TH - Skylights

21 Pins
Как построить деревянную лестницу. Деревянная лестница на второй этаж – пошаговая инструкция по расчету и изготовлению
Yountville Town Center / Siegel + Strain Architects
OAB – Ferrater & Asociados, Núria Ayala, Aleix Bagué · Nueva Sede del Grupo de Empresas Azahar
Daylighting · A collection curated by Divisare
Le pavillon Geisendorf: né du sol genevois | Espazium
e sur place, où elle a été transformée en blocs de terre crue compressée.
Sun Tunnel And Natural Light - Roofers, Roofing Contractors & Flat Roofing in Worcester
Sun Tube, Sun Tunnel, Sky Tube, Solar Light Tube, Light Tunnel, and Solar Tube, a lot of different names for same thing, made by different manufacturers, but they all achieve the same purposes. All of the above capture sunlight or daylight and transmit it down either a solid reflective aluminium tube or a shiny flexible ribbed plastic tube in the least number of bounces possible. Either a flexible or solid tube directs natural light or ambient light through the tunnel to a diffuser