06-11 To Do

96 Pins
Opioid Addiction: Signs, Risk Factors, and Treatment Options
Knowing what to expect in opiate withdrawal will help you be prepared. Preparation is a big part of success. You can overcome!
Introducing our New Site
The Moral Premise Blog: Story Structure Craft: Story Structure Basics - 13 Major Beats
15 Days to Stronger Characters for your Story, Novel, Book or Movie
Joseph Campbell's The Hero With a Thousand Faces was one of the inspirations for Star Wars. (I secretly think Yoda is Campbell.)
20 Amazing Writing Prompts!
I've compiled a list of my top 20 favourite writing prompts, they all come from an Instagram page called Writing.Prompt.s, so if you are interested and enjoy my post, you should check out their Instagram! I love telling stories and I found these specific prompts to be some great starting material.