Bid day 🫶🏼

64 Pins
Sorority Flight Theme ✈️
Sorority Theme - recruitment workshop, bud day, or big/little reveal! Fly with us, flight # ✈️ #sororitytheme #sororityrecruitment #biglittlereveal #biglittle #biddaytheme #bidday #sororityrush #greek #greeklife #alphaomicronpi #aoii #alphao #rush #rush2024 #bamarush #bama #alabama #crimsontide #bamarushseason4 #flight #airplanetheme #flightattendantcostume #pilotcostume #sororityflighttheme #flywithus #sororitythemeideas #sororityworkshop #recruitment #pilot #flightattendant #cutethemes #partytheme #biddaytheme #sororityideas
Delta Zeta bid day 2023
fly DZ flight theme airlines bid day 2023 2024 sorority bid day
Xoxo Valentine's Day Party
Feast your eyes on this fabulous Valentine's day party! Loving the backdrop!! See more party ideas and share yours at