
137 Pins
Master the Magic Knot: Ultimate Yarn Joining Technique
Seamless Joins: Seamlessly joins yarn, creating a smooth, almost invisible connection between different skeins. No More Tails: Say goodbye to weaving in countless yarn tails. The magic knot minimizes loose ends, reducing the need for extensive finishing work. Sarah Korth, your expert guide, brings years of experience and a passion for enhancing your crafting journey.
8 Free Knitted Elephant Toy Patterns For Kids | The Knit Crew
8 Free Knitted Elephant Toy Patterns For Kids. 8 Free Knitted Elephant Toy Patterns For Kids curated by The Knit Crew.
7 Knitted Dragon Toy Patterns | The Knit Crew
How to Remove Purl Dash Lines in Knitting with Studio Knit
Great tip from Studio Knit! You're going to love my simple trick on how to remove purl dash lines when changing colors in knit stitch patterns that have a combination of both knits and purls in the same row. My trick will help you create invisible color change in knitting will help you when knitting stripes every time. #StudioKnit #knitting #howtoknit
Twist and weave - a super neat way to join a new color in knitting
A step by step tutorial on how to change colors in knitting using the twist and weave method. A super invisible technique that works with every fiber and for every project without knots