Weston a. Price was a dentist who traveled around to remote parts of the world to study what made people healthy. He began his studies in the early 1930's, where there still were parts of the world that was untouched by the modern food since no roads we built for the food to be transported into the villages. The pictures he took of the populations faces and teeth become very interesting in cooperation to the population that have eaten the modern diet with refined sugar and other carbohydrates.
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Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 10
TRADITIONAL FOOD. No other primitive race seems to deserve so much credit for skill in obeying nature's laws as these primitive Aborigines because of the perpetual drought hazards of much of the land they live in. Half of Australia has less than ten inches of rain per year. Note the magnificent dental arches and beautiful teeth of these primitives. Tooth decay was almost unknown in many districts. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 10
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 9
MODERN FOOD. As in our civilization, even the first generation, after the adoption of modernized foods may show gross deformities. Note the extreme protrusion of the upper teeth with shortening of the lower jaw in the upper pictures and the marked narrowing with lengthening of the face in the lower views. The injury is not limited to the visible structures. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 9
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 9
MODERN FOOD. The reward of obeying nature's laws of nutrition is illustrated in this west Nile tribe in Belgian Congo. Note the breadth of the dental arches and the finely proportioned features. Their bodies are as well built as their heads. Exceedingly few teeth have been attacked by dental caries while on their native foods.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 9
TRADITIONAL FOOD. The reward of obeying nature's laws of nutrition is illustrated in this west Nile tribe in Belgian Congo. Note the breadth of the dental arches and the finely proportioned features. Their bodies are as well built as their heads. Exceedingly few teeth have been attacked by dental caries while on their native foods. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 9
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 9
TRADITIONAL FOOD. The development of the faces and dental arches in many African tribes is superb. The girl at the upper right is wearing several earrings in the lobe of each ear. The Wakamba tribe points the teeth as shown below. This does not cause tooth decay while they live on their native food.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 8
TRADITIONAL FOOD. Polynesians are a beautiful race and physically sturdy. They have straight hair and their color is often that of a sun tanned European. They have perfect dental arches.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 7
MODERN FOOD. No dentists or physicians are available on most of these islands. Toothache is the only cause of suicide. The new generation born after the parents adopt the imported modern foods often have a change in the shape of the face and dental arches. The teeth are crowded as shown below.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 7
MODERN FOOD. These natives of the Fiji Islands illustrate the effect of changing from the native food to the imported foods of commerce. Tooth decay becomes rampant and with it is lost the ability to properly masticate the food. Growing children and child bearing mothers suffer most severely from dental caries
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 7
TRADITIONAL FOOD. The development of the facial bones determines the size and shape of the palate and the size of the nasal air passages. Note the strength of the neck of the men above and the well proportioned faces of the girls below. Such faces are usually associated with properly proportioned bodies. Tooth decay is rare in these mouths so long as they use an adequate selection of the native foods. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 7
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 7
TRADITIONAL FOOD. These Melanesians are typical in general physical build and facial and dental arch form of their race which is spread over a wide area of Islands in the southeastern Pacific. The nutrition of all is adequate for them to develop and maintain their racial pattern.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 6
MODERN FOOD. The Seminole Indians of Florida who are living in contact with our modern civilization and its foods suffer from rampant dental caries. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 6
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 6
TRADITIONAL FOOD. The Seminole Indians living today in southern Florida largely beyond contact with the white civilization still produce magnificent teeth and dental arches of which these are typical. They live in the Everglade forest and still obtain the native foods.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 6
MODERN FOOD. Wherever the Indians had access to the modern foods of commerce the dental conditions were extremely bad. These four individuals are typical.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Chapter 6
TRADITIONAL FOOD. Wherever the Indians were living on their native foods, chiefly moose and caribou meat, their physical development including facial and dental arch form was superb with nearly complete immunity to dental caries. These two women and two girls are typical.