all that pulp and beauty of the garlic and then, you're just left with this husk in here so you can do it with both cloves which makes it so much to me easier and it's like less clean up which I really like but you can mince it too. I just like how this really gets that flavor all pushed in there with their juices which we want strong flavors. Potatoes can take that really strong astringent flavor. So, Imma all that right in there. Make sure you get all the garlic. I'm going to put this on the stove over low heat. Let it melt in the last few minutes the potatoes have before we finish them with some cheese. We're going to do some grated cheese also. It's all going to come together. The potatoes have roasted. The butter is melted. So, the potatoes aren't quite done yet. We're going to finish them now with their final roast but what we're going to do is add so much flavor now but do you see how beautiful they are? They start opening up. They start getting slightly crisp on the top. I love this process. It's so easy and it's just kind of fun. So, to put these together, I do a few different things. I'm going to start by putting some of that garlic butter on which you can see that beautiful garlic pulp is in there and see since they open up in the oven, it's so much easier to start pouring this on and over and it works down to all of those crevices, all those openings and you really want to take time to do that. You want to make sure you can actually get this over top of them. So, I'm going to do a few for you. Nice and piece of cheese. I like to use a nice, sharp cheddar, maybe even an aged cheddar because it has so much flavor. You don't put it in every single one but what I do is just every so often, take a little piece like this and I just kind of put it in there and then, what's going to do when we go back in, it's going to melt. So, this will just melt into them and get like kind of nice and crusty on the bottom and then, you can even you want to like this is Thanksgiving so if you want to fancy it up you can take some whole sage leaves you can put a whole leaf kind of down in some of the cracks I just think it's another way anyway to me to dress it up and add something special and it gets kind of crispy and roasted like have you ever had a sage leaf that is fried it almost does that in the oven and it just adds that aroma so you can take the time to do any of that and then at the very end I'll even take some of our shredded parm obviously you can just put it over the top What I also like to do if you have time is just to open up some as you're doing it so it can get down into them. You know, it's all those little things that are going to add even more flavor, more color. So, I'm going to finish up doing these. We'll kind of talk about the final steps and how wonderful they're going to be. I'm finishing up with the final Parmesan cheese. I like to, I like how it sits on top. It looks like a lot but it does melt into it but it also gets nice and brown and crusty on top which adds a really good flavor component. So, all these now are ready to go in. You know, they take a couple steps but they have such a nice presentation and they're so delicious and they're really kind of rich. Butter. Hello. But that's what we do around Thanksgiving. We enjoy those things. We enjoy them once in a while. We work hard all the other time so we can enjoy them without thinking about it. So these are now ready to go back into the oven. They're going to get finished roasting tender, get beautiful, crusty, melted cheese. I'm ready, are you? The potatoes come out of the oven. You can see they get nice and crisp on top. That cheese gets crispy. You know what my favorite parts is? Is underneath the potatoes, some of that Parmesan or like some of the cheddar that falls off. It really becomes like a so it has this like crisped like look at this and it just like it's crispy That's heaven. That's good. That is that is the chef's snack and you deserve that. At this point, you can serve 'em whole. You can cut 'em in half too if you want. What's great is they're just tender, beautiful marshals at this point. You can see how beautifully tender but crispy on the edges they are. This reminds me of growing up. My mom used to make a hassle back potato. Uh what I love is the inside of them is like creamy, almost like a mashed potato creamy and the outside has that nice crispness. You get that beautiful hit of garlic butter which I love because it really takes on the flavor but then it imparts it on the potato but also you still taste the potato which is what you want and you get those moments of that crispy Parmesan. It's one of my favorites. It's a great way to kind of change the game maybe at Thanksgiving. Maybe instead of mashed, you want to make these. Maybe so sweet potatoes you want to make these or just add them to the normal that's what I often do is just add a whole another thing so I hope you enjoy it I hope you share this so other people can see how easy it is how you can make Thanksgiving and this is great you can make it any portion size 231 whatever you want and so share it so other people can see that check my website wisely. com for this recipe all my other recipes they're all on there Thanksgiving central is ready and it's ready for you
Garlic Butter Hasselback Potatoes | A new type of potato for Thanksgiving | PRINT the recipe: https://www.wyseguide.com/garlic-butter-hasselback-potatoes/ Rather than the traditional side dish, this recipe for garlic butter... | By Wyse Guide | Facebook