
45 Pins
Annie Erfass ♥️ on Instagram: "🍚🥑SUSHISNITTAR🍣 En stor favorit från förra året! Har du hunnit testa dessa gobitar ännu?🤩 Jag använde kallrökt lax men du kan lika gärna ta sushilax🌟 RECEPT (12 BITAR) 50 g kallrökt lax 1/4 avokado 50 g cream cheese (sweet chili) 150 g kokt ris (klibbigt) TOPPING (VALFRITT) Srirachamayo, sesamfrön och chiliflakes, nori ark Makros/bit: Ca 33 kcal 1,5 g fett 3 g kolhydrater 1,5 g protein"
Mari Cañamares Bravo on Instagram: "¿Amas el sushi pero buscas una versión más ligera y rápida? 🍣✨ Prepárate para sorprender a tu paladar con este sushi sin arroz, ¡perfecto para cuidar tu salud y ahorrar tiempo! 💪🌱 Disfruta de todos los sabores que amas en minutos. ¿Te animas a probarlo? 🥢👇 👉 Guarda la receta para no perderla y etiqueta a ese amigo amante del sushi. 🖤 #recetassaludables #sushisinarroz #comidarapida #cocinafacil #vidasaludable #recetasfitness #healthyeating #comidasana #antiinflamatorio #recetasligeras #nutricionconsciente #healthylifestyle #foodiesaludable #instagram #viral_video"
DIM SUM SERIES EP. 10 - RICE PAPER SHRIMP NOODLE ROLLS (CHERNG FUN) If you know me, you know I love using rice paper as a hack, especially to make this popular dim sum dish - shrimp noodle rolls! Each bite you get plump shrimp wrapped in a soft, bouncey rice paper wrapper. I always order this dish when I eat dim sum but now I don’t have to drive all the way to the restaurant when I can just walk to my kitchen. Enjoy! Rice Paper Noodles - 5-6 rice papers - 8 oz. large shrimp, cut into smalle...
538 reactions · 183 shares | Eveling Esmeralda Ortega Valle on Reels
Eveling Esmeralda Ortega Valle
Rose | Dicas e Receitas on Instagram: "TEMAKI FRITO 🤤 Uma das melhores receitas salgadas que eu já fiz, gente ficou SENSACIONAL!😭 Ingredientes arroz: 400 gramas de arroz japonês 2 xícaras e 1/2 de água Tempero do arroz: 4 colheres de sopa de vinagre de arroz 1 colher de sopa de açúcar 1 colher de chá de sal Modo de preparo no vídeo! Lave e escorra o arroz três vezes, depois coloque a água e leve pra cozinhar tampado até a água secar. Jogue o tempero por cima e espere esfriar ! Recheio: 400 gramas de salmão picado 200 gramas de Cream cheese 1/2 xícara de cebolinha Sal a gosto Misture tudo muito bem! Você também vai precisar de alga para sushi. Corte ela ao meio e monte, usei 70 gramas de arroz japonês + 50 gramas de recheio de salmão. Enrole conforme eu mostrei no vídeo! DICA:
3.3M views · 235K reactions | ONIGIRAZU aka Japanese Sushi Sandwich 🥒🫶🏽💛 Sushi is one of my favourite things to make from scratch 😮‍💨 I’m also telling you that this sushi rice recipe is fail-proof and if you’ve always struggled with cooking it, your suffering will end with my recipe 🥲 I’ve provided a variety of filling options for you in the recipe from vegan options to meat options! 🌿 Find the recipe on my website (link in bio @myriadrecipes) or search on google “Onigirazu sushi sandwich myriad recipes” 😎 #sushi #sushisandwich #onigirazu #japanesefood #sushirice #lunchrecipes | Emily Roz | Bequem · Sit Back
My Nguyen on Instagram: "Save and Share my recipe for Fire Cracker Salmon! It’s so easy to make! Simply fry some salmon, wrap in rice paper and green onions and fry again until crispy. The sauce is 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tsp white vinegar, 1 tsp brown sugar and toss in some sesame seeds and cilantro. #firecrackersalmon #salmonrecipe #salmonroll #ricepaper #asianrecipes #asianfood #appetizerideas #healthyrecipes #easyrecipes #cookingvideos"
Cameron Diaz on Instagram: "Quick, easy, and so *delicious*! Pair with @avaline’s white wine. 🥕🧅🥒 . Ingredients: • 1 pack of Nori seaweed wraps (plain not toasted) • 1-2 ripe avocados • 1 medium carrot • 1/2 of a red onion • 1 package of broccoli sprouts • 1 shallot • Juice of 1/2 a lemon • Tahini • Ponzu or soy sauce • 1 - 1 1/2 cups of red wine vinegar • 2 tablespoons of Kosher salt • About 2 glugs of olive oil"