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Free & DIY Summer Ideas for your Daycare
Sharing some fabulous DIY Daycare Ideas from around the Web and from our Daycare Spaces and Ideas Community Group on Facebook.
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Musical Instruments Music Toy Xylophones Triangles, Outdoor music sound station. Outdoor Playground - Music Wall - Sensory Wall - Montessori Toys - Waldorf Wood: Xylophones, Triangles, Cymbal, and Cowbells
Getting Organized Monday: Portable Art Studio
Buy a Bucket Boss (a portable tool belt that hooks on a bucket) from Home Depot for $7, put it on a bucket (duh), and add kid’s art supplies.
Bucket seats for reading table! Buckets from Walmart, stickers from dollar store! Trace bottom of bucket on tag board and foam, cut and cover with fabric and place on top of bucket using Velcro.
35 Smart Classroom Ideas From Real-Life Teachers
Bucket stools! 10-gallon buckets from the hardware store with foam and fabric stapled to the top. A fun seat for little wiggly kids and extra storage in the classroom!—claireg496f001caLearn how to make the seats just using E6000 glue on Room4Imagination, and how to make them with a staple gun on Leaving My Mark.
Easy Trek Removable Bucket Seat
Cute, Easy, Cheap Removable Cushions for Bucket lids for Trek
Stuffed-Animal Chair
Chair made from stuffed animals. I love this designer she is part of a team that did a series of lost monument bronze sculptures that I still wish I had one of
Okay, well my daughter and I had a rough 2012 and was homeless until December 2013. We decided that we would decorate our new place with our favorite colors (Purple & Lime Green)!!!! We got this dining room table & chairs from our neighbor for $15. Here is the dining room chairs... So excited. The seats are a citris lime green covered in plastic. We used this awesome unforgettable wrapping paper called Lotus from they have a great selection for ANY occasion in BULK!!!
Little Tikes rocking chair purchased at consignment store. White seat and back of chair were discolored, so I popped open the screw covers, removed one side, and sewed simple fabric sleeves to slide over the plastic. The blue plastic sides cleaned up nicely with Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Fabric is about 15 years old and has some cartoon characters that were a favorite of her dad's when he was a teenager. I might change it to a more toddler appropriate fabric.