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➡️Adolescents can be challenging, but change is possible! ➡️When I first worked with Murphy, it took over 11 minutes for him to settle and go to his place without barking or jumping. Just one week later, he mastered it in under 45 seconds! 🗝️🗝️The key? Patience and persistence. ➡️By giving Murphy the chance to figure out what I wanted and consistently rewarding his calm behavior, he quickly learned that staying on his place was the best choice. ✅Adolescent dogs aren’t being “bad”—they’re overwhelmed, confused, or full of energy. With the right guidance, they can learn patience and self-control. 💡 Imagine your dog calmly staying in place while you walk around the house! 👉 Our upcoming course will teach you exactly how to train your dog to do this and more. Turn their energy into focus and create calm in your home! Let me be your guide to how puppies learn! @empoweredpuppyprogram ✅Getting a puppy? visit empoweredpuppyschool.com we have an online puppy course just for goldens and labs. ✅Are you a breeder or trainer wanting to take your business further? Check out or Breeder/Trainer Online Course at empoweredpuppyschool.com FREE MINI COURSE: Should I get a puppy? Take the course to find out if you are ready! Empoweredpuppyschool.com #goldenpuppy #goldenretrieverpuppy #puppyschool#trainingapuppy #labradorpuppy #puppies #goldenretriever #goldenretrieverpuppies #labpuppy #howtotrainapuppy #puppybrain #dogtrainingadvice #dogbreeder #puppytrainingtips #puppytraining #PuppyLife #PuppyTrainingMadeEasy #DogTrainerTips #DogTraining #AdolescentDog #GoldenRetrieverTraining #CalmDog #DogBehaviorTips | Training Canines LLC
➡️Adolescents can be challenging, but change is possible! ➡️When I first worked with Murphy, it took over 11 minutes for him to settle and go to his place without barking or jumping. Just one week later, he mastered it in under 45 seconds! 🗝️🗝️The key? Patience and persistence. ➡️By giving Murphy the chance to figure out what I wanted and consistently rewarding his calm behavior, he quickly learned that staying on his place was the best choice. ✅Adolescent dogs aren’t being “bad”—they’re overwhelmed, confused, or full of energy. With the right guidance, they can learn patience and self-control. 💡 Imagine your dog calmly staying in place while you walk around the house! 👉 Our upcoming course will teach you exactly how to train your dog to do this and more. Turn their energy int
13K views · 212 reactions | Things we would do again if we got another puppy in the future!🐶 #goldenretriever #puppy #nelliethegolden | Nellie the Golden Retriever
13K views · 212 reactions | Things we would do again if we got another puppy in the future!🐶 #goldenretriever #puppy #nelliethegolden | Nellie the Golden Retriever
17K views · 1.7K reactions | 3 easy recall games ⤵️ Try the following with your puppy or dog 🐕 1. Run to one side of the room/garden/field and drop a treat. Whilst they are eating it, run the other direction and repeat. Simple. Easy. And dogs absolutely love it. 2. When your dog passes you, hide. This creates a more engaged, excited dog that will check in with you far more often. Try it out 👌 3. Lastly, dogs love play so incorporate this into your recall! Especially, if they have a favourite toy inside. Bring it outside! Remember! BE MORE REWARDING THAN THE ENVIRONMENT follow for more 👌 #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #puppytraining #recalltraining | Josh | Dog Training & Behaviourist
17K views · 1.7K reactions | 3 easy recall games ⤵️ Try the following with your puppy or dog 🐕 1. Run to one side of the room/garden/field and drop a treat. Whilst they are eating it, run the other direction and repeat. Simple. Easy. And dogs absolutely love it. 2. When your dog passes you, hide. This creates a more engaged, excited dog that will check in with you far more often. Try it out 👌 3. Lastly, dogs love play so incorporate this into your recall! Especially, if they have a favourite toy inside. Bring it outside! Remember! BE MORE REWARDING THAN THE ENVIRONMENT follow for more 👌 #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #puppytraining #recalltraining | Josh | Dog Training & Behaviourist
