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67 Pins
Rolling in Sweetness: Irresistible Cake Roll Recipe for Dessert Bliss
Dive into dessert heaven with our delectable Cake Roll recipe! A perfect balance of spongey cake and luscious filling, this sweet treat is a crowd-pleaser. Indulge in a slice of bliss – try it now
Swiss Roll
Swiss roll—a beloved rolled sponge cake that you can find in almost any bakery. It looks intimidating to make yourself, but it is actually super easy as long as you follow my detailed instructions below. Not to worry! This recipe shares expert tips on correct whipping, baking, and rolling, promising you a light and airy Swiss roll with a creamy center.
This may contain: two pieces of chocolate cake sitting on top of a white plate next to each other
Resep menarik dan ide jualan lainnya klik di Bio ya bunnndaa 🥰😍😍😍 Bahan untuk 1 loyang 18x18cm: 18sdm / 180gr Tepung terigu serbaguna / protein sedang Rp 2K 2.5-3sdm Coklat bubuk Rp 5K 1sdt Baking powder Rp 0.5K 1/2sdt Soda kue Rp 0.5K 12-15sdm Gula (sy pakai 12sdm-125gr) Rp 2K 35sdm / 350ml Susu cair Rp7K 9sdm / 90gr Minyak goreng Rp2K 1sdt Perasan jeruk lemon / nipis (optional) Lapisan coklat: 20sdm / 200ml Susu cair Rp3K 1/2sdt Bubuk agar2 Rp0.5K 150-200gr DCC / Milk chocolate (sy pakai 150gr aja jadi yah bagus) Rp5K Total biaya cake kira2 (tergantung wilayah kalian) : 27.5K Selamat mencoba❤️ Tips2: • Cake ini tanpa telur jd otomatis pengembang harus berfungsi dengan baik. Cek Baking powder dengan menuang sedikit baking powder ke air. Jika berbuih ma
Download House, Spoon, Fork, Logo Vector Design for Food Stalls, Restaurants, Street Food, Etc. for free
House, Spoon, Fork, Logo Vector Design for Food Stalls, Restaurants, Street Food, Etc.
Pliage de serviette pour sa décoration de table de Noël
8 idées de DIY pour sa décoration de table de Noël : marque-places dessiné sur un verre, sapin de Noël, origami, pliage serviette, pommes de pin enneigées, set de table en papier-peint, biugie decorées, chemin de table... Bricolages à faire en famille avec des enfants pour une belle déco de fêtes #noël #christmas #diy #doityourself #diyhomedecor #diyideas #table #tabledecor #homedesign #christmasdecor #christmasdiycrafts #sapin #christmastree #kidscrafts #kidsactivities #enfant #maman #bricolage
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