Do It Yourself & How Tos

Pond Edging Ideas
Pond Edging Methods - how to make edging level and various types of aquatic plants and how to plant them
The Importance of Pop-Up Drain Emitters
A pop-up drain emitter is part of a system that more efficiently carries water away from a house’s foundation than a standard downspout.
Gravel Calculator - Estimate Yards and Tons
Calculate gravel and other landscape material in cubic yards or tons using a gravel calculator
Build a Backyard Waterfall and Stream
Create a rippling, rock-lined stream with multiple waterfalls in your backyard. Use gravel and stone filters and a heavy-duty pump to reduce maintenance and maintain water clarity.
28 Surprising Things That Really Work, According To Pinterest
This really works - we did it for our raised beds and regular garden, no weeds for two years!! The newspaper will prevent any grass and weed seeds from germinating, but unlike fabric, it will decompose after about 18 months. By that time, any grass and weed seeds that were present in the soil on planting will be dead. It’s green, it’s cheaper than fabric, and when you decide to remove or redesign the bed later on, you will not have the headache you would with fabric. (another pinner said)