7.9K views · 245 reactions | 📍Here’s what you need to know 👇🏻 1️⃣ Engagement Starts On Lead - One of the fastest and most reliable ways to build engagement for off leash skills is to focus on good engagement on lead. Engagement games and lead training is a great place to start! 2️⃣ Good Choices Should Always Be Rewarded - the environment will always be rewarding so you need to as well! I always reward my dog for good choices off lead and that doesn’t have to be treats, it can be play, chase, praise or whatever your dog values! 3️⃣ Build Value in You - your dog needs to see you as a source of great things and that doesn’t come from drilling recall endlessly. It’s important to take time to work WITH your dog doing something they love, whether that’s breed specific enrichment or just simply playing with a tug toy. 4️⃣ Active Supervision Is ALWAYS Required - having good recall and good engagement is meaningless if you’re not actively watching your dog ready to manage their behaviour. If youre only recalling your dog when they’re actively in harms way or hassling other people and dogs, not only are you putting your dog at risk, you’re also putting others in harms way - remember there are lots of reasons why people may not want your dog to approach them or their dog. 5️⃣ Don’t Poison Your Cue - Choose a verbal cue or a noise like a whistle that you know you’re not going to use in other contexts. This cue should only ever mean good things and should only be introduced in a situation where your dog is set up to be successful. You should also be confident that your dog will respond before using it. If you aren’t confident, manage your dog’s behaviour in another way. Using your recall when your dog is doing something fun and likely won’t respond, can poison your cue and cause your dog to stop listening. For more games and practical training exercises comment HUB for 3 days free of my online membership! #dogtraining #dogbehavior #recall | Amelia Steele
7.9K views · 245 reactions | 📍Here’s what you need to know 👇🏻 1️⃣ Engagement Starts On Lead - One of the fastest and most reliable ways to build engagement for off leash skills is to focus on good engagement on lead. Engagement games and lead training is a great place to start! 2️⃣ Good Choices Should Always Be Rewarded - the environment will always be rewarding so you need to as well! I always reward my dog for good choices off lead and that doesn’t have to be treats, it can be play, chase, praise or whatever your dog values! 3️⃣ Build Value in You - your dog needs to see you as a source of great things and that doesn’t come from drilling recall endlessly. It’s important to take time to work WITH your dog doing something they love, whether that’s breed specific enrichment or just
I originally posted this video to illustrate how easy it is to tone down over-the-top, puppy play behavior and curtail scraps and growly-woolies. 1. Stop... | By Dunbar Academy | Baker, stop it. No, don't stop it. Stop it. This is very silly. Yeah, how many fights have you been in? That's it. You calm down. There's a good dog. Good dog. So, the more you praise him for being good and calm now, the more that now compares to when shout with that. Instead, quit it you worm. That's all. You know, not being a naughty dog. He's just, you know, thinks he he can scrap with everyone. So, we praise him, good dog and you'll find to get a calm. You can let go of the collar. You rub his chest and his ears. And then you say go play. Then you follow him. Good boy. There's a good dog baker. Good dog. Good dog. Keep phrasing him. Good boy. Good boy.
I originally posted this video to illustrate how easy it is to tone down over-the-top, puppy play behavior and curtail scraps and growly-woolies. 1. Stop... | By Dunbar Academy | Baker, stop it. No, don't stop it. Stop it. This is very silly. Yeah, how many fights have you been in? That's it. You calm down. There's a good dog. Good dog. So, the more you praise him for being good and calm now, the more that now compares to when shout with that. Instead, quit it you worm. That's all. You know, not being a naughty dog. He's just, you know, thinks he he can scrap with everyone. So, we praise him, good dog and you'll find to get a calm. You can let go of the collar. You rub his chest and his ears. And then you say go play. Then you follow him. Good boy. There's a good dog baker. Good dog. Good
Private Dog Park Rentals - safe exercise and training for your dog | Sniffspot
Private Dog Park Rentals - safe exercise and training for your dog | Sniffspot
35K views · 514 reactions | She is such a clever girl, and we are honestly so proud of how well she is doing at only 16 weeks old!😍 #goldenretriever #puppy #nelliethegolden | Nellie the Golden Retriever | Nellie the Golden Retriever · Original audio
5.5K views · 271 reactions | Yeah, it takes some training, but hear us out 🤗 Why Teaching Stay Matters ⤵️ 🟣 Enhanced Focus: Dogs that can remain still are better able to focus on cues and tasks. 🟣 Reduced Anxiety: Learning to be still and wait helps anxious dogs feel more secure and relaxed. 🟣 Improved Behavior: Learning that staying still pays curbs impulsive behaviors such as jumping, barking, or chasing. 🟣 Better Control: It aids in managing your dog in different environments, making outings and social situations more enjoyable. 🟣 Increased Safety: Ensures your dog stays put in potentially dangerous situations. The good news is, teaching your dog how to stay doesn’t have to be a chore if you teach them the concept of stillness. Keep an eye on our account for more on this 👀 So feel free to skip teaching your dog a stay, if a little short term effort isn’t worth your dog’s lifetime of benefit. #fenzidogsportsacademy #dogtraining #dogsports #petdog #dogparents #dogtraining101 #puppytraining #newdog #newpuppy #goldenretriever #stay #dogtreats #ilovemydog | Online Dog Sports & Pet Dog Training | katieyoungbiz · Original audio
5.5K views · 271 reactions | Yeah, it takes some training, but hear us out 🤗 Why Teaching Stay Matters ⤵️ 🟣 Enhanced Focus: Dogs that can remain still are better able to focus on cues and tasks. 🟣 Reduced Anxiety: Learning to be still and wait helps anxious dogs feel more secure and relaxed. 🟣 Improved Behavior: Learning that staying still pays curbs impulsive behaviors such as jumping, barking, or chasing. 🟣 Better Control: It aids in managing your dog in different environments, making outings and social situations more enjoyable. 🟣 Increased Safety: Ensures your dog stays put in potentially dangerous situations. The good news is, teaching your dog how to stay doesn’t have to be a chore if you teach them the concept of stillness. Keep an eye on our account for more on this 👀
7K views · 113 reactions | Unleash the power of precise communication! 🐾 Master the language of specific barks with our dog training program. From eager yips to confident woofs, we... | By We Dog TrainerFacebook
7K views · 113 reactions | Unleash the power of precise communication! 🐾 Master the language of specific barks with our dog training program. From eager yips to confident woofs, we... | By We Dog TrainerFacebook
27 reactions | There’s a million and I things we can teach our puppies. If I was going to bring home a new puppy tomorrow, these are the things I would prioritize. These skills are super helpful for good socialization like when meeting people, play with other dogs and visiting new places. I would want my puppy, first and for most, to be comfortable going outside and be able to experience the world without being scared. Teaching my puppy to check in with me holds so much value when we’re out. They are encouraged to focus on me but also look to me for help and guidance. Body handling and grooming is an interaction they will experience on a daily basis. We need to brush them, clean them, and give them routine care like going to the vet. There’s so much to learn and puppies are little sponges! 🧽 The best time for puppy training is today! ❤️🐕 Hit the follow button to get all the puppy training tips 🐶 #puppytraining #newpuppy #doginspired #puppylifeskills #newpuppyparents #montreal #laval #montrealdogs | KATHERINE DAVIDSON | PUPPY EXPERT | L'Impératrice · Vanille fraise
27 reactions | There’s a million and I things we can teach our puppies. If I was going to bring home a new puppy tomorrow, these are the things I would prioritize. These skills are super helpful for good socialization like when meeting people, play with other dogs and visiting new places. I would want my puppy, first and for most, to be comfortable going outside and be able to experience the world without being scared. Teaching my puppy to check in with me holds so much value when we’re out. They are encouraged to focus on me but also look to me for help and guidance. Body handling and grooming is an interaction they will experience on a daily basis. We need to brush them, clean them, and give them routine care like going to the vet. There’s so much to learn and puppies are littl